Austin House HHT

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Austin House HHT Vo l . 5 No . 4 Fall 2010 HISTORY BEGINS AT HOME. The Historic House Trust is a not-for-profit organization operating in tandem with the New York City Department of Parks & Recreation. Our mission is to provide essential support for houses of architectural and cultural significance, spanning 350 years of New York City life. These treasures reside within city parks and are open to the public. OWNING HISTORY Making room for controversy, opinion, rumor and conjecture PRINTING OF THIS NEWS- LETTER IS GENEROUSLY UNDERWRITTEN BY FORBES A 2010 recreation of Alice Austen’s “Group on Tennis Grounds, July 23, 1886.” Photographer Steven Rosen presents PUBLISHED QUARTERLY a conjectural interpretation of Alice Austen’s original image. Austen’s family built a tennis court, and many of BY THE HISTORIC HOUSE her photographs were taken during tennis parties there. They included a wide range of family and friends whose TRUST of NEW YORK CITY. personal relationships would, at times, seep through the images. Some of these photographs, although they appear No part of this newsletter may to be impromptu, are in fact and out of necessity highly planned and choreographed tableaux. They include nuanced be reprinted without the symbols—the placement of tennis racquet, wine bottle, or cane, the angle of a hat, a shoulder slightly touching or permission of The Historic House a directed glance. These signs, seen as a language, give us clues for a fuller reading of gender, class, and social Trust of New York City, Inc. standards of the day. In recreating the image, photographer Steven Rosen magnifies these signs in the original ISSN 1083-379x. photograph to produce new images full of conjectures about interpersonal relationships in 2010. FALL 2010 H I STORI C HOU S E TRU ST OF NEW YORK CI TY H I STORI C HOU S E TRU ST OF NEW YORK CI TY M A K ING ABOUT THE H ISTORY AUTHORS A CCESSIBLE ————————————— Lillian Faderman, an award- FOR EVERY ONE winning author, has published sland Historical Society. ————————————— I eleven books, including In 2005, the Trust began Surpassing the Love of Men working with the Parks and Odd Girls and Twilight Department to complete ife Magazine. Lovers, which were both L an accessibility survey of named by the New York Times mages/ its 23 properties in order I on their list of Notable Books to meet current Americans etty G of the Year. Her work has with Disabilities Act (ADA) been translated into eight requirements for historic languages. Phyllis Irwin is a buildings. Several houses professor emerita of music, already have some level Austen House and Staten Alice Original photograph. a textbook author, and a very of accessibility, such as serious amateur photographer accessible routes, ramps, isenstaedt, 1951. Courtesy of E KHSKRWRJUDSKHU$OLFH who exhibits at the Spectrum entrances, interiors, and $XVWHQ ¥ ZDVWKH Gallery in Fresno, California. restrooms. Some sites, T SURSULHWRURI&OHDU&RPIRUW however, can never be made DQWKFHQWXU\6WDWHQ,VODQGKRPH fully accessible because of the hotograph by Alfred hotograph by P WKDWKDGEHHQSXUFKDVHGLQE\ size and interior configuration 6: P KHUZHDOWK\JUDQGIDWKHU:KHQ$OLFH of the structure, as is the case Alice Austen in front of Clear Comfort, 1951. Alice lost the house as a result of finacial difficulties in 1945; after ABOUT THE ZDVMXVWDIHZPRQWKVROGVKHDQG with the Little Red Lighthouse. her death in 1952, it fell into decay. In the 1960s, concerned citizens rallied to save the house from demolition. KHUPRWKHUPRYHGLQWR&OHDU&RPIRUW PHOTOGRAPHER We are therefore developing It was aquired by the City in 1975 and was restored in the 1980s. ————————————— EHFDXVHWKH\KDGEHHQDEDQGRQHGE\ alternative curatorial plans Steven Rosen came to which include visual and $OLFHªVIDWKHU0RWKHUDQGGDXJKWHU photography after careers as ALICE AUSTEN AND GERTRUDE TATE: text descriptions of the EHFDPHSDUWRIDQH[WHQGHGIDPLO\ a jewelry designer and a book inaccessible areas. In other DKRXVHKROGRIVL[DGXOWVZKRGRWHG designer. His decades of work RQWKHRQHFKLOG:KHQ$OLFHZDV cases, guidebooks showing (above) A 2010 recreation of Alice Austen’s “Julia in the fashion and graphic photographs and detailing the WHQ\HDUVROGDQXQFOHJDYHKHUDODUJHIRUPDW Martin, Julia Bredt, and self dressed up as men. design industries give him history of inaccessible rooms FDPHUDDQGVKRZHGKHUKRZWRXVHLWDQRWKHUXQFOH 4:40 pm, Thursday, October 15, 1891.” Alice said of a highly developed sense of are available to visitors. A “BOSTON FRQYHUWHGDVHFRQGIORRUFORVHWLQ&OHDU&RPIRUWLQWR the original in 1951, “We looked so funny with those color, light, and composition. DGDUNURRPIRU$OLFH¦DQGWKHUHVWLVKLVWRU\ mustaches on, I can hardly tell which is which. We did He works throughout New 2UUDWKHUDSDUWRIWKHUHVWKDVEHHQ it just for fun—maybe we were better looking men than York as a portrait, event, DFNQRZOHGJHGKLVWRU\$OLFH$XVWHQªVUHPDUNDEOH women.” Austen’s original image points to a deeper social and theater photographer. issue, however. At the turn of the century, women had His love for theatricality has SKRWRJUDSKVSRUWUD\LQJLPPLJUDQWVDWZRUNDQG limited economic opportunities. It was not unheard of MARRIAGE” VRFLDOLWHVDWSOD\FDSWXULQJVWXQQLQJYLHZVRIUXUDO exerted itself with a body of for women to dress as men to seek out better-paying and 6WDWHQ,VODQGDQGFURZGHG0DQKDWWDQKDYHIRXQGD more liberating work. And more often than not, they work exploring modern day VROLGSODFHLQWKHDQQDOVRI$PHULFDQSKRWRJUDSK\ were successful. Photographer Steven Rosen asked the dandies and flappers. Steven ON STATEN ISLAND 6KHZDVRQHRI$PHULFDªVHDUOLHVWDQGPRVWSUROLILF award-winning Drag Alliance performance group Switch and his husband Ray, a FOLLO W U S BY LILLIAN FADERMAN AND PHYLLIS IRWIN ZRPHQSKRWRJUDSKHUVDQGLVZLGHO\FRQVLGHUHGDQ n’ Play to reinterpret the original photograph from a writer, marry art and text in a ONLIN E ! WITH AN INTRODUCTION BY CARL RUTBERG, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, ALICE AUSTEN HOUSE MUSEUM distinctively contemporary vantage point. Jack Kelly DUWLVWZLWKDVWURQJDHVWKHWLFH\H+RZHYHUWKHUHLV historic art deco building in ————————————— and K. James of Switch n' Play; Jo. Styling by Switch n’ Brooklyn. To explore his work $OLFH$XVWHQZDV§RXWHG¨LQ$QH[KLELWLRQDW PHPEHUVEHWZHHQWKHERDUGDQGWKHSULRUH[HFXWLYH DQRWKHUDVSHFWRI$OLFH$XVWHQWKDWKDVJHQHUDOO\EHHQ Play, further, visit him at www. WKH1HZ<RUN3XEOLF/LEUDU\FHOHEUDWLQJWKHWK GLUHFWRUDQGEHWZHHQWKH$OLFH$XVWHQ+RXVHDQG VXSSUHVVHGIURPKLVWRU\¦QRWE\$OLFHKHUVHOIEXWE\ $QQLYHUVDU\RIWKH6WRQHZDOO5LRWVQRWRQO\LQFOXGHG VHJPHQWVRIWKHSXEOLF WKRVHZKRKDYHZLVKHGWR§VDYHKHUUHSXWDWLRQ¨,WLV UHODWLRQVKLSVZHUHVRIUHTXHQWLQWKHHDVWHUQFLWLHV RQHRIKHUPRUHSURYRFDWLYHSKRWRJUDSKVEXWDOVR $WWKHFRUHZDVWKHZRUG§OHVELDQ¨(LWKHUVKH DQDVSHFWWKDWEHDUVGLVFXVVLRQLQWKHVHPRUHOLEHUDO RI$PHULFDZKHUHQXPHURXVZRPHQªVFROOHJHVKDG TM VWXFNWKHOHVELDQODEHORQKHU$OPRVWLPPHGLDWHO\ ZDVRUVKHZDVQªW7RPHWKHDUJXPHQWZDVQªW WLPHV$OLFHDQGPDQ\RIKHUFORVHVWIULHQGVZHUH1HZ EHHQRSHQHGDQGIURPZKLFKHGXFDWHGZRPHQZHQW WKH$OLFH$XVWHQ+RXVHZDVWKURZQLQWRDFXOWXUDO YHU\LQWHUHVWLQJ:KDWIDVFLQDWHGPHZDV$OLFH :RPHQZKRQRWRQO\FKRVHWROLYHLQGHSHQGHQWO\ RXWLQWRWKHZRUOGRIZRUNWKDWWKHWHUP§%RVWRQ Visit our website for a ZDU2QHVLGHXUJHGWKDWWKHPXVHXPVKRXOG $XVWHQKHUZRUNDQGKHUOLIH$QGLWGLGQªWWDNH RIPHQEXWDOVRWRKDYHDPRURXVDQGRUGRPHVWLF PDUULDJH¨ZDVFRLQHGLQWKHVWRGHVFULEHWKHP calendar of events EHFRPHDFHQWHUIRUOHVELDQDQGIHPLQLVWVWXGLHV PXFKUHVHDUFKWRFRQFOXGHWKDW*HUWUXGH7DWH UHODWLRQVKLSVZLWKRWKHUZRPHQ :RPHQFRXSOHVRIWKHHUDLQFOXGHGWKHZULWHUV DQGWKHRWKHUDUJXHGWKDW$XVWHQªVSHUVRQDOOLIH ZDVWKHPRVWLPSRUWDQWSHUVRQLQ$XVWHQªVOLIH ,QWKHODWHWKDQGHDUO\WKFHQWXU\LQWKH *HUWUXGH6WHLQDQGKHUSDUWQHU$OLFH%7RNODV and other activities at ZDVSHUVRQDO$JURXSFDOOHGWKH/HVELDQ$YHQJHUV 7KLVIDFWVXSSRUWHGE\KXQGUHGVRISKRWRJUDSKV HUDRIWKH1HZ:RPDQKLJKHUHGXFDWLRQZHOO $P\/RZHOODQG$GD5XVVHOO:LOOD&DWKHUDQG the houses. WKUHDWHQHGWRSLFNHWWKHKRXVHWKHERDUGWKUHDWHQHG LVXQGHQLDEOH<HWZKHQZHVWRSSHGGHEDWLQJWKH SD\LQJFDUHHUVDQGVRFLDOLQGHSHQGHQFHZHUH (GLWK/HZLV1REHO3UL]HZLQQHUDQGIRXQGHURIWKH WRFORVHLW §/ZRUG¨DQGVWDUWHGWRWDONDERXWZKDWZHNQHZRI ZLWKLQWKHJUDVSRIPDQ\IHPDOHVRIWKHPLGGOH SURIHVVLRQRIVRFLDOZRUN-DQH$GGDPVDQG0DU\ Become a member online! :KHQ,DVVXPHGWKHSRVLWLRQRI([HFXWLYH $XVWHQWKHGLVDJUHHPHQWVGLVDSSHDUHG7RGD\ZH DQGXSSHUFODVVHV,WZDVQRWDWDOOXQFRPPRQIRU 5R]HW6PLWKWKHOLVWLVHQGOHVV D1HZ:RPDQZKRQRORQJHUQHHGHGDPDQWR ,WZDVQRWXQFRPPRQIRUZRPHQLQ%RVWRQ 'LUHFWRULQ,NQHZRIWKHFRQWURYHUV\EXW GRQRWFODLPWKDW$XVWHQZDVDOHVELDQDQGZHGR KDGIDLOHGWRUHDOL]HWKHGDPDJHLWKDGGRQH QRWKLGH*HUWUXGH7DWH,QVWHDGZHSUHVHQWZKDWZH VXSSRUWKHURUWRPDNHKHUVRFLDOO\YLDEOHWRWDNHDV PDUULDJHVWROLYHWRJHWKHU\HDUV¦WLOOGHDWK 7KHDUJXPHQWKDGFUHDWHGGLYLVLRQVDPRQJERDUG NQRZDQGOHWWKHYLVLWRUVPDNHXSWKHLURZQPLQGV KHUOLIHSDUWQHUDQRWKHU1HZ:RPDQ,QGHHGVXFK GLGWKHPSDUW0DQ\RIWKHPZRXOGOLNHO\KDYH 6 FALL 2010 FALL 2010 7 H I STORI C HOU S E TRU ST OF NEW YORK CI TY H I STORI C HOU S E TRU ST OF NEW YORK CI TY M A K ING ABOUT THE H ISTORY AUTHORS A CCESSIBLE ————————————— Lillian Faderman, an award- FOR EVERY ONE winning author, has published sland Historical Society. ————————————— I eleven books, including In 2005, the Trust began Surpassing the Love of Men working with the Parks and Odd Girls and Twilight Department to complete ife Magazine. Lovers, which were both L an accessibility survey of named by the New York Times mages/ its 23 properties in order I on their list of Notable Books to meet current Americans etty G of the Year. Her work has with Disabilities Act (ADA) been translated into eight requirements for historic languages. Phyllis Irwin is a buildings. Several houses professor emerita
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    Landmarks ?reservation Commission Oc-tober 12, 1982, Designation List 160 LP-1213 McFARLANE-BREDT HOUSE (former New York Yacht Club), 30 Rylan Boulevard. Borough of Staten Island. Built c.l845. Landmark Site: Borough of Staten Island Tax Map Block 2830, Lot 49, in part, consist­ ing of the land which formerly comprised Lot 40. On September 9, 1980, the Landmarks Preservation Commission held a public hear­ ing on the proposed designation as a Landmark of the McFarlane-Bredt House (former New York Yacht Club) and the proposed designation of the related Landmark Site (Item No. 10). The hearing was duly advertised in accordance with the provisions of law. Five witnesses spoke in favor of designation. There were no speakers in opposition to designation. DESCRIPTION AND ANALYSIS The house at 30 Rylan Boulevard, known as the McFarlane-Bredt house, is an early Victorian country villa built in the early 1840s. Its site, a broad elliptical mound on Staten Island's north shore, faces northeast and commands a magnificent view across the Narrows to New York harbor. Built as private residence, it served for three years (1868-1871) as the clubhouse of the New York Yacht Club and became the second home of that organization. "-Thile headquartered in Clifton, the club first successfully defended the America's Cup, the world's foremost yachting event. The house built for Henry and Anne McFarlane, shortly after they purchased the property in 1841, was a long, low, two-story, clapboard-covered, wooden-framed cottage with brick-filled walls designed to resemble an Italian-Swiss villa, a short lived style which rose to popularity in the 1840s along with the diminutive Greek temple and the board-and-batten Gothic cottage in an era when awakening literary tastes decreed that domestic architecture should be "romantic." If an architect designed the house for the McFarlanes, he remains unknown.
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  • ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT STATEMENT SHORT FORM ● for UNLISTED ACTIONS ONLY Please fill Out, Print and Submit to the Appropriate Agency (See Instructions)
    TM City Environmental Quality Review ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT STATEMENT SHORT FORM ● FOR UNLISTED ACTIONS ONLY Please fill out, print and submit to the appropriate agency (see instructions) PART I: GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Does Action Exceed Any Type I Threshold In 6 NYCRR Part 617.4 or 43 RCNY §6-15(A) (Executive Order 91 of 1977, as amended)? ✔ Yes No If yes, STOP, and complete the FULL EAS 2. Project Name Community Wildfire Protection Plan for the Eastern Shore of Staten Island 3. Reference Numbers CEQR REFERENCE NUMBER (To Be Assigned by Lead Agency) BSA REFERENCE NUMBER (If Applicable) 13DPR003R ULURP REFERENCE NUMBER (If Applicable)) OTHER REFERENCE NUMBER(S) (If Applicable) (e.g. Legislative Intro, CAPA, etc) 4a. Lead Agency Information 4b. Applicant Information NAME OF LEAD AGENCY NAME OF APPLICANT New York City Department of Parks and Recreation NAME OF LEAD AGENCY CONTACT PERSON NAME OF APPLICANT’S REPRESENTATIVE OR CONTACT PERSON Joshua Laird ADDRESS 830 Fifth Avenue, Room 401 ADDRESS CITY New York STATENY ZIP10065 CITY STATE ZIP TELEPHONE 212-360-3402 FAX212-360-3453 TELEPHONE FAX EMAIL ADDRESS [email protected] EMAIL ADDRESS 5. Project Description: The New York City Department of Parks and Recreation, in partnership with other City, State, and Federal agencies and elected officials on Staten Island, which include the New York City Department of Environmental Protection (DEP), the New York City Fire Department (FDNY), the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC), the National Park Service (NPS), and the Staten Island Borough President’s Office, have drafted a Community Wildfire Protection Plan (CWPP) to provide a list of prioritized recommendations and best practices to combat and prevent the prevalence of urban wildfires that occur on the Eastern Shore of Staten Island within the geographically defined boundaries of the CWPP.
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