What is ?

Advent is an important part of the Christian calendar.

The word Advent means “coming” or “arrival”. Advent is the period before - the Christian festival which celebrates the birth of .

Advent is a countdown to Christmas Day on 25th December. It reminds Christians to prepare for this important celebration.

In Church, Advent starts on the Sunday nearest to 30 November. In the home, Advent usually begins on 1st December.

Advent Crown

During Advent, churches may display an Advent Crown. This is a wreath made of evergreen leaves with 4 candles placed around it. The wreath is circular to show God’s everlasting love. The leaves are evergreen to remind Christians of the eternal life of Jesus.

Each of the four candles in the crown have a different meaning. One candle is lit on each of the four Sundays before Christmas Day.

The first candle represents hope, the second is for peace, the third candle is lit for joy and the fourth candle shows love. On some Advent crowns, a fifth candle is placed in the centre and this is lit on Christmas Day itself. Along with the green of holly and ivy, an important colour during Advent is purple.

A typical Advent Crown Advent Candle

Sometimes, Christians light an Advent Candle in their home. This is a special candle with 24 numbers marked on one side, representing the 24 days in December before Christmas Day. The candle is lit each day and burnt down to the next number to countdown to the important 25th December.

Advent Calendar

Probably the most well-known and popular Advent tradition is the . Like many , the first Advent calendars began in Germany in the 1800’s. Advent calendars traditionally show a festive picture and 24 numbered doors (sometimes called windows!). One door is opened each day from 1st December. Behind each door is a small picture as a reminder of the countdown to Christmas.

Traditional Advent Calendar

Today, many Advent calendars contain a chocolate treat behind each door. In recent years, Advent calendars containing everything from cheese to make-up or even jewellery can be bought!

A celebration for everyone

However Advent is celebrated, it is an exciting month-long countdown and is often as much a part of Christmas as 25th December itself!

Advent Comprehension Questions

Date ______Name ______

1) What does the word Advent mean?


2) When does Advent begin? There are 2 correct answers.


3) Why do Christians celebrate Advent?


4) Describe an Advent Crown.


5) Why are the leaves of an Advent Crown evergreen?


6) Why are there 4 candles on an Advent Crown?


7) What do the 4 different candles represent?


8) What is marked on the side of an Advent candle? ______

9) When were the first Advent calendars made?


10) What phrase in the text tells us that lots of things we do at Christmas started in Germany?


11) In the paragraph about Advent calendars, find and copy a word that is often used to describe Christmas.


12) Name 3 things that might be hidden behind the door of an Advent calendar.


13) Advent calendars are popular with people of different religions and of no religion. How do you and your family celebrate Advent?
