American Journal of and Gynecology (2005) 193, 1312–22

REVIEW ARTICLE The association between processes, preterm delivery, low birth weight, and postpartum depressionsdThe need for interdisciplinary integration

Uriel Halbreich, MD*

Biobehavior Program, State University of New York at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY

KEY WORDS Pregnancy and peripartum/perinatal periods are characterized by significant biologic as well as Pregnancy psychosocial processes and changes that influence the 2 individuals at focus (mother and ), as Stress well as their interactions with the immediate environment. Postpartum Multiple intertwined pathologic pregnancy processes (hormonal, biologic, stress and other depressions mental occurrences) may lead to fetal distress, preterm delivery (PTD), low birth weight (LBW), Low birth weight and other delivery complications as well as to postpartum disorders. PTD and LBW in particular Preterm delivery have been demonstrated to be associated with significant mortality as well as short- and long-term morbidity. Underlying processes and risk factors for PTD, LBW and postpartum disorders may overlap. Their impact on the offspring is compounded. Currently, the multiple clinical and research disciplines that are concerned with the various aspects of pregnancy, delivery, and are not conceptually and practically integrated. Specifically, obstetricians are more concerned with delivery complications, whereas mental health professionals are concerned with . An interdisciplinary approach is needed for better understanding of developmental processes and the development of measurements and interventions to prevent long-term impact on the offspring. Ó 2005 Mosby, Inc. All rights reserved.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO) years from maternal conditions, plus 91,797,000 DALYs World Health Report 2001,1 for the year 2000 maternal (6.2% of the total) from perinatal conditions (compared (495,000) and perinatal conditions (2,439,000) accounted with HIV/AIDS: 90,392,000 DALYs, 6.1%). for 2,934,000 deaths (5.3% of the total worldwide), The individual and public health impact of maternal which is very comparable to the deaths from HIV/ and perinatal conditions call for understanding of their AIDS (2,943,000; 5.3%). The burden of disease, in dis- underlying mechanisms, patterns, and risk factors to ability adjusted life years (DALYs) was even higher: treat affected women and prevent the impact on their 34,480,000 (2.3% of the total, 4.9% of women) disability offspring. A major impediment to efficient progress is the rela- tive fragmentation of the domain. Here we will assess * Reprint requests: Uriel Halbreich, MD, Biobehavioral Research, State University of New York at Buffalo, Hayes Annex C, Suite 1, the data concerning physical and mental adversities 3435 Main St, Buffalo, NY 14214. during pregnancy, their influence on delivery outcomes, E-mail: and their association with postpartum disorders. The

0002-9378/$ - see front matter Ó 2005 Mosby, Inc. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.ajog.2005.02.103 Halbreich 1313 data may be interpreted as suggesting a common deno- the United States, the rate of PTD actually increased minator and overlapping pregnancy processes leading to 11.9% of during 2001.34 PTD is associ- to both adverse delivery outcomes and postpartum dis- ated with 70% to 80% of neonatal mortality and in- orders. Both have been demonstrated to cause negative creased morbidity in both developed and developing impact on offspring and their development that may countries.35-37 be cumulative. Integration of biologic, endocrine, and Furthermore, PTD is a major determinant of neona- obstetric knowledge and effortsdwith the realm of tal and infant morbidity. Surviving infants may be at a psychiatric-mental knowledge, research, and possible high risk of damage to the central nervous system interventionsdis needed. resulting in disorders such as cerebral palsy, neurodeve- lopmental deficiencies, chronic respiratory problems, intraventricular hemorrhage, infections, retrovental Anxieties, stress, and depressions fibrophasia, and necrotizing enterocolitis37 as well as during pregnancy long-term neurologic and developmental impairments, mental and cognitive dysfunctions, increased rate of Pregnancy is perceived by many as a period of happiness cardiovascular disorders, hypertension, , and in anticipation of motherhood. However, depressive, other somatic disorders. anxiety, stress, and distress symptoms are quite preva- LBW (birth weight !2500 g, which is not always lent during pregnancy. The prevalence of depression associated with PTD) is also associated with increased during this period has been estimated at 10% to 15% 38,39 infant morbidity and mortality. LBW has been and prevalence of various anxiety disorders among 2-10 suggested to be associated with development of diabe- pregnant women has been estimated at 10%. Some 40 41 42 tes, cardiovascular disease, and schizophrenia, as estimates are even higher.11 Pregnancy per se may be a 12 well as other conditions, though it may well be that stressful life event, especially when it is unplanned and LBW is mainly an indicator of fetal deficiencies during occurs in a complicated psychosocial situation. pregnancy that may be the causal factor(s), and LBW is Recent review of the literature13 demonstrates that not a culprit in its own right. although prevalence of Diagnostic and Statistical Man- Despite progress in the field of obstetrics and gyne- ual, fourth edition (DSM IV)14 diagnoses during preg- cology, the predictive value of currently substantiated nancy is not much higher than the prevalence during risk factors for PTD and LBW is rather low and there other periods, the prevalence of stress, depressive are no effective treatments to prolong gestation once symptoms, and distress may be much higher. This is 43 preterm labor commences. demonstrated especially in specific vulnerable popula- There are several main pathogenic pathways for tions: Prevalence among black teenagers has been PTD: (a) activation of the maternal and/or fetal estimated at 42%,15 among unmarried women at hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis, through 44.4%,16 among black and Hispanic women at 51%,17 maternal and/or fetal stress; (b) inflammation (systemic and among inner-city pregnant women at 41.7%,18 or decidual chorioamniotic); (c) decidual hemorrhage; prevalence is especially high among women of low 44 and (d) pathologic distention of the uterus. There may socioeconomic status.19 be some overlap between these processes. Anxiety and stress during pregnancy have been It has been demonstrated that psychological and/or reported to cause negative pregnancy outcomes such social stress may be a significant independent risk factor as preterm delivery (PTD) and low birth weight (LBW) 20-22,45-49 for PTD. However, not all women reporting of infants.3,20-29 Depression during pregnancy has been high levels of psychosocial stress also have PTD, sug- reported to be associated with preeclampsia.30 Even gesting that some women are more vulnerable to con- depression as early as the first trimester of pregnancy 48 sequences of stress or its associated mechanisms. Stress has been suggested to be associated with high risk of leading to PTD may be general, because of situational PTD and LBW of the infant.31 The impact of depression facts related to life in poverty, as chronic lack of re- during pregnancy may still be controversial,32 whereas sources, unhealthy living conditions, crime, and lack of the impact of anxiety/stress is quite well accepted. personal safety. Rearing many previous children and single motherhood, as well as stress situations that are PTD and LBW culture specific, especially in developing countries, are also general situational stressful conditions. Other PTD (birth before 37 weeks of pregnancy) is of major stresses may be pregnancy specific, including maternal public health concern. It occurs in about 10% of births. fears related to outcome of pregnancy, labor, ability to PTD rates are especially high (more than 20%) among be a good mother, and infant’s health.20,21,50,51 Hard poor, inner city, and minority pregnant mothers. De- physical work may also result in poor fetal growth and spite improvement in many health indicators, the rate ,48 especially in developing countries where of PTD has not decreased over the last 3 decades.33 In other contributing factors are prevalent. 1314 Halbreich

Timing of stress is of importance; stress during early Anxiety disorders are estimated to affect another 10% of pregnancy may have a higher impact on PTD compared new mothers.5,9 with later stress.52 A more detailed review of the literature reveals that The importance of social context, culture, and gen- the reported prevalence of PPD varies among countries, eral living conditions is suggested by reports that in the affecting between 0% to more than 60% of new United States, LBW is more prevalent and profound in mothers. In the United States the reports vary between disadvantaged neighborhoods regardless of individual 3.7% and 48.6%. This is despite the fact that most levels of poverty and other risk factors.53,54 These com- surveys used the same instruments: the Edinburgh munity psychosocial-cultural aspects are more profound Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS)65 or the Beck in developing countries.48,55-58 Depression Inventory.66 Indeed, the diversity may be The social context of pregnancy-related stress may be attributed to cultural, socioeconomic, genetic, and re- related also to nutritional deficiencies. A general defi- porting style differences between countries and cultures. ciency referred to as ‘‘maternal depletion syndrome’’59 is A closer assessment of the United States reports demon- prevalent in developing countries. It is attributed to strate that most (but not all) reports of high prevalence inadequate maternal supply compared with expanded of PPD symptoms included a large number of inner-city fetal demand. The deficiencies may be on several levels women with diversified ethnicity (mostly Hispanics, involving quantity as well as quality of nutrients. The but also Asians11,18,67). Single women with low socio- deficiency is compounded by multiple successive preg- economic status (SES) have been overrepresented in nancies and births, lactation, chronic inadequate nutrit- these samples.68 Although earlier reviews suggested that ion, inadequate maternal weight gain during pregnancy, socioeconomic and ethnic variables did not necessarily and general poverty. The contribution of mental dis- influence prevalence of PPD, more recent reports sug- orders and cumulative exhaustion to ‘‘maternal deple- gest that low SES and poverty, as well as being a single tion’’ is still undetermined. The depletion may lead to mother are associated with PPD. Because many inner- LBW of the fetus, PTD, delayed infant development, city poor women are black or Hispanic, the overlap and poor long-term outcomes for the offspring. The between these factors still needs to be disentangled. timing of deficiency is of importance, even when a severe Most attention concerning postpartum phenomena famine occurs.60 Early famine may be associated with focused on PPD. It is currently assumed that the pheno- PTD, whereas late pregnancy famine may be associated mena of PPD are similar to those of major depressive with very low newborn weight. In most cases the disorder (MDD). This may be correct if the hetero- nutritional deficiency factors are probably more subtle. geneous nature of the current DSM-IV entity of MDD Specific nutritional deficiencies have been suggested to is not considered. However, a multitude of other be associated with PTD. Interestingly similar deficien- diversified clusters of symptoms, syndromes, and behav- cies have been associated with depression and postpar- ioral entities have been described (for review refer tum depression (PPD), (eg, deficiency in omega-3 fatty to Brockington69) ranging from the very prevalent acids61,62). Fasting or nonfrequent meals may also lead postpartum blues to the severe but infrequent (0.1%) to PTD.63 Hobel and Colhane suggest48 that fasting , with many proposed mental may lead to elevated corticotrophin-releasing hormone entities in between. They may be described as mental (CRH) levels and therefore initiate a stress response disorders appearing during the period in focus, such leading to PTD. as posttraumatic stress disorder.70-76 Various anxiety In consideration of the multiple sources of psycho- disorders5,9,77-83 and disorders of the mother-infant social stress, Hobel and Colhane48 suggest the need relationship69 have been also described. Other central of multilevel studies, using multilevel statistics that nervous system (CNS) postpartum disorders (eg, epi- incorporate social, economic, and community charac- lepsy), episodes of autoimmune disorders and other teristics.64 hormonal (eg, thyroid dysfunction), and general dis- I believe that additional levels are needed. orders are commonly almost ignored in psychiatric literature and practice and their association with mood, behavior, and cognitive symptoms is still not Postpartum symptoms and disorders well recognized. It is plausible that there are diversified postpartum The DSM IV14 indicates that postpartum disorders are disorders. The delineation of these disorders and their distinguished not by their phenomena but by their overlap with one another, as well as their distinction or timing. Any major depressive, manic or mixed episode, lack of thereof, from descriptive entities during other bipolar I disorder or bipolar II disorder, as well as brief periods of women’s and men’s lives, is still unclear. psychotic disorder should get a postpartum specifier if it Whether a descriptive homogenous approach is suffi- occurs within 4 weeks postdelivery. Most publications cient may also need reassessment. Cross-cultural varia- estimate that PPD affects 10% to 15% of women.2,8 tions in symptom expressions and reporting styles were Halbreich 1315 documented for several affective disorders. It is quite Table I Pregnancy risk factors for PTD/LBW and for PPD plausible that in a group of disorders such as postpar- tum disorders whose reported prevalence so vastly varies PTD/LBW PPD from culture to culture, variations in symptoms’ expres- Low SES CC sion exist and may contribute to the reported different Lack of social support CC rates. Race ([ in African-American) C C (Y in Hispanics) C ? Single motherhood CC Predictors (risk factors) of post Poverty CC partum disorders Inner city, disadvantaged communities CC Stress CC More than 70 (partly overlapping) risk factors of PPD Physical and/or psychological trauma CC have been reported. They may be clustered as reflecting Repeated major stressful events CC past lifetime history and family history of mental Anxiety during pregnancy CC disorders, past and current (during pregnancy and Early psychosocial stress CC postpartum) socioeconomic factors, disturbed family Drug and alcohol abuse C ? relations and relations with the immediate environment, Smoking C ? C factors relating to the recent pregnancy as well as Early menarche ? Mother’s age: [adolescent, [ CC delivery and early postpartum periods, factors related over age of 35 y to the infant, hormonal, biologic, and genetic factors, Y Maternal BMI C ? and cultural factors. Infrequent meals C ? Several risk factors have been reported quite Maternal nutritional deficits CC consistentlydmostly previous PPDs, depression during Maternal inflammations, infections C ? recent pregnancy, lifetime history of depression, family (Incl. periodontal diseases, STD) history of mental disorders, stressful life events Multiple births C ? (especially postpartum distress), and lack of social sup- Artificial reproductive technologies C ? port. Only a few studies were prospective,3,84,85 most High dose of fluoxetine to depressed C ? were limited to 1 or a few relevant aspects (eg, psycho- mothers C social or hormonal) and almost all were searching for High placenta/fetal weight ratio ? Previous history of PT/LBW or PPD C (?) C (?) risk factors for a single entity of PPD. Most attempts [ CRF C ? were quite disappointing, yielding low predictive rates. [ C 86,87 Estriol (marker of fetal ? Two recent reviews document the low sensitivity and adrenal activity) specificity of current tools. In Austin’s words: ‘‘In order [ Cortisol CC? to achieve this (a clinically useful tool) it is likely that a [ Proinflammatory cytokines C ? broader set of risk factors will need to be used.’’86 (TNFa, IL-1, IL-6) Furthermore, different PPDs may be the result of dif- [ Prostaglandines C ? ferent underlying mechanisms, vulnerabilities and risk [ C ? factors. Therefore, characterization of targeted differen- BMI, Body mass index. tiated PPDs may lead to development of specific pre- dictors for each of them. shared by LBW/PTD and PPD. They may be compo- Relation among PTD, LBW, and PPD nents of the common underlying mechanisms.

The 3 situationsdPTD, LBW, and PPDdmay be an outcome of similar or partially overlapping pregnancy Hormonal processes associated with stress processes. There is quite an overlap of risk factors during pregnancy leading to both adverse delivery outcomes and postpar- tum mental disorders. This overlap is more apparent Stress during pregnancy may be psychological as well as regarding environmental, mother-supply/fetus-demand physiologic. The 2 types may lead to the same con- deficiencies and stress-related factors. It is unlikely that sequences concerning birth-related adversities, as well as there is a causal effect of LBW/PTD on PPD (unless the depressions during pregnancy and postpartum. infant’s special needs severely affect the mother). It may The HPA system and the placental-adrenal (PA) be, however, that LBW/PTD are predictive factors for system as well as the immune system may be compo- PPD. nents of that link. The association between the physio- The overlap between the 2 profiles of risk factors is logic and psychological stress processes is bidirectional. shown in Table I. This table also shows that stress- For instance, high levels of psychosocial stress and low related hormonal processes during pregnancy may be levels of social support may cause suppression of the 1316 Halbreich

Stress-induced stimulation of the fetal HPA axis Table II Hormones involved in stress-related depression and in PTD increases production of fetal adrenal dehydropiandres- terone sulfate (DHEA-S). The fetal DHEA-S reaches Stress/depression PTD the placenta where it is converted to estrone (E1) and [[ CRH estradiol (E2) and after 16 hydroxylation in the fetus’ Cortisol [[liver, also to estriol (E ). The increase in E and E Y [ 3 2 3 DHEA ? contributes to onset of term and PTD.102,103 Y [ DHEA-S ? The close association between fetal, placental, and TNFa, IL-1, IL-6 [[ maternal HPA and PA systems is supported by the high Norepinephrine [[ Angiotensin II [[correlation of maternal CRH levels and fetal cortisol Vasopressin [[levels during the second half of pregnancy in noncom- 96 Oxytocin ? [ plicated pregnancies. Lockwood et al suggested that Estrogen sensitivity [[the fetus is actually driving the timing of delivery. Progesterone withdrawal ? [ Activation of his/her HPA axis may drive a CRH- mediated ‘‘placental clock’’ that triggers the onset of parturition in term or preterm.44 immune system.88,89 Infections and high levels of inter- The abrupt CRH withdrawal once the placenta is leukins may stimulate CRH secretion and the stress delivered and its impact on the mother’s HPA axis system.90 equilibrium may also be at least a major contributing In the context of interaction between biologic and factor to the development of PPD. This notion has not mental processes and outcomes, the initial focus is on been adequately investigated. So far the focus of the few the HPA axis that is considered to be the main hormo- studies on hormonal withdrawal has been on the nal system involved in stress. The main drive of the apparent gonadal hormones withdrawal and its possible system is the hypothalamic CRH, which stimulates prevention and treatment.104-107 secretion of the pituitary hormone adrenocorticotropic Fetal distress and PTD may also be driven by hormone (ACTH), which in turn stimulates secretion of amniochorionic and maternal systemic inflammation. cortisol. The HPA system is normally regulated by It is of interest that the epidemiologic profile of women negative feedback loops. CRH is also involved in at risk for PTD includes some of the risk factors for immunologic and behavioral responses to stress. sexually transmitted diseases (STD), as well as for During pregnancy, CRH is also a main secretory pregnancy and PPD (inner city, poor, minority, young product of the placenta.91-93 In the placenta, cortisol single mothers). and other glucocorticoids stimulate CRH release,92 as Women with PTD, especially those with infections, opposed to the negative-inhibitory feedback action on show an increase in cytokines such as interleukin-1 (IL-1) the hypothalamus. and tumor necrosis factor a (TNFa) as well as IL-6, During the second half of pregnancy, plasma CRH which is secreted by the placenta affected by IL-1 and levels increase exponentially, with a simultaneous TNFa.108 Activation of the cytokines network may lead decrease in the CRH-binding protein (CRH-BP). The to increased placental apoptosis and PTD.44 The involve- outcome is even higher levels of bioactive CRH that ment of the immune system in general and specifically of reaches a peak during delivery and then rapidly interleukins, in the pathophysiology of depression is decreases postpartum.94-97 Maternal stress98 as well as recently receiving more attention and is subject to sub- fetal stress or hypoxia99 increase mother and/or fetus stantial research. To my knowledge, however, this has plasma cortisol levels and because of the positive stim- not been adequately elucidated in the context of PPD ulating effect this causes an increase in placental and its possible association with PTD. CRH.100 Maternal and fetal stresses are also associated As shown in Table II, the hormonal changes that are with an increase in norepinephrine, angiotensin II, and associated with PTD are quite similar to those associ- vasopressin, all compounds that stimulate CRH release ated with depressions, especially with stress-related in the hypothalamus as well as in the placenta.92,93,101 depressions (a subtype of depressions associated with The increase in CRH levels in the mother’s plasma alterations in the HPA system). toward the end of pregnancy is normal, but in mothers who deliver preterm, the increase has been reported by some but not all to appear earlier and to be noticeable Influence of stress and depressions during already in the second trimester,94 indicating that the pregnancy on children trajectory toward PTD may start already early in pregnancy and may be recognized then (potentially A series of retrospective epidemiologic studies has leading to development of preventive interventions). demonstrated an association between LBW and PTD, This issue is still in need of further elucidation. which are considered to be indicators of adversities Halbreich 1317 during pregnancy, childhood,109 and adulthood110 as interaction. To our knowledge that has not been well as hypertension, coronary heart disease (CHD), adequately studied (refer to Brockington69). Exposure hypercholesterolemia, glucose imbalance, and noninsu- to subsequent relapse of maternal depression (after lin-dependent diabetes mellitus.111-118 These reports the first year) probably increases risks of children to led to the theory, formulated mostly by the group led develop poor cognitive outcome. by Barker, that adversities during pregnancy contribute Depressed mothers have been reported to express be- to a trajectory towards various disorders during haviors that have negative impacts on children, including adulthood. being intrusive or withdrawn, disengaged, not inter- Initially the theory of fetal origin of adult disorders acting with their infants,137,138 and being less sensitively (‘‘The Barker Theory’’) stressed mostly biologic pro- attuned to their infants.131 cesses during pregnancy and their physical outcomes. Parental (mother) depressive symptoms have been However, it has been reported that exposure of pregnant suggested to be the most consistent predictor of mothers to the Dutch famine winter of 1944 to 1945 future negative parenting behaviors (yelling, hitting, during their second trimester of pregnancy was associ- shaking,).139 If maternal depression is prevented, it ated with increased risk of MDD in their adult off- has been suggested that problems in the infant (behav- spring.119,120 The specificity of risk that pregnant ioral, insecurity, overattachment, behavioral inhibition, mother’s exposure to malnutrition is related to adult and decreased IQ) also may be prevented or at least mental disorders in their offspring may be indicated by reduced.131,140 the reports that the cohorts who were exposed earlier in Though very compelling and intriguing, these reports pregnancy had high risk of schizophrenia,121 whereas are based on selected groups of patients who were those whose mothers were exposed at a later stage of evaluated with variable assessment tools with different gestation were at a higher risk for MDD. Not all types designs and definitions of clinical entities as well as of of pregnancy adversity may have the same impact, as timing. suggested by the finding that influenzas during the second trimester of pregnancy were not associated with a high risk of schizophrenia in a British cohort.122 Prevention of stress-related PTD The same group123 reported association between off- The recognition that stress during pregnancy may lead to spring’s schizophrenia and some pregnant mothers’ adverse outcomes of delivery has been leading to stress- somatic obstetric complications. The obstetric compli- reducing interventions. Cognitive behavioral psychother- cations were different from those of pregnant mothers of apy aimed at helping pregnant women to cope effectively offspring with affective psychoses. Studies examining with specific stressful situations of their lives has been LBW as an indicator of adversities during pregnancy125 reported to improve psychological well-being and reduce in British, Dutch, and Finnish cohorts, have reported it PTDs, provided that the interventions were applied to to be associated with schizophrenia of the adult off- selected populations of women and individuals at spring.121,123,124 Increased risk of depressions in those risk.21,141-146 However, when the risks were general (eg, born with LBW was reported by Barker’s group,126 community related), the same interventions were ineffec- based on their United Kingdom cohorts. Increased rate tive.141 General improvement of social support was of suicide was also reported in the same cohort.127 reported to be ineffective as well.141,147,148 It did provide Although the currently available data are based some improvement in delivery outcomes only when mostly on retrospective evaluations, they strongly sug- delivered by well-trained professionals who focused on gest that the environmental impact on human mental women with very low social support to start with (refer to and physical development commences in utero. Orr’s Review149). Interventions should be applied as early in the gestation as possible52 and be aimed at specific coping situations relevant to the specific individual. Ed- Influence of maternal postnatal depression ucational programs by nurses may be helpful150-152 and stress on children though results are not consistent.153 Children of women with PPD have been suggested to perform worse on cognitive and behavioral mea- Conclusion sures128-134 and to exhibit high rates of increased attachment.130,131,135 Disturbed mother-baby inter- It is currently well substantiated that the external and in action of depressed mothers has been suggested to be utero environment have an impact on delivery out- a predictor of poor infant cognitive outcomes at 18 comes. Furthermore, adversities during pregnancy may months.136 Because child abuse and neglect are preva- influence the trajectory of offspring toward long-term lent worldwide, it is of importance to assess the contri- developmental problems and disorders. It may also be bution of the mother’s mental status to the parent-baby plausible that the same processes influence the mother 1318 Halbreich

Figure The multiple compounded adversities leading to short- and long-term disorders of offspring. not only during pregnancy but also postpartum and the fetus, delivery outcome and offspring vulnerability probably even beyond that period. The placenta plays a to future adversities. mediating role between the mother’s physical supplies Adversities during pregnancy may also contribute and the fetus’s demand as well as between the mother’s to PPD that is compounded by the corticotrophin- pregnancy adversities and the fetus’s adverse responses. releasing factor (CRF) withdrawal when the placenta is Furthermore, in the case of the mother’s physical and delivered. mental stress, the placenta, through its endocrine The associations between pregnancy processes, deliv- functions, may amplify adversities and actively influence ery adversities, and PPDs call for an interdisciplinary, Halbreich 1319 broad, comprehensive approach that is needed to address 10. 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