Training DNN with

This appendix will discuss using the Keras framework to train and explore some example applications on image segmentation using a fully convolutional network (FCN) and click-rate prediction with a wide and deep model (inspired by the TensorFlow implementation). Despite their massive size, successful deep artificial neural networks can exhibit a remarkably small difference between training and test performance; see understanding-deep-learning-requires-re-thinking- generalization/. In a blog post ( deeplearning/2017/06/04/deep_learning_works.html), Andrew Beam explains why it’s possible to apply very large neural networks even if you have small data sets without the risk of .

A.1 The Keras Framework is an excellent framework to start deploying a deep learning model. The author, Francois Chollet, has created a great library, following a minimalist approach and with many hyperparameters and optimizers already preconfigured. You can run complex models in less than ten lines of code using , TensorFlow, and CNTK backends.

© Armando Vieira, Bernardete Ribeiro 2018 287 A. Vieira and B. Ribeiro, Introduction to Deep Learning Business Applications for Developers, APPENDIX A Training DNN with Keras A.1.1 Installing Keras in Linux

Keras is pretty straightforward to install. The first step is to install Theano or TensorFlow. Installing TensorFlow is easy with Pip. Be careful with the version you install, though. If you use a GPU, you have to choose a compatible installation that will run Cuda. There are some obvious dependencies like Numpy or less obvious ones like hdf5 to compress files. See the full instructions for a Linux installation at www.pyimagesearch. com/2016/11/14/installing-keras-with--backend/.

A.1.2 Model

Models in Keras are defined as a sequence of layers. A network is a stack of layers forming a network topology. The input needs to have the same dimensions as the input data. This can be specified when creating the first layer with the input_dim argument. Finding the best network architecture (number of layers, size of layers, activation functions) is done mostly by trial and error. Generally, you need a network large enough to accommodate the complexity of the problem but one that is not too complex. Fully connected layers are defined using the Dense class. You can specify the number of neurons in the layer as the first argument. The network weights should be initialized to a small random number generated from a uniform distribution. The initialization method can be specified as an int argument. The is also specified as an argument. If you are unsure about these initializations, simply use the defaults.

288 APPENDIX A Training DNN with Keras A.1.3 The Core Layers

A neural network is composed of a set of (mostly sequential) layers that are connected with each other. These are the most common layers: • Input • Dense • Convolution1D and convolution2D • Embedding • LSTM A neural network works with tensors. Before you perform computation, you need to convert your data (as a Numpy array of a Pandas data frame) into a tensor. The input layer is the entry point of a neural network. The dense layer is the most basic (and common) type of layer. It has as arguments the number of unities and the activation function. The rectifier linear unit (ReLU) activation function is the most common one. The layers (1D or 2D) are mostly used for text and images and the required parameters are the number of filters and the kernel size. The embedding layer is very useful for text data as they can convert a very high dimensional data into a denser representation - they require two parameters input_dim and output_dim. The LSTM layer is very useful to learn temporal or sequential data - the only required parameter is the number of units - careful since these networks with these layers are very computational intensive and they overfit easily. Some other common activation functions are tanh, softmax, and argmax. The following is a simple example of a Keras model to classify data (the response variable is the last column of the file xxx.csv, either 0 or 1). In this example, you will train a classifier, minimize the cross entropy over 150 epochs, and print the predictions. The data is assumed to be normalized. As the activation function in the last layer, you are using sigmoid, but

289 APPENDIX A Training DNN with Keras normally softmax should be used. It is assumed that input data is contained in the initial X_dim columns - parameter that should be provided. from keras.models import Sequential from keras.layers import Dense import numpy as np # load a dataset dataset = np.loadtxt("xxx.csv", delimiter=",") # split into input (X) and output (Y) variables X = dataset[:,0:X_dim] Y = dataset[:,X_dim] # create model model = Sequential() model.add(Dense(12, input_dim=X_dim, init='uniform', activation='relu')) model.add(Dense(5, init='uniform', activation='relu')) model.add(Dense(1, init='uniform', activation='sigmoid')) # Compile model model.compile(loss='binary_crossentropy', optimizer='adam', metrics=['accuracy']) # Fit the model, Y, epochs=150, batch_size=10, verbose=2) # calculate predictions predictions = model.predict(X) # round predictions rounded = [round(x[0]) for x in predictions] print(rounded)

290 APPENDIX A Training DNN with Keras A.1.4 The

Keras comes with the most common loss functions, including these basic ones: • Cross entropy and binary cross entropy for classification problems • Categorical cross entropy • Mean Square Error (MSE) for regression problems Building a personalized loss function is quite straightforward. An example is provided in the code of the FCN later in this chapter to weight the cross entropy to account for imbalanced categorical data, using the binary_crossentropy_2d_w() function. Care should be taken because loss functions have to be fully differentiable. For instance, you cannot use if, then, else.

A.1.5 Training and Testing

Normally you specify the metrics of interest by calling the compile method. For instance, you can compile this model using the Adam optimizer with a of 0.001, minimizing the binary cross entropy loss and displaying the accuracy. model.compile(Adam(0.001), loss='binary_crossentropy', metrics='accuracy')

To display all metrics from training a model, just use this:,Y_train,epochs=50) print(history.history.keys())

291 APPENDIX A Training DNN with Keras A.1.6 Callbacks

Keras can register a set of callbacks when training neural networks. The default callback tracks the training metrics for each epoch, including the loss and the accuracy for training and validation data. An object named history is returned from a call to the fit() function. Metrics are stored in the form of a dictionary in the history member of the object returned. The following is an example using a checkpoint to save the weights (in the file weights.hdf5) of the best model: from keras.callbacks import ModelCheckpoint checkpointbest = ModelCheckpoint(filepath='weights.hdf5', verbose=1, save_best_only=True), y_train, epochs=20, validation_data= (x_test, y_test), callbacks=[checkpointbest])

A.1.7 Compile and Fit

After the model is defined, it can be compiled; only at this point is the computational graph effectively generated. Compiling uses the numerical libraries from the Keras backend such as Theano or TensorFlow. The backend automatically chooses the best way to represent the network for training and makes predictions for running on hardware, such as a CPU or GPU and single or multiple. You can run models on a CPU, but a GPU is advisable if you are dealing with large image data sets because it will speed up the training by an order of magnitude. Compiling requires additional properties for training the network for finding the best set of weights connecting the neurons. You must specify the loss function to use to evaluate the network, the optimizer used to search through different weights for the network, and any optional metrics you would like to collect and report during training.

292 APPENDIX A Training DNN with Keras

For classification, you typically use logarithmic loss, which for a binary classification problem is defined in Keras as binary_crossentropy. For optimization, the algorithm adam is commonly used. model.compile(loss='binary_crossentropy', optimizer='adam', metrics ['accuracy']) Other common optimizers include Adadelta, SGD, and Adagrad. To train, or fit, the model on data, you call the fit() function on the model. The training process will run for a fixed number of iterations through the data set called epochs, which is specified through the epochs argument. You can also set the number of instances that are evaluated before a weight update in the network is performed, called the batch size, using the batch_size argument.

A.2 The Deep and Wide Model

Wide and deep models can be jointly trained using linear models and deep neural networks. The wide component consists of a generalized linear model, and the cross-product interaction is modeled as a neural network with embedding layers (see Figure A-1).

Figure A-1. Wide and deep neural network model

The following code, in Python 2.7, is the Keras implementation of the code originally presented in TensorFlow. To run it, you need to download the adult data set from databases/adult/ It was provided by Javier Zaurin (https:// .com/jrzaurin/Wide-and-Deep-Keras).

293 APPENDIX A Training DNN with Keras

First you will do the imports and define some functions to be used later.

# to run : python –method method # example: python –method deep import numpy as np import pandas as pd import argparse from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler from copy import copy from keras.models import Sequential from keras.layers import Dense from keras.optimizers import Adam from keras.layers import Input, concatenate, Embedding, Reshape, Merge, Flatten, merge, Lambda from keras.layers.normalization import BatchNormalization from keras.models import Model from keras.regularizers import l2, l1_l2 def cross_columns(x_cols): """simple helper to build the crossed columns in a pandas dataframe """ crossed_columns = dict() colnames = ['_'.join(x_c) for x_c in x_cols] for cname,x_c in zip(colnames,x_cols): crossed_columns[cname] = x_c return crossed_columns def val2idx(DF_deep,cols): """helper to index categorical columns before embeddings. """ DF_deep = pd.concat([df_train, df_test]) val_types = dict() for c in cols:

294 APPENDIX A Training DNN with Keras

val_types[c] = DF_deep[c].unique()

val_to_idx = dict() for k, v in val_types.iteritems(): val_to_idx[k] = o: i for i, o in enumerate(val_ types[k])

for k, v in val_to_idx.iteritems(): DF_deep[k] = DF_deep[k].apply(lambda x: v[x])

unique_vals = dict() for c in cols: unique_vals[c] = DF_deep[c].nunique()

return DF_deep,unique_vals def embedding_input(name, n_in, n_out, reg): inp = Input(shape=(1,), dtype='int64', name=name) return inp, Embedding(n_in, n_out, input_length=1, embeddings_regularizer=l2(reg))(inp) def continous_input(name): inp = Input(shape=(1,), dtype='float32', name=name) return inp, Reshape((1, 1))(inp)

Then you define the wide model. def wide():

target = 'cr'

wide_cols = ["gender", "xyz_campaign_id", "fb_campaign_id", "age", "interest"] x_cols = (['gender', 'age'],['age', 'interest'])

DF_wide = pd.concat([df_train,df_test])

295 APPENDIX A Training DNN with Keras

# my understanding on how to replicate what layers.crossed_ column does One # can read here: crossed_columns_d = cross_columns(x_cols)

categorical_columns = list(DF_wide.select_dtypes(include=['object']).columns) wide_columns = wide_cols + crossed_columns_d.keys()

for k, v in crossed_columns_d.iteritems(): DF_wide[k] = DF_wide[v].apply(lambda x: '-'.join(x), axis=1)

DF_wide = DF_wide[wide_columns + [target] + ['IS_TRAIN']] dummy_cols = [ c for c in wide_columns if c in categorical_columns + crossed_columns_d.keys()] DF_wide = pd.get_dummies(DF_wide, columns=[x for x in dummy_cols])

train = DF_wide[DF_wide.IS_TRAIN == 1].drop('IS_TRAIN', axis=1) test = DF_wide[DF_wide.IS_TRAIN == 0].drop('IS_TRAIN', axis=1)

# sanity check: make sure all columns are in the same order cols = ['cr'] + [c for c in train.columns if c != 'cr'] train = train[cols] test = test[cols]

X_train = train.values[:, 1:] Y_train = train.values[:, 0] X_test = test.values[:, 1:] Y_test = test.values[:, 0]

296 APPENDIX A Training DNN with Keras

# WIDE MODEL wide_inp = Input(shape=(X_train.shape[1],), dtype='float32', name='wide_inp') w = Dense(1, activation="sigmoid", name = "wide_model") (wide_inp) wide = Model(wide_inp, w) wide.compile(Adam(0.01), loss='mse', metrics=['accuracy']),Y_train,nb_epoch=10,batch_size=64) results = wide.evaluate(X_test,Y_test)

print " Results with wide model:

Then you define the wide model. def deep(): DF_deep = pd.concat([df_train,df_test]) target = 'cr' embedding_cols = ["gender", "xyz_campaign_id", "fb_campaign_id", "age", "interest"] deep_cols = embedding_cols + ['cpc','cpco','cpcoa'] DF_deep,unique_vals = val2idx(DF_deep, embedding_cols) train = DF_deep[DF_deep.IS_TRAIN == 1].drop('IS_TRAIN', axis=1) test = DF_deep[DF_deep.IS_TRAIN == 0].drop('IS_TRAIN', axis=1)

n_factors = 5 gender, gd = embedding_input('gender_in', unique_vals[ 'gender'], n_factors, 1e-3) xyz_campaign, xyz = embedding_input('xyz_campaign_id_in', unique_vals[ 'xyz_campaign_id'], n_ factors, 1e-3)

297 APPENDIX A Training DNN with Keras

fb_campaign_id, fb = embedding_input('fb_campaign_id_in', unique_vals[ 'fb_campaign_id'], n_ factors, 1e-3) age, ag = embedding_input('age_in', unique_vals[ 'age'], n_factors, 1e-3) interest, it = embedding_input('interest_in', unique_vals[ 'interest'], n_factors, 1e-3)

# adding numerical columns to the deep model cpco, cp = continous_input('cpco_in') cpcoa, cpa = continous_input('cpcoa_in')

X_train = [train[c] for c in deep_cols] Y_train = train[target] X_test = [test[c] for c in deep_cols] Y_test = test[target]

# DEEP MODEL: input same order than in deep_cols: d = merge([gd, re, xyz, fb, ag, it], mode='concat') d = Flatten()(d) # layer to normalise continous columns with the embeddings d = BatchNormalization()(d) d = Dense(100, activation='relu', kernel_regularizer=l1_l2(l1=0.01, l2=0.01))(d) d = Dense(50, activation='relu',name='deep_inp')(d) d = Dense(1, activation="sigmoid")(d) deep = Model([gender, xyz_campaign, fb_campaign_id, age, interest, cpco, cpcoa], d)

298 APPENDIX A Training DNN with Keras

deep.compile(Adam(0.001), loss='mse', metrics=['accuracy']),Y_train, batch_size=64, nb_epoch=10) results = deep.evaluate(X_test,Y_test)

print " Results with deep model:

Then you compose the wide and deep model using some cross-tabular columns. def wide_deep():

target = 'cr' wide_cols = ["gender", "xyz_campaign_id", "fb_campaign_id", "age", "interest"] x_cols = (['gender', 'xyz_campaign'],['age', 'interest'])

DF_wide = pd.concat([df_train,df_test])

crossed_columns_d = cross_columns(x_cols)

categorical_columns = list(DF_wide.select_dtypes(include=['object']).columns) wide_columns = wide_cols + crossed_columns_d.keys()

for k, v in crossed_columns_d.iteritems(): DF_wide[k] = DF_wide[v].apply(lambda x: '-'.join(x), axis=1)

DF_wide = DF_wide[wide_columns + [target] + ['IS_TRAIN']] dummy_cols = [ c for c in wide_columns if c in categorical_columns + crossed_columns_d.keys()] DF_wide = pd.get_dummies(DF_wide, columns=[x for x in dummy_cols])

299 APPENDIX A Training DNN with Keras

train = DF_wide[DF_wide.IS_TRAIN == 1].drop('IS_TRAIN', axis=1) test = DF_wide[DF_wide.IS_TRAIN == 0].drop('IS_TRAIN', axis=1)

# sanity check: make sure all columns are in the same order cols = ['cr'] + [c for c in train.columns if c != 'cr'] train = train[cols] test = test[cols]

X_train_wide = train.values[:, 1:] Y_train_wide = train.values[:, 0] X_test_wide = test.values[:, 1:]

DF_deep = pd.concat([df_train,df_test]) embedding_cols = ['gender', 'xyz_campaign','fb_campaign_ id', 'age', 'interest'] deep_cols = embedding_cols + ['cpco','cpcoa'] DF_deep,unique_vals = val2idx(DF_deep,embedding_cols) train = DF_deep[DF_deep.IS_TRAIN == 1].drop('IS_TRAIN', axis=1) test = DF_deep[DF_deep.IS_TRAIN == 0].drop('IS_TRAIN', axis=1)

n_factors = 5 gender, gd = embedding_input('gender_in', unique_vals[ 'gender'], n_factors, 1e-3) xyz_campaign, xyz = embedding_input('xyz_campaign_id_in', unique_vals[ 'xyz_campaign_id'], n_factors, 1e-3) fb_campaign_id, fb = embedding_input('fb_campaign_id_in', unique_vals[ 'fb_campaign_id'], n_ factors, 1e-3)

300 APPENDIX A Training DNN with Keras

age, ag = embedding_input('age_in', unique_vals[ 'age'], n_factors, 1e-3) interest, it = embedding_input('interest_in', unique_vals[ 'interest'], n_factors, 1e-3)­

# adding numerical columns to the deep model cpco, cp = continous_input('cpco_in') cpcoa, cpa = continous_input('cpcoa_in')

X_train_deep = [train[c] for c in deep_cols] Y_train_deep = train[target] X_test_deep = [test[c] for c in deep_cols] Y_test_deep = test[target]

X_tr_wd = [X_train_wide] + X_train_deep Y_tr_wd = Y_train_deep # wide or deep is the same here X_te_wd = [X_test_wide] + X_test_deep Y_te_wd = Y_test_deep # wide or deep is the same here

#WIDE wide_inp = Input(shape=(X_train_wide.shape[1],), dtype='float32', name='wide_inp')

#DEEP deep_inp = merge([ge, xyz, ag, fb, it, cp, cpa], mode='concat') deep_inp = Flatten()(deep_inp) # layer to normalise continous columns with the embeddings deep_inp = BatchNormalization()(deep_inp) deep_inp = Dense(100, activation='relu', kernel_regularizer=l1_l2(l1=0.01, l2=0.01)) (deep_inp)

301 APPENDIX A Training DNN with Keras

deep_inp = Dense(50, activation='relu',name='deep_inp') (deep_inp)

#WIDE + DEEP wide_deep_inp = concatenate([wide_inp, deep_inp]) wide_deep_out = Dense(1, activation='sigmoid', name='wide_deep_out')(wide_deep_inp) wide_deep = Model(inputs=[wide_inp, gender, age, xyz_ campaign, fb_campaign_id,cpco, cpcoa], outputs=wide_deep_out) wide_deep.compile(optimizer=Adam(lr=0.001),loss='mse', metrics=['accuracy']), Y_tr_wd, nb_epoch=50, batch_size=80) # = 0.001 #, Y_tr_wd, nb_epoch=5, batch_ size=64) results = wide_deep.evaluate(X_te_wd, Y_te_wd)

print " Results with wide and deep model:

The main module is finally assembled. if __name__ == '__main__':

ap = argparse.ArgumentParser() ap.add_argument("–method", type=str, default="wide_deep", help="fitting method") args = vars(ap.parse_args()) method = args["method"]

df_train = pd.read_csv("train.csv") df_test = pd.read_csv("test.csv") df_train['IS_TRAIN'] = 1 df_test['IS_TRAIN'] = 0

302 APPENDIX A Training DNN with Keras

if method == 'wide': wide() elif method == 'deep': deep() else: wide_deep()

A.3 An FCN for Image Segmentation

This section will provide the code for image segmentation using a fully convolutional network. You will begin by doing some imports and setting some functions, as shown here: import glob import os from PIL import Image import numpy as np from keras.layers import Input, Convolution2D, MaxPooling2D, UpSampling2D, Dropout from keras.models import Model from keras import backend as K from keras.callbacks import ModelCheckpoint smooth = 1.

# define a weighted binary cross entropy function def binary_crossentropy_2d_w(alpha): def loss(y_true, y_pred): bce = K.binary_crossentropy(y_pred, y_true) bce *= 1 + alpha * y_true bce /= alpha return K.mean(K.batch_flatten(bce), axis=-1) return loss 303 APPENDIX A Training DNN with Keras

# define dice score to assess predictions def dice_coef(y_true, y_pred): y_true_f = K.flatten(y_true) y_pred_f = K.flatten(y_pred) intersection = K.sum(y_true_f * y_pred_f) return (2. * intersection + smooth) / (K.sum(y_true_f) + K.sum(y_pred_f) + smooth) def dice_coef_loss(y_true, y_pred): return 1 - dice_coef(y_true, y_pred)

Then you load the data and the respective masks. The transpose can be skipped if you use TensorFlow as the backend (because it assumes images are specified as width×height×channels). A low-resolution image is 640×480×3. def load_data(dir, boundary=False): X = [] y = [] # load images for f in sorted(glob.glob(dir + '/image??.png')): img = np.array('RGB')) X.append(img) # load masks for i, f in enumerate(sorted(glob.glob(dir + '/image??_ mask.txt'))): if boundary: a = get_boundary_mask(f) y.append(np.expand_dims(a, axis=0)) else: content = open(f).read().split('')[1:-1] a = np.array(content, 'i').reshape(X[i].shape[:2]) a = np.clip(a, 0, 1).astype('uint8') y.append(np.expand_dims(a, axis=0)) 304 APPENDIX A Training DNN with Keras

# stack data X = np.array(X) / 255. y = np.array(y) X = np.transpose(X, (0, 3, 1, 2)) return X, y

Then you define the network used for training. You start with eight filters, and each time you do max pooling, it doubles: 16, 32, and so on.

# define the network model def net_2_outputs(input_shape): input_img = Input(input_shape, name='input')

x = Convolution2D(8, 3, 3, activation='relu', border_mode='same')(input_img) x = Convolution2D(8, 3, 3, activation='relu', border_ mode='same')(x) x = Convolution2D(8, 3, 3, subsample=(1, 1), activation='relu', border_mode='same')(x) x = MaxPooling2D((2, 2), border_mode='same')(x) x = Convolution2D(16, 3, 3, activation='relu', border_ mode='same')(x) x = Convolution2D(16, 3, 3, activation='relu', border_ mode='same')(x) x = Convolution2D(16, 3, 3, subsample=(1, 1), activation='relu', border_mode='same')(x) x = MaxPooling2D((2, 2), border_mode='same')(x) x = Convolution2D(32, 3, 3, activation='relu', border_ mode='same')(x) x = Convolution2D(32, 3, 3, activation='relu', border_ mode='same')(x) x = Convolution2D(32, 3, 3, activation='relu', border_ mode='same')(x) 305 APPENDIX A Training DNN with Keras

# up x = UpSampling2D((2, 2))(x) x = Convolution2D(16, 3, 3, activation='relu', border_ mode='same')(x) x = UpSampling2D((2, 2))(x) x = Convolution2D(8, 3, 3, activation='relu', border_ mode='same')(x) output = Convolution2D(1, 3, 3, activation='sigmoid', border_mode='same', name='output')(x)

model = Model(input_img, output=[output]) model.compile(optimizer='adam', loss='output': binary_crossentropy_2d_w(5)) return model

Next, you train the model. def train(): X, y = load_data(DATA_DIR_TRAIN.replace('c_type', c_type), boundary=False) # load the data

print(X.shape, y.shape) # make sure it's the right shape h = X.shape[2] w = X.shape[3] training_data = ShuffleBatchGenerator(input_data='input': X, output_data='output': y, 'output_b': y_b) # generate batches for training and testing training_data_aug = DataAugmentation(training_data, inplace_transfo=['mirror', 'transpose']) # apply some net = net_2_outputs((X.shape[1], h, w)) net.summary()

306 APPENDIX A Training DNN with Keras

model = net, 300, 1, callbacks=[ProgressBar Callback()])'model.hdf5' )

# save predictions to disk res = model.predict(training_data, training_data.nb_ elements) if not os.path.isdir('res'): os.makedirs('res') for i, img in enumerate(res[0]): Image.fromarray(np.squeeze(img) * 255).convert('RGB').save('res/ for i, img in enumerate(res[1]): Image.fromarray(np.squeeze(img) * 255).convert('RGB').save('res/ if __name__ == '__main__': train()

A.3.1 Sequence to Sequence

Sequence-to-sequence models () convert a sequence from one domain (e.g., sentences in English) to a sequence in another domain (e.g., the same sentences translated to French) or convert from past observations to a sequence of future observations (prediction). When both sequences have the same length, a simple Keras LSTM is enough. In the general case of arbitrary lengths where the entire input sequence is required, an layer will act as the encoder. It projects the input sequence into its own internal state (the context), and another RNN layer is trained as the decoder to predict the next elements of the target sequence. The encoder uses as the initial state the vectors from

307 APPENDIX A Training DNN with Keras the encoder. The decoder learns to generate targets[t+1...] given targets[...t], conditioned on the input sequence. The following example was created by F. Chollet and is available online at https://blog. learning-­in-keras.html: from keras.models import Model from keras.layers import Input, LSTM, Dense encoder_inputs = Input(shape=(None, num_encoder_tokens)) encoder = LSTM(latent_dim, return_state=True) encoder_outputs, state_h, state_c = encoder(encoder_inputs) # We discard 'encoder_outputs' and only keep the states. encoder_states = [state_h, state_c]

# Set up the decoder, using 'encoder_states' as initial state. decoder_inputs = Input(shape=(None, num_decoder_tokens)) # We set up our decoder to return full output sequences, # and to return internal states as well. We don't use the # return states in the training model, but we will use them in inference. decoder_lstm = LSTM(latent_dim, return_sequences=True, return_ state=True) decoder_outputs, _, _ = decoder_lstm(decoder_inputs, initial_state=encoder_states) decoder_dense = Dense(num_decoder_tokens, activation='softmax') decoder_outputs = decoder_dense(decoder_outputs)

# Define the model that will turn # 'encoder_input_data' 'decoder_input_data' into 'decoder_ target_data' model = Model([encoder_inputs, decoder_inputs], ­decoder_outputs)

# Run training

308 APPENDIX A Training DNN with Keras model.compile(optimizer='rmsprop', loss='categorical_ crossentropy')[encoder_input_data, decoder_input_data], decoder_ target_data, batch_size=batch_size, epochs=epochs, validation_split=0.2) encoder_model = Model(encoder_inputs, encoder_states) decoder_state_input_h = Input(shape=(latent_dim,)) decoder_state_input_c = Input(shape=(latent_dim,)) decoder_states_inputs = [decoder_state_input_h, decoder_state_ input_c] decoder_outputs, state_h, state_c = decoder_lstm( decoder_inputs, initial_state=decoder_states_inputs) decoder_states = [state_h, state_c] decoder_outputs = decoder_dense(decoder_outputs) decoder_model = Model( [decoder_inputs] + decoder_states_inputs, [decoder_outputs] + decoder_states) def decode_sequence(input_seq): # Encode the input as state vectors. states_value = encoder_model.predict(input_seq)

# Generate empty target sequence of length 1. target_seq = np.zeros((1, 1, num_decoder_tokens)) # Populate the first character of target sequence with the start character. target_seq[0, 0, target_token_index[']] = 1.

# Sampling loop for a batch of sequences # (to simplify, here we assume a batch of size 1).

309 APPENDIX A Training DNN with Keras

stop_condition = False decoded_sentence = " while not stop_condition: output_tokens, h, c = decoder_model.predict( [target_seq] + states_value)

# Sample a token sampled_token_index = np.argmax(output_tokens[0, -1, :]) sampled_char = reverse_target_char_index[sampled_token_ index] decoded_sentence += sampled_char

# Exit condition: either hit max length # or find stop character. if (sampled_char == '' or len(decoded_sentence) > max_decoder_seq_length): stop_condition = True

# Update the target sequence (of length 1). target_seq = np.zeros((1, 1, num_decoder_tokens)) target_seq[0, 0, sampled_token_index] = 1.

# Update states states_value = [h, c]

return decoded_sentence

A.4 The on a Multilayer

In this section, we will consider a rather general neural network consisting of L layers (of course not counting the input layer). Let’s consider an (ℓ) (ℓ) () arbitrary layer, say ℓ, which has Nℓ neurons, X1 , X2 , …, X , each with N

310 APPENDIX A Training DNN with Keras

a transfer function, f (ℓ). Notice that the transfer function may be different from layer to layer. As in the extended Delta rule, the transfer function may be given by any but does not need to be linear. These neurons receive signals from the neurons in the preceding layer, (ℓ) ()-1  -1 . For example, neuron Xj receives a signal from X i with a weight (ℓ) (ℓ) factor of wij . Therefore, you have an N -1 by Nℓ weight matrix, W , whose (ℓ) elements are given by Wij , for iN=¼12,, , -1 and jN=¼12,, ,  . Neuron (ℓ) (ℓ) (ℓ) Xj also has a bias given by bj , and its activation is aj . () To simplify the notation, you will use nyji()= nj, to denote the net (ℓ) input into neuron Xj . It is given as follows:

N-1 ()=+()-1 ()() =¼ naj å iiwbjj,,jN12,, . i=1

(ℓ) Thus, the activation of neuron Xj is as follows:

N-1 ()() ()()æ ()-1 () () ö afjj= ()nf=+ç åawiijjb ÷. è i=1 ø

You can consider the zeroth layer as the input layer. If an input vector

x has N components, then NN0 = , and neurons in the input layer have ()0 activations axii==,,iN12,,¼ 0 . Layer L of the network is the output layer. Assuming that the output

vector y has M components, you must have NML = . These components ()L are given by yajj==,,jM12,,¼ . For any given input vector, the previous equations can be used to find the activation for each neuron for any given set of weights and biases. In particular, the network output vector y can be found. The remaining question is how to train the network to find a set of weights and biases for it to perform a certain task.

311 APPENDIX A Training DNN with Keras

You will now consider training a rather general for pattern association using the BP algorithm. Training is carried out supervised, so you can assume that a set of pattern pairs (or associations), as in st()qq:,()qQ=¼12,, , , is given. The training vectors s(q) have N components, as shown here:

()qq=¼éss() ()q s()q ù, s ë 12 N û

Their targets, t(q), have M components, as shown here:

()qq=¼étt() ()q t ()q ù. t ë 12 M û

Just like in the Delta rule, the training vectors are presented one at a time to the network during training. Suppose in time step t of the training process, a training vector s(q) for a particular q is presented as input, x(t), to the network. The input signal can be propagated forward through the network using the equations in the previous section and the current set of weights and biases to obtain the corresponding network output, y(t). The weights and biases are then adjusted using the steepest descent algorithm to minimize the square of the error for this training vector:

2 Et= yt()- ()t ,

Here, tt()t = ()q is the corresponding target vector for the chosen training vector s(q). This square error E is a function of all the weights and biases of the entire network since y(t) depends on them. You need to find the set of updating rules for them based on the steepest descent algorithm.

¶E wt()+1 =wt() -a ij ()ij () () ¶wtij ()

312 APPENDIX A Training DNN with Keras

¶E bt()+1 = bt() -a , jj() () () ¶btj ()

Here, a ()> 0 is the learning rate. To compute these partial derivatives, you need to understand how E depends on the weights and biases. First, E depends explicitly on the network output y(t) (the activations of the last layer, a(L)), which then depends on the net input into the L -th layer, n(L). In turn, n(L) is given by the activations of the preceding layer and the weights and biases of layer L. The explicit relation is as follows (for brevity, the dependence on step t is omitted):

2 2 2 Et=-yt() =-at()LL()tf= ()()nt()L - ()t

2 NL-1 ()L æ ()L-1 ()L ()L ö =+faç å i wbij j ÷ - t()t . è i=1 ø

It is then easy to compute the partial derivatives of E with respect to the elements of W(L) and b(L) using the chain rule for differentiation.

N ()L ¶E L ¶E ¶n = n ()L å ()L ()L . ¶wij n=1 ¶nn ¶wij

Notice the sum is needed in the previous equation for the correct application of the chain rule. You now define the sensitivity vector for a general layer ℓ to have components.

¶E s() = nN=¼12,, ,. n ()  ¶nn

313 APPENDIX A Training DNN with Keras

(ℓ) This is called the sensitivity of neuron Xn because it gives the change in the output error, E, per unit change in the net input it receives. For layer L, it is easy to compute the sensitivity vector directly using the chain rule to obtain this.

()L ()L  ()L ()L san =-21()n ttn ()fn()n ,,nN=¼2,,L .

Here, f denotes the derivative of the transfer function f. You also know the following:

()L N ¶n ¶ æ L-1 ö n = ()L-1 ()L + ()L =d ()L-1 ()L ()L ç åawm mn bn ÷ njjia . ¶wwij ¶ ij è m=1 ø

Therefore, you have this:

¶E = ()L-1 ()L ()L asi j . ¶wij

Similarly, you have this:

N ()L ¶E L ¶E ¶n = n ()L å ()L ()L , ¶bj n=1 ¶nn ¶bj

In addition, since you have this:

¶n()L n =d ()L nj , ¶bj then you get the following:

¶E = ()L ()L s j . ¶bj

314 APPENDIX A Training DNN with Keras

For a general layer, ℓ, you can write this:

N () N () ¶E ¶E ¶n  ¶n  = n = s() n . ()åå() () n () ¶wij n=11¶nn ¶wij n= ¶wij

N () N () ¶E ¶E ¶n  ¶n  = n = s() n . ()åå() () n () ¶bj n=11¶nn ¶bj n= ¶bj

Since you have this:

N-1 ()=+()-1 ()() =¼ nan å mmwbnn,,jN12,, , m=1 the you have the following:

¶n() n =d a()-1 () nj i ¶wij

¶n() n =d , () nj ¶bj and finally the following:

¶E ¶E = as()-1 (),.= s() () ij () j ¶wij ¶bj

Therefore, the updating rules for the weights and biases are as follows (now you put back the dependency on the step index t):

()() ()-1 () wtij ()+1 =wtij ()-a atij()st()

()() () btjj()+1 = bt()-a stj (),

315 APPENDIX A Training DNN with Keras

To use these updating rules, you need to be able to compute the sensitivity vectors s(ℓ) for  =¼12,, ,L -1. From their definition, you have this:

¶E s() = jN=¼12,, ,, j ()  ¶n j

(ℓ) You need to know how E depends on nj . The key to computing (ℓ) ()-1 these partial derivatives is to note that nj in turn depends on ni for iN=¼12,, , -1 , because the net input for layer ℓ depends on the activation of the previous layer,  -1 , which in turn depends on the net input for layer

 -1 . Specifically, you have this for jN=¼12,, ,  :

N--11N ()()-1 ()() ()-11()- ()() naj =+ååiiwbjj= fn()i wiij + bj i=1 i=1

Therefore, you have the following for the sensitivity of layer  -1 :

N () ¶E  ¶E ¶n  s()-1 = = i j ()-1 å () ()-1 ¶n j i=1 ¶ni ¶n j

N N ¶ æ -1 ö = s() fn()-11()- wb()+ () ååi ()-1 ç ()mmii÷ i=1 ¶n j è m=1 ø

N N () ()-11() - () () -11()- () () = ååsfij()nwji = fn()j w jji si . i=1 i=1

Thus, the sensitivity of a neuron in layer  -1 depends on the sensitivities of all the neurons in layer ℓ. This is a recursion relation for the sensitivities of the network since the sensitivities of the last layer L is known. To find the activations or the net inputs for any given layer, you need to feed the input from the left of the network and proceed forward to the layer in question. However, to find the sensitivities for any given layer,

316 APPENDIX A Training DNN with Keras

you need to start from the last layer and use the recursion relation going backward to the given layer. This is why the training algorithm is called backpropagation. To compute the updates for the weights and biases, you need to find the activations and sensitivities for all the layers. To obtain the sensitivities, ()() you also need fn()j . That means that in general you need to keep track (ℓ) of all the nj as well. In neural networks trained using the backpropagation algorithm, there are two functions often used as the transfer functions. One is the log-­ , shown here:

1 fx()= logsig 1+e -x

This is differentiable, and its value goes smoothly and monotonically between 0 and 1 for x around 0. The other is the hyperbolic tangent sigmoid function, shown here:

1-e -x fx()= = tanh()x /2 tansig 1+e -x

This is also differentiable, but its value goes smoothly between -1 and 1 for x around 0. It is easy to see that the first derivatives of these functions are given in terms of the same functions alone.

 é ù fxlogsig ()= fxlogsig ()ë1- fxlogsig ()û

1 fx ()=+é11fx()ùé - fx()ù tansig 2 ë tansig ûë tansig û

()() () Since fn()jj= a , in implementing the neural network on a (ℓ) computer, there is actually no need to keep track of nj at all (thus saving memory).

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331 Index

A , 209 unbalanced data sets, 210 Actor-critic algorithm unsupervised techniques (A3C), 147–148, 150, 190 clustering, 210 Adversarial auto-encoder density-based methods, 209 (AAE), 72, 228 kernel methods, 210 Aggressive regularization variational auto-encoder, 210 techniques, 82 Apache Institute, 30 AI assistants Apocalypse scenario, 17 Amy, 243 Applications definition, 241 anomaly detection, 208 ’s Smart Reply, 243 big data, 231 messaging bots, 242, 243 forecast, 216 text based, 242 machine learning, 207 voice based, 242 medicine and biomedical voice interaction, 241 crowdsourcing AIX, 191 symptoms, 221 Anomaly detection drug discovery, 228 conditional variational medical image auto-­encoder, 210 processing, 222 data analysis, 208 omics, 225–227 DSEBM, 210 security and prevention, 214 fake reviews, 213 user experience, 230–231 fraud prevention, 211–212 voice recognition, 230 generative adversarial (AI) networks, 210 challenges, 4 models, 208 history, 3 PCA, 208 research fields, 4 SAEs, 210 © Armando Vieira, Bernardete Ribeiro 2018 333 A. Vieira and B. Ribeiro, Introduction to Deep Learning Business Applications for Developers, Index

Artificial neuron networks (ANNs) Boltzmann machines backpropagation, 38, 42 DBM, 53–54 evolution, 38 DBNs, 50–52 history, 38 energy function, 46 milestones, 39–40 gradient descent, 46 MLP, 40–41 log likelihood function, 47 training and test MCMC, 47–48 performance, 287 probability of visible/hidden Auto-encoders, 55 units, 46 Automatic speech recognition RBM, 48–50 (ASR), 130, 131 thermal equilibrium, 46 Automatic video summarization Boltzmann machines (RBMs), 9 (AVS), 98 Bootstrapping technique, 186 Autonomous driving problems Brute-force algorithm, 185 path planning, 246 Business impact, DL technology sensing, 246 accuracy, 251–252 AI assistants, 241–243 AI-powered CRM system, 237 B autonomous vehicles, 246 Bag of words (BOW), 115 competitive advantage, 247–249 Bayesian , 27 computer vision, 240 Bidirectional long-short memory customer-centric view, 248 (BLSTM) networks, 102 data centers, 247 Bid optimization algorithm, 174 data-intensive activities, 240 Big data, 231 data science, 249–251 BLEU score, 123, 126 intelligent software, 245 Board game legal AlphaGo, 187 automating tasks, 243 bootstrapping technique, 186 conversational bot, 244 global state, 185 current approach, Go, board configurations, 186 limitations, 243 Monte Carlo (MC) mobile applications, 247 algorithms, 186 multimodal learning, 240 piece-centric features, 186 neural nets, 239

334 Index

online advertising, 248 Computer vision, 240 opportunity, 239–240 Contextual LSTM (CLSTM), 128 personal assistants, 253–254 Contrastive divergence predictions, 238 (CD), 42–43, 49–50 processor performance, 238–239 Conversational agents, 155 radiology and medical Conversational bots (Chatbots) imagery, 244–245 applications, 158 risks, 252 attention with intention, 156 self-driving cars, 246 conversational agents, 155 training models, 247 conversational AI systems, 159 end-to-end dialogue C system, 156 Facebook, 157 Cargometrics, 105 generative models, 155, 157 Chor-rnn, 194 Google Cleverbot, 156 Click-through rate implementation, 157 (CTR), 171, 173–174 iterative process, 158 CNNs, see Convolutional neural resources and news, 158 networks (CNNs) retrieval-based bots, 155 Cold start, 177, 180, 182–183 RNN and deep learning Collaborative deep learning technology, 158 (CDL), 178–179 sequence-to-sequence (CF) framework, 155 deep learning models, 177 services, 157 definiton, 176 Conversion ratio (CR), 171 item-to-item, 177 Convolutional neural networks problems, 177 toolkit, 26 types, 176 texture information, 192 user opinion, 176 Convolutional neural networks user-to-user, 176 (CNNs), 7, 44–45, 54–55, 69 Computer assisted drug design Caffe toolkit, 27 (CADD), 228 Deep Instinct, 215 and Artificial recognition modules, 151 Intelligence Laboratory texture information, 192 (CSAIL), 198

335 Index

Creative adversarial networks collaborative filters, 178 (CANs), 194 collaborative topic Cross-entropy, 87 regression, 178 Cybersecurity, 214 criticism, 18 CycleGAN, 101, 193 data-intensive activities, 240 developments in 2016, 32–33 D in 2017, 33–34 Data centers, 247 ES, 34–35 Data science, 249–251 evolution of interest, 12 Data Skeptic, 22 fundamentals, 7 Deep belief networks pattern classification, 15 (DBNs), 9, 42, 50–52, 130 plan and organization, 7 Deep Blue, 4 recurrent neural Deep Boltzmann machine networks, 178 (DBM), 53–54 scope and motivation, 4–5 Deep convolutional generative self-driving cars, 153–154 adversarial networks target audience, 6 (DCGANs), 65 virtual game, 185 Deep deterministic policy gradient voice recognition, 9 (DDPG) algorithm, 143–144 DeepMind, 153 Deep Genomics, 229 Deep neural model, 182 Deep image analogy technique, 199 Deep neural networks Deep Instinct, 215 (DNNs), 4, 13–14 Deep interest network (DIN), 181 ANNs (see Artificial neuron Deep Jazz, 196 networks (ANNs)) Deep learning (DL) architectures, 44–45 advantage, 178 auto-encoders, 55 applications (see Applications) backpropagation, 37 business impact (see Business Boltzmann machines impact, DL technology) (see Boltzmann machines) CDL, 178–180 CD and DBNs, 42 challenges, 6 characteristics, 12–13

336 Index CNNs, 54–55 E generative models Edge detection segmentation, 87 (see Generative models) Entity prediction, 119 generative neural Evolution Strategies (ES), 34 networks, 44 gradient descent algorithm, 37 hybrid/semisupervised F networks, 43 Fine-tuning strategies, 51 reinforcement learning, 44 Folk-RNN, 196 RNNs (see Recurrent neural Forecast networks (RNNs)) energy forecasting supervised learning, 43 complex nonlinear SVMs, 44 models, 216 , 43 deep learning algorithms, 217 Deep Q-learning hedge funds, 219 algorithm, 144–146 investment platforms, 218 Deep Recurrent Attentive Writer machine learning algorithms, 216 (DRAW), 103 Weather forecasting, 217 Deep Residual Learning for Image Fraud Recognition, 83 detection Deep Speech 2, 131 bayesian framework, 213 Deep structured energy-based features, 213 model (DSEBM), 210 rating distributions, 213 De facto method, 79 prevention Denoising auto-encoders, 55 , 212 Descartes Labs, 106 patterns derived, 211 Deterministic policy gradient profiling, 211 (DPG), 142–143 VAE, 212 Dialog systems, 155 Fully convolutional network Digital assistants, 253 (FCN), 287, 303–310 Distributed representations, 114–116 down-funneling path, 87 DL, see Deep learning (DL) expanding path, 87 DoNotPay, 244 Fully convolutional neural Drug discovery, 228–229 networks (FCNNs), 5

337 Index G types, 65 VAEs, 65, 67–69 Games and news GitHub, 196 applications, 189–190 Google cloud vision, 108 Doom, 188 Gradient boosting trees, 174 Dota and Starcraft II, 188 Gradient descent, 16 GANs, see Generative adversarial Graph convolutional network networks (GANs) (GCN), 122 Gated recurrent unit (GRU), 92 General artificial intelligence (GAI), 3 H Generative adversarial networks Hand-eye coordination, 151 (GANs), 5 Hashing technique, 92 AAE, 72 Hidden Markov models contextual CNN (HMMs), 195 auto-encoder, 190 Highway networks, 86 creativity, 35 Hybrid Reward Architecture for cumulative number of Reinforcement papers, 71 Learning, 189 data augmentation and data Hyperparameter optimization, 6 generation, 72 Hypotheses, 114 discriminator network, 69 PixelCNN architecture, 98 text-to-image I, J synthesis, 73 Image captioning, 89–90 training, 70 Image segmentation Wasserstein distance, 70 dilated , 88 Generative models, 98 edge detection, 87 chatbots, 155, 157 FCN, 87 description, 64 threshold, 86 GANs, 69–72 Inferior temporal (IT), 77 gravity, 64 Isotherm, 120 latent variables, 65 Item2Vec, 180

338 Index K L Kernel/filter, 80 Local receptive fields, 79 Keras framework, 22 Libratus system, 33 backpropagation, multilayer Linear models, 173 perceptron, 310–317 Long shor-term memory callbacks, 292 (LSTM), 4, 124, 188 compile and fit, 292–293 forgetting memory gate, 60 core layers, 289–290 long-term dependency, 61 hyperparameters and memory cell optimizers, 287 forget gates, 62 image segmentation, FCN, input gate, 62 303–310 input node, 62 installing in Linux, 288 internal state, 62 loss functions, 291 output gate, 62 models, 288 products for voice, training and testing, 291 image/automatic wide and deep translation, 63–64 models, 293–303 stateless and stateful Knowledge graph (KG) models, 63 applications, 120 variants, 63 challenging tasks, 121 continuous vector space, 118 DBpedia and Freebase, 118 M definition, 117 Machine learning, 6 edges, 118 definition, 207 entities and relational platforms, 29 facts, 117 products components, 207 NTNs, 119 Malicious code detection RCNET, IQ test, 120 feature extraction methods, 214 analysis, 118 machine learning TransE model, 119 methods, 214 VAE, 122 Manifold, 16

339 Index

Markov chain Monte Carlo Natural language translation, 123 (MCMC), 27, 47–48 Neural networks (NNs), 10 Markovian decision process fast rollout policy, 187 (MDP), 140 quantitative fund managers, 218 Medical image processing supervised learning (SL) challenges, 222 policy, 187 image recognition tools, 222 value network, 187 pathological diagnoses, 225 Neural tensor networks (NTNs), 119 startups, 222–224 News and companies, 105–108 MegaFace data set, 102 News chatbots, 159–161 Microsoft Cognitive Services, 109 Nonlinear models, 173 Minecraft, 191 NoScope method, 97 Mixture of actor-critic experts (MACE) architecture, 152 Monte Carlo (MC) algorithms, 186 O Monte Carlo tree search Object detection models, 109 (MCTS), 146, 186–187 Omics Montreal Institute of Learning CNN-based algorithmic Algorithms (MILA), 161 framework (DeepSEA), 226 MS COCO, 83 cross-platform analysis, 227 Multilayer definition, 225 (MLPs), 37, 40–41 gene expression regulation, 226 Multimodal learning, 129–130, 197 protein classification, 226 Multimodal neural language protein contact maps, 225 model, 197 transcriptomics analysis, 226 Online advertising, 171 Online user behavior N activity patterns, 173 Named entity recognition (NER), 116 boosted decision trees, 172 Natural language processing (NLP) click decisions, 172 applications, 127–129 clickstream data, 172 multimodal learning, 129–130 consumer search patterns, 172 news and resources, 133–135 logistic regression (LR), 172 problems, 112 neural networks, 172

340 Index

prediction, 172 RCNET, 120, 122 under-sampling technique, 173 Real-time bidding (RTB), 173 OpenAI agent, 189 Recommender system (RS) Order-embeddings, 130 CDL, 178–179 OuluVS2 data set, 103 collaborative filters, 176–177 collaborative topic regression, 178 P, Q content-based collaborative PaddlePalddle Baidu filters, 175 framework, 97 definiton, 175 Paragraph Vector, 116 demographics, 175 Parallel/serial modules, 84 Hulu, 181 Parsing, 113–114 hybrid methods, 175 Picture Archiving and internet of things, 175 Communication System item-to-item collaborative (PACS), 245 filtering, 181 Pix2pix tool, 101 item2Vec, 180 Policy gradient algorithms, 142 Netflix, 181 Pooling layers, 80 ranked list, 175 Potsdam benchmark data social media, 175 sets, 104 transactional-based CFs, 175 Principal component analysis types, 175 (PCA), 208 Rectified linear unit (ReLU), 87 Proximal policy optimization, 153 Recurrent network (RNN), 116 Python API, 191 Recurrent neural networks (RNNs), 89, 116 R LSTM (see Long shor-term memory (LSTM)) Random neural networks, 199 RL, 59, 61 Rank-pooling approach, 95 structures, 58 Raven progressive matrices traditional ML methods, 56 (RPM), 190 unsupervised/supervised RBM, see Restricted Boltzmann architectures, 58 machine (RBM) Recurrent Q-network, 188

341 Index

Reinforcement learning deep CNN, 151 (RL), 59, 61, 187 DeepMind, 153 architectures, 138 deep neural networks, 152 definition, 138 hand-eye coordination, 151 DNN object grasping, 150 A3C, 147–148, 150 outlook and future DDPG algorithm, 143–144 perspectives, 162–163 deep Q-learning proximal policy algorithm, 144–146 optimization, 153 DPG algorithm, 143 tasks, 152 DQNs, 137 Rudimentary technology, 244 policy gradient algorithms, 142 sequential decision-making problems, 138 S trraditional, 140–141 Satellite images, 103–104 Relation type prediction, 119 Segmentation mask, 87 Residual network architecture, 85 Self-driving cars, 153–154, 164–168 Resources Semantic segmentation, 198 blogs, 20–21 Sentiment analysis (SA), 127 books, 19 Sequence-to-sequence models conferences, 25–26 (seq2seq), 307–310 DL frameworks, 27, 29 Serpent.AI, 191 newsletters, 20 Shallow models, 10 online videos and Siamese architecture, 104 courses, 21–22 Sirignano, 219 podcasts, 22–23 Spatial filters channels, 79–80 web resources, 23–24 Speech recognition, 130–132 Restricted Boltzmann machine Stacked auto-encoders (SAEs), 210 (RBM), 48–50 Stack GANs, 73 Retrieval-based bots, 155 Stochastic gradient descent Robotics (SGD), 42 applications, 150 Stride parameter, 79 applications, 161–162 Support vector machines consumer-grade virtual reality (SVMs), 10, 44 devices (Vive VR), 152 SyntaxNet, 113 342 Index T V Tensor2Tensor (T2T), 31 Variational auto-encoders TensorFlow, 25 (VAEs), 65–69, 122 Terrapattern, 105 Video analysis tasks, 94 Text-to-speech (TTS), 132 Virtual assistants, 253 Threshold segmentation, 86 Visual challenging Time-series prediction, 9 tasks, 95 Toolkits Visual Q&A (VQA), 91 Caffe, 28 Theano, 29 Triple prediction, 119 W, X, Y, Z Turk approach, 91 Wasserstein distance, 70 Weighted residual networks, 85 U Wide and deep neural network Uber, 218 model, 293–303 Unity Editor, 191 , 115 Unity machine learning agents, 191 Word embedding, 114