Pediat. Res. 9: 693-697 (1975) Brain lysosomal activity kidney vitamin B, deficiency

Increased Lysosomal Hydrolase Activity in Kidney and Brain from the Vitamin B,-deficient Developing Rat


Eunice Kennedy Shriver Center for Research in Mental Rerardation, W. E. Fernald Srare School, Waltharn, and Neuro1og.v Research. J. P. Kennedv, Jr., Memorial Laborarories, Massachuserts General Hospital, Bosron, Massachusetts. USA

Extract divided in a random fashion upon arrival into control and deficient groups and housed separately in polycarbonate cages (28) contain- Between 7 and 9 postnatal days, the kidney, spleen, heart, and ing Sani-Chips (29) as a bedding material. Litter size was reduced liver from vitamin B,-deficient young either plateaued and failed to to eight animals within 24 hr after birth. gain weight or lost weight, whereas brain continued to gain weight but at a more reduced rate than normal. The level of in DIETS AND EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN kidney of experimental animals was below that of controls at all time points studied. a-L-Fucosidase activity was already moderately The French (4) diet (30) was used to induce vitamin B, increased in deficient kidney at 3 postnatal days and remained deficiency. The diet was offered to dams, ad libitum, starting 2 elevated throughout the time course. P-D-galactosidase, acid phos- weeks after mating. Normal control dams were offered conven- phatase, and A and B in vitamin B6-deficient tional laboratory chow (29). young all showed moderate increases in activities after 9 days, at Offspring were killed between 7 and l l AM at 3, 7, 9, l I, 14, one or more time points. In brain, a-L-fucosidase activity was and 16 postnatal days. Animals were decapitated and blood was increased somewhat throughout the time course, but changes in collected for urea nitrogen analysis (Diagnostest for urea nitrogen 0-D-glucuronidase, P-D-galactosidase, a-D-mannosidase, acid (31)). Liver, brain, kidney, spleen, and heart were excised immedi- , and hexosaminidases A and B did not occur until after ately, weighed, and frozen. All measurements were made on 7 postnatal days. individual samples. Control offspring of similar ages were also harvested and killed for comparative studies. Speculation When weights of kidney and brain were both normal, there was a LYSOSOMAL ACID HYDROLASE ACTIVITY marked elevation in a-L-fucosidase activity in these organs suggest- Frozen whole kidneys were thawed and homogenized individ- ing that this increase in activity may be a specific effect of ually in 1 ml 0.9% saline, and individual whole brains were vitamin B, deficiency. Elevated a-L-fucosidase activity in kidney homogenized in 2 ml saline. Aliquots of the homogenates were may reflect alterations in fucose-containing glycosubstances of removed for protein determinations (7) and the remaining portions glomerular basement membranes. refrozen. Before enzymic analysis the thawed homogenates were sonicated at an outout setting- of 4 with a sonifier cell disruptor (32), employing a semimicro tip, until the homogenates were uni- Vitamin B, is essential to growth and survival of the rat. If dams formly dispersed. Aliquots were removed and assayed for several are subjected to a vitamin B6-deficient diet during pregnancy or enzyme activities (Table I) either directly or after being suitably shortly after delivery of litters, pups fail to gain weight, become diluted in saline. The assay conditions employed have been de- torpid, inactive, and develop tremors (3). Most young eventually scribed previously (8, 9, 17). The incubation mixtures were shaken appear moribund and 90% die between the 14th and 19th postnatal at 37" for 1 hr, followed by the addition of 0.7 ml 2.75% trichloro- day (1 1). The content of vitamin B, is decreased in liver and brain. acetic acid, 0.5 ml 0.5 N NaOH, and 0.75 ml 0.25 M glycine Symptoms and signs of failure coincide with elevated blood urea buffer, pH 10.3. The 4-methylumbelliferone released was meas- nitrogen and morphologic evidence of arrested renal development ured in an Amino-Bowman spectrofluorometer and the p-nitro- (3). The pace of differentiation of elements in the cortex is clearly phcnol liberated was measured in a Beckman spectrophotometer. delayed by the deficient state when compared with normal kidney Each sample was assayed in duplicate at two levels of added pro- of the same age. Unlike the normal, where mitoses are abundant in tein. tubules, mitoses are rarely observed in any of the deprived animals. A and B were assayed by the heating of Retarded development of the splenic lymphoid follicles is also aliquots of homogenates at 50° for 2 hr (18). Both total hexos- associated with vitamin B, deprivation and may reflect impaired aminidase and heat-stable enzyme, hexosaminidase B, were as- cell division. Other organs are morphologically normal. The sayed simultaneously. The difference between the two activities following study examines the activities of renal and cerebral was taken to be hexosaminidase A activity. lysosomal acid in vitamin B6-deprived young. VITAMIN B, ANALYSIS METHODS AND MATERIALS The content of pyridoxal-5'-phosphate in kidney was quan- titated employing the tyrosine apodecarboxylase method of analy- ANIMALS sis described previously (1 1, 15). The volume of perchloric acid Rats (Sprague-Dawley, CD strain), pregnant I day were pur- used for extraction of the vitamin was based on the original wet chased from Charles River Breeding Laboratories (27). They were weight of the kidney. Cofactor levels were measured in the same 694 DIPAOLO, SPIELVOGEL, AND KANFER

Table 1. Hvdrolase activities quantitated in kidnev and brain

Hydrolase' Buffer:' and other (EC. no.) additions" References5 a-L-Fucosidase ( 1) p-Nitrophenyl-tu-L-fucoside Citrate phosphate 13, 14 P-D-Glucuronidase ( 1) 4-Methylumbelliferyl-P-D-glucuronide Sodium acetate 16 0-D-Galactosidase ( 4-Methylumbelliferyl-FD-galactoside Citrate phosphate 21,22 a-D-Mannosidase ( 4-Methylumbelliferyl-a-D-mannoside Citrate phosphate 6 ( 4-Methylumbelliferylphosphate Sodium acetate 23 /3-D-N-Acetylhexosaminidase (3.2. I .52) 4-Methylumbelliferyl-fl-D-N-acetylglucosaminide Citrate phosphate I2

' Enzyme numbers are according to the 1972 recommendations of the Commission on Biochemical Nomenclature. The final concentration of each substrate in the incubation mixture was 2.37 mM, excepting 4-methylumbelliferyl phosphate, which was at 0.356 mM. All enzyme activities were assayed at pH 4.5 in the appropriate buffers. The incubation mixture also contained 0.19 M NaCl and I mg bovine serum albumin in a final volume of 210 pl. " Literature citations employing these artificial substrates.

1600 - L-. CONTROL BRAIN --s 6,-DEFICIENT BRAIN I5O0 - D-4 CONTROL LIVER z80 -4 CONTROL KIDNEY 1400 - m-a 8,-DEFICIENT LIVER - --- B6-DEFICIENT KIDNEY 1300 - 260 - CONTROL BLOW 1200 - 240 - b-PB6-D"CIENT BLOOD 1100 - 1000 - 900 - 800 - 700 - 140 - 600 - 500 - 400 - - 300 - D E 200 - I- I I00 -

,I,,,, 0' A k A I;/2 ;4 ;6 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 3 A B aC) 0 - CONTROL HEART I 600 --a B6-DEFICIENT HEART WV) IX 240 -,CONTROL SPLEEN LL 220 - b-QB6-DEFICIENT SPLEEN 500 m- I80 - 160 - 140 - 120 - I00 - 80 - a - I00 -

0 1IIIIII Birth 2 4 6 8 I0 I2 14 I6

LIIIIIII D 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 C POSTNATAL AGE (days)

Fig. 1 , Effect of vitamin B, deficiency on the weights of brain (A),liver (A), kidney (B), heart (C), and spleen (C); the level of blood urea nitrogen (I B); and the concentration of pyridoxal-5'-phosphate (D: 0-0, control; 0- - -0 nutritionally deprived) during development. Each point represents the average of eight values + SD. LYSOSOMAL HYDROLASES IN VITAMIN B, DEFICIENCY 695

CONTENT OF PYRIDOXAL-5'-PHOSPHATE IN KIDNEY - a.L-FUCOSIMSE. WNTROC ---9a.L-FUCOSIDAS -VIT Be B,D - GLUCURONIDASE.COMROL Pyridoxal-5'-phosphate content in normal kidney decreased *--4 B.0-GLUCURDNIDASE-VIT a, during the time period from 3-14 postnatal days but returned to the 3-day level by the 16th day (Fig. ID). The level of cofactor in kidney of experimental animals was below that of controls at all time points studied (Fig. 1 D). During the period between 3 and 9 days the concentration remained unchanged but subsequently decreased coinciding with a failure of kidney to gain weight and elevation of BUN (Fig. IB).

LYSOSOMAL AC[D HYDROLASE ACTIVITY Kidney. Specific activities of a-L-fucosidase, @-D-glucuroni- dase, @-D-galactosidase, acid phosphatase, hexosaminidases A and B, and a-D-mannosidase increased during the time period between 3 and 16 postnatal days (Figs. 2 and 3). Glucuronidase 0111111111) Birth 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 was the only enzyme studied showing a biphasic curve with a peak B in activity at 11 days and a second one developing starting at 14 days (Fig. 2A). Similar patterns of enzyme activity were observed in B6-deficient kidney. The specific activities of the lysosomal hydrolases in homogenates of kidney from deficient animals were unchanged between 3 and 9 days of age. a-L-Fucosidase activity (Fig. 2A) was already moderately increased (37%) in deficient kidney at 3 postnatal days, whereas a small decrease in @-D-galac- tosidase activity (Fig. 2B) was observed. The activity of a-L- fucosidase remained elevated throughout the time course, reaching a maximum of 400 nmol of substrate hydrolyzed/mg protein between 1 I and 14 days, a value nearly 50% greater than that of the control animals. P-D-Glucuronidase (Fig. 2A), 6-D-galactosidase (Fig. 2B), acid phosphatase (Fig. 2C), and hexosaminidases A and B (Fig. 20) in vitamin Be-deficient young all showed moderate (25-3090) increases in activities, after 9 days at one or more time points. The difference in hexosaminidase A activity disappeared by the 16th postnatal day, although the level of hexosaminidase B O- O- Birth 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 ~q- remained elevated. The activity of a-D-mannosidase (Fig. 3) in C D deficient kidney was unchanged during the time period studied POSTNATAL AGE (dgl Fig. 2. Effect of vitamin B, deficiency on the renal activities of a-L-fucosidase (A), 6-D-glucuronidase (A), P-D-galactosidase (B), total a, D- MANNOSIDASE, CONTROL hexosaminidase (C), acid phosphatase (C) and hexosaminidases A and B *--4 a, D- MANNOSIDASE-VIT Bs (D) during development. Each point represents the average of eight values SD. indivdual homogenates of kidney used in determining the activi- ties of lysosomal acid hydrolases.


ORGAN WEIGHTS Growth of organs in control and B6-deficient groups was similar between 3 and 9 days of age (Fig. I). Differences in the organ weight in B6-deficient animals became apparent after the 9th postnatal day. The kidney (Fig. IB) spleen (Fig. IC) heart (Fig. IC) and liver (Fig. IA) from deficient young either plateaued and lailed to gain wcight or lost wcight I-csulling in Incan weights ol' 35-50% of controls by 16 postnatal days. The brain of Be-deficient young continued to gain weight from 9 days onward but at a more reduced rate than normal (Fig. IA). By the 16th postnatal day, only a 25% decrease in brain weight was observed in deficient animals. The levels of protein, expressed as milligrams per gram of tissue wet weight, in kidney and brain of deprived animals was calculated and found to be similar to normal controls at all ages. 0 Birth 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 BLOOD UREA NITROGEN (BUN) POSTNATAL AGE (days) BUN remained normal in B6-deficient young during the 3-9-day Fig. 3. Effect of vitamin B, deficiency on the renal activity of period but had increased to 160 mg/ 100 rnl by the 16th postnatal a-D-mannosidase during development. Each point represents the average day (Fig. IB). of eight values + SD. 696 DIPAOLO, SPIELVOGEL, AND KANFER

90 IM The levels of pyridoxal-5'-phosphate in normal control kidney during postnatal development have not been reported previously. We observed a decrease in concentration from 3 to 14 postnatal 80 - 70 - ; "-...1 days followed by return to the 3-day level by 16 postnatal days 70 - (Fig. 1 D). A marked absence of pyridoxal-5'-phosphate in kidneys M- , ,. '. - from vitamin deprived young before 10 days did not appear to XI- have an effect on renal growth. Blood urea nitrogen in B,-deficient 10 - young increased markedly during the period between 10 and 16 40 - ,0 - days, coinciding with a failure in the kidney to grow. The uremia - z 30 observed in deficient animals may have been caused by an Y m- increased oxidation of amino acids for energy production (5) or 20 - - B.*- k m - -a.L-nmuorw.- L-- B_O-OL.Cms,0LY_-wT B. may have been the consequence of structural alterations of the --- .,L-,-lD.P.-"II s. =.O-YIWMIIDIIsF. CON,mL P r-. p.o-uuc~lour,-la -*-+ a.0-MNMIIDIS;VIT B. 2 - ~-~,9.o-o~mao*~orrr,-uns. kidney known to occur in vitamin B, deficiency (3). The content of k pyridoxal-5'-phosphate in liver and brain was not measured in this """" 0 """" 0 : 8rtb 2 a 6 B NO (2 14 15 wrfh Z 4 6 8 (0 ,2 14 16 study. It had been shown to be lower than normal on the loth and Y t A B 12th postnatal days (3). The degree of depletion in both organs on E dav 10, brain 20% of normal and liver 50% of normal, would sug- 2 1600 H~n~LABILE HEXCWAWI-.~- gest a deficiency even at an earlier age. Y) - r-- HE&T LABILE HEXOSAYINI0bSE:VIT 8. ,d HEN STABLE HEX^^^^^^, CONTROL The activities of the lysosomal hydrolases measured in control d 1400 - 12W- - 5 &-4MAT SThBLE MXOSAYINIO(ISE;VIT 86 kidney increased during the period between 3 and 16 postnatal 1200 - 1000- days (Figs. 2, 3). Determinations were not made beyond the 16th day. Similar normal developmental profiles, during this period, - 1000 800- have been described for P-D-galactosidase and P-D-glucuronidase

800 - by Koldovsky (10) and Raychaudhuri and Desai (20). There ? appears to be a descrepancy as to what course the activities of these 600 - follow after weaning. Raychaudhuri and Desai (20) reported that P-D-galactosidase is not changed between 20 and 30 400 - - days of age and that P-D-glucuronidase is still increasing in activity TOTAL HEXOYYIWIMY. CONTRM. -c-- TOTAL MX0SAYINID~:VIT 8. 2w during this time period. On the other hand, Koldovsky (10) found - XI0 PH[)WTAIE, C- -b-4 %ID PIOSPHATISE.-YIT 8. o 1"111" that the activities of both enzymes decreased between the 20th and Birth 2 4 6 8 10 12 I4 i6 0-."""' BI~2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 30th postnatal days. c D The developmental profile for renal acid phosphatase (Fig. 2C) POSTNATAL AGE (doy~ was comparable with that reported by Raychaudhuri and Desai Fig. 4. Effect of vitamin B, deficiency on the cerebral activities of (20). Patterns of activities in developing kidney for a-L-fucosidase, a-L-fucosidase (A), P-D-glucuronidase (A), P-D-galactosidase (B),a-D- hexosaminidase, and a-D-mannoside have not been reported pre- mannosidase (B), total hexosaminidase (C), acid phosphatase (C), and viously. hexosaminidases A and B (D) during development. Each point represents There have also been conflicting reports on the patterns of the average of eight values i SD. lysosomal acid hydrolase activities in developing brain. Traurig et a/. (25) reported decreases in both P-D-glucuronidase and acid phosphatase postnatally, whereas Raychaudhuri and Desai (20) except for a small decrease at 14 days of age. There was no reported a similar decrease in acid phosphatase but an increase in apparent direct correlation between the level of p~ridoxal-5'-~hos-p-D-glucuronidase. Our data for these hydrolases (Fig. 4A, C), as phate in kidney and the activity of the lysosomal hydrolases, well as that of hexosaminidase (Fig. 4D), are comparable with Brain. Developmental patterns of hydrolase activity in control those of Traurig et a/. (25). Both a-D-mannosidase and a-L-f~cosi- brain (Fig, 4) were different and more complex than those dase have been shown to decrease with age in brain (19). We also observed in control kidney. a-L-Fucosidase (Fig. 4A), fi.~.~~lac-found the activity of a-D-mannosidase (Fig. 4B) to decrease tosidase (Fig, 4B), and hexosaminidases A and B (Fig, 40) were postnatally but observed a marked increase in a-L-f~cosidase still increasing by 16 postnatal days, the latest point examined, activity (Fig. 4A). The developmental profile of /3-D-galactosidase whereas the activities of fi-D-glucuronidase (Fig. 4A), a-D-man- (Fig. 4B) was different from that already described (20). nosidase (Fig, 4B), and acid phosphatase (~i~,4C) had plateaued, There is no ready explanation for the conflicting reports on the The patterns of activity in ~~-d~fi~i~~tbrain were similar to developmental profiles of the lysosomal acid hydrolases in kidney controls but, as in deficient kidney, the hydrolase activities were and brain. In all the studies that have been compared, activities elevated, a-~-~ucosidaseactivity (~i~,4A) was increased some- were measured in whole homogenates. Variations in the assay what throughout the time course, but changes in P-D-glucuroni- systems including pH, buffer system, artificial substrate used (i.e., dase (~i~.4~), ~-~-~~l~~t~~id~~~ (~i~,4B), a-~-mannosidase P-nitrophenyl vs. 4-methylumbelliferyl derivatives), and the use of (Fig, 4B), acid phosphatase (~i~.4C), and hexosaminidase A and detergents, which may have resulted in differences in specific B (Fig. 40) did not occur until after 7 postnatal days, The greatest activities, should not have influenced the developmental patterns changes in enzyme activities in deficient brain were observed and profiles of the enzymes. during the time period from 9 to 14 days of age, after which the The reduction of vitamin B6 content in kidney and brain had differences in P-D-galactosidase, a-D-mannosidase, and hexes- little effect on the developmental profiles of the acid hydrolases aminidase A disappeared. examined but did result in changes in the specific activities of enzymes when compared with controls at one or more age points. DISCUSSION Except for a-D-mannosidase, which showed a decrease in activity at 14 days, the activities of most enzymes were elevated in kidney The weights of kidney (Fig. 1B), brain (Fig. IA), liver (Fig. IA), by the l l th postnatal day. In brain from deficient animals, heart (Fig. IC) and spleen (Fig. IC) from normal control subjects increases in acid hydrolases were also observed, however, the increased during the period between 3 and 16 postnatal days. changes were not as dramatic as those found in deficient kidney. Similar patterns of growth have already been reported (24, 26). a-L-Fucosidase appeared to be most sensitive to an absence in These organs from vitamin B,-deficient young, in concert, ceased vitamin B, since its activity in both kidney and brain was already to continue to gain weight on or about the loth postnatal day elevated at 3 days of age, when the levels of activities of other coinciding with a failure in the whole body to grow (3). hydrolases were normal. LYSOSOMAL HYDROLASES IN VITAMIN B, DEFICIENCY 697

Specific activities of several lysosomal hydrolases have also been 5. Hawkins, W. W., MacFarland, M. L., and McHenry, E. W.: Nitrogen metabo- shown to increase markedly in the liver (1) and intestine (2) of lism in pyridoxine insufficiency. J. Biol. Chem., 166: 223 (1946). 6. Hultberg, B., and Ockerman, P. A.: Artific~alsubstrates in the assay of acid fasted rats, coinciding with decreases in the weights of these glycosidases. Clin. Chim. Acta, 39: 49 (1972). organs. On resumption of feeding, enzyme activities rapidly 7. Itzhaki, R. F., and Gill, D. M.: A microbiuret method for estimating proteins. returned to normal levels. Anal. Biochem., 9: 401 (1964). Because of the close relationship between increased enzyme 8. Kanfer, J. N., and Spielvogel, C.: Hexosaminidase activity of cultured human skin fibroblasts. Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 193: 203 (1973). activity and decreased organ weight, it was suggested that 9. Kanfer, J. 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Shriver induced by thiamine, riboflavin, pyridoxine or choline deficiency. J. Nutr., 88: Center, 200 Trapelo Rd., Waltham, Mass. 02154 (USA). 291 (1966). 36. Accepted for publication April 22, 1975.

Copyright O 1975 International Pediatric Research Foundation, Inc. Printed in U.S.A.