mxrtuotn. SODI1l1RY, &c. • Brewers } Higham Hrnry, Dyd1~;1~ Ions Hat her ell J uhn, Hill Hou~e, Old Hockey Ruth, '!'horn~, (See also Taverns~ Puhlic Housa) Sodburv Holloway Arttrur, Wapky Cross Hand! Hotel (aud -posting Trotman Stepheu & Thos. Brooli st Hopkins Charles, Hinton house), Thos. Bennett,UldSudbur y Hopkins William, Hallend. Yahi George (anti cum mer ciai llb!el, and Builders Horwood Wiiliam, A~htou and inland rt"venne office} i William See Carpenters, &(also StoneJ.Jasoru Brown's, V ate H iggs, Broad ~traet. Iles J oseph, Torma.rton Butcher& Portcullis lrrrr ( & commerciallwtcl.), lies Richard, Du rtJ ~. Waplef Chidlty, POtJie & Co.-1\. C. Dee James, High st, Sodbury lsaac Charles, Hallend, Yare l\1 atthews, man~tger. ~od bur7 Had way J oh u (po;- k), Sodbury I.saac Jessie, Hillhouse. Yate Iroomooget'j Huhb~ Elizabeth, Broad st J ames Alfred, Stover, Yate Lawreuce James, Wa,terlei~h Jones Georgc, Lyde's, Dodington Dixun Henry, Hig-hs' Lawreuce William, Boxiledge, Kelson Thomas, Little Sndbury Marsh Jamrs & William, High §f W esterleigh Knight Thomas, Wes&erleigh hill Powell Thomas, H il!'h a' Spencer Howl and, ¥ate Lutou Moses, L:iwrence William, Boxhedge, Thompson lsaac, Broad st Pickeri!r~ John, ltigh st Westerleigh Tily Willid.til~ Btoild st Lir1yara Juseph, Weste:rleigb :r.tme :Burners Trutman William, Bruad st Limbrick Wm. B. Lodwin's, Ya.te Hancock James, Yate Woll Charles, Hortou Long Wm. Sand'l!eourt, Dudlngtt>n Lor•~ & Nuwell, Yate Watley George, Westerleigh Marthews George, Westerleigh Watts John, Horse st Carpenters and .Tolnek-$ Norris William, {..iltle Sodbury (See a loo Stor~e Masons.J Parsons Joseph, Urove, Wa)Jley :Linen Drapers See uruler ll•e hflad Grocer1, ~c. Alien John~ Yate Piuchin David, Codri111ztoo Alsop James Rouncivall'lt Pinnell .:ohn, H.nck, Yate Maltster& Alsop Thoma_s, High st Paole Geor~e, W esterlelgh ' Pulleu John P. Yate Dowdlng George, Beard Uiles, Horton God winJ no.Antllony K. RuuuciTal st Gale Edward, Rawlin~s Thomas, Talbol, Rayner Wm.Say'scomt. W esterleigh Goulter J ohu, llroau st l\lorgan Fmncis, Sodbury Huroom James, Tormartou Orchard John, Dyrham Rice Kdward, Litrle Sodbury Orchard William, jun.. V ate Sargeut Thoma~, Yate (hill Millers Pr~ur Edward, H ur,e st Shcrbourne William, We,terlcigh Clark Robert, Old ~orlbury Pli,rs John, Old Sudbury Shield Robert, Weskrlt'il.\h Moa·ton l>anids Sod bury Rice William & George, Horses& Ship Marv A Oxwick, Yate Trotman Stephen & Thos~ Brook ~t Silk jeremiah, Vate Sllioway ·william, Rodford Elm. Milliners &. Dress' Makers ~tiff Edwuud, We~terleigh W estt:rldgh Rruton Jane, High sa Watkius Johll, Old St•dbury Skirmer Ge •1'!~··, Westnleigh Dowding Eliza, High st Coopers ~mith Moses, Cotirt, Yate Stoneham Ruth, Stanshaw's, V ate Painters, Plumbel"s and Vick Nathanid, Broild sfl Watt!'! Henry, Joseph, William, Glaziers Vizard George, High s~ Hugh & Frederick, Codrington Marked thus"' are Plumbura only Farm era Werrett Juhn, Yate Cton *Am old Thomas, Hor~ s~ Arrultl William, Broc~d sa Adams Susau1_Seq!t"allt.lst Wickh::hn !-1enty, Tynini!S, Codrmg­ •Dixon Henry! High llt Allway Wm. Upper Lodge, l1}rham Wickham .Tohn1 jun. Duwu, Cod- Allway Wm. Goosegreeu, Yate rin gton Mills John, Fltgh st Austeg George, Chescomb, Wapley Wickham John, sen. Codringtnn l\l orga11 Ctaartes Francis (painter & Ar no!.: Heury, Tunnarton Wilkins John, Warrens, Yate ~tune cuttet), Horse s~ Amold John, Tormarton Williams Thomas, Waplt'y *Powell Thomas, High ~ .rber Jo,eph, Pincott':~, Yate WiJliams Wm. Hume, Oodit·gt.m •Thompson Isaac, Broad st Ba1 ton Henry & Anthony, Heson- Worlock Amelia, Bu~h, Waplty Plasterers and TUers house, Worlncl! Fitz G. Cudrington Court, A m os lsaac, Horse st Batley James, Riutou Cor1ri ngton Arno~ Thomas, Sodbury 11eard J a.:nes, Tormarton Fire, &.c., Office Agents Bowyer John, Westerleigh Bearct William, Tormarton ATLAs, Wm Tayler, Hi!(h st,Sodbury Mills John, High ~t [Highs& Beunett J o&epll, }lj ewhouse, Tor~ BRtT1SH EMPIRE (life), Jo~eph :\'I ill~ Nathanid (& stone ma:>ou), m1rton fbury Caradine l1road st Walkley Thomas, Yate Bennett Thos. Crosshands, 01( .::;od. GLOBE, Johu Trcufit'ld, High st Saddlers & Collar Makers fknue!t William, Lanhouse, ~ale LANCASHIRE, John Watts, jtm. ~ letcht::r ~harle11, ~ot.Jhury Uidmead Daniel, Besunhou,e, Little H or~e street Greenman Hobe• t, Rouncival st Sodbur.r Noll\liCH tJNrn~. Thomas Bitch­ Phillips James, Broad st Braiu Aa.ron, Nibley man Prior, High street Shopkeepers and Dealers In Brya.nt Johu, Smart's, Old Sod bury SuN, F. J."'" W. Vizard, High~& Clark George, Latimore, Yare Grocerltl& and Sundries Gardeners and Seedsmen Aldom William, Yate Cubb John, Westerleigh Mark.ed tllus"' are Seedsmen only. Cole William, Park, Old Sodbury Allen John, Y ate Corleu Wi\liam Bn\Diham, Yale Gib~on William, Sodbury Amtq William, Hinton 1 Hatherell J Hill Old Cox Richard B., Partridge, Yaw uhn, House, Burchdl Elizabeth, Oyrham Sodburv Cox Willianl. A. Yate Butler Obed, Hottun *Marsh Charles, High st Crew Wi lli rell A braha r"ll & .A.Ibert, l\1 a nor •Probert James., Yate lies Edmunll, High l!t Hou~e, Little Sod bury [terleigh Short Fredeiick, ~road st lsaac Edward, Old Sndbury Hathway Franci~ G. Hen field, Wes­ Vizard J. & F. W. tandcorn factor, Knee John, Turma.rton Hathway Richard, We~terleigh &c.), High street K11ight Sarah, Coa.lpit heath Hiigs William, Frith, Yale Yuang Tlloruas & ~ohn, Roaucival st Lovell Elizabeth, Broad st V1p 251