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Issued September 1982

U.S. Department of Commerce \IIalcolm Baldrige, Secretary Ouy W. Fiske, Deputy Secretary Robert G. Dederick, Under Secretary for Economic Affairs

BUREAU OF THE CENSUS Bruce Chapman, Director -

Bruce Chapman, Director C. L. Kincannon. Deputy Director Shirley Kallek. Associate Director for Economic Fields


John R. Colem.... Chief

Acknowledgm""ls-This repo" WiilS prepared in the Governments Division by the Employment Branch, headed by Alen V. St....ns, under the geollrll direction of Alen R. Jones, Aninant Division Chief for Speci,l Governmental StatiUics. Bern M. Bonibnt of the Employment Branch served as project director .nd was assisted by SlIlYI E. Young, Larry G. Curran. Setty P. Slark. and Mer.dith L. DeHart

Data for meier county governmef1u were reviewed end IS$lIfTlbled in the Governments Division by the Western Sector Branch headed by Ul\ley S. Harris and the Ettslern Sector Branch headed by Gen";". M. Speight. Dati Preper8tion Division, Don L. Adams, Chief, was responsible for the review and utembly of ell other county government data.

Oall processing ~tions were directed by Dan~l L. Pflum and publiation tabulalion operations were programmed by Linda L. Humphreys, under the -..pervision of Judith Jannings. Chief of the Governments DiY;sion's Computer Utilization Staff.

Publicinion copy was prepared in Ihe Goyernments Division under Ihe -..pervision of Corrine W. DaYis. AdYice and rervice in the preparation 01 copy for publication were provided by Publications Services Diyision.

The cooperation and Msillanc:e of the many county government officials who proyided information for this report is gratefully acknowledged.

For further information regarding data contained in Ihis report, contact Alan V. Stl'l/_, Governments Division. ElurelilU of the CenstJs, Wasf'tinlllon, D.C. 20233 (area code 3011763-50861.


U.S. 8lIreau of the CeflSllS, City Employment in 1981 Ser~ GE81..No. 2 U.S, Goyernment Printing Office. Washington, D.C. 1982

For sale by the Cullomer Services Section (Publicationsl, Data U~ Services Division, Bureau of the Cen-..s, Washington, D.C. 20233 or any U.S. Department of Commerce district office. For in. formation on a consolidated subscription coyering all annual and quarlerly government reports write to Customer Services Section. Post. stamps not acceptable; currency submined at sender's risk. Remittances from foreign countries must be by internalional mooey order or by • drah on a U.S. bank. Pnce $3.00. CONTENTS


Introduction...... •.•...... ••..•.....••.•••...... •.....•...... •....


1. Summary of City Government Employment and Payrolls, by Function: October 1981 and Prior Years . 5

2. City Government Employment and Payrolls, by Function and Population Size-Group: October 1981 . 6

3. City Government Full-Time Equivalent Employment Per 10,000 Population and Average October Earnings of Full-Time Employees, by Function and Population Size·Group: October 1981 ...... 7

4. Employment and Payrolls of Individual Cities Having 50,000 Population or More: October 1981 . B

Definitions of Selected Terms . 31 -


City governments employed 2,469,000 workers in October full·time equivalent employment for city governments was 1981 and had payrolls for that month of $3.2 billion. These 2,111,000 in October 1981, a decrease of 55,000 or 2.6 percent estimates represent a decrease of 3.6 percent in the number of from the figures.· employees and an increase of 9.5 percent in payroll costs over the amounts estimated for October 1980. Municipal govern­ Trends in city employment ments accounted for approximately the same propor-tions of total local government employment (26 percent) and payrolls City government employment and payrolls have generally 129 percent). however, 35 they did one year eartier. increased during the past several decades. During the past 10 years, however, city employment has experienced periods of Full-time city government workers decreased 49,000 (2.4 decline and stagnation which were not generally characteristic percent) and part-time workers decreased by nearly 43.000 of the trend over longer periods of time. This is the fourth year (8.7 percent) from October 1980 to October 1981. of the past six for which the Bureau of the Census has measured a decline in full·time city government employees. Table A The average earnings of full-time city workers for the month provides summary city employment and payroll data since of October 1981. $1,529, increased 12.1 percent from the 1957. same month in 1980. Tabla A. City Employment and P.yroll Data Sinc.19S1

Over 18 percent of all city government workers were em· Year (for All employeltS Full·time Monthly ployed on a part-time basis in October 1981. Based on full·time October (full-time llOd equivalent payroll earning rates, these part-time employees were paid the equiva· except as part·time employment (miltioOi of notedl thousandd (thou$lMl<:k1 doIl.n) lent of an additional 89,000 full·time employees. The resulting 1981 ...... 2,469 2,111 3.222 1980 ...... 2,561 2,166 2"'2 ctty Employment: October 1971 to October 1981 1979 . ·. . . 2,553 2.189 2.129 1978 .. · , . , 2,511 2,165 2,537 1977 .,. · .. 2,511 2.168 2,415 1976 ...... 2,443 2,107 2,235

1975 . · , ... 2.506 2,142 2,129 1974. · . .. . 2,491 2,127 1,985 1973 . ·.· .. 2,471 2,109 1,855 1972 . · , .. 2,376 2,029 '.654 1971 .. ·. 2,273 t,960 1.482 2.4 1970 .. · .. 2,244 1,922 1,361 1969 .. · ... 2.165 '.6sa 1.196 1968 . .... , 2,112 1,813 '''7 1967 , .... , '.993 1,715 972 '966 ...... 1,971 1,701 892 '.8 1965 , ..... '.... 1,638 818 1964 ...... 1,817 '.... 716 '963 .. · ... 1,782 '.549 708 -- 1962 .. , ... 1,696 1.486 662 1961 ..... , 1,734 1,491 54. '2 1960 .. · ... 1,692 1,447 583 1959 ...... 1.636 1,406 548 1958 ..... , ' 1,372 511 April 1957 .. , 1,539.... 1.297 .., 0.6 'Full·time equivalent employmeot is a computed statistic represent­ ing the number of full-time workel"1 that could be employed with no increase in total payrolls if all pel"1onnel were engaged on a full-time basis at the average monthly pay for full,time employees. It is calculated 5epaflltely for NCh function of each hxal goI.'emmenl by dividing the 0.0 LillWlillilllWJillWlillWllillJl.L!.WJJ..L..J full·time payroll into the 10tal payroll and th8ll multiplying tna resulting 71 '72 73 74 75 '76 77 '78 '79 '80 '81 quotient by the number of full·time employees, 2 INTRODUCTION

While there are many factors which influence citY govern­ Most municipal governments provide services in the follow· ment employment levels, much of this year's decline may be ing functions: Highways, police protection, fire protection, attributed to the elimination of the public service employment sewerage, parks and recreation. financial administration and portions of the Comprehensive Employment and Training Act. general control. However, other services provided by com­ Many persons paid under these programs by city governments paratively few municipalities. 9Jch as schools or hospitals, from funds provided by the Federal Government were not comprise a considerable portion of all municipal employment continued as regular employees when the programs ended on and payrolls. , 1981. In most of the United States. including a majority of urban The average annual rates of inQ"ease since 1976 for full-time areas, public schools are provided by school districts which equivalent employment (less than 0.1 percent), October payrolls operate as independent local governments. Although only 300 (7.6 percent) and average October earnings of full-time em­ of 18,900 municipal governments operate schools, the operation ployees (7.6 percent) have been lower than the average annual of local schools and institutions of higher education is second rates measured over the 10-year period of 1971-1981. These only to police protection in percentage of full· time equivalent and other recent rates of change are shown in table B. municipal employment.

In October 1981 the education and police functions ac­ Tabl. B. R.,,,,,t R.tes of ChIi.. For City Employ",...t.nd P.y counted for approximately one·third of all employment and V..r·IO-Yll8r ch... payrolls of city governments. Displayed in table C are percent· (perc:erat) age distributions of city government employment. by function, Full-lime equiwlent .-nploymenl: based on the data shown in table 1 for all cities. 1980 10 1981 . -2.6 1979 to 1980 .... . -1.0 T8I:I1. C. FUnc1ionlll Distribution of City ~mploy.-m. 1978101979 ...... 9 1977 to 1978 ... -0.2 Percent 01 full-time 1976 to 1977 .. 3.• Function eq.Iiyelent employment Average. 1976 to 1981 .. . .••..•.•. October 1981 Awrllge. 1971 10 1981 . .7 October payrolls. Total . 100.0 1980 to 1981 ...... ••. _ ••. 9.5 Police protllCtion . n.3 1979 to 1980 _ . 7A Local JChools end higher education . 16.4 1978 to 1979 . H Fire prot.,tion ... . 9.• 1977 to 1978...... • ••.. 5.1 Hosp,ttols . 6.2 1976 to 1977 _ ...••.. 8.• High_Y' . 5.5 AYerage. 1976 10 1981 . 7~ General control . 5~ Average. 1971 to 1981 ... •••.. 8.1 ParkS and recreation . 4.7 Ayer8ge October eernings: Sanitation other than seWirege 4.6 1980 to 1981 .. 12.1 Water supplv... 4.4 1979 to 1980 . 8.1 Finaociel el7nini$lration . 3.2 1978 to 1979 7.• Transit...... 3 .• 1977 to 1978 .. .. 5.5 Se-Nerege. .. . . 2.8 1976 to 1977 . 5.2 Electric d PI utilities . 2.4 Average. 1976 to 1981 . 7.6 Public welf . 2.• Average, 1971 to 1981 . 7.3 Housing.nd urban rMe'" . 2.• Ubr8ries ...... 1.6 - Represents zero. Health ...... 1.5 All other functions . 8.• For October 1981 the full·time equivalent employment per 10,000 population for municipalities was 149.7 compared Descriptions of the tYpes of activities included in each with 152.7 in 1976 and 148.5 in 1971. function can be found in the Definitions of Selected Terms.

Further detail 00 employment and payroll data for city Data for majo, cities governments in 1981 and prior years can be found in table 1. There are 418 cities which had a population of 50,000 or Functions of city 90vernments more in 1980. Table 1 shows a comparison of the data for these large cities and for all city governments. Although the 418 Individual city governments differ widely in the range of municipalities with 50,000 or mOfe population comprise only their responsibilities and services. Depending on State law or about 53 percent of the total population of all cities. table 1 local option, certain important services needed in urban areas shows that they had approximately 63 percent of all municipal may be provided by the municipal government, by other types employment and 73 percent of all municipal payrolls in October of local government, by the State government or by private 1981. It is interesting to note that the full·time equivalent entities. employment per 10.000 population is higher in these large INTRODUCTION 3 cities (190.8) than in all cities 1149.7). The opposite relatil)n. The major urban towns and townships for which data are ship is found between the totals for large counties and all presented in table 4 are in four States (Connecticut, Massa· counties.1 The average October pay for full-time workers in chusetts, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania) where such govern· these large cities is also higher than for all cities. ments closely resemble municipalities in the span of their responsibilities. Table D presents a distribution of employment and payrolls, by functions, for all cities with a 50,000 or more population It should be noted that the functional detail shown in table 4 based on the data shown in table 1. pertains to full-time equivalent employment. In the correspond. Tabl, D. Major Cities Functional Distribution of Employment ing table in annual reports before 1966, such detail was for full. time employees. Percent of full·time Function equivalent employment October 1981 Statement of procedure Total .. 100.0 Local $Chools and higher education .. 20.3 Data presented in this report are based on information Po/iell protection 15.6 solicited by mail questionnaire from a State·by-State sample Fire protection 9.0 Hospitals .. 6.0 of municipal governments. The survey panel includes with Parks and recreation 4.6 certainty all city governments that had 25,000 or more popula· General control. 4.3 tion in 1975, smalter city governments which operate their Transit. 4.1 Sanitation other than sewerage 4.1 own school system and any other cities whose relative impor. Highways. 4.1 tance in their State, based on annual expenditure or indebted­ Water supply ... 3.5 ness, was above a specified level. The survey panel also in· Public welfare. 2.7 c1udes a random selection of all remaining cities from a com· Financial administration. 2.5 pilation of cities within selected large SMSA's, major county Housing and urban renewal 2.5 Sewerage . 2.2 areas outside of the selected SMSA's, and in the balance of Health . 2.1 each State, further grouped by population size. Sampled units Ele<:tric and gas utilities 1.9 were chosen using probabilities that were based on the ratio Libraries . 1.6 Correction . 1.2 of each city's annual expenditure or indebtedness to the State All other functions. 7.5 total for noncertainty cities. Usable replies were received from approximately 82 percent of the panel canvassed and prior In table 4 of this report, employment and payroll data are year data were utilized for noorespondents. shown individually for each of the 418 cities and 25 major urban townships which had 50,000 or more population in Data for all cities of 50,000 or more population in tables 1980. Intercity comparisons based on these figures should be 1, 2, and 3 were directly summed. Figures reported by the made with care, taking account of the presence or absence smaller cities in the sample were expanded in accordance with of other local governments and the varying allocation of gov' their probability of sample selection. Data presented for cities ernmental responsibilities between the State and various types of 50,000 or more population can thus be taken as results of of local governments. complete-coverage enumeration and as being subject only to some possible undetected errors in the completeness or proper Within most cities, the county government has a significant classification of data for individual municipal governments. share of the responsibility for providing local government However, because a sample has been taken to represent cities services. However, a number of cities shown in table 4 are of less than 25,000 population, the all·cities aggregates in either completely or substantially consolidated with their tables 1, 2, and 3 are subject to sampling variation that may county governments, operate outside the geographic limits of cuase them to differ somewhat from the results of a complete' any county, or for other reasons have no county government coverage enumeration. Calculations of the standard error of the operation Within their boundaries.] estimates indicate that it is less than 1 percent (at the two-thirds confidence level) for the major categories • See County Government Employment in 1981 for a comparison reported. Estimates for components that make up a relatively with county government data and tables 17, 18, and 20 in the Com­ minor part of the totals may be subject to particularly large pendium of Public Employment (Volume 3, Number 2, 1977 Census of Governments) for more detailed comparison of county and municipal variability and should be interpreted with special caution. sizeilrouPS. Sampling errors of the 1981 data are expected to be of the same order of magnitude since the same sample panel and • Anchorage. Baltimore, Baton Rouge, Boston, Columbus (Ga.l, Denver. Honolulu, Indianapolis, Jacksonville, Lexington·Fayette (Ky.), survey procedures were used in the 1981 and 1979 surveys. Nashville·Davidson. New Orleans. , Philadelphia. St. Louis, San Francisco, and Washington, D.C. llIi well as all of the cities in As calculated for this report, the standard error also partially Connecticut, Rhode Island, and Virginia. Additionally. Washington, D.C. represents a unique case since it also performs some functions which measures the effect of certain nonsampting errors but does not commonly are handled by a State government. measure any possible systematic biases in the data. 4 INTRODUCTION

For this annual survey. employee and payroll figures reo Counties: 1981 presents data on the employment and payrolls poned by local government officials are generally acceptl::d as of local governments in the 75 standard metropolitan statistical being substantially correct. In some cases, varying interpreta­ areas (SMSA's) which had a population in 1975 of 500,000 or tions of the instructions or deficiencies in governmental em­ more and in 69 large county areas outside of these SMSA's. ployment and payroll records may make it difficult for officials to render complete and accurate reports for their governments. Additional detail on municipal employment and payrolls for These difficulties are dealt with by {1 J careful definition of the month of October 1977 appears in final reports of the 1977 terms and detailed instructions in difficult cases, (2) supple­ Census of Governments-particularly in Compendium of Public mentary correspondence and telephone followup to officials, Employment (Volume 3, Number 2) and Employment of Major and (3) intensive examination of dala collected-i.e., verifi­ local Governments (Volume 3, Number 1). cation of internal consistency and comparison with previous reports and other sources of data. Errors that may be intro­ Additional information and detail for the basic data set from duced during processing (input preparation, etc.) are minimized the annual surveys of government employment and the 1977 through the use of intensive computer editing of the data at Census of Governments' employment survey are available on various stages of the processing system. magnetic tape. Information concerning the purchase of these This report is one of several recurrent annual publications magnetic files is available from the Bureau of the Census, Data based on a survey of government employment in October. One User Services Division, Washington, D.C. 20233 (telephone area code 301, 763-4100). companion report, Public Employment in 1981, presents State· by-State data for all types of tocal governments, as well as for State governments and the Federal Government. A second ACKNOWLEDGMENT report, County Go,ernment Employment in 1981, proyides data for each of the 374 county goyernments which had an Grateful acknowledgment is made of the assistance of the estimated population of 100,000 or more in 1980 plus national numerous city officials throughout the Nation who helpfully and size-group totals for all county governments. local Govern­ supplied information regarding employment and payrolls of ment Employment in Selected Metropolitan Areas and large their jurisdictions. - CITY EMPLOYMENT IN 1981 5

Table 1. Summary of City Government Emp&oyment and PayroUs, by Function: October 1981 and Prior Years ".... _. "'.0lIO All e'.'" -'."- .., ••, <100... 1p....",J ,,- ...« ••• ,,~ 19.' ". 19J1 "to ,...... ,,,...... ,. 19.' .f oil '91'19U "" "" 'M< .. t ....LOVMI:NT roT". t"~lO'r(U , _'9 21~ , ,., , •., 0' , g. ., . , 6).0 ~YUS ~. ~, ". ,~ ."._2•• ... ~,.. , , ,., , , . . , . g •• IVI.l-'''C Ol~ ~I '" , . ....~ · "68030 , . . ,n .0.0 ....,.,,"1: ~=. '" .. .,. ,.. 4.' , .. '" ... MTAl. ~ , ~, _2•• I1JLl_t11'l[ (OUIVAU'" [",0....:,", , m , ,.. , .., .' , '3 IT.T tDUU.T'O.. sc..,tas: '" - '" '" ~ .~ ,-- ...... »> _,.T ..' 263 ;zeo ., K_. · ,~ ~, -.' .. IIr$T""""_ U"'l.OW:U ,.. '" .,.'" n:~'" U 2.' Z2e .,.. -.' ., 196 8,0 ...... t ....u [DUCaTiON. · .. '» a ~ » ~. .... -2.1 ·'.0 M.' U.STlNCTlOIO.Ol. [..-..o..-.:n . , _1•• 2 • •• 0 U. »> -- " ." "'~ ~ .. ,~...... M.' ··· _2.) , '" L1..".,U ·· " .." ,.. _2.' _1.0 :U 990 g •• -,~ 5I:","'(U .....0 .1OC000l: ...,"n""""c: " ." " lIII:lUIt(.. .," ~ ~ ...... ,t .. •» ,,... .,. .. • 3 ,.. •• .. 'II•• IOOSI'lTALS ,.. -.' ,., ., '" IT.' IlII:AUH. _1. , -I•• ... '"n ...'" ... '" ,.," '" ... -.'•• .,. 'll•• nUSf'ORUTlO.. : HIGHWAVS. 120" 817 " ~. " - ·).e -I.) " ~., ,.. ., n. 9~a ... TU"Sl"OU"TION • ...'" 10 2ge '" '", n. ,. , ,., ,.. " ". .... W~~U" ~UNSl'ORY~TlON. ~e9 . - ", 2 U6 2 , .,., ... •, M.' ~Uall~ ", .. ... s~~nv' - '" I'OLI~[ · 'IlOTECflON )6.910 '.6 n », ., , ,., m m 61.0 ,~ ,~, ,~,.. ,~, I'O<.I~[ - ... OHlnu OOOLV. -- -- ·· 29'". $12 , 61.$ ~1lO,[crION '" ...,~ ". -.' ... .. --- - - Ie, 01 11.9" ., . 61.' ...... ,~, ,~, ,~, - - · .. ", 6~.) "..na:n8Olnu .,..LV - ... •• ISO~' ., . '" .., ~O.a:crION. ·- · ~ - - - - n 9&1 .'::i .. ,.. ,.. '" 9$.' ~OIO ... .. [ ..... I_IIT -.s"",' -- · - '" ,~" .....5 ...... 11[[0["""". - 102 2. ", ·2.' " '" · . , , - ,~... -.' ...... IOOVSIIOC AJIl) UO:...... 0["A!. ., .., .. _s .• .. ~_. · · '" '" )n~ ,. , 11.' ~ ", ~ ~ .. ." ... . - ." ., -. , ,.'.', " $'.1 ~.o.G[. " ... ", SANIlUION OY"U T...... - .., ... 10. 61 '" ·$.9 _1.1 ·1•• , .,., IIOVT:_NY"L AIlIOINISY ....TION: " '" '" .." .. n_l.... AIlIOI N I ST....nON. · .., on ·1.$ ,.. ,.. $'.' [ONTIlOL .. .. "M li[N[....L .,.'" ,,, M" - - , ". $$.l · ,~ ,~ ~, .. .. ,~" ." ,., lOlA!. lI'IlllTlU. TO'..... '" '" '" .." ,,, -.' '.'. " ." ".1 SUO'~LV. ~. .. WHU ., '" U 92 M -.' ., . ••~ $•• 6 [UCUI[ _.. '"~. ., , .. $) ., - , ., .. .. ~, $$.' " ,~ .. 5U~~LV. .. .. ",.- -.' ., . , 20' n.T ... ~. .' " T...NSIT • • ... • ~ .,.'" .. .'.9 ,., ..., In 9Q.' OTH[I ..,.0 UN..LLlKHL[ .- ...... "." ... '" In $$$'" '" .". ·0.' .).$ ,., .. 10.' ["~LOVM[ltf '" fULL-TIME [OUIV"L[ItT ". 10.000 '" I'O~UL..TIO" 1.9.1 1$).6 1$2.1 1118.$ ·2.$ -.' ., 190.' ,,,

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TULl_TlME [ ...... O'I'[U . , .,. , , ,~ Il.l , , 108.0 ~V[[$ .~". .. T..STMKTlO...... · , , , II.~ , '.', , 10'.) ~QY[[S ...... l O'T'M[. ·· , , , '" · .. --- · ". n' '" 12.' ,., ,.. , ... 1011. I - - - -". -'" - ...... "._1•. 1110, _11<._1•• l LA.. ,1>0. OK4I.ll ...... t< 01 ...... _., ._..... '19/1 loo .._ .. '''0 _.1."•• of I)l,_,OOO, ,.'6 I'" ..,,_,04 ,." f IlI,OOJ,OOO, 1960.,.,911 do,. fo. 11 <1<1 0. '910 , 1."•• of "',oat,"" I'" .... fOt "C"'" •••• loa,OOO" ...... I'''' ' ,."•••f ".I19.'l0. - • GOVERNMENT EMPLOYMENT IN 1981 Table 2. City Government Employment and Payrolls, by Function and Population Size-Group: October 1981

All ...... '.000.000o. _ •• >00.000 ". 100,000 t. 100.000 •• )0,000 '. loot ...... A"._ 199._ 199._ ".- ~.- EIIl'LOYMENT

TOUL EIIl'LOYEES. 2 1It,9 215 521 5" 26} 113 111 99S 10. )50 2>9 952 2111 ~~a 9111 6<19 FULL_TIl'[ EMPLOYEES. 2 022 "5 2n 619 162 loS) 92 5)6 212 011 6_6 :58_ PART_TINE EMPLOyEES. "" 615 209 I" 11116 no 61 92} 15 )12 11 11_ )0 1155 l~ ~~1 268 26~ 2} "'" FULL_TItlE EQUIVALENT EIIPLO,IIEfH, TOUL 2 HI 015 .&1 609 2.' ,,_ 16. 90) 95185 211 991 220 ~2ij EDUCATION SERVICES' SC~OOLS \.lK:ll •••••••• · }21 115 61} 13 11& 1& 95a 20 966 5} 9011 112 161 IHSTRI,ICTlONlL ["PLOrEES, • .... a' 6J a'5 2.. 100 69 612 211 'A& U 31_ II 199 " 202 }1 155 n 110 ~1GJ«11 [DlK:ATlON ••••• 19 1J5 16 119 190& IH5TllUCTIONJ,L ["PLOT[ES, ~ .. 10 0" m LIBUIIiES. ••••• •• • •••• JJ A02 ..A 195 A ."092 2 059 A 216 10 1112'" SOCIAL SE:RvtC[S AND IIfCOME ".INT[NlHCE' • Il2" PUBLIC IElHll[ • 112 019 26 9)1 5An I _51 1 552 2.25.6 , 1tOS"IUlS. ••• 9 }211 ... DO 11>2 U A21 16 35.6 2 111 1 92& 10 '"050 I12J06 H(lLTil •••• •• 11 219 1 262 2 "'I 2 625 2 11~ r"'ANSJOOfIl'" TlOtI. J2 "'" " , "9 HI~un .. •...... 116 221 12 6n 9 95A ~ 02 A'll TftANSPOlIfUIOH •• 11 0511 } "1 2 n3 ,,"I 895 .... UTtIl TlI.AH$I'OItUlIOH "" ... ,". i>tJel..IC S.l.FEn, · . " ... '" ". I"OLle[ PROTECTION. .. '" '" 11 929 29 5}9 ,A OIlA " "5 111 " J1 211 }T 866 1.2 ~12 'OI.I'[ QFFICEIIS OM.T 29) 512 61 U, }I·UJ1 "" 23 212 10 911 H 2'" ~ ~. 113 GlI9 FiRE PIiOtECTIOH. • 190 5116 29 251 20 04_ 1& 659 10 09' 2} 112 21 S98 61 189 F1I1EFIGl4l(II$ ONLY •• 1&0518 26 15' 1& &01 11 12& 9 5)1 22 0111 26 W6 59 126 COlIIiECTlON •••••• 11"'5 ,~ EH\lIIiOtiIlEfrlT .o.HO HOUSI~' .... , "' , "' ...... PilJlKS AND II[CR[UIOtl · '" 100 11>0 U 0'" 12 17) 11 1_1 6 5011 12 JO& 12 210 HOUSING AND UllBlN REHhlL. • · ... 'I lT8 Al 500 19 1211 6 21_ 1 959 2 5&1 3 nil 2 82. 5 OSII SErERlGE ••••••••••• ·. 59 537 6 }59 5 55) 2 I.) 6 )16 ~IO ... " 19a 6 52a 21 SANITATION oTttER TIIAN SE.~RlGE •• · ~_1 91 20 960 & 935 ./ 181 II 111 a 2211 II l}ij Jll 192 GOYERNMENTAL ADMINISTRATION' · .... FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATION loa 1Jl 1 .95 5 151 2 &01 6 091 1 65_ GENERAL CONTROL. • 510 Jl aD HI 651 16 696 1J 12) 9 00& ) 763 & 669 10 'S2 50 011' LOCAL UTILITIES. TOUL 201.31 l>l 601 21 ,&& Hl18 6 }&I U ~8J I~ :581 loll 919 UTEA SUPPLY. • · . 92 292 II .'" & 157 II n2 } 910 & III 9 ~~5 ijl 1I9l ELECTRIC POIER • 520 A &&, ) 525 ·... "" 99& 6 102 3 101 199'J! US SlJPPL Y •• ." · .... 6 111 1 no , .., TRA"SIT •••••••• 1 6n"...... A' 25} . ...'" 1 122 2 235 , , OTHER 'NO UHALLOC'8LE •• .. " A" 20 an 19 ",3211 1J 091 1 109 16A:58 '" ... · I' n9 AO 662 FlA.L-TlM£ EOUIULEN' EIlI'LOYMENT PER 10.000 pOfItILitION. •••" ••• 161.6 161.2 10).2


TOTAl.. pATIIOLL ...... , , , » • , , >22 ~91 m 1U0 9}1 .. ~, .. fOIl FlA.L-TllIE EMl'l.OYEES. ·· ... ~ ... .. ··· · · , ", , '" }12 08' ~. 1'121 UIJ FOil P.UIT-TIME E ·· · .. MPLOTEES. · .. . ". ". '" '" . '" ~9 ~~, ·· · · · · · '"". ,'".. m • '"• , '" 10 (II' '" ,.. s, FUNCTION' " '" '" '" " EIHJCATION SEIIVICES' LOCAL SCHOOL.S ••• ~n 512 11>9 AH 72 &IA , INSTltUCTIONAL SlAFF ONL T ·· ...... ".I~~ · · "AI &20 147 A12 55 500 , " , ,. IHGHEA EOUCATION • · · " " .. .. AS 220 "0 62_ .." " · · A 0"& - . , " INSTRUCTIONAL STAFF'ONLY · · n 511 " '" " - - " .. 26 'I' ... · · · · - '"' '00 L1BIIARIES ••••• · 110 5'" 5666 2 "" - - .. ·· · 5 '51 ,.. , , , SOCIAL SEIIYICES ANO I NCOME KAiNTEkAHCi., · · · · · • '" • .. '" Pl.IllLlC WELFARE ·· · , .., , on , '" , , ", , HOSPITALS ••• ······ · · ..",,"... " '" '" • , ". .. .. I4E'LTil •• •• ··· · · · .. ." .. ".'" ,'".. , '" , ... ,•, , '",,, ", ". TII'''IS'ORT'T ION' · · ".. " ... '" '".. " '" IlI6HUYS ••••• .., " till TlIlIISPOIIUTlON ·· ··· · · · , .., on , '" .., ,.,'" " .., .. " .., U fElt TRANSI'OIUATI 0, · · ·· · · · · '"..,,,,.. , '", " ... , .".. '" , . '" PlI8LIC SAfETY: · ·· ·· · .. .. '" ."'" ".'" pOI.ICE PROTECTION. '" ·· 00' ,.. , ,'" " ,., ,~ pOI.ICE OfFICEItS ONL ·· · ...... 525 }15 ..51 111 I" &06 "2 ltl 195.. 511.....93} '" 111 lor.. fiRE 1"II0TECTlOH•• • ·· · · "'0 92} ... 1_5 " " '" .. '" · }& &"1 ... ·· · " , 9200 flIIEFI6tlTERS 0..... ··· · '" 509 .. · 321 219 .. .. · '" 227 '6 161 " 121 ". ., m U 0112". COlt!tECliON •••• ··· ·· " .. }1 61& .. · 1& 515 61.. 2 , ,~, pL' ••• '".. " ... " '" 12 125 " ... · · · n IS" 5 "'0 , so 11S ELECTIIIC POwEll ••" · ·· · · '" '" " " ... " .. ,. 16 299 " · · · 1 &20 , 1 1'5 O}~ GAS SUpPL, •••• · '" ...'" " '" ,, 2& ··· · , I &92 " " .. · · · . ". , 1J2 TR'NSIT•••••• · · .., 1l 0011 , '" '" ", , A }91 OTHEII ANO UNALLOCABL · ·· '" .. '" '"' ,'" ,: · 2~ 9" .. , •'" ,.. , 50 120 ·· · · · · · '" ".'" " .. .. '" " ". " .. " .. AVEIIAi[ OCTOIER [tltNINGS 100l.LARSl FULL_TIME EMPLOYEES. , , , , , , , , , INSTRUCIIONM. EMl'l.OJ(ES.·· · · · , ... .. ,... .., · · · · · '" , I ."959 , ,.. , , , '" 'U OTNEIt EIlPLOYEE · · · · · · ·· , , , , ,... , ." ... •• · · ·· · · · · · · ...'" '" .. ... t IIH , ...'" ,'"m ....' .,. far "All .1010." .....

,,-IoU_ ...... _. (.teo _lat>.. ,- Ali .1<10. 1.00000,OClO ~.ooo t. >00.000 ". 200.00 ,. 100.000 t. SO.OOO to ~.. ,100. ., ~,- - •.. "',... •".'99 1".... 1".999 ",- FULL_TIllE EOUIY~L[NT EMPLOYMENT '" 10,000 POl'Ul..lTlON · · · · '19.7 21~.1I 211.1 aT,/> IH•• 167.2 ll7.9 10J.:<1 BY FUNCTlO'U [OUCATI~ SERVICES' LOCAL SCHOOLS. 2'.2 n.T '7,1 19,0 38.) II,> Zij.7 INSTRUCTIONAL [IInOTEES. · I '-' · 17 •• )9.7 21.6 D.' 25,9 )0.1 1/1.5 ,., """EII [OUCATION ..... · · ,.. ,., I . ., lNSTRltCTIONAL ["'lOYEES. · · · ., ,.,••• - - " , liBRARIES. · · - - - " , III ~.iN'ENANCi.,· · ,., ,.. M•• ,.. M ,., , , SotllL SERVICES'AHOOINCOII[ .. .. PUBLIC '[LFARE ,., IS, , .., ,., , ,., ., ., HOSPITALS. · .. . . · .., 2).6 ",I ,., , ,., , "UtTIl • . · ,., ' ,'.'.. ,., ..,., ,., .. TII4N$l'OllUT lo,n ·· · .. ••• .. HI6lfUn , ,., , , ,., AIR TRANsf.oATATior:. . · · ·· ·· · .. ..,., '.' '.',., .. •••., IUEIl TIUNSPORTATlON · · ·· ··· · ••., ...., '.' .' .'., Pu8l.lC SAFETY' · · ·· •• •• '" '" '" ,"OUCE PROTECTION. 2~ · · •• .1,0 12.6 29. T 2~. T 2·.0 22.0 21.6 POliCE OI'F1Co.S ON..Y · · ·· · · 20•• 1·.' 21.0 n.l 20.0 FlIlE PflOTECTlON. · · 1'.6 n.o IT. I · ·· · · U.~ 16.7 17.) 11.7 11•• 17.1 16.0 FIIlEFl6HTEIl.S MY: ··· · · · ·· ··· !l•• I!>. ) 16.2 l1.e n •• 16.' 15.· ••• CORIl.£ClION • ·· ,., , ,., M ••• ENVIROHIt£Nl AHO'HOuSI~G; · '. , .. •• ., ., P...RJl;S "NO RECREATION. · · .., 10.5 11.' 11.' ,., .., HOUSING "'NO UIIl"'N IIlENEUL. ·· · ,.. 10.' ,., ,., •••, , SEUR"GE · '"' ...... SANIT"'TlO~ OTliE~ · · · .., ,.. ' '.', M , THAN' SilERAGE ··· .. 12.':1 ,.,.. '.' ..,••• ,. , .. GOVERNMENTAL ADMINISTRAtiON' · · · ••• '.' ••• ,.. FINANCIAL AOMINISTRATIOH ..,,.. ,., , GENERAL CONTROL. · ••• .. · · · '-' Il.) '.' ,.,•• • ,.•••, LOCAL UTILITIES, TOUL 1~.1 18.~ 1~.2 ••• •• · ,...'.' '.' 11.1 12.1• , lO ... lATER SI,IPPLY · .., ••• ,., , ,.,.. ,. , ELECTRiC POlEK · ,., '-' '.' '.',., , .., ,., GAS SuPPLY · · ., '.',., ., ,..., ...... , ., TU"SIT • · 2f1 ••- .., .., ,., ,.' ,., ., OTHEIl. ANO I,ItULLOci.eLE: .., .. ··· · '.' 11 •• IfI.6 D.I 1'.1 I'." ,. , AVEIlAGE OCToellil tAlthlNbS Oi' '.' Fl"••L·TIII£ EIIPLOYUS tOOLL.lIlSI. , , ... I 60• I 5'1 , , ..,, , BY FUNCTION' '" '" '" '" [lIUUTlON SEllYICU, LOC.u. SCKOOLS. 'E~O'Ei:S: , ", , , , , , , INSTRUCTIONAL · ·· , 2 11. ,"., , , , ". , ." ... NIEitER EOUCATION • - "" .. ...'" , , .., 2"11 , ."'" , ." , INSTRUCTION"'L EotPLOYUS. '" ... - '"- · , 2 no , , - , ."'" LIIlll..lIIIU. ." , .. -- - , .., ~AiNTER...Hci,···· , , , , , , m'" , SOCIAL SEll¥lcis· ...':'O "'~ '" '" '" '" '" ", PU8L IC IItLF.lIlE .. , , >0, , , , , , , '" , I+(ISPITALs. · · ,,.. , , .. , .. , , , '" ,'" HEALTH · · ,'" , ." , ". , '" , '" ,'" , '",n ,". TRANSPORUTlON' '" ". '" '" HI6H....YS , ,'" , , '" , , , ,'",,, AIR TR"'NS~ORTATio~ · · , , , , , , ... , lATER TRANSPORTATION · '" '" '" ." '" , · , ..'", , , ". , '" , '" ,'"m , '" , PUBLIC s"'FEn, '" '" '" POLICE PROTECTION. '" '" '" , ,,.. , , '" , , ,,, , '" ,'"on POLICE OFFICERS OHLY · · · ,'"'00 , ,.. , ,"., ,.",,, , .., , '"on , FIRE PROTECTION. · · , , no , '" , .. , , , ,'" FIREFIIiHTERS ONLY: · · ,." , 00, , ." , ... ,'" ,'" , , ,'" CORRECllON ·· · ·· , ." , , ,," ,..., , n', , ... ,'".. , ENVIRONHENT "Ho'HOuil~; '" ...... '" '" '" PARKS "'N() RECIlUTION • , , , , , ,., , , , '" HOUSING AHO uRUN It(HE....L · ,". ,", ,... , , , , , ,,,, SEltlt"6( · · · · ,... , •n ,,... , ",'" , '" , '".., , ...'" , '" SolHlUTloN OT"O TH.:....SiliRi,6E · · , ,'" , .. , ,, , .. , '", , 60'l£llHMEIlTAL "ONINISTllUIONI · · '" " ... '" '"...... '" FINANCIAl. .otlHlNUTRATION '" . '" , , , ,." '" "EHEll.t.!. COfjTROL. · , , m , , ,n .. ·· · · , ,'" , , , '"no , , '" , LOCAl. UTILITIES, TOTAl. · ...'" ,", ...'", , ." , '" , ...... TEIil 5UPP!.Y • ... , , .. , ". ,." , ..., '", ELECTRIC pOIEII. ." , '".. , '" , , ...... S SUPPLY. ", ."'" ".'" ."'" '" , '" 05~.. , ,'" ,.., I TUNSIT. '" , , '" OHI(II. .lHO UNILLOC"'&LE. '" '" •, '" , '" • "1 ."'" '" '" ",'" ...'" '"m , ...'" 1 228 EXHIBIT' '" '" pOPI.lt.AlION OF ARUS 11TH CITY GOVEII.NHENTS ITNOUUNOS" • · .... Iql 009 17 529 11 ••1 ~ us U 0)9 II ZJ9 66 1)0 NUNBEII. OF CITY GOVEII.NIlENTS·.· · · 19 oel " · • .. ,.. 18 665 N~,., Data 10< "All cl'l "d

- ••p .....". ~ lA.. 'Un _boll ,1>0 ~nlt 01 •••u._n••_. ',..,..1." 'r. fo< "&0...... _ '''I c.•••• 01 c;ov• ..-..... 8 GOVERNMENT EMPLOYMENT IN 1981 Table 4. Employment and Payrolls of Individual Cities Having 50,000 Population or More: October 1981

Al._ at...... ,,- ". _ •••,11. r....,_•• .<.,to. "",.p..., IIob' I. _..-., _...... ".. ~.I. •.. _... ..1. I"OfOUUTlON, IUO . .., , , III 017 ' · ·· · · '" .. '" '" '" ". '" " ...... ".'" .. ". .. '" £"",-OY[(I. To' ..... , ... , ", , , on FUl.l·T!M [JIlI1..0YEES·OHI,.Y· · · , ,.. ,,.".. ,• , '" ." ... •,., •'",.. ...no FIA-I._lUIl UUlnl[IfT . E.....oYfI[MT. · · · · · , , .,. , ,,. , • ... ,'" • .~ '" '" '" '" SElEcno FIIMCTlON$' ·· · · ·· ." ". '" •...... , !OIOO!,.S _ IIIKR EDUtUIOlI · '" "'~ -- - , - - INITItUtT 10IUl. ITOF' -, ·· · · · - - - , ". - - · - ,~ · · ~, NI_us · · ·· · - - ." ,.- - ~· Nllwn.....s. ··· ·· · · ·· · · , - ... ~Ic£ l'fIoTicflOol: ··· · ·· · · · "· '",~ '"· .,." ",··m ·· , · , · · · · · ." '" ,~ .. ,~ ... .. 'Cll..1« Ol'nUQ · · ·· .., , , nilE I'fIOT[tTlOll. oi...' ... '" .. ·· · · · · •M '" , 'I~T[lI$ oiL, · · · · · · '" ". -,,. '" '" ..," .. '".. '"• "M .~. '" '" SAHIUTlOfl 0l1tU ·R.i:II;'K · · ·· " ... '".., " ...... • ,lItJ(S ANIl IIECllUflON · · · . .. '" ... .." ...... · ·· '" '" , no FINIoHtUI. AllIllNllTltuioii ... · · ... ". · .." .. .. ti[N(UI. · '" '" CONtllOl. · · ,.. .., no , ,n ,,.'" UTILITIES. · · · .., ,...... ,.'" .. UTEII sup;d· liri.,: · - " , . .. " OTN[II .. FUt!CTlONS. · · .. .. . 19~ " · · no , , '" ... ··· · · ".'" '" .. '"" '"" '"" '" ..", Ol;TOBU HYROlU "1,000. • ..'", , , , , \155 , , , , ... SELECTEO 'UNCTIONS' · · · ." ...... " LOCAL StHOOLS lHD 'WiltElI EOUUTlON · - · · - " '" I NSTIIIJCT 10IlAl. "OFf -, ··· - · ·· • on'" · ·- · · III_on . · · · .., %· •,.. · · · IIQSI'IT OU: · ·· · · · ·· , ...... '" ... .. POI.lt[ ""OTEtTION: ·· · ··· · , 'M· m··" ,%· , · ·· · · I"OI.IC[ OHlc[al OHL, · - · · '" ... ,.. • · , '" M' '" , n, '" ,• '" , nu ""OT[CTION. · · ·· · · ·· , %,'" ...... '", ,.'" , .., Fla[ FIUtnRS · · oM,.y · · · · ·· · ·· , ~ '"no ...m ...... , '" , S...... IUUON 0lJlU. Tlt(1II·si.E"," · ,.. ." ....., ,% ,'" '" n ._. OHO ItECllU.UON · ··· ·· '" .. ... '".. , '" .. ".'" f11WlC1'~ ... AOIlllllu,a",joi. ·· · · · · '" · ...... ," 5[NEUI. COIjTaOl. · · · · ,.. '" ". ... '" , UUI.ITIU. ." - .. , ... · · · · - '".., , , '"m '" ~,. · ...... '" una -· ·· ... · · ·· - ,.. .., .., ". OTltEa FUNCTiONS. , ... '" ... " ... -" · · · ·· ... '" '" '" ..... , ... ."" UUAG[ OCTOI[II EAIININGS '" '" '" '" '" FlIt.~·UIlE [",~O'UI. .OCN..L'.5. , , , , , , , , , , no , INSTaUCUOHAL [IIP~O'[ES: · .DCN.LUS. · - ... , ". .. OTHE;II EIIl'1.0nU. .DCN.LUS. , '" , · , '"· , '"· ,'"· , ,'"···, , , '"· '" · · · '" ... '" '" '" '" '" '" '" ...... e-,,_•• •....,.. Co",.,.,• '" ,...... ". L'" 1. A''''••' ...... 10' _ ...... :::'"1••1I It.,• '- '"- •• "- ~AlIOtl. .. .'-7" "0 sn , , .. · ···· · " ...... '" " '" .. ." '" ." '" ." [*'1.0,UI. TOTAL ,,n , .., , , n, , , Fl,II.l-T11lE [*'1.0,HS····or.., ·· , ...... , ,.. ,... " ..., FUI.~_T111[ EOUIU~["T ·[MI'1.0,II[IIIT. · · · ... , '"." ". •... , ,.. ,.. •., .. F(IIl SELECTEO FI,INCTI(NIS' · ...... " •'" .. '" .. .. •..'" LO(A~ SCNOOlS ANO HI_II EllUtUIOOO - . '" '" .~, -- - IHSTauCTlOHAL STAFF · · ·- · ··· · NIGHUn · · ··, · - - - · - NOSPITALS: · · · .. - .. .. POLICE paOTECTIOH: · · · '" "- - ··" ···" " - oW~, ··· · no ,.. " " POllt[ oFFIUas · · · · · .., ..,,'"...... , Fla[ 1'll0nCTlOH. · · · '" , '" ". '".. '".. .. FlaE FI1iHTEItS oM.y · · · ·• ·· ..., .. ...'"n. ...'" .. '" SAHIUUON o,..u .~.·si.E...... i · ··· ..,. '" " ", '" ...'" o.NO ll[CIIUTlOH · ·· · '"~, '".. ... '" "· · " '" ._. · · "M FIIWlCI..... AOIlIIIU,u,joi. ... · · · · ···· · '" ... .." .. " .." I[H[IUI. CONTaOl. · '" " " '" UTiLITIES. · ··· · ·· · · · .. .. ." .. .. ," .. ..,[It -".,0".:,; · · · · · ·· ·· " ,'".. .. ,... .. ".. " .. ... o".,a FUNCTiONS. ·· ·· · ·· .. ,M .. · · " - m " .. ... · · · · · · · · · " ..." .. ., M ...... " OCT08EJl HTltOl.U 11.000. , '" , " , 'M SELEcno ,UNCTIONS' · · · · • '" '" ... " ... • '" ,,_. o.Nll '1llH[a UllitATIOH '" '"- '" . '" "'~ ~, · - I'ISTaUCTIOIl.ll. IT","' · · · · ·- ··-- · ·- '1ll11ous · · ·· n·· · M· "OSl'IT.~S: ··· · ... .. - .. POlIC[ Pa01ECTIO": · ·· "··, n. ··'" , · " m··" , · '"· POLItE OI'F1CUI oii~, ·· · · , , , ...... '".. '".. , m FIII[ PROTECTiOll. · · · ...... '" n. .., ".,M ... Fla[ • · '" '" .., m FI(;HTUS oiI.' · · ·· , ... , ... UHIUTiOll OTII[. TII[II'si.ia"Gi ·· '".., ... '" ".'" .. ... '".., PAIIKS o.NO lI[taUliOM ·· · · ... '".. '"· - '" '" 'IIWICI'~ AOIlIIIIITauioi. ·· · · · ... '" .. ...'" " ...... " ..." 6[1I[1UI. COWTaOl. ".to · , UTl~ITIES. · · · .. ." .. ,.. ,.. · · · ·· ,.. .., ,".. " " .. "~ ,.. unll MY: · · · ...... -".j ~ · · ,.. ... ,.. ~ 0lM[1l I'I»CTiONS. · · · " · ··· ·· ,... ..", ...... ""· .. , ."...... '" AVUtY: OCTOIIEJI EIoIllII"'S '" 'Ul.l-T11t[ E.....onu. .0000....ors. , ·· , ... ." , , m , .., , ,, , 1"llRUCllOHAl EII'LOYEES: · .DCN.....ors. · ... •...... ~, '" - - - or..:11 (IIl'LO'UI. · · .0000LAU. · , · , · ."· ,'"· - , , , .M· ,· , ·· · ··· · · '" ... '" •'" .. •... oJ .. ... -

CITY EMPLOYMENT IN 1981 9 Table 4. Employment and Payrolls of Individual Cities Having 50,000 Population or More: October 1981-Continued (;"" ....,...... :-.,- ,,- ..'..,. ..'lfl_, ,.,. Co._' ~'o '- p.,k ...... y,,,• ••• ..... -- c.."._ _.- ..• I'OP'UI.lTiOH. ,,~ · . ·· ··· ~ ". " ." 10) )ZI M '" .. '" " m ~l ,.,.. .> 921 .. 'M IO} l'1 l/PlllrtU. TOT.&l m , M' .n m ~ on fUL~·T11l1: (Ml'\.OlEU -., · .M ." • "' .~ lO'.:.r.~T: · "' ,.. ...'" FlA.L_T111£ EOUIV"'UKI U.. · · on •'" '" • '"m ". ... ,~ " ... "...... $[\.ECTEO FUHCTlOf(S, · .. • • ... '" &»D HI __~ EtlUUfl(llj LOUl 5('-" '" 0 - · · ·0 · · ·0 INSTllUCTIOHIol SToFF -, · ·· - · · · · · "'.....n · · · ,· · lOO~IUU. · · · .. ..- 0 .. ~Ol.lC[ "· · "· · "· · " "· · PllOTECi IOH: ·· 0 · ~ ", m , , ~, ... POLICE OHlcns ··· ·· - ., - ."., ." Fat ",onCTlOH. . · • · · ..-- '" "., ·0 ."'" ... ~, fiRE FI,"TEllS · · · -- '" .. · 0 " - 0 ...'" " · " · UHI UUOtl 0110£11."., 5EIEll.GE ····· · ... ..- ...., - · " ", , PAliK) ...NO II[CIIUTION . ··· · · · · • .., • FINANCIAL lOHINUTIIATioN .., ·· ··· " " ." " " " GENUA\. CONTIIQl. · " '" .," ·· 0 ...... UTILITIES. - ", ". - "0 · " UTE" SVPPLV ONLY. "• · " '"... · " · .. · OTNER FUNCTiONS. • .. '" .. , .." ". .." ... ." OC108EII PUIIQUS 0',00<1...... '" ..", ,.. " SEUCTEO FUNCTIONS' · • ... •". " •" •... lOUl". SCNOOU ~IGHEII EOUCUION -- '" - . . .~, ... 0 INSTIIUCTIONAL STAFF · · - · ·- -0 · · · ~ICiHun · · · · · · · · 0 .. 0 OfOSPITALS. · - .. ".- .. ..- .. .. POliCE ....oTicTION: · " ,· '" · '"n· u· · ... . 0 ,~ POLItE OfflCUS oHt., · ··· - .. " · ... 0 ...'" .. · ... '" ....OTECTlOH. · ····· - ...'" . · '" '" '"· ""nilE f l"lnllS 0;'" ·· ·• -- no ...'" '" - ... ."... - III(N·si.iiU6i. SONIUTIOIO 0111(11 · 0· · m ... ·- · , .~, lHO Ilt:ClI.UTlOH · · · • · · '" • • . 0·· · n .. .., flNAIICUL OOIlI"lSfIlUioN ON) · · .. " ...... 6(1I(1I"'l COIOTIIOL · . 0 m'" '" •u 1,/IILI'IU•••••• · · ..- .. '" ...... "0 UTEII ",,"u oo...f. · .. · 0 - "• - '"'M • ALL OT>l(II F'-HONS. • · · , " " ." "" ... " .." ... " .. nUI051: OCT08Vl EAllIoIJOliS . I ." F!A,.L_TlNE E""LOnn•••• ._I_IIS. .76 ' ... m , l"srllUCTiOlOOI. (""LfNE[S. ._I...S. • - • "~ • · • · •... •'"- •... •."0 ... •...- oLL OTNEII E...... onu••• ._u05. I · · · :1 •... •'" •... •... • •'" •." •'" •... •... ~, '" ,,~ .". ,~ ,_ , .~, ' .... "0 .... 0 II ,. ,.,,, • • " .. .. Y.: ,.,' ". 'ro. ." '" · " .. ... " "...... " ... " ... .. '" .. ... " ... '" ...... '" [ ...... OfE($. TOTAL •••••• 'n ...... , 2 '21 FlA.l_TlIIE E"PLOyEES 0'''" ••• ... .. · ...'" ."m no ... 2 ZIT FlA.L_1 II'Ol EQUIVALENt EMPLOYMENI. · ...... ". '" ". ... " 2 '0' FOIl. SElECTEO FUNCTIONS' · ...... ". "...... LOCAL SCIIOOLS ONO ~1'~EII EOUCATION -- INSTIIuCTlONA. STAFf ONlY · - · · · · · ·- IlIGNun ••••••• · - · · · · · - · IlQSP!TALS••••••. · "- ..· - " " " 0 - POLICE PIIQTECTION ••• · "· ,.." · · · n"- " " POl..ICE QFFICEIIS QNLY · ." ... '" HIIE PIIOTECTlOII •••• · ...'"n .. ...'" '".. '".. ... "'" FIIlE Fl....ftIlS ONLY ••••• · ..'" .. .. " .. .." , . SANITATION onlElI THEN SEoEIlOG£ · , " .. .., .., " , '", '".., '" PAllO ANO IlECIlUTIOH •• · " "• · " '" FINANCIAL AOfIIIIISTIIATIOH AHll .. .." ...... '" li(HEIIAL COHTIIOL •• " " " " UTlL!TIU•••••• · ...... , .. .. - u - u UTEII ",,"LY oo...Y. · "0 .. , .. " .. "· '" u u oLL 0'11(11 FUIICTlONS. .. .~· .. , · '" " .. " "" " " ..." OCT .... PATIIOl..LS •• 01.000. , " • ,0lI. S(LECTEO '.-Tlll'

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..~ ,~ .~ ~ .., ,~ I'W'tA.ITlON. . · ·· · ···· '" '" u._ " ..' no '" " '" " .. '" " ... tIOP1.0l1:U. TOUL 'M , ,~ , .~ 'M ~, ...... ~, fll.L_TlM: EIIP'LOY£ES · · ··· ."'M , no .., ... '" ..'", FUl.L-liM: [OUIHL[NT EIlI'lOrMtNT: ··· no on ,,.. ,'".. '" ...'" ,., '" ... F()Il nUCTED FIiNtTlotIs' · · · · · '" ." ... '" LOC~L SCIIOOU .tID HIGHER EllUCIT!otI . ------IN$lRI,I(Tlotlol.L STIFF ONLY ·· · ------· · ,~------III_on · · · · 'M ... - lIllSPITRS: · · · - · - - '"- "- "- ---" " "- - 'illitE ",orECTIc..: ·· · · ·· · · .., ,M U. 2" ' m .., I'Ol.ICl Of'FIClIlS OHlr ·· · ·· · · ··· , , "., " • ,~ .. '" ...... - FlU ",,"Ol(CTION. ··· ··· '" , '" " 'M " "M nlliHTUlS ., ····· ··· ·· ,.. .. ,'".. .." '",n '".., '".. - " - JANIUTlOII or'-:II fill" S(1[1I1W; · · , , , , - ,~s AMI ItECUITlON · "- • ,,' ·· " n .. 'l,. I M fl_UL ...... IOMllllnUTION ··· ... ,~" lio[NUIL COtHIIOI. · UTILITIES, · ...... - .. uru SUPPLY ONlY: " '" .. " .." '"- " .. " ,~ .. OTH[II FUNoCTIOHS. · · "".." .. "," ,.. ..." Ii I " '" 11,000. '" " " " OCT08£It PllllllLS , , ,.. , , , ... m ." SElleno FUNtTIONSI · · · · ... ." '" .~~ sc-.s .uo HI_It fll"UlIlIIi' '" - '" - '"- '"I"STlt~TI0N4 "IoF~ · ------(IN.y · III_US . · · ·· ·· , ------, ,~ - · MOsrlT·~S. · · · ·· .. ..- ..- .. .. - .. ·- '".~ '"- - "OlltE l'llo'f:chOti: ·· · · · - - no ..,- - l'lll.IC[ lIFFICEIl.S oNLy · ··· ·· · m m m .M , '" '" ..'" '" ,~ " FlII[ l'lIOT[CTION. ·· · '" ." '" · ~III[ · · · ·· .., '" ... '" '" - FI&IlTEIIS oNLy · ··· · ,.. '".., '" ..'", '" - ,.. - S.NIT.TIIlN OTII[II THEN sf:.f:Il."wi · ·· · · · - ,.. ,,'" '" -, , - ...IIKS UO Il.ECIl.EAT 10<1 · · · · ·· · • ,.. '" ,.." '"" ,.. ." FI .....ClAl AOMlNUTIIUiON ... ·· · · '" .. " '" "

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Co',I...,.--Cooo.'_ h. PlLl o..:y: - · .. .. '"...... I .. - - ....L OTHER FI,INCT IONS. · .. " .. - · ·- ..... " ... " ... ..".. '".. ... '~K ouoeu U ..... I ....S '" '" " " n...L_T111E: [OIPLOYEU. .0000~AIS· .., n. , n, , , n' , , 'U I NST"'UCTI ONAL [""~OYlU. • • ". • ... ,OO<.LA.$. -- - - '" • - • EH~~O'[U. - '" OTHE'" ,DOUUS· · , , - , '" , n, --, .U - '" •.. •...... •'" '" •'" •'" •... ,le""_ ...... " ". ~ ....,. ...._'0 loo"'" ...... ,. - ...'"- .. - .. - ." ---v.e.... " . ~Of'UL.TIOH. 1980 ...... '" ... '" '" ...... " .. '" 175 $04 ...... n '" ( ..~OY[ES. lOToli. ,.. ... , ... , , ,.. • F....L-TlIlE Ull"\.Ol1'U·oO...l · • '" , , ..., .. , '" FUL~_IIHE (OIJln~[1IT [~OYH[NT. · ...... •...'" " ...... , ,'".. ,..... •.., .. '",.. • ... 5£LECnO FlMIIONS' · · · • .... ". - • .. ." .~~... · ..-, &HlI HI5ItEIl._.[OUCATION -- - - IHST"'UCTlOOUL ST.tSF - · · · - - - - - NlliHun . · · - - .., -- - HOS~ITALS. · ..;1 ... · · '~ - .. - " '"- " "~I , U· 'OI.IC[ ..... OTi.C'IOII: · · I " - - - , ~OlICE • ...... • Ol'FICE... S ooiL, · ...... '" '"n, .., ." • , ...". •.., FIll[ iI'IlOTEClION. . - · · · .. '"... '"... " •'" •,.. .. 1'1"'[ FI"'T[llS oM.' - · · · · ".. U· on ...'" .." '"... " ".'" ,.. ..,• S..... IUTlON OTHEJI TM(N -si.i....i.1i ·· - , .. • ,, ~&IIltS • .. 10/1IO "'[CIlUTlON · ··· · · '" " .. • '" ,..... , 'INUftIAL _OOOINII1....Tiail ;.; · · ·· " ... ." ...... • .. lilHEUL CONT"'OI. . · · " , , • IJTI~ITIU. ·· · .. ..- ... "n,. ••- ...... , ."... ..,, ONI. Y. - ". nTH Sl,J.·h' · .. - - ...'" " •...... ,, olI.L oTNE'" FUNCTIONS. , , ·· · ... .. '" '" ... " •...... •.. ~.Y"'OI.LS '" OCT_II ••••••• '1.000. ... 1 I" J all '7'" ... 2 nl 12"1 ton '011 $[I,.(CT(O FUNCTIONS' LOCO!. SC-'S AMI MIQI[Jt [OUUTIOfj - - - INSTRUCTION&!. SI.tSF ONLY -- - - - HI"".n ••••••• - - - , ... HOSflIU~S ...... ••••••• - - , ~OLlC[ '" .....onClIOH••• - - - m"- "- 2 6" ~OI.ICE ... '" OFFIC[IIS 0Nl, ... ". '"'n ...'" • ,.. '" .. ,•''" 2211 FlU H.OTlCllON•••• ... .. ". ... • .., ...... " N ... 1 II' n ...[ 'I",n...s ONLy ••••• ...'" ,"... '" •'" '",.. ..'", " • S..... IUTION OTIt(Jt lNlN 5£.OA", , - '"... •... ". ..," ... " .. ,&liltS I.HD otlClIUTIQIj •• · .. .., ,.. ..." .n..• ...• " .., ..." 'INIoMCI...... ONINUUUION ...... kK.... ~ CONT"'OI" •• " m ". IJTI~lTIU...... n' ••• •• • "- ... - '" .. • n SUl"~' '".. " .. u TE'" ONU. • • - , " , L~ " .. - " " ... ~ • oTNE'" 'UHC1l0NS ••• '" '" .. ..", ...... '" ...'" ..." .." ... 019 AYElUK O<:T*'" [lllU;INf,S '" '" " " "~~-TlH[ [",,"OytES••••• • OO<.LAIS • 2 01' , , .., , , 20H , INSlIIUCIIlMW. Vlf'l.OytES •• .OO<.L"IS. ."-- ". •'"- '" •'" ." ". IoU OlltE... [JIlI\.Oytu•••• .0000LAIS. n. - , ,- , - , - , 2 0" •... .. • '" ... •." 2 Oil I •• '"'''''' ..... of ..01 •• '" '" -

GOVERNMENT EMPLOYMENT IN 1981 " Table 4. Emptoyment and Payrolls of Individual Cities Having 50,000 Population or More: October 1981-Continued

Co 1, l.,a,o_-<-,'-"

u. ~,. _ 110••• .. I,•• So...... "Qt. So." _. ~,. I "..,A,...... - - ...... ' ,... _". "'" ..".. ~OPlA.ATlO"'. Ino , 20) 11) n ,.. , no · · · " '" " .. ", " .. '" " ". " ...... Efll>lO~€U, TOTAL · , , .,. .., ,... ". ,.. , FULL_TIll( ["""OVEES 0","' ·· " '" •,'" • , m ,.. ,." ~OUIVll(NT E"~LO¥;'E;'T ... '" FI.A.L_TINE : .on , , · ." on , '" , , ,~ '" '" ... .. '".. '" SELECTEe FUNCTIONS' · '" '" LOCAL SCHOOLS AND IlIGHU EOU(ATION '" '" '" '" 1'.ST~\lCT .~. -- - - I CNAL lUFF · · · · ------· ",11I"1$ .. · · · - .-, w- · - ,. - IIOSI'lTlU: . · · · "- - - "- ..- ••- " ..- .. 'OI.lt[ J'ltoTtCflo",: · · ...... ,.. <0'--m - I'OlIC[ Of'flcOts 00:...., · , · · ". , .~ n ,". F1~[ · · '" '" ... .. '" ...... 01((11011. · ·· " '" '"m ,'".. ,.. .. FISHlER' · -- FINE 00..., · · ·· ...... - ... S.t.HIUTIOOI oTHEJt THo·si.iNA" · ··· ",. ", '"- ..· '" " .., •- - '" o\ND It(CIIUH Ofj .. n .. ._. ·· ." j,,.j · · ...... " - F11WIC11oL AOIlINuT.... rioil ·· · · ," " .. 'VlllUol toNIIIlII.. ·· · · · .. .., " .., n .. , \lTlUllU. · ···· --" .. " "'" m .. " UTEII -"-, 0..:,: · - - " . .. " " " ~ · ...... ·· Uf, .. OMII Fl,IIIl;TIONS. · · , on ·· · , ." '" .. ". '" ..' " " " otTOIiUI l'UlilQUI 01,000. , ,, , , , no m , on ,~ .. NUtTEo FUNCTlONi, · ...... '" "', •". ". LOCAL SCHOOI.S AHD Hl~1I lOllCAlIOll' -- - - · - INnIlUCTlllto_L SHofF ONLT · - · - · - - - HI"'U15 . . · - -- ···,. IIllS'lT_LS: · "- ..- '"· - '"- "- '"--" · "· 'OI.IC( l'IIOT€CTlo..: · no ,.. " ...... 'OLICE OfFICEIIS ONi.T · ,.. ". ,'".. ... ". '" '" nilE ,1I0nCTION. ...'" ". ,.. '" '" ~...... --'" 1IIIl FHiNTEIIS · ..'", "m '" ,.. '" - S_NlrATlON OTHER · · ". . '" ... .THEN S€.€II"'G€ · · ". - ,,- '" '_II~S · - .. '".. - _NO II(CIIHTlON '".. ,..• ,.. AOHINISTIIATio~ · · ... .. FINAHeI_L i.1ID · " '" '" '" " - " G,[NUAL COlITIIOL · ,.. .., .,. ... ., I,IT1LITIU. · · ". '"- "... .. ,.. '" .. '" unll SUI'foLT O"T: · · - · .. '" .. " KL OTII[II; F\lNtTIONS. ,,, " " · · no" " ..." ,.. ,.." " '"" _nuif. OI;101EII Eo\JlJjllllGS '" '" '" "

~OT[U. , FULL-TIM[ .CJlX.L_It$. , , .., , , , , l Oil ~OT[U. · ... ." ... ". •" ... .. INSTIlIJtTlOlW. · · . •. ." ilL OTMVt EN'\.OTUS••• 2 l)9 ...... lOU " .",- ,. , ., . ~..,. ... ,..., .. ,. , '''" ...... ' , ,n .. ... " '" '" '" .. ... " ...... " '" .. '" .. ". ... E"LOTEES, TOUL •••••• ... n' ...... m FuLL_TINE E""LOTEES ONlT ••• .., ,.. ...". '" " '" '" ,.. ... FuLL_lINE EOI,II VALENT ENI'LO'"ENT. .., '"on ". '" . '" '"no ,.. ... FOIl SELECtEO FUNCTIONS' " '" LOCAL SCHOOLS ANO HIGHlIl EOUCATION . '" INStIl\ltTlONAL SUFF ONL' ";1 HION"'S ••••••• .. ", .,. HOSf'IT_LS ••••••• .. " ..," .. " 'OLICE l'llOTECTlON ••• ". ", ". ". .. " ,,, ". ,.. '0I.1CE OfFiCUS ONL' ,,, ... ,.. " ... Filll I'IIOf[tTiOH•••• ,.. ,.. .." ". .. '" ... FIIIl F1IHTEU OOlI.T ••••• " " " UJUUllOll' OTlt(ll THEN sUUA5I: .. '" .. , .. .. '" ,.o,MS AHD nt'IUTlON •• .. , • .. ,..• nNoUfCl&L IoOI'IINISTltAflOH AHD '" '" .. .. " .. " "€ME!IAL tONTItOL •• .. .. UTll.lllU•••••• .. , "'(1t _T -.T. .. " '" " " " " ,'".. ~ " '" " " " " .. 0nt[Jl; F'UNtTlOll'S. .. " ·· · · ··· ,.. ,.." ,.." .." .." .. " " ,.. OCToeul 'ATIIOLLS 01,000. , , , " n • " " , ,~ ...... " HUCTED F'UNtTlOtis, · · ...... " ~, '" ''''~ lHO NI_II; EOIICUIOII' · -- · - · - -- - - IlInlllJtTIOIW. STAfF ONLY .. · · · . · - -- . -- - NltHun .. · · · ". .. .. - 1lOSl"lTiLS. · . · · "- "- '"- - · "- "- - ..· '"- 'IlL ICE I'II01€CTlo..: ·· ... no ...... 'OLICE OfFICEIIS ONLT • ... m'" '" ... ." FlIIE I'IIonCTION. ·· - ".- '" - ... .~. '" · ... - nll;E FlliNnllS · · · ". - ."... '" - ,'".. ,'".. '"- - ...... S_NnATION 01HEII lHEN S£'€II;.G€ · ., ,_us ·· · ·· -- ". '"- • - .. - ANO IIECIIUTiON · '" n • no _~INlnIlATioN ·· ·· - ... .. nNANCUL ... · · '" • " " " IiENEII_L C!»ITML . · · · ... ,...... ". ,.. I,IT1LnIU. ··· · "· ...... " ". IUEII SlII'PLT OIiT: · ·· .. '".. " - .. " ...... 01NEII FLlHtTlONS • · " .. • U · ·· · · " ,.. ". "n .. .., " ...... >,EUi( OI;TOIIER E.....NINU '" " '" FULL-TillE: EN'LOYUS. .CJlX.LAIt$. , ,.. , , .., , ,... , , ,.. ,.., , .., INSTIIUCTIOHAL ~OYln. · .CJlX.LUS. · --." - ." '" • ~ 0nt[Jl; lJ'Il'\.OTlU. ·· , , - ,'"~- , - l 261- , ,· - , · .CJlX...... "". · ,.. , .., .... .n .. ,... .., ... t __•••• _.t ...··1•• ·· · '"

- 14 GOVERNMENT EMPLOYMENT IN 1980 Table 4. Employment and Payrolls of Individual Cities Having 50,000 Population or More: October 1981~ntinued "" , , _"'<~l-e-•.- ..,...... Cool_,...... H~ ~." w... II...... ,,· ,..'w...... ,.... 1.-.10." I"....'. .."I••• ,." ,-' ,- ...... "".,.'_...•,...... ,..

'Ol'VlITiON. ICZ .5' , m , on p. nee · ·· " '" .. " '" " .. " '" ." " ." .. '" ". (Ill'I.O,US, TOTI ,,, (IIl'l,Oyusoil.' · · J nz ,'" l 92' , , , , [OlJI~IL(NT (IIl'l,O'~HT: · '" ~ ... FUll_TIllIE · , .., ,,'".. ,'".., , '" ,'" 551 , ...... • Hill $fUelED FUNCTIONS' · · " .. '" •'" ,~~ '" ..-. lHD Illli1tEJl EllUUTlllH , on , , ,.. - u no - - INSTlWtTl~ · ...... , lUFF 011., · · - · · · , .., , '" ...... - - -· - ..I_US . . ·· · ·· ... '" ... '" .. ,.. 1tO$f'IULS. . ·· · ·· ·· · ..- ..- ..- "- - "- "... "- - - I"CII..ICE I'IlOTECTION: · · · ·· ...... ON ... •..., ...... I'OI.ltE OHICOI .... · · ·· ·· ,.. ...'" , ,.. ,.. '" Illl£ PIIOTECTlOII. · · · · · .", '" , , ON ,,~ - ·· · · .. ..'" - ...... '" ...'" Fll;IlUIlS OM..Y · · ·· ,.. '" - ... , ,,. " S....'UTIOfl UltU TIl[N·si.i....t;( ·· ·• '",.. '" , ,.. " ." ~[CIlUfiON · · ,... .. " '" .. "d'U lNO · · · '" '"" ...... " " ,.. FINANl;Ul AlH'I'NIITIlA,ic* ... · .. .. " " , '" " ti(NUAL CONTItOl. · u. ,...... , ...... UTILITIES. · -- ,. - ..· .. ,,. ,." .." ..TEll SUP;lY 0"':,: ·· - " - ~, · - · ...... '" orNU FUNCTIONS. , , · · '" ..." .. '" '" " ...'" .. '" ...'" OCT06E~ 'U~Gl.L' '" l~ 01,000. •.n , •.., ,... , , 101 , , ." '011 SELECT(O nlHCTlOHS, · ". '" ". • LOCAL 5<:1I0OI.5 AHO HI_A EOOJCUIOII • ,'" , ,... , ..'", - - · - · ... p .., IMSTlUCT10HAl. sur, -., ····· '" l 076'" ,". ... · ",'" . · - MlliHun . ·· ·· · •'" ."...... ,.. , .. ,.. ... MOWIT""5. · '" - "- m. - "· - I'OlIC[ l'IlortcilOw: · ·· ·· ...- - - ... ,..- ,.. ... ,.. .., I'ClI..ICt Of'F1ClJll oNI.V ·· · ,"... '",. ,.. ...'" ,• m · · · ". . ". , ... p,.. 1'111£ l'lIOTEtTIOOl. ·· , . ,,~ · ...... F1l;01TlA$ oiL, · · · on '" - .," ...'" , no ~.i.u.~ '" ...... '01(11' · - 5U1lT1T1ON OTItUl ·· ·· · · '" ".u, n •".... '" PUllS ,t,NO .[CIllATlON · ···· · '" " " '".. ,'" ,'".. .." " F1Nt.HtIAl. AOl'lIi'iISTuric* ... · · · · " .. '" " Ii€llUAL CONTll;OI. · , " ,.. , ...'" UTILITIES. · ·· ·· ..- ..- '" '"- "- ...'" '".. ..'", m unl _...... · · ·· ..,. - " . - '" ... ", m ." DIME. 'I.INtTIONS. · · ...... " m ,.. ...'" .. ." ... OCTOBER E••HIHiS '" '" AVUA" , ,.. FUll·TillE ["'LonES. .0000lUS. , ... , , , • no , ". , ",I , ,.. INS,MVCTlQNAL EIlf'LOVEE5. .OOll••S. , , ,• , ,"., , , - ~, '" .. '" .. 0111l. EJII'I..OYlU. · .OOLLARS. , ,'" ." ,.., , - , , - , , , · · '" '"... •'" '" ." '" ... ". '2;\ .. "o"... ~ • Co,_••,,:. ,. eo,.... N._. N._. , .~" ...... 11,- ...... - •• • ...... ••

'OI'Ul.ATlON. m , 'N , , , .... ·· · · ·· .. .. '" '" .. ... " '" ... '" ...... " ... " ... £...,.o\'£u, TOUl , , , 'N no ,... , ,n FUl.l_lllll EIIl'lOY[[S OHl.T · · , ." .. '"... , 01 ,... , '"... '" ,..'" [...,.0111(111. · '" ... ''''-L-lIM EIlUIULENT · , ",'" ,...." ,•,.. •'" , , , ,..'" FOR S€UtTED FIINCTIONS, · · · ." '" '" ... E~CAlION '" '" LOi:aL 5(1100\.5 1Il0 NI(iH(l -- · - - · - .~. -· - - INSrRl,ICllONAL STAFF · - · - -. - · . . - - HIGlIUVS · ,...... II0$PITALS: · - ..· ,'"N' - · ". "- POLICE '.OTECTIO~: · · · ..,- , , - - ~Ot.ln Of'flCE~S ··· ... , , ... , , Fl~( '" .. .. '" '" ~~01(ClIOII...... '" · '" no'" ".p, '""U • Fl~( · ·· ,.. ", " ,.. ".'" . fIIHtUS · · ".'" '" ". .. .y m , 'It(~' ~oi~A&i · · ·· ,...... UMlTU10ll OTHVI · · · ,.. ,.. ,.. '" , lJil) - ... '" ~""'1lS _CIIUTlOll · · · · '" ,.. '" .." '" '" .. .. Fl.....c:U... .t.llOI1MU,U,joil · ·· · · .. .. '" " ~ COM'~Ot. ,n U· 12"'" '" '", · · ... .. ,~.. .. UTlUfin. · · - · ·· · · , ..- N .~Tt~ -,,-y 00.:,: ·· ··· · ... •", •'" - '" "., ~, " ... ~,.. · OTHVI FUMCTlOIt'.I. · · · •, I - " .. ··· ···· · ..." ,".. US ,...... " ,.. .. QC'OII;~ ~~I'fIOt.~S $1._. •... ,".., m .. ... • .., • " , , m , SUECTtO FUNCtlilttS' · · • ". • . ~QCr.L.. ~1&HEJt '" SCHOOLS AHO EIlUCAflOII - - '" I~ST~UctIONr.L STAFF .~. · · - - -. - - - - - · ~15Hn,s . · · · · - ,- - - - · ItOSI'IT~~S: ·· '" •• ...... - ~Ot.ICE PAOTECTlliM: · - ,· '" •,.", "· - - - ,- '" ~Ot.ICE ON~Y ·· · ...... " OFfiCEAS · '" ..,. , •, ~~OT[CTIOtI. · · · ...... '" '".. FIAE ,• , ,. y ·· · · '".., '" '" ...'" '" rlAE rlliH'US ori... ·· · · ·· ." , ... , , '" '",...... TIt(~ ...... UMITAT/ON Oll.1I SUEua ··· "- .." '"., ., , ~""'Il:S · '" '" .. .. '" lJil) .. lI£CAUTIOII · . ." .. ·· U ,• '"no , '"m '" • f1.....c:lA~ · .. .t.llOIlIIUrAujoir ... · · .. '" .. '" .. .. K~ · CIlfHIt , , N ... m ... UIIUlin.... ••... · · '" • U, '" , ... ,'".. ,.. nTU _, OfLt. '" '".., •'"m - - '" , ~ .. - - " - ...... OTHVI fUNCTlOllS. ... • ,- ...... " '" ,.. ~'o'O.lGE OC'Q8E1t UlllllJoI05S '" '" '" FULL_TIllE ~OTlU. ••• .DOLL....S. .., .. , m , ... , ,.., ,,.. , .., , , IIISJIlUCTlOJlM. [IlI'LOTln. • .lXk.I.-AIlS. • '"- - , m- N,- , '"- , ,· , - , ..,- , ~:~ , _'~"'--""~""'.!"",-!!"'!""""'-"c;'--"--'-'--'--'-~"~"""'"U"'·~L_c'!..'''''''Cl_-' "• , .. ,.. .. '" S.. f .., ...... ' ....f ...1•• '" CITY EMPlOYMENT IN 1981 15 Table 4. Employment and Payrolls of Individual Counties Having 100.000 Population or More: October 1981---eontinued eo...._ "..',, Go.'." "w." Toll._ ,.1. " ". , , GoI_. So ••" ••• "__1.1. .. ~.TI " ,. , ..... •••••• '-' '"''...... ".•

POPIA.AT ION, \910 , , , m on II...0 , , ·· · · .. .. " .. '" .. '" " ... '" ...... " .. ". (IlI'\.01'HS, lOT'&\' , .M on , .., , 'u\'l_T11t( [ ...... Oltu·Oo-', · · · · · , •....., .., " • •." , .., ,", •.. •'" • FUll_TIll[ • ...... (WIV&l.VIT l.IlI'\.OTlOT: ·· · ... • • • •... , ... , .. •... •....M •".'" FCM S(l[CTtO Fl,IlItTlllNS' · · · · • • 'M •'" • ... •'" • • .~" ~S olHll .,-.. UIUCATIlIN '" - '" '" _. ·· -- · '.STltUCTIOIIAl.. SUFF ·· · · · · --· - - · - .I_US ... · · · · ·· · m- - n -- - - - IlOSPltILS: ··· · · ", ...... POI..IC[ PIlOIECTlo,.: .. · · ·· · - . · _. · · ·· - , -- m"· - - " m on POlIC( OFFICERS · · ... .. •...... · ·· '"no no m • rllt( PIlOIECTIotI, ...... '"" ... ,.. · · ,.. "..., ." • >0' • m FlltE nGHTE1tS ONLY · ·· ...... '" . SIHITUIOH OTI1[& .~. SE"EIt~(ii · · ...... " ... .'".. ...'" '", ...'" ,..' ... PIRKS 'NO It[CltUTIotI · ... . ", ...... ,'".. '" ..", '", m ....., FINII1CIIL 10" INI STIlAI i OM ... ·· ." ... " ...... • &[N[RAl CONTROl. ,.. .., . UTILitIES. ·· · · · ...... ,,, ." •.., UT(R ~; MT: . · ...... " " '" " .. '" .IU. OfHlR Fl,IlItTlllNS, · ·· .. '" '" '" ··· · ·· - .., m.. •M''" " ..... •'"n, •...... '" ...., •'" OtToellI PlfltClllS · , · u,ooo...... son '" ,.. ) '"011 ,,, .n '" FCM S(l(CTEO FUNCTlONil ·· · • •... •". • • .. .~" SCHOOlS olHll 111'"1:11 [OUCATIOII · " '" 1' -.. · -- - · ·· ,NSTRUCIIOOlIl. 51 .... · · · · ·· -- · · - - MIGHUYS · · · ·· ,.. - - - - IlOSPIIllS, . ··· · " ...... •...... POUt( PROTECTIO": · · - . - ·· · - - m--, --- , '"- POI.IC( ... .u .., , .., ,n oFFICERS · .. O"LY ". • ... · .., ) 010 FIIt( PROT[CTION. · ,.. ... '" ,.. · · , >0. • '" , FIRE FIIII1T€NS oHLY · · · '" ,'".. .., '" ... • '" ...'" ,'" S'''IHIION OTII(R .~. SE.i.R~&i · ...'" .. ,'" '" ." •".'" '" ...... '", '" ._, 'NO iII(CRUTlOH · ·· .., ...... u ... '" ...... FI.IHCUL 10001" ISTRAT 101'1 .~ · '" " ." ...'" ...... • liUt(.....l CONTROl. . '" . · M. '" M UlillTlES, - ·· · ", ...... u> , 'M • UT(R ~;. ·· · .. '" M • o..:.y: ·· · · · · '" '" ...... '" •... au. OfHlR FllNtTlOHS. · · · .. ... '" ... . ··- - · '" .., •...'" ... .M" •'" .n'" '"" ..... ,•,.. ••UU16( OCTOKR [.&lUlI""S '" . FIA.L_TlIlOE ("LOnES, · .DOt.u..s. •,...... INSIRUCTlOOlll (lIl'Lor[Es: ... .DOt.l....l. · • · • • • •". • •... • •... OTIt(R (""LonES. · · •DOt.V~S. ,~- -- - - ... · • •... •... •." •...";1 • ,:1 • ... •...";1 •...- ".,. '" - "l!n." ...... "...... , 0.0-'•• CIl,o•• Cl.... 00, ...... Cit, ..,...... •• ':"- ""'.

POPUlOIIOft...... ~ , .. ·· · ··· ." ...... '" .. ". '" .. '" .. ... " ... " ... " '" ~OY(ES, 101Al. no •n .., ,.. ".Ll_TIll[ OII'l.011:U·00-.;' - · · .. ... · ,.. • '" ...~ ." '" .", FU\,L_1111[ (CIUIVlL(N1 (IlI'\.Oytl(NT. · · ...... ··· '" , ",'" ...... '" .~ FOIl lU((TlO FUNCTIOHS, · · '" ...... lOCIL SC_S 400 HIIOII(R (OUClfION · - · '" · INSIRUC110HIl SIIFF OHLY · · - - ·- --- I1I"'Urs · ------· - - HOSPITllS: · · ·- ...... •." ...... POLICE · · · - ·· ·· P"OIEcTlo..: · - '" .~" - - POLICE OfFIcERS ONLY · ····· ... .. ". ' ". ,~ .. FIR( ,ROT(CIIO". ·· ...'" '".. " .., ...'" .. '"...... FlltE FI",nu 00...;' · · ··· ~ .. ...'" " , ...... '" .. 5...... 11111001 OllllER 110'si'ER~ · · " " · · ··· .··.. ... "· , ... .. ",• .. .. " :~~~:.' :~~~~;~:li~ ~..o ··· " n ,.. • .. .." 'Vo£1lAI,. COH1ROI.. •• " 2212 UTILITIES •••••• .. · ...... UIUI~' OO!l.T. · · · · · "- " .. - · " •2 )10 .. .. ill. OT,*R FIJIIC1I00IS, · · · - · · - " · '" " " - · · ·· '" ..." ..." M .. .." .." .." .., .." OCTOKR P&YROl~S •• 0'.000. '"m , m n. on FOIl S£L(CnO FIJ!'ICIIOHS' •...... •...... ~OCll SCHOOLS INO "''"I:R llK/C1110ft · · '" · · INSTRUCTION.l STOFF ONlY ·· ·- -- · · -- - HIGHUYS ••••••• · · · -- , - -- - · NOSPITILS. ,•, ••• · · - , · · · ..· " ... ..· .. .. · " POLICE PR01lCTlO" •• , · · ,.. - ,..... ,..- - " - "- POLIC( OFFlc(RS ON\.y .. · ·· '" ,". .., n .'0 , ". ". ". FIR( P1tOTlCIION. , •• · ...... · · · .., 10 ••'"2 , ...... '" FlR( FI..nu OM..T ••• · · '" ... ." ...... · · · · ...... '" 10 U' , '"'M '" SAflITlTlOOI OlitU TIt(II SUEJI · .. 'K · · · ... , n...... PIIIJ(S IJC' R(CR(lIlON •• · - · · - .. '"- .. .. ,• .. 'ININCU~ · · · · · &OMIIIln"'lI01t IICl · · .. " .. ... - - .." lif:1t(1tAl. CONTROL •• ) ~ II11L1TlES, ••••••• · · ·· ...... , ...... · unR~' -'Y... ··· - .. " ... " ... · , .. - 'L~ OIIt(R FUNC!lClNS ••• ·· · - .. "...... " m ".. - · · ." " ...... ", ... " 'V(R'''E OCTOB(R (AR"IIIn '" " " FUlL-H"( ("PLO.US•••• • t>OllAOS. ,.. ,, INS1RlIt1l0NIl (IIPLonu. .0000lAOS. • • - •... • • • •... •... .. • 'LL OTN(R ("PLOTEES••• .DOt.lIU. - '" - '"~,· '" '" '"- ·· · · •,.. • •... , • --•". •..,---... • 50 , ., 1 •••, •• · '" '" • •'" '"

CITY EMPLOYMENT IN 1981 17 Table 4. Employment and Payrolls of Individual Cities Having 50.000 Population or More: October 1981---eontinued ,...,_.. c.o,_ 0:.•••• h_ '- t .... 1>.. IIoln.. la .....p"" I..... CH, Il.... Cit, ...... N•• ••-.,pld.' -"11.'10 ...... ""..I.. Cit, ,

~Ol"IA.UION. 1910 .. ", ... ", ,.. ~, so soe 12 00' · ·· '" '" " ." " '" lS '" ... '" l ....OrtU. TOtlll. , ,,, , , m , OM , ,~ .. FUl..L_ 1 I III Oll'I.OI'lU·.' · · , ." , ...... FUl..L_1l1ll · · ",'" ", ." , lllUIV£LENT E.....OTIIl"T. ·· · , m '"", , ,'" ...", '" ... , ...'" FOIl S(LECTEO FUNCTlOfiSI · · '" '" ...'" .. ... LOCAL SCIflIOlS oNO NIGHH EQUCUIOH - '" '" ,~. - -- - IH5TRlICTlOfiol SToFF · - - - - - Hl~..n · · ·· - . · · - no m·· ·· · IIOJrITA15. · · ..- · " - --" - l'OllCE .....OT(CTIO": · · · '" ·· "· " "- '" l'OllCE OFFIClllS .... · · · '" '" '" ... ." .. '" '" FlRl .....Of(CTIOfi. · · ..'", m'" ...... , m .." '" ,n HRE FI6HTEU ONlT · .. '" " .. '" ", · U. '" UNITAlIOfi OTIIl. .~.·si.(.4G( • · .. .." .. '" -." PAA~S • ... AECAUTION '"· '".. '" '" '" · FINANCIAL AOHINUrNATiON 4NO ·· · ...... " '" " " .." " " WCNUAl CONTAOI. ··· '" " " ,." . UllUflU. · · · · " ,...... " ". 1Af(. SlA"PlT ONlT. ·· ···· · · .. ...'" ,." .. .. ~, - .n 01H[JI l"UNCTlONS. ··· · ·· · · - .." " ,,,.." ," ,,, " - ·· ·· ·· ... '"" '" ". .. " ,.." ." OCIOl(. PAI'ltOllS '1.000. ,." no '" , m , , , , ,n SHECTEO FUNCTIONS' · · '" •'" '" I .. lOCAL 5CNlXlt.5 'HI) HIGKH EOueoTION - - .7; '" I NSTIlICT I ON£l SUFF .~. - · ·· ·· · "l,"un . · - ·· · ·· ";1 · IflIJrIT·lS. · ..- " ...... U· ~OLICE PIloliciui..: ··· .· ·· '"--" --- n, , ," ,n· ~OLICl · · ...... ,.. OFFiCUS oM.' ,'" m ,,. · ,~ '" FlAE PlIIOfECIIOfj. · '" , .. ,~ , .. ,,, FIAE Fl6HTEAS .... · · ·· '" ,~ '".. m .. '" '",,. '" UI'IUTlON OTIIl. S(.iIl46f: · '" '" ... ,~" · · '"- , U. " " ... "AAU 'NII IlECIlUTlOtl · n .. '" .. . " .. .. · , m , FIN£NCIAl £ONINI5TAnio,; .W ··· ...... " ".. '" I .. ". lio[N(ll£l Cl»llIlOl. · '" '" , ,. , UTILITIES. . · · .. I .., ...... " ...... UTEIl JUI'i.,.' OvLT: · · · · ..- ," - , ". ~ OTHEA FUNCTlOfjS. · · · .. " " '".. '" " " " . · · · .. ... " '" ... .. ,.." ..." ,.." · ATtIlAfi[ OCToevt UIlNIN{;S '" '" "" FIIlL_TlIIt: EItF'LOTUS. .DOI.UAS. , ", , .~ ,,.. , , , , .., , , , INSTAUCTIOl0' m , m , , m , , , 002 66 JU · " " .. '" ...... " " .. .. E-.O",U. 10TAl , on , J 24J , , , , , , IUl..l_TJIIl E....OnES·.' · · ". ,... , , , .. • .. ,...... m · , .n. ". EQUITA~En .. • FlA.l_T111l · .. E.....OTOI["I. , ". , 9'~ ... · .,.'" 2 , , • , ,.. S[l(Cno F..-cTlOfiSI · '" ." •'" '"" ... •.. ... SCIlOOlS oNO "16I1E. EWCOTION · - 0 '" . 'M - - - INSTRUCTIONAL STAFF ONl¥ - - ··- --· · · "I<>HUTS . · · I · m n ., ··· · M05l'ITO~S. · · .., .. -- ,,.. , ~OLICE PIlOTl.ClIOM: · " · '" -- .. " '" >0, · .. " ·· m ", m , - I'Ol..ICE OFFICUJ · ... .., oM.' · on ...... FIRE .....Ol(CT IClfI. ·· · .. .. '" , · · on ,n ...... '".. FIRE F1,"UU OM..T · · · .. - '" U· '" ", '" .. ". ··· - '" m .. ,""IUTlOlI 011llJl fIlE"' si.tll.1i · · .. ...'" .. ". · · - , u "olIlU o\NII !lEC!lUTlON · · · '"· '"m '" .. .. " FINRMClAl oON I NISTIlA T1 ON .w " ", " '" ." '" .. lo(NE"'l CONTIOL · " " m '" " " '" UlllITIU. U. · .. ,.. '"0 "..., ,., ... .. UTE. suPPl, · .." ·- .. '" ., " I .. · .~ ..... - I 0111(1 FlWCTlONS. · .. - ··· ..."" ..'", ... . '".." " ,..· ~AYllOLU " " OCTOIIVI ·'1.000.· , , .U 2 .16 ,., , '" , ,'" ,.. S[l(.CTUl F....cTlOl0 ." • ~INANClAl .~ · .. " ADIlINI STAAT ioN · .. '" " '" G(NEUl COtlTROI. · ,'" '" " " '" UTILITIES. .. , , " • .. '"- ...'" 0 '" ,n .. .. 'ATEIl StJI'PlT Olll.'. - .., m '"0 '"on .," ".'"- · 0101(11 FUNCIIONS. · .. ." · '"n, , ", ... ,,.. '"" ... , · AVEJUW: OCTOIIEII Ul\lIlN6S " " '" '" llA.l_fllll E....OYEES. .0000lUS. ... , , ,,,, ~24~ .., , ,, INST·lICTlOfl,AL UoPlOrE(': .00LL"'RS. - "· •'" ... 0 I OTIIl. EIIP\.O¥EU. .00....0.11.5. . ·· O~$ - , , , I 1~11 I~_I · ." --- . · · :L· , ... " ... n • , ,j.. , ...... " ••, ••• o ...., •• . '"' " -

18 GOVERNMENT EMPLOYMENT IN 1981 Table 4. Employment and Payrolls of Individual Cities Having SO,OOO Population or More: October 1981---eontinued

\.ou' " ..._..(:0., \...4 H.,., "".lo.d H....c....". ,,- Loh,.". ",. s...... , , , '. ,,.,,,- It•• CIo.o.I•• _.- Dol-...... ""DO' "._"

'Ol"ULlTllIH, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .... 0 , 1$ 051 'n ~115 , no , ~ III .n · .. .. " $" '" .'s .. '" ...... " (Mtt.OffU. TOTAl. 0 0 0 ~, 0 0 0 , , , , , , , , , 0 .. FlA.l_lIl1E 0 0 0 .. £""-01'1:u'_3 0 •.."., , ,'" ,.. .n , ,.. ,." flA.l,.-lIl1[ [lIUIUl,.[IIT "' [1ll'I.0TtCKr: 0 • • , ,... " ...... · ,.. "' n. nil"" , , , , , :lUEtTEll FUNtTIOllS' · · ·· •'" '" •... '" " ... " ...... ~I_. ". 0 - EWCAfiOfI "'0 0 '''~ ,,-, .u;o 0 '"- 0 , " , , INSTIIlICT10Nl0L SU.fF OHI,.y 0 0 0· 0· 0 ·0 0 0 - ... •, , .. ... IllfOHUYS · 0 0 0 0 •'" 0 n ", ... •'".. ... ItOSPlTALS. 0 0 0 0 0 '" · 0 0 0 0 .. ... '" · - ." " ,". .n ..0 POI.I(£ 0 0 " '" PIIOTfCT1ON: 0 · , . • " ... m , '"n. , POliCE OFFlCE.S ONLY 0 · · ·0 ,n ,." '" J GSO , ." FilE iI'IlOl(CTION. '" "", 0 · '" '" .. ~, · ". , n, , 2 05, , ..,'" FI,"JUs • '" .. 'llll 0 '" '" '" , ,'" '" SANIUllOM OllIE. TII[II' si.iJl~5i • '" ", n, , 0 · 0 '" '" " ... '" '" .. , ...... , AOI) IIE(ItUllOfl · , 0 · '",n.. '" .".'" '" '" , .., '".. F1N.101'(I ..... AOIlIHlnu,joN · · ··· '" ".'" '" .." .. "" .." il'1IVl..... tONTlIOl. 0 0 0 0 · " 0 . " n '" , ,, , UTllITIU. 0 0 0 0 ,~ 0 " ,.. , ...... ~, ·· · • 0 0 . 0 0 .. .. 0...:,: - 0 ... "0 un. · ·· - '", '" , .. .. 1.1,.1,. OfH[1I Fl"N;lI OHI. 0 0 0 .. 0 '".. · · ", m , on '" , ~ .. .. · · '"" .. " .'"., '" •". ,.. oeTOI(Jt PUlOLlS 0 0 0\.000. , n. m a , , '" ,., , ,~'" FOIl "L{CTEO nlltCflo..5, · · '" .. • .. ." " ." • A"IO III_II {OI.ItATiOtI 0 '"0 '''~ ,,-, . 0 ,'", .~, , , 0 0 INSlIlUCTIDNAL SUFI' 0 - 0 0 0 .. · , ." '",n ,'"~. ,"., 1I1'".US 0 0 0 ".. " .. 1I0S~IULS: · n ,, , m 0 0 0 0 0 0 '" .. 0 .. ...0 " 0 . .. " .. , '" .. .. 0 ~c;.\Cl . ~1l0IECTION: 0 0 , n, ... , , • ~c;.ICl '" Ol'FlClllS O~LY ... ,~ ... ..'" · 0 ,'".. '" , " • , ,• ... ". Fllll "OT{CHON. · 0 . .. · ".m , n, ,,, , ,."'" ... F\IIITEIIS • ... '" FlIlE · oHIo, 0 ...... '",.. '" ", ... SE.~ · · , , , , , , '" SAIIIUTlOtI otll{ll TII{N' .. 0 .. ti 0 .. .. '" ·· · no ." , ... '" ~1Il.r.s lIIII II.{CAUTlOtI 0 · · .. '" , ... , ...'" '" '" ,'".. FINANCIa.L _INUTlluioii · · ·· '" .." " ... " .. COtITIl~ ... " '" " _oUl. 0 0 · 0 '" , '" '" , , UTILITIU. 0 0 0 0 0 ". · 0 ," .. .. - ~l , , - .n , " IAT(1l 0 0 .. '" '"0 0..:,: · · 0 - .. '" ,'".. ,'" 0 ." " IlL\. OTII{Il FUNCHOtIS. 0 0 0 " '" '" · · 0 ..... •n .. ,... ."... ,.. ."" •...., .. " A'{IIAGl OI:TOeU {lIlNI,,",S '" .. '" '" FULL-TIII{ {""LDIlES. .OOLLUS. , n. ,, .n , no , , , , , , , , m NST~UCT {"~LDf{Es: 0 .. I I DNA\. 0 0 .. .OOLlAU. 0 - 0 ,'" , ", , .. , '" , m OTIiEIl EIiPLorus. .""LLUS. , n. , •n , , , , ,... , ... , " ,". · ... "...... '" '" '" '"...... " ....". ••,,_4 F...... _ ~.'4.. ..n ...... _...... -,. ~.4, •• 4' .. ""'._' -" '" ..-...... _AHOII. .... 0 0 · 0 · ~ '" " ,u " '" n a' " ,n " ... " '" " ,...... '" {OIl'LOTl:U. TOTIlL 0 0 0 0 , , on ." , , , , , , , , , .n , lH FIoA-L·TIII{ UlI'LOTtU ..., , ."m .. , .. , , ,... ,'", ,'" ,.., ,, FIoA-L·HItE EQUIVAL{NT [ltI'LOrtl{NT. , •... '" ..'" ...~, .. .. · ,,n , •, , , , , ,, , 1 n. ,.. S{L{CT{O FUNCTIONS' · ." ..'" '" ". '".. '" LOCAL SCIIOOLS , IIIGMEIl EDUCATION ,'"m , , , , ~ , , .. .~, .. INSTIlUCTIOMAL STAFF 0 0 ,, ...... lllliIlUYS '"'a '" '"on , 0 · 0 ... .. '" '" ."'" ... '" 1lOSf'1 TALS. 0 0 '" . "- ..--" 0 ..0 "0 '" 0 POI,,\C( "OTECTION: 0 0 " ,~ · 0 ."'" ,".. m , ~," .., " POLICE OI'FlCUlS 0 0 · 0 .. ..., '" " ", , m , ...m , 0 0 ·· .. 0 '" "oacliOtl. 0 .. "M ,n .. FI~{ ,.. , ,u '" 0 '" FliltTEilS oN..Y 0 ·· 0 ,'" '" ,,, .. '" S..... IUTION OItll:Il TIllII' · '" '" no on , , ,'" siwi:ut;( 0 .. '" 0 '" 0 ..'"0 ..0 .. PAUS lIIII IllCftUTlOII 0 0 '" 0 0 0 '" · ·0 '" .. .. F\NlNCUt. _INuTIlATioil ,~ · · " " " " " " 0 0 " il.IIAL COlfTIIOI.. 0 " 0 " " " ,~" " UIILITlU. " . · 0 0 ·0 · ..n ...... 0 IIT{It md· o..:.v: 0 '" " " · · 0 · ...... "0 " ~, · .~. FUNCTIONS. 0 ·0 ·0 · ," ,n .. " .. '" .. " · .." " '" "." '" " ".'" ". " oeTOtlEIl PUIIOLLS 0 ~SU '" ~, 01.000. , , , ... , ,.. , , , '" , ,'" ,.. SH{eTED FUNCTlOM;' · · ." ...... LDClL SellOOLS AND IIIG11U {OUCATION 0 0 '" 0 , ,'" , , , , , '" INSTIlI.iCTiOHAL STAFF .~, , .n ,, ,, 0 0 , ,".on , n... ,.".., , , , ... , .. .. 1116I1un , . 0 0 0 ··0 · '" ."'" ." '"a, MOJl>I1ILS: 0 0 0 0 0 0 ·0 '" ...... 0 ..0 '"..0 '"0 '" 0 - 0 0 '" POLICE "OTEcTlo..: 0 .." " " . · , , m I'OLICl "'FICUS ..., ·0 0 · 0 · ...'" ... ,.. ,'" .. ". , FIll[ "OT{eflOtl. 0 0 0 ·0 · ,'" ".'" ... .. '" .. .. .'".. F1i1llt.llS ., '" 0 0 0 .. "M · · · ··0 , ." ", '"m '" '" '" '", 0 0 0 .. SANITATION OTHEll 1tII:/I'silWti '" '" '" ...'" 0 '"0 .. .~, lIIII Il(Cll[ATlON '" - 0 0 · ..n '" '".. .. '" '" .. ~INlNCllL olOIllNISTlluioil · ··· · " " " .. ti(NElo\L eOlfTIlOL 0 0 , " " "~ " " " " " 0 .. UTILITIES. · 0 · 0 · .. .. ". IAWI mL; o!ir: 0 0 0 · "" - 0 .. " " ··· ". ... - " lLl OTIiEIl FUNCTIONS. 0 0 " ·· · ,..'" ,'".." .. ..." " " ...n. .." " AVUAiE OI:T08El UIININU '" '" '" '" '" '" ~ULL·lll1E ENf'LOnU. 0 •000LAIlS. , , ... , , , , , on , , ,, INSTlll.iClIOHlL {IlI'LO'tUS. · .DOLL...S. · , ..'", , , ,". , m ,...~, , , ... , '" , .., Il.L OTII[II ENl'\.OnU. , , '" '" .. . · .DOL....."'. , no , , , , • ,.", , ,.. ··· · · '" '" '" ..'" ." ". •'" .. '" '" CITV EMPLOVMENT IN 1981 19 Table 4. Employment and Payrolls of Individual Cities Having 5O.

...... c••••"._-e-,,_•• "".'.'n ". u",_ .. _"',,,, ""'1- -- It...• llo''',' H.l.· ..."... """"".._, ...... _.- "".. ,.. , , 'OlIU.AliON. n , S, 200 S5 CoOl m , 9Q 660 .... · · " ." " '" .. '" '" .. '" ...... (""LOvEES. TOUL , ~Ul.L·TIII[ ~. 'n I '" ... ("","onu · · OfIl,· · , • , • • • •'" •." •".on •I 011 ~Ul.L·TlII[ U1UIV/ol(1I1 (M'l0 ... .. '" '".. '"." .. .., TlNIHClli. lOOtlNlS1lLlTlOll ...· ··· ·· .. .'".. .." • " ." .. Io£NEIIAL · COllTIIOL " " ", UIlLITIES. ·· · · · · · ... ..~ " .. , ...... ". IITEII ~, ··· . ..'" 0..:,: ·, .. ~ ...... " O'"EII 'UJtCTIO"S. · ...... , " ... · · ... .., "" " ...... ".". ... " lVUAG( '" ." " OCT08El1 (UNlfO(;$ . '" . '" 'ULL·TlIIE E....onES. .00000lU$. EJlII'1.~EES: · , , m , ,~, .., l"nllutiiOOlAL ... ,~ .00000LUS. •." • .. • •... , ... • • ALL OTIlEII E.....onu. · · ...... , • • • OOl...... ors. • , •,'" ,•, • •'" •, ... · ·· · •...... •.-" •'"... •... •'".. •-... • 0,;1 •.., " ''''I,n__ C••''n••'

C.... ""...... ,",...It, ,....,... ,,,., ..l_.~, - ..,...... R,ll.- ...,.. ...,'. ,"'.,.

PllI'ULITIOIoI. 1180 6T 106 , ~ ·· · •'" '" ...... " ... .. " '" ...... m .. ". f ...... OVEU. lOTAL , , f"",-OYEES ... , 'l,l.L·T!1Ol · • .. •", ...... oi..' · ,.".. m , ... : 111 fULL·TIOOf EOUIULOfT f.....OYiotir': ~ ".. '" ·•...... '" , ,• CO• : 111 ,• ".'" ,.. $[LECtEO fUIKTUIOiS' · · · .. ... '" •... - '" .'".. "'~ 5(NOOI,.S AIIO lIi___.EOUCoYlOOi '" - - -- '"- IN$Tllu(:TlOIoIL STAF' · · - - · · - ~IGl1"Y5 · ·· ~------CO. · ~OSl'ITALS. · · · · ..- '" - , ..,...... , POLIC[ l'flOTEcililN: · · ·· - on ~, - '"--" "· !I'OlIC( OF' I CEliS Of0' " " 1 010 .." '" .. PIUS ANO IIHIIUTlOII · · · ·· . '" · • · ~.. ".. ~1"1HC11L lOOtlNI STIIITlOOi ·· · · •...... " ..." .." ..." " .. 6(NEIIlL COIITIIOL · " , " UTILITIES. ·· ·· · · .. •...... ,.. IITEII · · .., '" '" SlA'l>L' Y: ··- ..~ ... 0"': ·· , 'Sl - , CO, •." ...... " OTII[II 'UNCTIONS • · · · , · " '" .. m m ." · · ·· ...... - ...... '", ...... _VENAl;( OCTOIIEII E.IIUlINU '" '" 'ULL-TlIIE E....OnES. , .00000 ...... ors. , ~. , ,, , 1N$'IIUC'IOIllI. EIPl.OnES. · .00000LAlrS. · ... • •... •... •." .. ... OTIl(II ( .....OI'Ul. · · .00000...... U. , · · - · '"-- · - • ·~;I • ." ·· · ·· · · · ... • •... ,... , •... ,... ,- ... •...· k. , ••, ...... , ...., ...1•. '" '" - 20 GOVERNMENT EMPLOYMENT IN 1981 Table 4. Employment and Payrolls of Individual Cities Having 50,000 Population or More: October 1981----eontinued


,,- c I." s"K'_ _,01,.1. , , ~ ",., :.",,' ...••" .._"0' .,S"'"''...... ".. ' ...... •

f'W'I.ll& T1001. ,,~ 70 tU .~ , · ···· ·· · .. '" " '" " ". .. ". " .. ". ." .. ." .. ... [ .....OYlU. TOTAl on on ~, - · ... ElPLOY£ES·· ·· ... 'uLL_TlIIE ." · · · ." ."'" '".n ." '"no •.., n. ,.. FILL_TIllE ElIUU&\.EIIT [ .....O,.>.£"T: · '00 , ,.. n. .~ · '" 'n .."' '" SEL[CTEO ,I,IIItTlllNS, · · ...... -... ,~ · '" .. ,,_. o\ICI NIGllEIl [outIlHON · ------'". IftSTltuCTI_ SUFF OtIl., · · - -- - MlliMlan .. ··· ------., l'lO~lT"'lS. · ...... ~OllC[ "'OT(tiIO~: " - "-- · - .., "--", m"--... - "- 1'001C£ af"FICUS · ...... ~ ... ~1I0TECTlON, ·• '" '" ... FIII[ · " ." ...... , .. FIIIE FIl;HTEIIS oNLy · ...... " -. n '" U~laTiON S(.(II~~( · .. " " OTM€II ... " " 'N(N '" '"- • , .. ~ .... u llNO UCIIUTION · - " • .." • '" " - FlN&HtTOL 1I0NINISTIIUjO" .~ .." " " " G.[NUIIL CON'IIOL " " " " " " " " UTILITIES. ". .. UT£II " " '".. .. ".. " '" • " S"",PL' ONLY: · " OTM[II ~UNCTIONS. " " .. '" • ." · .." " .." .." " •"n '" .. ,.." OCTDeU ~A'"OlLS 01,000. '" ,,.. '" " '" .~ ...... S[L£CT£O FIJMtTIONS' · · • '" • '" •... '" LOCaL ScNOOLS _MIl IlICi1f£II [OUUTIOII . -- · -- '" INSTIIUCTlON&L SUFF · · · · ------. IIIGHUU -, · · · .~ --u. - 1lOS"ITaLS, ···. · .. - .. ~IC[ · · · - "- - "-- ""··" - "'oT(ciION: ·· · ,.. 'M on m" - I'OlIC[ O"'IC£IIS ONL' · · ,..". ,.. ", ,.. '" ". '" "'OTECT ION. ·· ·· ·· .., m '" ,..'" ,.. '" ... ."'" Fl,"'[1IS · '" ""FlII[ 0.:..., · · · · · ,n '" ,.. " .. .,.... .,....'" UNIUTIOIo' OTM£II TIlEN·si.u;.6f. ·· ···· - - ". .., .." .~. · · '" '" " • o\ICI UCIIUTIOfI ·· · · .. .., • .. - FINaNCiAl &/lIOlMISTlluioil ··· · ·· · ..." " .. ,,~, COfITIIOl " " " " " " " · ... .u u. m N .U IITlLIfIU. ., ... ~, ··- · · · " , , Uf[ll 0..:.,: . ····· · · .. .. " " " .. ,..'".. , " AU OfllElI F"lIONS. · · ...... " - ··· · · · ..' ... " ... " .." ,.. u' ..", &\,£Ull£ OCT06EII U,lIHlIOU " '" '" FUU_Tl'l£ ElPLOY£ES. •-"UIIS. , £~ort:(s: ,.. I MSTlILltT 10h&L · · .0000lAIt$, · •... • • ...... •'" '" • - '" • tSi • • '" • Ill.l OTM£II [M'lOY£U. .-..uu. %.- , --, , ",- I -- , - · · • •."':1 '" ". • .. • •'" •... •'" ... .. ,. •

... L.,o 11, .., , ; ,l"...... " '-'..... '00 ...... "......

~Ol'ULUIOM. 1910 · · .. ... " 'n '" ... " ... '" n • '" ... " %. " '" ,u .~ ...... £III'\.O,tu. TOTAL , , , , FuLL_TlII£ ...... ENl'LOY£[5 0"'" • , " , ". • , FuLL_Tlllt EQUiValENT [IIPlO,M[NT, · ... •,'" •'"", ." ,.... , ". '", ,."". , ."'" ,~ ~UNCflOHSI · · ". .. 'n SElECT£O · • •'" ." '" '" '"...... LOCAL SCHOOLS liMO MIGN[' [OlIC&fION -- '" - .. - - INSTRUCTIOIo'_L STAFF ONl., · - - -.. - HI",..n . · n--,u - ,n- --- - MOJ~lT&LS: · - .. - .... - ,... ~OL.IC[ l'IIQf(ciION: ·· , --'" u"•- - " "- , ~OlIC[ ~, ...... " OFFICERS · ...... •• ...... '" FlII[ ,1I0T[CTlOH, · · · .., , .. '" .. " ... • ". .. ,~ FIII£ FI,"fERS oNLy · '" '" ...'" ... .. - ...... ,~. J[.[II~li£ • " ... 5&NITUIOfl OTM£II ·· · · ... ,'" .. .. - ..., ~,Ull\l .. &1Cl R[CIlUTlON · • .. .. '"... ·· · · • .~ F1NAHtUI. .~ · " ." &OIOIMIstll&TioH ···· · · ...... '"." " .. " · " '",~ _UL COHTIIOl ...... " ' UULITIU. ··· · .. ,.. .~ .~ .% .. ,n unR ~'o...:,: · · · · · '" " " "• ," AlL OTM£II F\.IItCTiOflS. · ·· · · " '" .. ",'" ". .. • - ... · · · · " " ...'" 'u ". , -... ~aYTlOl.LS " '" '" OCf-.. · 01,000, ...'" , '" , ...... , " u FOIl S€UCTEO FUlitTlo..i, · · '" • • • •." ", ,~~ SCMOOI.5 o\ICI NIIiII£ll [outATIOH '"...... '" '" IMSTllUCflOlW. stAFF 0l0l..' ·· · · · - -.. .. -- ---.. -.. HI_&n · - - - - . ·· ··· 00' - - IlOPifAlS. · · · ·· .. • - - '".. " .. ,." l'OI.IC[ ,..oT(cili.: ·· · -- '"- '" '" ,~ ·· ·· ,,.. ~---" , ,,, I'OlIC[ OI'flC£IIS oiil.' · · · · ·· '" ". ,•'" ...m ,...... , ,".. '" flU 1'Il0T[CTlOfI. . ··· · · ." ". • , .. . ,'" " FIll[ FI,"fElIS oOLy ·· · · · .. '"',u • " " •.. '" ... - .. • .. _. S[~[II.&li[ · . . S&HnanOlo' OTIIEJl ·· · • '" • " ...... , ...,,, ." - , •...,n I'&IllIS &NO II[CIlUfION · · · · ...... u...... • '" - F1N&HCUI. aOOOI NUTRUioil ;,,; · · ···· .. •... " ... .. " .. ll£IIERAl COHTItOl · " ~. . '" ·· .., ,.. m IIULltiU. · · · · ... • " '" ,.. .. "u ,.. UT£II suffl.' 0"':,: · · .. '" '" '" '" '"- ,.. OTlltll FlIMCTiOHS, ·· ,%.. '" .. , ." · · · '" •'"". " •'" ...'" '" .." -,.. U[II_K OCT08£11 [&liNIN'S '" '" '" F

22 GOVERNMENT EMPLOYMENT IN 1981 Table 4. Employment and Payrolls of Individual Cities Having 50,000 Population or More: October 1981-Continued

... J ...., __O.,,,•••• I,... N••" ••• J ...., ~, ••Io

FIJl.L-TIIIE EMPLOV~ES. .OOL~.U, INSTMUCTIOIo/.L ,., ,n ENPlOyEES: .OOLLAU. • 0 • ... ".0 ." ."· • • ,• • · •."0 •, • 0 • ... ." OTH€R EMPLOYEES. .OOLLUS. '" • ." no • .. '" · •'" • ." •'" • •'" •." •." •... •", •'" N.v J ...., __c••".u•• N," 11..1<. H•• Yo,. ".,.. wo.,.",.,.,. "b,.,,,· 'ow••••p vl.,I,.d ", 'ut •• 1, N"." ... Now Yo" (".'.n Co.' t","".,. ... ".. """".". ..,",." '"'.d.,' ".', POPULATION, 1910 ... , , , · " .. '" " '" '" '" ... '" " .. '" ." .. '" " .. '" '" EHPLOV~U. TOUL , , , , , U FULL·T1"~ EIIPLO,HS oM., .. ..., • ". , ...... " ". FVlL_T1H~ · .. , n. m EOUIVALENT EHPlO'M[in : '" • • .. . , '", •'" '" m ". ... ,.. SELECTEo FUI/CTIOIo/SI · ...'" • ." ." • '" ..'" •... ".. " '" '" LOCAL SCHOOLS 0 ". 0 ANO HI GMER EOUCA TI ON · , ,. 0 0 '" '" ,Io/STRUCT 1000AL ,~, · · ·· STAFF · • ... 0 0 0 0 .. 0 0 · · ", HIGHUn · • ... ,'".. . · ~ 7'2 HOSPITALS: '"0 .. 0 ... ·· · · · 0 0 " POLICE p~oTicTION: ·· " m" , '" • '" '" " "· POLICE OFFICUS ONLY · · .. '" " ." •", '" FIRE PROTECTION, ·· '" '"on · ...'" '".. ...0 '" '"... '" " FIGHTE~S ·· m '" • 00. ." nRE OM-Y · 0 ...... ''" ·· U. .. '" , • ." " SANITATION OTH(1l THEN'SEHER;GE · ·· , .. ... '" .. " ." ... "U '" PA~KS '" ANO ~ECRElTION · · ... , , .. . ." '" FINANCIAL AOHIlilSTRUio'; ... · ••" " '".. .." " '" " " "S 672'" GENEIllL CONTRct · .., '" ", " UTILITIES. · .. 0 ... · ..0 .., UT€~ " " '" , SlNPLY ONLY. · 0 " '".. · · 0 " '" OTIII:R FUNCTIONS, · '" '" '" " " " ." · " •".'" ".'" m" •... " ... •'" ocT08H PAYROLLS 01,000, ," , " '" , , , " " '" SELECTEO FUNCTlONS, · .. ... •"...... • ,.. ... LOCAL". SCHOOLS OliO HIGHER • " EOUCATlOIi '"0 '" . · " INST~UCTIONAL ,~, · ·· ·· SUFF •". 0 0 0 0 • 0 0 · .., '" 170 9U HIGI1IAVS . • • '" HOSPITALS, · '" .. ..0 ...0 '" . · · , 0 ..0 0 .. PQLIC~ pRoTEcTION: · · · "· "· .. " · , • '" ..~9 '" .. 422 67. POlICE OFFICUS ONLy · , ". •, ... ".." •... '" Fl~E '".. , , PROTECTION, ...'" . • .. .. •... '".. FIRE Fllil1TERS ONLY · · · · no '"0 '" '" • '" " '" SANITtoTlCl, OTIIl:R THEIo/' SE.ERAGE · '", " '" '" '" •".'" '" '" '0" 0"'" PARKS RECREATION · , ".. ... '" '".. '"...... '", · '" " '" .6&7 FINANCIAL AONlNI STillTi ON · ··· · " .. ." .. .. " GEN~RAL CONTROl " " '" . . UTILITIES, '"" , · ..0 ... ..0 ...... UTEII S\lPPLY · '" · m O..l,: · · · 0 .. · · '"m ". .., OTIIER FUIo/CTlOIo/S. · '".. .. '" " · m ." ·· · .. m , ... '" m •,'".. ..." .. AVUAGE OCTOiiER EARNINGS " '" '" '" FUL.L_TIHE EHPLOYEES. .OOUUS. 'NSTRUCTIOIo/AL • .., , EIIPLOVEU. · .0000L.u, 0 0 • • ...0 .. 0 · '"· '", • • • • • • •... OTHER E""LOVEES. · .DOLLARS, .. '" · .n · , no • , '"lJ~ • '" '" ." .·· .·· · • • •.., •... • • • , m • s•• t f L•• '" '" '" '" '" '"


24 GOVERNMENT EMPLOYMENT IN 1981 Table 4. Employment and Payrolls of Individual Cities Having SO,OOO Population or More: :81---eontinued

011'0__00." •••4

H_ CI ..., ..4 ..,..... Col_••' ~..... fl"I. ...Il. ....11... """..,..' .'- 1.0,...... ofi.l. ,flOW, . ~ ~. ~ , ~) Ul ".. · · · · '" '" '" ," " ." .. .. " ... " K' " ". (~Oy(U. TDlAt. ". T nl , - ~ , n • , '1,A.1,.~'UIl EJIP'lOY£U · · .. .. ~, ON.Y · · ...... · ·· , on , 'K • . · ... • 611 '" .. FUl.L·Tl": [QUI¥Al..ENT EJIP'lOT1'ENT. · ... ·· , '10 '0" ... '" •'" '" ....K ,011 S€LEC1tO nN:UON$' · '" '" " •... ,~ ". ~ . UItOO\.S AND HIMIt (DUcHION · - - - '" ,"5T~uelI0N'l Sf"" ~. · · · ------,,~ - un · · u-- , ------.. 0 Pl1ILS: · · ... ..0 . .. .. 0 .. P~OT[CTION: · - · " - ..'",ICE ·· , ...... · " u • · •, " OFFiCEIlS ONLy · '" •QI.ICE • ·· '" , ,...... " ". ,, PltOl(CTION. · • ·· .." ...... m .. '" '" .. " .. " '" 'I,"TEIl5 oHi.' · " " '" .. .. '", m ITllllN 0111[11. TIlEN li.ill.6i ·· ." .... 0 " .. '" · · .." ... '" " K '" " " " o.NII Il.[C'IOTION .. K' U .n.OUOCIIL• Al)IOIHI51IUTioit o.Mll· ··· · ...'" " .. " .." " ­~ " " " " ~'"' CONTllo\' m " ... ~ 0 l!TIU...... ~, ··· m " - ," " · 0 0 '".... 0..:,: · · · .. ." m ~ .. " ~• 0111[11 FloOOtTlONS. · · .. .. " " · · , m · · · · · '" '" ... '" '" .. " ,.." " llCTa.vt "A'ltOl.LS 01,_. , '" , ,n , , l 0"'" '" ~ .. .. • SELEeno FUOItTlo..i, · .. •...... '" ... ~ 0 0 0 co, SC"'OOlS A"O HIWI(II EOUCATION --'" 0 0 0 N5T~UCTION'L - SUFF ~. · 0 0 0 0 , · - - 0 0 · Hun · · m · PITALS. · 0 0 .. 0 "" p~OTlCTIO~: · · - . ICE ·· · · · " , '" 00'· " · m" '"· • " " "· .""" QFFICE~S ~, · · ... '" •Ol.ICE · · '" , ,..". •... ,.. ". m '" , ... ". , PROTECTION. . , ", '"...... '" no ". , , '", FlliHfUS QN..1 · ··· ". , .., ". '" " ,,. ,.. ,'".. ·· 0 '" ,..uu'" 1011 O'H[Il; THEN'si'ER,;1ii · · · ". '" ...,.. ."'" ,"...... , A'lD R(Cll.EaTIOll · · ... '" ·· .. " '"~ ,,~ " " n_ 4OII1"ISTJU' ioN ·· · · · · '" ". .. " .. " .­~.AI. CQIO'RQL · " " " " " · · ,.. '00 L1nu. · -· · · · ." '" " 0 u·.. U(R · " '" '"• -".;. o!i.,: ·· · · ·· · · 0 '" .." .~ Oflt[R FlN'tCUlIHS. " '" " · '" " · · ····· "." •...'" •...'" " ..." " ...,n ,.. UHAGE O<:TOI[Il URfII1NGS '" '" " '"

,~ L·TlfII[ [OIPLOYEES. .OOL~""$. , n. ,, , , , , NST~UCTlOfll_L .. 0 0 ...... 0 0 0 , ["p,Oy[[s: .OOLLIollS. --• •'"- •'" •... '" ." - OTHER [III'LO'[U. .OOLLIollS. , , , · , , , , , '" •" ...... •'" '" •... '" '" c.l_-e...."_~ ..- ." 01<1._ ~ ~ I ,,- ~.' T.,...• ...... ,- .. T.l..' ...ll." ...- -- -- e",· ATlOOi, . , '0 os, , '00 ".. · · · · · · · .. ... " .. '" '" .. ... '" ." .. '" ...... '" ... [~O'EU, TOTAL M' ,.. , ... , '00 , , ,~ • , FUl.L-TiNE EIW'LOYEU·ot-.i ·· ... , "...... ,.. • .. , FUl.L·TI'IE [OUIVALENT [""LO'IIENT. · ... ", , ."". •,.., '" '" ,'"... • ," •." S[LECTEO FUNCTIONS' '" '" '" • • " 0 co,.. SCNOO", _"0 NIGM[Il [OUC_nON · '" 0 0 - '"0 .0 .~, NSTlIUCTION_L - ·0 0 · 0 0 , Sf""'F - · . 0 "HUTS ··· ·· · · - pIT_LS. 0 0 0 0 "" · · · .. ." .. ..- .. 0 .. ... 0 "" PROTEciION: · "· · " .00 '" ."OLlCl'" (WFICEAS oNL;' · · ... .. '" , •[ PIl0T[CTIOH. '" '" ... '" '" '" .. n. ··· · 'K '",,, '" , '" , FIt;MTEl\.S 0;";' · .." '" .." " " .. ." · 00 m , '" '" ITUIOII 01'HUl TItE,,·si.U';K · · · '" ... .. " '" on ,..'" ··· , 00 '" , _.om II[tll[ATIOH · · · · " " '" '" ,.. ... ~,~ .. io~ ·· " " .. 40111" I STIUT · ··· .. " '" .. .." .." '" ".~ COffTRQL ·· ,,, " '" " " '" ..,,.. ,.. .~ LITIU. -··· · · - .. .. '" .. _TER SlM'PLY Ofi,: · · ·· 0 .. ". .. '" ... '"• OTI'ItR FIINCTIONS. · · '" " '" ."- · · · · · .~.. ...'" " ."... " .." .. ...'" ." OCT08[1l PArRI)lLS 51.000. " , 59&! " , '" , '" , SEL[CTEO FUNCTION;' · ... ". "...... •... " •". ..~ _NO NIGM[R [llUcArION 0 0 0 0 0 SCHoau - - 0 . NST~I,Il;TlaN_L .~, ST_FF 0 0 0 , · 0 0 -0 - '",,~ - UTS . · · · , m ,- · ~ IT...S: ·· .. 0 0 0 ..0 · "·· .. ..- ..0 ,,, ". .. " ,~ ICE I'lIO,i.cilo..: · ·· ·· · · ,.. " , , - OLICl (WFlcE!tS oNI.;' · ·· ·· · , m •, m , ... '"• ~O'[CTIOH. · '".. '" '" · · · · ...'" '" '"uo ".'" , ...... , FltHlERS · · · · '" '" ,.. "" M;' · · · '" ... ," ...'" ... ", on ,.. ITATIOII OfH[ll; TltEN·si.IW6i ·· · ··· , '" ", ...... ", •" ,'" '", uo Il[CII[ATIOII · · '" '" ... .. '" . .. ·· · · m 00 , ~,~ AOlIINlsTIUTioN · ·· · · ·· .. .." " " " " ...'" .. .­~ " '"H(lIAL CO'HRO\. , , " " " ..0 .. tITIU. ··· ·· · ...... '" .. , ", · 0 '" " '" '"•ATER sumY ONl.,: · - · · · ...... " .. '" OTIlER FUNCTIONS. .. ,... '" " " ." · ··· '" '" ... ,.." .." " , '" ..'", AV[lI_GE OCTOBEl\ EAlININGS " '" " '" '"

L-TlIIt: E~LOTEU. .000LIoIS • , , , , , , m , 0 ...0 0 · ... 0 0 0 0 0 INSTRUCTIONAL EIIPL01[[S: ... • "...... '. .OOLVI,. ". '" • " .. O'HEIl VlPLOI"EES. · .000.....n. , , .~· , , , .· ··· · · · ,.. •... no •,.. ,,.. •m , ." -.,", _ 01 ..~L._ - '"

'26 GOVERNMENT EMPLOYMENT IN 1981 Table 4. Employment and Payrolls 01 Individual Cities Having 50.000 Population or More: October 1981---eontinued

.....,1_ ••01.__ ..... 1.1••4 s••," Cn.lI•• ,,- _ " ••04 Wll•••_ c...... t<-. awol..._ ._•••11.' ...... -,,,,,,,,,.'... ._""... "w""""'" <:'1_" """.1••• _ I'W'\Il.Af I 011. .- · ·· · ·· · " ... " "' ""' " '" ." ." n '" .. '" " '" " '" .. ." (*"-O'flU. fOl..... , , ,n ~UL~·TIIl( m , .., ... m m (*,,-OTtu·o;...v · ." ... • · ·· •.n • , , , •". m m ~UL~_llM ... •.. (QUIUI,.(NT ENf'~O'MlII' • · ·· •,,, • ,.no" , ,'"". ,•'" • ,.. ~UNCTIONS' ...... S(I,.(CTEO · • •".'" • ". ". •'" '" ~Oc.~ HIGHE~ 0 0 '" SCHOOlS "'0 EDUCATION , , 0 0 0 11IS1~ueTlONA~ .. S1A~~ ...... • 0 0 01«,., · - • ... .., '" - - NIGHIUS ·· ... ". • •...n ..0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 HOSPITIol.S. '" ...... ~ICE · - " " l'ftOT(CTIOtr!: · ··• · u, " " ... ,.. POliCE OFflCEU oHLV · · · '" ... '" no no ,n'" '"n "M l'ft01[CTllIII. . · · ·· " ... '" '" ....., ... '".., ,.. .., fllU flllfUU ., · · · · · · ... '"u. ... n...... , .. SJ.NIUTIlIN on.:" lHEII·si.i:u(;( · · ··· '"- '" ." '" u. '" I'''''KS A!IID ~EC~UTlON · · ···· '".. '" • n .. .n '" '"" " flNAHCI ..... _INIST~lliaN .~· · ·· · .. .. " ."" .. .. " 6EIIUI~ CON'~Ol. · n " ,n " " 0 ... UTILITIES. · · ..- .. ,.,.. ... 0 UTE~ 0 SUPPLY C..L.,: ·· ·· - " ... ,., " "0 OlliE" ~UNCTIOHS, · · " " " ,..."'" '" ··· .. ." .." "." ..'", " ." ..'.. OCTOII(~ . ." U.OOO. , .., .., , , " ~0lI PA'''OLLS~uHCTlONi, ... , ,.. ..,,.. SEUCfEO ... • ". • •'" LOCIL SCHOOl,.S .l!IID Hl~~ EoutUIOII 0 , , , '" 0 0 - IIIS1~UCnOft[~ ~I,.M;TH)NS, .. .. " .. ·· · .. .." ... .., ..." '"... ." O'iUl.ot.t OClotEll U ....I"" '" " " F.J..I..·UIIl [*,,-O"Y[U. .DOLL....S. on , , , , E~ortis: ...... 0 ..0 0 INSTIIUCTlON..... · · · .DOt.LUS. • - ,• , , ,• •, • • •'" ~, ...... '".. '~; onlo [*'<.O,US. · .DOLLUS. , , , • '" ,., ·· on •... •'" ."'" •... • •...I • • , ..'0 '" '" '" T.... D......

~. Ck."•• _ ...11. •....'ll._ ...,.11 • I....." 1. -,,' D••,._ 4.11._ _"II.' ,11·1' A." ,. -I'" - P~ATlOII. , )",.S m no , .... ·· ·· · · .. .. " ... ".... '" ...... " '" ... '" '" .. ... E.."OI'1:U. 101..... · • .., ... lS~l ", ... ." • ... FULL·TlI'I[ E...... O'flES·., ·· ... ,• • · m • ,",.. ,.. • U. FULL_TIllE · .. ... EQlUIVAUHT E...... 0'MEH1. · ,". " " • , · · '" S '""I ... " .. " .. ,... ,.. , , ,.. SELECT[O nINCTIONS' · · · '" .., '" • ... '" LOCIL OND NliH(1I [outonOll · 0 0 · " 0 0 0 '"0 SCItOOLS , l no 10 101'" ,~, 0 ... 0 ". 0 0 0 I'lSTIIUCnOHIL STOFF · ··· , • ,u . ~IGH"lS . · · •... •...... • , 0 0 0 0 .. 0 0 HOSPITALS. · · ..0 .. ". ... ." P~OTECilCN: · " " POLICt · · · '" n .., ,•". ... •'"", POliCE llHICEJ!S · · · ,•... '" PttOIEtIION. · · · · · , '" .. .., '" ...... '" ,'" ,'"... ."'" "Mn~E -, · ··· ."..'" ...'" '" ...... r!IiHT[IIS M' · · , .. •'"no , ", 0 .. '" SAHITOTlON 0111[11 TMEN·si.w(;( · · · · · ." ..no .. ". ,• ,.. '" ,'".. ._, AHO IIECIIUTION ·· · · • '" ". ...'"" .. " ,.. flHAHCltoL · · · ·· .. &OllIN15TIII TiaN · · · ". liENEIIOL tOHTllOl. · '" " '" '" , " '" ,.. UTI~ITIES. ·· ·· · ... ." , , ..m ....., .. ",0 .. UTEII "",Pi., .Y: - ·· · · ·· " ..." •" • , ."" .. • Dl~E~ · · " ...... '" FIJNCTIONS. ", . ". , .. ." · ·· · ..." " '" ,,-.. ... ,.." ... •'" OCT08E~ POY~OLLS Sl,OOO. , .OO" , '" , '" ,,, ~uNCTlO'li, • Oll , .oo ,.. SELEtTEO · ." " '" ... •'" .. ", ,~~ St"OO'~S ANO III_II EDUCATION 0 0 . " " 0 0 0 0 'n } 21' IIIS1~UCTlllH"'" SU~~ 0 • 0 ... 0 0 0 ONU · , 2 ~2S .. ." .. ,.. - ,,16HUYS . · · ·· oo • , '" 0 '" 0 0 0 0 .. tfDSPIT.&lS: · · · ". ,... " .. l'ftOT(cil~: · · '"-- '" ... . '" I"OI.IC( ·· · " ... •... ·· 'M ,.. , I'1lLltE OHICVI.S oNLy · · ·· ·· '" ...u, ".m , ,,, ,•'" ,...... •.. F1~E "" ... .. ". PttOf[CTIlIII. · ··· · ·· · ... , • ~I,"TE/IS · · '" •u , '"m '" FlI[ My · ·· ·· ··· · '" ... , •..'", .. ,,, '" ,• THEN·si.UA(;( ... S.'lITUIOII OTHEII ·· · · · '" " ".'", ", '" '" IEC~UTlOH . '" .. '" PllUlS AIIO · · • ... '" · ··· '" '" · • ", .. OO, .~ ... '" " FI'lAHCUL 101lINlSTUTio'; · · '" .. ." ...... " '" '" G[NUAL COHllOL no m ... UTILITIES. · · , , '" ,•'" •". " •.. 0 ...... '" .. UTEII suPPt., ONlY: ·· · · ." " • ".", '" ". •.m ILL OTI'I[II. ~I,.M;TIONS, ·· ... .. '" '" l III , - ·· · · '" ." .. ...'" ,'" '" ",'" " •."n u• U'EU5E OCTDI£/I EUNIHliS '" I'IA.L-TlI'I[ VtP\.OI'1:U. .DOLLAIlS • , ", ,,, , , , , , ". , ... 0 0 0 .. INSTIWl:T I 0f

T...... e-.'"-4

H_ " __Ill Co .... Dolh. Il .... Col...... ,...• 10..- ..._. ""...... ""... CO" ..... •.."1. 'OI'UI,.U lOtI. , ~11 'IU 'U 259 , U. &~l .... · .. '" u. '" ...... '" '" '" " .. " '" EN'\.OTEU. TOUL , , ,.. , ". , , , .. • 261 • FULI._TlIIE E""1.01E[5 .U · ·· ,." , , U 212 "' ." '" ." ...... ,~ ... •.~u... • • FUI,.I.-T11OE EOUIVlUHT VIl'I.O'i.Orr: ·· · ...'" , ... , , ... " ... •"..... ,.".. ,•'"'» '" FOIl $(1.(CfED FUNCTIONS' · ·· · " . '" LOCAl. SCHOOLS AHO MlliI£~ (DUCATION - -- INST~uCIIONAl. ------STAFF 0....' · · · ------MlliHun . · · .. ... , .. It\!SI'I TAU. · ." '" - ···· "------2 ,,, '" - "- " 'OI.IC( nOTEcr.in.: · · ,.. '" ... 'OI.lC( Ol'FiCUlS 00:...., · ·• · .. '".. '" • '" ." '".. '" nOIECTIOtI. • · '" '" '" .,.. FlliHfE~S ...... "MFI~E oiL, ·· · · " '" " •". ..'", '" ... ." .." TM(N·si.iA.oi .. '" •'"~ ... UMI UTiOtl 011lUl · ···· " '" '" ... .. '".. ", ANO HtllUTiOfl ··· " '" " '" . m '" -_. ADI'IINln~A110tl .~· · · '"", • .. FINAtfCUI. ·· · .. ,,, '" " " W:":UI. COtITIIOI. · "» '" ...'" ... LlTlI.IlI[S. · · · .. .. "..., , ...... " .." "." .. _iot.j · ..fEll Q,i,: · · " " '" , ." .. " ALI. 01H€1I FUNCTIOHS. . · ." .. no , '" , U, ·· ."" '" '" '" ". •'"... , ...... '"" " OCTOBEII 'AI'II.OLLS u.ooo. , ... , ,.. , ...... S lOS ,.. , " FOI\ SHECTED FLlNtTlo,.S. • " ,oc~ ~_. . A/CI MllittUl [outAliON '"- - --" - - '"-- .- lNSTIILltlllllUl. SToFF · · · ------I'llliHun -, · ,..-- - ...- It\!SI'IT AU • · ." • - '" - 1'II.0Tici,o,.: · · "- - " - - --" " "- 'OI.IC[ · · · · ". ,..- ... • '" , ,,.. ». ." '0I.1C[ Ol'FICUS · · · · ,'".. on ) '"t94 ,'" , '" FlIIE l'flOTECT ION. -, ·· I ", '"m '" ". ,". '" '" ". Filii FlliHfElIS MY ·· · , "..., ,"u... , ,'".. Oll'll:~ si.i~.6( .. " ... '" '" UNIUTlOtI TI'Il:N' · · · ·· '" , '" ,,,'" .., ."'" ~ECUATION .. " .. '" • ...,., · .. •... .. 'AUS · '" FINANCIAl. ADIIIINln~ATioN .~· ····· ..'" .. " '" •'" '" ... " '" "' 0, '"m ,.. '"- 'OI.IC[ OFFiCUS · · · · , '" '"... ''" '" .., ,..... '" FlIIE l'flOTECIlON. -, · · · , '" '" .. no .. " '11lE F1liHfEU oiLj · · · , ...." ... '"m '" '" .. .. '" ,'".. .".. 5,,-"IT ATIOfI OTIlUl tllEN' ,(.(.11.'£ · ·· · · , ". '" '" " ,.. " 'UKS AHO RECIIUTlON · · ,." " ,.. '" I~A · .." " "- '" F1N.MtIAI. AOIIINI S T10fl · · ." .." '" ...... 'ENE~Al. ... · " " C0fI1ROI. . · , ... Lllll.lTlU. · ·· · , ." " ...... SLIl'f.I.~ ... UTU -,. · · , ,". '" .. '" .. 01HE:~ .. " ALL FLlNtliOflS. · · " " '".. .. " .. .. ···· ' '"... ."" ... .." .., '"" ,.." OCIOllEA 'U~OI.I.S ",000. ... , ." , , ."'" , .., , '"u·"I , '" , SE:UCTElI FUNtllOr.S, · ·1 '" • ". ,oc~.. " s.tHOOLS AM) NI'MEII EoutAnON - '". '" . - '"- STAFF ~, · · - - - -- lNSfI\Llt1lOtlOl ------"lliHUU · · ...... - It\!SI'iT·LS. . ·· :I '"- . .. ..- " "OLICf; 1'II.0TicruiM: · . · · , - - '" ." - . ..," - , - m ..,- OFFlCE~5 ... .. "OLIC[ 0"1.1 · ". '" m FIll..[ 1'II0T[CIl0tl, · · •... '" ",'" ." '" '" FI~E · • · •.., '" '" ,.. .., '"m ,.. FlliHlElIS MY ·· · · ·· · ,'" ,". '". '" '" 5lHIUTIOtI OTH€II • .. ,~.. ". " TIlE"' sioEII.'( · · · · , ."... '" '" .." " 'lIU(S AHO II..ECIIUTlOtI ·· · · , .. ".'" '".. ... FINAlltUI. ·· ·· ·• · ... ." ADIIIINISUATioN ·· · .'".. .. '" .. - 6[1'U"1. cOtIr~OI. , " " " " LlTlLllIU. ·· , '" .. '" ...... , OATEII sumj OoiY: -·· · · ·· , ... '".. " " ..., .. " '".. .. '".. OTltE~ " .. ALL · ,...... FLlNtTlONS. · · · ." m" ..." .." ... " ..." ..." ...., AV£:~Alj,[ OCIOll[~ EAIUII~S '" '" FLI\..L-llHE: E"Lonu. .001.1.1005. , , on m , , on , , , , INS1~ueTlONAL ...... E""LOYEU. .001...... 11$. • ... . AI.L OINU Ull'LOY[U. · ,'"------· · .0000I.AIlS. · •on ... , m ,,.. ... , on •... •... •... So...... _ ... at ...... 1 ..., •. '"

- CITY EMPLOYMENT IN 1981, 29 Table 4. Employment and Payrolls of Individual Cities Having 50.000 Population or More: October 1981-Continued

""1,·,·--_·1- w...... , .. h. 1••_. ,. u._ ...... ll._ ...... l • ..... ,,-

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30 GOVERNMENT EMPLOYMENT IN 1981 Table 4. Employment and Payrolls of Individual Cities Having SO,OOO Population or More: October 1981---eontinued

...... v....., •••• ,...... oil" eo....' POf'UU.TION, 19110 • " '" " '" " ". " ~ " ". OlPLon~. lOT~L •••••• m ...... 6'~ rULL_T'M' lP'PLO'O[(S ONLY ••• ,,, '" '" nlU-T IME COl) IV~L(NT OlPLO..... l;NT. .., '",,. '" ". .'".. rD. SELlCTtD .....CTlONS' LOCAL SC>IOOI.S '""0 M'OH[" wuntlON '" ,U'IIIKTIONAL sn" ONLY ",'" ..'", HI"H_YS ••••••• ...... ItOSPIULS ••••••• " " " _IC. pOOTECflON ••• ... ,.. u, ,", "01,.1([ ...-f1CUS ONLY "~ 0".. ... ,,... '" .,0. "110'[<:'''., ... IIU m ,. " " " IJ~ rue rlGOlttlr$ "'L1 ••• I III ,. '" .." , ...,urtON O'"U ,M"" Sewt:....oc 'M '" , '".. .. ""uS""" UUL""ON •• '" !: r 'N""'C 'A. 1oDOO'..'n..... ,OOI _ '" " " " ..00'...... ,-...... " » ,n uTiLIIIU•••••• ... .. " " ..Tn SUH\.T ....1 •• .., ...... ", "n ALL OlllU Nlt<:T1"" •• 'OM " ...... " " 01.000. ~ . " on"'u "AY-..LS 0)5 a' 'M rOIl SnteHD ...U IONS: LOCAL SC>OOOI..S _ 01'.:.0'. muc"t'ON .-,., '''STIlUCTlON.ol. STA.r ONU -'" H'_n . ~ 014 '".. ., ...... sPlnLS••••••• '" " _'CC ,,""TtC""" .•. .. ))9 m" ,,, 'M , ... ~6~ .. -"CE orrlCUS ONLY J ." on flU pIlOTtCTlOOI•••• ~ , .... "0 '".. ".'" ;'6~ ",'" 'lOt rH••nus ONLY •• ~ l21 '"on .., ," s n ''''' OTH[. TH.... Sew...."E • ". P ~S 0 ."OCATION •• ... ".'" .. '" ".. ', "e''''L AOM'N'S' ...."ON ....O " " .';'~" "tHUAL CON'tIO<. •• .. .,n VTlLlT'C5•••••• ., '" .. W~~LY '" ."TU ONLY ••• ...'" '" ...... "LL OTHU ",,",'TlONS ••• ...... '" ,.." ." ", ..HIt.OG[ OC1oeU U.OH'HGS '" I'ULL·TlH[ OO [U. ••••• .000UO.S. n' ." n> ... IU"...C1ION UOI"\. ....[[S••••• _ .I>OLL"U. '" ,.. ... ~.~.~.~-".~"',u"'.,.".~.L~~ ~ '" , n> ....L OTHU "..,.....[[$••••••• __ ." '" ...... __'"","TO ,"..•••••••0< _."". ,...... • n , ....., ,'to. """ f .. 0<._. "n. •~.._ .., f ...... _. '0". '101"".,,_''''''''<>_ "'to ,•• 00._Dc,_...... ,n,. , __.,,_ , •••• f •• 0.'_' " ... .u-.,,_ ,••,. fo, 00 ..... ,_. •__." roo 00._. " ... "_.4""." •• _.t to, 00 "". ", , d.,. f., " ".,'••!.'.f ""'-" "0<." ••, ...... " " f., 0< "ld.e _., ,., ,,«.b., ,.,•.,.to, "0 10'0< lOll. -


General Terms Full-time equivalent employment. A computed statistiC representing the number of full-time employees that could have City gonrnmentl. Political subdivisions Within which a muni­ been employed at the same total payroll cost jf all personnel cipal corporation has been established to provide general local were engaged on a full·time basis at the average monthly pay government services for a specific population concentration in applying to full· time workers; it is calculated separately for each a defined area. A municipality may be legally termed a city. particular function of a government by dividing the total payroll village, borough (except in Alaska), or town (except in the New amount (full·time plus part-time) by the full· time payroll Stales, Minnesota, New York, and Wisconsin). Included amount and multiplying the resultant quotient by the number in this category are certain cities that are completely or of full·time employees. substantially consolidated with their county governments, operate outside the geographic limits of any county, or for Average October earnings. Average October earnings shown In other reasons have no organized county government operations this report are for full·time employees only and represent the within their boundaries. Comprising this group are the quotient of full-time employee payroll divided by the number following: Anaconda, Anchorage, Baltimore, Baton Rouge. of full-time employees. Boston, Bulte, Carson City, Columbus (), Denver, Honolulu, Indianapolis, Jacksonville, Juneau, lexington (Kentucky), Nashville, New Orleans, New York, Philadelphia, Governmental Functions St. louis, Sitka, San Francisco, and Washington, D.C. as well as the "independent cities" in Virginia. Nantucket, Massachusetts Employment and payrolls of city governments are claSSified is included with townships. according to the maior function or activity of the agency, office or other organizational entity in which the individual IS employed. Following is a brief description 01 each functional Employment and employees. Employment, as used in this category used in this report: report, refers to all persons gainfully employed by and Air transportation_ Operation and support of city operated performing services for a municipality. Employees include all airport facilities. persons paid for personal services performed, including persons paid from Federally funded programs, paid elected officials, All other and unallocable. The use of this classification varies persons in a paid leave status and persons paid on a "per from table to table in this report; in each tabulation, however, meeting," annual, semiannual or quarterly basis. Unpaid offi· this classification represents all activities not individually cials, pensioners, persons whose work is performed on a fee specified. basis and contractors and their employees are excluded from the count of employees. Full-time employees are defined to include those persons whose hours of work represent full·time employ­ Correction. City activities pertaining to the confinement and ment in their employer government; part-time employees are correction of adults and minors accused or convicted of criminal those persons who work less than the standard number of hours offenses. Any pardon, probation and parole activities are also for full-time work in their employer government. included here.

Electric power. City government activities associated with the production or acquisition of electric power and distribution to October payroll. Payroll amounts shown in this report represent individual consumers. gross payrolls for the one·month period of October 1981. The gross payroll includes all salaries, wages fees or commissions Financial administration. This function includes activities con­ paid to employees during the pay period wtlich included the cerned with tall: assessment and collection, custody and dis· date of , 1981. Payroll amounts reponed for a bursement of funds, debt management, administration of trust period other than one month were converted to represent an funds, budgeting and other governmentwide financial manage· amount for the month of October. ment activities.


Fire protection. This classification is applied to city government local schools. All activities associated with city operated fire protection and prevention activities plus any ambulance, elementary, secondary and vocationat-technical schools, in­ rescue or other auxiliary services provided by the fire protection cluding special education programs and ancillary services agency. Volunteer firefighters, if remunerated for their services associated with the operation of schools (e.g., pupil trans· on a "per fire" or some other basis, are included as part·time portation and food service). Instructional employees includes not employees. The subcategory of firefighters shown in this report only classroom teachers, but also principals, supervisors of includes personnel trained and/or engaged in fire suppression imtruction, librarians, teacher aides, library aides, and guidance and prevention. and psychological personnel.

Gas supply. City government activities associated with the Parks and recreation. City government activities which include acquisition of natural or propane gas supplies and distribution the operation and maintenance of parks, playgrounds, to individual consumers. swimming pools, public beaches, auditoriums, public golf courses, museums, marinas, botanical gardens, and zoological General control. This category relates to the judicial. legislative parks. and governmentwide administrativ,e agencies of cities. Included here are overall planning and zoning activities, central personnel Police protection. All city activities concerned with the and administrative services, the office of chief executive, enforcement of law and order, including coroner's offices, legislative activities, and court and court related activities. police training academies, investigation bureaus, and local jails, "lockups," or other detention facilities not intended to serve as Health. Administration of public health programs, community correctional facilities. The subcategory of police officers and visiting nurse services, immunization programs, drug abuse includes only persons with the power of arrest. rehabilitation programs, health and food inspection activities, operation of out·patient clinics and environmental pollution Public welfare. tncluded In this category are such activities as control activities are included in this classification. the administration of various public assistance programs for the needy, operation of homes for the elderly, indigent care institutions and programs which provide payments for medical Higher education. This activity includes city operated degree care and other services for the needy. Health care and hospital granting institutions which provide academic training above services provided directly by a city, however, are included in the grade 12. Instructional employees includes persons engaged in "Health" and "Hospital" functions rather than here. teaching and related academic research. Sanitation other than sewerage, Refuse collection and disposal. Highways. Activities associated with the maintenance and operation of sanitary landfills arK1 street cleaning activities. operation of streets, roads, sidewalks, bridges, tunnels, toll roads, and ferries are included at this function. Snow and ice Sewerage. This function includes the provision, maintenance removal, street lighting, and highway and traffic engineering and operation of ~nitary and storm sewer systems and sewage activities are also included here. disposal and treatment facilities.

Hospitals. This category includes only city operated medical Transit. Included at this category are activities relating to city care facilities which provide in-patient care. Employees and operation and maintenance of public mass transit systems (e.g., payrolls of private corporations which lease and operate city bus, subway, surface rail and street railroad systems), owned hospital facilities are excluded. Elementary and secondary school transportation systems are included in the "local schools" function.

Housing and urban renewal. The operation of ~ousing and Water supply, City government activities associated with the redevelopment projects and other activities to promote or aid production or acquisition of water supplies and distribution to housing and community renewal are included in this category. the public.

libraries. This classification applies only to libraries operated by Water transportation. Activities which are connected with the city governments for use by the general public. School and law provision, operation, and support of canals and other water· libraries are included in the "local schools" or "Higher ways, harbors, docks, wharves, and other related marine education" and "General control" categories respectively, terminal facilities.