March 28, 2018

To: Southeast Consolidated Zoning Board Fr: Jeff Malotte, AICP, Senior Planner Re: Application Nos. SE-PEC3-3379 (AU), SE-PDP/FDP-3378 (AU), and SE-CU-3380 (AU)


Applicant: StoneGate MotorPlaza – Joe Effertz

Landowner: Joseph Effertz Farms, LLC

Requested Actions: 1) Rezoning: From RUR, Rural District, to PEC-3, Planned Light Industrial Park District on about 33.3 acres of the approximately 80 acre tract 2) Preliminary and Final Development Plans (PDP and FDP) on about 80 acres (the entire subject tract) 3) A Revised and Expanded Conditional Use Permit (CUP) on about 47.2 acres of the approximately 80 acre tract

Legal Description: Part of Section 7, Township 15, Range 25

Site Address/Location: Near the NW Corner 207th Street and Metcalf Avenue

Existing Land Use and Zoning: Agriculture on about 33.3 acres of RUR, Rural District zoned land and agriculture on 47.2 acres of PEC-3, Planned Light Industrial Park District zoned land that has an approved Final Development Plan and an approved Conditional Use Permit for a motor test track

Existing Improvements: None

Site Size: About 80 acres

PROPOSAL 1. Rezoning: From RUR, Rural, to PEC-3, Planned Light Industrial Park District, to facilitate the and use of parking and driveways to serve and provide access to a private motor vehicle test track; 2. A Preliminary and Final Development Plan showing the expansion of a smaller, previously approved, all-weather surfaced motor vehicle test track, within existing PEC-3-zoned property. The track shows “pit” areas and a 28 foot pavement width, with parking and access in the areas requested for rezoning; and 3. A revised Conditional Use Permit to permit the operation of both the previously approved and the proposed expansion areas of the test track.

Staff Report (913) 715-2200 office 111 S Cherry Street Suite 3500 (913) 715-2222 fax Olathe, Kansas 66061

The landowner proposes to expand the construction and use of a previously approved private test track. The expansion of the track, the primary purpose of these applications, would be located to the north of the previously approved track area (please see Figures 1 and 2, below) but in an area already previously zoned PEC-3 for the project. The landowner proposes no changes to hours, rules of operation, or other details approved by a 2015 Final Development Plan (See Zoning/Property History section, below).

The preliminary and final development plan incorporates the 47 acres previously approved by development plan and CUP for a test track and adds an additional 33 acres to provide access to the track, fencing, and areas for future development of pad sites. The proposed development plans encompass the entire 80-acre parcel containing the track area. The 33 acres, which surrounds the previously approved 47-acre track area on the south and east, is proposed to be rezoned to PEC-3, Planned Light Industrial Park District, so zoning would be consistent across the entire 80 acre parcel. The CUP would provide for operation of the entire proposed track, replacing the previously approved CUP for the smaller track area and adding the proposed expansion area.

Zoning/Property History: The areas for rezoning, development plan, and a conditional use permit are adjacent and to the east of the related Stonegate Motorplaza motor vehicle condominium project, with PEC-3 zoning, a plat on 40 acres, and a CUP for auto repair, detailing, and limited consignment services approved by the County in 2013. In 2015, a PDP and a CUP were approved for a smaller version of the test track and in 2018, the FDP for the smaller track was approved. The condominium project and this project, together, comprise about 120 acres. The land area proposed for the track has been in farm use since at least the 1940s, and probably much longer. Though the County has approved a test track on 47 acres of the 80 acre subject property, no construction has yet begun at this time.


Zoning Regulations - Minimum Infrastructure Requirements

For the rezoning and development plan, the Johnson County Zoning and Subdivision Regulations, Article 14, Section 4.H. requires that all Minimum Infrastructure Requirements specified in Article 31 of the Regulations be met at least for the phase being developed in the PEC-3 Zoning District. The pertinent infrastructure categories are discussed below.

Note: For the conditional use proposed, the Johnson County Zoning and Subdivision Regulations state that the minimum infrastructure requirements shall be guidelines for interpretation of the minimum infrastructure required for each conditional use.

A. Fire Station Service Area (Required): The Regulations require that tracts zoned PEC-3 District be located within five (5) miles of an existing fire station. Fire protection is provided by Johnson County Fire District #2. The nearest fire station is at 19120 Metcalf, about 2.2 miles north of the subject property, by roads. This proposal meets this requirement.

Police protection is provided by the Johnson County Sheriff's Office.

SE-PEC3-3379, SE-PDP/FDP-3378, PEC-3 Zoning, Preliminary and Final SE-CU-3380 Page 2 Development Plan, Conditional Use Permit

March 28, 2018 207th Street and Metcalf

Figure 1: Existing Conditions, Proposed Improvement Areas, and Surrounding Development

KCP&L Facility

Coventry Estates Residential Plat

Proposed Track Previously Approved Expansion Area PEC-3, Track FDP and CUP Area

Previously Proposed PDP/FDP Approved Track Expansion Area Area

StoneGate MotorPlaza Condominium Project

Other Planned Light Industrial Park Zoning North

B. Roads:

Category 5 - External Roads Serving Planned Retail Business or Planned Employment Center Sites (Required): Access to the site is provided both by a driveway onto 207th Street and through the adjacent StoneGate MotorPlaza condominium development. 207th Street is a county maintained, 24 foot wide, paved with 8 foot shoulders along the property frontage.

The Minimum Infrastructure Requirements are as follows:

1. All section line and 1/2-section line roads abutting the development shall be constructed to at least the Type "B" Collector Street Standard in accordance with the then applicable Street Construction and Storm Standards for New Subdivisions, as adopted by the County. This standard requires a 24 foot width of pavement and 8-foot wide shoulders on each side. 207th Street meets this requirement.

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Figure 2: Comparison of Approved Track (Left) with Proposed Track Expansion (Right)


Future Pad Sites (Not Approved by this Application)

Proposed Parking and Access Driveway

2. A minimum of one (1) road, constructed to at least the Type “B” Collector Street Standard in accordance with the then applicable Street Construction and Storm Drainage Standards for New Subdivisions, as adopted by the County, shall provide continuous access from lots within the subdivision or development tract.

1). to the nearest Highway, or

2). to the nearest Collector Street or CARNP designated Parkway or CARNP designated Arterial Street that has been constructed to at least the Type “B” Collector Street Standard but with at least 4-foot wide gravel shoulders.

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Metcalf Avenue, a Highway and CARNP designated Type 2 Arterial Street, is available via 207th Street, which is constructed to the Type B Collector standard from the proposed driveway eastward to the Metcalf Avenue intersection. This proposal meets this requirement.

Category 6 (Required): All roads in any subdivision shall be designed and constructed in compliance with county road standards. All proposed roads on the site are private. Only driveways are proposed. No subdivision streets or private roads are anticipated.

C. Stormwater (Required): Storm drainage systems and facilities shall be available or designed and constructed to comply with the then applicable County design criteria, construction standards, policies and regulations for storm drainage systems and facilities. The development shall also comply with the then applicable County floodplain regulations.

This infrastructure category has four components as follows:

1. Storm drainage. Construction of paving and on-site drainage systems must comply with current County regulations.

Storm drainage plans for the track expansion have been approved by the Public Works Department.

2. Storm water quality management. A Preliminary and Final Stormwater Quality Management Plan (SQMP) that complies with County post-construction water quality requirements is required for all development plans.

A stormwater quality management plan for the track expansion has been approved by the Public Works Department.

3. Floodplain. Development in floodplain areas is prohibited except as may be allowed by the County floodplain regulations.

There is no regulated floodplain on the subject property.

4. Storm water systems in conjunction with new streets. Any new streets and related stormwater systems must comply with current County regulations.

There are no new public streets proposed with this development, but construction of a private asphalt track and access driveways are proposed. Storm drainage plans and storm water systems in conjunction with the track have been approved by the Public Works Department.

D. Wastewater Category 2 (Required): The Regulations require that wastewater collection and treatment be available via sanitary sewers unless other methods are specifically allowed by the Environmental Sanitary Code. Holding tanks complying with the Environmental Sanitary Code may be used to provide temporary, interim wastewater collection service to new development in an established sanitary sewer district while sanitary sewer facilities are being planned and constructed to serve the needs of the development.

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No facilities requiring wastewater treatment are planned for this project. A holding tank system is installed at the adjacent garage condominium project.

E. Water Supply - Category 2/Factor 2 - (Required): Potable water supply shall be available or provided with sufficient quantities for domestic needs and from a public water source. Sufficient water supply also shall be available or provided to meet the fire protection water flow rate and volume requirements of the then applicable County codes and standards.

No provision of potable water is currently planned for this project. An 8-inch water main is available along the property’s 207th Street frontage. Per the Chief Building Official, the proposed parking area triggers a building code fireflow requirement for a fire hydrant to be placed along the property frontage. Staff provides an appropriate stipulation in the Recommendations section, below.

Summary of Infrastructure Issues: With stipulation compliance, this application will meet the minimum infrastructure requirements.


Zoning, Preliminary Development Plan, and Conditional Use Application: The landowner requests: PEC-3, Planned Light Industrial Park District zoning for 33 acres of the 80-acre subject parcel not already so zoned; a preliminary and final development plan for expansion of a previously approved test track, now including parking and access roads as part of the expansion; and a CUP to facilitate the use of the private test track on 47 acres of the 80-acre parcel. Among other uses, the PEC-3 District provides for uses of similar intensity such as amateur athletic facilities, with a conditional use permit (CUP). As such, this test track, subject to identifying, investigating, and mitigating unique or special impacts, such as noise from , would be generally consistent with the intended size (40 acre minimum parcel size required) and uses of PEC-3 Districts.

Golden Analysis: Planning staff has reviewed the applications with respect to the Johnson County Zoning and Subdivision Regulations, the Rural Comprehensive Plan: A Plan for the Unincorporated Area of Johnson County, and the laws in Kansas. The following is a summary of that review.

1. Whether the proposed zoning and use would be consistent with the existing zoning and uses of nearby properties.

Zoning (See also Figure 3, below):

North RUR, Rural District, PRB3, Planned Urban Neighborhood Retail Business District, PRB-2, Planned Residential Neighborhood Retail Business District, RN-2, Residential Neighborhood 2, and RN-1, Residential Neighborhood 1 West PEC-3, Planned Light Industrial Park District (adjacent) and RN-2, Residential Neighborhood 2 (across US 69 Highway) South PEC-3, Planned Light Industrial Park District

SE-PEC3-3379, SE-PDP/FDP-3378, PEC-3 Zoning, Preliminary and Final SE-CU-3380 Page 6 Development Plan, Conditional Use Permit

March 28, 2018 207th Street and Metcalf

East RUR, Rural and PEC-3, Planned Light Industrial Park District

Land uses:

North Crop farming, KCP&L Service Center, various commercial uses along Metcalf and 199th Street West Motor vehicle condominium development, US 69 Highway, crop farming, widely scattered homes on acreage (nearest home approximately 1,700 feet away) South Construction contractors, landscape contractors, crop farming East crop farming, Griffin Industrial Park, cattle grazing, Coventry Estates residential subdivision (nearest home approximately 800 feet away), Stilwell Community Park Zoning The proposed PEC-3 District zoning is consistent with existing PEC-3 zoning and uses adjoining to west and to the south and nearby to the southeast, on the east side of Metcalf Avenue.

Conditional Use Permit If noise levels are low or mitigated, the proposed test track use would be consistent with the nearby residential and non-residential zoning and uses. The August 26, 2015 Noise Simulation conducted by the County’s acoustic consultant for the first phase of the track concluded that “…the proposed vehicle test track should not be disturbing for the existing residences located northeast of the track” (the nearest residences). The acoustic consultant reviewed this 2018 expansion and concluded once again, based on mathematical extrapolation of the sound study results, that while the expanded area of the track is 200 feet closer to Coventry Estates, the sound traveling to the subdivision should still be minimal and therefore not disturbing. The consultant suggested several restrictions, which were incorporated into stipulations in 2015, to assure that noise does not become a problem. Those stipulations are carried forward to this CUP. For more information, please see the attached sound study and the update memorandum incorporating the track expansion.

If large numbers of people were to be invited to view cars on the track, or other events related to the track, the primary concern would be for parking. To have such events, the applicant would either need to obtain a Special Event Permit or a Conditional Use Permit. Appropriate stipulations are suggested, below.

2. Whether the proposed zoning and uses are compatible with the character of the neighborhood.

The character of the surrounding two square miles is rural, with scattered light industrial parks, commercial uses, and widely dispersed large-lot residential subdivisions.

Zoning: The proposed zoning and uses are compatible with the light industrial zoning and uses located to the west, the south, about 800 feet to the east of this proposal, and the KCP&L Service Center located about 1,300 feet to the north (please see Figure 2, below). The residential zoning and uses are 800 feet to the east and beyond 1,000 feet to the west, beyond the area of influence that the PEC-3 zoning will have.

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Conditional Use Permit: The proposed test track use is compatible with the Landowner’s adjacent garage condominium uses and with the other industrial uses located to the east and the south. With appropriate stipulations such as, but not limited to, those to mitigate the effects of noise, the visual and auditory buffering provided by distance, and by limiting special events, the test track use can be compatible with the residential character of the area to the east (please see Figure 3, below).

Figure 3: Subject Property and Surrounding Zoning Overlay - Subject property delineated by blue dotted line, zoning areas differentiated by shading and captions

PRB-2 & PRB-3 Commercial Zoning RN-1 Residential Zoning RUR (Developed) (Rural) RUR RN-2 Residential (Rural) Zoning (One Existing PEC-3 Home) (Planned Light Subject Industrial Park) Property

RUR (Rural) PEC-3 (Planned Light Industrial Park)

RUR (Rural) RUR North (Rural) RUR (Rural)

3. Suitability of the property for uses to which it has been restricted.

The RUR District provides for agricultural and residential uses on parcels containing 10 acres or more, each. The property has been suitable for agricultural use, but other uses have become more viable as property nearby has developed industrially and commercially. The property’s adjacency to other industrial zoning and uses makes it less desirable for 10-acre residential development in the RUR District. The agricultural use of the property remains viable in the near term, but will become less viable as development continues in the coming years.

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4. Extent of detrimental effects to nearby parcels should PEC-3 zoning and the CUP uses be approved.

Zoning: Rezoning to PEC-3 enables certain “permitted” uses that may be appropriate for the area, given the location adjacent to other industrial zoning. Future PEC-3 uses other than those proposed for approval with these applications, including the pad sites shown as “future” on the Preliminary and Final Development Plan, would require a new development plan and thus County review and additional public input. With the nearest homes 800 feet away across Metcalf Avenue, the garage condominiums on industrial property adjacent to the west and industrial uses to the south and east, detrimental effects to nearby parcels should be negligible.

Figure 3 – Surrounding Area Uses (Including 47 Acres of the Subject 80 Acres, Approved But Not Yet Constructed)

KCP&L Service Center

SUBJECT PROPERTY Residential Residential




Conditional Use Permit: Possible detrimental effects to the residential property 800 feet to the east and to adjacent property include noise from motor vehicle engines and visual vistas that will include some asphalt and fencing. With appropriate stipulations, the test track uses should not have significant detrimental effects on nearby parcels.

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5. Relative gain to the public health, safety, and welfare as opposed to the hardship imposed upon the landowner by denying the requests.

Zoning: The zoning and test track use will result in some sound in the residential area to the northeast, but as we discussed under Paragraph 1, so little that it will be drowned out by regular traffic sounds on Metcalf Avenue. Visual vistas onto the property will include some asphalt and fencing that is not currently part of vistas onto the property, though both features are low height and at significant distance.

Conditional Use Permit: The impact of noise on the residential property to the east is the most significant factor for the test track project expansion (see discussion under item 1, above). However, with the sound simulation for the first phase of the track indicating insignificant noise impacts and the sound consultant’s extrapolation of those results to the track expansion, we are able to conclude that very little noise from the track should be evident in that residential area. With appropriate stipulations, staff believes that there would be little, if any, relative gain for the public by denying the conditional uses.

Denial of the development of this site in the manner proposed, with proper stipulations, would provide little if any relative gain to the public health, safety, and welfare. The hardship imposed on the landowner would be the inability to build an expansion to the approved motor vehicle test track on the site.

4. Length of time the property has remained vacant as zoned.

The property has been in agricultural use since at least the 1940s and probably long before that. Adjacent industrial development approved within the last five years and a final development plan for a smaller test track, approved by the County in 2018, are indicators that the subject property will not likely remain in agricultural use or zoning in the long term.

5. Whether the PEC-3 zoning and use are in keeping with the Comprehensive Plan.

Comprehensive Plan. The Blue Valley Plan in the Rural Comprehensive Plan designates this property as “Future Office/Research and Development.” The Plan shows industrial use on the existing Griffin Industrial Park at 206th Street and Metcalf Avenue.

The landowner’s proposed PEC-3 zoning and CUP are consistent with offices and research areas anticipated by the Comprehensive Plan and with existing industrial park uses in the surrounding area. As such, this proposed development appears to be in keeping with the spirit and intent of the Comprehensive Plan.

Stilwell Community Plan. The proposed track expansion complies with this Plan by not proposing any track lighting. It has no structures above grade, other than a fence to protect the track from unauthorized use and to protect people and animals in the community from contact with vehicles using the track, so compatibility of structures is not a concern. Arguably, a use such as a test track with its attendant sounds and appearance may not be entirely compatible with “historic small town character.” Staff does not believe, however, that there are clear incompatibilities with the Community Goals and Objectives of the Stillwell Community Plan.

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March 28, 2018 207th Street and Metcalf


According to Article 15, Section 11 of the County Zoning and Subdivision Regulations, a review of Preliminary Development Plans shall consider the following:

A. Considerations relating to traffic safety and traffic congestion:

1. The effect of the site development plan on traffic conditions on nearby streets.

Entrance to the track is from 207th Street and, when the condominium project extends sufficiently far north, from within the adjacent garage condominium development (See Preliminary/Final Development Plan, attached). The proposed track expansion will not generate significant additional passenger vehicle traffic unless there are public events related to the track at some point in the future (would require either a Special Event Permit or a new CUP), but even that traffic activity should not exceed the capacity of 207th Street. A Special Event Permit, obtained from the County Manager’s Office, requires that an applicant for such permit provide, among other things, adequate parking, traffic control, insurance, and bonding. Such permits are typically limited to four (4) per calendar year. A new CUP would allow the County to allow certain events and to establish reasonable and prudent controls and restrictions for those events.

2. The layout of the site with respect to locations and dimensions of vehicular and pedestrian entrances, exits, drives and walkways.

The site layout with respect to vehicle entrances and drives has been reviewed by the Public Works Department and the Chief Building Official and construction will require a commercial entrance permit from Public Works and design that accommodates emergency vehicles to be reviewed by Building Codes.

3. The arrangement and adequacy of off-street parking facilities to prevent parking or traffic congestion.

A parking area is proposed on the Preliminary and Final Development Plans for the test track use and should be more than adequate for normal use of the test track and should also be adequate for events. Events would be addressed through a Special Use Permit.

4. The location, arrangement and dimensions of loading and unloading facilities and access to overhead doors.

Parking areas and driving lanes for visitor vehicles, trailers used to haul test track motor vehicles, and other vehicles and equipment on the subject property are provided on the Preliminary and Final Development Plans.

5. The circulation patterns within the boundaries of the development and in relationship to approved development plans for other properties in the neighborhood.

The Landowner proposes to have no more than two cars on the test track at a time, so the circulation on site is adequate. The interior driveways to and from the track are adequate to serve

SE-PEC3-3379, SE-PDP/FDP-3378, PEC-3 Zoning, Preliminary and Final SE-CU-3380 Page 11 Development Plan, Conditional Use Permit

March 28, 2018 207th Street and Metcalf

the track and must be constructed to meet fire code requirements for emergency access. Staff provides a suggested stipulation.

6. The surfacing and lighting of off-street parking facilities.

The test track will be all weather surfaced and no on-site lighting is proposed.

7. The adequacy of existing rights-of-way and those to be dedicated adjacent to the site with respect to the plans and standards for new streets in the County.

Please see Section B of the Minimum Infrastructure Requirements discussion, above.

B. Considerations relating to outdoor signs:

The applicant proposes no signage with this application.

C. Considerations relating to landscaping:

The applicant proposes no landscaping with the Preliminary and Final Development Plan and since paving and fencing are at or near grade, staff proposes no landscaping.

D. Considerations relating to buildings and site layout:

1. The exterior design in relation to adjoining structure heights, bulk, open areas, breaks in the facades, line and pitch of roofs, the arrangement of structures on the parcel, fencing, and relationship to streets.

No structures are proposed. Fencing will be the primary above-grade feature. Security is the primary consideration for proposed fencing which is low (6 feet high) and located at a great distance from residential property to the east.

2. The design and arrangement of buildings with respect to vistas onto the site, from the site, and through the site, especially with regard to scenic features or landmarks, whether natural or man- made structures, in the area.

The subject property is presently vacant, though the adjacent first phase of the track was approved by the Board of County Commissioners in 2018 and construction in conformance with approved stipulations may begin soon. There are no known scenic features or landmarks, natural or man-made, in the vicinity of the subject property. Vistas onto and from the site will likely be broken only by fencing.

E. Considerations relating to drainage:

1. The effect of the proposed site development in relation to the adequacy of the storm and surface water drainage proposals.

The Stormwater Management and Stormwater Quality Plan submitted by the Landowner and approved by Public Works for the adjacent garage condominium project, dated 3/22/2013, covered the entire 120 acres owned by the developer. The detention and the Stormwater

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Treatment Facility constructed with the garage condominiums provides for the Test Track property. Stormwater Management and Stormwater Quality Plans submitted for the test track pavement areas to drain to that facility have been reviewed and approved by the Public Works Department, both for the first phase of the track and for this proposed track expansion.

2. Compliance with the then applicable Storm Drainage Standards adopted by the County.

See above.

F. Miscellaneous Design Considerations:

1. Building Coverage: No buildings are proposed for the test track.

2. Phasing: This application constitutes the second phase of the test track.

3. Fire and Building Code Compliance: All test track construction and use shall comply fully with the adopted Building and Fire Codes. Staff provides a suggested stipulation.

4. Emergency Access: The Landowner shall provide emergency vehicle access to the track area in conformance with Building and Fire Code and Fire District 2 requirements. Staff provides a suggested stipulation.


The landowner proposes the construction and use of a private test track expansion, for use by members at the landowner’s invitation. Athletic field complexes and the like (including a test track) require a conditional use permit in the PEC-3 District. The proposed CUP is for operation of the entire test track facility, including the proposed expansion, and would replace the existing CUP for the test track previously approved in 2015. If the Board of County Commissioners approves this CUP, the resolution approving it would rescind the 2015 CUP.

Article 23, Section 6(C) establishes that the granting of the requested CUP shall not be recommended unless the Zoning Board first makes a finding that the following conditions are met:

1) Is in harmony with the general purpose and intent of the Regulations. Uses are in harmony with the general purpose and intent of the regulations if they will have minimal negative impact on nearby properties, will not endanger the public health, safety and welfare, and will be compatible with the surrounding zoning and land uses. The primary negative impacts to the community of any track are noise and degradation of visual vistas with structures and lighting.

The simulation and sound study data indicate that noise from the track should not be at a level that would cause neighboring residential properties concerns. Stipulations setting maximum sound levels and hours of operation to insure that sound does not become an issue are provided in the Recommendation section, below.

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No structures other than fencing and no lighting are proposed, so neither the lighting nor the visual degradation problems are pertinent. Events, if any, should generally be in harmony with the general purpose and intent of the regulations if Special Events Permits are obtained.

With appropriate stipulations, this use, including the expanded track, should have minimal negative impact on nearby properties, should not endanger the public health, safety and welfare, and should be compatible with the surrounding zoning and land uses.

2) Will not impair the adequate supply of light and air to adjacent property. The uses will have no impact on the supply of light or air to adjacent property.

3) Will not increase hazards from fire or other dangers. According to the landowner’s 2015 narrative, there will be no fuel or chemical storage on the test track property. As such, the test track use should not increase hazards from fire or other dangers. During public comments at the August, 2015 Zoning Board meeting, District 2 Fire Chief James Francis stated that he had no concerns about the track from a fire emergency perspective. The expansion of the track will not have an impact on these issues.

4) Will not increase traffic on streets beyond their capacity. The proposed test track use will not generate additional passenger vehicle traffic in the area because the track will be used primarily by members, unless there are public events related to the track at some point in the future (would require a Special Event Permit), but that traffic activity should not exceed the capacity of 207th Street.

5) Will not increase potential for flood damages to adjacent properly or lead to additional public expense for flood protection, rescue or relief. There is no regulated floodplain on the property.

6) Will not otherwise unduly impair the public health, safety, comfort, morals, or general welfare of the inhabitants of the County, or otherwise create a nuisance or nuisance-like situation. Provided that the landowner complies with the recommended stipulations, the use should not impair the public health, safety, comfort, morals, or general welfare of County residents, or otherwise create a nuisance for the surrounding neighbors.

7) Will not pollute the air, land, or water. The proposed use, provided that it complies with the recommended stipulations, will not significantly add to the pollution of air, land, or water.


1. Use of Test Track. In the landowner’s narrative, he indicates that the track shall only be open to members, condominium owners and invited individuals. The test track shall not be open to the general public.

2. Term. The CUP term shall be 10 years from the date of Board of County Commissioners approval.

3. Noise: In the applicant’s narrative, he requested that track operations allow two vehicles to run on the track simultaneously, in a staggered configuration, with no side by side allowed.

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Stipulations for the Zoning Board’s consideration include a maximum level of 95 dBC when measured at a distance of 50 feet from any side of the paved track surface to assure that noise does not become a problem, including a sound re-check scenario, should noise complaints occur. No public address systems or loudspeakers shall be allowed on the subject property.

4. Number of Vehicles: No more than two vehicles in a staggered configuration shall be allowed on the track at any time. There shall be no side by side racing allowed. Should noise complaints occur and sound recheck confirms a violation with two vehicles at a time, a stipulation scenario reduces the vehicles allowed on the track at any time to one.

5. Hours of Operation: Since the Sound Simulation (attached) made no finding that late or early hours would negatively impact sound levels, staff will recommend, according to the landowner’s request, that the track operations not begin before 7:00 AM or sunrise, whichever is later, and must end by 9:00 PM or sunset, whichever occurs earlier, Mondays through Sundays, year round, with the exception that no track operations should be allowed before noon on Sunday mornings. If noise violations occur exceeding to the maximum level stipulated, the stipulations will be enforced by the County regardless of operating hours.

6. Events. Any events related to the track other than track operations as permitted by this CUP will require that the applicant obtain either a Special Event Permit, subject to the standard limitations and requirements of those permits, or a CUP to allow and limit specific kinds of events.

7. Security. Security fencing shall be required around the entire track. The landowner has indicated that security camera and motion sensors will be employed to detect intrusions and unauthorized entry or use. The site will be monitored by the landowner or his representatives when any vehicle is on the track.

8. Emergency Access. A direct emergency access entrance onto 207th Street is provided on the Final Development Plan for emergency vehicles and equipment, subject to compliance with County driveway requirements and the Building and Fire Codes.

9. Automotive Fluids and Hazardous Chemicals. No storage of fuel, other automotive fluids, or hazardous chemicals shall be allowed on the track site.

10. Lighting. There shall be no track lighting other than track instructional and directional lighting.

11. Operational Controls. A copy of proposed operational control rules and guidelines was provided to the Planning Department with the approved 2018 application for final development plan for the first phase of the test track and those rules and guidelines also apply to this expansion (copy attached).

Public Works Department Staff: Please see the attached memorandum


Staff makes the following recommendations:

PEC-3 District Zoning Planning staff recommends approval of the PEC-3 District zoning request.

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Preliminary and Final Development Plan Planning staff recommends approval of the preliminary and final development plan (Exhibit A) for expansion of a private test track, as modified by the stipulations, below.

Conditional Use Permit Planning staff recommends approval of a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) for operation of a motor vehicle test track, subject to the stipulations below.

Preliminary and Final Development Plan Stipulations

1. Preliminary and Final Development Plan. Construction shall be according to the Preliminary and Final Development Plan (PDP/FDP), attached as Exhibit A, except as modified by these stipulations.

a. The “Future Parking Lot” and “Future Access Roads” shown on the Preliminary and Final Development Plan are approved by this application, The word “future” shall be removed from these features on the revised Final Development Plan.

b. “Pad Sites” shown on the PDP/FDP are for reference only and no development of or construction on these Pad Sites is approved by this application.

2. Stream Buffer Zone. The Final Development Plan, Exhibit A, page 1, shall be modified to show the limits of the Stream Buffer Zone according to the requirements of APWA 5600. The following note shall be added to Exhibit A, page 1:

a. No construction or disturbance of any type including clearing, grubbing, stripping, fill, excavation, linear grading, paving, or building is allowed in the buffer zone except by permission of the County Engineer.

3. Regulations Compliance. Track construction and use of the property shall continually meet all of the requirements of all applicable County code and regulation requirements, including but not limited to building code, fire code, wastewater, stormwater, land disturbance, and post construction water quality.

4. Fire Protection.

a. The landowner shall provide, at no cost to the County, the number of fire hydrants required by the adopted Building And Fire Codes, at locations adjacent to the subject property, that provide the minimum required fireflow in compliance with the requirements of the adopted Building and Fire Codes.

b. The landowner shall modify the Final Development Plan to show the 207th Street access road as a fire apparatus access road for fire trucks in compliance with 2012 IFC. The fire apparatus access road shall provide access to the entire track area and it shall be designed and constructed in accordance with 2012 IFC Appendix D.

c. At the gated entrance to the track, the landowner shall provide a ‘Knox box’ approved by Fire District #2.

SE-PEC3-3379, SE-PDP/FDP-3378, PEC-3 Zoning, Preliminary and Final SE-CU-3380 Page 16 Development Plan, Conditional Use Permit

March 28, 2018 207th Street and Metcalf

5. Exterior Storage. No exterior storage shall be allowed on the subject property unless it is approved by a Conditional Use Permit in accordance with Article 23 of the Johnson County Zoning and Subdivision Regulations. Any vehicles, trailers, equipment or materials, stored or parked outside on the property shall be considered as exterior storage and shall require a Conditional Use Permit.

6. Security. Security fencing shall be provided around the entire track. Fence gate access shall be provided that will allow 24 hour access to emergency personnel. The landowner has indicated that security camera and motion sensors will be employed to detect intrusions and therefore, these components shall be provided by the landowner, installed prior to first beginning track operation, and shall be maintained for the entire term of this CUP.

7. Exterior Lighting. There shall be no track lighting, other than directional and instructional lighting for use in track operations.

8. Future Designations on the Preliminary and Final Development Plan. The PDP/FDP shows a parking area and an access road (driveway) between the parking area and the condominium project on the west side of the track as “future.” The applicant has indicated that they want those two features to be approved by the County with this application. The applicant shall modify the PDP/FDP by removing the “future” designations on both of these features on a revised PDP/FDP.

9. Driveways and Parking.

a. A direct access entrance onto 207th Street and paved driveways are shown on the Final Development Plan. This entrance and driveway will be the primary entrance to the track and for emergency vehicle and emergency personnel access. A separate entrance will be constructed from the condominium project (see Exhibit A, attached).

b. The parking area and driving lanes to and from the parking area shall provide for visitor vehicles, trailers used to haul test track motor vehicles, and other vehicles and equipment on the subject property. Private, interior driveways on the subject property to and from the track shall be at least 20 feet wide to allow two vehicles to pass side by side, and shall meet fire code requirements for emergency access.

c. Any parking on-site shall be temporary, for use only during track operations, and not for overnight or longer parking or storage.

d. A commercial driveway entrance shall be required and a permit must be obtained from the Public Works Department.

10. Revised Final Development Plan Required. The applicant shall provide a revised final development plan reflecting the above stipulations to the County Planning Department prior to obtaining building and/or land disturbance permits for this project.

SE-PEC3-3379, SE-PDP/FDP-3378, PEC-3 Zoning, Preliminary and Final SE-CU-3380 Page 17 Development Plan, Conditional Use Permit

March 28, 2018 207th Street and Metcalf

Stipulations for CUP:

1. Uses Allowed. The applicant has indicated that the track will only be open to a private membership and invited guests of the landowner. Therefore, the Conditional Use Permit shall allow the operation of a motor vehicle test track open only to private membership and invited guests of the landowner, on the subject property indicated on the Site Plan, Exhibit A. The test track shall not be open to use for the general public.

2. Term. The term of this conditional use permit (CUP) shall be for a period not to exceed 10 years, commencing from the date of approval of this resolution by the Board of County Commissioners.

3. Noise and Number of Vehicles. No motor vehicles on the subject property shall be operated or tested on the track property in such a manner that the noise level exceeds a maximum level of 95 dBC when measured at a distance of 50 feet from any part of the paved track surface.

a) No more than two vehicles, in a staggered configuration, shall be allowed on the track at any time, if no noise violations occur according to the above maximum noise level. There shall be no side by side racing allowed.

b) Two Vehicles: In the event that the County Planning Department receives a noise complaint regarding test track operations with two vehicles operating at once, the County or its designee may enter the property adjacent to the track at any time to measure noise levels according to the criteria in this stipulation, above, when two vehicles are operating at once. If noise levels exceed the maximum level when two vehicles are operating, the County shall require that track operation be limited to one vehicle at a time only.

c) One Vehicle: In the event that the County Planning Department receives a noise complaint regarding test track operations with a single vehicle operating, the County or its designee may enter the property adjacent to the track at any time to measure noise levels according to the criteria in this stipulation, above. If noise levels exceed 95 dBC with one vehicle operating, the County will pursue a violation of the Conditional Use Permit:

d) No public address systems or loudspeakers shall be allowed on the subject property.

4. Hours of Operation. Track operations shall not begin before 7:00 AM, or sunrise, whichever is later, and shall end by 9:00 PM or sunset, whichever occurs earlier, Mondays through Saturdays, year around. Track operations shall not begin before noon (12:00 PM) and shall end by 9:00 PM or sunset, whichever occurs earlier, on Sundays, year around.

5. Loading. Vehicle transport loading and unloading shall take place off-street, on the subject property.

6. Automotive Fluids and Hazardous Chemicals. No storage of fuel, other automotive fluids, or hazardous chemicals shall be allowed on the track site.

7. Events. Any events related to the track other than track operations as permitted in this CUP shall not occur unless the applicant either obtains a Special Event Permit, subject to the standard limitations and requirements of those permits, or the applicant applies for and obtains approval of a CUP that allows the event(s) requested.

SE-PEC3-3379, SE-PDP/FDP-3378, PEC-3 Zoning, Preliminary and Final SE-CU-3380 Page 18 Development Plan, Conditional Use Permit

March 28, 2018 207th Street and Metcalf

8. Security and Safety. Security fencing shall be required around the entire track. Security cameras and motion sensors shall be employed to prevent intrusions and unauthorized entry or use. The site shall be monitored by track owners or their representatives when any vehicle is on the track. Emergency personnel (EMT) and motor vehicle appropriate fire suppression equipment with trained equipment operators shall be on-site during all track operations.

Reasons for Recommendations to Approve PEC-3 District Zoning and the Preliminary and Final Development Plan:

1. The proposed PEC-3 District zoning is consistent with preexisting PEC-3 zoning to the west, east and directly across 207th Street from the subject property.

2. The proposed zoning is consistent with the nearby business and Planned Employment uses.

3. The proposed zoning is compatible with the character of the surrounding area.

4. The proposed zoning and preliminary development plan, with the stipulations proposed, will not negatively affect the public health, safety and welfare.

5. The proposed zoning and preliminary development plan are in keeping with the Rural Comprehensive Plan for Johnson County.

Reasons for Recommendation to Approve the Conditional Use Permit:

1. The proposed CUP is consistent and compatible with the surrounding zoning and land uses, with the recommended stipulations, and is at an appropriate site.

2. Given compliance with the stipulations herein, the proposed CUP will have minimal, if any, detrimental effect on nearby properties.

3. The proposed CUP is compatible with the Rural Comprehensive Plan and with the Stilwell Area Plan.

4. Given compliance with the stipulations herein, the proposed CUP will not adversely affect the public health, safety or welfare.

5. The proposed CUP satisfies the "Standards for Issuance of a CUP" [Article 23 Sec. 6 (C)].

Enclosures: Exhibit A: Preliminary and Final Development Plan Vicinity Map Applicant’s Preliminary Development Plan Analysis Report Applicant’s Operational Control Rules and Guidelines Applicant’s Narratives (2) Public Works Department Memorandum R.C. Coffeen Sound Simulation Memorandum (2015) and Sound Prediction Memorandum (2018)

SE-PEC3-3379, SE-PDP/FDP-3378, PEC-3 Zoning, Preliminary and Final SE-CU-3380 Page 19 Development Plan, Conditional Use Permit

March 28, 2018 207th Street and Metcalf



EXHIBIT A, PAGE 2 OF 2 ÿÿ ÿ 



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High Performance Racing Club at StoneGate Motorplaza

Safety and Operational Guidelines

This document addresses industry established safety and operation guidelines that will be used at the High Performance Racing Club at the StoneGate Motorplaza, Johnson County Kansas.

Safety Features.

1. Security Fencing. a. Wire mesh fencing (steel) will be erected around the entire outside perimeter of the road course area. b. Certain areas accessible to members and their guests will also be fenced to insure maximum security and restricted accessibility to the racing surface. c. Gates will be constructed at each entrance to the live racing surface. These gates will be closed and secured during live use of the race track. All gates will have key code access.

2. Fire Protection a. Two forms of fire protection are planned at the High Performance Racing facility. Inherently, incidents occasionally take place that may require the use of fire suppression equipment. The first and onsite method for use of this equipment is a track equipped vehicle fitted with dry and liquid chemical fire extinguishers and clean up equipment. b. The second form of fire protection in the event of a more severe incident at the track is the use of the Johnson County Fire District 2 station located approximately 1 mile from the facility.

3. Emergency Medical Services a. Different levels of certified medical coverage are planned at the facility dependent on the event and circumstances. Generally, all high speed use of the facility will require the use of contract Paramedic personnel or those trained in use of advanced life support. b. Other instructional or low speed events will require the use of basic level Paramedic medical coverage. c. All on track events will use one of these medical coverage levels at the discretion of the track operator. In the event local ambulance transport is required, this will be done at the determination of on-site medical personnel.


1. Track Monitoring. a. The High Performance Racing Track will use high definition cameras to monitor the racing surface during live use. Strategically placed cameras around the track surface will monitor vehicles on the track at all times and be continuously observed by designated track staff. b. Safety control lighting will be used in conjunction with cameras on the track to keep racing members aware of a clear track or an on track incident. Strategically placed red and yellow LED lighting visible in numerous areas around the track will be used to control live traffic on the road course.

2. Noise Monitoring a. Each track use at the High Performance Racing Club will recognize the 95 decibel noise level measured 50 ft. of the East and Northeast side of the paved track surface. b. Prior to each use, vehicles will be inspected with noise suppression equipment to maintain allowable noise levels. Vehicles that do not meet the requirements will be corrected before use. c. Track personnel will have portable decibel reading equipment at their disposal to maintain acceptable noise levels.

3 Hours of Operation a. Gates to the track facility generally open each day at 7:00 a.m. with live racing on the track surface starting at 8:00 a.m. and ending 30 minutes prior to sunset Monday through Saturday. b. Entry to the track facility generally opens on Sunday at 11 a.m. with live use of the race track from 12 p.m. until 7: p.m.

Guidelines and Rules for Track Use and Track Facility

1. Each vehicle will be inspected for track use prior to using the racing surface. Track will be inspected and monitored prior to each vehicle entering the Track.

2. Each vehicle will contain the driver only during timed events. The exception to this rule is the allowance of a driver and instructor in the same vehicle during instructional sessions. Another allowance is during low speed familiarity sessions with the track wherein each seat in the vehicle may be occupied. Occupants in these vehicles will not be required to wear a Snell approved helmet.

3. All individuals using the track surface in a vehicle during timed or instructional sessions will wear a Snell Approved 2010 or newer helmet.

4. Pit area speeds must not exceed 15 m.p.h.

5. A code of conduct will be observed throughout the facility with no foul or abusive language allowed. The High Performance Racing Club is a membership facility. Guests are expected to conduct themselves with safety and the safety of others in mind.

6. No alcohol or drugs will be allowed into the pit or driving areas.

7. No weapons will be allowed on the track property.

8. Fuel containers will not be allowed in the pit area.

9. Drivers must observe and recognize on-track safety lighting at all times.

10. All children under the age of 16 must be accompanied by an adult.

11. The High Performance Racing Club at StoneGate is a private racing facility. No solicitation or sale of merchandise is allowed without the approval of track management.

12. Vehicles are not allowed on track without the approval of the track director.

13. Smoking will not be allowed in the pit area.

14. No firearms or fireworks will be allowed on the track property.

15. All trash must be disposed in the appropriate trash containers.


To: Jeff Mallotte Planning Department

From: Keith Markway, P.E. Public Works

Date: March 14, 2018

Subject: SE-PDP/FDP-3378 (AU) Preliminary and Final Development Plan Stonegate Motorplaza Test Track

1. Article 31 of the Zoning and Subdivision Regulations requires that all section line and 1/2-section line roads abutting the development shall be constructed to at least the Type "B" Collector Street Standard and a minimum of one road constructed to at least a Type “B” Collector Street Standard provide continuous access from lots within the subdivision or development tract to the nearest Collector Street or CARNP designated Parkway or CARNP designated Arterial Street that has been constructed with at least a 24-foot wide asphaltic surface and 4-foot wide shoulders. 207th Street is a 24-foot wide asphalt roadway with shoulders therefore the application meets the minimum infrastructure requirement and would not require a waiver.

2. The Plan includes a 24-foot wide access road from 207th Street which will be located so it is aligned with the existing Foster Court on the south side of 207th Street. The access road will provide access for emergency vehicles and the future parking lot proposed south of the track, therefore, Public Works will treat the connection to 207th Street a driveway and the entrance shall conform to County standards for Commercial Entrances and a driveway entrance permit will be required.

3. A Stormwater Management plan conforming to APWA 5600 has been submitted and approved.

4. The Stormwater Quality Management Plan has been submitted and approved.

5. Identify the limits of the Stream Buffer Zone conforming to the requirements of APWA 5600 on the Plan. The following note should be added “No construction or disturbance of any type including clearing, grubbing, stripping, fill, excavation, linear grading, paving, or building is allowed in the buffer zone except by permission of the County Engineer.

6. If the proposed development will disturb more than one acre a Land Disturbance Permit will be required prior to any land disturbing activities. A LD Permit is required for any LD activities that are part of a larger, phased, staged, common plan of development that will disturb a cumulative total of more than one acre over the life of the development.

August 25, 2015

NOISE SIMULATION Proposed Vehicle Test Track StoneGate AutoPlaza, 207th and Metcalf Johnson County Kansas

Simulation conducted by Bob Coffeen, FASA, and by Logan Pippitt

On Sunday August 16, 2015 and per the request of the Johnson County Planning Department a simulation of potential vehicle test track noise was conducted at the proposed track location. Recorded vehicle noise was reproduced at the recorded levels from loudspeakers located at the assumed location of the east track just south of the northeast curve. Listening was accomplished along Metcalf and at the southeast corner of 199th and Metcalf.

Following is a description of the simulation and the results of our listening.


Vehicle noise and its recording: A Shelby Cobra without mufflers is a very noisy vehicle and the highest sound pressure levels produced by this vehicle were found to be with the vehicle being driven on 207th Street. The recording location was approximately as indicated by Figure 2. Sound levels were measured at approximately 35 feet from the passing car using the following measurement devices and the resulting maximum noise levels were found to be as indicated by the table that follows.

Figure 1 Approximate location of vehicle noise recording

An Earthworks M-30 omnidirectional condenser instrumentation microphone was connected to a Studio Six Digital iInterface2 audio interface unit which was connected to an Apple iPad Air 2 running Audio Tools software, specifically the Audio Tools Real Time Analyzer. The microphone was calibrated using a professional microphone Noise Simulation…Proposed Vehicle Test Track…Johnson County Planning Department…Page 2

calibrator and vehicle noise recording was accomplished by an Edirol R09 wav file recorder.

Maximum noise levels due to the passing vehicle on 207th Street and at approximately 35 feet from the vehicle were found to be as follows:

Octave Frequency Band Center Frequency - Hz Level – 31.5 63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000 dB re 20 µPa 74 88 89 90 82 80 79 75 72

These octave frequency band sound pressure levels when properly combined indicate an overall level of approximately 94 dBC.

Vehicle noise reproduction: An Electro-Voice Sx100 full range loudspeaker and a Bose MB4 low frequency loudspeaker were located at the approximate location of the east track and somewhat south of the northeast track curve. The frequency response of these loudspeakers was adjusted to be uniform with frequency when measured in octave frequency bands at a microphone distance of approximately 35 feet using the same measurement system as described above. Loudspeaker frequency response adjustment was accomplished by a Shure 4800 digital signal processor. The Shure 4800 also provided a frequency crossover for the two loudspeakers. The vehicle noise recording (wav file) on an SD card was transfered to a Dell E5440 notebook computer for easier playback. The output of the computer was supplied to a Mackie 1402 VLZ mixer and the output of the mixer was fed to an Electro-Voice 2 channel power amplifier which powered the loudspeakers. Approximate location and orientation of loudspeakers is shown by Figure 2.

The vehicle noise was reproduced at a distance of approximately 35 feet from the loudspeakers at the maximum octave frequency band levels measured for the passing Shelby Cobra vehicle on 207th Street. Loudspeakers were oriented towards the northeast in the direction of the residential areas. Wind was from the southwest and of moderate velocity.


Figure 2 Approximate Location and Orientation of Loudspeakers

Noise Simulation…Proposed Vehicle Test Track…Johnson County Planning Department…Page 3


Listening was accomplished by Paul Greeley and Bob Coffeen along with the occupants of the residence at 7701 W. 202nd Terrace. At this location the vehicle noise could be detected but it was judged not to be disturbing. It was significantly lower in level when compared with vehicles passing by on Metcalf.

At the residence just south of this first listening location, located at 20305 Metcalf, the noise could be identified as vehicle noise but again it was not disturbing and lower in level then noise from vehicles on Metcalf.

Listening father north, at the Stilwell Station parking lot at 199th and Metcalf, the simulated vehicle noise could not be detected.


This noise simulation exercise indicated that the proposed vehicle test track should not be disturbing for the existing residences located northeast of the track. However, it is suggested a noise limitation be established as follows:

Vehicle noise levels restricted to a maximum of 95 dBC when measured at a distance of 50 feet northeast of the east and northeast side of the track. Note that this suggested vehicle noise level is a maximum level and not an equivalent sound level determined over some time period.


The following listening, assistance, and cooperation was most helpful and appreciated:

Assistance and listening provided by Paul Greeley of the Johnson County Planning Department.

Assistance and cooperation by Joe Effertz, owner of the StoneGate AutoPlaza, and by Jerry Weidenmann, owner and driver of the Shelby Cobra vehicle.



Comments (assuming that the maximum auto sound approximately 50 feet from the track remains the same for the extended track as for the original track size): At Listening Location A we could just detect the simulated track sound. Residents at this location listened with us and said that the sound would not disturb them and it is predicted that this will remain the situation with a 3 dB level increase due to the extended track location. At Listening Location B we could faintly hear the sound and detect that it might be an auto engine. But the noise from a passing car on Metcalf completely masked the simulated sound. Again it is predicted that this will remain the same with a 2 dB level increase. Refer to Page 3 regarding the subjective loudness between the reference sound and the same pink noise sound with a 2 and 3 dB increase in sound pressure level.


0 dB (reference)

+1 dB

+2 dB

+3 dB

+6 dB


R. C. COFFEEN Consultant in Acoustics LLC Page 3