Tactical Reference Guide UNCLASSIFIED Radicalization into Violent A Guide for Military Leaders · August 2011

There is no way to be 100% certain that an individual is becoming radicalized to the point that they may be considering violent action. However, recent experiences show that there are certain warning signs, or early indicators, worth review. The information below is a general guide for military personnel and leaders at every level to give the user a basic understanding of when further action might be warranted. This guide requires the user to understand the fine line between the protection of one’s rights to privacy and the need to protect others. It should be used in the same judicious manner one uses a chart with indicators of suicide. The graphic on the left shows possible indicators of radicalization from the inception of the thought increasing up to the level of violent action. The indicator decision chart on the right outlines a step-by-step process for identifying, evaluating, and responding to possible indicators at each level. Radicalization into Indicator Decision Chart

The indicator decision chart is a guide for leaders to use if faced with an indicator of radicalization or extremist activity. This chart might not be applicable in all situations; consult the CID or CI if there are any questions. NOTE: Use this chart in conjunction with OBSERVE FLAG Possible ACTION Prior to observation of actions suggesting possible radicalization, described at the bottom of the page. Personal Issues Radicalization Violent Activity Threat indicator(s) identi ed Indicators that should be observed The subject’s actions that should Actions conducted by the subject that for the subject’s predisposition to encourage leaders to investigate would indicate violent or terroristic radicalization and violence and bring to the attention of senior- planning activities that warrant Notify chain of command ranking personnel investigation Consult CID, CI, EOA, and ■ ■ ■ Conduct commander’s inquiry ■ Complains about bias ■ Is sympathetic to radical ■ Suddenly acquires weapons JAG to determine threat groups ■■ Organizes protests inspired by ■■ Advocates violence beyond ■■ Visits extremist websites/blogs extremist what is “normal” Is indicator a sign of extremism, Key ■■ Establishes website/blog to ■■ Takes part in criminal activity or radicalization, or criminal activity? AR Army Regulation ■■ Exhibits abrupt behavioral shifts display extremist views has trouble with law enforcement CI Counterintelligence CID Criminal Investigation Division ■■ Advocates violence as a viable NO YES ■■ Needs empowerment ■■ Speaks about seeking revenge EOA Equal Opportunity Advisor option for various situations ■■ Attends rallies for extremist No further Investigate soldier to determine JAG Judge Advocate General ■■ Is socially withdrawn ■■ Shows a sudden visual shift from causes action required whether indicator is a(n): PMO Provost Marshall Office radical to “normal “ behavior to UCMJ Uniform Code of Military Justice ■■ Believes in government ■■ Associates with known radicals conceal radical behavior conspiracies to the point of paranoia ■■ Exhibits extreme religious ■■ Takes suspicious or unreported intolerance travel (inside or outside of the Active threat Passive threat ■■ Is frustrated with mainstream continental ) ■■ Is personally connected with a grievance ■■ Stores or collects mass weapons Take rehabilitative or or hazardous materials Violent Nonviolent administrative action ■■ Experiences personal crisis and ■■ Cuts ties with family and does not properly recover friends ■■ Verbally indicates hatred for the United States and/or the ■ Immediately contact Was action successful? ■■ Demonizes others freely ■ Isolates self from unit members Constitution CID and/or PMO for ■■ Rhetoric is more intense and ■■ Exhibits new interests in public ■■ Lacks positive identity with questioning or detention NO YES concentrated or government facilities country, unit, family, or friends ■■ Attempts to recruit others to ■■ Inquires about weapons of mass See UCMJ and AR 600-20 for ■■ Exhibits sudden reclusiveness extremist causes effects Must have an active shooter plan in possible actions, including No further place before event to mitigate casualties pursuing criminal prosecution action required

■■ Expresses support for foreign persons ■■ Has surreptitious meetings ■■ Develops strange habits or that promote or ■■ Changes type of off-duty clothing ■■ Expresses a political, religious, or OBSERVE FLAG ACTION threaten the use of unlawful force ■■ Alters choices of reading materials ideological obligation to engage in or violence to achieve political, in personal area unlawful violence directed against U.S. –– Notify chain of command of ideologies that –– Notify chain of command –– Immediately notify CID and/ ideological, or religious objectives ■■ Frequents suspicious discussion groups military operations or foreign policy could threaten unit cohesion and morale of possible radical or or federal law enforcement ■■ Participates in political demonstra- ■■ Uses extremist acronyms ■■ Solicits advice, encouragement, extremist activity –– Counsel soldier in an effort to help and –– If the situation is critical, tions that promote or threaten the use ■■ Visits extremist websites finances, training, or other resources assist with personal needs –– Counsel soldier on confine subject to barracks of unlawful violence directed against ■■ Alters choices in entertainment from a person who advocates the use dangers of activities under guard and remove all the Army, DOD, or United States based ■■ Displays extremist symbols in barracks of unlawful violence to undermine ACTION items that could harm others on political, ideological, or religious or common areas or disrupt U.S. military operations or IDEATION or self tenets, principles, or beliefs ■■ Has peculiar discussions foreign policy UNCLASSIFIED 11-01781 Radicalization into Violent Extremism A Guide for Military Leaders · August 2011 UNCLASSIFIED Additional Insider Threat Terms Command Options Reporting Mechanisms

■■ Radicalization: the process by which an individual, ■■ Rational: well thought-out, violent course of action, ■■ Administrative or disciplinary action deemed appropriate ■■ iSalute: Located on the Army Knowledge Online (AKO) group, or mass of people undergoes a transformation from possibly resulting in avoidance of capture by the Commander, to include counseling, based on the under “Selected Links”; iSalute allows users to report participating in the political process via legal means to the ■■ Irrational: unplanned, emotional course of action, specific facts and circumstances of the particular case any incidents. use or support of violence for political purposes possibly involving collateral damage ■■ Bar to reenlistment actions, as appropriate ■■ A single reportable indicator is enough to report. ■■ Violent Extremists: individuals who openly express ■■ Nonviolent: active extremists or criminals who are ■■ Involuntary administrative separation for unsatisfactory ■■ Report through Security Manager or Commander, or by their religious, political, or ideological views through willing to provide information (espionage) or conduct performance or misconduct or for conduct deemed calling 1-800-CALL-SPY (1-800-225-5779) or using violence or a call for violence subversion or sabotage and conceal their actions prejudicial to good order and discipline or morale AKO/AKO-S reporting links. ■■ Threat Indicator: any observable action that suggests ■■ Individuals outside of the continental United States ■■ Grievance-Based Action: activities conducted in ■■ UCMJ Action violent behavior, abnormal disgruntlement, radicalization, response to a wrong (perceived or real); not necessarily should report through the Army CI office. If there is no –– Article 92: Failure to obey a lawful order or an extreme religious or other ideological worldview associated with extremist ideology, but action could CI office and the report is urgent, contact the Naval –– Article 116: Riot or breach of peace ■■ Passive Threat: someone aware of extremist activity/ be used as extremist or political propaganda (these Criminal Investigative Service, Air Force Office of threat but whose inactivity allows the action to continue individuals are more susceptible to co-opting) –– Article 117: Provoking speeches or gestures Special Investigations, or U.S. Embassy or Defense –– Article 134: Good order and discipline Attaché Office. ■■ Active Threat: someone willing to provide information ■■ Co-Opt: voluntary or involuntary radicalization/recruit- or perform actions that may be violent or nonviolent ment of existing member of an /unit to work ■■ Violent: active extremists or criminals who use force for an extremist, terrorist, or criminal group to conduct Commanders’ Action Resources and may act rationally or irrationally intelligence collection, subversion, sabotage, or violence ■■ Educate soldiers regarding the Army’s equal opportunity ■■ AR 190-24, Armed Forces Disciplinary Control Boards Proactive Measures and Preventive Actions policy. Commanders will advise soldiers that extremist and Off-Installation Liaison and Operations organizations’ goals are inconsistent with Army goals, –– Also known as Air Force Instruction (AFI) 31-213, ■■ Conduct random health and welfare inspections in living ■■ Increase screening and vetting by military recruiters, beliefs, and values concerning equal opportunity. Coast Guard Commandant Instruction (COMDTINST) quarters both on and off base including best practices from Operation Enduring ■■ Advise soldiers that any participation in extremist 1620.1E, Marine Corps Orders (MCO) 1620.2D, and ■■ Develop workforce standards that mitigate risk, including Freedom and Operation Iraqi Freedom (OEF/OIF) organizations or activities Office of the Chief of Naval Operations Instruction additional security requirements, disciplinary procedures, such as criminal background interviews and checks, –– will be taken into consideration when evaluating their (OPNAVINST) 1620.2A and grievance resolution letters of endorsement from local law enforcement overall duty performance, –– Holds Commanders responsible for recommending ■■ Educate soldiers on how to identify observable indicators or political leadership, and psychological testing –– will result in removal of security clearances, and places to be prohibited (e.g., areas susceptible to and use their assistance in developing mechanisms to and/or interview –– will result in reclassification actions or bar to terrorist activity and groups) allow confidential internal reporting procedures ■■ Reject affiliation with any extremist organizations reenlistment actions as appropriate. ■■ AR 381-12, Threat Awareness and Reporting Program ■■ Educate soldiers regarding the cultural and religious ■■ Decline distribution or circulation of extremist ■■ Commander of a military installation under U.S. jurisdiction (TARP); formerly known as Subversion and Espionage sensitivities and differences of others literature or views is required by AR 600-20 to prohibit any demonstration Directed Against the U.S. Army (SAEDA) ■■ Increase Military Police patrols around work areas ■■ Encourage others (peers) to avoid extremist affiliations or activity on the installation/facility that could cause –– Requires all Army personnel to be knowledgeable of ■■ Identify and train specific individuals on concealed carry and views interference with or prevent orderly accomplishment of behavioral indicators and reportable threat incidents practices and work with PMO to have these individuals ■■ Report specific indicators to the chain of command mission on the installation/facility, or present a clear and to know how to contact CI personnel armed at all times ■■ Seek clarification from chain of command on “hot” danger to loyalty, discipline, or morale of the troops. –– Mandates annual training ■■ Examine personal viewpoints in light of the Army’s topics, current issues, and current policies ■■ Commanders should seek advice and counsel of their –– Failure to report is punitive under the UCMJ values and individual’s loyalty to their military team ■■ Investigate meaning of suspicious symbols displayed legal advisors when taking actions pursuant to this policy. –– Requires Commanders to know TARP Mechanisms of Radicalization Risk Factors for Radicalization ■■ AR 600-8-2, Flag Policy ■■ AR 600-20, Army Command Policy ■■ Mass radicalization in conflict with an out-group ■■ Dissatisfaction with lack of accepted conflict resolution ■■ Positive view of violence –– Prohibits participation in extremist organizations –– Jujitsu politics—garnering support by exploiting ■■ Placement, access, and capability ■■ Perceived benefit of political violence and activities strength of out-group ■■ Social alienation ■■ Social networks ■■ AR 600-35, Active Duty Enlisted Separations ■ –– Hate ■ Quid pro quo (services or items wanted or needed by an ■■ In-group delegitimization of the out-group (Chapter 14, “Misconduct”) –– Martyrdom individual given in exchange for information or action) ■■ Views on (and history of) violence ■■ AR 635-120, Officer Resignations and Discharges ■■ Group radicalization ■■ Susceptible to blackmail because of outlying ■■ Resources ■■ AR 670-1, Wear and Appearance of Army Uniforms –– By like-minded groups circumstances ■■ External support and Insignia –– Under isolation and threat ■■ Highly emotional ■■ Perceived threat ■■ Department of the Army Pamphlet (DA PAM) –– In competition for the same base of support ■■ Perceived unfair treatment ■ 600-15, Extremist Activities –– In competition with state power—condensation ■■ Conflict at work or at home ■ Humiliation –– By within-group competition ■■ Emotional vulnerability ■■ Competition –– Explains guidance procedures and actions for dealing ■■ Individual radicalization ■■ Dissatisfaction with the status quo of political activism ■■ Youth with extremists and extremist activities –– By personal grievance ■■ Personal connection to a grievance ■■ Resonant narrative ■■ UCMJ, Articles 92, 116, 117, and 134 –– By political grievance ■■ Other: Relevant psychological/sociological concepts –– By self-persuasion in action—the slippery slope 11-01781 –– By joining a radical group—the power of love UNCLASSIFIED