commentary © 2006 International Society of Nephrology see original article on page 2162

WNK4 regulates membrane transport- Cellular mechanisms of WNK4- ers and ion channels by aff ecting plasma membrane abundance, as in the case of mediated regulation of ion NCC,4,5 ROMK,6 TRPV4,7 and TRPV5 (J-B Peng et al., J Am Soc Nephrol 2004; transport proteins in the distal 15: 62A, abstr.). Obviously, the amount of surface expression of a transport pro- tubule tein is an important determinant of ion transport activity, especially with regard J-B Peng1 and PD Bell1 to constitutive activity of membrane transport proteins. Surface expression of mutations in WNK4 cause a genetic form of hypertension ion transporters is determined by several by affecting multiple ion transport pathways through different steps: biosynthesis, processing, insertion mechanisms. Cai et al. report that the inhibitory effect of WNK4 on the in the plasma membrane, removal from thiazide-sensitive sodium-chloride cotransporter occurs through the the plasma membrane, and protein deg- radation. In the case of ROMK, WNK4 lysosomal degradation pathway in mammalian cells. facilitates the retrieval of ROMK from International (2006) 69, 2116–2118. doi:10.1038/ the plasma membrane through a clath- rin-dependent pathway.6 This process is actually independent of kinase activ- WNK (with no lysine (K)) form also known as TSC). This is especially ity of WNK4, as the kinase-dead mutant a novel serine/threonine protein kinase true for patients carrying mutations in exhibits the same eff ect on ROMK as the family characterized by the absence of the WNK4 gene, who exhibit marked wild-type WNK4. In contrast, kinase- a conserved lysine residue in the kinase hypercalciuria and sensitivity to thiazide dead WNK4 does not aff ect NCC activ- domain.1 Mutations in the WNK1 and diuretics.3 Th ese clinical features served ity.5 However, the WNK4 tail containing WNK4 , two members of a family as the rationale that led two groups4,5 to 222 amino acid residues without the of four, are linked to pseudohypoaldo- independently report that WNK4 inhibits kinase domain is capable of inhibiting steronism type II (PHA II; also known NCC when expressed in Xenopus oocytes, NCC, which suggests that kinase activity as familial hyperkalemic hypertension and that some disease-causing mutations is not required for the inhibitory eff ect or Gordon’s syndrome; Online Mende- of WNK4 exhibit decreased ability to of WNK4 on NCC.12 Nevertheless, the lian Inheritance in Man #145260), an inhibit NCC. cellular mechanism by which WNK4 autosomal dominant disease.2 Increased In addition to NCC, WNK4 has also decreases the membrane level of NCC expression of WNK1 caused by deletions been shown to inhibit renal epithelial ion has not been resolved. in the fi rst intron of the WNK1 gene, and channels, including the renal outer medul- To further understand the regulation of missense mutations in the WNK4 gene lary potassium channel (ROMK)6 and the NCC expression by WNK4, Cai et al.13 close to its two coiled-coil domains out- transient receptor potential cation chan- (this issue) examined the eff ect of WNK4 side the kinase region, lead to the devel- nel, subfamily V, member 4 (TRPV4).7 on NCC using African green monkey opment of PHA II.2 Common features of Interestingly, WNK4 enhances the epithe- kidney Cos-7 and mouse cortical col- PHA II include , hyperten- lial calcium channel TRPV5 (previously lecting duct M-1 cells. One advancement sion, mild metabolic acidosis, low renin, known as ECaC) (J-B Peng et al., J Am achieved in these studies was the use of and normal glomerular fi ltration rate; this Soc Nephrol 2004; 15: 62A, abstr.), and it a mammalian expression system that condition is a mirror image of Gitelman’s increases paracellular Cl– permeability,8,9 provided a more physiologically relevant syndrome, which is caused by loss of func- most likely through phosphorylation model as compared with expression in tion in the thiazide-sensitive sodium- of claudins.8 Most recently, it has been Xenopus oocytes. Th e authors confi rmed chloride cotransporter (NCC; SLC12A3, shown that WNK4 phosphorylates the that wild-type WNK4 reduces the surface STE20-related serine/threonine kinases level of NCC in both Cos-7 and M-1 cells. 10 1Nephrology Research and Training Center, Division SPAK and OSR1 and, in turn, regulates Quantitative analysis of surface NCC by – of Nephrology, Departments of Medicine and of the cation-Cl cotransporters NKCC1 and biotinylation indicated that disease-caus- Physiology and Biophysics, University of Alabama KCC211 (Figure 1). ing mutants R1185C and E562K partially at Birmingham, Birmingham, Alabama, USA Th e mechanism of WNK4-mediated failed and completely failed, respectively, Correspondence: PD Bell, Department of regulation of renal transporters and to reduce the surface expression of NCC. Medicine, University of Alabama at Birmingham, 865 Sparks Center, 1720 Seventh Avenue South, channels appears to be multifaceted Both wild-type WNK4 and E562K Birmingham, Alabama 35294-0017, USA. (Figure 1). In contrast to the phosphory- mutants co-immunoprecipitate NCC, E-mail: [email protected] lation of claudins,8 SPAK, and OSR1,10 indicating that the lack of an effect of

2116 Kidney International (2006) 69 commentary

ceivable that the eff ects of WNK4 depend, Clinical features of PHA II NKCC1 SPAK at least to some extent, on the specifi c Phosphorylation OSR1 Hyperkalemia KCC2 regulatory mechanisms that govern the Hyperchloremic acidosis Claudins Hypercalciuria (WNK4 Q562E) activity and distribution of individual Hypertension WNK4 transporters. For example, WNK4 regu- Hyporeninemia NCC lates ROMK through the clathrin-depen- Alteration in surface ROMK dent endocytosis pathway, as ROMK is abundance TRPV4 constitutively regulated by this pathway TRPV5 in the absence of WNK4. On the other Normal PHA II hand, as Cai et al. show,13 NCC is not sig- NCC ROMK nifi cantly aff ected by the clathrin-depen- Cl– Na+ Cl– K+ Cl– Cl– Na+ Cl– K+ Cl– dent endocytosis pathway in the absence or presence of WNK4. WNK4 regulates NCC through the lysosomal pathway. Th is may also help to explain the results Claudins obtained in the Xenopus oocyte expres- ______

_ _ _ _ sion system, where NCC is negatively

_ WNK4 _ WNK4 mutant regulated by WNK4 whereas TRPV5 is positively regulated by the same kinase. Th ese opposite eff ects of WNK4 on NCC and TRPV5 are consistent with the well- known inverse relationship between sodium and calcium transport in the dis- Figure 1 | Connection between clinical manifestation of type II tal tubule. Th is suggests that the nature of (PHA II) and WNK4 function. WNK4 has been shown to regulate certain ion transport proteins expressed in the kidney, as shown in the upper left. Among them, differential effects between regulation by WNK4 is, at least in part, wild-type WNK4 and its disease-causing mutants have been observed for sodium-chloride coded within the transport protein. cotransporter (NCC), renal outer medullary potassium channel (ROMK), and paracellular chloride Lessons learned from Xenopus oocyte permeability, as shown in the lower panel. There are different cellular mechanisms of WNK4 regulation of ion transport proteins (see text): NCC is inhibited by WNK4 through enhancement and mammalian cell experiments serve of its lysosomal degradation; ROMK is inhibited by enhancement of the clathrin-dependent to help our understanding of the molec- endocytosis; and claudins are phosphorylated in the presence of WNK4. Ion transport activity is ular mechanism of PHA II (Figure 1). indicated by the thickness of the lines; the magnitude of WNK4’s effect is indicated by the size of Th e increase in NCC plasma membrane the plus and minus symbols. For simplicity, NCC and ROMK are shown in the same cell. expression that results from disease-caus- ing WNK4 mutations as shown by Cai et al.13 as well as previous studies4,5,12 sup- E562K on WNK4 was not due to a loss of evidence that the action of WNK4 on ports the idea that NCC regulation plays interaction. Th e authors next examined NCC is through facilitation of degrada- an important role in the pathogenesis of whether clathrin-mediated endocytosis tion of this protein but not through the PHA II. Th e disease-causing mutants of of NCC was aff ected by WNK4 using co- clathrin-dependent endocytosis. Th is is in WNK4 enhance NCC-mediated sodium transfection of dynamin 2 and its domi- striking contrast to the action of WNK4 chloride reabsorption and decrease nant-negative mutant K44A, which arrest on ROMK.6 ROMK-mediated potassium secretion, clathrin-coated pits at the plasma mem- Th e study by Cai et al.13 suggests a novel leading to volume expansion, hyperka- brane. Interestingly, the surface level of mechanism of WNK4-mediated regula- lemia, and hypertension. In addition, NCC was not aff ected by either dynamin tion of an ion transporter. It remains to it is worth noting that the paracellular 2 or the K44A mutant in the presence or be determined how WNK4 acts on the pathway for ion transport is also aff ected absence of WNK4. Th erefore, the clath- lysosomal pathway, and what type of by WNK4. Th e chloride-shunt hypoth- rin-dependent pathway does not appear interaction occurs between WNK4 and esis proposed by Schambelan et al.14 has to be involved in the eff ects of WNK4 NCC in this process. Ellison and co- gained experimental support by the dem- on NCC. Lastly, bafilomycin, a vacu- workers reported that a 222-amino acid onstration that disease-causing mutants olar proton pump inhibitor, which may WNK4 carboxyl-terminal fragment could of WNK4 lead to an increase in chloride disrupt the acidifi cation of lysosomes, inhibit NCC.12 How the E562K mutation, permeability in MDCK cells.8,9 Accord- dose-dependently diminished the inhibi- which is upstream of the carboxyl termi- ing to this hypothesis, the increased tory eff ect of WNK4 on the steady-state nal, could aff ect the lysosomal pathway chloride permeability in the distal tubule level of NCC expression. Th us it is likely remains an issue to be investigated. would decrease the electrical driving that WNK4 causes the degradation of It is intriguing that WNK4 acts on force for potassium and proton secre- NCC before it is inserted into the plasma diff erent membrane transport proteins tion, which would lead to hyperkalemia membrane. Hence, Cai et al.13 provide through diff erent mechanisms. It is con- and acidosis.

Kidney International (2006) 69 2117 commentary

Hypercalciuria is a feature of patients 8. Yamauchi K, Rai T, Kobayashi K et al. Disease- modulated by the interaction of two kinases: carrying the WNK4 Q562E mutation and causing mutant WNK4 increases paracellular Ste20-related proline-alanine-rich kinase and WNK1 chloride permeability and phosphorylates WNK4. Am J Physiol Cell Physiol 2006; 290: C134– is not present in patients carrying claudins. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2004; 101: C142. mutations. As disease-causing mutations 4690–4694. 12. Yang CL, Zhu X, Wang Z et al. Mechanisms of of WNK4 enhance TRPV5 to an extent 9. Kahle KT, MacGregor GG, Wilson FH et al. WNK1 and WNK4 interaction in the regulation of Paracellular Cl– permeability is regulated by thiazide-sensitive NaCl cotransport. J Clin Invest comparable to that of wild-type WNK4 WNK4 kinase: insight into normal physiology and 2005; 115: 1379–1387. (J-B Peng et al., J Am Soc Nephrol 2004; hypertension. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2004; 101: 13. Cai H, Cebotaru V, Wang YH et al. WNK4 kinase 15 14877–14882. regulates surface expression of the human : 62A, abstr.), it may be that other fac- 10. Vitari AC, Deak M, Morrice NA, Alessi DR. The sodium chloride cotransporter in mammalian tors come into play in the hypercalciuria WNK1 and WNK4 protein kinases that are cells. Kidney Int 2006; 69: 2162–2170. seen in PHA II. Distal tubular calcium mutated in Gordon’s hypertension syndrome 14. Schambelan M, Sebastian A, Rector FC Jr. phosphorylate and activate SPAK and OSR1 Mineralocorticoid-resistant renal hyperkalemia reabsorption is inversely related to sodium protein kinases. Biochem J 2005; 391: 17–24. without salt wasting (type II pseudohypoald reabsorption, and therefore the increase 11. Gagnon KB, England R, Delpire E. Volume osteronism): role of increased renal chloride in calcium excretion may be linked to the sensitivity of cation-Cl– cotransporters is reabsorption. Kidney Int 1981; 19: 716–727. elevation in distal tubular sodium reab- sorption. In addition, the transcellular epithelial calcium channels TRPV5 and TRPV6 are also inhibited by acidosis. see original article on page 2155 Finally, WNK1 is also a regulator of the ion transporters ENaC and ROMK, which may provide a basis for the role of WNK1 Chronic kidney disease in the in the molecular pathogenesis of PHA II. New lines of evidence indicate that WNK1 elderly: is it really a premise for and WNK4 are upstream of two STE20- type kinases, SPAK and OSR1, that regulate overwhelming renal failure? members of the SLC12A family of elec- troneutral cation-Cl– cotransporters.10,11 F Locatelli1 and P Pozzoni1 Th us, identifying at a cellular and molecu- lar level the diff erences between wild-type Increasingly, the majority of patients being diagnosed as affected by WNK4 and disease-causing mutants and chronic kidney disease (CKD) are elderly. Nonetheless, only a rather their eff ects on transport protein activity small proportion of elderly CKD patients actually progress to end-stage and expression levels should provide fur- renal disease, whereas many more die before this stage is reached, ther insight into the mechanisms underly- largely because of cardiovascular disease. This underscores the urgent ing the pathogenesis of PHA II. need for cardiovascular prevention, even more importantly than for REFERENCES renoprotection, among elderly patients with CKD. 1. Xu B, English JM, Wilsbacher JL et al. WNK1, a novel Kidney International (2006) 69, 2118–2120. doi:10.1038/ mammalian serine/threonine protein kinase lacking the catalytic lysine in subdomain II. J Biol Chem 2000; 275: 16795–16801. 2. Wilson FH, Disse-Nicodeme S, Choate KA et al. Human hypertension caused by mutations in WNK Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is becom- fi rst evidence of serum creatinine levels kinases. Science 2001; 293: 1107–1112. ing increasingly common. The United greater than 2 mg per dl in the course of 3. Mayan H, Vered I, Mouallem M et al. Pseudohypoaldosteronism type II: marked States Renal Data System has reliably 1 year): the incidence rate among patients sensitivity to thiazides, hypercalciuria, estimated that the number of patients on aged more than 75 years was almost seven normomagnesemia, and low bone mineral maintenance dialysis in the United States times that of patients aged 20–39 years density. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2002; 87: 3248– 1 3254. will double over the next few years, and a (619 versus 92 new cases per million 4. Yang CL, Angell J, Mitchell R, Ellison DH. WNK relatively large number of newly diagnosed population) and more than twice that of kinases regulate thiazide-sensitive Na-Cl CKD patients every year (incident CKD patients aged 40–59 years (619 versus 264 cotransport. J Clin Invest 2003; 111: 1039–1045. 2 5. Wilson FH, Kahle KT, Sabath E et al. Molecular patients) are elderly. In Europe, an epide- new cases per million population). Th e pathogenesis of inherited hypertension with miological survey of the Île-de-France area increased incidence of CKD among the hyperkalemia: the Na-Cl cotransporter is inhibited showed a striking age-related increase in elderly translates into a similarly increased by wild-type but not mutant WNK4. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2003; 100: 680–684. the annual incidence of CKD (that is, the prevalence: the Th ird National Health and 6. Kahle KT, Wilson FH, Leng Q et al. WNK4 regulates Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES the balance between renal NaCl reabsorption and 1Department of Nephrology and Dialysis, + III) of a nationally representative sample of K secretion. Nat Genet 2003; 35: 372–376. A. Manzoni Hospital, Lecco, Italy 7. Fu Y, Subramanya A, Rozansky D, Cohen DM. WNK adults in the United States between 1988 Correspondence: F Locatelli, Department of kinases influence TRPV4 channel function and and 1994 found that 7.6% of the individu- localization. Am J Physiol Renal Physiol advance Nephrology and Dialysis, A. Manzoni Hospital, Via online publication, January 10 2006, doi:10.1152/ Dell’Eremo 9/11. 23900 Lecco, Italy. als aged 60–69 years, and 25.9% of those ajprenal.00391.2005. E-mail: [email protected] aged at least 75 years, had a glomerular

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