police station visitors GLOBAL REPORT 2006 ABOUT ALtuS GLOBAL ALLIANCE FACTS AND FIGURES • 6 Member organizations working across 5 continents • 2 Associate member organizations • 6 Regional Representatives connecting 300 staff • 1 Secretariat with 3 staff members • Founded in April 2004 MISSION OF ALTUS Altus is a global alliance working across continents and from a multicultural perspective to improve public safety and justice. Altus places special emphasis on police accountability and the quality of police oversight, serving as a source of knowledge and innovation for government officials, human rights activists and citizens around the world, concerned about the effective and fair control of policing. POLICE StatION VISITORS WEEK: Global Report, 2006 Published by the Altus Global Alliance Secretariat, Plaats 7, 513AD, The Hague, The Netherlands, e-mail:
[email protected], website: www.altus.org. The project was financially supported by Ford Foundation, Mac Arthur Foundation, Open Society nstitute in New York, and the Dutch Embassy in Moscow This document may be freely reviewed, abstracted, reproduced or may be translated with acknowledgement, in part or in whole, but may not be sold or used in conjunction with commercial purposes. Text written/compiled by: Rainuka Dagar, Nivio Caixeta do Nascimento, Amanda Andrews. Supported by: Femke Hofstee-van der Meulen, Saskia Pubben, Kemi Asiwaju, Olga Chigareva, Francisco J. Prado Oyarzo, Monica Thornton. The Altus PSVW website was developed in cooperation with Altus webmasters, Egbert Teeselink and Nick van der Veeken. Copyright: Altus Global Alliance, 007 Printed by: Tromp Drukkerij, Rotterdam, the Netherlands TABLE OF CONTENTS About Altus Global Alliance - Table of Contents V - V Foreword V Executive Summary VPage - V 0 Acknowledgements Page 05X 1.