The meeting was held virtually via Zoom and was recorded. The recording will be destroyed by the Clerk once the minutes have been approved.

PRESENT Members: Mr H Gopsill (Chair), Mr C Booth, Mrs A Burrell, Ms J Cohen, Mrs E Hale, Mr R Lamming, Mrs V Poole and Mrs M Wakley County/District Councillors: Mr S Galton and Mr P Elliott Clerk: Mrs S Bloy Members of the public: There was one member of the public present. In addition, Mr S Swinden was in attendance for agenda item 15.

21/24 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies were received and accepted from Mrs K Goodacre. 21/25 REQUESTS FOR DISPENSATION FROM MEMBERS ON MATTERS IN WHICH THEY HAVE A DISCLOSABLE PECUNIARY INTEREST No requests had been received. 21/26 MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON MONDAY 11 JANUARY The minutes were approved. The signed copy will be retained by the Chair for inclusion in the minute book once “actual” meetings have been resumed. It was noted that the recording of the meeting will now be destroyed by the Clerk. 21/27 MATTERS ARISING FOR INFORMATION Minute 21/21 – Environmental Matters (Manor Field pond). It was reported that clearance of the pond area has been delayed due to other HDC priorities and restrictions during the Covid pandemic. Works will be scheduled when staff and equipment are available. It was noted that expenditure by HDC on the pond over recent years is estimated at £8,000. 21/28 MEMBERSHIP OF THE PARISH COUNCIL It was reported that Mr J King has tendered his resignation. The Parish Council recorded its thanks to Mr King as a member of the PC and as a tree warden; and for his support as a carer in the local community. 21/29 MATTERS RAISED BY MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC A member of the public stated that he was present for item 15 (Indoor Sports Facilties at Wadkins). It was agreed to bring the item forward to allow County/District Cllr Mr S Galton to contribute, as he had to leave the meeting early. It was reported that the contractor has indicated that the Feasibility Study will be available by 26 February 2021. They are required to market test at least 75% of the goods and services they will buy in for the project. It was agreed that this would be shared with members before the 8 March 2021 meeting. Members confirmed that the primary purpose of the project would be the provision of an indoor sports facility for community use. A meeting with the landowner, HDC is being arranged. 19:30 Mr S Galton left the meeting. 21/30 REVIEW OF STANDING ORDERS AND CODE OF CONDUCT It was agreed that following work undertaken on the Standing Orders, these be 1


brought to the March meeting for resolution. In addition, it was noted that the Local Government Association has developed a new model Code of Conduct to be adopted by all local councils. However, there are a number of matters of concern for the sector and the advice from the LRALC is not to adopt the model code until guidance has been issued by the LRALC/NALC. It was agreed that Mr R Lamming and Mrs V Poole would work with the Clerk on any further amendments. 21/31 UPDATE ON COVID-19 PANDEMIC AND IMPLICATIONS FOR THE PARISH It was noted that at the January meeting, it had been agreed that the key issue for the Parish Council was to signpost Government, County and District guidance and reinforce the importance for residents to comply as individuals and members of the community. This has been included in the PC’s article for the forthcoming issue of the TABS newsletter. It was further noted that the Community Helpline, administered through St Luke’s Church continues to provide support for residents of all faiths or none. The contact number is 07895 983923. 21/32 UPDATE ON MEASURES WITHIN THE HIGHWAYS AND PARISH COMMUNITY FUND INITIATIVE It was noted that while some additional temporary 20 mph signs have been installed on Station Road, there are none on Somerby Road or Pulford Drive. It was agreed not to pursue the additional signs and to concentrate the remaining funding allocated to the parish on the provision of a MVAS (mobile vehicle activated sign). It was reported that a letter confirming the allocation of funding for a MVAS has been received and agreed that the Clerk work with Mr H Gopsill and Mr S Galton to progress this. It was further reported that the Clerk has had no further information regarding possible use of the Hill Court Community Centre as a rapid flow testing facility. 21/33 CLERK’S REPORT The following planning decisions were reported: 20/01632/FUL – erection of first floor front extension, single storey rear extension and part conversion of garage to form habitable accommodation (8 Newstead Avenue, Bushby). Approved. 20/01861/TPO – works to trees (fell) (LCC TPO 22), (9 The Spinney, Thurnby). Approved by LCC. 20/01971/TCA – works to trees (Thurnby Court, The Square, Thurnby). Approved. 20/02017/TCA – works to trees (724 Road, Thurnby). Approved. 21/002610/TPO – works to trees (HDC TPO 142), (5 The Copse, Bushby). Refused. 21/34 COUNCILLORS’ REPORTS There were no matters to report. 21/35 FINANCIAL MATTERS It was proposed by Mrs A Burrell and seconded by Mr H Gopsill that that the following be approved. This was RESOLVED. Payments i) Perfect Circle JV Ltd (structural survey and report ref Wadkins Pavilion within SCAPE agreement) - £1,509.18 (1,257.65 + 251.53 VAT) ii) JCS (External windows at Hill Court) - £21.78 (18.15 + 3.63 VAT) iii) Tranter Fire and Security Systems Ltd (call out ref Dorgard units) - £126.00 (105.00 + 21.00 VAT) ii) DCK Accounting Solutions (Payroll) - £30.00 (25.00 + 5.00 VAT) v) S R Bloy (Salary) - £929.80 Direct Debits 2


i) ESPO (Gas at Hill Court) - £28.62 ii) HDC (monthly maintenance contract at Hill Court) - £61.33 iii) Total Gas and Power (electricity at Hill Court) - £26.26 iv) EMH (service charge and insurance at Hill Court) - £146.67 v) BT (clerk and PCIC phone and internet) - £116.07 Expenditure Attendance by four parish councillors at LRALC Zoom training event - £160.00 21/36 PLANNING APPLICATIONS Mrs A Burrell did not take part in discussion other than to provide advice. a) 20/02066/FUL – creation of hardstanding (12 Springbrook Drive, Scraptoft). It was noted that while the application is within Scraptoft, T&B PC has been consulted as a neighbouring consultee. It was agreed to OBJECT on the following grounds: ▪ The property is located on Springbrook Drive, Scraptoft from which there is already vehicular access and consequently the justification for an additional access is questioned. ▪ The response from LCC as the Highways Authority to the proposed hardstanding, access to the rear of the property and the associated impact on Station Lane (Scraptoft) and Station Road (Thurnby). In addition, observations submitted by residents that the property is being used as a commercial concern were noted. While the Parish Council has no direct evidence of this, it is requested that these matters of apparent change of use be considered and referred for enforcement. b) 21/00056/NMA – proposed non-material amendments to 18/1901684/FUL (Charity Farm, Bushby). NOTED. c) 21/00169/FUL – erection of part single part two storey rear extension (2 The Copse, Bushby). It was agreed to submit a NEUTRAL response with no comments. 21/37 PLANNING ENFORCEMENT AND COMPLIANCE MATTERS It was reported that following an enforcement complaint submitted on behalf of the Parish Council, the height of the fence to the front of the property at 623 Uppingham Road has been lowered. The case has now been closed. It was further reported that a new case has been raised with respect to 39 Main Street. Planning permission ref 20/01770/FUL allowed for extensions to the cottage. However, it appears that the cottage has been substantially demolished, in contravention of planning permission. . 21/38 UPDATE ON INDOOR SPORTS FACILITIES AT WADKINS This item had been covered earlier in the meeting (minute 21/29 refers). 21/39 UPDATE ON THE TRANSFER OF POS ON THE JELSON DEVELOPMENT OFF PULFORD DRIVE It was reported that following receipt of further documentation from the Parish Council’s solicitor the Clerk has raised a number of queries which have been passed on to the Jelson Ltd legal team. There are also responses awaited to issues raised previously. It was reported that a definitive plan of public open space has been received and a plan of underground services has been requested. 21/40 HIGHWAYS MATTERS a) Road traffic incidents on Stoughton Road – it was noted that following consideration at the meeting held on 14 December 2020 (minute 20/27 refers), the Clerk had written to the Highways Authority requesting that further consideration be given to issues raised by a resident. It was noted that the response by the HA 3


(circulated to the PC) confirmed that no further action can be taken as the location does not meet County Council criteria in relation to personal injury. It was further noted that the location is within the boundary for Stoughton and that correspondence with the HA has been shared with Stoughton PC which, it is understood, are monitoring the situation. b) Matters reported to the Highways Authority – the following were noted: ▪ Remains of tree stump and root from tree which fell across the A47 to the west of the entrance to the jitty to Randles Close from the A47 onto land adjacent to the highway (raised by a resident). No action to be taken by the HA as it does not present a safety issue for highway users. ▪ Raised ironwork on Station Road (west) to north of jitty to Randles Close. No action to be taken by the HA as it is not warranted in accordance with LCC’s Highway Maintenance Policy. It will be monitored during routine inspections. c) Request from a resident on Foxglove Avenue for salt/grit bin – it was noted that the HA will only consider applications against the following criteria: ▪ The road is not on a precautionary salting route. ▪ The road has a steep incline or sharp bend. ▪ The Parish Council has identified a suitable location for a salt bin. ▪ The Parish Council will fund the cost of the salt bin. It was questioned whether the road would meet the criteria and agreed that Mr R Lamming would visit the site and report back to the next meeting. 21/41 NATIONAL RECYCLING AWARD TO HDC FOR ITS FLY TIPPING CAMPAIGN It was agreed that the Clerk convey congratulations to the Environmental Services Team at HDC. 21/42 PARISH COUNCIL WELCOME LEAFLET FOR RESIDENTS ON THE JELSON AND BLOOR HOMES DEVELOPMENTS It was agreed that this be widened to the development of a Parish Council information leaflet for all residents which could be inserted as a separate document within a future edition of the TABS newsletter. It was agreed to establish a Working Group comprising Mrs A Burrell, Ms J Cohen, Mrs M Wakley and the Clerk. The Clerk will arrange an initial Zoom meeting to agree parameters. This could still include consideration of a welcome “letter” to residents on the Jelson development when the Parish Council takes over the public open space. 21/43 REPORTING MATTERS TO COUNTY COUNCIL AND COUNCIL It was noted that the best way to report issues is on-line via the LCC and HDC websites. This ensures that the issues are logged and referred to the appropriate department for action. However, it was recognised that not all residents have easy access to the internet, in which case contact can be made by telephone, email or post. Contact details are: LEICESTERSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL: Web: Phone: 0116 232 3232 (Main switchboard) Email: [email protected] Postal address: County Hall, Glenfield, , LE3 8RA HARBOROUGH DISTRICT COUNCIL: Web: Phone: 01858 828282 Email: [email protected] Postal address: The Symington Building, Adam and Eve Street, Market Harborough, LE16 7AG



The recent inclement weather has resulted in an increased need to report hazards caused by fallen trees and other debris on or near to the highway. In order to ensure that prompt action is taken, these should be reported to Leicestershire County Council as the Highways Authority on 0116 3050002 (out of office hours emergency number – 078605 69137). 21/44 REPORTS FROM WORKING GROUPS/COMMITTEES a) Environmental Working Group – the Working Group was thanked for the notes of its meeting held on Monday 18 January 2021 and the following were agreed: ▪ The importance of involving residents in planning and implementing projects. ▪ Additional areas for wildflower planting and bulbs need to follow guidance from the LCC/HDC as landowners. The Group will undertake a survey of existing bulbs/ wildflowers, with a view to producing a map and suggestions for further planting. Additional planting/grass cutting licence applications may then be submitted by the Parish Council. ▪ Wildflower area on the Jelson development – while the Group agreed to monitor the area for plant growth it was noted that development of the area will need to be addressed in the maintenance agreement with HDC and their contractor FCC, once the Parish Council has taken on responsibility for POS. ▪ TABS proposal for planting shrubs on the central green at Telford Way – it was noted that the Parish Council had agreed to replace trees on the green, but that it was not willing to endorse any additional planting (minutes 20/22(a) 13 January 2020 and 20/74(b) 11 May 2020 refer). It was agreed that should TABS wish to proceed they will need to consult, as the land is owned by LCC. It was suggested that this should include all Thurnby and Bushby properties on Telford Way, including commercial concerns. ▪ Insurance cover for community groups – It was reported that the Parish Council’s insurance policy only covers public liability for projects/activities/events initiated/endorsed by the Council. b) Festive Season Working Group – it was reported that the Clerk has sought advice from the HA regarding repairs/upgrading of existing installations and potential additional projects. c) Pay and Personnel Committee – it was reported that a meeting is to be arranged. 21:00 It was agreed to continue the meeting and complete the agenda. 21/45 ENVIRONMENTAL MATTERS Offer of free elm trees to parishes in Leicestershire parish councils by Goscote Nurseries. It was agreed that the Clerk investigate this. It was suggested that the green in the middle of the Jelson development, might be a suitable location. 21/46 AGENDA ITEMS FOR NEXT MEETING There were no items raised. 21/47 DATE OF NEXT MEETING The next meeting will be held on Monday 8 March 2021, commencing at 19:00. The meeting will be held virtually via Zoom.

The meeting closed at 21:05

Signed by Chair Date: 8 March 2021