
Unit 24 Lesson 4— Showed His Glory

Background for Parents:

Over the past few months, we have begun our study of the . We have studied stories about the beginnings of Jesus’ ministry on earth, including his healing miracles and his teaching. This is the last story in a month-long unit where we have studied some of his other miracles.


Introduction Activity: Changing Appearances

Guide kids to form pairs. Tell partners to stand back to back. Instruct each partner to change something about his appearance (change in hairstyle, accessories added or removed, pant cuffs rolled up or down, button undone, or so forth). Consider providing dress-up clothes or accessories for kids to use.

After a minute, tell partners to face each other. Challenge the partners to identify what changed about the other partner’s appearance. Play additional rounds with different partners as time allows.

Say• Some of those changes were hard to recognize! Today we will hear about a time three disciples saw Jesus’ appearance change in a big way.

Introduction Activity (younger kids): Shaving Cream Clouds

Place a small mound of shaving cream on a clean table in front of each

2 seated child. Encourage children to use their hands and fingers to play with their “cloud” on the table and to draw pictures or letters in their cloud. Demonstrate how to draw a heart or a mountain in their cloud. Say• Was it fun playing with your pretend cloud? We’re going to hear a story today that happens up on a mountain, and a bright cloud covered the people in the story, and a voice spoke from inside the cloud. Big Picture Question and Review

For the last 3 weeks, we've been studying some of the miracles Jesus did. Remember, a miracle is something done by ’s power, that would otherwise be impossible. Jesus didn’t do miracles just to impress people. We’ve been thinking about the question of why Jesus did miracles:


Do you remember the THREE answers to that question?


When Jesus did impossible things, it proved that He has power over creation. It demonstrated that He is God the Son. He also used miracles to meet people’s needs for food, healing, and safety. 5

Three weeks ago, we learned that Jesus calmed a storm. He protected the disciples from sinking and showed the disciples He is God.


Two weeks ago, we saw how Jesus miraculously fed a crowd of over 5,000 people, with just 5 small loaves of bread and 2 fish! Again, Jesus was showing compassion on the hungry people and proving that He is God.


Last week, we saw that when another storm put the disciples in danger, Jesus showed He is God by walking on water. They all worshiped Him and glorified God after that.


This week we’re going to hear a story called “Jesus Showed His Glory”


As you listen to the Bible story, listen for these things: 1- What changed about Jesus’s appearance? 2- What two people appeared on the mountain miraculously? 3- What did the voice from the cloud say?

Bible Lesson Video (click on the picture below to view)


Bible Story: (Matthew 17, Mark 9, Luke 9) (Either play the story video, or display the story picture from page 9, and read this story aloud). One day, Jesus led three of His disciples—Peter, James, and John—up on a high mountain to pray. The disciples fell fast asleep. As Jesus prayed, His appearance suddenly changed. His face was shining like the sun, and His clothes were as white as the light. The disciples woke up and saw and talking with Jesus.

Peter said, “Lord, it is good for us to be here. If You want, I will set up three tents here: one for You, one for Moses, and one for Elijah.”

While Peter was still speaking, a bright cloud suddenly covered them. A voice from the cloud said, “This is My beloved Son, with whom I am well- pleased. Listen to Him!” The disciples heard this and fell facedown. They were terrified!

Jesus came up and touched them. “Get up,” He said. “Don’t be afraid.” 11

When the disciples looked up, they did not see Moses or Elijah anymore. They only saw Jesus. As they were coming down the mountain, Jesus said to them, “Don’t tell anyone what you saw until the Son of Man is raised from the dead.”

The disciples did not tell anyone, but they wondered what Jesus meant. They asked Him, “Why do the scribes say that Elijah must come before the Messiah comes?” Jesus explained that Elijah had already come—that is, a prophet like Elijah had come. The people did not recognize him as a prophet, and they mistreated him. Jesus said, “In the same way, the Son of Man is going to suffer at their hands.” Then the disciples realized Jesus was talking about John the Baptist.

Christ Connection: Jesus showed His glory to Peter, James, and John. Jesus said He would die, rise from the dead, and return to . One day, Jesus will come back to earth in His glory to make all things new.


Follow-up Discussion:

What an incredible experience for three of Jesus’ disciples! Which of the disciples went up on the mountain with Him? (Peter, James, and John) These men were Jesus’ closest friends. They went up on the mountain to pray. As Jesus prayed, His appearance changed.

How was Jesus changed? Jesus’ face shone like the sun and His clothes were as white as light.

Who else appeared on the mountain? Moses and the prophet Elijah also appeared in glory. (Remember, Moses and Elijah had lived and died hundreds of years earlier, so this was amazing too, that they came from heaven to talk with Jesus). Luke 9 tells us that they talked to Jesus about Jesus’ departure—that is, His death and resurrection.

Jesus’ disciples saw Jesus, Moses, and Elijah. They were terrified! A cloud

13 covered them and a voice said, “This is My beloved Son … Listen to Him!”

Do those words sound familiar? Can you think of another time spoke those words? (at Jesus’ baptism). Then the disciples didn’t see Moses or Elijah anymore; they only saw Jesus.

This story tells of the first time Jesus revealed His glory to humans, but it will not be the last time humans see Jesus in glory. When Jesus returns to earth wearing bright white clothing and shining brighter than the sun, He will destroy all evil and fix everything wrong in the world. Everyone who has faith in Jesus will receive new, glorified bodies to live forever with God.

Key Passage: Show the verse poster. Read the verse aloud with/to your kids.


Older kid’s version:


Younger kid’s version:


Do you remember who wrote Psalm 40? (King David) These words that David wrote are still true today. God has done so many wondrous things—even things we aren’t aware of! He has good plans for us. No one can compare with Him.


Lord, we know that we can only imagine how wonderful You are. Thank you for how gracious you are to us, and how you care for us. Help us live in hope for the time when Jesus will return to fix everything wrong, and we will live in your presence forever. Amen.


Lesson Review Key Passage Review

Give a numbered cube (dice) to the kids to roll. Assign to each face of the numbered cube a way to read the key passage, such as 1-quietly, 2- loudly, 3- in a deep voice, 4- in a high-pitched voice, 5- in a pirate voice, and 6- in a robot voice.

Display the key passage slide (page 15 or 16). Invite a kid to roll the numbered cube and lead the group saying/reading the key passage in the designated way. Play multiple times, allowing other kids to roll and lead.

Story Questions Show the Bible story picture (page 9) as you ask the following questions about the story: • Whom did Jesus take with Him up the mountain? (Peter, James, and John)


• How did the way Jesus looked change? (His face was shining like the sun, and His clothes were bright white.) • When the disciples awoke, whom did they see talking with Jesus? (Moses and Elijah) • What did the voice from the cloud call Jesus? (“My beloved Son”) • What did the voice tell Peter, James, and John to do? (listen to Jesus, Mark 9:7)

Extended discussions for older kids: • What do you think the disciples realized about Jesus after they saw Him changed? Lead kids to conclude that this event further confirmed that Jesus is God’s Son. Remind them of God’s words at Jesus’ baptism (Mark 1:11) Point out that even though Jesus said He would rise from the dead, the disciples did not understand what He meant. (Mark 9:10) (Option: Choose a volunteer to read Ps. 104:1-2.) • How is Jesus greater than Moses and Elijah? Help kids recall that 19

Moses had seen a glimpse of God’s glory. Afterward, Moses reflected God’s glory in his face. (See Ex. 34.) Elijah told people about God’s glory. (1 Kings 18) Jesus, however, showed God’s glory directly and brings us into God’s presence. (Option: Choose a volunteer to read Heb. 3:3-6.) • Why should we listen to Jesus? Remind kids that at Jesus’ transfiguration, a voice said, “This is My beloved Son … Listen to Him!” Jesus is God in the flesh. We listen to Jesus by submitting to Him as the King of our lives, listening to what He tells us through His Word, and obeying Him. (Option: Choose a volunteer to read John 14:23.)

Activity option (older kids): Tracing with light Tape copies of the Bible story picture (page 27) onto a large window. Provide tracing paper or printer paper and guide kids to trace the pictures. Point out how the light coming through the window helps the picture show up through the paper. 20

As kids work, review the Bible story. Ask them to identify the people in the picture. (Peter, James, John, Moses, Jesus, Elijah) Review who Moses and Elijah were. In the Old Testament, God called Moses to lead the Israelites out of Egypt. Later, Elijah was a prophet to Israel.

If time allows, invite kids to use colored pencils to fill in their pictures.

Say• Jesus showed His glory to Peter, James, and John. Jesus said He would die, rise from the dead, and return to heaven. One day, Jesus will come back to earth in His glory to make all things new. We look forward to that day. While we wait, God calls us to share the gospel with others so they can share in the joy of knowing Jesus, the Son of God, and seeing His glory when He returns.

Activity option (younger kids): Acting out the story Set up a play tent or place a sheet over a small table to create a tent. 21

Have kids create Bible-times costumes out of robes, scarves, or pillowcases tied as head-coverings on their heads. Guide children to dress up and pretend to be Jesus’ disciples. Read the story aloud, and lead children to play out falling asleep and reacting to seeing Jesus in His glory. Encourage children to sit in the tent with the Bible story picture and Bibles.

Say• Jesus showed His glory to Peter, James, and John on the mountain. When the disciples awoke, they saw Jesus talking with Moses and Elijah. Peter said, “Lord, it is good for us to be here. If You want, I will set up three tents here.” Peter was still talking when a cloud covered them and they heard God’s voice say, “This is My beloved Son.” As God’s Son, Jesus said He would die, rise from the dead, and go back to heaven. One day, Jesus will come again in His glory to make everything new.


Activity pages Older kids (3rd-5th grade) journal and activity sheets: Pages 24-25 Younger kids (1st-2nd grade) coloring and activity sheet: Pages 26-27 Preschool (age 4 to kindergarten) activity sheet: Page 28