1 How-Many-Elections-Are-Held-In-

Fatima Jinnah s Combined Opposition Party COP only secured 10 seats whereas the NDF won 5 seats in and 1 in West Pakistan. Pakistan has a parliamentary system in which, the executive and legislature are elected directly by public voting in a Constituencies on first-past-the-post system through a secret ballot. Balochistan was the province where LB clarification needed Polls held. The Seats in the National Assembly are allocated to each of Four Provinces, the FATAs and the Federal Capital on the basis of population in accordance with the last preceding Census officially published. 11 After the 1993 general election, the PPP nominated who soon secured majority votes in the parliament. 10 With the remained effective from 1977 till 1988, civil servant ran for the presidency on a PPP ticket in a deal to support for presidency. Following the election, acknowledged that the process had been free and fair. Assuming the presidency in 1958, introduced a System of Basic Democracy which mean, the voters delegate their rights to choose the president and the members of the national and provincial assemblies to 80,000 representatives called Basic Democrats. However, the term of the first group of the Senators, who shall retire after completion of first 3 years of the Senate, is determined by drawing of lots by the Chief Election Commission purposes. Presidential elections Edit. Witnessing the events in 1965, the new drafted constitution created the Electoral College system, making the president as mere figurehead. However, for the election to the reserved seats for Women in Zila council proportionately divided among Tehsils or Towns shall be all members of the Union Councils in a Tehsil or Town. It is the duty of Chief Election Commissioner to conduct elections to the office of the President in a special session of Parliament and all the Provincial Assemblies in accordance with the provisions of Second Schedule to the Constitution. After the Separation of East Pakistan, democracy returned to the country. 2008 General elections Edit. The National Assembly has 342 seats, usually elected for five year terms; however, if the National Assembly dissolved, a general elections must be called in ninety-days period, in accordance to the constitution. In an unsuccessful attempt to dismiss the Judicial system, Musharraf dramatically fall from power. All elections were contested under a separate electorate system, the 1990 elections had allegations of vote-rigging confirmed by foreign observers. The Constitution grants the chief election commission the security of tenure and financial autonomy. The citizens registered on the electoral rolls are only eligible to cast their votes. Despite her tough rhetoric, Prime Min- ister Bhutto s own position deteriorated in her native province, , and lost her support following the death of her younger brother.

The term of the members of the Senate is 6 years. 14 In 2004, he secured his reappointment for the presidency; though the opposition and religious alliance boycotted the elections. In addition to the national parliament and the provincial assemblies, Pakistan also has more than five thousand elected local governments. In 1990, the general elections saw the right-wing alliance forming the government but dismissed in 1993 after the alliance collapse. The 1997 general elections saw the centre-right, Pakistan N , or PML N , gaining the exclusive mandate in the country and supermajority in the parliament. No Person shall, at the same time, be a member of, both houses National Assembly and Senate or a House and a Provincial Assemblies. 14 The Pakistani general election of 2013 were held on 11 May 2013. Khan Voter turnout 64 7 Political Party RP PML. Problems with providing electricity was one of the major issues with the winning candidate, , promising to reform electrical service and provide reliable service. 4 Incumbent Prime minister of East Pakistan Mr. On 8 December 1951 the North West Frontier Province held elections for Provincial legislature seats. In order to decentralize administrative and financial authority to be accountable to Local Governments, for good governance, effective delivery of services and transparent decision making through institutionalized participation of the people at grassroots level, elections to the local government institutions are held after every four years on non party basis by the Chief Election Commissioner of Pakistan. In April 1954, the general elections were held for the East Pakistan Legislative Assembly, in which the lost to the pan-Bengali nationalist United Front Alliance. Members of Union Council including Union Administrator and Vice Union Administrator are elected through direct elections based on adult franchise and on the basis of joint electorate. Local government elections Edit. The rest of the seats went to the independents. A person who is a citizen of Pakistan, is enrolled as a voter in any electoral roll under the Electoral Rolls Act 1974 and in case of National Provincial Assemblies is not less than 25 years of age and in case of Senate not less than 30 years of age, is of good character and is not commonly known as one who violates Islamic injunctions, has adequate knowledge of Islamic teachings and practices, obligatory duties prescribed by Islam as well as abstains from major sin, is sagacious, righteous and non-profligate, honest and ameen, has not been convicted for a crime involving moral turpitude or for giving false evidence, and has not, after establishment of Pakistan, worked against the integrity of the country or opposed the ideology of Pakistan and is graduate, can contest the elections and become a member of the Parliament or a Provincial Assembly. Hussain Political Party PPP PPP PPP PML N PML Q PML Q PPP PML N PTI Figurehead Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes No. Musharraf P. The head of government, the Prime Minister, is elected by the majority members of the National Assembly and the head of state and figurehead , the President, is elected by the Electoral College, which consists of both houses of Parliament together with the four provincial assemblies. 17 The Election Commission is constituted with comprising the Chief Election Commissioner as its chairman who is a judge or retired judge of the Supreme Court or a senior civil servant who has served at least 20 years or has retired in BPS-22 or is a technocrat 18 and four appointed members from each four provinces, each of whom is a judge of four High Courts of the four provinces; all appointed by the President by constitution.

It is the responsibility of the Chief Election Commissioner to organize and conduct these elections.

Voter Qualification Edit. 13 In an indirect election, Tarar received heavy votes from the electors of Electoral College, becoming the first president from the PML N. Political parties 1973 1988 1993 1997 2004 2007 2008 2013 2018 Pakistan Peoples Party PPP 451 10 608 11 274 12 31 13 EB EB 481 EB 124 Pakistan Muslim League N PML N 168 12 374 13 EB EB 153 432 Pakistan Muslim League Q PML Q 0 0 0 658 671 44 Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf PTI ------77 352 Electoral College Total Electoral College 457 700 442 457 1,170 1,170 700 706 679 Presidency President after election FI Chaudhy GI Khan F. By law, general elections must be held within two months of the National Assembly completing its term. Some 80,000 basic democrats , as members of urban and regional councils, caucused to vote. General elections from 1977 to 2013 Edit. Pakistani general election, 2013 Edit. Article 222 229 of the forbids the candidate of occupying the membership of National Assembly and the Provincial assemblies simultaneously. In 1958, Mirza imposed the martial law under its enforcer General Ayub Khan, but was

2 also dismissed the same year. Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto made critical decisions during her era, ranging from working to strengthening the education, defense, foreign policy and pressed her policies hard to implement her domestic programs initiatives. FI Chaudhy becomes president in 1973 with PPP s support in four provinces. Under this system, the first direct presidential election was held on January 2, 1965. Members to the Seats reserved for Women and Non-Muslims, are elected in accordance with law through proportional representation system of political party s lists of candidates on the basis of total number of General Seats secured by each political party in the National Assembly or a Provincial Assembly. 5 The MQM contested the 1988 elections under the name Muhajir Qaumi Mahaz , it boycotted the 1993 National elections. Qualification for membership of the Parliament Edit. In recent elections held in 2013, the PML N won the majority seats in the elections and is expected to be forming government in last weeks of May 2013. The parliament consists of a lower house called the National Assembly, which is elected directly, and an upper house called the Senate, whose members are chosen by elected provincial legislators. First local government election was held in 1959 under the dictatorship of ayub khan. 11 With special powers granted to President GI Khan, he dismissed two elected government during period 1990 and 1993; he too was forced out from the office the same year. lost his parliament seat to a veteran student leader and language movement stalwart Khaleque Nawaz Khan in Mr.

10 GI Khan was candidate of PPP in return of supporting Benazir Bhutto in 1988. The Election Commission of Pak- istan, a constitutionally established institution chaired by an appointed and designated Chief Election Commissioner, supervises the general elections. The General elections in 1985 were non-partisan general elections, but many technocrats belong to the one party to another. In 1977, the general elections were held but due to election violence instigated by the right-wing PNA, the martial law took advance against the left oriented Pakistan Peoples Party, or PPP. The electoral college is composed of elected senators, members of the national and provincial assemblies. This election led to strong showings for the PPP and the Pakistan Muslim League Nawaz PML-N , who signed the Bhurban Accord in response to the election results. Promulgation of 1956 constitution, Iskandar Ali Mirza became first ; he was also noted of being the first East-Pakistani Bengali president of Pakistan. It is the responsibility of the Chief Election Commissioner to hold and make arrangements for the Senate elections in accordance with the system of proportional representation by means of a single transferable vote through electoral colleges. . In an indirect elections, the electors of the voted for Mirza s bid for presidency in 1956. History of Presidential election 1956 to 2013 Edit. The general elections in 1993 saw the PPP forming government after successfully seeking plurality in the Parliament. The West Pakistan provincial elections were described as a farce, a mockery and a fraud upon the electorate 3. The first direct elections held in the country after independence were for the provincial Assembly of the Punjab between 10 20 March 1951. Past elections General elections from 1954 to 2018 Edit. Election Commission of Pakistan Edit. A general election to the National Assembly or a Provincial Assembly shall be held within a period of sixty days immediately following the day on which the term of the Assembly is due to expire, unless the Assembly has been sooner dissolved, and the results of the election shall be declared not later than fourteen days before that day. The elections were held for 197 seats. 1st elections 1954 indirect elections ML 2nd elections 1962 non-party based indirect elections 3rd elections 1970 AL 4th elections 1977 PPP 5th elections 1985 PML non-party based elections 6th elections 1988 PPP 7th elections 1990 IJI 8th elections 1993 PPP 9th elections 1997 PMLN 10th elections 2002 PMLQ 11th elections 2008 PPP 12th elections 2013 PMLN 13th elections 2018 PTI Between 1947 and 1958, there were no direct elections held in Pakistan at the national level. In an indirect election, with the winner being determined by votes casts by the electors of the Electoral College. 14 In 2007, Musharraf again restored his appointment after the opposition parties also boycotted the elections.

All data and calculations are provided by Election Commission of Pakistan as Public domain. The PPP and PML N formed the new coalition government with Yosaf Raza Gillani as Prime Minister of Pakistan. The President is a ceremonial post, head of state, and merely a figurehead with the executive powers granted to Prime Minister, by the Constitution. The original date was intended to elect members of the National Assembly of Pakistan, the lower house of the Majlis-e-Shoora the nation s parliament. Seven political parties were in the race. Nurul Amin s crushing defeat to young Turk of United front alliance effectively eliminates Pakistan Muslim League from the political landscape of the then East Pakistan. Assemblies elections Edit. After approving the consultations from the chief justices of high courts of four provinces and the chief election commissioner, the President constitutionally approved the appointments of the designated members of the election commission. The Pakistan Constitution defines to a basic extent how general elections are held in Part VIII, Chapter 2 and various amendments. As Musharraf was forced out from power, Asif Zardari of PPP became president after a close presidential elections in 2008. All data and calculations are provided by Election Commission of Pakistan as Public domain. 2 The chief election commissioner is appointed by the President, in his her discretion, for a term of 3 years. The Constitution of Pakistan more broadly and briefly defines how general elections to a basic extent are conducted, giving the time of elections, and the framework under which the elections are to be conducted set up the Constitution of Pakistan in Article 222-226 in Chapter 2. The election was held in Pakistan on 18 February 2008, after being postponed from 8 January 2008. In law and Constitution Edit. In Lahore, the turnout was 30 per cent of the listed voters and in rural areas of Punjab it was much lower. The election was held on an adult franchise basis with approximately one-million voters. 12 Originally elected for five-year term, Leghari was forced resigned from the presidency after forcing out Benazir Bhutto from the government in 1996. The duty of conducting elections are established in the Constitution of Pakistan. One seat in the senate is reserved for minorities in each province. In direct elections, a can- didate who obtains the highest number of votes in a constituency, is declared elected as a Member of National or a Provincial Assembly.

When the National Assembly or a Provincial Assembly is dissolved, a general election to the Assembly shall be held within a period of ninety days after the dissolution, and the results of the election shall be declared not later than fourteen days after the conclusion of the polls. Wanting a control democracy, President Mirza dismissed four prime ministers in less than two years and his position in the country was quickly deteriorated amid his actions. The 2008 general elections allowed the PPP, assisted with the left-wing alliance, further consolidated in opposition to Musharraf, though it was plagued with loadshedding, law and order situation, foreign policy issues, and poor economic performances. third local government election was under right after the cope of Pervaiz Musharaf in 2000, and finally first time in local body election held in Pakistan on December 7, 2013. Despite Sharif s popularity in 1998 and popular peace initiatives in 1999, the conspiracy was hatched against Sharif by General Musharraf, accusing Sharif of hijacking the plane and pressed terrorism charges against Sharif in the military courts; thus

3 ending Sharif s government. The Senate consists of 104 members, of whom 14 members are elected by each Provincial Assembly, eight members are elected from FATAs by the Members of National Assembly from these areas, two members one woman and one technocrat is elected from the Federal Capital by the Members of National Assembly; four women and four Technocrats are elected by the members of each Provincial Assembly. There were two main contestants Pakistan Muslim League led by President Ayub Khan and the Combined Opposition Parties COP under the leadership of . Parliamentary elections Edit. In this highly controversial election with the means of using the state machinery to rigging the votes, the PML secured a thumping majority of 120 seats while the opposition could clinch only 15 seats. In 1988, the general elections were held again which marked the PPP coming in power but dismissed in two years following the amid lawlessness situation in the country. As many as 939 candidates contested the election for 189 seats, while the remaining seats were filled unopposed. Amin s home constituency Nandail of district. Since its establishment in 1947, Pakistan has had an asymmetric federal government and is a federal parliamentary democratic republic. Political parties 1956 1965 Republican Party RP 200 7 0 Pakistan Muslim League PML 10 120 8 Combined Opposition Party COP 4 15 8 National Democratic Front 0 5 Electoral College Total Votes 309 7 190 Presidency President after election IA Mirza A. In 1997 general election, Nawaz Sharif called for fresh presidential elections and nominated Rafiq Tarar for the presidency. National Assembly Seats from Provinces General Seats Women Seats Total Seats Punjab 148 35 183 Sindh 61 14 75 35 8 43 Balochistan 14 3 17 National Assemblies from territories Federally Administered Tribal Areas 12 12 Islamabad Capital Territory 2 2 Specified Seats Reserved Seats for Minorities Seats for Non-Muslim s 10 10 Composition Total General Seats Total Women Seats Total Seats Total seats in State Parliament 272 60 342. Pakistan s two main opposition parties, the PPP and the PML N won the majority of seats in the election. With Zafarullah Jamali becoming the Prime minister in 2002, he left the office for in 2004. Punjab, Sindh and KP are all set to conduct the polls. Provincial elections were held occasionally. At the national level, the people of Pakistan elect a bicameral legislature, the .

By-elections for 28 seats 23 provincial and 5 national have been delayed numerous times, with most of them now held on 26 June 2008. second local government election was held in 1979 under the dictatorship of general zia ul haq. The voter turnout for the election was 35,170,435 people 44. He conceded the defeat of the PML Q and pledged to work with the new Parliament. In 1973, Fazal Ilahi Chaudhry became the first president from the PPP in an indirect polling. The Constitution grants right to both men and women to run for the presidency as it states that a presidential candidate, a Muslim, not less than 45 years of age can contest the Presidential election. Similarly, in May, 1953 elections to the Provincial legislature of Sindh were held and they were also marred by accusations of rigging. Ordered by the Supreme Court, General Musharraf held general election in 2002, bearing Sharif and Benazir Bhutto from keeping the public office. The President is elected in presidential elections. These first time BD Election held due to the immense pressure of new merging political power of PTI on the central government of PMLN. 13 In 1999 martial law against Sharif, Musharraf appointed himself President in 2001. 15 won this election. A person, who is a citizen of Pakistan, is not less than 18 years of age on the first day of January of the year in which the rolls are prepared or revised, is not declared by a competent court to be of un-sound mind and is or is deemed to be a resident of an electoral area, can get their selves enrolled as a voter in that electoral area.

With Zafarullah Jamali becoming the Prime minister in 2002, he left the office for Shaukat Aziz in 2004. Punjab, Sindh and KP are all set to conduct the polls. Provincial elections were held occasionally. At the national level, the people of Pakistan elect a bicameral legislature, the Parliament of Pakistan. A multi-party system is in effect, with the National Assembly consisting of 342 seats and the Senate consisting of 100 seats after ex-FATA merger 1 elected from the four provinces. Tales of high-scale corruption cases also maligned her image in the country and was dismissed from her post by her own hand-picked president in 1996.

At the national level, the people of Pakistan elect a bicameral legislature, the Parliament of Pakistan. A multi-party system is in effect, with the National Assembly consisting of 342 seats and the Senate consisting of 100 seats after ex-FATA merger 1 elected from the four provinces. Tales of high-scale corruption cases also maligned her image in the country and was dismissed from her post by her own hand-picked president in 1996.

15 Mamnoon Hussain won this election. A person, who is a citizen of Pakistan, is not less than 18 years of age on the first day of January of the year in which the rolls are prepared or revised, is not declared by a competent court to be of un-sound mind and is or is deemed to be a resident of an electoral area, can get their selves enrolled as a voter in that electoral area.

A person, who is a citizen of Pakistan, is not less than 18 years of age on the first day of January of the year in which the rolls are prepared or revised, is not declared by a competent court to be of un-sound mind and is or is deemed to be a resident of an electoral area, can get their selves enrolled as a voter in that electoral area. How-Do-You-Reference-Wikipedia-In-Apa Essay-On-Reading-Books-For-Class-6 Essay-About-Human-Body-Parts-In-Tamil Argumentative Essay About Video Games How-Can-I-Maintain-A-Healthy-Body Essay On Global Warming Short How-Do-You-Start-A-Synthesis-Essay Do-You-Underline-Play-Titles-In-Essays Essay On Nature For Class 3 Essay On My Family Holiday