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Procedia Engineering 125 ( 2015 ) 1 – 4

“Civil Engineering Innovation for a Sustainable Future”

The 5th Euro Asia Civil Engineering Forum Conference (EACEF5)

Surabaya, , 15-18 September 2015



Ima Muljati

Djwantoro Hardjito

1877-7058 © 2015 Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license ( Peer-review under responsibility of organizing committee of The 5th International Conference of Euro Asia Civil Engineering Forum (EACEF-5) doi: 10.1016/j.proeng.2015.11.001 2 Antoni et al. / Procedia Engineering 125 ( 2015 ) 1 – 4


Papers published in this edition of Procedia Engineering have been presented in The 5th Euro Asia Civil Engineering Forum (EACEF-5) at Petra Christian University, Surabaya, Indonesia, from 15-18 September 2015. The theme for EACEF-5 is ‘Civil Engineering Innovation for a Sustainable Future’. The conference was jointly organized by Petra Christian University, Surabaya, Universitas Pelita Harapan, Jakarta and Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta, Indonesia.

Civil engineers and researchers in the field are challenged to play important roles and responsibilities in constructing a sustainable future. EACEF-5 conference provided a platform for sharing ideas and findings, as well as the challenges involved. Publication of all of the aforementioned papers in Procedia Engineering enables a wider circulation of the valuable thoughts contained in the papers.

The Editors would like to express their highest gratitude to all of the contributing authors of the papers published in this volume, as well as to the Organizing Committee and other parties involved.

The Editors

Antoni et al. / Procedia Engineering 125 ( 2015 ) 1 – 4 3 COMMITTEES

STEERING COMMITTEE Benjamin Lumantarna, Petra Christian University, Indonesia Harianto Hardjasaputra, Universitas Pelita Harapan, Indonesia Yoyong Arfiadi, Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta, Indonesia Timoticin Kwanda, Petra Christian University, Indonesia Manlian A. Ronald, Universitas Pelita Harapan, Indonesia

INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE Worsak Kanok-Nukulchai, Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand B.V. Rangan, Curtin University, Australia Koji Sakai, Kagawa University, Japan Takafumi Noguchi, The University of Tokyo, Japan Tamon Ueda, Hokkaido University, Japan DongUk Choi, Hankyong , South Korea Tawatchai Tingsanchali, Thailand Piti Sukontasukkul, King Mongkut University of Technology, Thailand Nguyen Van Chanh, Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology, Vietnam Chan Weng Tat, National University of Singapore Susanto Teng, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore Mohd. Warid Hussin, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Prabir K. Sarker, Curtin University, Australia Drajat Hoedajanto, HAKI, Indonesia Robby Soetanto, Loughborough University, United Kingdom Iswandi Imran, Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia Tavio, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Indonesia Sholihin As’ad, Sebelas Maret University, Indonesia Han Ay Lie, , Indonesia Gideon Hadi Kusuma, Australia Sugie Prawono, Petra Christian University, Indonesia Wimpy Santosa, Parahyangan Catholic University, Indonesia Ade Sjafruddin, Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia

EDITORS Antoni, Petra Christian University Ima Muljati, Petra Christian University Djwantoro Hardjito, Petra Christian University

4 Antoni et al. / Procedia Engineering 125 ( 2015 ) 1 – 4

ORGANIZING COMMITTEE Chairman Djwantoro Hardjito, Petra Christian University

Vice-Chairman Rudy Setiawan, Petra Christian University

Members Ima Muljati, Petra Christian University Antoni, Petra Christian University Gogot Setyo Budi, Petra Christian University Jack Widjajakusuma, Universitas Pelita Harapan Wiryanto Dewobroto, Universitas Pelita Harapan Anastasia Yunika, Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta Johanes Januar Sudjati, Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta Daniel Tjandra, Petra Christian University Wong Foek Tjong, Petra Christian University Cilcia Kusumastuti, Petra Christian University Sandra Loekita, Petra Christian University Pamuda Pudjisuryadi, Petra Christian University Paravita Sri Wulandari, Petra Christian University Effendy Tanojo, Petra Christian University Ratna S. Alifen, Petra Christian University Indriani Santoso, Petra Christian University Irwan Tanuadji, Petra Christian University Sri Megawati Hermanto, Petra Christian University

Available online at ScienceDirect

Procedia Engineering 125 ( 2015 ) 83 – 88

The 5th International Conference of Euro Asia Civil Engineering Forum (EACEF-5) Model of learning/training of Occupational Safety & Health (OSH) based on industry in the construction industry

Bambang Endroyoa,*, Bambang E.Yuwonob, Djemari Mardapic, Soenartoc

a Civil Engineering Department of Semarang State University, Gunungpati Semarang 50229, Indonesia b Civil Engineering Department of Trisati University, Jl. Kyai Tapa 1 Jakarta 11440, Indonesia c Graduate School of Yogyakarta State University, Karangmalang, Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia


Until now, across the world, the accident rate in construction projects is higher than average rate in other industries. Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) in developing countries is far behind OSH in developed countries. From this phenomenon, very important to minimize the level of accident in the construction industry. According to experts that to improve a safety performance can through education/training, safety education must more developed in vocational school, college, graduate school, and also in course in professional association. One aspect of education development is to create a model of learning/training as better as possible, and so this research is conducted. The proposed model was the learning/training of OSH based on industry in construction industry. The research was quasi-experiment study, conducted at 2011-2013 in the Civil Engineering Department, Semarang State University. In this research, model that implementing the industrial-based learning/training as the experimental group, and the existing learning model as control group. The data were collected through documentation, questionnaire, observation, and test. The validity and reliability of instrument was conducted through verification by experts and practitioners, item difficulty analysis, and Cronbach’s alpha. The data were analyzed using normality test, homogeneity test, T-test and F-test. The results: the proposed model has been more effective compared to the existing learning model; the proposed model can be used in learning/ training of OSH in construction industry for more effective result. ©© 2015 2015 The The Authors. Authors. Published Published by byElsevier Elsevier Ltd. Ltd This. is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (Peer under responsibility of organizing committee). of The 5th International Conference of Euro Asia Civil Engineering PeerForum-review (EACEF under- 5)responsibility. of organizing committee of The 5th International Conference of Euro Asia Civil Engineering Forum (EACEF-5) Keywords: learning/training model; occupational safety and health; industrial-based

* Corresponding author. Tel.: +62-816-425-6110 E-mail address: [email protected]

1877-7058 © 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license ( Peer-review under responsibility of organizing committee of The 5th International Conference of Euro Asia Civil Engineering Forum (EACEF-5) doi: 10.1016/j.proeng.2015.11.013 84 Bambang Endroyo et al. / Procedia Engineering 125 ( 2015 ) 83 – 88

1. Introduction

Safety in the workplace, especially in construction projects still needs attention. The results of statistical analysis showed the level of fatal accidents in the construction industry is higher than the average for all industries [1,2]. Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) is the efforts to identify and control the hazards, accidents, and occupational diseases, which might take place in the workplace in such a way that the workers, visitors, and anybody present at the workplace as well as in its surroundings will be safe and free from unacceptable risks [1,3,4]. Occupational accidents are unplanned, unpredictable, or unintentional events which can cause some damage or harm to the equipments, or cause injury, or even death to the workers [5] These accidents may bring about many detrimental impacts, such as financial losses, social nuisances, and human suffering [6] as well as humanitarian issues [7]. Some old theories concerning how accidents happen focused more on the individual aspects and have the downstream approach, such as: (a) The Pure Chance Theory, (b) The Accident-Proneness Theory, (c) The Goals-Freedom-Alertness Theory, and (d) The Adjustment-Stress Theory. Whereas the newer theories focus more on the organizational factors and have the upstream approach, such as: (e) The Domino Theory, (f) The Fishbone Model, (g) The Tripod Model, and (h) The Constraint-Response Theory [1,5,8]. Furthermore, for safety management in international level it is possible to refer to Occupational Health and Safety Management System (OHSAS 18001, 2007), while in Indonesia it is also possible to refer to Management System for Occupational Safety & Health (Sistem Manajemen Keselamatan & Kesehatan Kerja, SMK3) enacted by Regulation of the Minister of Manpower and Transmigration number PER.50/MEN/ 2012. Up to now, the performance of occupational safety and health (OSH) in the developing countries was quite poor. OSH in Indonesia is far behind OHS in other countries in ASEAN [9]. According to [2], the number of accident in Indonesia is in number 52 out of 53 countries that have been surveyed. Until 2011, the rate of fatal accident in Indonesia is 20 per 100.000 workers. Certainly, there should be hard efforts to reduce the number of accident as minimum as possible.

2. The Role of Education/Training in Improving Occupational Safety and Health

One attempt to minimize the number of occupational accidents is through education and training [10]. In line with this, Florio [11], a of safety education from the University of Illinois, says that in order to prevent accidents, it is necessary to improve the knowledge, skills, attitudes, and habits of the people involved. To improve all of those abilities, and thereby to reduce the country’s accidents rate, is challenge that safety education must be accepted in school curriculum. Florio [11] also says that students in vocational should focus on preventing accidents because people who have gotten safety education will be aware that accidents are actually preventable and predictable. Furthermore, Crosby [12], a professor of occupational education from the University of Louisville, Kentucky, says that safety is one of the elements of teaching, and it is the responsibility of every vocational teachers to include those things in the curriculum, as well as the facilities when working with equipment, machinery, and material. Pellicer [13] states that education and training are vital issues to obtain a construction safety culture. Gambatese declares that education and training for project personnel in the workplace are significant aspect of safe construction jobsites [14]. All employees including the top management should undergo safety and health related training with a sole purpose to create safety awareness and safety consciousness [15].The findings of a study show that education has a significant role to the attitude of Occupational health and safety by r = 0.300 (sig: 0.048) [16]. Therefore development of learning/training model of OSH become an important issue.

3. Model of Learning/Training of Occupational Health and Safety Based on Industry in the Construction Industry

Safety training as safety management has been existing for years, but the type/model of effective training remains a question. Model of learning/training is a set of specific, integrated and practical principles that are used by teachers in teaching [17]. The existing model use old learning/training approach there are: not up to date learning materials, teacher-centred method, not yet use multimedia, limited equipment, not use construction project for existing training environment, and the assessment focused at cognitive domain. The proposed model is a model of industry-based learning/training, is illustrated in Figure 1. This study is a research & development (R&D) following the pattern of the Borg and Gall [18]. The model is divided into some components: materials, methods, equipment and media as Bambang Endroyo et al. / Procedia Engineering 125 ( 2015 ) 83 – 88 85 well as the environment, teachers/instructors, and assessment of the learning outcomes. In the component of material for learning/training, the scope are taken from the theory of OSH and other things that are implemented in the construction industry (civil engineering). It also was summarized from the questionnaires returned by the respondents. The respondents were civil engineering practitioners and academics who had relevant track records with the problem under study. By means of the model, the researchers expect that the learning will be more effective with the materials that are more appropriate for the domain of business/industry. In the component of teaching/training method, a combination of Contextual Teaching-learning (CTL), Cooperative Learning (CL), and Competency-based Training/learning (CBE/T) approaches was used. CTL is the method of learning that is linked to the facts commonly found in life [19], in this case is a civil engineering work. CL is learning in groups to achieve individual understanding [19]. While CBE/T is a learning approach that emphasizes the mastery of knowledge, skill and attitude necessary for a successful achievement in a job or in a position [20]. By using all three learning approaches mentioned above, an industry-based learning model for OSH was designed. In this case, the learning/training model was designed to produce output that has the knowledge, skills and attitudes in accordance with the competence of a worker in the medium level in Civil Engineering. In the component of equipment, media and environment, use multimedia device as much as possible, and utilizing the existing environment, such as civil engineering projects. In the component of assessing learning outcomes, portfolio assessment was used. In this case, the aspects of knowledge, skills, attitudes and students’ self-reflection were assessed comprehensively. While in the component of teachers, it was required to use teachers who had both teaching certification and certification expertise. The research was conducted from 2011 to 2013. To determine the learning /training material, the subjects of this study are the practitioners in construction projects in Central and Yogyakarta, and also the teachers/lecturers in institutions of higher vocational education in and Yogyakarta. The data were collected using the techniques of observation, interview, documentation, and questionnaires. Observation is collecting data by viewing a fact or occurrence for some scientific or other special purpose, interview is a meeting of two or more persons to exchange information and idea through question and responses [21]. Questionnaires is a formulated written set of questions to which respondents record their answers, usually within rather closely defined alternatives [22]. Furthermore, documentation is collecting all document (written, picture, creation). In this study, documentation as a complement of observation. To determine the effectiveness of proposed model, the quasi experiment was conducted to student of D3 Program Civil Engineering in State University of Semarang (UNNES), by forming an experimental group (32 students) that used industry-based learning model and a control group (34 students) that used the existing learning model. Criteria for the effectiveness is that the achievement of learning outcomes in the experimental group was significantly better than that of the control group. According to Bloom taxonomy, the learning outcomes be divided to cognitive domains, affective domain, and psychomotor domain [23]. Cognitive associated with mental abilities (knowledge), affective associated with emotional, attitude related psychomotor skills [24].

4. Research Result

Key factors in OSH which are implemented in the construction industry are: commitment and policy of the top management, planning, implementation (which includes capability assurance, supporting activities, and hazard identification), measurement and evaluation, review and corrective action. The OSH learning/training was proposed in the construction industry used a combination of Contextual Teaching-learning (CTL), Cooperative Learning (CL), and Competency-based Training/learning (CBE/T) approaches. The result of quasi-experiment are illustrated in Fig.2. In the cognitive domain, the difference between the test results of the experimental group and the control group, the pre-test is t=1.506 (sig: 0.137). It means that at the beginning there was no significant difference in cognitive learning outcomes about OSH between the experimental group and control group. The result of the difference in mid test is t=4.561 (sig: 0.005), which means that in the middle of learning process the cognitive learning outcomes about OSH of the experimental group was significantly better than that of the control group. The difference in the post test is t=2.591 (sig: 0.012), meaning that at the end of the learning process, cognitive learning outcomes about OSH of the experimental group was significantly better than that of the control group.

86 Bambang Endroyo et al. / Procedia Engineering 125 ( 2015 ) 83 – 88

Novelty of Theory of Occupational Novelty of Theory of Learning/Training: Behaviorism,

Safety and Health: Constructivism, Cognitivism Base/Theory Organisational/managerial Theory, Learning Taxonomy: Bloom Taxonomy: Constraint-Response Theory, Cognitive, Affective, and Psychomotor Novelty of Approach: Upstream Novelty of Learning/Training Approach: Contextual approach, Total approach Teaching-Learning (CTL), Cooperative Learning (CL),

Implementation in Industry Sistem Competency Based Education/training (CBE/T) Keselamatan &Kesehatan Kerja(SMK3) Instructional Technology: Learning resources, media, ,Occupational Health & Safety Manage- environment ment System (OHSAS),Construction Novelty of Assessment: Port folio assessment Design & Management(CDM)

Component Learning/training Devices, Media, Learning/train - Learning/training Method Assessment ing material: Learning re- Active Student Learning with sources and Criterion- Basic theory of Contextual Teaching-Learning, environment referenced OHS & best Cooperative Learning, assessment practice from Competency Based Computer, LCD industry Education/training handout, brocure, Portfolio book, project Assessment

Classroom practical

1.Basic theory 1.Clasical Learning/ Devices: 1.Cognitive test of OHS training 1.Safety tools 2. Achievement 2.Group Assignment 2.Computer, LCD test & individual 2.Competency Media: 3. Behavior obser- of OHS 3.Group and classroom vation discussion 1.Textbook, handout in industry 2.Clipping of newspaper 4.Questionnaire

4.Skills and compe- of attitude tency training 3.Foto and film 5.Activity in dis- 5.Visit to the construc- Environment: cussion tion project Construction project that 6.Resume of 6.Reflection implements OSH reflection

vement Achie Trainee/student has a safety and health competencies include: knowledge, skills, and attitudes for

working in industry. -

Fig.1 Learning/training model of OSH based on Industry

In the affective domain, the test results the difference between the experimental group and the control group in the pre-test is t=2.149 (sig: 0.035), which means at the beginning of learning there were significant differences between the experimental group and control group. The result of the difference in the post test is t=2.232 (sig: 0.029). It means that at the end of learning, affective learning outcomes of OSH of the experimental group was better than that of the control group.

Cognitive domain Affective domain Psychomotor domain Pre test Mid test Post test Pre test Post test Pre test Post test

79.5 81.50 76.88 76.7 78.09 76.34 79.15 71.76 75.47 75.88 69.75 64.15 67.47 63.25

Note: (1) Experiment group (2) Control group (3) Maximum score = 100

Fig.2 The score of student achievement of OSH in each domain

Bambang Endroyo et al. / Procedia Engineering 125 ( 2015 ) 83 – 88 87

In the psychomotor domain, the difference between the test results of the experimental group and control group in the pre test is t=1.026 (sig: 0.305), meaning that there was no difference in psychomotor learning outcomes of OSH at the beginning of learning between the experimental group and control group. The result of the difference in the post test is t=2.319 (sig: 0.020), meaning that the results of psychomotor learning about the OSH of the experimental group was better than that of the control group.

5. Conclusion

Some conclusions can be drawn from the research: 1. One attempt to minimize the number of occupational accidents is through education and training. 2. Industry-based OSH learning model in the construction industry is composed of 4 (four) components, namely: (a) material, containing OSH basic theory and its application in industry, (b) learning/training method that uses Competency Based Learning, Cooperative Learning, and Contextual Learning, (c) tool/equipment to learn the skills, and adequate media as well as maximum utilization of the environment, (d) learning/training evaluation in the form of portfolio. In implementing process, need teachers/lecturers who have teaching certificates and expertise. 3. The implementation of industry-based OSH learning model is more effective in improving learning outcomes in all domain (cognitive, affective,psychomotor) than the existing learning model that has been used so far. The model developed in this study is suggested to be used in learning/training OSH in the construction industry. That is because this model can effectively improve the OSH knowledge, skills and attitude of the participants. In addition, material for this learning model has been adapted to the implementation of occupational health and safety in civil engineering projects.


The writers gratefully acknowledge to the Department of Civil Engineering, State University of Semarang, which provides facilities for this study. Thanks also go to the construction practitioners, academics, students, who participate in this study.


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