After an opponent's bid of one of a suit, a direct jump to 2NT is the “Unusual Notrump ” . It IS FORCING if next opponent passes. It IS NOT ALERTABLE. It describes a 2-suited hand. Most players play that it shows 5-5 in the two lowest unbid suits. So, (1) over 1 club it shows diamonds and hearts; (2) over 1 diamond it shows clubs and hearts; and (3) over 1 heart or 1 spade it shows diamonds and clubs. Now, how many points does this bid promise? For defensive bidding purposes, two-suiters can roughly be divided into 3 categories:

Type of Two-Suiter High-Card Points Weak 12 or less Intermediate 13 to 16 Strong 17 or more These ranges are approximate. Borderline hands can be upgraded or downgraded according to your judgment—points in your suits are better than points outside your suits; 6-card suits are better than 5-card suits; aces and kings are better than queens and jacks; honors together are better than honors apart, etc. An overcall of 2NT over a one of a suit opening shows either a WEAK OR A STRONG two-suiter. DO NOT make this bid with an intermediate two-suiter. Just bid your suits. If your bid is weak, you will tell that to your partner at your next opportunity to bid by passing or by “deepening the ”. If your bid is strong, you will bid again. Does vulnerability matter? Absolutely! You are pushing the bidding to the 3 level. The best time to bid unusual notrump weakly is when you are not vulnerable and the opponents are. RESPONSES After partner has made an unusual 2NT overcall, responder should assume that it shows a WEAK two-suiter. It is responder's duty to choose the suit at the cheapest level possible. He is the captain. He knows exactly which suits partner holds. A jump in one of partner's suits is preemptive, not invitational. REBIDS BY UNUSUAL NT BIDDER If Unusual NT bid was weak, simply pass or make a simple raise in the suit shown by partner to show more extreme shape, not more points. To show a strong hand (17+ pts), unusual NT Bidder may bid opponent's suit (forcing), bid 3NT to play (not forcing), bid the fourth suit (forcing), double (penalty) the opponents (not forcing), bid game in suit chosen by partner (not forcing), bid 4NT Blackwood (forcing), or whatever.



Overcaller's Hands: 1H Opening 1C Opening 1S Opening 1H Opening 1. S=7 2. S=8 3. S=A3 4. S=98 H=43 H=KJ975 H=4 H=6 D=QJ1086 D=A108653 D=AK876 D=KQJ98 C=AQJ95 C=2 C=AQJ54 C=AKJ93

1D Opening 1H Opening 1S Opening 1S Opening 5. S=95 6. S=K10 7. S= 8. S=63 H=KQ1096 H=3 H=3 H=void D=3 D=KJ974 D=Q108754 D=KJ987 C=KJ983 C=Q9542 C=K98543 C=KQ10865

Auction Responder's Hands 9. S=AQ985 Opp. Partner Opp. You H=J74 1D 2NT P ? D=Q85 C=76

Opp. Partner Opp. You 10. S=KJ97 1S 2NT P ? H=A9865 D=103 C=98

Opp. Partner Opp. You 11. S=654 1S 2NT 3S ? H=J873 D=K9842 C=3

Opp. Partner Opp. You 12. S=AJ87 1C 2NT P ? H=KQ8 D=96 C=9875


Notes for UNUSUAL 2NT Lesson Hands


Hand 1. This a typical weak two-suiter. Bid 2NT showing at least 5/5 in Clubs and Diamonds. You will pass at your next opportunity to bid to tell partner that you have the weak kind of unusual NT hand (unless forced to bid by partner). This hand qualifies for the 2NT bid at any vulnerability because your points are all in your suits.

Hand 2. Again, bid 2NT, showing Diamonds and Hearts, then pass at your next opportunity to bid. This hand also qualifies for the 2NT at any vulnerability because of your extreme shape and all points in your suits.

Hand 3. On this strong two-suiter hand you make the same bid—2NT. When partner picks, you will bid the other minor to tell him you are strong (17+ pts). He then can place the contract in game or not, bid Blackwood, or whatever.

Hand 4. DO NOT bid Unusual NT. This is an intermediate strength two-suiter. Just bid your suits, first diamonds, then clubs.

Hand 5. On this hand your would bid 2NT at equal or favorable vulnerability. At unfavorable, just overcall 1H and that's it.

Hand 6. Bid 2NT at favorable vulnerability only. Otherwise, just pass.

Hand 7. Bid 2NT. Very freakish hands are usually worth bidding at any vulnerability.

Hand 8. Bid 2NT. Then, IF PARD BIDS 3C, raise to 4C. This bid doesn't show the big hand—you've simply raised the suit chosen by partner because of the extra shape of your hand. To show the strong hand like #3 above, you must bid something else.


Hand 9. Bid 3H. You must choose between clubs and hearts, the suits partner has shown.

Hand 10. Bid 3C. With no clear preference, just bid the lower ranking suit, leaving bidding room for partner in case he has the big hand and can bid 3D. If your right-hand opponent bid, just pass and let partner choose.

Hand 11. Bid 5D. You are preempting against the probable 4S game that the opponents are headed for.


Hand 12. Bid 3C. What!?!? FORCING! You are asking pard if he's weak or strong. If he's weak and not interested in game, he bids 3D, his lower ranking suit. If he's interested in game he bids 3H, his higher ranking suit. If he bids 3D, you bid 3H; if he bids 3H, you bid 4H.