11th June 2015

Bothamsall Parish Council Minutes of the Meeting held 11th June 2015

Present: Cllrs Woodcock (Chair), Eaglen (Vice Chair), Mitchell, Davis & Mrs Sarah Coltart (Clerk)

Apologies for absence: None

Minutes of the meeting held 14th May 2015. Cllr Davis referred to minute 15/000 Election of Officers and stated that she did not propose Cllr Stacey be re-elected as Chairman. Clerk to amend.

Cllr. Eaglen proposed that the Minutes be signed as a true and correct record, seconded by Cllr. Mitchell. All in favour.

Declarations of Interest Cllr T Woodcock Planning Ref 15/00685/FUL Fishponds, Bothamsall.

Members of the Public. No public attended.

Matters Arising

15/001 Highways Cllr Eaglen will submit photographs to the Clerk to support the letter to NCC regarding highway issues through the village. A number of manhole covers are loose due to heavy lorries/vehicles passing through the village at speed. Cllr Eaglen will check the 7.5 tonne max limit signage to ensure that it is still visible to relevant drivers. Cllr Eaglen enquired about speed watch and if this was still in operation. The Clerk will enquire with PC Bailey. Cllr Mitchell commented on a number of overgrown hedges obscuring signage. Cllr Eaglen offered to cut back the hedges assisted by Cllr Mitchell.

15/002 Interest Group Feedback Parish Forum 22 June 2015 and Safer Neighbourhood 8th July 2015 If represented feedback will be given at the next meeting

15/003 Flytipping. Three bags of rubbish were spotted at Haughton Corner. Cllr Woodcock to see if still at the location and report to BDC. All fly tipping should be reported to www. Bassetlaw.gov.uk or 01909 534501

15/004 Councillor Vacancies. Casual vacancy notices from Bassetlaw DC have been displayed and distributed around the Parish. Cllr Mitchell has draught a recruitment letter, all Councillors to receive a copy. To be finalised and discussed at the next meeting. Interested parties should contact the Parish Clerk.

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11th June 2015


15/005 Budget Update. As at 31st May 2015 the balance stood at £80,295.93 Account Balance: Yorkshire Bank Current a/c £3442.69 Building Society £4,853.24 (includes Capital Funds £3532.71) United Bank Capital Funds £72,000.00

15/008 RAID – Walesby Action Group Feedback RAID is keeping in contact with the Planning Officer at Bassetlaw, they are still examining the application in detail to make sure they have done a full assessment before reaching a decision. There has been a response from CC Archaeology recommending refusal (you can see the document on the BDC portal). There were also a number of discussions with Highways including the line “I regret that at this time, the applicant has not demonstrated that the proposal will not adversely affect safety on the highway network and the Highway Authority cannot support the application in principle.”

15/012 Transparency Code for Smaller Authorities/Website As of the 1st of July 2015 smaller Parishes will have to publish all expenditure, end of year accounts, internal audit reports, Councillor details and responsibilities, asset information and minutes and agendas on a website. This will be linked from the BDC site to Bothamsall’s information. Clerk to liaise with BDC to ensure information is published.

15/013 Street Furniture Maintenance Nothing to report

15/014 County Council Civic Service 28th June 2015 Cllr Mitchell will be representing Bothamsall Parish Council.


916 S Coltart (Clerk’s Salary) £112.86 917 Acer Grass Cutting x cuts £170.00

Cllr. Eaglen proposed that the above cheques be approved for payment. Seconded by Cllr. Davis. All in favour.

Plans: Cllr Woodcock left the room

Proposal: Two storey rear extension and front porch Site Address: Fishponds, Bothamsall Application Ref: 15/00682/HSE No Adverse Comments, No Objections Received

Cllr Woodcock returned to the meeting.

Proposal: Erection of Cafe, Tackle and Gift Shop with Residential Accommodation to First Floor and Associated Toilet Facilities and Change of Use of Stables Building to Form Fish Breeding Farm together with Associated Alterations to the Building. Site Address: Spring Vale Farm, Application Ref: 15/00685/FUL No Adverse Comments, No Objections Received

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11th June 2015

Correspondence (Can be viewed by appointment).

Notts County Council Replacement Waste Local Part Two: Sites and Policies. Document – informal consultation on proposed site selection methodology

Bassetlaw District Council Neighbourhood planning (general) regulations 2012 submission of neighbourhood plan proposal regulation 16 notification – Elkesley

Rural Services Network National Rural Crime Survey

NALC Direct Information Service – Publication

The Local Government Electoral Review of Notts County Council: Draft Recommendations Boundary Scheme

County Cllr Ogle reported on the current Highways team and how to report issues.

As there was no further business, the Chairman closed the meeting at 21.03pm

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