Genetic Robustness and Adaptability of Viruses Phage can develop differing sensitivities to , strongly affecting their adaptive potential in varied environments

Robert C. McBride and Paul E. Turner

iodiversity reflects billions of years of brittleness are terms used for measuring and through , describing the relative accuracy of this geno- whereby environments help to deter- type-to-phenotype translation. In particular, ge- B mine which genetic variants in a pop- netic robustness is the constancy of a phenotype ulation persist. This process leads in the face of changes in the underlying geno- some individuals in a population to possess type. If a changes a phenotype, we traits that prove beneficial in a particular niche consider the gene or, more broadly, the genome, and can help to distinguish them from other to be relatively nonrobust, or brittle, against organisms residing there or elsewhere. Although mutational input. However, if a genome is defined as the change in genetic changes but phenotype remains unaffected, the makeup of a population through time, natural genome is considered genetically robust. Be- selection acts on phenotypes. That is, natural cause other types of robustness are of interest, selection leads indirectly to changes in gene fre- especially environmental robustness that de- quencies by acting on the phenotypes that genes scribes whether a phenotype persists when an produce. environment changes, it is crucial when examin- Thus, the translation of phenotype from geno- ing robustness to define the specific phenotype type is crucial to evolution. Robustness and and perturbation being measured and discussed. Many phenotypic traits could be used to study robustness. From an evolutionary Summary perspective, however, traits that constitute • fitness, the relative ability to survive and Robustness and brittleness describe the relative reproduce, are of greatest interest. accuracy of genotype-to-phenotype translation, which is crucial to evolution. Comprehensive measurement of fitness is prohibitively difficult for many organisms. • Examining the balance between robustness and evolvability, the capacity to adapt, can help in Fortunately, because so many microbes determining whether natural selection shapes grow asexually, microbiologists can readily evolution itself. measure population-level traits for a partic- Robert C. McBride • Despite some perceived obstacles, microbial ular microbial genotype. Thus, two proxies is a Postdoctoral studies, particularly those involving phage, are for genotype fitness are the reproductive Associate in Ecol- helping to fill gaps in our knowledge of robust- growth rate and the numerical size of a ogy and Evolution- ness. population grown from that genotype. ary Biology and • Because pathogenic viruses may adapt to treat- However, typically it is more desirable to Paul E. Turner is ments by developing greater resistance and measure fitness of a microbial genotype us- Associate Professor greater potential to withstand future therapies, ing an experimental assay where two strains of Ecology and Evo- caution is warranted when considering muta- genic therapies. are placed in the same environment and lutionary Biology at their fitness is gauged relative to one an- Yale University, other or to some baseline, such as a single New Haven, Conn.

Volume 3, Number 9, 2008 / Microbe Y 409 common-competitor genotype. In this way, re- genetic robustness, i.e., phenotypic constancy searchers can efficiently and accurately measure despite mutational input. Were a population to relative fitness of microbial genotypes, and become optimally adapted to its habitat, any quantify genotype robustness in the face of mutation would be either neutral or deleterious. change. This scenario should then lead to strong selec- tion for genetic robustness to evolve, protecting the phenotype against mutations. In a related Robustness Provides Insights into the sense, because spontaneous mutations are be- Relationship between Phenotype, lieved typically to be deleterious, selection fa- Genotype voring evolution of robustness should be espe- Improved understanding of the fundamental re- cially strong if mutation rates are elevated, even lationship between phenotype and genotype when populations are away from equilibrium. provides a clear reason for studying the evolu- Some convincing data on evolution of robust- tion of robustness. On the one hand, constancy ness stem from studies looking at virtual organ- in the face of environmental and mutational isms—namely, self-replicating computer pro- changes provides obvious benefits to an organ- grams that change randomly and thus “evolve.” ism during replication. Robustness buffers or- According to one such study, elevated mutation ganisms against such perturbations, affording rates can cause robust genotypes to be selec- constancy in terms of cellular function, develop- tively favored over their brittle counterparts, ment, and offspring production. That is, robust- even though robustness against mutations went ness provides reliability in the very currencies by hand-in-hand with lower reproductive fitness. which natural selection judges phenotypes. Thus, the fittest gave way to the “flattest,” with However, rigidity in the face of change may selection favoring those variants having the pose problems. For example, if organisms are greatest phenotypic constancy and residing on steadfast under environmental change, how can flat regions of the fitness landscape (Fig. 1). they possibly adapt to new conditions? Because Other studies successfully examine robustness natural selection acts on phenotypic variation, by following changes in proteins in vitro. robustness that buffers this variation could im- Microbial populations provide another trac- pede evolution. table choice for examining robustness because These conflicting necessities force organisms of their rapid generation times and large popu- to strike a balance between withstanding some lation sizes. However, microorganisms still re- changes and maintaining an ability to adapt to quire extensive time before selection begins to new circumstances. This compromise is the bal- favor variants that evolve increased robustness. ance between robustness and evolvability, the The limiting factor is time needed to achieve an capacity to adapt. By examining this balancing adaptive optimum. For example, fitness in pop- act, we may learn whether evolvability can itself ulations of continues to change, evolve. Thus, we can explore the intriguing— even after 40,000 generations (20 years), ac- and contentious—idea that natural selection cording to Richard Lenski of Michigan State shapes evolution itself. University in East Lansing and his colleagues. This result suggests a difficulty for researchers in relying on laboratory populations to examine How Is Robustness Studied? selective pressures favoring evolution of robust- Despite a longstanding interest in robustness ness. and extensive mathematical modeling, biolo- Although some theory suggests that evolu- gists have generated few data on this subject tionary changes in robustness might be difficult because studying robustness presents many to observe in laboratory populations of mi- challenges. One hurdle is to identify organisms crobes, these systems remain the most attractive that vary in robustness. Traits favoring robust- means for conducting experiments to examine ness are not expected to be strongly selected evolution. Despite some perceived obstacles, mi- until a biological population reaches evolution- crobial studies are helping to fill gaps in our ary equilibrium—mutation-selection balance— knowledge of robustness. After all, microbes are in a constant environment. immensely successful from an evolutionary This prerequisite should be especially true for standpoint; they thrive in all habitats that sup-

410 Y Microbe / Volume 3, Number 9, 2008 port life, and they are the most plentiful FIGURE 1 denizens of Earth. Over billions of years, microbes have experienced ex- tensive selection to shape robustness. RNA viruses seem particularly ap- propriate for examining genetic robust- ness, a view that mathematical theory supports. According to experiments, elevated mutation rates are a key prerequisite for populations to adapt by altering their genetic (mu- tational) robustness. Therefore, success may come from studying genetic ro- bustness in biological systems with ele- vated mutation rates, making RNA vi- ruses even better candidates because their mutation rates generally exceed those of other organisms, including DNA viruses, by at least one order of magni- tude. By focusing on RNA systems, it is possible to study the evolution of ro- bustness even when populations are not at an evolutionary equilibrium or are not subject to artificially elevated muta- tion rates through mutagenesis.

Can Robustness Evolve? Several independent studies show that robustness can increase or decrease, de- Schematic where brittle and robust organisms are defined by their fitness response to pending on the particulars of the selec- mutational change, using the metaphor of fitness landscapes. Fitness is vertical height tive environment. For example, we used on the landscape. Mutation causes genotypes to move away from their original position a single genotype of the lytic RNA bac- on the horizontal axis. After mutation, brittle individuals experience large changes in fitness as they are “pushed off” the narrow fitness peak. In contrast, robust individuals teriophage ␾6 to found three popula- reside on flatter portions of the landscape, and are therefore phenotypically buffered tions that were allowed to adapt to against mutational change. (Figure modified from C. O. Wilke and C. Adami, Mutational growth on Pseudomonas syringae Res. Frontiers 522:3–11, 2002.) pathovar phaseolicola. These lineages experienced low multiplicity of infec- tion, where individual phage particles infected nism whereby a lower fitness viral genotype can host cells to produce progeny. In parallel, three phenotypically profit from intracellular proteins additional lineages evolved at a higher multiplic- made by a coinfecting virus of higher fitness. ity, in which two to three phage particles on Therefore, complementation during coinfection average coinfected a single cell. This experiment should automatically buffer viral phenotypes continued for 300 phage replication cycles. against mutations. Viral complementation plays The key fundamental difference between the the same role as gene duplication and diploidy two experimental treatments is that high-multi- that could provide robustness to cellular or mul- plicity viruses could experience complementa- ticellular organisms. tion, a mechanism that can confer robustness Because complementation buffers mutational against mutations. In theory, adaptive robust- effects, it offers a built-in mechanism for robust- ness assumes that phenotypic expression results ness in coinfecting lineages of phage ␾6. By this solely from the underlying genotype. However, logic, conditions fostering complementation this assumption should not hold true for viruses (and hence, coinfection) may weaken selection that can experience complementation, a mecha- for phage ␾6 genomes to maintain their individ-

Volume 3, Number 9, 2008 / Microbe Y 411 ual-level robustness because coinfection pro- plaque transfers imposing an extremely small vides mutational buffering. We therefore pre- population size, making genetic drift overwhelm dicted that the degree of coinfection—high selection, and enabling the phage to accumulate multiplicity versus low multiplicity—should in- nonlethal mutations at random. Because ran- fluence evolution of robustness in phage ␾6 dom mutations are expected to be deleterious, populations. To be more specific, we hypothe- fitness of a lineage is expected to decline as sized that selection for robustness should be mutations accumulate. greatly relaxed in the ␾6 lineages that arose The 60 phage lineages were subjected to 20 under high levels of coinfection. If true, this consecutive days of extreme bottlenecking, pro- would mean that the high-multiplicity popula- viding opportunity for about 1.3 mutations to tions should be dominated by ␾6 genotypes that fix in each population, based on an estimated are relatively less robust to mutations. rate of 0.067 mutations per generation in phage To test the idea, we isolated 10 phage clones ␾6. To examine how the amassed mutations at random from each of three low- and high- affected phenotypic fitness (W, relative growth

multiplicity lineages. Each of these 60 clones rate on the host bacteria), we measured log10W was then subjected to mutation accumulation of each pre- and post-bottleneck lineage. The ⌬ under extreme daily bottlenecks of a single virus difference between these two values, log10W, particle (Fig. 2). Specifically, we plated a dilu- reveals the sensitivity of the lineage to pheno- tion of each phage ␾6 population on a host lawn typic effects of the accumulated mutation(s). and the next day chose a plaque at random for Support for the hypothesis would be that the 30 the next round of population growth. Thus, the lineages initiated by clones historically evolved population is propagated via daily plaque-to- under high multiplicity (frequent coinfection) would show greater variance in ⌬ FIGURE 2 log10W values, owing to weakened selection for them to maintain robust- ness as an individual trait. Additional support would come from a greater ⌬ mean magnitude of log10W values for the high-multiplicity lineages, indicat- ing that they suffered a greater drop in fitness on average, because they are less able to withstand the deleterious effects of mutations. The data support the gen- eral predictions (Fig. 3), confirming that selection to maintain mutational robustness is weaker with viral coinfec- tions. So far, the exact molecular mech- anism responsible for robustness in phage ␾6 has not been determined. But some clues regarding the mechanism stem from an additional set of experi- ments examining the relationship be- tween robustness and evolvability.

Does Robustness Promote or Hinder Evolvability? Evolution experiment in which a wild-type phage ␾6 ancestor yielded 3 lineages in a low level of co-infection treatment and 3 lineages in a high co-infection treatment. After 60 Experiments with phage ␾6 are helping days (300 generations), 10 clones were isolated from each population and used to found to address the question of whether ro- lineages that were allowed to accumulate mutations before being tested as to whether prior ecological history (low versus high coinfection) affected robustness, that is, the bustness promotes or hinders evolvabil- ability of phage to maintain a constant phenotype (fitness) in the face of mutational ity. Because in nature phage ␾6 attack change. (Figure modified from McBride et al., BMC Evol. Biol. in press). Pseudomonas spp., plant pathogens that colonize leaf surfaces, we typically

412 Y Microbe / Volume 3, Number 9, 2008 ␾ o culture 6at25C. When exposed to FIGURE 3 45oC heat shock for as little as 5 min- utes, roughly 80% of bacteria-free ly- sates of wild-type ␾6 lose the capacity to infect P. syringae pv. phaseolicola. Presumably, the 45oC heat shock dam- ages viral proteins that are needed for infectivity. When we subjected 12 robust and 12 brittle genotypes of ␾6 to the same heat shock, all showed similar initial sensi- tivity in terms of average percent sur- vival (%S), with mean survival for both robust and brittle genotypes of only 14%. Because both groups of ␾6 were earlier subject to incubations at a be- nign 25oC, we did not expect the robust and brittle clones to differ in their sen- sitivity to high temperature. However, this information led us to conduct an experiment that examined whether ro- bustness enhanced or suppressed evolv- ability under heat-shock conditions. We next subjected 24 lineages of half-robust and half-brittle clones to a 50-generation (10-day) experiment where each lineage experienced growth on P. phaseolicola at 25°C, with peri- odic (every fifth generation) exposure to 45°C heat shock (Fig. 4A). Then we A mutation accumulation study reveals that phage ␾6 strains that evolved under low measured mean %S at 45°C for each coinfection are more robust than those evolved under high coinfection. Each point is the founding clone and its derived endpoint mean change in log10 fitness resulting from mutation accumulation, for an independent ⌬ lineage founded by a virus clone previously evolved under low level of coinfection (blue population to estimate %S, the circles) or high level of coinfection (red squares). Horizontal lines are grand means among change in percent survival after 50 gen- lineages within a treatment, and the dashed lines indicate one standard deviation away erations of selection to resist damaging from the mean. (Figure modified from Montville et al., PLoS Biology, 3:1939–1945, heat shock. The results show that the 2005.) lineages founded by robust genotypes are more evolvable, indicating that ro- adapting to heat shock. In contrast, the brittle bustness promotes evolvability in phage ␾6, at viruses were constrained in their ability to adapt least as it adapts to high temperatures (Fig. 4B). because their proteins accumulated mutations Robust genotypes of phage ␾6 may feature that increased thermostability but compromised proteins that tolerate mutations while maintain- viral reproduction. ing proper folding. Thus, despite equivalent sen- sitivity to heat shock between the robust and brittle founding strains, a greater tolerance to Future Work mutational change by the robust lineages may account for their evolvability advantage. Thus, Our studies with phage ␾6 suggest several in- we surmise that one or more proteins of the triguing possibilities for further research. De- robust viruses maintain proper folding even spite evident biodiversity, species also die out, as while accumulating spontaneous mutations that is readily seen in fossil records. Robustness led to thermostable genotypes. This combina- could enable organisms to innovate and become tion of traits could explain the relative advan- more easily adaptable, as shown in our studies. tage in evolvability for robust viruses when But can robustness also protect a lineage from

Volume 3, Number 9, 2008 / Microbe Y 413 FIGURE 4 going extinct? Fitness is determined by the relative ability to survive and to reproduce. Our viral studies showed that robustness enhanced relative abil- ity for viruses to evolve the ability to enhance their survival. However, whether enhanced survival trades off with reproduction is unknown. That is, a population may evolve to produce a high quantity of offspring that survive some environmental stress without pro- ducing offspring of high quality. This limitation might pertain to con- temporary populations of frogs and other amphibians. Despite producing very large quantities of offspring per generation, amphibians are declining worldwide, perhaps owing to adverse effects of toxins and parasites on aver- age offspring quality. Sustainability of any population is governed by whether its birth rate matches or exceeds its death rate. If robustness enhances both the ability to survive and to reproduce, we might conclude that robustness pro- motes evolvability and prevents extinc- tion. However, it could be that robust- ness only enhances survival, so that robust lineages are no better able to avoid extinction than their brittle coun- terparts. Future research on microbial systems could help to address this issue. From a disease standpoint, RNA vi- ruses exact deadly tolls in humans, wildlife, and agricultural systems. For example, many of the newly identified infectious diseases in humans are due to zoonotic RNA viruses that have shifted from other animal species into human populations. Antiviral drugs are be- coming increasingly important for con- trolling viruses because vaccines are of- ten unavailable or ineffective in treating (A) Design for an evolution experiment where phage ␾6 lineages were selected to withstand RNA virus infections and disease. damaging effects of heat shock. A phage lysate was exposed to 45oC incubation for 5 Some of these drugs are purposefully minutes, and a dilution of the surviving progeny was plated on a lawn of P. phaseolicola designed to elevate the mutation rate of bacteria. Overnight plaque formation at 25oC corresponded to 5 generations of phage evolution. The plaques were then harvested, and the process repeated for 10 days, an RNA virus population within the equivalent to 50 phage generations (modified from McBride et al., submitted). (B) Mean host, perhaps to a level where the pop- change in percent survival after selection with heat shock (45oC) is greater for virus lineages ulation goes extinct because it accumu- founded by 12 robust strains (blue circles), relative to lineages initiated by 12 brittle strains (red squares). All populations were subjected to 10 days (50 generations) of periodic heat lates too many mutations for individual shocks. Solid line is the grand mean for the group, and dashed lines are 95% confidence virions to remain viable. Such mutagens intervals. (Figure modified from McBride et al., BMC Evol. Biol., in press). increase mutation rates, causing a de- crease in average viral fitness. But these

414 Y Microbe / Volume 3, Number 9, 2008 drugs also produce strong selection for viruses deed evolve and by suggesting that robustness to resist mutational degeneration. One possible may positively relate to evolvability, our work mechanism is for viruses to develop increased sheds light on a fundamental tension that exists genetic robustness, which reduces the deleteri- in explaining how organisms persist in the face ous effects of drug-imposed mutagenesis. Stud- of changing conditions. The ability to withstand ies such as ours indicate that robustness is a viral mutational perturbation while simultaneously trait that can change through natural selection. adapting to environmental change is an achieve- More alarmingly, our work suggests that patho- ment that many researchers deemed implausi- genic viruses may respond by not only evolving ble. By demonstrating a positive relationship greater resistance to current treatments, but a between robustness and evolvability in biologi- greater potential to adapt to withstand future cal populations, our phage studies show that therapies. Thus, caution is warranted when con- these seemingly incompatible tasks can be sidering the usefulness of mutagenic therapies. achieved, and establish that evolution itself has Finally, by showing that robustness can in- the potential to evolve.

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