Kelfield Parish Council 80.468

Minutes of the Ordinary meeting of Kelfield Parish Council held in the Village Institute on Wednesday 12th September 2018.

Present: Cllr Mel Neale, Vice Chairman in the Chair, Cllrs N Drayton, R Bramley, S Lister, and R Gascoyne. The Clerk. 3 members of the public.

PUBLIC SESSION A member of the public raised the matter of parking near the village green with a vehicle being parked on the pavement near the sharp corner. This will be dealt with later in the meeting under item 9.3. A member of the public raised concerns about the speed of traffic down Lane and feels that the speed limit along there, which is currently 60mph, is too high for a country road. This will be dealt with later in the meeting under item 9.1.

1.0 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE 1.1 Apologies; Cllrs R Musgrave, absent Cllr T Bell, and District Councillor E Casling.


3.0 MINUTES 3.1 Having been proposed and seconded, the minutes of the Annual Meeting of the Council held on 18 July 2018 were approved, and signed by the Vice Chairman as a correct record of the proceedings.

4.0 REPORTS 4.1 Police; none received. 4.2 County Cllr; County Cllr Richard emailed to say that the Stillingfleet Mine Site planning application had been removed from the planning agenda to consider new information and to take legal advice. He still has some funding in a Locality budget for small community projects for local issues and a further budget for Highways issues. 4.3 District Cllr; not present.

5.0 To receive Cllr Bob Gascoyne’s declaration of Qualification for office, Register of Interests and confirmation of acceptance as a Councillor. To receive Cllr Suzanne Lister’s confirmation of acceptance as a Councillor. 5.1 Cllr Gascoyne’s documents, including his signed Declaration of Office, were received and he took his place at the table as a member of the council. 5.2 Cllr Lister’s signed declaration of office was received and she took her place at the table as a member of the council.

6.0 The Grey Horse Registration as a Community Asset (For consideration and action) At the July meeting Cllr Drayton agreed to investigate the next steps to consider if the Parish Council decides to put in an application for a loan from the Public Works Loan Board, which can offer at a nominal interest rate over a period of 50 years. The Church Fenton clerk sent out the forms that would need to be completed together with a briefing leaflet from the Plunkett foundation, which sets out the need for the Parish Council to possess the general powers of competence. The clerk advised that she was not prepared to commit the time to pursue the qualification needed to obtain the general powers of competence. An email from the NALC confirms that the Parish Council does not need to possess the general powers of competence to obtain a Public Works Loan but would not be able to trade. A discussion took place discussing various scenarios if the Parish Council became involved including just supporting a community or commercial bid. One of the main reasons behind the council decision to list the Grey Horse as a Community Asset was to retain its use as a public


house and this has been achieved. It was resolved to include this item on each agenda to provide an update if circumstances change and the pub is put up for sale.

7.0 The No 42S Saturday and Sunday Service update and extension until April 2019 (For consideration and action) The current financial situation for the 42S at the end of August shows a £300 surplus. John Cattenach has had confirmation that Arriva are prepared to continue to run the 42S until the end of April 2019, with District Council willing to continue to underwrite their contribution to the service. Cawood Parish council has already agreed financial support for the 42S to run until the end of April. If Kelfield Parish Council agree to provide financial support for the 42S to run until the end of April the contribution is likely to be £60.80. It was proposed, seconded and resolved that Kelfield Parish Council would endorse the extension of the 42S service until the end of April and provide financial support for this service if needed. 8.0 Kelfield Cricket Club (Matters for consideration and action) 8.1 The clerk confirmed that there is no formal lease agreement between Kelfield Cricket Club and Kelfield Parish Council. The Parish Council receives rent of £160 per annum and this was increased this year and is reviewed every 3 years. A price of £750 plus Vat was obtained from a local firm of solicitors to put a formal lease in place and a further £150 plus Vat every 5 years to renew the lease. After a discussion it was proposed, seconded and resolved that an Article of Understanding between the Cricket club and the Parish Council should be drawn up. This agreement will set all the expectations and liabilities for each party so that no misunderstandings can occur. 8.2 The possibility of a gate or barrier at the road (price approximately £850) and leading into the cricket field lane was discussed and it was proposed, seconded and resolved that the clerk should ask Cllr Musgrave if his Locality budget would be prepared to fund this so that Parish Council would not need to contribute any money.

9.0 To receive an update on outstanding matters not otherwise on the Agenda (for consideration and action) 9.1 Speeding concerns about vehicles travelling along Riccall Lane have been raised by residents living along that stretch of road. A comprehensive response was received from Highways who had conducted a 7 day speed survey along that stretch of road which indicated a maximum speed of 46.8 mph. Cllr Drayton (drawing on his experience of working with North police) advised that since the speed limit is currently 60mph it would not be possible to put in a vehicle activated sign or to monitor the stretch with community speedwatch, since technically it is a high speed road. The resident made the point that they are trying to decrease the limit along there since they feel this is too high and have compiled a log (which they are willing to supply to the Parish Council) of numerous accidents and near misses. It has been suggested by certain officials, to the resident, that no action would be taken until there is a fatality. It was proposed, seconded and resolved that Kelfield Parish Council would support reducing the speed limit between Kelfield and Riccall. The clerk will put together a letter to Cllr Musgrave raising concerns and asking who to contact to gain support for this proposal. 9.2 The clerk asked for prospective numbers for the defibrillator wareness training booked for 10th October at 7.30pm. Members of the Parish Council indicated that they had confirmed numbers of approximately 20 attending. The event has also been advertised to all local Parishes. 9.3 Parking on Kelfield Village green was raised by many concerned residents. Following a visit from the Chairman of the Parish Council the van is no longer parked on the green but a vehicle is now parked in a dangerous position on sharp corner and slightly on the pavement. A discussion took place and it was resolved to put the item on the next agenda when the Chairman of the Parish Council (who was not in attendance) could inform the Parish Council of the outcome of the meeting with the resident. 9.4 The advert requesting details of land for sale for an amenity space is in the Parish Magazine and will go in again next month. No land has been brought to the attention of the Clerk. Cllr Neale is still trying to track down the owner of a piece of land that may be suitable and is making progress. 10.0 Correspondence received (for consideration and action if required) 10.1 Concerns were raised about a briefing paper received from the Yorkshire Local Councils Association which advised that the government is undertaking a consultation to remove the need for exploratory shale gas well pads to obtain planning permission. There are no rights to extract shale gas in the Parish of Kelfield and this stops at Acaster, however, if the consultation changes the need to apply for planning permission Councillors were worried about how they would find out about this


BEFORE extraction begins. It was resolved to ask the clerk to contact Cllr Richard Musgrave to seek his opinion on the matter. 10.2 Cllr Neale will attend the meeting at Library on 14th September to find out about NYCC Inspire grant funding. 10.3 An email was received from Barlby PC asking if Kelfield Parish Council would like to be included in a letter to NY Police asking for a greater presence in the local communities. Following discussions about the lack of Police resources and the low crime rate in Kelfield it was resolved that Kelfield Parish Council does not wish to be included in the collective letter to Police. The clerk will respond to Barlby PC informing them of the decision. 10a To note any other correspondence received after the publication of the agenda/items for circulation None received.

11.0 To consider matters of Finance and action required 11.1 Receipts No1 Account 0.00 ______0.00 Deposit A/c Yorkshire Bank interest 0.00 ______Total receipts £0.00

11.2 Payments £ VAT Amt due The following accounts were presented for payment; 11.2.1 J Kearns salary August 2018 as agreed 11.2.2 J Kearns salary September 2018 as agreed 11.2.3 HMRC Q2 PAYE 93.40 – 93.40 11.2.4 Kelfield Institute hall hire Sept18 13.50 – 13.50 11.2.5 J Kearns Expenses (Shredder, inks, stamps) 114.44 20.11 134.55 11.2.6 Autela Ltd 39.00 7.80 46.80 11.2.7 Zurich Insurance – Annual Premium renewal 407.98 – 407.98 11.2.8 Shaw & Son (Receipts and Payment Book) 62.00 12.40 74.40 ______Total payments 1033.70 40.31 1074.01

Having been proposed and seconded it was resolved: that the above accounts be paid.

11.3 Statement of Accounts to 31 August 2018 Noted. 12 To consider Planning Applications received 12.1 To confirm the comments on applications submitted on behalf of the Council in respect of applications circulated to Councillors 12.11 None 12.2 Applications received since circulation of the agenda (if any) 12.2.1 None 12.3 Decision Notices 12.3.1 None 12.4 Correspondence/ phone calls received 12.4.1 Response to enquiry sent about the next steps regarding the planning permission that was refused at 2 Bridge View, Cawood and the Café that is in Situ on the site


Telephone response has been received from planning stating that the matter of the refused planning permission is in the hands of the enforcement team and that they are aware of the Café on site. 12.4.2 Stillingfleet Mine application removed from planning agenda to consider new information and take legal advice.

13.0 Update on Vacancy for Parish Councillor and to receive any applications 13.1 One of the residents at the meeting indicated his willingness to apply to be a Parish Councillor at the next meeting. The clerk will email him all the forms to complete and a copy of the next agenda for November.


14.0 DATE OF THE NEXT MEETING It was confirmed that the next meeting be held on Wednesday 14th November 2018, commencing at 7.30pm in the Village Institute.

There being no further business, the Vice Chairman closed the meeting at 9.15pm.