DIRECTIONS: Please write your answers to the scavenger hunt on a SEPARATE piece of paper.


Welcome to ! The city is known for its art and food, but most importantly, this is where the Frank Museum is located. Before you enter ’s house, take a moment to walk around Amsterdam. You can do this by visiting . In the search bar, type “Amsterdam.”

Icons will pop up all over the map, showing you restaurants, hotels, museums, etc. Take 5 minutes and click on three of those icons. To explore the city as a pedestrian, drag and drop the street view icon onto the map where you would like to walk around.

Which are the three places you chose?




Then, make your way back to Anne Frank’s annex and begin your field trip. You will begin at .

During the tour you will be engaged in a scavenger hunt. You won’t believe all of the artifacts left behind! Follow these directions step by step in order to effectively search through this hide-out.

DIRECTIONS: Please write your answers to the scavenger hunt on a SEPARATE piece of paper.

But first, in your own words, why did Anne Frank’s family have to go into hiding?

Are you ready to start your tour? Great! Let’s go!

Push through the bookshelf to enter the secret annex. Listen to the audio then go through the door marked “Room Frank Family.” There will be multiple blue circles around each room you investigate. Each blue circle will tell a story about the room and the people who lived there. The questions below correspond to the blue circles in each room. Explore each room in order to find the answers to each question.

Level One – Room Frank Family and Anne’s and Fritz’s Room

Open the book on the table to learn about Anne’s sister, Margot.

1. List at least 2 things you learned about her below.

Click on “Otto Loved to Read.”

2. Who is ’s favorite author?

Click on “Edith Draws Comfort…”

3. How does Edith find comfort while hiding in the annex? 4. What is the difference between Edith’s relationship with Margot and Anne?

Click on “Tracing the Invasion…”

5. Why is Otto Frank marking a map of Normandy?

Click on “Anne and Margot Grow…”

6. Find the markings on the wall. Why would Otto and Edith care about marking the height of their daughters?

Exit this room by going through the door marked “Room Anne Frank.”

Click on “Pfeffer Does some Dentistry”

7. Who is Dr. Pfeffer’s first patient? What happens during the appointment?

Click on “A Big Argument…”

8. Describe the relationship between Anne and Pfeffer?

*Explore the bathroom on your own time.

Climb the stairs to level 2 DIRECTIONS: Please write your answers to the scavenger hunt on a SEPARATE piece of paper.

Level Two – Room Van Pels Family

Listen to the audio for the background of this room.

9. Name 3 things you notice about the common room. Why did you choose those?

Click on “A Clendestine Radio…”

10. Why is having a radio so dangerous for Nazi ? 11. Why is it important that the Annex has a radio? 12. What is ironic about the Annex having a radio?

Click on “An Unusual Couple”

13. Based on what you’ve gathered about Anne and Mr. Van Pels, how do you think they get along?

Enter Peter’s Room

Listen to the audio for Peter’s room.

Go upstairs to level 3.

Level Three – Attic Secret Annex

Click on “Anne Draws Comfort…”

14. How do you think her optimism helped Anne deal with being in hiding? 15. How does the saying, “You don’t know what you have until it’s gone,” apply to Anne and the window?

At this point you have completed the tour through the Secret Annex. However, there is a whole building to explore (if you have the time). Time permitting, if you have the opportunity, explore the building, or go out onto the streets of Amsterdam to learn more about Anne’s secret hiding place and where she spent her years in hiding.