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Finding a Large Hidden Clique in a Random Graph*

Noga Alon,† Michael Krivelevich,‡ and Benny Sudakov Department of Mathematics, Raymond and Beverly Sackler Faculty of Exact Sciences, , Tel Aviv, ; e-mail: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

Recei¨ed 8 October 1997; accepted 15 June 1998

ABSTRACT: We consider the following probabilistic model of a graph on n labeled vertices. First choose a random graph GnŽ.,1r2 , and then choose randomly a subset Q of vertices of size k and force it to be a clique by joining every pair of vertices of Q by an edge. The problem is to give a polynomial time algorithm for finding this hidden clique almost surely for various values of k. This question was posed independently, in various variants, by Jerrum and by Kucera.ˇ In this paper we present an efficient algorithm for all k)cn0.5, for any fixed c)0, thus improving the trivial case k)cn0.5Ž.log n 0.5. The algorithm is based on the spectral properties of the graph. ᮊ 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Random Struct. Alg., 13, 457᎐466, 1998


A clique in a graph G is a set of vertices, any two of which are connected by an edge. Let wGŽ.denote the maximum number of vertices in a clique of G. The problem of determining or estimating wGŽ.and that of finding a clique of maximum size in G are fundamental problems in theoretical computer science. The problem of computing wGŽ.is well known to be NP-hard wx16 . The best known approximation algorithm for this quantity, designed by Boppana and Halldorsson´

*A preliminary version of this paper appeared in Proceedings of the Ninth Annual ACM-SIAM SODA, 1998, pp. 594᎐598. †Research supported in part by a USA Israeli BSF grant, by a grant from the Israel Science Foundation, and by the Hermann Minkowski Minerva Center for Geometry at Tel Aviv University. ‡Research supported in part by a Charles Clore Fellowship. ᮊ 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. CCC 1042-9832r98r030457-10 457 458 ALON, KRIVELEVICH, SUDAKOV

2 wx8,has a performance guarantee of OnŽŽrlog n.., where n is the number of vertices in the graph. When the graph contains a large clique, there are better algorithms, and the best one, given in wx3 , shows that if wGŽ.exceeds nrkqm, where k is a fixed integer and m)0, then one can find a clique of size 3 Žk 1. ⍀˜ Ž.mr q in polynomial time, where here the notation gnŽ.s⍀˜ ŽfnŽ..means, as c usual, that gnŽ.G⍀ŽfnŽ.rŽlog n..for some constant c independent of n. On the negative side, it is known, by the work of wx5 following wx9 and wx6 , that for some b)0 it is impossible to approximate wGŽ.in polynomial time for a graph on n vertices within a factor of nb, assuming P/NP. The exponent b has since been improved in various papers, and recently it has been shown by Hastad˚ wx13 that it is in fact larger than Ž.1y␦ for every positive ␦, assuming NP does not have polynomial time randomized algorithms. Another negative result, proved in wx1 following wx20 , shows that it is impossible to approximate wGŽ.for an n vertex 7 graph within a factor of nrlog n by a polynomial size monotone circuit. These facts suggest that the problem of finding the largest clique in a general graph is intractable. It is thus natural to study this problem for appropriately randomly generated input graphs. This is of interest theoretically, and is motivated by the fact that in real applications the input graphs often have certain random properties. The study of the performance of algorithms on random input graphs gained popularity recently; see the survey of Frieze and McDiarmid wx10 and its many references. Let GnŽ.,1r2 denote the random graph on n labeled vertices obtained by choosing, randomly and independently, every pair ij of vertices to be an edge with probability 1r2. It is known that almost surely Žthat is, with a probability that approaches 1 as n tends to infinity.Ž, the value of wG.is either ?rnŽ.@uor rnŽ.v,for a certain function rnŽ .sŽ2qoŽ1l.. og2 n,which can be written explicitly Žcf., e.g., wx4.Ž.Several simple polynomial time algorithms see, e.g., wx12 .find, almost surely, aclique of size ŽŽ1qo 1l..og2 nin GnŽ,1r2., that is, a clique roughly half the size of the largest one. However, there is no known polynomial time algorithm that

finds, almost surely, a clique of size at least Ž.1q⑀ log 2 n for any fixed ␧)0. The problem of finding such an algorithm was suggested by Karp wx17 . His results, as well as more recent ones of Jerrum wx14 , implied that several natural algorithms do not achieve this goal, and it seems plausible to conjecture Žsee wx14 .that in fact there is no polynomial time algorithm that finds, with probability more than a half, say, a clique of size bigger than Ž.1q⑀ log 2 n. This conjecture has certain interest- ing cryptographic consequences, as shown in wx15 . The situation may become better in a random model in which the biggest clique is larger. Following wx14 , let GnŽ.,1r2, k denote the probability space whose members are generated by choosing a random graph GnŽ.,1r2 and then by placing randomly a clique of size k in it. As observed by Kuceraˇ wx18 , if k is bigger than cn' log n for an appropriate constant c, the vertices of the clique would almost surely be the ones with the largest degrees in G, and hence it is easy to find them efficiently. Can we design an algorithm that finds the biggest clique almost surely if kis onŽ.'log n ? This problem was mentioned in wx18 . Here we solve it, by showing that for every ⑀)0 there is a polynomial time algorithm that finds, almost surely, 12 the unique largest clique of size k in GnŽ.,1r2, k , provided kG⑀ n r. Although this beats the trivial algorithm based on the degrees only by a logarithmic factor, FINDING A LARGE HIDDEN CLIQUE IN A RANDOM GRAPH 459 the technique applied here, which is based on the spectral properties of the graph and resembles the basic approach in wx3 , is interesting, and may be useful for tackling related problems as well.


In this section we describe our algorithm and analyze its performance on graphs generated according to the distribution GnŽ.,1r2, k . The results can easily be extended to similar models of random graphs. Since the trivial algorithm based on the degrees solves the almost surely for k)cn' log n , we assume, from now on, that ksOnŽ.'log n . We also assume, whenever this is needed, that n is sufficiently large. To simplify the presentation, we omit all floor and ceiling signs whenever these are not crucial.

2.1. The Basic Algorithm In this subsection we describe the basic algorithm dealing with a hidden clique of size at least 10'n . The algorithm is based on the spectral properties of the adjacency matrix of the graph. After the analysis of the algorithm in the next subsection we explain, in Subsection 2.3, how to modify the basic algorithm to reduce the constant 10 to any positive constant. Given a graph GsŽ.V, E , denote by A the adjacency matrix of G, that is, the n Ž. by n matrix au¨ u, ¨ g Vudefined by a ¨s1if u¨gEand au¨s0 otherwise. It is well known that since A is symmetric, it has real eigenvalues ␭1 G иии G␭n and an orthonormal basis of eigenvectors ¨ 1,...,¨ni, such that A¨ s␭i¨i. The crucial point of the algorithm is that one can almost surely find a big portion of the hidden clique from the second eigenvector of A. Since there are several efficient algo- rithms to compute the eigenvectors and eigenvalues of symmetric matrices Žsee, e.g., wx19 ., we can certainly calculate ¨ 2 in polynomial time. Our first algorithm is very simple and consists of two stages.

Algorithm A.

Input: A graph GsŽ.V, E from the distribution GnŽ,1r2, k.with kG10'n . 1. Find the second eigenvector ¨ 2 of the adjacency matrix of G. 2. Sort the vertices of V by decreasing order of the absolute values of their coordinates in ¨ 2 Ž.where equalities are broken arbitrarily and let W be the first k vertices in this order. Let Q;V be the set of all vertices of G that have at least 3kr4 neighbors in W. Output: The subset Q;V. This completes the description of the algorithm.

2.2. The Properties of the Second Eigenvector We claim that almost surely the above algorithm finds the Ž.unique clique of size k in G. To prove this fact we first need to establish some results about the spectrum 460 ALON, KRIVELEVICH, SUDAKOV of G. For the analysis of the algorithm we assume that the set of vertices V is Ž1, ...,n4, and the hidden clique Q in G consists of the first k vertices of V.

Proposition 2.1. Let GsGnŽ.,1r2, k , where ksonŽ.; then almost surely the eigen¨alues ␭1 G иии G␭n of the adjacency matrix A of G satisfy () 1 i␭1GqŽŽ2 o1..n. ()ii ␭i FŽŽ1qo 1..'n for all iG3.

Proof. By the variational definition of the eigenvalues of A Žsee, e.g., wx23 , pp. 99᎐101. we have that

x tAx x tAx ␭i s max min tts min max , dim FsixgF,x/0dxx imFsnyiq1xgF,x/0xx where F ranges over all subspaces of R n of the appropriate dimension. In t t particular, ␭1 is simply the maximum of x Axrx x over all nonzero vectors x. Therefore by taking x to be the all 1 vector, we obtain the well-known result that ␭1 is at least the average degree of G. By the known estimates for the bino- mial distribution, the average degree of G is ŽŽ1r2qo 1..n almost surely. This proves Ž.i . To prove Ž.ii we need the following result about the spectrum of the random graph, proved by Furedi¨´and Komlos wx11 .

Lemma 2.2. Let ␭1 G иии G␭m be the eigen¨alues of the adjacency matrix of the random graph GŽ.m,1r2;then almost surely

1r3 max <<␭iF'm qOmŽ.log m . iG2

To bound the eigenvalues of the matrix A, we represent the graph G as an edge disjoint union of two random graphs. Let G2 sGkŽ.,1r2 be the random graph on the set of vertices of the clique Q. Denote by A2 the adjacency matrix of the graph, which is the union of G2 together with the remaining nyk isolated vertices. Remove all of the edges of G21from G and denote by A the adjacency matrix of the remaining graph G11. It is easy to see that G is obtained according to the distribution GnŽ.,1r2 .By definition, AsA12qA . Denote by uithe eigenvector of Aiicorresponding to the largest eigenvalue of A ,foris1, 2, respectively. Let F be the subspace of all vectors that are orthogonal to both u12and u .Bythe definition of F together with Lemma 2.2, we have that almost surely for any vector tt t t xgF, x/0, xA12xrxxFŽ1qoŽ1..''n and xA xrxxFŽ1qoŽ1.. k.Therefore,

tt t xAx xA12x xA x sqFŽ.1qoŽ.1'n xxttxx xxt for all xgF, x/0, where here we used the fact that ksonŽ..Since dim FGny2, by the variational definition of the eigenvalues of the matrix A we conclude that B ␭i FŽŽ1qo1..'nfor all iG3. This completes the proof of Žii.. FINDING A LARGE HIDDEN CLIQUE IN A RANDOM GRAPH 461

The crucial observation for the analysis of the algorithm is that the eigenvector

¨ 2 has most of its weight on the clique. To show this we exhibit a vector z whose first k coordinates are considerably larger than the rest of the coordinates and prove that it is close to the second eigenvector of A. Let zsŽ.zi,1FiFn be the vector defined by ziisnyk if iFk and z syk otherwise. We denote by 55x the l2-norm of a vector x.

Proposition 2.3. In the abo¨e notation almost surely there exists a ¨ector ␦sŽ␦i, 2 2 1FiFn.,satisfying 55␦ FŽ.1r60 55z so that zy␦ is collinear with the second eigen¨ector ¨ 2 of A.

Proof. We use the following lemma.

2 1 3 Lemma 2.4. Almost surely 5ŽŽAy kr2.Iz.5FqŽŽ4 o1..nk.

Before proving the lemma, we apply it to deduce the existence of ␦ as above. Let zsc11¨ q иии qcnn¨ be the representation of z as a linear combination of the eigenvectors ¨i. We show that the coefficients c13, c ,...,cnare small compared to 55 ŽŽ.. nŽ.␭ z.Indeed, Ay kr2 IzsÝis1 ciiykr2¨iand thus

kk2 n 2 2 Ay Iz sÝcii␭y ž/22ž/ is1 k 2 2 G Ž.1qoŽ.1 y'ncÝi,1Ž. ž/2 i/2 where the last inequality follows from Proposition 2.1, whose assertion holds, as ksonŽ..Define ␦sc11¨ qc3¨ 3q иии qcnn¨ . By Ž1.and Lemma 2.4 it follows that

n3k 11 22 2 55␦ sÝci FŽ.1qoŽ.1 - knŽnyk.s 5z5, 2 60 60 i/2 Ž.ky2'n

where here we used the fact that kG10'n . On the other hand, zy␦sc22¨ is B collinear with ¨ 2 .

Note that the above discussion supplies an estimate of the second eigenvalue of 2 2 2 2 A.Indeed, 55z y55␦ sc2 GŽ.59r60 55z . By substituting this inequality into Ž.1 we obtain, using Lemma 2.4, that

1k2259 k 2 k 2 32 2 qoŽ.1 nkGc22␭yGknŽnyk.␭2yGkn ␭2y . ž42/ ž/60ž/23ž/2

2 This implies that Ž.␭2 ykr2 Fnr2, thus proving the following corollary. 462 ALON, KRIVELEVICH, SUDAKOV

Corollary 2.5. The second eigen¨alue of the matrix A almost surely satisfies the following inequality: kn kn yF␭2Fq . 22((22 B In particular, when kG10'n , ␭2 is much bigger than ␭i for all iG3.

Proof of Lemma 2.4. Let ŽŽAy kr2.Iz.sŽt12,t,...,tn.. Denote by BmŽ,p.the binomial distribution with parameters m and p. By the definition of the matrix A, we have that the random variable ti is given by k ¡ y1 Ž.nyk ykYi,1FiFk ž/2 tis~ k 2 q Ž.nykXiiykY , kq1FiFn, ¢2 where Xi is a binomially distributed random variable BkŽ.,1r2 , and Yi is a binomially distributed random variable BnŽ.yk,1r2foriFk,and BnŽyky1, 1r2f.Žori)k.Using the standard estimates for binomial distributions see, e.g., wx4,Appendix A.Žwe get that almost surely Yi s nyk.r2qOnŽ'log n .for all 1FiFk.Therefore almost surely, ti syŽ.nyk qOkŽ'nlog n .for all iFk. k 22ŽŽ .. Ž3. Ž3. Thus Ýis1 ti sOkk'nlog n sOknlog n sonk.Tobound the remain- n 2 ing Ýiskq1 tiiwe first modify the expression for t in the following way: knyky1kq1 tiis Ž.nykXyykYiyy. ž/22ž 2/

n 2 Then Ýiskq1 ti can be written as S123qS qS , where

n 2 2 k S1s Ž.nykXÝiy, ž/2 iskq1 nnk1k12 2 yyq S2skYÝiyy ž/22 iskq1 nknyky1kq1 S3sy2knŽ.ykXÝiiyYyy. ž/22ž 2/ iskq1 Applying again the standard estimates for binomial distributions, we get that almost surely, Xiis kr2 q OkŽ.''log k and Y s Žn y k y 1.r2 q OnŽlog n . 23 for iGkq1. This implies that S23sOkŽŽ.nyknlog n.sonŽk.and S s 3 OkŽŽnykn.Žykk.''log knlog n .sonŽ k.. It remains to bound S1. By the definition of Xii, X ykr2fori)kcan be viewed as the sum of k independent random variables, each taking values 1r2 and 2 y1r2with equal probability. This implies that the expected value of Ž.Xiykr2is 42 kr4and the expected value of Ž.Xiiykr2isOkŽ..Note that X and Xjare FINDING A LARGE HIDDEN CLIQUE IN A RANDOM GRAPH 463 independent random variables for i/j, since they correspond to the edges going from two different vertices of G to the clique. Thus the expected value ␮ of n Ž.2␮Ž. Ýiskq1 Xi ykr2issnykkr4, and its variance is equal to the sum of the 2 2 variances, which is OkŽ Ž.nyk.soŽ␮..Therefore by Chebyshev’s Inequality we 2 3 obtain that almost surely, S1 sŽ1qoŽ1..Žnyk. ␮sŽŽ1r4qo 1..nk.This com- pletes the proof of Lemma 2.4. B

Let the normalized second eigenvector of A be ¨ 2 sŽ.ai,1FiFn . Note that by Corollary 2.5 it is unique almost surely. Recall that in the algorithm, W is the set of indices that correspond to the k largest values of <

2.3. Reducing the Constant The main idea in improving the performance of Algorithm A is to consider the subgraph of G induced on the set V1 ;V of all common neighbors of some fixed number of vertices in the clique Q. Doing this, we achieve two goals simultane- ously. First, GVwx1 still contains a clique of almost the same size k; second, since our graph is random, V1 is much smaller than V. Thus we improve the ratio between the clique and the size of the graph and can now use the algorithm A. For any subset S;V we define N*Ž.S sĨ gV_S: ¨ugEGŽ.for all ugS4.

Algorithm B.

Input: A graph GsŽ.V, E from the distribution GnŽ,1r2, k.with kscn' . 1. Define ss2wlog 2Ž.10rc xq2. 2. For all subsets S;V, <

3. Run the Algorithm A on the induced subgraph GNw *Ž.Sxand denote by QS the resulting set. 4. If QSSjS is a clique of size k, then QsQ jS and go to 6. end 5. Take Q to be an arbitrary k-subset of V. 6. Output: The subset Q;V. We claim that for any fixed c, Algorithm B almost surely produces the hidden clique. To prove this let us first observe that for any fixed subset S;V of size <


We described a polynomial time algorithm that finds, almost surely, the unique clique of size k in GnŽ.,1r2, k for kG⍀Ž'n .. The obvious challenge that remains is to design efficient algorithms that work, almost surely, for smaller values of k.If 1 2 ⑀ ksnr y for some fixed ⑀)0, even the problem of finding a clique of size at least Ž.1q⑀log 2 n in GnŽ,1r2, k., suggested in wx14 , is open and seems to require new ideas. Another interesting version of this problem was suggested by Saks wx21 . Suppose G is a graph on n vertices that has been generated either according to the distribution GnŽ.,1r2 or according to the distribution GnŽ,1r2, k.for, say, ks n0.49. It is then obvious that an all-powerful prover can convince a polynomial time verifier deterministically that, almost surely, G has been generated according to the distribution GnŽ.,1r2, k Žif indeed that was the case.. To do so, he simply presents the clique to the verifier. However, suppose G has been generated according to the distribution GnŽ.,1r2 .Can the prover convince the verifier Žwithout using random- ness, of course. that this is the case, almost surely? At the moment we cannot design such a protocol if ksonŽ.''Žwhile for kG⍀Žn .the verifier can clearly convince himself, using Algorithm B.. The spectral properties of a graph encode some detailed structural information on it. The ability to compute the eigenvectors and eigenvalues of a graph in FINDING A LARGE HIDDEN CLIQUE IN A RANDOM GRAPH 465 polynomial time provides a powerful algorithmic tool, which has already found several applications Žsee, e.g., wx2 , wx7 , w22x.. The spectral approach, and the techniques developed here, may well have additional algorithmic applications in the future.


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