Lake Ijssel Region

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Lake Ijssel Region Rijkswaterstaat IJsselmeergebied 1 Rijkswaterstaat Lake IJssel Region • River IJssel • Waddensea Lake IJssel • Freshwater lakes (IJsselmeer) • Large Polders • Barrier Dam • Dam Lelystad – Enkhuizen Lake Markermeer • Border Lakes Rijkswaterstaat 1 Rijkswaterstaat IJsselmeergebied The Netherlands Rijkswaterstaat Ton Garritsen Ministry of Infrastructure and Watermanagement Rijkswaterstaat = Executive Agency of that Ministry Rijkswaterstaat 2 Rijkswaterstaat IJsselmeergebied Ton Garritsen Ministry of Infrastructure and Watermanagement Rijkswaterstaat = Executive Agency of that Ministry Rijkswaterstaat is in charge of three national infrastructure networks Rijkswaterstaat Thursday, 14 5 General presentation November 2019 Basins of the rivers Rhine Meuse Scheldt Eems Rijkswaterstaat 3 Rijkswaterstaat IJsselmeergebied 2 Rijkswaterstaat Closuredam “Afsluitdijk” The Zuyder zee project (1927 – 1932) • Experimental polder (near Andijk): 42 ha’s (1926-1927) • Wieringermeerpolder : 20,000 ha’s (1927 – 1930) • North East Polder : 48,000 ha’s (1936 – 1942) • Eastern Flevoland : 54,000 ha’s (1950 – 1957) • Southern Flevoland : 44,000 ha’s (1959 – 1968) Rijkswaterstaat 4 Rijkswaterstaat IJsselmeergebied Lake IJssel Region • Inflow River IJssel Lake IJssel • Discharge to Waddensea (IJsselmeer) • Drainage water from pumping stations large polders and surrounding land Lake Markermeer Rijkswaterstaat Three hydrological compartments Target water levels Winter Summer Lake IJsselmeer -40 -20 Lake Markermeer -40 -20 Eastern border lake -30 -05 March/April September/October/Novembre Rijkswaterstaat 5 Rijkswaterstaat IJsselmeergebied Water levels inverse water levels • Three compartments with target levels for winter and summer periods (change : march/april– september/october) IJsselmeer … -40 -20 (winter / summer) in cm relative to NAP, appr. Markermeer … -40 -20 (winter / summer) mean sea level Veluwerandmeren -30 -05 (winter / summer) • Not so often: water levels below target summer levels • Very often: water levels above target winter levels (weeks and longer) • Since june 2018 more flexibility in target water levels • Discharge capacity sluices in closure dam: 5000 m3 water / second Rijkswaterstaat Rijkswaterstaat 6 Rijkswaterstaat IJsselmeergebied Pumping stations draining to IJsselmeer lakes Rijkswaterstaat Fresh water: supply of surface water Furthermore: Drinking water for 10% of the Netherlands’ population Rijkswaterstaat 7 Rijkswaterstaat IJsselmeergebied Rijkswaterstaat Water discharge at low tide at Kornwerderzand, July 2007 200 150 100 50 0 -50 -100 -150 Lakebinnen Seabuiten -10 cm Small margins combined with sea level rise make measures necessary Rijkswaterstaat 8 Rijkswaterstaat IJsselmeergebied Discharge at low tide (sluices in closure dam) 17 Rijkswaterstaat 3 Rijkswaterstaat 9 Rijkswaterstaat IJsselmeergebied Classification of Water Bodies in the WFD approach WFD Rijkswaterstaat Nutriënts: State compared to Standard Rijkswaterstaat 10 Rijkswaterstaat IJsselmeergebied Factsheet WFD Water Body Lake IJsselmeer • Lake IJsselmeer. Type: M21 (large, deep, pH buffered lakes) Heavily modified • > 100 km2, non-flowing, buffered fresh water, different origins • Bird and Habitat Directives. Swimming Water locations. Public Water Supply. • Next: Tabels with: Target. State. (Unofficial) Prognosis. Rijkswaterstaat WFD Water Body Markermeer: Ecological State T S S P P Phytoplankton • Policy against eutrophication is succesfull, but the phytoplankton waterquality shows no clear increase. • EKR-score for phytoplankton in IJsselmeer: lowered and not good. Rijkswaterstaat 11 Rijkswaterstaat IJsselmeergebied Total P summer values 1970 Present GEP is the required standard Rijkswaterstaat 14 november 2019 Total N summer values 1970 Present Rijkswaterstaat 14 november 2019 12 Rijkswaterstaat IJsselmeergebied 4 Rijkswaterstaat Natura 2000 Bird and Habitat Directive Purpose of Natura2000: To stop decline of biodiversity 166 areas, 69% water, 21 State Waters, 6 in this Region IJsselmeergebied Areas designated in definitieve “aanwijzingsbesluiten” december 2009* Management Plans: work in progress Rijkswaterstaat 13 Rijkswaterstaat IJsselmeergebied Typical Natural Highlights in the IJsselmeer Region Rijkswaterstaat (Fish Eating) Bird Migration Routes • Visdief • Aalscholver • Grote zaagbek • Dwergmeeuw • Zwarte stern • Nonnetje • Fuut Rijkswaterstaat 14 Rijkswaterstaat IJsselmeergebied Three pillars of the ecosystem Small Mussels Small Fish Waterplants Rijkswaterstaat Decrease of Melts in IJsselmeer & Markermeer Rijkswaterstaat 15 Rijkswaterstaat IJsselmeergebied Waterbirds feeding on mussels and small fish Soort 10 Tafeleend 9 Grote Zaagbek 8 Kuifeend 7 Toppereend 6 Fuut Nonnetje IJsselmeer 5 Markermeer Brilduiker 1999-2003 4 Dwergmeeuw* 3 Zwarte Stern* gem. t.o.v.aantal 1999-2003 2 1 0 1980 1982 1984 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 Rijkswaterstaat 5 Rijkswaterstaat 16 Rijkswaterstaat IJsselmeergebied Water plants provide cleaner and clearer water … but are sometimes a nuisance for recreational boating Rijkswaterstaat Sand Excavation • Market is leading in choosing locations • 3 million m3/year • Public Authorities will demand “multifunctionality” • Application Markerzand • Lake Markermeer • “TBES” target • Housing Amsterdam & Almere • Infrastructure Rijkswaterstaat 17 Rijkswaterstaat IJsselmeergebied 6 Rijkswaterstaat What is the status? • Status (2017) according to the “Thermometer Markermeer-IJmeer” • Partial thermometer N2000: 1,50 • Partial thermometer KRW: 0,74 • Partial thermometer TBES: 0,50 Rijkswaterstaat 18 Rijkswaterstaat IJsselmeergebied KRW N2000 TBES systeemcondities Rijkswaterstaat Strategies for the Markermeer coast Rijkswaterstaat 19 Rijkswaterstaat IJsselmeergebied 7 Rijkswaterstaat Marker Wadden – Multiple solutions – Archipelago of new islands (100 km2) – Step by step approach – Welcome to visitors – Enhancing Markermeer (700 km2) – Returns on investment (app. € 300 million) Rijkswaterstaat 20 Rijkswaterstaat IJsselmeergebied Reinforcement Houtribdijk • The Houtribdijk no longer meets the safety norm laid down in the Water Act. • In response, Rijkswaterstaat is reinforcing this dike, between Lelystad and Enkhuizen, with sand and stone. • After the reinforcement, the dike is able to withstand a severe storm that, on average, occurs once every 10,000 years. • The dike will also provide more opportunities for nature and recreation. Rijkswaterstaat Rijkswaterstaat 21 Rijkswaterstaat IJsselmeergebied Reinforcement Dike Markermeer • North Holland coast • Insufficient stability • Protects 1,2 million Rijkswaterstaat Smart Connection of the Nature Reserves Oostvaardersplassen, Lepelaarplassen and Markermeer. Presently in formal study. Rijkswaterstaat 22 Rijkswaterstaat IJsselmeergebied 8 Rijkswaterstaat Challenges • Sea level rise and land subduction. Choices will have to be made regarding future water levels . It is difficult to consider aspects of future water quality, sediment and ecology. Major choices in land planning are forever. Do we know what we are doing? • What is wrong in the Food Web? Do we have a perverted chemical basis, a lack or imbalance of nutrients? Or are we facing a disturbed buildup from plankton to predators with as a result our shortcoming in Natura 2000 targets? • Water plants develop well and this would improve the ecosystem. But recreation is hindered. Is the natural development of water plants both the cause, as well as the curse of the clean fresh water experience? How to cope with that? Should we be mowing them? Rijkswaterstaat 23 Rijkswaterstaat IJsselmeergebied Challenges • Fish, fishing and fisheries. This seems to be an issue that is too small for the national government to cope with and at the same time to essential to let go. What to do? Can we learn from you? • The inverse water level – it is a practical tradition, over 80 years, but with sturdy consequences for recovery of resilience. Will we ever want to change that? • Monitoring possibilities grow beyond present boundaries of data storage and handling. How can we develop this to bring us true understanding of the water- and ecosystem at an overview level. It should bring us a good story of the systems functioning, which is valid, understood and a basis for acceptable and affordable measures. Rijkswaterstaat 9 Rijkswaterstaat 24 Rijkswaterstaat IJsselmeergebied Comparing the lakes: “Five lakes table” Rijkswaterstaat Rijkswaterstaat 25 Rijkswaterstaat IJsselmeergebied Rijkswaterstaat Thank You for Your Attention Rijkswaterstaat 26.
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