2011-12 Report

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2011-12 Report Georgia Special Needs Scholarship Program End of School Year Report 2011 – 2012 School Year For the Georgia General Assembly per O.C.G.A. § 20-2-2118 Table of Contents Executive Summary……………………………………………………………………………1 2011 - 2012 Georgia Special Needs Scholarship (GSNS) Program Overview………… 3 GSNS Students Assessment Results- Reading…..……………..………………………… 4 GSNS Students Assessment Results- Math…..…………………….…………………….. 5 GSNS Students by Race and Ethnicity…………………………………………………..…. 6 Total Enrollment Georgia Public Schools K - 12 by Race and Ethnicity………………… 7 GSNS Students by Gender……………………………………………….…………….……. 8 Total Enrollment Georgia Public Schools K - 12 by Gender………………….………….. 9 GSNS Students Eligibility for Free and Reduced Lunch Program…………………....… 10 Total Enrollment Georgia Public Schools K - 12, Eligibility for Free and Reduced Lunch Program……………………………….…………. 11 GSNS Students by Disability Type…………………………………………………………. 12 GSNS Students: Original School District………………………………………………..…. 13 School District in which GSNS Private Schools are Located…………………………..... 16 GSNS Private Schools Map…………………………………………………………………. 22 Average Tuition at GSNS Private Schools………………………………………………… 23 GSNS Private Schools Student Enrollment Numbers: ……….……………..…………… 28 Georgia Department of Education Special Needs Scholarship Program 2011 - 2012 End of School Year Report Executive Summary Senate Bill 10 as signed into law on May 18, 2007, created the Georgia Special Needs Scholarship (GSNS) Program which allows parents of eligible special needs students to transfer their children to another public school, public school system, state school, or approved participating private school. This report represents the results for the 2011 - 2012 school year as required by O.C.G.A. § 20-2-2118, which stipulates that the Governor’s Office of Student Achievement, in conjunction with the Georgia Department of Education (GaDOE) shall provide the General Assembly not later than December 1 of each year with a report regarding the scholarship program for the previous fiscal year. This was the fifth school year the GSNS Program was administered. 2011 - 2012 Program Highlights • Number of participating private schools increased from 190 to 208 private schools. 16 was the average number of students enrolled in each private school. 0 - 119 was the range of students enrolled in each private school. 20 participating private schools did not enroll any students under the GSNS Program. • Total student participation in the program increased from the previous school year by 404 with 2,933 students enrolled in private schools. • 1,965 students continued their participation in the program from the previous school year. • Of the 2,933 students enrolled: 29% Female, 71% Male. 39% Black, 53% White, and 8% Asian/Hispanic/Native American/Multi-Racial. 18% Eligible for Free and Reduced Lunch, 71% Not Eligible for Free and Reduced Lunch. 28% had a disability type of Other Health Impairment. 28% had a disability type of Specific Learning Disability. • $18,706,792 was paid in fiscal year 2012 for scholarships to students. • $7,038 was the average annual scholarship amount for students. • $2,539 to $15,874 was the range for individual scholarship amounts. • At the end of the 2011 - 2012 school year 2,684 students were enrolled in private schools; a decrease of 249 students or 8.5%. Dr. John D. Barge, State School Superintendent December 1, 2012, Page 1 of 34 Georgia Department of Education Special Needs Scholarship Program 2011 - 2012 End of School Year Report 2011 - 2012 Georgia Special Needs Scholarship Program Students’ Pre/Post Assessment and Information: Private schools are required to provide pre- and post-assessment information on GSNS students enrolled at their schools for the subjects of reading and math. Progress information is not reported on all students due to students leaving the GSNS Program before a private school is able to administer pre-and post-assessments to a GSNS student. The legislation governing the GSNS Program does not give the GaDOE the authority to mandate specific assessments to be used by private schools. Private schools select their own assessments to measure student progress. Progress information is self- reported by private schools to the GaDOE. At the end of the 2011 – 2012 school year, private schools with scholarship students, submitted assessment information for 2,537 students in the subject of math and 2,544 students in the subject of reading. Private schools reported the following: Math 26% of their students showed progress of less than one year. 13% of their students showed no progress. 37% of their students showed progress of one school year. 23% of their students showed progress of more than one school year. Reading 27% of their students showed progress of less than one year. 12% of their students showed no progress. 38% of their students showed progress of one school year. 23% of their students showed progress of more than one school year. Dr. John D. Barge, State School Superintendent December 1, 2012, Page 2 of 34 Georgia Department of Education Special Needs Scholarship Program 2011 - 2012 End of School Year Report 2011 - 2012 Georgia Special Needs Scholarship Program Overview Overview Count Total Number of Students Receiving Scholarships at Start of 2011- 2012 School Year. 2,933 Total Number of Students Receiving Scholarships at Completion of 2011-2012 School Year. 2,684 Total Number of Private Schools Submitting an Application for Participation in the 2011-2012 School Year. 32 Number of New Private Schools Participating in the GSNS Program for the 2011-2012 School Year. 22 Number of Private Schools Returning from 2010-2011. 190 Number of Private Schools Not Returning from 2010- 2011. 4 Total Number of Private Schools Participating in GSNS for 2011- 2012. 208 Total Number of Private Schools with Enrolled GSNS Students. 188 Highest Enrollment in a Single School. 119 Range of Student Enrollment in Participating Private Schools. 0 - 119 Average Number of Scholarship Students per School. 16 Georgia Public School Systems Impacted by Scholarship Student Withdrawals. 98 Range of Special Needs Scholarship Student Withdrawals in Georgia Public School Systems. 1 - 390 Financial Information Amounts Total Scholarship Payments Statewide for FY12. $18,706,792 Range of Annual Scholarship Amounts for GSNS Students. $2,539 - $15,874 Average Annual Scholarship Amount for the 2,933 Students $7,038 Average Tuition Amount of Participating Private Schools $11,415 Range of Tuition Amounts of Participating Private Schools $3,525 - $30,605 Dr. John D. Barge, State School Superintendent December 1, 2012, Page 3 of 34 Georgia Department of Education Special Needs Scholarship Program 2011 - 2012 End of School Year Report GSNS Students Reading Assessment Results Assessment: Reading Number of Students Reported Percentage No progress 306 12% Progress of less than one school year 693 27% Progress of one school year 966 38% Progress of more than one school year 579 23% The number of students with reported pre- and post- assessment scores 2,544 100% No progress 12% Progress of more than one school year 23% Progress of less than one school year 27% Progress of one school year 38% Dr. John D. Barge, State School Superintendent December 1, 2012, Page 4 of 34 Georgia Department of Education Special Needs Scholarship Program 2011 - 2012 End of School Year Report GSNS Students Math Assessment Results Number of Students Assessment: Math Reported Percentage No progress 336 13% Progress of less than one school year 671 26% Progress of one school year 951 37% Progress of more than one school year 579 23% The number of students with reported pre- and post- assessment scores 2,537 100% No progress 13% Progress of more than one school year 23% Progress of less than one school year 26% Progress of one school year 37% Dr. John D. Barge, State School Superintendent December 1, 2012, Page 5 of 34 Georgia Department of Education Special Needs Scholarship Program 2011 - 2012 End of School Year Report GSNS Students by Race and Ethnicity Number of Race/Ethnicity Students Percentage Asian 43 1% Black 1,153 39% Hispanic 84 3% Native-American 7 0% Multi-racial 86 3% White 1,560 53% Total 2933 100% Asian 3% Black 39% White 53% Hispanic 3% Multi-racial Native-American 3% 0% Dr. John D. Barge, State School Superintendent December 1, 2012, Page 6 of 34 Georgia Department of Education Special Needs Scholarship Program 2011 - 2012 End of School Year Report Total Enrollment Georgia Public Schools K - 12 by Race & Ethnicity Number of Race/Ethnicity Students Percentage Asian 56,572 3% Black 600,875 37% Hispanic 196,597 12% Native-American 3,866 0.2% Multi-racial 48,525 3% Pacific Islander 1,731 0.1% White 717,345 44% Total 1,625,511 100% * March 1, 2012. FY 2012 FTE-3. Asian 3% White Black 44% 37% Hispanic 12% Pacific Islander 0% Multi-racial Native-American 3% 0% Dr. John D. Barge, State School Superintendent December 1, 2012, Page 7 of 34 Georgia Department of Education Special Needs Scholarship Program 2011 - 2012 End of School Year Report GSNS Students by Gender Gender Count Percentage Male 2,085 71% Female 848 29% Total 2,933 100% Female 29% Male 71% Dr. John D. Barge, State School Superintendent December 1, 2012, Page 8 of 34 Georgia Department of Education Special Needs Scholarship Program 2011 - 2012 End of School Year Report Total Enrollment Georgia Public Schools K - 12 by Gender Gender Count Percentage Male 829,527 51% Female 795,984 49% Total 1,625,511 100% * March 3, 2011. FY 2011 FTE-3. Female 49% Male 51% Dr. John D. Barge, State School Superintendent December 1, 2012, Page 9 of 34 Georgia Department of Education Special Needs Scholarship Program 2011 - 2012 End of School Year Report GSNS Students: Eligibility for Free and Reduced Lunch Program Eligibility Count Percentage Eligible for Free Lunch Program 445 15% Eligible for Reduced Lunch Program 99 3% Not Eligible 2,089 71% Eligibility Unknown 300 10% Total 2,933 100% Eligibility Unknown Eligible for Eligible for 10% Reduced Lunch Free Lunch Program Program 4% 15% Not Eligible 71% Dr.
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