The minutes of the meeting of the Parish Council of Chelsham & Farleigh held at Farleigh Hall, on 5th March 2018.

PRESENT Tony Roberts Bob Anderson Mike Webb David Marden Jeremy Pursehouse( District Councillor) David Hodge ( County Council) Michelle Richards ( Clerk in attendance)

The meeting opened at 8.05pm under the chairmanship of Tony Roberts.

1. Welcome and apologies for absence Peter Cairns, Mike Kan,Alex Butler and Cindy Steer.

2. Declaration of Interest by Councillors In view of the proximity of Councillors homes in relation to the area and layout of the hamlets which make up Chelsham & Farleigh all Councillors declared a personal interest in the agenda items.

3. Minutes of meeting dated 5th February had been previously circulated and were duly approved.

4.Matters Arising from Minutes - Tony noted the meeting he and Bob attend- ed on the 7 February with Hillary Ore re Highview and enforcement. Tony highlighted that it was a complex,but,positive meeting. Tony advised that the next step for Hillary and her team is to look at ariel photos to see the changes over the past 5 years in order to make a decision on the outstanding planning applications. Tony noted that it was a useful meeting and Hillary and her team are on the same side as the Parish Council.

5. Planning To discuss planning applications received:

Greenlawn Memorial Park - Croydon Council withdrew the application so any implications from their recently published local plan could be included in the application.

Jeremy advised that he has seen a letter that was posted on Facebook from a company called Guest Real Estate Limited, working on behalf of Bluebell Property Cemetery limited based in Halstead, , TN14 7AE. The letter de- tails that Bluebell Cemetery received planning consent for a chapel and ceme- tery back in January 2017 and construction is underway and completion is set for October 2018. There will be up to 20,000 burial plots and this will include a family garden. It also notes that they will supply plots for residents in the sur- rounding boroughs including Croydon and Tandridge. Jeremy will investigate further and report back to the Councillors.

High view Application - Nothing to update as yet

2018/262 Erection of first floor extension and bay windows. The Old Laundry, Ledgers Road, Chelsham, CR6 9QA No objection. We will need to ratify in Aprils meeting due to not being quorate, as one of the councillors had an interest in both applications.

2018/272 Demolition of existing detached two double bay garages. Erection of detached 4 bay replacement garage/store. South Lodge, Ledgers Road, Chelsham, CR6 9QA No objection. We will need to ratify in Aprils meeting due to not being quorate, as one of the councillors had an interest in both applications.

2018/346/TCA T1 Sycamore - Fell T2 3 x Ash - Fell T3 Hawthorn - Fell T4 Elder - Fell T5 2 x Hawthorn - Fell T6 Laurel - Fell T7 Elder - Fell T8 Laurel Fell. Farleigh Lodge, Farleigh Common, ,CR6 9PE Objection. Tony to read through the planning polices and submit a response on TDC website before the deadline date of the 21 March. Tony also to write to TDC about the previous application to remove Hedge and other Tree work. Paperwork was not re- ceived and details of the works were not seen.Action: Tony.


David M advised that during the snowy period he saw a Mitsubishi Shogun drive across Farleigh Great Green from the gateway signs near the Harrow to near the Chestnuts where it joined Farleigh Court Road. He was unable to get close enough to get their registration number. David also noted that the road verges across Farleigh Great Green have been badly damaged by cars this win- ter. Request to TDC that these should be repaired when the weather allows. ACTION: Clerk to contact TDC on verges at a later date. 7. Highways Bob handed an updated spreadsheet. Bob noted that there is a large pothole on Road, 200m south of the bus stop. This has not been reported to SCC as the website has been down. ACTION: Bob to report to SCC once website is up and running again.

It was noted that Limpsfield Road is in poor shape and whether SCC have any plans to work on it in the future. David H noted that there is no budget in place right now, however, its something he is mindful of and is working on.

Tony noted that the Clerk received an email from a member of the public re- questing a grit bin to be placed on the corner of Clarks Lan and Beddlestead. It was highlighted that this is outside Chesham & Farleigh Parish and is in fact within the Titsey & Parish remit. Clerk emailed the lady back to ad- vise this.

Bob asked David H if there was a gritting schedule in place. David M advised that he and Malcolm rotate the gritting for the area, however, there was no set times in gritting and delivery of the salt was low.

8. Local Plan update - nothing to add at the moment.

9. APA - Clerk asked the councillors if the agenda was to stay the same as last year and it was agreed to keep the same format. Clerk will update and send out to the councillors and upload to the website in time for Aprils meeting. AC- TION: Clerk

10. MH-P Case - Clerk and Bob advised that the set aside Order dated the 29th November 2017 is set for 18th June. The hearing will be held at the County Court in Croydon with an estimate time of 20 minutes. Clerk advised she will attend and Bob noted that if he is in the country at the time he will attend too. ACTION: Clerk and Bob.

11. Planning Tony asked if there was anyone who would like to take over the planning offi- cer role within the Parish. No one showed an interest in taking over the role, so Tony will continue heading the role until the next meeting and then discuss again with hopefully all 7 councillors at the meeting. Clerk asked if there were any training sessions for councillors to attend in order to help them understand the planning process, Jeremy advised that TDC supply internal training ses- sions and he will enquiry to whether this could be extended to Parish council- lors. 12. Finance

Mrs. M Richards March Salary £874.00

Mrs. M Richards Yearly NI Contributions £271.48

Vision ICT Web hosting & support £150.00

(May 2018 to April 2019)

Benchmark Ltd January invoice £4.08

11. Correspondence Clerk handed out a social care poster from Surrey County Council and asked whether we should add to the noticeboards for residents viewing. It was agreed we should advertise and Mike W will add to the noticeboard.ACTION: Mike W

12. Urgent Matters for Noting for Future Agenda

It was agreed a dispensation to be given to Peter Cairns for a further 3 months, due to the personal health reasons. This was agreed by all.

There being no further business, the meeting closed at 9.39pm.

Signed……………………………………. Dated………………………….