ESSEX.] Farmers-Continuen

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ESSEX.] Farmers-Continuen T11ADES DIRECTORY.] FAR I 337 [ESSEX.] FARMERs-continuen. Hardy John Robert, Wickharn St. Hearn George, Halstead Green J. M. Ford st. Aldham.Colchester Paul, Hah.tead Hearn James, Gt. ~laplestead, Halstead Urt:en John, Gestingthorpe, Halstead Hardy Joseph, VVether~field, Braintree Hearn James, Halsteau Green John, Weeley, Colche~ter Hardy:\Irs. MaryAnn, Rayne, Bmintree Hearn .John, Black Notley, Braintree; Green John H. Bradfield, Manningtree Hardy Mrs.Robt.G.Gt.Oakley,Harwicl;J & at Braintree Green J. H.Thorpe-le-Soken,Colchester Hardy Thomas, Toppesfield, "Halstead Hearn Robert, Gestingthorpe, Halste!ul Green John Wm.Hradfield,Mannin~tree Hardy Williarn, Catley cross, Wickllam Hearn Robt.LittleMaplestead, Hal~tead Green Joseph, Fordharn, Colchester St. Paul, Halstead Hearn S. Buxton pi. Pebma:rsh,Colchstr Green Mrs. M. Holyfidd, Walthm.Abbey Harmer 1\Irs. Susannah, Brightlingsea Hearn Thomas, Chad well street Green Robert S. Beaumont, Colchester Harper Henry, Thorrington, Colchestt-r Hearn William,Gestingthorpe,Halstead Green Samuel, North Weald, Epping HarringtonGeo.OldSampford, Brain tree Hedgley :\lrs. Elizh. Ti!lrng!Jam, Maldon GrPen Stephen, Bromeshobury, Hat- Harrington George,Wickham St. Paul, Hedgley l\lrs. Mary, lkadwell-juxta· field, Harlow Halstead Mare, Mafdon Green Thos. Gt. Bromley, 'M:anningtree Harrington Simon, Little Car,field, Hellen Frank, Lamarsh, Colchester Green Thos. C. Fingringhoe, Colchester Chelmsford Hell en Jas. G. Fingrinp.-h e, Colchester Green W. We. Hanning-field,Chelmstord Harrington William, St. Lawrence Hellen Williarn Dixon, Colchester Green William, Ardleigh, Colchester Newland, Maldon HemmantBridgs.Lit.Sampfrd.Braintree Green William, Tendring, Colchester Harrington William, Sible Hedingham, Hempson Amis, Ramsey, Harwich Green William, Wormingford, Colchester Habtead HemplemanChas.G.Buttshury,lngatstn Green Wm. G. Hi~h st. l\Ianningtree Harri11gton William,TolleshuntKnights, Hempleman MrlJ. S. A, Stock,IngatP.~tn Green Wm. S. Gt. Horkesle_v ,Colchester Kelvedon Hempson Geo. D. Brad field, Manniu~tree Greenaway Mrs. E. Orsett, Romtord Harrington Wm. Toppesfield, Halstead Herhert Wm. Fox, Ardlet~h,Colche::.ter Green~lade Robert, Steeple, l\laldon Harris Edwd. Ind, Alresford,ColchestPr Herne Thomas, Finchingfield Gregory Joseph, Pitsea, Chelmsford Harris James Allen,Weeley, Coichester Hewes William, Colchester Grey John, Felstecl, Chelmsford Harris John, Gt. BurstPad, Ingatestone Hewitt John, Inj:!;atestO'Ile Griffin Thomas, Matching, Harlow Harris J. Lampitts, Fyfield, Breutwood Hickford John, Leigh Griggs Isaac, Sheering, Harlow Harris Philip J. Gt. Clacton, Colchester Hicks Alhert, Frinton, Colchester Grig~s Noah, Heath, Hatfield, Harlow Harrison Chas. L. Shenfield, Brentwood Hicks Alfred, Upper Grove hill, Stan- Gri~gs Thomas, Burton end, Stansteu Harrison .Frank, Felsteu, Chelmsford sted Mountfitchet Mountfitchet Harrison .J ames, Felsted, Chelmsford HicksC.Benfield pl.Stanstrd :'1-fountfitc!Jt Gri~-gs William, Little Hallingbury, flarrod Josrph, Buttsbury, Ingatestone Hi('ks Charles, jun. Benfidd grt:t:n, Bit~hop's Stortford Hart Geo. Nth. W eald, Bassett, Epping Stansted Mountfitcbet Grimwade Charles, Burnham, Maldon Hart George, Milton hall, Southend Hicks Chas. T. Gt. Holland, Colchester Grimwood .Tames, Hatfield, Chelmsford Hart George,Ildgars, Woodham Ferrers, Hicks Daniel, Navestock, Romford Grimwood Thomas, Weeley, Colchester Chelmsford Hicks !<"rank, Leigh Grout Arthur, Holder's green, Lindsell, Hart 1\frs.R. Woodham l\fortimer,Maldn Hicks Frederick, Gt. Holland,Colchrstr Chelmsford Hart Samuel, Great Ea.,ton, Dun mow Hicks Henry, Wood ham Waiter, M aid on Grout Danl. B. Rawreth, Chelm!'ford HartWilliam, Belcham Waiter, Sudlmry Hic·ks Herbert Timperley, The Hal~, Grove Mrs. l\Iary Ann, Oengie, Maldon Hartwell Jost>ph, Chingford Little Coggeshall, Kelvedon Groves Frederick & Edrnund, Morell Harvey Brothers, Tha'!'.:ted, Chelmsford Hicks Joseph, White Colne, Halstead Roothing, White Roothings,C'hlmsfrd HarvPy J. & W. Cold Norton, M~:~ldJn Hicks Peter Haines, Weeley, Col<'hester Groves W. Beauchmp. Roothng. Brentwd H arvey Chas. Gt. Wig-borough, Colchstr Hicks Thomas, Little Clacton,Colcltestt· Guiver Henry, Canewdrm, Chelmsford HarveyChas.C.Fournessi,;Jand,Soutlmd Hide John, Epping rd. Waltham Abbey Gull Daniel, 8tanway, ColchestPr Harvey Ed~ar, Mashbury, Chelmsford Hillier Henry, Chingtord Gunn .John, Ea~t Mersea, Colchester Harvey Edward, Tiptne heath, Kelve- Hills&Deaves,BelchampSt.Paul,Sudbry 'Tnrteen J abez, Sturmere, Hal«t<·ad don; & 1'olleshunt Knights Hills Fras.Prested hall, Feering,Kelvedn Gurton Joshua, Goldltanger, Maldon Harvey Geor~e I. Dunmow Hills Harris, Earls Colne, Halstead Gurton J. Tollr.shunt Magna, Witham Harvey Henl'y,OldSamptilrd, Braintree Hills John, Great '!'ey, Kelvedon Gu~·ver Mrs. Sarah, Chaureth street, Harvey Henry, Thaxted, Chelmslord Hillsden I. Belchamp Otten, Swlbury Broxted, Chelmsford Harvey James, Boxted, Colchester HiltonR.R.P.Woodham"1ortimr.Maldn Gwynne Geo. R. Gt. Braxted, Witl1am Harvey Jarnes, Fortiham, Colche:4ter Hine George, Epping Haddon Daniel, Langham, Colchester HarveyJ.SouthHanningfield,Chelmsfrd Hipsey Wm. Hen. Danbnry,Chelmsfor•l Bag-ger H. A. Little Chishall, Ro.' !'ton H arvey J. G. Ea~t Mersea, Colchester Hitchcock Wm •. Gt. Waltham.Citelmsfr •l H a!rg·er Step hen, Ashdon, Cambridge Harvey J olm, ~th. Ben fleet, Chelmsford Hitching George, Ple::.hey, Chelmsford Hailes John, Den~i,.., Maldon Harvey Joseph, Cold Norton, Maldon Hitching John, Shalford, Braintree Hale R. S. Sible Heding·ham, Halsteacl Harvey Robert, Langenhoe, Colchester Hitching Richd. Gt. Canfield,Ctwlmsfrcl Bales William, Bartlow Hamlet, Ash- Harvey Robert, Ripple~ide, Barking Hitching Richard, Wavers, Blackmore don, Cam bridge Harvey Mrs.S.A. Worm ingford,Colcllestr end, W etlJersfielrl, Brain tree Halfhead Robert, Salisbury hall, Chapel Harvey Stephen, Lei!.rh Hitchman John, Wauham lodge& Bnll's end, Walthamstow e Harvey Thomas, Boreham, Chelmsford farms, Hale end, Walthamstow e Hall C. Tolleshunt Knights, Kelvedon Harvey Thomas, High Ongar Hobbs Henry, Gt. Brad fords, Braintrre Hall Chas. Gaily hill, Waltham Abbey Haslar Hen. Little Easton, Chelmsford Hobbs Henry James, Falcon hall, Goltl- Hall Charles, Wakes Colne, Halstead Hasler John, Chatham green, Great hanger, Maldon Hall M. \V. Sible Hetlingham, Halstead Waltham, Chelmsford Hobbs N orris, Purleigh, l\Ialrlon Hall Thomas, Wetlwrsfi,..ld, Hraintree HMler Robert, Little Dunmow Hobbs Willia111, Boxted, Colche,ter Halls George, Thaxttd, Chelmsford Hasler Robert,jun. Little Dunmow Hobson Isaiah, Ups!Jire hamlet, Wal- H ails J arnes, BoxtPd. Colt•ht-ster Hasler William, Dun mow tharn Ab hey Halls Mrs. M. A. Wether~ field, Brain tree Havens William, jun. Donyland heath, Hockley Albert, Take fey, Chelrn~ford Halls T. White Ronthing, Chelmsford East Donyland, Colchester Hockley Alfred, Hatfi,..ltl, Harlow Halls Wm. Great Horkesley, Colchester Havers William & Edward, Mountness- Rockley Alfred, Henham road, Debden, HallumThos.G.Worrningford,Colchest!'r ing, Brentwood Saffron Walden Halt~tead Sml. Rrdgate. Saffron Walden Hawes Danl. Great Warley, Brenfwood Hockley Henry, Hatfield, Harlow Hamilton Andrew, KPlvedon Hawes .John, The) don Boi:>, Epping HocklPy James, Collier t'treet farm, HHrnmond H. Great Tntllam, Witham Hawes T.Woodham Ferrers, Clwlmsford Hatfield, Harlow Hammond Her.ry, Hatfield, Harlow Hawkins Henry, Blackwall, Roxwell, Hocldey John, Barnston, Chelmsford Hammond Thomas, Fairstead, Witham Chelmsford Hockley John, Hatfield, Harlow Hammond Thomas, Terling, Witlwm HawkinsOwen, St. O~:~yth, Colchester HockleyJhn.Friar'sfrrn.Hatfield,Harlw Hampton Mrs. Ann, North Weald Haws Thomas Waters, Bell house, Hockley Jolm, Mar•raret Roothiu~, Bas!.-let, Epping- Dagenham road, Romtord Chelmsford "' Hampton J hn. Theydon Mount, Erping Hawthorne J .Gt.Bromlry, Manningtree Hockley J. Gt. Canfield, Chelmsford Hanson Wm. Pick hill, Waltham Ahhey Hayden Richard, Rickling, Bbhop's Hockley Miss Sarah, Bardfield eml, Harding William, Copthall green, Wal- Stortford Thaxted, Chelmsford tham Ab hey Haynes J ohn,Highwood, Writtle Hockley Wm. Good Easter, Chelmsford Hardy BPnJamin, Whytes Tyrrells, Hazell Jsph,J.Gt.Bromley,Manningtree Hockley Wm. High Easter, Chelmstorcl Buttsbury, lngatestone Hazell William, Arrlleigh, Colchester Ho('kley Wm. E. Gt. S.din;:, Brliintree Hardy Charles, Huttslmry, Ingatestone HazelwoocJW.Farnharn,Bi<;liop'sStrtfrd Hodge .Mrs. C. Nazing, Waltham Cross Hardy Geo. Simp<;on, RaiJ.J.•ey, Harwich Ha~lewood Ja>~.Chas. High Laver,Ongar Hog-g Jeremiah, Norton 1\Iandeville, llardyJam'.X!1 Bradfie!d, Manningtree Hazlewood Charle~, Sheering, Harlow Chipping Ongar Har.ty Jameli, The Hall, Tendriug, Hazlewood John, Matchiu~, Harlow Holland Mrs. Henry, Chatham g1een Colchester Heard Mrs. 1\la~·land, Maiden Great Wait ham, Chelmslot·d 22 .
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