From History: James Hallinan

13 January 2017

Dear Parents

4th Year History trip to , Wednesday 31 May – Friday 2 June 2017

After the internal exams in May we would like to take a group of fourth form pupils to Berlin for a three day tour of sites related to aspects of our iGCSE course, namely Nazi and the Cold War. The tour will be organised by Anglia – an excellent firm that we have been using for many years. Not only will it be interesting for the boys to visit various museums and sites associated with a fascinating period of German history, but they will also find that the insights imparted by Anglia’s experienced guides will enhance their understanding and recall of information. The material covered will include the Weimar Republic, the rise of the Nazis, the nature of the Nazi regime and the central significance of Berlin during the Cold War. The trip will be during the summer half term. Our intention is to depart (by coach and air) in the very early morning of Wednesday 31 May 2017 (c.5am), returning on the evening of Friday 2 June 2017. We should arrive back at Abingdon at approximately midnight on Friday night. The projected tour will include: › A visit to the Olympic Stadium. › A walking tour of the area of the Fuhrer Bunker, the Memorial to the murdered Jews of Europe and the . › A visit to the Museum, Bebelplatz (a notorious site for the burning of books) and the Stauffenberg memorial. › A visit to the Jewish museum and to the Museum (). › A visit to Sachsenhausen concentration camp. › A visit to the DDR Museum and Hohenschonhausen Prison. The cost of the three day tour will be approximately c.£560 depending on the numbers attending. This price includes coach travel, air fares, full board in hotel accommodation, museum entrance costs and the service of an Anglia guide. There are a limited number of places available for this trip and these will be allocated on a first come first served basis. In order to secure the booking with Anglia (and our flights) we need a firm indication of the boys who wish to participate in this trip by Friday 27 January. Therefore, to secure a place for your son on the trip please complete the consent form which can be reached by using the link at the bottom of the letter as soon as possible. I would also ask you to send a deposit cheque for £150 addressed to me in order to secure our flights. Preferably, this should be delivered to the History Department office by your son. I am afraid that this deposit is non-refundable. By completing the consent form, you will also be agreeing to the full balance of the trip, should it go ahead, with the remaining balance of c.£410 being added to the summer term bill.

If at all possible, a scanned copy of your son’s passport would be welcome, as it is essential that we get the names right when booking flights. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any further queries. Yours sincerely

James Hallinan [email protected] Mobile: 07813631328 History Teacher

Consent Form Link: s6fyt5sySAqu_36D41fOcOfN7LOJplR7NGLmzyDw/viewform?usp=send_form