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The following list sets out in alphabetical order the main educational and related legislation referred to in the Eurypedia topics for . Hyperlinks are included to the full-text and explanatory notes (where available) on website of the Scottish (for Acts of the ) or the UK Legislation website (for Acts of the UK Parliament).

Adoption and Children (Scotland) Act 2007 [1] (Act of the Scottish Parliament) : 2007, asp4.

Roles and duties of local authorities and bodies involved in all aspects of the process of adoption of children.

Children (Scotland) Act 1995 [2] () : 1995, c.36.

A law concerned generally with children but also containing provisions concerning boarding accommodation in schools.

Children Act 1989 [3] (Act of Parliament) : 1989, c.41.

A law mainly applying to and but laying the duty (which also applied in Scotland) on local authorities of registering pre-school groups.

Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014 [4] (Act of the Scottish Parliament) : 2014, asp8.

An Act to make provision about the rights of children and young people; to make provision about investigations by the Commissioner for Children and Young People in Scotland; to make provision for and about the provision of services and support for or in relation to children and young people; to make provision for an adoption register; to make provision about children’s hearings, detention in secure accommodation and consultation on certain proposals in relation to schools; and for connected purposes.

Disability Discrimination Act 1995 [5] (Act of Parliament) : 1995, c.50.

Made it unlawful to discriminate against disabled persons in connection with employment, the provision of goods, facilities and services or the disposal or management of premises; made provision about the employment of disabled persons; and established a National Disability Council.

Disabled Persons (Services, Consultation and Representation) Act 1986 [6] (Act of Parliament) : 1986, c.33.

Provided for the improvement of the effectiveness of and the co-ordination of resources in the provision of services for people with mental or physical handicap and for people with mental illness and for the assessment of the needs of such people; and established further consultative processes and representational rights forthem. A law applying to the whole of the UK but with a section on the treatment of disabled children applying only to Scotland.

Education (Additional Support for Learning) (Scotland) Act 2004 [7] (Act of the Scottish Parliament) : 2004, asp4.

This Act places a responsibility on education authorities to ensure that every child or young person who needs additional support beyond that normally provided in a mainstream school to benefit fully from education and to fulfil their potential receives the appropriate support.

Education (Additional Support for Learning) (Scotland) Act 2009 [8] (Act of the Scottish Parliament) : 2009, asp7.

Amendments to the 2004 Act with the same title, to clarify and strengthen its provisions.

Education (Disability Strategies and Pupils' Educational Records) (Scotland) Act 2002 [9] (Act of the Scottish Parliament) : 2002, asp12.

Required bodies responsible for schools to prepare and implement strategies relating to the accessibility of school education for pupils with a disability. (Also made provision in respect of the educational records of school pupils).

Education (Graduate Endowment and Student Support) (Scotland) Act 2001 [10] (Act of the Scottish Parliament) : 2001, asp6.

Made provision for the graduate endowment, a payment by graduates (once they have a specified level of income) intended to repay government financial support they received while undergraduate students; made provision in relation to the use of income arising from the graduate endowment for the purposes of the financial support of students; made further provision for financial support for students; and exempted students from liability for local council tax.

Education (Mentally Handicapped Children) (Scotland) Act 1974 (Act of Parliament) : 1974, c.27.

Made education authorities responsible for the education of profoundly mentally handicapped children, opening the way to provide them with education as well as care.

Education (Scotland) Act 1980 [11] (Act of Parliament) : 1980, c.44. Made a range of educational provisions, including the duty of education authorities to secure provision of education.

Education (Scotland) Act 1981 [12] (Act of Parliament) : 1981, c.58.

Amended the law relating to (including the Teaching Council (Scotland) Act 1965).

Education (Scotland) Act 1996 [13] (Act of Parliament) : 1996, c.43.

Set up the Scottish Qualifications Authority to take the place of the Scottish Examination Board and the Scottish Vocational Education Council; made provision for grant to be paid to those providing pre- school education; amended the School Boards Act; and gave powers to the Secretary of State to make regulations about testing and assessment in early secondary education.

Education (Scotland) Act 2016 [14] (Act of the Scottish Parliament) : 2016, asp8.

An Act of the Scottish Parliament to make provision in relation to school education about priorities, objectives and reducing pupils’ inequalities of outcome; to modify the Education (Additional Support for Learning) (Scotland) Act 2004 and section 70 of the Education (Scotland) Act 1980; to make provision in relation to Gaelic medium education, the provision of school meals, the appointment of Chief Education Officers, the registration of independent schools and teachers in grant-aided schools and the standards of education and training of persons to be appointed as head teachers; to enable provision to be made requiring a minimum number of hours of school education to be provided; to enable provision to be made about school clothing grants; to extend the duty to provide early learning and childcare to certain children; and for connected purposes.

Education and Training (Scotland) Act 2000 [15] (Act of the Scottish Parliament) : 2000, asp8,

An Act of the Scottish Parliament to make provision for the payment of grants in respect of the education and training of certain individuals.

Further and Higher Education (Scotland) Act 1992 [16] (Act of Parliament) : 1992, c.37.

Made new provision about further and higher education in Scotland.

Further and Higher Education (Scotland) Act 2005 [17] (Act of the Scottish Parliament) : 2005, asp6.

Established the Scottish Further and Higher Education Funding Council, generally known as the (SFC), and specified its functions; made provision relating to bodies which provide further and higher education and to support for these areas.

Higher Education Governance (Scotland) Act 2016 [18] (Act of Scottish Parliament) : 2016, asp15. An Act of the Scottish Parliament which made provision about the composition of and appointment to the governing bodies and academic boards of higher education institutions; and to revise provision about the academic freedom of various persons carrying out activities in higher education and certain other institutions.

Joint Inspection of Children’s Services and Social Work Services (Scotland) Act 2006 [19] (Act of the Scottish Parliament) : 2006, asp3.

Provided for joint inspections of services to protect children. Also provided for the appointment of persons to act as social work inspectors and defines their functions.

Local Government (Access to Information) Act 1985 [20] (Act of Parliament) : 1985, c.43.

Provided for greater public access to local authority meetings, reports and documents subject to specified confidentiality provisions; gave local authorities duties to publish certain information.

Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973 [21] (Act of Parliament) : 1973, c.65.

Made provision with respect to local government and the functions of local authorities in Scotland.

Local Government (Scotland) Act 1975 [22] (Act of Parliament) : 1975, c.30.

Laid down some provisions concerning the structure and operation of local government.

Local Government etc (Scotland) Act 1994 [23] (Act of Parliament) : 1994, c.39.

Reformed local government in Scotland by setting up 32 single tier all-purpose authorities to replace the 12 Regional and Islands Authorities.

Local Government in Scotland Act 2003 [24] (Act of the Scottish Parliament) : 2003, asp1.

Provide for new approaches to the way in which local authorities discharge their functions and to the local provision of a range of public services.

Looked After Children (Scotland) Regulations 2009 [25] (Scottish statutory instrument) : June 2009, 210.

All aspects of the care of looked after children.

Memorandum on entry requirements to courses of initial teacher education in Scotland 2013 [26] (General Teaching Council of Scotland, 2013) .

Sets out the entry requirements for initial teacher education courses.

Public Services Reform (Scotland) Act 2010 [27] (Act of Parliament) : 2010, asp8.

Act simplifying public bodies. Established Creative Scotland (arts, culture, creative industry), Social Care and Social Work Improvement Scotland (scrutiny of social care and social work services), and Healthcare Improvement Scotland (scrutiny of Scottish National Health Service and independent health services).

Post-16 Education (Scotland) Act 2013 [28] (Act of the Scottish Parliament) : 2013, asp12.

The Act in the main amends two earlier Acts – the Further and Higher Education (Scotland) Act 1992 and the Further and Higher Education (Scotland) Act 2005. The Act provides legislative underpinning for some aspects of the post-16 education reform and will: establish the structures for a regional model of funding and delivery in the college sector; strengthen college and university governance by giving Scottish Ministers powers to define and attach conditions to grants; require learning providers to share information to support young people’s transitions; allow Ministers to impose conditions relating to access to higher education institutions for under-represented socio-economic groups through widening access agreements; and introduce a tuition fee cap on students from the rest of the UK who study at a university in Scotland.

Regulation of Care Act 2001 [29] (Act of the Scottish Parliament) : 2001, asp8.

Established the Scottish Commission for the Regulation of Care and the Scottish Social Services Council. Provided for the registration and regulation of care services, including private nurseries and pre-school playgroups, and for the registration, regulation and training of social service workers. Enabled local authorities to make grants in respect of activities relating to child care and family support and to make direct payments to children in respect of certain care services. Also made a number of other provisions relating to social work and care of children.

School Boards (Scotland) Act 1988 [30] (Act of Parliament) : 1988, c.47.

Gave schools the right to have an elected School Board with a majority of parents.

School Education (Amendment) (Scotland) Act 2002 [31] (Act of the Scottish Parliament) : 2002, asp2.

Amended the law about the provision of education for children under school age for whom placing requests have been made. (Also made provision relating to the abolition of the post of assistant head teacher).

School Education (Ministerial Powers and Independent Schools) (Scotland) Act 2004 [32] (Act of the Scottish Parliament) : 2004, asp12. Empowered the Scottish Ministers, following inspection of a public or grant-aided school or of an education authority, to direct the school managers or the authority to take specified action; established that all non-public schools are independent schools; made amended provision for the registration and regulation of independent schools; and provided for appeals to the sheriff principal against certain decisions by the Scottish Ministers in relation to such schools.

Schools (Consultation) Act 2010 [33] (Act of the Scottish Parliament) : 2010, asp2.

Aims to safeguard rural schools by ensuring that decisions on closure by a local council are not made until all possible alternatives have been explored and likely implications have been assessed..

Schools (Health Promotion and Nutrition) (Scotland) Act 2007 [34] (Act of the Scottish Parliament) : 2007, asp15.

Made provision about the promotion of health in certain schools and certain school hostels; and amended the law in relation to the provision of food and drink for certain pupils.

Scotland Act 1998 [35] (Act of Parliament) : 1998, c46.

Provided for the establishment of a Scottish Parliament and Administration and other changes in the government of Scotland; for changes in the constitution and functions of certain public authorities; and for the variation of the basic rate of income tax in relation to income of Scottish taxpayers in accordance with a resolution of the Scottish Parliament. Also amended the law about parliamentary constituencies in Scotland.

Scotland Act 2016 [36] (Act of Parliament) : 2016, c11. Response to the , which was set up following the referendum in 2014. The Act devolved further decisions to the Scottish Parliament, in areas such as; income tax, VAT, air passenger duty, transport, equality legislation, and energy extraction.

Scottish Local Government (Elections) Act 2002 [37] (Act of the Scottish Parliament) : 2002, asp1.

Made a number of provisions relating to local government elections.

Scottish Public Services Ombudsman Act 2002 [38] (Act of the Scottish Parliament) : 2002, asp11.

Makes provision for the post of Scottish Public Services Ombudsman, to whom appeals may be made in cases of dissatisfaction with public services.

Scottish Qualifications Authority Act 2002 [39] (Act of the Scottish Parliament) : 2002, asp14.

Made provision in relation to the Scottish Qualifications Authority, including its members, the regulation of the procedure of the Authority by the Scottish Ministers and the establishment of a committee to consider and advise on matters relating to qualifications awarded by, and the functions and procedures of, the Authority.

Scottish Schools (Parental Involvement) Act 2006 [40] (Act of the Scottish Parliament) : 2006, asp6.

Made further provision for the involvement of parents in their children's education and in school education generally; abolished School Boards and established councils to represent the parents of pupils attending public schools. (Also made further provisions relating to the appointment of teachers and the content of the development plan for a school).

Self-Governing Schools etc (Scotland) Act 1989 [41] (Act of Parliament) : 1989, c.39.

Allowed schools to opt out of education authority control and to become self-governing. Had a number of additional clauses dealing with general matters, for example with further education and recording of pupil with special educational needs.

Social Work (Scotland) Act 1968 [42] (Act of Parliament) : 1968, c.49.

Among its provisions enabled social work departments in local authorities to provide for pre-school children.

Special Educational Needs and Disability Act 2001 [43] (Act of Parliament) : 2001, c.10.

Gave school pupils and post-school students the right to be educated alongside their able-bodied peers, on the same educational programmes and in the same educational establishments.

Standards in Scotland's Schools etc. Act 2000 [44] (Act of the Scottish Parliament) : 2000, asp6.

Set out measures to modernise the teaching profession and enhance its status and established a framework of improvement for school education in Scotland.

Teachers (Education, Training and Recommendation for Registration) (Scotland) Regulations 1993 [45] (Statutory Instrument) : 1993/2732 (S254).

Regulations providing the legal basis of initial teacher education.

Teaching and Higher Education Act 1998 [46] (Act of Parliament) : 1998, c30.

Established the General Teaching Councils for England and Wales and made provisions relating to the registration, qualifications and training of teachers and the inspection of such training in these countries. Made new provision with respect to grants and loans to students in higher or further education and fees payable by them and enabled the higher and further education funding councils in Scotland to discharge certain functions jointly.

Teaching Council (Scotland) Act 1965 [47] (Act of Parliament) : 1965, c19.

Established the General Teaching Council in Scotland and provided for the registration of teachers, for regulating their professional training and for cancelling registration in cases of misconduct.

Welfare Reform Act 2007 [48] (Act of Parliament) : 2007, c5. An Act to make provision about social security, to amend the Vaccine Damage Payments Act 1979, and for connected purposes.


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