Combined Cruise & Motor Museum Boat and Bus Timetable
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Transports of Delight - Combined Cruise & Motor Museum Museum Admission Prices FREE Pre- PARKING A Journey of Discovery Boat and Bus Timetable Adult Book £8.50 Child (5 - 15 years) online & £5.00 &RPELQHWKHH[FLWHPHQWRIWKHLakeland Motor MuseumZLWKD Operating Dates: Daily 31st October - 8th January (excluding Christmas Day) - weekends during January and daily save 10% (under 5 years) FREE scenic cruise on Lake Windermere.7LFNHWVPD\EHSXUFKDVHG from the 4th February to the 31st March 2017. Child at the Windermere Lake CruisesSLHUVDW$PEOHVLGH%RZQHVV &RSLHVRI:LQGHUPHUH/DNH&UXLVHV$XWXPQ:LQWHUDQG6SULQJ7LPHWDEOHVW2FWREHUWRWKHVW0DUFKDUHDYDLODEOHIURPWKHERRNLQJRIÀFHV Family (2 adults and up to 3 children) £24.00 FAMILY DQG/DNHVLGHRUDWWKHLakeland Motor MuseumZKLFKSURYLGHV DW$PEOHVLGH%RZQHVVDQG/DNHVLGH&KLOGUHQXQGHUIUHH:HOOEHKDYHGGRJVWUDYHOIUHH We welcome well behaved dogs on leads, although access to IUHHSDUNLQJ&RPELQHGWLFNHWVDUHDOVRDYDLODEOHRQOLQHSOHDVHYLVLW Café Ambio is restricted to recognised assistance dogs only. FUN Motor Museum Lakeside Lakeside Bowness Bowness Ambleside Photography is allowed throughout the attraction. Depart Arrive Depart Arrive Depart Arrive THE PERFECT 11.00 11.10 11.20 12.00 12.15 12.50 AT THE LAKELAND MOTOR MUSEUM The Museum is ALL WEATHER located adjacent ATTRACTION 12.45 12.55 1.05 1.45 2.15 2.50 Located on the banks of the River Leven.T: 015395 30448 to the A590 at 2.30 2.40 2.50 3.30 3.45 4.20 Backbarrow between %XV Newby Bridge and tr Haverthwaite p Recognisedrmrs Assistance Dogs only +DYHUWKZDLWH 6WDWLRQ FREE v v PARKING /DNHV Ambleside $TXDULXP > v PLOH LOVE TO SHOP?... Open daily < /DNHODQG Lakeside v %URFNKROH Our Gift shop can be visited separately to the museum. except Motor Ambleside Christmas Day 0XVHXPDW %DFNEDUURZ Bowness Pier :DWHUKHDG Motor Museum Lakeside Lakeside Bowness Bowness Ambleside 31st October 2016 to Arrive Depart Arrive Depart Arrive Depart 31st March 2017 11.30 11.20 11.10 10.30 10.20 9.50 How to find us AUTUMN WINTER SPRING SAT NAV LA12 8TA Open daily except Christmas Day SAVE 1.15 1.05 12.55 12.15 12.00 11.30 MONEY 3.00 2.50 2.40 2.00 1.30 1.00 WITH OUR Alternatively by Combined Ticketing arrangements COMBINED SOMETHING TICKETS with Windermere Lake Cruises. Please see inside. FREE FOR Combined Boat and Motor Museum By Bus: Stagecoach operates the X6 Service PARKING that links Barrow, Ulverston, Grange and Kendal. Bowness/Museum Adult Child (5-15yrs) Family* AT THE MOTOR COMBINED TICKETS We stock an abundance of EVERYONE or vice versa MUSEUM Traveline: 0871 200 22 33 Return £15.80 £10.15 £44.25 SatNav &RPELQHG%RDWDQG0RWRU0XVHXP exciting, unusual and stylish Ambleside/Museum Adult Child (5-15yrs) Family* LA12 8TA WLFNHWVDOVRDOORZWKHKROGHUWRHQMR\D giftware including seasonal ODNHFUXLVH DSSURSULDWHIDUHDSSOLHV DQG or vice versa ranges. Return £20.60 £11.35 £56.00 WKHQPDNHWKHLURZQZD\WRWKH0XVHXP OPENING TIMES Browse in pleasant surroundings. (QWU\WRWKH0XVHXPFDQEHPDGH Open daily except Christmas Day from 09.30. All combined tickets include the bus transfer from Lakeside to the Museum at Backbarrow Our welcoming gift shop is among ZLWKLQGD\VRISXUFKDVH7LFNHWLQJ We close at 16.30 until the 31st March . (approx 10 minutes) and vice versa. *Family ticket 2 adults and up to 3 children (5 - 15 yrs). the best of places to find the perfect gift for any occasion. SRLQWVDUHDYDLODEOHDW/DNHVLGH%RZQHVV Lakeland Motor Museum Ltd. Old Blue Mill, Backbarrow, DQG$PEOHVLGH3LHU Our advance purchase museum admission tickets can provide the Newby Bridge, South Lakeland, Cumbria LA12 8TA Summer Timetable perfect birthday present, stocking-filler or Easter treat. T: 015395 30400 E: [email protected] RIEN :HVDLOHYHU\GD\H[FHSW&KULVWPDV'D\ F D G L Y Where tickets are issued solely on behalf of, or combined with other attractions or operators, Windermere Lake Cruises Limited is acting as agent for O :LQGHUPHUH/DNH&UXLVHV/LPLWHG Are you a Local Resident? We offer a free to join Local © Copyright Lakeland Motor Museum Limited. October 2016. PLEASE SEE 2XU6XPPHUWLPHWDEOHFRPPHQFHVRQthe D the relevant attraction/operator in all cases. Full terms and conditions are available on our website. UK - INSIDE FOR RSHUDWHD1R6PRNLQJSROLF\LQFOXGLQJ Residents Discount Scheme in conjunction with Windermere D Y VW$SULOSOHDVHVHHRXUZHEVLWHRUDFRS\RI We respectfully request our visitors to appreciate that L For a Great Day Out... HFLJDUHWWHVRQERDUGDOOLWVYHVVHOVDQG O D DETAILS Prices and timetable information are subject to change without notice. Lake Cruises which provides generous savings on normal public certain exhibits may have appearance commitments G N RXUVXPPHUEURFKXUHIRUGHWDLOVRIFRPELQHGODNH LWVSLHUVDQGVKRUHSUHPLVHV F R I E Combine a visit with a FUXLVHDQGPRWRUPXVHXPWLFNHWVDQGDOVRWLFNHW admission. To qualify you must be a permanent resident within an elsewhere and therefore may not be on display at the FACILITIES FOR WHEELCHAIR USERS time of your visit. Your admission to the Lakeland scenic cruise on Lake Windermere RSWLRQVZKLFKLQFOXGHWKHQRVWDOJLDRIDULGHRQ LA or CA postcode area. Proof of residency is required and the Wheelchair users are strongly advisedWRFDOOWRFRQÀUPZKLFKYHVVHOLVRSHUDWLQJZKLFKVHUYLFHDVQRWDOORIRXUYHVVHOVDUHVXLWDEOHIRUZKHHOFKDLUXVHUVSDUWLFXODUO\LQLQFOHPHQWZHDWKHUFRQGLWLRQV membership card can be used immediately. Motor Museum Limited is deemed acceptance WKH/DNHVLGHDQG+DYHUWKZDLWH6WHDP5DLOZD\ 2QERDUGWRLOHWIDFLOLWLHVRQDOOYHVVHOVFDQRQO\EHUHDFKHGE\PHDQVRIVWDLUVKRZHYHUWKHUHDUHDGDSWHGWRLOHWVDW/DNHVLGH%RZQHVVDQG$PEOHVLGH3LHUV of our Terms and Conditions of Entry. 3OHDVHVHHZZZZLQGHUPHUHODNHFUXLVHVFRXNIRURXU$FFHVVLELOLW\6WDWHPHQWRUFDOOIRUGHWDLOV