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22986 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 156, Pt. 15 December 18, 2010 of damaging floods. He could easily sym- tive stature, but Little Jimmy the renowned en- DIANE WATSON pathize; his own childhood home also was se- tertainer and Grand Ole Opry star, stands tall- verely damaged in the storm, but Billy was still er than the rest. HON. BARBARA LEE in the office ready to help anyone he could. Jimmy Dickens was the first of thirteen chil- OF CALIFORNIA In all his time working for me and the resi- dren born to a West Virginia farming family IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES dents of the Upper Cumberland, Billy has and knew from a young age that he wanted to Friday, December 17, 2010 never taken a full vacation, so it may come as write and sing country music. He first ap- no shock to many that Billy has made plans to peared on local radio in the 1940s under the Ms. LEE of California. Madam Speaker, on go into business for himself once again. Most name ‘‘Jimmy the Kid’’ where he began build- behalf of the Congressional Black Caucus, it is folks who had such accomplished careers ing his reputation as the master of the country with great pleasure and pride that I extend my would already be well into retirement, but Billy novelty song. Some of his early hits include best wishes and congratulations to Congress- will be continuing on with his work as a small woman DIANE WATSON, as she prepares to re- ‘‘Take an Old Cold Tater (And Wait)’’ (1949), business owner. tire from the United States Congress. ‘‘I’m Little But I’m Loud’’ (1950), ‘‘Country Boy’’ A constituent once knitted a sign that hung A former elementary school teacher and (1949), and ‘‘A-Sleeping at the Foot of the above Billy’s desk that read, ‘‘I am just a no- school psychologist, Congresswoman WATSON Bed’’ (1950). body, trying to help somebody.’’ Billy was fond has lectured at both California State Univer- of telling this to folks who came to my office In 1948, Roy Acuff heard Jimmy and invited sities at Los Angeles and Long Beach. In for assistance. It reassured them that he was him to perform on the world-famous Grand 1975, she became the first African-American there to help, and it let them know their con- Ole Opry stage at the Ryman Auditorium. Lit- woman to be elected to the Los Angeles Uni- cerns were important to him, and to me. tle Jimmy was an immediate favorite not only fied School District Board of Education. She Madam Speaker, it is that generosity and hu- for his unforgettable songs, but also for his led efforts to expand school integration and mility that have made him a friend to so many flamboyant style and country sense of humor. improve academic standards. and such a valuable colleague to me. Billy has He became a permanent member of the For almost 20 years, Congresswoman WAT- been a dedicated public servant, a trusted Grand Ole Opry in 1948, and recently cele- SON served in the California State Senate friend and an unstoppable force of nature. brated his 60th anniversary as the longest- where she was the first African-American Billy, thank you for all of your help over the tenured Opry member of all time. woman to serve in that body. She became a years. I wish you all the best in the future. Little Jimmy was signed to his first major statewide and national advocate for health f label, Columbia Records, the same year he care, consumer protection, women, and chil- dren. During her tenure in Sacramento, she PERSONAL EXPLANATION became an Opry Member. It was at that time that Dickens formed the band the Country served as chair of the Senate Health and Boys, whose line-up included top-flight musi- Human Services Committee and as a member HON. CAROLYN McCARTHY cians Jabbo Arrington, Grady Martin, Bob of the Judiciary Committee. OF NEW YORK Moore, Buddy Emmons and Thumbs Carllile. Congresswoman WATSON retired from the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Dickens had a number of hits with the Country State Senate in 1999 when she was appointed by President William Jefferson Clinton to serve Friday, December 17, 2010 Boys, though none bigger than ‘‘May the Bird of Paradise Fly Up Your Nose’’ (1965), which as the United States Ambassador to the Fed- Mrs. MCCARTHY of New York. Madam reached number one on the country charts erated States of Micronesia. As Ambassador Speaker, I was unavoidably absent on Decem- and hit the pop charts, as well. Little Jimmy to Micronesia, she represented our country in ber 16, 2010. If I was present, I would have holds the unique distinction of having hit a magnificent way and has throughout her ca- voted on the following: records in every decade from the 1940s to the reer demonstrated her mastery of foreign pol- On Motion to Adjourn—rollcall No. 639— 1970s. icy. She is truly an international leader. Dr. ‘‘nay’’. WATSON served in this capacity until 2001 S. 841, Pedestrian Enhancement Safety Act But Little Jimmy Dickens’ music is only part when she returned to California to run for of 2010—rollcall No. 640—‘‘yea’’. of his story and only part of what makes him Congress in a special election after the death S. 3860, To Require Reports on the Man- just as popular today as when he first burst of Congressman Julian Dixon. agement of Arlington National Cemetery—roll- onto the country music scene over 60 years An exceptional public servant, Congress- call No. 641—‘‘yea’’. ago. He is quick with a joke and he is kind- woman WATSON has demonstrated a remark- S. 3447, Post 9/11 Veterans Educational hearted. He always has time for his fans and able commitment to improving the human con- Assistance Improvements Act of 2010—rollcall often spends hours signing every last auto- dition, throughout her long and distinguished No. 642—‘‘yea’’. graph after a show. In an ever-changing music career. A commonsense legislator and a pas- H. Res. 1766, Agreeing to the Amend- industry, Little Jimmy is a constant presence sionate advocate for justice, she has master- ment—rollcall No. 643—‘‘aye’’. and a reminder that sometimes nice guys fin- fully used her vote and voice in the United H. Res. 1766, Agreeing to the Resolution, ish first. States House of Representatives. as Amended—rollcall No. 644—‘‘aye’’. Jimmy has long been adored by his country The Congressional Black Caucus honors S. 987, International Protecting Girls by Pre- music colleagues as well, whether it be fellow and salutes Congresswoman WATSON for her venting Child Marriage Act of 2010—rollcall legends like the late Hank Williams (who nick- legacy of service to the residents of Califor- No. 645—‘‘yea’’. named Jimmy, ‘‘Tater’’) or modern-day super- nia’s 33rd Congressional District and to the H.R. 4853, Levin of Michigan Amendment— star, Brad Paisley (who Jimmy often performs global community. We will miss her in the rollcall No. 646—‘‘aye’’. with). It is this adoration that earned him a halls of Congress and in the ranks of the H.R. 4583, Motion to Concur in the Senate spot in the Country Music Hall of Fame nearly CBC. We wish her well as she opens the next Amdt to the House Amdt to the Senate 30 years ago. chapter of her life, we celebrate her leader- Amdt—rollcall No. 647—‘‘aye’’. Jimmy is celebrating his 90th year as any- ship, and thank her for her friendship. f one who knows him might guess he’d cele- f LITTLE JIMMY DICKENS brate it—by entertaining his fans with good HONORING THE SERVICE AND country music and humor. He’s even worked DEDICATION OF CAROLINE DIAZ- his age into his act. ‘‘You’ll know you’re 90- BARRIGA HON. JIM COOPER years-old,’’ Jimmy tells his fans, ‘‘when you OF TENNESSEE drop something, bend over to pick it up, and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES think to yourself, ‘is there anything else I can HON. BART GORDON Friday, December 17, 2010 do while I’m down here? ’’ OF TENNESSEE IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. COOPER. Madam Speaker, today I rise And so, Madam Speaker, it is my privilege to honor James Cecil Dickens, better known to ask my colleagues to join me in saluting Lit- Friday, December 17, 2010 as Little Jimmy Dickens, on the occasion of tle Jimmy Dickens—an icon, a legend, and a Mr. GORDON of Tennessee. Madam his 90th birthday. He may be a man of diminu- global ambassador to country music. Speaker, I rise today to recognize Caroline VerDate Mar 15 2010 12:03 Oct 25, 2013 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\BR10\E18DE0.000 E18DE0 ehiers on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with BOUND RECORD.