Operations Guide | PUBLIC Document Version: 1.0.0 – 2021-07-04

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1 Limitations and Known Issues 2105...... 3

SAP CPQ Limitations and Known Issues 2 PUBLIC Content 1 Limitations and Known Issues 2105

The following list describes the limitations of SAP CPQ for the current release.

● When autocomplete attributes referencing quote tables are deployed within a quote item custom field deployment package, the referenced quote tables are deployed without actions, validations and permissions. ● When deploying quote item custom fields, the deployment is not supported if the package contains quote tables referenced by autocomplete attributes and any columns in these tables are defined as attributes that do not exist on the target environment. ● In Solution Design on Quote 2.0, when uploading an Excel template with an autocomplete attribute column via Excel Upload, the autocomplete attribute column should only be populated with the values corresponding to the defined Selected Searchable Columns of the autocomplete attribute. If two or more autocomplete attribute fields are defined as Selected Searchable Columns, entering either/any of the values results in the successful upload of the Excel file. if the values in the Excel file column do not correspond to the Selected Searchable Columns, the upload is not successful. ● The Access Rights feature allows assigning read-only SAP CPQ Setup options to administrators only for Users and Custom Tables. ● The Distribution feature does not support the automated distribution of custom calculation methods which depend on quote items, so manual distribution action should be taken each time quote items are changed. ● The Quote Teams functionality is limited only to the Solution Design feature. It cannot be used apart from Solution Design. ● The number of pages on the Solution Design is not saved for a user and a quote, so each time the user opens a quote or the configurator from the Solution Design tab, 10 items are displayed in the section structure. The user then needs to set the number of items on paging again as this setting is not saved previously. ● If a quote entity (for example, quote custom field) flagged as PII sources an attribute flagged as sensitive, any changed values on the quote entity are logged. If the attribute is flagged as sensitive; it is recommended that the entity which carries the attribute also be flagged as sensitive. ● Changes on PII are not logged in the Personal Data Log if a product is added to a container that is not listed as a line item. ● Personal Data Log currently works only for Quote 1.0. ● In the Solution Design structure, only quote item custom fields are available whereas system columns are not supported. ● When creating a section calculation, only current section row fields are available in the scripting, so it is not possible to create a script with a logic that would iterate through section items. ● The system does not allow creating two children sections with the same name. ● The system prevents updating or adding new sections to Solution Design structure via Excel upload once they are initially created with the UI Builder or uploaded via Excel. ● A filter on quotes which allows users to filter quote items by their product name, part number, product type and per values of quote item custom fields is supported only by Quote 2.0. ● SAP CPQ classic design does not support Data Deletion. ● During the export/import process of companies in SAP CPQ, currently there is an error when a full name of the state without an abbreviation is listed.

SAP CPQ Limitations and Known Issues Limitations and Known Issues 2105 PUBLIC 3 ● In Internet Explorer, there is an issue that causes an autocomplete attribute to stay in focus after the previous selection has been made in a dropdown type of attribute. ● When editing a user in Setup Users , clicking on any required custom field results in a Required which stays fixed on the page while page scroll is performed. ● In Cart Fields Administration, an incorrect prompt box displays when the administrator tries to edit the previously created statuses or user types. ● Quote 2.0 does not support PDA Approvals. ● HTML tags are visible in that display on mouse hover over product entries in the Products grid. This occurs in Setup Products . ● Expiration dates on quotes are calculated incorrectly for UTC-6:00 and lower on the quote list page. ● If a single quotation mark is inserted in the custom tab name for My Quotes, Other Quotes and Waiting for Approval tabs the characters written after the quotation mark are erased. ● It is currently possible to export/import changed data on customers when they are in blocked status. ● Currently, it is not possible to update the configuration of a product that contains an autocomplete attribute if the source of the autocomplete attribute is changed (for example, from a custom table to a quote table). ● The Created date and Created by columns in the product versions are empty for the primary product version. ● The icons in the Allocate Item column on a quote are not properly aligned once sections are added in the Solution Design tab. ● The is missing from the Current Quote dropdown when more than ten products are added to the quote. ● The product types in the Display Type columns are not properly aligned in Products. ● Some labels in SAP CPQ are displayed in English even when the system language is set to Portuguese (Brazil). ● Sorting the simple rules for a product in Products by the Action column results in a server-specific error. ● When text is entered in the Base Price or Base Recurring Price fields while editing the pricing type of a product, the Required tooltip appears instead of an error message. ● When Italian is the system language, the Check Syntax in the Setup Products Additional Product Data section (which displays after the Allow product configuration import is selected) is not completely visible. ● When the administrator tries to sort attributes by any column in the Products Attributes tab, the Tab and Is Required columns are not sorted if an iPad is used and if the administrator has the page scrolled to the right before sorting. Scrolling to the left and then to the right currently solves this issue. ● After a quote is reassigned, the record appears in the User Actions tab of the Audit trail, but the quote number is missing from the record. ● When a user is edited in User Menu Manage Users and the current system language is Italian, the message below the password fields overlaps with the instructions for creating a password. ● It is possible to create scripts without a name in Products. ● In the Setup Security Data Deletion Blocked Data tab, administrators cannot select quotes which are not listed in the Blocked Quotes list, that displays when the search bar is clicked. ● It is possible to create a product with an existing system ID in Products. ● A fatal error occurs when typing and searching in the Filter in Products Rules and Messages tab.

SAP CPQ Limitations and Known Issues 4 PUBLIC Limitations and Known Issues 2105 ● While performing user export via the Bulk Import/Export feature, administrators can click Filter and Export and perform user export without stating all necessary filter parameters. If the filter is used properly, however, some of the exported users do not fit the applied filter criteria. Furthermore, clicking Export All Users does not export all users. ● If a child section in a quote has the same name as the parent section, no section from that same hierarchy can be moved into that child section. ● Column names in the attribute value grid are inconsistent with the column names in the column selection popup window. This issue is only present in Products. ● If an administrator performs one change in the source environment as a part of the Change Set A and another change as a part of the Change Set B, both changes will be sent as a part of the Change Set B if they are deployed in the same package when Change Set B was selected in Setup. ● Columns in Products remain visible even though the parameters which determine their visibility state otherwise. ● Tooltips are missing when users click the + button next to the Revision input in the Quotation tab. ● It is currently not possible to set from SAP Cloud for Customer the value of autocomplete quote item custom fields in SAP CPQ. ● It takes SAP CPQ longer than one second to register that the administrator has ticked the User can upload their own sections checkbox in Setup Quotes Document Generation Templates Sections tab for multi-section templates. ● Additional documents for Document Generation output templates don’t work in old Document Generation engine. ● When working with the Configurations API, multi-level products (collections, system lists, parent-child products, and configurable products that use container attributes) are not supported. Additionally, setting the value of autocomplete attributes via this API is not supported. ● When two or more identical values associated with different units are imported to the same contract duration attribute, the incorrect units may be assigned to values once the import is complete. This behavior applies to all import methods. ● When two or more identical values associated with different billing periods are imported to the same billing cycle attribute, the incorrect billing periods may be assigned to values once the import is complete. This behavior applies to all import methods. ● Administrators can't import new product attributes or product attribute values via import/export functionalities. ● If custom permission groups, which have the same name as some companies, brands, users or markets in the system, are added to the node of the SimpleProductAdministration web method, that company, brand, market or user may be assigned to the permission instead. ● If administrators add a new involved party in the Involved parties tab, generate a document and click Send mail before adding recipients, and then add recipients afterwards, an email will not be sent. Currently, this can be avoided by refreshing the page before sending the email. ● Custom dictionaries can't be set as default per a user. ● You can't navigate through SAP CPQ pages using the back/forward navigation arrows on your browser and the back/forward buttons on your mouse. Currently, the only supported form of navigation through SAP CPQ is clicking the desired links and icons. ● Quote 1.0 doesn't support parallel work of multiple users on the same quote. ● The maximum query string length for GET endpoints is 2048 characters. When this limit is exceeded, an error message (Error occurred!) is displayed. ● Only PEM (Privacy Enhanced Mail) .cer files can be used for certificate upload.

SAP CPQ Limitations and Known Issues Limitations and Known Issues 2105 PUBLIC 5 ● Client certificates are used to issue tokens which are used for calling other APIs (token-based APIs invocation). ● Quote custom fields can’t be reordered in Fields, Calculations, Layout Layout tab, but their order within the tab can be changed in Quotes Custom Fields . ● The maximum number of records that can be retrieved with the SqlHelper.GetList method is 1000. ● If you try to add a new user or edit existing one in Internet Explorer, it will report an error Invalid property value. in the console. However, this isn't a functional error and it's possible to save all changes without any issues. This error is shown due to the manner Internet Explorer processes and displays HTML tags. Since this doesn't affect any functionality nor prevents administrators from using this feature, it won't be fixed. ● When you add a product with attribute pricing (attribute isn't a line item) to the quote with the QuoteHelper (via API), only the product base price is added to the quote. The attribute pricing doesn't get applied until the user edits the product and adds it back to the quote, or changes the market. ● Users can import Excel files with date quote item custom fields in the Solution Design tab if the date format matches the format specified in the User Page. ● The system parses the <* EffectiveDate *> tag only in the context of the product. This means that the tag can be successfully used in the Configurator but not in the quote (parsing the tag in the quote will only return the string <* EffectiveDate *>). ● The maximum length of JSON strings is 2097152 characters, which is equivalent to 4MB of Unicode string data.


The following limitations are related to the Keyboard Support portion of the accessibility requirements for SAP CPQ.

● In the Load Existing Project/Quotation page in Internet Explorer 11, using the Shift + Tab keyboard shortcut gets the visible focus stuck on the Status field of the Filter popup window. ● The Teams drodown list in the Load Existing Project/Quotation page isn't accessible by the arrow keys. ● You can't close the Filters of the Products table in the Quotation tab by pressing Esc . ● In Internet Explorer 11, you can't close the vertical tab group in the Products table by pressing Esc . ● In he Product Types table (Quotation tab), some elements have identical IDs, so triggering one of these elements can cause the other element to be focused instead. ● UI elements which can be scrolled through only after you click on them (not on initial page load) can't be navigated through with arrow keys. ● Moving the focus through multiple options of the Multi Selection display type attributes in Configurator doesn't work properly. With each newly selected option, the focus resets to the first option in the list. ● Adding alt text to the images in the Actions menu on quotes isn’t supported, as they already have a textual representation, and their main purpose is decorative. ● The Calendar (date picker) isn’t accessible via keyboard. Dates can only be entered directly via the input field. ● On Teams tab, the Search Users dropdown can’t be closed by using the Escape key without closing the Add Team popup if the search input is focused. It can be closed using the Escape key only if any of the results is focused.

SAP CPQ Limitations and Known Issues 6 PUBLIC Limitations and Known Issues 2105 ● When editing a field in a table or other logical element group, pressing Up and Down keys moves the cursor to the beginning and the end of the field, respectively, while pressing Home and End focuses the first and the last focusable element in the table/other logical element group.


The information below describes the limitations of the SAP CPQ integration with other applications for the current SAP CPQ release.

● The Quote 2.0 engine does not support integration with SAP Cloud for Customer and SAP ERP. ● It is not possible to send the quote with the generated document proposal to SAP Commerce Cloud from SAP CPQ the first time the quote is created in Quote 2.0. This is currently possible only in the following cycles of negotiation, when the SAP Commerce Cloud returns the quote to SAP CPQ and a new revision is created. ● Landing to SAP CPQ from SAP Cloud for Customer and going to the User Page results in quote termination. This can currently be resolved by reloading the SAP Cloud for Customer quote (refreshing the browser) before going to the Catalog. ● Attribute ID values arriving from external systems, that are subsequently converted to system IDs in SAP CPQ, are not processed as case sensitive in SAP CPQ. If multiple system IDs are identical in every way except for capitalization, they will not function properly. ● When the ImportMaterialsFromERP API is used for importing products, but the PricingMechanism node is not specified, and the integration with SAP Variant Configuration and Pricing is enabled in SAP CPQ, the pricing type for the imported products is set by default to Variant Pricing, which is not valid for SAP CPQ products. ● The timeout for an API request sent from SAP CPQ to an external system is 1min 40s (100s). ● Integrate multiple SAP CPQ tenants to single SAP Cloud for Customer tenant - one user can’t land to different SAP CPQ tenants if they are on the same environment. ● When replicating business partners from SAP S/4HANA to SAP CPQ (via the SAP S4 Business Partner Replicate toSAP CPQ package in SAP Cloud Integration), it is mandatory to select the state in SAP S/ 4HANA if the business partner has a country with multiple states (for example USA and Canada). Although selecting a state in these cases is optional in SAP S/4HANA, it is mandatory in SAP CPQ. ● When replicating business partners from SAP S/4HANA (via the SAP S4 Business Partner Replicate to SAP CPQ package in SAP Cloud Integration), it is currently not possible to replicate the business partner’s role and the sales area because SAP CPQ doesn’t support them. ● Limitations of the SAP CPQ integration with Variant Configuration and SAP Product Configuration are available in the SAP Note 2726240 . ● Limitations of the SAP CPQ integration with SAP ERP are available in the SAP Note 2711831 . ● Limitations of the SAP CPQ integration with SAP Cloud for Customer are available in the SAP Note 2787253 . ● Pricing factors shouldn't be used in SAP Variant Configuration rules because SAP S/4HANA Solution Quote currently doesn't process the pricing factors properly. The related issue can be tracked via the SAP Note 3048492 . ● SAP Cloud Platform Identity Provisioning Service accepts numbers, underscores, hyphens and letters A-Z, a-z in group names.

SAP CPQ Limitations and Known Issues Limitations and Known Issues 2105 PUBLIC 7 SAP Subscription Billing Integration Limitations

The information below describes the limitations of the SAP CPQ integration with SAP Subscription Billing.

● Subscription products cannot be configurable. ● Renewals, change orders, terminations and co-terminations are not supported out of the box and can only be done via project work. ● Customer-specific pricing is not supported. Products can only have the default prices. ● The SAP CPQ quote does not calculate or show ACV or TCV on the items out-of-the-box. This can only be achieved via project work. ● Only Quote 2.0 is supported for this integration. ● Only the new document generation engine is supported. The new document generation engine is the default engine used on new tenants. ● Product Import/Export is not supported for subscription products in SAP CPQ. ● When deploying objects between two SAP CPQ environments via Send/Deploy Changes, rate plans associated to the product are not deployed. ● Discontinued and Replaced subscription products are not supported for this integration. ● Product Aliases is not supported for this integration. ● Reference products are not supported for this integration. ● Item discount defaulting upon adding items to quote is not supported. When a default discount is set to the item when it is added to the quote, there is a discrepancy between the item net price and the sum of the net prices of the charges. ● Quote expiration is not affected by the market timezone. Quotes expire according to the SAP CPQ server timezone instead. ● The rate plan template parameter Billing Cycle is not supported in this integration. ● The CTX tag MarketDate is unavailable in the Formula Builder. ● Subscription products cannot be deleted if they exist in a quote. ● Internet Explorer 11 may not successfully render charges in the Catalog. ● The quote number in SAP Subscription Billing is read-only. ● Customers need to be replicated from a back-end system (such as SAP S/4HANA). ● Custom Amounts is not supported in SAP CPQ. ● Subscription products cannot be accessed when the integration is not enabled. ● Subscription products with rate plans cannot be created over APIs. ● Subscription products have a Unit of Measure field, where the user can enter a three-character value. However, no matter what the user enters, this value is always saved as EA. ● Quote item custom fields do not display on subscription products. ● Changing the Description of the rate plan is allowed in SAP CPQ, but the changes are not transferred via SAP Subscription Billing public API endpoints. The initial value for the Description is successfully sent to SAP CPQ, but subsequent updates made in SAP CPQ are not sent to SAP Subscription Billing. ● The name of a subscription product should only contain letters (a-z, A-Z), numbers (0-9) and the underscore (_), slash (\) and hyphen (-) symbols.

SAP CPQ Limitations and Known Issues 8 PUBLIC Limitations and Known Issues 2105 Important Disclaimers and Legal Information


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