We are developing a history of ACBL Unit 174. This will be an ongoing effort and will benefit from the memory and work of all Unit members willing to participate. Current plans are to update the document three to four times per year. We started with a history of eight clubs within our Unit and now have eleven. If your club is not listed, encourage them to send a club history to David Henke at
[email protected]. The next step is a random group of remembrances from various members of our Unit. Included in the initial publication were remembrances from three of our members. We now have remembrances from twelve. I hope many of you will contribute to this. We also plan to include biographies of many unit members. The fourth update of the Unit History will be issued close to the time of the traditional announcement of the Oswald and James Jacoby Service Award by District 16. Twelve Unit 174 members have been recipients of this award. In the fourth update we plan to begin including biographies of these award winners. Volunteers to help with these biographies will be greatly appreciated. We should begin with the 1983 recipient and work our way forward. If you are willing to help with this project, please let me know at
[email protected]. The previous Oswald and James Jacoby Service Award winners from Unit 174 are: o 1983 Joyce Cook, o 1988 Jim Downs, o 1989 Dan & Joan Morse, o 1995 Barry Hagedorn, o 1998 Eric Snow, o 1999 Arlene Weingarten, o 2004 Betty Starzec, o 2005 Toni Snow, o 2009 Bert Onstott, o 2012 Lew Levy, o 2016 Paul Cuneo, o 2019 Nancy Strohmer Pictures will eventually be included in the effort, but we have not yet determined how best to accomplish this.