Managing HPC Software Complexity with Spack Supercomputing 2019 Full-day Tutorial November 18, 2018 The most recent version of these slides can be found at: Dallas, Texas

LLNL-PRES-806064 This work was performed under the auspices of the U.S. Department of Energy by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory under contract DE-AC52-07NA27344. Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC Tutorial Materials

Download the latest version of slides and handouts at:

For more:

§ Spack website:

§ Spack GitHub repository:

§ Spack Reference Documentation:

2 LLNL-PRES-806064 Follow along at Tutorial Presenters

Todd Gamblin, Greg Becker, Peter Scheibel Mario Melara Adam Stewart Massimiliano LLNL NERSC UIUC Culpo Sylabs, Inc.

3 LLNL-PRES-806064 Follow along at Software complexity in HPC is growing


suite-sparse yaml-cpp metis cmake ncurses

parmetis pkgconf nalu hwloc libxml2 xz

bzip2 openssl boost

trilinos superlu openblas




zlib netcdf hdf5

matio m4 libsigsegv parallel-netcdf

Nalu: Generalized Unstructured Massively Parallel Low Mach Flow

4 LLNL-PRES-806064 Follow along at Software complexity in HPC is growing

adol- automake

autoconf glm

suite-sparse yaml-cpp metis cmake ncurses gmp libtool

parmetis pkgconf m4 libsigsegv nalu hwloc libxml2 xz

bzip2 openssl p4est pkgconf boost hwloc libxml2

trilinos superlu openblas xz

netlib-scalapack netcdf-cxx netcdf mumps


zlib netcdf hdf5 nanoflann

matio m4 libsigsegv parallel-netcdf matio hdf5

Nalu: Generalized Unstructured Massively Parallel Low Mach Flow sundials



mumps openmpi



openblas gdbm

superlu-dist parmetis sqlite readline zlib petsc python dealii slepc ncurses

arpack-ng openssl

metis cmake

oce suite-sparse

tetgen intel-tbb



assimp boost


muparser dealii: C++ Finite Element Library 5 LLNL-PRES-806064 Follow along at Software complexity in HPC is growing



suite-sparse yaml-cpp r-labeling metis cmake ncurses

parmetis pkgconf nalu r-lazyeval r-munsell hwloc libxml2 xz r-colorspace bzip2 openssl r-rcolorbrewer boost

r-viridislite trilinos superlu openblas r-dichromat netlib-scalapack r-scales

mumps r-tibble r-assertthat openmpi

zlib netcdf hdf5 r-rlang

r-gtable matio m4 libsigsegv parallel-netcdf r-ggplot2 r-plyr

r-reshape2 r-rcpp r-modelmetrics Nalu: Generalized Unstructured Massively Parallel Low Mach Flow freetype


gperf r-r6 r-minqa fontconfig

r-caret r-nloptr r-digest libxml2

r-rcppeigen pixman r-lme4 harfbuzz libpng r-praise r-testthat pango adol-c automake sed xz gobject-introspection autoconf perl glib gettext r-mgcv r-crayon tar gmp libtool m4 libsigsegv libffi r-nlme p4est pkgconf libtiff hwloc libxml2 r-pbkrtest help2man xz r-mass zlib r-car r-foreach r-iterators flex netcdf-cxx netcdf r-sparsem curl r python ncurses nanoflann pkgconf openssl readline matio r-quantreg r-matrixmodels pcre hdf5 jdk libjpeg-turbo r-matrix cmake sundials r-lattice icu4c sqlite font-util r-adabag r-glmnet glm tcl nasm libxau gdbm xproto netlib-scalapack r-cubist r-mlbench libxdmcp openmpi xextproto mumps r-magrittr perl libpthread-stubs trilinos xtrans r-data-table libxcb util-macros hypre r-stringr -proto r-xgboost libx11 inputproto r-rminer r-e1071 r-class r-codetools openblas kbproto gdbm bison r-kknn r-igraph r-irlba r-stringi r-rpart automake superlu-dist parmetis sqlite autoconf readline r-nnet zlib r-pkgconfig petsc gmp libtool m4 libsigsegv python dealii slepc ncurses

arpack-ng openssl r-mda cmake metis r-kernlab

gmsh oce suite-sparse r-strucchange r-zoo

tetgen r-sandwich intel-tbb r-party

netgen r-survival

bzip2 r-multcomp r-th-data

assimp r-plotrix boost r-coin r-mvtnorm r-modeltools gsl r-pls

muparser dealii: C++ Finite Element Library R Miner: R Data Mining Library

6 LLNL-PRES-806064 Follow along at What is the “production” environment for HPC?

§ Someone’s home directory?

§ LLNL? LANL? Sandia? ANL? LBL? TACC? — Environments at large-scale sites are very different.

§ Which MPI implementation?

§ Which compiler?

§ Which dependencies?

§ Which versions of dependencies? — Many applications require specific dependency versions. Real answer: there isn’t a single production environment or a standard way to build. Reusing someone else’s software is HARD.

7 LLNL-PRES-806064 Follow along at The complexity of the exascale ecosystem threatens productivity.

5+ target architectures/platforms 15+ applications x 80+ software packages x Xeon Power KNL NVIDIA ARM Laptops?

Up to 7 compilers 10+ Programming Models 2-3 versions of each package x Intel GCC Clang XL x OpenMPI MPICH MVAPICH OpenMP CUDA x PGI Cray NAG OpenACC Dharma Legion RAJA Kokkos + external dependencies

= up to 1,260,000 combinations! § Every application has its own stack of dependencies. § Developers, users, and facilities dedicate (many) FTEs to building & porting. § Often trade reuse and usability for performance.

We must make it easier to rely on others’ software!

8 LLNL-PRES-806064 Follow along at What about containers?

§ Containers provide a great way to reproduce and distribute an already-built software stack

§ Someone needs to build the container! — This isn’t trivial — Containerized applications still have hundreds of dependencies

§ Using the OS package manager inside a container is insufficient — Most binaries are built unoptimized — Generic binaries, not optimized for specific architectures

§ HPC containers may need to be rebuilt to support many different hosts, anyway. — Not clear that we can ever build one container for all facilities — Containers likely won’t solve the N-platforms problem in HPC We need something more flexible to build the containers

9 LLNL-PRES-806064 Follow along at Spack is a flexible package manager for HPC

§ How to install Spack: $ git clone $ . spack/share/spack/

§ How to install a package:

$ spack install hdf5

§ HDF5 and its dependencies are installed within the Spack directory.

§ Unlike typical package managers, Spack can also install many variants of the same build. — Different compilers — Different MPI implementations @spackpm — Different build options

10 LLNL-PRES-806064 Follow along at Who can use Spack?

People who want to use or distribute software for HPC!

1. End Users of HPC Software — Install and run HPC applications and tools

2. HPC Application Teams — Manage third-party dependency libraries

3. Package Developers — People who want to package their own software for distribution

4. User support teams at HPC Centers — People who deploy software for users at large HPC sites

11 LLNL-PRES-806064 Follow along at Spack is used worldwide!

Over 3,500 software packages Over 2,300 monthly active users (on docs site)

Over 450 contributors from labs, academia, industry

Plot shows sessions on for one month

12 LLNL-PRES-806064 Follow along at Spack has been gaining adoption rapidly (if stars are an indicator)

Stars over time

Stars per day (same data, 60-day window)

13 LLNL-PRES-806064 Follow along at Users on our documentation site have also been increasing

14 LLNL-PRES-806064 Follow along at Spack is being used on many of the top HPC systems

§ Official deployment tool for the U.S. Exascale Computing Project § 7 of the top 10 supercomputers § High Energy Physics community — Fermilab, CERN, collaborators § Astra (Sandia) Fugaku coming to RIKEN in 2021 DOE/MEXT collaboration § Fugaku (Japanese National Supercomputer Project)

Summit (ORNL), Sierra (LLNL) SuperMUC-NG (LRZ, Germany) Edison, Cori, Perlmutter (NERSC)

15 LLNL-PRES-806064 Follow along at Contributions to Spack continue to grow!

§ In November 2015, LLNL provided most of the contributions to Spack

§ Since then, we’ve gone from 300 to over 3,500 packages

§ Most packages are from external contributors!

§ Many contributions in core, as well.

§ We are committed to sustaining Spack’s open source ecosystem!

16 LLNL-PRES-806064 Follow along at Spack v0.13.1 is the latest release

§ Major new features: 1. Chaining: use dependencies from external "upstream" Spack instances 2. Views for Spack environments (covered today) 3. Spack detects and builds specifically for your microarchitecture (not shown in tutorial) • named, understandable targets like skylake, broadwell, power9, zen2 4. Spack stacks: combinatorial environments for facility deployment (covered today) 5. Projections: ability to build easily navigable symlink trees environments (covered today) 6. Support no-source packages (BundlePackage) to aggregate related packages 7. Extensions: users can write custom commands that live outside of Spack repo 8. ARM + Fujitsu compiler support 9. GitLab Build Pipelines: Spack can generate a pipeline from a stack (covered in slides)

§ Over 3,500 packages (~700 added since last year)

§ Full release notes:

17 LLNL-PRES-806064 Follow along at Related Work

Spack is not the first tool to automate builds — Inspired by copious prior work

1. “Functional” Package Managers — Nix — GNU Guix

2. Build-from-source Package Managers — Homebrew — MacPorts

Other tools in the HPC Space:

§ Easybuild — An installation tool for HPC — Focused on HPC system administrators – different package model from Spack — Relies on a fixed software stack – harder to tweak recipes for experimentation

§ Conda — Very popular binary package manager for data science — Not targeted at HPC; generally unoptimized binaries

18 LLNL-PRES-806064 Follow along at Spack at SC19

§ Meet the developers at DOE’s Booth 925 — Wednesday 10:00am – 11:00am — Thursday 2:30pm – 3:30pm

§ BOFs: — E4S BOF: Tues 12:15 – 1:15 — Getting Scientific Software Installed: Wed 12:15 – 1:15 — Spack Community BOF: Thurs 12:15 – 1:15

§ 3 papers at workshops

§ More! For a full list of events, visit

19 LLNL-PRES-806064 Follow along at Spack Basics

20 LLNL-PRES-806064 Follow along at Spack provides a spec syntax to describe customized DAG configurations

$ spack install mpileaks unconstrained $ spack install [email protected] @ custom version $ spack install [email protected] %[email protected] % custom compiler $ spack install [email protected] %[email protected] +threads +/- build option $ spack install [email protected] cppflags="-O3 –g3" set compiler flags $ spack install [email protected] target=skylake set target microarchitecture $ spack install [email protected] ^[email protected] %[email protected] ^ dependency information

§ Each expression is a spec for a particular configuration — Each clause adds a constraint to the spec — Constraints are optional – specify only what you need. — Customize install on the command line!

§ Spec syntax is recursive — Full control over the combinatorial build space

21 LLNL-PRES-806064 Follow along at `spack list` shows what packages are available

$ spack list ==> 303 packages. activeharmony cgal fish gtkplus libgd openmpi py-coverage py-pycparser tcl adept-utils cgm flex harfbuzz libgpg-error metis openspeedshop py-cython py-pyelftools qthreads texinfo apex cityhash fltk hdf libjpeg-turbo Mitos openssl py-dateutil py-pygments R the_silver_searcher arpack cleverleaf flux hdf5 libjson-c mpc otf py-epydoc py-pylint ravel thrift asciidoc cloog fontconfig hwloc libmng mpe2 otf2 py-funcsigs py-pypar readline tk atk cmake freetype hypre libmonitor mpfr pango py-genders py-pyparsing rose tmux atlas cmocka gasnet icu libNBC mpibash papi py-gnuplot py- rsync tmuxinator atop coreutils gcc icu4c libpciaccess mpich paraver py-h5py py- ruby trilinos autoconf cppcheck gdb ImageMagick libpng mpileaks paraview py-ipython py-pytables SAMRAI uncrustify automaded cram -pixbuf isl libsodium mrnet parmetis py-libxml2 py-python-daemon samtools util- automake cscope geos jdk libtiff mumps parpack py-lockfile py-pytz scalasca valgrind bear cube gflags jemalloc libtool munge patchelf py-mako py-rpy2 scorep vim bib2xhtml curl ghostscript jpeg libunwind muster pcre py-matplotlib py-scientificpython scotch vtk binutils czmq git judy libuuid mvapich2 pcre2 py-mock py-scikit-learn scr wget bison damselfly glib julia libxcb nasm pdt py-mpi4py py-scipy silo wx boost dbus glm launchmon libxml2 ncdu petsc py-mx py-setuptools snappy wxpropgrid bowtie2 docbook- global lcms libxshmfence ncurses pidx py-mysqldb1 py-shiboken sparsehash xcb-proto boxlib doxygen glog leveldb libxslt netcdf pixman py-nose py-sip spindle xerces-c bzip2 dri2proto glpk libarchive llvm netgauge pkg-config py-numexpr py-six spot xz cairo dtcmp gmp libcerf llvm-lld netlib-blas pmgr_collective py-numpy py-sphinx sqlite yasm callpath dyninst gmsh libcircle lmdb netlib-lapack postgresql py-pandas py-sympy stat zeromq cblas eigen gnuplot libdrm lmod netlib-scalapack ppl py-pbr py-tappy sundials zlib cbtf elfutils gnutls libdwarf lua nettle protobuf py-periodictable py-twisted swig zsh cbtf-argonavis elpa gperf libedit lwgrp ninja py-astropy py-pexpect py-urwid szip cbtf-krell expat gperftools libelf lwm2 ompss py-basemap py-pil py-virtualenv tar cbtf-lanl extrae graphlib libevent matio ompt-openmp py-biopython py-pillow py-yapf task cereal exuberant-ctags graphviz libffi mbedtls opari2 py-blessings py-pmw python taskd cfitsio fftw gsl libgcrypt memaxes openblas py-cffi py-pychecker qhull tau § Spack has over 3,500 packages now.

22 LLNL-PRES-806064 Follow along at `spack find` shows what is installed

$ spack find ==> 103 installed packages. -- linux-rhel6-x86_64 / [email protected] ------§ All the versions coexist! [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] — Multiple versions of [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] same package are ok. [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] jpeg@9a [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] libdwarf@20130729 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] § Packages are installed to [email protected] [email protected] ocr@2015-02-16 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] automatically find correct [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] dependencies.

-- linux-rhel6-x86_64 / [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] libdwarf@20130729 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] § Binaries work regardless

-- linux-rhel6-x86_64 / [email protected] ------of user’s environment. [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

-- linux-rhel6-x86_64 / [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] libdwarf@20130729 [email protected] [email protected] § Spack also generates

-- linux-rhel6-x86_64 / [email protected] ------module files. [email protected] [email protected] libdwarf@20130729 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] — Don’t have to use them.

23 LLNL-PRES-806064 Follow along at Users can query the full dependency configuration of installed packages.

$ spack find callpath ==> 2 installed packages. -- linux-rhel6-x86_64 / [email protected] —— -- linux-rhel6-x86_64 / [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

$ spack find -dl callpath ==> 2 installed packages. -- linux-x86_64rhel6-x86_64/ [email protected]/ [email protected]_64rhel6-x86_64/ [email protected]/ [email protected] [email protected] udltshs [email protected] ckjazss ^[email protected] rfsu7fb ^[email protected] 3ws43m4 ^boost^[email protected]@1.59.0 ybet64y ^boost^[email protected]@1.55.0 Expand dependencies ft7znm6 ^[email protected] aa4ar6i ^[email protected] qqnuet3 ^[email protected] tmnnge5 ^[email protected] with spack find - 3ws43m4 ^boost^[email protected]@1.59.0 ybet64y ^boost^[email protected]@1.55.0 g65rdud ^libdwarf@20130729 g2mxrl2 ^libdwarf@20130729 cj5p5fk ^[email protected] ynpai3j ^[email protected] cj5p5fk ^[email protected] ynpai3j ^[email protected] g65rdud ^libdwarf@20130729 g2mxrl2 ^libdwarf@20130729 cj5p5fk ^[email protected] ynpai3j ^[email protected] cj5p5fk ^[email protected] ynpai3j ^[email protected] ft7znm6 ^[email protected] aa4ar6i ^[email protected] § Architecture, compiler, versions, and variants may differ between builds.

24 LLNL-PRES-806064 Follow along at Spack manages installed compilers

§ Compilers are automatically detected compilers.yaml — Automatic detection determined by OS compilers: - compiler: — Linux: PATH modules: [] — Cray: `module avail` operating_system: ubuntu14 paths: cc: /usr/bin/gcc/4.9.3/gcc cxx: /usr/bin/gcc/4.9.3/g++ § Compilers can be manually added f77: /usr/bin/gcc/4.9.3/gfortran — Including Spack-built compilers fc: /usr/bin/gcc/4.9.3/gfortran spec: [email protected] - compiler: modules: [] $ spack compilers operating_system: ubuntu14 ==> Available compilers paths: -- gcc ------cc: /usr/bin/clang/6.0/clang [email protected] [email protected] cxx: /usr/bin/clang/6.0/clang++ f77: null fc: null -- clang ------spec: [email protected] [email protected] - compiler: ...

25 LLNL-PRES-806064 Follow along at Hands-on Time: Spack Basics

Follow script at

26 LLNL-PRES-806064 Follow along at Core Spack Concepts

27 LLNL-PRES-806064 Follow along at Most existing tools do not support combinatorial versioning

§ Traditional binary package managers — RPM, yum, APT, yast, etc. — Designed to manage a single stack. — Install one version of each package in a single prefix (/usr). — Seamless upgrades to a stable, well tested stack

§ Port systems — BSD Ports, portage, Macports, Homebrew, Gentoo, etc. — Minimal support for builds parameterized by compilers, dependency versions.

§ Virtual Machines and Linux Containers (Docker) — Containers allow users to build environments for different applications. — Does not solve the build problem (someone has to build the image) — Performance, security, and upgrade issues prevent widespread HPC deployment.

28 LLNL-PRES-806064 Follow along at Spack handles combinatorial software complexity.

Dependency DAG § Each unique dependency graph is a unique

mpi configuration.

mpileaks libdwarf callpath dyninst libelf § Each configuration installed in a unique directory. — Configurations of the same package can coexist.

Installation Layout Hash

spack/opt/ § Hash of entire directed acyclic graph (DAG) is linux-x86_64/ appended to each prefix. gcc-4.7.2/ mpileaks-1.1-0f54bf34cadk/ intel-14.1/ § Installed packages automatically find dependencies hdf5-1.8.15-lkf14aq3nqiz/ bgq/ — Spack embeds RPATHs in binaries. xl-12.1/ — No need to use modules or set LD_LIBRARY_PATH hdf5-1-8.16-fqb3a15abrwx/ ... — Things work the way you built them

29 LLNL-PRES-806064 Follow along at Spack Specs can constrain versions of dependencies


mpileaks libdwarf callpath dyninst libelf

$ spack install mpileaks %[email protected] ^[email protected]

§ Spack ensures one configuration of each library per DAG — Ensures ABI consistency. — User does not need to know DAG structure; only the dependency names.

§ Spack can ensure that builds use the same compiler, or you can mix — Working on ensuring ABI compatibility when compilers are mixed.

30 LLNL-PRES-806064 Follow along at Spack handles ABI-incompatible, versioned interfaces like MPI


mpileaks libdwarf callpath dyninst libelf

§ mpi is a virtual dependency

§ Install the same package built with two different MPI implementations:

$ spack install mpileaks ^[email protected] $ spack install mpileaks ^[email protected]:

§ Let Spack choose MPI implementation, as long as it provides MPI 2 interface:

$ spack install mpileaks ^mpi@2

31 LLNL-PRES-806064 Follow along at Concretization fills in missing configuration details when the user is not explicit.

mpileaks ^[email protected]+debug ^[email protected] User input: abstract spec with some constraints spec.yaml Normalize spec: mpileaks [email protected] %[email protected] - mpileaks: =linux-ppc64 arch: linux-x86_64 compiler: name: gcc version: 4.9.2 dependencies: adept-utils: kszrtkpbzac3ss2ixcjkcorlaybnptp4 [email protected] [email protected] callpath: bah5f4h4d2n47mgycej2mtrnrivvxy77 +debug %[email protected]+debug mpich: aa4ar6ifj23yijqmdabeakpejcli72t3 =linux-ppc64 hash: 33hjjhxi7p6gyzn5ptgyes7sghyprujh variants: {} version: '1.0' - adept-utils: arch: linux-x86_64 compiler: Concretize name: gcc mpi dyninst [email protected] [email protected] Store %[email protected] %[email protected] version: 4.9.2 =linux-ppc64 =linux-ppc64 dependencies: boost: teesjv7ehpe5ksspjim5dk43a7qnowlq mpich: aa4ar6ifj23yijqmdabeakpejcli72t3 hash: kszrtkpbzac3ss2ixcjkcorlaybnptp4 variants: {} version: 1.0.1 libdwarf libdwarf@20130729 - boost: %[email protected] arch: linux-x86_64 =linux-ppc64 compiler: name: gcc version: 4.9.2 dependencies: {} hash: teesjv7ehpe5ksspjim5dk43a7qnowlq variants: {} [email protected] [email protected] version: 1.59.0 %[email protected] ... =linux-ppc64 Abstract, normalized spec Concrete spec is fully constrained Detailed provenance is stored with some dependencies. and can be passed to install. with the installed package

32 LLNL-PRES-806064 Follow along at Use `spack spec` to see the results of concretization

$ spack spec mpileaks Input spec ------mpileaks

Concretized [email protected]%[email protected] arch=darwin-elcapitan-x86_64 ^[email protected]%[email protected] arch=darwin-elcapitan-x86_64 ^[email protected]%[email protected]+atomic+chrono+date_time~debug+filesystem~graph ~icu_support+iostreams+locale+log+math~mpi+multithreaded+program_options ~python+random +regex+serialization+shared+signals+singlethreaded+system +test+thread+timer+wave arch=darwin-elcapitan-x86_64 ^[email protected]%[email protected] arch=darwin-elcapitan-x86_64 ^[email protected]%[email protected] arch=darwin-elcapitan-x86_64 ^[email protected]%[email protected]~mxm~pmi~psm~psm2~slurm~sqlite3~thread_multiple~tm~verbs+vt arch=darwin-elcapitan-x86_64 ^[email protected]%[email protected] arch=darwin-elcapitan-x86_64 ^[email protected]%[email protected] arch=darwin-elcapitan-x86_64 ^[email protected]%[email protected] arch=darwin-elcapitan-x86_64 ^[email protected]%[email protected]+sigsegv arch=darwin-elcapitan-x86_64 ^[email protected]%[email protected] arch=darwin-elcapitan-x86_64 ^[email protected]%[email protected] arch=darwin-elcapitan-x86_64 ^[email protected]%[email protected]~stat_dysect arch=darwin-elcapitan-x86_64 ^libdwarf@20160507%[email protected] arch=darwin-elcapitan-x86_64 ^[email protected]%[email protected] arch=darwin-elcapitan-x86_64

33 LLNL-PRES-806064 Follow along at Extensions and Python Support

§ Spack installs each package in its own prefix

§ Some packages need to be installed within directory structure of other packages — i.e., Python modules installed in $prefix/lib/python-/site-packages — Spack supports this via extensions

class PyNumpy(Package): """NumPy is the fundamental package for scientific computing with Python."""

homepage = "" url = "" version('1.9.1', ' 78842b73560ec378142665e712ae4ad9’)


def install(self, spec, prefix): setup_py("install“, "--prefix={0}".format(prefix))

34 LLNL-PRES-806064 Follow along at Spack extensions

spack/opt/ § Some packages need to be installed within linux-rhel6-x86_64/ directory structure of other packages gcc-4.7.2/ python-2.7.12-6y6vvaw/ lib/python2.7/site-packages/ § Examples of extension packages: .. — python libraries are a good example py-numpy-1.10.4-oaxix36/ — R, Lua, perl lib/python2.7/site-packages/ — Need to maintain combinatorial versioning numpy/ ... $ spack activate py-numpy @1.10.4 spack/opt/ linux-rhel6-x86_64/ § Symbolic link to Spack install location gcc-4.7.2/ python-2.7.12-6y6vvaw/ lib/python2.7/site-packages/ § Automatically activate for correct version of numpy@ py-numpy-1.10.4-oaxix36/ dependency lib/python2.7/site-packages/ — Provenance information from DAG numpy/ — Activate all dependencies that are extensions as well...

35 LLNL-PRES-806064 Follow along at Building against externally installed software

[email protected] [email protected] arch=linux-redhat 6-ppc64 [email protected] [email protected] mpileaks ^[email protected]+debug arch=linux-redhat 6-ppc64 ^openmpi ^[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] arch=linux-redhat 6-ppc64 [email protected] +de bug [email protected] arch=linux-redhat 6-ppc64 +de bug

packages.yaml [email protected] dyninst @8.1.2 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] dyninst @8.1.2 packages: arch=linux-redhat 6-ppc64 arch=linux-redhat 6-ppc64 [email protected] [email protected] arch=linux-redhat 6-ppc64 arch=linux-redhat 6-ppc64 mpi: buildable: False openmpi: buildable: False hwloc @1.11.3 libdwarf @20130729 libdwarf @20130729 paths: [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] %[email protected] arch=linux-rhel6-ppc64: arch=linux-redhat 6-ppc64 arch=linux-redhat 6-ppc64 arch=linux-redhat 6-ppc64 /path/to/external/gcc/openmpi-2.0.0 [email protected] %[email protected] arch=linux-rhel6-ppc64: /path/to/external/gcc/openmpi-1.10.3 [email protected] %[email protected] arch=linux-rhel6-ppc64: libpciaccess @0.13.4 libelf @0.8.11 libelf @0.8.11 /path/to/external/intel/openmpi-2.0.0 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] %[email protected] arch=linux-rhel6-ppc64: arch=linux-redhat 6-ppc64 arch=linux-redhat 6-ppc64 arch=linux-redhat 6-ppc64 /path/to/external/intel/openmpi-1.10.3 ...

libt [email protected] /path/to/external/gcc/openmpi-2.0.0 [email protected] arch=linux-redhat 6-ppc64 If a node in the DAG matches an registered external A user registers external [email protected] [email protected] packages with Spack. arch=linux-redhat 6-ppc64 package, Spack prunes the DAG at that node and replaces the node with a reference to the external

libsigsegv @2.10 package. [email protected] arch=linux-redhat 6-ppc64

36 LLNL-PRES-806064 Follow along at Spack package repositories

§ Some packages can not be released publicly $ spack repo create /path/to/my_repo $ spack repo add my_repo § Some users have use cases that require $ spack repo list bizarre custom builds ==> 2 package repositories. my_repo /path/to/my_repo § Packaging issues should not prevent users builtin spack/var/spack/repos/builtin from updating Spack — Solution: separate repositories — A repository is simply a directory of package files my_repo proprietary packages, pathological builds § Spack supports external repositories that can be layered on top of the built-in packages

§ Custom packages can depend on built-in spack/var/spack/repos/builtin packages (or packages in other repositories) “standard” packages in the spack mainline.

37 LLNL-PRES-806064 Follow along at Spack mirrors Original source on internet § Spack allows you to define mirrors: § Directories in the filesystem § On a web server S3 Bucket § In an S3 bucket

§ Mirrors are archives of fetched tarballs, repositories, and other resources needed to build Shared FS § Can also contain binary packages

§ By default, Spack maintains a mirror in var/spack/cache of everything you’ve fetched so far. Local cache § You can host mirrors internal to your site Spack § See the documentation for more details users

38 LLNL-PRES-806064 Follow along at Hands-on Time: Configuration

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39 LLNL-PRES-806064 Follow along at Making your own Spack Packages

40 LLNL-PRES-806064 Follow along at Creating your own Spack Packages

▪ Package is a recipe for building $REPO/packages/zlib/ from spack import * ▪ Each package is a Python class class Zlib(Package): — Download information """A free, general-purpose, legally unencumbered lossless — Versions/Checksums data-compression library.""" — Build options homepage = "" — Dependencies url = "" — Build instructions version('1.2.8', '44d667c142d7cda120332623eab69f40') depends_on(‘cmake’, type=‘build’)

▪ Package collections are repos def install(self, spec, prefix): — Spack has a “builtin” repo in configure('--prefix={0}'.format(prefix)) var/spack/repos/builtin make() make('install')

41 LLNL-PRES-806064 Follow along at Spack packages are templates for builds

▪ Each package has one class — zlib for Intel compiler and zlib for GCC compiler are built with the same recipe. def install(self, spec, prefix): ▪ Can add conditional logic using spec syntax config_opts=[‘--prefix=‘+prefix] — Think of package as translating a concrete DAG to if '~shared' in self.spec: build instructions. config_opts.append('--disable-shared') — Dependencies are already built else: — No searching or testing; just do what the DAG says config_opts.append('--enable-shared') configure(config_opts) ▪ Compiler wrappers handle many details make() automatically. make('install') — Spack feeds compiler wrappers to (cc, c++, f90, …) to autoconf, cmake, gmake, … — Wrappers select compilers, dependencies, and options under the hood.

42 LLNL-PRES-806064 Follow along at Spack builds each package in its own compilation environment

Spack ▪ Forked build process isolates environment for each build. do_install() Process Uses compiler wrappers to: — Add include, lib, and RPATH flags — Ensure that dependencies are found automatically — Load Cray modules (use right compiler/system deps) Install dep1 Install dep2 … Install package

icc icpc ifort Fork

Build Set up environment Process Compiler wrappers CC = spack/env/spack-cc SPACK_CC = /opt/ic-15.1/bin/icc CXX = spack/env/spack-c++ SPACK_CXX = /opt/ic-15.1/bin/icpc (spack-cc, spack-c++, spack-f77, spack-f90) F77 = spack/env/spack-f77 SPACK_F77 = /opt/ic-15.1/bin/ifort FC = spack/env/spack-f90 SPACK_FC = /opt/ic-15.1/bin/ifort -I /dep1-prefix/include -L /dep1-prefix/lib PKG_CONFIG_PATH = ... PATH = spack/env:$PATH -Wl,-rpath=/dep1-prefix/lib CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH = ... LIBRARY_PATH = ...

install() configure make make install

43 LLNL-PRES-806064 Follow along at Writing Packages - Versions and URLs


class Mvapich2(Package): homepage = "" url = ""

version('2.2rc2', 'f9082ffc3b853ad1b908cf7f169aa878') version('2.2b', '5651e8b7a72d7c77ca68da48f3a5d108') version('2.2a', 'b8ceb4fc5f5a97add9b3ff1b9cbe39d2') version('2.1', '0095ceecb19bbb7fb262131cb9c2cdd6')

▪ Package downloads are hashed with MD5 by default — Also supports SHA-1, SHA-256, SHA-512 — We’ll be switching to SHA-256 or higher soon.

▪ Download URLs can be automatically extrapolated from URL. — Extra options can be provided if Spack can’t extrapolate URLs

▪ Options can also be provided to fetch from VCS repositories

44 LLNL-PRES-806064 Follow along at Writing Packages – Variants and Dependencies

$REPO/packages/petsc/ class Petsc(Package): variant('mpi', default=True, description='Activates MPI support') variant('complex', default=False, description='Build with complex numbers') variant('hdf5', default=True, description='Activates support for HDF5 (only parallel)')

depends_on('blas') depends_on('[email protected]:2.7')

depends_on('mpi', when='+mpi')

▪ Variants are named, have default values and help text

▪ Other packages can be dependencies — when clause provides conditional dependencies — Can depend on specific versions or other variants

45 LLNL-PRES-806064 Follow along at Writing Packages – Build Recipes

▪ Functions wrap common ops $REPO/packages/dyninst/ — cmake, configure, patch, make, … def install(self, spec, prefix): — Executable and which for new wrappers. with working_dir("build", create=True): cmake("..", *std_cmake_args) ▪ Commands executed in clean make() environment make("install")

@when('@:8.1') def install(self, spec, prefix): ▪ Full Python functionality configure("--prefix=" + prefix) — Patch up source code make() — Make files and directories make("install") — Calculate flags — …

46 LLNL-PRES-806064 Follow along at Create new packages with spack create

$ spack create

$REPO/packages/zlib/ class Zlib(Package): # FIXME: Add a proper url for your package's homepage here. homepage = "" url = "" version('1.2.8', '44d667c142d7cda120332623eab69f40')

def install(self, spec, prefix): # FIXME: Modify the cmake line to suit your build system here. ▪ spack create will create a skeleton for a package — Spack reasons about URL, hash, version, build recipe. — Generates boilerplate for Cmake, Makefile, autotools, Python, R, Waf, Perl — Not intended to completely write the package, but gets you 80% of the way there.

▪ spack edit for subsequent changes

47 LLNL-PRES-806064 Follow along at Hands-on Time: Creating Packages

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48 LLNL-PRES-806064 Follow along at Hands-on Time: Environment Modules

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49 LLNL-PRES-806064 Follow along at Environments, spack.yaml and spack.lock

Follow script at

50 LLNL-PRES-806064 Follow along at Spack Stacks

Follow script at

51 LLNL-PRES-806064 Follow along at Developer Workflows

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52 LLNL-PRES-806064 Follow along at Scripting and spack-python

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53 LLNL-PRES-806064 Follow along at More New Features and the Road Ahead

54 LLNL-PRES-806064 Follow along at We have been heavily involved in the ECP CI project. § We have added security features to the open source GitLab product. — Integration with center identity management — Integration with schedulers like SLURM, LSF . . . § We are democratizing testing at Livermore Computing — Users can run tests across 30+ machines by editing a file — Previously, each team had to administer own servers GitLab test runners are now § ECP sites are deploying GitLab CI for users integrated with HPC machines — All HPC centers can leverage these improvements — NNSA labs plan to deploy common high-side CI infrastructure — We are developing new security policies to allow external User commits open source code to be tested safely on key machines to GitLab

55 LLNL-PRES-806064 Follow along at Spack now understands specific target microarchitectures

§ We have developed a cross-platform library to detect and compare microarchitecture metadata — Detects based on /proc/cpuinfo (Linux), sysctl (Mac) — Allows comparisons for compatibility, e.g.:

skylake > broadwell zen2 > x86_64

§ Key features: — Know which compilers support which chips/which flags — Determine compatibility — Enable creation and reuse of optimized binary packages — Easily query available architecture features for portable Extensive microarchitecture knowledge build recipes

$ spack install lbann target=cascadelake § We will be extracting this as a standalone library for other tools & languages $ spack install petsc target=zen2 — Hope to make this standard! Simple feature query Specialized installations

56 LLNL-PRES-806064 Follow along at Spack has added GitLab CI integration to automate package build pipelines

§ Builds on Spack environments — Support auto-generating GitLab CI jobs — Can run in a Kube cluster or on bare metal runners at an HPC site — Sends progress to CDash

57 LLNL-PRES-806064 Follow along at ECP is working towards a periodic, hierarchical release process

• ECP teams work to ensure that libraries and components work together – Historically, HPC codes used very few dependencies Integrate Build • Now, groups of teams work together on small releases of “Software Development Kits” E4S ECP-wide • SDKs are rolled into a larger, periodic release. Deploy Develop software release Deploy Develop Deploy Develop Deploy Test Programming Models Math Visualization Test Package Libraries Test Package … Test Package Build

Build Build

58 LLNL-PRES-806064 Follow along at Automated builds using ECP CI will enable a robust, widely available HPC software ecosystem.

Per-laboratory pipelines Public and private package repositories

Automated package builds

Spack users

With pipeline efforts at E6 labs, users will no longer need to build their own software for high performance.

59 LLNL-PRES-806064 Follow along at Spack focus areas in FY20 spack container build

• Multi-stage container generation with Spack – Add support to Spack to generate multi-stage container builds that exclude build dependencies from artifacts automatically 1 B L

• Build Hardening with Spack Pipelines 2 5 – Continue working with E4S team to harden container builds B L B L

• Parallel builds 3 4 6 7 R – “srun spack install” will use the entire allocation to build Build-time artifacts 8 Run-time artifacts • New concretizer based on fast ASP/SAT solvers

• Improved dependency models for compilers Multi-stage build analysis – icpc depends on g++ for its libstdc++, and other ABI nightmares

60 LLNL-PRES-806064 Follow along at Join the Spack community!

§ There are lots of ways to get involved! — Contribute packages, documentation, or features at — Contribute your configurations to

§ Talk to us! — Join our Google Group (see GitHub repo for info) — Join our Slack channel (see GitHub repo for info) — Submit GitHub issues and talk to us!

Star us on GitHub! Follow us on Twitter! @spackpm

We hope to make distributing & using HPC software easy!

61 LLNL-PRES-806064 Follow along at