The Black Cashmere Sweater – and the political incorrectness it caused!

J. Speer-Williams Foreword At times I have so much to say I don’t know what to say. Today was one of those times. Aggravating my annoyance was the reoccurring thought that I had to buy a birthday present for my former wife. I was afraid if I didn’t keep reminding myself of her quickly upcoming birthday, I’d forget it. Finally, I threw down my pencil and shut my computer. I had decided to make my biannual trip to Talbots – a women’s clothing store. Talbots was where I had for years bought Carolina’s birthday and Christmas presents. And for years, twice a year, I bought Carolina a black cashmere sweater. And no, Carolina did not have drawers full of black cashmere sweaters. You see, my ex, being as contrary as ever, had always exchanged each of her black cashmere sweaters with something she liked better. This was a good arrangement for us both, as I seldom guessed correctly on what items of clothing Carolina preferred; and she liked having a hundred, or so, dollars to shop with as she pleased. It was a good deal for me because I never had to worry about the item, size, cut, or color of whatever. “Just give me that black one over there … is it cashmere? “What size, sir?” “Gimmie the first one.” Today marked my twentieth, or twenty-fifth, visit to Talbots and I was growing bored with the same ole routine, so I began searching my sometimes fertile brain for a way to stir up some excitement. Looking around I saw three or four older ladies perusing the merchandise. “Not much to go on,” I thought to myself. Then it hit me, while my clerk was in the backroom getting a box for Carolina’s black cashmere sweater. In a voice loud enough for my clerk to hear me … and … for everyone in the store to hear me, I yelled the unpardonable … Say … isn’t this a store for old women … it is … right? “What?” I heard from the backroom, while smiling to myself. My smile, however, quickly turned to a shocked look when someone grabbed my arm. It was an older lady, who said … “Sir, I just look old, but I’m not really old.” Then to my relief the lady broke into a big smile, which brought much joyous laughter to us both. But the comic opera wasn’t yet over. Someone else grabbed my other arm and said in nicely accented English … “Sir, you should know that being old is now the new chic.” Then the nicely dressed and attractive lady gracefully glided away with a come-hither smile. “Hmm, “ I thought while walking away from the store. My political incorrectness had not produced the outrage or the indignation I had expected. Instead, it had brought three total strangers together with smiles, clever comments, and some sincere laughter. Certainly those two ladies are most exceptional, but perhaps (and I’m only saying perhaps) puncturing some of the PC balloons the ruling oligarchs have floated could bring people together. I know whenever I read or hear someone making fun of some politically correct inanity, I feel a kinship with them. In any case, I decided to state some truths that are politically incorrect to talk or write about; and I’ve done so in this ebook. I want to see if my hate mail will be outweighed by the more favorable responses I might receive. For years Western society has been succumbing to authoritarianism created in think tanks, engineered by intelligence agencies, promoted by major media, and agreed to by PC obeying citizens. I believe the political correctness jag which has been hitting us daily limits our communication with each other, as it was meant to. I do not believe the purpose of this PC nonsense is to make us more tolerant of others. The pretense of tolerance expressed by the media- promoted cultural Marxists is used to get the wider population of us to accept the most recent PC balloon afloat. Most Americans think if they will simply obey the latest PC mandate and keep their mouths shut, they will avoid all censure or something even worse, such as a hate-crime allegation and indictment. I would invite anyone who thinks playing it safe will keep them safe to carefully heed the rest of this Foreword. The massive genocides carried out by Pol Pot’s crazed Khmer Rouge in Cambodia, the French ten-year Reign of Terror, and the Bolshevik’s slaughter of millions of Russians, prove that being politically correct only protects one in the early stages of these massive liquidations of human life. And as the Cambodians, the French, and the Russians found out, they had to march, shout the words given to them, and often kill those who only watched in horror, or be killed themselves. Kill or be killed is at the end of the line for the mental straitjackets and communication muzzles of all PC promotions. For almost twenty years, the Khmer Rouge Communist Red Revolution raged in Cambodia, with thousands of the illiterate cruelly massacring the educated. Wearing glasses was solid proof that one could read, which deserved death. Spotting the telltale indentations on the bridge of someone’s nose, without glasses, was sufficient evidence they were someone who should be killed. During the French Reign of Terror (called the French Revolution), a completely law-abiding citizen could lose their head to a guillotine if a neighbor even falsely claimed they were not very enthusiastic about all the beheadings that were taking place throughout France. For a decade, the rumble and roll of the tumbrils of guillotines were heard throughout France, with each beheading followed by roars of high approval from the oblivious masses. There was no more justice or safety in France; the berserk mobs and La Guillotines reigned throughout the country for a decade – all followed by the loss of life in the Napoleonic Wars (1803-1815) throughout Europe. During the early part of the twentieth century blood ran freely down the streets of St. Petersburg and Moscow during the Bolshevik revolution in Russia. The real terror, however, for the Russian citizens soon arrived and lay ahead of them for almost an entire agonizing century. Law-abiding Russians lived in constant fear of each other, the NKVD secret police, and the Black Maria trucks that made their nightly rounds imprisoning those who would most likely never be heard from again. It was thought that those captives were either executed or sentenced to a lifetime of long days engaged in exhausting slave labor in the depths of freezing cold Gulags. Aleksandr Isayevich Solzhenitsyn (1918-2008), the Nobel Prize-winning novelist, historian, and critic of communist totalitarianism, gave us the truth regarding the Soviet Union and its not so nostalgic past. At the same time, Solzhenitsyn gave us in America a glimpse at the Bolsheviks of our day – the Antifas, cultural Marxists, and Social Justice Warriors who have been trying to bring down America. Take careful notice of Mr. Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn’s words below. You must understand, the leading Bolsheviks who took over Russia were not Russians. They hated Russians. They hated Christians. Driven by ethnic hatred they tortured and slaughtered millions of Russians without a shred of human remorse. It cannot be overstated. Bolshevism committed the greatest human slaughter of all time. The fact that most of the world is ignorant and uncaring about the enormous crime is proof that the global media is in the hands of the perpetrators. Perhaps the wisest words ever given us by the great Solzhenitsyn were these … The line between good and evil runs down the middle of every human heart. This means that inside every single person is the capacity for both good and evil. This evil lies dormant in the majority of us; but in some it’s called the Shadow as in Jungian psychology (analytical psychology). The truly strong and mature are familiar with the Shadow within themselves and its nature but are also aware of its dangers and so realize their need and responsibility to bring it under the control of their consciousness. That is the action that makes one more conscious, more alive, more aware, and more fully souled. To be unaware of the Shadow, or to be unable to control it, portends a coming disaster; it is an immaturity that will invariably defeat one in their game of life. And so it is with the Antifas, cultural Marxists, and Social Justice Warriors who are so full of hate they vent it in public places, accusing others of what they themselves are guilty; their whole worldview is erected on the self-defeating absurd politically correct platitudes they resort to, not knowing anything else. No, today’s politically correct mania will not result in a kinder, gentler, more tolerant society. And as the chants of the Antifas grow louder, our time (and theirs) as a free and prosperous people grows shorter. Sadly, the college professorially indoctrinated ones of the Antifas, cultural Marxists, and Social Justice Warriors are simply incapable of benefiting from any kind of even simple remedial education. Explaining anything important to the damaged (those who have been psychologically molded) is difficult, frustrating, and seldom rewarding; so do not engage in it, unless you have a willing student. So the stimulus-response snake of fascism, Marxism, and ignorance will continue to consume itself, with mankind not knowing that it is caught in the middle. Few of us understand the powerful Shakespearian adage that expresses a general truth … What is past is prologue. Politically correct concepts are not ideas that spring whole cloth from the people. PC ideas come from think tanks and are promoted by the major media, all owned by a dark oligarchy – the same cartel of soulless beings that organized, funded, equipped, and directed Pol Pot’s Khmer Rouge, the French Jacobins, and the Red Bolsheviks of yesterday, and the Antifas of today. All of the above attacks on mankind began with some form of political correctness; and all of them made some kind of sense in their initial stages. They had to appear to be a bit reasonable in their beginnings in order to secure a foothold from which to gain more leverage over society. The next step in the PC control process is the enactment of laws and regulations enforcing politically correct concepts. Such legislation would have appeared as ridiculous without the long conditioning of PC drivel. Next in the strategic PC game plan will come repeated media exposure of some of the boneheads who most egregiously violate one or more of the new PC laws: “Arrest them now,” most of us will say. And there we all will be, once again, validating the very laws that deny us our most basic freedoms. And once again, mainstream media propaganda becomes our conventional view. The conventional view [media propaganda] serves to protect us from the painful job of thinking. John Kenneth Galbraith There is little doubt that the PC notions we are hit with are passed down to our children, which must adversely affect their ability to think critically and for themselves. Already their critical thinking takes a massive hit from our mandatory public schools, so children can ill afford the second punch from the politically correct demon. Political correctness is not about right and wrong; it is about telling us to avoid communicating about the critical issues of our day. As you get into this book, you will hopefully understand that the uneasy feelings you get from time to time are areas of importance we are not supposed to worry about or concern ourselves with. I hope you will be brave and soldier through every politically incorrect passage I’ve written, as that is the way we can build a better world – one courageous violation of a PC mandate at a time. Good luck to you, Jack

A Powerful Potpourri of Political Incorrectnesses If you have tears, prepare to shed them now. William Shakespeare Political correctness has created millions of mealy mouths afraid to speak truths; some are even afraid to hear or read truths. As a matter of fact, most people are even afraid to make a clean break for freedom for themselves or for their family. Is this a result of ignorance, stupidity, or cowardice? Ignorance comes from a lack of education; stupidity is genetic. Cowardice, however, can be overcome for both the ignorant and the stupid. ***** The Western media promulgates a covert but well organized attack against White culture meant to equate Whiteness with racism in the minds of non-critical thinkers. ***** The tearing down of Confederate statues is done to degrade and eviscerate White culture. ***** Individual sovereignty preempts governments. ***** Barack Obama once said, “Children who grow up without a father are five times more likely to live in poverty and commit crime; nine times more likely to drop out of school, and twenty times more likely to end up in prison.” ***** The National Center for Fathering tells us that 57.6% of Black children, 31.2% of Hispanic children, and 20.7% of White children will grow up without fathers. ***** Sowing confusion and hopelessness amongst Americans is one of the functions of US intelligence agencies, with their orchestrated mass shootings; but their principal duty is creating the lies they require the major media to pass on to the public. ***** Soon “Hate” will become a jailable offense, unless, of course, that intensity is directed toward straight White males. ***** In point of fact, television and movies encourage us to hate straight White males. ***** The landmark US foreign policy is the bombing of defenseless countries who pose no threat to anyone. ***** Ever wonder who finances, organizes, and directs these Antifa rallies? Who got the permits for twenty protests in twenty cities across America on the 4th of November 2017? Who provided all the placards? Who decided on the chants shouted by the brainless? Who picked the megaphone screamers? Who? Who? Who? ***** Many of these rallies have paid professional protesters who are bused to the protest sites. ***** Probably few of the protesters know what the three branches of the US federal government are. ***** Feminism is Bolshevism (and communism) in panties that need washing or burning. ***** America’s phony “War on Terror” is actually the CIA’s Reign of Terror. ***** The claim of “National Security” is being used so the government can institute even more authoritarian policies, with few objections from the citizenry. ***** America’s dynastic regime thrives on public ignorance and ill-conceived notions of patriotism. ***** The US Military/Industrial Complex is dependent on perpetual war without any regard for national defense. The US Department of Defense is a misnomer: it should be called the US Department of Aggressive Wars. ***** Psychopathic criminals run the US federal government with something known as the Shadow Government (Deep State). ***** Radical Islamic terrorists are an invention of the US/NATO intelligence agencies. ***** America is a slave colony of international financial oligarchs. ***** Most of America’s raging forest fires have been started by US intelligence agencies and then accelerated by powerful, but secret, Directed Energy Weapons (500 trillion-watt lasers). ***** Theoretical physicist Dr. Michio Kaku has stated that the US government has developed a [500] trillion-watt laser and that a one- watt laser can set a match afire. ***** During the night of October 9th, 2017, sixteen major fires were started in Napa, Sonoma, and Mendocino counties, California. ***** Highly decorated Fire Captain John Lord has spoken out about the possible use of directed energy weapons used to vaporize homes, appliances, granite counter tops, toilets, and stonework in those Northern California fires. Strangely, however, the fires did not harm the trees that were positioned in between those houses, leaving them completely intact. ***** For a more in depth understanding regarding the use of directed energy weapons to start and abet fires (hot enough to melt glass and stone) search the YouTube videos below: Exclusive Interview with Fire Captain on Origin of CA Fires; California Fires: Terracotta Roof Anomaly: Microwave Assisted Combustion Synthesis; The Horrible Truth About the Northern California Fires. ***** In any case, the devastation in Napa, Sonoma, and Mendocino counties make simple the implementation of the long-term plans for UN Agenda 21 in Northern California. ***** In our state of national disunity, America has an uncertain future … or does it. ***** Whoever makes the money makes the laws; in most of the world, laws and money are made by the private International Bankers who create money out of thin air on the super computers. *****

UN Agenda 21 is how poverty-stricken Americans will be forced to live in pack ‘em and stack ‘em dormitory-style high-rises next to railroad tracks. Only authorities will be allowed the use of cars or trucks. ***** Pride without modesty is learning without wisdom. ***** Freud was nine/tenths quack and one-hundred percent con man. ***** Eight hours after the Twin Towers fell on 9/11/01, a few hundred yards away, World Trade Center (WTC) 7 fell at near freefall speed into its own footprint. But strangely, no airplane had hit WTC 7. ***** And stranger yet, twenty minutes before WTC 7’s fall at 5:20 PM, the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) announced the fall of WTC 7. How did the BBC know WTC 7 would fall? ***** And why did the BBC tell the world that WTC 7 had fallen when the 52- story building was clearly standing in the background of television reporter Jane Standley? ***** Arrogance and ignorance is the fatal combination that is preventing any chance of millions of young (and older) Americans from ever becoming politically aware or even slightly educated regarding world events. ***** The perfidy of our US senators and representatives is at an all-time, unsurpassed high. ***** Inflation is taxation without legislation – taxation imposed on us by the private International Banking Cartel. ***** Many of the alleged “Syrian refugees” escorted into Europe and America are sub-Saharan Africans who are unskilled and illiterate in their own languages. Moreover, these immigrants are given full welfare benefits and will soon be voting in Western elections, even though many cannot read. ***** A lead article in an issue of Psychology, Public Policy, and Law (a journal of the American Psychological Association) stated that race differences in average IQs are largely genetic … Around the world, the average IQ for East Asians centers around 106, for Whites about 100, for US Blacks about 85, and 70 in sub- Saharan Africa. ***** We need to help the sub-Saharan Africans while they are in Africa, not by bringing them to America where they will be unable to help themselves. ***** California’s National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) is pressuring state lawmakers to support their demand to remove The Star-Spangled Banner as America’s national anthem. ***** Ever since the 24/7 media broadcasting that Iraq was harboring weapons of mass destruction has been proven false, US leaders have been claiming our destruction of Iraq was a mistake, an accident. ***** The word accident implies chance, with little or no culpability involved. *****

Electronic vote rigging in America has become so imbedded that election results can no longer be trusted. The voting machines were even fixed for Hillary’s win in 2016 … just not fixed enough. The kingmakers must have believed their own phony polls, as polls are routinely fixed in Europe and North America in order to influence public opinion. ***** Most, if not all, of our mass shootings have been engineered by dark elements within US intelligence agencies. Such shooters were fed the same psychiatric drugs prescribed for millions of Americans. ***** According to a Journal of American Medical Association research letter, 40 million Americans take psychiatric drugs. ***** California Democratic Governor Jerry Brown is allowing HIV positive people to donate blood. ***** In a country that tolerates an average of 220 SWAT raids per day (80,000 per year) can we really expect to have a federal government that serves us – the people? ***** The US Shadow Government (the Deep State) resists any sort of rapprochement with the Russian Federation; instead these Rothschild minions are covertly attempting to bring about a nuclear war with Mr. Putin. ***** The major American institutions of politics, the major media, the churches, the educational system, and the entertainment industry have all been subverted by cultural Marxists under the direction of the International Banking and Monetary Syndicate. ***** Professor Michael Chossudovsky has written an important book: The Globalization of War – America’s “Long War” Against Humanity. In his latest masterpiece, Professor Chossudovsky exposes the US Shadow Government’s attempt at global hegemony, all at the expense of mankind. ***** Since 1997, America’s foreign policy has been formed by that faction of the US Shadow Government called Neoconservatives (NeoCons). ***** It was the NeoCons (William Kristol, Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Perle, Lewis “Scooter” Libby, Robert Kagan, and others) who formed a Washington, DC, think tank they called Project for the New American Century (PNAC), which issued the notorious PNAC documents shortly before our 9/11 disaster. ***** The NeoCons called for regime change (bombing) in seven Middle Eastern countries: Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, and Iran. But according to the PNAC documents such unprovoked wars would be difficult to pull off absent some catalytic event such as a new Pearl Harbor. About a month later, the NeoCons got their catalyst; we know it as the 9/11 catastrophe and we have been bombing countries ever since. ***** “The Neoconservatives [NeoCons] who gave us 9/11 gave us the American Police State.” Dr. Paul Craig Roberts ***** A NeoCon lies; every word out of their mouths is a lie, including “and” and “the.” ***** Since its inception, in a multitude of ways, Hollywood has set the cultural standards for America. At one time those standards were high, and America enjoyed moving pictures without the salaciousness of the perversity of nudity, sex, crime, violence, offensive language, and illegal drug use, or the ridicule of religion or the straight White male so prevalent in current films and TV sitcoms. ***** Today, Hollywood (without the restraints of the Christian organizations of Legion of Decency and the Protestant Film Office) is used by the International Banking Cartel to degrade American culture, sexual mores, and ethical standards. ***** Daily thousands of US servicemen addict themselves to unmonitored amphetamines, antidepressants, sedatives, and painkillers. Such uncontrolled consumption of dangerous drugs invariably leads to aberrant behavior and mental disorders. The unchecked, unimpeded daily ingestion of noxious drugs often induces our soldiers to commit the murder of innocent men, women, and children. Such experiences abroad often result in suicides amongst our soldiers after they have returned home. ***** The prosperity of a nation can advance no further than its culture: why has our economy fallen so far? Look how far our culture has fallen. ***** The degeneracy of modern art, motion pictures, architecture, and music (gangsta rap) are examples of how far European and American culture has descended in its engineered collapse from true sensibilities. *****

The Cleveland Center for Brain Health What is simple to remember, simple to say, simple to understand, and is true, but will make you a racist? It’s Okay to be White. ***** The anti-White polemic has grown so strong in America that academic careers have become dependent on finding “White Privilege” everywhere; even “logic” and “rationality” are now said to be White constructs. And while that may be true, is it sufficient reason to throw all common sense overboard? ***** Mandatory public schooling in America is meant to fail and in that regard it has been successful. ***** Thirteen Baltimore high schools have zero students that are proficient in math. ***** Because of the criminality of elitist bankers coupled with mass citizen ignorance, the American experiment with freedom and prosperity is failing … or … has failed. ***** The unscrupulous shipping of massive doses of opiates into rural communities is destroying our small- town America – all by design. ***** More Americans died from opiates and related heroin overdoses in 2016 than in the entire Vietnam War. And yet, this crime against mankind, and Americans in particular, continues to this day unabated. ***** From the International Banking Syndicate (that owns the major pharmaceutical companies) ninety percent of US opiates are shipped to the three main drug distribution houses (Cardinal Health, McKesson, and AmerisourceBergen). From these distribution points the opiates are flooded to unethical pharmacies, doctors, and clinics in small town America. ***** US Drug Enforcement Agency oversight is not only non-existent, the DEA is now helpful in the extermination of small towns in America, as a result of legislation that passed Congress and was signed into law by President Obama in 2016. ***** The uber-rich do not work for money, they simply create it on their super computers; nor do the super rich work to impoverish decent people, they have their minions in government to do it. ***** Many millennials are ditching Christianity for witchcraft or astrology. ***** Opinion polls are used to create public opinions. Believing in the validity of such polls is akin to believing in Santa Claus. ***** War, imperialism, debt, and arrogance have become uniquely American crimes against humanity, with few US citizens understanding the depths of evil and incompetence within their federal, state, and local governments. ***** Who said, “The national budget must be balanced. The public debt must be reduced. The arrogance of the authorities must be moderated and controlled”? Cicero. ***** Who said, “Everything the State says is a lie, and everything it has it has stolen”? Friedrich Nietzsche. ***** US Democratic Senator Al Franken wants Google, Facebook, and Twitter to censor political speech. The Franken proposal would require ordinary citizens to go through corporate gatekeepers in order to be heard on the Internet. ***** America needs leaders who will live truth rather than merely avowing it. ***** The Rothschild Banking Consortium engineered a toxic subprime house of cards, which they knew was going to collapse. They then molded their criminal product into inscrutable bundles they sold to unsuspecting investors around the world, while making side bets that it would all come crashing down. Then using taxpayer bailout funds paid themselves billions of dollars in bonuses – all supported by President Obama and the US Congress. ***** It’s bye-bye time for the Republican elected senators and representatives in the US Congress. Run as democrats, fellas, if you want to continue being minions for the unconstitutional Deep State. ***** The earth’s ruling elite are subhuman psychopaths as they have no powers of empathy, while even cats have empathy. The ruling banking oligarchs have a simple message for the countries in the Middle East (excluding Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates): “Let us exterminate you slowly or we’ll have our US/NATO lowlifes quickly bomb you out of existence.” ***** The eurhythmics of falling and then exploding bombs must be a form of sheer terror for the children and adults of the Middle East. ***** District Court Judge Garry Neilson was recorded as saying that sexual contact between adults and children may no longer be regarded by society as unnatural or taboo. ***** Daily it seems that the list of men in Hollywood accused of sexual misconduct grows. Thus far the lineup includes producer Harvey Weinstein, actor Jeremy Piven, filmmaker Brett Ratner, actor Dustin Hoffman, writer Matthew Weiner, actor Jeffery Tambor, writer James Toback, journalist Mark Halperin, editor Leon Wieseltier, news chief Michael Oreskes, publisher Jann Wenner, comedian Louis C.K. (Szekely), TV talking head Charlie Rose, NBC’s Matt Lauer, radio’s Garrison Keillor, and CEO Knight Landesman. ***** Sexual harassment has of course been practiced in the political world with names such as former President George H.W. Bush, Rep. John Conyers, former San Diego Mayor Bob Filner, Senator Al Franken, and senate candidate Roy Moore. ***** The rash of sexual misbehavior amongst public figures will be used by the Deep State to try to impeach President Donald Trump. ***** The wastrels in the US Congress are not solely wasteful spendthrifts – many are stricken with pedophilia, all are traitors. ***** The US Army will soon be allowing recruits into its service with a history of depression, self- mutilation, bipolar disorder, drug, and alcohol abuse. ***** The number one “hate-mongering” organization in America today is the Southern Poverty Law Center – the haters who pretend to hate hate. ***** The US/NATO “war on terror” has left millions of innocents dead and many more millions injured and homeless. ***** Dr. Annie Fairbanks, a holistic doctor practicing out of Arizona, was found shot dead in her home with husband Jason Fairbanks, three-year-old daughter, and nine-month-old son. This makes the 77th holistic doctor to have been found dead in this way over the past two years. A shocking fact the mainstream media has no interest in. ***** “‘We the people’ are the new American underclass.” John W. Whitehead ***** Using man-made laws to enforce the lie of man- made global warming is an admission that the lie is not a self-evident truth. ***** A government that tries to make facts conform with lies must alter truth by getting experts (scientists) to lie for them. ***** Billionaire Elon Musk, co-founder of Tesla and Open AI, has voiced his concern that artificial intelligence might go rogue, run amok, and turn on humanity. ***** Actress Nicole Kidman said, “Stanley [Kubrick] told me the world is run by pedophiles. He studied secret societies his whole life, he was fascinated by them, and he said the elite, the top secret societies, they are full of men with a certain predilection. They are tied together, sort of bonded by pedophilia.” ***** For two full years the Wahhabi extremists (terrorists) of Saudi Arabia have bombarded the defenseless citizens of Yemen with high tech munitions bought from the US government. Donald Trump’s response? He sold the high tech terrorists of Saudi Arabia an additional $7,000,000,000 in bombs. *****

Trump honored by unconstrained evil Our government, its policymakers, its politicians, its media, and its citizens foster lies that justify perpetual wars on innocent peoples. ***** Due to the influence the NeoCons have over the US Shadow government, Americans face an unprecedented danger of a nuclear war with Russia; this is true primarily because the embedded NeoCons (and their controlled media) shout “Collusion” whenever President Trump tries to deal diplomatically with Russia. ***** Why do the NeoCons want war with the Russians? Because their masters (the Rothschild banking syndicate) want such a war. Why do the Rothschilds want a nuclear war? Why do psychopaths want anything? Remember, psychopaths do not think the way you do. ***** Less than one-tenth of one percent of the population of the Western world form the domestic and foreign policies of every country in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. ***** The Planned Parenthood organization is a mega-business that sells the internal organs of babies, while also serving their masters – the covert enablers of the worldwide depopulation agenda. ***** The elite, international bankers have three burning hatreds: the White race, Western culture, and Christianity … then comes humanity. ***** The Georgia Guidestones are six huge granite slabs on a windswept hill, 750 feet above sea level, in Elbert County, Georgia. Etched into the stones are its guidelines in eight languages. One of the instructions is to maintain the world’s population under 500 million people, which would require the elimination of over ninety percent of humanity. ***** Georgia Guidestones In Biblical times there was a religion that allowed their adherents to escape guilt for sexual perversions and offenses by the use of a goat – a scapegoat. An innocent goat was brought before the masses, who then projected their own personal guilt onto the poor animal before it was killed. Then the crowd was relieved as they believed justice had been served and they were individually cleansed. Dr. E. Michael Jones has stated that Harvey Weinstein (and others) are Hollywood’s current scapegoats for its widespread sexual perversions and offenses against decent people, which of course allows the depraved to start new rounds of attacks on Christian culture with their so-called sexual liberation. ***** As far back as 1962, President Lyndon Johnson said, “He who controls the weather will control the world.” ***** If love is the virtue of the Christian religion, hate is the “virtue” of what religion? Writer Phillip Roth has the answer. ***** “The free market punishes irresponsibility. Government rewards it.” Harry Browne ***** Diversity, inclusion, and equality are three words the Controllers are using to destroy society. ***** In a 2013 article in London’s Daily Mail was an exposé that confirmed the existence of a not-so- secret plan for America to launch a chemical weapons attack on defenseless Syrian citizens and to blame it on Bashar al-Assad’s regime. ***** What is the difference between White big-game hunters who kill elephants and ignorant Africans who kill them by the thousands? ***** Newsweek compared cult leader and murderer Charles Manson to President Trump. ***** Apple’s Black Vice-President of Inclusion and Diversity, Denise Young Smith, lost her employment of twenty years for saying, “There can be twelve blue-eyed, blond men in a room and they are going to be diverse too because they’re going to bring a different life experience and life perspective to the conversion.” ***** Sexual liberation does not increase personal freedom, unless a degraded culture increases personal freedom. ***** The Center for Disease Control tests reveal that 3,800 of US water supplies are up to 400% more contaminated than the water in Flint, Michigan. ***** The entire American infrastructure is falling apart, while our government (at great expense) maintains nearly 800 military bases in more than 70 countries and territories abroad. ***** Since 1997, 264 cases of sexual harassment by US senators and representatives have been settled for over seventeen million dollars. And who pays so much money for the perverseness of our elected officials? We do, the US taxpayers.

“Lawless are they that make their wills their law.” William Shakespeare ***** For a country that was once thought to be the light unto the world, the United States of America has fallen a long way, all due to our government and citizens’ ignorance of how criminal and traitorous our government has become. ***** The CIA has been tasked to bringing about a drugged, sick, and debilitated America. ***** The Pentagon (US taxpayers) paid for a transgendered soldier’s gender reassignment surgery after a federal judge blocked President Trump’s ban on such insanity. ***** Usually a country steals an empire by wars; America is losing her empire because of the worldwide vacuum of progress her leaders have created with their covert and overt support of terrorism. ***** No nation can succeed with as many internal enemies as has America. ***** Black Congressman John Conyers (Dem-MI) used taxpayers’ money to fly women into Washington to meet with him in hotel rooms. ***** “Some rise by sin, and some by virtue fall.” William Shakespeare ***** Without term limits for members of Congress, the D.C. swamp will never be drained. ***** It has been said that journalism is literature in a hurry; today, it can be said that journalism is propaganda thinly disguised as journalism. ***** While racketeering is America’s investment banking model, corruption is America’s political model. ***** “Deus Vult!” (God wills it) yelled Pope Urban II on November 27, 1095. Pope Urban II was calling all Christians in Europe to war against Muslims in order to reclaim the Holy Land. ***** America’s war on terrorism (the terrorism our government creates) costs US taxpayers $250 million a day. (Source: Department of Defense periodical – Cost of War Report) ***** Some Americans are confused: they are asking, “If it’s okay to be White, is it okay to be straight and White … or to still say, ‘Merry Christmas' or ‘I’m dreaming of a White Christmas’”? ***** It is the US Shadow Government that is behind our opioid crisis. ***** Marc Faber, the Managing Director of Marc Faber, Ltd., has been ousted from three boards of directorships and CNBC. The reason? It is because of what Mr. Faber wrote in one of his latest newsletters (see below). Thank God White people populated America and not the Blacks. Otherwise the US would look like Zimbabwe [before Whites developed the country], which it might look like one day anyway; but at least America has enjoyed 200 years in the economic and political sun under a White majority. ***** Obviously the ruling oligarchs of Europe and America are trying to destroy Western culture by importing tens of millions of unvetted, uneducated, unskilled, and often diseased foreigners with full welfare benefits. These imported immigrants are not expected to work, but are expected to vote. ***** Education can begin in each home that has at least one educated person in that home. ***** The US immigrant population has surged to almost twenty percent of the American populace. ***** Renowned Harvard professor Jerome Kagen claims ADHD (attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder) is an invention and doesn’t exist. Did the invention come about so as to increase the profits of Big Pharma? The “experts” tell us this condition can never be cured, but have they ever tried daily exercise for children? ***** The heavily promised transparency of the Obama administration proved to be our most opaque in American history. ***** Faithful allegiance to one’s family, to one’s race and country once formed the bulwark of American culture – all of which is now under attack by government, media, and tax-supported schools. ***** Since America has spent its treasure bombing the infrastructures of countries that pose no threat to her homeland, instead of protecting our infrastructure, a North Korean electromagnetic pulse attack on our non-hardened infrastructure could kill millions and turn the United States into an impuissant, post-apocalyptic wasteland in less than 12 months. *****

Anthony Weiner The elite pedophile rings in Washington and Hollywood are loaded with bureaucrats, politicians, and celebrities, with people such as Anthony Weiner, Jeffery Epstein, and eleven arrested Democratic mayors being only a small part of this huge depravity. ***** The US Department of Justice, with the Los Angeles Police Department, has arrested 238 people in connection with a Hollywood pedophilia network. ***** Our continuing wars of aggression are breaking America financially. The vapid banality that wars aid national economies has a rigidly limited truth. Too much war expense (a level the US reached decades ago) will kill a national economy. ***** Universities in America have become centers of anti-logos; logos meaning the principle of divine reason, creative order, pro-survival guidance, and the belief in the workability of serving the positive interests of others. Our universities no longer serve us; they have forsaken their birthright; they have become the enemies of logos. ***** American colleges and universities are not even training wheels for adulthood. For the most part our colleges and universities turn out children who do not know anything about anything … in the real world. ***** Forty-four million US college-loan debtors (borrowers) owe over $1.45 trillion, which is about $620 billion more than our total credit card indebtedness. The average class of 2016 graduate has $37,172 in student loan debt, with most of those ex- students without jobs All of these ex-students agreed to the usurious compounding interest (interest on interest) repayment plan, which will likely ensure that their college loans will never be paid off. And even without jobs, these indebted ex-students cannot (by law) declare bankruptcy. The federal government can, however, garnish any pay checks these debtors may receive, ruin their credit, preventing them from financing a car or home, add penalties and fees to the loan (sometimes as much as 18 percent), and withhold any future Social Security payments. And oh yes, individual states may sue the defaulters. What’s left … debtor’s prisons? ***** Over the last few decades the cost of a college degree has tripled, completely out of proportion to our rate of inflation. ***** The complete cost for certificate programs in vocational or trade schools are about the cost of one year of “schooling” in public or private universities; yet taxpayer subsidies for most colleges can average more than $60,000 per degree. So while US taxpayers are funding colleges and universities, those same schools are condemning millions of ex-students to a lifetime of debt and harassment without preparing them for work in the jobs-available (trades) market. ***** Apparently to inhibit loans being made to those who wish to enroll in trade or vocational schools (which offer the best job prospects) the US Department of Education is requiring for- profit schools to guarantee future jobs for those of their students receiving loans. ***** In 2016, there were over 37,000 law school graduates, while Google doesn’t even list (that I can find) the number of plumbing school graduates we’ve had in any year. What does this mean? More law suits? More outhouses with no toilets or plumbing? ***** “The first thing we do, let’s kill all the lawyers.” William Shakespeare Those who believe everything they see or hear on television would be better off without any news. ***** Much of what we are taught in the modern educational system in America has been contrived to seduce, delude, and mislead us. What we are taught in the name of civics, political science, or history is often no more than the same socialist propaganda that has destroyed so many countries in the past. ***** To support the idea that the US Constitution is a “living document” that needs to change with the times is to aid the very powers who are trying to enslave you. ***** To not understand that the rights of the American people come from God, while the powers of government come from the people, is to forfeit to ignorance the hard-won inheritance of freedom given to us. ***** Today, Democrats in Congress express concern over how Trump’s tax-reduction bill will increase our national debt. Where was their concern while Obama was matching the debt created by all previous presidential administrations? Holy Cross University is currently searching for a more politically correct nickname to replace its century-long “Crusaders” moniker. School officials have announced that “the word Crusaders is at odds with our values and commitment to diversity and inclusiveness.” Perhaps the words, “The Chickens” may work as a proper name for the Holy Cross football team. ***** The amount of radioactive water at Fukushima released into the Pacific Ocean is still growing by 150 tons a day. ***** The number of US retail store closings in 2017 is triple the number of such closings in 2016. ***** The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has approved the release of genetically engineered mosquitoes in twenty states. Does the EPA have our best interests foremost in their governmental minds? ***** “There are no definitive laboratory tests for any so-called mental disorder.” Jon Rappoport ***** Having a New York Times view of reality will forever separate one from the real world. ***** The Dark Web and Deep Web are used by non- governmental and governmental organizations in their machinations against humanity. ***** The family unit is a product of logos (divine guidance); to attack the institution of families is to attack the divine. ***** “Quality, thy antonym is equality.” Doug Lynn ***** In America, today, our institutions have turned against us by pushing lies as truth. These are lies by the minority meant to damage the majority for reasons that are not rational. Do the Controllers want a vastly reduced world population? Yes, apparently they do. Do the untouchables want a one-world government that only they control? Again, apparently so. Do the evildoers want a population that believes every toxic dose of propaganda submitted over the air waves? Absolutely. The Internet is the last remaining source of truth, so it is being heavily utilized by the oligarchs in various ways to deceive with weaponized lies. They delay the truth and omit various parts of the truth. And if all that fails, they will complicate the truth until it loses public interest. And then as the great Mark Twain said, “There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics.” Using statistics to misinform is an old strategy, which in some cases has given way to fixing opinion polls that will steer public opinion. It seems that many Americans care more for agreeing with the majority than knowing the truth. The elites most successful gambit, however, is to turn the truth into a raging controversy, which usually the hoodwinkers win in the long term, with their repeated use of the accusation conspiracy theorist. These deceivers believe that some of their mainstream media outlets have such altitude that they can state outright lies and get away with it. Such glaring examples are various peer- reviewed medical journals and the always notorious Wikipedia, while Julian Assange’s WikiLeaks is discredited, or at least labeled as traitorous. The Western world is plagued by carefully constructed narratives by unseen special interests that are meant to deceive us into harming ourselves, our families, and nations. The modus operandi of these pressure groups is often hidden behind the authority of federal agencies, such as the misleading Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the government’s propaganda ministry, National Public Radio. Yes, the Controllers essentially have Americans in a lockdown of false information, while a democracy can only function for a nation’s well- being with the free flow of accurate data. The courageous and insightful outliers who studiously discover truths and try to make them well known are not rewarded for their successes. In lieu of remuneration, these truthseekers who try to go public with their discoveries are often fired from professorships, dismissed as television moderators, or blackballed by publishing houses. When the legitimacy of some hot exposé persists, its chief voice is frequently assassinated. This sad fact has been especially true of inventors, innovators, and the progenitors of free or perpetual energy. But the main source of biased thought comes from us, those who honor political correctness. Are there any honest (or mostly honest) blogs, bloggers, websites, writers, investigative reporters, or people who have made illustrious contributions to mankind on the Internet? Yes, see the partial list below.* *Please take notice at the absence of many politicians on the list. And while politicians have cursed us, we have been blessed with the genius and caring of many fine writers. The following are not placed in any order of importance, but just as I think of them.

Renegades Tribune, The Burning Victor Davis Hanson, Platform, Michael Scheuer, The Ugly Truth, Max Keiser, The Activist Post, Michael Rivero, Dr. E. Michael Jones, David Irving, Aleksandr Farm Wars, Solzhenitsyn, Carson News, Isaac Asimov, World Net Daily, Jeff Rense, Lew Rockwell, Franz Kafka, Global Research Dr. Paul Craig News, Roberts, Richard Presser, Cynthia McKinney, News With Views, , CLG News, Miko Peled, G. Edward Griffin, Abby Martin, Ben Swann, Ex-president Jimmy Carter, Patrick Wood, John McAfee, Gerald Celente, Adam Kokesh, Stanley Kubrick, Rosa Koire, Lou Dobbs, Aaron Dykes, Stefan Molyneux, Tex Marrs, Karen Straughan, Joyce Riley, Dr. , Jack Blood, Victor Ostrovsky, George Orwell, Brother Nathanael, Pat Shannan, Walter Williams, Mark Passlo, George Galloway, Katherine Albrecht, Deborah Lipstadt, , Monika Schaefer, Doug Casey, David Irving, Judge Andrew Michael Hoffman, Napolitano, Benjamin Freedman, Jeff Berwick, Ernst Zuendel, Dollar Vigilante, Malcolm X, Max Kaiser, Mark Dice, Joe Sobran, Michael Tsarion, Eustace Mullins, Kurt Vonnegut, Dr. Ron Paul, Fyodor Dostoevsky, Yuri Bezmerov, Ayn Rand, George Carlin, L Ron Hubbard, Lauren Southern, Ray Bradbury, Howie Carr, Aldrous Huxley, Bill Hicks, Rudyard Kipling, Victor Hugo, Nikolai Gogol, Tucker Carlson, Aesop, Pat Buchanan, James Fenimore Laura Ingraham, Cooper, Ralph Waldo Ezra Pound, Emerson, Stephen Crane, Adrian Salbuchi, Thomas Jefferson, Charles Dickens, Martin Luther, George Sand, Michael Crichton, Charles Lindbergh, Thomas Paine, William Shakespeare, Edward Gibbon, Thomas Aquinas, Mike Robert A. Heinlein, King/TomatoBubble, Jack London, The American Dream, John LeCarre, BizPac Review, Charles Fort, CounterPunch News, Pat Shannan, The Daily Sheeple, James Redfield, H.L. Mencken, Chuck Baldwin, Nesta Webster, James Perloff, Henry Ford, James Tiptree (Alice Kevin McDonald, B. Sheldon), Ann Coulter, Waking Times, Mordechai Vanunu, ACGR – News With Mark Levin, Attitude, Gilad Atzmon, Veteran’s Today, Dick Gregory,, Dr. Norman Jon Rappoport, Finkelstein, Institute for Historical Louis Farrakhan, Review, Peter Hounam, Kevin Barrett.

Explaining political concepts to the indoctrinated is not easy, is usually frustrating, and seldom rewarding; so do not engage in it unless you are teaching the willing. Overall, we have many reasons to be happy, even in our sea of lies and deceptions; but remember … Happiness is a shallow goal to pursue unless it is the happiness that comes from achieving a goal worthwhile. J. Speer-Williams [email protected]

Post Script Rather than feeling down (or even depressed) by the foregoing facts, take solace in the real possibility you may be experiencing a spiritual awakening. Check out the December 1, 2017, article by Rachelle Knight in Waking Times entitled … 19 Signs You May Be Experiencing a Spiritual Awakening and What To Do About It.