Congressional Record—Senate S3527
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April 5, 2001 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S3527 Five years ago, April 4, 1996, the Fed- he would just denounce school integra- Major General Love’s career with the eral debt stood at $5,137,761,000,000, Five tion, but anyone who knew Richardson Colorado Air National Guard has gone trillion, one hundred thirty-seven bil- Preyer knows that he could never com- far beyond the ‘‘one weekend a month, lion, seven hundred sixty-one million. promise his principles for victory. two weeks a year’’ commitment we Ten years ago, April 4, 1991, the Fed- An unabashed optimist, Rich turned usually think of when we think of this eral debt stood at $3,465,170,000,000, his loss into opportunity. Four years kind of service. For the past 34 years, Three trillion, four hundred sixty-five after his defeat, he ran for Congress. Andy has dedicated time every week, billion, one hundred seventy million. Congressman Preyer went on to serve putting in more than 2,500 flying hours. Fifteen years ago, April 4, 1986, the the people of North Carolina’s 6th Dis- He did this to keep his skills as a fight- Federal debt stood at $2,021,383,000,000, trict for 6 terms, from 1968 to 1980. er pilot sharp and current. Over the Two trillion, twenty-one billion, three As a member of Congress, he won the past 34 years he has mastered several hundred eighty-three million, which re- respect of both Republicans and Demo- generations of fighters, including the flects a debt increase of almost $4 tril- crats for his dignity, intelligence and F–100, A–7 and F–16. Andy’s proficiency lion, $3,756,481,856,329.85, Three trillion, integrity. He chaired the House Select and commitment has been underscored seven hundred fifty-six billion, four Committee on Ethics, crafting the Con- twice by his winning the squadron’s hundred eighty-one million, eight hun- gressional code of ethics. He also ‘‘Top Gun’’ award, and he won these dred fifty-six thousand, three hundred served on the House Select Committee distinctions on two different fighter twenty-nine dollars and eighty-five on Assassinations, helping to inves- jets. cents during the past 15 years. tigate the deaths of President Kennedy In his newest role, Major General Love serves as an assistant to the com- f and Martin Luther King Jr. Congressman Preyer left the House of mander of the Air Force Space Com- ADDITIONAL STATEMENTS Representatives in 1980. He and his wife mand and the director of Air National Emily returned home to Greensboro, Guard Forces at Peterson Air Force Base. He is responsible for advising the TRIBUTE TO L. RICHARDSON where they continued to touch the lives of so many in their community commander on all issues impacting the PREYER, FORMER NORTH CARO- Air National Guard and provides ad- LINA CONGRESSMAN AND JUDGE and in their state. I am personally grateful to Rich for encouraging me ministrative oversight of assigned per- ∑ Mr. EDWARDS. Mr. President, I rise during my Senate campaign in 1998. sonnel. He also is slated with assuring today to note with sadness the death of Richardson Preyer was truly a bless- the successful planning, programming a truly great North Carolinian and a ing to those of us who knew him, and and execution of the Guard’s missions, great personal friend of mine, Richard- to all the people of North Carolina. We including total force and space oper- son Preyer. Richardson Preyer suc- will miss him deeply. Our prayers go ations. cumbed to cancer on April 3 at the age out to his family.∑ While serving our nation, and the of 82 after a long and productive life state of Colorado, is an important part f serving the people of North Carolina. of Andy’s active and busy life’s work, Many of you may remember Richard- TRIBUTE TO JOHN ‘‘ANDY’’ LOVE’S it is important to point out that it is son Preyer from his distinguished serv- PROMOTION TO MAJOR GENERAL just one of numerous other important ice in the House, but I’d like to share ∑ Mr. CAMPBELL. Mr. President, parts of his life. He also has a civilian with you today a few things you may today I want to recognize and con- job as a Principal of Morrison, Love & not know about this truly inspirational gratulate a special Coloradan, John A. Company. North Carolinian. Love, for his promotion to Major Gen- For nearly 10 years, Andy has been Rich Preyer left his native Greens- eral of the Colorado Air National married to a charming and successful boro, NC as a young man to attend col- Guard. lady, Virginia Morrison Love. Not only lege at Princeton University and law Just last week, on March 30, 2001, is Virginia his partner in life, she is school at Harvard. He served honorably John Love, who is better known as also one of Andy’s key partners in his in World War II, earning a Bronze Star Andy by his family and friends, earned civilian job. Virginia’s 15-plus years of from the Navy for his courage at Oki- his second star as a Major General government affairs experience and ac- nawa. when the U.S. Senate unanimously ap- cumulated expertise enable her as a After the war, Rich could’ve chosen a proved his promotion. His promotion to partner in her role as a Principal at lucrative career in the family business, Major General was Andy’s 7th pro- Morrison, Love & Company. Her com- Vick Chemical, or made his mark and motion since he first started his mili- munity service also distinguishes her fortune in any number of fields. In- tary career with the Colorado National as one of Colorado’s leading ladies. Like his wife, Major General Love stead, he dedicated his life to public Guard as a Second Lieutenant on June also has dedicated many hours to com- service, and went on to become one of 1st, 1968. I send my congratulations to munity service. He serves as the Chair- the finest, noblest servants of the pub- Andy from the floor of the U.S. Senate man of the Denver Health and Hospital lic good my state has ever known. for this well deserved promotion. Foundation, as a member of Colorado’s Richardson Preyer began his career Major General Andy Love’s roots run State Board of Agriculture and as a in Greensboro as a municipal court deep and true in Colorado. His distin- member of the Cherry Hills Planning judge before rising to the state Supe- guished father, John Arthur Love, was and Zoning Commission, just to name a rior Court bench. In a landmark 1957 elected to serve as the Governor of Col- few. decision, Judge Preyer courageously orado three times. Governor Love was In his free time, which I understand upheld a ruling that allowed five Afri- first elected Governor in 1962 and is quite limited due to his public serv- can-American children to attend an served the people of Colorado well. ice and work and family commitments, all-white Greensboro school. This Governor Love also served as the Andy enjoys fly fishing and vigorous marked the first time that black and Chairman of the National Governors’ horseback riding. I understand that white children would learn together in Conference from 1969–1970. In 1972, his each summer, Andy sets off on a week- a Greensboro school. time as Governor ended when he was long pack trip along Colorado’s Conti- Rich’s courage and his absolute re- appointed by President Nixon to serve nental Divide with the Roundup Riders spect for the law and for people caught as our nation’s first Director of the En- of the Rockies. the eye of President John F. Kennedy, ergy Policy Office, a predecessor of the Major General Love is an out- who named him to a U.S. District U.S. Department of Energy. standing Coloradan and a patriotic Court judgship in 1961. Judge Preyer In addition, Andy’s sister, Rebecca American. He has earned, and deserves, stepped down in 1963 to launch an un- Love Kourlis, currently serves the peo- our appreciation and applause.∑ successful bid for Governor. ple of Colorado as a Justice on the Col- f Now, the early ’60’s were a conten- orado Supreme Court. Other members tious time in this country, particularly of the Love family have also served TRIBUTE TO SCARLET CROW in the South. Many people speculated Colorado, and continue to serve to this ∑ Mr. DORGAN. Mr. President, I rise that he could win the governor’s race if day. today to pay tribute and restore honor VerDate 05-APR-2001 04:46 Apr 06, 2001 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00067 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G05AP6.124 pfrm02 PsN: S05PT1 S3528 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE April 5, 2001 to a Native American who contributed perous farmer,’’ a prosperity that was great friend to both of us. During the much to the expansion of our Nation later lost during hostilities in 1862. 103rd Congress I served with Jim on the and the development of what would In 1916, Congress voted to provide a Ways and Means Committee. In 1998, later become my home State of North headstone for Scarlet Crow’s grave, at the people of Kentucky elected Jim Dakota. the request of North Dakota Senator Bunning to the U.S. Senate where I am After seeing an exhibit at the Li- Asle J. Gronna. Since that action near- proud to serve with him once again.