No Room at the Inn?
Thursday, January 18, 1996 • Vol. XXVII No. 70 TilE INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER SERVING NOTRE DAME AND SAINT MARY'S No room at the inn? Multi-purpose Students returning to debit card to school early from break debut in fall '97 found a 'locked' campus By GWENDOLYN NORGLE By KELLY FlTZPATRICK Assistant News Editor News Writer Hight down to the pepperoni on your Huddle If you were like many students attempting to pizza. Thanks to the recent progress that has return to the University and get settled back in been made toward the installation of the new early, you were probably turned away at the debit card system at Notre Dame, the card will sneurity gate. help students pay for "everything and any Flanner senior Mark Hengel reported that he thing," according to Student Govenment was not allowed past the security gate, but Campus Improvements Committee sptmt the night in an off-campus house. Commissioner Brendan Kelly who spoke at the Angela Hodriguez, a freshman in Lewis Hall, Student Senate meeting on December 6. also tried to return to her dorm room early, but Kelly listed a number of places where the instead had to stay with friends in South Bend. card ean be used after its implementation in Why this sudden change in the Uniyersity's the fall of 1997: token dispensers, change dis treatment of narly-returning students? A num pensers, single or multiple price vending bnr of' students were under the impression that maehines, laundromats, photocopiers, parking they would he allowed into the dorms early. gates, arcade and video machines, public tele However.
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