

Muh. Haris Zubaidillah Tarbiyah, Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Alquran (STIQ) Amuntai, Kalimantan Selatan, Indonesia [email protected]

Desti Daniaty Adab dan Humaniora, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung, Jawa Barat, Indonesia [email protected]

Abstract Social and political ideas have important role and influence in society life. Because, it can change human's thought or mind. In this case, Aldous Huxley as author constructs a character in the Brave New World and it is his ideas. He includes his ideas through one of characters in his book. It is seen in character Bernard Marn's feeling, such as; Bernard Marx's feeling as nature of human, Bernard Marx's Feeling to Soma, and Bernard Marx's Feeling to the concept of happy life in The World State. So, the researcher feels a necessity to analyze political ideas of Aldous Huxley through Character Bernard Max in Brave New World. Based on the problem above, the researcher needs to analyze the political ideas of Aldous Huxley through character Bernard Mar in Brave New World by analyzing the character dialogue used the descriptive method. The descriptive method on the research involves a collection of technique used to specify, delineate or describe naturally the occurring of changing characterization without experimental manipulation. The researcher needs to analyze about what are the social and political ideas of Aldous Huxley through the character Bernard Marx constructed in the novel Brave New World. The researcher analyzed it by using Historical Literary Criticism. All the data are taken from the novel Brave New World written by Aldous Huxley. The analysis of data deals with the descriptions social and political ideas of Aldous Huxley through the character Bernard Marx constructed in Brave New World containing: Bernard Mary's feeling as nature of human Bernard Marx's Feeling to Soma, and Bernard Man's Feeling to the concept of happy life in The World State. The literary work is very dominant to socialized ideas, opinion, and massage as values to the society. Therefore, it has great influences to deliver values to the society through the reader. So, it can be concluded that author has power of his work and can include his ideas, opinion, and massage also values in his work as like Aldous Huxley. Then, political ideas of Aldous Huxley through character Bernard Marx in Brave New World are author's politic (Aldous Huxley), he attempted to express his ideas in a work. Keywords: social, political, ideas, Aldous Huxley, Bernard Marx, Brave New World.


INTRODUCTION don't appear as personal themselves and appear Human life from time to time always changes. many of differences. Thereby, the civilization of human's problems more complex. Many discoveries of scientists are very useful for a run of human life. A civilization of the world Development of changed the also changes, more progress and develops. civilization of human beings and their ways of However, all of the things have good impact thinking. Some people are happy with that and bad impact or there are positive side and progression because they are overside. Whereas negative side for all people. The positive impact some people else are unhappy because they are is that civilization of human in this over ground beneath the side. Finally, they fantasize this more progresses and develops. With there is world as together ownership and all of the technology all of the things will be easy and fast. things is together ownership, as in the novel- Whereas the negative impact, the civilization of Brave New World, “Everyone belongs to human is far with their prestige as human, they everyone else” (Huxley, 1994: 38) There is not different each one and other. If it is like this,

1 those both opinions break the truth human inserted in character in his work Brave New prestige. World. The character is one kind of fiction Therefore, one of the thinkers or authors elements which has an important role in an Aldous Huxley gives his thought about that event or deed of story. As like Keraf (2004: 157) opinion, in order to human's ways of thinking states about the character “Character is one of back to their nature as the human in his work the factors that must count in a deed” Whereas, Brave New World according to Beaty (1973:102) “Character is Civilizations of human consist of several someone who acts, appears, or is referred to as societies and societies consist of several playing a part in a literary work.” individuals. If something happens to one of With his social and political ideas, Huxley them, everyone will feel it all Huxley in his work wishes all of people or readers following his depicts where a state there is no difference and thought on the civilization of the world. disagreement. Indirectly, Huxley persuades wish all of the All of the people are happy because there is people. Keraf (2004: 118) states “Persuasion is no again own private or ownership, but an art of verbal that means to make convincing everyone belongs to everyone else or belongs to someone in order to do something that wished society Human life was built by Huxley in his by speakers in this time or in the future.” “And work is so contradiction to the truth of human because the final destination is in order to life. Aristoteles (Gatara, 2008: 37) states readers or hearers to do something, then “Human is the rational creature that has free persuasion also can consist in ways to make the will” And human beings have no same talent, decision. They receive the persuasion have to perspicacity, and ability” (Plato in Gatara, 2008: get the conviction, that decision is made is the 37). Therefore, mankind has to get the right and wise decision and did without opportunity to improve appropriate with their compulsion” (Keraf, 2004: 118). skill and ideas (Budiardjo, 2004: 120). He has So, it is one way to believe in what he told, done this thing to give a description of how the expressed, though, and desired. An author second opinion is that they wish to be happen, it within a story or his work certainly has full is Marxism or communist's ideology “There is authority toward his work and that authority can no own private again on production tools” make or string up word of his at will. Budiardjo (Poepowardojo, 1989: 171) In addition, he gives states about power, “Power or authority is the descriptions of political society in his work, someone's ability or a group to influence he also inserts ideas. “Idea is the plan, though, people's role or other groups appropriate with or suggestion for a possible course of action” doer's hope”. Then, Huxley has full authority (Longman, 2003:204). Then, the idea is very toward his work. And it is not wrong if one of important in all of the things. Its role is revealed the elements in his work is character become an by him in his work indirectly that can influence influence to all of the people. With this human life or people's opinion. authority, Huxley has full power to express or The idea is a plan of life that is so played explore “ideas” in his work. the politic medium role. Likewise, ideas are in the novel Brave New which he wants to say even. World. The ideas offered by Huxley are latent The problems above are related to and political because they refer to many of historical critique. Then, this paper used a human life. Gatara (2008: 25) states “Politic is historical approach, because this paper analyzed art that refers the politic is ability and political ideas of author Aldous Huxley. And it skillfulness entirely from someone that wants to can do with one of the kinds of novel create creative power (idea), taste, and wish.” characters. The character in the novel Brave New Whereas, according to Easton (Budiardjo, 2004: World was Bernard Marx and he becomes a 13)'Politic is the study of the making of public social and political instrument constructed by policy. Political ideas are offered by Huxley is the author; Huxley. He told it directly or

2 indirectly through his work. So, a character can And to full fill, human's or society's be a social or political idea of the author, necessities and importance are needed a tool to because the author has full authority for his control or organize it. It isn't it, they will vie work as Aldous Huxley Based on the wholly independently dateless and appearing background of the problem above, entitled many conflicts. For that, they need an effective ―Social and Political Ideas of Aldous Huxley tool to save their run of life and to fulfill their through Bernard Marx Character in Brave New politic. The effective tool to control this trouble World‖. is the association of group and the important Based on the background of research association in society is a state. The state is an above, it can be formulated into the two association of human need. Laski (Budiardjo, research question: What are the social and 2004: 38) states, The State is an agency or political ideas of Aldous Huxley through the authority managing or controlling these character of Bernard Marx constructed in the (common) affairs on behalf of and in the name novel Brave New World? of the community Then, the state is a tool or an agency to managing or controlling human SOCIAL AND POLITICAL IDEAS relationship and problems in society or All social science is studying human as a community. And it is also the main organization member of the group. The appearing those of politic power. So, political society is a tool or groups are because two characters of human agency for managing or controlling run of social contradict each one and each other, each one life to live well, peace, safety, and wisdom. side they want to compromise and each other Politic according to development Greece disposed to compete with fellow being period and Rumawi, politic as called “art (Budiardjo, 2004: 32). polica”, “politike techne”, and “politike And Budiardjo also (2004: 33) states episteme (Gatara, 2009: 25). “Human has instinct life for a companion, life Means above, politic as art refer that for together with the other people communally. political science is only somebody's ability and Every human has physical requirement although skillfulness to create idea, sense, and wish that is mental that is difficult to full it by single- owned by pertinent in all of the task and the handed.” Human needs to eat, drink, family, and function of politic (Gatara, 2009: 25), And move safely, and others. To fulfill the necessities according to philosopher; Plato (Gatara, 2009: and importance, it makes relationships and 37) is respected in this period throughout that cooperation with the other people with had given the fundamental concept. 'It's being organizing kind of groups and association, basic political philosophy (thought): especially with a family (Budiardjo, 2004: 33). righteousness is knowledge: human hasn't the Lasswell (Budiardjo, 2004: 33) states In a same talent, perspicacity, and ability: State is a life of groups and in the relation with the other nature institute, and the function of political human, basically every human needs several society is collective goodness.'Whereas values and they are power, education, wealth, according to Aristoteles (Gatara, 2009 37) well-being, skill, affection, rectitude & justice, Politic is human as rational creature that has and respect. free will, politic is practice science; there is Human is a social creature. Harold J. Laski moral role universal that must be obedient by all from School of Economics and Political Science of the humanity, and State is nature institute.' (Budiardjo, 2004: 33) formulates Then politic is art refer that politic is only somebody's ability and skillfulness to create the “Society means a relation or a society is a group of human beings living together and working idea, sense, and wish that is referred to values, together for the satisfaction of their mutual moral, general wisdom, and others. wants.” Literally, ideology is from idea and logos. The idea is conceived and logos is science.

3 Then, the simple meaning is a study about the gives ideal ideas but directly also try to mix up concept. On the base, ideology is formulation with political constellation practices. from the idea that is an approach to understand Then, political ideas or political ideology is how the ideas self is shaped. So that, a compilation of values, ideas, norms, belief, and formulation ideas are used by people as manner conviction that must be struggled, also must be or way for their life Gatara, 2009: 168). created. This thing is a thing that used people as Ideology in terminology is defined as a manner or way for their life. And to analyze belief system that holds values and ideas political ideas of character or author follow with organize neatly as basic philosophy, science, several variables above, they are: firstly, social program economic politic being the view biographical sketch of thinker (author) as factor of life, the role of thinks, feels, and individual or must influence all of his thought or ideas group act. Meanwhile, Adams (Gatara, 2009: (Sphere of family and education, business 168) 'put the term ideology more to the activities and the importance of organization framework of politic movement. Its mean here group, closeness with political activities or more as the doctrine that is guided political political party, political obsession and amount of action, idealism must be convinced as political his works). Secondly, is the important themes “faith”, the destination must be reached, the that being his attention focus on the thinker reason must be straggled, and the vision of ideal (author) and the argumentative reasons why that society that could be created. could be his attention. And the last is his/her And Zainuddin (Gatara, 2009:69) states political action or political participation of 'political ideas close relationship with history thinker. Thereby, the writer will know what are and political philosophy, and many things about political ideas of Huxley which is object values, norm, ethics morality, and political research of this paper. idealism.'Generally, political ideas in the operational is manifestation from obsession, HUMAN RIGHT intellectual potential, and political socialization, Budiardjo (2004: 120) states “Human right or and the representation of reality social sphere human prestige is the human's right that is with the central attention about state, society, gotten and brought together with his or her and power (Zainuddin, in Gatara, 2009:69). born in social life. It reputed that some right Gatara concludes (2009:71) three variables which they have without differ base on nation, concept of political ideas that study about race, religion, or sex, and it's because political ideas a character or author from some fundamental characteristic also universal Base thinkers. on all of fundamental right is human to have to The first variable is a biographical sketch of get the opportunity to improve appropriate with the thinker (author) as a factor must influence their skill and ideas (Budiardjo, 2004: 120). all of his thought or ideas. And the factors of Human Right experienced development biography are (1) sphere of family and from one period to other periods, finally education, (2) business activities and the defined some human right that holds in a treaty importance of organization group, (3) closeness of civil right, and politic and a treaty of with political activities or political party, and (4) economic, social, and culture right. Both political obsession and amount of his works. manuscripts of treaty begin with the same article The second variable is the important themes sound and may be reputed as a base from all of that being his attention focus on the thinker human right is: (author) and the argumentative reasons why that All peoples have the right of self- could be his attention. The third variable is determination. By virtue of that right, they freely political action or political participation of determine their political status and freely pursue thinker. Many of political thinkers he not only they're economic, social, and cultural

4 development (Budiardjo, 2004: 126). Then, the social, and cultural development. Then, the truth of politic right has the character to protect truth of politic right has the character to protect the individual toward abuse of power by partly the individual toward abuse of power by partly of the ruler. There are details of two of the ruler. If those rights contravened or manuscripts as below: misused, they have contravened of human 1. Civil and politic rights including are: right rights. As like in novel Brave New World, many of to life (article: 6), right to liberty and security of misapplication and infraction of human rights. person (article: 9), right to equality before the courts and tribunals (article: 14), right to COMMUNISM'S IDEOLOGY freedom of thought, conscience and religion Marxism began with Karl Marx, the nineteenth- (article: 18) without interference (article: 19), century German philosopher best known for right to peaceful assembly (article: 21), and right The Communist Manifesto and Das Capital. to freedom of association (article: 22) right to And Marx's analysis of society was set forth hold opinions (Budiardjo, 2004: 126) through his economic station of history; the 2. Economic, social, and culture rights production of the goods and services that including are: right to work (article: 6), right to support human life, the exchange of those form trade unions (article: 8), right to social goods and service, are the bases of all social security (article: 9), right to an adequate standard processes and institutions. Marx does not claim of living for himself and his family, including that the economic factor is the only one that adequate, clothing and housing (article: 11), and goes into, the foundation upon which is the right to education (article: 13).(Budiardjo 2004: superstructure of nature, law, and government, 126-127). buttressed by corresponding political;, social, In addition, human has three of freedom as enterprise cult religious, literary, and artistic their prestige of human. They are freedom of ideologies In a general way, Marx describes the physic, freedom of will/desire, and freedom of relations between men's material conditions of moral. Freedom of physic means there isn't life and their ideas by saying that “it is not the force toward their possibilities to move their consciousness of air existence, but, on the body. Freedom of will means freedom to desire contrary, it is their social men which determine something. The range of Freedom of will is as the existence which determines their far as possible range of thought, and because a consciousness” (Ebenstein, 1965: 4-5). human can think everything and also desire According to Marx, only public ownership everything. And the last freedom of moral of the means of production can bring into means there isn't kind of threats, compressions, existence a new system of productive relations prohibitions, and others (Magnis, 1975: 47-49). common use rather than for private profit that Basically, the human had had a human right will match the tremendous forces of production that is gotten and brought together with his or actually or potentially known to man. In other her born in social life. And human had had words, man's capacity to produce will find full several absolute human rights universally expression only in a social system in which without differ base on nation, race, religion, and production is limited by scarce resources and sex. Base on all of the fundamental right is incomplete knowledge, and not by such faulty human may get the opportunity to improve social institutions as production for private appropriate with their skill and ideas. Beside it, profit based on the private ownership of the there are two manuscripts of treaty begin with means of production (Ebenstein, 1965: 9). the same article sound and may be reputed as Then, because of these problems Marx or the base from all of the human rights are All communist erected this view on ideology for peoples have the right of self-determination. By social welfare or many people life. Where the virtue of that right, they freely determine their world or the society there isn't again different of political status and freely pursue their economic,

5 class and there isn't again own private in Summer Dies the Swan. In 1959, he received production tools. And all of the things be every the Award of Merit and Gold Medal from the one belongs to everyone else. So, there isn't cal American Academy and Institute of Arts and oppression and misery. Letters and accepted an honorary Doctor of Letters degree from the University of California. SHORT DESCRIPTIONS OF ALDOUS The year before his death, he received the HUXLEY AND BRAVE NEW WORLD Companion of Literature from the British Royal Aldous Huxley was born on 26 July 1894, near Society of Literature. Godalming in England. He was born Huxley died of cancer at this home in into a family which had only recently become Hollywood on 22 November 1963 unaware that synonymous with the intellectual aristocracy. So, President J. F. Kennedy had been assassinated he was sent to preparatory schools for high- earlier that afternoon in Dallas. In 1971 his class children and eventually made his way to ashes were returned to England and interred in the very reputable private school, Eton at age his parents grave at Compton in Surrey. Brave New World is one of the principal thirteen. His father, Leonard Huxley, taught and later worked and wrote for a publishing firm, dystopian or anti-stop ls media catchphrase, and his mother, Julia Frances Arnold Huxley, viewed as ultra- in a novel of the twentieth founded a girls school. century. Its title is now a pervasive automatically Like all the sons of his family, Huxley invoked in connection with any development v attended Eton, a prestigious preparatory school, modern, ineffably zany or involving a potential and Balliol College, Oxford. His education, threat to human liberty. When Huxley wrote the then, represented a privileged road to power for novel, however, he had other things on his mind wealthy and well-born British men who besides the nightmarish' future, and a sometimes displayed real brilliance. Huxley was knowledge of the precise circuit conception and among the best of them, certainly. The poor composition can help us to explain the sight caused by the eye disease prevented the ambivalence which so many readers have sensed pursuit of his first career choice, medicine, but in Brave New World. And not only that, Brave New he threw himself into a study of literature, World described paradoxically, it is the anxieties reading with the help of a magnifying glass. In and uncertainties which beset Britain and 1915, Huxley took a First (highest honors) in Huxley in 1931, and which resulted in the rich . ambivalence of his novel, which has guaranteed A less formal, but nonetheless an important Brave New World's status as a twentieth-century part of Huxley's education was his regular classic. attendance at Lady Ottoline Morrell's get- It was The Wall Street crash of October togethers, which provided many literary, artistic, 1929 triggered a global depression which had and political reformers and experimenters the severe repercussions for those areas of Britain chance to meet and talk. Here Huxley met which depended exclusively on the staple novelist Virginia Woolf, economist John industries. Unemployment rose rapidly in these Maynard Keynes, and critics regions during the next two years, a and the and Clive Bell-some of the most important early months of 1931, with the country's writers and thinkers of the time. Huxley's early economic problems growing daily more acute exposure to the ideas of such a diverse and and parliament increasingly exposes as an progressive group deeply influenced his world- ineffectual bystander. Britain appeared to be on the brink of chaos. Many commentators view and his writing. Huxley won the James Tait Black Memorial predicted that the whole of Europe was heading Prize for Fiction from the University of for complete economic collapse and bloody Edinburgh in 1939 for his novel After Many a unrest. Civilization itself seemed doomed.

6 METHODOLOGY these data are taken from Aldous Huxley's This research used a descriptive method that novel, entitled Brave New World. refers to the analysis of this about political ideas. Source of data for this research is taken According to Nawawi (1988:63) “Descriptive from the novel Brave New World is published at method is able means as procedure cleavage of first in 1932 and republished in 1994 by Aldous problems are researched by describing defining Huxley. This novel by Flamingo Modern Classic subject or object condition of research in London. (someone, institute, society, and etc.) in the The data of this research is collected by the present grounded on facts that appear or as they technique of study documentation or library are.” And the destination of descriptive research research. According to Moleong (2004: 216), Suryabrata (1997: 18) states “To make the “Document is everything was written or description in a systematic manner, factual, and film.....”. And also he states, “Document as accurate about the facts and characteristics of a source data is used to examine, to interpret, and population or certain territory.” even to predict”. (Moleong, 2004: 217). And in the technique of study And Abrams (1985: 40-41) divided the literary approach into four kinds. The first is a documentation or library research in this mimetic approach that views the literary works research, the researcher searched data from the as an imitation or reflection or representation of text of the novel Brave New World by Aldous the world and human life. The second is a Huxley and everything about Brave New World pragmatic approach that views the work as with the author. While the supporting something which is constructed in order to references are gotten by searching the other achieve certain effects on the audiences. The texts in the books, dictionaries, internet sources, third, expressive approach treats a literary work and etc; that contain the theories that will be primary in relation to its author. The last is an used for further analysis. objective approach that approaches a work of The technique of analyzing data according literature as something which stands free form to Moleong (2004: 281). “The working of what is often called ‗extrinsic reference‘. analyzing data is to arrange, to put, to classify, to The last one, objective approach is the code, and categorize. And the technique of approach used in this research. The researcher analyzing data in the novel Brave New World by used this approach to analyze the political ideas Aldous Huxley included the following steps as from its structure because literature stands for below: (1) Identifying, the researcher identified itself. Therefore, the method that is used in this the data which were collected. The data were research is structural analysis method. And it collected from the novel text and any sources means that here the researcher will describe and such as; the work of literature, biography of the analyze the facts of the problem which suitable author, and literary criticism that have been object of this research. studied. (2) Coding, the researcher coded every In this matter, the researcher tried to apply dialogue of the character and the this method in analyzing data found in Aldous characterization or the narration of the author. Huxley's work; Brave New World. And this It is coded by underlining the sentences even research also used a historical approach, because paragraph or page, and also folded it; it means it analyzed social and political ideas of Aldous the important lines or the important paragraph Huxley through character Bernard Marx. that is folded. (3) Selecting, the researcher Data of this research are all of the selected the data which were coded. They were selected to find the theme of this research; they problem's projection related to the theory And the data are the texts of the novel where are political ideas and political society. It is political ideas and political society stood. All of selected by choosing data nearer to the theme of the research. (4) Categorizing, the researcher categorized the data which were selected. They

7 were categorized to classify the theme of this thoughts, and feeling keeps stable. And if they research; they are political ideas and political feel unsuitable or their thought disturbed society. And it is categorized by deep reading (feeling or high emotion) they take soma directly and comprehension. (5) Interpreting, the in order to calm feeling. researcher interpreted the data which were A life as above which were been by Bernard categorized. The data needs to be interpreted Marx all of the people there is in civilization before analyzing. And the researcher interpreted The World State. The life organized beneath the data connected with this research based on controllers and only all of the people happy the assumption and theory. (6) Analyzing, the without less everything. But does not with researcher analyzed the data which were Bernard Marx, he feels alone and different from categorized and interpreted. It is analyzed the the others. His will often different and problem based on historical theory because it contradictory with the role there is in the analyzed the political ideas of the author, civilization of The World State. So, he has Aldous Huxley. (7) Synthesizing, the researcher judged the odd man and they think it because synthesized the data analysis based on the there is a mistake in the process of his decanting results of this research. bottle or bottle/box. The researcher analyzes this is ways or trick of Huxley in a character that RESULT AND DISCUSSION: opposes the role that is built by themselves. SOCIAL AND POLITICAL IDEAS OF Means he opposes hardly the roles that for the ALDOUS HUXLEY THROUGH stable of The World State is one o hubby here BERNARD MARX’S CHARACTER IN themselves; he is Bernard Marx. BRAVE NEW WORLD As a nature of humanity mustn't hold 1. Bernard Max's Feeling as Nature of conditioning, but all of the people in The State Human is controlled by conditioning. So that, it makes Bernard Marx thinks what sense of life if limited The human is a rational creature that has a will. with conditioning. He really hates conditioning And basically, the human hasn't the same talent, and feels odd why people that there is in The perspicacity, free and ability fore, they have to World State don't feel something as like he feels. get the opportunity to improve appropriate with Finally, he is the only man that is judged odd by their skill and ideas. Because of all the people people in civilization in The World State. With have the right of self-determination. As that conditioning, Bernard Mank feels all of so Budiardjo (2004: 120) states, “Human right that limited and to free. This is unreal the true of is gotten and brought together with his or her human life. And he convinces it hard to the of born in social life.” And if there is mistake or them is Lenina, but her response is far from his deviationism to human right, then it broke and hope. instead, Bernard Mar is judged odd and even disapproved of God's omnipotence or broke orderliness the stability of The World nature. State. All of the people say they happy but is The explanation above was so obvious how looked by Bernard Marx they are unhappy. They is the truth of human life. It is difference with a are really unhappy if right they are happy why life of a character as name Bernard Marx and they have to 0 other people and each limit with also the other difference character. Life is their conditioning. determined by caste is. So, every process All of the people happy and there aren't decanting bottle or baby bottle/box is also people unhappy, because of the stability different from another caste. After they grow up civilization of The World State conditioned all as child age, they have to study all of the things of the people to have to happy. Mutual sharing are determined by controller The World State. and mutual service to each other as call social Besides it, they also have to follow conditioning service. As like slogan or word that often they in order to control their condition of body, hear it's “Everyone belongs to everyone else”.

8 Then, all of the people there are in The World And also with human age, there is baby age, State has a high social soul, but isn't with child age, teenager age, adult, age and old age. Bernard Marx. He feels alone, sometimes he But isn't with The World State. For the stability wants to alone, and muse or daydreams a thing and happiness of people, there are in The World that thing so contradiction with orderliness the State, they aren't permitted to old or bad face. stability of The World State. And Lenina often Therefore, they give the policy to keep happy tries to bring Bernard Marx back to their normal and young or good looking, but in sixty old they life. But he feels exactly conversely and for it, certain will die, and it is the consequence that nobody knows the real his feeling about it. So, they have to receive. So that, not wrong while “odd man” word that often he gets. Lenina looks an old man has changed the shape As the nature of human, it stands to reason of her face and she disgusts to look it. Then she if Bernard Marx has a feeling to pair with a girl takes soma directly to calm her self. After that, because it was nature and human right to pairs. Bernard Marx looks there is a woman is giving In the same manner as poured forth in the breast (mother's milk) to her child That view eleventh article about human right in economic, makes him think and his mind begins in social, and culture right. It is right to an disorder. And he braves himself to ask it to adequate standard of living for himself and his Lenina, it is about being a mother, has a baby, family, including adequate, clothing and housing and breast the baby, but that question is (Budiarjo, 2004: 126-127), And in Al-Quran also answered by Lenina's fury because that idea is a states (Al-Qur'an Surah An-Naba': 8) “And forbidding idea and will break orderliness the create you to be coupled”. stability of The World State. Then, a human must get a proper life. And Bernard Marx really disturbed with his according to constitutively 1945 article: 27, (2), feelings, and added again nobody has really “Every populace of state has right on the job understood him and as thought at him. He only and proper life for humanly (Budiardjo, 2004: judged the odd man and odd man. Until he 133). And in the declaration of human right, decides to go to another land, it's different from article 25: “Everyone has right on the degree of The World State. It's to the New Mexican life that assurance of health or good condition Reservation. He wants to look for and finds a for their selves and their family” (Budiardjo, different thing is suitable for his mind and heart. 2004: 133). Assurance or right as like this never Then he goes to ask permission to the Director. there is in the civilization of The World State. Exactly, Director so understands what Bernard Do not to family life what else have just a girl Marx's feeling. So, he tells his old story in order judged oddly and broke the orderliness the to Bemard Mars to cancel his planning. He tells stability of The World State. If they right in when he walked out with a girl until past over couples or sex enough to choose who they the orderliness the stability of The World State, want, and then dates her/him or more than it because that time he didn't bring soma, so he also permitted, because all of the people must lost his control. And hets on his negligence and be able to give social service. As like words: folly. He tries to tell the big mistake and its so “Everyone belongs to everyone else‖, and just nasty. Indirectly, he wants to persuade Bernard do it at all, but no to own, what else to be family Marx not to do it, but it's different in Bernard life. That thing will break the stability of The Marx's view toward Director's story, he looks a World State. different thing. For that thing, Bernard Marx feels there are Finally, Bernard Marx and Lenina could see in a wheel of life The World State, but he can't the life in the reservation, it's life is so different do anything, because he hasn't powered except from life in The World State. The life there were only his gaffe feelings to the life of The World the children stillborn from their mother's State. womb, there is marriage, family, culture or habits, there is not conditioning, and etc. As this

9 life so different from life in The World State, so There is not right choice except taking it and they a little rather surprise, but what they look is sometimes he really wants to free from it at all, real. And obvious of the price his embroidery to but he can not do anything except fate it. go to this New Mexican Reservation must be Actually, he wants to struggle the systems there paid with his out case to because are in The World State, but he can not because Bernard Marx broke orderliness the stability of they or the system is too big and strong The World StateState. Obviously, Director is no Finally, he meets with John from Savage. joke in this thing and he regrets his folly. Finally, From his discourse with John, he feels a he only could receive Lenina's offering its take different thing. He feels compatible with John's soma to calm himself from his high emotion. thought. Walking of life or happiness by his Several quotations of Bernard in the book ways without takes soma as like him (Bernard) look obviously, how Bernard Marx's reaction and people there are in The World State. And toward the system there is in The World State. he feels this is the true life. He doesn't like and oppose it, actually, Benard Several quotations in the book look Marx is one of them. And the reasons just tell if obviously how Bernard Marx's feeling of soma. Benard odd man, because there is a mistake He so suffers because his life is limited and when process decanting bottle. And the controlled by soma. But they make more he researcher looks this is only politic or tactic to suffer why all of the people had a hunch that explain or appear that one of them also soma could bring them to happiness and disagrees with that system. composure, whereas which he feels is Expression or explanation above is a hard conversely. He feels his life is limited, bridled or critic is given by Huxley toward communism controlled, and he can not expresses himself. ideology. That criticization is given by Huxley Feeling or characterization of character directly to target or the object with constructs Bernard Marx is críticization of Huxley. It's the character Bernard Marx. A character and about every one dream the condition of the also one of them that is brave to oppose the individual, community, and state keep in stable system itself. Then, the life is dreamed by condition. This thing is so difficult to do communism right so unthinkable or because the wheel life of the human is keeping unreasonable and even refer to inhumanly, on rotating and could change. But they Therefore, Huxley gives his offering social and (communist) keep wanting the stable condition, political ideas constructed through character calm, and happy. And Huxley in his book Brave Bernard Marx and indirectly influences many New World criticizes The World State with the people's thought. ways of control one of them is soma. And right the stability they get but isn't with character 2. Bernard Marx's Feeling to Soma Bernard Marx. In fact, one of themselves rejects Soma is a that takes users on or opposes it. Then, Huxley criticizes it through enjoyable, hangover-free ―vacations‖, and was one of themselves or someone who is in the developed expressly for this purpose. And soma same circle with them. Finally, he rejects or is one of the ways to control the populace of life opposes it. His expression or flare heart is social in The World State. If their feeling unpleasant and political ideas of Aldous Huxley. or their thought begin to chaos, then in a hurry they take soma. If there is not soma they will 3. Bernard Marx's Feeling to The Concept suffer. So, soma has the important role feels of Happy Life. instability life of The World State, but is not Bernard Marx has view self toward the concept with Bernard Marx. He was unpleasant and so of a happy life in The World State, because all limited with that soma. But every one often of the thing what he feels and the others feel orders him to take/drink soma to calm himself. would so different result. As like slogan word

10 which often repeatedly that “Everyone belongs he is also decanting the bottle as kind of them, to everyone else” a word from one of the so why he does not feel as what all of the people elements the concept of happy life World State. in The World State feel. Finally, they only could Service in order to awake the stability of The say it because while the process decanting bottle World State. But Bernard Marx hates with that was being a little mistake. Actually, that isn't a word, and his followers is an idiot thing to big problem but could be the problem that repeat that word. character, Bernard Marx is a character that Beside it, also celebrate party or social constructed by Huxley to criticize or oppose the party; they are Ford's Day Celebration, and systems is made by the controller in The World Community Sings, and Solidarities Service. State. Means here, Huxley criticizes or opposes Where in this ceremony all of the people 's (communist) desirability. And it is celebrate of the party, free sex, happy, and opposed by one of themselves. Then, not only peace, but Bernard Marx hates this other people but their people self is also ceremony/party and he hates everything there opposed it purpose are in The World State. But he can not do Aldous Huxley constructed character anything, because they are big and strong. Bernard Marx as his certain for the prestige it's In the concept of a happy life in The World to pour out many political ideas that are so State, all of the people is keep happy and useful and important human problem; it's to consider as most conditioned keep together and bring back the true human right or prestige happy in everything. And unjustifiable or no human. permitted to alone, bet it is Bemard Man's felt and did. If that feeling comes, so people there CONCLUSION are beside him often suggest him to take soma. Human is a rational creature that has free will. Whereas Bernard Max wants different thing it is Basically, the human hasn't the same talent, an expectation, but his desirability very perspicacity, and ability. Therefore, they have to contradiction with orderliness the stability of get the opportunity to improve their appropriate The World State, And when he meets John, he skill and ideas, because all peoples have the right has just fined a thing that he looks for before. of self-determination. And human right that is It's about the truth of human life. gotten and brought together with his or her Finally, Bernard Mark is judged an odd man birth in social life. And if there is mistake or and also is judged would break the concept of deviationism to human right, then it broke and the happy life of The World State. Therefore, even disapproved of God's omnipotence or the director decides to out case him to Iceland nature. as punishment for lawbreaker and opponent the Huxley constructs a character that is social orderliness the stability of The World State. and political ideas in his work. Then, he Where all of the people have to happy with that criticizes through one of the characters there is concept of the happy life, but Bernard Marx in the novel, he is Bernard Max. This character instead on the contrary, so he must be lost or go very opposes and dislikes the system and all of from The World State, because Bernard Marx the things there are in that stability The World could be invite or wreak dangerous for the State. Actually, Bernard Marx is one of them. stability of The World State. Therefore, it should not other people from their From several quotations of Bernard Marx selves only opposes or no receive that idea or in the book is so obvious how is the reaction or view, because human is a rational creature that idea of Bernard Marx to the concept of a happy has free will. So Bernard Marx is a an opposer life there is in The World State. Then, the or rejecter their stability system in The World concept of a happy life is made by the controller State and he also is been a tool to criticize them. not absolute make all of the people living And it is Aldous Huxley social and political happily. For example, is Bernard Marx. Actually,

11 ideas. He criticizes through rejection of Bernard receive their idea or system, because only one of Marx for their system and Bernard Marx is one them rejects it. of them. Then, uncertain all of people can

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