
THE WESTFIELD LEADER I ^ THE LEADING AND MOST WtDtLY CIRCULATED WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN VNWN COUNTY ;TY-FIFTH YEAR—NO. 30 Entered ag Second Class Matter Published Poet Office, Wwtfleld. N. JT. WESTFIELD NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, APRIL 7, 1955 Every Tburaday 40 Pages—S Cent. oard Fails To Name Merchants Offer Lions Easter Churches Arrange ew HS^Football Coach Display Space For Egg Hunt In Flower Show Park Saturday ipoints Six To Easter Programs Local Nurserymen, Numerous Prizes caching Posts Florists Make Plans Await Contestants GOP Clubs Sponsor 3 Hour Devotion For Corner Exhibits Age 1 to 10 Years Candidates Night Sells Bonds To In furthering plans for th? (See picture on |MfC 7) • A Republican candidates meet- On Good Friday Finance Additions strolling flower show to be held ing will be held Tuesday at 8:15 by the Garden Club of Westfield, Mindowaskin Park will again be p.m. in the auditorium of the Wil- May 13 and 14, the flower show the scene of the annual Westfield son School under the sponsorship Communion, Sacred ilthoujth the Board of Educa- committee has, in the past several Lions Club Easter egg hunt Satur- i made seven appointments to f the three town GOP clubs- Set Mood weeks, secured the cooperation and day at 2 p.m. Lion Alva Sapp has men's, women's and young. staff of the public schools at support of 38 local merchants and announced "everything is in readi- m»eting Tuesday night in the seven florists and nurserymen. ness even to the promise of a Robert Purvis, former mayor Among services concluding the lior High School, it did not and president of the Men's Re- annual observance of Holy Week Those merchants who have of- bright sunny day." The ages of ie a football coach for" the Se- the children contestants are from publican Club, will preside. in Westfield are: The three hour . JJig-h eleven, as expected, fered display facilities in their one to 10 years. To make the con- The GOP candidates for free- devotion, tomorrow, Good Friday iliam C. Child, president of the windows are.: Felice, Fra-tiques, test fair to all contestants the fol- holder and assembly will be pres- at the First Congregational ud, answering a question put Jo-Lynn Bridal Shoppe, Inc., M. E. lowing schedule will be followed: ent for short talks and will answer Church, 125 Elmer street, spon- Jerome Tripp, chairman of the Newburg-h, The Paterson Co., questions from the audience. sored by the Westfield Council of Welch's Paint and Wallpaper No. Euclid avenue Entrance Churches; two services of music, jjens Committee which has Store, Brunner's, The Town Book rked for the reappointment of For girls and boys (with at 8 p.m. today in the First Meth- Store, Gamburg Furs, Lillian parents) 1 to 6 years of age, odist Church and at 8 o'clock to- ieph Freeman to the position, O'Grady, Herberts, Jeannette's d that the board had not yet parents pointing out the eg'gs Sunrise Service morrow night in the Presbyterian H. F. LANSDALE JR. Gift Shop, Chain Decorators, John but not joining in the hunt. Cliurch, and the sunrise service etted » coach, although it had Franks, Gentry Limited, Made-In- hand 80 applications, Mountain avenue Entrance at 6:30, Easter morning: at Echo America Store, Auster's, Maifro's At Echo Lake Lake Park, conducted by the youth ;harlcs H. Krankenbach Jr., a Kennels, Joseph's Frame Shop, For girls 7 to 10 years of mber of the Citizens Committee, Y World Service committee of the Council of Bonney's for Bonnie Creations, age. Churches. erred to the Freeman contro- The Bandstand Music Shop, Jon Broad street Entrance Youth Council Plans in a statement which, he Dinner Next Week Collier, Inc., Leeds and Singer For boys 7 to 10 years of Annual Program The three hour devotion on the d" he had prepared for the Sewing Machine Co. "Seven Last Words from the age. irch meeting of the board, "but The youth committee of the Cross" will begin at 12 noon and ause of the abrupt ending of Also Klinger's Market, Inc., The starting signal will be an conclude at 3 p.m. tomorrow »t Wednesday Evening Sports Center, Inc., Barrett £ aerial bomb. Westfield Council of Churches has i meeting" was unable to pre- :hosen as its theme for the annual the Congregational Church sane- ' it. He reviewed the work the Speaker Announced Crain, Inc., Jane Smith, Scott Shoe Said Chairman Sapp, "This spec- tunry. Richard L. Smith, associ- Shop, Mademoiselle Shop, Clara tacle which gives joy to so many sunrise service Easter Sunday, nmittee had done and reiterated Louise, Martin Jewelers and Rey- "Light Out of Darkness." To be ate minister of the Presbyterian it qyery one of the objections to Herbert P. Lansdale Jr., exec- kids, started by Alan Bruce Conlin Chinch, will open the service. nolds & Bete, And Goodfriend's years ago, is the Lions' contribu- held in Echo Lake Park on the e reappointment of Freeman had utive secretary of the international Hardware, educational exhibit; knoll above the Locust Grove pic- The meditations on the following en checked carefully with "those committee of YMCA's will be the tion to our local boys and girls, words will be given at 12:30 p.m. Elizabothtown Cons. Gas Co., con- We have ready for distribution nic area Sunday morning, tho were closest to the situation" speaker at a world service dinner service will begin at 8:30 o'clock. by the Rev. William T. Kennedy, meeting of the Y's Men's Club servation, arboretum and bird ex- 1,500 prize eggs and an equal minister of St. Luke's Zion Metho- i were found to be without bas- hibit; Taylor Hardware Co., mili- number of dyed eggs. The winners Special music will be provided Mr. Fiankenbach suggested Wednesday evening at 0:30, ac- dist Church; at 12:58 p.m., the cording to Stephen McElory, pres- tary and veteran's hospital exhibit; Nuriimiuly Studio of the prize, eggs will find a princ by a trio of trumpeters including Rev, Robert L. Smith, minister of board rename Mr. Freeman ident. This meeting will also be The Play Fair, junior exhibit, and MARY LOMBARD! BARBARA ESPOSITO slip inside which instructs him to Peter Boor, Paul Ncuer and Bill Bethel Baptist Chinch; 1:22 p.m., d "spell out" where improve- the occasion for the installation of the Westfield "Leader", awarda. which store or shop he will go to Fletcraeyer; and a youth choir tho Rev. Elbert E. Gates Jr., min- nts could be made. He also sug- officers elected at the last meeting Florists and nurserymen having collect the prize. composed of representatives from ister of the First Baptist Church; stcd that the board increase the of the club. Hi-Y Club members, corner displays will be: Docrrer'a Legion Auxiliary Selects Delegates, "The Park and local Police De- all the participating churches and 1:48 p.m., tho Rev, Dr. Frederick e of the football coaching staff Y board members, other members Flowers, Henry Kitsz & Sons, Inc., partments are cooperating with us directed by Roberta Keller. E. Christian, minister of the Pres- both the Senior and Junior and persons interested in YMCA McEwen Flowers, John K. Meeker, and the children will be barred The speaker for the morning byterian Church; 2:12 p.m., the jh Schools and establish either world services are invited to at- H. L. Vance, Westfield Flower Alternates to Jersey Girl's State from tho park until the signal is will be Douglas Bartlett, student Rev. Dr. Gordon E. Michalson, junior league or a football clinic, tend. Shop and Williams Floral Farm. given that the hunt has started. assistant at the Presbyterian minister of the First Methodist r. Child said that the board Church, and 2:38 p.m., concluding A YMCA leader at home and Martin Wallberg Unit 3, Amer- "In the event of rain, the hunt Church here. He will be assisted jlcomed all suggestions and ican Legion Auxiliary, has an- Congressman From will be held one week from Satur in tho service by Eleanor Mowen, the meditations, the Rev. Dr. J. juld take these under advise- abroad for over 30 years, Mr. L. McCorison Jr., minister of the Lansdale now heads North Amer- Cancer Crusade nounced the names of delegates Minnesota lo Speak day, same time and place." Steve Ott, Bob Gromniist and Gco. cnt and alternates to the ninth annual Buchanan, host church. The service is so Mr. Child pointed out that Mr. ica's YMCA world service pro- arranged that worshippers may gram which aids association move- session of Jersey Girl's Stute to be Under the direction of Miss roian has a lot of firm friends conducted at the New Jersey Col- The Hon. Walter H. Judd of Guest Organist For Madeline Wynn, advi»or to the enter or leave the sanctuary at it that the board has received ments in 20 of the 78 countries Now Underway Minnesota will be the guest speak- the conclusion of ei)ch meditation, where the Y is established. He lege for Women, New Brunswick, youth group, the following com- ramendous" support of its ac- June 2fi to July 1. er at a meeting of the Woman's 'St. Matthew Passion' mittees are responsible for this since the meeting March 8. has just returned from a trip to Club of Westfield Monday, April James R. Lenney, choir director, Southeast Europe, where he has Volunteers Began ... Julisa Zilpha Beritloy, daughter ol year's aetvicc: Program, Charles iii new teachers appointed to Mr. and Mrs. Jerome H. Bentlcy 215 at 8Y15 p.m. in the Senior High of the First Congregational made a first' hand study of the TJr. Charlotte garden will be Rcul, Mr. Gronquist and Ed Walk- Church will be at the organ. itions in the elementary and Canvass Friday Jr. of 128 North Chestnut street, School auditorium, to benefit the guest organist for the performance er; speuker, Joan Grant, Peggy ligh schools were: Miss Jo- present situation in Italy, Greece, clubhouse fund. His topic will be, Contributions for the local work Ethopia,, Egypt and Jordan. a junior at Westfield High School, of Bach's "Passion According to Anne Wolking and Mary MacFar- Nechworl), Bruce K. Both- (See picture on Page 24) was named delegate and Miss "Which Way In Aslu?" Represent- St. Matthew" to be given at th land; music, Alfred Booker, Julia of the Westfield Council of Church- II, Samuel E. Jones Jr., Mrs. Previous to his election to his Volunteers of the American Anne Brower, daughter of Mr. anil ative Judd appeared here last May. Presbyterian Church, tomorrow, Schneider and Arlene Finigdnj es, and for Christian relief and tklea) Stephens, William B. present position ho was general Cancer Society started Friday on Mrs. Charles Brower of 408 Wood- Those- who wish to hoar Repre- Good Friday at 8 p.m. Dr. Gar- publicity, Addison Sloeum, Mr. Ott rehabilitation through tho World tafc >nd Nancy L. Torborg. secretary of the YMCA of Ro- a canvass of Westfield to obtain land avenue, will be ai alternate. sentative Judd speak are asked to den is organist and chpir director and Jacqueline Powell, und site, Council of Churches may bo left in Albert Bobal was named assist- chester, 'N. Y., for 13 years, gen- funds to carry on the programs of These students are sponsored hy call Mrs. E. R. Merry, ticket chair- at the Crescent Avenue Presbyte- Miss Mowen find Charles Lagcr- the plates in the narthex. it baseball coach, replacing C. eral secretary of the Salonika YM research, education and service of the Businoss and Professional man at W-c. 2-OD44. rian Church, Plainfield. Having gren. At a Maundy Thursday pro- «if Rogers, who resigned be- CA for two years, and national the society. The campaign is under Women's Club of Westfield. been graduated from Salem Col- gram this evening at 8 o'clock, the »se of illness. Miss Dorothy B. general secretary of the Greek the direction of CoL Howe!! L. lege and Union Theological Semi- nnetuary choir of the First Meth- YMCA for 12 years. Miss Mary Lombar'li, daughter odist Church will present the ea- Hodgskins as county chairman, of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Lombard! Boro Schedules nary's School of Sacred Mualc, she Choir to Present (Please turn to page 2) In 1947 he returned to the Greek while Louis Vogler is directing the also holds an honorary music doc- eeil cantata, "Tho Last Supper" at of Plainficld, a junior at Holy Holy Week Cantata its Communion service. capitol as a senior member of the drive in Westfield. Trinity High School, was selected torate degree from the College of State Department's American In getting the crusade under Annual Egg Hunt tho Ozarks. Good Friday at 8 p.m., Dr. Mission For Aid to Greece. Mr. as delegate and Miss Barbara Es- The sacred cantatu, "The Last Charlotte Garilen, organist and 1 way, Mayor H. Emerson Thomas posito, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. osterCirlAt Lansdale has been decorated sev MOUNTAINSIDE—The annunl Dr. Garden has studied organ Supper" by Eric Thiman will be choir director of tlie Crescent Ave- today made the first contribution F. L. Esposito, C44 Shackaniaxon with Clarence Dickinson of New given by the sanctuary choir of oral times by the government in and at the same time called atten- drive, alternate. The local auxil- Easter egg hunt for Mountainside nue Church, Plainfield, will be Greece, most recently in 1951 as children, sponsored by the Moun- York, Charles Marie Widor and the First Methodist Church, to- guest organist for tho perform- uxiliary Parties tion of the residents to the vital iary will sponsor these representa- Louis Vierne of Paris, and Gun- night at 8 o'clock at the annual commander of the Order of Phoe. work that is being done by the tives. tainside Civic Council, will be hold ance in the local Presbyterian nix awarded in recognition of out- Saturday morning on the grounds thcr Itatnin of Leipzig. Mnundy Thursday observance of Church of the "Passion Accord- standing services to that..country American Cancel; Society. Miss Bentley, iin honor student, Communion. ing to St. Matthew" by Bach. arc still a few tickets Said the Mayor: of the Route 22 School at 10 The performanco of this ora- "liable for the annual dessert through the YMCA and other has played piano for the sopho- o'clock. torio will conclude the Holy Week The , a contemporary "Light Out of Darkness" will channels. "In makiiiK a contribution to more boy's chorus and boy's jrlee special musical services in various Englishman, hns chosen a text parties to be given by the this most worthy humanitarian club. She is secretary of girl's Mrs. U. W. Kapkc, chairman of be the theme for the sunrise serv^ Auxiliary to the Children's In Rochester, Mr. Lanadalc was the hunt, together with Joseph Westfield churches. It will also from the Scriptures and the writ- ice at 0:30 Sunday. At this cause, I am issuing a proclamation sports council mill manager of the mark the first time that the West- ings of great religious poets to Juntry Home, Mountainside, Mrs. president of the Federation of calling attention to the worthy badminton squad and has partici- Collins, president of the Civic service, which is conducted under w Bruce Conlin, general chair- Churches, trustee of the Chamber Council, has stated thrtt in case of field and Plainfield Presbyterian create a portrayal of that last eve- the auspices of the youth council, program of service and education pated in all sports. Miss Bentley churches have combined their ning when Christ and his disciples •n of the parties, announced at of Commerce, trustee of the Col- carried on by the Union County has won a sportsmanship trophy in rain the hunt will be postponed Westfield Council of Churches, | April meeting of the Auxiliary, gate-Rochester Divinity School, a until the following Saturday. hoirs here. Soloists will include: took brend together. Douglas Bartlett, student assist- Chapter of the society. At the same tennis and many honors in ski Karl Lein, narrator; Maurice Soloists for the occasion will be W Tuesday at the homo of Mrs. member of_the Highland Hospital competition. As in tho past, prizes for the ant at the Presbyterian Church ranklin Park Jr., 4 Kimball cir- Board, president of the Rochester time 1 ask the cooperation of all Mandell, Jesus; Jack Anderson, Mnrcclla Halli soprano; Prentiss here, will speak. Miss Madeline the residents in order that tho. very small fry will • Anyone wishing tickets is morrow, Good Friday. All is active in all sports. She is a dyed by members of the Civic financial institution* and the a vital one for it means the laving member of the Theater Arts Club, ™» to contact Mrs. Paul Haines Council, Girl, Boy, Brownie unil Last Of Community (Please turn to pnge 2) • 2-11G8-M or any member N. J. Motor Vehicle In»pec- of thousands of lives. It must suc- a cheerleader and a candidate for Cub Scouts as well us the Ameri- the National Honor Society. Auxiliary. tion Station will also be cun Legion Auxiliary and other William Warlield, noted baritone closed. (Please turn to page 2) Miss Eaposito also U an honor friends, and 40 prizes will be given '• report of the volunteer aide roll student, a candidate for the of the stage, screen and ScoutH to Observe Ktee shows that 6G -Kenny to winners. Kggs were picked up worlds, will appear here Monday ™fM have worked at the Chil- Tuesday evening at Fire Head- evening lit 8:30 o'clock In the audi- World Health Day ™8 Country Home for a total (f'lccuwturn to fugtZ) quarters and am to be returned h0U13 Woman's Club Guest To Give torium of the WcstficUl High ,_. during the months of harduoilcd and dyed tomorrow eve- School in the final program of this fu obscrvuiK'c of World Health ««h ami April. Chief Asks Owners ning', at the sumo place, between season's Community Concerts. Day today, Boy mid (Hr! Scows "»• E. Milton Staub was hos- Lecture On British Writers 7 mid !) p.m. Warlield starred in the revival arc joining the Westfield United • «t the meeting assisted by To Control Dogs Harry Bccch'er, with the assist- Matiims committee to ily tho of the Heyward-Gershwin folk op- United States und United Nutions « ames \Vimam It. Mendenhall, ance of members of the Legion erii, "I'orgy and Boss," for the "Travels Through Literary Bri- flak's in the Plttzu. Jjriw Docrr, Addison Ely, J. tain from Chaucer to Churchill", Due to numerous complaints re- Post, as well as John Keuler and first six months of ita revival In Irkd !l!'ccmal1 and F. Arthur ceived by the Police Department, William Heine, will rope olT the This morning, the color guard of lc an illustrated lecture by Muriel G. 195a find when the Dcpurtmont of ,. i .," ""embers of the Jun- Rolls, will be the program of the Chief of Police. Albert. Pfirrmann various areas for the hunt. These State undertook to present the hit filrl Seout Troop 37 of Wilson " Auxiliary were entertained at Woman's Club of Westfield Mon- today appealed to all dog owners ureas will be supervised during the production in .September J952 i;t School raised the Hags. Mrs. C, I'. wa following the meeting. day afternoon at 2:15 o'clock at to curb their doprs, when ttikini? hunt, as follows: Pro-school urea the very edge of the Iron Curtain, Kiiuseli unil Mrs. A. W. Kiild uru the Masonic Temple. them out for a walk, "Property by Mrs. Honry Weber and Mrs. in Vienna and Berlin, he "truly leader and co-lender of the troop. Jumua Mullin; klndcrgnrti'ii and This afternoon lit -I :,'!(>, tlio color •'ubhouse Permit Mrs. Rolls has tho distinction of owners have complained bitterly beeamu a nilturjil ambassador being tho first woman British vice- about the destruction of their tint grade, Mrs. Ju*i'ph Harry anil from the whole of America." His .-IIIIIII of Holy Trinity Hoy Scout Marine Slated consul in lioston, and the second shrubs and flowers and of the un- Mis. (liMirge Blyllio; ivvonil, third, singing nrnl acting of I'orgy Troop 7,'t will lower the two flags. sanitary condition created by the fourth and fifth giude;;. Mr. Heine, The observance of World Health In the United States. She was edu- 1 brought forth the highest enthusi- cated ill private schools and nt the docs. Cooperation of nil dotr own- Mr. lieechler ami Ml *. Joseph II. asm from eritii'H mill iiiidienees in Day lias become mi international 7ea hils set April 18 for a Royiil Academy of Music in Lon- ers is solicited in correcting this Kcishcy; sixth, seventh and eighth Germany, Austria, Knglnml ami event. At present 8.1 countries art) condition." grades, CIH'SUT Fnhiun, Mr. Kculur suit boi tr D1 ou ht b don. Tho violin, piano and voice other European countries. members of the agency, nno of the- KTOU °" r' " ' s: y and Mr. Collins. Mrs, WuIWr Mc- WILLIAM WARF1ELD liirgest in tin.' United Nations. '*'> off • ' c'ai(lcllts to prevent are some of her accomplishments Chief Pflrrninnn also ciilleil the Elsn Miller, a mush: teacher in in tin1 field of music. attention of tlog owners to Section Aluhon was in charge of pvn'chiiaing the Uoeliester public nchorjls, was the prizes. ateil University nf Kadiester. tubhon' ^y°milll>s' Club for ii Born in Derbyshire, England, •1 of General Ordinance No, SOli of the first I.o spot his promising After his war service with mili- In Thin lasuv Mrs. Rolls ciime to Amcricn in tho town of Westfield which "pro- voivi'. During his lust yenr in high tary intelligeiu'o, Wai'lielil return- feaWlcVwas sot liist week in lil.'iJI, to visit friends on Cape Cod. hibits doff owners or persons in Testimonial Dinner school, she entered him in n com- ed to KiiKlitiun for irniiluate study. About. Town With Sully .D-li! WdlM T' ''' " I""01'1'"' heiiring. Slip WHS In Boston when the war custody of IIORB to allow them off petition of the Music Kilueiitnrs Opportunity, however, wouldn't let lluttluc.su Directory 117 epresontj' " °f Eliznbeth is broke oul In JDiiD anil, likn nu their preniiseii unless securely held MOUNTAINSIDK—A tratiimm- Niitloiml Conference. He was sent him finish work on his master's Chtircli New* liil-HS ltl1 M u '^ ' °^it!t:^ot's; Will- many other Hiitlnh subjects In for- by n leash in the ham!;] of u per- iul dinner in honor of Mayor Jo- to St. Louis fi'oin proceeds they ilegiee, A long distanre pliono eall Classilleil (I, 7 m son able tn control them." raised by iirudncimr n |ilny. Yining 1 nj '» "h the Wotnan'it Club, eltfn Inml.s MiMhloiily found her in- seph A. Komicli mill hoi'(itii;li CHUM- final iMclvyn Doimhu Ijiiniglil. him ('OIIIIMH Kvimtrt ni'vilv ,." Atl»''ncy Itobert S. comes from Knirlnnd cut off. Shi; eiliuen will be given April 1-1 it). 7 Warflelil won !lr*l jiri/.e, whU'li to i\v\v Vnik to Join the touriini: KiiitorlnU . ' IH lllp nvrii j i.o\r I'll HI;—niir,vi,ii'» 1 It I*',. ^wn. jolneO Hit1 SIHJT of Mil' Museum of p.m, nt. the MtinntiiiiiHiile Inn, win a MCIKIIIUship ut, uuy of tin company uf the Ml, revue, "('nil Ohlllui.,:-; ,. . •( Fine Arts ill Ito.ilnn u-i II conceit tl etmiMinittnttN — t'i IMNeliiiiN fin- Koule. ' Theatre and FOR BEST RESULTS «t. i-i t-ftVi live imriu'diuU'ty, I ditftrent ans« play. At an Ksister MiU \V ^mv.n^*. Miss Mildred I vnzi\ "Rtjnrsa." hv \va* hi** as- *. Thelma Sautter und i a.m., the Rev. Mr. Smith ui;- cth^v ;n u ion^ h~t *>f unknowns MI preach on the tepic "The Worid"> R. evt Alpcrt. effective June ! Best Hop*." At an 11 a.m. serv- • dui'inir the month of Mittvh, 19S0. •30- Ih. Biucy Malcolm rcsi^ned ; ice is the efcapeh the Kev. Mr. The story of hs* s#n*atU\>*v&i suc- a^ scluw! dentist a.* of June 30. Gardner wiSi preach on "Whom cess in New York's Town Hail in The board sold $900,000 worth Seek Ye?" i that fir*t r*?enfti U how vve::- t>i borui* to finance a school con- I ST. PAUL'S EPISCOPAL , known. These critics have1 seldom struction program to the Chemical | The passion .service tt'ii! tie held i been so lavish in prsu?* as they Corn Exihanirt Bank and Byrne I m the church from noon until 3 ' were fur the "great new baritone ar.J Philps of N'ew York for $900,-' i voice" afid his inteipr^tiv* srt :n i':'V'.;'H at an annual interest rate p.m. tomorrow. Service of Ct-i«- i munion will be held Easter day at i the widest tanre of mu>K «i iirerii- of I.'') pt-r Lent for five year?!. 6:80 and 7:3l> a.m. There win be ; turo. The NYw York proup offered two more services of Communion ; He was immediate'}' signed for 'he highlit pieniium and the low- : and sermon at &:'>0 and II a.m. a full summer o? app^arsirK^^ rit interest of seven bidders. J by tile lector, the Rev. Mr. B;au. I throi!^hoi;t Au. trai:a ur^d^r tht? Among- the bidder? were the Sub- prettitst urban Trust Co.. 170 East Broad FIRST BAPTIST j au?pieer? of thf ^r^rrj-a'^n:<^?;- taster The Maundy' Thursday Commun- ; trolled Au.-:;rsUs£ BrxM^ii^^n^ s'it^; anu the Peoples Bank and Trast Co.. 1 Elm street. bonnett ion s^rriee will be held in ;he .sanc- »«« bt. tuary today at 8 p.m. \ f tour of ->5 tvr^-er':* :> ?^f" >u?n- The issue will finance new wings Two Eascer servues ; ! niariztM by t'r-.it cvu«!r> > '.tidir.c :»* Jefferson, Washington and dining o( will be held in the church Sunday ; clitic. ijTsiiwy Br%'a". ^V.' vt- Frar.Kiin schools; conversion of ported: ''?:"£*: &* f~« >"**: «3>.;>w heating system at Franklin wwjer$eft at 9 and 11 a.m. The services; ( moat will be identical, except that ai Interested f roup of spectators watch«s Captain George £. Wragg* of the Westfield Police Depart- j of cour>^. W;l':i^ "ft&^tli. «'"K' School and conversion of office the latter, the ordinance of bap- • ment inspect bike belonging to junior high student Ronsld Mclntyre, for »fe riding conditions. | revea'.e-a » ^c^.'*' -ii.;c^- >' ?.7-^^i~.i *vuv at Franklin School and all- /ofcuZom tism will be observed. The Rev. They are left to right: Chief of Police Albert Pfirrmann; Mayor H. Emerson Thomas; Mrs. W. A. •-ur{v>»e rooms at Jefferson and Ttstaurtnt! Mr. Gates will have as his sub-; Kiute, chairman, We.tfield PTA Safety Council and Bicycle Board; Mrs. Curry Lea, PTA safety VVishin^ton schools into class- ject, "Option on the Future." Spe-; chairman, Roosevelt Junior High; Byron D. Stewart, principal of the Junior High School, and The hoard received 71 bids for rial Easter music will be sung by j Dr. Stacy N. Ewan Jr., supervising principal of Westfield schools. .">r.*: ruction at the schools. They the church choir, I ; s*¥r¥ r^f^itvd to the building and Other Easter activity includes a i'r-.nm-is committee. The only proj- youth breakfast at 8 a.m. in Fel- j Shepherd Will Supply My Need" j Bike Registration by Thompson, with James K, Len- ! _ t ~ Cancer Crusade ^^-". on which no bids were received Jowsbip Hall. ii j Going SlllOOthlV v%i V>r pixsmbing work at Fiank- RKDEEMKR CHURCH ney, organist directing. l)i\ McCorison is preaching on j !tn School. Holy Communion will be cele- (Continued from page 1) "The Triumph " at the serv- Satisfaction has been expressed coun r\ brated today at 8 p.m., at the ices at 9:30 a.m. and 10:50 a.m. ceed. It will if we all do our parts." Lutheran Church. The sermon by members of the Bicycle Board Assisting Mr. Vogier in the cam- c -"^ o Easter Sunday. The chancel choir that bicycle registration at local paign as aides are tho following: wave of spontaneous ipp ^ Oman's Club on "His Last Will and Testa- is singing" "In Joseph's Lovely each showing afwr bis meat.' Garden" by Dickinson and "Yeschools has been going according Morton E. Newburgh, chairman of to schedule due to the combined the business division; Mrs. Stuart performance of "O), Mm Good Friday, traditionally re- Watchers and Ye Holy Ones," a His MGM recording of She (Continued from page 1) ceives • double observance at theGerman melody and the children's efforts of the Westfleld Police, E. Burr and Mrs. Robert E. Ewatt, church. At noon the three hour eo-chaifrnen of the special gifts has long held a best-5*!ier position, t British Information Service in New i choir will sing Our Lord Je»uJ5s j PTI 1AA members, parents and stu- He i? due to return to Hollywood ; Vork, and shortly afterward be- devotion will begin. Services will I Knelt in the Garden" by Dickin division. The ward division chair- n- dents. men are: Mrs. Abner Jackson, in 195C to make another film for I tame associated with the British be conducted at 12:30, 1:30 and ,3O n Jamei. i.enni?v has chosen In answer to a question about MGM—a musical version of Mark Consulate in Boston. 2:30 p.m. The evening Calvary ( lude "Mors et Resur- ward 1; Mis. Harry T. Halleran, for the pie licensing of racing bikes it was2; Mis. Morton E. Newburgh, 3, Twain's "Huckleberry Finn," in Mrs. Rolls was one of the few ssrvice mil be held at 8 o'clock j ,,«,]„„.. by Lan?iai5 and for the pointed out by a Bicycle Board and will include the sacrament of and Mrs. Henri Seltzer, 4. which he will play the famous privileged to attend the dress re- «nd will inclde th sacrament of j po^^,),, »ToCcata and Fugue in member that since racing bikes are character Jim. hearsal, in the Abbey, of the Cor- Communion. The sermon will be D Minor by Bach. . not usually equipped with suitable on "The Lamb and the Book." In the infrequent free moments HOLY TRINITY btakea to guarantee safe riding j during his record-breaking concert Easter will be observed in three conditions, it is illegal by state services at 6:30, 8:15 and 10:45 In Ho!y Trinity Church tomor- Legion Auxiliary tours, Warfield has made four al- er features " of the tnplt pitkli| i"denti«f sermons will bVde- |r»w- Good Friday, the mass of the law as well as town ordinance to bums for Columbia Masterworks. Church," along with a rare group ride racing bikes on public high- (Continued from page 1) One contains the nostalgic "Oldof ballads by Karl Loewe, and a Complete Holiday Dinners Served From .Voon livered in the services. ' pre-sanctifietifid wililll be offereffd att 8 a ...... preceded by a solemn proces-1 »' .vs unless equipped with propor Xationai Honor Society, a member American ," arranged by collection of lighter American bHttr malt* your MtertmltMU n&mt MArkH 4-lttt FIRST METHODIST sion of the blessed sacrament irom I brakes. Such bikes must be regis- of the g'lee'elub and choir. She is Aaron Copland, and five sea chan- songs under the title "Deep Riv- There will be two identical morn- eie ! the repositore 5 or yv lto the mal mainn altar. ' d for purposes of identification on the staff of the school publica- ties, by Celius Dougherty. Anoth- tar «rri«s Easter Sunday at 9:30 ! •"" ! P° ." -* .° "": ,-' • but no license is issued and no .„* 11 o'clock. Dr. Micha! oniS?°d F"da>' dewtion. of tion, "Rev-iile". S charge made for registration. will preach on "The Logic of i 'Three Hours of Agony' w,11 be Delegates and alternates are preach on "The Logi held from noon to 3 p.m. At 8 p.m., In addition to the regular first chosen for their character, co-op- Hope." j devotions of the stations of thj Saturday of the month registration erativeness, courage, honesty, lead- FIRST COXGREGATIONAL Cross will be followed by a sermon at police headquarters, a date has ership and scholarship. The observance of Holy Week at and veneration of the Cross. i been set to take care of the imme- the First Congregational Church On Holy Saturday there will be idiate needs of the Senior High stu- will conclude with special services _ high mass with Communion at 1 dents, private school pupils, adults quarters is Saturday, April 23 today and Good Friday. 8 a.m. land absentees and rejects from (weather permitting) from 3 a.m. Mildred McAfee Horton, viee Easter Sunday will be observed ] schools where registrations have to 12; alternate date, April 30. OPEN MONDAY AND FRIDAY EVENINGS UNTIL 9 president of the National Council by a solemn pontifical mass at 6:30 j already been held. The extra date There will be no registrations held of Churches of Christ, former a.ra,,jfflng by the adult choir un-jfor registrations at police hcad- during school vacation week. president of Wellesley College and der the Sivection of Mi3s Coraiie I , war-time commander of the Waves, Rustalco, organist. witt speak, today at 1:30 p.m. in There will be masses from S the sanctuary at the annual serv- a.m. to 12 every hour on the hour ice o/ the Women's Fellowship ded- and at 9 and 10 a.m., mass will be TO Qli/E or WEAR icating: the woman's g"'ft. Mrs. offered in the gym chapel. Horton is speaking on building the "Christian Family." Mrs. George B. Webber, president of the Wom- en's Fellowship, is presiding. An Y World Service There's time to get those invitation is extended to all wom- for en to this service. (Continued from page 1) fashion-right, famous name At 8 p.m. today, the Rev. Dr.sity Club of Rochester, the Rotary YOUNG AMERICANS Easter clothes at John Frank's J. L. McCorison Jr., minister of Club and the American Legion. the church, will officiate in the "Anyone wishing to attend this Maundy Thursday observance of meeting and hear Mr. Lansdale is WHO REACH Manhattan Shirts .. .from 3.95 Communion and in the reception welcome to attend if they will call of members into the church. The the YMCA, We. 2-2700 and make Arrow Shirts .from 3.95 chancel choir is singing "Adora- dinner reservations," Mr. McEl- NEW HEIGHTS inus Te" by Palestrina and "Myroy stated. in j SUITS- Westfield Antiques Show STATURE AND Michael-Stern from 60.00 First Congregational Church Parish House FASHION Botany from 65.00 125 Elmtr St. Westfield, N. J. Stein-Bloch from 75.00 Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday Sam. Peck Preps from 39.50 APRIL 19, 20 and 21 11 A.M. to 9 P.M. Daily Topcoats from 50.00 Two floor Displays of Antiquti for •aU by Eiiabtiihcd Dealer! Admission 65c Luncheons Served TAILORED BY I "SAMPECK" A huge selection of Spring Neckwear Scientifically from 1.50 to 10.00 designed for MONOGRAMS that taller young stalwart Handkerchiefs of affairs ... make them personal with that Men's Jewelry "Natural Look". Belts 7 In up-to-the- minute tones of Charcoal, Grey, Brown, Blue. Stetson Hats from 10.00 Here is the new contour appearance Interwoven Hose from 85c Mallory Hats from 7.50 so popular with the Interwoven Stretch Hose from 1.00 Young Athlete. Nunn Bosh Shoes from 17.95 Edgerton Shoes from 10.95 $ up Next time you buy shirts, pajamas, 45 NEW SUIT CLUB NOW FORMING robes, ties or leather goods for your- self or for gifts, have them mono- grammed. John franks John franks John franks MEN'S APPAREL MEN'S APPAREL MEN'S APPAREL PLAINFIELD WESTFIELD RIDGEWOOD PLAINFIELD WESTFIELD RIDGEWOOP PLAINFIELD WESTFIELD RIDGEWOOD t/fte our rciir ci.trnute fur direct iici-ritw hi M. Ilruml Street rone* tor direct uremia to E. IIroad Btr*** from town parking int. from linvn pnrkltiic from to\tn parking lot. THE WESTiTiaJJ (N.J.) LEADEE, THURSDAY, APRIL 7, 1955 at

Mr. Dior sayss

"To be truly glamorous and fashionable, a woman mi wear hats."

Rieheleu's pastel rope too beautiinl for word •with hat #5 simulated pearls and beads in blue, pink, mauve or white. Rope, $9. Earrings, $2. Double choker, «$4- Single clwker, $2. All prices plus 10% V. S. tax

jewelry,, street floor '


y Exciting, enchanting, delightful,

flower-fresh-tceVe searching jor wordt to describe Our spring millinery collection. Come in and try a few on, you'll find it to choose—they're nU $6 beautiful $2 to $35

-box freshness — 1—Swooping feather on draped *tiw by NelL___ fit ky Creseendos 2—Our own Margol ilr»w abloom Cretcendog gloves tiny band-box with /loiveri and ladybugi 14.88 jreih becaiu* they're wonderfully 3—Belmnr'i polka doited •il Washable, never $hrinh. Leather' tailored oj double tvoven cotto i—Button trimmed atraw, our own Afargot "> 'chile, beige, pink, lemon, navy. 2-75 to 5.9S. Shown | Button- S—Woven straw, rayon trimmed handiewn ihorty, 3.50. velvet-trimmed Scalloped handiewn shorty, $4. 6—Amy'i rough ulraw with * glovei, street floor long-itemmed rose 1.95 7—Betmar't »lraw pillbox H-lth a long-atcmmcd roie 6.95 millintry, third

took THE WR«TFTFI,n (X J LFADFR. ffffRSDAT. APBTL 7. 19*5 V«gc Fowr St&rtinR ! was in chaise p Company of wire ; Charles Clark Employe*" Aihlresses ti-aiiimissioii by Morse, with the Ipoem, Irv It, OBITUARIES aid of models, Mr. McCabe fol- coined the New Rotar\ (llub Mating lowed sound tra .-jmission through j offered the invoraf 1 in and i had as to the- present da r. Included in the j SHcietar.v'a ifiioi-t. Eric 00 yt'&t.s. Si""- w"-' a rr;eir;ber i he had it- TV.? U. Ciab '"I? tot i that demonstration ere the early ; ians included: Bill Ei the PressbyU'rian Church End s: He was a YMCA ruest tiiethuds uf Iran iiiitliiis sound, by (ford; Leslie Town; pei-inu-ndent uf the intfrmedia i«:d Chapter vf !'ic &fd it departftient ef th** eSjsm'h .^. no «f-4-l t \«-v> fur liutny yt-a(-. during I lit- tumf Hi M !iy of tlje Kei'. N. W. Cadwei!. |,!syArn From 1W10 tu l!<0# Mrs. Wheel- i Vork and this * Mi- bvt I V. E *** er wits librarian of the Free Pub- j aurvivor. lie Library. In it«OC .she was up- • Funeral service pointed to .serve a~, the- first libra- day morning in < ia liut 11 v. h he t on rian in the then ju-w Carne^-u- I Home with the Kiv Oe Library. | tun, niiiii^vei of itt JBuv> »^ en*r re* i Surviving are two niece?, Mrs. = ^ion, Kcw York, uftn is'' n^ re i"u hd i * H. W. Nudd Jr. of Mansticlil, J teimt-nt wa* in Ka^* 1 s * tu The Final Touches for His M»s».. and Airs. Charles Koderka • Linden. of Brookhn, X. V., and a nephew, Irene Ck'ttient 0. Bi.^li of .Madison. Aionzo A. Quick Earlier i hi* career he had Funeral services wen held Mon- participated the ha?u' dev on?.o A. Q k. f New Spring Outfit dav iifLepnuan in (iray's Funcrai cton load, a H-lired n 'j; *:t., esent of oil cr cking methods he i;i.-v. Kit-haid L. the iiitrodm ion of pipe stiik Hume, with difc Mumluy in Muiiiuit,,!^ H ate ji)ini.-te]' of the , lJlainiii-ij. after ii i.i.tf Ti>i< icr» «>, r«p»t»j »|»in »nd «i«in Utt «r*ek »> pupiU of Chuivh. offii-ialiiiK. ness. lh» fir.l md >«o»d jr»Je. of WVitfield «chool. rflurned r«iue«»i Mr, Lusti-r wu= graduated froni Intermen; .- in Fail-view <'eim-- Buteer* University in 1^14 with nn in Gf»!dcr for the S«lk »»ccioe to their te»ck«>. Tbi« i» Jein Ann New- Dress Shirts V.E. end £.£. deprocs. He joined U-rv. Mr Quick had !, ! is Wi-slfu-M man. d»ughter of Mr. »n avt-nue. dim i a.~ t fuiterai [i'HrLfr in Lynn, Mas*., cessful in the April 12 report, ai her older brother. Donald, was from 2.50 la May 2319. U'edne.^day in Ji^^pi- wh h he rUi d in Mi. He was hospitalized for th« diseas* at the Children'* Co»otr? Home for tal, Piainfie.'d •diu-v a bi ie/ ill- ! tlie im^hand f the iate Miihei two monthl last rear. If the Salk vaccine is licensed for distribu- After the war Mr. Luster spent tion, the Polio Foundation is Riakiat it available at no cast to several years abroad with a coni- nti?. She «a~ the wile of K. I'-ay- I'arcy Uuick. mond Garcia. I He was a member of the First pupils.ia the first and second grade* throughout the country. pam gffUiate in Italy before i*- ; Ties - turning- to the Esso Engineering Mrs. Garcia wa horn in Br'iok- Methodi.-t Church of l.ynn. Mass.; Jtepartroent at the Bayway Refin- !j-n and had Jived here r.iore than j a member of the WesttielJ Chap- Church Announces Plaids, Silk Repps, Patterns, A ery in 1924. He became chief en- 30 yeaiv. She was a member of i lei- of the Old Gua! d : (il and Lodjie PTA to Install ^taeer in Februao" 194*3 and in First Baptist Chuich and v.-a» ac- of .Mason Two Easier Services wide assortment in bows. tive in thcj indies auxiliary, .^hc Funeral .services were held yps-; this capacity was moved to New from 50c York two years later. Mr. Luster ; also \ca.s a member of -Atlas Chap- terday afternoon in the (ioodrich i Officers April 21 Two Easier festival services will w«3 named manager of the Esso ;ter, !ES- ot Westfield. and had Inwn n Gordon Fromni. chairman. The Sport Shirts Airs. Dorothy Jlaclver Hig.h School PTA. Tuesda«davy inin ththee - terisn Church and of Echo Lake | active in the MuKinley School Mrs. Dorothy F. Maclver, moth - HiBschoon lSchoo cafeteril Pra Ain Tue preparation for pasSor, the Re*'. Elbert E. Gates McGregor, Arrow. Plaids, Wool, Orion. from 2.95 Country Ciub. j PTA Jr., wiij preach on the subject, er of Mrs. Dorothy Apgar both of jtn e association's annual meeting patterns, prints, from 1>95 Surviving are his wife, Mrs. ) Besides her nusoand, she is sur- Alma, Me., formerly of Westfield, | to be held April 21 at which time "Option on the Future," and the Bosft Maiiiet Luster; a son, Eric 1 vived by a son, Albert Ii. Oai- died Sunday at the age of 80. j officers for the coming year art church choir under the direction of IPBliam Luster of Fanwood; a i eia of Plainfield; two ?randchil- Besides her daughter, Mrs. Mac- j to be installed. J. Lester Robertson will sing two Belts anthems, "Alleluia" by Thompson Eton Caps and Fedoras irother, Clifton Luster of Hillside, ! aren; two sisters, Mrs. Mildred Iver is survived by two brothers ) An ,nTitalion was tended to «ad two grandchildren. I Kiblo and Mrs. Mary Garcia, both Wi Ham Lambert of Maryland | „ and "Come Ye Faithful, Raise the in grays, browns, blues. from 1.00 fa d member3 t0 attend s fiIm Strain," Williams. The soprano Funeral services were held Tues-1 of Westfield, and a brother, Al- lind Georgge Lambert of MiMbeth. j| preview given jointly by the from 1.95 4*y afternoon in Gray's Funeral \ bert J. Kenney of Westfield. Interment was m Alma Ceme- soloist, Betty KitUeson, will also Maine, «nth the Rev. Dr. Frederick j Funeral services were held Sat- I YWCA aiid the League of Women sing " I Know That My Redeemer tery i uesday. Voters April 20 at the YWCA for Liveth," Handel. Stretch Nylon Socks £. Christian of the Presbyterian j urday afternoon in Gray's Funeral possible program use next year. T-Shirts Church officiating. Interment was | Home with the Hev. Elbert E. The ordinance of baptism will Gates Jr., pastor of the First Bap- Sirs. Caroline C. Meyer Mrs. A. C. Hammerman will at- Solid colors and argyles.' ia Evergreen Cemetery, Elizabeth. tend the meeting of the Westfiejd be observed at the second service. Collar models and crew tist Church, officiating. Interment Mrs. Caroline Christmann Mey- Otherwise the services are identi- necks. from 1.95 from 85c was in Fairview Cemetery. er, mother of Charles C. Meyer of Adult School Association as a rep- Mrs. Mary Wheeler 258 Hyslip avenue and widow of resentative of the PTA May 2. cal. Mrs. Mary E." Wheeler, 95. of Gustave F. Meyer, died last Wed- Mrs. Mayer urged members of In honor of the occasion,* the Plainfield, formerly of Westfield, Robert A. Keel nesday after a long illness at the tho board to attend •the spring sanctuary will be decorated with Open Mon. 1 f>l, the widow of William 0. Wheeler, Robert Atwood Keel, 74, of G57 home of her daughter, Mrs. Frank county council meeting April 29 Easter flowers, the 'Til 9 fM. -died Friday at Marlboro after a Maye street, a retired sea captain, C. Kane of Philadelphia, Pa. She in Roselle. being made by the flower commit- long illness. died Friday in Overlook Hospital, was 85. tee; Mrs. Judson Pierson, chair- .. Born in Philadelphia, Pa., Mrs.Summit, after a brief illness. Mrs. E. K. Cliver reported on man. 31 rs. Meyer was one of the oldest her work with the «ommittee members of Trinity Church, Phil- studying teacherV'salarlM. In sum- Young people will gather at the Why Decide Now? adelphia. She was born and edu-marizing, she stated that the sal-church Easter morning at 8 o'clock • WESTFIELD-18Elm St. Westfield 3-5696 cated in Philadelphia and Rent- ary standards for Westfiel'i were for the traditional youth Easter i PLAINFIELD-111 Park Ave. Because the selection of a monument that ingen, Germany. improved, and that the town was breakfast following the sunrise Surviving, in addition to hev service to be held a.t Echo Lake will bear rour family nama Ihtuugli the ages now putting itself on a comparable : WYATT'S= should bo > family decision. Uon'i take ibe daughter and son, are two grand- basis with surrounding communi- Park under the auspices of the chance that il won't be. sons, Robert F. Kane of Phoenix, ties and could justifiably ask for Westfield Youth Council. Visitors Ariz., and Capt. Warren II. Kane, and obtain first class teachers. The and newcomers in Westfield are Ask lor our illustrated booklet. a pilot with the U. S. Air Force, ultimate goals have not yet been invited to take part in these serv- stationed in Germany; four great- reached, however, and work will ices. L. L. MANNING & SON £,•/«„-' grandchildren and two sisters, continue; along these lines next Mis. Louise Maloney of Key West, year. ; Slanfe; Burner! Ouner Fla., and Mrs. Samuel Light of Mrs. Cu-ry Lea, safety chair- Harrison Williams «5 West Front Street Tel. PLainfield 60706 Miami, Fla. man, said the bicycle inspection ILLUSTRATED BOOKLET SEN! VPOK REQUEST ' Funeral services were held Sat- program had taken place as sched- Bimnnis or OIUI.ITY MOM» nrr.n «o vK4R.i urday in Trinity Lutheran Church. HOME OWNERSHIP MADE AS Interment was in West Laurel uled and that approximately 770 Speaks to Students Hill Cemetery, Philadelphia. bicycles had been looked over and licensed with the help of nearly Representative Harrison Will- 50 people from the Police Depart- iams (D-Gth Congressional Dis- How fitting that those who so deeply believe Mrs. Ellen H. Burke ment, the parents and the faculty trict) spoke to the students of in the meaning of Easter shall rest in this Mrs. Ellen H. Burke, 80, of of the Junior High School. estfield Senior High School at a Simple 0$ inspiring sanctuary whose monuments sym- Elizabeth, formerly of Westfield, A discussion on the sale of ob- ipecial assembly program, Mon- NOTHING COMPLICATED bolize the love that is eternal and the faith lied Saturday night at home after jectionable comic books was insti- lay. brief illness. She was the wid- born of the Easter miracle. If your love and gated by Mrs, Grover Baldwin and Congressman Willipms spoke- faith are strong, you will want to have your w of Dennis J. Burke, sports ftg- a vote was taken to submit a letter bout the functions of the govern- ABOUT A SUBURBAN own family plot in your traditional monument re and boxing . to the Town Council of Westfield nent at Washington and explained cemetery. Far only here are you permitted to Born in County Cork, Ireland, supporting its stand to eliminate ow a bill was introduced in the proclaim that love and faith in visible and lasting form . . . rs. Burke lived in Elizabeth 65 the sale and distribution of all such ears. Before becoming an Eliz- ouse and traced its steps to ac- TRUST MORTGAGE LOAN with a monument of granite erected on your family plot. iterature. ual passage, ibeth resident she had lived in Mrs. Mayer said that several Why not choose your plot and monument now—before need Vestfield 10 years. Mr. Willianis explained that members of the board had met lost of the work involved in in- — while all the members of your family can make their Surviving are two daughters, with members of 1he Student +wishes known. ills. La Mont McLoughlin of As- ;rodueing a bill takes place in com- 'ouncil to set up plans for a school ittee work and that congressmen >ury Park and Miss Libette Burke dance, which will be open -to tho r t home; three sons, William P. eighth and ninth grades. It is eve very busy workine; on various nd Dennis Jr., both of Elizabeth, ommittees. He is on the foreign She tmrnhi fHnnumrnt (Hn. nned foi' April 22 from 7:30 to elations committee. nd Joseph A. of Rosclle Park; 10:30 p.m. and tickets will go on 403-11 Orange Road Montclair, N. J. sister, Mrs. Joseph Larger of sale April 18 and 10 in the school Congressman Williams was in- ilizabeth; 12 grandchildren and gym and cafeteria. Norman Greco •oduced to the assembly by Rob- Telephone MOntclair 2-1 BOO a great grandchildren. is student chairman. rt L. Foose, principal. Mr. Will- The funeral was form the Jas. ams recently purchased a home in Our Monuments Insured by Lloyd's of London Financially as well as otherwise, Westfield and was introduced to Higgins & Son Mortuary, Eliz- Mrs. Mayer pointed out, this year beth. he audience as a Wcstfleld resi- has been a successful one, and with ent. several hundred dollars in the Congressman Williams also George Hahn Sr. treasury, she outlined several pro- poke briefly about the scholarship George Alfanse Hahn Sr., 05,jects which ore in need of mone- ie has established, which enables f Plainfield died Sunday of a tary assistance, which cannot be igh school seniors to visit with heart uttack while working at the mot with the budget supplied by im in the Capitol and spend sev- Competence Robert. Treat Delicatessen and the Board of Education. After ral weeks watching Congress Bakery where he was employed careful selection, the suggestions work. as a baker. will be. voted upon by the member- This program wili be continued, Funeral services were held yes- ship at the meeting April 21. sut according to Congressman Wl terday morning in the Higgins Mrs. Lea spoke on behalf of the liams, after this year, only juniors "Home for Funerals," Plainfield. board in thanking Mrs. Mayer for nrill be eligible to apply. This year Interment was in Hillside Ceme- work well done during her term ioth seniors and juniors are eligi- ery, Plainfield. as PTA president. ile but by changing the require- ments it is felt that the juniors George Herder Paper Mill Season will be able to return to the high George Herder, S.'t, of Runway chool and explain tho function- lied Tuesday at his home. He \vn?Tickets Available ings of the government to students proprietor of the Railway Glass still in high school. If you are in the market to buy or build a home, investigate Co. The season subscription tickets Born in Westfu-lcl, the son of to the Paper Mill Playhouse in Parent Education the many advantages of a Suburbn Trust Co. Mortgage Loan, John and Mary Penny Herder, he Millljurn, which are being offered had been a resident of Kalnvay for for the first time in its histoy Group Sleets Today We'll be happy to have you come ia to discuss the question 20 years. will be available to the theatre i Surviving are his wife, Flor- patrons of Westfleld from 5Ir3. E. FANWOOD—The final meeting with us. ence Toms Herder; six daughters, It. Merry Jr. of the parent education group of Mrs. Leo Hillicr, Mrs. Cornelius The subscriptions will offer pur- the School 1 PTA will be held to- EASTER—"He is Risenl" In these magic words Nadlex, Mrs. Albert Alty, Mrs. chasers a substantial savings on day at 1:30 p.m. in the school au- lies the miracle of the Resurrection—Victory Robert I.andry, Mrs. Aylmer regular prices as well as the same ditorium. Dr. Laurence Kessner of This bank will not be open for business Evans, Miss Carol Herder, iill of sent location for all eight produc< the Plainfield school system wil' of Spiritual Power over material things. The Knhway; 12 grandchildren; a (ions of the season. Subscriptions speak on "Emotional Security". glad tidings of Easter inspire even greater brother, John Herder of Moun- are available for any Wednesday, Good Friday, a legal holiday. Thursday or Sunday of "South Pa- faith and hope to all mankind. tainside; three sisters, Mr?. Leon- iinl Young, Mrs. Frril Duncan of cific" ami "Guys and Dolls," and Stolen Car Recovered Pluinlivld and Mrs. Albert Mattox for Wednesday, Thursday and of Fjunvood. Sunday of the 1ir.it two weeks SCOTCH PLAINS—A car stolen SUBURBAN TRUST COMPANY The funern! sevvirp \v;is held at i-ach ctmii'dy or drama. at Westfleld several hours earlie thi' Thomas V. Hisririns Funeral Fur further information cal' wart recovered by two Scotch WESTFIELD - CRANFORD Hume, Ruhway. Mrs. Merry nt We. 2-00-14. Plains officers, Wnlter Howarth anil John Andruaky, in Plainfield GARWOOD - PLAINFIELD avenue near the township dump FUNERAL DIRECTORS Mrs. Margaret Dili-olio ('levelancl Junior High Schoo' early' Thursday. The vehicle, SCOTCH PLAINS WESTFIELD CRANFORD Mr?. Mm-gui-et IiiTroln, uf Kliz- Elizabeth nnd Miss Theresa Di owned by John Curry of 679 31S E. BROAD ST. iihutli, mother of Frank DiTroliu Trolio, second grade teacher Woodland avenue, Mountainside, ASSETS $40,000,000 1. SPRINGFIELD AVE. uf 1 Kuimywood drive, died Mon- U'uodrinv Wilson School 10, Eliza- was taken from the vicinity of the Phone WE 2-0143 Phone CR 6-0092 day at Eliinbetli General Hospi- beth; a grandchild and three sis- Koonevelt Junior High School, OlDEST BANK IN WESTFIEID tal after an illncns of nix week.'i. ters uad three brothers ill Italy. Wastfiold. Also surviving uro two daugh- The funeral was held from the ORGANIZED 1892. ters, Miss Mary UiTrollo, Latin Frank T. Burns Funeral Homo, FOR BEST RESULTS and Spanish teacher nt Grovor Elizabeth. USE LEADER CLASSIFIED Depoilti Insured Up To $10,000 By FDIC THg WEgTFULP (N.J.) LEADER, THURSDAY, APRIL 7, 1955 Five er Company aks Silence; on Uncertain looking for glorious Easter treats at exciting savings'? CFH'"!." ' Thc' P!fli"field- ,.,-,,, Co. Tuesday bro!.-« .,.' (oncrming demands by ..jluirii-ipul Water Com- liuu the company approve -MMW ?^&\Z&£F !lv.,-s of a proposed three

ibutio" system, layoi Fred P. Andersen of (I 'vhairinun of the Inter- J Wattr Committee, said BV morning comments from tci' company executives ap- liti'iiJietory in tone. host your eyes •oinmUtec, Mayor Andersen ill has doubts concerning COME SEI... There's no need to shop around. Just least your eyes on these puny'.- reaction to the com- AS.1" huys and see how simply you can save on your festive res'uli* or else" campaign, COMI SAVI AT AfrP! favorites! You'll find scores of storewide low prices that will i Andersen soii he received help you serve a fine [east for live least. Come see ... come save by telegram from William at AiP ! cv, I'lainfield-Union prest- ' ng the Inter-Municipal liiiiiMiilililililillli' for it.- "threatening di- Feast your eyes on these Abf buys In

niayoi' said he interpreted Fruits and Vegetables! ear's telegram as an "un- tive" stand by the com-

vpr, the mayor added, Our Lowest Ham Prices in 8 Years Fresh Asparagus )i. Emerson Thomas of 1J, a member of the com- Califirnii cfutivc committee, then EASTER WEEK! Large Stalks d Frank Ii. Wmslow, secie- *27« asuri'r of the water com- Mr %mt Mirktts Hi Self-Servin Stcres SMOKED HAMS ,ad assured him the com- Fresh Broccoli F'omw.it.m^rm. bunch ansner r Thomas told Mayor An- Jelly Egg$ .23c ,43< that Mr. W'inslow expected Ready-to-Cook —Top-Grade, Young Florida Oranges v.i.»eui-n.w«p 5 ^35e poeeving firm to 'tomplete m e b ly by the end of this week Marshmallow Eggs cZ:l Z;./Z2\ lb Grapefruit s»«59 e imaller room, about 25 by UAHI* Whole Dom*t1ic IL fij|o I^Por^*d IL OQfi Beardsley Cod Fish Cakes °»<<» 'pl°;35 !i. will be used for smnll Ham* canned 7to 10Ibi. '•• 7)ol0lbi. '" Fried Scallops j".»i-..t.nd,,rv. 11.990 anil as a recreation room. 6 Fish Sticks c.y» .«,»•. «*|o« fund-raising campaign is GrOUnd BeOf Fr.>My9rmmd Ib39 Fancy Cod Fillet .... "• 35< lo e by Dpnald Mattson and is Breaded Shrimp pl°; 49 we with mail coin cards, 7 C ive been sent to local resi- Fried Scallops *« <• *«•>* pl°; 55 Save With These Easter Week Specials! i completion of the build- ICE CREAM ! Ann Page ' Yellow, Devils Food, Honey Spice Poat plans an extensive Other Jane Parker Values? Dairy Made Borden's I'ogiam. It will consist of 10 Betty Ifoncee, a junior rifle team, Easter Egg Cakes S,T,'." p»""6'°'49e Tomato Soup 6 r 53c Cake Mixes 59c &25c ,189c We J»ents ami sponsorship of C Delicious served with Red Raspberries |a Girl Scout troops* Easter Cup Cakes p*? °>6'"39 Dele's—Sliced All Purpose Detergent IWding committee headed Fruit Stollen *»«'•> "»"•»» ."1,490 ; 1 Ftogerald includes Amos Pineapple2. 27c . 27c Sail 2r 39< 2 95c HERE'S WHY FRESH COFFEE ™» James Seiler, assistant Strawberry Pie <-a«j.«inct.iit« .^1,590 Heart's Delight . Nabisco—Pfsin or Honey f"i and Howard Taylov, 1 e lyickcnbevger, Alfred Mc- Hot Cross Buns TBSi'lSJ 10'»'29 Freshly Ground... Freshly Mode g Steffen, Mr. Matt- Apricot Nectar 4"".43c Graham Crackers REALLY TASTES inn kozlowski, Henry flren- 1 1 Ucorge Weiss. Dairy Center Favorites! More Outstanding Grocery Buys .- LIKE COFFEE! 16 0 1 Well Aged C C Custom Ground A&P Coffee is La Rosa Elbow Macaroni 2 PlgS. Sunshine Butter Cookies . I°C27' " Is Awarded Cheese lbt.jJC premium-quality coffee . . . a/- Sharp Cheddar 8 c wa Si Conduct Medal Brill's Spaghetti Sauce, :, . .* Crispo Card Party Cookies pl°;19 y "t's roasted to pperfection... • «-57« C » G. Haram, 517 Dorian Provolone Italian Cheese id ib. 99 Alu 2 **> recently awarded the River Brand White Rice. . : 12< Reynolds F:;r Wrap «"•««• ^25« Ground for your coffeemaker. '""net clasp for the fourth rt e And it's guaranteed to please lr French Roquefort '^ Junket Rennet Powder . 3 ** 35 For 01 0 01 you,oryou£ef your money back! exemplary behavior, ef- e 4oi.J0 Tato Mix ""^"9 P '* panciim 2 , ' 31' m fidelity in an enlisted Camembert Cheese - e e Mllil t Mtllow 1M' a period of three con- pkg.« Rajah Cocoanut «^ t&27 «•"»'* 15« S Se Bean Fi Gravymaster -F.r».iin,««»(.. 'fg°;-W h.?l " ' * >'»t Class s C $2,31 b e<>•'' ;k*l5» X 49 Nestle's Morsels ^-^ .»«.pi«-tt« Wgoroui 4 Winty e C C Mcft C Fulllodlfd .*• °" f the assignment 1|a uingor Hie WWHROCI— i .dop. *boiti. TreetorPreP m ' i™^»™« C,°;39« A'J FOUtMOi! fOOD «I*IU» . . . ilNCt US» P u I 3 C the Army in 1943, he Large Eggs 53< f^llik Cjtaltt Canada Dryy , Hoffman'i, A large i3w s Liverwurst Spread S».H M.y« 2 i°' 29 ; ' duty in the Far Sunnybrook Brand- Large Whila Rock — plui dap. s of WestHeld Sen- Coca-Cola Plui dapoilt 6 JX 37" Medium Shrimp v.,ioU.br.<,d. c;; 31 c . 59c Plus dBpoiI C 4 6 White Eggs -•-- Hires Root Beer Fritos X'19 Cheetos pl°;25 IHt 0»fAl AUAN1IC t PACIFIC 1IA COMPANY PaasEggOye . X AiP brand 4 Prices effective thru Saturday, April 9th, In X** Grape Juice Our fin«il quality Adams Korn Kurls A !...,.«* -25° Supai Markett and SoK-Scrilcc stores only. Swift's All-Sweet Armour's Underwood's Wesson Oil Mazoia Oil Duryea Corn Starch Karo Syrup lj For cooking and laladi For cooking, (flfadi, biking Margarine Blua labal Corned Beef Deviled Ham «Ucnant In 1/4 prints pkg. "» IZoi.j • Alan R. Washburn .1,99 bottle can m-omotiun to First mt in ">i! AUTC at Ft. f.v. Thi: "i'«- ilivislon which • ''^'f'ni ly bi'oii organized ia Tide Dreft Blue Cheer Ivory Snow Argo Gloss Starch and i| Blu-White Flakes Linit Liquid Starch < l>rimnry function For family wash and dlihai For diihei and fino fabrics New WA.fi Jay iudi For dithat and fire fabrics <" tratf11 0 3 ol. quart 16 or. O"»0 nks. specialists in a,.m. largo OAc 9ltint /9Q largo 9AQ giant 7O( larga * plg>. pig.*" • bolll.l pkgs. •' pkg. *** *U§ • * , plig. **** ili« •" pig. « slu '*

"y of some 187,- Bo B*0,i ,. -, mid 70 yeara 155 ELM STREET WESTFIELD, N.J. Large Free Parking Area Open Thurs. and Fri. till 9 P.M. THE WESTFTBLP (N.J.) LEADER, THTTRSnAV. APRTL 7, 1955 REAL ESTATE-SALE • REAL ISTATI-SAU • ESMI • REAL ESTATE-SALE • • REAL ESTATE-SALE • • REAt E STATf-SALf • • REAL ESTATE-SALE • • REAL ESTATE-SALE •

RANDOLPH-WIEGMAN EDWIN O. EDWARDS JOHNS PEARSALL REYNOLDS & BETZ Realtor CO. HEAITOR ma Kan >nd «t. Pelillttr* & Multiple tl«il"is MembeM HARRY H. MALLETT HraKber Of The SAUNDERS & COMPANY BARRETT* CHAIN. Realtor WtEATH Of FRANKENBACH Multiple JUST USTED We. 2-505© We. S-45M IXC. Realtor* larky l« *« Bf.itTOBS IXSCKORS DUDLEY AVENUE WiLUAMSBURG CHARM 6 ROOM COlONIAl 1 EL. WiHW « S-18«« US tlm St., W«ttfi»W 2-4700 LANDMARK A beautiful diftnifu'd FRANKUN SCHOOL $17,500 %OH JVCOME or private use this tip U*f r*ery lu-optrty is worth your insucctlon. Mfakcra For y,•ir^ thin livuu- r...? bevn M«*4, >h« rkffVf »r I>o\v nM'iiirs are four rouiiiH and |t an oar book*. Be »«re to trU e* ; know!! fur it-- .tfrc t-f uRUsiiaH.v* .-hi.dt trer.-, rh<- —Mffnauttaaice rfiJ>, £U!JJ»J- and tiUd bath; up^tairn there are luvely i^r-d^saped property. A for- NEAR GRANT SCHOOL thrt-e ion in fl nnd bath. (>il-«tea_m KITCHEN FO* SALE! j A DREAM COME TKUE mal g^ rden eurrvunds a ftag!«tcwl«-h lt-tK.- a t'oau:ifi:I (lower g-ird^n: PiaiHK. Iltiec rtwiB. at- xrh mone;, thvaght and fl^ttta! work | ic.r ami ."-ide ^ardt-ns (rirtlir kitfkrW. *^« the vegt-f^t>J(» g-arder. i* ne.ir i!u* uisd lily poiul. Kipli1, »pa- Thr «"•< •«•"• •>' "*'; t rii- '^: 'r '),""''T'Z'"M ''-"'.''^ en thi* kltcbrn that |t'» a beaut?, j rdr»t>at* and tiled bath litjut- "rut»m?.\ tw y and •rim room. »«•» !•«•»'»« '-".lr 'iiaVii^i' 'iiVV v\ '1 with ikonrr. K^al|t|r<-d huge and *iurdy burn-garagt: all 1-nf-half baths, a pan- komr l» brautlfulll J«- JUKI * Mtonr'« thron from tiraat • vnirtl «»* •»»*••»»••»« i.-'n i^ tluit this huM ferfctH>>> »»d it b»» » *»* ^*K tr^e j and Kturrn wanh, Ti.« bi tins, and the .-TiiU-ly rt-.*ifU-ni.e. w i t h tirtfplatf. This* (r'orniira Hirk»« «llh IvlV '••<••• 3 BEDROOM RANCH fs It" front J ard. There art- 4 b«-«- i iu-tit-e «a^ custom built dUlt.. »»hrr. duuB" room* on *br *e*-«ad floor, and •KalMlrra »*v»l .tut »«d r 1 «n«fbfr—« etc* «-w*, too. on the is naturally f-rt-en^d fruns ilie ;ind Jj«- hiid loving cwr« Brand new, unuHuni floor plan, . i.'°" . rMh J braad •«•»» ndjolnliig BEDROOM RANCH tbird flour. Kitn laiatorj on ibt pander n»>l. Tht Juur 3 JM| Isor. Brt-aaar Ibesr uw«fr« street by tail shrubs and a grove tt full basement, attached garage, 1939 THREE LEVEL hrdrwm* «» tfc« - * $19,500 of trfen. The home was built in Jour could !>«• made «•<• built-in bad time to mmpklf tbr w*»rk *#nt« vtllli palnl. paper nice urea., all for only $19,900. We Iba-r bad plaanrd on doing, tbej situated In very NBVN the days t'f gracious living, und and -»»««••! t:*trm room JXM'Ht bevc po< a realUitie price **t »1S.- alcat k*M-ftt(©B In r»a- SAUNDERS A COMPANY o* 3rd; oil »e»n dela<«- like to show these tind the com- wooal. HflBdr to IrtB*- 2 Elm 81. We. 3-OOI1 ril Karaice. I»iere«tlnK ll\ml.'r s hump ha«, in addition t<> LUCKY YOU 2Stt on the fprnprrfj. ImuwUo.-. in .*pitt- of its >izt-, it was designed i In- th !*e f-i-'lrooms, a living room panion Split Level (a whale of a can be arransfd eajlUr* portatloa aad *hoppla»t. ICoraer Norta Avt.l pi^xibiUIieB fur a juu"K- f",r*-pWt-, dining room and Finn U^*l resiilnj for the maximum of comfortable Bn. Pkoaca large (amll>. »11 h rharmlnKT !t*«»»f ro«m im.iler t kitulun with breakfast value at 120,300.) Liberal financing with aftra<*fl%r atene Jot. J. Biirrsli We. 3-1033 ,,11 t-ii nne ttnor. There is a PICTURESQUE CAPE COD flrcBlftce. fall d f B t « p fKTDity life. Tlu- many t-vi.Senses of >T C, Ar.ol* «> lt»lJ i ful hfiM-mtMU recre;itlon because the value la in the prop- roem, nl<-# kitchen and vii'rff-iiecl |)orvh and attached Five of (be room* and one batb quality throughout thi« home are :t: I!v assuming' tlif- present erf y. arreened porrh. Se**»ad ;iige " you need only $i,»O0 •r* on Ib* Brmt four, and another le.H ha« l«fl B««d bed- Irreplaceable, and altogether It is rooai and bath art* *>e tb« nr-rond rftuttu. and tiled bath. FOUR BIDROOM iUNOALOW floor. The *ramsi- In attached, the Third level contain* a remarkable value at tiS.T'OO. rellar la biff, and there la ample lamre fc e d r » » nt and $14,900 overlooking rear yard 1 atarnft*' »!»»«*•. The «tnJ©r ta balf bath. I)o«bl« a|. NEED MORE SPACE? ment; iitiuuhrii gann moa( attractive, and «* thlak that larhed iraraBe, oil heat, HE HAVE a commercial property ny\v, and only |is,7oe the Interior In ju«t •« io*elr< Thr 72' lot, and low taxes. $15,900 •rfre U fiSAttft. It'a within ea»T See It tedav—•:.'-*,-VMl. SEVERAL MORE Soar and t.'« W yell to an investor who follows wa.klnjr (MM* me of the baa, tbr d i» this mod- CHOICE COUNTRY HOMES Thi* housp h;is It. Thprp is ;i ccn- GOLFER'S rberrben, and tbe> nfctrfrpfMg area. EXCELLENT BUYS (,_r hall, liirtrr livinE room with ail the rules in the book: excel- Wb» nut pall for aa at»polat»tf»t OUTSTANDING ftirulaer. fumily (Uniiig room, don, to are itt our c^«d »*"k«M»l tiM.-a- modern kili'lu-h with dl«lin-a»her, lent liquidity factor, minimum The m.,sf delightful tin, t-i,«H(.—AS AMIBXT OAK boau- gulf l In the oool o! , fiftfs Hie cfiiter of the lawn on liau. «^M»d-*i«<-*l HVIMIS- IHUVII.T roum iinrt Hureened porch B J15.7JO—A bungalow in CreMwood room nith rfininK room nn ihi- tir.-t flonr. Four liedroome, rink, multiple use, plus tripling: eyrnlnif. Playing a ln h nlat la th+ beart of tlittf nearly new Brick Front pnd modern kitchen. dinner may improve f0 5 IEDROOMS, 3 IATHS Vl'rehmood available be- Hanvh Homo, lrl*e, fer, Ponr bedroom* and large txpansion space. village and It.II. depot, good com- out of jour homi, pi,, ,5 there arr- freea, there are 4 rootua two tiled batba on arc- muting service. Modern kitchen vert nico Kiinwoofl location close Call and march on the Hr*t floor (ball, to M-hoola, stores and tnmsportu- and tlicn tud up fjgM ^_ «nd t*oT- Ftnt *o«r li- ttiln dining area, living room llx tion. own floor? You i-ouldK,,,! Itvlaa; room, hi* dlalnir rwiM, ••• brary and poHdrr ro«ai. |IS,?SQ — Subttantial ihrce bEd- 1 *f with raiterf iireplace, 3 good room, open morrh, white filed in this four bedroom. Ill H«-.tHirHl m*4+rn klteh- f ise bed rooms, liltd bath; new homo with recreation rest I fc.trt.ru with breakfast nook aad en, alao arree-aed •oreb. rooiTi home near Frank!in .School knotty pine playroom juft been porch and lu-i mmtrfi, a«d «ysn« and on a deep lot. Modern kitchen with garage. Hot wuter . Immediate HARRY H. MALLETT iimr, Voa'll (Ike tbe reereall»a mtmt. Call aa tod«T — dishwasher, oil heat. \tlll moOB bp ablr to iir L. Wlr»m«n - ll<-». We. 2-SS.Vt Maltlpla Mails* Mntkcr rewaa Mtfh ita bar, S ear .rartfjre. ttho- thf» comfortable Dnrolkr I,. Eaitiam •' V»>. S-1ST1-N 233 Nortk Alt, But ALAN JOHNSTON, I • |O,IMM> — HKMOOKIKIl 1.*rO IK AH oldrr home locittrd eott- Claire B. Barker . H*». We. 3-2S44-M . Z-ftNK ' We. 2-4M4 $21,500—Four bedroom center hall vrnlrntlf n*sr FrankH«. Elm gtmt Watvll oi.u roi.OMM. rAii>i(M HI; — nnd Jnn.nr lllfch. ffAKSAU S ff-rtile acres — tsplendld com- Klin Bvculacai WratfcM t-IH $22,000 home w«lt located in the tiardens. Thr rt arr four brdrouuiK munity, **ffti«>n nice homes. The linlh on the ;'inl MultlDle Ltatlag Itaal kitVhen-rtining area 1M a picture HtANKENtACH 3^et ue show you how a few thou- t pluM Hirr* ntltrr I* • loratfoa that !• always »«»- . . old beam* exposed, huge oonia nnd bath on alar. Wear Jfealer Hl«b. Hell balll J>utch oven fireplace, wood pan- sand dollars j-pent on modernisa- the .1r«l nour. Mvlmc PETER A. DUGHI, Realtor •14*r k>Mf, frante aad brick, nilb 119 ELM ITHEET - WCtrticlfl S-47M elling, built-in cupboards. Most n, Htudy. dinlnit room e*a>e «r tbe arettleitt little break- intuit-m tonvtnitrices and picture 214 K>«< Brand Street DANKER I DANK! fmmt IMMI we're wee*. iYe*. there Meai.be tion wUl buy you a bargain! and kltrhen arr on (t*t window; 24 foot living room with floo . OH bent. Onr-half K «• it 1 to U a real dlMtac rMv, teo f«r the Aaterleaa I 2 firepliu-'ts, powder room. 2nd 1l«or ( t*rtl\t Innd with MS Klm i btMlroomn with wide door board*, n<*rr CENTER HAIL COlONIAl a^are without belnjr a blar ho«ae, mum Inrgt trrm. We. fully tHeil bath, fchuwer. in utidi- b*tn at M Erriwaa F. rV»r»»ll . . ilon" to this u 3-ruom bath apart- MVVKMKST TO JVMOII IllCill CHARLES C. BAAKE Chaa, H. Prank««ba«b, Jr. EDWIN O. EDWARDS menf bringing splendid return. WE.WM AMI PHAXKMX SfllOOI. OS UYNOLOS tUXZ Bc«(TCr«M« ltz Elm St. Full basement, steam oil h«at, OXB OK «KSTI-IK1.I>'S PIKBjfT Realtor Basel 8. trtwe WE. S-W44 copper plumbing; * barns, garage. •JRALTOUK Realtfvncc Ptnut I^f\cly old trer*. A splendid home Mill.i; IS. LAIICl". MVINCi ROOM JUST USTEO mmmrr r. •«r«»kto «c«. 'rkaar WlaKrca Banaraa . . . «>. I-M7» and investment. DUTCH MAID CLEANLINESS WITH Kin K pi. A cu, nixivr. A modern (l!i.i£) «|itit teni LvalM H. Baker . . We. S-S«I-W HOOM. K1TCHK\ AStt Hl'.VHOOM "We have chosen as our HOLSE honm, located in a line ted. B*A«^ ** . •• * ** aaaihk *ak^ahaa,aB> Isaael H. Marlalr . . Wf, Z-.13O3-J 45,0O05.1 ACIti: IAHM AM) IIO«K $18,400 Fan wood. It has n ttrsfflw (•^•ffVr^l .WaVBVjB , • VKW« ^amV — ., ON F1IIST KI.OOII. 'rilKHK Ani3 OF THK WEEK thin ^ bedroom ISIaU H. Ckafla .... W«. 5-3.175-W THAT HAS* Jl'MT KVKUVTHIXC— KOIR IllIDIIOOMS AM) TWO Center Hall, situated in » charm- Hinting of Iwrge living runs •arW/.GalUca. . Kcm. >k«M 3-1TM J Heather ....»«. 2-TMV-M lOarly American fiirmhoUHt* under 11ATHS O\ SH'II.VD I'l.OOH A M> ing hillside location in Mountain- log burning fireplace, dini« -SOT PAR from the Me T. CaaleM .... We.3-O3M largf uii h« wt*ll back from road, •***p!e and Mitnit," "»Utp- with h\iSlt-ln china laWnR ••ItlaJ* Uatf»c Hytttm Kinlcy and Paroihlal schools, on TWO nullllttOMK AM) H.VTII Kld«. TUt-re IK a pretty view from a *p! f*nd id pond, brook, distant nhni-e," "Hruti fin a PI.IS I.AIIGK STOHA<;K AlllvA th« windows of tile HIIHCIOUH but a fffiod'Pited kitchen nith fi Wnttel»>r»i»iii< iratoh rtataa a large pl«f is an o\fler * bedroom view, only 2\i miles from he»n of >vhlittle" — all nppl$' t» area. Thorp are three lit house with an extra bedroom 3rd O\ THK 11111(11 KI.DOII. TIIIIKI! cozy living room, with lt« wood SiMiifrville, tunvenient to Highway thl» trim M?V?II ru«>m CAB trr.uiiKU CAHACK. VBIIV bedrooms and tiled bath . floor, lavatory 1st floor, oil heat, hit itt r In nur <»f our very burning tlreylu.ee* the dining room 2'2; 4'» HCTCM tillable land, halauee ' > I C K I. V I. A N l> « C A I' K. I) will accomiiKulate a larpo family next level and a la rets H'iin 2-car gat&Re. wonrlland. iUvellliiK has utlrHctive nt<*(> NChnol nnd residen- finished Ijedrooni with "ro. tial nrrnit. llr«u*lf«H> (illlll MIN. TUB OWXKII HAS gathering, and the adjoining kit- cntnince hall with flreplan*, larfcc* HRKX THAXNKKHHKIl OI'T OV chen tuukcti the iireparations for tn iiath" on the lop itvri, A *l»,ri.K>.Crf> —l.KAVK YOIR CAR In M. A. MERCNER \\\U\« nw)in with tirppiace. dining llnUhfd (hrnml nrwt tory 10l». Will not lawt bnig Ij deroralrd brdrooniM AIHO ju.^t listed in the Hot)- room wifii fireplace and bay win- nnd tiled hath on '2nd. WE. Z-4020 WE. 2-0107 flred heating system costs U'«s Hy Sehuol secUon ot Y.'wii dow. Nice dining' room, large kit- Jtitolien, T.V. room and ojjtjn port-h •—phone for ttppointment lo «ee than $H0 u year to operate. There at once. Oil hwitj rtettM'heil *n- an older type homo w chen, non'der room, screened _._. __ C:K PRO.VT colonial, (wt-reeni-d). Three bedrooms and • n the c Is ii liirge Bert'en ed por**h with porch. Three bedrooms, 2 baths, bath. DecoratinK has been done rnKr, ne»vlj" pnlntrd ex- awnings overlooking the rusti age. There are four ready for wall paper. Besides the »nd the houne is in excellent con terior. lavatory and utility I-car attached storage. Any gard- living- room, dining' and kitchen AMBREW HAVE ' Peter A. Duskl We. 2-21WS grounds, which will make an idea ener u-ould aDpreciiite having all ditlon. 2-car garage. flrat Hour; four bedroonur ar j th^re are 2 hedroomM and bath la( Miner »• Benaon PI. fl-SIMl spot for the coming Witrm days on the cecond flo° " th* work done on fhe groiinoa. floor, * bedrooms and bath 2nd YOUR COUNTRY REALTOR and evenings. The 2-cac jflragc IK V>eiirooiii on the Vn»a Ju^t take an eaay chair, »U and Ktny Grors« H4. A Mountain Aw. attached to the houst>: The taxes enjoy It. floor, open porch, oil heat, attach- M. A. MERCNER liejit, two-car deuclr ed earagr. Ml. Brlhel Trl. MIUIn«c. Re«l KMinte slid Inaaranee of home«Ite. It will be a pleuHur 2 Dadley Court Wen (Held 2-414Q to give you more details or to softener are iucliioea. »--II,iM»O.0O—IN A CIIOUCK T.OCATIO.V Member Multiple Mxtlnff Syatem Multiple Llatinic 8r«tem Kenber you will find one of those really FOR BEST RESULTS MULTIPLE LISTING MEMBEHI wrrunKc an appointment to inspec M. A. MERCNEft , K. .HarLellan....We«lfleld a-T-IS the property. Price !2?,ii00. WILSON SCHOOL Rrallnr —. Inauranr* livable hoineK for that larger fam- . M. Hill Wealfleld 2-73«i ily. There are 4 bedrooms and two USE LEADER CLASSIFIED 43 Elm St. Wetlfield 2-1800 Section of Wcmtlcia w* SIS na*l,I Cvuri HndlrM 2~4t4« baths 2nd floor, bedroom anrt h;it*h P. CAMILIO ft SON riiniblint' one-floor sevtBfM MePibvr MwltlRlr «,la1lnK Sf'itrni 3rd floor, TV room, screened porch, bath liuino. There '*a'ffl3 If. K. Marl.rllan «>«fnrlH 2.7X3.1 oil heat,, 2-car garage. R*»ldrnp» T^I»plioBe Knmltrri REAL ESTATE — IlVStmANCH l>. M. Mill H>»t«rPd :-T,1'. J. WcnKH — lliiinn EDWARD A. CAM1UO rhimr »>. i-T.1SO—r5.".l ' Valtlalc 1-UIIBB Mraibrr. If ample LUIIBC MeMker RBALTOB — IN9VROR Opp. CO-OP >lkt. Ample Parkin* OH Ice Evenlnm DANKER t DANA Itl Central Xv«. Jesst« P. Browi LEADER CLASSIFIED ADS 240 North Av«nu« (opp. R.R. Station) * • l'.vrnlns" Wa.I-SIa* wt.unu Oljcn r.-. XVIBO-M Craee <:. Ilni-ll MuliUl — Caawerelal BRING RESULTS Lnulxe M. llmikr .... Wf. 2-1533 llama Muller «-7-tt Mrnihrrn Multiple Lla(lns Sy.ltra Iriim nock $\7,900 C. B. SMITH, JR., REALTOR OIK OIIH K U1I.1, UK CLO.HIJIJ i;A.STICK Sl'NUAV FANWOOD • fl M tmdfon convenient fof (he huiioAiii %vnft drlvtM lo SCOTCH W* work, wr liavr- n mont coin ill etc yrt coin ita et Cnpe Cod* SUPERIOR PRE-WAR CONSTRUCTION WALTER KOSTER'S llere'n n Itmt of all It* "hlK-hoime" fraturmt I.lvltiK room 815 OAK AVENUE [ Vtlth Hreplai*Cf t'ruter hall, ill IT dliilnjc room, tiled kltctirHi t vantUv-a hrcakiniit room, ptnvder room, A bn*rment Kaiii*1 ONE OF OUR PRETTIEST STREETS $I8,-|(M>— nrlck nnd frame colon Inl, SELECTED OUTSTANDING VALUES room «Hh flrcplnce. •'! rnxy l>rilroO imd ituii'l la»t. tfon, this pleturesriue Colonial haw eye ;tpi»t;vl phis! (itutiiR j'ooni, pnodern UHchon, »t- IN HOMES Ouftom-bunt* in 1941 for the present owner, and has tracHvo si'afreuse lufids to tarfic been metlGUloualy tarcd-for. Three budrooms, vtAnrvd tile mjiyter hot] room, two otIIPP hod- room, two other btdrownm and bath; well proportiont'tl living room with tirephie'e, at- with Kanwod CHARM tractive dining room, modern kitchen opening onto de- tiled buth, attnehed K»irace, SCOTCH PI.A.NS—Paprrx all set for quallRf-d vefrr.n, with lightful porch. Claw a.ir conditioned lu-at; double built-in Kcreened porch, combination %vjn- only 10% do»vn, irfao van huy thU older typr home with 3 A Henry Wtif komr In aj\v«>» one which we are proud to enrage. Tremendously appealing and priced below repro- tlows, inquisition. Excellent condi- brdronniH, ln>*ft*p dining: room, nun port-h and flrrplacri bounc •how. Thin Cnpe Cod, huftt In Iff (7 nun ttint rlunlvr duction at $24,500. tion, near Wilson School. Week- JUST blSTI'.n! h«« stvttiu oil heat and ft two-c«r enrare. rye-apnral hoth outntde nnil tnKlilfs nml IN very i-ntive- end sale predicted at this price. nlrntly lovatril for n commuter or ft htiiiMfivlfr who ttkc« WRMTFUSLD—Htortj to K» U ihln r. hHroom home- lo vrt. tu tvnlk to town. Tlirre nrc - llrnt floor brdrooniN nnd n rrftn, alt pfipfr %vork romptrted. L'nll UR Immediately to hath. A Inn a InrK? brdrtunn »n«l hnth t»i the uprnnd floor. PRICE REDUCED FOR IMMEDIATE SALE HAROLD E. YOUNG CO. qualify you for thin eit'rptlonall) Kuud ha). The lot IK 250 tti't drrp. Ilrtlcr arc It naon^-f—l,r»00. 17 K. hrond St. W*. U-1105 li^l.'lenthKlroll^'S Welell planned, nearly new runch Wine of excellent con- Home phunet We. «15rMM—.SCOTCH I'l.MVS—nmnd nrw t*pl.t level In prrfrrt location struction. Three first floor bedrooms and iutth, another on 2nd! Oil »<«»;„;."» on north *ldr of ton n, rt^nllable for fmmedinte ocropuncyj bedroom and hath with spjtt-e for a tlftli lied room u|t*t:i.rs. 3-AP.\IlTMEVr house, WeHtflcld, for lot In ®" x 1fM>t ttKM 3 bedroomMi vomptvtcd rv-rreuitun r»um, WYCHWOO0 COLONIAL Sp.irlou.s living room with tirepiiu-t-, UininK ruum with **(ili». Two small apartments occu- flnlnbrd icartiK«% built-in corner caljinet. Full l»a."enii-iit: two-car attachf-rl pied on Jl-year .euees. Income J12J $28,800 KaraK« and ,»;ived drive. Quality built in U(,13, Larwo lot. monthly. Tenants pay git** anil #17..%00—WKKTKlK1.lt—Horn* wnlj- 2 »flM old, hn« a brdrouinn and eU'ctric. Hot witter, oil heat, r.- lllKllK.'t.'cUHSUlt hath up «lth - bedroom* and bath down. A rrnl rvrnt. In n hnmr of thin rhnrnctrr In Wy-chlvond room ti!>artmcnt nvallnblo to pur- under WO.OOOi Wrll plni'ril * >vnndrr(u) ii4.|Rhbnri«. \irl n lurffp hniiNC but C. B. SMITH, JR., REALTOR Kuue tranHf arable. J9.T monthly 41 it In ff room mid kitchen, fann oil Ktenm hent. dFllRhtrullr planned for cumCurtnble living* Tn\rn under I'fJvcrH principal, intcrewt anil tux- es, 2nd mtrrtf?ai?o ojition, $17,1*00. *im,300—MO!:\TAtVKlI»li—Two hrilrnoni i>o«>- rntxrh nrotlfd on n hill 934)0. niCIIAHD P. UDGATFC 158 Sooth Ave,. %sj WE. 2-tOR3 Vail Mr.-, noitfrlnio, Plalnflold -1- KaK y lloolhl-lll . '•''•••; f whh hot tvntrr henti flreplncr In the I|Uit£ room *nu one tn ETHEL M. TOWMCIl Wi:. 2-373* til'Stfi, !»:00 ta 12:00 or 3:00 to ti'.GO. ihr hBHenient, proprrlr bun tall oak trern ftnd H wlndlnv nlnKHt Jnnot Henrk-k, WIv. 2-<(:l-t5-W Itnjmond Clarhf MAI). 0 brook. IN THK IIMAltT OF AVTCHIVOOD. 111 Central Ave. We. 2.1100 I>ol! lioliNe. r, ruimiH nlnl colored *-1,500—t".\MrVOOI>—A prrfr-et btiy In fl nice ftobtirbnn xerlfon onlr tlic bit tli, carpeted wall to wall. JO minute «nlk to Ihr Mtatlttnt hnmr htm 3 bedrooniN. Inrice S*>Tt'ent'd back portTli. Attached pa- dlitlnfr room and n nice- firrwide, DUhwRMlier, water KUftener, NO SUPERLATIVES TALCOTT FARMS raee. l'V;ni'ed In >*ard, beautifully elet-trlc rnnse and rluttien wniihrr Included In prii'e, landKculx'd. 70xlriTi. J21,riU0. Call Jan! a NubntttTiilnlly Imllt, ^rll lurutvtt. Vn\\e Vnd ilnnK- NVe. i-l20S. Vii,r**V~MOVNT.\1>SI1>B—V\\r Inrpe room* mnkr thU ranrh home it almv, 'I'hlN l«i> >rnr filil -f-rtintii hunif IN In MpotlPMH • 8B8 WILLOW GROVE ROAD y&Tilful j nroMtl buy f4.r n nttinll f«mtlj. ltrrenrwor l« eiifltmed, with fdndlllun thrauRhout. ('tmibinnilun nern-im niirf Hittrm att'ieheil enrnire. Jlomr hiiH a full hn*t<>niftit Ideal for work- garden. f-«'l mnmh, ntlnrhrd ftttriiKe ">'d full}- floorrd rxunnnlun nttlc. WIIE E LEADER WANT ADS PAY •hop or play nrra. City ne»rra JONI Initallril. I'rlird at, CA"K!( « AUUKBSS 922,730— WOl\NTAI\SinK—T«»*-enr KarnKe. .'t hertroom*, thtrmnpnnp >s\ndo>vit ond many niher eitrn* tmluded In prlre nlll iclve $13,800.00 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION you a flfir ranch onlr * >«-nr» n|d. Mir clo«c to Slountalniildf renter yet In rountrj-like Aurrfiundlneii. 4 DIETZ-JOHNSON AGENCY ITLI. s TII.I; n.\Tii"i M(H N rAlNSlOC—A rolonlnl hamr ready for Immrdlntr «'«TII- CHILD IN SCHOOL? riST Al'TOlIATici HBAT pnm-y ullh hot wnter heut, .1 bedroom* and a 2-car pnriiK<-. REALTORS off New l»r«vtUenre Hil. humt of brick nnd frame conatrac- r Convrnirnt to town, puhllf »nd Cnthollt. nchnnlJi. ImmRr- $25,800.00 \ ulnle older home «lth three l>eilrni>n» nnd folirlh on third 30 Prospect Street IIOlTVr.MNXIIII-.—Mvr In n flnr rnmmanllr BmonK romcrnlnl floor, lr needed. Npnrlnuft modern kitchen «llh |tlenty OPBJS IIOUKK l P.M. | y-m, I1AIIK II.V11.Y iiplKrIilMtrM In fliln :i lii>ilr4Miiii rnni-ln 4.%\ttrrn alrrndy luvntrd af enllnK ruom. Clenn oil Mle'iuu hrnl. N'nfurtil tvood henmed lellliiK In IIVIIIK room nnd illnlnn >»i>m. A good bu>- nl. vmiT AMJ SI:K cm'vriiv I.IVI\<; AT IIH IIK.XT »nl ut «tnlr. Drive b>- 14111 1'orie Urlve. CAPE COD »S0,«IO—MOI >T.\IVSII)IC— llrmid nr.v riinihl hn» a bedroomii. S bath* $14,800.00 Odd n !^vnr Bitrnsr. l.nl nliuuhl */j acrr, AVithhi walking dlHtanro of FRANKLIN F. WAGNER •3SASB—MnlNTAI\Nllir_.llni- bedroom m.d nn(h ilon M, 3 lirdroomn ui-hoolN, town, nnd wtutlon. nntl li«(h up, <>|>ru puri-h, Iriml lo blifk llvlnjr ruum and 3-tnr g.nra«f. STAIR WEARY? 436 SOUTH AVE. ''"'' '*" WE. 2-8400 Wlmre 1» AVcstllcld can yoxi Hurt II LOUIIKC with llvo llrot ani.IMIO—llorN'IAlvsnil-.—Ml brlik r-ri.mn rn.n-li huini- hlub up on n Spp tlilM Fnntl'oud MpKI level with llreplnre, loented In iiioiintnlii iildr. Oiilj- >our lii»|ict-clon «m ninUe Ilic aut'li a dmlrtlble nrlKhhorliood. 'I'hrer bedroom*, one nml one-half Mofir roonifi uurt hnUi, un- line hnmr. ImthM, nttiiehed Bitrnfti-. Addlllruuil iiroperfv nt irry Io«v c-ottt. Jiint llntrd »l, EASTER SPECIAL "Miir lu-tirooui. hitth nn t*v»'- •37,800—rorn nniinooMH. l«o bntb. and utllllr room nil on one mlil Itunr? K you nti-il BUM ft(M*T tn \«ry ftnr Hri-tlim uf Imtii. $21,500.00 PRICE REDUCED "nuth'T iH;ih*Dt>ni, vliore l» OI'PIt'11 OPIJ>- Sf.VDATS • for ii "UIIIHII It ynur- "•»""-5& l PETERSON-RINGLE-NEWMAN, INC. flf" prnKr.-un. AtnoiiK nlhtT ,.,.11.'»1[>•>• . ,,„ lot- *P WALTER KOSCER feature.*,, II liiiH u Itre- PEMBROOK ROAD AND ROUTE 22 350 Park Avenue Scotch Plains Fa. 2-5800 <•. |i',r,h. Kiii'nwc, arnl I'mfrxMltHinl llnllilltitc . »s:i,.-nm. ' Mountainside Westfield 2-5800 All Evgs., We. 2-4240 - Fa. 2-7284 - Fa. 2-1822 - DIETZ-JOHNSON AGENCY Evenings We. 2-1109, We. 2-3589-W, We. 2-B400, We. 2-7742 - We. 2-6068 E. F. WILLIS, Broker Multiple WMIBB «*•"""'• *•! Fa, 2-6641, Cr, 6-99B7 or PI. 6.956S MemUtr Wtufldd lluara ot nenllor* 104 North Ave, WE. 2-5150 i,niiiHie n. JOHNSON, we. s-oona UOIlIg I), riSCKlilU Ok*«t. B-M

REAL ESTATE-SALE • • REAL ESTATE WNTD. • I • FOk SALE FOR SALE HELP WANTED - County Medical HKMfitfarriAi. 1,<»T, iimxir.u irnm- FEMALE (iron(i Comments j inuiii. Wrilr- i:<>\ :;4ti, *;tte \SVs! - IPKSCF.B C-ORSKTIERB, lndlviu- LEE K. WARING | fi'-lU ],.-ml*T. -J-T-IM ually \lp^lpnt'U fuvportp. Over 20 years esyertetiee. Plainfteia 6- OIJ Polio Vaci'iue I LOTS U'ANTKI) - -Quid* f;uiii!y u'l-h- yw; aM; tM; f HI US. MKI. HAMM "jiie jiKiU'fe: imflVl tuji and On April 3 2, !>r. Thom«s Fran- WYCHWOOD COLONIAL MS »• (,Vrain- 1 ;! atld i-T-ir W'U A\t,, Chathamaha, , cis Jr. of the University of Michi- ' ii luve Hi'' '"" '-.*''' Opt-n S;<*0 tt^ r( Mondad y SECKUTAItl wit It i'.inking • WANTED TO RENT • *«B.1\O1L now for Children's F.aii- gh Saturday, Ssl't g-an will muke public hU evatua- ti-r in,itrai!.^ lak.-n In the liulitp yr I .14C. Liuli of the poiiu vaccitie tested in ' '•"-, fTi.-oi HilollU'f hull. ^ludiu Cull J nit- Witte, jit .liirvis. ' '• ','„.. ',,,.,u, uilii »iiieui,il lll-'.PIM.-.I) young lii'ly « iHh... room BOOK 44 *tut**s la^t yt'Sv. If the report uilh kil.-lii-n p»i\iU- W,-. ;-D«,;. 4 - T -11 uur fytn V '" n,l.,rt.il>le din!"* ••••viii. K.^ or L'-rooMi Jiil, to tio g.-in ;. tyti- r :ili;,.-i HI uilti nii-i- winily Write ily fu success. Cull . is favorable, and the material re- '•" ' •,'.,, i,,.i, l'i-MikfaBi n.-io. WASHKBS—UBea and retmut. Qoar- I ejjvesentBtlvt'S tor informal lull. mtf. ami sume lio.v ":!*!. r;irr Wesin ld L r " ",i 'i,,,ivh Lit floor uowil.-r anteed. |2. . and up. Wiu-BiiM Alilfeld, We. 2-tiS)l. or k Duiv. leased for use, a largo public re- ••"V,1- ,,',.,. ,«in Led NlJieU bc.l- SNOMDKV APPLIAMES .Margaret Kitclile, We. 2-031T,. mtfUS \V:Ht' sponse is anticipated, the Union 1 Kvuth Ave,, J-M ', .\ u , '•!"' ' il t-i * o.'tVis lone <•<>! I'l.l-'. vvmilil lil,e furiiis,ied~or 4S1 Norlh Ait, Went, W mtfield tilW-kl. County Medical Soctuty reported mil urriivht-a uf^i'tineM, t'ul! We Went. i-lHl« ."'•i-'.'l-riiic cl.iKC.t r-yiue. U«M- t.lKl, in yni 2-:.::nii.w nn,.,, .-,: ::n P.M. s-31-21 today. '' .. ,,..,ii..o room »itli llrt- Pennine: wtn ], ' ,,.,.. lieiil. KiiriiBi-. laiul- on Cle "The public is generally alerted IHlI'llI'II K MATERNITY FASHIONS ',.j 1"! T-'^l'-''. t-I.-'-ul'. t-IHK)M 1II--.\I[. I'upi.H-.^. Lillet i.sNurtnu'iM t'ii Hi i 1 v We, J - Ii''Su- I) It K-"iSIlS—1 I \ (i KM 1K to {he fact that the first two grades tr-r ^ :'(!* [' Al Of roH(-w l.ihics. Fruit Irpt-s, ortus- nH^ntil triM-.s. Privet ln-tltrc, Ouiuu in school will be first tu receive LIVE A LOT rint »-iii|iin>:is nn In Hi 1 . , ,t.(lh- liw- a lot in this •>i;< HIOI Mill lrrr-iil insi it lit ion del CI-IK. VV.-ll i-,,tt,.[i ,-„«• mum.!'.-, lxir. the vaccine if releaseo . There will 1 Mi.-untailt Ale, Si-utcl. I'luili^. venni-y f»r Viist Kn. 1 '.' •' i ;,' h«>tm- huuteil ll'-vl VOO fciioN 3-1 mom uiiai'lMiui.t' complete tlic lai ,i.t si-lectlon in this ;t-24-i t K i-tinctTii, ShurUumd lu'l be ii reasonabU amount of vaccine '! ; ,i,,«-nli.u-n. Th<- living liuusel-eelmifc fin-llilieH, eon venk'lil area. l'*e your Hundl-Oharge oKHvnUnl. S:ilury in lit.* 1o t-.wti. Telephone Wp, 2-U13G or with abil- .",. V,,-(je nilli flrepl'ue mid VKUDI^iti [fwwn SUiuoer sutin with ity. U('])\y IJi»x :i'*> u«-!l l>U«mieil ^tU tl. Brt>Bd St.. W#»tfl*.(l M' of tiir cc -,uU\Us cians." M,,- tiled oath, oil heiu. children wain si or "-room unfur- veil. »C,IL Size 11. Call We. 2-2S81. iPtt for ta u clry :t rui t The Union County Medical So. ,.. niciily of Mum^e sluice. nished liou^e on June 1. Must be days* a w ek. Write , „,,,„! iivo-cur Karaite. Nice in n firood neighborhood. <'n\\ We re<1 .Hid tf ciety in conjunction with the Medi- •|,,5 f.ises. A eooU buy at 2-T7S.T. MMII 111: outbfiard motor. 14 HP, 13-FOOT boat. Mercury 7 vxc-ella-nt eullilllion. We. 2-0061. cal Society of New Jersey "realizus The &!>ove is a teenc lyrical of last year's Easter egg hunt at powt-v outboard niofar, WII.I. P*V HIM or more for wetl- at G4Q Highland Ave., W WANTED—Otll ii.s^-iMlunt Tor d.-i.t the magnitude of the public health Mindowasktn Park, sponsored by the Lions Club. Children and ftifuished Wt-sttleld three-room HPKCIAI. OKFER— 42-imrll t'VinTifti. H, but typin PRETTY COLONIAL niiurlinelit. Hut own llni>n«, OIKII- 4-l)Uiner RHS ranee with Robert problem involved and wishes to re- Adults mill about announcer's, booih. ThU year's event will be held K- \\\o vt-;*rs old. Attractive liv- l*haw thermostat. Xew tmrners In- e.i, etc. May 1st occupaticy Call 4\Tl(iI Ki— Two rlofkP, (mo gmrni- assure .the general public that the Saturday. (Set story on page one.) , ,r' with llrelilace. dining: "WeatlieW 2-«S(i(i. esteiitiion 2d. wtBllefi ls*.«t year, liim.acyiate ,;ijn- „, nioflern Kitchen. 1st floor fath.-r i-lutk: huhy oruOlf; inuriy _UHIim. Cull We. 2-S2"0-W. _ .'utility Medical Society encotir* 1,1V Tlitee e.\L'ell,'Ot betl- t=iuaU Utsnui; lu>vmehi>id Turn Slur.-, ge* its members to do these in- 'm- 'iil'-il l-atli, ea.s heat, ut- fall We. 2-49IU. K-XI-lit nt'** It-quirPil. <*nll In li :OXTK.\TS of a home. 2.'.8 Scoti'li it-M Itfstuurunt, 14 I^Im i'..,i n iniiu-. Malty extrtlH i»- • ROOM WANTED • Pluilli* Ave. ectiuns for their usual rates." <.nui}ll' TS, u.ieful uml orna- MIMROiaiAPII nuirblue nnd toy EJVPi:BTS'ISHED aparnnpnt wanted meiital. J-'lowei- miitnlnerf* in iruo- .pr<'fpfr«*d. ^tftt»> nut*, milai-y nn Invention by trustworthy tangle woman. movie projector with some Him Tor qiiiillRi'iilioiiH. M'tito Hois ?.4',\ ra Klfme, milk glasH,'vU\; gold ulcture i-hllilr.'ii: t't-i.l for outilour <-ainu- 'Last Words' Sung LEE K. WARING Refprencen Rvailablp, Write Box fruioe«, old briifoi bin! cage, niatty ^V^•^t1)p^l louder. 226, care Westfleld Leader. iiiK. 7x7, $(i each Hum. full We. 2- Support Bagger John Weikart, 714 Woodland Brimtl *'• M'nti'M 2-T4S3 4:;JS\Y By Ilelhel Choir tlullJlile Matins »'«b» 3-17-4t "*"Tn» Sploolin HheH avenue, has invented n method for 1IU MwiiHtnIn Atf. HELP WANTED »OI»— NViir Sleepy Hol- "The Seven l^ast Words of Following the recent endorse- manufacturing high octane avia- 't living roiKit, nreplace, FOR SALE WAI.M'I' dining room »et, le-hle, Ii ion gaHoiine components, far 1 MALE hiist" by Theodore DuBols was niimi, rlfti. kitchen. V\t- ' ^liiire, chhin closet and server, LADY'S ilrt>t*ie)t, 3 suits, tilze, IS -^, ment by Mayor II. Emerson which he has been granted a bcdniojii.s, 111* bath, attic all We, 2-3241-11. f> ft. ttiH: fuv cape, recently ynir- sung by the 100-voiee choir of Thomas, the members of West- t**tlif yju'd. patio, 2-cur United States patent. Mr. Weikart BEFORE YOU BUY chu^ed; costume jfwolry. Wry MJt'lllMST nllil.lnillntl'lia Bethel Baptist Church Tuesday fiold's Town Council today placed TWO ninth (rrade Krnninitioii rtres- reunutiultle. We. 2-4r.iKSr\V. dcilerfeiu-ed, permuoent J»o«lt lon. a member of the staff of the InTOtlKalr Ike |ii.a>ll.lllllri of hes, red fining com, green fliilmr- (live linckKt'ouiid, I'.O. llox 68, night in the sanctuary of the Pret- •h(!ir individual endorsements be- fllne sliickn, ralncont, llnvy t-viH. FRESHEST EGGS IN TOWN tlarwood, K. .1. 4t bylevian Church. The choir was di- hind the State Assembly candidacy Process Research Division of tho UNPAINTED FURNITURE All about'size 12. We. 2-6II3H. !sso Research and Engineering INSURANCE for economy, beauty, versatility. IitouKtit in from my PtitfH own to clean up our rected by the Key. Kobeit L. of former Councilman Donald H. We have the most complete line coat, suit, sklrtH, hlouses fiinn, l.litpy'M Htttttan*rr, Our. i.. „ f, days a weekk . 3:0300 l1\M* . to Smith, pastor. Co., Linden, of any store in New Jersey. and dre»ses for 10 year old irirl. Boutli and West tie] d Avea. 11:.1O P.M. Steady work, good Bagger. The statement ol tli« HAROLD E. YOUNO CO. Hoy'u topcoat fl:l I \ Atlaa, no tip, folding oar. mLvblrtycre, SO^TTsS or offer, Call M. J. 2' ford, Conn., waa guent organlit Satfjrei' a* Republican candidate School Expansion rlaKe, like now, cost $70—for $2f>; Wn. 2-2S48-M. LOTS FOR SALE • EXTRA LOW PRICE crib, J5; piny pen with plastic mil ^WlAfTSMAN and the Rev. John Meadu, Newfor Assemblyman from Union BUYER'S ICE CREAM and pud, SK; bouncing chair, t2; Srt LOIJAPSIHlll eurrHiHe.PXcfl- Kationnl iriQiiufHctiircr of York, narrator. County. KU fellow »9aoci»tea dui- Wychwood section. bathliiel'te, $0. Everything- In SfO'l lent condlt'lon, %ZC<; Taylor Tot, |2; The Rev. Dr. Frederick K, CltvH- ing his tenure as a councilman feel MOUNTAIN S1DK — Approval *tu H Oallon •!.<>.-. condition. l2r,G Unoltwood Hu.T tako-dort'n pfng-iionif table, f 12. llUau flk \ \o joare s been received from the State i tfntptlnR cotnhlnatlonfl JIountainslclB. We. 2-4716-M. Call We, 8-S930-W. (>xi»eilt'iiyn sheet nmial mid struc- Uan, minister of the Presbyterian that hi* background, training and IS luscious ftolld flavors tural Ht(*p|. nood M&rUng salary Church, welcomed tho gueatn. experience made him a very valu- Department of Education and the SHORE FOR SALE • VOH SAI.I3—Boy's 20" bike, flO. Call llll y fldvanopnidt t. CalClll HAHAlnval y Local Government Division grant- 1 quart (2 pint bricks) K9 mill We. S-OKOO-J after 6:00 P.M. _ • PETS FOR SALE • 7-8BOO. Mayor II. Emerson Thomas, able asset. All of these attributes 1-; ACICIOS with expansive, 1C din*, bricks to choose from CII|CO RQVirM CO. Magistrate William M. Beard and ideuliy fit him for service to theng the Board of Kdueation per- nm-rlnK IliirncRat Hay on three -I%-to chrome chnlrn for recreation ^OCViitrnl At,. Clark iM,—A ucouUful mission to exceed the debt limit in LIMY'S STATIONERY room, call at sr.o Cumberland .St., Otto Carpenter, president of thapeople of Union County as a mem- I I'ulmiud Village, quaint' cut- •\VeatfifiId. uliuw pt'ositect uuupvuupv, AKt?' fegfeg- Westfleld Council of Churches, ber of the State Assembly. We order to construct an addition to 's fviritlslieil or unfurnished, 2, onrnrr Koutk * «>«tn»M iKteicd, tint hloorj UUtiPR , nerfeotlftl y he Central Avenue School and ami I hrilromnx from JIS.OOO up. >|irn 'III • every nl«;ltt but MnnOr lltKilllAIIU: — 6 cu. ft., exi-elli-nt niurlioil Slielplo. Tel. Wo. 2-SUlit-J. I.B.M. were among thuae who attended. wish him all success In the forth- ^UIIIJK'W «>f weushoie plus ten- 4-7-tf onilltlon, reasonable. Call 1V«. '£- coming; primary election cam- purchase property for a third site. * liiiselmll anil nearby KOlf. IIAIIV I'\H\KI:I is. c.ugo bred, 121 Furpsl AVB. Call Wo. 2-C2C2 KxcBllent' opportunity for (\u;\l- Board member Henry 1', Weh- rrnilit liulldlns plota SOxlOO 1 Hod talJiilnlintr nu-n in an ex- paign." mi. I'"ree brochure. Clifford Ain rldlnK Ijoots, 0-D, like new. Jiiitxllne IiiHtn lliiiion. A now nlr- ster stated Saturday that April 2D STORK BOUND W We. 2-01 Of.. TAX RETURNS Mr. Bag-get' recently completed rnier. broker, office ojinoalte •*• our Mniernltr ^imkl ENROLL NOW for emidltioiKMl iHilhllnjf nfl'prf (lie has been set for a special school Chili, clotu'tl Monduyti only. four years as a councilman, repre- Piifc« from «T.»5 XIOINX Ikon Super lltonta camera, DOG TRAINING COURSE tietU of working corull 11 (Min, election when voters will he iiak'jj WWlr k h riDnd salary; liberal eoniDimy XCOMP. TAX — All typos return! senting Westfield's fourth ward SS El« St. ijonefltR. rrovftjus fiX|ierlcuce prepared in either our office or to approve a $410,000 bond Issue ("ompuV Hlnitter 1/liio sec.; coup- npo^H^ary, Apply your own home. Hours: dully for two terms. REAL ESTATE-RENT • led rsiliKo nndcr; Omible exnosuro to cover tin addition to the Central 1D-5, 0M0-!! P.M. Watchung Agen- l prevention. |l!0. Civil Hli. 7-3f,S<. St.-irlitiff 'VVediiGRtlny, Api-U 27, S :00 oy, 408 Park Ave., Scotch Pinion, Also announced thta week were Avenue School and t!u purchasa HI'.n 2-Ut>dvo«m bousp from r.M. nt 'reck Trnlnliitf Hull. '1 ALtSTATE INSURANCE CO. Cut! Fan\voocl 2-4114 5 or Fnnwood l plans by the executive committee iiy throuKh .Inly to resiHiuKllilf ir'nnoo>f net, ^ ph-ci-~ * " no" siTrlnR tittuoln riiict', v* iir, otijiDKite Flip Maiinluln Arr. Wtirrnj illll, ,\. ,1 2-0602. 2-lD-10t of property west of New Provi- lull ftnnily. IttMSonublo. UeiVr- or mattresp. l-3xi-e!lei! condition. IIOIIM' in Norlli TMulnll«ld. For lif- of tho recently-organized "Bellei dence road in the vicinity of tha I'Xt-lKitiKi-d. Call We. 2- HT e • I n «»—W* eke •<• Jli"i. Tall We. 2-7SH7. taI 1H cf)iit;tft INUIVIDI'AI. inoome tax retui-nn for Bagger" for a series of avea 7-41 Clnrlc M1. ennrfiilly prpjjarr-d at youf home, Pembrook area. n. 4-7-2t Weatfleld coffee-parties. Miss Elizabeth Cox KEI,VI\ATOH, rtepp free/.e, 12 eul.lP. "TECK" DOG TRAINING SCHOOL Cull Fauwooii 2-soori. 3-24-4f A public meeting will be held foot, perfcft fontllllun; r. pairs HELP WANTED- of Springfield, chairman of tho OFFICES FOR RENT • lined diMPns, brown with l.inte Knrl II. Sthinlfl, Illrpftor Tuesday, April 19 at 8 p.m. In frinprp, 2 pnlrs rose belife, nil nl) IS 'I'IIIIIIIIII Avp.. Mi. ••Inlnllrlil, .V, J, MALE OR FEMALE "Belles for Bagger", reported that Route 22 School to discuss the rrn OOA IK. jacket*, cape-Btole. Inches Ions. *t n )>uir. Plume W 1>I.. --IHSII groups of women Republican lead- IsTI'lKl.n—14 Kim St., rare oi>- Genuine bargains. Dryaon's, Cen- S-UM. • 4-7-3t NEED SOME HELP? proposals. Eurtunlty dentist or other profe.-i- tra» nna Broad, upptalra. Coll TVe. era would hold informal sessions llunal ti.se. Corner, Bunny, attrac- REAL ESTATE The site is ut Barton ilvtvo and 2-10TS. 4-7-tf n«V"K white formnl Jnt'liOt, slzp 37. Form l(M0 in tnoro nompllcflted to undertake a postcard, doorbell Ivt siille-ofllces. 1110% location. worn twh'e: boy's gray SPI-IIIB thlH ypur. Do you need wnno help Woodacres road, and contains ap- IVAring Cnloninl liuilillng: liea- USED CARS A irood opportunity for nn ener ta (111 It out untl^^fot tho RfivlngM und telephone campaign to support Jpnalilc. KCIIEHUII, SOU Fifth Avis. P"OH TIIOSR who care to look fhelr v.utl ^ly.e 30, perfect cmiOUH'li. proximately 10 acres. The location heat, w« recommend the Swan fall We. 2-41K12-M. Kerio salon nerNon to mnko r ijIniuH'J fur you in tho now lawi I v. IVniL-ijIvanlii 11-01130. II.1O <'IIIIV.SI.IOIt New Vfirlter. Prl- career of tlie lteal Kstate luiHlnesp 1 ulTer nn inucJi or nn HUta help Mr. Bagger's candidacy for Assem- Beauty Salon, 4 Kim St., "Weat- \ittt' owtiot. Hi-lcfil for flttlf'lc fllllf> aa you UPCMI: anythlutr from nn- In the western part of the borough fleld, 20%, discount on al) perma- IllI.TTtlTR l)ahy carrloRP. Taylor- r Local Heritor bus oiienln^ for ma» blyman. The: "Belles for Baggov" full U'p, 2-;i, i^^-W between T:00- or wotutm who U not sifrivkl t» Bworhiff :\ Hlnfcla projjjem to pro- will reduce transportation costs, npnt« Mondays, Tu«Bday« and Tot, Knu'biickset, h.tljy swlnu, Tel imflns tlio eolnplfett return with have members from various Re- SUMMER RENTALS • We. 2-fiuSU-J. rvorlt. Plensiiht MlirromuUuHH, ac which havo been soaring each year .. •W«(inQadttjr». By appointment. We. live RtlHtoiHer.i anil Ustln'R-fl' sup a copy for your fUos. Will uume to publican groups and organizations 2-0SS4. 4-7-tf "«", m5.1, i'floDi-. Fo your Jioiiib, 1 piled, nttraetlve eoimnlsnloii wet it was explained. The new school In Mnine. Housekeeping -P1I0CR mnhognny bMmom nuito, grpfti. It&n, M|Miiy R-lnzini nnd tili- throughout Union County, Mis: line comlltlnli. Cull We. 2-7518. til). Wrltn Ilnx 341, euro We.itnel' would also help koop tlio number , 2-3 bed rooms, f)0 nille-s PIANOS—The flnesi dna larpewt ee- tHTf nntefl. !,IMV milt-Hyp. New c;ir I.eniler. 4-7-t' Cox stated. Bt of Porfland, MuIne. on lectinn In Centrnl New Jersey. Ex- 4-7-2t KUiU-iuittM'. $M'.tr>. 221 SilH'luir 1M F. I. Farr, WEitfield S-79I6 of pupils in the Central Avenue pmlle lake. Excellent fishing, clusively Bellins the world- Call IV[, 2-.'i!i(l,"i-J. MAI.(OS IICI. W.tVI'KII — Kpllatilp |athing, golf course nenrby. Ideal renowned Sohmer, Kranlrh & TWO •'"'i-ton ulr condltlonerH, (loo 3-17-4t School at the recommended figure I'yne, walnut finish. 1 or both, r,'a ronHi.-lenl'ln H pHi-Hnii. Apply .Tfll-vf lor family vacation. All modern Bach, JAnssen, Pnul 0. Mehltn and ciiiCA'Kou^'r, io.*.2 fonvfrtililf, pow- Drill!- Wlore Acme Closed From of from 600 to (500 children. jnvonieatea—electric refrifferntor six oth«r leading1 manufacturers. Ronable, Itecfiiidilioneil last full. tlcr bltio. Must be Keen to he np- Tel. We. 2-1.192-J. Mayor Joseph A. C. Komich, a slave. Uont furnlwhetl. Rofpr- Your purchase* are at lowest* prcctivtiil. f 107.-,. Summit «-ir.3S-M. 12 to 3 Friday g eichang-ed. Available vTune prices and doubly gunrnntPed: hy EMPLOY. WANTED • borough and school officials ami m Oct. 1ft. W. A. Dardell, 4 the tnnnufneturer ami Stndel^ KCOVH liand Btreens nnd storm II7.TI 1'O.VTIAC Chieftain deluxe, 4- • LOST AND FOUND • tnwttoi Tld.. "Weslfleld, or oall Piano Co. with over 2fi years of windows, varlmiH siy.e^, KOotl con- ili>or Ht-dnii. .Must rn-ll Ml oiu'i>. Cull organizational representatives met mmit fi-V.H2!-\V. 4-1-lt illllon. dill We. 2-J03.1. finrlliB fveiilns-. WP. 2-.r,lS(l. ATTRWT1OV home owners' Pn yo The Acme Markets will be closed flfippndahle sales dnd service. 478 fleok nilvlce or liflln In bunillnr .4)ST—/'uckiiffe.f contiiInltiM* Hlo recently in Trenton with the State Union A,ve.. Rte. 28, Aflddlenex. IIIKS, hobby iiln.s nnil 2 hull- nolu, from 12 noon to 3 tomorrow, Good open 'til 8 P.M. except Sat., Sun. 24-l\CM Honalfinir CusBldv hlcy . 111.1.1 KOHIl Fordor, one, color dark alterRtlong, repairs? Highly en Department of Education to ask lioy's, vcrv KOOII cooilitlon. (20. |t«rleneed rarttpnter weekp pnr vicinity of AAl'. Monilny, Anrll 4. Friday. The company said: "Good iiiut M:!2. approval on the mea-juro. CAMPS Cnll We. 2-f,l(ir,-M. riiMilltliin. «0(l miles. $1.72:,. I'lio 4-7-t Friday is a day of great spiritual CA«PET» and rufrs, used, nil clean- Vnmvnoil 2-80(15. I)IV(J ytuu- SM to c-iunp? May .OUT—Shin.eye en I', felimli\ vicinity significance and in addition to tho ed, srood condition, room slsfts 11AIU1AI.V— Perslnn lnmli fur .'(int. MATtmu womnn wouM llku hah Hliliwny Ave., Suinlay nlBlit. I'leime ' 'Kimmend I'limn Wonulnnurt, romnnntn, amir and hall carpets, l.liipk, slup in, orlKlnnlly S700 — linn l-'CIIIll V-K. new condition JVIH observance of clean and honorable School Festival Hun Ci-litcr, N. H. .Sitnit> nwner- nskliiR- ?12r.. "Water ml.vpr. $'•: \pl- cle.m. J,1(lll or i>ner. Call We. 2- ptttlnc? ffvfnlnBH or hilf dny Iron (ilione inl'orniiilion or return out throw rug's, new remnants and Ina-. Call We. 2-6181-Hf after B:0 lo We. !-:i5Sa-M. Kownrrt. Knannnanntpiit h 1211.211. MMature fnfiiory BRcontls. vet pnrtler-ps, }1 encli. fall We. 2- 2S4S-M. business principles, this is an op- MeR.Mli. nt facilities. M32-.T. 4-7-2t T.M. 4-7-1 Attracts Crowds • 11 We. J-T Open Thursday evenlnsr until 9:0ft. OST—i:,-i»elmll mitt, niimo Inside portunity for the buiiness com- 1-7-Sf fOllrfitieth Rnv EiPhnitK* OI,I>SMOnil,B, iii-10, Rood condition, one owner. Ideal for loetil trniiH ._ „. Mpht trucking. cle» (Clove, \lclnlty of Tiunatiues I'urk munity to exert some influence 2413 Morrl* Ave* KH*ubtth TfTFIIO. Ri7p SS lonK. P«Pf>llent enn roMnrn and nttl^«, n(\d odd Jotv lllBt Tlimsfliiy. Cnll We. 2-4,'129-J. Crowds of over 1,000 persons 4-7-tf dltlon: also size 40 regular. Phone portntloti. Asking »ir,o. Tel. Fu. 2- full We. 2-^7.'i^-M. 4-7-t that 13 badly needed in these times. attended the senior high school's GARAGES FOR RENT • Wp. 2-OHilfi. OST — liliif piirakoet, *'lc[nlty of Additionally, it provides opportun- Ittll <:ill':vilOI.ICT convertible, black, lit. 22 :iinl IClk.x Cluli. JdiNU'pm to 24th annual spring festival Friday A!,I, MF.TAI. one wheel Mnnvlllp WEATHERSTRIPPING "Willie." lii'Kfiril. r-nll We. 2-S4.'l(i. ity for employees to attend their UCB Pon IlENT. corner ot SAVE I deluxe. New top, Kood rnnnlnR and Saturday nights in the school ^ PtnncM, new «nd n«*d. Dyrr AyH box trailer, »(',(!. <'«U W Dnorn mul Wlmlon-fl «lli Ave. and Downer St. Call condition. $100. Cull We. 2-H37 Snvr tin (o 2T,% nn h*nt hllln places of worship sometime during Bariraln Prlcfrf V,n*v Term* 2-3.1C1-H. nfl'er 5:00 P.M. 'Ol'MI — !''llin. Owner mny lnive auditorium. « S-6045-J affer 6:00 P.M. Phimr We. S-Nin.1 Hiune hy Itleittlfylim niul lMiylns these three hours, und our experi- 4-7-tf CRANFORD PIANO CO. im vonsvTiii.v btiHhPH: sllpeovpr 4-7-1 for tliix ail nt Loinler office. Vocal groups were directed by Tor love spit; rlirome kllflien set: imli, 1 !*r,n Hunch. "VYapon, 2-tone ence is that upwards of 50 per jc,K fi>r rent, oori\ir Flr»t St. Tunern and Rebuild*?* vrreen. l-'ortlomittlr. VlxcelllMlf con- cent of them are grateful for theMiss Janet Grimier and the orches- • p». n.Il. Slntltio Crfd. (1-2TSO nine blanket chest: o.ld mirrors; dition, tlent offer. Summit l>- CONVERT AND LENGTHEN m Hy«ll|, Ave, from Alirtl 1. l-7-tf old dresser. We. 2-OK.a-W. _ 1 tra was under the leadership of ^. 2-ISltJ.^^ 1lM your trnrf*«ro. hy lnntpilllni? moilBr • BUSINESS SERVICES opportunity, and use it." TclHi.t! Ovorliend Dnorn. Phnn' Robert Blinks. *«•", (or r PBNCF.n COKSKTJKIIK. Inaivlflu NOFA, like new; uprtolslerpfl ehatr. "VVi'. 3-S155. 4-7-f on Walnut sf. ally deslnned supports for men drum fnblp. wpciftnry, ilesk, r-nd '•12 I'OXTIAC 4-door, H&ll, goort Mnll The choir opened the program alljlile Muy ,,li , o, tlre«. *:,U. II. Serl.ln, 11157 Oentrnl T lntlng, Mhneogrttphl c llfUr r ;O ftnd women. Appolntmflnta made tables, cbnlrs, lirlilse set. 7T.6 Klm- ruin wnntd pnrt-tltir Low Plane Stirs with a series ,of religious songs. »• !-2S2g-ll. 4-t-tf In the home. Ohpntnttt B-R'S3. btill AVP. Tall WP. 2-r,21(. Addreffllng:, mufllng *— clrcula, ork, mfliill re OIVR. winilowinww tmtmnhh bulletins, letters, etc. Union The girls' chorus sang folk songs ntttii vr.>T*aeVrtl. in? West nmv , pfitntlng andd otheh r worll* J-J'AII KaraBo, Plmt St. 1\\ bl'-vi-lp, (^oo.l idltl.in, t'llIOVHOl.HT, l!t-i0 deluxe S-door. County Uusfnesfl Bureau, "Wo. 2- Area Complaints »U|>. Call We. 2.4S91-U. Ave., Tlnsell,. Pnrlt, N. .7. 4-7-tf 11*11, pel-reel conilltlon, IliOO. Olio 2-4704. 3-3-fi' 8:i!tS. 4-7-tf and the boy's Glee Club presented $ir, . WP. 2-nriS2. owner. Onll We. 2-19Sr,-.I. Negro spirituals. AIN' wlsJieft finy'.i worlt nT nny kin' SHOP AT GRILL'S f:AM HTOVK. fi hurne-r. 2 ovens, tan Pitch an Knrrt^nlnc. imhilhiK, wnnli A low-flying Navy plane which Solos were sung by Robert IT'S KASV to look smart In simple- enamel, $2r,: jirnu- bunk bed with Inc Windows, ItikliiR down ntnrr • SERVICES YOU NEED i buzzed the treetops of the north- Kelso, George Buchnnnn, Nina *PARTMENTS-RENT • fo.spw ptvle." nnfl pns^-tn-lflunder sttrinirR anil mattreHse.t, nolnlcd SEE OUR "OK" USED CAR window A, Ptr. mil In Hie evpninRF fnbrlf*B. Sei* our npl»ftlon nt won- red. )*,: lnily'M shoe?, «l»e TV, slim, *P^1. AVo. 2-B712-M. rt-17-4 east area from Tuttle parkway to Salo, Elizabeth Day, Marilyn S1I- rtnrr,ii ff,hrtfs nt lMi^w«*t nrl^"* Booil nsaortment. full We. 2-2120. ADV. ON PAGE 38 ,AWN (1A11UF.MV(! IK ant, 190 per montl Brlghtwood avenue shortly before fer, Sarah Blatz, Bruce Edwards, "hail! SECItRTAIIY. exni-Hi'nced, desire Yearly TniilnteiininM-. Muntlily GRILL'S SILK ft COTTON SHOP nOV'S 24" bievrle for Hflle. $11 Good niteK. Free entlnmtos. V. & P., 10 a.m. Saturday resulted In more it, 190 per mono NORRIS CHEVROLET, INC. u-nl-k ftt home, Will nleK tin nir" Russet! J, Stler and Jnmes Bros- ISO R. ItrnnA St. -W^ltnrtd, W. .> condition. Tel. We. 2-M88-W. _ 200 mill rlM Centrnl Ave. deliver..Tel. We. Z-2SS1. 4-7-t' Elizabeth r,-02r,4, 4-7-41 than 25 complaints to police. 4-7-tr sard. Instrumental solos were pre- i, nrai Entitle Kv-PII'.rP. dlnlnK rnom set In irnoil Tel, We. 2-0220 Ave. Wr. 2-r.ir.o—MM SIWIIETAIIV, experlenceil, de«lre' ROOFING The piano was identified by it sented by Huth Dahlstrom, harpist, condition; l.oy'n 56" hike in Rnod full . 2-77S1-W. 7S11 Jo- for 20 minutes, flying lower and It is axiomatic thnt tho moro ruBiilein lid.. Kcotch l'lnlns. mill SUIIYKI, trna refrlueratnr. S en. 41(1 Flr«< Slreel lower. Some said the plane wu interest taxpayers show in tholr ft., reasonable. Call We, 2-SS2S-.I. CASH FOI1 HIB.VS CLOTniNO. rid- ROTARY PLOWING tni; hnhlts, Loots, antiques, curlon, II,- vnl'B CA11 In dirty from wlnter'r We. 2.:|»S,1—OMUO lower than 200 feet. community's affairs the better that •l-7-tf 1 Call Wr. 2-in»r. XTOKKU, Iron Klreitinn, wltii all furniture, brasswarn, plnsB, chlnft. roimli prrline, JUHI cull me uii nru' community Is going to be oper- 1 r Wolff's, 118 Madison Ave. Tol. PI. VI! mnke it Fliine. t'nr wnnlilnr fi \iiii ''""''I* April 1st. Rental controls, excellent condition', l. >- nnil wuxInK done, r'ull We. 2ROC4 IWI.NTIXO — J^xterlor, Interior, ],ll- ated."—I'asHiue Heruld-Nuws. V "!,,•„£'' Hlglilnnd Ave. Tel. watt white fluorescent. Cnll n e. (S-24.-.H. 4-7-tf r IIK XOV fiMTTIVG patlHrnctory link for Allnn. pi*rhimKlns. lliKli quality work, According to American Cancer ountiin .'' " Crnmpton. 320 2-1SI9-W. lllrlit from ynttr liininn and Intnli WP1 BUT HOOKS licnmmahlo. FRBD SCllf.IBSlvH, "lUIn AVI,., Tol. We. 2-0788-n. Tel. We. 2-lr,ll-W. 4-7-4t Society statistics, 24,000,000 4-7-tf Bbl.llPS? t.Pt US HllfriTPRl ftnW V,'l> MAS'I'F.H nildresner, model 40. brand One or a tTit>uAftnd PlenBe cull for I.AI1V wmilil like to do Ironlnir I' Americans now living will die of FOR BEST RESULTS riin Imnrove your fiW lnmns. Slirht new J35—will sell for S2",; one detalln. P.M. Book Shop, 830 Park licr own lionie. Wll) eall for nn' ay\"ai,°','"' »pnrtnn>nt nvnllalile nnil i-Islnn nrp vprv (mport':mt. RP" AVe,, I"L. 4-.1IHI0. t-7-tf deliver, ttlthwity 7-r,O9'.t. 4-7-3' >'f,f>Olt -\V.\.\1\IJ—MTU SIM.MPOO- l'rlnt-o-niiillc model A-2 stencil INii. I'rivntti honieu, imliiHtl cancer if present rates continue. USE LEADER CLASSIFIED IIH for proper llRlitlntf. IltmpR nnd iluplleiitor. $ I 0. Call We, S-4I!H. Khnrip.i. fiVNS WAfJTKD—Turn your old or IC.VIllH iiK-. Tien eNtnlillNlniHiiitK, Ai+|ilmlt tile, ruli- modern rlflef, BhntRnnH, plNtols, .-.'nimble rnt lifir III,,, cork, vvooil nnd llnoleuli E. T. WILLIAMS IMVI.Vf; room stlUe, in lilece", wal- svvorils, powder hornR nnd flnakf We. 2-80HH-.T r,:on-7;(H flonrn tlioroiiKlily cliioneii, waxe, r Into CIIKII. IjlcenFfd eolleetitr, will mi.I i.'jllnhril. Mii'eclol nil,- on le MORTGAGE LOANS (Venr Rtorp Si. pnrltlnir) nul: Moor Innm; white liililo lop r.M. l»'llt Jnlm. I'or HHrillllileH r:llll r>ll- - l-7-tf Kos r.iliBe. Call We. 2-S.1M. nU nt your convenlenoo. Llnilen Win :t-r,r,ln. 4-7-tf M IIHII ! wililll linllionlfll aanil cure for ehl er.il Mnlnti'imncii Hcrvli-e, 11)1 Wll- A',1;.111 "»n, loljacent bnth- r.ilv IImll y In lovelll y nlry hoh m Nlilre Di'lvo, I'ltanfortl li-7i;2il. (ll'AHTI''HI''l> onk illnlnc room f"-t. full We. !.r,f,1H.,l. tahle opetiM t'o se;it 1(1. '! chuil'B und I.AWV ltdl I,r.lt. niRtllum weight 4-7-tf ulti' ,';'. '"liuiten to U.lt. "t'atlon. n-ltnteil. Wr. 2-tOJlj. H n r| bulTel server; S-nlece llvlnc room WOMAN ivonlil Htcf ilo Ye. i--,s;'| {i- ' man iircferred, set with slipcover.-., KOOII condition. MONEY AVAILABLE FOR OA1I1NI0T SINK in work, lioiinecll-riiilnK' or waR fi~T~ '— '. IV TIIR novr.lli Smnll Vlrtnrlnn Clllll We. 2-nntl2. _ M. YARUSSI (GREENSKEEPER) cull "SS't-. ^-fn'.os. nnd inmliitr. T,'x|ierlenfe,l. T-ovp Sf-iU, NinflH RIKP rto^ewo.ul frnnHpiirlutlon. AVe. 2-C7I2-W. nci *eln,'r,iI\e'7u'('nipnl '1(> station WIUTXRV folriliifC cairlUBf, In KOOd 1 r lL RprrPtdry, Cherry C!ip.«t »nil mid r7oiHllllo n: Illnh chnlr, LANDSCAPING & GARDENING cs(ne-til V ' ' to Box 330, enre Clialrn. conilltlmi. »2.',. Cull Wi'.J-JlUO-W. w.r, In Boo Tnylnr T t, foldlim Kcreen, hell— MORTGAGES ON hDY'S chithlni-', size fi. Taupe covert lai'Ke Hize Cull We. U-Ulilll. Now IN tin. lime to Inive your Inwi MRS. MARJORIE MILLEN topcoat with 7.l|>-ln HnliiR, cost ch'uni'tl, t'crtlllKcfl uml lltneil "OOMS FORIRENT ~# .'!«:: IJnut Ilr..ml Hlri'cl Jill! -sell %*: Wine ennluroy BJmrt STKIXWAV itriinil ulnnn or ether HURUNG'S I.ii W-IIM tun liilultietl tiy the wpi-li or nt SI) Bond malic. I'ull (Uiiwtiy 7-:i:u;. tho nionlli. I.nvvnH rolled, IHWIIH jiiclci'l, f2.''f; navy ll.uiiiel slacks, 4-7- tl n t) 12; clinrconl nniinel blocks, n\za 7, i.titulMftifir f.n rdofi I nor nlr-f,-lle,l. ilrnltiM InHtnllfil. Hliriib- RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES rat','ra?! ' ':!nM» rooms nt mod- l.lnl.l I'mililiiu — (Hill .liilid tjoiy nln.iteil. Free CHtliiint•,«. 11 V STP 1H LD *2. Uke 'new. Call We. 2-7S«(l. W. No,:iJ f ' ' HOTBI4 north Ave. WE, S-277<. IICIVS (.-my tw III. Bl».f 11. A-l • INSTRUCTION • Call We. 2-S0O7 condition, Sid fill We. 2-r,ll{l-W. f,:, Mherl) SI, IVi'Klflelil, V. J AVriqi'KS — Vine wnslmlnnil, »12 [TTOUIN'U—HlKh NeltAol nnil Vn\- rlicst of drawer.", $2d; nlutttiM-p lfl£f NiihieetM. Cnrolus T. ('lark. IO.\IM:HII'.S to ».1 pr.: n I tip Ktitml, Ilfl: Jnm cini- II. A. (Yule), I.I,, n., P!d. M. 3.10 •felt, (loud ref ALTERATIONS - REPAIRS Inquire about our reasonable rates [' \\~v 11- ^''n^aii (ir eiMiplt* lionril f2'; Pi.l.'h rl,r)-shilt. J-10 AVTIHTB twin l>efli" Mountain Ave, Wcsl'dcld, 'phone Altlr null Itif-reiillon IIIIUIIIN Li'- aim'K.-I.V'I! J".11 '"Cwel'll 4:S0 fliPt-rv plipst ilnnviTH, eliprry Pl.le- •Irpd. We. 2-2711-W. l-7-lf Kitchen Ill-moill-llllu bnnrrt", cliprry rtmp-leiif Int'l". V'" l.-inte nnil smull I'i I'lne 1'firiiilcu Couuler To|in IilHlllllvt plu.iK hcttnm I'litilrs. II" »-!>- NlKllt Tahh'S. • INVESTMENT ADVICE* Seret-oft, 1:1,.. and attractive plan n 1 Raymond Young —Piano Studio r. 'r«li'v i,',?h ".'"P " "nil a/iulil7, WIIHIMOI' rfid hnt-k clmlrH. rpfln- _*• Mi;r,|",J; ' c:7 "tiulpvard. iKh.-.l nnd snndpil l><-».. ii.nrl.li' !••' Itnili lloicert VlmnK, Amu!. t.-tlilp, ninny nllipr.'i. nPK.V I'AIM DON MAXWELl'S ritittNlcul I'opiilnr CAN YOU AFFORD IT? WM. GRASING .T. I'nmlpyp, rilnirprlireiwl '"nstli HS5 >H»V\TW\ All-. Cnll or Yl'rlli. tar InfnrmiiUtin 'JIHI (Jrove ^1., I<:IIMI UiV . .1. i-7-ir N. ,r., 14 miin t>rr Huy. NL. 2-!: UPHOLSTERING InvcM ytoic liHril-f.irni'ii ilollire ulllinnl tin- li''!|i or nn onlil;i«>'il PEOPLES BANK & TRUST COMPANY f;-M T\VO-IH)0ll rcrrlL:Pntlf.r. in FURNITURE REPAIRS 11. II. lircNM'YrT, tenohor of plnno. leirlfileii'il hi\'"Mlnii.nt lulvlMr'.' lln MI. ft. Itnnim-tlp) Mud. NllX-m- Wosffiold 2-0226 I,nte«t met'limlH. Clottslesl imil.pop- yon linvi' tin- time mnl h'ulnliii- '""" veiit'ii',".1! '" l"lvii(e family? Hit, no defr..«t. Ooiul up new. line 11 l*if. l.eMfiriiiQ nt vonr lioote, 1111(1 t,. ilo II yourioltv ArtvlnliiK thrlriv Opposite Railroad Station i"1"" r,'n',i"V '"''"' town. Ui>f- Avullal.ln Mny 1. 724 Haututor" AAP TVirlnn ml., WnHtneld, cnll W»«|. InveHtorM \\ow tn nnt tliplr mivinKfi 1 s W i 2 Ili-lil a-r,a!iii. 4-7-tf lo work In my Uili. Kee< me motl- LEGAL NOTICES i '- Hliiter! '"' - ""-^ KKIVS — Hood condlMon — filKP.1 »l Nltil tnx-llnilllrlllili. 1m wi-ll. 2 1 87 to 42 it HI, »2 PUPII: nlnnn i;illll, no nifillrcMH, (food condition, III IIIIMIII 1>II I 111 I n f SIR: yontii heil, tin nutttrewH, jjfiod cliuou-M, AilnllV mul clilldreo. V.vt>- on Page 36 T cotldltlnn, lla, ;i(lll MIIKI HI,, *<


-7" CUT

MUtTDLOM rmk Seafood tor VEAL ywu Easter Feast. Shop Notional Fir** for the best buys in famous CHOPS Eeonomy Buy! brands for the Easter Holiday . . . •OK ITS VEAL SHRIMP CUTLETS Ferris Hickory Smoked HUNT'S TOMATO JUICE 19< BACON SLICED PINEAPPLE 29' Ferris Hickory Smoked CANNED GREEN GIANT PEAS 2 35 HAMS 6UCAN CRANBERRY SAUCE - 2 29 Sliced Domestic

National's Own SWISS CHEESE Strictly Fresh All GRINDS State Inspected

Breakstone Large Fresh WHITE GRADE A, No. 1 CREAM CHEESE 8-OLSAR 33C EGGS CAN PAAS pkg. dozen in carton EGG DYES 10c CHICK CHICK pkg. EGG DYES 15c Farmer Jones brings you the finest in fresh fruits and vegeto ^ at the lowest prices in town ... all to make your eas^i the finest! Flagstaff Fresh Frozen TENDER GREEN SPEARS _ ^ Orange Juice 2 25c Fresh Asparagus »• 27 FINEST QUALITY OBTAINABLE - j» All 19c Brands Frozen Fresh National hat the largest variety oi Lipton Soups Easter Candy Vegetable, Chicken Noodle, you've ever see ... at UM New Potatoes 3 19 Tomato and Onion VEGETABLES lowest prices in town! Pkg. TOUNG TENDER g* of 3 35c California Carrots o JELLY EXTRA LARGE — THIN SKINNED — FINEST FLAVOR BEANS * SKINNED — FINEST FLAVOR ^fejffef White Don't Miss Out! Get IndiaIdi n RRiver Grapefruit 4 29 Your Next Piece in LARGE WHITE house National's Alumi- Ib. cello APPLESAUCE num Wore Oiler . . . bag C 15 inch Cauliflower • 26 UTILITY PAN Treat the kids to an Easier Bunny! 79c BUGS BUMNY 2.49 138 Central Ave. Westfield Open Late Every Nile Late — Saiurdoy "Hi 6 P.M. Twin County tyembor Market THE WESTFTJXP (N.J.) LEADER, THUBSPAY, APRIL 7, 19SS And Club News Of The Week In The Westfield Area

Wedding of Social Interest Additional Aides Son to Turnbaughs Named for Show . from a western trip are April 16 Miss Janke E. Walker, Lifiut. and Mrs. Robert E. Turn- baugh of Niagara Falls, K. Y., nj Mrs- James C. Wilson of daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Mrs. Marjurie Hansen, general fountain avenue. At "Williams Walker of 425 South Chestnut chairman for the Eighth Annual announce the birth of a son, Rob- a-ii-,' Ariz., they visited their street, will be married to Donald ert Bruce, Monday. Mrs. Turn- Antiques Show of the First Con- baugh is the former Jean Heutly, ina' daughter-in-law, Lieut. S. Fleming, son of Mr. and Mis. gregational Church, April J9, 20 ,.< William B. Wilson, and in R. S. Fleming of New Media, Pa. and 21 today announced additional daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Brucf Rock, Ark., they were guests The ceremony will take place at appointments as follows: Heatly of Sunny Slope drive. Wilson's mother. They also five o'clock in the Chapel of tho Mountainside. Lieutenant Turn- Cashiers: Mesdames Harry Eg- baugh is the son of Mr. and Mrs. j .),t. Rev. Di. and Mrs. Rob-Holy Spirit, First Congregational bert, C. M. Hebbert, Anthony Skinner of AmarUlo, Tex., Church, by the Kev. Elbert E. Paone, Edward Shott, Theodore K. E. L. Turnbaunrh of Grove street. rlj. ,,f Westfield. Mrs. Skin- Gates Jr. and will -be followed by a Hess, Russell Royer, Osgood Rog- •t'urntd with the Wilsons and |reception in the church lounge. ers, Charles Bingham, Floyd Fiske, Lungers Have Girl lB*. J. be a luncheon guest today of Robert Reeder, Franklin Lehlbach Douglas Whitney, son of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Brace Whitney, Rev. Dr. and Mrs. J. L. Me-and Carolus Clark. Lockport, N. Y., took place Saturday afternoon at four o'clock in son Jr. of 849 Bradford ave- the Presbyterian Church. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Mrs. Horton will later address Mr. and Mrs. David Albright, of Dr. Frederick E. Christian. A re- Women's Fellowship Group in Akron, Ohio, formerly of West- ception followed at the Fortnightly brother of the bride. First Congregational Church. field, will be in town this weekend Club in Summit. The bride selected for traveling -*- as guests of Mr. a»d Mrs. Robert Given in marriage by hor father, a light gray suit with box jacket ftcr three months in Mexico, Miner of Harding street. the bride wore a candlelight satin and avacado green accessories. and Mrs. Ernest Alpers have -•- gown, with -fitted bodice and full Mrs. Whitney is a graduate of rued to their home at 1260 Visiting their son-in-law and skirt which terminated In a chapel Westfleld High School and Buek- An Easter Tradition ipect street. daughter, Mr. and Mrs. L. Felch train. Her veil of heirloom rose nell University, where she WBH a point lace was held cap fashion, member of Delta Delta Delta sor- r. and Mrs. David Bcrse of Coy Jr. of 538 Lenox avenue, are since 1899 Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fahrtnger of and she carried a bouquet of Eu-ority. She is attending the Gradu- Nottingham place have as charis lilies and stephanotis. ate School of Education at New euest for the Easter holiday, Hazelton, Pa. York University. daughter, Mrs. Richard J. For the past few weeks, Mr. and Mrs. Philip Elsenhart of Elkins Mr. Whitney was graduated papovt of Chicago and her two Mrs. George , Mensching of 828Park, Pa., the matron of honor, from Nichols School, Buffalo, N. Flowers from Doerrer's Jren, Jane and John. Mrs. Rap-Cedar terrace have been visiting wore an aquamarine taffeta dress Y., and from Buckncll University ort will be feted at a luncheon their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. with lace bodice, and carried a in 1053. He is a member of Sigma irdaj at the Shacknmaxon and Mrs. John Daupenspeck of bouquet of deep purple pansies, Alpha Epsilon fraternity. At pres- ntry Club given by her mother Glendale, Mo., who recently moved purple stock, and light pink snap- ent he is serving as B private in tet aunt, In. Edward For- from Benson place. dragons: the United States Army at Fort ot Newark. Bridesmaids were Miss Patricia Hood, Tex. Hlen Jana Berse arrived Mr. and Mrs. V. D. Barker of Ely of Westfield, Mrs. William yesterday from Syracuse 639 Shadowlawn driva are spend- Caldwell of Maplewood, and Mrs. enitj Hid will join the fam- ing Easter in High Point, N. C,Robert W. Sang of Lockport, N. Y., Alpha Chi Omegas irty. with their son-in-law and daugh- sister of the bridegroom. Their Meet Next Thursday —•— ter, Mr. and "Mrs. Robert H. Shaw gowns were like the honor attend- Jr. . branch was recently given by ant's and they carried purple pan- The Alpha Chi Omega alumnae JiJ Mrs. Paul J. Harrington -«~ sies, pink snapdragons and pink evening group will meet Thursday jky Top drive, Mountainsid'c, Barbara Sue Plenty of 822 East tulips. at 8;30 p.m. at the home of Mrs. tfoluce to out of town friends,Broad street had a birthday lunch- Peter Whitney of Lockport was Samuel Kinney, 130 Jefferson ave- i Sally McCoy, daughter of Mr. eon Friday in celebration of herbest man for his brother. Ushers nue. Mrs. John T. McCoy of 100010th birthday. wore Robert W. Sang:'and J. Eu- Alumnae in the area interested Iraood road, who April 30 in 1 gene Kirseh, both of Lockport, N. in attending please contact Mrs. Trinity Church will become (Please turn to psge 10) K. H. Taylor, We. 2-7175-J. bride of their son, James H. Y., and John Allen Carter Jr., tington. ajor Watson Ambrustcr II, U. ir Force, spent a recent week- with his parents, Mr. «nd Mrs. ff. Ambruater of 158 Forest I, fW-ood. Stationed at Dug- Pfoving Ground on the Great Lake Proving Ground as the :ing Air Force officer at that , he came East on official busi- • Recently Dr. Per Frolich of tficld, now on leave from fk & Co., as civilian chief of Army Gas and Germ Warfare earch, visited the proving Make a visit to our shop and greenhouses. See our "id and met Major Ambruater re. display of suggested Easter flower gifts, beautiful Irs. Irwin Spellman of 818 «mit avenue is in Bermuda for cut flowers and plants, special , gardens. Easter season. 'aturday evening an open hou&c CORSAGES- PLANTS- w for 50 guests will he givan Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Woolfenden Orchids — Single blooms from 3.50 Lilies .from 3.00 j« St. Marks avenue in honor •e" son and daughter-in-law, "id Mis. Donald Woolfenden, Gardenias from 2.00 Azaleas from 2.50 'its at Mississippi State, who patt^ni/or a ^id^paxty. Roses from 3.00 married in January. Hydrangeas from,4.00 '»eir other son and daughter-in- h ;• Mr. and Mrs. Glen Woolfen- Others from 2.50 . will also be their gueata for Gardenia Plants from 3.50 Weekend. • ( lw_f Mooifc-waterihg ^^r*i'*s »'^^ party priatt •> jf**'^ J permanently printed on Flowers Delivered Anywhere FLOWER ARRANGEMENTS ... .from 3.50 . ^m* i ) S» ' butter-softest calfskin by Our own trucks deliver in this area. N^ ^••ft* the unique Brooke Cadwallader— For'dlsfanl points, we will telegraph BOXES OF FRESH CUT FLOWERS from 2.50 JUM tot t Miller, (or you. $23.95 your orders.

(See our Special Section for Children — Cash and Carry)

They Can't Be Beat doerrer $1* AlwaYs Nea VAN DORENIZED SHIRTS SCOTT'S VAN DOREN QUIMBY AT CENTRAL WESTFIELD NDRY S RV|CE 167 ELM ST. TEL. WE. 2-2400 . WE. 2-1200 Open Monday Evening* 'HI 9 P.M. THE TrESTTTCLD (K..T.) .. TTTTfgTUT. APTSTIT. 195*. SfutrthiUs Have f.irl ) Mrs. H. A. *//.«> .S«r«/* McCoy. \ maxon ; son avenue has been ,it'jourmn£ in Marries a West field Man SALLY Florida. James H. Harrington Mr, and Mrs. R. L- Shorthill of : Mr. and Mr?. K. Stvcie Maikni To He Wed April 30 ! Little-ton, Colo., announce the yEdw.Maekie & Sons ui.UhUva fiuiu page ! iff 748 Crescent parkway =+«-,•. : birth <>f a daug-hter. Surah Eliza- last Wffk ih tievt-iyiKJ, Ohio. 1 tef OMC SO Year. L" * ohr. H. Ke?»ier Jr. of Mi-; Suvuh Jam- ' beth, Man-h 25. The couple also 1;> fUMMd H«« (' - Mr. and Mr*, t. T, Maoril! Jr. Mi-Cov '( i uf Mi. amJ M' - has a son. Ralph Thomas. Mrs. T 0p«it Evamng* by Appomtffwnt ^f Marik of have moved to their ;t-'.v home at John ' T l.bl.i-r McCoy of I OOt* .Shorthill i< the former Jeariftte it?ii- huu-e "38 iViarceHu^ diive. : E. Halsey. daughter of Mv. and UPHOLSTERING > •< Gpruiid? • "*" phr^y Hair :t!^rtoi3. >on uf Mi. arid e iv: ul Mrs. Paul .1. Hanington Sr. of fERi t It :d,*:h tf Brooklyn Collie. Bob\ *•**• > ^ '% .....« <^. «a| ar.ep SUP COViRi l Skjtop diive, MoLintaifirfi The MATIMf SIS AM»«OD * J Ma.ik a freeman « Cumw «f- »»".«»• Th"mas ^^ of SHUMCS MM9 momon.v will take j>lsc<: Sutui• >»*1IO K« 'rt: -'ix-nd * ><»•* EaJt-r .-576 North th«t«U!.tn.et,f«-mer. day morniiiif. April SO at 10 o'clock US SOW in Holy Tuniiy Church, with the PUUMKIB. Nsnttt. i. t X^ ;t^;,,d with hU puv.nt,. i'j'_^ Brooklyn Htignu. M,,. Danir! "BlTuvelt of Hani '' _ ^1>1™5'v ^n to_Pafe ii* Hrr. John h. FlanuKan. oitk-iat in.s. Thfic will be a reception at the Hote! Suburban, Summit. EASTER Mrs. Robert K4 Martin of Pen- -ULOla. Kia.. *viSi be matron of hon- o< and .Mi.--.- Elizabeth Ann Me- | DINNER Often Monday Coy wiii bv maid of honor. Hoth ond Friday aie .-i.-ur.- of the bride-elect. Evenings Biuietmaul* will be Miss Susan Kramer uf l>aytuii, Ohio, and Mr*. $3.50 I-soyd Caudle of Durham, M. C. The bridegroom-elect's sisters, Miss Mary Harrington and Miss Mar- * PLEASE MAKE earct Hariinjrton, will be junior bridesmaids. RESERVATIONS EARLY Best man will be Paul J. Har- rington Jr., brother of the bride- groom-elect. Ushers will be John C. Hairing-ton, another brother; Robert P. Gorman of Tiskilwa, Strung from 1:00 to 7 corntmuoiuly 111.; Bernard Finan of Maple- wood, David N'olan of AMentown, Pa., and Joseph Imbriaco of Eliz- abeth. Miss McCoy is a graduate of Westfield Hi(th School and Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College. Mr. Harrington, an alumnus of St. ; HOTEL SUBURBHl Benedict's Preparatory School and Call itre.. Carpenter for Reseri'aliom the University of Notre Dame, is a chemical engineer with Ksso 970 SMINOFIEID AVE., SUMMIT Standard Oil Co. SU 6-3000 MRS. WILSON PHILIP KRAFT JR.°"''S Dustin-Bonnetli roth Is Told Wilson Philip Kraft Jr. Takes As His Bride Mr. and Mis. Joseph Bonnetti Miss Nancy Ann Donovan of Forest Hills, Pa. 832 Carleton road have made nown the betrothal of their Miss Nancy Ann Donovan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Ham- mghter. Miss Arlene Joan Bon- Spring Ha> Arrived at Wri mond Donovan of Forest Hills, Pa., became the bride Saturday >tti to Cecil Dustin Jr., son of afternoon at five-thirty o'clock of Wilson Philip Kraft Jr., son of Mr. r. and Mrs, Cecil Dustin of Win in a bright collection of ntw \ and Mrs. Wilson Philip Kraft of 226 Canterbury roadJ Tile ceremony eld. was performed in the Second Presbyterian Church, Wilkii'.sburg, Pi., Miss Bonnetti is a graduate of by the .Rev. Dr. Vernon P. Martin. oselle Park High School and is Escorted by her father, the bride Shirley DeHart To inployed by the Radio Corp. of DRESSES wore a gown of antique silk satin with chapel sweep and a family tarry John Daniels meriea in Clark. heirloom rosepoint lace cap. She Mr. Dustin, who attended Ro- Soft fabrics ... Orlons .. , Nylom ... Ta carried an arm bouquet of long SCOTCH PLAIN'S—Mrs. John Ue Park High School, is em- red roses. DeHart of 425 Union avenue has loyed by Litzebauer Bros, Inc., ewark. Failles and Sheer Cottom Mrs. Everett G. Brooks, sister nnounced the engagement of her aughter, Miss Shirley Ann De- of the bride, was matron of honoi. 'ranford Camera Size* Rang* from 9 Bridesmaids included the.. Misses Cart to John Bennet Daniels, son Priced from 6.98,24,9 Margaret Ann Donahue, Susan M. f Mr. and Mrs. Harry Daniels of lub to Meet Evans, Adelaide Gewinn, and Mary 968 Westh'eld avenue. They are graduates of Scotch The Cranford Camera Club will W. Kraft, sister of the bridegroom. neet Monday at 8:30 p.m. in th' Bargains en our Sale Rack, too . .. $5.001 They wore walti-leng^h gowns of lains High School. Miss DeHart rlethodist educational building, Burgundy crystallette and carried > a student nurse at Somerset tValnut avenue, Cranford. cream and ivory Ions' stem car- lospital, Somerville. Private Dan Mrs. D. W. Bodle, treasurer o Maternities - 5.98 to 10.98 leather Bags from 4.98 mus Tax nations. iels is in the United States Army ilorris Photocolor Club, Morris- Site* 10 to 20 g in heart ami hand . . . small The best man was William T. tationed at Fort Belvoir, Va. ,own, will lecture and show slide! wonders designed for round-the-clock Martin. Ushers were Douglas II. Xo wedding date ha3 been set. aken by her in South America, wardrobe magic. Dittrick, Richard W. Taylor, James Slides from the Chromatic Slid' WRIGHT'S DRESS SHOP jane smc Wiant and James A. WilVms. Reunion Plans For Circle, Louisville, Ky., will also be After a southern wedding trip ihown. SS ELM ST. Open Mon, Eve». WlSTflttDU 137 Central Ave. Mr. and Mrs. Kraft will make their WHS Class of '38 The public is invited to attend home in Delaware, Ohio, The reunion committee for Westfield High School class of Shackamaxon Club 1038 has been formed to work ou Arbor Day Plans plans for a 17th class reunion. If plans are successful and com SCOTCH PLAINS — Mrs. F.pleted in time the committee hope: .^ffl William Matson of 1833 Chapelto set the date sometime in Sep road was hostess to the Shacka- tember or October. jane stni maxon Garden Club Monday. Mrs, The first letter to the class men bers has been mailed as of thii 133-141 CENTRAL AVE. WE. 2-2551 R. A. Lersch reported that the Arbor Day tree planting ceremon- date, requesting information on ies of which she is in charge wil unlocated classmates and desiv be held April 29 at 1:30 p.m. ai for attending. the Shackamaxon School on Mar- Any member of the elass of '31 tine avenue with all Scouts of thereading this article and not havin school participating. The club is received this first letter by th presenting and planting a tree. end of the week, please contac Mr. Brunner, supervising prin Hayy Miller of Westfield or Ver eipal, and Charles Wilgus, princi non Morris of Plainficld. pal, and all children of the school The committee urges that th will be, present. replies to this first letter be re Mayfair Hostesses for the meeting wen turned as soon as possible so tha Mesdames H. W. English, Mor arrangements can be complete rell Nunn and Raymond York. and the work begun. Spring is the time for RENTAL DEP'T loveliest of little Yes, we have opened this new department to serve you IMMEDIATELY, right girl dresses . . . here at home. All the new styles in formal wear now in stock in your sixe. Excellent fit- ting. Moderate rates. Stop in or call for fur- ther information. Reser- vations are advisable.


fOR Dl&CRIMlNATlMG SIGHTSEERS... BATES COTOM MATEUSSE Charmingly designed with a flair for TRWEL^ LIKr A 7R6UPER. .. young fashion . . . sizes J-3 . . . 3-6X a.. CUT-»N &rloy»-r>EK CRES^,..BLACK, WITH ITS OWN •bTRvPs-D ... 7-14 ... pre-teen . . . teen


Open Monday and Friday Evenings OPEN MONDAY and FRIDAY EVENINGS THE WESTFIELD (N.J.) LEADER. THURSDAY, APRIL 7, 1955 Grace Manaban of Rahvay. Jacob Emdin Speaker Troth Told Named on Staff Bring Yeur Fur* to *• The Wostfreld district is one ol SALLY For College Women; Of Catholic Group eight districts formed by Arefe. Old Reliable Furriers (Continued Ir«ge 10) bishop Thomas A. Boland. Tta Mrs, Torg Tonnessen of 503 Topiv, Book-Collecting Miss Sara Lee of 420 Forest archdioceaan council seeks to in- Mountain avenue recently enter- road, Scotch Plains, was appointsd tegrate Catholic women's groups tained members of the flowercom - The Westfield College Woman's president of the Westfield district into a single unit. The WertflelS for mittee of First Congregational Club heard Jacob L. Emdin speak of the Newark Archcrioeesan Coun- diM.net takes in Scotch Plain*,, Storage and Allied Services Church Antiques Show. Present | on book collecting and detecting, cil of the National Council of Fanwood, Kenilworth, Westfteld, Hollanderiiing were Mesdames Bruce E. Kimball, and ori literary frauds and hoaxes Garwood, Plainfield and Cranford. Tuesday evening at the Masonic Catholic Women at a recent or- 111 ,'ib» We. 2-3423 Open Men. eveningi robin and

Clara Louise wants to help all the girls have a happy Easter with these extra special accents . . . FOR THE , Come see ojir gay Spring Stride Rites, for younger mother Easfer Bonnets . . . $2.50 to $4.98 happy little Springtime feet. Each style is ACCUSTOMED TO LIGHT FOUNDATIONS Handbags . . . $1.00 to $3.98 1 carefully made with the features important;. scientific Crinolines ... $1.98 to $3.98 to proper toot protection »> • features which offer Iht tupport, comfort, and growing room Slips . . . $1.98 to $3.98 MATERNITY SUPPORT young feet need for normal development. W» Panties . . . 69c to $1.69 h*v« Stride Rika in all sizes and widths. .*, nnd Socks . .'.39c to $1.00 »e know exactly how to fit them. Why ...a lighlwtighl maternity lupport Gloves . . . $1.00 to-$1.98 not bring your Spring chickens in today*

for Iht young figure... with all fh* Jewelry . . . $1.00 plus tax Coats Suits famoui Comp icitntifle features Dresses

that hav* earned ir.tdical recognition.

World with flenlU authority (of and be sure to wish Mother and Daddy

jooiilort and well-being. Adjuitablt I* a happy Easter from us, too ...

< fir tin changing figure, for superior p.S. — Wonderful Easter Basket gifts in our Girl Scout Shop for your little Camp tervice -1«» our qualified filler. Brownie or Girl Scout. y Prkod from $4.50 to $8.95 According to Size Doctor's Proscriptions Filled

f CAM* JIWOHTS l"ll't«d to Youi Oothi'l ff«KilpltoR Kaden's Shoes OPEN 171 E. BROAD ST. Quimby Street Wostfiold 2-1131 MONDAY EVES, WESTFIELD 2-3680 OPEN MON. AND FRI. EVENINGS UNTIL 9 Doctor*' Pretcriptton* Filled THE WERTTTELP Announce Son's Birth Hospital, Concord, Mass. The j Dick of Worcester J j at MuhWsilneist Eospiii', Pia.nfic'.a. They Are Planning B .tf ««r Department grandparents sie Mr. and Mrs. j Dicks' other children SALLY I Mr. and tfrs. John Miller of 621 Mi-, and Mrs. Panif' E- Dick an- William VV. Stephens of 839 \ Stephen, Carol Su»a, 4prU fi fn 4Continued iron- p&jfe 21) I Duke place i*re parents of a daug-'v- f: liounic- ihc birth of their ' Biadfoid avenue and Richard G. j Ann and John Iimiel ; w-r born ;asf Ther?d:>y at Muhlen- r S0I1 Titia at Mr. and Mrs. TbU-rk^ay Soo Til*; \i>l l ti *'•' e u the Wo"".-; ch'id. a > F S' Emem'n • berjr Hospital. Piainfiriii. f &f 3 0b East Broad fstn-et are an - *" rb of --.L ©•©fes of 6 daughter bi>i h Satur Mr- ar.d His. L. f. Ri*i-k uf 3!" 1- t,; fvoiii ii vatalH'tl >:at-a'. in L Yes DOROTHY DENNIS W..,r;h. Fa. v.,',1 be the -4— Ml- S. S RESTAURANT Mr. and Mis. D. II. McCoi.duh'e I do Wedding Candids and Formals. are a^ home RKiiin st ID Nm Mi- MB .iv! Wi » has ar- WEEKDAYS - ALL YEAR Wickom cjivc af;iT five week- iu ranged 3 p fni the a fu-i- Except SOT.) Sin Fi'»ru-Uvo and Los Atuelf-. noon Stop in or call for information. Thtfy made several side tups- te Hlli UfNCHEOhf - 11:30 to 2:00 Rona!(ldi V pplay Mo- Vo^isr/itv. Car mel-by-'he-Sea, and zartV "I'omMt Kotnin" ami Saint- DINNER - 5-30 to 7:30 Lis Vestas. Their chiMmi. Djr>k- ' Sa*n- "liuriijiice" on the Fiench j SUNDAY and HOLIDAYS '.:r: Jr. and Rubin, ifiunu-d \\-*i, horn. tru-ir parents after ^pendmsr fKc 12:30 k> 6:30 Catherine Ws^tie will render '.v*ek> in Indiana with Mi*. MU DI<- three soprano .-clos: "Have You Paul Scarff Jmmm. J->> Asm> Seen But a Whytc Lillie Grow," Mr. ur.'i Mr?. Sidney Cut hav° 1 Anonymous lt-ll: "Kilty of CVIor- Photographer 414 N WOAO STREET r>!in :U'J to their honK on Moun- aine." Irish foik -ong-, ami "Vil- EUZAKTH, N. i. tumv-e-A- disv* after -ptndir.jr t**e lanelle." Dfll 'A«jua. I Elizabeth S-9872 vrmtt-r months in their apait.'lient Maxine Shinier, bassonist, Hel- 330 Mountain Ave. Westfield 2-6330 at Manhattan House. NV*v Yoi k ene Reiter, fluist. and Preston Mrs. Run.-psden, Mrs. C o e'.- Shinier, oboist, will render a trio mother, i* also home again. She Rontittl Rlmem To Schmitz-Juekel sonata in D Minor. Accompanist sper.t the winter in BmJen.on, r>f/ yoyc|, K(lrvh(,r \ Engagement Told will be Mrs. Wanless. Smith Club Fetes Mi?> A tine U re iuoi i was feted \ Mr. and Mrs. Kobert Jafktl of \ The engagement of Joyce Marie 537 Wyt-hwood road have an- Pro$i>ectire Students recently at a show-er civ«n by heri Karcher, dauerhter of Mr. and Mrs. nounced the en^aKement uf their Get Your Easter ^Bonnet a/I _ bridal party at th€ home of MrK j , T Kal.cher of Savreville, daughter, Patricia, tot Robert A tea for prospective students ,; B. De Cnstota.ro of 431 Locust to Ronald Bruce Khaesa was an- {avenue, Garwood. Mis? Crciuoti SthmitK, son of Mr- and Mr?. H?r~ of Smith College will be given by nounced at a cocktail patty to be • man J. Schmitz of UOG living- ave- will be parried May 1 in Holy held at the Karcher home Sunday the Watchung Hills Smith College Trinity Church to Pat Feriovcc- i nue. Club at the home of Mrs. Ran- afternoon. j Both are graduates of \Veity of South Several students now' at Smith ast Wednesday at Rahway Me- Tan Kappa Alpha. Carolina. The bridegroom-elect is the son iege and answer questions. High OOMT morial Hospital, Rahway. school students interested in en- of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Rhaesa 1 60 OFF of !2 Willow Grove parkway. He Corsages Demonstrated tering Smith College are invited Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Ullrich of to attend. YOVH 132 Stanmore place are parent.? of received his education in the West- daughter born March 28 at field schools and Staunton Mili- At Garden Club ItOCKMf Muhlenberg Hospital, Plainfield. tary Academy of Staunton, Va., —•- and is presently enrolled in Rut- The April meeting: of the Rake Dorothy Carol DuBois of Austin gers University. Upon gradua- and Hoe Garden Club, a YWCA street, a senior at Greenbrier Col- tion, he expects to join his father, sponsored organization, will be lege, Lewisburg, W. Va., is spend- who holds a seat on the American held Wednesday at 1 p.m. at the ing spring vacation at home. Stock Exchange, New York. He YWCA. ~+~ also a member of the Echo Nominations for officers for the Miss Amy Brennesholtz of 210 Lake Country Club. coming year will be received. Sinclair place and Miss Rita Wede- A late summer wedding is The principal activity of this mann of 427 Bouleva'd have con- planned. meeting will be a workshop in cor- Get a head start on spring ... , cluded a sojourn at the Bermud- age making, to bo conducted by iana, Pembroke, Bermuda. 1-5. Jack Doores of Mountainside. with one of our exciting new hats Exhibits Antiques drs. Doores has studied corsage- naking in Baton Rouge, La., and that say "Hello" to a new season! NJC Student's In New York Show ias conducted a course in this Stop (I hem* for ilipravert, reup- Poems Published subject at the Westfield YWCA S»ls1»ry, draptrfts, mrtiitiis. Just Mrs. Marjorie Milkn of 302 Ladies Day Out. Come in and see them all! nfl U^W 1-MOO or WFstfald East Broad street, antiques deal- Mrs. Beverly K. Hachmann will 1-0960 end our detoroKr will tome Four poems by Adele Rinehart will be among the 200 exhibi- innounce plans for the annual Panqmalac 5.95 le your bunt with fob* samples. of G41 Embree crescent are in- tors from all over the country par- pring rose sale which will be held Brioni Us charge of course! When phoning cluded in the winter issue of Horn ticipating in the County Antiques pril 30. Mrs. Edward L. Gaven, They'll Stop and Stare 6.95 trtm Mil *f town, plcsu ;ivme Book, literary magazine published Fair next week at the 71st Infan- hairman of the flower arranging Luisant by students at New Jersey College try Armory, Park avenue at 34th Each Time You Wear llw diorjei—Hi* call's on us! ommittee, will give details of the Milan Straws 7.95 for Women. street, New York. oming workshops, to be held April VAN DORENIZEO MOW OK WSCIT KM Adele's poems are entitled "Sa- 9 and May 20. SHIRTS ga," "Apples and Hay," "Allegro," Mrs. Ward Burleson, chairman Others at 3.95 and "A French Poodle Prays." Daughter to Conleys if the hospitality committee, will VAN DOREN A graduate of Westfield High lerve refreshments, assisted by her School, Adele is a junior English Lieut, (j.g.) and Mis. Charles :o-hostesses: Mesdarae? Roger L. LAUNDRY SERVICE major at NJC. She has held Russel Conley of Grymes Hill, S.. ierpont, J. Wallace Scanlon and 60S NORTH AVE. WE. 2-1200 state university scholarship 'and I., formerly of Westfield, announce Gustie Stevenson. WfiTfttlDi Vm t OuJMby Jti h»s been a memfjer of the Spanish the birth of a second daughter, Handitvglbvij MWAHC- 412 Sprii* f»U Av« club. She is the daughter of Mr. Debra Paulette, last Wednesday at and Mrs. Vene E. Rinehart. Muhlenberg Hospital, Plainfield. with Easter Sunday..,:

a lovely pair of glo

from our collection..i

so sure to please a i

right down to to


and Sunday there'will be Flowers fownes Double woven cottons, nylon.;] in the churches, in the home, as gifts Grandoe 2.00 - 3.50 - 3.95

IT'S NOT TOO LATE TO ORDER Black Plastic Patents the 3.00 - 5.00 - 7.95 - 10.95 We will be open today and tomorrow new-era from 8 A.M. to 8 P.M. knit Saturday from 8 A.M. to 6 P.M. trim suit Easter Sunday from 8 A.M. to 12 Noon

Plants Corsages

Cut Flowers Gardens

Planters Arrangements Fine Calf Coffee Frost Beech Avocado Our Own Delivery to Nearby Points Navy S&cony suit of Palm Beach *25 Black F.T.D. Wire Service Everywhere Sec how gifted Sacony males the most of your feminine curves in Neutral this beautifully rounded little suit! Tailored with first-class skill of lightweight year-'round Palm Beach cloth, it resists wrinkles, will 7.95 - T0.95 not wilt, and retains its beautiful shape almost forever. Subtle accent {or its gently rounded ways; the newer-than-new color- 12.95-15.00 blended rib-knit (rim. Size news: it's proportioned to fitjunio r ai H. I. VANCE 321 SOUTH AVE. well aj missei* figures. "It's a wonderful bayr R. O. VANCE TEL WE. 2-2525 Schaefers jSchaefers % No Poor Goods At Any Price' No Poor Goods At Any Price* WE2-O80O WESTFIELD WE2-O8OO WESTFIELD THE WESTFIELH fN.J.) LEATHER, THTTIPT>AV. APRTT, 7, honor and professional for vrotaon •an \ iolet Show On CeorgUt Wedding Trio I Duncan Cameron Bryan. Formerly of West field, in education. Membership requires s Big Attendance \Murried Saturday to Wis.s Patricia Eileen Ward one io have maintained scholarship Temple in the upper quarter of the group n$ atllie I Miss Patricia Eileen Ward of Detroit, Mich., daughter of Mrs.and to be recommended by the fac- Meet the worm spring sun on our spacious McCornack Ward of Detroit and A. P. Ward of Auckland, New Zea- ulty with respect to their potential- sund«k.i Overlooking the boardwalk mrf ,'liOiJ Tuorc than land, and Duncan Cameron Bryuh, son of Mi. and Mr*. Harvey ities for leadership in education. the beach. Delicious meals. Entertain- ',iii'ii.li-d (he flower show I Htjun Sr. cf Pitt.-town. 1'ornurly oi' We^tfitlii. were married Satur- ment program. Siii!Ufr»mS;.t«i«l»ail(om$19, ,,, ii;i' Viiion Coun'.y 1 j day ;iilvniuoti at live o'clock in the JefTerson Avenue Presbyterian 1 Carol Ann Burr uf 1782 Lam- ,i[9M;cC;t> 5.JJH i.l lh>- African V.ulet So- •Criuwh, Detroit. The Rev. Dr. Al- --— <- the i> Temple I Un Zaun officiated and a ri-i-ep- \ "Music of Springtime'' berts Mill load, a, sophomore ivt Tlu-re tion followed at the Detroit B.i.-U • j.. i «*i- Lake Forcut College, Lake Forest, tries ami 125 varieties of Ci,lb (,tien by A hem pis 11}., will be a guerft at the home of The bride wore a gown of whin1 . "* a classmate, in Fort Lauderdale, sWl.(.pstal;P.< award for the number of blue ribbons ami Ilahan silk taffeta fashioned wi'hi "Music of Springtime" will be Flu., for the Easter vacation. .'n of the Show award, fui Saturn neckline 'apn'iqued with j!" csented by Marie Shepard, so- lH uhiU' silk pique motif, bracelet \ prano, and I.eone Paulson, harpUt, ,--t,ecinient plant exhibited, i, by Mrs. C. B. Ward of lenj-th sleeves, and full skirt cx-jat the meetitiE of the a'Kempis of o into a chapel sweep? Hei \Tew Jersey Tuesday at the Robert n Park. two-tier illusion veil was held by Treat Hotel, Newark. Marie Shep- ribbons in the specimen small cap of matching taffeta ard is a graduate of Clarke Con- u-eie aiveii to Mrs. A. P. with pique motif. The bridal bon- servatory in Philadelphia, and is I ,>f Madison. Mrs. A. M. •t uos of Jilies-of-the-vatley and well known in radio, opera and tho ,,f Avon-by-the-Sea, Mr-. wlu e orchids. theater; Leone Paulson has been -)lnm of Summit, Mrs. Noi- a soloist with many symphonic or- BESTaCO. Mirfs Mary Susan Irving; of De- ,H-II of Maplewood and Mrs. tiuit was maid of honor. Hrides- chestras, and has been a teacher ohii'i of Carteret. Winiieii naid.s included Miss Sheila Brod- of the harp at the Intellochvn Na specimens classifications in- lak of Muncie, Ind.; Mis^ Jane tionai Music Cainp of the Univer- °Mir. H. L. Morris of Plain- Stiatton of Sullivan, Ind., and Mrs. sity of Micliijwn. Mrs. Thomas J. ijrs. M. J. Marczak of Lin- James Rtzabek of Morton Uiovt, liolleran is the program chairman. f<. C R. Hudson of West- 111. Following the , j]rs. George Benson of All tlie attetidanU wore Empire the new members of 1U54 will K; plains, Mrs. John J. Causer bt>le gowns of cornflower blue silk, the quests of the club at a tea. kel'i.j. Heights, Mrs. Arthur with square necks, full skirts, ami Those assisting the hostess, Mrs. TEEN'S SPRING PUMPS reiu'u and Mrs. F. W. Budde matching headbands. They carried John C. Murray, will be Mrs. ivnod and Mrs. C. A. KnausS deep red carnations with swett- Thomas Moloney of Orange; Mrs. heart roses and ivy. Henry Walters and Mrs. fieorce Pretty shoes for that new limit. Ward of Belleville; Mrs. William uiijrcimnU classes were John Harvey Bryan Jr. of Pitta- Crecca of Maplewood; Mrs. Pearee Spring outfit..., finely Mrs. C. E. Howard of tottu was best man for his brother. Shepherd of East Orange and Mrs. eld, Mrs. Roy C' Collins of U.-hers were Edward ('. Lavy Jr., ivowl'and Mrs. L. D. Connel) Letter Welch, Foster H. BarroW;t, 'homas Mehuughlin of West Or- constructed, flexible but mvood. Additional winneis and John Bernard Mercke, all of nge. Bower arran/fementers wore Detroit. firm — and designed with „ mes F. I.. Valentine, Ken- Following a weddinjr trip to Sea Teacher Elected To Jolier, II. \V. Blackford, E. Island, Ga., Mr. and Mrs. Bryan the neat simplicity teens want. len, Howard Secor, Charles will make their home in Ann Ar- Honor Association , Couser and Budde. bor, Mich. The classic strap pump in * award went to Miss Dorothy Mrs. Eunice Morse, who is on ik for the most symmetrical Union Snlon 146, abbutical leave for study, lias been black patent leather. 7.95 • oomini? plant. Mrs. Ward, elected to Pi Lambda Theta at stakes winner, also won in Eight et Forty Columbia University's Teacber.9 College. Pump with bow trim, in rgest blooming plants sec- MRS. DUNCAN CAMERON BRYAN Jra. F. W. Watrous exhibited The regular meeting of Union Pi Lambda Theta k a national allcst plant in bloom for her fifcld and Mrs. Bernard Murphy of Salon, 148, 8 et 40 was held re- blue calf. 8.95 : and Mi's. Hudson earnedScotch Plains. Boro Newcomers cently at the home of Mrs. Viola Dunham, 453 Birch place. ave been made to take Easter id for the most unusual The Morris County African Vio- Schedule Meeting Both in sizes 3J1 to 8, Jus plant. In the non-members let Society received a blue ribbon Miss Mary Donnelly, child wel- ifts to children at Bonnie Burn (cation Mrs. Edna Kersch- for three registered named varie- fare chairman, reported birthdays Sanatorium. ties. Mrs. M. G. Magee was Riven The Mountainside Newcomers of the .tubercular children at the A delegation will attend a test- Booiiton was presented a Mo/7 and p/iont orders flffaf ar membership to the Nfl-a door prize. Judges for the speci- ub, a YWCA sponsored or^ani- National Jewish Hospital in Den- imonial dinner Saturday for de- men blooms were Mrs. Neil Miller' ation, will hold their regular ver had been remembered. Plans partmental chaplain, Mrs. Ethel | African Violet Society and monthly dessert meeting at the Arlt. t local chapter. of Penns Grove, Mrs. C. J. Sachs 1 of Cliffside Park and Mrs. Howard 'Y' - Monday at 12:30 p.m. Mrsanswe. r period will follow his talk The next department pouvolr for the arrangements will be held in Trenton, Auril 17. Ijirs. Myra Brooks of West- Morris of Drexel Hill, Pa. Edward Vorlanguiere, program on "Perennials". Child care will be hairman, has announced the pro-provided for children from affes Hostesses for the evening were am will be a talk by Mr. Roytwo to five. Members will be con- Mrs. Dunham and Miss Donnelly. Villiams of the Williams Floral tacted by telephone for reserva- Mrs. Mollie Steudle, cliapeau, pre- WATCHUNG State Highway, Rout* 22 • Plalnfl.ld 7-0500 • AMPLE PARKING Pretty Settings 'arm, Springfield. A question and tions. sided. FOR YOUR TABLE OR GIFTS QUALITY CUT GLASS Original Designs—Unique and Conveniently Located in the [ Beautiful —at moderate prices

OPEN All DAY - EVERY TOTH'S CUT GLASS , 171-W So. Main St., Flemington GEOGRAPHICAL CENTER RETAIL MJ WHOLESALE-A. T.th. Sr., Prap. 1,4 Mils South of Main Stmt Traffic Circl* f town! SPRINGFIELD



t Reeve 9RT SHIRTS sue* »•» 2.50 E Sleeve SCOTCH H'LEEY & LORD GINGHAMS $>». aa> 2.95 PLAINS faints JEANS si»« R-s, nt». & HU.K/ 2.74

CHINOS «»1.10. ia 4.50 Uned, WsslwHe 4.95 JACKETS SUM m I , 4.95 Our central location in the .T.V,T*«. pHlNO PANTS «*.».*? heart of town is most conve- CLARK nient to everyone. And our NNIOR LONGIES VW*. "»rdlni! 4 n«nnel Spring Flowers /.pacious purking area pro- '•*P "Wash 'n Wear" Slacks . . from 7.95 vides "worry-free" parking Potted Plants for your added convenience. Dp* onav#> for Junior"., Come see us today. We'll UKT COATS .vawsx •!»« ». 10. w from Special Arrangements t Oibardln. be happy to see you. ^ RAINWEAR , 12.95 A delightful surprjse — COATS tor Boy,.!». « » »»"• 19.95 Let us design an EARN WESTFIELD FEDERAL SAVINGS Store Open Easter Corsage to Monday and Friday 'Til 9 P.M. add the perfect touch YOUR SAVINGS to her spring finery.

CURRENT DIVIDEND We deliver around the corner or around (ho world.


I A'eic Officers For Business Women To 1 Blue Star Club WHS Clm$ of '39 Gives to Library Witii tlu ColUjlans IS'ewcomers Convene Present Variety Show \lSominates Officers SPECIAL FULL COURSE On to ! MOUNTAINSIDE—The Moun- " Washington" MOt"N'TAIXSII>E—Mrs. E. A!-\ The class of 1939 announces that j i t a i n = i d e Nt -A'comers executive uVr Owens if Tanairer way, \\H~! after its loth reunion held last' Members of the BuMiH'S- and ; i June remaining funds were made EASTER DINNER Murray Randall of 634 Hilkrest member of Phi Delta Thet.at na- - board met rei tntiy at thv nominated '.o : :e office of presi- avenue and Doug-las L. Peterson of tional social fraternity. home of the new president. Mr*. Professional Woman's Ciubs vf dent of B:«e Star Garden Ciub of available to the High School li- Union and Somerset counUt^ will 835 Willow Grove road have been John J. Suski. 258 Apple Tree Mountainside, at a meeting- of that brary for the purchase of books. SERVED FROM 12 NOON pledged to Chi Phi, national sociai Audrey Kisonak of 16 Wychviev present a variety hhow, "On to club Tuesday afternoon at the These have been secured and in- Une. In addition to Mrs. Suski, Washing-ton" at theen pledged to of GiJbeit Murray. follows: Program, Mrs. Edward headquarters in Washington, D. I Davis, the resignation cf Mrs. 0. Kappa Delta Rho, social fraternity Audrey is a graduate of Mount Verlanguiere; hospitality, Mrs. C, in the near future. \ S. Pierce, was received with re- at Colgate University. St. Mary's Academy, North Plain- Georg-e McComb; hostess, Mrs. Mrs. Eileen Brady of East Or- gret, and Mrs. Thomas Ingaie was • * • Tri Dells Hold field. Chester Fabian; telephone. M«. j -^ta^^ident ^N- j accepted 8S . rew member of, the Eichard Cogswell of 909 Rah- • * • R. C. Rogers; activities, Mrs. AI- iclub. Luncheon Meeting way avenue left last week by plane The following local students belt \\ tiler; membership, Mrs. Professional Wtomen's Clubs and for Glasgow, Scotland. He will visu ; from Centenary Junior College. | Korman Kempson; child care, Mr« The nd Mrs. \ Edinburgh and will spend one j Hackettstown, will begin their care, J Wilbur Groves; publicity, Mrs week motoring in the highlands of spring recess 'today; Lydie Adele William J. Turbcville. rner state president will be guests | Scotland; then to London and Diehl of 556 St. Marks avenue, of honor. !Jer! State . The club's next regular n May. Mrs. Viner an- Mis. E. E. Paul; 14 Noe avenue, Qickand Paris. With him is one of his fra- Dorothy Duane Herrinirton of 643 jng.W .JJJ be held April 11 at th With the exception of several •"*• ternity brothers, Herbert Ford Jr. East Broad street, Diane Louise | YWiCA. guests artists, BPW members wi i that the next group to , Madison, Wednesday at 12:30 p.m. The program will be an- make floral decorations at Kilmer ; Miss Alice Callan will discuss "Re- PRIVATE DINING ROOMS FOR BANQUETS AND ft «f Chatham. They plan to return Johnson of 543 Shackamaxon nounced at a later date. comprise the entire cast. Emi to Bethlehem, Pa., April 15 and re- drive, Carolyn McDougall of 380 Netter, pianist, of Plainfield ha. Hospital will go May H. | cent Developments In The Near FULLY All CONDITIONED same their studies at Lehigh Uni- Old Tote road, Mountainside; arranged the musical scores an< Mrs. Bernard Buck, program ; East" and show pictures which she versity. Carol Jo Reddell of 553 Elm street wiil be accompanist. chairman, had asked the following j took in Syria, Turkey and Greece, Mutic en the Hammond Organ Daily week practical training period at members to make arrangements at Any Tri Deltas in thU vicinity • • • and Sandra J. Windfeldt of 1534 the New York Naval. Shipyard in Miss Mary C. Kanane of Union Alan L. Schuster of 349 Tuttle Springfield road, Mountainside. Union County deputy surrogate Tuesday's meeting: Mrs. Hose,! w),0 would like to attend should ROUTE 22 Phon* Millburn 6-1439-4426 SPKINGflfU)K Brooklyn, N. Y. William, a gradu- monochromatic; Mrs. Joseph H. [ telephone Mrs. Karl E. Morris at parkway is a member of the Wa- • * * ate of Scotch Plains High School will be cast in the leading role, bash College golf team which is L. William Frank of 2218 Eliz- Supporting her will be Mrs. Ruth Hershey, analogous composition; • \ye.2-4393. class of 1953, is now a freshman a Mrs. F. H. Stedman, miniature;; ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^_^^ now making its third annual south- abeth avenue returned recently to Webb. Van Deusen' of South Plainfield; and Mrs. S. K. Mrozcek, free-style, j " «»•«=••» ern tour. his studies at Webb Institute # * * Mrs. Martha Eibelhauser of West- Mrs. Owens discussed these types Alan is a sophomore at this all- Naval Architecture, located Mary Jane Thompson of 411 field, Mrs. Josephine Novak an of arrangements with the group male, liberal arts school. He is a Glen Cove, N. Y., following a 10 Birch place returned home Tues- Mrs. Anne Venezio of Scotc day to spend a week's spring vaca- Plains, Mrs. Myrna Petty an and demonstrated arrangements in Mrs. Maggie Glider of Plainfield triad and tetrad, instructing club tion with her family. members in the basic means to Mary Jane, a junior at Moravian Specialty numbers will be pre- sented by Mrs. Genevieve Dwye good arrangements, namely, de- College, Bethlehem, Pa., is majo sign, composition, line and color. ing in medical technology. She is of Somerville, Mrs. Rita Rink am Mrs. Irene Netter of Plainfield. Assisting hostesses for the after- WEEKEND FLOWER SPECIAL a member of Pi Mu Epsilon, a so- noon were Mrs. Wiliia:n Heine and cial sorority. Soloists will include Mrs. Susan D. Vail and Miss Catherine Row- Mrs. Hershey, with Mrs. Stedman * • » and Mrs. E. Royal Zeitler pouring, H. Emerson Thomas Jr. of 3 an of Plainfield, Miss Lorraine WHILE THEY LAST Stoneleigh park, a freshman at Conover of North Plainfield, Mrs. Mrs. Lawrence Ruf of Manasquan, Jennie Pannone of Somerville, former member, was a guest at Princeton University, is vacation- he meeting. ing in Bermuda. Tommy is a mem- Mrs. Isabelle Gaburo of Raritan ber of the Princeton Marching Mrs. Mary Murphy and Mrs. Ed- FlftVERIVC AZALEA PUNT - $1.98 na Anderson of Westfield, Mrs Robert Coe of Mountainv'ew We extend our sincerest wishes Band and the Concert Band. Gladys Venes and Miss Lee of drive, a junior ct Harvard Col- John Scott of 1050 Wychwood Scotch Plains. lege, has as Easter holiday house- to all our friends and customers Serry, no delivery en this irem'at this price. road, also a student at Princeton, The dancing chorus will include guests Lindsay Fisher of Colorado is spending his spring vacation in TODAY - FRIDAY - SATURDAY ilrs. Beatrice Walls, president Springs, Colo.; Winthrop C. Neil- for a very jiappy Easter ' Fl orida. A member of the fresh- ind Miss Rowan of the Plainfield son of Devon, Mass., and Jo Ann man swimming team, he was re- PW club, Mrs. Peggy Kitchen of Kohler of Milton, Mass. cently awarded '58 numerals. • A Special Offer to hove you come Middlesex, Mrs. Naomi Zid of Three performances of "Every- omerville, Mrs. Sophie Baranski and visit us man", an early English morality of Fanwood, Mrs. Peggy JolTee play, were given by the Mermaid and Mrs. Venes of Scotch Plains. y The choral group will comprise Players of Dickinson College in # Watch for a different plant or flower Miss Emma McGall, Miss Stella connection -with tht e annual Reliff Meseroll, Mrs. Anderson, Miss iion-in-Lifi e Week program on the Mai-garet Shove and Miss Mar- special each week campus. The role of "Strength" in garet Chree of Wcstfield, Miss the ancient play was portrayed ly Dunellen, Charles A. Rietz of 648 Notting- Katherine Krause of Mrs. Mildred Everett, president Fashions for Men ham place, a Dickinson sophomore. Out Melinlw STA-NU Dry Ck.nln|. of the Somerset BPW club, Mrs. U* tmi (MI «t» tmnvm. It mh WESTFIELD FLOWER SHOP Uaire Dorothy Mediation oi 726 Zid, Mrs. Julia V. Cookc, Mrs. rtl 124 ELM ST. WESTFIELD, N. J. Mary Hoffman and Mrs. Cora JOHN C. STEUERNAOEl Austin street is enrolled in the one CORBY'S year course at the Katharine Gibbs Brain of Somerville and Mrs. School, New York, where she will Kitchen. ENTERPRISE LAUNDRY 250 Springfield Ave. Tel. WE. Also Mrs. Anne Donnelly of begin her work July 5. She will' be Summit 6-1000 Westfield ,2-3650 graduated from Holy Trinity High Scotch Plains, Mrs. Baranski of School in June, Fanwood, Mrs. Wlalls, Mrs. Mar- garet Buy and Mrs. Dorothy OTHER COLLEGIANS Clark of Plainfield. ON PAGE 29. Miss Patricia Cerillo, captain of the Plainfield High School twirling squad who will present a twirl- '55 County Tax ling demonstration and Mrs. June Rate Is Announced Clawson of Scotch Plains, former New York dancer, will be among ELIZABETH—The 1955 county the guest artists. tax rate will .he $.89888, it was Posters which will be distrib- announced Thursday by the Union uted were made by Roland Hart- ounty Board' of Taxation. The man of Fanwood. 954 .rate was $.87715. Committee chairmen include; The net valuation of ratablos in Tickets, Mrs. Baranski; boosters, he county totals $723,175,343, the Mrs. Walls; public relations and The Loneliest ommissioners said. The 1955 program, Mrs. Venes. ounty budget calls for expendi- ures of $6,591,365,65. bank stocks Debbie Dictz, a freshman at otal $90,826.79, leaving $6,500,- Harcum Junior College, is spend- >38.86 to be raised by taxation. ing the spring vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Dietz USE LEADER WANT ADS of 771 Fairacres avenue.

MOTHPROOFING The Handsomest Every garment cleaned at Pan-Am is Automatically Haymaker MOTH-PROOFED FREE OF You'll Find CHARGE. The HsyanVef Golfer dtugntd by Vin Dtaddy OWNER OPERATED - NOT A CHAIN

Th* •xclutrv* button PAN-AMERICAN CLEANERS - front covral with th« 501 South Ave. TEL. WE. 2-7430 MW patented D*Armlgen« sleeve for complete freedom without pull or •train; jaunty button back cotton, new back pocket and elastlcized belt. The smart homemaker loves and Sizes 10-20 $12.95 to $17.95 desires fine accessories that are indi- vidual and artistic —

My collection of china, leather goods and cards are a joy to give as gifts. **£*" Gifts for all — from Italy, Finland, Holland and our America. „»«***»» ""•

266 E. Broad St. Felice 266 East Broad St. THB WEBTFTELD (N.J.) LEADER, THURSDAY, APEIL 7, 1955 Page Seventeen models (drawn to scale) and then commercial art projects will be reproduced on the stare itself, j displayed. Photographers Seek Offeusive Against Dutch | Even the actual selection of colors ' The art department ^nd art as "Best" 75 Year Old Elm Disease Begins Be an EARLY BIRD with your is carefully worked out and the a course is one of those hig'h school i m jart students not only set up the activities which is frequently un-' With DDT Spray stage properties, but they HUO sung but is conatanOy working for A nation-wide search to find the | paint thtm and place each prop iu tiif students a-nd the jsthool. most photogenic and charming j Dutch Elm disease control ,*huuld its correct position. The director of art in the hi^b Woman now 75 yeui's of ajje has begin now—before budn break. De- been launched by the Photograph- Lighting; is an important activ- .school is Mi. Burger, a proft-* lay or neglect could prove fatal to . ity of ait students and riiueh care ^iujial ariL^t, who hu6 had fxpori-. ers' Association of America in eun- elm. enct' in graphic, fine and eommev- j junction with its Diamond Jubilee is taken to provide the right ' Two most urgeng t Ups to elm amount of lighting for each activ- cial arts. Mr. Burger has had prac- cbvation, it has been an- D P h. Rus- nounced by President Janies Pick- owners, sayys Dr. Philip ity produced on the stage. The re- tical experience in and dt*n, pathologist of the Bartlett cent band conceit presented before lighting, having worked with sum* ands II of New Haven, Conn. Trot1 Research Laboratories, are For EASTER Giving the students of the high school was iiier stock ID Cape May the last All women who wvie born in these: an example of a unique and effec- few summers. 1880, the yew the Photographers' 1. Spray all elms with DDT tive manner of using lights to best Wilh a" experienced teacher, Association of America was found- just before leaves unfold. Cover advantage. the students learn that art can be ed, are eligible to join the "Sweet the twigs thoroughly. This will both functional and aesthetic. But 75" contest. Ail & woman has to prevent the spring generation of ROSES In the music festival last year more important than that, the stu- do to enter the country-wide con- elm leaf beetles fro.n infecting much of the effect of the prodiu-- est is to have a photograph taken, ;ion owed its success to the light- dents are given an opportunity for healthy trees. The elm bark beetle Packaged and Potted ing and staging as planned by the self-expression. without charge to the contestant, transmits the deadly Dutch elm art department under the supervi- at the studio of a member of the I disease fungus. Young beetles in sion of Werner Burger, art direc- Joins Seventh Army association. She must be in good early spring fly from diseased HYBRID TEAS, are throe girU in the ut department of the Senior tor. The use of the spotlights and health, abie to travel and prepared trees to healthy twigs, feed in the being instructed by Werner C. Burger, head of the the subdued effect of the top and On Duty in Germany to establish proof of her age. twig crotches, deposit spores in foot lights follows a carefully Association members taking pavt wounds and thus infect trees. FLORIBUNDAS worked out pattern. in the "Sweet 75" contest in this 2. Clean-up and burn all dead SCOTCH PLAINS — PFC Don- and diseased elm wood by April As a community service, the art ald G. Schiller, 24, son of Mr. and area include H. Whittakev of 33 1 AND CLIMBERS Hawthorne drive. 15. This means removing every Department Provides Services department is called on frequently Mrs. A. Schiller, 583 Park avenue, dead elm, pruning others of dying to make posters for various activi- recently arrived in Germany and The "Sweet 75" contest winner wood, tattered limbs and excess ALSO A LIMITED QUANTITY OF Addition to Teaching Creativeness ties. All the activities in the is now a member of the Seventh will be selected by a group of in- branches. It will kill over winter- GRANDIFLORA schools receive priority rating for Army. Schiller, a field wiremnn ternationally famous women ro- ing elm bark beetleB and promote spected for their civic and cultural (The N«w Type of Rose) BERNARD 0. THOMAS pletely hidden. posters (plays, etc.) but the busy with the 521st Engineer Group's tree vigor. Supplement this sani- art department still finds time for Headquarters Company, last achievements. tation measure by feeding the at art is functional is evident One year, 1953, the theme of work fov the community. served at Fort Dix. A 1954 gradu- gtiout the year as students in The grand prize winner will be trees—highly necessary because the prom was a circus and the dec- The work of the art department ate of Seton Hall University, South the guest of honor at the Photon last year's hurricanes left many "FINER LAWN SEED asses meet the needs of van- j ations completely transformed is displayed each year in an exhibit Orange, he entered the Army last raphers' Association Diamond Ju- elms in weakened condition. departments in the schools he gymnasium into a gigantic "big in the senior high school. This year September. bilee birthday party and conven stage settings, stage lighting, op", complete with carousel and the exhibit will be held in May. tion at the Conrad Hilton Hotel in MIXTURES" rs, etc. and stand. Oils, water colors, fiat and three. Chicago, Aug. 15 to 19. Her ex- association. GARDEN CENTER FORMULAS t in the schools must provide For stage settings, the entile dimensional designs, ceramics, clay FOR BEST RESULTS penses and those of a companion The contest open now, closes itlet for complete creative ex- an is worked out from actual and plaster of paris sculpture, and USE LEADER CLASSIFIED of her choice will be paid by the June 15. (Proven Best for Thit Area) ion. It must put the student iroblem solving situations and • VELVET •SPECIAL • SHADY ilf-discipline. e art teacher is not attempt- • DRY and INFERTILE SOIL MIXTURE j develop a Leonardo DaVinci meet the ba»lc requirement! of (he New Jersey Agricultural rcn a Norman Rockwell, But, Experiment Station at Rutgert Univeraity. igh ait classes, the teacher to develop a studentV skills to encourage him along; those in which he is most adept. FERTILIZE YOUR LAWN NOW cause of the individual in- tion provided in the schools, students become proficient In FOR BEST RESULTS designing. Others may de- along entirely different lines We Recommend — become proficient in lettering GARDEN CENTER LAWN FOOD designing posters. Still others 50% Organic find their forte in ceramics or Bate your coitt on a tq. ft. basis, oiling in clay. not on "How Much" per bag. te art department trains stu- s in many fields of the graphic, and commercial arts, provides LIME YOUR LAWN NOW altitude of services for the ol's needs, tght now, for example, art Btu- SCOTT'S LAWN CARE PRODUCTS s are working on the decora- s for the junior prom. The en- gymnasium is converted into MICHIGAN PEAT teral fairyland as the motif lorainates and the old familiar Nature's Finest Soil Builder 5 of the gymnasium are com- 1—2—4 By. Bags and Bulk AFRICAN VIOLET & POTTING SOIL Large Selection of FLOWER & VEGETABLE SEEDS 7 • Ferry Morse • Burpee • Mandevlll* King Seed Starting Trays — Sphagnum Moss— Vermiculite and Seed Growing Accessories



PEONY ROOTS LILY of the VALLEY wigoroug White, Red, Pink Bundles of 25, 60c HARDY PHLOX DAHLIAS 6 colors 6 colors 35c - 6 for $2.00 r ri Can't Buy Any Finer Candy ! f? £ Sht refreshment — JjKe Canterbury tea! Thste ine difference in that invig- CANNA STRAWBERRY , J""'»ft lull flavor. Notice i 'he way it brines you new ROOTS PLANTS : viBor.newlife Canterbury's i «ercal tea—and it always sl s I 5° ,h y°u less. So go re- FOR DORMANT SPRAYING ' ;™? «l with Canterbury— Special for Easter the most effective control of scale insects «its bnghl now package.. We have DORMACIDE - SCALE-O - LIME SULPHUR

"STRICTLY FOR THE BIRDS" Chocolate Eggs and Bunnies Feeders — Houses — Suet Cakes and Holders — Chicadee and Community Diners — Seed — Endorsed by Audubon >>A Society. Jelly Beans OPEN FRIDAYS 'TIL 9 P.M. OPEN SUNDAYS 9 to 4 Boxed Assortments MARTHA LORTON • LANDSCAPE CRAFTSMAN • CERTIFIED TREE EXPERT jiner candies Established 1928 PHONE YOUR ORDERS TO WE, 2-3109 - WE DELIVER 13 ELM ST. NEXT TO PEOPLES BANK 1100 SOUTH AVE. W., WESTFIELD Page Elgfcteea TITR only Air Force B*w. on this day- raphy aie m d tr MeGaire AF Base V]le uhicli. if neglfccled, can poison wn>'iv Ther* will be ample parking: and play. Over iw ^ THE WESTFltLD LEADER Open ilouw May 21 refreshment f»i-iiities. vi dub tncmUtrs w c fiirnr-unities."' siui'i' thi.-, i, i ,f r : Entered a-l Ihe Poet OStc« it W'e»'f.e-d, N J.. t it MM Sfx-tmd C't&ms Matter. Today in India the Indian houspwift MvGuire, the only Air Force kind in Uiy ,.u.i-'.: PuMiiheS Thursdays s* Wesftteld New Jersey,. b» yfe* WfejsiSe'^ Leader Printing and f'ubiifshicg .-j>eiid> nearly a quarter of her uoikmg Base in Ne\t- Jersey, wiii a^ain hold nii tu uu 1 Company. Afi IfideiJerjdeet Newgpa&er. its iinnua! "upen house" in recog- Camera Qub Slide v? K •' ^ ^" OfflcigJ Paper for the Town of Wes'.fieid and hours finding and bringing drinking wa- nition uf Armed Forces Day, Sat- Content Tonight KUJ^K^S^^ b f Miia ter into her home. In contrast with thi; s>a *2 50 a year to Advance urday, May il, according to Hi. The fir^t big annual oolor jtljje .-upht-i.s, AIOU'IH-I- situation U that of the largely unf\- 1. K. Dye. puU:c information oi'fi- t'&iiU'^t of lUt \Ve--tiWld Cunu-i'tt lo lukv thi-.r -iii^*. £#t*toiish«HS 1M« eer. Offto* «t Elm Street. Wentfieifl. I* J j'iored Valli-y uilh its poor con- Ciuli will ha held tocuiy at 8 p.m. -N'*>-^tiu. Til. WS. I-44S7 — WS 1-446* ditions which has recently become one Major W. C. Matthews is prujiut at the We^ttii'Id Tennis Club. Alt ofncel- for the open hou^c which M&ffiber of the region.-; of thy world best sen id those interested in colyr photon- Qo»U» WevJrUo* of New 3*rm*j PJomUes to hn larifni' than the pne with safe water. Many of the watei -up- held last year. Included wili be a Katloual Editorial Aaaociation plie* have been built by the pi (>)>'•', huge parade, a jet formation fly- over, mariy displays with aircraft themselves, with the help and advice oi arid equipment exhi'tits. tvasntd sanitary engineers. McGuire i> next door to Fort THURSDAY, APRIL 7, 1055 l);x at Wrijrhtstowi], 17 mik-s Although the need of clean watt! h«i^ southeast of Trenton. The ^ejserai beta chosen as this year's theme for Baster Smtk public, both adults and children, 'You Are There' — World Health Day, WHO operates in are invited to witness first hand a.d. IV Id. Apr. (April 10) many other fields. Perhaps one of iN the uc-Jvitir's of the Garden State's JERUSALEM—Some residents of Jer- most publicized projects was the snia\- needed to be transported by am- usalem and nearby communities are ing of DDT in Greece to lessen the inci- anee from Gi.shen Hospital to speculating this evening on rumor; dence of malaria. Formerly, 80 per cent Muhlenbeitf for further treat- which have been making the rounds dur- of the population suffered from the dis- ment. 1 "The courtesy and consideration ing the day. The rumors concern what ease. Now, according to public health •shown to tircta and me on the several women refer to as a "miracle" reports, there is ±o little malaria in trip down and the gentle and ex- —the reported opening of ;i tomb In- Greece, that it is difficult to find enough pert handling of the patient can- YOUR CONTRIBUTION WILL HELPMAK£ not be praised too highly. The some supernatural means and the com- cases to demonstrate the disease to med- THIS POSSIBLE excitement and strain of admission ing-to-life of the occupant. ical students. GIVE TO TH6 AMERICAN CANCER to Muhlenberg at a late hour made it impossible for me to per- The incident is said to have occurred One of WHO's most effective activities .-onally express my gratitude to in a garden on the outskirts of the city. is that of broadcasting each day the lat- the two volunteers at the time. The women have been called "relig- est information on epidemic diseases "I use this occasion to thank the two men for their kindness. ious fanatics" by some townspeople. Ac- throughout the world. Cases of plague, Editor, Leader: The tun that help* the banner bright Congratulations are in order U "Mr. Wolff and I now recognize cording to them, an itinerant preacher cholera and the like are reported so Miothn' *"• '^ •• -""nn whic) more than ever the necessity of Of springtime come unfurled who was crucified Friday, Jesus, of Xaz- that the national health service of any supporting financial drives which provide means for you to carry on Arise* once again to light areth, is supposed to have "risen from nation, as well as ships at sea and air- he Mail Bo J continue to send these your wonderful work. Our contri- the dead". Jesus, a native of Bethlehem, craft are warned in time to take effec- .if*;:o:-.r.^::t^ oat yv-illy, as long bution is enclosed herewith. A winter-weary world! lave forced a Town Council • the ptropje of t'nion County was executed on a cross after a quick tive action. "We congratulate you on having A HAW lASTIR TO AU Of YOU eject the proposal for establish! ace tht-.i ciust in me by return- built up such an effective organ- trial before Pontius Pilate, Roman gov- Shortly after it was formed WHO £ me :o Cor.^rc^, My only regret ernor. ization as the Westfield Volunteer MOM AU Of US AT THC IANK aided Egypt in bringing a serious cholera Pleate Note: Letter, to the Edi- that n;y resources do not permit Rescue Sqviad and wish you con- Early this morning the women—Mary, e to send a questionnaire to ev- tinued success in your fine new outbreak swiftly under control. tor must be in the "Leader" office y constituent. Salome, Joanna, and Mary Magdalene— WHO's membership now stands at 84. by noon Mondays to insure publi- building." cation the same week. All letters A^ain, may I commend you on VIRGINIA WOLFF went to the tomb where they had Membership is not a condition of-assist- must be signed by the writer. fine editorial. 109 Carleton road watched the burial of the man late Fri- ance. WHO is prepared to give, and does HARRISON" A. WILLIAMS. day afternoon by a follower of his, Jo- give, help wherever need exists. WESTFIEID - CRANFORD - SCOTCH PLAINS Vicious Destruction Thanhs OARWOOD - PUINFIELO seph of Arimathea. The women found The battle WHO is ceaselessly waging Open Letter Member of Federal Uepoult Insurance Corptrttlw Editor, Leader: the large stone meant to block the door is a battle for health not merely against Editor, Leader: of the cave rolled away, ,and they re- Construction of a garden apart- Editor, Leader: On behalf of the Westfield Heart disease. For this reason it lays great ,ment project on Forest avenue and The following, letter was ad- Association, I wish to 'thank tho ported they saw two shining beings who stress on education of the public as a Seneca place was begun during dressed to the Weslfield Volunteer "Leader" for the excellent cover- told them Jesus had risen from the dead. necessary foundation for the help that the past winter. Ut'^eue Squad, Inc. age given to the Heart Fund Cam- One of the "angels" is supposed to have "I am *ylad to be able to express paign. And to the citizens of West- science can give toward achieving and In the winter months it was ob- niy tiofp appreciation to the West- field—our sincere thanks for mak- PHOTOSTATS asked, "Why are you expecting to find maintaining health. served that there wore acts of van- field Volunteer Rescue Squad at ing the 1955 campaign nuch a huge the living a"mong the dead?" dalism committeed such as the tin- this time of your present drive. success. April 7 is now celebrated around the tiiiff of temporary telephone linns, LOUISE II. VOGT, ~" The spirit-men then showed the empty holes in windows of our field of- "Your wonderful services to my SAME DAY SERVICE world as World Health Day—a day for fice with either slinj* ?hots or beehe daughter Greta Wolff in June Chairman. grave to the women, they said. The linen the reviewing of man's achievements in guns, and the cramming of mud 1054 will never be forgotten. She grave-clothes were there, and the cloth had been badly injured in an au- his war against sickness and for re-dedi- into the exhaust of bulldozers on tomobile, accident May 2fi,at Ches- See next page for Westfield Studios . which had supposedly been wound cation to the cause of bringing good the site. ter, N\ Y., while being driven Portrait and Commercial Photographs around the crucified man's head lay sep- health to all people everywhere. However, last weekend the re- home from Syracuse University 121 CENTRAL AVENUE WESTFIEU Mtt« sultant effect by a group o{ van- where she was a student. She other letter arate, folded by itself. The World Health Organization is one dals was the viciouc and wanton One of the women also reported meet- of our most important and effective or- destruction of private property. Our watchman called the office ing the man Jesus near the tomb. ganizations in the United Nations. We Saturday, March 2C>, to report that At first, she told friends of the cruci- can all be proud of the things it has al- the following had occurred after fied man, she thought she was speaking ready achieved and each of us can con- dark Friday night. 1. Temporary electric lines cut to a gardener when she asked "Where tribute toward the sympathetic under- in four places, possibly svith a hat- have you taken him?" The man, she standing essential for reaching the WHO chet. said, asked her whom she was looking goal as stated in the WHO Constitution, 2. Fresh block wnlta, which were ". . . the attainment of all peoples of the erected during the day, smashed for, and why she was crying. down. Finally, the man called her by name. highest possible level of health . . ." 3. Tarpaulins removed from n •* M bags of cement and lime, and the Then, she reported, she knew he was bags slit with a hatchet or sharp Jesus, and she worshiped him. Join the Cancer Fight instrument. M n M Although the big guns have been 4. Wall sheathing destroyed. stilled on the American battle fronts, 5. A workmen's shanty broken Boys Will Be Boys? into, and tools and personal arti- yet a ruthless war is still being carried cles ruined. The news that Westfield has in mind on. The battle ground is our own com- 0. Kegs of naila thrown into the buying the railroad stations, might indi- munity and the victims our own loved mud. cate that the Mayor and Councilmen had ones^ or friends, and perhaps, if the Of itself, the above has caused given in to the urge that boys of all ages us considerable expenst, as well aa fight is carried on much longer, our own loss of time for the men, who could have, to run a railroad. But the fact that self. not start work at 8 a.m. Monday the town fathers contemplate buying morning, due to the lack of electric only the stations and some surrounding The battle against enemy-cancer is power for opei-ating equipment. being waged throughout the country by However, it poses a much lai'Ker land and the fact that Westfield is well problem in so fine a community as known for doing the unusual, gives cre- a valiant band of volunteers, who filled Westfield; that of a very ugly typo dence to the belief that they are really with love of their not so fortunate fellow- of juvenile delinquency. The wan- man, are seeking through the raising of ton and vicious destruction of serious. property is not far removed from funds to stem the tide of the ruthless the wanton and vicious destruction And at that, the idea isn't had at all. killer. We're not just sure how the station of human life! It noes to the very . Cancer, in New Jersey alone, in 1953, roots of our future. For not only buildings themselves got into the. pic- took more than 9,000 lives of men, are the youth of today to be our ture, but certainly the acquisition of ad- leaders of tomorrow, but they must women and children. Westfield had 3G also, if allowed to pursue such ditional land for parking purposes is an paths, become the incorrij^ibles of admirable one. It will be particularly reported cancer deaths in 1953. The Visiting Nurses' Association made 284 the next decade. admirable if provision is made for the It becomes overwhelmingly ap- all day parkers and some kind of dis- cancer calls in Westfield for a year end- parent that the time for correction tinction is made between local and non- ing July 31, 1954. and adjustment is now, today, and Under the banner of the American not only may parental action be resident commuters. And if the town can necessary, but 'that of the entire make as attractive an entrance to the Cancer Society, Union County Chapter, community as well. south side station as it has to the north the crusade for funds is now being car- The stakes are hiffh! side, the plan should have little objec- ried on. Westfield's quota.for this cam- A. KAPLEN & SON, LTD. paign is $8,000 and is under the chair- Englewood tion, WILSON K. KAPLEN, fc ** IN manship of Louis Vogler, executive vice Secretary. president of the National Bank of West- World "Health Day field, assisted by Morton E. Newburgh, Commends Editorial Today, April 7, marks the anniversary chairman of the business division. of World Health Day, when the consti- The monies collected will be used Editor, Leader: tution of the World Health Organization, I noted in your editorial of for research to find the cause; to edu- March 17 n reference to the ques- one of the largest of the specialized cate the public as to the dangers and to tionnaire 1 vpcently sent to a sam- agencies of the United Nations, came pling of constituents, I am in com- assist those already stricken with cancer. plete agreement with the point of into force. This year the organization, On Thursday, April 14, when yon are better known as WHO, has chosen as view expressed by your editorial called on by the campaign volunteers in and believe that in our form of theme for the day, "Clean Water Means your neighborhood, "Give, that others government elected represuntativea Better Health". must use all possible means to ad- There's only one First Federal Savings & Loan in West- may live". This is the battle cry of these vise ennstkuU'nts of their actioiva Choice of this year's theme has como volunteers engaged in this grout humani- and to solicit from eoi\sUtu«nt!* field— at 150 Elm Street, near Broad. That's where the about because of the continuing impor- their views on major issues. tarian work. When you are asked, give 1 Home Owners Center is located and where you get high tance of the provision of ;ui adequate The wanipIiiiK devii-t? I have em- what you can and if by chance, you are ])U>yc(i in srndinir out my tiuestion- water supply to communities and to not asked, give anyhow by sending a naire is not 100 per cent tu'euvutt?, dividends on your savings. ..currently „, ••• • farms, alike. In our country this may donation to the campaign chairman or but I have attempted to obtain a seem a lower health problem than some iTu-^-scction of view^, within t!in drop it in the mailbox addressed to the limit* of my financial ability and An • n SAVINGS INSURED UP TO $10,000.00 others and yet us Dr. Fred L. Roper of local postmaster. tht> physical abilities of my fctfttf to the Pun American regional office of Tile battle against cancer is far from M!inl out, tally and analyze ro- ^ •OyVl iy ACCOUNTS OPENBD BY THE lOih WHO points out, "The elementary prob- Kjntnsi'^. J have found that the* being over. To be .successful, your help i lem of nuiking good drinking wsilpr (jue>Vii)i)nain vspon,' cs aie nio.it IARN DIVIDENDS FROM THE 1st. is needed now and throughout the year rt'wmtlinj^ in many \vayn: available, is becoming more and more for this is ono fight that is an endles" First, thvy «ive me an idt'« of complox as industrialization proceeds. Imw pcupU1 fi t-1 on runj'"' i^HUe.* job; which will not, end until the scii-u- 1 The newest field of science in industry— befuri. tlif CunKiT.-irt. tl«ls have discovered what cntiHou eaneor I hcli«vi», SL'cnndi thnl they ethit- F1KST F E D.E R A I atomic —-poHca new problems for uiutc thinking on issues and dU- the disposnl of industrial atomic waRtes ami the medical men aro abU; to stamp SAVINGS L* >Ao A S S O.C1 A T 1 O N out its ravages. L'urfHiufi (»f them. Third, 1 think -they give pooplo 150 ELM JJITHEE'T, WESTFIEI.D. NKW JEHSEY THE WESTF1ELD (N.J.) LEADER, THUKSDAY, APRIL 7, 1955 Page Ninet—n dustry count for nothing — the in the history of the 37-year-old same identical setup the Soviets women's division of the state uni- have. The One Worlders see a versity. She succeeds Dean Mar- PJaying The Cards golden opportunity to get their garet Trumbull Sorwin, who re- clutches on the immense natural tires at the close of the current By ALEXANDER SPENCER resources of this republic and dis- school term after 21 years at the I ., the Revision Oj tribute them to do two things: head of the tollcgt. ( Edward G. Clark uf Highland | avenue demonstrated his ability :n \ f,e IS Charter "First, to build up the potential Dr. Bunting, whose ho.nie is a I enemies of this country. | 14-acre farm at Bethany. Conn., Icounting out a hand when this deal | is a lecturer in micrcbiolugy in the i-ja mo up. Leader: "Second, to so deplete the NORTH thf V'stficld chapter, NSDAR, United States that it will be an Yale University department of mi- j trobiology. Brooklyn-b o r ji, Dr. j • K Q 5 4 p u, the attention of the public eagy victim of the World Govern- V Q 8 '%aot that each Senator upon ment. Bunting is a graduate of Packer Collegiate Institute and Vassar • 4 I! 2 •ring the office of Senator "Not enough people in the United 4 5 4 3 2 ,s an oath to protect and de-States are aware of this One World nd won her master's and doctor's ll' the Constitution. Thus would egrees at the Univcrstiy of W>s- WEST EAST movement, which was once carried :onsin. 8 6 A J 10 9 7 2 legislators be committed n secretly but is now promoted 3 Lerlger Names • K Q 5 rea, has been a^HiK'iod to Head- eildents of the district they con this One World Government, am and objects of this sinister organi- quarters Brooke Army Medical ftT WHEIAM'S I. brand its agitators for just what Associate Publisher Center, Fort Sum Houston, Tex., they are. zation. The bolder "UNESCO bo- LOWER PRICES 'The resources of the world wil comes, the more its purposes wil as assistant inspector KOneral, Ma- le pooled and the rich natural re. "While the UNESCO of th. be disclosed, and the judiciary Announcement of George P. 8 6 • J 10 9 7 jor General William E. Shnmbora, mes of the United States will United Nations seeks to tear down committee is to be conKratulaJ.ua' Slockbower as associate publisher — ¥ — the medical center commander, has ALWAYS distributed throughout th' loyalty to this nation and destroy on meeting its pernicious aitt) .of-the Newark Star-Ledger was A • — announced. nld.to bring every class of per patriotic national spirit, the judi head on." • ,A, ,* made by Samuel 1. Newhouse, pub- KJ • D Colonel Puirh was i>t Seoul from is up to a common standard of ciary committee expressed the op WESTFIELD CHAPTER, lisher, to take effect tomorrow. • A 3 19BS until January, 1955. EASTER Ho replaces Willard E. Bowman, ;. Individual efforts and in posite view in no uncertain terms N.S.D.A.R, Following World War II, he was who is on leave of absence because us-si^ned to the Office of Military of ill health. * A Q 6 Government in Havana, Germany, GIFT SUGGESTIONS Slockbower has been vice presi- If we have the position right, dent and publicity director of L. from 1945 until 1948, He served THE PERFECT COMBINATION FOR YOUR LAWN - EXCLUSIVE AT Mr. Clark is all set. At the ninth there on the Civil Administration Bamberger & Co. He joined Bam- trick he leads tho act! of spades. Division, as executive officer nf the FREE COLOGNE with berger's in 11)36 as advertising The next trick is taken with public, health branch tind later as manager and hecamo publicity di- dummy's queen of spades and then military governor of Land Krei.^e, rector in 1040. the king is led. East follows, Clark Muhldorf. In liMB, lie nMended the Yardley Soap, box of 3 $1.50 Slockbowev began his career in discards the six of clubs and West Military Government School in TaiiJor Abraham & Straus in Brooklyn, finds himself between the wring- Manuu. later was with Lord & Taylor, ers, as you can well see. If he Entering the Army in May, New York anil John Wanamaker, osses the jack of clubs the ace 1041, as an enlisted man, Colonel FOR THE KIDDIES 125-129 Elm St. Philadelphia. He has taken an ac- ivill drop his king and the queen Puc;h was assigned to Tilton Gen- tive part in Newark's community I take the last trick. If he tosses eral Hospital, Fort Dix, and grad- WtttfitM, N. J. affairs heading programs for the the ace of diamonds, dummy's Mi- uated a second lieutentant from Bubble Bath & Soap Set 69c leading charity and fund raising, le four spot will be as good as officers candidate school in July, and new-building programs some tvheat in the bin. of which are still remembered as 1SM2. fii rkh-cotorad, toil twain, il'i bl.nd.d "firsts" in the city. An alumnus Let's finy, however, that West is Colonel Putfh had been awarded d«nwr lurft If Hwfi far of All i •'"• aonnnlal good player anil has seen tho the Bronze Star Medal, the Army gratut. Will h in of tho University of Pennsyl- 1 Comb & Brush Set you, f««d your lawn squeeze coming , and, without haste Commendation Ribbon, the Good 98c ACMCO FOR IAWNS. ftnnd, loam or clay wilt vania's Wharton School, class of and In tun or thado. 1926. hesitation, drops the jack of Conduct Medal, the Korean Service SuppKot organic and In- clubs at tho 11th triek. Now should Medal, the American Campaign organic nutrionrf. Mr. Clark take the club finesse, or and American Defense Meduls, the USE LEADER CLASSIFIED ADS go up with the ace of clubs? National Defense Service Medal, Flash Camera, complete $3.99 For the good player who r the United Nations Service Medal, been counting and thinking, there the World War II Victory Medal, no guesswork involved. East the •Army of Occupation Medal, started with five spades, three the European - Asia-Middle Eust hearts, at least two diamonds and Modal and the Armed Fureos Re- Tangee Bath Powder . 59c at least two clubs, which leave serve Medal. him with the jack of spades and A 1938 graduate of Hamilton one other card. His unknown card Collefrc, Clinton, N. Y., Colonel is almost certainly a club, but it Puffh is a member of the college's possible that it could be the ace Emerson Literary Society. He in a $4.95 Bathroom Scale $3.95 of diamonds. 32 degree Mason. So, at the 12th trick, when n Colonel and Mrs. Pu^h »nd their club is led from dummy, Gust's •tlireo diuiKhtera, Margaret Re- play must disclose his one unknown becca, ace 112, Judith Michclc, five, $6.95 G-E Electric card. If ho fails to follow suit, then and Patricia Denisc, three, make We-st holds the guardfd club king their home at 19 Mohawk trail. and the contract will fail. If East Heat Pad . . $4.77 plays the king of clubs there is no PILLS CAN'T CURE CANCER problem. If he plays the nine; of No caneer hits ever been cured clubs, then West must hold the by pills or powders, by quaclis or bare king mid playing1 the ace as "wonder doctors". Tho Americai NEW SUITS the slam. Ciineer Society ur^es all cancer Well-played, Sir. Chirk. patients to sucks competent med- ical help. Kay wood ie Filter Pipe . $4 ______^ (iirl;Friday Whitman and Schrafft Candy that really knows media Quantities Limited

Fas* Growing Young Marketing and Advertising Agency prejontly in big tity trying to move lo Wost- BROAD t ELM STS., WESTFIEID field area . . . anxious to obtain services of croatlvo media girl . . , who doesn't mind helping wilh traffic O, IASS, Ph.Q. S. WEIN1RAUB, Ph.O. or production. Filling Pr»tcrlptloni li th* Moil ImporfanI PgrI Must bo willing to aecapt responsibility as (ifjoncy of Our Duilntii grows. Starling salary $65.00 per week tlitit can FREE DELIVERY - PHONE WE. 2-2142 443 North Ave. At The Plaza grow to $100.00 |>or wock. BERSE BROTHERS Westfield, N. J. Hard work is ti nrtcossity - accuracy and self sturtiii{| essential. Send rasumo lo Box 343, euro WcstfiRld leader, LEADER ADS BRING RESULTS Page TWaty THE WESTFTELD (N.J.I LEADER, TtrrT^PAY, APRIL | a cron-bar and they should be un- may be left open to ! der the outer two-thirds of the or they may be fill YOUR 1954 INCOME TAX Making Dirt 1bvancK spreitJ- If no lime or been At the sail I u>vd under the trees, a complete wise to reduce thh e ' HOW TO CLAIM YOUR EXEMPTIONS Into Good Soil i garden fertilizer, such as 5-10-5 or (This may be done similar analysis, may be used. If I of branches that /_,',, THK MA>TKi: (lime has been used, it probably I one another 5o sk.,. ft u or rnori: are a 1 f h I- Wii3 !h, KRIC H- I'ETERAOS JR. I ttouki be better to apply ftTtiliztr I n S • In many !(- i'i''tM:;i; aivLi-. Mts exea D j r»ii>» «'i-«(» Ayr,i-ttll«r«< Ay.ut ! that wiil five an acid reaction,I but not as vuu wullu 8llt1 ' end iif s suvh as those prepared for broad- iergrecn " > 1 1 i i <.n( bi' U nJ a off and ;.ohi. 01 i-U,? mixed «ini ; leaved evergreens, ! Where side branch ?x n i )i 101 Dogwood is one of the plants ;the undei-!y:njr infertile mau-ria! i The amount to use should be at out toward the margin*" ^ ' 'when the lot \va.< mailed. A- a ;hai last .-•unime.r showed the ef- «.rd ! the rate of two pounds for each some of them one-to'jJ* , : result many wou).i-lre trur.-kner- fect., of the extreme and pro- i inch diameter of trunk, measured For ^ ' are confi-onti-d with nothinir but longed heat wave and drought. I three-fourths WTg* : j about four feet from the ground. cutting back to the 1,,-, 1 • t V I -. » U i '"dirt" vn whu-h they must attempt " As the dogwoou grows naturally, eat The total amount should be divided j which they originate. antfe« bans i to sivuw lawns ami ^aidtn*. It ^ fit "is" what is known as an undcr- an e.vfviiovdinxiy -•^rt'i or ('/ay *J ,tory plunt. It usually grows 111 I by the number of holes and an 10 n re !r of the j equal quantity should be placed in rate I t of (he I that will support a garden worthy open woodland. Above it tower the FOR BEST l oaks and hickories and other trees. i each hole if holes are used. Holes USE LEADER e en.in rs I M vii-o. the I of the name. Low in plant nutii- 1 F n or the ! ems, devoid of organic matter, and Consequently, it develops a j-ela- ti tr r t ' po.-sM'ssinjj a lextuy that is either ;tivc-ly s(.al!-jw root system. t«rn ftT 4 i too heavy or too liirht, the taw ; This means that the roots are r f 1 \ Peiatives. i usually fairly clo.se to the soil sur- vnU r -^ ? \er | for each subsoil is a dirt—and that is about it aut The law all. i face. When the upper layer of soil not t But making )u\vtt soil out of liries out, .there is injury to the 1 t r o*i who MacHugh inc.. WestfielcT* newest men sud boW (hop, has opened Now Is b! d r r i pendent at 264 E. Broad street. This is the third unit of MicHufh. The plain old dirt can be done—though biutd «rd ts. •t meet first shop opened to Ridgewood in 1946 a&tj the second store, in it requires both time and labor. I Whei. this dry volume of soil is In ta-< i ft J- _ f •» >e f f \-ts for Westwoocj, opened in ' **5Z. The shop carries men and boys' cloth- But when your grass grows vig- i subjected to extreme heat, the ing and haberdashery. Many weU known nationally idvertiacd orously you can think batk to the jbaki/iff results in still more injury The Time emption t r s?e r I ndnr brand lines are carried same of which are: Hart Sch»0ner sic Marx, I days when the yard was a barren j to the finer roots. The leaves be- termmtd a if re « « ' i r more i Hathaway, Arrow, Bronzini, Forstmann, Pendleton A: Coopers. wasteland and rejoice! 1 XP j come somewhat mottled and the Proof of B ndre —If t :a T J lt 3 than ine-half The least laborious but most ex- I late leaves to form are reduced in blind, attach a statement of *uch 3f ;-.;< c.r htr -t from you was a member of your household, gional Disbursing Office in N pensive way to get soil is to bu.v jsize. To Think About fact to the return. If partially l(,r *1Ar,m fcu wife) ; ternal Kevrnue. His address return, he should do so immedi- topsoil for an entire lawn is dis- Mackie^ Custom us) acuity did not exceed 20 300 sn,± ately and not wait until the dead- couraging to the new home owner, growing in a lawn area or where i the Pott Office Building. Plain- who usually has plenty of other there are other plants under them in the better eye with correcting ? 4. fl&s either s. c'ttier His telephone number is I'l. line date of April 15. lenses, or (2) that the widest di- fmsed States or s resijer, of the ; fie],j. Mr. Mayer concluded by point- costs to worry about. But here is —the fertilizer can be spread on smeter of the visual field subtends • j'nitej Stites, Canada. : of the J -.(J4-J ing out that the handling of large how to reduce the topsoil require- the soil and lightly cultivated in. Upholstery and In spreading, keep the fertilizer an angle no greater than 20 de- ,j,e Repubik- c.f Pararr.a or the numbers of inquiries relative to ment : grees. CanaJ Zone, and euier | any one individual's refund check If the subsoil fill in the yard is away from the trunk, as it might Exemptions for Your Children.'' 5. i&\ Is re!ate-i Xo y;a ior to! laxnetunds will only serve to delay the pro- sandy, the main problem will be to cause injury. If there are plants •You get only one exemption for hu?band or vile if th:> Is a joint | cessing- of all refund returns. He build up the organic matter in it growing under the spread of the Sjipcovers. each dependent child or stepchild return) in on* of the f&Ujwiny Not Yet Due therefore requested all taxpayers in order to increase its water hold- branches, it would be well to put (the additional exemption for age wars to foreg-o making inquiries about ing capacity. Drouthiness is the the fertilizer deeper, in holes 15 or blindness applies only to you j Mother, father. their expected refunds until after big disadvantage of sandy soil, to 18 inches deep, spaced about Acting District Director of In- two fee-t apart. These holes may tnd youy r wife but not to depend-p 1 grandfatherg , bro:her. Ju?ie 30, 3 955. and since it is impossible to mix Our Representative Will Gladly Coll ternal Revenue Joseph F. J. Mayer clay with sand, the best practice be made with a soil auger or with ents). The term "child" includes grandson, step- said today that his offices are re- a legally adopted child and a child br otherh , stepsister, stepmother, is to work in al! the compost, peat At Your Home With Samples ! stepfather, mother-in-law, father- ceiving inquiries from taxpayers Addresses Student moss, or manure you can. The whose adoption was denied by a who are expecting refund checks eats, but the sanil and ashea are court because of mental incapac- in-law, brother-in-Saw, sister-in- Chemical Engineers org-anie matter should be thickly blanks" as far as their nutrient 1 law, son-in-law or dVghter-in- «s a result o{ tne filin>? of theiri applied wherever the flower beds ity of a surviving natural par- 1954 content is concerned. So the final ent. The law puts very exact lim- law. The following if related by j income-tax return^ The di- The student chapter of the will be located, since lawn areas step in making "soil" out of mere OPEN TUESDAY AND THUtSDAY EVENINGS itations on who is a dependent. blood: Uncle, aunt, nephew or recto'"r" said that some of these in- American Institute cf Chemical build their own organic matter if quiries are pvematuve. "dirt" is to provide nutrients. Give Each child must meet a)J four of niece; or, ^b) had as his princi- Engineers at the University of Del- they are well fed. the entire lawn area a good ap- the following tests for the taxable pal place of abode your home and Mr. Mayer pointed out that his aware had as its guest speaker at Clay presents a different prob- plication of plant food, at the rate office will receive 1,000,000 indi- a meeting last week Harold A. lem—one of opening it up, de- of three pounds per 100 square vidual income tax returns up to DW. Ricards, 255' Canterbury road. creasing the cloddiness and in- feet. You can broadcast the plant INC. the deadline date of April 15 and Research and development in creasing granulation so that roots food over the surface prior to E that they are being processed as the petroleum industry was dis- can penetrate and water will drain working in the organic matter, rapidly as possible, in the order cussed by Mr. Ricards. In his pre- out. Incorporating enough or- sand or ashes. Now spread an received. The director said that, sentation, he traced a typical de- ganic matter to accomplish this is inch of topsoil for a seedbed over 320 SOMERSET ST., NORTH PIAINFIELD PL 6-3274 based on past experience, more 'elopment from the idea stajjo, a practical impossibility, except in j the enriched and conditioned sub- than one-half of the expected re- through research, engineering, and small areas such as flower beds, ' ioil, and you're in business! CAM turns will be those indicating' re- construction in the refinery. It is far more practical to "cut" funds. He went on to explain that Mr. Ricards is in charge of pe- the clay with sand or sifted coal the processing of these returns en- troleum cracking l-esaarch In the ashes. This is best accomplished tails a large amount of clerical process research division of the by spading, discing, or rotary cul- work, only one part of which is Esso Research and Engineering tivating into the soil a layer of the segregation of those returns Co., Linden. He is' a graduate of sand or ashes two or three inches which reflect a refund. Johns Hopkins University and hick. Incorporation of any small- The director stated that the Massachusetts Institute of Tech- er amount will be wasted effort. scheduling of refund checks re- nology, and numbers among his If, at the same time, some peat, ceives top priority and that his of- memberships the American Chemi- compost or other organic matter fice is now scheduling- refunds at cal Society, the American Institute can be included, so much the bet- the rate of 10,000 each day. How- of Chemical Engineers and the So- ter. ever, he added, there is a time las ciety of Sigma Xi. But in improving the physical of about two weeks from the time. Home Made Bunnits and Cream Eggs 1 condition of subsoil matertaisswr of scheduling to the time that the USE LEADER CLASSIFIEDS have done little to improve the Robert Treat's Own Brands decorated with name to order checks are actually prepared from fertility. True, organic matter the schedule and mailed by the Re- TO BUY OR SELL provides a small amount of nutri- They're Bottled Especially For Us! Baskets — Carts — Novelties ROBERT TREAT •Vz Gallon Sealtest Ice Cream BLENDED WHISKEY-6 years old $1.05 40% Straight Whiskey, 60% Grain Neu- tral Spirits FullQt. 4/5 Qt. Pint All these and more too, all 4.69 3.79 2.39 CM made on the premises, at 12 Gallons $8.59 Jenifer's Chocolate Shop 104 EAST BROAD ST., WESTFIflD ROBERT TREAT STRAIGHT (Near Prospsct St.) KENTUCKY BOURBON Hour*: 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. Daily Bottled for Us in Nelton County, Ken- Open Enter Sunday tucky. "I if 1 HalFCa). Full Or.' 4/5 Qt. Pint 9.59 4.59 3.99 2.50

ROBERT TREAT BONDED KENTUCKY BOURBON - Are You 100 proof Best Buy in Bondt Being Robbed? FullQt. 4/5 Qt. Pint 5.55 4.49 2.83

ROBERT TREAT That is the real meaning of Eajter. Nor now clothes; not even the promise LONDON DRY GIN - 90 proof of bright skies ond welcome warmth, flowering shrubs and birds singing; not FullQt. 4/5 Qt. Pint Of time and even money? You are if your self-denial (for a season), or full churches with magnificent music. 3.99 3,26 2.15 laundry is being done at home. Comparisons "Sad is the world and cold and gray ROBERT TREAT 4/5 Qt. prove that all things considered, it actually If this is all of Easter Day." AMERICAN VERMOUTH 98c costs less for us to do your laundry — and Easter reiterates for us that love is slronger than hate; that faith and hope are eternal. it give%you at least another day a week of Special For Easter free time. Try us this week and see. We do He rose! And wilh Him, hope arose, and life ond light. New York State Imported French all our work in our own building. Men said, "Not Christ but death died yesternight A. Duval Red or White And joy and truth and all things virtuous Roger louis Rose.when He rose." Champagne or Tel. Westfield 2-1200 I* 1 Bordeaux Wine For Delivery ft Sparkling Burgundy Discount for Cash and Carry 2,59 Bottle 99c at our plant Plenty of Parking [NATIONAL BANK GIFT WRAPPING LAUNDRY - DRY CLEANING OF WESTFIELD The Friendly Bank With the Chck Robert Treat Liquor Shop MEMBER FEDERAL UE.MBEN fEu M3ESVC VTSTEH INSURANCE OPEN TILL (0 P.M. EVERY NIGHT OPEN MONDAY 608-630 NORTH AVE. E. tONOS • OO TO 8,00 'The Only National Bank in West KM We torry a full line of all Standard Brands - Imported and WHISKEYS - WINr j - BEERS FOR FREE DELIVERIES - CALL WE. 2-1900 THE WISTFIltD. (NJ.) I^ATffiE. TJITOSJUY, AFIUL 7, 1M5 Twenty-Oat HURRY for the BARGAINS! up to % OFF and SHERMAN'S ANTIQUf SATIN SEDSPREAD entire Westfield stock of DRAW DRAPES DUST RUFFLES II colors) •* .90 Single and double sixes. . 90 Were $12.95 pr. NOW 9 I"- Were to $19.98 NOW* CURTAINS, DRAPERIES

HMEOLAS DRESSING TABLE DRAW DRAPE'S SKIRTS & BEDSPREADS 2" and 90" length*. While and Assarted quality fabrics and styles, fy .90 .Ion! our Westfield Store is CLOSING Were $14.95 pr. NOW pr. Were to $24.98 NOW 9

NYLON AND ACETATE EVERYTHING MUST GO! DRAW DRAPES PILLOW SHAMS 2" and 90" lengths. 90 Fabulous creationsl Westfield has never seen anything like this bargain binge—and Were $12.95 pr. NOW Were to $9.98 NOW I"- 90* nobody else has, either! Sherman's is closing their Westfield store TIER CURTAINS BERKSHIRE ORGANDIES Famous maker. Some ruffled all — expanding their Newark facilities to serve Westfield and all obulous assortments! Chromspun around on 3 sides. Permanent finish. «th Lurex, Nylons, Chromspuns, ,90 Picot edge. White and colors. linonsl 36" lengths, pr. surrounding suburban areas! We're making sure every last bit of Wer» to $6.98 pr. NOW • pr" Were $6.98 pr. NOW merchandise is snatched up in jig-time! BELOW WHOLESALE, BEDSPREAD TOPPERS KITCHEN COTTAGE SETS ! and single sizes. ' ^£,90 Organdies, prints. Not all colors in every style. Limited quantities. you'll buy the latest fashions in bedspreads to brag about, drap- Were to $34.91 NOW^V Were $7.98 NOW eries to drool over, curtains to crow about! Hurry—FLY—quan- ALL LENGTHS FOR SINGLE WINDOWS! tities are limited. Early birds get the choicest plums! ALL SALES FINAL ... NO EXCHANGES OR CREDITS ... SORRY, Just Pull the Tape for a Perfect Drapel NO MAIL, PHONE OR C.O.D. Limited Quantities and Sixes

RAYON MARQUISETTE ^p" Now *3P, R FAILLE ORGANDY w.re $?.,«_ . Now *4 P, Fibreglas Cottage Sets Taffetone Draw Drapes Whit* with red, blue, green or gold TIER CURTAINS NYLON W«. $9.98 and up... , . NOW $5 pr. All colors. 72" and 90" lengths. Lim- .90 trim. Wash, dry and hang In minutes, .90 By famous "Kenneth." 30", 36", and .90 ited quantities. Were $7.95 NOW 40" lengths, limited quantities. All FIBREGLAS W«. $14.99 Jml., NOW $7 pr. No Ironingl Were $8.98 NOW pr. 2 pr. 4 colors. Were 6.98 NOW2 Double and Triple Window size* at proportionate savings! .

"KENNETH" CUSHION DOT OUEENTEX BATES DRAPES BEDSPREADS FAILLE BEDSPREADS Print top, solid color sides. Famous brand at fantastic savlngtl^k A A Chintzes, Failles, Satins. Single and RUFFLED CURTAINS TIER CURTAINS Cherry, Hunter Green, Chartreuse. Rush - in, buy them by the dozenl ^ AA double sizes. Were to $24.95 NOW .90 Discontinued pattern*. .W*Q\M Were $24.98 NOW .90",eng,h. | JQ Washable rayon marquisette. White "I «UU JQOO W.re $5.98 pr. NOW I and eggshell. 30" and 36" lengths. I Were to $9.98 NOW** pr. 8 Matching print drapes NOW $5 pr. Were $3.98 pr. NOW • Pr- Matching Valance NOW $2

TAILORED TAILORED DACRON CURTAINS RUFFLED CURTAINS KITCHEN COTTAGE SETS FIBREGLAS CURTAINS Famous "Double Life" gives you ^ Qfl RUFFLED FRAMETTES I Whit* in all lengthsl g y t. Organdies and flor-fl^ QQ All lengthsl Lowest prices ever! Nof] QQ .90 double wear. The finest made. White. Nylon, gay chintz and organdy, 'Ogf Qfl | Ironing. Wash, dry and hang in mln- ^•w*r Were $4.98 NOW Ruffled all around 3 sides. 1 and 2-of-a-kind only. Limited J%* 2 pr. Were $9.98 NOW4 pr. frame your windows, limited quan- I "*•" ""'" Were to $8.98 N0W%# pr. utesl Were $5.98 pr. NOW 2 inwBiaBiDDDHiiaiiiiiiiiaii^ titles. Wore $3.90 and $4.98 NOW • RUFFLED :(R) RUFFLED FAMOUS MAKE FIBREGLAS" CURTAINS "Para" Shower Curtains BATHROOM SETS All lengthsl Wash, dry and hang in ORLON CURTAINS ORGANDY CURTAINS Sample shower curtains by famous ^^ Qfl Famous "Carter" bath mats and Ud^% Qfl minutes! No ironing. maker. Taffeta and plastic in various 8 wiracle fibre. Ivory white, Beau- M AA Whin and colon. Plcol edg.. PormanBiil flniih Were $8.96 pr. NOW .90 covers. Complete set. •*" Were $4.98 pr. NOW Double width, 90" long NOW $9.90 designs. Were $10 to $15 NOW Ny made. MM • *» r pr. pr. Ware $7.98 NOW' set Double Width (s|ow $5,90 P - Triple width, 90" long.. NOW $14.90 4 3 3 r Were $10.98 pr. NOW4 pr. Triple Width Now $8.90 P - 2 itiitaifiniitiiiiiiiiiuiuoiiiiinuiiuiJiuKuiiiinuwiitMitaiiiifiKUui EYELET ORGANDY HATHAWAY & ROYAL TOSS PILLOWS ASK ABOUT OUR BUDGET PLAN. RUFFLED nn Nylon Ruffled No down payment. Take op to. 1 year to pay. /-. . • White. All lengths M QQ AH orion filled. All colors and fabrics. • Curtains _54 , w, "a-, §L CURTAINS Q-90 Were $6.98 and $7.98 NOW A The height of luxury. While. 90" long. pr. 81", 90". Wore $131.98 pr. NOwTT pr. Were $24.95 NOW Double and TrlpU WMtht of Propsillonal. Sovlngi iiisiiiisesiEfiiBi'iiiSMesiiiiffi Supercord Draw Drapes Decorator Bedspreads Multi-Cord Draw Drapes TaffoHis, Satins, Failles. Manufactur- All colors. 72" and 90" lengths. Lim- ciur- Faille and taffeta. All colors. TV and A QQ ers' samples. Terrific buysl <• ••• AA ited quantities. Ware $8.98 NOW .90 90" long, limited quantity. (CI|" Wero to $39.95 NOW pr. Wero $9.90 NOW * WESTFIELDJ Elm & Quimby Sts. Open Monday Eves, to 9 P.M. 3 15 Twenty-Two THE WESTFIELD (N.J.V LEADER, THURSDAY, APBTL 7, 1955

Renamed Head Of al meeting: viH!l be held in Chi- j po Local Doctor Urges Citizens to Have •-ame '.iir.c- progressive business indu.-iriit! tirai^ are employing sim- Physical Check-ups to Prevent Cancer Microfilm Ass'n ilar nivthtKi,* to conrri'i u LEADER WANT ADS PAY rt't-ord.-i and operational problem.'- year}y. A.', woirtn ove. 35 shouid • as we!: as to afford *&fv stniaKt Six types of cancer caused onc- r.f of piy:n< rfeedod :o 2TK H. W. Ua-.i-h^-iier of 141'e mstei ial, whik* tru? mU'rot.ext mi- physician. These six killers were wen- ii:;> more than those from it* Ois>. ivad wa.< unanimous•>' identified as uterine, brta^t, iecu.1, uterine cancer alone. Kt-etai can • croiex processes offer whole Ie«-a! wtt-ii -.-' a -ietOHii tt^rm as pres- , and other iibrarie.-? within the con- mouth, ?kin and iursK" cancan-. cer wi;h a cure possibility of 70 : yf >.r.e a>soe:a!io«. Mr. Batrh- per tvnt and present actual cure = fine> of an ordinary oifU'o. EUH- "Efforts are being- made through • it chairman of 'he board of : troriic .storage of textual matenr. the educational programs of tfit average of 15 per cent, kIi;ed 10,- the tHttpr.ie Mi^ion'n Corp. of . 0i)<'1: mouth cancer, «-i?h a possible ' is now a reality, and non photo- jUiaerkan Cancer SocU-jy to cu: N* t- w ^' - ;•; k arid : =• * o ? i d >.- n' of !th .graphie c un-thods yf cnlavg-injr mi- down this death total. At iea>: 50 curt.- of (*5 per cent rate o* in the Ova; Koom o( the Sheraton A feature of the meeting was Cancer in those six site.-* can bt Plaza }I.>ui. Boston. Prt-sjdeni "he ju t'M-ntat ton by President detected by pnysicians in an initial 95 per cent and 85 per cent of vu- cim? being .saved, took 3,000 lives " Kau'ht'idvJ" puiiitt-d out "t'^Batohtldee r of the association's an- or 'silent' stage in time for a pos- 1 I Dr. Staub urired ths* regard t** irrowih of the Association i^ kfej" .- : irual "Award for Distinguished. sible cure. inp pa.ee with the rap:diy expand- | of sex or ape bracket that f Y, 1 Service to the Micvo-Heproductioi\ "Lung cancer killed 24,000 las: i adults, men and women, have an ing intfi-na'ionai emphasis on n':- hidu^tvy" io liayniontl N. Hessert, crorepioduotitni tt-chr-.tio^y. Th,1 ; year in the United States; breast s annual physical check-up whethc-r ( inventor of the microf hvnn£ pro- Mr. mid Hrn. John K. MurriMon nr<* lt\t«n ill IhlM homr lit 411 rmiu- a^oi'iation now ha.^ nienibt-c* in 3? : cancer, 20,000, and uterine cancer, -I they suspect vaneer symptoms or M Mint jiwtiue ^ hli-ii lho> |>uri-liuMf-f! rrum ^Ir. mid Yfrn. Jiif-kHon \\. vt>* used by Keminxton-Rand and 15,000. Procedures for diagnosing- 1 llurrlfiiu ihrituitlt 1'rnrMalt & Kmiiki'iiburli. Inc. 'J'hiN \\n* a iniilliulr remote and widely separated JOi'a- not. He also asks-d that all contrib- , Ifmd rl i hokier of many pau-nts for bar-ic these three type.-* of disease in an • ute to the fund-raising crusade j tiuns as Isravl, Pakistan arui Hopi^ • invvntion* in tht field. Kon*r. ha publications havt- beer. early stage are being- widely publi- I about to begin so that funds will j The two day Boston meeting of cized! by the American Cancer So- the form of a "rhythmic circus". sent to all j ii^-*s rf the free world." j be available for the continuance of | ; the association included a program ciety. The hijrhli^ht of the program w':]l He also stated that program? "of I the educational, service and re- j Catholic Scouters : of papers and discussions, an ex- "Before it has otherwise be- ' search programs of the American j be t in symptoms. The same ratio prevails hamton (N . V.) Press loops of the Watchung area. Christoffersert, Sandra Coles, Jo- for uterine cancer, which can be anne Del Corso, Jean Esposito, , Jplctl «nd fxlr«li. The banquet i.i the first to he detected by medical examinations LEADER WANT ADS PAY P a 1 m a r o s e Dilorio, Cynthia KAHN'S held for all Catholic Scoutera of French, Linda Graves, Barbara ,he Archdiocese and many local Sue Schaible, Diane Smith, Linda PANTS SHOP residents will attend. The principal von iiehren and Nancy W'eston, 105 W. FRONT ST., MAINFIftA 'lerical speaker will be Archbishop OPM Ttiun. T« « r.m Thomas A. Boland, who will an- FREE PARKING nounce at the dinner the chairman AT OUt WONT DOOR - DtlVE IN 'or a new Catholic lay committee on Scouting for the entire Arch- diocese. The committee will be composed of the present area com- mittee chairmen. "You get an extra trade-in VE s 50"o - SHOES James J. Fennell of 601 Nor- wood drive is the chairman for the Watchung area committee. FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY Amonj? the quests of honor at S DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEE he banquet will be the Very Rev. Msgr. John J. Kiley, Archdiocesan allowance on your present 3YO director and Boy Scout chap- SPECIAL PURCHASE ain, and Rt. Rev. Msgr. George M. Dowd, director of the national Catholic committee on Scouting:. GROWING GIRLS' An address on Scouting will be given by an outstanding Scouter car if you act by of national reputation, it was an- WHITE FLATS -ONI SIMP .99 nounced. • OtNUINI IRISH UNfN • COMPOSITION (OlIS • DTEASU WHITC UNfN 1 Children to Present tint *U)-»t^N Rtg. 3.99 'Rhythmic Circus' Easter Sunday!"

CHILDREN'S ,,._ ; The first grade of McKinlcy School, under the direction of Miss SAYS ED SULLIVAN DRESS SHOES HeJen Deacon Shreve, will present .75 a pre-vacation progi-am for their • PAHNT UATHHS r • O»O»I 9 friends in the assembly today in • STMM from W • OINUINf If ATlfE* UPMtS • 10N6 WCAMNC COMPOSITION SOUS Sil* Small 4 to lif 1 RtgLi. to 4.99 TERMITES MEN'S Sh« Vh t. II are flying again. Watch for DRESS OXFORDS .50 "Swarmi" of "Flying Antt" • OINUINC GOODYEAR WELTS which come with Spring, • UATHEI UPKtS shed their wings, then dis- • UAIHH UNINOS appear. These wood de- • MATHH AND COMPOSITION SOUS 5 stroying insects cause much Aoiilobl. io "C", "D" and til Widlhi Reg. 6.9S damage to property. Build- ings nor protected during construction usually require it later. BOYS si,M m ,. t .75 DRESS OXFORDS We Specialize Exclu- • GENUINE UATHE* UPPERS sively in protection of properly against • IONGWEARING CATS PAW SOUS 3 Reg. 4.95 TERMITES and other Wood Destroying In- sects, using dependable GROWING GIRLS' engineering methods. We DRESS FLATS .79 are not simple extermina- tors. Every job is supervised HUE - WHITES - PINKS by an experienced, techni- MACKS - MDS _ IVORY 2 cally trained, licensed en- Sim 4ft t. » Reg. 3.99 gineer. We are a New Jersey or- INFANTS' ganization, employing New Jersey residents, and we FIRST STEPPERS •99 have served New Jersey property owners success- HERE S WH AT YOU GET: Eiclusi re styling shared by no other ear. 10 models WHITE HIGHTOP fully since 1935. Our power in tho Mercury Custom (shown above) and Monterey; 198 horsepower f : jn 3 series,to choose from. A bi(tger-all-ovcr Mercury—in length, width and Sii.l 1 lo 4 reputat jn in this field is %neelbase. A new super-compression Sumi-TOBQUE V-8 engine—188 horse- '? "}<; Mercury Montclairs. Remember, too, Mercury has a 3-year recorder 1 the highest resale value in ita field. You help protect your investment. unsurpassed. Reg. 2.99 Thousands of references WOMEN'S and GROWING GIRLS' are available in New Jersey -not in some distant State. LOAFERS •99 Our work is GUARANTEED • PENNY STYIE AND CHESS FOR 5 YEARS without ad- • GIOVE LEATHER UPPERS ditional charge—a ono-year • LONG WEARING COMPOSITION SOLES 2 guarantiee is worthless. Sii.l 4 to 9 ^ $2297 Reg. 4.99 For Information or Free In- MEN'S and BOYS' Arch Cushioned spection and Advice—CALL *Mercury Custom 2-Door, 6-passenger Our delivered price for this Mercury Custom is IT PAYS TO OWN A CANVAS CASU41S Molded Soles Sedan $2297.00 or only $11.51 per lower than many models in the so-called "low- TERMITE week after usual small down payment. priced" field. Our allowance for your present MENS car is based on high-volume sales. (We can o,79 ' - .89 Optional equipment, accessories, state and local 3J4 to 6 f. CONTROL taxes, if any, additional. Prices may vary slightly afford to be generous.) And our terms are tai- 6'/4 to 12 in adjoining communities. Whitewall tires, two- 2 tone paint, bumpor guards and factory-installed lored to mest your personal needs. Come in Reg. 3.99 Rog. 3.99 BUREAU extras arc available at usiijl low prices. today. Let us snow you how easy it is to own 2 Locust Street a brand-new Mercury. FOR FUTURE STYLING- ROSELLE PARK, N. J. Telephones: SHOE FAIR CHestnuf 1-1492 KOPLIN LINCOLN-MERCURY, Inc. DRIVE IN - FREE PARKING - SEIF-SERVICE or 415 W. Front St. (Cor. New St.) Plainfiold CHestnut 5-1492 301 South Avenue WE. 2-6500 Wcstficld/ N. ^ THE WESTPIELT) (N.,T.) LEADER, THURSDAY, APRIL 7, 1955 Page TwntyTfarpt A large cast v.i',1 uUo be em- will be in "CJaitelttr of male dancers* "%'Ul bs icle Variety Of Ballet Russe At ployed in the conipeny^ outstand- Parisienae" with its Offenbach mu- j Peruvian. BaHemiss Niaa ing' uovfky, a colorful ballet vi- sic and Massitie choreography, und Yvonne Caouteau will b» tke rinted Fabrics sion uf "The Mikadu", by Antonia ! w'hk'h wili bi'iitg: the p^rfovmano^ KSOVE-SSIICT »nd the flower girl xt- Mosque Tuesday 1 j Cubus. In this m*ium/e Siiliivan's jtu u clo.se. "Gaite Pariuifinif ' will rtpi'ctiv'e!jr, and Nancy Benson wUi faniuu** sruft' bus biH't1 adapted tu j feature Franklin in hi* fumou? head the r»n-C«n dancers. Irsm built11 by iU« (.•onU'.m^yi'ttvy vom- I ruly ud the Bai-on. LfcOli DaTiieHau, Buutnikoff will conduct the oixhes- I pu.e little muid.s". Vic to)' Moi1- «*T». AT ll*> WKTHfLO t,at variety, from the prwi- PIIO, uiioiher star of the compuiiy, BVKt. ITtiH of jjeometricH to the romantic I sh- Foundation. Mill 1 will be the Lord Hijfh Executioner, RIALTO s|Sl styifd for women of ail J I Now at UH peak of one of thtf Joseph Savino will be Nanki-l oo, mOM IIW - SUM. MOM IIM 5. most distinguished (•yreer.s in bal- The stvvk'es of the entire com- ;o matter whether you are a ]ft, Prinia Ballerina Minia Tu!l- STARTING OUR SPRING FESTIVAL ,t, St>«er of a buyer of ready- j chief wiii be Queen of the Swans OF BIG ATTRACTIONS r'ear. a print dreas would be a in ''Swan Lake". Bi'itish-bovn — niCIDAM JAMES NORBERT ,t asset to brighten up your Kredevk- Fiauklin, thy company's CS!L AUTHORIKO ng wardrobe. Perhaps you premier danst'ur, will have tho lol-^ Thursday — Friday — Saturday ~ Sunday tired of the monotony of too I of the Prince. PiacticnUy the en- IA^LI. JACK FAIANCE - JEFF CHANDLER iv plain colors. Why not choose 'South Pacific' tire company will take part in FRIGI ,'int with B dark background Tchaikovsky'ft peretuunlly-popular in "SIGN OF THE PAGAN" ein«wicc»i Mr. and MM, Wllllitui . furuirrlj or .«i>rlnicll*-lil. ur» th* TU*KO,tnc , , can be worn now under vom- !!«•«• »«iiit>rt. of the lu.ii ||M>>1-, liM-alrd N(IO Hruilturd utl'Uur, with St«r«ophonit Sound it m fur coat? This same dress hib Il ej |li;iMFl l«. IOIIIKT Opens Monday home MUM Hold by Willliiiit A . C'lHrk fur Ihf utl'li^ ut Iliirrctl & Leading roles, if) "Cirque de be worn later with a spring Crnln, lm\ itfilt Deux", a ballet based on the Wal- Hit No. 2 - "ABBOTT AND COSTELLO :, and during warmer days When "South Pacific" opens at :'i*'irt Miy,ht music flow Ciounud'd MEET THE KEYSTONE COPS" n'd without a coat, If you are on the heavy side, can stand the illusion of more the Paper Mill Playhouse, Mill- "Faust", will be danced by the he exciting: spring prints in- it is better not to select a bold, weight, they fan look nice in thebuni, Monday cveum?; 'the stellar Finnish-American baMenna Ger- le blight, beautiful florals,mer larg- e and vivid print. But small gayest of prints. role of Emile DelSecque will be trude Tyven and Alan Howard, the CHILDREN'S MATINEE MONDAY, APRIL 11 conversationalSi gay dots of prints of muted colors on a sub- played by James Norbort, making latter uuuthet* piominent member ry size and shape, plus favoz1- The small, petite person should "CHALLENGE OF "TARZAN'S dued background is a better se- remember that since she is small his Playhouse debut. PeTJeeque is of the company. In a-stating' rolt'3 jeometrica. They can be found the Flench planter who falls in will be Christine llennetsy and JJ- fabrics that have interesting lection, and will not tend to maku ill size, she should choose a small LASSIE'' PERIL" print. A. large vivid print on thelove with a Navy nurse from Little seph Busheme. iations themselves. Taffetas, you look heavier. Rock, Ark., when World War II PLUS S COLOR CARTOONS I s, surrahs, pongees and sea- The fabric itself is also a decid- petite person will overpower her. brings them together on a far smurtest cottons that actual- ing: factors. The stiff crepes or tex- Onlookers will see only the dress away island. As previously an- --ADVERTISEMENT— look like expensive silks are tured fabrics will also tend to and not the parson. nounced, Kyle MacDonnell will be Monday Eve.—Tuesday—Wednesday—Thursdcy ,e of the fabrics from which to make you look heavier. A combi- Prints bring on a feeJinjr of the nurse, Nellie Foi'bush. ose. nation of stiff fabric and bold spring ami are very refreshing. Walt Disney's "LIVING DESERT" The stimulation of pretty prints Mr. Norbi'rt, who has starred at Give the Youngsters [anv homemaVers wonder if print is not the best selection for the St. Louis Municipal Opera, the the heavier figure. will only be effective if you make can wear a print becomingly. the right selection for your size. Dallas State Fair, sung leading q Record for Easter Hit No. 2 - "THE FAR COUNTRY" answer is often yes, but it will The thin or taller figure can baritone roles in classic operas and "Psier Pon"-Mary Martin with JAMES STEWART - RUTH ROMAN end on the size print you se-wear the brighter and larger pat- been soloist with a number of sym- Both in Technicolor tern prints. Since these people Furniture Refinishhig phony orchestras, could have no "Ballad of Davy Crockett" more delightful role than that of "Wlnky Dink and You" Leaders To Be Trained Dcliecque for his first appearance By A. W. JACKSON "Joanne Sing*" Friday* thru Tuesday April 15-19 In this vicinity. One of the best Donalti O'Connor End his gas- "Peter Cottontail" Walt Dltnt/i Academy Winner MuAic Community leaders will be train- acting parts of recent years, it al?o oline company aponaor on TV ed in furniture relinishing start- contains some of composer Rich- have culled it quits after thia "30,000 League Under tho "20,000 LEAGUES UNDER THE SEA" ing April 15 by the Home Eco- ard fiodgers' most popular songs season, The Sea" Moique Th»atr», 1020 troad Str»»t, N«w«rk, N. J. nomics Extension Service of Hut- including "Some Enchanted Eve- dancing actor Plus Cinemascope Short Subjectf ning". "The Lady and the Tramp" Ifers University at the YMCA, di'cidf.'d it was a PLEASE NOTE TIMEI CONTINUOUS THE ONE AND ONLY ^ Elizabeth, Mrs. Carolyn Yuknus, In writing the book of "South man-kllllng job associate home agent, has an- Pacific", Oscar llammcrstein II tu put on 19 or- FRI. FROM 1:00 P.M., SAT. 12:00 NOON nounced. The course will be taught mid Joshua Logan caught the spirit iginal musicals DOORS OPEN 30 MINUTES EARLIER by Miss Gena Thames, extension and atmosphere of James A. Wicli- | each video sea- FOR! THIS FEATURE - CHILDREN 35C BcUletRuddee specialist in home furnishings of cner's "Tales of the South Pacific" ,sou, besides Rutgers. perfectly. They have brought to [Working in mov- RYAN Kach leader will refinish a piece the stage, in udtiition to Nellie and ios. He offered Monte GGAIO. of her own furniture in addition DeBeei]ue, a group of engaging to do nine .<*ho\vs 27 Elm St. We. 2-1441 and very real people. Featured . . , but the sponsor insisted on to receiving the teaching infor- Op.n Msn. 1 Frl. tin 'HI t P.M. PI, «-5477 - Shawl S-7-lt40 f M. mation necessary for work with players who will support Miss Mac- 10. Now both NBC and CBS ave Curl. Show Sot. and Sun. TALICHIEF * FRANKLIN • DAMIELIAN the follow-up group in her com-Donnell and Mr. Norbort and the after tho young star with a free roles they will play include Dent wheeling schedule that allows M-G-M'S PAQA.N BOROWSKI-andof^trs munity. HAYRIOEOFHILAFIITYI The dates for the course arc Clark as Luther Billis, Peter Kelley him io call his own Kiiesl shots. LIBERTY Co/pt de Balkt and Orch*ifro April lfi and 29, May G and 13 and as Lt. Joseph Cable, Katherine O'Connor's withdrawal means PLMNFIELD TOMORROW June 10. All sessions run from Graves as Bloody Mary, Dorothy Jimmy Durante (who doesn't THEATHiMI TUES. APRIL 12 at 8J40 P. M. 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Maruki us Liut, CHIV Dunstan as mind the star-killing pace of d SnM $175, $2.50, $3.00, $3.60 Registration is limited, but forCapt. Brackett and Si Vario as television) will be seen throe DARLING further information, call the Home Cmdr. Harbison. "South Pacific" weeks out of four next season, HTM* sUrtln8 HOWARD '« •»«<•«•». *»«* •vMiHm, »05 tmd llmt.Nmrii %H X, Economics Extension Office in thewill be at the Paper Mill Playhouse with a "Spectacular" on every • C .i K; Nrt ! | M • Odui Elizabeth Court House. from Monday through June 5. fourth week. STRAND Kvvr ulnrti M.irilyn Monroe ;ip- (WILLIAMS • KEEL P'ur.-U UH u KiifBt nit one ut Ja'-k A V/ollet Rcodc Theotrg IMARGEIGOWER GEORGE "Our own radicals and some pol- IJciuiy'N TV NIIUVVH, cillu'frt 11: t v e 1M-*1 II t ryliiK1 hi 1,'MKI her as ;i Hiictt iticians have for years been talk- on llii'ii- slmiVN . . . without sue- ing about the evils of capitalism I't'ss. Nmv lit-r fiitin will liuv<; an- CHAMPION-SANDERS oltu-r ctiuuiM' ID s.-c ln>r on TV VAN HEHIN and concentration of wealth in a ... Ill tin okl tuuvlu tu'iliK rvlfUB«t\ w.ih Riclivi HAYDN • William DEMAftEST few iiJiPjiSj.but their faults are tni« HU hi tiler for TV "Lite HIUIWH", ' MOO RAY minor*eohipared with the humiliat- IVH 'culleu VlLtiviu llm.py", xlmiing 1 \n- Murx liriitlicrrtli s "yesys, (irtinclioitinc,, MONA FREEMAN ing failure of the Marxist program. ten*) ;uul l Mailly'u u]>iit:uru]>i:ur«« I In with smteomoNic SOUNDI bit p rt II . . . Actually, there is today far t jtiflciuit TV JAMES WHITMORE greater distribution of wealth in qillz-Htunv Is Mi Ilic ifKi'ft . ClilClll l Also: A thriller! this country than in any other, "TJiH Wu MoMii-nt", lt« Ki'Jiml I'l'Iz.) "I BATTLE STERIINC HAYDEN free or slave. In the Communist week! ThatV ccat old iiK*' tnnill1- ii JK'U ! Must wny fit "litsiiro" lup nations, the only ones who enjoy TV I'uvt'i'siK'f? ul Imv r;it'-H is tit nea "BATTLE TAXI" wealth are the masters." — Syra- our new tfno *f\ KMKltSci.V TV MI-IK. GREETINGS (.MM* pulley in I-XI»T1 inHtfillJitloil cuse (N. Y.) Post-Standard. jirnl MCI-VUT . . . Uiu'ki'd Uy i*ur '•Wcciirlly •Service iMrni". at S'T'A- T1O.Y ItADIO A T/OMOVISIOX, INt?., 33It Moutli Avunuc. \VuHtllclU. N. J. Fanwood Stone Crushing Try us once! PAPER ^t« MIU PLAYHOUSE NOW THRU SAT. and Quarry Company MIIHURN, N. J. MUIBUUM 6-3100 Sptnccr Tiacy frank Cotrlnplaii, Otitttor "Bad Day at Black Rock" LAUNDRY Box Offlco Opon Daily 10 A.M.-10 P.M. CRUSHED BLUE TRAP ROCK Sundayt, 2 to 7 P.M. "BOWERY~ TO BAGDAD" OPENS MONDAY, APRIL 11 for Road*, Walks, Drivee, etc SERVICE Th« Oioal Mulitol Pic STARTS SUNDAY Glen Ford FINE WINES "THE AMERICANO" Vowth pacific "CAPT. KIDD AND FAnwood 2-7840 U I II II IT VniHr.vr A THE SLAVE GIRL" For Price* and Delivery PICK-UP TUESDAYS Crltlew' ClrrlP Airiinl and LIQUORS Muiic by RICHARD RODGERS RETURNED FRIDAYS Lyrici by OSCAR HAMMERSTEIN 2d OFFICE i 141 CENTRAL AVE. WEitfield 2-3653 KYLE MacDONNEU-jAMES NORBERT FIAT PIECES IRONED Seaiom lubicrlptloni far 8 produclloni APPAREl FOLDED avollabla at reduced price). SHIRTS Be EACH FIRST 5 FREE SEMI SERVICE MASON Maplecrest Laundry ASPHALT DRIVES CRANFORD (Etlabliihod 1933) Cr. Plainfl.U 6-4667 PIASTER • CEMENT WORK JOBBING Motlnu Daily - I P. M. Evtnins* fiom 7 F. M. For Easter gifts of for your own use — BENJ. CALDORA Conllnuoui Sat., fun. Holiday) Complete Bear Wheel and Frame Straightening 630 RAHWAY AVE. • WHEEL ALIGNMENT • WHEEL BALANCING our large and varied stock of leading Now thru Tue., April 12 GENERAL AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING TEL. WE. 2-5263 BIIAKIO aranvicn — CAiinuiucroK A WNITIO!* WAIT DISNEY'S You Can I'lir the Co*t on llutljiet rJ>ruui Arrnngctl* brands awaits your selection. Come in — "20,000 Leagues look around. Vlame Under the Sea" WHALEN'S GARAGE AUTO LITE The Bandstand In Authorized "Bear" Station [SERVICE J Clnetnaicope 600 NORTH AVE., E. . TEL. WE. 2-0393 138 E. BROAD ST. Technicolor Call For and Delivery Westfield 2-6363 St«raaph . Mr. Downer, who '* associated Henry Morschhw*, * with the H. Horion Humphrey gen- Handful of Silver," 0&nn.n#, vay's pie.-idciit. Pine Grove avenue who t J Scotswoman." Flewhvi . .No eral agency at Newark, attended a Mi'- Phillips succeeds John -M- meeting at the company's home of- SSSmrf'J; : for iSt-JKt'ijnt^." Hyman. and Elleman who has been named di- j ; 1= Sylvia." Wilson. fice in Hartford, Conn., where he was employed at the c-r rector of the newly established co-1 was guest of honor at a special department at th ' -. ! Also non-nt'tion : "A m t- r ordination department. As director] eti : Heritage." voiumts c-nt as victory dinner Thursday marking tirement. '«, of sales, Mr. Phillips will supervise the successful Conclusion of the i "Freedom uf Book St-littior A. Michael Giordano 0{ 6 aii of Solvay's sales activities. campaign. berland street, a 28-y«. ^ ', L. A.; "Garbo." Bymbiid^re; A graduate of Lafayette Col- 1 • "Muffs and Mo; alt." Binder; lege, he joined Solvay as a sales- who was employed in ft, ? FOR BEST RESULTS department at the time at i "Uutl of Wit.V Churchill; "Short man in 1929 and was assigned to ffi '," Einstein; "All the Detroit, Mich., area. In 1942, USE LEADER CLASSIFIED tirement. « Children Want to Learn," Fox; >rs«f-« lertair Hri-nd »irt-^l nrr he entered the Navy, attained the • "World's Fighting Plane;-." Green; rank of lieutenant commander and ; "Conquest by Man," Herrmann; i p frftui Mm. VlftUnna (.n!tiKn nnd Hale participated in combat action with I "Working With juniors all amphibious forces in the Pacific j Church," Mill; "The Pamphlet j derer's Sonars, Sun^s From Many Theatre of Operations. Appointed Mayor H. Emerson Thoma* »faown *igning proclamation dejigoat- ~":er" Ireland; "A Retreat F Lands," Marais; "Defense and |I mlU assistant to the director of sales ing April ai ca&cer control DDDUI. Watcbing the proceedings arc Lay People," Knox; "How to Get Xahonal Security," Marx; "The|^ | in 1951, he held that post until his Land from Uncle Sans," Kursh, advancement to the position tf Otending left to rtykt) Morton £. Newburrh, ckairmao of the Nation Looks at Its Resources," !O21CS and "A History of Modtrn China," . assistant director of sales in 1954. bosine** division; Mn. Stewart E. Burr, co-cbainnan of the Latourtite. Mid-century conference; "Venice special »ift» division, and Louis Vogier, Westfield chairman of Seen by the Painwr," Motta; "Par- Mr. Phillips will continue to ts.* fund railing crusade (See »tory on page 1> And "Essays in the Public Phil- is Seen by the Painter," Pairault; AnHur Ph .;•.}-» Jr.. a rest make his headquarters at Solvay's osophy/' Lippmann; "Revolution "Bird Houses," Perry; "My Diary of We^tncM .....ir.e. e^ 1951-- --, ha—s bee-- n- j executiv- - - e offices in New York. in World Trade and American Eco- Mr. and Mayor Proclaims Cancer Control Month N'orth and South," Russell; "Scot- appointrt s di.ector of ale* for the j Mr. and Mr.. Philips are the Mayor H. Emerson Thomas today set aiide the month of Apiil Sand Yard," Scott; "Mathematics ... ,„• , i parents of two daughters, Elise, a m> C»ncer Control Month. in Action," Sutton; "Williams- Soivay process division 01 Allied j ^.^ ^ Wesifield High School, HU proclatnstion read as follows: burg in Color," and "Correspond- Chemical & Dye Corp., Xew York. |an d Susan_ a student in the ninth The appointment was announced "Whereas, the people of Westfield have demonstrated that they keep justices out of the presidency ence of Thomas Wolfe and Hom- grade at Roosevelt Junior High $UW£, on many occasions, been able to meet a crisis with action, and for rive years has its merits but er Andrew Watt," Wolfe. Friday by A. B. Chadwiek, Sol- School. "Whereas, the Congress of the United States has authorized the has been strongly contested. President to designate April as a special time to recognize the fight that is being made to save thousands from death by cancer, and "Congress sets forth in what "Whereas, the American Cancer Society is spearheading a pro- cases the Supreme Court can en- gram of research, service and education to combat the inroads made tertain an appeal. In the midst SAVE STEPS of political passions following the by this dread disease, and Civil War, Congress, by legisla- "Whereas, the said American Cancer Society, through its Union tion, arrogantly took the McCardle SAVE TIME at Connie and John's County Chapter, will conduct its annual crusade to raise funds case involving the sacred right of during April in order to carry on these programs, habeas corpus away from the Su- 401 W. Broad St. "Therefore, I, H. Emerson Thomas, Mayor of Westfield, do hereby preme Court after it had been SAVE MONEr ordain and proclaim the month of April as Cancer Control Month and argued there and before a deci- furthermore request that ail residents of Westfield observe this occa- sion could be handed down. This sion and lend their support to the American CanceV Society." has been called the Achilles heel of our government. The change Free Delivery—Right To Your Door proposed in this amendment would Blue Cheese makes the meal-'' SAR Speaker Discusses Proposed preserve the checks and balances so ingeniously set up by the foun- but DANISH BLUE* ders. There can be little doubt SPECIALS - THIS WEEK Amendment to LI S. Constitution about need for protecting the ap- crowns it, perfectly! pellate jurisdiction of the Supreme Hunt's At the annual meeting of theat 65. Chief Justice Vanderbilt Court in constitutional cases West Fields Chapter of the Sons if New Jersey thinks all judges against impairment by action of From the first delicious bite, you experience i *ti* of the American Revolution, Hen- ihould retire at 70. the legislative branch. PEACHES ig. 25c ALSO new world of good eating. Zesty, tangy, so full of body ly W. iNichoIs, 607 Frospect street, "Some justices have been "These four proposals contained and character, each taste of Danish Blue captures tin vice president and general counsel true joy of foreign food at its finest. As a dessert, Danish of the National Surety Corp., bought to have had political am- in the so-called Butler amendment Flagstaff spoke on the subject "Amending bitions which, consciously or un-were unanimously passed by the FROZEN FOODS Blue Cheese rounds out any meal. And its rich, aromatic the Constitution." The following consciously, affected their public Senate Judiciary Committee and flavour makes a salad dressing that is tastefully different is quoted from the text of his dis- utterances, if not their opinions. were readily passed in the Senate GRAPEFRUIT cussion: . There are those who believe as a whole in the 83rd Congress. Pick up a piece of Danish Blue this very day. One toste *» that Justice Charles Evans It came to an end before action FRESH VEGETABLES convince you it is worth the few extra pennies. "During; the 83rd Congress re- Hughes was right in 1912 when was taken by the House. It is SECTIONS 2 ,o, 31c cently ended, there was introduced refused to run for the presi- strange how few people in the DENMARK CHCKSC ASSOCIATION by Senator John Marshall Butler dency and wrong in 1916 when he country knew that such an impor- Flagstaff of Maryland a proposed amend- succumbed to political pressure. In tant proposed Constitutional COLD MEATS ment to the Constitution which ater years Chief Justice Hughes amendment had advanced so far. would affect the United States Su- expressed regret that he had not This same proposition is now be- MARGARINE Ib. 21c preme Court in four particulars, been precluded by law from leav- fore the 84th Congress and in the 'DANASUI First, the number of justices ing the court to run for the pres- Senate is known as Senate Joint would be fixed at nine; second, it idency. This provision that would Resolution 45." Two Deliveries Daily — Except Wednesday would make their retirement com- free Recipe Booklet. Write P.O. Box 1279, Grand Central Station. W.Y. 17 pulsory at age 75; third, it would render the justices ineligible to become president or vice president within five years after leaving the bench; and fourth, in cases aris- 'ing under the Constitution it would remove from Congress the — OPEN THURSDAY NIGHTS TIL 9 - latter's. present power to impair the appellate jurisdiction of the Supreme Court. "In the past Congress has changed the number of associate justices several times. There were but five provided for in the orig- inal Judiciary Act of 1789. The number was increased to six in 1807; to eight in 1837 and to nine in 1863. An act of 18(56 to again reduce the associate justices to six was introduced to prevent President Andrew Johnson from making new appointments. An- other act was passed in 1869, •which reconstituted the court with a chief justice and eight associ- ates. If, has remained so to date. The move by Congress in 1866 to reduce the justices was purely playing politics with the Supreme Nylon Blouses Pleated Court. It was similar to the at- tempt to pack the court in 1937. It is to prevent such political ma- nipulation of our judicial branch that the Butler proposal is made to fix the number of justices by To Go Places Constitutional amendment, thus taking it out of the hands of Con- gress. "As to a retirement pga for Su- preme Court Justices, this would seem to be desirable. Many busi WITH YOUR ness men are compelled to retire EASTER SUIT! TINY! NEW! •3-TRANSISTOR—.

W75-X" 5.98 HfARINGAID Made by Keri-Mode

Add a dash of flavoring to your Easter Suit with one of these prcttily-pleated, delight- fully casy-to-carc for, suit blouses by Kcri- The greatest achievement In Zeniteithh t famous "CrusadCrusade to lower ihe CosCtt of HearlnglHl? Mode. In three delectable colors, powder iYou owe it 10 yourself tcr blue, froth white and puff pink, you're sure to please .. . and you're sure lo be IfcDAY MONEY.8ACK GUARANrt* pleased when you discover how these FRANK N. NEHER 100% nylon beauties take to the suds! PRESCRIPTION OPTICIAN ZENITH HEARING AIDS Sizes 32-38. 211 East Fifth Street Plainfield, New Jersey TMHtmO 9-US4S BETTEn BLOUSES, THIRD FLOOR THE WESTFIELD (N.J.) LEADER, THURSDAY, APRIL 7, 1955 Page Twenty-Five

Name Changed to Douglass College of the Crattr Lake Council, M«d- EJee|et| visory Planning- Council, kite lay High School Council to Sponsor ford. Ore., from 3940-42 and Scout | group appointed by the mayor to ronlocation AprU 16 in New Brunswick Of State Group assist in twroujfh planning for the tw em live of the Oifg-un Trail I future. w jt,,st.y College for Women and the benediction. Foreign Student Here Next Year Toum-i; at Ku^rm.' until 11*45 when | Thomas A. Hyre, secretttry of \\s- will'become Douglass Col- Attending the name-ehangre con- j \w was named Jts.--ist.arit natkimi! 1 MOCXTAJN.S1DE — Htni-v Vau>vhit-Eame$, former me ' ithi. loeal board, wua named advis- »'h. n a mi'iulit-r of the Rut- vocation will be approximately 1.- j "As H<4 part in the woriti-vvide ••11, its membe.-.s served in Burma liiit'i-'.ur ui viimp\n. cump .stuff jK runsu-ick. Mr. Vaug-hn-Earn Ann-dean Cancer Society show OI) l v t t or iUi't-' ^ ^°ll '^ ' ^ Wom- State Federation of Women's This foreign student will come up in 1947 their present plan of members and instrm-tors ho rt^ijriU'd from the itn-al PI«n- that, about two of every five Amer- viil dwlave l-hc change of Clubs, of the New Brunswick to Westficld under the auspices of jinttM-rhiirijnng teenagers -jf all Mr, Weils has boon national ui- r intr Roiivd at the first of the ican adults slill do not know can- the cou e of community, and other special jurinc 's cere-! the American Field Service stu- Ilands. lector e-f research since 194!). (year, is chairman of the Civic Ad- cer is curable, bi-jrininj.' at 10:45 a.m. His | guests. dent exchange plan. After living ! Last year 453 foreign students .'mation immediately will be The full program following the with an American family and par- jstudied in the United States un- iti by the ringing of the academic procession will be broad- ticipating in the activities of theder this plan and hundreds of jas5 Memorial Carillon lo- cast over the facilities of Newschool, family and community American students visited foreign jn the chapel. Brunswick radio station WCTC from September to June, the slu-i countries for six to eight weeks— If you make appointment and have portraits ^ lit-u name honors the late j beginning at 11 a.m. College class- dent "will return to his native not just on a tour of Europe, but Mabel Smith Douglass, first es for the day will be suspended. land with a greater understanding ivitig in European homes. of the college. A luncheon for ali convocation of America, leaving the students These teenage ambassadors of KENNETH A. V. EI.LS taken in the studio during April, you will receive J.puis Webster Jones, pres- guests will be held in Cooper Hall and citizens of Westfield with a good will are chosen on the. basis flf Rutgers, will preside at at 1 p.m. Exhibits of materials greater awareness of and respect of their personality and character, a 20% discount on your order for regular photo- Founders »ay convocation relating to the college's history for the similarities and differences above average academic standing, HI, which date is also the will be on view during the after- of the ideas of people of other good health and a sufficient knowl- Scouters Annual anniversary of Rutgrers' des- noon in College Hall, one of thecountries." edge of English. graphs. lion as the State University two first buildings acquired, and To gain further information ew Jersey. in the college library. about its project, the Student Dinner Meeting present dean of the 37 year Council has sponsored the visits What Do You Know toliege. Ui"- Margaret T. Cor- The April 16 convocation will climax a series of events to beof three foreign students to West- Election and installation of of- pive the first address on field during the past two weeks. About Civil Defense? name-change prog-ram. Speak- held earlier in the week in ob- ficers for District 4, Wale-hung Paul Scarff Two foreign students now study- on the topic of "Whence and servance of the college's change Area Council, Boy Scouts of Amer- 11 of name. A faculty-student fun ing in the United States under Ijy LEONARD DREY FUSS ica, will take place Thursday, she will pay tribute to the American Field Service plan: State Director of Civil Defense Photographer of Babies and Children ' Douglass, the New Jersey night for members of the college April 14 at the annual Scouters community will be held the pre-Marie-Paule Chevron from France, And Disaster Control dinner meeting in the Flagship, . Federation of Women's a" student at Fair Lawn High 330 Mountain Ave. Westfield 2-6330 s, other founding friends and vious evening*. The two regular Union. The principal speaker will morning assemblies of that week, School, and Rudolf Kaelin from We are often asked if you vol- be Kenneth A. Wells, national di- pioneers of the college which Sweden, a student at Dwight Mor- established in 1918. open to the public, will present unteer for Civil Defense, will you rector of research for tho Boy guest speakers in programs keyed row High School, Englewood, vis- be covered by insurance in case Scouts with headquarters in New «n Corwin will conclude her ited Westfield March 18, 19 and irks with the presentation of to the name change. An under- you are injured? The answer'is Brunswick. graduate dance on the evening: of 20. "Yes." ation to the State Federation The students attended classes The outgoing officers of district I'omen's Clubs which will be April 16 will bring the observance We have a state law that pro- four—which has 2,100 Scouts and Vote for to a close. and toured Westfield High School tects you when you are training pled by Mi-s. Wilson Y. Chrin- Friday afternoon. Their activi- 750 adult scouters in VVcstlicld, of Ocean City, current pres- or are asked to undertake a task Mountainside, Fanwood, Scotch ties over the weekend included a as a Civil Defense volunteer. The t of the Federation. It was tour of the town, a visit to the Plains and Garwood—include Rus- Federation which as early as Cruikshank Joins state has a fund set aside to cov-sell J. Stier, Westfield, chairman; DONALD H. BAGGER "Y" and attendance at the "Twin er claims of Civil Defense work- urged the admission of wotn- Local Realtor's Staff Twirl" dance, Saturday night. William B. Bohannon, Westfield, o Rutgers. Mrs. Douglass was ers for injuries. Three years ago, viee chairman; John It. Behrens, Sunday afternoon the students the legislature dedicated $200,000 for the chairman of the Federation's met at the home of Albert Bobal, Scotch Plains, vice chairman; L. committee on the college. Warren C. Cruikshank, a mem- for this purpose. We are very A. Jennings,' Mountainside, vice ber of the oldest real estate fam- social studies teacher, and tape proud of the fact that in all this blowing the proclamation of recorded some of their opinions on chairman, and H.' O. Engelfried, new name, New Jersey's Gov- ily in New York, is now associated time, claims have not yet amount- Westfield, district commissioner. State Assembly with Harry H. Mallett, realtor, as the value of their stay in the Unit- ed to more than $3,000. It speaks r Robert B. Meyner will speak ed States. Mr. Wells, a native of Portland, the subject of "What Lies a salesman. A graduate of the well for the integrity of our force Ore, where he was graduated from in the Wharton School of Finance, Uni- While in Westfield, Rudolf stay- and also proves that our local di- sd for Douglass College." ed at the home of Richard Griggs Reed College, is n former presi- rs. Millicent G. Mclntosh, versity of Pennsylvania, he is rectors are careful in training vol- dent of the Oregon conference of working from the local realtor's and Marie-Paule at the home o£ unteers and protecting them when UNION COUNTY ident of Barnard Colbg-e from Margaret Deeter. social work. He has been in :h Mrs, Douglass was gradu- office at 233-North avenue. Mr. they serve. Scouting for 35 years. Cruikshank served in the U. S. Wednesday, March 23, Rose Ma- Why not volunteer tomorrow. , will £ive the concluding ad- rie Zerphil, an exchange student He joined the Hoy Scouts in s. Her topic is "The Truly Coast Guard during World War See your local Civil Defense and REPUBLICAN PRIMARY II. from Germany four years ago un- Disaster Control Director. 1920, achieved Eag'le Scout rank, cated Woman." der the American Field Service's was graduated from the National he new Alma Mater of Dougr- plan, visited the high school and Training School for Professional TUESDAY, APRIL 19th egs will be sung by the spoke to several of the social stud- RESEARCH STEPPED UP Leaders in Scouting, In li)U0 he DONALD H. SAGGER rhecs Chapel Choir, which will Easter Egg Hunt ies classes about the advantages became a field executive at Port- offer other music. A. Kun- of a student exchange program to DurinK the decade of progress land and later assistant Scout ex- Young Republican Kvam, chairman of the music The Tamaques Civic Associa- both the participating students just ending, the American Cancer ecutive. — Councilman — Businessman — Veteran artmpnt, will direct the choi tion will hold its third annual and communities. Society sponsored 2,025 grants in Mr. Wells was Scout executive Fold far by Fflendi of Don taggtr s Helen C.' Reichard, chapel Easter egg hunt in Tamaques The American Field Service, the aid, 207 institutional research and mist, will be at the console, Park Saturday afternoon. In case sponsor of tiiis exchange plan for special purpose grants, and 613 r. Cyrus R. Pangborn, asso- of rain, it will be held Monday high school students, began as a research fellowships and scholar e professor of religious his- afternoon. Prizes will be awarded volunteer ambulance, corps in grants to accelerate the search for r, will pronounce the invocation in three age group3. World War I. During World War a qancer cure, APRIL 11th to 16th a fu II THE Leads the Parad* With \ 1 i week of SPOTLIGHT O AUTOMOBILES"

Week in, week out, the year 'round, PLAY FAIR brings you the latest toys to be found on the markets—and more of them, to assure you the widest choice, than any other store in the area. Soft, cuddly, stuffed animals, plastic and rubber toys, Easter baskets, loads of things for Easter giving. The New Car Dealers of Westfield HOOVER VACUUM CLEANER SINGER SEWING MACHINE Just like Mother Uses - Really Works (Mother can use this, too) ESPECIALLY INVITE YOU TO * $9.95 $12.95 VISIT THEIR SHOWROOMS THERE'S A LARGE STOCK OF OUTDOOR PLAYTHINGS, TOO. NEXT WEEK ALSO ALL THE LATEST HOEIBY SEE THE EASTER PARADE OF NEW CARS SATURDAY AND CRAFT ITEMS. MORNING, APRIL 16 AT 11 A.M. THROUGH THE BUSINESS SECTION.

BERSE BROS. HARRY MILLER MOTORS FAIR DoSoto-Plymouth Chrysler-Plymouth The Name that Moons Everything in Playthings HUGH CLARK MOTORS NORRIS CHEVROLET. Inc. Dodpc-Plymouth Chcvrolot-Oldsmobile 118 Elm Street Westfield KNOBLOCK MOTORS. Inc. PACKARD-WESTFIELD Other Stores: Caldwell — Bloomfiold Sluclebaker Packard Open Monday 'Til 9 P.M. KOPLIN-LINCOLN MERCURY ROTCHFORD PONTIAC. Inc. 2 HOUR MUNICIPAL PARKING IN REAR OF STORE Lincoln-Mercury Pontioc DELIVERY SERVICE LALLY BUICK. Inc. WESTFIELD MOTOR SALES CO. Buick Ford TTTP vrr.?TFTrw T.FATHT?. TTHT.-DAY. AFRTT, <. 1955 _L.^_ *b\ teriaii OiurrII

Tu day: 9 :'.'A) a,»;,. firi'lt.' **f |>!;i V- er in the chujK'i. AA won It'll a * •' ; iimti •d it' pu rtiiipatf in * nIS ha f • hour of .-i5ent prtiyer. Rejoice and give thanks 10 u.mi., Wunu.'!'.- Asst*{.'!£iliun evei-i:i live buyi d int't'tiMif in Die S2-.0f> u> Vi.^y, noon-day ice in the chapel. The Kev vvyn R. Rayson will give tin for Easter itation. 8 p.u\., Mnuudy THuvsdiiv C\>m- munion servut- in the sanctuary. : Tomorrow: 11::JO a.m.. church j staff discussion ami prayer meet- ; ing. ! in your 12 noon to 3 p.m., Good Friday , three hour service in the First \ Congregational Church. The . church ortiee wjiJ be ciosed for this First Congregational First Baptist Church eriod. ; 8 p.m.. ihe ministry of music. Church Today: 1:30 p.m.. the woman's Lutheran Church is 1 Today: 10 a.m;, teacher train- will present the ".'"•t. Matthew Pas- • gift will be dedicated at the meet- eui.b%^t the cornel" of Clark ; ing cluss. 12:05 p.m., Holy Week sion" by Bach in the sanctuary. [ ing of the Women's Fellowship in strcviMlnd Cottpi-rthwaite place, j nooji day service in the Presbyte- The chair of the Ciesi-ent Avenue i the sanctuary. The guest speijk- Thi' main door is op™ daily from ; rian Church. 1 p.m., Woman's So- Presbyterian Church in Plaintield • er will be Mildred McAfee Horton. y ii.m. 10 >unduv* n. The public is ciety board meeting in the chapel. will join the chance! choir in thi? i vice president of the Xaliona! invited Ui i« the opm i-uni-tuury : fe p.m., Maundy Thursday Com- perfoimunce. I>r. Charlotte Gar-1 Council of Churches, whose topic fur meditation and prayer. lWo- >munion service in the sanctuary, den will play the organ and Rich-'; is "Building the Chtistian Fam- tional literature available without J it p.m., senior chuir rehearsal. aid LitU'ist wiil cmniik'l. ily." charge. j Tomorrow: 12 noun, (luod Fri- Kbster Sunday: 11:31) a.m., 8 p.m.. Holy Communion will Today, Maundy Thursday: Hi day three hour service in the First young peoples uniun sxmri.-e serv- be observed in a service in the p.m., Holy Communion will be eel- j Congregational Church. Members ice *|ionsored by the Weslfiekl ; sanctuary. ebrateil in memory of its institu- j of the Westiield ministerium will Youth Council, Hi Ei-ho Lake 1'aik. : 9 p.m., the Odd.- and Kmis wiil 'ion by Je.-us Christ. The sermon j conduct the service. The speaker will be Douglas K. meet in Loomis Hall. H a r 11 e 11 of the Presbyterian | svill treat the subject, "His Last : Sunday: eakfast in the assembly hall. ', Easter Sunday: fi:30 a.m.. the Tomorrow: Good Friday observ- 8, 9:30 and 11 a.m., services in : mice will include the series of !) a.m., Easter festival service- sunrise service in Echo Lake Park services in the "three hours of Sermon by the pastor, the Rev. El- the sanctuary. The Rev. Dr. Fred- : sponsored by the youth committee darkness," 12 noon to 3 p.m. Three bert K. Gates Jr. on the subject, erick K. Christian will pi each on | of the Westfield Council of Church- distinct services will be conducted "Option on the Future." Easter the topic "If A Man Die." The [ es, followed by the Pilgrim Fel- at 12:30, 1:30 and 2:30 p.m. The music by the church choir and a prelude will be "An Kaster Alle- lowship breakfast in Coe Fellow- public is invited to attend either soprano solo by Betty Kittleson. luia" by Titcomb played by Mr. ship room. the entire period of solemn devo- Visitors and newcomers are invit- Litterst and the postlude "Toc- 9:30 and 10:50 a.m., two iden- tions or to arrive at the church at ed to attend. Church school. The cata from Gothic Suite" by Boell- tical services with Dr. J. L. Mc- the beginning of one of the serv- children's division will meet at tnann, played by Miss .Nancy Gor- t Corison presiding. The sermon ices. The children's service is held this hour. don. An introit will be played by », topic is "The Triumph Song" a brass quartet consisting of Paul 1 at 2:30 p.m. when the junior choir 11 a.ni., Easter festival'service. £ bringing to u conclusion the Lent- will =ing, "Surely, He Hath Borne The service is identical to the fust Neuer, first trumpet; William I en theme of "Like a Mighty "Christ Became except that the ordinance of bap- Fletemeyer, second trumpet; Gra- > en TO .. u« a ?'«».'> I Our Griefs" and "Chri ham Wanless, first trombone, and Army. At the 9 :.!0i service the ... tism will be observed. obedicnt Monday: 7 p.m., Boy Scouts, Drusilla Christopher, second trom- (, seph'chances l Lovelchoiyr Gardenwill sin" gb y DickinIn Jo-- includg e ththe esacramen CalvarJ. t serofvic thee Holwilly Troop 71, in Fellowship Hall. bone. This will be "Fanfare" by f son and "Ye Watchers of Ye Holy Communion. Pastor Walter A. Tuesday: 10 a.m., teacher train- Lee. The Easter music at the ^ Ones," a German melody. At the Reuning will preach the sermon, ing class in the youth lounge. services in the church will include ft 10:50 service, the children's choir "Christ Triumphant" by Yon; "In 1 "The Lamb and the Book." The 11:30 a-m., junior department pic- j will sing "Our Lord Jesus Knelt Luther choir will sing the anthem nic at Tamaques Park. 3 p.m., Joseph's Lovely Garden" by Dick- t in tile Garden" by Dickinson. For "Vere Lunguores" by Carl Stein. Girl Scouts, Troop 83, in Fellow- inson; "Alleluia," Thompson; I'-• both services tho prelude is "Mors Sunday: Easter day will be ob- ship Hull. 8 p.m., board of trus- "The Three Holy Women," Gaul, • et Resurrectio" by Langlais and served in three services; Sunrise ttes in the church office. and "Alleluia of the Bells," Marry- I the postlude in "Toccata and Fu- service at 0:30 a.m., and festival Wednesday: 10 a.m., teacher ott with the junior high boy bell |" gue in D Minor" by Bach. services at 8:15 and 10:45 a.m. training class in the youth lounge. choir. The junior high girl bell £ The regular 9:30 and 10:50 a.m. Following the sunrise service, choir will play on thu church steps s. sessions of church school are sched- breakfast will be served and the following the 9:30 and 11 o'clock f. uled. film, "I Am the Resurrection" will Christian Science services. s The chancel flowers will be ar- be shown to the junior choir and 9:30 a.m., Elizabeth Norton «• ranged under the direction of Mrs. children of the Sunday school who The church is located at 422 Bible class in the lounge. Young 5, F. R. Pfeifer Jr., chairman of the have attended the service. The East Broad street. peoples Easter morning service flower committee. Persons wish- regular Sunday school session will Sunday: Services at 11 a.m. and for junior and senior high young ing to present memorial flowers be held at 9:30 a.m. 8 p.m.; Sunday school at 11 a.m. people in Westminster Hall. The are requested to call Mrs. Pfeifer Identical sermons will be deliv- Wednesday: 8:15 p.m., testimon- Rev. Richard L. Smith will preach at We. 2-0283-J. ered in the three services. In the ial meeting. on the topic "The World's Best There will be no evening meet- sunrise service, the junior choir God's healing and redemptive Hope." The Sunday school orches- ings of either the junior high or will sing the anthems, "Easter power will be emphasized in the tra will play the prelude and post- pilgrim fellowships. Morn" »nd ""Christ. Qur Lord, Is lesson-sermon entitled "Are Sin, lude. The junior high girls choir, "The Day Before Easter," a film Aihen'i.by Carl Stein. At 8:15 Disease, and Death Real?" at directed and accompanied by Mrs. especially commissioned by the a.m., the junior choir will sing Christian Science services Sunday. Marilyn Herrmann, will sing "Our Broadcasting and Film Commis- the anthem, "Allelujah" by Mi- Scripturul selections from the Lord Jesus in the Garden" by sion of the National Council of chael Praetorius. At 10:45 a.m., King James Version of the Bible Dickinson and "Up! Up My Heart Churches will be shown on TV. the Luther choir will sing the fes- will include the following from With Gladness," Bach. See paper for time and station. tive introit and gradual for East- Psalms: "Bless the Lord, 0 my »:30 and 11 a.m., Bible school Monday, throug h Saturday, er day and the anthem, "Christ soul, and forget not all his bene- and chuich-hour nursery. April 1,G has been set by the pil- the Lord Is Risen Today" by G. fits: Who forgiveth all thine ini- 11 a.m., service in the chapel. grim fellowship for the annual L. Lindsay. quities; who healeth all tliy dis- The Rev. George V. Gardner will "work week for Christ." They so- j Tuesday: 8 p.m., the Women's eases; who redeemth thy life from preach on the topic "Whom Seek licit odd jobs during that week, IEvening Guild will meet in Luth- destruction; who crowneth thee *c?" The prelude and postlude, In Church on Easter Sunday morning, the shining glory of the Day enters the proceeds to go to the Christian ith loving kindness and tender .hiyed by Audrey Gleason, organ- World Mission. l Hall. The program will in- clude, a discussion led by Mrs. Mil- ercies." ist, will be "Movements 1 and II every heart. You see it in the profusion of Easter flowers, so beautifully symbolic of Wednesday: 7 and 8 p.m., the jdied Raichle on the subject, "You The present availability of from Second Sonata for Organ" youth choir and the chance! choir | and Your Vocation." Therfc wili od's goodness and power wiU be ay Hindemith, and "Toccata from rehearsing with James Lenney. be a food demonstration by Miss irought out in readings from "Sci- the Fifth Symphony" by Widor. spiritual rebirth. You hear it in the joyous Easter hymns. You express it in your own Thursday: 1:30 p.m., the read- D. Nicholas, representative of the nce and Health with Key to the The junior high girls choir, direct- ers group will meet at the home of Public Service Co. Mrs. Fred Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy, ed by Marilyn Herrmann, will Mrs. H. A. Peterson, 060 Fair- ' iditig the following'. "AU real- sing "Our Lord Jesus Knelt in the mont avenue with Mrs. Paul Pierce Luckmann will preside. prayers of thanks for the Easter promise of life eternal. You become as one with fam- Wednesday: Monthly meeting of ty is in God and His creation, harden" by Dickinson and "Up! reviewing. larmonious and eternal. That Up! My Heart With Gladness," 4 p.m., the .children's choir will the church council will be held, fol- lowed at 8:30 p.m. by the bi- hich He creates is good, and He Bach. ily, friends and neighbors in partakirtg of the deep and abiding spiritual inspiration meet for rehearsal with Mr. Len- nakes all that is made. There- Monday; 7:30 p.m., Boy Scouts ney. monthly assembly of voting mem- bers. Albert Egsieker will pre- ore the only reality of sin, sick* Troop 72 in Westminster Hall. 8 8 p.m., the Odds and Ends in less, or death is the awful fact p.m., men's work council in the that Easter offers to all. You return to your work-a-day world, infinitely refreshed in Loomis Hall. The Christian edu- side. The following officers will render reports: Willard Dunham, hat unrealities .seem real to hu- lounge annex. cation committee in Coe Fellow- nan, erring belief, until God strips Tuesday: 10 a.m., Elizabeth ship room. secretary; Philip Staas, financial secretary; Herman Raichle, treas- iff their disguise. They are not Norton Bible class executive board mind . . . heart lifted anew with,all the age-old wonder of Easter! Friday, April 15: 8:15 p.m., a rue, because they are not of meeting in the lounge. dessert meeting of the Couples' urer; William Heine, stewardship chairman; Frank Devine, building od." 3:30 p.m., Girl Scouts, Troop Club will be followed by a talk on 110, in the assembly hall. "Harbor Piloting" by Carl M. supervision committee; Kenneth suhr, grounds supervision commit- 8 p.m., session meeting in the ' Huus Jr. Reservations: The Gold- All Saints' Episcopal assembly hall. Trustees meeting smiths, We. 2-2070. ee; Donald Baeder, board of par- sh education, and William Meyer, in the Bible school office. There will be no scheduled ac- SCOTCH PLAINS — Today: Wednesday: 8 p.m., Men's Club tivities in the parish house during •outh committee. Friday, April 15: 8 p.m., the :30 a.m., Holy Communion. 7 father's, son's and daughter's fur the week of April 18 to 23 except i.m., St. Cecelia choir: 7:30 p.m., nite in the assembly hall. Spires the seventh annual antiques show ^utheran Laymen's League will ncet in Luther Hull. Fred Din- Boy Scouts. 8 p.m., senior choir. council in the lounge annex. Ex- sponsored by the Women's Fellow- Tomorrow, Good Friday: 0:30 ecutive committee of Westfield ship. el will present a book review on 'The Flood" by Prof. Alfred Reh- a.m., children's service with St. chapter, National Council of Pres- > of all denominations throughout vinkt'l of Concordia Seminary, St. Cecelia's choir. 8 p.m., litany byterian Men in the lounge. Ex c ; St. Paul's Church .outs, Mo. und sermon with senior choir. plorer Scouts in the Bible schoo I; Tomorrow, Good Friday: Com- Sunday, Easter Day: 7 a.m.. office. FRED H. GRAY, SR. our town have arranged special services for the [. munion at 9:30 a.m. The passion Holy Communion*, 8 a.m., Holy Willow Grove Communion. 9 a.m., Holy Com- , service will be held in the church The trouble with music appre- FRED H. GRAY, JR. j from noon until 3 p.m. At 8, the Presbyterian munion; St. Cecelia's choir. 11 ciation in general is that people celebration of Easter Sunday. Lovely floral deco- i. Rev. Samuel Purdy will preach at a.m., Holy Communion; senior are taught to have too much re- ; a Berviee of evening prayer. choir. spect for music; they should be WILLIAM DANGLER J Sunday, Easter Day: Four serv- SUNDAY: "A Living Christ' 3:30 p.m., children's service and taught to love it instead.—Igor rations ... inspiring musical programs ... stirring ivill be the Easter message of the i ices of Communion at 0:30 and presentation of mite boxes. Stravinsky HARRY M. DE MILT j 7:30 a.m. The family service at Rev. Julian Alexander Jr. Serv- j. 9 a.m. will be Holy Communion ces and Sunday school classes are sermons . . . will be featured. All that remains to ,' and sermon and the 11 a.m. serv- held at 9:30 and 11 a.m. The EMMA DUCKWORTH ( ' ice, Holy Communion and sermon choir, under the direction of Mrs 4 j by the rector, the Rev. Frederick Arthur Cannon, will sing at both complete the picture of Easter is YOUR presence J W. BlaU. There will be no ses- ervices. You are Invited to Fellowship . j sions of church school and no aft- Monday: 8 p.m., the session an CHARLES HAYTHORNE i ernoon service. the Women's Auxiliary will meet. in the Church of your choice. j; Easttir Monday: Communion at Wednesday: 8 p.m., the session at KATHERINE E. KANSKY t. 0:30 a.m. will meet to receive new member, I. Easter Tuesday: Communion at into the church. EDWIN S. KOZIK 0:30 a.m. The DNA will hold the Thursday: 8 p.m., Bible class MOUNTAINSIDE UNION CHAPEL regular monthly meeting at 9:30 A new course, consisting of tw a.m. in the guild room. The Men'? parts, will be started. The firsl Highway 22 at Mountain Ave. JAMES NASH Club will meet for dinner at 7 lialf will be a series of studies p.m. in the parish house. Lhe different Christian religions ROBERT R. SE1LA Wednesday: Regular mid-week And the latter half, u study of thi non-Christiiui religions. celebration of Holy Communion Good Friday Services WILLIAM D. TAYLOR will be at 9:30 a.m. The Altar Guild will meet beginning with First Unitarian Society Corporate Communion. The eve- 2.30 - 3.00 P.M. ELIZABETH F. WESTERN ning branch of the Woman's Aux- I'LAIN'KIKLU _ Tumor ro iliary will hold the April meeting 8:15 p.m., discussion group meet 8.00 - 9.00 P.M. JESSIE C. WILLIAMS nt 8 p.m. in the guild room. Fol in parish house. Subject: "Win lowing" the business meeting, Mrs Read Novels?" Alfred R. Crosby will show color- Sunday: 11 a.m., church sclro ed slides and present a program session in tho parish house. Sen Holy Communion "Belgium As I Raw It." ice with sermon by the piistor, th Thursday: The YCS will holt Rev. H. Mortimer Gesner Jr. (Evening only) a work rj.ceting at 1 p.m. at th Viome Of Mrs. George I). Bishop FOR BEST RESULTS Tenny. USE LEADER CLASSIFIED THE WESTFIELD (N.J.) LEADER, THURSDAY, APRIL t, 1955 Activities In The Churches of Westfield and Vicinity ? was "'1 o Live Your Whole Life." tion in which people know their Jane Morrow Guild irst Methodist Fanwood Presbyterian Spiritual Health The New York churchman said own jobs but cannot fit them into Need Explained the firs*, desire of persons who tile overall work pattern. Plans Sewing Meeting Sermon of the Week Today: The executive board of FANWOOlJ — Today: 8 p.m., want tt' be whole is to be made The Rev. Dr. Frederick E. AT THE FEET OF THE CRUCIFIED e WSCS will meet in Wesley Maundy Thursday Connnuniun "Most people think of being well physically well. He ciU'd the ex- Christian, senior minister, conduct- The April meeting of the Jan« By the Rev. Milton P. Achey Hail at SUSO a.m. This is also service. Communicants' class will as nu'aninjr absence of sickness, ample of the crippled man who ed the service. The Scripture was Morrow Guild of the Presbyterian Mountainside Union Chapel owing day. be publicly welcomed, but many physicHffy perfect indi- .H}u>Ue to Jesus at the pool of Bc- read by the Rev. Elbert E. Gates Church will be held April 14 in. 8 p.m., in the sanctuary. Maun- Tomorrow: 8 p.m., cantata, thesda. Jr., pastor of the First Baptist y Thursday Communion will be viduals are ^pirituh'ly maiadju.st- Church. Prayer was led by the btead of today. This meeting will The Message from the Cross" by er," the Hcv. Pr. Kalph VV. Sock- Dr. Sofkuian said tlic popular be devoted to sewing. All mem- Psalm 22 and Isaiah 53. 'bsorved. An annual occasion of Mai/Faiianc to be presented by the j type of religiun today is too in- Rev. l)v. Cordon K. Mk-halson of j emembrance among the congre- man, pastor of Christ, Methodist the First Methodist Church. bers are invited to attend. Hos- It is nineteen hundred yoars adult choir, under the direction of j Church, Nt'u- York, dvcluiXH} trospective. He emphasized that •ation, it is open to all. A short Maleoim L. Hazel. one purpose of worship is to lift Solulist was Karl Ijtin, with tesses for the evening will be Mes- ago. The place is Calvary, a hill iloly week cantata "The Last Sup- Thursday nijd.t. Richard W. Litterst at the organ. dames Wilbur L. Baldwin, Frank just outside of Jerusalem. From it Easter Sunday: Three church Dr. Soekman concluded the fa- the individual out of himself into er," will be presented by the sanc- iervices, 8:45, 10 and 11:15 a.m. the presence of God. Caraselli, James Maekie and John I can view "the Holy City stretched uary choir. mous preacher's Lenten series be- out below me. ] seem to sense the Sermon, "The Victorious Christ" l)r. Suckman criticized the cur- Brumbaugh. Devotions will be led Tomorrow: Good Friday three fore nearly 800 pfr.su/i.s iji the by Mrs. George Grow. atmosphere of that hallowed place. >y the Rev. Harold A. Scott. An- Presbyterian Church. His topic rent era as an ag'e of specializa- SEE PAGE 38 a strange silence hangs over its our service will be held in the ;hems, first service by the cvusad- otherwise busy streets. Its people oriKTcg-ational Church, 12 to 3 ehoir under the direction of G. show mixed emotions. Some are .m. Preparatory class for adults. tfobert Downer. Second service ;weeping for they had been blessed p.m., Wesiey Hall. The sanc- >y the carol choir under the direct- by the one hanging on the cross. uary choir will rehearse in the ion of Mr. Downer. Third serv- Some are afraid less the rulers re- hoir room at 8 p.m. ice by the adult choir under the ;member that they cried: "Hos- Saturday: The crusader and direction of Mi". Hazel. unior girls' choirs will rehearse WESTFIELDS LEADING lanna" when He entered, ijome are 8 p.m., "Shadow of the Cross" confused—He offered such prom- t 9:30 a.m. passion play, will be presented ise, He confounded the priests, the Sunday: All departments of the by the junior high fellowship in Pharisees, the Sadueees, yet for hurch school meet at 9:30 a.m. the auditorium. AH members and jHimself, "He .opened not His It the 9:30 and 11 o'floi-k sorv- 'riends of the church are invited. SAVINGS INSTITUTION jmouth". Some are dolighted with ces in the sanctuary, the Rev. Tuesday through Thursday: .heir victory over He who thwarted Gordon E. Michalson, minister, faster retreat of Westminster fel- their selfish and egotistical designs, will preach on "The Logic of lowship at Blue Mountain Lodge, he whole atmosphere of Jerusa- Hope." Peekskill, N. V. Cars will leave im is tense and a strange forebod- At 6:30 a.m. the Westfleld the church at 9 a.m. Tuesday. es seems to hang over it like a pall. outh Council will hold its an- Tuesday: 8 p.m., trustees' nieet- "OPEN YOUR ACCOUNT TODAY' nual Easter breakfast in Echo ng in the study. ] turn from the city and look up at Jesus of Nazareth. The. sight -ale Park. It is open to all. Thursday, April 14: 8 p.m., ses- es me sick. I remember the words of the prophet Isaiah: "His The chapel choir will rehearse sion meeting in the study. isage was so rnarred more than any man, and His form more than n the choir room at 5:15 p.m.; Circle meeting's, Monday: 1 p.m., \e sons of men:" Isaiah 52:14. The brutality against Him is inhuman. .he youth choir at (i:!i0. 3 at the home of the leader, Mrs. [a He rolls His head in agony an ugly crown of long thorns pierce The JIl's will meet in the social John Griswold, 532 Westijeld road, WE PAY [is brow and sink deeper and deeper into the flesh. Small streaks of hall for supper at 6:30 p.m., fol- Scotch Plains. Wednesday: 8:15 ood drip from each punctured wound. His hair is saturated with owed by the meeting in Wesley p.m., 5 and (i at the home of Mrs. blood. H slowly flows down His face blinding His eyes and Tall. The MYFs will meet in Arthur Taber, 123 Forest road. wring His perfect features. His lips, partially hidden beneath tlic Wesley Hall at 7:30 p.m. for the Leaders, Mrs. O. Mainzer and tnguine stream, are cracked and parched as He -becomes unbearably regular meeting. Preparatory class Mrs, C. Mattke. 12 al the home lirsty from loss of blood. His .back beaten by Pilate's scourge and 'ov adults, Wesley Hall, 7 o'clock. of Mrs. J. Hutchison, 2010 Hill- jackeiH'd and bruised from bearing the cross, finds no comfort in The next group of new members top road, Westlicld. Leader, Mrs. e rough hewn, splintery cross. Every motion of His restricted move- will be received Sunday, April 17, S. W. Nette. eirts brings burning torture to His swollen, lacerated back. His ACCOUNTS ON uiy sagging from weakness pulls His shoulders from their sockets, turn away and close my eyes momentarily from the grim sight before Jrace Presbyterian Community INSURED YOUR (e. 1 think of David, His forefather by Mary, who said: "all my bones e oat of joint" Psm. 22:14. David was writing about Him that all The Women's Missionary Soci- Presbyterian wild recognize Him when it happened. ety of Grace Orthodox Presbytc- UP JO $10,000 SAVINGS 1 again look up. My eyes follow the red stream up his arms to ian Church will meet tonipht to MOUNTAINSIDE —- Today; 8 .is hands. His life stream oozes from jagged wounds made by crudely lect officers and hold its April p.m., regular meeting of the ses- .mineral spikes driven in and through each hand, wedged between meeting. The theme for discus- sion at Elder Stuhier's. c bones but tearing flesh and sinew. His hands—the very hands sion is "Multitudes and Missions." Tomorrow, Good Friday: 8 p.m., at fed the poor, held the little child, lifted Peter from the waves, The Sunday school will have a Communion service and reception Ifted Jaiius' daughter and wrote on the ground insteud of pointing special Easter program in the of new members, church auditorium Sunday morn- Sunday, Easter: 9:30 and 11 CURRENTJDlVIDENt) ie accusing finger at the adulterous woman!—His hands pierced with at 9:30 when all the depart- a.m., two identical services. The agged spikes. ments will assemble together. The Rev. D. K. Rayson will preach on 1 stare incredibly at His feet. Feet that walker! many weary superintendent, Edward A. Hatig, "The Power and tho Glory," sev- jjiles to help; feet that never marched for violence; feet that were will preside. enth in aeries on the Lord's Pray- CONVENIENTLY LOCATED AT BROAD AND PROSPECT STS. bathed by one he loved and forgave. They also are pierced with Easter music at the 11 o'clock er. iimilai" spikes. So painful are they that He cannot relieve the pressure service will be as follows: "In Jo- Monday: 8 p.m., meeting of the In His hands for the agony of His feet. Again the words of David are ieph's Lovely Garden" sunjj by the joint finance coinmittee. ipropriatu: "they pierced my hands and my feet" Psalm 22:16'. choir, and "Open the Gates of the Wednesday: 8 p.m., choir prac- The sun beats upon his naked body. Every piece of covering has Temple" sung by Frederick Grif- tice at the school. Kegular meet- in stripped from Him. He, who is so holy, so modest, so righteous, in. The pastor, the Rev. Leslie ing of the deacons. lust hang shamed before His mother and the women, who unlike A. Dunn, will preach an Easter ie men, defy the peril ol the hour to be with Him. He suffers shame. sermon on the theme, "The Power WESTFIELD FEDERAL SAVINGS The hours intensify the agony. Unlike the martyr who faces and the Glory." The seven o'clock Madison Ave. Chapel Al with delight, with a soul flooded with glory of God and sus- Sunday evening service will in- itati by the unlimited grace of God; Jesus knows no such con- clude a sermon by the pastor on Sunday: 10 a.m., Sunday school, lation. God the Father has turned His back on Jesus! No living the subject, "The Easter Hope.' 11 a.m., service and reception man ever experienced this . . . absolutely alone! He knows no of new members. Douglas E. Bart- The Christian Adult Fellowship lett of Princeton Theological Sem- imfort, no hope of relief, no glory, no help, no promise, only lone- will hold its April meeting Tues- «s Jesus lifts His eyes to the empty Heaven and cries: "My God inary will preach on the topic day evening at the church. W. "God's Mightiest Deed." (f God why hast thou forsaken me?" The Holy God has turned Lee Benson, Rinfjoes, will be the [is back on the one who bears the sin of the world. Isaiah the Prophet ffuest speaker and will have as his 'rote of Him: "Ho was wounded for OUR transgressions, He was subject, "The Modernist and the Baptist Doubles Club ruistd for OUR iniquities: The chastisement of our peace was upon Bible." iiniand with His stripes we are healed. All we like sheep have gone The mid-week service is held Meeting Next Week :ray and turned everyone to his own way and THE LOUD HAS Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock >II> ON HIM THE INIQUITY OF US ALL." Isaiah 53:5-6. preceded by choir practice at 7 The April meeting of the First As I ponder this my human fraility cries out: "How can you o'clock. Baptist Doubles Club will be held mi of mercy?" "How can you God of Love and Compassion?" 1 Friday, April 15 at tlie home of an ready as many others are ready to condemn tho Father for per. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Banes, 335 pitting the sufferings of the Son. I again look at Jesus en the cross Echo Lake Tuttlc parkway. James M. Deitz, N the full force of His own words hits me and stuns me—"I and Church of Christ superintendent of the bureau of Eber't Patio Shop - Ebcr'8 Path Shop - Ebrr'e Patio Slw-p - Eun/ Patio Shop - Ebcr's Patio Shop - Ebcr Patio Sliop • Eber'e Patio fcc Father arc one". The very God who has turned His back is tile .weights and measures (or Union God who is suffering! God became man that He might bear th( County, will speak. penalty that He Himself decreed. Hero is the justice and thi Regular services will be conduct Refreshments for the social hour Pie of God merged into or.c. ed Sunday by Echo Lake Chufch vhich follows are in charge of ' ask myself the question: "Why, Lord?" And my heart sink. of Christ. Bihle classes meet jut i1r. and Mrs. Harry Hooper and id I tremble with conviction before the Crucified for it conies upon 9:30 a.m. Morning scrvioc is at rtr. and Mrs, Jack Alpaugh. Mar- fcewith tremendous impact. "He is doing all this for me!" 1 am th 10:30 and evening service at 7:30. ied couples in the church and pson Hi; hangs there suffering as He does! It was not the Roman Special attention is called to the 'ongregation are invited to attend "Herald of Truth" broadcast on plduu- who drove the nails, or the multitude who cried "crucify Him" r 'Mate who pronounced sentence, but ME! MY SIN! I CRUCIFIED \V ABC at 12:30 p.m. each Sun- •SI'S CHRIST! day. James D. Willeford is pres- ently bringing a series of lessons This story is not fancy or imagination. As a very young man IW on the "Holy Spirit." This net- The Most Important 'he sufferings of Christ in the Word of God. Because of this work broadcast originates in Abi- we my heart to Him. He says: "Him that cometh to me I will in n lene, Tex. Question Put to Jesus Mst out." John 0:37. YOU crucified HIM. He died for You. Wha' Other .services during the week you done about it? include the ladies' Bible class at i0 a.m. Wednesday and tho mid- week prayer meeting and Bible J. here is deep meaning for class nt S p.m. Thursday. The us all in Jesus' answer to church meets at fiOO Sprinjrlield John's searching question avenue. The public is invited to REDEEMER LUTHERAN CHURCH attend all services. (Luke 7), "Art thou he that should come? or look we Clark Street and Cowperthwaite Place for another?" Walter A. Reuning, Pastor Woodside Chapel He gave his work) as GOOD FRIDAY DEVOTIONS 12 Noon to 3:00 P.M. proof of the truth of his FANWOOD — Sunday: The words: "Go your way, and Calvary Service at 8:00 P.M. Lord's Supper will be observed at tell John what things yc the 9:15 a.m. service. John Smart have seen and heard; how EASTER SERVICES 6:30, 8:15 and 10:45 A.M. of Plainiield will give a special Ea.ster message at the 11 a.m. that the blind sec, the lame service. Alfrev Valcnte's tenor walk, the lepers arc cleansed, soloist, will sini, "The Holy City" the deaf hear, the dead are and will be accompanied by his raised, to the poor the gos- wife, Virginia, lit the piano. Sun- pel is preached" (Luke 7). Latherans Believe day school will meet at 11 a.m. Mr. Smart will also speak at the Christian Science is pre- In the Atonement evening service at 8 o'clock. senting lo the modern world Tho regular mid-week service the same demonstrable truth. of Christ will be held Tuesday at 8 p.m. for Bible study and prayer. John Kcid SCIENCE AND rerhsns no erent In ilttory haa of PMinfieM, Kihlo tcnrhol; v.'iU HEALTH with been subjected to TOOTS Interpreta- bocin a series of studies at this tion! than the death of Je»n» Key lo the. Scriptures «" ChrlBt. This Is is unfortunate M time on "The Church—Ha Origin It ii unnecessary, Tho Blblo speaks clearly of ths pur- — Purpose—Destiny." by Mary Baker Eddy ro«8 of Christ's death. "Happy Horn" for tho,young St. Paul aayn "ChrlBt alei for our sins." fit. Peter «ayn, peoplo meets each Friday ut 7:30 discloses to nnyonc the H» tors our sins in His own body on the crow." St. p.m. present-day practical value John nays that by His death Christ became "tho propltlo* of the Master's teaching. furniture for casual I/L Una for our Elns, and Dot lor ours only but also for ths CHAIR, LOVE-SEAT GLIDER, •Ins of thn Thole world." Science nnd Health mny be 'n a BenBB, It la right to say that tho entlr* Blhlo from bought, read, or borrowed at «"T* UNITARIAN CHURCH READING ROOM €B€R/ Here is your sutrfoor living room . . . complete , . . ot a rjaco of doomed mankind, to atoi)» Jor niinklnd's gnilK. pricu you never thought possible. Amazingly comfortable, »l« death was accepted by Hit Fathsr M the payment ol PARK AVE., PIAINF1EIO 116 OUIMBY STREET '"' nell-penalty of » world of sinners. WESTFIELD with saddle seats and springy stool construction. Gciyly onain- ' And now all -who put their truit in Him are fren. Or (Between 7th and 8th Sta.) PATIO SHOP oled in choice of ted, grcon or yollow. Pieces may bo pur- •' the Blbla nuts It: "Christ, hath rodfiemeil n» from th« Hours: 10 to 4:30 11 A.M. Service of Worship ROUTE 22, NORTH PLAINFIELD chased individually. *?iO7 jurpin of |.|19 {J%T,I j,,,jng m,,,),, s turn for u»," and "thers Also Monday, 7 to 9 w th»r«for» now no condemnation to them, which *r« itt '/« Mllo Wost of Somerset Street Complete cnicmblc ...... *r' JLI « "Tht Church "t thn inquiring Open Duily, including Suiuluy 'Tit Lutheran Church, bs*iD* )(» nttjut* on tin B1W», WnriTWirinn rttKotninn rhuhh vfrlrM, mind and liberal tpirii," Rufl^Aj Sthnol «nd ittt f>ubll« lectu/a* 9 A.M. lo 10 P.M. MMOW ti» »toi)»moi>t of Christ (of &uiktoA'$ Iln M tty •l» iUll ' f.'l'.-r /VM Nft"/' - I'ht'r'a Puti I wet at tli* Christian faith. JJbtr'B - i:hr/\; f «•'•< o7f>|> - LVr /V" THE WESTFIELD (N.J.) LEADER, THURSDAY. APRIL 7, 1955 Page Aschenbrenner and Marilyn I taster Breakfast Mountainside | eci the subjevt Tribute of Love Yountrhans. an allernale for Mary j for the Kinii'.'' The Luther choir Debate Tournament Kay Jackson, were the- affirma- Additional Church News I For Sunilav Srhool Union Chapel Uunjr the aiuhem. -All Uiory I.aud | tive team; .Sharon Soules and Carol Zande, the neptive team. HOW and Honor." | Trinity : Today: 8 p.us., senior choir re-j Saturday. the H Sister Retina Cordis is the debate Auxiliary Schedules Alliance Chureh A fcii'ure of the Kaster observ- The following ivncwed their pro-; earns placed HiKh School debatitiR couch. CHRISTIAN '. ance for chililj'en. j-»arems and fessions uf faith and loyalty to i n the Muth- Wednesday Meeting Good rri- second in point score CRAXTOiHJ The Hume Mi* teurhers ,ot Iiedvenu-r [.ulherun Jesus I'hriit: Mr. and Mi-i. Al-: tou [jiauieiit SCIENCE ' Sunday -.i houl Will be the liaf Ihu Wonl- vhurvlt uduy I'IM H H am. to 3 : ; •erviee The 'and Mrs. Ai.(lK.ny Daniellu of; Time is fl vita! factor in cancer HEALS imiiii-diattly after the clo.-,e of the S p.m.. Communion Lukevvoud. 'I'he ng- tfom, !•«',•; Auxiliary uf St. 1'aulV ('tunvli p.m. Tile plvgi m v% JH include will deliver iHerkeley HeUrhl..; Mr. and Mr,. cure. The American Canter So- sunri.e service, uhich begins ut ; liev. Milton H Ac-liey Cathedral lliph of Ti-en- will Intel Wednesday ul S p.m. in eading of leiteu from mission- ! Kichard Human. Mtnlo l'ark, and ciety says that in its early states, . ti: 'iU a.ni. (Juests of h-jnor will a message at both services. Urn bad u score oi 2H1; Trinity, the g-uild room. ries, report- of work completed, a unrise I Ml-, and Mrs. Cornelius Ret i before it "talks", cancer is highly be members of the junior choir j| Sunday: u a.m., Ka.-;ter a score of 1!BO. Station J^/s. Albert H. Crumby will pre- pecial time of j>r:'.;.er for tin/ u.;- ! ~, u« Periodic physical exami- Sun who u'ili sinir the antheitts in the I service at the chapel with the Kev. j Clark Township. The proi.p Fifteen hiurh schools and acad- j curable. sent a program on "Beij-dum As i hovt business the WOR em 'y service as wcii as at the be- j .Mr. Achey speaking- on the topic j receive Holy Communion lur ,n,ies of Xevc Jersey participated I nations are urged a* the best can Saw It" aecuriipanyini?; her talk meeting- While the meeting is in tilne s toniyht at 710 K. C. jfinniny oi' the regular 8:15 am.] "Kc-enterini? the Sepulchre." >"»••"• " melnbers debate tournament. Ann cer insurance. with colored slides. Mrs. Crosby, process, the women viil sew on the service. I 9:S0 a.m.. Sunday school for ; <* o'clock, now uf Mountainside, war* born in articles to be .sent to various home The fullowiny ,'re, niembe]-y:j through the junior c/asses. Plaintit'ld and has lived in this mission v.-t>rk>. urea most of bur life. She is the Bonnie Fisher, Janet Hr-ss. Janet [The intermediate throu(;h adult mother of three youn£ sons and Holy Communion will be ob- Herfurth. Billy Braun, Carl Keitz, | classes will attend the Easter has been a member of the Aux- served Good Friday at 8 p.m. Susan I'enuekump, Donna Reitx, | church service iliary for several years. She and Sunday: Special Kaster serv- Elaine Decker, Theo Dunham, As- and II a.m., identical serv- ices will betcili at <»:K0 a.m. with her family were in Kurupe for one , Ltl.. j(.^J Madea, Karen Kandra. Jef- ices with the Rev. Mr. .Achey de- a sunrise set vice at livering a message on "The Res- and a half years. They lived in tlie flagpole! frfV Zt,tU)] Bernard Smith, Bar- BUICK in Echo Luke Park. a small village near Antwerp. Bel- j The pastor, j bal.a BlH.,. an(] U(?ra]j jfa(jea. Mrs. urrection and tlie Living Christ." gium. They traveled to many oth- i>r. George A. Aiteheson, will Wanda Reuuin&r is the director Junior church for children from er countries during their speak on "Early Morning LHscov- ( and Mrs. Eleanore Hess, accom- the first through the sixth grades there. All members of the pun" "s? ! evils." The public is invited. Sun panist. Guest are asked to no- will be conducted by Ed Odell. i day Bible school will meet at 9:S( ait? invited to hear about her ex { tify Mrs. Louis Herfurth of Cran< Supervision will be provided fur T DEALER pcriences in Belgium. JU-frcsh- ' "' ' ford, Cr. ti-U96:i, of thtir in*en- the nursery age group. ment hour is at 8 p.m. Di'. AiU-hwon will speak on, j Uon ,0 bt, at bil.akfast. 7 p.m., youth fellowship meet- Advance notice of the evening "Roadside Revelations." at the 11 The nK)tjo,, picture to be shown ing. •auxiliary's annual social meeting a.m. service. Special Kastei- inn- to t|>t. a^<.mbly is entitled "I Am 7:45 p.m., evening service will • IN YOUR COMMUNITY in June has been given. On June sic, both vocal and instrumental, j the Kcsurierfiqn," one of the ser- be in charge of the senior choir. 8 the group will attend an evening Will be presented. of "The Living Bible" films. Monday: Youth fellowship roll- performance at the Paper Mill I The Alliance youth fellowships All departments of the Sunday er-skating- party. The group will YES A NEW FACTORY AUTHORIZED DEALER Playhouse of the musical "Guys (will meet at 0:30 p.m. This will school, from the age three class meet at the chapel at 7 p.m. and Dolls." Members of the aux- be the first meeting* for the new to the post-confirmation Bible Wednesday: 8 p.m., prayer and WITH A NEW PROGRESSIVE ATTITUDE iliary may bring guests. Ar- intermediate youth fellowship classes will meet at 9:30 a.m. Bible study at the home of Mr. rangements may be made by call- group which is for seventh, eighth Beruhard H. Mahler, superintend- and Mrs. Arthur Strand, 808 DIRECTED TOWARD MORE BUICK SALES AND ... ing Mrs. R. A. Cushman, We. 2- and ninth graders. Miss Ruth ent, will conduct the opening de- Franklin avenue, Wedth'eld. 6969 before May 1. Clark and Bruce Nichols will be otions. Thursday, April 14: 8:40 a.m., in charge. The Easter story in the Rev. Mi-. Achey will speak MORE COMPLETELY SATISFIED BUICK OWNERS flannelgraph will be given at this over radio station WAWZ—1SC0 Calvary Evangelical meeting'. Women Set Date For k.c. Visitors are invited to all Prom 7:15 to 7:45 p.m., there All Day Meeting services at the chapel. - PLEASE NOTE — Lutheran (ULCA) will be a half-hour of meditation with organ music by W. K. Betz. OUR SERVICE POLICY OUR SALES POLICY At the evangelistic service at The all day meeting of the WS Eight Received Into CRANFORD—Holy WVek se THE FINEST ALL AROUND 7:45 p.m., special Easter music, OS of the First Methodist Church THE BEST SERVICE YOUR ices at Calvary Lutheran Church will be held April 7 at 10:30 a.m. Lutheran Fellowship will continue with the administra- both vocal and instrumental, will . BUICK HAS EVER HAD NEW CAR TRANSACTION. be presented. The devotions will be lead by tion of the Sacrament of Holy Mrs. Francis J. Walker. In the second service, Palm Sun- The colonist group of Pioneer OR YOUR MONEY REFUNDED WERE READY TO PROVE IT Communion tonight at 8:15. The Circle seven will serve luncheon day morning, the Redeemer Luth- Rev. Arnold J. Dahlquist, pastor, Girls will meet at the church Mon- eran Church of Westfield held a day at 7:30 p.m. At 7:45 p.m., at 12:30 p.m. will preach on "The Prelude to the The afternoon program will be formal reception of members at Cross." The anthem "0 Lamb of the monthly Sunday school work- the Altar. Eight applicants were ers' conference will be held at the "Birds Eye View of Christian God" by Wickman will be sung by Women at Work." It is an inter- received by transfer from Luther- We're Very Anxious to Meet You - - the senior choir. church. The pilgrim group of an churches of other communities. Pioneer Girls will meet at the tatiwn of the United Church , The Good Friday service will be A'omen. Pastor Walter A. Reuning con- B memorial service of Scripture church Tuesday at 7 p.m. - - WONT YOU COME IN SOON? On the program will be Mes- ducted the rite and welcomed the and sacred music and will begin Wednesday, the Women's Mis- ames Hubert .White, Raymond new members. The sermon treat- at 8:15 p.m. Music brought by ionary Prayer Band will meet at ;mnt and Paul K. Davis. Also the girls' and senior choirs will the church at 10 a.m. The regu- Mis. Daniel A. Skelly of the Pres- Evening Guild Sets include "Were You There When lar mid-week Bible study and pray- byterian Church and Mia. William They Crucified My Lord," arrang- er mueting; will be held at 8 p.m. 1 Whaley of the Episcopal Church. April 14 Meeting ed by Swift; "0 Sacred Head No%v After the meeting , a program of Wounded," arranged by Christian- slides and tape-recording from the The evening- guild of the WSCS sen and "God So Loved the Timothy Christian Day School in Church Young People if the First Methodist Church will World," Stainer. There will also Plainfield will he shown. Seek Odd Jobs meet at 8:15 p.m. Thursday, April be a solo by Mis. Marlin Sieg, "I Sunday, April 24: 3 p.m., the 14 in the assembly room of Wes- LALLY BUICK, Wonder as I Wander" by Niles. Nyack Chorale will present a sa- ley Hall. K On Easter Day there will be cred concert at the church. The youth group of the First Miss Lucile Colony, executive three services. The dawn service Congregational Church will ob- secretary of the women's division at 6:30 a.m. to be held at Mc- Baptist Circles icrve its annual work week for of Christian Service for India and Connel! Park, Eastman street. In Christ, April 10 to 17. The purpose Pakistan, will be the speaker oi - WE. 2-8484 - PS case of rain the service will be To Meet April 14 >f the week is to earn money, from the evening. Mrs. Elmer Schmal- held in the church. The sermon working at odd jobs, to send to a enberger will be the soloist and •will be entitled "The Implication The April meetings of the cir- mission designated by the student devotions will be given by Mi-s. 430 NORTH AVE. (Same Buiclc Address) WESTFIELD, N. J,| of Easter." Light refreshments body of the Congregational Youth cles in the First Baptist Woman's John French. SERVICE DEPT. Daily to 5.30; Sats. to Noon - SALES DEPT. Daily to 9; Sots, to 4; 5vh. I •will be served in the church house Society will be.. held Thursday, Conference. ; Local citizens, .^are Hostesses are Mesdames War- at the conclusion of this servTSe." April 14, at 1 'p.m. according to asked to call Nance Bessler at Fa. ren Mayer, W. F. Amery, William The girls' choir will sing- "Jesus the following schedule: 2-5222 if they have "any odd jobs Overbay, F. J. Feely and Paul Christ Is Risen Today" by Dons, Cii-cle 1, Mrs. O'Mara White, waiting to be done." Peacock. and the junior and senior choirs leader, at the home of Mrs. El- will sing "St. Theodolphus' Hymn" bert E. Gates Jr., G30 Glen ave- by Tschner-Olds. nue; hostess, Mrs. Robert Mess- At the 8.-15 a.m. service the ier. Sacrament of Holy Communion Circle 2, Mrs. Gilbert Rust, will be administered. Pastor Dahl- leader, at the home of Mrs. Rich- GOOD COUNH GOVERNMEU quist will bring as the message to ard Wiley, Tcrrill road; hostess, this service "The Cornerstone of Mrs. Emeline Thurber. , , Faith." The girls' choir will sing Circle 3, Mrs. Henry Troxler, "Easter Carol," a Lithuanian folk leader, at the home of Mrs. Irving 4-8-8 tune. Dougherty, 934 Summit avenue; The festival service at 11 a.m. hostess, Mrs. Addison Slocum. will bring the same message as Circle 4, Mrs. Albert Pfirrmann, the dawn service. Special music leader, at the home of Mrs. John •will be by the choirs. The senior DEPENDS ON Godfrey, 911 Brown avenue. choir singing "Spanish Easter Pro- Allfewomen of the church and cession," a folk melody, and the congregation are invited to attend junior choir singing "Children of one of the meetings. the Heavenly King" by Pheyel. ONt FEEDING if OW THE COMPLETE The regular meeting of the Of all the cultural forms of en- Women's Guild scheduled for to- tertainment the moat widespread all seaion*... will PLANT FOOD THAT morrow has been changed to Fri- and most spontaneous participa- not leoth cut. ll'l 48-S - day, April 15, because of Holy GROWS GRASS IN YOUR VOTE tion is gained through song.—Ear! pint high catbon humus ond Week, The Intermediate Luther Robinson 15 Ircut •Itmenli.., 1 League will not meet Sunday. SANDY OR Monday, the Sunday school execu- t, topp»r, cobalt, tive committee will meet in the boron, molybdenum, iron CLAYEY SOIL... church house at 8 p.m. Wednes- NORTH ANDOVER, MASS. othtrs ncc«ttary to day, the youth committee will W..1.W El.c. and Btll lab. P.nann.l htatlhyplenl growlh. meet in the church house, at 8 wi con help you with— p.m., as will the Beginner Moth- * now built houttf * Wrlding a ntw houre ers' Club at 8 p.m. All choir re- • buying th* la) hearsals have been postponed dur- • F H A ond V A (OOM ing Easter week. • bank wnlatti 100% FEftTIUZER Wiit. to: |N0 Music is a discipline, and a mis- Russell W. Cleary SOU BUILDER tress of order and good manners, (UnftOf Exceptionally well qualified by background, training and experience for Union County she makes the people milder and City and Suburban Property SOIL CONDITIONER gentler, more moral and more rea- 138 Kinoia Ave. Haverhlll, Moll. HUMUS KKH IH ttllON sonable.—Martin Luther Tel. 4-6190 PERSONAL - life-long resident of Union County. Married, ha* four ton*. GroduoH •»** • GLORION builds beamiful ntw lawns...revitalizes old W ones...even on areas devoid of lop soil. field High School and Wosleyan University. Former President of Boord of Trusts • GLORION produces sweeter fruits, more colorful flowers Plains Baptist Church. more flavorful vegeiables...increases resistance to disease. • GLORION'S long moisture retaining capacity makes for quicker ripening...healthier plants and grasses. PUBLIC AFFAIRS - Mayor of Fanwood 2 ytart following 7 years as Councilman •. A Palisades Interstate Park Commission consulunt writes Commissioner. Member, Inter-Municipal Water Committee. Member, lnter-Muni«'Po1 THE WHOLE aouut the amazing resuhs we have had u-iih GLOR2ON on flowers, shrubs, vegetables and Rrasses. Tests were especially fee for Bettor Rail Sarviea. Member, Executive Board of N. J. State league of »atisf»ctory. Even sandy substandard soil showed remark- Vice-Chairman of Union County Republican Committee. FAMILY'S able improvement very quickly, producing thick, Eteen Sturdy lawns/1 He adds. "In my own garden I had the finest vegetables I have ever grown." CIVIC ACTIVITIES - Past President of Watchung Area Council, Boy Scouts HAPPY!! • GIORION brings you quality, economy and complete-; ness., in one package. No other fertilizer offers so much and former Campaign Chairman, Plainfield Area Community Cliest. His long reo for so little. fish service to the community is unsurpassed. • GLORION in 50 Ib. bags J5.95... 25 Ib. tags $3 25 • M your dealer...or insist he get it for you. • Send (or TREE brochure. BUSINESS - Prominent business leader. After 15 years'financial experience

A Producl of Soil Bullden International Carp and President of Spacarb Essex, Inc., Maplewood, N. J. since 1940. Director o And why shouldn't they be? Since Mother hot been let- W BURNETT DISTRIBUTING CORP. RICHARD P. HATFIELD Plains Savlnas and Loan Association. President, Plainfield Area Savings and Loon U«B ' ting us do her laundry . . , she's boen a "swell guy" on Northport, N. Y, what used to be hectic blue wash days! tn New Jersey Telephone JUstice 4-6875 You won't find a better man for this office. AT THESE D£AURS Miiuntttin VUw—Oak ' 1- Grflv* Cedar Orovo Garden New MllforO—-TCUEIOWOOJ LundscAi Vote I'll , Horv,; Hpeclc'fl NurHery for Clfrton ohn DeVoH & Sona Nursery for (.'Umter—Clouted Feed Co. I'ltrmmiM—OiVn TiorKJnnn RICHARD P. HATFIELD FREEHOLDER Diimont—rmtnont Coal & Lumber ltoHK'Ktoiul I-Ajmber fc Supply IVORY DRY CLEANERS l-.'iitfrlivimif—(/nddoltuiu (Jnrdvn Cir.j IIou.Hf! A (litiOyti Shop IlnniMCj-—S. H. lroniewocul Frifrliiwn—PlyniouUi rnrk^lflwro. HttPf Mrtue—Comfort Ctml & I^umb 955 AND LAUNDERERS liiu'k*iittiu>k—Comfort Coal St. Lumber Hui't'imunjin—Hlway Hume Hupply Row A-10 Republican Primary ' lia»ki*tfftti>«rii-~Allon't>H4wre, Tenn. During i Plant Manager the war years he was en^afifed in With the CollecjiaHS j the management uf ordnance Donald A. Hoick of 223 Baker I Named Chairman yiliims bu'th and operated fur the government by duPont. of 521 Tremont I avenue, a junior Air Force KOTC ) vice president of her class and of I Cadet at Cetlysbiirj; College, re-: For the years 1W43 and 3944, he \n-en elected vice pre.s- C. R. feiitweU of :ttO South i served as chairman of the Na- . Student (lovernment johejr Iitg campu1 in retailins residenceg an.d Sh\A eU is ma- c«ntlfield y triparticipatep to Bartod iwn aAi three-dayr Force) Chestnut Ktroet, managei1 of UwUuimi ftmokvless Huwder Industry i of Russell Sage Coi- ate uf Wt-stfielJ Jlitfh isv teasv. Flu. The group of 20 cadets Newark piytneiits plant of the du- <.'omnuitit* which functioned as co- ls'. V., where she is a * r * ! wit* tiuwii to Florida by a member Pont Co., has been appointed a iv- orjd ttiuior of ihe various govern- •v t)i* tHf junior das*. She Joan Uoyd is among the mem-1 of the •Wettysbin-g AFROTC ^tatf. trional chairman in the Manufac- uu'nt owiu'd smoki^lcss powdt'f Vt oVfKt' later in the spring. bera oi' the senior class at the tint- j : " * turing Chemist4*' Association's ob- \ of e versity of Delaware defied to! Hubert. J. (liiifm of 85;$ Sum-servatur of Chemical Progress \ t president " t^ usyoeia- m Mr. CiUAtwi'll i* u member of the v,'iil serve a* the social membership in the national honor i i<- avenue is on the dean's list Week May 1U-2I. j American Institute of Chemical eail society, Phi Kappa Phi. fur the full semester HI St-ton Hu'l a',, of the organization, Mr. Cantwi-ji will be responsible f Knifineers ixnd the Tan Bel a Ti is currently sewing as a * * • University, South Orange. He isfor organizing the chemical indus- honor engineering society, lie is Harry W. Tenney Jr. of 300it frcshniun. 1 ?r of the legislative council tries of tht NVvvark-Jersey City trustee of the Newark Safety West Dudley avenue is one of six * *.• * ea according to W. E. Joseph, Council, a past director of the t Government Asso- Worcester Polytechnic Institute \ a sophomore'she w&s Jerry D. Soneiitino of 025 Kim- New Jersey state chairman. More ironbouhd Manufacturers' Associ- s students selected for membership ball avenue has qualified for aca-than 280 chemical firms in this ation, and an executive member »C demic honors for the fall semester iea havo been contacted to parti- the Robert Treat Council, Boy at the Evening- Undergraduate Di- ipate in the week-long* observ- Scouts of America. of Newark Colleg-e of Enj'i- nce. In li)53 he was appointed chair- DRESS UP FOR SPRING Mr. CantweU has been '••urvwd man of the labor industry cftmmll- Margaret L. Armstrong" of 121in the research and production of tee of the United Campaigns and SLACKS FOR MEN AND BOYS South Euclid avenue, a student at pigments since 1919 when he grad- Welfare Fund of the city of New- Ohio Wesley an University, has uated from the University of Del- ark. For been named to the dean's list for iware with a bachelor of science the first semester, 1U54-55. Mar- legrvQ in chemical trainee ring*. Six Weslfiehlers DAD garet is majoring in home econom- He also received * decree of chem- ics at the university where she isical engineer from that institution Beeoine Citizens* Wool 1 /V95 sophomore. in 1923. , * * * His initial work in the chemical ELIZABETH—Six foreign-born rcoal 10 residents of Westiield became citi- nel John F. Chironna of 787 West industry was with the Krebs Pig- Broad street and Margaret B. ments and Chemical Co., Newport, zens of the United Stntes in Nat- Dixon of Duncan Hill Apartments Del. Starting" as a chemist, he uralization Court last week, with have been elected by their class- advanced through production su- County Judice Milton A. Feller mates at Bucknell University for pervisory positions to become a presiding. They are; Johann Fried- Helena Rubinstein's Torero Rink mention in the 1955 edition of rice president and director of that rieh Abken, 1U45 Central avenue; "Who's Who in American Univer- company, the position he held when Sophie Catherine Abken, same ad- sities and Colleges." it was acquired by duPont. dress; Albeit Tivanar (_loerl, Rox new lipstick color for the daring 4H1; Louise Mueller, 402 Summit They are among 20 seniors chos- As plant manager, Mr. Cantwell Fiery-sweet, torrid pink for lips, culled from the color-rich costume* en on the basis of leadership, avenue; William Konald Stevens, erved in duPont plants located at of the bullfight. In Ilelena Rubinstein's new texture that softens scholarship, participation in aca-New Port and Edge Moor, Del.,917 thwdiny: sti'Oet and Coneettu demic and extra-curricular activi- and Baltimore, Md., before being: Keeca, SIT Central avenue. like a beauty treatment, shimmers {or long houts. And special saving* ties, and general gt>od citizenship. Also Scotch Plains, Mary Di- too!-for a limited time Helens Rubinstein offers Torero Pink John is enrolled in the education Richard Diet*, David Hill, William Francesco, 407 C'ook avenue and ORT SHIRTS OUTDOOR JACKETS curriculum. He completed his re- arlson, Catherine Thompson, ami Genevieve Kirsch, 325 Jackson lipstick (1.10. by itself) with her beautiful Silk-Tone Liquid Rouge Ban River quirements for graduation in Feb- street. in Pink-Tone (1.00 by itself) at just 1,50 together, plus tax. NtWH) Nancy Walker. Receiving honors ruary and will receive his degree are Carol Kristiansen, Joan Ron- And Mountainside, Maria Anna Also s choice of i other tolor combination*. spring thadtt at commencement exercises in alder, Henry Wilewski, Valerine Schumacher, Appletree. lane. June. While a student, he wasHnot, Joel Jennings, Douglas Water president of the Men's Stuuent As- Buuer, David Colvin, William One of the American Cancer So- 54 ElmS.. sembly. He is a member of PhiHeine, Natalie Holland, and Joyce ciety's chief goals is to improve repellent Alpha Thcta, honorary history Muniiich. services to needy cancer patients. fraternity and Omioron Delta Kap- pa, national leader-ship fraternity. He is now acting in the capacity 6.95 of assistant to the Dean of Men at Bucknell. Margaret fa enrolled in the ele- mentary education curriculum. She served as social chairman of the .sophomore dormitory, was a Admiral counselor to freshman women dur- ing- her junior year, and was sec- retary of the Women's Student Government Association. Miss Dixon is a member of Mortar Board, honorary leadership fra- PAJAMAS ternity for senior women, Kappa Delta Epsilon, honorary education Broadcloth fraternity, and Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority. She is a resi- Sanforized dent of Senior Honor House. * * * Sizes A, B, C, D. Last weekend Esther Davis of 008 Harding street was home from Wilson where she is a sophomore * * * 2.98 Among the students at Mount Hermon* School who have been Save40 named to the honor roll for the m marking period ending March 7 is: FCDR A MMTI^ TllyiE — ON ? Heverdy Johnson Jr., 309 Weils tXf6ST 1955, ALL NEW ADMIRAL street. ^ *• ft On the honor roll for the fourth THE LEADER STORE marking period at Jonathan Day- BROAD ST., WESTFIEID WE. 2-5609 ton Regional High School, Spring- i Mon, and Fri. Evening Use Handi-Charge field, are the following Mountain- side students: Highest honors,


The Dutch for centuries

have known Modrf T.25O1 Mokhing Coniolj Boi» the meaning Ont(o»al crt tllsht n\ta colt of hospitality ZE Calling at-in fact, opening - many of the principal ports around the FIGGERTHA1 YET YOU GET CLEAR, CLOSE-UP VIEWING world, the Dutch early learned the travelled art of hospitality. That is the chief reason why you find so many people, famed interna- Scientifically designed for arms length viewing. First time ever in a tionally, aboard the magnificent Nieuiu Amsterdam. Not only are the Dutch familiar with fur-fltmB customs but appreciate the flavor nuance3 • Bigger than life aluminized picture tube beams 24" television receiver. Now you too can own a big set regardless of dishes famous in many places. all the picture out toward viewer. of room size. Coupled with the immaculate cleanliness of Dutch ship-keeping and the • Built-in "Omniscepe" antenna for maximum ligna^ traditional reliability of Dutch seamanship, it makes ft Holland-America "The World's First Automatically Assembled Chassis." crossing or cruise something to be remembered and treasured. pick-up in all reception areas. Reduced production costs by "Automation" makes possible this % Sta-Cool AC power transformer insures service .astounding low price on this latest 1955 all new Admiral. SEE YOUR TRAVEL AOENT free life of components and tubes.


Frequent sailings to IREUND-ENQUNO-FKANCE and HOLLAND for all EUROPE. Choose the luxurious fl.glhlp NIEUW AMSTERDAM; the one-d.ss molorlwln. WESTERDAM end NOORDAM: the twin thrlftliners RYN3AM and MAASDAM. Superb CRUISE PROGRAM in etlteasoni. AUSTER'S SO CONVENIENT —YOU SAIL FROM. ARRIVE AT OPEN MONDAY AND FRIDAY EVENINGS HOBOKEN, N. «l- DRIVE DIRECT TO PIER AT FOOT OF FIFTH ST. 143 E. Broad St., Wesffield Tel. We. 2-6994 WESTFIELD (N.J.) LEADEB. THURSDAY. APRIL 7, 1955 Page Thirty THE Among local communities main- & Johnson, New Brunswick. Mr. taining membership in the fedei-a- Bakelite jabeth and John A. Foulks, Plairs- tract. The only co the hig-hwiy Garbe also serves as vice president jfteid, valued the property at *"$66,' - I fiom the three homes i.' the drivo- Electronic Firms tion are ihe planning boards' of Safety Owner Awarded Tw of the State federation. Plainfield, Westfield, North Plain- <. it H. E. Bernstein, municipal at- field, WuU'hunjj, Berkeley Heights, torney, was elei-U-d a member of 1 t Plan Merger Scotch Plains, Fanwood, Mountain- $#,000 for Land the teclinical advisory committee side and Clark Township. have b«n ,.rtseilt8(|7 b of the area wroup. Thomas A. M I Vh S f<• r ; he Iiit- of Day- River Koad pl ,'« l F Wcs ton Hyde of Mountainside, Joseph at]t t struu Inc... K iizal ict h and Cancer as a killer has risen of 25 HawH^^ man v^nv I j urn on I Cor Jirau of Clark and (Jeo'ge F. Brig- I e Eieet H • 'ii' In-i ,... Xe\v- from eighth place in 1900 to sec- pevior C d J ance of Plainfield were elected the awards to the 1» f tht ark. Wi-rf annoum•ed last week b.v ond place today, says the American Husrhes uf r 1 T b p 1 a de Thomas Roy Jones of Westfield. I members of the executive commit- tions Diviaiou mi I 1 a Cancer Society. $40,000 co! | a t presi.ier.t of Daystorm. and Ear! j tee. ting Molding Material,] owner fo Ib8 fe t f lie te o L R. Melien. president of Weston. frontage tdk t I H ll < e L I 4 l a t d The plan is subject to formal ap- Tre IN d way Depu t d i pu d 1 d I proval of the as-n-cment of meiger proceedii ,* d H i tte! re of th° bv directors and stockholders- of 1 cd L\ tht Ut f The award went to Leu jtid -h h it t t c both companies. It is contemplat- tract have access -he highway in the Blue Star Memorial High- &£c&%k. of Driveway 5, Rouie --, I way, a stretch of Route "22 be- ed that a separate mcetinp of the for highway property which is l''G a paved driveway. stockholders of each company will Iiaiiy Kiivsrei1, N'twark, repre- j twecn Chapel Island and North feet deep. I drive. North Plamfieid, slated for be cal'iti May 16. Judge Hughts appointed a com- rentinj? Mr. Bieszczak, argued that a state !p and down the [A Executives | sembly candidates Mrs. quirements. A complete copy of Are Both Edible trunk snd progressively shortened Candidates Tell Florence these by-laws is bcinjr mailed with toward the top to form another 1^ClP. Dwyer, Gi. 'Clifford Thomas, ar Reports Ihe monthly news letter to each Ami Decorative kind of tree. If you have a pret- I Donald H. Bagger. Oarlyle Crune, PTA member for further study ty small tree or sturdy shrub in the Views in Boro j Arthur K. Lloyd Jr. and Arthur This Sunday and approval. MARY W. AttMSTROXC, front yard, here is another Easter U. Nel.sou. , ,;r.an. Sehool PTA PxPOll- Ilottif Ai/ntt MOUNTAINSIDE—Water, tax-1 The board approved a resolu- egg tree awaiting uiily the orna- Union County Freeholder eau- l,,,:u.i met Marrh 29 at the t?s and politics in government tion to send the vice president of ments. , i a ...... i didtAes present were Kobert .1. j Between 1 P.M. and 4 P.M. ,;• Mi-. Alevtincier L. Lo^aii. Wuiild yuu like to have an East- were touched upon bv Kepubliean ., , . , , . ., •„. the 1'TA and mt avenue. Mrs. M. er e££ ti^e ii\ vwur home this Hard cook two or three down candidates for nomination tu state, „ .-, . . , . , " i the Grant School faculty tu the T> r t L Kuk.-lfv. president, presided EusU-i'! eggs. Let them cool and then dye county and local ^M^ in the fu.ih* ' F. Jfcdward Biprlueinpfel, Ernest1 1^55-fM'i stale convention in Atlan- in varied colors and apply the de- Bring the Family ,,-md rcjiurt.s l'rum board coining piUna) iv . The potential S. Jlickok, Richard V. Hatl'ieU, tic City in October. The board It is one of the oldest and the signs furnished in the dye pack- nomineeri .spoke before uppit)xi- Mrs. Anna M. Murray, Lee S. Rig- also authorized Mrs. Eakekw to newest of American traditions. Al- ages. To hold the eggs, use the .luKi'pli A. McGroaty, pro- aiately 100 pei'rio s at t ho Central by and Leonard K. Whilemore— appoint a committee to audit the though the e££ tree has been a adhesive type tape, which may be To See Our Famous 11.annum, announced that Avenue Si-hool ta^t Thursday all seeking three-year terms. PTA books for 15)64-55. part of Pennsylvania Dutch East- found in stationery and variety Y\ will feature a pie social er tradition for many yrais, it is Freeholder candidates for a two- Mrs. Eakeley reminded various stores. The cellophane tape will ainv a[ its April meeting. nevertheless excitingly new to mil- Larry .Curtiss, president of the year term who spoke were John chairman that annual reports are hold only if it is looped all the Heritage Henredon utVair i.s to be held jointly lions of persons who have never KepuUlicftn Club of Moutituinside W. Zerega, Ogden Beatty and due to county chairman on or be- way around the egg. fie sure that jn Washington School PTA seen one. The Easter egg tree is which sponsored the usstrnvbiy, in- Fied E. Haleyy. Seeking the one- fore April 15. Mrs. Eakeley call- the eggs are hung on ail sides of he Grant auditorium Firday a bright, happy and Kay ornament troduced candidates for a five-min- year fill-in term wore Fred P. An- Galleries ed attention of parents of sixth the tree so the weight will be dis- ln(r, April 22. Admission will for any home during- the Easter ute declaration of their views be- derson and Mrs. EHie Sehleideler. graders to Hie meeting April 26 at tributed equally. ne pic per couple. The or- season. Like the Christmas tree fore the audience. Locally, Mayor Joseph A. Ko- .„ from the Grant School tai- Elm Street School. Byron D. it stands proudly erect with its { After the Kasier festivities are mieh appeared with Council can- Stuart, principal of Roo.'-evelt Jun- Among those appearing were A Real Adventure in Fine Furniture hnv will 1'lay for dancing. colorful decorations, but unlike the over and all have admired the didates Lvnian Parrigin, Herbert ior High School, will explain "The •men fur Grant are Mr. and Christmas tree its decorations pro- tree, put the eggs in the refrigera- Moore, William Heine, Fred Wil- Junior High in Operation" to the JlaeCroaty and for Wash vide" good eeting for the whole tor for good eating days after dauev and Ronald Hall. The first parents, in dosing Mrs. Eakeley and remove the yolks. Mash the „] Mi. and Mrs. Arthur T. family. Easter." three have been endorsed by May- announced the final meeting of the yolks, udd seasonings, cream, pars- FK1E PARKING ON «U» MG PAVEB LOT Hard cooked eggs can be used ley, anchovy or any desired relish, or Komich. Mr. Heine is the only sen. executive board will he held April How can you make an Faster in a wide variety of combination and refill the whites. Place on incumbent. m in e r round-up chairman 28 at her home, 648 Arlington ave- egg tree? Directions g-iven were dishes. One of the simplest uses slices of toast and pour the white OPEN DAILY 9 A.M. TO 9 P.M. Daiiii'l V. Sweet said that the nue. obtained by your home agent from Mis. Patiina Demurest and her —three hard-cooked eggs (sliced suuee over them. al spring census of prospw- C. Fred Smith, eastern manager committee served refreshments. or quartered) in the usual family SUNDAYS 1 P.M. TO 5 P.M. kimlergartners fur next year's of the Poultry and Egg National size recipe of creamed codfish. .lmenl lias bwn accomplished Board. They add interesting texture, as B total of 80 children regis- Dairy Files Articles 1. Parents of these children "Its somewhat of a smaller edi- well as food value. Another sug- be notified as to which morn- ELIZABETH — Community tion of the familiar Christmas gestion makes use of anchovy COAL of the week starting May 2Dairy, 224 K. Broad street. West- tree and differs from it in that paste for flavoring in a creamed Announcing ou- low Spring Prices and GUARANTEE will be invited to bring the held has filed articles of in- the branches are bare. Almost egg dish. to b« th* Finest ANTHRACITE Mined. to pt acquainted with his corporation with the county clerk. any small tree or part of a tree KGC, STOVIJ A Mi, *«t> Q( I •'"' ""' «•>••< 1U"' >""•• atokrr surroundings. Inrorporators are Cuddie E. Da- that has been pruned will serve. C hot hard-cooked eggs Per 'l*«n I T»T3 I can burn — Irj- our 111 Ar vidson Jr., 227 Jefferson avenue, The slender outer brandies should Salt and pepper I III I KWHIOll, prrum IP>~* immd C. Allen, principal, be trimmed so that the remaining FURNITURE SHOP 3* ;ecl the l'TA for the gift of Westfield; Prank R. McCarron, \i cup hot cream ??**« '17.95 | I»^, *15.60 Somerville, and Joan E. Munkel, part will hold up the Easter eggs. 1 cup hot thin white sauce m iliile ami still projector which A rrul MOVIOV SHI.H lu our IAIII.lt SI7I II *.„ QC ROUTE tt NORTH PUINFIELD PL ilSU Plainfield. Davidson & Davidson, The base should ,be made just a a Chopped parsley I'm anil M T MIMIII l>l-r 'Ion IO.TJ o\v in use in the school. Mr. that of a Christmas tree. A good i also announced that May Westfield, are counsel. Anchovy paste CAPITOL FUEL COMPANY idea also is to use a sizable Mower 0 slices hot buttered toast will be held at Grant School MUrdock 6-3i4« PLalnfield 6-5495 pot filled with tightly packed Gut the eggs in two lengthwise 12. Two may poles have been earth, or even rocks or pebbles d(d upon so that both fifth and Brush Fires Active that will hold the little tree erect. graders will bo able to parti- A handyman around tile house Firemen beat out four brush can make an Easter egg tree by |rs. Charles G. Wistar reported fires Friday—at C13 Shackamax- using a lxl inch piece of wood 30 i committee consisting of her- on drive, at 9 a.m.; Lamberts Mill inches high for the trunk and Mr*. E- R- Crow Jr. »nii road at 1:40 p.m.; Netherwood fashioning the limbs out of light [ William Crane have studied avenue at 2:10 p.m. and at 940 pieces of wood such as lath mate- Grant PTA by-laws and Prospect street tit 3:4G p.m. There rial so as to make a symmetrical id them sound."' Minor chang- was no damage. tree. Or, old coat hangers with Studebaker announces SERVICES YOU NEED » an upstanding new dealer for REPAIRS • LANDSCAPING • ROOFING

UPHOLSTERY A. R. DAMIANO tlUTTEim CI.KANED. repaired ana replaced. Roofs repaired. Centra) FURNITURE REPAIRS COMPLETE LANDSCAPING carpentry. Alterations.. J. Leigh. DON MAXWELL ROTOTILLER SERVICE West. 2-MCli. 4-7-lf the car that's really going places! Westfield 2-0226 w*. a-uxs-w RB-ROOPINO—Slate and Tile, root repairing. LeaderB and gutCera, 4-7-tr 4-7-tf new and repaired. W. Sohubert n Trf nrh«* WMer Trcachc* LANDSCAPE NURSERYMAN TVE. 2-6941; Bprin«-fleld Aye, MountltliiHlile. 4-7-tf W. O. HEBLER Ornamental Pla•«!•*• We. 2-T(IOT Lnvrn ConatrudliiB Stone Mi* Top gall Trees Trimmed «nd Ktm«Ti4 h>k Uoln Foallin We. 2-4R20 or We. 2-flBTi 1 4-T-tf RTC'S nftrr fltOO MOVING-TRUCKING JIM LOVELAND LUGGAGE REPAIRING 4-7-tr COVBTNKY'B OXPHBII — Trucking and moving. Small lobs Bollcltaa TRUNKS — UMBRELLAS BCHGDOnFP AND GAVETT JICiBES — LADIE8 HANDBAGS Tiir.1r 3 »i:iivnii Trlp« to shore. Tel. WE. 2-30043004. RUSKIN'S Iiunred for .Vqur' I»r«t»ett<>»' 4-7-U xAve, FLA1NFIBLD 4-fSM lLfiHuiinrl.'FunwoQd J-CC6J or. •AMttBNTW MOVING * STOHAOB.- »J(t20. 4-7-tf Now loadtna; houaehold KooAm ,to 4-7-tr all 48 States and Canada, Bnecla.1' TWMAKER - CLOCKMAKER COMBINE Islnr In New Snarland, Florida UMM watches, clocks, eleo- and California shipments. Same : clooU Cha«. Rothrook, 11140 van to destination. Let us esti- hmA We. 2-3532. Member BEAUTY with UTILITY mate your next move. United Van ll Ass'n. 4-7-tr TJnes, Ted Sargent, Agent. West. 2-303.1 4-7-y Itetnlnlnir Hnll. Wolk, HE5II1V P. TOWM i*ntli, or Pntlu hy pliiii- MOVIIIK *— Trncktnft *— HtoraM iiliilc It »n mtrt of the Dnllr Trill, tu the Skorc I and Genera) Repairs Id Il Ml NORTH AVK. . WE. l-44»4 4-7-tf J. J. MORAN FREE CONSULTATION RELIABLE MOVERS Cnll We. •J- Nnaanu XI., Clnrk Fi.Kon g.710* Holnrv 'rilling .Srrvlre S roonia 27.50 4 rootna Iin.nO SMYTHE'S fi ruonia...... 42.00 LANDSCAPE SERVICE 4-7-tf JG. CONTRACTING MODERNIZING • MISCELLANEOUS LAWNS Ilnllt, Rebuilt. Rolled, Mowed, Trimmed TOP SOIL. FILL DIHT, rraval , GENERAL REPAIRS TIIKBH Trimmed, Ileinoveil Band, crushed Btone and cinders [miration* and MnlntOTiMl ilonieCttrdena Plowed Snow Plowing Call between e:00 and 8}O0, tlah' Small Jobs a Specialty way 7-7224. 4-7-tf DAVIDSON'S' OLIVER A. HOWARTH, JR. LIME SCALE REMOVAL <-7-tf landscape Contractor GETTING KNOt'GH HOT WAT1R t KNOBLOGK MOTORS, ING. Iflnio scale removed from para- •• Wt. I-411C\S-J or We. 2-IW25.J colls, tankleas heaters and all heat XZ2Z Trenton Air. We«ini-lil. K. J. exchaneers. Work done on prem- ESTFIELD GENERAL JOBBING Phoue Weatlleld 2-O841O-II ise". All work guaranteed. Schalble Water Gotten, Drainage Lime Scale Equipment Co. Call »na Cement Work W«. 2-4999 Banent Mrlvenara >nd Kepalni 4-7-tf 4-7-tf 226 North Avenue 'iMelo * Son, 102 WaahlHi-toa St. 1¥BW and reconditioned T»awn*. Cut Wutfleld, JI. J. and mnln tnlned. Cleanup. Trees 4-T-tf removed. Chain saw work. Iloto- PEnMANKNT DRfVRWATS timngr. Plowingr. Call Fonwood 2- Ton Soil, Lleht Hauling, Pill Dirt, r - Pn-nrnllnir - Rooting t%W. 3-17-flt All types of Tvae Surgery. Esti- !.. O. SIirOKIIAN mates cheerfully given, w. Boy- We. 2-B8B5 ton, Jr., 419 Everaon PL, wast- Now showing and selling the 4-7-tf JOSEPH SCUDERI fleld, N. J. Wo. 2-Silll. 4-7-tf General Lnndiicnpe ond „ , CARPENTRY Gnrtlen Contrnctor 'f.™l',''emoiJellnB, partition* Te- All types of lawn and ganlpn work. ™ i "I'cliens modernized, attic I-ermanent Driveways ARGONAUT HOUSEHOLD »m finished. Additions. New Uwns Built SERVICES Complete Septic Systems urrt O. Olilfnrd Concrete Work Walls, Woodwork find Floors Waste* St. We. 2-1T7T 2M Hum in It lt.l., Moiiiitnlj.nh.c Ollnra Cleaned We. S-ft(KlU-^I . Onrnges Clenaea 4-7-tf LAWN f.A«DK\IN(J S Kit V 1 C K . WratBrld 2-4.174 Y fli\ v 1 y mnintennnce. Monthly MCTRICIAN rriten. Free PutlnmUH. V. & O., <-7-tf Klizaheth 5-02."--!. 3-2X-41 13, heating and oil burner*. frT TO»' ' Injrtallatloni ana ro- Elecfrlc Bewnr cleftnlnff. Small i Lam ' oullet». Hsht awltches John our specialty. E. C. Moore, "mt" rewired. DiiorbelU and We. 2-C276. 4-7-tf '<«lre«. John Froy, "We RADIOS Economy Run Grand Sweepstakes Award—vic- LAMP Wlm\'O, repairing, mount. TUDEBAKER is really going places! And here's EXPERT SERVICE Inss, Work done ortlntlcally and an enterprising automobile dealer who tor over 21 competing cars I See Studcbuker's rcnuonnbly. Cr. 6-0185. 33J Walnut S Avc, Ciaiifiirtl. 4-7-ti" UWNMOWERS TELEVISION knows it! Here's a new Sliulehakor dealership ultra-luxurious President V-8—brilliantly for this area — u fine establishment fully powered and moderately priced ! See the liigli- MSNTYRTS" (All Makea) >.Vi snop nECnn*mo« Plionr WrMn»d Z-OHCO-ll equipped to supply the surging demand for ,quality Commander V-8—outstanding in get- rvSr-"'"'1*'—r"r" KM At.I, A more and more new Studel>uker»! away and' go—directly competitive with the po WESTFIELD RADIO OLfVER A. HOWARTH, JR. r- . * WIi!n MOWBItS Come in and get ncqiiuinU*!. Sec a duplicate lowest priced V-O.s ! Sec the spirited Champion Cl""en Kiniloinent AND APPLIANCE CO. Sewer Trenches & Footings Dug ".mi' J!:!111 """Sflke Dlu II Rnat nrond •)<. Oil Tanks of the Studebaker tluil won Hie J955 IVlohilgns 6—gelling in the lowest price field S T ""* « fnr Brnl West. 2-3775 4-7-tr Air Compressors For Hire .n|"7" Shnrrened ELL NEUER'S n Trrn

DRESSMAKING „ TERRHlS iSELL IT THRU Wt= film ","r ""» I.»e«tio» DRESSMAKING A»,TrmATION» mil Hewing nf nil WoKl' Illnl1«. Mr", llllttl Wrntnii, «SH iluouiivoll Ul., Wu. 2-"Ul. 4-7-U WANTADS Thirty-Two THE WESTFIELD (N.J.) LEADER, THURSDAY. APRIL 7, 1955 die if age m»y P»iv- - I, thi-•s work with their classrooms I sick membfr of h u 4 be filled in I shall be triad to offer suggestion! care of a baby. "d i tb 1 ft super-: ur uur !™-al i-hftpU r fan be von-| —. d | r ,rmauvui :uu-K-d fi.i• infnrmatioii as to whon-I »12 BILLION CA(Jf^ t e \i c U.'iSi .tl ) jrr, iiu> shipping buxc'K and the | Our nation v.;\\ u , f tion fur . con'tcuts. Thvri! a-n many othci | 000 IH'W c-ai,,-,.',• ,!rVI:*0 cutitoiiis ' ways t|H- Juuiur Kvd Cross tmi |lhe AmiT»a,, (•„,[,,* 1 to pafi. . UM t!u- sci-vii'-ri i,'t !a

Cjniy Lo/d, Jill Schilling, Link gift b«e», « Re<1 Cro»« project. The children (l«ft to right) »re Also: Student! of Lincoln School patd>7 Blyme, Peter H.il.m, Lee H.liinjcr and Den Wiley. ESPOMA PATCO GRASS SEED" ROSES personne HYPER-HUMUS Junior Red Cross Often Most "The boxes are sent as friendly jrestuies in the hope of developing FERTILIZERS: PEAT MOSS better relationships between chil- Active Part of National Croup Espoma dren throughout the world. They PULVERIZED UMESTOH up in Germany during- 1952. Theare sent with no thought of return, Among the most active of thej but frequently stimulate recipro- Hollytone PUNT FOOD-SOL CONDITWNEI many Red Cross programs is that same year duplicating machines • Child look* frtteful at ffae carries away carton of prOTJtioiu sent TOPSOIL were sent to Korea for use by the cal gestures in the form of gifts or, by the American Junior Red Cross. Far Law«, Fiowwt, VstgotabU* of the Junior Red Cross, a national more often, letters of acknowl- 5-10-5 group functioning locally under Korean Red Cross and the Depart- edgement. The program began and Shrub* the Jeadership of Mrs. William R. ment of Education. soon after World War I and spread the letters we receive from these other courses. Free Delivery Mon.-Sat. 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mendenhall. It has furnished as- In addition the Junior Red Cross to many part** of the world. During children are very inspiring* •writ- "planning and shopping for gift sistance in the form of layettes has furnished medical chests to World War II and in the early ten in Arabic, Sanskrit, Korean box contents teaches early lessons Sun. 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. and educational materials for chil- foreign school children, aid^d and other languages. Filling gift dren in refugee camps conducted postwar years the greater number in responsible budgeting, discrim- schools affected by disasters, aided of these boxes were sent to -war-boxes can enrich the school cur- inating taste, and sense of values. by the League of Red Cross So- the children of Alaska and sup- cieties in Lebanon, Syria and Jor- devastated areas where, in addition riculum and help develop better With intelligent guidance the gift ported the Braille project fur blind to a friendly greeting the articles world understanding;. By relating HENRY KITSZ & SONS, INCJ dan. This assistance also included children. box program develops desirable so- the purchase of stoves and other in the boxes provided some meas- the g\H box project to people, cial attitudes in young-people, giv- NURSERYMEN AND LANDSCAPE CONTRACTORS equipment that permitted the pro- 'The work of our group," said ure of relief. Emphasis was placed places, and topics being studied in ing them tangible ways to express Mrs. Mendenhall, "is presently en- on utilitarian articles. the classroom, the teacher can of- Westfield Ave. cor. Westfield Rd. cessing of powdered milk f urnished "The American Junior Red their interest in others through un- fcy other organizations. gaged in our gift box program. It fer practical examples for social selfish sharing. Any group or cla?s- is an activity whereby American Cross has returned to its original studies, arithmetic, English, and Scotch Plains FA 2-7572 Assistance to refuge children in youth, in school groups, prepare practice of sending boxes to chil- room enrolled in the Junior Red displaced persons camps in Ger-and send small, colorful boxes dren in many parts of the worM, many included educational and filled with useful articles to other chiefly as gestures of friendship health supplies, book chests and lands for distribution to individual and good will. Items included are recreational supplies for use onchildren in schools, institutions and designed primarily for personal en- shipboard by refugee children en DP camps. These cardboard boxes, joyment, although school and route to the United States. Pur- 8" x 3" x 2" in size, are purchased health supplies are still included. ford, sells more chases of basic educational sup- through the National Children's To emphasize the personal qualify plies' such as paper, pencils, pen Fund, which also finances their of the gift, "the traditional boxes holders, chalk, and crayons were overseas shipping costs. Gift con- were redesigned in 1951 and now made for schools in territories oc- tents are made or bought by stu- bear a friendly greeting and an cupied by the U. S. Army in Ger- dents as a special classroom activ- attractive cover." because it's worth, more many, Japan, and Okinawa and for ity. Countries selected to receive There is shown in this issue pic- school libraries in the middle the boxes are determined by Amer- tures of local children at work and schools of Korea. Underwear and ican Red Cross national 'headquar- a picture of a recipient of one of sweaters for Korean refugee chil- ters on the basis of recommenda- these boxes in some far eastern dren were provided. Sewing rooms tions of the League of Red Cross country. and woodworking shops were set Societies and overseas Red Cross Continued M r s. MendenhuH, MARVBlGRtEN ANEW (4) WAY General Purpose Formula for SU Nor SHADE Stands TRAMPLING without PAMPERING Thrives in Poor, Sandy, Clayey Soils MAftVELGREEN is blended to produce a SPARKLING GREEN GRASS... a joy to the cyc.your PRIVATE PICNIC AREA-PlayCroquet.let the children Romp andPlaydPlay. WffillllRIuRI-iMM !la m!xtur!t e off Quicikk GrowinGig and Perennial Seeds blended to grow in difficult soils where more expensivp e seedds have failed. MARVEIGREEN is priced to fit your pockttbook ... 5 LBS ONLY $3 63.

The new Ford Fairlane Town Sedan is on outstanding example of modern i d°w "*

CONVINCE YOURSELF-buy from your favorite dealer. In 1954, more Fords were bought by the motoring public than any PEDIGREED SEED COMPANY, JERSEY CITY 5, N. J. Grass Seed Specialists for 30 Years— WHOLESALE ONLY other make. That's because more and more people are discovering that Ford has more to offer! MARVELGREEN DEALERS CURKVIEW FIORIST SAM'S FARM DEL NERO'S WAYSIDE GARDENS FOR YEARS, Ford has been trio Next, Ford for '55 brings you a new, FORD, the new Rorltan Rood South Springfield Avo. Rout. 22, neor Pork Avc. dork, N. J. Springfield, N. J. Scotch Plaini, N. J. trend-setter in all the features that make and smoother, Angle-Poised l\ide, made ARMES COlONIAl NUHSERY a car worth more .. . V-8 power .. . Rail- BENJAMIN KOSBERG CO. VERDIC NURSERY possible by Ford's advanced new Ball- 227 Broad St. M35 Morrii Ave. BEST SELLER... Union, N. J. 1807 Eoit 2nd SI. Joint ride . . . modern styling. And today, Joint Front Suspension system. It makes Elimboth, N. J. Scolcli Ploirtl. N. J. HAINES FARM Ford brings you even more good sound even the smooth roads seem smoother. GENERAL MOTOR SERVICE UWN GARDEN 440 Chcilnul SI. UNITED SPECIALTIES reasons to buy. sells more because 122024 Route 22 Union, N. J. Route 22 & Dcmdal Rood Mounlainiido, N. J. DELAWARE VAUEY NURSERIES Springfield, N. J. And finally, in just plain good looks, RIGHT IAWN MOWER SHOP 948 Norln Brood St. First, Ford offers the reassuring re- Ford's farther out front than ever. With 89 Walchung Av». Eliiobcth, N. J. COLONIAL FIORIST & NURSERV it's worth more! 585 Chestnut St. sponse of new Trigger-Torque power in North Plolnflcld, N. J. KENIIWORTH HDWE. & PAINT CO. brand-new styling inspired by the long, Union, N. J. your choice of 2 mighty V-8 engines or the AMOR PAINT & HARDWARE 522 Boulevord low lines of the fabulous Thundrrbird, 1321 Wen 7lh 51. Knnilwoith. N. J. RIGHTWAY IAWN MOWER SERVICE industry's most modern Six, Ford is America's most beautiful buyl Ploinficld, N. J. IANGSTON HARDWARE 895 Sluyvcianl Avc, 858 Mountain Avr. Union, H. J. J. D. lOIZtAUX lUMBtR CO. Mnunloimidn, Woirficld, N. J. WAUtR THE HORIST 911 South Avr. OAK TREE ACRES Plalnfiolt), N. J. 1638 Sluyvcsan! Avc. 1/00 Oak Trco Rood Union, N. ). See why Ford is America's No. 1 buy! Test Drive a WARRENVIltE. FLORIST Oak Treo, lirlln, N. J. Woililnglon Valley Rood, RD #2 GROSSMAN 5 1 10 WtSTrlElD NURSERY Plelnfjeld, N. J. 318 Welt Fronl SI, 1218 Control Ave. PlolnlWd, N. J. Wcitfiold, N. J. ROBERT FUNK HOME IMPROVEMENT 4)7 St. Georgo Avc. H.AINFIEID IUMBER & SUPPLY CO. HYDE 1 Ellis RoliWoy, N. ). 401 inrtkmon St. J40 South Avc. Wcllficld, N. ), Westfield Motor Sales Co., Inc. Plttlnllolt), N. 1. W. W. RITCHIE COIONIA HANI MARKtT I. C. DRAKE IIAROWARL CO. R.I.D. *2, Box 122 R, Ionian Am. 1735 51. Onorflo Av«. 1TO3 I. Second 51. 319 NORTH AVENUE WESTFIELD 2-1038 Rohwq)-, N. J. Railway, N. J. Flairfiold, N. ). GREAT TV, FORD THEATRE, CHANNEl 4, 9:30 P.M., THURSDAY THE WESTFIELD (N.J.) LEADEE, THURSDAY, APRIL 7. 1955 Pupils Present The children made pictures to eports on Results illustrate stories and tile designs Program on Mexico using the Aztec symbols on the Joint Study I stone calendar. Several fruit* and SHOP AT ME. Grades 3-1 and 3-2, Columbus bowls were made of paper muehe. School, entertained the children of Some of the musical instruments 1 jiir.pli- method for relating a ! Lincoln School yesterday with a made by the children were rattles, Where Savings Multiply! le «ii to I lie place where it was program on Mexico. maracas und tambourines. The Ufjinsited would be valuable serapes and rebozos were roaue ^•abiishing" possible relation- s -dtf'tie^t'd by ^e composition tion for the Advancement of Sci- from old sheets which were dy.'d he formations, reported Max- ence and the Society 'jf Sig-ma Xi, and designed. C Brenneman, 743 Harding t ia->: week. Mrs. Brenneman ,,,'iied ihe results if the work a,,,i Paul V. Smith Jr., 8 tiv i:u ft accomplished on "The n,j, al Relationships between ir Oil and Their Source Rocks" Easter Flowers j,e the 1 27th annual meeting miimati, March 29. tn'Limii'1^. Mrs. Brermemari that an exploratory study of We Have a Fine Selection of i» tran it content of ancient GOOD FRIDAY merits had been carried oat. Ail Acme Markets Will Be also included an investi- Potted Plants un of the methods for extract- Closed From [•ient organic material ii iiie sediments for subsequent • Tulips Noon to 3 P. M |y, and the isolated extracts l.ioivn oi- black in color, Then epen from 3 P.M. ;„£ in consistency from oil- • •Hydrangeas Until 9 P. M. liqukls to soft tar-like solids hard brittle solids. Prom the. • Azaleas U tabulated, Mrs. Brenneman eluded that no unique property • Hyacinths yet been found to link all of crude oil-source rock pairs to • Easter Lilies Lancaster Brand "Shankless" Smoked Irs. Brenneman and Dr. Smith members of the staff of the j Research and Engineering Loads of Cut Flowers Whole or Linden. Mrs. Brenneman, as- icd to the chemicals research Snapdragons Either Half sion, is a graduate of West Carnations pnia University with a bache- HAMS s and master's degrees in chem- Anemones I Famous for (heir distinctive, old fashioned unoked hum flavor. Shank ends mn y. With Ksso Research since i , removed along with excess fat to make them shorter, leaner, with leas waato, i, she is a member of the Calla Lilies, etc. erican Chemical Society and American Association of Pe- | Lancaster Brand "Oven-Ready" Young Hen ;um Geologists. Corsages Made To Order )r. Smith has been with the »ny since 1940 and until this The finest selection of field- was a member of the chemi- i research division. He has just grown potted Rose Bushes n assigned to ev of the American Chemi- icty, the American Associa- ROAST or STEAK CHUCONK PRICG — NONE HIGUEIt! BonKe in. Properly trimmed before weighing. "Double your money back" guarantee.

HORMEI. $J»*^" T_.iin<'ost<'r Br good Idea! Canned Hams 6*i Ib. Size 6" 1 Bacon Sliced, 8-oz. 35

*'" t bakery f Granulated, Light or Dark Easter Glory Brown, 6x Confectionery Cake 69 2' Beautifully Dccpi-nfi! For Easier Festivities DOLE Sliced HOT CROSS Pineapple 20-oz. can Buns 29C Virginia Lee Fruit Stollen 49 Beverages 2 25 SUPREME white All your favorite flavors. Our finest quality. Bay • supply at this special price! Thin-Sliced Bread 'S' 17C 17-oz. dairy values IDEAL Fa'ncy cans EGGS • \ Peas Red Band 2 Ideal While Gold Seal I^rge i>«8h all Whllo 28-oz. Blue Carton of 12 Red Carton of ] BARONESS 55 Pickles Kosher Dill jar ...if you can't be there this Easter... 10-oz. WESTON Fancy get together by phone Kraft Cracker Barrel Assortment Sharp Cheese £ 39' Cookies Nothing brings you so near ... so fast. And you can have a family reunion, even if the folks are widely . Simply ask Long fruits and vegetables Distance to give you the "Conference Operator"— Extra Sharp she can arrange simultaneous calls to several C L 29a 1 distant points. And you Cheese T 69 can all talk together B roccol i " • 9 at tiic same lime. f r o $t ed food Fresh, Large Green Spears California IDEAL SLICED

RATES ARE LOW Strawberries Asparagus 29 ALL. DAY EASTER I b-or. Boston from Newark eoc Package Detroit from Phllllpsburg OOc 35 Grapefruit -< 4<° 29 Montreal from Montclalr 75o 3 mtn. station en", fl'ter 6 f*M anrf all d Sunday. Pius rwJucod tjx of 10?;, Ice Cream Cocoanuts All Advertised Prices Effective DAIRYCREST NEW JERSEY BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY Half Gallon Carton Through Saturday, April 9th 37O South Avenue, Westfield ,T ILarge Free Parking Lot P«fe Thirty-Four TTTT WFPTFTCItS f\*.J.\ IJF AT>ER. TUTTED* V. ATOTt 7. 1 St. Paul's Men Squad Occupies MAKE OR RENOVATE New Headquarters Name Speaker YOUR LAWN — NOW Dr. Harold A. 1-ett, o».-i-tant to; 5-10-5 FERTILIZER 80,. ill,- d r.vK>r HiviMon Against Dis- U field UNlcf-r Kcsrui- M ,a t enmination. New Jersey Depart- • 8-6-4 ORGANIC FERTILIZER 80 JU men I of ICducatiuu, will bo the . p.m when tin- two anitm.iim E-- 10-6-4 HIGH ORGANIC JOO |ks mowd from Fin* HiMdquui i-wi speaker al 1 he dinner meet- GROUND LIMESTONE , *' tu tin* new stiuaci buildinsr on U'.-J- of the St. Paul's Men's Club. 80 b lvr to"be iieid at 7 p.m. Tuesday i" ; Spring n Squad menibt-]-- LAWN SEED, No. 4 |b' j;ot olf lu an iniiiiftiiuU1 ~til,t the paii^h hou~e. Frank Ward. - since tht' n'r.-t call wa> iettjs\*.d piv-idenl of the club, will be in FOR RENT - ROTOTILLERS, ROLLERS at the new builtim^ .si-eund-- befuie chanre. Dr. 1-ett "ill speak on the arrival of tht? ambuiat'i e*. "(loud Human Relation*." A ques- \ LIME SPREADERS, AERATORS lion and answer period will follow j C. Fredericks, who u»k the f.i-t his address. : -ALSO- call from Poiu-e Hcadquurtei?. tan SPUT RAIL FENCING 10- .„,. out to relay the au'ssu^t' Ui Cap- A native of Adrian, Mich.. Dr. \ KOPPERS PRESSURE-TREATED RUSTIC FENCING tain K. Ai um!u';c\ wliu was dimnj* Lett attended Michigan State Col- the ambulance, ju.-t a? Iw \v&^ lege, Kulsers University and New WHITE CEDAR ROUND RAIl rounding the plaza in his nip to Yurk University. He received the the new building. Seveial uthei honorary degree of doctor of hu- squad meniWis >rot abuaid the mane letters from Lincoln Univt-i- L. BARTELL ambulance tu a.-^i.-t on thf tii-t sity, Pennsylvania, in li)4fi. He caU. which ua> aa automobile ac- started his career ill 1S* 17 as sec- 140 CENTRAL AVE. CLARK K j cident at Ccm pel thv. a\te plate and retary, labor recruiter and plant j Prospect Mrtet. Trunspoi tutiun welfare worker in race relations I TEL. RAHWAY 7-1581 of three victim.- from the Mi-fie of for the Novo Engine Co., Lansing, NOW OPEN SAT. 'Til S O'CLOCK tht' accident to the Westfield Med- ' Mich. From li)27-30 he was direc- ica! Group was provided by tht' tor, Bureau of Statistics, Michigan squad. Department of Labor. For 15 puiinjr the first 24 hour.-) uf : years be was industrial and ex- operation from the new headquar- : ecutive secretary of the Pittsburgh and New Jersey Urban Leagues. ters, squud members responded to : George R. Fitch, chairman of the memorial »ubscription commit- a total of four calls. The second ! He designed and initiated stud- tee of the St. Elizabeth Hospital building fund, ihow. Sister Cor- ies of vocational opportunities for call occurred Saturday afternoon, I nelia Agnes, surgtcai supervisor at the hospital, a plaque in sur- 1 Negro workers, conducted both in INSURHNCE the other two eanu during the ^ gery similar to those that will identify memorial* being offered Pittsburgh and in the State of ni^rht, requiring the services of ; in the current $5,250,000 building program. the stjuad members wlio were on ; New Jersey. He has also received overnight resident duty. i many civic honors and has con- Tils date of this (list day of Heart Booklet Is tributed articles dealing with race UJISE peration from the new squad i Station Parking segregation and human relations get total pleasure leadquarters coincided with the i Guide for Teachers to leading periodicals. Dr. Lett jpening- of the 1355 fund drive. | has been with the New Jersey De- from favorite pictures by giving them VVestfield. residents liave received t To Be Expanded | Since almost every teacher lias partment of Education since 1945, letters asking for their assistance • I at least one child with heart dU- and has designed and supervised total protection and furthering this necessary com- ' | case in her classroom every year, surveys of employment opportun- ritty project. Resident* have i —Mayor Richard P. ! the Union County Heart Associu- ities in New Jersey communities. been invited to visit the new build- J Monday that the bor- 1 lion at 1137 East Jersey street, All male members of St. Paul's total display ing May 1 from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. outfh.-letised parking lot at the Elizabeth, is making available on Church are invited to attend the 'to see for themselves what their Jersey Central Railroad's east- request a new booklet, "What The dinner and meeting. Anyone wish- with new Rescue Squad has accomplished bound station will be enlarg-ed to Classroom Teacher Should Know ing to become a member of the the benefit of all in West- accommodate about 70 additions) and Ho About Children With club is asked to contact li. C. Ter- no-glare glass cars. Heart JJiseases." ry, membership chairman, at We. The property is owned by the Prepared by the American Heart 241784. railroad ami is at South and Mar- New mat-finish banishes old eyestrain. No more Association as a practical guide Expert,!*} Talk On tine avenue, convenient not only for teachers, the booklet (fives sug- peering through reflections to see paintings or to commuters but to the borough's gestions to teachers in classroom Decides Not To Border Planting major shopping center across the photographs. Excellent protection for drawings, % management of a child with heart Appeal Case; Jailed street. disease and symptoms to recog- pastels, watercolors, graphics, and prints. Howard Swift, assistant cura- Mayor Ifatfield emphasized that r of the New York Botanical nize in the child who may be suf- the extra lot space cannot be lev- fering- from heart disease. William J. Weaver, 30, of Gar- Garden will address the Men's elled and paved immediately be- Programs dealing with what the wood, who said he would file an let ui show you the improvement! arden Club of \\*cstti«*l at the cause all municipal road equip- teacher should know about children appeal on a drunken driving Methodist Church at 8 o'clock ment and personnel will be engag- with heart diseases also are avail- charge following his sentence last Now that you have your 1955 ear registration - Wtal] uesday evening-. Hjs topic will ed for some time in repairing: able on request for professional week >by Magistrate William M. e "Annuals and Perennials in winter-damaired streets. The lot meetings, Miss Jacobs said. | Beard in Municipal Court, decided the status of your automobile insurance? Are you | swain's art store Border Planting's." pavinjj will follow as soon as pos- not to go through with the appeal, Mr. Swift, a graduate of Long sible. according to his attorney, John F. covered for all eventualities? Don't be in doubt about y 317 W. Front St. Bridge St. sland Agricultural and Technical The Mayor said that despite in- HOW A DOLLAR Ryan, ami was picked up on a "war- Plainfield New Hope nstjtute, served for a while as an creasing use of both the north and FIGHTS CANCER rant Thursday moi-niii;.' and com- accident coverage, come in and let's discuss it-do it * ixchange consultant at the famed south side station parking lots he mitted to County Jail. ew Gardens, London, England, Of every dollar given to the —there is no obligation on your part. and members of Borough Council American Cancer Society, 60 cents He was sentenced to 90 days in and first became associated with are not considering installation of he New York Botanical Garden is spent for cancer control in 'the the County Jail and Viis driver's li- meters. state or division area where the cense revoked for 10 years as a n 1834. He is much in demand "We are aware that many com- as a speaker on horticultural sub- money is raised; 25 per cent goes second offender, March 29. His muters parking aU day in the sta- for a national research program; driver's license was picked up by ects and all, local women's garden tion lots are non-residents," May- clubs have been invited to attend 12 per cent to national programs the court immediately after the Hatlield said, • "but Scotch of professional and public educa- PEMIIMFRIIM sentence. the meeting which is the aflftua! Plains, Westfield, Plainfield and ladies night of the club. tion, service to patients, statistical „ Weaver was arrested Dec. 31 at INC. Berkeley Heights have been tfood esearch, and administration; three All persojH interested in gar- Central avenue and Clifton street neighbors and we are £ladtto ex- per cent for a national program of and pronounced unfit to operate a REAL ESTATE • INSURANCE dening are invited to attend. There tend them the courtesy of our fa- is no charge or obligation. medical ;rants and clinical fellow^ car. The decision had been pending 1 15 ELM STREET. WESTFIELD 2-470C cilities." ships. since Feb. ,4. Before 1945, less than $1,000,- Tonipkins Appointed 100 a year wa9 spent for cancer esearch. Since then the American Regional Chairman >ancer Society alone has devoted Of Chemical Week bout $35,000,000 to that work. LAWN MOWERS Paul M. Tompkins of 321 Jeffer- Mr. W. Multiple son avenue, works manager at American Cyanamid Co.'s War- SHARPENED ners Works plant in Linden, has takes his hat off to Nominate been appointed a regional chair- Sold — Serviced — Repaired man in the Manufacturing Chem- F. Edward ists' Association's observance of 1955 MODELS IN STOCK DREAM TOWN, U.S.*| Chemical Progress Week, May 1G- "And I oive it all to regular saving at the 21. Drive throOgh the lovely suburban N«*J* BIERTUEMPFEL Mr. Tompkins will be responsi- communities ot WESTFIELD, FANWOO0,»w ble for org-anizing; the chemical in- PLAINS, MOUNTAINSIDE and you'll »w«JJ (LEVER No. A-14) dustries in the Elizabeth, Linden, a single emphatic impression: DREAM ID i Rahway, Carteret, Westfield, Cran- Few places in the country can boast of" ford and Roselle section of fhe grace and distinction-wide shaded'"** as Republican Candidate for 6 state according to W. E. Joseph spacious lawns and attractive landscape New Jersci!£ state chairman. 1 COR. NEW and SOUTH ELMER ST. warmth, individuality and elegance of each home, WESTFIELD - CRANFORD - SCOTCH PIAINS Prior to becoming associated tage to mansion. Few communities offer more FREEHOLDER with the American Cyanamid Co. Call WE 2-0363 For FHEE PICK UP & DELIVERY GARWOOO - PLAINFIELD conveniences —beautiful schools and churches, *"°. 3 Year Term in 3954, Mr. Tompkins was with 1 the Monsanto Chemical Co. in St. recreation centers, transportation facilities-all wi™ Member ot Pcdernl Depoult Innnrancc Corporation Louis, Mo. reach. A native of Galesburg, 111., Mr, Tompkins has spent most of his Little wonder so many executives from the metropoliW'\ life in the middle west. have settled in these delightful towns with »™ir '"",. He was graduated from Case You'll find your dream home here, too. Write or pnon Institute of Technology with a member of the Westfield Board of Realtors - Mr. W. "• r bachelor of science degree in chem- Listing - end describe the type of home you want. ical engineering in 1923. Mr. Tompkins is a member of Members of the Westfield Board of the American Chemical Society, the American Ordnance Society, Multiple Listing System the Union County Chamber of CIIAHT.KS O. HAAKK THOMAS If-• Commerce and the Linden Indus- 437 South Ave, W., We. 2-T'iSO—1 trial Association. BAKKETT & CHAIN, INC. 43 Kim St. Wo. 2-1S00 Telephone We. 2-0003 A. J. HENNJNOER AGENCY 800 Mountain Ave. We. 2-5400 Moore Addresses BOULEVARD REALTY SERVICP. 301 South Ave., \V. Wo. 2-2428 Chemists' Meeting KDWAKD A. CAMIIXO 423 North Ave. We. 2-60G1 COOPBH & SPErtKV MOUNTAINSIDE — With the 108 Central Ave. Wo. 2-3100 current interest in automation in WE RECOMMEND WALTKIl criANK the petroleum industry, there will CO Elm St. Wo. 2-4004 park be increasing application of spee- DANKER & DANKER troscopic toola a.s continuous ana- 149 Elmer SI, We. 2-4848 TUG DEXTER AGENCY SOI K- Uroil lyzers, was the prediction of Har- lit. #22 & Evergreen Ct. f. Edward Bicrluempfet ry P. Moore, 1S24 Birch Hill road, H. L VANCE, florist We. 2-6212 O Mountainside. Mr. Moore present- DIRT?. & JOHNSON 30Proa)icct SI1. We. 2-1150 ed his findings before the mem- 321 South Ave., Westfield MSBlm B THE BEST GRADE OF OIL A TRIED, TRUSTED and TRUE 1'BTRH DUG11I r ». bers of the division of petroleum 814 E. ISronil St. Wo. 2-4OS0 chemistry at the 127th annual PUBUC OFFICIAL KDWIN O. EDWARDS meeting of the American Chemical 112 Elm Ht. Wo. 2-nli2(I is the best to buy — Society in Cincinnati in a paper it. CLAY FmrcmuciiH, INC. entitled "Plant Control by Con- His record as Mayor in pro- 2S6 Su. Avo., Huinvoml, Fa. 2-7700 moling the Sound Business tinuous Spt-ftiosi'opie Anaiyxers." Because it assures better, more economical In opening, Mr. Moore, who is Easter is Sunday — and it is NOT too 200 N'ortli A* Management and Gracious an instrument engineer with the late to order flowers at this grand and cleaner heat and minimizes burner Growth of the Township of Esso Kesciireh and Enirincerinn troubles. Co., Linden, stated lliul a logical shop. Stop in today and see their Union Is the Best Guarantee extension of the use of spL'etro- of his Worth as a member of scopk' in-drumonts in the analyti- wonderful flowers, or phone WE. 2- That's why we sell the best. the Board of Freeholders. cal laboratory has bi'i-n the plant .'ipplicatiun of continu'iiis analyz- 2525. ers for control of process opera- tions. FUEL OIL PRIMARY ELECTION APRIL 19, 19S5 OIL BURNERS Some .'{fi prr cent of mouth can cers are cured today. About (15 A SERVICE FOR NEWCOMERS TO WESTFIELD Paid far by Roy E. KHchall per cent can be cured if the canco A MEMBER OF OIL HEAT INSTITUTE TEt. WS. 2-5201 is delected BOOH enough, (he Amcr ienn Cnncer Society states. WESTFIELD THE WESTFIELD (N.J.) LEADER, THURSDAY. APRIL 7, 1955 Para Thirty-FiT* Satui-day—10:39 a.m., wood3 in nue; 1:20 p.m., grass fire at 665 Memorial Library another story about Prancie, who 16 Calls Keep Panwood averue; 10:53 a.m.Nort. h avenue, west; 1:25 p.m., has decided to becojne a Xamoua ffrass iire in Fourth avenue: 31:30 grass fire at 821 Ramapo way; Adds New Books artist. a.m., wuods in back of 1825 Pru.s- \1:'.17 p.m., grass fire in Lawrem-e In "Science the Super Sleuth," Firemen Busy )nxt KUett: 12:15 p.m.. hcdjcc on avtnuv; 1:55 p.m.. sitk and roof I For Teen Agers Lynn Puole t^Hu about 14 of the property at 800 Embrer crescent of a one-car £ara£e on property many criminal casts that have Tin- yvunii- ]M-U\-J department Kiremen here were called out (damage to the hedge); 12:15 owned by Georjre Lthman; 3 :bS been solved because scientists und ii'-i pines Saturday and once Sun- p.m.. glass tire at 757 Clark stretl : p.m., a small chicken coup on Myr- of the WesUn'id Memorial Library poliof worked together. day, mo.-tly fur brush fires. Four 12:23 p.m.. lire at 757 Clark tle avonuv caught tire from a grass has added sevent! books this week "A Man for Marcy" is another street; 12:23 p.m., grass tire at tire; 3:15 p.m., grass fire un Boyn- r 1 f'tije fires, two of which were for for teen-age readers: of Rosamond d\i Jardin's stories one fov ton uvL-nut', •rva.-f- rubbish and the oth- 723 Woodland avenue; 12:42 p.m.. Max Shulman's "The Many about Marcy Rhodes. , Firemen were called Sunday at ,., for a burning hedge, were with- J rubbish burning- in buck of 185 . Loves, of l>obii' liillis." Eleven hi- Don Stanford's "The Red Car" | Elm street; 12-.55 p.m., grass tire i9:(!7 a.m. to the home of C. B. in a half hour. Damug- was 1 j tarious, eympus stories a'^out Do- is the story of the M. (.5. Hap | in back of (Hi Mohawk trail: 1:10 Miles of Ull Boulevard, where the motor on the blower of the bie, who says tnc reason he went Atiams rescued from the scrap fflte lifted were as follows: p.m., grass fire ut 602 Girard sve- io college was for romance. There heap, repaired, painted and driven alfcoft/ie hfutinj* systtm was on fire. Dam- age was caused to the motor. he met Poppy Herring who was headlong into Home unexpected ad- like a eonvei'.ible: >She had lonjr vt'ntuies. ROBERT J. McNAIR FRED E. HALEY line1* and took him for quite a The 1 ibra ry welcomes sugges- ride. And ('Eothiklv, who made tions for new books from its vead- Town Bodies Hold him say. "My next girl is going vrs. Any teen-a^ers who would to be honest. I flon'l care if she like the young people's department looks like a doorknob. Just so to add some books by a favorite Joint Meeting she's honest." author may submit their requestt* to Miss Jean Barrett at the li- Mayor H. Emerson Thomas an- DR. J. L. McCOPJSON Henry Pelsen's* "Hot Iiud," the brary. nounced that last Thursday eve- suspense-packed story of Bud Crayne and his hot rod. ning a joint meeting was held by Mental nu'ludii'.s and strains of LUXURIOUS the Westrield Town Council and ublic Forum On "Relief Pitcher," by R. U. Em- sweetest music supersedo conscious the Wtwtfield Board of Education. ery, an exciting, colorful baseball sound. Millie is the rhythm of This met'tinK was a result ot a story for the boys. hoad and heart.—Mary Bak«r Ed- program that he initiated before Family Planning' Kmily Halm's "Kruncie Again," dy taking office as mayor. The meeting was held under the "Family Plunning for Modern joint chairmanship of the presi- iving" is to be the topic under) dent of the Board of Education, iseiission at -member J SWIM CLUB William C. Child and Mayor Thom- anel forum sponsored by the $ 00 as. The purpose of the conference Manned Parenthood Committee of FLORHAM PARK. NEW JERSEY was to have each of the major Vestfield. This meeting, to which SAVE 31 committee chairmen of the two re- public is invited, will be held M tMI IUNCTI0N Or MIUIUIN-INOW MtU spective groups outline the func- tpril 21 at 8 p.m. in the Council ON tions of their committees and the toom of the Municipal Building-. area of activity where one group's 8 The Kev. Dr. Joseph L. McCori- For Freeholder For Freeholder activity affected the other. Both on, minister of the First Congre- HOOVER'S 'elt that "a better understanding SO ACRfS OF MIVATI fSTATI Three Year Term Two Year Term )f the activities and problems of rational Church, will be one of ;he other group would make it he guest panel members. Other WITH UNiQUALUO FACItfTfffS fO* 7 Lever 16-A Lever 20-A Possible to correlate the work for elists will be Charles Cook, ex- .he benefit of Westriclci titans," >cutive director of the University SWIMMINQ, SPO*n, MIAXATIOH For A SQUARE DEAL FOR ALL. Vote Mayor Thomas said. Settlement, New York; Mrs. Ch.ir- After the meeting, both Mayor otte Montgomery of Wc^trield, au- -hor and lecturer, and Dr. William for McNAIR and HALEY for homas and Mr. Child felt that "a r great deal had been accomplished" ogt, national director of the FREEHOLDERS on April 19th nd also stated that additional Manned Parenthood Federation of Reg. Price... 110.95 ojnt discussions will be had in the imerica. for by Campaign Committed NOW 79.95 'uture involving not only the en- • fwwlt MM • *v»*<« y* • MiMi • HwAfl • .ire Council and Board of Educa- Dr. McCorison, in addition to •ion but also conferences between lis duties in the Congrcgationnl YOU SAVE... 31.00 • O*k MWMI wurti • t»fcta Mmk iiiuistry, is executive director of ;Oinniittces interested in particu- • IIMM • Ot»l«( Af*. ar activities of joint interest. Lho Westfleld Council of Churches; governor of the Society of Muy- Mayor Thomas also announced fiower Descendants of New Jersey; MADT ton THI ms SEASON that he had the chairmen of the grand chaplain of Grand Lodge of • TRIPLE ACTION TERRE GRASS SEEDS Town Board of Adjustment, a'rep- ilasons of New Jersey; nations! • IT BEATS AS IT SWEEPS resentative of the Planning Board, ice chairman of Children to Pal- • NO DUST BAG TO EMPTY the town engineer and the chief of estine, Inc., Boston, Mass., and has • DIRT FINDER LIGHT police and Mr. Child had the su- served as president of Yank'ton GROW BEST IN NEW JERSEY perintendent of schools, the Board College, Yaukton, C. D.; director Easy to Use — Easy to Buy >f Education clerk and board at- or the New England region of the torney present to assist in the cov National Conference of Chri«ti»ns Terms Secauie relation of the overall town and and Jews, and a member of the board activities and programs. CALL FOR HOME DEMONSTRATION They're Mended In New Jeney EspecloiV board of governors oT Wellesley LIMITED QUANTITY - ACT NOW for New Jersey* Soil! summer conference for social pro- SWIM CLUB Compare Terrs seeds (or purity and gress at Wellesley College. Fred Kolmuj, Managing Director vorietiet In each blend. And, remember, Six Injured In For the past seven j'ears Dr. TOWN OFFICE: 5 Scotland Rd., So. Orang*. N. J. Terr* teed is off seed — no inert (filler) McCoriwm has been actively con- Schaefers SOo!h Orange 3-3040 matter U added. nected with the Planned Parent- % N. T. Sfol» Two Car Crash hood Committee of Wtstficld, and No Poor Goods At Any Price' haa spoken numerous times con- Six persons were injured Satur- cerning nareii'tal responsibility. WE 2-0800 WESTFIELD THERE'S A TERRE SEED FOR EVERY NEED day at 1:25 p.m. when two cars collided at Cowperthwaite place and Prospect street. One of the PENNYPACK drivers was charged with not stop- All NIMIM pine at a stop sign. TERRE (or Gaiwrol Utt Police reported that cars were 5 lbs. $6.80 driven by Mrs. Embree K. Fromm LOWEST-PRICE CAR of 800 Embree crescent, traveling south on Prospect street, and Jo- SHADE TREE TERRAGREEN eph G. Hopkins of Short Hills i r«QutcfcGn>«tti for Dry, Inlertilt :oing west on Cowperthwaite fat Temporary lawm Molu Soil ond Shad* Soil. Sum S*ml-Shcd> place. IN THE LOW-PRICE 3 TO GIVE YOU ALL THIS IS PLYMOUTH I 5 Lbs. $2.40 5 lbs. $6.40 5 lbs. $4.60 Mrs, Fromm "was treated by a local doetor for abrasions of the left elbow, sprain of the left an- GET THE BEST! GET TERRE AT YOUR LOCAL DEALERS! kle and possible back injuries. OTW» Pamela Fromm, tive, received THK lacerations of the lower right leg WHY PAY UP TO rtoouat requiring nine sutures, and abra sions of the legs, hands and face. $500 MORE Roxanne Fromm, seven, suffer- TOP SIX TOP SIZE TOP VALUE IHHMMWHHWMI ed injuries to the nose, abrasions FOR A CAR of the legs and face, and had x- SMALLER THAN WKTHE1D _ Wntfhld Point A Hardware, 233 North Av« WE J-3000 rsys taken by a local doetor. tWINOHElO - Joi.ph E. Monltmatl — Sem'i farm, i. SprlngdaU Avt. Ml t-43M Mrs. Beverly Hopkins was treat- Tlio biggest, longest, roomiest car Plymouth is the only low-price car PLYMOUTH ? ed for minor abrasions of the right The thriftiest, smoothest six in the low-price 3 —that's Plymouth's of the low-price 3—that's Plymouth! to give you at no extra cost such knee, and Sue Hopkins, 15, was Don't be fooled by the claims treated for abrasions of both legs PowerFlow 117! Its high compres- Brilliant new Forward Look styling extra value features as: electric of so-called medium-price cars and right arm. She also had three gives you more glamor outside, windshield wipers, Safety-Rim teeth loosened. sion ratio, combined with exclusive that tliey cost practically the Geraldine Jones, 15, of Shor Chrome-Sealed Action, gives you more luxury inside; plus the new wheels and an independent parking same as Plymouth. When you Hills, a passenger in the Hopkins' more power from less gas, and Full-View windshield, swept back to brake for greater safely .,. Oriflow Compare price tags you'll find car, was treated for abrasions of give ihe greatest visibility in the shock absorbers for a smoother ride that, model' jor moilcl, ihe 1955 both legs and right arm. velvet-smooth performance. You'll Plymouth sells for much, much Mr. Hopkins was given a sum enjoy lightning acceleration, thanks low-price 3. And Plymouth's big size ... an Oilite fuel filter and oil bath less Uian mcilium-price cars, mons for a stop street violation to a special metering system in llic means you and your passengers will air cleaner for lasting economy. See and gives you more car for Both cars were damaged and tow- carburetor. And Plymouth's Power- enjoy the smooth, steady ride that and drive a Plymouth today —see your money! ed away. Sgt Lewis E, Porst and Patrolmen Floyd Bonne and Thos. Flow engine thrives on regular fuel. only a truly big car can give you. why U's your best-buy low-price car! A DELICIOUS HOLIDAY A. Catalon investigated. ] TREAT Safely Conference Well Attended BEST BUY NEW; BETTER TRADE-IN, TOO Homemade ' More than 100 persons attcndci the recent first county-wide confer- Chocolate Bunnies ence of the Union County Safetj Council at the Ed/son Vocational Easter Eggs and Technical High .School, Eliza- beth. Panorama Eggs Emphasized was nn emotions rather than 8 statistiral approac to safety. Frank W. O'Brien president, welcomed the group an conducted the closing assembly. Chocolates — attrac- Group conferences iverc held i traflic, industrial, school and holm tively boxed — to use safety und industrial lire preven- tion. Reports were given on th as a gift — or serve results of each at the closing as scmbly. yourself.

Gaily beribboned baskets filled with all the favorite

Easter Candies. Actual photo of tho Plymouth Belvedere Club Sedan. Ask your Plymouth dealer lor the low price on this and twonty-one other »mart Plymouth model}. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS Ice Cream by the tjollon, 9..40 continues to offer aid to any who have an Half gallon, 1.25 honest desire to stop drinking. P. O. BOX 121 ALL-NEW PLYMOUTH Hoyerm arm's WESTFIUD, N. J. ls2E. Broad St. We. 2-0137 or Call MA. 3-752» CUttlflsd Telephon* Directory* WESTFTELD (N.J.) LEADER^ THURSPAY. APRTI 7. 1fl-'5 Ptge Tbaiy-Sia THE • LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL • UGAL NOTICES • • LEGAL NOTICES •• LEGAL NOTICES • NOTICE n d A It Veteran HI Hl.it' OfBelfSystem i r }'. *• . 'j'1 UniDu / K , , j.e * ,,>>.,. hi :5i), a \ 11 1 I HHII « I \ \ PE1 I I \/ !- * t < t i \ u with t sill HIM •> >*l t h* :M ~ * n He i- » ri)f mbt r f rd of f PI III K t I II I 01 f r M V» II 11*1 1 •-e t«i' i . - a'l < f K* II T*-i I I I I U III* l">« N I % ' 4 II) C III IlllOllh a jrsoup e \ s AI: D urame wo f II T Irs tt ' oi t ceit!. iffisc appa

n f f A i 'w beiran ' ]•> telepho MIIK I Ol >-l I I I I Ml f rttn (i 192C with tie Weste n A 1 i e {I'.III- UI»I,'«II> cnif neori> I 1 e r iia'tii frt, w hit n \* a^ later i s Is r o'pfMa'rd a-, BtM Ldtboratorif 1 r 1 r g B t » f WESTFIEU) ,ib 1.1 2ti \eaj-- he spieiaJizi i x n ' »-e ( iwuii aii^i .-•-. vi tiecli IT TR T THF^ DR. PAUL V. SMITH a. apparatus, lie turned to *{uu i-v ' f tt-lephonv equipim? A a r on 1940 ajid, with the excepth 1 at Jo E-*- '^e \\ui<(i \\ av II period, h # « o s tte 11 N London i a^^uLiated with the laboiato if s i 0 q .a :\ a^uiamt department { I HOI O« \l I OB « ONSTBI TTIOV Vr P* \ • t ' '•ci'^ it fat Mine IJuunir the war h < 1 Ol- SF 1 II f MI M r '" t- \ff u^lMi- Hai t\\ I,_ have mad I n 1 f of l \\ d. New (*r^e o 1 \[ I e ~ H U 25 \eai&, Tre\ ha\e a daughter,) *jt Ul'l'i't New llo.HH-ni*" K!>, au*i Arthur, a stu-, l March U. 19'r. Clip and (jent'j, anaid of tne ^meinap A - Ail of tlif l!oro\!gh of Monnlain- ; e nnd AUr.Uuun, Ally?., *e t a* Rrn--e dti Fflytechnic In-: side lying north of a litip along the W«^»(t Avv., . BITUMINOUS DRIVEWAYS soeiation of PeticSeun Geo'o, »'- r.itulen, X. J. (DIAMONDS-WATCHES Save This Ad for fin ai title n hi> diM-o\e!> *tiiit s ^tc Tn«? Hain\i^ ar« members j forth *!nt { AND JEWELRY DID YOU KNOW GAS STATIONS • PARKING AREAS Mr. Harf.vi? is nast-master of jt.> the iiorlli piflc rf H"Ut« 2! and \0TIfB TO CRF.IHTORS >'OUR DIRECT SOURCE OF DIAMONDS «nd doe3 not reeessarih" have to r-.'ist *.f a line aione tlie rfur of lot^ You can SELL RESURFACING AND PENETRATION WORK lie millions of years old. Atias Lodge 125, F.'t A.M., West-| h<]JRC*nt to the wept Mile of Old tat*> of MARiURET J. THORPK, ',' MAKES SAVINGS FOR YOU field. A member of the Westfielri | Tote Do.ml and nnrlln>;>sl* of KM- AUo Rspniri ro ^ (Spat Caih or Comignm«ntJ Dr. Smith has been wilh. Esso Provfdtou'f p.,,ii.l fiorn rpntral Ave- Men's Garden Club, he has been ) tnie to th.' New Plovidenoe Tuivn- WAICMS5 - JEWELRY or BUY Kosearch and Engineering Co. AND TEIECHRON - G.E. - amed program chairman of the j fillip boundary iin*?. Children's Used Clothing and since 1946. In his new post, he will iub for the 1955-56 season. He is j HOliERT T.AINO. SESSIONS - WESrCLOX Wm. A. PARKHURST %e responsible for maintaining crk. ELECTRIC CLOCKS other items in good condition? lso a member of the Westfield j 4-T-It $12.48 Come: Young Folks' Exchange contact in England with scientific flee Club. He has served in many CHARLES H. ROTHROCK CONTRACTOR societies, universities, institutes 'ommunity Chest and other eam- prBi.lt* iiRAni\o CALL WE. 2-3S32 Write: 300 E. 4th Street Phone Wmtfield 2-1731 Res. Mill Um »nd for other related activities. His XOMMi OHl>i\AMK (corner Roosevelt Ave.) aijfiii and for 11 years was active >Iniint.iinsldK. K, J. No Charg. for Eilimota P. O. Box 334, Weirfield Mountaimid*, N. J, work will augment a program set Am il 7. lsr.r, Mamber Uniled Horologlcal All'n. Call: Plainfield 7-1258 • »p by the recently established Of- ,n Boy Scout affairs. NOTICR I?! HF.UBnV filVEN' Hint n piit)ll>. IwivInK will he lie**) bv tlie fice of &ientiSc Liaison in Esso Unard of Zonir.K Adjtislnit-nt 1/! the Research, New York., , Takes Final Vows As ffiuncH Oliamlifr, TlorouKh Hall. Tlie places ill the .several district's (iruiit Bcljooi ferson Hciioul Tuntav fvrnlilR. April 20, ISf.r. af NOTICK OP FHIMAHV T3LKCTI0V U DAY. .Alirll li'tli, 1».1."., uli*-r*< Hi.' saifi iioards of Registry Second Ward, Second District — Third Wurd. Sixth Disttl ister of Charity *«:l"t *<'*-l*,ck. **ti tli*' inalter of an TOIVII Clerk** attlvr hctut-tM] IJH? IIOUIK ol' T A,.\I. and s and i:lt-*tJon \\ill meet are u« fol- CJra.nl Sivhuol lumbuf Hcliol nnpllriltion of Tiu'lnnsi n. Meaics, Munlilpiil lluildlnir. U f ^lield, \. J. i'.il., K.X.T. sifi.'ond Ward. Tlilrd I)l»trlct — Local Air Force Sfifi New l'rovi*l*>n*-p Itnad. to prfrt April 7, JW.V, Tlie fiillowlHK is a list of flip of- WaHhUitrtun School hfr«*j|* a private dwelling on a lot fices (o IK- vnl^Hl fur ut tilt- sjiti l-'livt Ward. First niatrlrl—UuDne- Sister Mary Immaculate, daug-h- Notice if hereby givon that thp velt Juiiior itttili Seliool stvuand Ward, I-'ourfh Dintrlct — Information Hours *r of Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Gin- District HoarJ of ReMMry and l'ritnaiy I'Uei-ttdii: Wilson School All ••ontf.iry" lo lh<> Ko«'iiVR Ordi- KliM-tiun hi and for the v.-irious One State Senator for tho ritato or I'iret Ward. S.x'om! nistrlit —• M-concl Ward, Fifth Dintrlct — J-'oiu-th WiiiiJ, Third DJstrkt-fa her of Plainfield, formerly of iiuc. tiif nresent nidinaiic*. requlr- Klpcttnn Ulstrk'tH of tlif TOWN OF Ntw Jfisif.v. l.uoseveH Junior Hlgli Srhmil Wilson School ior U\«h Hchaol m Master Sergr. John C. Hassell Jr., iVestfield, made her final profes- R inn fer-t \\idtti atui K>,000 stuiare WKSTyiKIA), will inec-t in the Finn1 Monibprs nt the General As- l^ii>t Ward. Third District—Ilen- Third Ward, Flr«t District—Lin- Jfourth Ward, Fourth DlEtrltt J el* ftrva T ])liicps hfreiiiafter dpftlgnuU'd on (he ceinbly. jamin Franlilin Keliool coln School Senior Hijrh Sc-honl 1 sector supervisor of Air Force. Re- sion of vows in the Sisters of Char- ISOAKD OV AIIJl STMi*NT dutes and belVeen the hours here- Tlux" MvmliprH of Hoard of Clios- Klr."t Ward, i-'ourOi IJIstriut—Mu- Third Ward, Second District—Lin- Kourlli Waul, Kirtli Disiriel-Js cruiting, announced today that a ty of St. Elizabeth at Convent, Ralpli I*. r>iel7,, ('hainnan inafter set forth, for the purpose of *>ti Pii.plif^ldt'rs—:i yp:ir tnrni. coln School ferson Mclioo^ 4-7-11 Fees $^.00 ronductSnK :i J*riinary Klocliitn for Qnp Meinli^r of iioaril of Chosen Klrst Ward, Firih District—Uen- Thlrrt Ward, Third District—Co- The boiindary lines of tlie iliSif new policy will be put into opera- Kpril 2. thi* nomination and pleftion of per- l-'i>.«.lu)ltl«r^—2 y«:\r term, Jiimln Franklin Seliool lumous School ftnt districts are as shown on 1^ tion in Westfield today for citizens Sister Mary Immaculate is a stiiiH to the various offices listed Oiie MtMnher of Hoard of Chosen First Ward, Sixth Difrtrict—Muni- Third Ward, Fourth Dintrlct—Lin- following map: prm.ic lit-low: cipal lillKillilK coln School desiring information on serving in Taduate of Holy Trinity Gram- 7,M>ti »nmxA\rK Freeholders—1 year term. JANR F. JOXB MnuntaltiRirle, N. J. Tlip hours nnd dates of said elec- One Councilman from each of the .Second Ward, First District — Third Wurd, Fifth District—Jef- TClt the United States Air Force. ar and High Schools, Westfield, Anril 7. J'T.r. tion iire as tollawa: Pour Wards. §/Sgt. Dewey Abernathy, re- nd entered the Convent October NOTTCR I? HEUKBT rilVKN that puiilic hparing- will he hfld by Di eruiter-salesman in charge of the 1950. She is presently teaching . rjitrd nf Zonim? AtUimtmcnt in th Plaitifield Air Force Recruiting at Star of the Sea Academy, Long Counrii Chnmhf-r, P.orouKh iTall, Titoedrty pveninp, April L'lith, lSf.n at Station will be at the local Post Branch. S: 1" o VI of k, on the m a 11"c r of an Office each Tuesday and Thursday application of John Biolnkl, 2F13 afternoon from 2 to 5 p.m. for the iltdW Path, MountainKlde, N. 3., to • LEGAL NOTICES • use lot not conforming tu present purpose of answering: questions ordinance. and accepting application for en- NOTICE OP PniMAHV KI.RCT10XS nOAUT) OF AD.TTTSTMBNT listment in the Air >'orce. «loro\tsh €lcrk'n Office H. K. I.Hetz, Chairman Borousb Hull, Mnutitnlnslde, \. J. 4-7-lt Fees J2.C1 April 1», i«55 The qualifications for enlistment Nattce is h«reUy given that the In the Air Force are as follows: iKiTriet Boara or Registry nml Klec- tion In and for the various KleetSon Must be between the ages of 17 Dlstrlita of the EOHOl'GH OP and 34 years of age (under 18 MOUNTAINSIDE vi\\\ meet in Vhe places hereinafter dt-signated on the years of age, applicants must have dates and between the hours here- parents consent); be able to pass natter »et fortti, tov the purpose of co/idtict*inc: n Primary Election fnr the necessary mental and physical the namfnntion and election of per- qualifications; b« of good moral ions to the various offices llKtd character, Sergeant Hassell fur- ther stated that'contrary 'to ru- mors now 'being: circulated it is not necessary to be a high school grad- uate to he accepted in the Air force, although it is the policy of the Air Force to encourage young people to finish school before en- listing. Sergeant Abernathy will have •vailable a limited number of sam- ple Air Force tests that will give all young men interested in the Air Force an opportunity to take this test and to know whether they can pass it or not. Sergeant Hassell stated that only the man taking . the test and the recruiter giving WAITED! the test will know the score the •person taking the test obtains. Young men interested are asked to contact Sergeant Abernathy at the local Post Office to make arrange- ments. 1200 M|. II. TO BUY OR SELL LEADER CLASSIFIED ADS CALL Of WE. 2-1492 pee with U O H O I) G ?ll Ol & A B w O O II >/ pass around it! j!" I "£<

Unusual Marketing and Advertising , At the Low Spring Price agency presently in big city wants to ; move into pleasant surroundings. ; Easy-Pay Plan Requires minimum of 1000 sq. ft. to i, Thouiomfi or» buying Kopp.t, Cok» maximum of 1800 s.q. ft. of main ! rf Budj.l Pl«n» I And htri'i whyi f! SAVi MONtY I Kopp.it Coki I. ol floor or second floor space. Must I, thf ro.k-bollom p,j(,. Bi9 SAVINGS on j B «v«ty ton. have good location to bring out the "" fASY PAY PUN! Pay monthly . ta-vx ("> Jn tmalt omounlil Only $1 pt, |0() best work of creative staff. Will pay // dtpoili) f' Taks advontagt ol Ihlt wondtrtul $150.-$185. per month on lease. 1J,, o«« NOW I For a LIMITED TIME ONIVI Phf J School Expansion ; Firemen were fulh'd out five i A ^rass fiif yt 2:47 pni. at 70;! -Id" TutUt* pai'KwHy. The fence \va.> Am«rtcan L*gion Halt W. Nor^t Av-. nd Croiiwqy t\. inessman to Provide Annual $500 ! times Monday afternoon. The fi^t N'orth ttvi'tuif, spn»a i ti> a do- de-^truyetl. 0 2nd and 4fh Thursday Ev«r\ipa* : was ai 1 :5.rt p.m. at ihe home of house* which was destroyed. A field five in (Jallow-. Hill road , MOUNTAINSIDE -An execu- M»mb»ri and ViiiHnj Arcantan* V. B. lluppin, 712 Scotch Plain--! A K'ia>w fife its (he rt*ur of 8-IG at 7 :2O, was beat unt. Tht'ic w&< ; tive houn! nu'i't ilifr of the Muun- Art Invited to Aft»nd olarship to SPHS Male Grad ; avenue, where the bu-MMneVit win TCuith aveiiiu* ax h p.m., whi* !i nu dumu^c. j U inside PTA Monday ni^ht ai the ; PLAIN'S — William trustees. Mr. Ketchani, u resi- Highway 22 school u-us attended dent of Westfiold, is a certified ah[:m:nred his inU-n- by 18 member*. Mrs. Walter \V. We're As Near To You As Telephone i.n-i hliir a trust fund public ycfuvintj.nl. He is u former Vouniy Ji". pi"t*«ic1f(). Koll owing" un piim: i>f sihohnships Lo president of the Westfiold Board explanation of plans for expand- ,,f Scouli Plains High of Education. Mr. Host, also of ing srimol facilities by the Board i- Mt. (iavbcV intvn- Wvsilirld, id president of the Peo- of Edutiition attorney, Churk'S tnmie sufficient funds ples Bank. Jenmu\ tin- PTA exei-utivc board BUSINESS DIRECTORY i filing fel' an annual upjji'ovcd tlif following l'esolution RAPID REFERENCE TO RELIABLE BUSINESS HOUSES ,,!' $500 to a worthy whU'h will bv piesviiU'd at the jj-fii- Mt. This scholarship is er«! nieftin^1 April 20: " Wherv, f..iv furthering- the boy's Church Fund the Board of .Education of Moun-| 1 • AUTO DEALERS ' CLEANERS « DYERS 1 • LAUNDRIES it Slu college level and la inside bus received approval i • SERVICE STATIONS mwnble oaeh year for Nears Midpoint fruni the State Hourd of Educa- .;,i- period." The foun- JOHN LONG WELL tion and the Department of Local ' LA BELLE, INC7 SCOTCH PLAINS n- tu provide sufficient Government, for an addition to tho LAING Victor Rogers ).,a "W« Operote Our Own Plan!" that an award will bo Central Avenue Si-hool and the HALF-HOUR LAUNDRY KA.NWOOD—A two-week build- Appointed Assistant • CLEANING i, DYEING uh year if a qualified ing fund drive at the Kanwood purchase of a site for a new MOTOR CO. • !.*It!Vm"llI,\» • FI.l'FK I1BV1NO Texaco Products ,:in be found. Director at Esso school, by it hereby resolved that • TAILORING • IJH V «•( H4 E. RROAO ST. SI 8 NORTH AVE. Pkoae for Free l>lek-ap aa4 Delivery WICH1PIEI.il t-WI iuch othtT qualifications as be visited before April 18 by a Dr. Long-well joined Ksso Re- of horror comics und saluck ..s nia- WESTflELO islws may develop." team from the 100 canvassers who search in 1U4H after receiving his ,erial. follnwins trustees have been bachelor's degree in mechanical en- Mrs, You lift- announced the were commissioned at services ROBT. A. NASH CO. i DAIRIES CANTLAY BROS. twl ti> considt'i' the applica- Sunday. The first report dinner Kineerinjr from the University of nriiiK county council meeting; vill SAMOSET LAUNDRY California and his doctorate in smd nitike more detailed was held Monday night in the so- ie held at the Community Metlio- a v a • \, H SERVICE, INC. for future development: cial hall and the men dined a^ain chemical engineering from the dist Church, Roselle I'«rk, April Massachusetts Institute of Tech- T»«r Aatkorlu* UmilRT _ DHT CI.EANINO mui\ Edward H. Peterson, last night before starting on their 29 and urged as many chairmen ~=Hli0S0N Dealer €sso "Drive-In Service" K. llernstein, H. B. Brun- rounds. The next report supper nology. possible to attend. The theme SCHMALZ Bale* aai Bervlee — PaHs^ Cash and Carry SERVICE rank Ketcham and Henry will be Monday njght followed by During the past 10 years, lie "Styles Changer But Skills Re- Pl.alnfleM (1-TTIOO •all I-I.alaaele «-M4« is gained a national reputation 114 B. &i Street r St. others Wednesday and Friday main," will be developed by Dr. riaOlrte • Milk & Cream ! Nnrtk Ai*. PlalafeK We Specialise In ' a combustion expert. Orhe is treasurer of the nights. Marion K. Shea, from Lake Val- Dr. Long-well is a member of the • Buttermilk BEAR is Clieniical Co., Garwood, Anthony Oladko, chairman of halla, Montville. Youth project in LAMP MOUNTING ine-i'icim Rocket Society. action will be presented at the letfrical — Brakes — Carburetor r many years has been ac- the building committee planning NORRIS • Cottag* Ch«*w LAMP MOUNTING civif and municipal affairs for expansion of present church afternoon session. & Complete Auto Servicing • Butter & Egg« Lamp ba&ea, partn, drllltnir, Tepslr- town. He at present is facilities, has released details of Vig Groups Tour A bicycle safety program is in In^, plating Uuue. AH types l)f the construction program. In re- preparation and will be ready .some CHEVROLET, INC. shades In Htook. Also recoverlnB We Pick Up and Deliver IUII of the local Planning )verlook Hospital D*llv»r»d Fr»»k urW made to order. All work done ami is responsible more ferring: to a draft of architect's inie in May according to Joseph 4« LIQUOR STORES AND work room, custodian quarters and n'ojects for children, patients Open* 24 Hours a Day GOODYEAR TIRES he pediatric win^1. Twig Two has 228 North Are. W. Weatlleld for a choir and board room. South Ave. W. WE. 2-6581 We.tfiold »een meeting at the home of mem- CENTRAL PHARMACY An addition to the present Sun- bers doing a variety of work for ROTCHfORD PONTIAC ELM LIQUOR SHOP THE COUNTRY day school auditorium on Marion 5RAPPS PHARMACY Michael J. Cermele,, Ret. Fharm. INC. STORAGE he hospital. PRESCRIPTIONS PJUl W. TwIHey, Prop. avenue would connect it with the 611 Park Av«., PlalnfUld Authorized PONTIAC new sanctuary. It would have Anyone interested in forming i Carefully Compounded •your* devoted to work for the bos Solei & Servico Draca - Pcrtnmeai - CramMles quarters for the church offices, 1 Beer — Wlnei — Llquon HENRY P. TOWNSEND library and several Sunday ital may call one of the above fo Registered Pharmacist in Got.d Will USED CARS lie* Houm SapaUna DePIr Maillasa I« Orreai school roomS. On the second floor nformation or contact ovcr-al! attendance at itor», WEirfifld 2-3700 STORAGE wig- chairman, Mrs. John W, 1124 Cenlrel K-wr. WE-ldelil J-KKS WE DELIVER modern kitchen would have ac- 433 North Av«. Wnstfleld MOVING & PACKING White Jr., Short Hills 7-2884. Day and Nighl ffU* cess to the enlarged auditorium call WEstfield 2-3113 for serving church suppers. KOPLIN ELECTRICIANS rail WHalnela S-44M When the new sanctuary is LINCOLN-MERCURY MI Worta Ire. W. WeaiieK W»«tf!elA MONDAY erected the present structure at Authorized CHARLES T. BRENNAN 9 Elm St. the west end of the auditorium will UNCOlN-MERCURr • TELEVISION SERVICE THAU ELECTRICIAN be changed to provide class rooms BOYLE TREE SURGERY CO. So lei & Service SATURDAY Tke »ee« In electrical work at I STORAGE TELEVISION, INC. sanctuary. M» KiKmr Boa* TBI.EV1SIOX 4 UAU1O nHPAIMftf • AUTO PARTS ALLIED VAN LINES All Makea and Hoiela Hit INFANTRY STATE CERTIFIED Guaranteed "Work WEatneld 2-<8«0 • FLOOR COVERINGS IRMORY Issues on School Specializing In: IRWIN'S MU lout* Are. wwt t AVENUE AT 34th ST. HYDE & ELLIS, INC CLARK RADIO & T-V CO. > 11 P.M. daily • doling Sot. e P.M. Site Settled • Tree Surgery AUTO STORES FLOOR COVERINGS FU 1-1166 Complete line of • Bracing hong Distance Uovlnv • Same day tervlce * Free parking SCOTCH PLAINS—The Plan- AUTO PARTS & ACCESSORIES FLOOR TILE 8tor««f — Packing — Shipping • Auto Radio • HI-FI Equipment ning'Board and Board of Ediica AUTO11TE & DEICO BATTERIES • Pruning . LINOLiUM ROBBINS & ALLISON, INC. (Rear of Poit Office) LONG PLAY tion resolved several question SPORTING GOODS concerning tho site of the propose! Bat. 1911 Ammunition — Gum — Fiihing Tackle dak Toga Local And Long Distance Moving $2,(500,000 high school in Westfieli • Control of Insects and Diseases (RECORDS Wall Corerlaa; Call CnanforiJ 6-0UI UPHOLSTERERS AND road Thursday night at a closei TV & RADIO TUBES Wallpaper meeting. Craafoi Mar & Classic • Feeding By Pressure call WEstfield 2-2449 Lllkt DESIGNERS Planning Board Chairman Wil- •aatk A-wt. V., at rie liam M. Garbe said following th 129 Central Ave. We5tfield ' OFFICE SUPPLIES In NeW York City's Greenwich conference that the problem of thi — Free Estimates — WEatdelJ Z-«TM Village for 25 years, and In subdivision of the H.ippel Farm V/estfleld for the past 30 years, site had been resolved and the sub- 428 Second Ave. Elizabeth, N. J. • AUTO BODY REPAIRS "THE SHOWPLACE TERRILL'S our accumulative experience It division request would be taken up at your service. of FLOOR COVERINGS" We. 2-5623 116 Elm Streal by the full plannine board at its Commercial Stationary * Filing Suppilai next meeting. Wi'liam Happel i .ADLER SCREEN CO. BONNETTI'S W*dd]ng and Birth Announcements Charles Lecher 9c retaining" a part of his wore tha Fountain Pon Rvpaln 20-acre favm thus causing a sun- ALLEN FLOORS Mlmeogroph Suppltsi Corner South Ave. and LONG PLAY division which had less than neces- AUTO BAKE-ON of Westfield Cumberland St. sary frontage. Now Upholstered Furnltura, (Formerly Weltfleld BciU-On) i OPTICIANS •The Board of Education als Blip Covere, DrnperleBi etc 69c showed that there were more than COLLISION WORK Quality Products RUOS Fine Fabrics on Dleplar BODr 8. FENDER WORK CARPETS ROBERT F. DAY adequnte parking facilities on the Skillfull)' Imtalled We. 2-1427 site. Tho Planning Board had pie CAR UNDERCOATING LINOLEUM Prescription Optician viously questioned whether *ther Fuclory Finish and Fully Guaranteed TILE iREGQRY'S .50 call • WALLPAPERS was adequate parkin? under loca FUSTICS statues.' The board reviewed thi SCREENS $3.55 NOW up Poinlod and Boked Enomel I WBatield 2-I2H8 MUSIC CENTER capital expenditure/ involved in thi rimtiim Miuli- « dim I. WeetleM ' MS! HOMT Sf. PI 6-I1S41 Aluinlnir.il Wlrp — Clrnr rlne WEstfield 2-1436 208 North Avenue WELCH'S PAINT site which it is supposed to do un (Ow>. Peoploa Bank * Trust Co.) __ EUMUMIFU 19.10 Ainu TCIINIOII mill Alunilnuln Frllnie SorepnH WFstfield 2-12S2 der law. A general discussion wa 466 North Ave. E. Wastfield & WALLPAPER STORE PUINFIELD held on school plans and problems Open MOM., WED,, FRI. Evening! PAINTING AND for Wnllpnpem • CLEANERS & DYERS PnlnlK — Window Shades Screen Porches Painted & Installed • FUEL OIL DECORATING Picture Framing 311 18. llronil wiemnrld 3-40« 10 x 12 Size $199.95 BROWN AND KELLER'S M. R. WINN & CO. HUGO J. FUGMANN Painting Contractor! and Decorator! • WATER SOFTENING^ Redwood Sawbuck Set ti.EANims AND nvnns JHome heating problem? WALLPAPER catering to thoie who appreciate X1H K. llrnnil 8t. "B»mi Day Dry Cleanlne; Servlaa" FUEl OIL fine flnlihel up Soft Water Service Co. 50% o« 2" Stock wnitfieid z-mag Elttmalei Furnltlied to f 19.95 Servlns WeBtfield arid Vicinity POUT*-HOT Main Office and Plant 201 Morris Ave., Summit, N. J. «•!• XVI3«tfl«Id 2-S21Z WHTICR (inNIHTlONlWCI PINE COMBINATION DOORS 19-18 Waahlnirtoa Are. Su. 6-9607 - 7396 PlalnHeld, N. 1. 31x81 $12.85 33x81 $13.65 37x81 $13.95 I'lOItltf t'TIT Hnlea, (ler*leei lleaiala €sso ri,. e-Moo rail WHutlteld 2-12M RESTAURANTS Complete Sfock of 85" Doors Illl e,,ntk »•• W The WESTFIELD CLEANERS < INTERIOR Open Saturday 8:00-4:30; Sunday 9:00-1:00 P.M.; Expert Work Done OTI Premliei DECORATORS MOUNTAINSIDE INN Man., Wed., Fri., till 9:00 P.M.; Tues., Thun., till 5:00 P.M. complete oil heating service^ 3HOUR SERVICE l,iiiii)ieo/i(* IUHI IflnncrN Prompt Pick-up ond Delivery CHAIN , For WE.lfielJ 2.3074 llt>M<iiH, on 601 Conlml Ave. V/mificlrl DECORATORS ESSO OIL BURNER CUHTOM MADID Advertisements Cr>ll ESSO HEATING OIL • CORSETS • RUG CLEANERS ^ 2-4400 BURNER SERVICE l>rnfirrlea ON THIS PAGE • llrlipkelale BROWN & KELLER'.'x MOUNTAINSIDE THE CORSET SHOP WE. 2-5657 "To Bel) Cor»e(« llrlentnl mi'l I'niiin.llo Call EAN OIL CO. INTEREST la ftnlonmaualitii" 1111(1 III) V VIIItH MniliMii C..|,l HI,,!»«. VaulU "To ITU Them la Art" WEslflold 2-4040 >IT 10. UIK1AII (IT. WKI )M 19. llroml, «>,.m-l,| HI). »-(MHI« Fanwood — Westfield l.eadtna; nranrie to Freaa PLulnflnld 6-BU70 li IH WaaNlnmmi Are, I'lulnllell We. 2-4407 14* m, Ilro-i WKudlfU I-3«l urn w, FIIOIVT ar, 1*1 THE WESTPIELD (N.J.) T.BAHFR. THURSDAY, APRIL 7. 1955 Westfield YMGA Swimming Team Wins Central AtjanticGhampions .Record 1100 IVams Entwistle Jr. Joins Pro Staff Locals Set Three iBalir Wins County Waltonowski Hits Durban Wins Danker Leading In State i'in Kv<\nt | TrapfcJiooting Crown i I Kecord-shauerinK t'nti-y figures At Echo Lake Country Club i Ed Bahr vf Oanford won the In Ree League New Records In 693 Set For New Badminton Title ifor the New Jfi'sey State- bowlintc 1 22nd annual Union County trap- i championships, which start April ! .-hooting' championship Sunday at Counly League Ent istle J ¥-. S. Dmiran of Westfield and After Sweep Win 'lG at Kcho Luncs, have been an-j r Annual Event t the county traps, Bahr .scored 4'Z Sports Loop Mark (ietic Trrpyk WO]] t hi' niV'ht'ri nio~t jnouiH'cd by the sponsoring Union j Names Mvska out of a possible 50. exciting muu-h to \\*i:l the men's County Bowlinp Association. | Westfield won the ovcrali cham- J. Bobbitt of South PlainfiHd | Danker, makmir a dean weep Henry Waltonow.-ki iur=t misspd doubles {•hunij.ion.-hip of the 1 Hth1 Officers were elected and the ! placed ,-t'cond with hi.-. 40, while of the weekly team high scores and Eddie Woods of Hill.-ide, tourna- | pionship of the sixth annual cen- a bin "<"l selies in the Sportsmen'.* annual 1'iiion County badminton opening (lay schedule announced at j defending champion Harry Milk-r ! rolling a three name win against ment manager, soid approximaf'ly | tral Atlantic Area VMCA Swim- Bowliiiir League Friday nijfht when ,,mn,lllm,,i; ;„ Klizabt'h last week, a. meeting of the Union County ; has to be content wit h third on iBenr.iiiger Agency look over the 1,100 teams have filed entries for; ming" Meet at Lawrenceville School he rolled 23-1-254-205—-KM for the ,T ,]t, pan. u|K,,ujed San(ly Hammell Baseball League in the Adminis- ; his 3s1. Twi-lve rhuott-iv; entered j lead in the Recreation Bowlinj? the five-ma:l competition and j Saturday, The locals, scoring 74 Police n. pacing hn .nitfit to * | ()f Kahway ancj j,,J hll M'MiCormack tration Building Monday nig"ht. am th s 5mefflb i Leug-ue Friday night. The big gun added the fijrure will be upped if j jrk H (, ^ points in four divisions, preps, ; the t-vt'nt. U\ o jr win over Uil Hvat Sei"-, Kanwood, 15-8, 30-15, 17-14. The heads chosen were Mike of I in the attack was Kay Lusardi, who late entries accept reassigned! Who has been * - juniors, intereniediates and sen- vice. His set was a '*'il^u!1 Te' pak and Jhlrjran had defeated Myska, president; Ray Pope, vice | posted a new season high set ofdates. I pro shop Si,u.e 1926 iors, dethroned defending title. hijih and surpassed til ''"i'1-"'; Cephas Monnelt, who won the title president; Len Green, secretary, | 232-224-22S—".!?!*. topping Lfs that capacity. ' holder Patprson, who finished third earlier in the season by Les Waila*- t year with Hammell, and Juha The entry nearly doubles the and John Taw, 'treasurer. Foster j Warren's t'><35. Vennevi, paced >>' The 27-year-oia with 59 points. Hatkensack was ren. He chopped a spare in c-ach of Stewart in a semifinal match. former mark of 004 teams, set in D. I,ongo's 211-221—till, upset the 1 <)53 state tournament. The league will open Sunday, was a pro at Atl» runner-up with GO point-. Jack the first two panics and had a Hamnu'll ami McConnaek, trail- KniVktrbockiM' in two game?, sen-i- "May 3, with all games starting- at years aco. In Holmes is the coach. Takes Over Lead couple of burners. ing 14-4 in the la.*t set, imeorke-1 ing them tu sccund place. Boni\etti, 2:30 p.m.: Dreier's vs. Blue Star, ant pro at Balm Not only did Westfield get i's Kojrers Texaio 2 paced by Tony a rally to register 10 tonsetutive with Cecil Walker hitting: 200-223- Green Brook Park; Elizabeth a year la first team trophy, but of four new- Ilalsey's rt'iM'1 at the tnp of th Clement's 248-234—6'i'i, won two points and lie the count at 14-14 Ut 213—fiso, had a touuh time win- Y League Pin Braves vs. Elizabeth AA, Warin- the Skaneateie, ? records established, the local team Women's Kec Bowlintr I.eairue jamrs from Mannino, with John : ^ f r(, ji.co,mack missed fvc ning two (rame* from Traylor, each anco Diamond 8; Westfield vs. was responsible for three. Jay lasted just one week roster, who PetroZZei!i l,it:iiW 23fi-200—(id.". !stvves - h\ ,ht, mixt.d Aoauefi Myra Uncle Sam becWdBj of the jrames beini; decided in the Linden, Wheeler Park, Linden, and Pierson lowered Hurt Williams' prev.ously had been tied for first, for ,he losers DeMartmo beat j .Vai,mith ami Monnett to, and he served three vt last frame. Seat Covers won two Leaders Tie Cranford vs. Elizabethport, Bro- 1951 mark of 31.9 in the junior took over the spot last week after, \\ ^tfield Lumber, who had hiarh I Klizabeth and Army Air Force miZ FvaIlce s IIomio of phy Field. 50-yard backstroke to 81.7. Will- sanies from John Franks and N'or- Pf .the Air Force ibkC a *wvep of Ust. Mallett of the win-) «les and women's up with the league's only triple of day Night Bowling League, tied relay, the trio of John Fish, Jay meanwhile, was upset in three by a pair from JJonnetti. end of the second round. member of the ?Q,KsJ doubles. the season, three 180 fames. points, in this week's match. Pierson and Jerry Bentley won inla^t place Staiknccht and to round Other e T. Bon- the annual winter tto h scores wer She defeated Dot Fulness of The Keys won the first and last 1:35, erasing the I'aterson mark of out the evening of Mai- netti 230, Duda 22H, Saiimto 214, Posting high scores were Pete din, Ha, Elizabeth, 11-10, 11-9, in the sin- games for 'two points but gave up 1:35.6 set in 1954. Wt-stfield's in- on blanked Eller. A. Hunt 213, Lanza 211, Eracuto Bilinskas" 211, 209—602, Tony gles finals and combined with her he point for high total to the Sen- Both Post Office He won the Syrmw, termediste 200-yard freestyle! s I.. 210, Blyth 209, F. Crincoli, War- Stuby 215, 207—601, Carl 225, aunt, I.oretta Forrester of Chat- itors. Last place Collegians upset championship two )•(,,: won that event in 1:43.3. The a I ren, YarUKsi 204, 11. Hunt 203, Cir- Sery'224, Adams 216, Keithel 215, Pin Teams Lose ; llulv Is ham, to down the team of Dee Van iVoodchoppers in all three games, According to Bruej quartet of Terry de Montmorency, Is ineione 201, Givaudan and Blaa- Furico 214, 200, Cavanaugh 213, Voorhees and Miss Nuismith 15-7, rood for four points. Kubach's 221 will carry Echo UWii Bob Reddell, Bud Miller and Bob ucei 200. Si«to 212, F. Longo 211, 207, Mat- 15-5, for the doubles crown. ifas hitch score, followed by Rob- Both rlaza Bar and Petersons the New Jersey PGA tjj, Fish beat Trenton's 1952 mark of StalKiie.ia teo 210, Hopkins 206, Warren 204, Liquors, Westfield teams in the day touniamentauiEi, Andrew Shoe He Stranich 203 and Dickey 202. •rts 207, 213, Parsons 211, Whit- 1:46.3. (til H.:;i! Scrwr. Union-Middlesex Post Office Bowl- He's a Class A m^ Cuft ombe 206 and Dippold 200. Roger Anderson, stellar West' 11.1 I.ii'Utetl Paw li 1J.. Neither the Kec nor Sports ing League, lost their matches PGA, having sc llojlliclll K110. «'. I.. M.V. PIK. field High natator, moved up to the -Inllett ' '.'.'..'.'.'. 1 'is Fabette Leader Leagues will meet tomorrow night, Monday nijjht. Plaza, despite ranks since 1947. tfrimtur* 2N 1 I 10 as senior division. 1.1 II Maauiu.i AL SOMH. 42 but there will be an individual Crickenberger's 22& and E. Car- Tot:.is'.'.' .'.'.' ir.s 42 Keystone 22 17 S SO Echo Lake's oftciilM, Eddie Growney, a Dartmouth l)e.\hirtllio's 44 Loses in Sweep sweepstake event at 8 p.m. Wo.xlrlii |ipers Ji> 2:1 1 2(1 dillo's 201, lost two names to Perth be Saturday, April 23.4 College freshman from Berpenfie'd Ton.ls w. h. (.•olleh'kuia ... 1: 27 4 Jlj Amboy 1. Peterson dropped a pair but swimming for Hackensack, de- MtfT l>unkrr» &2 14 3H4 for the membership .. li; S2 H2 SK.VATDHH to Perth Amboy 2. D. Buonnanno feated Anderson in the 50-yard Knli'kiTlHii'krr 10S 1CI 221 the nijjht before. il "U'K.STFIKI.D i'OI.K'K Edith Hats, leader of the Fab- Hrmni-ltl 1)«- VJ'i l'J 4 hit at 219 and Driseoll a 208 for freestyle in 24.4, and again in the J. Ilimiit-KI ltll 144 171 Slvankti ««-nt Cove 4(1 1 li;1 ma Alex Reid of Pluints^ 100-yard freestyle in 54.1. But \I. llywiirtli . . . K.7 ette Women's Bowling League, HfllllhiKer Aftcnrv IS .'!(! the locals. 138 171 ISO n:i his ninth year as clubp, Anderson, NJSIAA titleholder, J. L'li-uullu . IS4 lost three names to Fugmanns Fuel John Franks 44 40 206 609 l.'.o C-anri Rt'Ktauratlt . lit 41 PBTERSON'H IJQL'OKH ia puttinir the nnishiii ia gained revenge on Eddie when he Ii. Flllelflli. ... Iti2 ^i-rfrfil*!*.*.*. ^fi,« *i»*i «JI#I 11. Wnltunuwxkl j Oil Friday, the latter moving into .Vorrls Ohevruh-t .. :!S 40 alterations. He haj finished strong for the judges' ver- KTALKNioeirr J. Huelks a tie for second with Wrights A. Vt'iincri & Vi>. . . K Totals ;ss Crodby llil 172 1-M dict in ; 2(14 1IM quor Shop blanked Maple Tree 11 I!i2 191 • 1C2 If. 2 IBS 17!l pkins ., 177 1 :is I9S Tot ills . .. changed to a shalliwla &—Wilmington iVntnil, 4:1; K—iJruid Totala fl^l Afciiu 1 21 1 1' '.I nn, Elm Delicatessen won two ui-ii.j'.'.'.'.'. i7;i isr, 10S 177 21 :i I'KRTII AJPBOV llil 2H7 18th preen also hajto Hill, llaltiinore, 3»; 7— Washington, llraiutii 21" i.-.r, I,,.: 192 2S5 UtKl it'll J» Donatsky ]r,s 112 mi lalncy .. i i.i 1 14 I'. CUvuitd.i Vonx Glasser and Wostfield Stu- ISO fiiay 171 1ST, and has two new trapstt U. C, _•;; S—Cjiii'len, :'l; a—lililgi- ak-lilc . 117 1 J- 17'J 173 wood. 16; 10—bumlitlk, Baltimore'. dios a pair from Barons Drugs. Totals Trai'y !.-,•! 11« ruHa ...... I6M 1 "7 1 M) !I3:{ Kuriiia Hi7 111 udc. !3; tic mil. l'lulnllelil and JlonUlalr, iller ... Tutals IV I. Ha 1311 i::i Kilitli Hilts .13 :il J.>A.\*K13I1'H Alulei cnu 1^0 l:U His ' II; 13—Jersey city, 10: H—Kliz.i- • IhKon 192 17S l.-irtln IS 7 Jlalcolin The locker roomim'j Totals , ... SCI 6;; 610 It. .MA.NNIXu & SO.VS VA"rinlHV !>r«-ss ... 4" :;'» beth, S; 15 — Wilmington Wunlut , .Miumln . I U 1.", [] 30 MatH") 210 17S i-lt 1 ill) Jlaiullrap ](J 1(1 fs a complete revampintl Brancli, 1. lsl 1»9 Mud 1110 MAJtldlN Hill Klril Helleati 2(10 152 oiiiccl ... 170 l.TI i :'i!i Totals ...... 7.17 new lockers an iifclow J I:,s 41 s:is I.-.7 1 ID i "\ i . l'lTliira 103 232 221 2 2:i iout;hevty U5S 1 11 1 tir. iarron . . . . . 1 1 "j MS i tin .leannette's ' hrlatlunaei li'O •nytli .. AI. .\Iannlno llil 10 4t * 1S9 'I'.UTH AM HOY 1 111 1 IS i"ii l.'.fi H Totals 'J79 1012 p 1(14 1,'iS .;tyden l:. i 1VS i::ii Mu'li'l" Vl'eV 1(1 . Mamiinu t Tit; Him l.iriuor Sli'i 4 7 "4 Totals . ratHlllk 170 1117 Olscn Scores Ace Comets Sweep, 112 1P« Totals , . . . ">!'7 5s"< SUHIIOK .... KNICKHKHOCKKlt antor H7 TotiilK ._...... SIS KS7 T. Hlltnskas ... IBS I S3 17(1 voppo IS", ITS ozak 17a I". I IS.-i At Plainfield CC ! TJOXAI'O Nil. S ' FlliMA.N'NM FI'EI.1 Oil- I". IHi-hry 202 147 ins 171! 1 21n;1 ri'1111,111 i r.:i iso orncll . ..'/.' i r.7 lit 1"1 . ... Hll 1711 190 arsons 1 rr Draw Ahead In 'waits . mr. lfil U.«sell . .'. .' 17;. 1 Kverelt .... 14S lllli A. Hlllimka-s ... 172 171 ttn 174 lr.ti 17! aiulii'ap !i » i-lirlrk I.IS :«B'rs . . . . l.-.ll 17:i 121 i. Kuan \K 12'.! A. IXivilli'S 192 174mi lolt llil Kill IS" Harold Olsen of IW 'k'luenl ...... 2 is ir.o I'. IJIIInskllH .... 1S2 211 Tolitla SI 3 SGI 'rey . . . 157 ( > iruiilets 1.17 l.'.S 111 3 1 r.:i I'l suo posted the first see of tk lieneer . . . 11(7 1 •>!• l! li 142 'ill ren . . , I. KuBiriiiiii'i K.7 14 1 Totals '.(IC KKy2(10 33 A is.\rs Mixed League 1.-.0 I'll! 1 7J . c.irdiiio 1 i:i 1.10 201 at the Plainfield Couauj r.74 .-1S8 A. VE.VNB1II & CO. TutFils 000 I'enolli 17S Ifil H2S lallHon ir.r, l l.i Sunday. He used a Jive-ina Tolills ...... s;n S7i: 1'Ul KH1T11 HATS 1:17 n; t 1SI 1 13 i:i:l H.", 145 II. Imnua 211 221 . raedllln 1S!I par three, 147-yard Milk Comets' sweep ol Marksmen Ki.-e . A. l'tirlero 2HC 21 I 17'.! 1 IS WH'SHB us ill mi 1 21 I 77 FOk MKST RESULTS llio l sj 171 Playing with Olsen m gave them an additional spread in No Changes In . rali 7» 2"4 1S2 121 124 124 W. UopkiiiH .... 171 150 lioct . .'.O..K.'.',,'.'. I. frlni.i.ll 1SI T. 1.OHK" 211 2C7206 USE LEADER CLASSIFIED the Sunday Nlte Mixed loop this 71 l>| •11 nr. lf.i IM mi S52 Bauman and A. D. Smith. . Viln-zlu ,2 Kill Totals week as Yanks, formerly in sec- il 174 r.16 "iii 540 Totals '•I'll lll'J ond place, won only two games Presby Bowling ):, l i II is; r IK.A N (1IFT SHOP C.M'IU HH.STAL lt.\.VT from Robins. Aces, meanwhile, Tutsi)* ~I(TTi S71 tlllld 139 i;(!> 13J. 5I-'Uuliliu 1M 1S1 MS .shut out Sports and moved into a The four teams in the Presby- 1. Mllilw (i. Marc.'intonlo . ni» itl 177 Hlrln ...".... 112 IIS 1 I!' J. Tomaakovlc .. Iii7 n!0 17C runnerup tie. Acorns won twoerian-Triangle Bowling League I!'l IBS it. llcyn Ill 111! 1,13 ur. l:.S •Z. Holiin 177 17T. l.'.J. SUotinclla ir.S 143107 games from Kyglers and Diehavds leld their places last week, despite yl'ir '.'.'.'.'.'. 11ft 17!' ?S! J. Cl-occo LSI 1 IS 1.17 2fllt Ill 147 two from Flying Dutchmen. Frus- he fact that the two leaders lost. rvuis :.7» r.7s r,5i TotsilB SliU S16 Hunt 117 -"i'f llil J S2T, co's 206 and McCarroll'g 202 were >Tolls, in first place, dropped two Kill.IVRKIHr- _ a PItKSir.iS SHOPl1,-,.-, !5 1.14 .VOHHIM CIIP-?VBO1/KT Circus of Savii r:. will i(i5 171 I7S the high scores. •ames to Heitman and McCabe a •I. 1'sivulce Ill 117 120 Totalu sol 'l 5 K. .Tilsa 1 no 117 i:« 'air to Beri-ys. Sell, with 206 and lir, 140 F. 1'elrozzelll . .. ISO ISO w. i.. 138 lid ISO Comets ,,„ ! ensen with 202, were high scor- ASlinKW 8IKIH 1 1S1 117 W Mtyer 1H0 lliS Aces 47 41) Putrleclll 17.^ IIS 177 5S8 U. Ailuin 17« 2IG 170 yanks 47 1 :.!l if,:, lll.vtli ...'.'.'.'.'. Its ^u;i Totals S71 it o r» 41 171 'misnor S72 On "OK" USED CJ Kyelers Noll's 23 111 Sehropo 1.1s 1 Gn ir.ii n» 121 .Md'ahe'w ... :!,'{ <• 195 1 •>.. 12s 1.13 HON-.VKTTI DWORATOHS Jloblns IS "MareantoiUo .. ISA rducr 1 ~"\ 1 i\2 1C2 Attorna llcltmaii'n .. 3(1 C :1 141 120 ion Kiato 212 IIS lli:i Sport.i Ucvry'a 17 iflj-ini DuKhmi ii Hoc.KKS TKXAf'O Kn. 1 152 "Wallter 2(1(1 22:! 2CE MrOAMM'S W'uvron 172 201 1ii:! at NORRIS CHEVROLf Slehards 32 1 SS .1. Moiuielll 1 17 171 IS I Ill ir.i Initi'o 211 Mi; .MA I'l. 10 l.NX CO.MKT.S 1.17 17". «'U7.t'l 1.1 IKS' 1. Valentin)' . .. . I4H 102 E. Robinson .... 1G0 173mi 12t; !. Hteveunan . . . 1(1 Totals !(04 S^S SS5 s. Kenshaw in] ]r,i; lr.i; \ , Hunt 1 18 109 1 K> 1 o:[ 137 J. Krnslili-k 1 no 1!ll Hllnrt i][ j)^ HI 14.-. 1.1!" lti'J 142 iss J. .Scry .. 221 1KB H. WaRonowskl . 1:54 }7j 1S1 undk-aii 42 Totals SOS us 170 42 917 J. Caviinas lt>8 213 17,1 Totals .' 4S4 ISO "CIRCUS" SPECIAL Bill Perry 1*1 jij J. Moim'tu 1ST. K13 Totala 722 nOUBEX DAWN 0AIUV A. Gitbh> IBS Totiils ?;3 ~767b31 HEHRV'S fjnnnelltll a .. 7 17 l.-s filjASSKR'S I i;n lfil 11". #337 . . . JUMP ON the bandwojw 3UI1KSJIBM 202 1GS 13!l Cirlnelone 201 17:! X Kelliliarddt14t . . " 124 133 Toiiils SSI 15. Perry ,,. If.;: 128 155 U Klltrell ... in 117 ill 110 117 A. Morgan . 17! Kill Uri 11 1 1:1:1 of Circus VALUES. Here's a 1952 FOM> ir.s 141 lii [X Sldto 118 1 SO 17:1 liiini ' .".'... l:i:i m s te J. Perry ... i ir, 130 lii 6 l III 1.% r, 113 124 sniAMci J. Maloite . nil uoo li'.l 1!«!! . C'orocco .,, ]S2 urn L Leopold . SKAT co\'i;ns Victoria coupe. Tailored interior lr«« 1 l i:i 11:. lr.r, I:..-, F. Kainalo M. .Spencer 119 vrragc ir.r. Totals ... r.47 Hi!) ids no Totals s."< ss" R. Semprevlva .. Kit) l.HI seat covers to instrument panel. I" ... "sis 711 s;i» KI.M X. J(>Bi-phs Touils .. DIOCORATORS K.7 12'". Ijir. 15.1 109 . MUKVO' ..',. 172 1S1 1 1 It. Horn •'.' bloke" " . ! fii; S!l 1(17 A. Slraukil 203 1(19 easy to see the former owner w« TA.VKS NOLI/S B. Adiim . MS 11MI V.I II A. H'nineltl . . I. Klauunn 1:1s 1 17 1.1!" B. Mllilen ... 1J6 . .171 Itiil 134 Totals S7D S7S "fussy." We invite you to roadtest ana U Deller ... 1- '.'.'..... iVr. ill Htmuoi.il . i:iS i. Urmia ... K.4 JOHN FtiA.VKS 8. Ursullell . 114 I.'.'.' I L'7 120 112 1 7S B. Alzua 1 II W. Itoitlitl K.I 21.1 Ifil BE SURE ... $1195.00 C. Pa-pacclo . ir,:; 113 •J01 17.-. lr.r. 111 —12 M. Illwler U12 171 150 It. Andprstu 137 12S 117 lbl f\ Wornliani .. 133 1.11 J6S is; . S2H 1. n:insin 122 161 V. Klaher .... 175 171 IS] Totala ... i.ii Jerry Bonneltl 160 1S6 171 HEITStAN'S H. Mlllpr 111 133 112 112 It. .IPbCM MS 114 131 J. Fruseo ... ir,n 1.12 120 Totals 8' 5 J. Tlyrnes .. ins 178 in ;inp . . . IIS l\ 131) J. Gary .... I in vatlt . . . . 1311 167 II.I Y Sports Award •IiitlK-r .. Ifi2 101 in Totals '..IS 51? inn K..1 1SI 1 10. I, I I'm,MI 17.". lie WEKTFIKMi STUDlns Vew Date Set landliap IS ID in ,M. I'iiyuc 177 17»nr, NORRIS Totala 7K Dinner Thursday A. Ciirni..v l:td 11.1 1:12 ?or Relays Here Totals I,. Sllonlll.T 12(1 14K V. ilntkin 17S ins J. Stevens ...... l S3 Thb Union County Interschol- I>. I'erry 1.-.7 E. Steele JIalkin. chairman of Totals fil7 C08 1 astic Athletic Conference has an- A. Martinson .... i: .:: Hid l in St. Paul's In the Westfield YJICA physical de- CHEVROLET OLD It. Aylw.ird .... i;..» 1 v^ i>'. nounced its annual relay meet, partment committee, announced Music washes away from the H. Scmprevh'a .. ir.ti IV 3 I." which had been slated for April today that the ninth annual West- soul the dust of every-day life— 209 CENTRAL AVE. Totals Tf< t S2I 15, has been rescheduled for Apri' Church Loop Lead field YMCA sports awards dinner Herthold Auerbaeh SltHITS 25 at Westfield Rich School's af.i K1 will be held April 14 a| ti:30 p.m WE. 2-0220 Hi.'. St. Paul's, •winner of two pame? Each year the affair is held to rec- letic field on Rahway avenue. The, annual conference track (!. IVrry 179 and four points from Presbyterian ognize the season's champions in USED CAR LOT AT 614 CENTRA^ W. Robinson ... i n; replaced the losers in first place nil phases of the loc:il Y's sports and field meet will be held May 11 in the Church Bowling League last program. Presentation.-- will IK MORE SPORTS at Plainfield. Robert Duncan o Totals lot No.: We. 2-0212 -Open until" week. Madison Avenue Chapel wo made to the champions in Softball Westfield is chairman of the relay A CO 1U 7 I'JC. I three games and four points for bowlinir, basketball, swinuninjr program. A. U'ltVwM i.in I athletic achievement lestinp, 1000 Page 39 I::.' 11: complete clobbering of Methodist, U Kt-Hty ...... 1 75 n Hich bowlers were Skor^e 213 point contest and lobby puncn n' Uvriirdliicl'li". 185 1*2 Dohrmnnn 212, Trotmnn and Luk Recoj;nition will also be made o' Total!...... , 7 17 203. members of the Junior Leader Join the Boating Fraternity Club. •lobn Harms ... V";l' 111. 1955 "QUIET" 11.1 St. I'.ml w. This season, first, place award llli lil .11 1/ Hiiker '.'.'. I' bytiij I'll M.lliodlst 21 will tiiki' the form of individual irii 1117 Miiillsun sports osrars, with silver and EVINRUDE TutiilM 77S bronze medals beinp K'ven to sec- OUTBOARDS IN STOCK l •.',:. ond and third places. The liotaiy M i t.-i .s. Pnniimireit I:I r Club trophies for Junior Hi»?li bas- M. Killuirllu ini iiylor II. MuriiK III. 12 IMMEDIATE DELIVERY t^T.I'.M'l. pinnship team of the .Senior HiKh V. Iivrnm |;,i m . . . . . 1.17 I 1.1 H. kli'Zi'r in; nl I 1.1 Softball League will be recoRnizi-d I I I'.( by the presentatinn of the Y's •''•: VjSTLiii,-.- '••-• '1 7" I BOATS: I,'i ;i h',7 Men Club Trophy. Tlic utitstamliiiK 11. lluiii'li Barber, Ytttow Jacket, Inland, member of the Junior Mvimmint: 71;; Olympta Crulitr and Boaf KIl* team fur the current seasun will Call Gus Heater MARINE SUPPLIES .MliTIM.ll KST ulso bv rti-oKnizcd. HUmboldl 2-0244 Synchronizrd Swim llllllDft Llceniflt Itiuid Iviiuriiii I,', | K.I Appro.xiinati'l.v I C>5 (lifTci VOnlduir 3-1200 Meel at Y Tonight Hr. . . l:,il I I I I:. •• VMCA bny's department members HUbbard 7-54)4 IHllr. will be iccoK'iii/.ed duriiiK the pru- The New Jersey Amateur Atli irram, 'rbc diniier tins traditiona Smith Marine letic Union Synchronized Hwin Totll Ill-ell :i fnniily aD'air. All ni'cnibi minpr Meet will be liclil uL lii 115 NEW ST., WESTFIEID und friends oi' tbo "^'" |,j(. invited SINCLAIR We.-aflcld VWCA tonight, nt Slu IT! In iittonil. Hi-rtCTViil iiiii.-s may 1 WEslflold 2-S034 n'cloclf. Amoi>£ tlic entninls in 1-1II I " I \y? I 17 Illillle nt. tin' iniiin ilc.-U or by eihl- rrprc^'wiliiMvi-s from Hidgcvvood I'll, Optn Man. & Fri. lv>i. |« 9 P.M, Ncl« IK2 ini! We. U-22UU. Kosurvationa close I'iiM'ivdn und IVi'-ilOi'Id, Montlay. THE WESTFTEtD (N..T.) LEADER, THURSDAY. APRIL 7. 3 955 TKirty-Nin Report For Major League Maddox Takes I Famous Fours 17 O'Clock Pin ! Story Bags Ace Blue Devil Nine I Boy Seout News vouts Finals This Saturday ! At Oak Ridge Neighborhood | Sweep to Top leaders Win ! Robert W. Story of Westfield, o Opens Here Today |Explorer Troop 74 i converted southpaw swinger in his Troup 7-1 Kxjiluvers In4d their v The leadititr three teaniri in the Coach Noel 'faylurV. Blue Devi; j Bowling Lead Of Mixed Loop ace on thv pui- three, ]'S5 >ard hulc hutir.e March 2f at 7 :SU p.m. Those h,.r. 2''~ l>oy~ ir 7 OTlock Bowling Lcayue won t.iiiv iumimiratr* the 11)55 setmon i . |Si. Jaim^ In pi (-sent v\eie Mr. OiekeNbergoi1, ,,nal Major f*ajfip Viu'ir nu^n hes Tucsduy j'iK'ht, all '»y ,at Oak Kidf-e Coif (.'oiiisc Thui> al TumaqiH** Pavh against Bound i I Maddox took ihe Wad in lh<"' Famous Pours upset thf dupe in v Bill Slipllfiibi-rg-er. Duan MfLaugh- J Opening Came •-'. 1 scores. White Diamond, in first i 'i«. - Slory Infti-d the hull intu a Biook tins artenioon at H:4o. Bub 1 l afk Saturday j Neighborhood K o w 1 t n £ League the Mixed Dock pin league Sun-! 1 1 lin, KennelK Svutt and Alan Pe- place, ilefvated The 1'hi.v Kail, sec- j h'K ' wind uilh a .seven-uon and it i-i^=t ot- F^i-iue (Jvo^vfiior will gH J - 1 ~~ . I Leag'uci, Monday night after a three game ( day by sweeping Flashy Fives out ond place Edith Hats won out over j dropped into the hole on the fly. the tiod to hui! fur the opening} from the AmcrU'iir ! Johnny Park gave up only thrnc? »in over Kaiser, with whom they of first place via a three game win T[ie boys discussed the father.- Arthur Stevens and third place j Playing- with Story was Je-sa game. BoUi ave lefties. ihits and struck out 13 Tuesday n'« last ire schfl- were tied for the to;v vung" over Tricky Sixes, while the fur-V'tsvvat} V Uuiry win the winner j Friedman of Teaneck, Robert Car- unii rion camp out June 4 and. 6. LIIV Trinity Hi#i scored a 15-5 | week. Another sweep was sc The tentative stalling line-up }[!-- Sal mer leaders were upset in three !.y jover (iienview. In the four*,h|u-su of Kahvvay and Nick N'eH* of All thtist* present at the meeting Deludes Nino Carnevak' behind! i ,..',., Park. Ten year olds will I victory over St. Jum.-s of Newark by Patten, who blanked Zebrirk. Easy An-s. Joe Petroy./.elli, hitting! si#m d uji to ^o. a t match, Mary's Confrctioiu'ry won j Isclin. It was the -st-eund ace posted the plate, Bob Ciurd'ier at first, j fi'.om !> a.m. to 12; 11 year i Tamaque.= Park. Greene won the ou'.side j^ames 206-240—036, was largely helpful Tin? next nu'cting* will be h^ld the first two tranu-s; frcm (Huwuod I on the third hole this season and Johnny Dins ut second, Don] to 2:->0 p.m.; and 12 The game was chalked up wi'.h'rom Hill, Malek two fvom Hvu\\a in the Aces' -win. Lucky Deuces Tiu'sduy, the place to be an- House. Louise Eelmnu had the the ninth in the last two years. Wrig-ht at third, and VtHce Mar- (,;,]., from 2:30 until 3 :H0 11 errors, seven by Holy Trinity. and Davis Jr. the first and la«t held to second place with a two nounced. only double, a 200 opener for osa at short. The outfield will Kina) st'U'Ctiyns v\\\ be made St. James' only earn*.'.;! run came rom Cline. game win over Atomic EigliU, T.'i- Cub Scout Pack 70 Mury'a. probahly consist of Dick Ventimitf- •.wii£ Saturday's trials. Play- Gil {Jos ten's second inninjj Morton led the heavy bowlers rifie Tens won two from Happy Mountatntide Wilit.' UlillH Narrow Race In ia at [eft, Sunny Peterson in cen- uie a^ain leminded to briny: homer. with 208, 217—001, followed Uy Tveys ui\d Hupvr Sevens took a Knights in armor wero much in 1^(1 fill It.UK ter and either Leo Brown or liill if* ...(ill 110 1— f. Wilkins 222, Paisley and Corbctt pair from Nifty Nines, eviderue at the March 25 meeting inity . ;'.:;<» oiii x — 1 r. 212, A. Hunt 209, Zebi ;ck 200, The i'liiyfail O'Keefe in risht field, H' Lwy= displayed jrreat inter- Borough Bowling uf the Pack. Mrs. R&ngl&cli'z I enthusiasm indicating that 208, and Ayiward 203. •Uy il liiP Honor Di-n 4 Itid ihe procession, F. i Arllnlr ippBil with handmade shields ;uiiiii>K season will be a banner Mu.Wi. Flashy ri>, 4 7 V Akny'.s I'linl Diaz Scores SO u K.isy A.. f« Elm Delicatessen, winner of two and swordti to protect their Hags. Aitual Major League play Klllsi'l' j£ame.s from Benninger Ag-eiu'y, •ii Nil'tv .Vines W IITK I ii PAL Game bnrti^let" Kubinsuii was in full umli-i-tvay May ". Spares Upset . 46 V. Supt-c Se\cl Miisz.l . J'j'i moved up to within a half game of 1 i.ivia, Jr. . . 44 Tik'ky si\t- Carclilln jjrht'ft r^aliu, and with hU ank .Martin, chairman of the Ilriuhi II Tlirm Ui ml,,11 i5i leading Sunrise Dairy in the Boro John Diaz, a 5-8 sharpshooter, sword he dubbed Den Chiefs Bill >r Leagues, has announced Hill llVpy Tiv; 1 ••! Women's Bowling I.eamie Tuesday bagged 50 points to spark tha Junior Leader l Kubinson, Skip KvariA, Arthur Al- initial practice sessions will THICK V SIXBrf Totals ;,it:t ni^ht. Sunririe lost two g-iimes to Knights of Columbus to a 07-114 baneso mid Kretl Jcrjjt'ntion us he : at !) a.m. Saturday. Eight 1J.S i::o ,.„ Hershcy Real Estate. In the third overtime upset of the VVI'AI, in Runnerup Spares w o n two Klilri'll,' U '.".'.'.'. III \ 4;', it. Hurl . sented them with shoulder olds will report to Koosevelt 12:1 i_n I. lilllZ . l:i r.j match, Team 0 beat Bliwi.se Fuod the HAL Hasketbal! League play- dgi-s. Now V'ub Scouts Allen or lli.eh School; p.ges 9 and games from leading Four Deuce? Wal»li. 1). ".'.'.'. '.'. llifi M I M. Dalicn lil I'.lj Center in two K-aines. offs lust week. The Apostles of 14.1 M. Owflis n:i Hamburhvr, Crispin llolUnshead at Franklin School, and ages in the Junior Bee Bowling League ilml.lox \V. 1,. Linden were knocked out of the Tutals r, 11; CIS and Walter Kutttop were admitted o 12 to Elm Street School. A'l- Saturday, but the leaders are still., nlsley l'.I.M()f; Tolal-i .-.1:1 SlUi|-iK( TA :n4 running, 57-53, by top- ieeded way out in front. In other matches, l Sl>ai-i-, C. * 110 137 i:ini n 4 :( to knighthood. inal practices will be held on • .mile, AI AUTIM'tl STHV NS n.T, J. .. I.. ('Utn>iu lii.i l-'ouu <"fiilt;j ? 4 1 mor, held contests on the bonffo •s that he needs many more KygOers and Kinjf Pins two from u,s Ii. 'I'.Tut.tl.. s C41 »f. rnviii' 161 12.1 J. I.l.iz, f . 21 board, po^o stk'k, ball and chain litters and has asked those in- Strikeouts, I.'. Tonlrrlli 1 III 1 IU 11. Diaz, I' I KAHV AC'BM iii:itsm-:v HI:Ai, KS Tlllmuii, >•. ami a plUow joust on wooden . i:i HATS lianny, K Splitters . l •jin A. t'nrt iss Sli 135 R. Wright of the Watchttng , J. arii> Merkle Ill' ill l '_'i M\ K nia/aik IS 7, ony League tryouts will he Kynl.-1-N 1 Kllli-U-lln Totals Bowmen arave a brief history of StllUcuiits , I '. l;.:. M. HliKi-1 111 14L' 111 nueil next Saturday a-t tile !i . .Morgan 111'. Ihli \VKSTP1IOM> I'AL King l'iuts I.'II U, archery, utid members of the club Street School. Fourteen year V, p. ri». Mootn; , r 2 put on a demonstration of shooting 7r'T- Tolul^ 654 ''>7t l ..-ley, 4 1 will report at 2 p.m. and 13 FUCK DKl.'l.'KS 111,1 """ SIT.VH1SI0 2 ii) T. liiik HI HI M. 11:1 DA1IUKH t.'..k- f Id I '.' I techniques and skill*. Mi . Wright olds at 3:30 p.m. Those not U. I-Vrreljy 130 14.1 If. Stonnck 1J-, 118 135 H.loh..', 7 3 17 . I:II> a. A 14.-, 117 1 IT riAnwoon II. Ihu-VKy I It 1 111 141 stressed .several safety rules. ent last Saturday, and players I!. <,.-,111:111,1 1:,« 1 a, M. 171 l.lii 12(1 U7 1C7 U 1 I' 4 !•". CaiiiiHKs 122 A. HowarthI A. I^opulil ..... in:, 132 inn The folio wins knights wore H . ItIIt.itlt ls t'k 101 V.MI 0 i are registered and did not at- US 131 Sliuul'lliT i:i« us ins Totals U TTrlanl o 1 III U. Uinn.ttu U'S 140 ir.o awarded -badges: Wolf badges to the original tiyouts, are also TotuU 1), Kclnlia lull T»ul« -'« 12 it f.14 Robert Gomes, Corey Rich, An- csicd to be present. Further SI'AIWOK Totals TolnlM 1.-I5 K8 •MAJtV'S ('ONI.'. thony {(onnetla, Patrick Fealyy nnatitm about Pony League 112 ll!l Ihuktiul, .1. . 146 16» 1 r:i IOC,'1111:111 L'HII llil 1 I'OOIJ ORNTRIl George Bennintfer* Henry Haat«, iin 1311 us V llartpeii Hij 1.', MS Hky 13(1 132nd Show At 's may be obtained by call- 17.1 M. Jlili.uioK- 121 107 113 liuX'liij, '•!•. ".'.'.'. n\ hi Avi-rUKi' 111! llll 1 lli A. Ituiii'lp* l!7 I:K Riehatd Spitz and Robert Dlckaou; i. U St'ibeit, We. 2-78515. Af. Ai-rfonzlii 179 ilil R Uull.ilc ~. I fit Kilmer Last Week '1'otulri wolf badge and wolf gold arrow to H. .Sf'i'hunl 1:17 Allen Hambacher; wolf gold arrow ATOMIC I0K1HT.S T.iliila H41 O. Ityblnxlil K'U Honmiln, 1'^ 1:15 n r. mi Mrs. Betto Schafer of 050 IU.V- to Walter Kut.sop; wo!f gold and It. (Jury . . 101) 107 tnldii. I' i:is 144 191 VISWAT'S DA lit V Totals . . nioud stttiot pt'Qfteututi her 132nd (.'. J.'urlm . su no nontuilu, P. 187 ITU 133 !•'. Coto u l-'i 150 two silver arrows, Gleu Btiwiie. Duntainside Pin ! r.n 1F.S TRAM 6 A t.'lK'hw 109 Ruiimnu. O 1*4 1S7 .1. ]-"n llfii !».-I-H . . !'» H'H7 V allow last week at Service Club 3, William Rybinski canted tho waif I). Peris'- '. 129 ISf, I'. '/.ii.lii\lowskl .. lull 171* lliml U 7 1 -7 Camp Kilmer. llllnil .... 1 HO Totals . . U01 C 1 U .A. l.a.(;i>KI;i 1^ I:':! 11: r> M. I'uriy . . IL'1 i ar. ISO d^e and wolf gold and tU'o sil- 1). Triiynor R'li 100 140 1 A. quartet led by Richie Moore ver arrows; wolf silver arrows to andings Hold Totals. . TKltUH'-l I. TENS TotulR 475 f. o SHVKNP mt nili 11(1 ISO sented several dance numbers, and titroKzHli. -M. Mi l.'',7 114 will hold a easting demonstration Hiliilst lli 1:1S Tandy, lion jcoM arrows, and Chat i over AK Tool and Bitwise n. riBna IIS US Dorothy Gowdy of Westllelii sarg 13 3 . 146 i-dernun, S. .. llti HIS 17", and instruction period at Tam-Sll 1411 1'iil 14 7 Kelly, Hon silver arrovy. Den 4 re- trier over Anderson & lV liray . 14:1 ir,s i7i> 17,2 1 llll selections in Spanish arid Italian. na 1118 101 1SI aques Park Sunday afternoon at 1 j I! tained its honor banner for an- tison. Two game winners were ISllncl ... IDtV nsiiililo! M- '•'• The cake for the birthday boy 100 two o'clock, weather permitting. other month by receiving the most tktor Corp. over Mountainside Tol.ils Totiiis 747 of the day was given by Mi's. K. Total* This will be the third and final badges. if, Willielm Constr. over La NllTV NIS'HH S. Warner of 428 Baker avenue. M. Ui 111 session. Members of the club will The American Cancer Society Unique and Sunny Slope over 14S 101 be on hand to help anyone in im- Refreshments fuv all ufter the The next pack meeting will be :er. Rolling double:: were San- II mill, A. 174 allocated $5,600,000 for cancer re- show were furnished by Nathan held April 29 at 7 p.m. at tho Hefler-Snyder's Tamil lu. T. . H7 171 proving his technique. The public It." MuIlitr220; BeF>o is welcome; . ••• search last year. Stiitzlor of 328 W. Dudley avenue. Route 22 School. K.Bliwise 210, Kmazuk 209, Art 2fl8, Knight 207, Cony Alley Lead Cut Start 203, and E. Mullin 200. w. i.. IFefler^Snydcr'a lead in the Gar- Adult Riding - f niinT ii»". ;»i* wood Leapue was cut a game last Fujirami Purl r..l',J U\'i HORTON'S week, when they lost two games to te Marllni'iut' ...!! r,!1/- ^',4 Groups Forming Tnu'Mor Corp 4!Ux, u)'i rtmnerup Metropolitan Door. Joe 4!l 41 Cnramagno's 200, 224, 212—G42 M it Johnson 4 7*4 4-'V> Adult ridinpr groups for both ' Jim 1JT7 H U'1/" for Rogers Texaco helped them to a blank of Knickerbocker, the only novice and experienced horsemen sweep of the night. Excellent Diner are being organized at Watchung. Dealer i'J IK 41 •19 won two from DuPont, Williams Stahles off Glenside avenue in the .", I Co., paced by Al Davine's 245—• Reservation. The Adult Troop, iiil .'•1 Tiretfont lvr IMuinbu- Tvilol IU 005, won a pair from P&S Window which is starting its 21st year of and Garwood Rest and Garwood sprinptimo rides, will open the TV each won one game and split eight-week program of morning uior. Swimmers the third. Standings Hold and evening rides April 17, the 9th ANNIVERSARY SALE I.. Union County Park Commission Season Ilellpr-Snf iler .... 31 announced. Perfect jor large of Small .Vetruixjllun Uoor In Newcomers Lawns, Slopes and- Gullies First Quality ( lioKtrs T«»ii> •.. :u Instruction in equitation will he l> V's Junior swim team con Kvi'cl lent pirit'r . . olTered and organized trail rides led a very fine season against KnlckorluH Uer ... 4 o(? There were no changes in the WiUiitinM ("o in the WatchunR Reservation will kensaek in the Westfield pool 41 standings in the Newcomer Bowl- f1r«*font "Mo.j»t" DII I'ohl •13 be available to novice riders early wtk, Thi> locals were winning I'&.s Window ing League last week. Leading ?irt$tOtt* Tires OUI'WAMH! lu-st . ... •Ilt'i n; in the course. The program for ad- 18-Inch ROTARY MOWER '"shout the meet and seemed G.iruuuil TV Fabian came through with a twovanced and intermediate riders in- have it all wrapped up goi game win over Durlinc and added 600 x 16 a IIKPIJKK-SNYDEI R cludes trail rides, competitions and the final event in which n. JOXKK inn 1.1B >to its spread when seoond placemoonlight rides. ' Ilaekensack relay team ii. oiiiipim 1S6 Tomka dropped ii jmir to Weis- NOW W. IVrry 119 The following groups are being 9.95 out WestfielcT's Fish, Frantz, It. Klli-iino 101 S 1 leder. Poppele took tnc first and Reg. 100.00 ess and Bentley by .7 of oneIt. Oilbl>rt L'lC 112 last from Cusick and Meyers the organized and will include novice and advanced sections for both ond. SI2 outside games from Strachan. men and women: Sunday morn- '«m Newell took a second place noon \v. i.. .1. Petrlv flli 14C rulihin H -4 ings, 11:15 to 12:15 a.m. begin- 670 x 15 "» first time this season in his K. HaJiimcini' Hi 9 is Ttnukft »" -9 J. S.alonione . ir.i 17 PulpJ ning April 17; Thursday morn- 10.95 nt, tho 40 yard backstroke for I !t3 al 1). Sl^t't W.I lKii HI Str.icli.in :: 4 ings, 10:15 to 11:15 a.m. begin- «l under, breaking undefeated J. Croi'co . ,. o "Wolslfiler siw si 14 *Plus tax ond your Myers ... sii itit.i ning April 21; Tuesday, Wednes- °'<1. Hank Marshall, who has Clk $79.50 Recappable Tire Totals day and Thursday evenings, 7:30 n a very consistent performer to 8 :.'!0 p.m. beginnincr April 2G, e Hie second meet of the year, KNICKKnmiOKTItt Fontenelll 14S TH7 PA.11IA.V 27 and 28; and Thursday evenings, Other Sizes Proportionately Low <• « first in his event as didIliiyilr 1ST it,; O. Fnblan 11!' U'- G to 7 p.m. beginning April ,28. ltiey and Jay Pierson. M: R|ri> !'H 11". BUDGET TERMS us 179 C. IHUhiiiKs .... 1HU li:i 13 For application blanks or addi- •e«i\!ts: 40 yard backstroke, 171 B. I'lirklnmin ... ST V?7 1" »• I, I'ievson, W; 2, Liffhtbown, iiiiiirtii'iip ii i! II tional information, call T. N. Free Parking Free Mounting 'roluls in? •">•'> Tully, director of troops, Wnt- '' limio, II; time, 24.8; 100 IKXilOltS TKXAfO Totals J.ln fil.1 « fi-ewtyle, 1, Finn, II; 2 \amiAsa chung Stables, Summit 0-3189. 1 r* WptfiilKiIl . . !MI !>7 v: f . W; II, McKay, W; time, I111 HPH KCIHT .... HO ll*> lirj AN OUTDOOR FAVORITE "; 12(1 yard medley relay, 1, Hi-I u ii;iiihvin »; MT, II n The American Cancer Society Ts<«i, Ruiley, Mcreness, W lluci-ino . 191 if. nuriinir in inn urges everyone to learn seven dan- ie H.inilHiip 7" 7.1 ger signals that may mean cancer, The New > 1:16; l«0 yard freestyle re- Totals TatnlH IS'j 493 and should always mean a visit to . Lawn and Garden Specials ' Ii Johnson, Balqui3t, Finn tcl the doctor. . H; time, 1:34.3. 170 TOMKA 50-ft. Garden Hose 3.49 Bar-B-Cufie 1 (i r, n Tlinnmi. HIJ • 151 i;:l rifu i.ii; H. HuBH'f" ; M'-l 1-'" mr, Melnor Swinging Spray .... 7.95 portable grill M.maluui I'll M. ,l\i1iMii,J«-nlil . IIS !»•• II. Ulcurd n'is ins I* rmi Hi i:i"> 113 Miller Pick-up Cart 7.95 Ifllllllll'Ill II 11 II T»3 Totals flu.1 Sin PLEASE KXCKIiI^KN'T U1SKR Soil Test Grass Seed . . pkg. 25c WIOISUCDKlt NOTE- $ n.iH I'.'vr :»i'. T) WclHli'ilcr ... I -'» I HI 1113 rnrr RB5KI^T^!15 lbs. 1.98 K. Cl.-irlt N. Kii.l»<-r !"i !l« ll.'i Ml Il S. Vnn I'l'lt SB ll'B 121 1">7 I). Miilrpuny lli )J3 111 1.66 Stcternumu OUR FKtt Reg.25cPkg. Totalo .. ... • • HI") •Vninis r.iii r.;n NEW BURPEE'S HYBRID GIANT >T. RlfOi'r I wt M. Snnarlln . 1 fill in7 ZINNIAS 1M I'll! PHONE 1 112 IBS l II M. liuohiilnili l 1:10 Nothing to Buy.. No Obligation 1ST, l.'.a in: IH1.I1.11. 1 M NUMBER . . iiilli'iili Tolilln .. S7I r,s W !•: \\T 1.1.1 .VMH <'<\ rrsicK i I-:. T--If.Il .... 1"J k ZiZZ, :::• >H ill It. Wm-h .... 1-.-7 io. .T;i« ri\a isn it" II. IJOIIITI s'.'i in I tt r WE.2-8484 A. Vi'ivlnls". 17S l .r, M. CiiMlr .... 1«7 1 r, :i ill .... •( J 1:! Total.-! 'il.1 K7.1 ...YOUR HANOKHARGE Your Best Bet Yet I.MIWinili TV 17:! II',", i i r, O, An,l.-i n I IT, VAN DORENIZED '.'.'.'.'.'.'. 1 .'I l' i "', A, Knlil.'M II,! I "I A. Mm li III, 2! I I'.. Mm', BUIGK SHIRTS ll.ili.ll.'iili '. 1 Toliilil Wt Delay-call Today •IV, I'.,•< II Ml II. T 'rl.ih 1 I? HTHA''I1 A.V VAN DOREN ,\f. Cnpoiw >vi I.'.7 r 1 ; K, I 1 ^d i".'.'.'. Iti7 7 'i DEALER A. I'rlKll 1l 1 11II I VII 11'.! South and So. Union Aves. Cranford 6*9200 AUNDRY SERVICE l!>n I:: II 111 ^ORTHVE. WE, 2-1200 V^i::::::::: 12! l»i lllj vr: On North Ave. \V. Xuyi's Opon Monday and Friday 'til 9 P.M. Tnlnln (II ti Totals H2G THE WESTFIELD (N.J.) LEADER, THURSHAY. APRIL 7. 1955 ficer in the office of the Inspector j of Naval Materials, San Francis-] Risb_— y, _Addresse_ s ,I Plan Chemical Speaker Explains It's Hard Work Given Defense co, Cal. He also served a& trouble ;, m 7 < I> WMA-e and tuin- , ;md j At BARONS ' which capacity he served in both 111 >lH*(vh Buttermilk Paint ; tlu- Pacific and European ilu-iitre* L. H. KU-UMiivyt'V Jr.. West field. ; Mental Clinic 1 Mulit of West tit Id -d> director v f i of operation. have been appointed co-chairmen j I planning and review in the office ! of Written Vmns at the Oant of t'iu1 Pvvth Ambuy region in the ! j From 1^46 to 1049, ho was as- ; Si-houi, here, fui-mw FretWidev The fact that Westfield citizens On n;any old pieces of fumi- j of the assistant secretary uf tte- 1 Ww Jersey Manufacturing Chum-j ture—usually tho.-e made uf pine— j fen>e < supply and lo^ir-tic- * Wiis! si;-tant to ihe director of labura- | Lee is Ki$d»\ ciimiitliiU for noini- ists' A^ucLatitm** observance of j Vii.l- ! in increasinjir number* are 1 the wojd ha^ been covered with announced rL-t-cntiy ny the l*epart- : 'ories of the California Research j nation u> that oftive >a\d: Ciuunk-u! Propre^s Week, May Jfi-| 1 for EASTER! ing of the service.- of j penetrating ii'd paint made by nient of I*efen>e. i Cur p. and was responsible for co- j "In January 1H54 the citiwns the Mt-ntai Hygiene Clink of Un- ' I ordinal son uf the acti vilit.'.*, of the ! county budget advi.-uvy eovnmuwe •21. accvvditifc to W. E. Joseph, | mi:.imr red pi^mi-nt with skim I Mr. Mulit will be responsible for state chairman. j ion County. Plaiiifield, was Mated j milk or butu-nniik. ! the p'annin^ and measurement of ! divisions and laboratories under | recommended uti inimediate sur- Monday nit»ht by Benjamin H. ! j the director. ; vey of county irovernment. This Mr. Kletemoyer joined the du- I "3n the oid days, thi^ paint \vu* j industrial eapybiJitu-s of the ns- ! was rejected. Hitch on my apenda Pont organisation in iU'iO and j Haddock, vhief psychiatric pociai j considered de.-irable bocau»e it cov-: tion against military mobilization In 1949, Mr. Mulit was trans- Mjfved in engineering1 assignments j worker with the clinic, at the sec- j ferred to ihe east coast to act a.* I for ihe Board of KveehoMtr* is- ered ail knot* and imperfections j requirements. In addition, he will ( this survey. After almost 100 with that organization at its Xi- 1 ond meeting of the newly formed j thoroughly and gave an effect j be. concerned with the determina- secretary of the co-ordinating- agra Falls. N. Y.; Moundsvillc, W. 1 : years of haphazard growth of our Westf eld Committee of the Union ; somewhat like that of the richer i tion and reporting of current and r committee for five east coast sub- Ya., and Perth Amboy plants be- County Association for Mental i | si diaries of Standard Oi] Co. of : county, it i^ time for the frechoid- woods of mahogany and cherry," | mobilization requirements for end \ vis to indulge in a little self-t'xam- fore being" appointed plant man- Health. The meeting was held in Jr-ays Mis^ Gena Thaivie^, ^xts^sion j items, materials and, where appro- j California. When these subsid- ager at Perth Amboy in 1951. the Methodist parish house. Dr. Ihome furnishings specialist of priate, services. iaries were combined into the Cal-'> ination. The theory of seeing your ifornia Oil Co.. Mr. Mulit became I phy.Mcian once a year could be He was graduated from Pur- Richard B. Maxwell, chairman, j Rutni-rs University. "Irun oxide Born in Ashland. Ore.. Mr. Mu- due University with a bache- presided. assistant to the president with | wc!J translated into your county was used to supply the red pig- |]it acquired his early education in continuing responsibilities for co- • govern me'it seeing someone at lor of science degree in electrical Mr. HaddocK was present at the ment. Other pigments used were j Ashland and Portland, Ore. He ordinating and planning activities j lea^t once every 100 years. engineering in 1930 and received invitation of the committee, to in- lamp black (soot from kerosene I attended hijfh school in Ashland of the various divisions of the a professional degree in electrical lamps) for black and brown sien- 1 "In recent years our federal and form the members concerning the j and Portland, and was graduated company. ^tale jruvernnionts have been -sur- engineering '" 1935. He is also a organization and operation of the jna which gave an earth color and j from Galileo Hijrh School in San 1 registered professional engineer in green." veyed and the resulting stream- clinic, particularly in relation to j Francisco, Cal. lining- has saved the taxpayers mil- the state of New York. the service it provides for West- It is difficult to remove a but- Following1 graduation from the Training Exhibition lions. As much tan, and will, be He is past president and has field. ( U-rmilk or skim milk undercoat- United States Naval Academy in Results Announced done in county government. 1 pro-been a member of the Rotary Club He explained that, while clinic j ing of paint from wood, as it is a 1930, Mr. Mulit worked with vari- pose that immediately upon my of Forth Amboy since 1946, and refractory paint that penetrates is active in the affairs of the service has been available to West- ous oil companies, including: the Scoring 73 xk points, Troop C nomination I shall ask the Board field since 194fi, when a local com- deeply into the pores and stains Tidewater Oil Co., Bayonne, where of Freeholders to consider the re- Presbyterian Church here. Mr. the wood. However, Miss Thames under the command of Capt. Wil- Fletpmeyer is a member of Tau mittee agreed to raise an annual he served as research engineer on liam Straub of Short Hills, won , quirement of a survey as in the L'ANVIN TRAV fund to finance this service, the says that this method has been the development of automotive I nature of an emergency and pro- Beta Pi, honorary engineering fra- found successful for removing re- the second Junior Essex Troop ternity and Eta Kappa Nu, honor- funds raised have never been suf- products from 1931 to 1933. training exhibition held last Sat- ceeding should be immediately tak- Arpege... 25ol ficient to pay for the amount of fractory paint, as well as other en to go forward with what I will ary electrical engineering frater- types of paint and varnish: Re- In 1934, Mr. Mulit joined the urday at Troop Headquarters in nity. service requested. He pointed out California Research Corp. as re- West Orange. Troop A, command- have deemed to have been the man- MySin...2,« that early in 1954, service had to move the old finish. Keep refrac- date of the people." The Fletemeyers have two chil- be discontinued because of lack of tory paint wet with remover while search engineer assigned to work ed by Cant. Daniel Kavanauph, dren, a daughter, Joan Amelia, dislodging coats of the old finish. on the development of improved was second with 70 points. The funds; and that it was due to the by Second Lieut. Thomas Glaccum and a son, William Louis. fact that the Union County Asso- Apply a heavy coat of a good ! lubricating" oils. He held various jud^e was Col. Frederick Heir of commercial paste type varnish and positions with this firm from 1933 Stan ton, former instructor in the and for fourth place there was a MATCHABEUI'S ciation for Mental Health organ- to 1P41, the last being- supervisor Essex Troop and also New Jersey tie between Second Lieut. Wade ised a joint fund drive in West- paint remover. Allow it to pim- 1 Petitions Filed For ple thoroughly and lift off care- of the motor lubricating oil re- National Guard. Xixdorff and Sjrt. In C David field in the spring of 1954 which Ward of Westfield. Your favorite cologne In a crown raised approximately $6,500, half fully. Apply a second coat of search laboratory. During this The rifle match results were as Absentee Ballots remover. After it has pimpled period, Mr. Mulit worked actively follows: Troop B of Westfield, Troop C is now leading in the of which went for clinic treatment, ELIZABETH—Richard A. Jen- bottl* PLUS a boudoir bottle with that this service to Westfield peo- as much as it will, apply a third with the Navy in the development first place; Troop C, second piace competition for the mothers' com- oat and while the third coat is of improved lubricating oils for and Troop A, third place. mittee trophy, which will be sen, 715 Highland avenue, and ple could again be made available. Miss Barbara A. Hoffarth, Moun- atomixer. Various scent*. Mr. Haddock pointed out that till wet, scrub this wet remover submarine use. In Troop B, three men tied for awarded at the final review June nto the wood with steel wool, size Mr. Mulit served with the Unit- first place: Capt. Gordon Smith, 11 to the troop making the high- tainside, Monday petitioned the the local demand for service has county clerk for absentee ballot3 increased steadily since treatment I/O or 3/0. Wipe off with news- ed States Navy during World War Sgt. Arthur Storck and First Spt. est combined score in three train- ALL for 2.50 paper or old cloth and repeat II from 104l"to 1945. While on Douglas'Keith. Second place was ing: exhibitions. The determining which will allow them to vote in was reopened following the drive the Primary Election April 19. and that present indications point .gain. active duty he was petroleum of- won by Peter Halgh, third place exhibition will be held in May. to the fact that Westfield will need Do not permit remover to dry $6,00!) worth of service in the com- ind remain on the piece. Re- ing year. "This estimate is based move the stain. COTY'S FACE POWOB upon present demand and upon a After removing- the old finish, comparison with Summit, a slight- immediately moisten the surface AND TOILET WATR ly smaller community having a ith denatured alcohol and rub SAVE ON CO-OP'S EASTER similar economic and cultural pat- with 2/0 or 3/0 steel wool with 2.50 Value tern, where ?6,700 is raised an- .he grain. Keep the surface damp nually for clinic service through A'ith the alcohol while rubbing. BOTH for 2.00 the local United Campign." Repeat. This is the process which Mrs. Arthur F. Acfccrman, pres- •emoves the stain left by the but- ident of the Union County Associ- .ermilk paint. DANA'S NEW FRAGR ation for Mental Health who was "You will probably have traces also present, pointed out that the f paint left on the piece," Miss AMBUSH . . . 2.25 to ( county association, which started Thames says. "These are signs the clinic in 1944 and has been en- of age and might be left. Most tirely separate from it since May of the pieces with the refractory 1951, "is happy U> again organize paint on them were usually made a joint fund drive, to avoid two of wood that was intended for HOUBIGANT'S CHANTILLY drives for related purposes, since painting and not for a natural finish. the clinic is not included in West- New 1 oz. size — 1.50 field's United Fund as it is in "However, if you are not satis- Summit and in the Plainfield area fied with the results of the pre- "We feel it is important for citi- vious job, sal soda (washing soda) 2 oz. — 2.75, 4 oz. — 3.95 with atomitet zens in Westfield and throughout may be tried .next while the sur- the county to realize that the pro- face is still wet. It is suggested gram of the Union County Asso- that this be done out-of-doors or ciation /or Mental Health, which on a cement floor. Stand away is affiliated with the New Jersey from the fumes when mixing it. LUCIEN LELONG and the National Associations for Dissolve one pound of sal soda in Mental Health, is also vitally im- five quarts of hot water. Apply INDISCREET portant and must also hive gener- solution with a mop. Let stand ous community support. Their about 10 to 20 minutes and scrub Reg. 4.50 - 1.95 funds are needed for research, rt'ith a brush. Rinse thoroughly training of desperately needed psy- with cold water, wipe off and place chiatric personnel, and spearhead- the piece out of the sun and draft ing citizen action to provide more to dry." TRAVEL KITS clinic service for the 14 Union The New Jersey State Univer- County communities who have al- sity specialist cautions against Silks and Plastics most no such service at the pres- using sal soda on mahogany, wal- ent time. Also, the preventive ed- nut, cherry, rosewood or veneered 1.50 to 9.00 ucational program of our associa- surfaces. Water will cause the tion through which more than 70 ;lue to soften on veneer. insight givinp programs have been arranged so far this year, must be lN'o one, not even the most ex carried on, to help parents and all perienced trader, economist or Ready-to-Eat Smoked HAMS vfho work tritVi children to avoid business man can predict with cer- YARDLEY'S SOAP behavior difficulties which may tainty the course of the stock mar- Shank Portion Butt Portion 3 cakes with a lead to more serious problems need- ket. Whether stocks rise or fall i; ing clinic service. determined by innumerable force. bottle of Lavender and element*, by economic comli- "An example of these programs tions the actions of governments is the American Theatre Wing t lb. 33c ib. 39c all for 1.50 the state of international affairs, Play with a professional discus- the emotions of people—even the Full Cut Full Cut sion leader presented in Wostfield vagaries of the weather." — Ber by the association and sponsors. nard M, Baruch, SHANK HALF BUTT HALF by the local PTA Council and oth- er Westfield schools, on the eve- DU BARRY BEAUTY PAIR SPECIAL ning of March 30 in Roosevelt committee, was named over-all chairman of the joint fund drive Junior High School auditorium lb. 49c lb. Cleansing Cream and Skin Lotion This was received by a group oi and a goal of $12,000 was set, Westfield people who filled the au based upon the need as expressed ditorium almost to capacity," Mrs. by Mr. Haddock and Mrs. Acker- Reg. 3.75 - BOTH for 2.00 Ackerman said. man. The drive will he conducted IMPORTED during Mental Health Week, May HOLLAND HAMS Rear Admiral D. Alexis (Ret.) 1 to 7. Further details will be 4-lb. 6-oz. county chairman of the Westfiek 3 oz announced at a later date. can $4.98 Vn $3.99

TRADITIONAL POLISH KIELBASI lb. 79c Snow White Mushrooms 39c DISCHARGE Red Radishes or Scallions Pnda of ihe Farm 5c TOMATOES 16-oz. 10 LINDEN PARKIN" '] French Fried Potatoes HOUSE 25c USE OUR REAR ENTRANCE FROM TOWN EAST 10-oz. Asparagus Spears COAST pkg. 4k

Produce and meat prices guaranteed through April 9. Others through April 13. MEMBER: Mideastern Cooperatives; Twin County Grocers, Inc. / COUHTRYClUB Us

B THE pkg. MAd'50" 6-«00 VACATION SLICED For a Pc^ect Family Yc^f^crv,5,011 PINEAPPLE % Co-op B/l OPPOSITE RIALTO THEATRE CNo.2 CO-OP 243 E. BROAD ST. application- PRESCRIPTION CHEMIST* 1>th FOOQ STORE: Oponino iw« Phone Westfield 2-6680 420 S'OUTH AV EN UE