康軒 105 年三年級上學期英語科補充講義

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會考題型趨勢: 文法變少、變簡單;文意理解變多、變重要!文法克漏字 18 題題組中 17 題題組為時態判別! 單題 克漏字題組 單字 文法 (文法) (文意閱讀理解)p80-88 94-102 103 104 105 94-102 103 104 105 94-102 103 104 105 94-102 103 104 105 179 8 2 9 136 4 10 6 16 1 0 1 16 1 2 1 198 156 18 21

動詞篇 名詞篇 形容詞與副詞 其他 時 動詞 略 不 助 附 被 各 名 疑 連 比較 形 關 附 介 態 分 句 定 動 加 動 種 詞 問 接 級最 容 係 和 系 類、 詞 詞 問 語 名 子 詞 詞 高級 詞 子 句 詞 特殊 與 句 態 詞 句 (副 (副 與 句 動詞 動 詞 詞子 副 名 子 句) 詞 詞 句) page 65 71 71 72 72 73 73 74 75 76 77 77 78 78 78 78 94-102 21 12 7 9 6 5 4 25 9 7 11 3 5 4 1 7 103 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 104 4 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 105 1 1 1 3 total 76 38 35 7 Index: 主題 內容 頁碼 備註 課前預備 不規則動詞三態表 3 背熟! Part A: 時態是什麼?九大時態介紹; 5 過去進行式 7 未來式 8 完成式(L1)---現在完成與過去完成 9 Part B: 助動詞的使用 14 Part C: 詞性到底是什麼?詞性總論 15 基礎文法 名詞篇:各類名詞與代名詞 16 複習與預 不定代名詞 17 習 3 種名詞子句(間接問句 L5、L6) 19 直接引述 vs 間接引述 20 副詞篇:各種副詞的組成 21 頻率副詞、情狀副詞 21 疑問副詞、to-v 做副詞 22 4 種副詞子句(時,因果、條件讓步、比較) 23 比較級與最高級整理 24 附錄一----易混淆的片語與子句 27 形容詞篇:結構—前位修飾與後位修飾 28 各種形容詞的組成 28 複合形容詞 29 修飾有生命與無生命之形容詞 29 分詞作形容詞、 30 情緒動詞 3 種變化(L2) 31 動詞篇:動詞家族(多個動詞的 colocation) 34 不定詞與動名詞整理 36 天氣、花費、連綴、交通 39 被動語態(L4)、 42 Part D: 附加問句(L3) 47 Part E: 形容詞子句(=關係子句)(L7、L8、L9) 形容詞子句基礎慨念 50 關係副詞 54 所有格關代、複合關代、形容詞片語 55 非限定形容詞子句 56 that 當關代的整理與限制 57 特殊關代指涉 58 附錄二----分詞構句 61 Part F: 附和句 62 三下課程 Part G: 94-105 歷屆基測與會考題分析(單題與克漏字) 64 細目見 p64 或封面 Part H: 高中銜接---與事實相反的假設子句 文意閱讀理解 p80-88


不規則動詞三態表考卷(康軒 105 版)。 原式 過去式 過去分詞 pp 意義 原式 過去式 過去分詞 pp 意義 be was/were been 是、在 give gave given 給 become became become 變成 go went gone 去 begin began begun 開始 grow grew grown 成長/種 bite bit bitten 咬 have/has had had 有 blow blew blown 吹 hear heard heard 聽到 break broke broken 打破 hide hid hidden 隱藏 bring brought brought 帶來 hit hit hit 打/擊 build built built 建築 hold held held 拿著 buy bought bought 買 hurt hurt hurt 傷害 can could 能;可以 keep kept kept 保持 catch caught caught 捉到/接球 know knew known 知道/認識 choose chose chosen 選擇 lay laid laid 置;生蛋 come came come 來 lead led led 引導 cost cost cost 花費 leave left left 離開/遺留 cut cut cut 割 let let let 讓 dream dreamed dreamed 夢想 lie lied lied 說謊 dreamt dreamt lay lain 躺 dig dug dug 挖 lose lost lost 輸;遺失 do(does) did done 做 make made made 製造 draw drew drawn 畫圖 may might 祝;可以 drink drank drunk 喝 mean meant meant 意指 drive drove driven 駕駛 meet met met 遇見 eat ate eaten 吃 mistake mistook mistaken 誤解 fall fell fallen 落下 must had to 必須 feed fed fed 餵食 pay paid paid 付(錢) feel felt felt 感覺 put put put 放 fight fought fought 爭鬥 read read read 閱讀 find found found 發現;找到 ride rode ridden 騎 fly flew flown 飛 ring rang rung 響 forget forgot forgot 忘記 run ran run 跑 forgotten get got got/gotten 得到 say said said 說 hang hanged hanged 吊死 learn learned learned 學習 hung hung 懸掛 learnt


原式 過去式 過去分詞 pp 意義 原式 過去式 過去分詞 pp 意義 see saw seen 看 throw threw thrown 丟 sell sold sold 賣 understand understood understood 了解 send sent sent 寄送 wear wore worn 穿 shake shook shaken 握;搖 will would 將 shall should 應該 win won won 嬴 sing sang sung 唱 write wrote written 寫 smell smelled smelled 聞 wake woke woken 醒來/喚醒 smelt smelt waked waked sink sank sunk 沉 sit sat sat 坐 sleep slept slept 睡 speak spoke spoken 說 bleed bled bled 流血 spell spelled spelled 拼字 show showed showed 展示 spelt spelt showed shown spend spent spent 花費 misunderstand misunderstood misunderstood 誤解 stand stood stood 站 bet bet bet 打賭 sweep swept swept 掃 bless blessed blessed 祝福 blest swim swam swum 游泳 take took taken 拿 teach taught taught 教 tell told told 告訴 think thought thought 想 * 不規則動詞多為生活常見字,數量較少, 【H2O 因溫度改變外形】 務必要把不規則字表背下,遇見字表外的 【動詞因時間、狀態改變外形,字義不變】 動詞,則可推斷為規則變化。

水 冰


V(Vs) Ved(或不規 現在 則) 過去 V

pp(完成或被 動語態)


課前預備 Get ready:

Part A 時態是什麼? 時態=時間+狀態 兩種(或 1T+2S)交叉組合而成,任何英文動詞一出現,除了字義,同時就顯示了時間 和狀態,(中文則是以加副詞增字來顯示時間和狀態),換言之,英文的動詞就是時間,時間就是動詞。 例如: I eat rice. / I walk to school He eats rice. / He walks to school. (主詞三單,動詞字尾變化) 真理、常態、現在的習慣 I ate rice. / I walked to school. (不規則/規則) He ate rice. / He walked to school. (不規則/規則) 過去發生、過去結束(現在已不成立的事) I will eat rice. / I will walk to school. He will eat rice. / He will walk to school. 尚未發生、將發生

時間 T 現在 過去 未來 (will + ~) 狀態 S 簡單 (V) 進行 ( Be+ Ving) 完成 (have + pp) 標示一個動作的發生。 某一時間點正進行或持續中 有兩種定義:某一段時間的持 的動作。 續動作;已完成的動作或經驗。 時態 1.現在簡單式注意三單變化 1.由改變 Be 來反應時間或人 1.由改變 have/ has/had 來反應 (he/she →Vs)。 稱。 時間或人稱。 2.過去簡單式注意規則(Ved) 2.由 BeV 直接形成否/問(此 2.由 have 直接形成否/問(此 或不規則(背背背!)變化。 時 BeV 等同助動詞) 時 have 等同助動詞) 3. 一般動詞須由助動詞 *瞬間、存在、認知、感官、 *瞬間動詞沒有持續完成 (do/does/did)幫忙形成否/ 連綴、情感等動詞沒有進行 式,只有經驗完成式 問,並恢復成原形。 式 I have already seen you. / I saw you./I was looking at I have watched you for an hour. you./I was watching you. 例示 現在簡單 現在進行 現在完成 I do homework every day. I am doing homework now. I have studied English for an He does homework every day. He is watching TV. hour. / I have already done my 過去簡單 過去進行 homework. I did homework last night. I was doing homework at 10pm 過去完成 He did homework last night. last night.(過去時間) I had done homework before 未來簡單 I was doing homework when Dad came in.(比過去動詞更 I will do homework tomorrow. Dad came in.(過去動詞) 早發生的事) He will do homework 未來進行 未來完成 tomorrow. I will be doing homework this I will have done my homework afternoon. (Now it is morning.) in 5 minutes.

※瞬間(see, hear, die, arrive, graduate, wake up…)、存在(have, own, there be…)、認知(know, understand, want, think 認為, believe, remember, forget…)、感官(see, hear,…)、連綴(sound,

5 smell, taste, look,…)、情感(like, love, hate…)等動詞沒有進行狀態。但英文動詞常有一字多 用的狀況,須留意,如 I’m seeing John.(=I’m dating with John.)/ I’m thinking.思考/ He is dying.瀕危的(形 容詞)/ I’m loving it. (= I am in love with it.)/ The train is arriving soon.(現在進行代未來)/ I’m walking to school this week. How are you feeling now?(現在進行代現在簡單) 思考: 時態越複雜,越能表現精準的時間與狀態。 1. I loved you. ( I don’t love you any more.) 過去簡單= 過去發生、過去結束、現在不成立、不存在囉! He was my husband. (He is my ex-husband. Or, he is dead.) He was my grandpa. ( He is dead.) 2. I lived in Kaohsiung last year. ( I don’t live in Kaohsiung now.) I live in Kaohsiung now./ I have lived in Kaohsiung (since last year). 3. He is nice. / He was nice. / He has been nice to me./ He had been nice to me. 4. I went to the US in 1999. / I have been to the US once. / I had been to the US before 2000. 更多的時態:時間狀態可交叉組合成 9~15 種基本時態 1. 現簡(現在式): I do my homework every day./ There are fish in the river. 2. 過簡(過去式): I did my homework yesterday./ There were fish in the river. 3. 未簡(未來式): I will do my work at 7:00PM. ( Now it is 6:00PM)/ There will be fish in the river. 4. 現進: I am doing my homework now. (*The city is using solar power to light up the street lamps.現在進行代替現在簡單) ( I am driving to school this week. ) 5. 過進: I was doing my homework when Dad came in./ I was watching TV at 10pm last night. 6. 未進: I will be doing my work at 8:00PM. ( Now it is 6:00PM) 7. 現完: I have done my homework already. (到現在有效) past present future ...... ______▲ 8. 過完: I had done my homework before Dad came in. (在某過去時間前,更早發生或持續的事) past present future ...... ______▲ 9. 未完: I will have done my work at 9:00PM. past present future ...... ______▲ 10. 現進完:I have been doing my work for 2 hours. past present future ...... ______▲ 6

11. 過未: I would do my work at 7:00PM. (He talked at 6:00PM last night) 12. 過未完: I would have done my work at 9:00PM. (He talked at 6:00PM last night) 13. ….

重點 1:過去進行式:某過去某特定時間點(或過去動作發生時)正發生中或持續中的動作 (1) 【某過去某特定時間點:】 I was watching TV at 10pm last night.=I was watching TV at that time (/then). (2) 【兩個動作偶然碰撞在一起,一件事發生中時,另一件事同時撞了進來。用一個過去動作表示某 過去某特定時間點,其中一個動作要用進行式。】 I was doing my homework when Dad came in. = When Dad came in, I was doing my homework. = Dad came in while(when) I was doing my homework. = While(When) I was doing my homework, Dad came in. (3) Dad was cleaning while Mom was cooking. = While Mom was cooking, Dad was cleaning. = While Dad was cleaning, Mom was cooking. = Mom was cooking while Dad was cleaning. 【when 接簡單式也可接進行。】 【while 只接進行式,若兩個動作同時進行中,兩個動作都用進行式,則一定用 while 連接。】 When(當)的思考: 【兩個動作偶然碰撞在一起:when 簡單, 進行】vs【兩個動作有因果或時間順序關係:when 簡單, 簡單】 例如:□ It rained when I went shopping. □ It rained when I was going shopping. □ It was raining when I went shopping. □ It was raining when I was going shopping. 1. □ I did my homework when Dad came in. VS □ I was doing my homework when Dad came in. 2. □ I did my homework when Dad taught me to. 3. □ I was quiet when Dad came in. (be quiet 可以指那時持續的狀態,也可以指造成的結果) 4. □ I met my husband when I was in the US. 5. □ I saw her when I opened the door. 6. □ I saw the accident when I took a walk. VS □ I saw the accident when I was taking a walk. 7. □ When It rained, I stayed at home. (= I stayed at home when it rained.) 8. □ When I stayed at home, it rained. (=It rained when I stayed at home.) 9. □ When the phone rang, I took a shower. VS □ When the phone rang, I was taking a shower. 10. When I arrived at the station, the train 1□ left 2□ was leaving 3□ had left. 11. When Jack’s boss came in, he 1□was checking email. 2□checked email. 3□looked stressed out. 12. When Jack called me, I 1□was taking a shower. 2□took a shower. 3□always felt worried. 13. Joan went to sleep when 1□her mother was cleaning the room. 2□her mother finished housework. 14. When Kyle picked up the trash, his classmates 1□helped together 2□were playing video games. 15. When Alfred came back home, his brother 1□welcomed him. 2□was doing math homework.


重點 2:未來式 (will+V 或 be going to +V) (1) 對未來的預測時,will+V 與 be going to +V 可以互換 Tom will succeed one day. = Tom is going to succeed one day. (2) 來去動詞 go/ leave/ come/ arrive/ fly 可用現在進行代替未來 The train is arriving. 火車快到了 ( vs Here is the train./ Here comes the train.火車到了) We are going to Japan this summer. (3) 表預定計畫,常用 be going to +V Tom is going to ask his girlfriend to marry him. (4) 表意願、或隨機應變的動作、或自然發生的動作,常用 will “ Will you marry me?” “ I will.” What will you do if the house is on fire? Oil will float on water. I will be 15 next year. (5) 注意 there be 句型 There will be a pool in the neighborhood. = There is going to be a pool in the neighborhood. There will be some bulbs on the tree. = There are going to be some bulbs on the tree. (6) 注意副詞子句表時間、條件的次要子句,要用現在式代未來式。 He will come tomorrow. I will pick him up. →When he comes tomorrow, I will pick him up.= I will pick him up when he comes tomorrow. 當 ( vs 名詞子句--時間不變: I don’t know when he will come tomorrow. 何時) → If he comes tomorrow, I will pick him up. = I will pick him up if he comes tomorrow. 假如 ( vs 名詞子句--時間不變: I don’t know if he will come tomorrow. 是否)


重點 3:完成式 have+ pp : 有兩種定義----【某一段時間的持續動作】;【已完成的動作或經驗】。 *3-A 現在完成式: 1. 某一段時間的持續動作,可用 how long 提問 for 一段時間 Tom has been sick for two days.

have+pp + (一段時間之前) Tom has been sick since two days ago.(不常用) since 某一過去時間 Tom has been sick since last weekend. 某一過去動作 Tom has been sick since he came back.

2. 已完成的動作或經驗,不可用 how long 提問,只用次數、已經、或是否 ever 提問,或改為簡單 肯定 have + already/ just/ almost…..+pp Tom has already gone to Japan. 或 have +pp + 次數 Tom has (already) been to Japan twice. 否定 have not/ never + pp + (yet) Tom has never been to Japan. Has Tom ever been to Japan ? Yes, he has. *瞬間動詞沒有持續完成式,只有經驗完成式。如果要表示瞬間動詞結束後至今已持續多久,要改寫 成 It has been (is) 【一段時間】 since 【瞬間動詞 ed】 或 S+ have been 【adj】for/since ~ It has been 10 years since my grandma died. = My grandma has been dead for 10 years. = My grandma died 10 years ago. It has been a long time since I saw you last. ≒ Long time no see. 【判斷對錯】 1.□ I have known him all my life. 2.□ I have seen the movie for half an hour. 3.□ My grandma has died for 10 years. 4.□ My grandma has died of cancer. 5.□ The train has arrived for 10 minutes. 6.□ I have graduated from primary school for 2 years. 7.□ He has gone to Japan? How long has he gone to Japan? 8.□ You have finished your work? When have you finished it?

*使用「疑問副詞」when(何時),□可 □不可用現在完成式。小心中文「你何時寫完功課的?」 □ When have you done your homework? → When did you finish(do) your homework? → How long is it(has it been) since you finished hw? □When has he arrived? → When did he arrive? / When will he arrive? □How long has he arrived? He has arrived for one week.他來多久了?來一個月了


*been 是 be 的 pp; gone 是 go 的 pp,所以 have been to 是去過已回(一二三人稱可用): 【I have been to Japan twice.】 have been in 是現在在某處(一二三人稱可用):【I have been in Japan for two weeks.】 have gone to 是現在去了某處(只有三人稱可用):【He has gone to Japan.】 1.□ I have gone to Japan. 2.□ He has gone to Japan twice. 3.□ He has gone to Japan for two weeks.

*在最高級形容詞的句子中,後面子句的動詞常用現在完成式。 例:1. This is the longest train that I have (ever) taken. 2. It is the biggest elephant that I have (ever) seen. *just now(剛才)只用在過去式。 *現在完成式也可用在非特定的過去時間如 before,但若是明確的過去時間(如 last night)就只能用 過去式或過去完成式。 1.□ I have watched the movie before. 2.□ I have watched the movie last night. → I watched the movie last night. → I had watched the movie last night. *3-B 過去完成式: 現在完成與過去完成差別在----動作或經驗是否到現在有效。同一件事因說明時間的不同,會寫成不 同的時態。明確表示比過去動詞更早發生的事要用過去完成式【had+pp】 *I went to American in 1999. × I have been to American. × I had been to American before 2000. × (1.) I am staying at my host family in Australia. I have to make breakfast and do the dishes myself. Before I came here, I ______( 1.□don’even wash/ 2.□haven’t even washed/ 3.□won’t even wash/ 4.□hadn’t even washed/ 5.□didn’t even wash/ 6.□wouldn’t even wash) a cup at home. (2.) My granny passed away 10 years ago. She _____( 1.□is / 2.□was/ 3.□has been/ 4.□will be/5.□ had been) a farmer all her life. (3.) John is a great student. Before I told him, he _____( 1.□previews/ 2.□will preview/ 3.□has previewed/ 4. □ would preview/ 5.□had previewed/ 6.□ previewed) his lessons.


完成式練習 Exercise A: 依題意填入 for/since 1. I have been here… 1 two months. 2 1998. 3 September. 4 two years ago. 5 last Friday. 6 last year.

7 yesterday. 8 9:30. 9 three days.

10 about five 11 the first of 12 this semester weeks. January. started. 2. I have studied English I was ten. 3. Ross hasn’t been back to South Africa five years. 4. Has Scott lived in Tokyo over two years? 5. Irene has lived in Taichung last year. 6. Jack and Allen have been in Taiwan six months. 7. Eric hasn’t talked to Sunny last Christmas. 8. This bookstore has opened almost thirty years. 9. Bill has watched TV this morning.

Exercise B: 注意若有指定過去時間,要用過去式。例:I went to USA before. 與 I have been to USA before. 兩者皆可。但 I went to USA last year. 則限用過去式。 1. A: Have you (eat) ______lunch yet? B: Yes, I ______. I ______a few minutes ago. 2. A: Have you ever (visit) ______New York? B: Yes, I ______. I ______/ ______it many times. 3. A: Have you (see) ______the new Walt Disney movie yet? B: Yes, I ______. I ______/ ______it twice. 4. A: Have you (finish) ______your work yet? B: Yes, I ______. I ______it one hour ago. 5. A: Have you (take) ______your medicine yet? (already) B: Yes, I ______. I already took it./ I have already taken it. 6. A: Has Mary (write) ______a letter to her parents yet? (last night) B: Yes, she ______. She ______


Exercise C: 填入正確的動詞形式 (綜合) 1. I (live) in Taipei for 5 years already. 2. Jason (watch) TV when I called him. 3. When Jane ______(call), you will have to tell her the time. 4. Kenny (ride) the bike to work every day. 5. It has been 2 years since I last (see) him. 6. Look! The police (run) after the thieves. 7. A: How about your weekend? B: I (go) on a picnic with my friends. 8. Crystal (visit) Japan for many times. It’s her favorite country. 9. Kate (take) away that notebook five minutes ago. 10. My grandma passed away 5 years ago. She ______(be) a farmer all her life. 11. I visited the US in 1999. Before that, I ______(visit) many other countries. 12. A strong typhoon hit Taiwan two days ago. There ______(be) many people trying to help since then (till now).

Exercise D : 時態判斷 ( )1. If it rains this afternoon, I out. (A) won’t go (B) don’t go (C) hasn’t gone (D) doesn’t go ( )2. Mr. Li will retire(退休)after his child to college. (A) will go (B) goes (C) went (D) has gone ( )3. When I was taking a shower, someone on the door. (A) knocked (B) knocks (C) will knock (D) has knocked ( )4. A: How’s the weather? B: It a lot. (A) rained (B) was rainy (C) was raining (D) rains ( )5. A: How’s the weather? B: It . Bring an umbrella(雨傘)with you. (A) rain (B) rainy (C) rained (D) is raining ( )6. Harry read every day before he . (A) sleeping (B) slept (C) sleeps (D) has slept ( )7. Harry the book three times. He really loves it. (A) reads (B) has read (C) was reading (D) had read ( )8. Although Jack for three years, I still miss him a lot. (A) died (B) was dead (C) has died (D) is dying ( )9. When I this morning, my mom was sitting by my side and looking at me. (A) was waking up (B) woke up (C) wake up (D) has woken up 12

( )10. A: What are we waiting for? B: Lily her meal. Let’s wait for her. (A) doesn’t finish (B) didn’t finish (C) hasn’t finished (D) isn’t finished ( )11. When Ken the kitchen, he saw a spider on the wall. (A) was cleaning (B) is cleaning (C) cleans (D) has cleaned ( )12. Harry and I used to jog in the morning, but we these days. (A) swam (B) swim (C) has swum (D) are swimming ( )13. A: Has John to the USA yesterday? B: Yes, and he will stay there for a week. (A) been (B) gone (C) go (D) went ( )14. A: Has John to the USA before? B: Yes. He just went back from there. (A) been (B) gone (C) go (D) went ( )15. Ann a teacher since she graduated from college. She really loves her job. (A) is (B) has been (C) was (D) be ( )16. Before Ann started her own business, she for Mr. White for five years. (A) has worked (B) works (C) had worked (D) was working ( )17. A: Jane and her sister at Nancy’s birthday party last night? B: I don’t know. I didn’t go to the party. (A) Do (B) Are (C) Was (D) Were ( )18. We Mark’s birthday at Sally’s house this evening. We all had a good time. (A) celebrate (B) will celebrate (C) celebrated (D) celebrating ( )19. We Mark’s birthday at Sally’s house this evening. Do you want to come? (A) celebrate (B) will celebrate (C) celebrated (D) celebrating ( )20. Fred didn’t come to work today, but he said, “I there tomorrow.” (A) am going to go (B) would be (C) will be (D) will ( )21. Fred didn’t come to work today, but he said he there tomorrow. (A) am going to go (B) would be (C) will be (D) will ( )22. Jane has a date with Kerr this afternoon. They at the station in an hour. (A) meet (B) will meet (C) met (D) is going to meet ( )23. The party is next Friday. You are welcome to join us. a lot of fun! (A) There is (B) We have (C) There will be (D) There is going to ( )24. Jane has decided she for Japan this afternoon. (A) will leave (B) leaves (C) left (D) is leaving ( )25. Though Tom is busy, he dinner at home every night. (A) had (B) is having (C) will have (D) has


Part B 助動詞的使用

BeV :直接加 not 形成否定;BeV 移到主詞前形成問句 (此時 BeV 等同助動詞) He is 13 years old. → He is not 13 years old. → Is he 13 years old? → How old is he? He is watching TV. → He is not watching TV. → Is he watching TV? 動詞 (進行式) → What is he doing? The trash is taken out. →The trash is not taken out. →Is the trash taken out? (被動語態) → What is taken out?

一般動詞:須增加助動詞形成否定及問句,助動詞後面的動詞一律使用(或恢復成)原形 V (A) 情態助動詞:因有字義,所以也可以用在肯定句:不分人稱 He can swim. → He can’t swim. → Can he swim? / What can he do? You should study hard. → He shouldn’t watch much TV. → Should he study hard? / What should he do? They must(必須) go.(=They have to go.) →They must not (不可以)go.(=They can’t go.) * must not ≠ don’t have to ; They don’t have to go. = They need not go. (不需要) *情態助動詞 4 種用法:1.時態(過去時間)He could run fast before. 2.婉轉語 I could speak English. 3.猜測 He could be the new teacher. 4.事實相反 I could have been the winner. *情態助動詞不能連用,will+can→will be able to; will+must→will have to I can go. I will go. → I will be able to go.

(B) 功能助動詞:簡單:現在式(do/ 三單 does);過去式(所有人稱一律用 did) 完成:現在式(have/ 三單 has);過去式(所有人稱一律用 had) I like dogs. → I don’t like dogs. → Do you like dogs? / What do you like? She likes dogs. → She doesn’t like dogs. → Does she like dogs? / What does she like? I/She liked dogs. → I/She didn’t like dogs. → Did you/she like dogs? /What did you/she like? I have washed the dishes. → I haven’t washed the dishes. → Have you washed the dishes? May has washed the dishes. → May hasn’t washed the dishes. → Has May washed the dishes? May had washed the dishes. → May hadn’t washed the dishes. → Had May washed the dishes?


Part C 基礎文法複習與預習:詞性到底是什麼? 1. 名詞、形容詞、副詞三者詞性由構句功能決定。 (n) 不可刪除、不可移動。 (adj) 可刪除、不可移動。(adv) 可刪除、可移動。 2. 動詞本身內含時間、狀態。 3. 介詞後面加名詞受格(或 Ving)。Tom is crazy about the movie. / Tom is crazy about jogging.  許多介詞在動詞片語裏做副詞:get in the bus (get in it)介 vs take in the view (take it in)副 tell on the girl (tell on her)介 vs put on the coat (put it on)副  介詞 to 也有作不定詞用要特別小心:I am happy to finish it. Vs I am close to finishing it. I used to go swimming in the morning. ( I don’t now.) vs I am used to going swimming in …. 4. 連接詞為少數固定字。  連接詞分【對等】與【從屬】,在從屬連接詞後面的子句就是次要子句。 對等連接詞:前後詞性(n-n; adj-adj; adv-adv; v-v; 子句-子句)需相同,可隨時分割,各自獨立。重複 的部分可省略。包括 and, or, but, so, not only…but (also), …as well as…, either…or…., neither….nor…., I like beautiful flowers and I like beautiful trees. I like beautiful flowers and like beautiful trees. I like beautiful flowers and beautiful trees. I like beautiful flowers and trees. 動詞接近原則:(Either) Dad or my brothers are going there. Is Dad or my brothers going there? (Either) my brothers or Dad is going there. Are my brothers or Dad going there? 動詞強調原則:Not only Dad but my brothers are going there. Are not only Dad but my brothers…? Not only my brothers but Dad is going there. Is not only my brothers but Dad …?

從屬連接詞:從屬連接詞接的子句為次要子句,不可單獨存在。(見副詞子句篇) before, after, when, if, (al)though, because, …

總論 I I love my home . (n) 一字多義 詞性有 字天生詞性 結構詞性 Tina is at home. / Tina is home.(adv) 一字多詞性 The girl at home needs help. (adj) 是常見的事 1. Jim told us a story. (o-n)/ Lesson 1 is easy. (s-n) 2. Jim told us to leave. (o-n)/ To study hard is easy. (s-n) 3. Mom enjoys . (o-n) / Getting up early is hard. (s-n) 不同結構 4 Jim didn’t tell us that he would come . (oc-n) 相同詞性 That Tim goes to school on time is a daydream. (s-n) 5. Jim didn’t tell us whether(if 是否) he would come. (oc-n) Whether he would come is unknown. (s-n) 6. Jim didn’t tell us when(何時) he would come. (oc-n) When he would come is beyond me. (s-n)


一、名詞篇 1. 任何結構佔了主詞、受詞(補語)、介詞後面位置的都是名詞。 2. 組成: (1 ) 單字型 普通名詞:可數(有單、複)、不可數(抽象 knowledge 為單數;物質 water 原則為單數, 用計量詞計算,注意食物用法較有變化(a coke, 2 cokes)、集合名詞(指全體為單;指個別 成員可複 family,police)、單複同形 (Chinese/fish/sheep) *直接算(可數):one, two, dozen, hundred… 可數 通用 不可數 2 dozen (eggs) / dozens of eggs *概括量詞(可數+不可數):→ 許多 *計量詞:(可數+不可數) 有些 a cup of coffee is/ two cups of coffee are 少許 a pair of glasses is/ 2 pairs of glasses are a team of soldiers are/ a school of fish are 3 cartons of milk are / 3 kilos of milk is 人稱代名詞: 你我他!注意有主(動詞前)受(動詞後)格 *所有格代名詞:所有格加名詞,單複數由前後文決定。 mine/ yours/ his/ hers/ ours/ yours/ theirs Mary’s/ the girl’s the Huang’s/ the students’ This book is mine. Yours are those./ Yours is that. Your eyes are big. Mine are small. *反身代名詞: 主受詞同一人 or 強調自己一人。 I taught myself to play the guitar. I did the dishes (by) myself. (on my own)

不定代名詞: one of the boys(單); all of them(複); some of the money(單); all of the money(單) someone(somebody)(單:某人)/ something(單:某事) + adj:something interesting / anything wrong no one(nobody)/ nothing/ anyone(anybody)/ anything 以單代複 ( ) 可數 I need a pen. Can you lend me one? vs I like your pen. Can I borrow it? I bought several bookmarks. The wood ones are expensive. Vs I bought several bookmarks. They all cost a lot. 不可數 The steak tastes good. Would you like to try some?



1. I held books in one hand, and my lunch bag in ______. 2. There are many ways to learn. If one doesn’t work, try ______. 3. One of the girls in my class is so pretty. ______(班上所有女生) envy her. 4. Some of my classmates go to school by bike. ______go by bus. 5. This is the last story. ______have been read. 1.□All 2.□All the others 3.□The other 4.□Another 5.□Other 6.□Others 7.□Other stories 8.□The other stories 9.□The others ()不定代名詞有 of the(限定群體) 與 無 of the(無限定群體)的差別 One of the girls gets 100. Vs One girl gets 100. Some of the girls get 100. Vs Some girls get 100. 例外*Both(All) of the girls get 100. = Both(All) the girls get 100. Vs Both(All) girls get 100.

()不定代名詞(是名詞)和計量詞(是形容詞)長得很像,但不一樣,意義也不一樣。 不定代名詞: One( Every one/ Each one/ Each ) of the girls comes from Taipei. One( Every one/ Each one/ Each ) comes from Taipei. Some of the water is spilled. / Some is spilled. A pound of the beef is packed. (There is more than a pound.) / A pound is packed. 計量詞: One( Every/ Each ) girl comes from Taipei. Some water is spilled. A pound of beef is packed. (There is a pound)

() There be 真正的主詞在後面:There is lots of water in the bottle. There are girls under the tree. There is(are) a book and 2 pencil cases on the desk. There are many people in the restaurant. = The restaurant is full of people.= It is full of people. 小心有趣※We had fun playing games. It was fun to play games. It was fun playing games.


有沒有 the 使用者為尊;(一般原則) →

Taiwan/ the ROC; America/ the USA


(2) 片語型: 2 個字(以上)組成的名詞 two apples; a pretty girl; each other; to pass the test (不定詞片語/ 名詞片語):My plan is to pass the test. To pass the test is important. what to do(名詞子句降為 名詞片語) :I don’t know what to do. What to do is not decided yet. two of the girls(超過 3 個中的 2 個); 不定代名詞 both of the girls(只有 2 個而且 2 個都); someone strong( 形容詞放不定代名詞後面); a girl with long hair( 形容詞片語放名詞後面) 後位修飾 a girl who has long hair( 形容詞子句放名詞後面)

代名詞判斷練習 ( ) 1. of the students like dodgeball. Only two of them don’t like the sport. (A) Most (B) Much (C) Each (D) Few ( ) 2. All of the fruit in the market fresh. (A) look (B) looks (C) does (D) do ( ) 3. Speaking English loudly is of the best ways to learn English. (A) all (B) some (C) both (D) one ( ) 4. Mr. Gates has a lot of money. He put in the bank. (A) most of them (B) one of them (C) most of it (D) few of them ( ) 5. of his parents are healthy because they go jogging every morning. (A) One (B) Two (C) Both (D) Some ( ) 6. of my sisters goes to a movie every weekend. They really love movies. (A) One (B) Each (C) All (D) Two ( ) 7. of my sisters goes to a movie every weekend. She really loves movies. (A) One (B) Each (C) All (D) Two ( ) 8. of my sisters go to a movie every weekend. Both of them love movies. (A) One (B) Each (C) All (D) Two ( ) 9. We have a lot of books here, but Tom is only interested in of them. (A) each (B) two (C) both (D) most ( )10. Sally doesn’t like the yellow dress. She like the red better. (A) one (B) it (C) them (D) ones ( )11. Your T-shirt is so special. Where did you get ? I want , too. (A) one; one (B) one; it (C) it; one (D) it; it ( )12. Not all my classmates love the song. Only two of them love it, and hate it. (A) other (B) another (C) the others (D) the other ( )13. Jason has two dogs. One is black, and is white. (A) other (B) another (C) the others (D) the other ( )14. Jason has three dogs. One is black, and are white. (A) other (B) another (C) the others (D) the other ( )15. I don’t like this T-shirt. Do you have one? (A) other (B) another (C) the others (D) the other


( )16. A: have a lot of snow in Russia in December. B: Really? It must be very cold. (A) It (B) There (C) The weather (D) They ( )17. A: Does often snow a lot in Japan in winter? B: Yes, does. (A) he; he (B) there; it (C) it; it (D) there; there ( )18. didn’t take me a long time to finish my homework. (A) This (B) It (C) You (D) That ( )19. Helen’s house is much bigger than . It’s very expensive. (A) my (B) me (C) mine (D) myself ( )20. A: Where did you buy the cake? B: I didn’t buy it. I made it . (A) my (B) me (C) mine (D) myself ( )21. A: Where did you buy the cake? B: I didn’t buy it. I made it for . (A) you (B) your (C) yours (D) yourself

(3) 子句型: 直敘句(肯定/ 否定):句子前加 that 就變成子句 Tom was late. I know it. → I know (that) Tom was late. (that 可省) (that 子句作受詞) Tom was happy. We couldn’t go. → Tom was happy (that) we couldn’t go. (that 子句作補語) My dream is that I will be a doctor one day. (that 不可省) (that 子句作補語) Tom was late. It is unusual. → That Tom was late is unusual. (that 不可省) (that 子句作主詞) I haven’t told her the news. The meeting was put off. → I haven’t told her the news that the meeting was put off. (that 不可省) (that 子句作同位語)

 Yes-No 問句 : 句子前加 if/ whether(是否) +S+V (此類間接問句除連接詞外,寫法與直敘相同) Is Mary at home? I don’t know it. → I don’t know whether(if) Mary is at home. Does Mary like me? I don’t know it. → I don’t know whether(if) Mary likes me. Will Mary come? I don’t know it. → I don’t know whether(if) Mary will come. *限用 whether 不用 if 的情形: (a) 作主詞: Whether Mary likes me is not clear. (b) 降位成名詞片語/不定詞片語:主詞相同+有用到情態助動詞 間接問句 I don’t know whether(if) I should go. → I don’t know whether to go.

 Wh- 問句 : 將 Wh-問句改成【Wh- +S+(情態助動詞) V】 Be: What time is it? I wonder it. → I wonder what time it is. Where is he going? I wonder it. → I wonder where he is going. Where has he been? I wonder it. → I wonder where he has been. 情助: How can he get to the station? I wonder it. → I wonder how he can get to the station. What can I do? I wonder it. → I wonder what I can do. → I wonder what to do. How can I do it? I wonder it. →I wonder how I can do it. →I wonder how to do it. (此類間接問句:主詞相同+有用到情態助動詞,可降位成名詞片語/不定詞片語) 功助: What does he like? I wonder it. → I wonder what he likes. (功助要丟掉,時間還原) Where did you go? I wonder it. → I wonder where you went. 19

*注意:what 和 who 有時是疑問詞兼主詞(此時,直接問句的寫法與間接問句相同。) What is in the box ? → I don’t know what is in the box . Who went to the party ? → I know who went to the party .

※注意:和除連接詞不同外,後面子句完全相同,可是的動詞必須是否定或懷疑的意思。 Does he love me? 1. □ I know that he loves me. 2. □ I know that he doesn’t love me. 3. □ I know whether he loves me. 4. □ I don’t know whether he loves me. 5. □ I wonder whether he loves me. 6. □ I want to know whether he loves me.

※注意: Do you know ______? 1. □ what has happened to Mike → 2. □ how can we get to the shop → 3. □ what fruit does she like → 4. □ where does she live → 5. □ who talked to Tina → 6. □ how much the dress costs → 7. □ when was the house built → 8. □ where did he go → 9. □ who is the man Tina is talking to →

※直接引述 vs 間接引述 直接引述像一個時空膠囊,把當時說的話包起來,不做任何改變,也不受人稱、時間的影響。如果 把句子拆開來變成間接引述,就要配合主詞的人稱與時間。 For example, Mary says, “ I love you, John.” → Mary says she loves him(John). Mary said, “ I love you, John.” → Mary said she loved him(John). Mary said, “ I have done my homework.” → Mary said she had done her homework.

※直接問句改間接問句要遵循相同原則: Tom asked the man, “ Do you enjoy the party?” → Tom asked the man ______Tom asked the woman, “ Who are you?” → Tom asked the woman ______Tom said, “ I love you, Tina.” → Tom said ______


二、副詞篇 (副詞修飾 非名詞,原則上可移動、可刪除,通常放句首或句尾 ) 1. 副詞表示時間、地點、目的、狀態、因果關係、讓步條件…,若刪去也不影響句子結構完整。 2. 組成: (1)單字型:(時) today/ now/ tonight/ tomorrow/ (地) here/ there/ home/ near/ up/ down/ (轉折)however/ then/ first (second, third…)/ finally (頻率)always-usually-often-sometimes-seldom(否定詞)-never(否定詞); (情狀或狀態)fast/ happily; 頻率副詞原則上放: (程度)very/even/ pretty/ only/almost/ quite/ very much/ really/ ■be: He is often late. a lot/ so/ enough/ a little/ so much/ too V■: He often gets up late. (疑問詞) what/ who/ where/ when/ why/ how/ which… 助■V: I can’t always *情狀副詞:放動詞後,或助動詞與動詞間 help ypu. 1. 規則變化:bright-brightly; angry-angrily; simple-simply 2. 不規則:good-well (better-best); bad-badly (worse-worst) 3. 形副同形:fast/ fast; early/ early; late/late :It’s a fast train. He runs fast. vs 形 l ovely/ friendly/ deadly/ burly/ curly vs 名 bully 4. He ran slowly. = He ran slow. = Slowly he ran. ≠ Slow he ran. He learned slowly. 5. hard 難、硬、辛苦的/ hard 努力地 vs hardly 幾乎不地(動詞前):He works hard. He hardly works. 6. deep/deep(具體) vs deeply(抽象); high/high vs highly; late/ late vs lately *形容詞兼副詞:He stood tall and proud. He treated us bad. *連綴加形容詞:I’ll keep her warm and safe. Keep quiet, boys. He looked happily at the girl. Vs He looked happy at that time. *修飾對象為主詞或受詞:They painted the wall green. *(轉折)however/ then 與 but/ and 意思一樣但用法不同: Tom is 18; however, he can’t join the army.= Tom is 18, but he can’t join the army. * (2) 片語型:(時) at 7:00/ in the morning/ this morning/ last night/ next week/ every day (地) over there/ on the table (程度) a lot/ very much (頻率) :(次數/時間)once a week; twice a day; three times a month/… every day; every other day (=every two days); every ten days… (目的) 不定詞片語 To pass the test, you need to review this part. (前提) 介詞片語 Without your help, I can never get there. By wearing in pink, these students stand up against bullying. (轉折) At last, he came and caught the train. Last but not least, let’s work together to do our part. To put it short, I am not going. As for your question, let’s talk about it later. 21

Talking about the air quality, the first thing to do is to cut down on burning fossil fuel. (疑問詞) what time/ how old/ how much/ how long/ how far/ how soon…. *疑問詞區別: →(速度多快) How fast can John run? He is fast. He runs the 100 meter dash in 13 seconds. →(時間多快) How soon can the fans cool the house? It can cool your house in 10 seconds. →(時間多久) How long can the fridge keep the food fresh? It can keep your food fresh for a year. →(頻率多久一次) How often do you go grocery shopping? I do once a week. →(長度) How long is the ruler? →(程度) How much do you like it? →(金錢) How much (money) do you need? →(多寡-不可數) How much water is there in the bottle? →(多寡-可數) How many books are there on the shelf? →(距離) How far is it from Kaohsiung to Taipei? (抽象距離) How far can you reach? →(頻率) How often do you go swimming? →(高度深度) How tall is the building? How deep is the well? →(抽象高度深度) How high can a plane fly? How deeply does he love me? →(年齡、新舊) How old are you? How old is the car?

*不定詞片語當「副詞」用: A. 修飾動詞,表示「目的」。【to-v 可移動】 1. I went to the market to buy some fruit.= To buy some fruit, I went to the market. 2. Now we can use the cell phone to surf the Internet.= 3. The teacher opened the window to get some fresh air in the room.= B. 修飾形容詞。 【to-v 不可移動】 1. We were sorry to hear the bad new. 2. I was glad to get a letter from you. 3. You should be careful not to run on the icy sidewalks! 4. Sally is afraid to be home alone. ※ 後面可接不定詞的形容詞: glad, happy, lucky, sorry, sad, proud, ready, careful, afraid,pleased, … ※ too~~to-V 是肯定的句型否定的意思(太~~而不~~) 主詞是主動的人 Tom is too young to understand it.= Tom is so young that he doesn’t understand it. Tom got up too late to catch the bus.= Tom got up so late that he didn’t catch the bus. 主詞是被動接受的物或人:要省略 to 後面的受詞 The coffee is so hot that I can’t drink it.


= The coffee is too hot (for me) to drink. □ The coffee is too hot (for me) to drink it. Tom ran so fast that no one could catch up with him. =Tom ran too fast (for everyone) to catch up with. □ Tom ran too fast to catch up with him. Lessn 2 is so hard that I can’t understand it. =Lesson 2 is too hard (for me) to understand. □ Lesson 2 is too hard (for me) to understand it.

(3) 子句型:利用從屬連接詞連接一個次要子句,形成副詞子句。次要子句在前時要加逗號 時間:when/ while(當)/ before/ after/ since(自從)/ until(till)直到/ as soon as( 一…就…)/ … *子句要合理:I brush teeth. I go to bed. (1) I go to bed after I brush teeth. = After I brush teeth, I go to bed. (2) Before I go to bed, I brush teeth. = I brush teeth before I go to bed. □ I go to bed before I brush teeth. □ When I stay at home, it will rain. *when 次要子句未來時間用現在式: I will do it when he comes. = When he comes, I will do it. *過去時間小心簡單與進行的區別(回頭詳見時態篇-過去進行式 p7) I felt sorry when I heard the news. Vs I was watching TV when he came in. (1.) □ I watched TV when he came in. (2.) □ I watched TV when I felt blue. *I studied until Dad came back. 讀到爸爸回來 / I love you till forever. I didn’t study until Dad came back. 爸爸回來才讀

條件/ 讓步:if(如果)/ as long as(只要)/ whether(無論) / although(though)(雖然)/ no matter(無論) /even though(即使)/ even if (即使) / since(既然)/ … *if 次要子句未來時間用現在式: I will not go out if it rains tomorrow. = If it rains tomorrow, I will not go out. *if 次要子句另一用法為【與事實相反】,詳見與高中銜接篇。

因果:because/ so… that…(如此…以致於)/ since(既然) *because 不能和 so 同時使用;although 不能和 but 同時使用(因為會變成兩個副詞次要子句, 而副詞次要子句是可刪除的,結果變成沒有句子。) I missed the bus because I got up late. = Because I got up late, I missed the bus. (比較 I got up late so I missed the bus. = I got up late and I missed the bus.對等連接詞接 2 個獨立子句) *so… that 子句常與【too.…to V 肯定句型否定意思】或【….enough to V 肯定句型肯定意思】互換 The house is so expensive that I can’t afford it. = The house is too expensive (for me) to buy. Sam has so much money that he can afford it. = Sam is rich enough to afford it. The soup is not very hot and you can drink it. = The soup is cool enough to drink.

比較:as…as (與…一樣)/ than(比): The MRT is as fast as the train(is). / The MRT is faster than the train (is). He ran as fast as I (did). / He ran faster than I (did).


形容詞與副詞三級---原級、比較級、最高級複習 【Basic Ideas】 【形容詞與副詞拼字規則變化: 】 1.單(雙)音節:比較級~er/ 最高級~est: young-younger-youngest; long-longer-longest; strong-stronger-strongest cute-cuter-cutest; nice-nicer-nicest; safe-safer-safest; wise-wiser-wisest big-bigger-biggest; hot-hotter-hottest; sad-sadder-saddest; thin-thinner-thinnest easy-easier-easiest; dirty-dirtier-dirtiest; early-earlier-earliest 2.雙音節:不一定 quiet-quieter (more quiet) – quietest (most quiet); noisy; friendly; happy polite-more polite (politer)- most polite(politest); modern-more modern- most modern 3.三音節(以上):比較級 more ~/ 最高級 the (one’s) most ~ 4.不規則變化: good/well(better-best); bad/badly(worse-worst); many/much(more-most); little-less- least; late-later(稍後)-last(最後)(時間); late-latter(次一個)-latest(最後一個;最新的)(順序); far-farther(較遠); far-further(更進一步) (*) few-fewer-fewest 是規則變化 (*) funny-funnier-funniest; funny 是形容詞 (much) fun-more fun-most fun; 單音節加 more/most?因為 fun 是名詞,比較/最高在 more/most It’s fun to go water skiing. I had fun going water skiing. It’s more fun to go mountain climbing. I had more fun going mountain climbing.

原級 【A be as adj as B】Sam is as tall as I (am). 或 Sam looks as tall as I (do). 【A V as adv as B】Sam works as carefully as I (do).

比較級:兩者或兩群 短音節 Sam is taller than I (am). *Sam is taller than me.為口語積非成是 Adj 長音節 Sam is more handsome than I (am). A B 短音節 Sam works faster than I (do). Adv 長音節 Sam works more carefully than I (do).

(*) 逆向比較:通常用在婉轉語,less+原級(不論音節) Sam is taller than Mike. = Mike is shorter than Sam. = Mike is less tall than Sam. Sam works more carefully than Mike. = Mike works more carelessly than Sam. = Mike works less carefully than Sam. 24

In 地點 最高級:三者(以上) of 群體 可放句尾,也可移到句首。 短音節 Sam is the tallest (boy) in my class. Adj 長音節 Sam is the most handsome (boy) of the boys/ of all. 短音節 Sam runs (the) fastest on the team. Adv 長音節 Sam works (the) most carefully of all the students.

【Advanced Ideas】 比較級兩端 A 與 B 須對等:善用所有格代名詞或代名詞 □ 1. My eyes are bigger than you.  My eyes are bigger than ______. □ 2. The weather in Taipei is cooler than (in) Kaohsiung. The weather in Taipei is cooler than ______in Kaohsiung. □ 3. Students in Class 317 are better than Class 318.  Students in Class 317 are better than ______in Class 318.

承上,因為不好寫,因此氣候與數量的比較級常會改寫成地點比地點。 The weather is cooler in Taipei than( in) Kaohsiung. A B  A B There are more students in Class 317 than (in) Class 318.

最高級與比較級互換時,要注意是否要扣除自己(因為自己不可能比自己更~) Sam is the tallest (student) in his class. = Sam is taller than 單 anyone else/ any other student/ any other. □everyone 複 any other students/ any others/ all the other students/ all the others. New York is the biggest city in the world. = New York is bigger than 單 any city in Taiwan. (不須扣除自己) 複 all the cities in Taiwan.

 of the two 指兩者當中比較~的那一個,【the +比較級+of the two】 Sam is taller than Mike. = Sam is the taller (boy) of the two. = Of the two, Sam is the taller(boy).

比較級的程度修飾字:much, a lot, a little, still, even;不可以用 very, more □ 1. Sam is very taller than Mike.  Sam is ______than Mike. □ 2. Birds become much noisy before an earthquake hits.  Birds become ______before an earthquake hits. 25

□ 3. Sam is more younger than Mike.  Sam is ______than Mike. □ 4. Sam runs much faster than last year.  Sam runs ______than last year. □ 5. Sam has more money than Mike. (此處 more 為 much 比較級,非程度修飾)  Sam has ______than Mike.

注意 more 比較級字尾前移 more handsome many/much 的比較級 more books/money □ 1. He has much money. □2. He has more money. □3. He has much more money. □ 4. He has much money than before. 比較級是副詞子句,只是常省略後半句的 be 動詞或助動詞 You are taller than I (am). You are taller than me. 為口語積非成是。注意下兩句就不同: You love me more than he (does). You love me more than him. 俗諺 (1) The+比較…, the +比較….(越….就越….) The more money I have, the happier I am. The harder you study, the better grades you will get. The more, the better. (2) get+adj(或比較) (越來越….) It is getting dark.= It is darker and darker. The waves are getting higher. I am getting old. = I become older and older.


附錄 1:易混淆的片語與子句用法 ※易混淆的片語用法 (n) 不可刪除、不可移動 (這件事是…) It is important to pass the test. = To pass the test is important. =Passing the test is impotant. (adj) 可刪除、不可移動 It’s the way to pass the test. / Time to go to bed. / I need some water to drink. (adv) 可刪除、可移動 I study hard to pass the test. = To pass the test, I study hard. (為了 A, 做 B) ※比較:常考的祈使句! Pass the test, and you can have fun. (做 A, 然後 B) Pass the test, or you will have trouble. (做 A, 否則 B) ※比較:Spend 99 cents a day, you can lose 10 pounds in a week. As long as (If) you spend 99 cents a day, you can lose 10 pounds in a week.

※易混淆的子句用法 1. when 時間子句與 if 條件子句,未來時間要用現在式代替;因果與比較子句無此限制。 【Rock A-bye Baby】 • Rock a-bye baby, in the tree top. • When the wind blows, the cradle will rock. • When the bough breaks, the cradle will fall. • And down will come baby, cradle, and all. 2. whether, if , when 這三個連接詞各有兩組用法與意思,要特別小心。 副詞子句 名詞子句 現在式代未來時間:可移動,可刪除 未來式不變:不可移動,不可刪除 whether (無論) (是否) I will go whetherit rains (or not). I don’t know whether it will rain (or not).(受詞) = Whether it rains (or not), I will go. Whether it will rain (or not) is not sure. (主詞) if (假如) (是否) I will stay if it rains tomorrow. I wonder if it will rain tomorrow. (受詞) = If it rains tomorrow, I will stay. (沒有 if 作主詞用法) when (當) (何時) I will see him whenhe comes. I don’t know when he will come. (受詞) = When he comes, I will see him. When he will come is beyond me. (主詞)


三、形容詞篇 (形容詞修飾 名詞,原則上不可移動、可刪除 )有前位修飾~N 與後位修飾 N~ A.結構 1. 單字型: (1)前位修飾~N : the two big old round brown wood Chinese kitchen tables the/ these/ those tables (指示詞) two/ many tables (數詞) the two tables (指示詞+數詞) my tables (所有格):my two tables? (  two of my tables= two tables of mine ) *所有格 個別所有 A’s+ B’s : John’s and Peter’s fathers are friends. 共同所有 (A+B)’s : John and Peter’s father is my PE teacher. (* John and Peter’s father are friends.) (2)後位修飾 N~: anything special/ someone strange/ nothing wrong

2. 片語型:

(1)前位修飾~N : 數量詞 a lot of water / a lot of books;

a cup of tea ( a good cup of tea vs a bowl of hot soup )


(2)後位修飾 N~: The man in the kitchen is my father. (介詞片語作形容詞)

The girl with long hair is my sister. (介詞片語作形容詞)

The man sitting on the chair is my father. (現在分詞片語作形容詞—分詞構句) It’s the best time to visit Japan. (不定詞片語作形容詞)

3. 子句型: 一定是後位修飾 N~: (詳見後面第 ____頁) 兩個句子中有重複的普通名詞,不用連接詞連接兩句,而利用其中一個名詞當膠水把兩個句子合理的 黏在一起。因為兩個句子有關連(重複的普通名詞),所以形容詞子句又叫作關係子句。 I know the girl. The girl(She) loves John. → I know the girl who/that loves John. I know the girl. John loves the girl(her). → I know the girl (who/that) John loves.

*比較:下列兩句為______子句 I know the girl. The girl (She) loves John. → I know (that) the girl loves John. I know the girl. John loves the girl(her). → I know (that) John loves the girl.


B. 複合形容詞—任何字用短線接在一起就可以當作形容詞用,超有趣,一般用單數。 a boy → a 15-year-old boy; a trip → a 3-day trip; a walk → a 15-minute walk Don’t wear the face. → Don’t wear the me-not-me-why-me-you-always-point-at-me face. I had blues. → I had the-vacation-is-over-now-it’s-time-to-go-back-to-school blues. a reward → Her father had offered a no-questions-asked million-dollar reward for information leading to her recovery.

C. 修飾有生命或無生命的形容詞 1. 有些形容詞只能修飾有生命有感覺的存在: happy, sad, busy, angry, afraid, interested, tired… 更多見下一節【情緒動詞改成的形容詞】

2. 有些形容詞偏向修飾事物;easy, difficult, dangerous, comfortable, convenient, possible, simple, serious,expensive, safe, fun, common, helpful, interesting, tiring…… 若用在修飾人,會有其他的意思。

例: Reading English books is easy. / Reading English books is easy for May. May is easy. = ( May is easy-going. = May is nice and friendly. = It’s easy to get along with May.) = (It is easy to deal with May.) Reading is interesting to me. Mr. Chen is interesting to me. (= I am interested in Mr. Chen.) Mr.Chen 是個有趣的人 Mike is dangerous. =( Mike is a killer.) Mike is in danger. It’s impossible for Mike to cross the river. Mike is impossible. = (What a hero Mike is!) = (Mike doesn’t listen to reason. I can’t talk with him.) 更多:I never feel comfortable with strangers. Ms. Chen is a serious teacher. They are the nicest, friendliest, most helpful people on the planet.

3. 非情緒性形容詞通常不用「人」當主詞,而用 it 或事物當主詞。it 是「假主詞」,後面的不定詞 才是「真主詞」。要小心中文的誤導,如「你方便幫我拿這些書嗎?」「她可真舒服,躺著看電視!」 並且注意一個動作一件事為單數。對…人而言用 for ….。 (1.) □ Are you convenient to carry these books for me? →______to carry these books for me? (2.) □ May is comfortable to lie on the couch watching TV. →______to lie on the couch watching TV. →______to lie on the couch watching TV. (3.) □ Reading English books are easy for me. →Reading English books ______easy for me.


4. nice, good, kind, polite, smart, wise 與 stupid 的用法:這些字表示人內心或特質的「形容詞」, 介系詞用 of,而不是 for,用法與非情緒性形容詞不同。 例:1. It’s nice of you to give me a hand. = You are nice to give me a hand. 2. It’s stupid of you to trust him. = You are stupid to trust him. 3. It’s kind of you to lend me$20,000. = You are kind to lend me $20,000. 比較: It’s nice of you to help others. ( You are nice to help others.) It’s good for you to help others. ( You should help others.) 比較 It is important for me to catch the bus. It is interesting to me to watch you sing.

to 人:There are factors that influence on sb. 某人覺得~【feel:影響到人的身心靈情緒】 Adj To Lena, a room with Mrs. Muro felt more safe and comfortable. Reading is interesting to me. f or 人:an opinion or a guess 對某人而言/某人認為~ 【know:表達某人的想法 ideas】 For Lena, it was a crazy idea to even think of leaving without her sister. Reading is interesting for me.

D. 動詞的分詞當作形容詞---現在分詞(Ving)與過去分詞(pp)作形容詞 (A 與 B 剛好相反) Ving-- 表達人或物「主動、進行」的狀態或「用途、功能」。例:falling leaves (落下的葉子)、dancing couple(跳舞的情侶)、sleeping car(臥鋪) A. 一般動詞: *有人稱表示「動作或狀態」的為現在分詞,表示「用途、功用」的為動名詞。 例: a drinking horse = a horse that is drinking drinking water(飲用水)= water for drinking a reading room(閱覽室)= a room for reading pp-- 表示人或物「被動、完成」的狀態。例:a broken window(一張破窗)、 retired teachers(退休老師)、abandoned house(廢棄的房子)

Ving-- 表達人受其他人或物影響的狀態,意思為「讓人感覺……的」或「令人…… 的」,後面接介系詞 to。例:The writer is interesting (to me).(那位作家非常 有趣。)Simon is a boring guy (to me).(Simon 是個無趣的傢伙。) B. 情緒動詞: pp-- 表示人或物自己主動的情緒狀態,後面接不同的介系詞,如:interested (in)、bored (with)、excited (about)、tired (of)、surprised (at)。例:The writer is interested.(那位作家很感興趣。)Simon is bored.(Simon 學得 無趣了。)



(1) 事物人 V 人 (2) interesting /boring/surprising /exciting 事物 be 動詞 troubling /tiring/embarrassing /confusing to + 人 或人 連綴動詞 worrying /satisfying (3) Interested 感興趣 in surprised 使驚訝 at/ by excited 使興奮 about/ by worried 使擔憂 about /by be 動詞 人 satisfied 使滿意 with /by 連綴動詞 事物 或 tired 使厭煩/ 疲累 of / from (look, 或 擬 bored 使無聊 with seem, 人 人 troubled 使麻煩 by/ with / about appear…) embarrassed 使尷尬 by / about / at confused 使困惑 with/ about / by scared 使害怕驚嚇 of/ by impressed 使映象深刻 by / with 例: The movie interested me. = The movie was interesting to me. = I was interested in the movie. *通常三種句型可以互換,唯須注意少數情緒動詞拼字變化,如 scare/ scary/ scared; impress/impressive/impressed; trouble/troublesome/troubled; It’s a tiring day. ( I got tired from working all day.) He’s a tiresome guy. ( I got tired of him.) * 少數情緒動詞後的介詞會改變文意,如 tired of 厭煩/ tired from (with)疲累; be scared of =be afraid of 害怕; be scared by= be frightened by 驚嚇。 *補充常見的過去分詞:amused (at)(感到有趣的)、confused (about)(感到困惑的)、 disgusted (at)(感到噁心的)、embarrassed (at/about)(感到困窘的)、frightened (at/by/about) (感到驚嚇的)、touched (by)(感到感動的)、 pleased (with/about/at) (高興的)

*圈選出適當的字詞 1. Hannah is (□interested, □interesting) in cooking. 2. Playing tennis is never (□bored, □boring). 31

3. We watched an (□excited, □exciting) ball game last night. 4. Mother is so (□tired, □tiring) of washing clothes every day. 5. What a (□surprised, □surprising) news it is! 6. Sally was (□bored, □boring) with doing housework. 7. Mary is as (□excited, □exciting) as Helen about the coming game. 8. Being late for school is (□embarrassed, □embarrassing) to me. 9. I am so (□confused, □confusing) about this math question. 10.The sleeping baby was (□frightened, □frightening) by the thunder(雷聲). *填入適當的介系詞 1. Little Jack is so excited the trip tomorrow. 2. George and Mary are excellent players. They are interested baseball. 3. Kevin is never bored playing basketball. 4. I am so tired walking all day. I need to take a rest. 5. Rita was surprised receiving a present from Judy. 6. Gina was amused the animal show. 7. Chi-Ling got embarrassed the boys’ questions. 8. David was sick. His mother is very worried him. 9. The song is very beautiful. I am so touched it. 10.Judy goes east, but Sammy goes west. Now I get confused where to go. *句型改寫 ( 部份修飾人的情緒形容詞也可+to-V )( 情緒形容詞也可放在名詞前) 1. The baseball game is really exciting. →The baseball game really ______George. →George really the baseball game. →George ______really ______watch the baseball game. 2. The love story was interesting. →The love story ______Amy. → Amy the love story. → Amy ______read the love story. 3. Mr. Smith’s history lesson is boring. → Some students don’t like Mr. Smith’s ______history lesson. 4. Paul was surprised at his results(結果)in the speech contest(演講比賽). → Paul had results in the speech contest.

*合併句子 ( adj+介詞+Ving/N )

1. John is going to junior high school. He is worried. → ______


2. Tom doesn’t want to drink milk for breakfast. He is tired of it. → ______3. Jane is learning a new language. She is interested. → ______4. Mary doesn’t like her job. She is bored. → ______比較: 1. a ______baby (sleep-slept-slept) / a ______bag (sleep) / a ______boy (wait) / a ______room (wait) / a ______book (tear-tore-torn)/ a well- ______(keep-kept-kept ) map People on the ______(sink-sunk-sunk) ship are trying hard to save it. People on the ______(sink) ship have long been lost but remembered. 2. a ______star (shoot-shot-shot) / a ______down engine (shut-shut-shut) 3. a ______car (use) / a ______tree (fall-fell-fallen) / a ______leaf (fall) 4. ______(break-broke-broken) news / ______(break) heart 5. a long ______(wait) list / a long-______(wait) answer 6. ______(boil) water / ______(boil) eggs 7. □a tired man □ a tiring day □tiring grass □tired grass 依提示改寫句子 The story is interesting to John. The story interests John. → John is interested in the story. 1. The TV program bored The TV program → Tom. Tom 2. The smart answer The smart answer → surprised the people. The people 3. The good news The good news → excited Mary. Mary 4. The long trip tired the The long trip → students. The students 5. Making a mistake Making a mistake → embarrasses me. I 6. Math confuses most Math → students. Most students 7. The novel touched The novel → David. David 8. My grades satisfy my My grades → mother. My mother


四、動詞篇 1. 動詞家族: Be 動詞 純不及物:walk/ run/ sleep/ fly 不及物 Vi (此類動詞沒有被動語態,因為沒有受詞) John walks to school every day. 很多動詞兼具 adv adv 二者:read/cook +介+受詞:look at/ listen to/care about study/sing/drink 一般動詞----- Look! A baby is crossing the street himself. Look at the baby! He is crossing the street himself. 及物 Vt+O *受詞為天生名詞時,所有及物動詞用法都一樣。 (1) to-V/ Ving:love/ like *受詞為動作時,本動詞可分為五種: (2) to-V:want/ plan (3) Ving:enjoy/ finish (4) V/ Ving;watch/ see (5) V:make/ let/ have 功能型(否/問):do/ does/ did/ be(進行、被動)/ have(完成) 助動詞 ------後面動詞 情意型(肯/否/問) :can/ will/ shall/ may/ must/ could/ would/ should/ might/ 恢復原形 have to (had to)

*受詞(或補語)為天生名詞時,所有及物動詞用法都一樣;但受詞(或補語)為動作時(此時為名詞), 本動詞可分為五種,此種對應為強制對應,與文意無關,必須熟記其分類: 茶 喝茶(N-O/C) I liked tea. I liked to drink tea. / I liked drinking tea. I wanted tea. I wanted to drink tea. I enjoyed tea. I enjoyed drinking tea. I saw it. I saw that he drank tea. I saw him drink tea. / I saw him drinking tea. I made it. He drank tea. I made him drink tea.

*任何一個句子只有一個主動詞(除非使用對等連接詞連接兩個或多個主動詞);主動詞外所有的 動作都不再是動詞,而是名詞(主詞、受詞、補語)、形容詞、或副詞。

*句子有多個動作(詞)時,第一個 V 影響第二個 V、第二個 V 影響第三個 V…. I want/ spend time/ practice/ play the guitar → I wanted to spend time practicing playing the guitar. I enjoy/ offer my time/ work on /clean the beach → I enjoyed offering my time to work on cleaning the beach.

*同一個動詞常有不同的用法: feel:(一般:覺得、認為) I feel (that) he doesn’t love me. (感官:感覺到) I feel him touch/ touching me. (連綴:覺得、感覺起來)I feel hot. It feels soft. hear: (一般:聽說)I heard (that) he moved away. I heard he came back. (感官:聽到)I heard him sing/ singing songs. I heard him come back. 34

(1) to-V/ Ving:love/ like/ hate/ dislike/ begin/ start/ 基本同義。To-v 指要去做;Ving 指事件名稱。 What do you like to do this afternoon? What do you like doing when you are free? 原則上,V-ing 的時間比句子動詞早或至少同時(一般在表示習慣、嗜好時用),而 to+V 的 時間比句子動詞晚(一般用在未來計畫要做但目前還未開始進行的事)。 所以:stop/ remember/ forget/try 不同義 We are tired, so we stop to take a rest. / You are noisy. Stop talking. I will remember to send the mail. (going to do)/ I remember sending the mail.(already done) I forgot to send the mail. (I didn’t do it.)/ I forgot sending the mail. (I did it.) I will try to clean it in time. (going to do) / I have tried cleaning it. (already done)

(2) to-V:want/ plan/ decide/ mean/ need/ offer/ agree// fail/ manage/would like/ would love/ can’t wait / used to / tell/ ask / want/ need/ teach/ invite/ (+O+OC) * hope:I hope to pass the test.(自己) I hope that you can pass the test.(他人) * help :I help John (to) pass the test. (可省略) * used to(從前~現在不~): I used to go swimming in the morning.( I don’t do it any more.) be used to (+Ving) (時態不一定):I am used to going swimming now.

(3) Ving:  enjoy/ finish/ keep/ practice/ mind/ quit/ spend/ avoid/admit/ deny/ waste/

當然有介詞的動詞片語也屬於這一型啦 : go on/ keep on/ put off/ talk about/ think about/ give up/ be close to/ be used to/ be up to/ be good at 例:We are thinking about taking a trip. You are close to finishing the job. *例外 be about+ to-V=will V :The movie is about to start.  go +Ving(從事活動,特別是戶外活動): go skiing/ go jogging/ go fishing/ go shopping/ go swimming/ go dancing/ go bird-watching /go horse-back riding/ go window- shopping

 need+Ving 是主動形式的被動語態 (need 一般是第二家族動詞喔!) My car needs washing. = My car needs to be washed. *I need to wash my car.

某些特定片語:have fun/ have trouble/ be busy/ be worth/

(4) V/ Ving;watch/ see/ feel/ look at/ hear/ listen to/ notice ~V/Ving 感官動詞 *smell ~ Ving(此時為形容詞):I smelt something burning. *I saw the boy run across the street. = The boy was seen to run across the street. 受詞補語 I saw the boy running across the street. = The boy was seen running across the street. *I saw the boy be run over by the bus. = I saw the boy run(pp) over by the bus. = The boy was seen to be run over by the bus. (注意被動語態改為 to-V) *I heard him come(coming) back. Vs I heard he came back.(I knew he came back.) (5) V:make/ let/ have ~ V 使役動詞 * make 還有~ n / ~adj 的用法:You made me happy. We made him the class leader. * Ms. Lee made Sam wash the floor. = Sam was made to wash the floor. = The floor was made( to be) washed(pp) by Sam.(注意被動語態改為 to-V) 35

2. 不定詞與動名詞整理: 在英文句子中,一句只能有一個動詞,所以句子的主動詞之後的動詞,原則上形式是要改變,要用 to + V(不定詞)或 V-ing(動名詞)。而不定詞與動名詞什麼詞性都有可能,唯獨不再是動詞。 動名詞【原形動詞 + ing】 不定詞【to + 原形動詞】 意義 動詞名詞、形容詞化。 具有名詞、形容詞或副詞性質的動作意思。

不定詞與動名詞當「名詞」用 :可於句中當主詞、受詞或主詞補語 動 名 詞 不 定 詞 1. 當主詞: 1. 當主詞: 指一件事,視為第三人稱單數,接單數動詞。 指一件事,視為第三人稱單數,接單數動詞。 1. Playing basketball is fun. 1. To play basketball is fun. 2. Having many good friends makes us happy. 2. To have many good friends makes us happy. 用

法 比較* Listening lessons are important ※ 為免頭重腳輕,常用形式上的虛主詞 it 代替。 for students. 1. It is fun to play basketball. * Listening to lessons is important 2. It makes us happy to have many good for students. friends. 2. 當受詞: 2. 當受詞:當及物動詞的受詞。 (A) 當及物動詞的受詞: 1. Mary likes to study English. 用 1. I like reading. 2. We need to study in a quiet place. 法 2. He enjoys riding a bike in the country. 【 3. 當補語: 注 (B) 當介系詞的受詞: (A)主詞補語:補充說明主詞,使整個句子的 意 1. We talked about going to Canada for 意思完整。 動 our vacation. 1. To see is to believe. 詞 2. She is interested in cooking. 2. His job is to sell books. 搭 配 當主詞補語: (B)受詞補語:用來補充說明受詞的動作。 家 1. Seeing is believing. 1. My brother told me to wait for him. 族 2. His bad habit is reading on the bed. 2. Mother told me not to study on the bed. 】 ※ 比較:He didn’t ask me to close the door. He asked me not to close the door.

不定詞當「副詞」用: A. 修飾動詞,表示「目的」。【to-v 可移動】 1. I went to the market to buy some fruit.= To buy some fruit, I went to the market. 2. Now we can use the cell phone to surf the Internet.= 3. The teacher opened the window to get some fresh air in the room.=


B. 修飾形容詞。 【to-v 不可移動】 1. We were sorry to hear the bad new. 2. I was glad to get a letter from you. 3. You should be careful not to run on the icy sidewalks! 4. Sally is afraid to be home alone. ※ 後面可接不定詞的形容詞: glad, happy, lucky, sorry, sad, proud, ready, careful, afraid, pleased, … ※ too~~to-V 是肯定的句型否定的意思(太~~而不~~) 例:Tom is too young to go to school./ Tom got up too late to catch the bus. 1. The coffee is so hot that I can’t drink it. = □ The coffee is too hot to drink. □ The coffee is too hot to drink it. 2. Tom ran so fast that no one could catch up with him. = □ Tom ran too fast to catch up with. □ Tom ran too fast to catch up with him. 3. Lessn 2 is so hard that I can’t understand it. = □ Lesson 2 is too hard (for me) to understand. □ Lesson 2 is too hard (for me) to understand it.

不定詞當「形容詞」用: 位於名詞的後面,修飾該名詞。【to-v 不可移動】 例:1. Thanksgiving is a holiday to give thanks. 2. What is the best way to learn English well? 3. I have a lot of work to do. 4. Today is a wonderful day for us to go hiking.

代不定詞(用於省略句): 例:1. A: We’re going to a movie now. Do you want to join us? B: I’d like to, but I have to do my homework. 2. John wants to go on a picnic, and I am happy to (go on a picnic). 3. John wants to play sports, but I wouldn’t like to (play sports).

*整理 1. be+Ving: 進行式 I was reading when Mom came in. *Ving 2. Ving 作形容詞:sleeping beauty/ sleeping car/ interesting books 3. Ving 作名詞:I enjoy reading books. / Reading books is fun. *pp 1. be+pp: 被動語態 I was made to wash the dishes. 2. pp 作形容詞:heart-broken beauty/ interested students 1. to-V 作名詞: I want to go on a trip. / To travel around the world is my dream. *to-V 2. to-V 作形容詞:I need something to drink. 3. to-V 作副詞: I get up early to catch the bus.


不定詞與動名詞判斷 ( ) 1. Mom told me to bed after twelve. “It’s bad for your health,” she always said that to me. (A) not to go (B) don’t go (C) didn’t go (D) not go ( ) 2. Tom his son practice basketball every day. (A) had (B) wanted (C) told (D) kept ( ) 3. It’s useful Jane to learn English with a dictionary. (A) of (B) for (C) with (D) from ( ) 4. It’s sweet Jane to help her classmates with their English homework. (A) of (B) for (C) with (D) from ( ) 5. A: Have you finished the book? B: Yes, and I really like it. (A) read (B) reading (C) to read (D) reads ( ) 6. the medicine twice a week, and you’ll get well soon. (A) To take (B) Taking (C) Take (D) Took ( ) 7. If you want to get well soon, the medicine on time is important. (A) to take (B) taking (C) take (D) took ( ) 8. a good senior high school, Jerry studied hard. (A) To enter (B) Entering (C) Enter (D) Entered ( ) 9. a good senior high school is Jerry’s dream. (A) To enter (B) Entering (C) Enter (D) Entered ( )10. Good eating habits important; for example, eat slowly and never skip(略過)a meal. (A) are (B) is (C) be (D) being ( )11. Eating less meat one of the ways to help the environment(環境). (A) are (B) is (C) be (D) being ( )12. I asked Greg me with the housework, so helped me the floor. (A) to help; mopping (B) help; mopping (C) help; mop (D) to help; mop ( )13. Tina forgot the movie before, so she rent(租)it again. (A) see (B) to see (C) saw (D) seeing ( )14. Tina forgot the book to school, so she went back home to get it. (A) bring (B) to bring (C) brought (D) bringing ( )15. Jane just stood there and watched her mom and clean the house. (A) cooked (B) to cook (C) cook (D) cooking ( )16. Jane saw I at the salesman. (A) shouted (B) to shout (C) shout (D) shouting ( )17. Although Ella can swim, she is afraid of in the ocean. (A) swim (B) to swim (C) swam (D) swimming ( )18. The work needs by today. (A) to do (B) do (C) to be done (D) done ( )19. Dan needs the work by today. (A) to finish (B) finish (C) finish (D) finished ( )20. The watch is too expensive. I don’t have enough money . (A) buying (B) buying it (C) to buy (D) to buy it


3-天氣、花費、連綴動詞、與交通方式: (1)氣象狀態(風霜雨雪) 常見四種互換。 v It rains ( a lot). It snowed heavily. N = There is ( a lot of ) rain. =There was much snow. N = We(They) have (a lot of ) rain. = We(They) had much snow. Adj = It’s often rainy. = It was snowy. (2)花費時間 on 事物: He spent 2 hours on his homework. 人 spend 時間 (in) Ving: He spent 2 hours (in) doing his homework. 事 take (人) 時間 = It take (人) 時間 to V : Doing homework took him 2 hours. It took (him) 2 hours to do his homework. How long (How much time) did it take (him) to finish his homework? * It took him 2 hours doing his homework.(較少見) * He took 2 hours to do his homework. (較少見) (3)花費金錢 人 spend 金錢 on 事物:He spent NT$ 5000 on the chip. How much did he spend on the chip? 事 cost (人) 金錢:The chip cost (him) NT$ 5000. How much did it cost (him)? 人 pay 金錢 for 事物: He paid NT$ 5000 for the chip. 人 buy 事物 for 金錢: He bought the chip for NT$ 5000. 花費動詞 (cost、take、spend、pay)判斷 ( ) 1. My mom five thousand dollars buying the dress. (A) spent (B) paid (C) bought (D) cost ( ) 2. My mom me the dress for five thousand dollars. (A) spent (B) paid (C) bought (D) cost ( ) 3. I five thousand dollars the computer games. (A) spent; for (B) paid; for (C) paid; in (D) spent; in ( ) 4. A: did you spend on the bike? B: Ten thousand dollars. (A) How much (B) How long (C) What (D) When ( ) 5. It Mr. Yang one hundred dollars to have someone fix his car. (A) spent (B) paid (C) cost (D) took ( ) 6. Cathy took all morning the flowers in the yard. (A) grow (B) grew (C) growing (D) to grow ( ) 7. A: will it take you to finish the work? B: About a week. (A) How long (B) How much (C) How old (D) How soon ( ) 8. A: What you so long to get here? You are two hours late. B: Sorry. I got up too late. (A) spent (B) paid (C) took (D) cost ( ) 9. didn’t take us a long time to get the work done. (A) This (B) It (C) You (D) That 39

(4.)連綴(連繫)動詞:linking verbs 像橋樑接起主詞與補語,最典型的就是 Be.  Be (become) + n/adj:It became dark. It’s becoming a nightmare.  get/ keep+adj: It gets dark.It’s getting cold. I’ll keep her warm and safe. Keep quiet, boys. adj: It sounds great.  look/ sound/ smell/ taste/ feel / appear/ seem+ like+n:It sounds like a good idea.

連綴動詞與感官動詞判斷 ( ) 1. The town looks now. It’s modern and clean. (A) different (B) differently (C) much different (D) the most different ( ) 2. The weather is getting . Put on your jacket before you go out. (A) coldly (B) cold (C) like cold (D) snow ( ) 3. I saw John after the school bus this morning. (A) running (B) to run (C) ran (D) to running ( ) 4. I saw John and away immediately(立刻). I didn’t want to see him. (A) running (B) to run (C) ran (D) to running ( ) 5. Your mother so young. She doesn’t a forty-year-old woman. (A) looks; look (B) looks like; look (C) looks; look like (D) looks like; look like ( ) 6. Julie hungry when she saw all the delicious food on the table. (A) got (B) smelt (C) kept (D) tasted ( ) 7. When did you come home? I didn’t hear you the door. (A) open (B) opened (C) to open (D) have opened ( ) 8. A: does the fruit look in this fruit stand? B: It looks fresh. (A) What (B) Who (C) What (D) How ( ) 9. A: does the little girl look like? B: Her mother, of course. (A) What (B) Who (C) What (D) How ( )10. Tom felt shocked(震驚的)when he heard me at the stranger. (A) shout (B) to shout (C) shouted (D) to shouting ( )11. Tom heard I at the stranger. (A) shout (B) to shout (C) shouted (D) to shouting ( )12. A: How do you like my new bike? B: I don’t like its color. Besides, it old. (A) looks (B) looked (C) looks like (D) is looking ( )13. A: How do you like my new bike? B: I don’t like its color. Besides, it an old one. (A) looks (B) looked (C) looks like (D) is looking ( )14. Paula felt . She felt someone her body in the dark. (A) angry; touched (B) angry; touch (C) angrily; touched (D) angrily; touch


( )15. Did you hear Ivy in the room? She sounds . (A) cry; happy (B) to cry; happy (C) cry; sad (D) to cry; sad ( )16. Ann always feels when her husband isn’t around. (A) sadly (B) nicely (C) lonely (D) coldly ( )17. What’s that smell? It smells like . (A) bad (B) bad eggs (C) terrible (D) terribly ( )18. The weather usually becomes in Taiwan in April. (A) snow (B) rain (C) warm (D) typhoon ( )19. To stay , Kelly exercises every day. (A) healthy (B) health (C) beautifully (D) be beautiful ( )20. I saw Jane with Benson and kiss each other. (A) dating (B) date (C) to date (D) dated ( )21. I don’t know what I did, but Tina just looked at me . (A) angry (B) angrily (C) anger (D) angrier

(5.) 交通方式: v by ~ (放句尾)/ on foot in/on the ~(放句尾) He walked to school. He went to school on foot. He rode a bike to school. He went to school by bike. He went to school on a bike. He drove a car to work. He went to work by car. He went to work in a car. He took a bus to school. He went to school by bus. He went to school on a bus. He took a taxi to work. He went to work by taxi. He went to work in a taxi.


4. 被動語態: (passive voice) (1)目前所有學到的時態都是主動語態(active voice—主詞為施力者),如果主詞為受力者,那樣的寫 法為被動語態。所以,主動態或被動態與時間狀態無關,而與主受詞有關。只要有受詞,所有主動時 態都可以翻轉,產生對應的被動時態,就像鏡子的鏡像;若沒有受詞,就沒有被動語態。 ※中文常看不出被動語態,翻譯時要特別小心。但也並非事物做主詞就是被動語態,請小心。

Exercise A: 可以改成被動語態的句子打勾,不能的打叉。 1.□字看不清楚 2.□意外可以避免 3.□台灣種稻 4.□飯吃完了 5.□地板拖一下 6.□馬路還沒修好 7.□功課做好了 8.□燒杯放酒精燈上 9.□傷患送醫 10.□冷氣送修 11.□垃圾帶走 12.□班機延誤了 13□火車進站了 14.□鳥兒天空飛 15□昨晚睡得好 16.□ You sing beautifully. 17.□ I slept well in bed last night. 18.□There are some flowers in the park. 19.□ A kite is flying high in the sky. 20. □ I walk to school every morning. 21.□ Mr. Chen is a smart and friendly teacher. 22.□ The train is arriving at the station. 23.□ Let’s have some icecream. 24. □ Here comes a bus. 25. □ The Smiths live next to us. 26. □ Sam is sitting by the window. 27. □ Come in, and be seated. 28. □ It rained heavily yesterday. 29. □ We are leaving for Taipei next month. 30. □ An earthquake happened last night. 31. □ It’s dangerous for kids to swim at the beach. 32.□ I have the car. 33. □The car belongs to me. 34. □ I own the car. 35. □ Plants grow from seeds. 36. □ The case grew worse. 37. □ It is growing dark. 38. □ He grew into the new school as he made friends. 39. □ The drinking habit grew on him. 40. □ All arts grew out of necessity. 41. □ Farmers grow rice in Taiwan. 42. □ The road leads to Taipei.

(2) 所有被動語態單複數與時式的變化,皆由 be 動詞的變化來呈現。 ※不含「by+原主詞(agent)」的被動式:這類句構強調對事件的敘述,不強調起因或行動者。 例:English is spoken in the USA.(在美國,人們說英語。by people 被省略) This castle was built in the Middle Ages.(這座城堡是中世紀時建造的。by workers 被省略) 主 動 語 態 時式 被 動 語 態 Mary helps John. John is helped by Mary. Mary helped John. John was helped by Mary. Mary is helping John. John is being helped by Mary. Mary was helping John. John was being helped by Mary. Mary will help John. John will be helped by Mary. Mary is going to help John. John is going to be helped by Mary. Mary has helped John. John has been helped by Mary. Mary can help John. John can be helped by Mary. Mary should help John. John should be helped by Mary. Mary has to help John. John has to be helped by Mary.


※主動與被動對換時,多數只有語意重心的不同,但有時會造成不同的意思。 John washed his car. Vs His car was washed by John. → All the girls don’t like it. Vs It’s not liked by all the girls. →

※注意中文與英文語態不同!!! 1. 他應該送醫院 The child is very sick. He ______(send) to the hospital. 2. 各國小都應該教英文 English ______(teach) in every elementary school. 3. 你會得到一張特別的 CD Come tonight, and you ______(give) a special CD. 4. 工課兩周內要完成 The homework ______(finish) in two weeks. 5. Mary 受邀參加派對 Mary ______(invite) to the birthday party. 6. Tigers 隊贏得球賽 The basketball game ______(win) by the Tigers. 7. 字看不清楚 The words on the blackboard are too small. They ______(see) clearly. 8. 海報到處書店都買得到 Posters of Michael Jordan ______(buy) in every bookstore. 9. 尷尬的經驗很難忘記 An embarrassing experience will never ______(forget). 10. 意外可以避免 If everyone follows traffic rules, a lot of accidents could ______(avoid).

(3) 特殊動詞的被動語態: 1. 感官動詞的被動: We saw them move the box. → They were seen to move the box by us. →We saw the box (be) moved by them. →The box was seen to be moved. We saw them moving the box. → They were seen moving the box by us. →We saw the box being moved by them. 2. 使役動詞的被動: Mother made us clean the room. → We were made to clean the room by Mother. → The room was made (to be) cleaned by us. 3. 授與動詞的被動:如 give, send, …等,因有「兩個受詞」,故有「兩種被動語態」。 但是「被 動語態」中,我們常要強調是「直接受詞 – 物」, 所以較常使用「物」當主詞的被動語態。 He gave me the watch. → I was given the watch by him. = He gave the watch to me. → The watch was given(to)me by him. 4. 祈使句的被動: 例:Open the window. → Let the window be opened. Close your book. → Let your book be closed. 5.不及物動詞+介系詞的被動: 例: They laughed at me. → I was laughed at by them. John picked up that ball. → That ball was picked up by John. 6. Who 當主詞時的疑問句的被動式: 例: Who closed the door? → By whom was the door closed? Who broke the cup? → By whom was the cup broken?


Exercise B: 被動語態主題閱讀---將被動語態處劃底線 English Is Used By More Than 600 Million People Today English is perhaps the most important language in the world today. It is used by more than 600 million people. It is also studied by millions of people as a foreign language. English has become the world language of business and science. It is also the language of popular music, movies, and video games. English should be learned because it is a very important language. But it should not be studied only because it is a school subject. We should learn it because it is useful and interesting. And if we are good in English, we will have more opportunities(機會) in life. Exciting Sports Exciting sports are enjoyed by everyone. The most exciting sports are team sports. They are often played outside with a ball and watched by thousands of people. Most people are interested in watching their favorite team. They love watching them win. But even if their team loses, most people will still enjoy the game.

Some exciting sports, like football and baseball, are practiced and played in all kinds of weather. When they are played in the snow or in the rain, players must be more careful because they may miss the ball easily. Some games are won or lost just because the weather is bad. Tickets to important games are not easily bought. Many people watch these kinds of games at home on TV. This is more convenient than watching them in the cold rain or snow. When important games are played during the week, some people listen to them at work on the radio. Sometimes they may make a lot of noise, but they don’t’ care. They only care about their favorite team. Winning is the only thing they care about.

Exercise C 被動語態判斷 ( ) 1. The girl was crying because she by her brother. (A) hit (B) was hit (C) was hitting (D) to hit ( ) 2. Don’t use that knife to cut bread. That knife cut meat. (A) used to (B) uses to (C) is used to (D) is using to ( ) 3. When Alice came home, she found all the housework by her husband. (A) has done (B) has been done (C) is done (D) were done ( ) 4. The bread so good. Can I have some? (A) smell (B) is smelled (C) has smelled (D) smells ( ) 5. Jenny only wears the clothes in Taiwan. (A) that made (B) that makes (C) that are made (D) are made ( ) 6. All the work needs to by the end of the month. (A) be done (B) do (C) doing (D) been done 44

( ) 7. A: How did you know I had a fight with my sister? B: Your voice even from my house. (A) could hear (B) is hear (C) could be heard (D) heard ( ) 8. A: Do you know who my money? B: I have no idea. (A) took (B) was taken (C) has been taken (D) was taking ( ) 9. A: you told that the meeting was cancelled(取消)? B: No. No one told me. (A) Hasn’t (B) Isn’t (C) Wasn’t (D) Didn’t ( )10. A: you been told that the meeting was cancelled(取消)? B: No. No one told me. (A) Hasn’t (B) Isn’t (C) Wasn’t (D) Didn’t ( )11. The tragedy(悲劇) last night. An old lady was killed on the street. (A) happens (B) took place (C) was happened (D) was taken place ( )12. Ed in the accident(意外). He his legs and was sent to the hospital right away. (A) hurt; got hurt (B) got hurt; hurt (C) got hurt; got hurt (D) hurt; hurt

Exercise D. Change the active to the passive. 現在式、過去式 Active Passive 1. Mary cleans the kitchen every day. → _____ 2. He takes out the garbage out every → _____ 3.day. Wendy doesn’t eat hamburgers. → _____ 4. Mary doesn’t speak Japanese. → _____ 5. Does Sue teach history? → _____ 6. Lisa sent that letter. → _____ 7. The old man bought my old car. → _____ 8. Miss Wang invited me to dinner. → _____ 9. Your cat didn’t kill the bird. → _____ 10. Did Tom write that letter? → _____

未來式 Active Passive 1. Mr. Wang is going to wash his car. → ______2. Cindy is going to review Lesson 3. → ______3. The Tigers are going to win the game. → ______

4. They are going to take Tom to the hospital. → ______5. She will buy a house. → ______


6. I will do the work. → ______7. David will invite Lily to the party. → ______8. Someone will clean the car tomorrow. → ______

含「語氣助動詞」 Active Passive 1. You must tell the truth. → ______2. Tim can ride my bicycle. → ______3. You should invite them to the party. → ______4. The boy has to wash this horse. → ______5. We have to follow the traffic rules. → ______

在進行式、過去進行式 Active Passive 1. John is opening the doors. → ______2. Michael is moving the heavy box . → ______3. Many people are watching the movie. → ______4. Miss Li was reading a novel then. → ______5. A-mei was singing the song at that → ______6.time. Mr. Wang was washing the dishes → ______then. 現在完成式 Active Passive 1. Mary has finished the homework. → _____ 2. Joe has taken the medicine. → _____ 3. Peter and John have vacuumed the room. → _____ 4. I have invited Mary and Jane to the party. → _____ 5. They have found the dictionary. → _____



1. 附加問句是加在句尾的一短問句,為口語及非正式用法;目的主要是用來確認某事是否真實正確, 或是尋求他人的同意與認可。口語中,所有附加問句都可以用萬靈丹…,right?代替。 2. 形成的原則: (1) 時態與前面主要句子一致。 (2) 主要句子為肯定,則附加問句為否定;主要句子為否定,附加問句為肯定。(前肯後否) (3) 主詞須改為代名詞。(注意男女) (4) 附加問句為否定時,not 要與 be 動詞或助動詞縮寫。( I am early, am I not? 除外) 3. 附加問句的三種句型: (1) be 動詞句型:與主要句子使用相同的 be 動詞。 例:It’s snowing outside, isn’t it? You are not the new partner, are you? (2) 一般動詞句型:依據時態與人稱來決定使用助動詞 do∕does∕did。 例:Daniel likes to play tennis, doesn’t he? They didn’t know Annie, did they? (3) 助動詞句型(do∕does∕did 之外):與主要句子使用相同的助動詞。 例:Your sister can speak four languages, can’t she? They will not come back again, will they? ※ 附加問句的主詞必須是「人稱代名詞」。 直述句主詞 附加問句主詞 例句

名詞 代名詞 My brother can play the piano well, can’t he? This/That is your book, isn’t it? this, that it That’s Harry Potter, isn’t it? these, those they These/Those are yours, aren’t they? there there There is a meeting tonight, isn’t there? everything it Everything is okay, isn’t it? everyone, everybody, Everyone took the test, didn’t they?(口語) they no one, nobody Everyone took the test, didn’t he?(正式寫法) Swimming in the ocean is exciting, isn’t it? V-ing…, To + V… it To swim in the ocean is exciting, isn’t it? 4. 附加問句變化: (1.)有否定詞(no, never, nothing, seldom, little, few, none, hardly)的句子時, 附加問句用肯定。


1. There’s nothing wrong with your radio, is there? 2. Nobody cheated on the exam, ______? 3. You’ve never been to Paris, ______? 4. He has little money, ______? 5. She seldom goes to school late, ______? 6. None of the boys can play the piano, ______?

(2.) 前面直述句有 too ~ to ~或有負面涵義(但文法定義上仍是肯定句)的附加問句: 1. Your brother is too young to go to school, isn’t he? 2. The coffee is too hot to drink, ______? 3. Swimming in the ocean is dangerous,______? 4. Sam was unhappy today, ______?

(3.) 祈使句的附加問句不論「肯定」或「否定」,統一都用 will you(因為祈使句是省略主詞 you)。 例:1. Be quiet, will you? 【= Be quiet, please.】 2. Don’t sit here, will you? 【= Don’t sit here, please.】 3. Never be late for school, ______? 4. Mother, let us go shopping, will you? 5. Let Tom clean the kitchen, ______? (4.) 若是「邀請對方吃喝東西」的祈使句,則用 won’t you?(希望對方接受邀請) 例:1. Have some coffee, won’t you? 2. Have a cup of tea,______? (5.) 表達「提議、建議我們去(不)做….」的祈使句: 1. Let’s go shopping, shall we? 2. Let’s play softball,______? 3. Let’s not talk to him, all right / OK? 4. Let’s not eat pizza,______? (6.) 句中帶有附屬子句的附加問句: 名詞子句、副詞子句和形容詞子句三大子句與附加問句無關,附加問句要依據「主要子句」 來決定。例':If the sun comes out, you will dry the floor, won’t you? 1. She knows that you use chopsticks, doesn’t she? → 名詞子句 2. She doesn’t know what gift we are going to buy for her, ______? → 名詞子句 3. She hasn’t decided whether she will go or not, ______? → 名詞子句 4. What Mr. Wang said is true, ______? → 名詞子句


5. We won’t go on a picnic if it rains tomorrow, ______? → 副詞子句 6. While Father was watching TV, Mother was cooking, ______? → 副詞子句 7. Before I got home, Father had mopped the floor, ______? → 副詞子句 8. You know the man who is talking to our teacher, ______? → 形容詞子句 9. The man who helped in the accident is your uncle, ______? → 形容詞子句

(7.) 但有例外:主要子句的主詞為「I」,而動詞為「自我主觀認知」的動詞,如:think / believe / guess / be sure…時,則附加問句的主詞、動詞根據名詞子句(這樣的附加問句 才有意義),但肯定或否定則根據主要子句,因為這種句子否定通常會前移比較禮貌,如: He is not a taxi driver. → I don’t think he is a taxi driver.

1. I think that Tom is a taxi driver, isn’t he?

2. I don’t think (that) he has ever been to New York, ______? 3. I am sure you will get the best grades in the exam, ______?

4. I believe your parents will help you with your homework, ______?

5. I guess that Judy went to the party, ______?

* 比較:1. You think that Mary will pass the test, don’t you? 2. I think that Mary will pass the test, won’t she? 【Quiz】 1. You can’t ride a bike, ? 2. Karen and her sister enjoy playing the piano, ? 3. This skirt is too long for little Sara, ? 4. Grace is never late for school, ? 5. You are not going to talk to him again, ? 6. This television is not made in Japan, ? 7. Jack bought some computer games yesterday, ? 8. Amy hasn’t been to Europe, ? 9. We don’t have to go to school tomorrow, ? 10. Jennifer and Brad won’t go to the party together, ?


Part E---- 形容詞子句(關係子句)

1. 兩個句子中有重複的普通名詞,不用對等連接詞連接兩句(複合句),而利用其中一個名詞當膠水(改 寫成 who/ which)把兩個句子合理的黏在一起(複雜句)。因為兩個句子有關連(重複的普通名詞),所以 形容詞子句又叫作關係子句,一律緊跟在要修飾的名詞(先行詞)之後(即後位修飾),這個被當成膠水改 寫的名詞,就叫做關係代名詞。 例:1. I know the girl. The girl(She) loves John. = I know the gril and she loves John. (複合句) = I know the gril who loves John. (複雜句) 2. Many students are playing hide-and-seek. One of them is my cousin. = Many students are playing hide-and-seek and one of them is my cousin. (複合句) = Many students are playing hide-and-seek , one of whom is my cousin. (複雜句)

2. 當先行詞為受詞,形容詞子句加在句尾,像彗星似拖著尾巴。當先行詞為主詞,形容詞子句夾在 主詞與動詞中間,也就是句子中間,這一類子句比較容易出錯,請注意! 例:I know the girl who loves John. / I know the girl (who )John loves.

例:The girl who loves John wears in pink. / The girl (who) John loves wears in pink.

3. 若重複的名詞是專有名詞或獨一無二的名詞時,關係子句前、後要加逗號作區隔,表示此形容詞子 句為多補充的,沒有限定先行詞的功能,這樣的關係子句叫做非限定用法或補述用法。而且關代不可 用that,只能用who(人)、which (物)。(詳見第七點非限定用法) 例: Mom works as a nurse. She always gets home late. = Mom works as a nurse and she always gets home late. = Mom , who works as a nurse, always gets home late.

4. 關代的單複數由先行詞決定,也就是形容詞子句中的「動詞」須和「先行詞」一致。 The book which ______about wild animals is Tom’s. The books which ______about wild animals cost 1,200.

ㄧ、 關代為主詞 : who、which、that。 作「主詞」 的關係代名詞,不能被省略。 例1: I thanked the girl. She helped me. = I thanked the girl who helped me. = I thanked the girl that helped me.

例2: The books are mine. They are on the table. = The books which are on the table are mine. = The books that are on the table are mine. 50

二. 關代為受詞 : whom、who、which、that。作「受詞」的關係代名詞,常被省略。 A. 代名詞做「動詞」的受詞: 例1: The man was Mr. Jones. I saw him. = The man whom I saw was Mr. Jones. = The man who I saw was Mr. Jones. = The man that I saw was Mr. Jones. = The man I saw was Mr. Jones.

例2: The books were expensive. We bought them last night. = The books which we bought last night were expensive. = The books that we bought last night were expensive. = The books we bought last night were expensive.

B. 代名詞做「介系詞」的受詞: 例1: She is the woman. I told you about her. = She is the woman whom I told you about. = She is the woman who I told you about. = She is the woman that I told you about. = She is the woman I told you about. = She is the woman about whom I told you.

例2: The music was good. We listened to it last night. = The music which we listened to last night was good. = The music that we listened to last night was good. = The music we listened to last night was good. = The music to which we listened last night was good. * 介系詞若置於形容詞子句前面時,關代限用whom、which,不可省略,也不可用that、who。


Exercise A. 形容詞子句句型翻譯:「…..的●●」,●●為先行詞要先寫,…..的為子句緊跟在後寫。 A. 作主詞的關係代名詞 (關係代名詞不可省略) I. 彗星式: II. 三明治式: 1. 我喜歡那位正在彈鋼琴的女孩。 1. 正在彈鋼琴的那女孩是我的妹妹。

2. Mary 喜歡有短髮的那個男孩。 2. 有短髮的那個男孩是 Mary 的同班同學。

3. John 喜歡會看門的那隻狗。 3. 會看門的那隻狗是 John 的。

4. 我喜歡那些 Jolin 唱的歌曲。(被動語態) 4. Jolin 唱的歌曲受很多人喜歡。(被動語態)

5. 我看見一位打籃球比 Jordan 棒的男孩。 5. 那位打籃球比 Jordan 棒的男孩是我的朋友。

B. 作受詞的關係代名詞 (關係代名詞可省略) I. 彗星式: II. 三明治式: 1. 那位就是我喜歡的女孩。 1. 我喜歡的女孩不喜歡我。

2. 那隻就是 Jolin 喜歡的狗。 2. Jolin 喜歡的狗會看門。

3. 我喜歡 Jolin 唱的那些歌曲。(主動語態) 3. jolin 唱的那些歌曲很受歡迎。(主動語態)

4. Helen 正穿著她媽媽昨天買的毛衣。 4. 她媽媽昨天買的毛衣很昂貴。

5. 我知道 Lucy 正在聽的音樂。 5. Lucy 正在聽的音樂很棒。


Exercise B. Combine the two sentences. 用指定位置當先行詞合併兩句,做適當的修改。 1. 找到兩句相同的普通名詞。 2. 排出合理的中文「…..的●●」,●●為先行詞放前面,…..的為子句緊放在先行詞後面(不論先行詞 在句中何處,緊跟著就對了,把原句分屍也沒關係—也就是三明治型。) 3. 把子句中重複的名詞當膠水貼在先行詞後,子句剩下的部份全部照抄。 *合理的中文:(1)文意通順 (2)問句/ This is…/ Here is…不能作子句 (3)後面的時間不能作之前 事件的子句 先行詞在受詞位置 (彗星型) 先行詞在主詞位置 (三明治型) 1. I went to the movie. 1. I went to the movie. Teacher Carrie talked about the movie. The movie was about 911. → ______→ ______

2. We ate the apples. 2. We ate the apples. Linda bought them from Wellcome. They were bought from Wellcome. → ______→ ______

3. This is the homework. 3. The homework is difficult. We did it yesterday. It is from Lesson 5. → ______→ ______4. Mr. Smith is the man. 4. The man is Mr. Smith. John spoke to the man. The man spoke to John. → ______→ ______5. Mom bought the watch in Sogo. 5. Mom bought the watch in Sogo. Mom gives me the watch. The watch is expensive. ______→ ______→ ______6. I had broken that radio. 6. Dad fixed that radio yesterday. Dad fixed it yesterday. It works well now. ______→ ______→ ______7. The taxi driver helped people in the storm. 7. The taxi driver became a hero. Let me tell you a story about him. He helped people in the storm. → ______→ ______53

三. 關係副詞用法:形容詞子句與先行詞的關係為「在先行詞這個場所(即介+關代)」時,可用 關係副詞where代替;形容詞子句與先行詞的關係為「在先行詞這個時間(即介+關代)」時, 可用關係副詞when代替。 例: The building is very old . He lives there.(in the building) = The building which he lives in is very old. = The building that he lives in is very old. = The building he lives in is very old. = The building in which he lives is very old = The building where he lives is very old. 比較: 1. This is the house. It has a rose garden. = This is the house ______has a rose garden. 2. This is the house. There is a rose garden there. = This is the house ______there is a rose garden. = This is the house ______there is a rose garden. 3. The Apples were ready for the Conference 2015. They would surprise the world with their latest model. =The Apples were ready for the Conference 2015 ______they would surprise the world with their latest model. Exercise C. 關係副詞 例:I like the house. We live in the house. = I like the house in which we live. = I like the house where we live. 1. I can’t forget the house. I was born in that house. = 2. This is the police station. Mr. Wu works in that police station. = 3. Ms. Li likes to go to the night market. She can find cheap but interesting things there. = 4. This is the park. Ted met Linda there twenty years ago. = 5. George and Mary got married on the date. I can’t remember the date. = 6. George and I broke up then. I still remember these sad moments. = *7. The Love River flows by our school. We had sailing classes on the river. (非限定,加逗號) = *8. The county Ilan is a nice place. The Toy Festival is held there. (非限定,加逗號) =


四、關係所有格代名詞:當兩句子中的名詞並非完全重複,而是有名詞與其所有格的關係。 1. We envy the girl. Her hair is long and curly. = We envy the girl whose hair is long and curly. (人的) 2. Look at John! His desk is always tidy. = Look at John , whose desk is always tidy. (指涉專有名詞的關代 前面要加逗號) 3. Look at the house. Its roof is leaking. = Look at the house whose roof is leaking. (物的)

五、複合關係代名詞:當先行詞(事)不明確時,先行詞(事)可與關係代名詞合併為what。(此外、不明 確地點用where,不明確時間用when,不明確理由用why 等關係副詞取代。這種結構和wh-間接問 句【疑問詞+主詞+(助動詞)動詞】外觀相同。) 例:1. He said something. It is not true. = Something that he said is not true. = What he said is not true. 2. I don’t know anything. I should do it. = I don’t know anything that I should do. = I don’t know what I should do. = I don’t know what to do. (降為名詞片語) 3. Stay where you are. 4. I don’t know when these will be all over. 5. She didn’t tell me why she was late.

六. 形容詞子句降位為形容詞片語:只有關代作主詞的子句才能降位,因為關代與動詞必須 同時留(=子句)、或同時丟(=片語);而關代作受詞的子句本來就可以省略關代,所以不能降位。 □ 1.She is the girl who loves John. □ 2. She is the girl who John loves. (A) 分詞構句:(另見附錄2---p61) (1) 省略當主詞的關係代名詞及 be 動詞: 1. The man who is sitting on the bench is from England. = The man sitting on the bench is from England. 2. The house that was built in 1890 is under reconstruction. (built 為pp,被動語態) = The house built in 1890 is under reconstruction. 3. The books that are on the floor are mine. (也是介詞片語) = The books on the floor are mine. 4. There are 3 boys. They are playing under the tree./ There is a car. It was stolen. = There are 3 boys playing under the tree. / There is a car stolen.


(2) 形容詞子句中若不含 be 動詞,則省略當主詞的關係代名詞並把動詞改成它的 –ing 形式。 1. Anyone who wants to come with us is welcome. = Anyone wanting to come with us is welcome. 2. She was the one who told the truth. = She was the one telling the truth.

(B) 介詞片語: 介系詞片語是由介系詞開頭、兩個字以上的語詞,如:in the car、with long hair、 about Taiwan。放在名詞(主詞或受詞)的後方作後位修飾,當作形容詞用。 (1) 修飾主詞 The woman who wears curly hair is my mom. = The woman with curly hair is my mom. 【配戴用 with】 The woman who wears a red dress is my mom. = The woman in a red dress is my mom. 【包覆用 in】 *比較: The boy with a cap in a transfer.(手上拿著) Vs The boy in a cap is a transfer. (頭上戴著) (2) 修飾受詞 George borrowed a travel book which is about Spain. = George borrowed a travel book about Spain.

※整理 形容詞 The man who wears glasses is my PE The box which is made in the UK looks 子句 teacher. expensive. 分詞構 The man wearing glasses is my PE The box made in the UK looks 句 teacher. expensive. 形容詞 The man with glasses is my PE teacher. The box from the Uk looks expensive. 片語

七、非限定用法: 一般形容詞子句有從眾多名詞中指涉出先行詞是哪一個的功能(=限定用法),所以先行詞必須是 普通名詞。 若先行詞為專有名詞或獨一無二不須指涉者(=不說也清楚前面名詞的一句=廢話一句 =類似同位語者),則形容詞子句須用逗號隔開,表示為補述用法(=非限定用法)。 1. Simon, who was my sixth grade classmate, has become a famous writer. 2. Taipei 101, which was once the tallest building in the world, is a big attraction to many.


比較: (只有一個男孩或已經知道是誰了,不需要特別指出來) Mike, who is standing by the door, is a transfer. (有許多男孩,指出其中一個) There are many handsome boys here. Which is the one you talked about? The one who is standing by the door is Mike. 比較: My uncle, who lives in Taipei, is here on vacation. (只有一個叔叔,順口說說住台北) My uncle who lives in Taipei is here on vacation. ( 好幾個叔叔,住台北的那個叔叔來玩)

八、關係代名詞的“that”使用整理: A. 使用時機: 1. 先行詞同時有「人和物」時一定要用that。 例:A man and his dog that were running across the street were hit by a bus. The people and the food that I have seen and tasted in Japan are the most unforgetable. 2. 先行詞之前有「最高級形容詞」時通常用that。 例:Mary is the most beautiful girl that I have ever seen. 3. 先行詞之前有「序數:the first, the second, ...the last」時通常用that。 例:This is the first book that interests me. 4. 先行詞之前有 the only, the same, the very, all, any, no, ...時通常用that。 例:1. Paula was the only one that I knew at the party. 2. This is the same watch that I lost yesterday. 3. This is the very restaurant that I first met my wife in. 4. All that we do every day is sit inside and study. 5. Any newspaper that you read gave the same story. 6. No man that has common sense can believe it. 5. 主要子句是「疑問詞」開頭的疑問句,為避免如 who...who ~ 或 which...which~ 這種 重複現象造成混淆,關係代名詞常用 that。 例:1. Who was the teacher that came here yesterday? 2. Which is the story book that your sister likes best?

B. 不可使用 that 情況:(基本上,不是以下三種情形的關代,都可以用that) 1. 前面有介系詞時。 The painting at which John is looking is great. 2. 補述用法(=非限定用法=前面有逗點。) 57

Mom, who works as a nurse, always gets home late. 3. 先行詞是 people, those, the one, anyone 形成 people who...,those who (凡是...的人...)時。 例:People who use their free time well are usually healthy. God helps those who help themselves.

九、特別先行詞:關代所引領的關係子句99%要緊跟在先行詞後面,但偶而有出入 例: 1. One of the boys who are from the UK is in my class. The only one of the boys who is from the UK is in my class. The first season of the year , which is spring , is my favorite.. 2. Many students are playing hide-and-seek , one of whom is my cousin. 與先行詞距離較遠

*易混淆的子句 名詞子句 I know that John loves the girl.= I know John loves the girl. 形容詞子句 I know the girl that loves John. = I know the girl who loves John. 形容詞子句 I know the girl that John loves. = I know the girl who John loves. = I know the girl John loves


關係代名詞判斷 ( )1.A: Which one is Harry’s house? B: The one door is red. (A) who (B) that (C) which (D) whose ( )2.Jenny is the girl I talked last night. (A) who (B) whom (C) with what (D) with whom ( )3.A: Do you understand I’m saying? B: Not at all. Could you explain(解釋)to me again? (A) what (B) that (C) which (D) whose ( )4.I will show you the hospital I was born tomorrow. (A) what (B) that (C) which (D) where ( )5.I will show you the hospital I was born in tomorrow. (A) what (B) that (C) which (D) where ( )6.On New Year’s Eve, people can see beautiful fireworks(煙火)around Taipei 101 is the tallest building in Taiwan. (A) which (B) that (C) ,which (D) X ( )7.The story that Jenny wrote me a lot. (A) interest (B) interested (C) interesting (D) to interest ( )8.The sports car two doors belongs to me. (A) with (B) which have (C) in (D) has ( )9.Do you know the girl a beautiful voice? B: I have no idea. (A) who has (B) that (C) in (D) whose ( )10.Do you know the girl voice is very beautiful? B: I have no idea. (A) who has (B) that (C) in (D) whose ( )11.A: Who is the girl is wearing a long skirt? B: I have no idea. (A) that (B) in (C) which (D) whose ( )12.The boy a blue shirt is our new tea teacher. (A) who is (B) in (C) whose (D) which is wearing ( )13.Rita felt interested in the story stray dogs. (A) about (B) that is (C) which are (D) is about ( )14.The girl by the stray dog was sent to the hospital right away. (A) who bit (B) bit (C) who was bitten (D) was bitten ( )15.I think my brother, you met yesterday is very smart. (A) whom (B) that (C) which (D) who ( )16.I think the man you met yesterday is very smart. (A) how (B) that (C) which (D) when ( )17.I already told you everything happened last night. (A) who (B) that (C) whose (D) what ( )18.I already told you happened last night. Could you leave me alone now? (A) who (B) that (C) whose (D) what


Exercise D: 用關係子句、分詞構句、或形容詞片語(各類型皆可)合併兩句 (2) The books are mine. They are on the table.  (3) The man was Mr. Jones. I saw him.  (4) The books were expensive. We bought them last night.  (5) She is the woman. I told you about her.  (6) The music was good. We listened to it last night.  (7) Look at the man and his dog. They are running across the street.  (8) This is the very restaurant. I first met my wife in the restaurant.  (9) The man is sitting on the bench. He is from England.  (10) Anyone wants to come with us. He is welcome.  (11) People use their free time well. They are usually happy.  (12) They love to know about everything. It is happening in the world.  (13) They can read any books. They are interested in those books.  (14) Richard likes the girl. She wears a pink dress.  (15) Do you know the man? He is wearing a white suit.  (16) Chandler enjoys reading books. The books are about history.  (17) The pair of pandas are eating bamboo. They come from China.  (18) Here’s a book. It might interest you. 


附錄 2----分詞構句 :由獨立子句、或從屬子句、或形容詞子句降位成片語

(1)對等連接詞 and,且主詞為同一人的時候 Tom is sitting (sits) by the window. He is thinking hard. = Tom is sitting(sits) by the window and he is thinking hard. = Sitting by the window, Tom is thinking hard. Jack was somewhat troubled. He folded his arms across his chest. = Somewhat troubled, Jack folded his arms across his chest.

(2)副詞子句--從屬連接詞 before/ after/ when(while) +V-ing 之用法 使用時機:當 before 或 after… 引導的副詞子句的主詞和主要子句的主詞為同一人的時候,可 用此種較簡潔的語句代替。 【主詞+動詞…+before/ after+V-ing….= Before/ After+V-ing…, 主詞+動詞….】 Tom had some milk. Then he went to bed. = Tom had some milk before he went to bed. = Tom had some milk before going to bed. = Before going to bed, Tom had some milk.

(3)形容詞子句(關係子句)—形容詞子句有重複的普通名詞,因此一定為同一人或同一物,省略關代與 動詞,留下分詞(也就是動詞的意思)即可。 (a) I know the girl who is sitting under the tree. → I know the girl sitting under the tree. 省略關代與動詞,留下現在分詞

(b) I know the girl who sits under the tree. → I know the girl sitting under the tree. 省略關代與動詞,留下動詞的分詞保留意思

(c) I know the girl who was hit by the bus. → I know the girl hit (pp) by the bus. 省略關代與動詞,留下過去分詞 The box which is made in the UK looks expensive. → The box made in the UK looks expensive. 省略關代與動詞,留下過去分詞


Part F---- 附和句

1. 附和句是表示說話者自己和對方的意見或是情況相同的句型;正寫用 too 來附和肯定 「也……」,not….either 來附和否定「也不……」。倒裝句呈現用 so 來附和肯定「也……」, neither 來附和否定「也不……」,neither= not either,所以句子不用再加 not.。動詞型態與 時態皆需與對應的句子相同。 2. 附和句分為下列三種類型: (1) be 動詞附和句型: Mike is longing for the holidays. So am I.(I am, too.) Mike is not interested in math. Neither am I. ( I am not, either.) (2) 一般動詞附和句型: Thomas likes to play basketball. So does his brother.(His brother does, too.) Lisa doesn’t know what happened here. Neither do I. (I don’t, either.) (3) 助動詞附和句型: Maggie will complete her studies next month. So will my sister. ( My sister will, too) You can’t give up halfway. Neither can Sandy.(Sandy can’t, either.) John has been to Paris before. So has Linda. (Linda has, too.) John has never been to Rome. Neither has Linda. ( Linda hasn’t, either.)

*比較: He doesn’t like action movies, either. (也不….) Which does he like, either comic or action movies? (選擇 A 或 B) I was not late. Neither was he. (也不….) Neither I nor he was late. =Neither of us was late. (兩者皆非)


【practice A】依題意圈選出正確的字詞: 1. Harry likes hamburgers. ( So / Neither ) does Brian. 2. Rita didn’t like vegetables. ( So / Neither ) did Monica. 3. Emily will go to Sandy’s party. ( So / Neither ) will Peter. 4. Laura can swim. ( So / Neither ) can her cousin. 5. Peter isn’t going to school. ( So / Neither ) is Helen. 6. Tom couldn’t go swimming last Sunday. ( So / Neither ) could Nicole. 7. Mrs. Chan was quite thin when she was young. ( So / Neither ) was my mother. 8. Rita and Wendy were not very kind to me at school. ( So / Neither ) were Annie and Cindy. 9. John won’t go to the baseball game. ( So / Neither ) will Jason. 10. Ricky and I are interested in science. ( So / Neither ) are Ray and Tim. 11. I have been to America. ( So / Neither ) has Amanda. 12. Monica hasn’t called Ted yet. ( So / Neither ) have I.

【practice B】填入適當的附和句 1. Annie is very shy. I. =( I ______, ______) 2. Jack doesn’t like ice cream. Amy. =( Amy ______, ______) 3. They have been to Japan before. I. =( I ______, ______) 4. I won’t lie to you. Lisa. =( Lisa ______, ______) 5. Bill’s parents were busy. mine. =( Mine ______, ______) 6. Joan’s school is very strict. mine. =( Mine ______, ______) 7. Peter can’t drive. his brother. =( His brother ______, ______) 8. Monica ate a lot before. Joey. =( Joey ______, ______) 9. They are not going to Billy’s party. she. =( She ______, ______) 10.George is a very good teacher. you. =( You ______, ______) 11.Vicky didn’t go to school last Tuesday. Kate. =( Kate ______, ______) 12.My sister plays basketball very well. Judy. =(Judy ______, ______)


Part G------94-105 年英語基測會考分析 1.題型趨勢: 文法變少、變簡單;文意理解變多、變重要!文法克漏字 18 題題組中 17 題題組為時態判別! 單題 克漏字題組 單字 文法 (文法) (文意) 94-102 103 104 105 94-102 103 104 105 94-102 103 104 105 94-102 103 104 105 179 8 2 9 136 4 10 6 16 1 0 1 16 1 2 1 198 156 18 21 2. 文法單題句型分析:時態判斷一直最重要;各種名詞、連接詞、與特殊動詞是重點! (大致依出題率) 1 2 3 3 4 5 5 時 各 連 動詞 略 疑 名 不 附 關 介 助 形 被 比 附 態 種 接 分 句 問 詞 定 加 係 系 動 容 動 較 和 名 詞 類、 詞 子 詞 問 子 詞 詞 詞 語 級 句 詞 (副 特殊 句 與 句 句 與 態 最 詞 動詞 動 副 高 子 名 詞 級 句) 詞 (副 詞 子 句) 94-102 21 25 11 12 7 7 9 8 5 4 7 6 5 4 4 1 103 2 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 104 4 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 105 3 1 1 1 total 27 29 13 14 8 8 9 9 6 5 7 6 5 5 4 1 (大致依詞性分類:講義編排) 動詞篇 名詞篇 形容詞與副詞 其 他 時 動詞 略 不 助 附 被 各 名 疑 連 比 形 關 附 介 態 分 句 定 動 加 動 種 詞 問 接 較 容 係 和 系 類、 詞 詞 問 語 名 子 詞 詞 級 詞 子 句 詞 特殊 與 句 態 詞 句 (副 最 與 句 動詞 動 詞 高 副 名 子 級 詞 詞 句) (副 詞 子 句) page 65 71 71 72 72 73 73 74 75 76 77 77 78 78 78 78 94-102 21 12 7 9 6 5 4 25 9 7 11 3 5 4 1 7 103 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 104 4 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 105 1 1 1 3 total 76 38 35 7


動詞篇(1)--時態 1. ( )I __ a bath when someone turned off the light. I was scared and shouted for help. (A) was taking (B) took (C) am taking (D) had taken 2. ( )Nana:Did you mail the cards to your teachers? Annie:No, I want to check them again. I ___ them after dinner. (A) mailed (B) mail (C) have mailed (D) will mail 3. ( )The medicine I ___ you this morning should be taken three times a day. (A) to give (B) given (C) giving (D) gave 4. ( )My brother doesn’t live with us. He ___ out after he got married. (A) has moved (B) will move (C) was moving (D) moved 5. ( )Tina ___ hamburgers for lunch every day last week. (A) has (B) had (C) has had (D) was having 6. ( )Candy has decided to move to Taipei next year. When she studies in an art school there, she ___ with her aunt for five months. (A) lives (B) has lived (C) lived (D) will live 7. ( )Betty ___ TV when her little brother fell off the chair. (A) watched (B) was watching (C) has watched (D) is going to watch 8. ( )Alex:Why are you still here? It’s almost eight o’clock. Tom:Because I ___ my work. Don’t worry. It’s almost done. (A) wasn’t finishing (B) wouldn’t finish (C) haven’t finished (D) won’t finish 9. ( )The woman you met in the library yesterday ___ our school a lot of books. (A) giving (B) given (C) to give (D) will give 10. ( )Smart Head, one of the hottest TV programs these days, people free plane tickets to Hawaii if they can answer 20 questions correctly in 15 minutes. (A) have given (B) gives (C) giving (D) to give 【103 教育會考】 11. ( )At first, my bookstore’s business _ not very good. But now it is doing quiet well. (A) is (B) does (C) was (D) did 12. ( )Ryan: Would you like to play tennis with me? Dara: No, thanks. ____ it for three hours already. I’m tired now. (A) I playˉ(B) I’m playingˉ(C) I’ve playedˉ(D) I’ll play 13. ( )Abby:Too bad you couldn’t come to the beach with us. It was so much fun there! You must come next time. Bree:No, thanks. I don’t think ___ any fun. I can’t swim. (A) I was having (B) I’ve had (C) I have (D) I’ll have 14. ( )Mom:What ___ after school today? Ryan:Well, I just read some comic books. (A) did you do (B) do you do (C) are you doing (D) will you do 15. ( )Mrs. Smith ___ the movie very much. She has seen it three times. (A) liked (B) likes (C) has liked (D) will like 16. ( )Tommy is looking for the watch his uncle ___ him on his birthday. (A) gives (B) gave (C) to give (D) has given 17. ( )In my family, my sister is the only person who ___ chocolate. (A) love (B) loves (C) loved (D) loving 18. ( )The fishermen knew little about the island when they ___ there. (A) arrived (B) would arrive (C) arrive (D) have arrived 19. ( )If Frank ____ to the office tonight, give this package to him. (A) cameˉ(B) comesˉ(C) has comeˉ(D) will come 20. ( )If the weather is fine this weekend, my family ___ to the beach for two days.


(A) go (B) went (C) have gone (D) will go 21. ( )I’m not sure if Kevin this morning, but if he does, I’ll tell him that you called. (A) will come in (B) comes in (C) has come in (D) came in【103 教育會考】 22. ( )We ___ Aunt Polly for a long time, so we visited her last weekend. (A) don’t see (B) haven’t seen (C) hadn’t seen (D) wouldn’t see 23. ( )Lily:When will Uncle Tom come to see me? Mom:He’ll visit us this weekend. He ___ me that by e-mail. (A) told (B) tells (C) will tell (D) was going to tell 24. ( )Tonight I’ll stay at the office until I the work. (A) finish (B) am finishing (C) finished (D) will finish【104 教育會考】 25. ( )Tom ten pounds over the past two months. He looks much thinner now. (A) loses (B) has lost (C) will lose (D) was losing【104 教育會考】 26. ( )On Children’s Day, Ms. Lee, a famous storybook writer, to Molly’s Bookstore to talk about her new book. My two little kids just can’t wait to see her. (A) came (B) was coming (C) has come (D) is going to come【104 教育會考】 27. ( )B&J Café known as the tallest building in town. However, O&G Restaurant became the tallest building in 2010. (A) has been (B) had been (C) is (D) would be【104 教育會考】 28. Date: Wednesday, Oct. 24 Weather: This evening before dinner, Mom asked Kevin to go to the supermarket to buy some eggs. He 1. my jacket without asking me first. When he was putting his keys into the jacket, he found some cigarettes and showed them to Mom and Dad. Both of them were very surprised. They said smoking was bad for my health. I told them that I just tried it once. In fact, I did not like it at all. I promised I 2. again. Right now my mouth 3. quite dry, and the smell of smoke is still in my hair and clothes. I think I need a lot of water and a hot bath. cigarette 香煙 not…at all 一點也不 promise 承諾 ( )1. (A) put on (B) is putting on (C) has put on (D) would put on ( )2. (A) am never smoking (B) never smoked (C) have never smoked (D) would never smoke ( )3. (A) feels (B) felt (C) was feeling (D) will feel 29. Dear Sir, I’m sorry that I have to write this letter, but if I 1. , you’ll never see what your problem is. On Saturday evening, my family and I went to your restaurant for my birthday. Many people 2. in the restaurant. We were very hungry and didn’t want to wait, but your waiter said we 3. served in twenty minutes. We believed him, but we ended up waiting for ONE HOUR! I have to say the steak was delicious, but it was still wrong to keep people waiting for so long. Julia Wu  serve 服務 ( )1. (A) didn’t (B) don’t (C) hadn’t (D) haven’t ( )2. (A) were already (B) are already (C) have already been (D) will already be ( )3. (A) were (B) would be (C) have been (D) are going to be 30. Dad left us several months ago. He 1. a man who loved his family and his life a lot. He liked to help others, and everyone around him liked him very much. Last year, Dad got very sick and had to stay in the hospital. Mom 2. very busy running between the house and the hospital. Six months later, Dad died. I couldn’t believe I 3. him again. Today is Dad’s 50th birthday. I really want to tell him how much I miss him…. ( )1. (A) was (B) is (C) has been (D) will be ( )2. (A) became (B) becomes (C) has become (D) is becoming


( )3. (A) did not see (B) have not seen (C) am not seeing (D) would not see 31. Dear Jean, How have you been? I’m writing this to say I’m sorry that 21. your birthday. These days I felt there was something wrong, but I just couldn’t think of what it was. Yesterday afternoon on the bus, I 22. remembered what it was. Your birthday is this month, and it was two weeks ago! I feel so bad. I picked out a gift for you. I hope you like it. By the way, 23. a great time on your birthday? I can’t wait to hear about it. Love, Linda  by the way 順便一提 ( )1. (A) I forget (B) I forgot (C) I’m forgetting (D) I’ve forgotten ( )2. (A) also (B) finally (C) only (D) still ( )3. (A) have you had (B) are you having (C) would you have (D) did you have 32. Reader’s Story 【103 教育會考】 It’s never comfortable to take a bus during rush hour on a hot summer day. All my friends hate it. And I…, well, I 1. it, too. The story happened two months ago. I was on a bus that was packed with almost everyone in the city. I 2. my friend Neal to see a show. And then he called and said he couldn’t come. “This is not what I planned for Friday!” I thought. The air on the bus was terrible; the man in front of me smelled like dead fish. While I was feeling sorry for myself, a girl called my name. I didn’t recognize her at first. Then I was surprised to find that she was Hui-ting, my old neighbor. I 3. Hui-ting in years. We used to play together every day when we were kids. We were happy to see each other, so we decided to have dinner together. And that was the start of many dinners after. With Hui-ting, the bus ride 4. something I love. The bus is still packed with people, but I enjoy the ride every day. (Xiang Chang, Taipei)  rush hour 尖峰時間 recognize 認出 ( )1. (A) hate (B) have hated (C) used to hate (D) would hate ( )2. (A) used to meet (B) was going to meet (C) have met (D) had met ( )3. (A) won’t see (B) wouldn’t see (C) haven’t seen (D) hadn’t seen ( )4. (A) has become (B) had become (C) will become (D) would become 33. When Marcy was a little girl, her parents were always worried about not having enough money. Their sad faces made her decide to help, so she left school and 1. to work at the age of fifteen. Since then, she has done many different jobs. Most of the jobs did not pay well, but she tried her best in all of them and learned a lot. Marcy is now thirty years old, and her family has a better life. But Marcy’s friends keep telling her that she should learn to make more money. They 2. her several ways, but she has not tried any of them. She is not interested in anything risky. What she wants most now is to go back to school. She knows she 3. really happy if she can be a student again. risky 有風險的 ( )1. (A) starts (B) started (C) has started (D) will start ( )2. (A) are teaching (B) were teaching (C) have taught (D) will teach ( )3. (A) is (B) was (C) has been (D) will be 34. Shu-fen is in her third year of junior high school. She has many tests every day, but she does not even want to look at her books. Shu-fen was not like this before. In fact, she 1. studying during her first two years of high school and always got high grades on tests. She was happy then. But these days Shu-fen always feels tired and bored. There 2. so many tests that Shu-fen cannot relax and do the things she likes. But what can she do? She can only tell herself that things 3. better after she starts senior high school. relax 放鬆 67

( )1. (A) enjoys (B) enjoyed (C) has enjoyed (D) will enjoy ( )2. (A) are (B) were (C) would be (D) are going to be ( )3. (A) get (B) got (C) have got (D) will get 35. People in Quiet Town are very sad that their old friend, Time River, is facing the end of its life next October. The river 1. a lot to the people in the town. They all grow up and live with it all their lives. In the old times, people in the town 2. their houses on both sides of the river. The houses in each block shared a public washing room. On Mondays, people came and washed their clothes together there. They hung their clothes at the back of each house. Those clothes with different colors 3. a beautiful picture along the river. Now Time River is going to be filled in to make more land to build on. People are happy that they 4. more living space. But at the same time, they feel sorry that they must say good-bye to their old friend. So they have decided to give a party one day a year to remember the river.  hung(原形為 hang)懸掛 ( )1. (A) means (B) is meaning (C) will mean (D) meant ( )2. (A) build (B) are building (C) have built (D) built ( )3. (A) make (B) are making (C) have made (D) made ( )4. (A) have (B) have had (C) will have (D) had 36. One day after dinner, Lois went to the park for a walk. On her way there, she was stopped by a man who 1. his fingernails. “Somebody took my bag,” he said, “and I have no money to get home.” He asked Lois if she could lend him some money. Lois was afraid and said “no” to him in a polite way. The man did not listen and kept asking for money. Lois did not change her mind. The man got angry and cried out, “You 2. a cold person. I hate you!” Lois felt so bad that she ran home quickly. Even today, Lois is still wondering whether what she 3. to that man was right or wrong. fingernail 指甲 wonder 疑惑 ( )1. (A) bites (B) has bit (C) was biting (D) would bite ( )2. (A) are (B) were (C) will be (D) would be ( )3. (A) says (B) said (C) will say (D) would say 37. One Thursday morning in Blue Town, I noticed a lot of people going to the church. Late, all the people in the streets stopped and just stood where they were. All of them 18 quiet for two minutes, Everyone looked serious. I found this strange and asked a woman what was happening. She said that they were commemorating the birthday of St. George, who 19 for helping the farmers of the town to get back their land from the king. Later, I saw some people wearing and selling flowers on the streets. They told me the money would be used to help poor farmers. Since that trip, I 20 about Blue Town a lot. I often tell my friends about this experience and show them some pictures I took there.  commemorate 紀念 ( )1. (A) are (B) have been (C) were (D) would be ( )2. (A) has been killed (B) was killed (C) would be killed (D) is going to be killed ( )3. (A) thought (B) was thinking (C) have thought (D) will think 38. Shu-mei is in the third year of senior high school. She is very good at singing and 1. many prizes in the past few years with her beautiful voice. Although Shu-mei always gets good grades at school, she does not want to spend too much time studying. She 2. singing more than studying. Her biggest dream is to become a great singer in the future. Shu-mei’s parents have sent her to a music teacher to learn singing, and Shu-mei 3. hard every day. She hopes she can get into a music school to study singing after she finishes high school.  prize 獎賞 1. (A) wins (B) was winning (C) has won (D) is going to win 2. (A) loves (B) loved (C) is loving (D) will love 68

3. (A) practices (B) practiced (C) has practiced (D) is going to practice 39. Monica 1. the thin old man who lives next to her must be very poor and lonely. She often saw him wearing old clothes and sitting in the park by himself. Last Christmas, when Monica was jogging in the park, the old man came up to her with a large bag on his shoulder. Monica guessed the old man 2. her for some money or help. But she was surprised to find many children following him. The old man took out a box from his bag and said to her with a big smile, “Merry Christmas! I bought presents for everybody. This one is for you.” At that moment, Monica understood how wrong her idea about the old man was. Since then, she 3. not to judge people by how they look. She now knows how people look is not the same as what they really are.  judge 判斷 ( )1. (A) used to think (B) is thinking (C) thinks (D) will think ( )2. (A) asked (B) would ask (C) is asking (D) has asked ( )3. (A) tried (B) is trying (C) has tried (D) will try 40. Karen:Good morning, Sheryl. You look different today. Sheryl:Really? Do I look thinner? I just 1. doing some work on my apartment. Karen:I see. What did you do? Sheryl:I 2. the apartment myself and got a new couch and coffee table for the living room. Karen:It sounds like a big job. What colors did you paint your apartment? Sheryl:Several different ones. Let me see…white, yellow, green, blue and pink. Karen:So that’s why you 3. all those colors on your hair? Sheryl: Oh, no! ( )1. (A) finish (B) will finish (C) finished (D) would finish ( )2. (A) paint (B) painted (C) was painting (D) would paint ( )3. (A) have (B) will have (C) had (D) would have 41. Ms. Li: A-fu, why were you late every day this week? A-fu: I’m sorry, Ms. Li, but there 1. a traffic jam on Monday morning. Ms. Li: How about Tuesday and Wednesday? A-fu: I missed the bus. Ms. Li: Why did you miss the bus? A-fu: I 2. very hard and went to bed late. Ms. Li: If you keep being late, I 3. you dump garbage for the class for one month! A-fu: But Ms. Li, I was NOT late this morning! Ms. Li: No, you weren’t. But why are you still wearing your slippers? A-fu: What? I…!? traffic jam 塞車 dump 倒 slipper 拖鞋 ( ) 1. (A) wasˉ(B) isˉ(C) has beenˉ(D) will be ( ) 2. (A) studiedˉ(B) am studyingˉ(C) have studiedˉ(D) will study ( ) 3. (A) was makingˉ(B) makeˉ(C) have madeˉ(D) will make 42. Last night I had a bad dream. In my dream, I 1. to a room by three strange-looking people. They talked to each other in a language I didn’t understand. I didn’t know what they 2. to me. Would they do anything bad? I was so afraid that I started to cry. Suddenly, one of them came up to me and tried to hurt me with a knife. I cried out loudly and then I 3. up. Luckily, there were no people around-I was in my own bed! strange-looking 長相奇怪的 suddenly 突然得 ( ) 1.(A) am takenˉ(B) was taken (C) have been takenˉ(D) would be taken ( ) 2.(A) are doingˉ(B) didˉ(C) have doneˉ(D) would do ( ) 3.(A) wakeˉ(B) wokeˉ(C) was wakingˉ(D) was going to wake


43. Long long time ago, a girl named Doris lost her ring. She felt so bad that she could not sleep well. When Doris turned over in her bed, she found the black horse in the picture on the wall 1. . She was very surprised, so she got out of bed to have a closer look. When Doris touched the head of the horse, she 2. into the picture! Now Doris was sitting on the back of the running horse! It was so exciting to be riding a horse in the beautiful sky, but Doris did not know where the horse 3. her. Finally, they stopped in front of an old church. There Doris found a gift bag. She opened the bag and saw her ring inside. Doris was very happy. When she put on the ring, she woke up from her dream. At that moment, Doris could not believe her eyes – the ring 4. there back on her finger! ( )1. (A) is moving (B) has moved (C) was moving (D) will move ( )2. (A) is pulled (B) was pulled (C) has been pulled (D) would be pulled ( )3. (A) took (B) is taking (C) has taken (D) would take ( )4. (A) is (B) was (C) has been (D) would be 44. 綜合 Mr. Hutman owns a restaurant. One day, one of his two cooks ran away with some money. Mr. Hutman was sad and worried because the next day was Saturday, and the restaurant 1. very busy then. So that night he called his friends, but could not find anyone to help. On Saturday, many people came to the restaurant for lunch. 2. cook got so busy that he wanted to leave, too. 3. , one of the waiters, Henry, told Mr. Hutman that he could help in the kitchen. People who had lunch in the restaurant that day enjoyed the food Henry cooked. Mr. Hutman was very happy and made Henry a new cook of the restaurant. ( )1. (A) would be (B) is (C) has been (D) will be ( )2. (A) One (B) Each (C) Another (D) The only ( )3. (A) Also (B) In fact (C) Luckily (D) For example 45. (35-38) 【105 教育會考】 It was 11 p.m. and Molly walked out of her bakery. She turned and looked at her store one last time. She wanted to remember what it 35. at the moment. A few hours later, people would come and clean out everything in the store. A young man had bought it. He 36. it into a flower shop. Before it was a bakery, this place 37. a small coffee shop. Molly worked in the shop as a waitress. But taking orders was never Molly’s dream; baking was. When she knew her boss planned to sell the shop, she borrowed money and bought it. Her bakery had been open for thirty years. Thirty very wonderful years. However, it would all come to an end tonight. Molly 38. the bakery to be a family business. But her daughter was never interested in baking. Molly did not want her business in a stranger’s hands, so after some serious thinking, she decided to close it. “Goodbye, my dear old friend,” Molly looked at the store, whispering.  whisper 低語 ( )35. (A) had looked like (B) looked like (C) would look like (D) has looked like ( )36. (A) had changed (B) changed (C) was going to change (D) has changed ( )37. (A) used to be (B) would be (C) has been (D) is ( )38. (A) had wanted (B) has wanted (C) would want (D) will want


動詞篇(2)-- 動詞分類、特殊動詞 1.( )The pie at your party ___ good. Where did you buy it? (A) ate (B) bit (C) made (D) tasted 2.( )Paul: ____ Shelly’s father a businessman? Carl:. I don’t think so. I remember he teaches English. (A) Areˉ(B) Isˉ(C) Doˉ(D) Does 3.( )I can ___ you the book, but you have to give it back to me in three days. (A) borrow (B) lend (C) read (D) show 4.( )Stella is a baseball fan. She __ more than one hundred pictures of famous baseball players. (A) hasˉ(B) has beenˉ(C) isˉ(D) is having 5.( )Studying in a foreign country __ me a lot of money. That’s why I had to sell my apartment. (A) cost (B) lost (C) made (D) spent 6.( )When I was walking along the river, I saw some fish ___ out of the water. (A) jumped (B) to jump (C) jumping (D) are jumping 7.( )Playing in the water ___ lots of fun on a hot summer day. (A) is (B) are (C) has (D) have 8.( )If I finish my homework before eight o’clock, my parents will let me ___ TV for one hour. (A) watchˉ(B) watchingˉ(C) to watchˉ(D) have watched 9.( )The little boy jumped up and down happily when he saw a bee ___ into the house. (A) flown (B) to fly (C) flying (D) has flown 10.( )Wendy: Do you know where the library is? Simon: Just ___ going for two more blocks and you’ll see it. (A) keep (B) to keep (C) keeping (D) keeps 11.( )Judy: The ball game will be on TV tomorrow at six in the morning. Lucy: ____ up early and you won’t miss it. (A) Getˉ (B) To get ˉ(C) Gettingˉ (D) Gets 12.( )See? The strange man I saw yesterday __ around my house again. Should I call the police? (A) walking (B) is walking (C) and walked (D) to walk 13.( )Charles a day in the department store looking for a hat for his wife. (A) cost (B) spent (C) saw (D) made【104 教育會考】 14. ( ) My cat got excited when it saw the boy the birds. 【105 教育會考】 (A) catches (B) catching (C) to catch (D) caught

動詞篇(3)-- 略句 1.( )Ken’s brothers like to watch tennis, but Ken ___. He is crazy about baseball. (A) is (B) isn’t (C) does (D) doesn’t 2.( )Melody has a great interest in planting flowers, but her sister ___. She can’t even stay in the garden for one minute. (A) can’t (B) doesn’t (C) isn’t (D) won’t 3.( )Many of my classmates have had the experience of taking an airplane, but I __. (A) don’t (B) wasn’t (C) won’t (D) haven’t 4.( )Linda:Do you have to get up early in the morning? Peter:Yes, I ___. I can’t be late for school. (A) do (B) can (C) have (D) am 5.( )Betty goes jogging every day in the park, and Allen ___, too. (A) is (B) does (C) has (D) was


6.( )Alice: Have you ever been to a baseball game? Jamie: No, never. ___ Alice: Sure. Baseball is my favorite sport. (A) Do you? (B) Have you? (C) Don’t you (D) Haven’t you? 7.( )Mom:Peter, be sure to finish your school report before you go to bed. Peter:OK, Mom, I ___. (A) am (B) do (C) have (D) will 8.( )No one thought James would appear at Katie’s party. So when he , everyone was surprised and could not believe their eyes. (A) would (B) was (C) had (D) did【104 教育會考】

動詞篇(4)-- 不定詞與動名詞 1.( )__ exercise after work is a good way for me to forget the troubles in the office. (A) Playing (B) Making (C) Going (D) Doing 2.( )___ in the daytime is not good for you. You may not sleep well at night and feel tired the next day. (A) Slept (B) Sleeps (C) Have slept (D) Sleeping 3.( )The most convenient way to get around this small town is a bike. (A) to ride (B) to have ridden (C) rides (D) rode 4.( )I usually carry a camera on my trips; taking pictures ___ a good way for me to remember the experience. (A) to be (B) is (C) being (D) are 5.( )Dad always tells me not ___ only for tests. If that’s all I’m doing, he says, I will soon lose interest in learning. (A) study (B) studying (C) studied (D) to study 6.( )Learning foreign languages ___ me to know more about other countries. (A) helps (B) helping (C) help (D) to help 7.( )Asking questions ____ Henna learn more and better. (A) helpˉ(B) helpsˉ(C) helpingˉ(D) to help 8.( )It was important for Kevin ___ his homework quickly because he had to help his parents sell fruit in the night market. (A) finish (B) to finish (C) finishes (D) finished 9. ( ) Playing sports at least three times a week good for your health. 【105 教育會考】 (A) is (B) are (C) has (D) have 10. ( )I think __ is more fun to go to the movies with my friends than with my family. (A) that (B) there (C) one (D) it

動詞篇(5)-- 助動詞 1.( )Mom:Oh, no! Your sister forgot her sports shoes. When ___ she have PE class? Can you take the shoes to her school? Peter:It’s in the afternoon. Don’t worry. I’ll bring them to her. (A) did (B) does (C) has (D) is 2.( )___ the dog that bites people yours? You should keep it home. (A) Can (B) Does (C) Has (D) Is 3.( )Allen:___ you have twenty minutes right now? I need to talk to you.


Bruce:Sure! Come on in. (A) Are (B) Do (C) Have (D) Should 4.( )Sam: ___ you have a good time at Mr. Moore’s house tonight? Tom: Yes. It was a wonderful party. I’m glad I went. (A) Do (B) Did (C) Will (D) Would 5.( )Ms. Wu:What animals ___ your sister like? Herbert:She likes lions and tigers. (A) do (B) does (C) are (D) is 6.( )Andy: Did Mary ___ that square watch? Lucy: Yes, she just bought it. (A) buy (B) buys (C) bought (D) has bought

動詞篇(6)-- 附加問句 1.( )Alice really likes having noodles for breakfast, ___? (A) doesn’t she (B) is she (C) hasn’t she (D) did she 2.( )Robert: Charles wanted to borrow $1,000 from me yesterday. Mandy: You didn’t lend him the oney, ___? (A) would you (B) wouldn’t you (C) did you (D) didn’t you 3.( )The tall man over there is our new English teacher, ___? (A) is he (B) is there (C) isn’t he (D) isn’t there 4.( )Lucy: Do you think Sally and Martin should get married? Rose: Why not? They love each other, ___? (A) will they (B) won’t they (C) do they (D) don’t they 5.( )She’s going to Europe, ____ she? (A) doesn’tˉ(B) hasn’tˉ(C) isn’tˉ(D) won’t 6.( )Getting up early on a cold morning is not easy, ? (A) are you (B) do you (C) does it (D) is it【104 教育會考】

動詞篇(7)-- 被動語態 1.( )Jean is crazy about the color purple. The walls of her house are all __ purple. (A) built (B) dug (C) painted (D) shown 2.( )Most of Jeff’s best books ___ when he was sick and poor. (A) have written (B) were written (C) would write (D) wrote 3.( )Ms. Wang thought she lost her ring last night. But this morning she found that it was on the table and was __ by a book. (A) covered (B) moved (C) packed (D) stopped 4.( )A new road is going to ___ in town because traffic is getting busier and busier. (A) build (B) building (C) be built (D) have built 5. ( ) My dog Jimmy loves with a comb. Every time I comb his hair, he will close his eyes and fall asleep. 【105 教育會考】 (A) to brush (B) brushing (C) to be brushing (D) being brushed


名詞篇(1)-- 各種名詞 1. ( )Mrs. Luo:Who put these socks in the refrigerator? Mr. Luo:I don’t know. They’re not ___. Ask your son. (A) me (B) mine (C) my (D) myself 2. ( )Gary:I can’t find my pen. Nina:Is the one on Jack’s desk ___? Gary:Yes, Thank you. (A) mine (B) ours (C) theirs (D) yours 3. ( )This restaurant makes delicious chicken rice, so ___ always full of people at mealtime. (A) it is (B) they are (C) there is (D) there are 4. ( )Now we have to take a taxi home because __ are no buses after eleven o’clock. (A) here (B) there (C) they (D) we 5. ( )Beatrice loves to draw apples. You can see ___ in her notebooks, on her letters, and even on her school bag! (A) one (B) others (C) them (D) which 6. ( )Mike:I heard there are many monkeys in this mountain. But I didn’t see any of them last time when I was here. Carl:Hope we can see ___ today. (A) another (B) others (C) some (D) themselves 7. ( )Alice: This cake is so delicious! Where did you buy it? Oscar: I didn’t buy it. I made it ___! (A) for me (B) to me (C) mine (D) myself 8. ( )Grace: How many people ___ in the office when the fire happened? Harry: Five. Luckily, nobody got hurt. (A) did they (B) had they (C) were there (D) would there be 9. ( )Spring is a wonderful season because ___ is usually warm and sunny. (A) which (B) this (C) one (D) it 10. ( )When Sean came to Taiwan several years ago, ___ people knew about him. But now he is a famous cook in Taiwan. (A) any (B) few (C) little (D) most 11. ( ) I cannot understand why Steven bought so many watches but never wears __ of them. (A) any (B) both C) every (D) others 12. ( )There are many trees in the park. ____ of them are over fifty years old. (A) Bothˉ(B) Mostˉ(C) Muchˉ(D) One 13. ( )Cell phones are convenient; every person in my family has ___. (A) it (B) one (C) them (D) those 14. ( )Michelle Walden, ___ of the best basketball players in our school history, was called “Flying Walden” because she could jump very high. (A) any (B) each (C) one (D) who 15. ( )___ will be a welcome party next week for the new students. Will you come with me? (A) Itˉ(B) Thereˉ(C) Theyˉ(D) We 16. ( )Elsa: Do you know anyone from Class A? Jeff: No, I don’t know any of ___. (A) they (B) their (C) theirs (D) them 17. ( )When I entered the house for the first time, I found ___ was a big round table in the living room. (A) it (B) that (C) there (D) this


18. ( )I haven’t been to the movies these days. Are there any good ___ this week? (A) ones (B) others (C) them (D) those 19. ( )Elise:I need a dress for tomorrow’s party, but I don’t have one. Fiona:Why don’t you try on my red one? I bought ___ last week. (A) it (B) one (C) ones (D) them 20. ( )____ of the books on the desk is about the famous writers of our country. (A) A lotˉ(B) A fewˉ(C) Bothˉ(D) One 21. ( )Sue:Your hat looks so comfortable! Ann:It’s more than comfortable. If you wear a hat like __, you won’t feel cold on a windy day. (A) I (B) myself (C) one (D) this 22. ( )I was told to interview three guys at different times today. The first was on time. The second was late, and ___ never came. (A) the last (B) the only one (C) some (D) another 23. ( )Somewhere along the road, ___ a shop which sells things from foreign countries. (A) that is (B) it is (C) it has (D) there is 24. ( )Tony: Will you go to Cindy’s party tonight? Jane: No, I have to do my homework. Don’t you have ___? Tony: Well, I already finished it at school. (A) you (B) your (C) yours (D) you’re 25. ( )On the way to work, Natasha was surprised to find she was wearing a white earring on one ear and a gray earring on __. (A) another (B) the next (C) the other (D) the second 26. ( )I don’t like any one of these three watches. Can you show me one? (A) the others (B) other (C) either (D) another【104 教育會考】 27. ( ) Susan bought bread in the supermarket, but she did not buy anything to drink. (A) many (B) some (C) any (D) one 【105 教育會考】 28. ( ) My parents have different hobbies. One enjoys baking; enjoys taking pictures. (A) another (B) the next (C) the other (D) the second 【105 教育會考】 29. ( ) My mom told me to take care of in England. She worried that I couldn’t eat or sleep well there. (A) me (B) myself (C) her (D) herself【105 教育會考】

名詞篇(2)-- 名詞子句 1. ( )Nancy:Did the teacher tell us ___ to get to the station? Susan:Yes. She said we should meet there at ten. (A) how (B) what (C) when (D) where 2. ( )Teacher:Does anyone know ___ the famous writer was born? Mei-ling:I know! In Taitung, right? Teacher:You got it! (A) how (B) when (C) where (D) whether 3. ( )Jacky would like to bring that poor dog back home, but he isn’t sure ___ his mother likes dogs. (A) how (B) what (C) whether (D) which 4. ( )Lisa is new here, so she doesn’t know ___ the restaurant is.


(A) that (B) where (C) whether (D) which 5. ( )Alice learned from the TV news ___ Nora Jones was coming to Taiwan the next day. (A) that (B) where (C) which (D) whether 6. ( )Susan: Do you know ___ you have talked on the phone? Aren’t you thirsty? Walter: Oh, come on! I’ve only talked for thirty minutes! (A) how old (B) how often (C) how many (D) how long 7. ( )My father told me last night ___ we’re going to the Food Festival this weekend. My brother and I felt very excited. (A) whether (B) where (C) what (D) that 8. ( )I was surprised to know from the newspaper yesterday ___ flowers do not always smell sweet; some can smell like dead fish. (A) that (B) when (C) where (D) which 9. ( )Anita:I saw Nora in the teacher’s office this morning. Do you know ___ she was there? Brian:She cheated on tests. (A) how (B) if (C) when (D) why

形容詞與副詞(1)-- 疑問詞 1. ( )Carson:Bye, girls. See you tomorrow, Phoebe. Shirley: did Carson say he would see you tomorrow? Phoebe:We’re going out for a picnic. Do you want to come? (A) What (B) When (C) Where (D) Why 【103 教育會考】 2. ( )Kathy: ___ your French class, Jerry? Jerry: I couldn’t understand a word the first month, but it’s getting better now. (A) How’s (B) What’s (C) When is (D) Which is 3. ( )Ken:___ is a boat ticket for children? Paul:How old is your child? It’s free for kids under three years old. (A) How long (B) How much (C) How often (D) How soon 4. ( )Kevin: ___ sweater looks better on me, the red one or the blue one? Betty: The red one, I think. (A) Which (B) How (C) Where (D) What 5. ( )Carl:___? Tina:It’s three thirty. Why? You look worried. Carl:I have a math test at four o’clock. (A) How much money do you have (B) What day is today (C) When does your school begin (D) What time is it 6. ( )Sarah:____ does your little sister get up? Willy: About six. (A) How oftenˉ(B) How oldˉ(C) What dayˉ(D) What time 7. ( )Emma:___ umbrella is it? Sherry: It’s Ann’s. She forgot to take it home. (A) What (B) Where (C) Which (D) Whose 8. ( )Daisy:I went to Taitung to visit my uncle there. Grace:Really? ___ were you there? Daisy:For two weeks. (A) How long (B) How often (C) How soon (D) What time


形容詞與副詞(2)-- 連接詞(副詞子句) 1. ( )Mr. Hu speaks good English ___ he lived in the U.S. for many years. (A) because (B) but (C) so (D) whether 2. ( )___ going shopping, Dad asked me if Mom would eat at home tonight. He wanted to know what he should buy for the dinner. (A) Without (B) Until (C) By (D) Before 3. ( )I can’t find my history book, ___ I know it’s somewhere in the living room. (A) because (B) but (C) since (D) until 4. ( )___ Annie knows fast food is not good for her health, she still eats it. (A) Although (B) Because (C) If (D) When 5. ( )It was an exciting moment for Mr. and Mrs. Wang ___ they learned that they were going to have a baby. (A) what (B) when (C) whether (D) why 6. ( )Elsa hates going shopping, ___ she went last night when her grandpa asked her to buy some medicine for him. (A) because (B) but (C) if (D) so 7. ( )Enya got up early this morning ___ she did not want to be late for her trip. (A) if (B) but (C) though (D) because 8. ( )___ Joe looks strong, in fact he gets sick easily. (A) Because (B) If (C) Though (D) When 9. ( )Mr. Green was very angry with his daughter ___ she always put her dirty socks on the dinning table. (A) although (B) because (C) but (D) until 10. ( )Da-fa is cleaning the house ____ some of his friends are coming for dinner. (A) becauseˉ(B) butˉ(C) ifˉ(D) so 11. ( )Dad:Are you going out? It’s really late now. Mitch:I know, but it’s the last day to buy tickets to the World Cup games,__ I must go. (A) if (B) or (C) so (D) though 12. ( )I have to catch the bus right now, I’ll miss my brother’s birthday party. (A) and (B) because (C) or (D) until 【103 教育會考】 13. ( )This dress is pretty, it does not look good on me. (A) so (B) but (C) or (D) if 【104 教育會考】

形容詞與副詞(3)-- 比較級最高級(副詞子句) 1. ( )Lucy looks ___ in pants than in dress. (A) pretty (B) prettily (C) prettier (D) the prettiest 2. ( )This restaurant sells the best steak in Taipei; you can’t find __ steak in the city. (A) delicious (B) more delicious (C) the most delicious (D) deliciously 3. ( )In this five-person game, the one who finds ___ hidden balls will win the last free ticket for the movie A Born Player. (A) many (B) some (C) the more (D) the most


形容詞與副詞(4)—單字形容詞與副詞 1. ( )The students got ___ when they saw their favorite movie star eating at the next table. (A) excitedˉ(B) excitedlyˉ(C) excitingˉ(D) excitingly 2. ( )Amy: Would you like some coffee? Bill: No, thanks. I ___ drink coffee. Coffee hurts my stomach. (A) almost (B) already (C) seldom (D) still 3. ( )All the packages are ___ checked at the airport to keep everyone safe. (A) careful (B) carefully (C) more careful (D) the most careful 4. ( )There are five stories in this book. The one about a shy police officer is the most ___ _ to me. (A) interest (B) interested (C) interesting (D) interestingly 5. ( )Little Jenny was not sure if the strange old man was still following her, but she was just ___. (A) too angry to talk (B) too difficult to be with (C) too tired to follow (D) too scared to look back

形容詞與副詞(5)-- 關係子句 1. ( )At dinner time, I often enjoy telling Mom everything ___ at school. (A) happened (B) was happening (C) that happened (D) which happening 2. ( )The movie is about a true story ____ happened in Korea in 1945. (A) itˉ(B) thatˉ(C) whatˉ(D) when 3. ( )I like to read comic books ___ me laugh. (A) made (B) to have made (C) that make (D) which makes 4. ( )“Are you dating anyone special now?” is a question that popular move stars __ in an interview. (A) to be often asked (B) are often asked (C) being often asked (D) who are often asked 5. ( )Actor David Piper became tired of talking about the movie after he was interviewed about it many times. (A) he is famous (B) that he is famous (C) that is famous for (D) he is famous for【104 教育會考】

形容詞與副詞(6)-- 附和句 1. ( )My sister does not like the jacket, and I don’t, ____. (A) eitherˉ(B) soˉ(C) tooˉ(D) yet

其他--介系詞 1. ( )My dog, Lucy, was lying on the sofa ___ the fan on the wall. So when the fan fell, she was hit right on the head. (A) under (B) off (C) from (D) down 2. ( )Tina is getting married to a man she has known only ____ a month. (A) forˉ(B) inˉ(C) onˉ(D) since 78

3. ( )Bob:When is Mr. Wang going to Japan? Tim:On ___. (A) June (B) June fourth (C) the year 2010 (D) June, 2010 4. ( )I write down everything about work in my pink notebook; ___ it, I’d forget the things I should do. (A) before (B) except (C) outside (D) without 5. ( )

Look at the picture. The cat is sleeping ____ the box. (A) behindˉ(B) besideˉ(C) insideˉ(D) under 6. ( )Mr. Yang has worked in this factory ___ 1968. (A) before (B) for (C) in (D) since 7. ( )Linda:Jenny, will you still be here this afternoon? Jenny:Yeah, I think I’ll stay ___ five. Then I’ll leave for dinner. (A) at (B) for (C) since (D) until


文意克漏字 1. ( )Below is what Stan drew for his report. It shows the number of students in each club at his school in 2009 and 2010. Which is NOT true?

(A) The art clubs have fewer students in 2010 than in 2009. (B) The sports clubs have more students in 2010 than in 2009. (C) The acting club is the most popular club both in 2009 and in 2010. (D) In 2009, the painting club has half the number of students of the paper-cutting club.

1. Ted and Ben are talking to each other on their cellphones in the Town Market. Ted:Where are you? I’ve been waiting for thirty minutes. Ben:How could that be? I came very early. Ted:Aren’t we meeting each other at the Toy Store, next to Gate C? Ben:No, at the 1. , near Gate B. Ted:Oh, no. I made a mistake. How can I get to you now? Ben:I’m on the other side. Just 2. . You’ll see me next to the Internet Café. Ted:OK, but I want to 3. first. Do you know where to go? Ben:Yes. Walk past the Music Shop and the Key Store. Then you’ll find the right place on your side of the market.

( )1. (A) Bookstore (B) Shoe Store (C) Post Office (D) Men’s Wear ( )2. (A) find Gate A (B) pass the Flower Shop (C) go to the Steak house (D) turn left to the Candy Shop ( )3. (A) find a belt (B) look for a CD (C) buy some bread (D) go to the restroom

2. If you sail between Hawaii and California, you’ll find a big part of the ocean, as big as Africa, covered with garbage. Most of the trash comes from the land, by wind or by water, and some is thrown straight into the sea. Most of the trash is plastic:plastic bags, plastic cups, plastic cans, and a lot more. 24. ? Some just stays in the sea, some is washed onto the beaches, and, worst of all, some 25. . Many seabirds and sea animals that eat the trash in the sea die. Those that are lucky enough to live on may someday arrive on our dinner plate. What we throw away will all 26. one way or another. Keep in mind what happens to trash, and you may think twice before you throw anything away.  ocean 海洋 ( )1. (A) Where does the trash go (B) How do we deal with the trash 80

(C) Where does the trash come from (D) How does the trash arrive in the sea ( )2. (A) enters seabirds’ and sea animals’ stomachs (B) stops seabirds and sea animals from growing up (C) fills the living space of seabirds and sea animals (D) goes down to the bottom of the sea and never comes up ( )3. (A) be cleared up (B) come back to us (C) be useful to others (D) get out of our sight

3. (The phone rings.) Mr. Chen:Chen’s Supermarket. May I help you? Ms. Fang:Yes. I bought a package of tomatoes at your supermarket, and all the tomatoes are bad. Mr. Chen:Oh, I’m very sorry about that. You can bring them back and we’ll 21 . Ms. Fang:No, I’m very busy and I don’t want to drive half an hour just to get a package of tomatoes. Mr. Chen:Well… Ms. Fang:And, this is not 22 . Last month it was a bag of apples. Every apple inside was bad. And now it has happened again! I’m really angry. Mr. Chen:Did you bring them back? Ms. Fang:No, of course not. Mr. Chen:Well, if you don’t bring them back, we cannot give you better ones. Ms. Fang:Fine! I just called to let you know what happened and 23 . You should sell only fresh food if you want people to keep shopping at your market. ( )1. (A) drive you home (B) cook them for you (C) remember your name (D) give you another package ( )2. (A) the first time (B) the fastest car (C) the only change (D) the lowest price ( )3. (A) who I am (B) how I feel (C) where I live (D) why I am lost

4. Mrs. Lin: Hong-kai! It’s twelve o’clock already! Are you going to stay in bed all day long? Hong-kai: Mom, it’s Sunday! And we don’t have any homework this weekend. Mrs. Lin: That’s great! Then you can 1. after lunch, can’t you? Hong-kai: OK, but I think I should be paid for that. How about then dollars for cleaning my room and five for taking out the garbage? Mrs. Lin: No problem. But I cleaned your room and took out the garbage yesterday. I think I should 2. , too. Now, come on! Get up! ( )1. (A) study English (B) play the piano (C) clean the house (D) go out for a walk ( )2. (A) get 15 dollars(B) wait for 15 days(C) lose 15 kilograms(D) get up 15 minutes earlier

5. John sells hot dogs outside the flower market. Sometimes people come up to him and ask for directions. Look at the map and answer the questions. I. Rose:Excuse me. Could you tell me how to get to the 1. ? John:Of course. Just go down Market Road for two blocks and turn left. You’ll see a church. It’s next to the church, on First Street. Rose:I see. Thanks. John:You’re welcome. II. John:Good morning. Would you like a hot dog? Fred:Yes, one please. By the way, where can I find a bookstore near here? John:Go down Third Street and 2. . It’s between a shoe store and a music store. Fred:Thank you.


 directions 指引方向 by the way 順便問一下 1. (A) theater (B) train station (C) gas station (D) hospital 2. (A) turn to your right (B) stop at the bike shop (C) turn left on Joy Street (D) walk past Main Street 6. A small town has a good chance of 1. that can bring in a lot of money, if it has something special to be proud of. One example is Gukeng town of Yunlin, Taiwan. Gukeng has long been famous for growing good coffee, but the town didn’t start to make much money from it until some years ago. As more and more people have visited Gukeng for its coffee, the coffee farmers have begun to open their farms to the public. At these farms, people can have the fun of finding out where coffee comes from. 2. , coffee shops are opened all over Gukeng, and people can take a rest and taste delicious coffee on the sidewalks in or after a day’s visit. The new businesses make a better life possible for those who 3. the town. They don’t have to leave the town to find jobs in other places.  as 隨著 ( )1. (A) growing the best tea (B) starting a new business (C) selling old farming lands (D) opening a shopping center ( )2. (A) First (B) Also (C) However (D) For example ( )3. (A) live in (B) hear about (C) take a trip to (D) are interested in

7. Dear Ming-hui, How’s everything? Summer vacation has started here. This is my second year in America. This year I have many chances to meet different people. My school thinks students should 1. . That’s why I was asked to work at a hospital. I didn’t get paid for the work, so at first I thought I was helping others. But later I found 2. . The work has changed me in a good way. I used to care only about my studies, but I’m different now. It made me feel good to see other people live better lives because of something I did for them. I miss my friends in Taiwan. 3. next summer after graduating from high school. Let’s go to see our teacher Ms. Huang then. She’s going to have a baby next January. All the best, Young-hong  graduate 畢業 ( )1. (A) try to learn a foreign language (B) make friends when we are on vacation (C) not only study hard but also try to help others (D) not worry too much about things we can not change ( )2. (A) it’s a boring job (B) I was in fact helping myself (C) I could also get better grades (D) it was not easy to make money ( )3. (A) I’m going back home (B) You’ll know what to do (C) They should change their jobs (D) We should always remember to study hard


8. Oscar: It’s raining heavily. 1. . What should we do, Henry? Henry: How about watching TV? There are usually some good programs on weekends. Let’s take a look at today’s TV schedule. Oscar: Hey, Superman II will be showing on Home Movies at 8:30. It’s great movie. Henry: 2. . I want to watch Smart Kids. Superman movies are all very old. Oscar: OK, OK. We’ll watch Smart Kids first. But after that, I want to see 3. on Home Movies. Henry: What time will it end? Oscar: At about 12:00. Henry: Then we can watch Shopping Time (1) and (2) on STV-2. Oscar: You can if you want to, but 4. . I think I’ll just play my computer games then. What’s on TV Today

( )1. (A) We can’t stay at home (B) We should go swimming (C) We should do our homework (D) We can’t go to the playground ( )2. (A) Good idea (B) I like it, too (C) No problem (D) I don’t think so ( )3. (A) Classmates (B) Lucky the Dog (C) Summer Days (D) The Best Thing ( )4. (A) I don’t want to go out today (B) I’m not interested in shopping (C) I’ll watch that program at 12:10 (D) I have to do my homework now 9. Gisele:My dad’s taking me to play the Dye-Out game this Saturday. He asked if you would like to come. Opal: 1. . Gisele:It’s a popular game these days. The game is played by two teams and can be played inside or outside. You win the game by taking the other team’s castle or “killing” all the players on the other team. Opal: 2. ? Gisele:You use balls filled with oil paint to attack the players on the other team. Their clothes will be covered with paint when they are hit by the balls. This way, they are “killed” and have to leave the playground. Opal:Sounds exciting. Gisele:It is, but 3. . For example, you have to buy the clothes, the balls, the masks, and many other things. Also, it can be dangerous sometimes. Opal:Well, then I have to ask my parents first. ( )1. (A) But I’m not good at it (B) Your dad has already invited me (C) But I’ve never heard of it before (D) I’d love to join you this Saturday ( )2. (A) How do you take the castle (B) What do you mean by “killing” a player (C) What do you do after you “kill” a player (D) How do you know where the players are hiding ( )3. (A) it’s an expensive hobby (B) it hurts when you get hit (C) you need a big space for the game (D) your clothes will get dirty with the paint


10. (In an English class) Teacher:Let’s play a game with 3-letter words. The game is easy to play. First, a 3-letter word is spoken. Then the next person has to say a different 3-letter word that starts with the last letter of the spoken word. Anyone who cannot speak a right 3-letter word in two seconds will have to 1. . Any questions? Brian:Yes. Can we try again if we say a wrong word? Teacher:No, you 2. . That’s why the game is exciting and fun. Now let’s try it! Brian:OK! Let me try first. MAP. Amy:PUT. Jane:TEA. Ken: 3. . Carl:EAR. Sam:RAIN. Carl:Ha! I got you. Sam:Oh, no! I forgot it has to be a 3-letter word. Teacher:Sam, it’s your show time. Here’s the book. Pick out any story you’d like. Now everybody, let’s listen to Sam. ( )1. (A) sing a song (B) read a story (C) draw a picture (D) make a funny face ( )2. (A) have just one chance (B) have to give a different word (C) may look it up in the dictionary (D) must ask your classmates for help ( )3. (A) TEN (B) RED (C) EAT (D) AGE

11. Before I was twelve years old, my family lived in the mountains. Our house was very far from my school. It took me one hour to walk to school every morning. It was a happy time for me, because I could 1. , and we would go to school together. There were just six classes in my school, and only about ten students in each class. We 2. ; the mountains were our playground. I still remember the different kinds of flowers, the songs of different birds, and the colors of trees in different seasons – everything was so 3. . Even now I still miss my life in the mountains. far 遙遠 ( )1. (A) sing loudly to myself (B) exercise under the trees (C) meet friends on the way (D) play in the cool mountain springs ( )2. (A) spent most of our time playing (B) went shopping together after school (C) had to study at school until very late (D) played computer games all day long ( )3. (A) fast and busy (B) cheap and common (C) modern and convenient (D) interesting and beautiful

12. Dear Mark, How is everyone? I’m now in Cork for 1. . Life is very busy here. I have 2. hours of English class a week. From Monday to Friday, there are four classes every morning for listening, speaking, reading, and writing, one hour for each. In the afternoon, I have PE classes for different sports, and I really enjoy my time 3. , running and laughing with my new friends.I’m flying back in August. I’ll tell you more about my life here. See you then. Best wishes, Howard ( )1. (A) a summer school (B) a special art show (C) doing some business (D) visiting a friend of mine ( )2. (A) four (B) five (C) twelve (D) twenty ( )3. (A) after breakfast (B) on the Internet (C) for popular music (D) outside the classroom


13. Do you eat meat? Well, if you do, then you might find our next news interesting. A study says that the world has a 1. need for meat. In 1960, the world ate 64 million tonnes of meat, about 21 kg for each person. In 2007, the number rose to 268 million tonnes, about 40 kg for each person. At the same time, 2. . In the 1960s, beef was high on the menu. Of the meat that was eaten, 40% was beef. In 2007, pork became the star. Poultry also became popular, going up from 12% to 32%, thanks to people’s worries about their health these years. And 3. ? You’re guessing the U.S.A., right? The answer is Luxembourg! In 2007, each Luxembourger ate about 137 kg of meat! Second to Luxembourgers are Americans. In 2007, each American ate about 126 kg! Now, enough with the numbers. I’m playing you a song called Currywurst. The singer sings about his love for the meat dish of the same name. Enjoy!  tonne 公噸 poultry 家禽(肉) 【103 教育會考】 ( )1. (A) falling (B) special (C) growing (D) common ( )2. (A) we have changed our way of cooking meat (B) new kinds of meat have come on the market (C) there have been changes in the list of favorite meats (D) doctors have been worried that we eat too much meat ( )3. (A) where does the world’s best meat come from (B) which country is the world’s biggest meat maker (C) where can you eat the world’s most delicious meat (D) which country uses up the most meat for each person

14. Angela: Excuse me, sir. I think I’m lost. Can you help me? Mr. Brown: Sure. Where are you going? Angela: To Animal Star Theater. Mr. Brown: OK, let’s take a look at your map. Here we are at bus stop on Meadow Road. See? So you should 1. and turn left on Lake Road. It’s next to Water World. Angela: And do you know where 2. is? My parents will be waiting for me there later. Mr. Brown: Oh, it’s also on Lake Road. Walk past Finny School, and you’ll see it. Angela: Thank you very much! Mr. Brown: No problem. lost 迷路

( )1. (A) go along Hill Road (B) go to the train station first (C) walk down Meadow Road (D) walk to Lory’s Department Store ( )2. (A) Lake Hotel (B) Rose Garden (C) Joe’s Kitchen (D) Grandma’s Museum

15. Mr. Lee:Wow! You look great in 1. glasses! Its glasses are very famous. How much is this pair? Mr. Kao:Only 500 dollars. 85

Mr. Lee:Really? Where did you get the glasses? Mr. Kao:At B. B. Department Store. It’s having a sale these days. Mr. Lee:Does the department store have any 2. on sale, too? I want to buy a pair for my wife’s birthday. Mr. Kao:Yes, it does. I remember I have the flyer. Here. You’ll get a much better price if you buy three pairs at a time. Mr. Lee:Thanks. B. B. DEPARTMENT STORE Special Prices This Week

 flyer 廣告傳單 ( )1. (A) Glass House (B) O.L.S (C) Rian’s (D) NUMA ( )2. (A) glass plates (B) blue jeans (C) sports shoes (D) tennis shorts

16. October 25, 2000 Dear Hong-min, How have you been? It’s been a long time since you wrote me a letter. I miss you a lot. I started going to 1 in September. My classes begin at 7:00 every evening from Monday to Friday. So far I have studied very hard in every subject. Of all the subjects, math is the most useful to me. Other subjects, like History and Chinese Art, are difficult. 2 is much easier. I’m having a lot of fun with the new language. Maybe I can talk to your American friends some day. I enjoy my life so much! I almost forget that I am a 60-year-old woman. I feel that I am 3 than before. Best wishes. Mom ( ) 1.(A) church (B) night school (C) a birthday party (D) a computer class ( ) 2.(A) Math (B) English (C) History (D) Chinese Art ( ) 3.(A) lazier (B) quieter (C) thinner (D) younger

17. Last Sunday, at about 4 o’clock in the morning, my family and I were woken up by our dog. We were 1. to see smoke everywhere. Dad ran to the bathroom to get everyone a wet towel, and Mom told us to crawl on the floor. It was hard to see clearly in the dark, but we were very lucky to be able to 2. and get out quickly. We lost everything in the house. I was very sad. But Mom and Dad said that they were thankful because 3. . Maybe they were right; I did not lose my family-the most important thing in my life. everywhere 到處 crawl 爬 thankful 感激 ( ) 1. (A) bored (B) proud (C) ready (D) surprised ( ) 2. (A) get to the door (B) check the e-mail (C) turn off the light (D) answer the phone


( ) 3. (A) nothing was burned (B) no one got hurt in the fire (C) we kept all our money at home (D) our house was big and comfortable

18. (13~15)【104 教育會考】 From: Lisa Clyne ([email protected]) To: Mary Faber ([email protected]) Date: Thursday, April 2, 2015 Subject: Welcome ------Dear Mary, Uncle Billy and I are excited about your visit. The weather has 13. these days. Like today, it was sunny in the morning, but rained heavily at noon. So we’ve 14. : If the weather is nice, I’m going to take you to Smith Farm. They’re having a special horse show this week. I’m sure you’ll like it. And 15. . We can go shopping at Mimi’s Department Store; there we can walk around without getting wet. Rain or shine, we hope you will have a good time here. See you tomorrow at the train station at 9:00 a.m. Love, Aunt Lisa ( )13.(A) got better (B) been warm (C) changed a lot (D) become wet and cold ( )14.(A) made two plans for you (B) worried about your trip to here (C) decided to take you to a nice place (D) prepared everything you’ve asked for ( )15.(A) we’ll agree with each other (B) don’t worry if it rains (C) we all love animals very much (D) don’t forget to check the weather

19. (16~18)【104 教育會考】

------Kieran Hardy 11/07/2013 For years, we thought our Earth was the only blue dot up there. Now another has been found. Its name is HD189773b. HD189773b is an exoplanet, a planet outside our Solar System, and is one of the nearest exoplanets to Earth. Even so, 16. . Here’s why: It is 63 light years away. That means it is 370,440,000,000,000 miles from us. Even if we fly at 3,500 miles an hour, it will take more than 12 million years to get there. 17. : It is much bigger, it is made of gas and it is burning hot. In heat as great as 1,000°C, life is not possible. What is worse, it rains glass. If 1,000°C does not kill you, glass rain will. Even so, finding this blue giant 18. . It is the first time that we have been able to see the color of an exoplanet. The color of a planet gives us ideas about what is happening on it. While we have a long way to go before we find a new planet to live on, finding a blue dot is a good start.  exoplanet 系外行星 Solar System 太陽系

( )16.(A) we cannot really call it a neighbor


(B) we do not know anything about it yet (C) we might not be able to stay there for long (D) we are not sure how long it takes to get there ( )17.(A) What’s more, it is not water that makes HD189773b look blue (B) With its blue color, HD189773b could be a second Earth for us (C) Except for its blue color, HD189773b is nothing like our home planet (D) Because of its blue color, people guess there might be life on HD189773b ( )18.(A) gives us hope (B) took hard work (C) has changed our life (D) helps us know more about Earth

20. (39-41) 【105 教育會考】 What does the word family mean to you? An American study in 2006 showed that people today 39. . Over 99% of the people who were interviewed agree that a husband, a wife, and a child are a family. At the same time, 94% see a parent with a child as a family, 91% say a husband and a wife, without children, are a family, and 81% think a man and a woman, with a child, but not married, are a family too. The study also found that 40. is very important in the modern thinking on family. Though 81% think a man and a woman, not married, with a child, are a family, the percentage (%) drops to 40% if the couple doesn’t have a child. This is also true with same-sex couples. About 60% see two men, or two women, with a child, as a family, but only 32% think so when the couple doesn’t have a child. In the study, those who see two men or two women that live together as a family often find it OK for same-sex couples to get married. 41. . However, not everyone opens their arms to same-sex couples: the study said 30% have no problem seeing pets as part of one’s family, but they do not think a same-sex couple is a family.  couple 伴侶 same-sex 同性 ( )39.(A) think differently about when to start a family (B) do not find family as important as their parents did (C) want many different things when they start a family (D) have several different ideas about what makes a family ( )40.(A) whether people are married or not (B) whether people have a child or not (C) whether people live together or not (D) whether people love each other or not ( )41.(A) This is not surprising (B) This is not possible everywhere (C) It is no good news for everyone (D) It cannot be this way for very long