Addressing the divide between the EU indicators and their practical implementation in the green construction and eco- social re-qualification of residential areas in South East Europe regions



Project Partner

ERDF PP8 Region of

June 2014







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1 INTRODUCTION The Region of Western Greece, under its corporate obligations to promote the project BUILD SEE and in particular to implement Work Package 3 (WP3), has recommended three (3) thematic working groups on a local level regarding a) public administration and legislation, b) social cohesion and civic participation, and c) new technologies and innovations in the construction of buildings, which carried out four Workshops (WG's) which developed the following topics:  Section 1 : "Issues of Public Administration"(, 06-11-2013 & 15-11 -2013)  Section 2 : "Social Issues" (Patras, 26-11-2013)  Section 3 : "Issues of innovation in construction" (Patras, 04-03-2014) The meetings were held in the conference room of the Region of Western Greece and were characterized by the active participation of three (3) Working Groups which were driven by scientific training and experience of their members, and for recording and addressing problems as presented in the public and private sector separately. The discussions were characterized by the development of arguments and the expression of deep concern to address the problems within the scope of each Working Group and were successfully completed under the direction of the Coordinator of each Project Team. The good practices that emerged during the discussions were documented based on objective criteria, taking into account the existing administrative structure and the current regulatory framework, in line with the needs of the social web and the new trends in the development of innovative technologies. For this purpose, an attempt was made to coordinate the three Working Groups in such a manner to ensure mutual dissemination of results, and address common issues which concern all topics and are critical factors for the transition from theory to practice. In this deliverable, the same analysis structure was used for every Working Group: thus, as an introduction to each section, a summary of the discussion and key issues raised in each Working Group is made. In the next two sub-sections, an in-depth presentation of the current situation is attempted and successful approaches in Greece are presented. Each section (per WG) is completed with specific solutions and recommendations as they have emerged from every Working Group.

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2 PUBLIC ADMINISTRATIONS ISSUES RELATED TO PUBLIC LAW & PROCEDURES (WG.1) 2.1 INTRODUCTION In the framework of Working Group 1 “Public Administrations issues related to public law & procedures”, two (2) meetings were held: Over the first meeting – which was held on 11.06.2013 – the Working Group was established and organized with 10 members who have experience and expertise in the field of public administration, particularly in the services of primary and secondary local government. In the second meeting of Working Group 1 - on 15.11.2013, specific suggestions were submitted that focus on issues of Public Administration and are directly linked to: (a) the actual needs and requirements of the specialization of spatial planning in the Region of Western Greece, (b) the exploitation of renewable energy in accordance with the specific requirements arising from the housing development model of the country and the planning of the new period on a national, regional and local level. In particular, the issues raised for discussion in the first meeting, were summarized in the following sections: In describing the background and the existing institutional framework of spatial planning in our country, and also the highlight of the key principles of the Study “Assessment, Review and Specification of the Regional Spatial Planning Framework for Sustainable Development of the Region of Western Greece" which is at the implementation stage. In the analysis and evaluation of the provisions of the basic legislation for Renewable Energy Sources (RES), and their application in buildings and public spaces of the city, In the programmes that have been implemented by the Region of Western Greece and concern the development of Renewable Energy Sources (RES), and to the extent of their absorption, In the new trends and goals of the European Union in 2020, with particular reference to the demand for energy autonomy of new buildings,

Interesting conclusions emerged from the meetings regarding: the suggestions of associations and bodies, and also of relevant departments and government officials on the specification of the Regional Spatial Planning Framework for Sustainable Development of the Region of Western Greece. the degree of effectiveness of Public Administration in the implementation actions and management programmes for energy efficiency, energy saving and rational use of energy. the need to ensure transparency concerning the procedures and cooperation between the Public and Private sector. The promotion of new funding models by imposing financial incentives for implementing interventions in the private sector. the possibility of introducing new tools – provisions by integrating innovation and new energy upgrading technology for buildings and public spaces. the need to support information– awareness activities for RES and the importance of bioclimatic building design.

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As part of the second meeting of Working Group 1, good practices and recommendations were developed, specifying the findings of the first meeting. The recommendations were related to the promotion of administrative and legal actions based on the following priorities: The adaptation of measures and guidelines for the development of RES in buildings, on the basis of particularities resulting from the way a house is built in the country and especially in the Region of Western Greece. Satisfying the existing housing needs as they have arisen in recent years, resulting from the specific crisis in housing. The need to upgrade the quality of housing stock towards the energy autonomy of buildings in order to reduce operating costs. The promotion of completed urban regeneration in order to improve the quality and operation of urban space, in conjunction with the upgrading of bioclimatic conditions of the city. The intervention on bioclimatic design and energy management produced from RES in sections which correspond to small towns, neighborhoods (green neighborhoods), or even to individual blocks.

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2.2 CURRENT SITUATION AND LEGAL FRAMEWORK 2.2.1 THE FRAMEWORK OF SPATIAL PLANNING IN GREECE The basic framework of spatial planning in Greece is determined by the regulations for residential development, urban planning and legislation for spatial planning. However, the overall spatial planning receives directions from the law on construction, the legislation on the environment, and the institutional framework and national programmes for investment and development incentives. The beginning of the modern institutional framework of urban planning and location is mentioned in the Presidential Decree 17/03/1923 “About city planning”, which governs how all cities and towns that have acquired a city/town plan or have extended until 1983 are arranged and, inter alia, settles the requirement for every settlement in the country to have a plan, but also gives the ability to build outside settlements, a big issue troubling the Greek countryside to date. With Article 24 of the 1975 Constitution, spatial planning is explicitly falls under the regulatory jurisdiction of the state in order to secure the endangered by the increasing construction natural environment and also ensure the best possible living conditions. The relevant constitutional settlement in Article 24 § 2 of the Constitution, as revised in 2001, states that “The spatial restructuring of the country, the formation, growth, land-use planning and the expansion of cities and residential areas in general fall under the regulatory authority and control of the state, with the aim to serve the functionality and development of settlements and to ensure the best possible living conditions. The relevant technical choices and weighting are made based on the rules of science”. During the execution of the above constitutional mandate, Law 360/1976 was initially passed for spatial planning and the environment, which first introduced the concepts of spatial (national, regional and special) plans in a hierarchical system of interrelated stages of design and planning, and established the National Council for Spatial Planning and the Environment. However, no spatial plan was approved under the regulations of Law 360/76. The law, in essence, had limited application. In terms of urban planning, Law 1337/1983 followed “Expansion of urban development plans, residential development, etc.”, which, inter alia, governs the integration in the urban development plan and the expansion of settlements in new areas, determines the basic stages and tools of urban planning (General Urban Development Plan, Urban Design, Implementation Act), establishes the framework for controlling the use of land around cities or other environmentally sensitive areas (Urban Control Zone), etc. Presidential Decree 16/30-08-1985 follows about “Development of areas of second residence” and Presidential Decree 24.4/3-5-1985 “Terms for residential development under 2,000 residents” and Presidential Decree 20/30.8.1985 “Development and expansion of settlements up to 2,000 residents”. The urban regime introduced by the housing law 1337/1983 is modernized and supplemented with Law 2508/1997 “Sustainable Development of cities and settlements of the country”. This is the newest housing law which determines the guiding principles, terms, procedures and forms for sustainable residential development of broader areas of cities and settlements in the country. The articles put emphasis on the spatial dimension (planning in the level of Local Government Organisation) - new content of the General Urban Development Plans, and on the coverage of the need to revise old plans with the tool of regeneration. On a broader spatial level, Law 2742/1999 (Greek Official Gazette 207A/07-10-99) follows two years later, which now refers to the regulations for the establishment of bodies, procedures and means for spatial planning that promote sustainable and balanced development, thereby recognizing the need for strategic planning for the development of Greek land and the creation of mechanisms to support it. Until that time, the only text with objectives and guidelines for spatial development and organization on a wider -regional- level, was the Regulatory Plans (Law 1515/1985 for Athens and 1561/1985 for Thessaloniki), which also incorporated elements of spatial planning and was established by formal law.

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Law 2742/1999 determines a systematic configuration framework of spatial planning for the entire territory, which is based on three levels. At the highest level there is the General Framework which is about the long-term spatial development of the national territory. Further, the Special Frameworks customize and complement the directions of the General Framework for certain regions or sectors, and the design is completed with the Regional Frameworks, drawn up for each region of the country. This logic of hierarchy levels was overthrown in practice due to the issuance of ministerial decisions for the approval of Regional Plans before the scheduled formal approval of the General Framework of the plenary session of Parliament. However, this led to the issuance of 12 spatial plans for all regions of the country with the sole exception of .

2.2.2 REGIONAL SPATIAL PLANNING FRAMEWORK FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT OF THE REGION OF WESTERN GREECE The Regional Spatial Planning Framework for Sustainable Development (RSPFSD) of Western Greece was legislated in 2003 by Ministerial Decision (Ministry for the Environment, Physical Planning and Public Works) n.25297/2003 “Regional Spatial Planning Framework for Sustainable Development of the Region of Western Greece» (Greek Official Gazette 1470Β/ 9-10-2003) in accordance with Law 2742/99 (see previous paragraph). In drafting the RSPFSD, the following were recorded and evaluated: the position of the Region of Western Greece in the international and European area, and its role on a national level, the existing situation in the different areas of intervention (residential network, transport networks - transport, service, infrastructure, productive activities, etc.), the prospects and factors affecting the long- term development and spatial planning in terms of region. Additionally: The spatial effects of European, national and regional policies and programmes were briefly assessed, The key priorities and strategic options for the integrated and sustainable development of the area were determined with a 15-year view, The strategic objectives per (former prefecture) current regional unit were codified, and A coherent action plan was made. However, the economic and social conditions in Greece, in general and especially in our region, have been considerably diversified in recent years. The need for assessment and redesign of the RSPFSD was immediately imperative, and for this reason the central administration proceeded to relevant regulations a few years ago. Specifically, under the Ministerial Decision 51949/29-11-2010 (Greek Official Gazette 1925 Β/13-10-2010) rules were laid down regarding “Monitoring and Assessing the implementation of the General, Special and Regional Spatial Planning Frameworks for Sustainable Development”, an absolutely necessary process given the economic developments and the speed with which these occur, with direct spatial, urban-planning and social SEE/D/0320/4.1/X – BUILD SEE Σελίδα 7 από 65

consequences. The relevant assessment specifications - revision and specification of the RSPFSD were approved by Ministerial Decision 10106 (Greek Official Gazette 45/17-03-2011) about a year later. At that period, the relevant study also opened by the competent Spatial Planning Department of the Ministry of Environment, Energy and Climate Change (under Article 7 of Law 3316/05), together with similar studies in other regions, funded by the Operational Programme “Environment and Sustainable Development 2007-2013”. The study titled “ASSESSMENT, REVIEW & SPECIFICATION RSPFSD” is implemented for Western Greece from the association “FILON”: A. PANTAZIS - PAN. KYRIAKOPOULOU and Associates G.P. and ALEXANDER IATROS. The assigning and signing of the contract with the contracting entity took place in 2012. The goal of the report on the monitoring and evaluation of the RSPFSD, based on the terms of the tender, is to promote actions which mainly concern: Development planning, Spatial planning, Protection and promotion of the natural and cultural environment, Productive activities, Technical and social infrastructures, and The administrative reconstruction of the region. Stage A1 of the Study was successfully completed on schedule. For A1 the Regional Council of Western Greece consulted positively with Decision 42/28-02- 13 (ΑΔΑ:ΒΕΔΦ7Λ6-4ΥΩ). Currently, Stage B1 of the Study is in progress and three meetings have been held (one per Regional unit: , Ilia, Aetolia- Acarnania) so as for proposals to be submitted by the bodies of the public and private sector involved, politicians and collective entities operating in the wider area and by any citizen interested. The creative participation and contribution of the relevant departments, bodies and citizens in stage B1 of the study which includes, inter alia, the completed “Proposal for Review - Specification of the statutory RSPFSD of the Region of Western Greece” is a crucial factor for rational planning, and a necessary and sufficient condition for effective and, at the same time, realistic proposals for spatial organization of the Region of Western Greece. In this framework, a working group was established to support the preparation of the report on the monitoring and evaluation of the implementation of the RSPFSD (Decision 17566/15-03-2013 of the Deputy Minister of Environment, Energy and Climate Change) with representation of (a) Spatial Planning Department of the ministry of Environment, Energy and Climate Change, (b) the Region of Western Greece and (c) the Decentralized Administration of the , Western Greece and the Ionian Islands. The second half of 2013 and till February 2014, the Secretariat of Development Planning of the Region of Western Greece led by Mr Lycurgos Stamatelatos, Head of the Secretariat of Development Planning of the Region of Western Greece and representative of the Region of Western Greece in the working group for monitoring and evaluating the implementation of the RSPFSD of Western Greece, and the Department of Environment and Spatial Planning of the Region of Western Greece led by Ms Eleni Spiraki, Head of the Department of Environment and SEE/D/0320/4.1/X – BUILD SEE Σελίδα 8 από 65

Spatial Planning of the Region of Western Greece and deputy representative the Region of Western Greece in the working group for monitoring and evaluating the implementation of the RSPFSD of Western Greece, have received numerous proposals from bodies and representatives of the region. It should be noted that in the framework of the participatory process for the review of the RSPFSD, more than 40 proposals of bodies with descriptive sentences, charts and many other data were evaluated and codified by the relevant departments of the Region of Western Greece. Among the bodies that submitted proposals are the Technical Chamber of Greece/ Department of Western Greece and Department of Aetolia-Acarnania, the municipalities of the region, the Chambers of the region, the General Secretariat for Research & Technology (Patras Science Park), professional associations, etc.

From the progress of the study and researchers' findings to date, the strategic areas of priority of the revised RSPFSD are codified in the following points: Particular emphasis and priority to increasing the competitiveness of the primary sector. Extended use of energy resources and renewable energy. Emphasis on expansion, quality improvement, enrichment with new forms and reconstruction of the tourism sector. Priority to utilize the significant infrastructures and human resources of R&T and information society in the wider region of Patras. Promotion of the international trade and transport services in promotional activity for the wider region of Patras and the triplet Platygiali -/ Aitoliko. Growth and expansion of the organized receptors and land of the industry – small industry. Priority to the gradual ceasing of the growing intraregional inequalities with a view to reverse the negative trend in the future. Emphasis on the promotion and productive use of landscapes in the Region of Western Greece of international and national importance.

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2.2.3 BASIC LAW FOR RENEWABLE ENERGIES The construction of buildings, their basic design and energy requirements are determined by the New Building Regulation and the regulation of energy efficiency of buildings. In particular, the existing legal framework (in the form of Laws, Ministerial Decisions, Presidential Decrees, Regulatory Acts and Circulars) which has been adopted to introduce energy efficiency and the rational use of energy in buildings in Greece, and also to increase the share of energy from renewable sources in the building sector of private and public bodies, will be shown below:

(a) New Building Regulation (Law 4067/2012 – Gov Gazette No; 79/ A'/09.04.12) The New Building Regulation (NBR) is a set of provisions that determine the general and specific measures relating to the exploitation of property within and outside the city plan and in settlements without an approved plan. In particular, Law 4067/2012 defines the terms and conditions to be complied with during construction, the development of public spaces in terms of use, hygiene and safety so as to protect the natural, cultural and residential environment, and the serving of the interests of society. NBR is oriented to the environmental upgrading of the built environment and introduces new definitions and systems, technologies and methods of modern architecture with the aim of reducing energy consumption and environmental footprint of each new building. In addition, the new building regulation seeks to increase green areas and consequently improve the microclimate in urban areas. In general, it provides significant incentives for the implementation of bioclimatic design and use of renewable energy in existing and new buildings. NBR consists of three (3) units: Section A (Articles 1-6) concerns "General Provisions" and specifically refers to the field of its implementation, the general definitions and determination of coefficients and sizes, the requirements for the issuance of a building permit, the use of buildings and to the issues related to the protection of the architectural and natural heritage. Section B (Articles 4-10) entitled "Land" refers to the integrity and plot ratio of land in general, and in specific cases to new possibilities for combinations of land and to the incentives for environmental upgrading and improvement of the quality of life in densely built urban areas. Section C (Articles 11-26) entitled "Building Regulations" sets out all articles regarding building terms, the plot ratio, the location and the sub-elements for the development of a building and the land surrounding it, the incentives provided for the integration of environmentally-friendly factors in construction, and provisions for the disabled. According to the definitions of ΝBR, the "Bioclimatic building design is the design of a building that aims at the optimum utilization of natural and climatic conditions in order to achieve the best indoor thermal comfort conditions and air quality throughout the year with minimum energy consumption" (Article 2 , § 10). «Bioclimatic building is a building that responds to the climatic conditions of the environment, and is designed so as to achieve the best indoor thermal comfort conditions and air quality throughout the year, with minimum power consumption and ranks in the higher energy categories as they are set" (Article 2, § 11). Finally, "Building of minimum energy consumption is a building which, based on both bioclimatic design and the use of energy from renewable sources, has very high energy classification according to the Building Energy Efficiency Regulations; the almost no or very low energy required for the operation of its use, which is covered by renewable sources,

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Cogeneration of Heat and High Performance units and the energy produced on-site or in close proximity, is also applicable"(Article 2, § 43).

NBR provides incentives for environmental upgrading and improvement of the quality of life in populated urban areas (ref. Article 10). More specifically, it states that if land (independent or shared) which is located on the city in specific geographic regions (as detailed out in Art.10) and not in traditional settlements and traditional city departments or historical sites or in areas with exclusive residential use when the size is greater than the plot ratio of the area, and after the Council of Architecture has given its assent, the following urban incentives are provided, given that the following conditions in each case are met and provided that the number of buildings constructed is less than B/2 and equal to the smallest resulting integer with a minimum of one: Conditions Incentive

Percentage reduction of the allowed a 1) Percentage reduction of the allowed plot ratio by ΑΧ 10% plot ratio by ΑΧ 10% 1) Percentage reduction of the allowed plot ratio by AX 15% Percentage reduction of the allowed b 2) Retirement of the main use area of a building by at least one quarter of the existing allowed construction coefficient plot ratio by ΑΧ 15% of the area 1) Percentage reduction of the allowed plot ratio by ΑΧ 20% Percentage reduction of the allowed c 2) Yield in common public use area equal to the increase of the construction surface divided by the construction plot ratio by ΑΧ 20% coefficient 1) Percentage reduction of the allowed plot ratio by ΑΧ25% 2) Yield in common public use area equal to the increase of the construction surface divided by the construction Percentage reduction of the allowed d coefficient plot ratio by ΑΧ 25% 3) Retirement of the main use area of a building by at least one quarter of the existing allowed construction coefficient of the area

The same article further provides other environmental incentives in order to increase the construction coefficient: In land of at least 4000sq.m for 100% public use of the open space, the following incentives are provided: Increase of the permitted construction area of the land by 35% and 30% in height more than the permitted area according to the conditions of percentage reduction of the permitted land coverage by AX35% and the number of buildings created less than B/2 and equal to the smallest resulting integer with a minimum of one. Mandatory open spaces of land of a block or part of it can be merged for shared use from the occupants of the block or part of it, without the rights of ownership being an issue. With the incentive of an up to 20% increase of permitted building and the preservation of the planned mandatory open spaces. (For properties of the State or Municipality, the increase of plot ratio is 50%). Where a building is classified as higher energy class A+ according to the energy study and according to the Building Energy Efficiency Regulations, minimum energy consumption is required through energy saving systems and units of Combined Heat and High Performance and renewable energy sources, an incentive of a 5% increase of the plot ratio is given. Buildings that have minimal energy consumption and also exhibit excellent environmental performance, the plot ratio is increased by 10% (these buildings should have an annual

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primary energy consumption for heating, lighting, ventilation and hot water less than 10 kWh/m2/year). Special reference to Article 25 of the NBR is made for creating buildings of minimum energy consumption and for specific incentives provided to them. In these buildings, the small amount of energy that is required for their operation is, to a large extent, recommended to come from renewable sources of energy, including the one which is produced on site or near the buildings (including all applications that result in energy saving). In particular, "1. Where a building is classified as higher energy class A+ according to the energy study and according to the Building Energy Efficiency Regulations, minimum energy consumption is required through energy saving systems and units of Combined Heat and High Performance and renewable energy sources, an incentive of a 5% increase of the plot ratio is given. 2. Special increase of the plot ratio by 10% is offered to buildings of minimum energy consumption that present outstanding environmental performance. These buildings should have annual primary energy consumption for heating, lighting, ventilation and hot water less than 10 kWh/m2/year. The entire energy study should be conducted according to the Building Energy Efficiency Regulations and may be supplemented by specific computational data obtained from the simulation of the building with internationally recognized computational tools of energy efficiency of buildings. The buildings must necessarily include energy saving systems and renewable energy systems. At the same time, outstanding environmental performance must be documented using an internationally recognized environmental assessment methodology, (Environmental Assessment Method), such as LEED or an equivalent international methodology. Excellent environmental performance is considered to be equivalent or better than LEED. During the process of submitting the documents for permit, a complete documentation that includes all elements of energy study must also be submitted showing that the total annual primary consumption for heating, ventilation, hot water and lighting will not exceed 10 kWh/m2/year, and also a complete analysis of environmental measures to be adopted in order to demonstrate that they will achieve the minimum required environmental assessment mentioned above. After the end of the construction the following should be completed in the Identity Building and presented to the competent authority that issued the permit: a) A certificate of environmental assessment that has been awarded to the building by a certified and authorized analyzer. b) A formal declaration of the supervising engineer that the building was constructed with energy features from the initial energy study and any possible small-scale change must document that it does not increase the energy consumption of the building beyond the allowed limits.

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(b) Law 3661/2008 "Measures to reduce energy consumption of buildings and other provisions" By Law 3661/2008 (Gov Gazette No; 89/Α’/2010) specific measures for reducing energy consumption in buildings are identified and the Greek legislation is consorted with Directive 2002/91/EK of the European Parliament and of the Council on 16 December 2002 "For energy efficiency in buildings" (EE L1, 4.1.2003). Law 3661 incorporates all the provisions of the Directive, provides the Regulation on the Energy Performance of buildings and distinguishes five (5) main areas concerning the setting of minimum energy performance requirements and the method of calculating energy performance (Article 3) for new and existing buildings (Articles 4 and 5), the issue of energy performance certificate (Article 6), inspections of boilers and air conditioning (articles 7 and 8), and provision of qualified and accredited energy inspectors (Article 9). In addition, the Law says that passive solar systems, and production systems of heating/ cooling/ electricity using RES and CHP should be considered in the study of heating/ air conditioning specifications submitted during the permit process of buildings, thus promoting the establishment of small-scale renewable technologies. The Law was amended: by Article 10 of Law 3851/2010 "Accelerating the Development of Renewable Energy Sources to deal with climate change and other provisions relating to the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Environment, Energy and Climate Change" (Greek Official Gazette 85/Α/2010). by Article 28 of Law 3889/2010 "Financing Environmental Interventions, Green Fund, Ratification of forest maps and other provisions" to be extended in the case of residential buildings intended for use not exceeding four (4) months (holiday residences). The specific regulations which complete the legal framework for the full implementation of Law 3661/2008 are as follows: 1) The Buildings’ Energy Efficiency Regulation which was approved by the D6/Β/ 5825/30- 03-2010 Common Decision of the Minister of Finance and the Minister of Environment Energy and Climate Change (Gov Gazette No;Β΄ 407) and with which the integrated energy planning in the building sector was institutionalized in order to improve the energy performance of buildings, energy saving and environmental protection. 2) Presidential Decree 100/2010 "Building Energy Inspectors, Boiler, Heating and air conditioning installation" (Gov Gazette No;177/Α/6.10.2010) and the Common Ministerial Decision "Education and Examination process of Energy Inspectors" (Gov Gazette No; 2406 Β/31.10.2011) which establishes the procedure for issuing final permits of energy inspectors. 3) Article 6 of Law 3818/2010 (Gov Gazette No;17/Α/2010) "Protection of forests and woodlands of Attica Prefecture, establishment of the Special Secretariat of Environment and Energy Inspectorate and other provisions" which established the Energy Inspectorate set up administratively and organizationally by the Presidential Decree 72/2010 (Gov Gazette No;132/A/2010) "Creation, administrative - organizational structure and staffing of the Special Inspectorates’ Energy».

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(c) Energy Performance of Buildings Regulation (KENAK) According to the Energy Performance of Buildings Regulation the context of necessary regulations is completed for the full implementation of Law 3661/2008, as amended and in force. Buildings’ Energy Efficiency Regulation (Δ6/Β/5825/30.03.2010, Official Journal of the Hellenic Republic Β’ 407) and Presidential Decree 100/30.09.2010 (Official Journal of the Hellenic Republic 177/Α) concerning energy inspectors. According to the Energy Performance of Buildings Regulation the concept of integrated energy planning in the study of buildings is incorporated so as to improve energy efficiency in buildings, energy saving and environmental protection, with specific actions: Development of a Study of Building Energy Efficiency Establishment of minimum requirements for energy efficiency in buildings Energy Classification of Buildings (Energy Performance Certificate) Energy inspection of buildings, boilers, heating and air conditioning With the introduction of the Buildings’ Energy Efficiency Regulation, two basic requirements are brought to discussion: 1) the obligation to submit a Study of Building Energy Efficiency, and 2) the obligation to perform Energy Inspections of Buildings, Boilers, Heating and Air Conditioning Installations. The Study of Building Energy Efficiency replaces the study of thermal insulation and will be drawn up for each building (over 50 sq.m), new or existing undergoing renovation and based on a specific methodology which refers to: (a) the minimum coverage requirement of the building in terms of design, the building envelope and the electromechanical equipment and (b) to its comparison with the reference building. A reference building is a building with the same geometric characteristics, position, orientation, use and operation characteristics as the test building but meets minimum standards and has defined technical specifications. The Energy Performance Certificate includes, among others, the results of the evaluation of the energy inspector and recommendations for improving the energy efficiency of the building, so that consumers will be able to compare and evaluate their actual consumption and any potential improvements on energy efficiency. The issuance of the certificate is mandatory. The energy inspection is not only an important tool for the diagnosis of the energy situation of the existing buildings and their potential improvement, but also for the implementation of legislation on the energy performance of new buildings. The benefits of the Buildings’ Energy Efficiency Regulation are economic, social and environmental:  economic benefits: they mainly concern the reduction of operating and maintenance costs of buildings, and also the reflation of building activity  social benefits: they concern the creation of new jobs and the improvement of the quality of life,  Environmental benefits: they concern the reduction of emissions, especially that of carbon dioxide, with a significant contribution to combating climate change and energy saving.

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In order to support the implementation of the Buildings’ Energy Efficiency Regulation, the following Technical Directives of the TECHNICAL CHAMBER OF GREECE have been approved: a) Technical Directives of the TECHNICAL CHAMBER OF GREECE 20701−1/2010 "Detailed national specification parameters for calculating the energy performance of buildings and issuing energy performance certificates", b) Technical Directives of the TECHNICAL CHAMBER OF GREECE 20701−2/2010 "Thermophysical properties of building materials and testing of thermal insulation of the buildings", c) Technical Directives of the TECHNICAL CHAMBER OF GREECE 20701−3/2010 "Climate data of Greek regions" d) Technical Directives of the TECHNICAL CHAMBER OF GREECE 20701−4/2010 "Instructions and forms of energy inspections of buildings, boilers and heating air- conditioning installations" Moreover, for the implementation of the Buildings’ Energy Efficiency Regulation a series of circulars have been issued: (a) "Application of the Rules of the Energy Performance of Buildings" (1603/4.10.2010), (b) "Specifications for the correct application of the Rules of the Energy Performance of Buildings" (2279/22.12.2010), (c) 2366/05.01.2011 with additional clarifications, (d) 22/26.01.2011 of the Coordinating Notary Committee of Greece and (e) "Specifications on the application of the Regulation of the Buildings’ Energy Efficiency Regulation " (2021/14/6/2012).

(d) Joint Ministerial Decree D6/Β/14826/2008 "Measures to improve energy efficiency and energy savings in the public and broader public sector" With Joint Ministerial Decree D6/Β/14826/2008 specific standards and regulations are set for the control and maintenance of heating / cooling of the buildings which house services in the public and broader public sector, and standards for internal lighting and ventilation conditions that should prevail in buildings. The Decision sets out certain measures to be enforced in all buildings of the public and broader public sector (owned or leased): Connection to the gas network Reduction of electric consumption of reactive power Preventive maintenance of air conditioning installations Internal environment Replacement of light bulbs Installation of automation devices Energy Labelling Additional measures for saving energy Appointment of an energy controller

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(e) Law 4122/2013 “Energy Performance of Buildings – Transposition of Directive 2010/31/EU” The Law 4122/2013 for “Energy Performance of Buildings – Transposition of Directive 2010/31/EU” [Gov Gazette No;79/vol.Α./19.02.2013] has been formed on the basis of EU directives and provides the requirements for energy performance of buildings. In particularly, Law 4122/2013: Comprises basic guidelines for those cases that an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) of a building or building units must be issued. The Energy Performance Certificate is defined as mandatory in the following cases: (a) after the construction of buildings or building units, (b) after the completion of major renovation of building or building units, (c) when buildings or building units are sold, (d) when buildings or building units are rented out to a new tenant (e) for buildings or building units where a total useful floor area over 500 m2 is occupied by a public authority and broader public sector. On 9 July 2015, this threshold of 500 m2 shall be lowered to 250 m2. Enacts rules regarding a comparative methodology framework for calculating cost- optimal levels of minimum energy performance requirements for buildings and building elements (based on European Standards) taken into account: actual thermal characteristics of the building including its internal partitions (thermal capacity/ insulation/ thermal bridges), passive heating and cooling elements, air-conditioning installations, shading, adequate lighting and other. Calculates the cost-optimal levels of minimum energy performance requirements of existing buildings, of its structural components that are part of the building shell and the technical building systems. Sets the energy certification of buildings and building units, the regular inspection of heating and air conditioning installations of buildings, the independent control systems for Building Energy Efficiency Certificates and the inspection reports of heating/ air conditioning installations. Distinguishes between Energy Inspectors Registry three (3) categories as follows: (a) Energy Inspectors of building enclosures (b) Energy Inspectors for heating systems and (c) Energy Inspectors of cooling Systems. Sets out the rules relating to the preparation of national plans for increasing the number of buildings with almost zero energy consumption. It also provides that all new buildings must be nearly zero energy buildings and that their energy consumption should be covered to a very significant extent by energy from renewable sources.

As regards the last point made above, according to the Directive 2010/31/ΕΕ: “nearly zero- energy building’ means “a building that has a very high energy performance, as determined in accordance to the methodology for calculating the energy performance of buildings (Article 3, §4 Law 4122/2013). The nearly zero or very low amount of energy required should be covered to a very significant extent by energy from renewable sources, including energy from renewable sources produced on-site or nearby”

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All Member States should ensure that: a) From 01.01.2021 all new buildings must be nearly zero energy buildings, and b) From 01.01.2019 all new buildings, where the building is owned and occupied by a public authority or a broader public sector must be nearly zero energy buildings (Article 9, §1 Law 4122/2013). According to Article 9, §2 of Law 4122/2013 a national action plan to support the penetration of nZEB is foreseen. This action plan, among other things, will also provide with a precise definition on nZEB, as far as technical aspects are considered.

2.2.4 PROJECTS FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF RENEWABLE ENERGY & ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION The basic projects which provide (or have provided) financial incentives for improving the energy efficiency and Energy Saving on a national level were the following: The Operational Programme "Environment and Sustainable Development 2007-2013" is the sectoral programme of the National Strategic Reference Framework 2007 - 2013 (NSRF) for the Environment and Sustainable Development. The program includes a series of actions, environmental infrastructure projects and large-scale actions nationwide, the implementation of which contributes to the sustainable management of environmental resources, natural reserve and urban centers and the upgrading of Public Administration in the formulation and implementation of environmental policy. For the period 2007-2013, its strategic objectives are the protection and enhancement of the environment in order to provide the basis for improving the quality of life, and help to improve the competitiveness of the Economy. More specifically, funded actions have already been promoted (indicative reference): Demonstration projects to use renewable energy and energy efficiency measures in existing buildings of primary and secondary education. Model demonstration projects on the use of RES and energy saving in public buildings.

The Green Fund aims to establish an integrated system of financing environmental interventions aiming at enhancing development through environmental protection and efficient and transparent management of resources for the upgrading and rehabilitation of the environment and the confronting of climate change. The purpose of the Green Fund is to enhance development through environmental protection with the managerial, technical and financial support of the programmes, measures, interventions and activities that are designed to enhance and restore the environment, support the environmental policy of the country and the serving of public and social interest of administration, management and utilization of resources. Among the specific objectives of the Green Fund the following are of particular importance: Recording of Green Resources, systematization and classification according to the purpose for which they are intended, the programmatic and accounting separation. Targeted utilization and disposal of Green Resources, i.e. connection to the purpose for which every resource is collected in the respective funding. Designing and implementation of the funding programmes for environmental action,

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Establishment of rules for managing the respective funding programmes which are governed by evaluation criteria, implementation monitoring and controlling, evaluation under conditions of full transparency and meritocracy, compliance with the rules of publicity. Utilization of modern financing tools (for instance, additional sources of public or private bodies, recycling/ financial leverage).

The illustrative axes for the funding of the Green Fund are biodiversity, forests, protection of water - soil, confrontation of serious environmental problems, prevention, protection and regulation of urban planning, urban revitalization, strengthening of RES, energy saving, etc.

The project "Building the Future". In order to improve energy efficiency of the building stock of Greece, a project was created named "Building the Future", which will last until 2020, and will have made 3,100,000 energy interventions in buildings that will help achieving the objective of saving energy in Greece by 20%. Furthermore, it will provide a driving force for further improvement and development in the field of building construction, construction materials and energy products. The implementation of the project "Building the Future" aims to achieve the following objectives: Reducing energy consumption of the building sector and the upgrading of its environmental quality. Reducing the financial burden on owners to renovate their buildings. Reducing operating costs of buildings. Creating a new, modern and globally competitive financial scope for the building sector and the domestic industry of construction materials and energy products. Stimulating the market of industrial energy products which present highly residual value. Creating a significant number of new permanent jobs while contributing to the preservation of jobs in critical times for the Greek economy. The project includes a series of Actions: "Incorporation of advanced and mature technology", "Demonstrative and model actions on large scale projects on products and technologies with high energy and environmental performance" and "Actions of coordinated industrial and academic research".

The Programme “Let's save energy II” for Municipalities. This project aims to implement actions and proven best practices to reduce energy consumption in the urban environment, with emphasis on the building sector (municipal buildings) and upgrading of common areas and, secondarily, on municipal and private transport and energy consumed by municipal facilities, through the implementation of technical measures and actions to raise awareness and mobilize citizens, local authorities, companies and organizations. The objective of the project is to improve energy efficiency, which is an integral element of sustainable economic and social development and the strongest weapon against climate change.

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The eligible activities involve: A. Interventions on buildings and infrastructure (energy upgrade of the building envelope, energy upgrade of the electrical and mechanical facilities, upgrading of natural/artificial lighting system, energy management system installation), and; B. Support and other activities (technical consulting services, technical studies, energy performance studies, energy audits and promotional actions). The competent Ministry had municipalities of over 10,000 inhabitants submit comprehensive intervention action plans for energy saving focusing on: energy-saving interventions in buildings, interventions in public spaces, transport, technical infrastructure and information-dissemination. The project gave the municipalities a good excuse to adopt the logic of the integrated energy planning; however, the range of application was pilot due to the threshold raised at the maximum eligible budget, which was linked with population, according to Census 2001. The results of the evaluation of these proposals from the municipalities are shown below (Source: CRES):

The Program "Energy Efficiency at Household Buildings" offers its citizens incentives to implement the most important interventions so as to improve energy efficiency of their homes, while helping to meet the energy and environmental goals of Greece. Once completed, the project will help save up to 1 billion kWh per year. The Project is funded by the European Union (European Regional Development Fund) and National Resources, through the Regional Operational Programmes (ROP) and the Operational Programmes "Competitiveness and Entrepreneurship" and "Environment and Sustainable Development" of the NSRF 2007-2013. The co-financed Program “Energy Efficiency at Household Buildings” concerns buildings which have a building permit or other legalization document, are located in areas with an average zone price lower than or equal to 2,100 €/sq.m., are used as a residence, their owners meet specific income-related criteria and are classified as low energy efficiency buildings. The Program offers citizens incentives to carry out the most important interventions, aimed at improving their houses’ energy efficiency, while at the same time contributes to the achievement of Greece’s energy and

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environmental targets; once completed, the Program will help save energy up to 1 billion kWh annually. More particularly, the “Energy Efficiency at Household Buildings” Program concerns grant aid for energy efficiency interventions to buildings, throughout the country, which: are located in areas with an average zone price1 lower than or equal to 2,100 €/sq.m., as set by 31.12.2009; have a building permit. If there is not a building permit a relevant legalization document must be provided, which verifies that the building is legal. In cases when the building permit has been lost or the relevant documents, on the basis of which the above mentioned legalization document can be issued, are not readily available, the relevant permit and legalization document can be submitted to the bank before signature of the loan agreement. have been classified, according to the Energy Performance Certificate (EPC), as lower than or equal to class D; have not been marked for demolition Program implementation is based on the application of the legal framework recently established through the Buildings’ Energy Efficiency Regulation (KENAK, Δ6/Β/5825/30.03.2010, Official Journal of the Hellenic Republic Β’ 407) and Presidential Decree 100/30.09.2010 (Official Jounal of the Hellenic Republic 177/Α) concerning energy inspectors. The purpose of the Program is to determine the buildings’ energy requirements, as well as the necessary interventions that will maximize energy conservation. The combined application of the program and the above-mentioned legal framework establishes an integrated framework for the implementation of energy efficiency actions.

Programs contacted by the Centre for Renewable Energy Sources and Saving (CRES) As part of green growth and national goals for 2020, the Centre for Renewable Energy Sources and Saving (CRES) implements a series of Energy Demonstration Programs NSRF, and more specifically the following: Green Pilot Urban Neighbourhood (see details in the next section) Energy Service Companies "ESCO's" Green Rural and Island Communities - New Model Development Intelligent Energy Theme Museums of Nearly Zero Energy Consumption Green Roofs in Public Buildings Bioclimatic Upgrades of Public Open Spaces

(1) Energy Service Companies "ESCO's" The development of market mechanisms, such as Energy Service Companies (ESC) and Energy Performance Contracting (EPC), are a promising practice that has been successfully used in foreign countries in order to achieve energy saving and reduce operating costs in the building sector.

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The Project aims to exploit the high potential for energy saving in displayed buildings of the Public Sector, through the activation - for the first time in Greece - of the mechanism of Energy Performance Contracting with the participation of Energy Service Companies. This process can contribute greatly to the realization of Energy Service Companies (ESC) and Energy Saving (ES), with guaranteed energy results in buildings of the public and semi-public sector, particularly at a time of shortage of funds from the Public Sector. Through this project, the Centre for Renewable Energy Sources supports the preparation and the procedure for the implementation of selected pilot Energy Performance Contracting, for at least five buildings of the public and the wider public sector. The Project is funded by the Operational Programme "Environment & Sustainable Development" 2007 - 2013. The benefits of such a project are expected to be multiple, both for the participating buildings of the public sector which will enable them to significantly reduce the cost of their energy consumption without burdening their budget, and for all the buildings of the sector, since it is expected to function as a good example for the opening of the market for energy services in Greece and implementation of similar projects in the future.

(2) Green Rural and Island Communities - New Model Development The Project "Green Rural & Island 'Communities' - New Model Development" aims at achieving balanced, sustainable and regional development, creating pioneer economies, highlighting the specific characteristics of isolated "communities", creating new jobs to strengthen various forms of tourism and familiarize citizens and workers with practices of Green Development, which will result in immediate effect of all these and will aim at keeping and increasing the productive part of the population. The ultimate goal is to implement a new Green Development Standard which creates potential high added value and perspective to the local economy (agriculture, livestock farming, fishery, tourism, etc.) as long as the Project aims at the repeatability of the above pilot activities for the whole territory. Final beneficiaries are the Local Goverments of Kallikratis within the administration limits in which the proposed projects/ interventions are set, in rural areas or island 'communities' with a maximum population of 1,000 inhabitants based on the last census. The project is funded by the Operational Project "Environment & Sustainable Development 2007 - 2013". The project aims mainly at the design, implementation and operation in selected rural and island 'communities' of appropriate interventions that will support the model of "Green Growth", essentially leading to zero energy balance and/ or CO2 emissions. According to Minister Maniati’s speech, seven (7) proposals have already been positively evaluated for participation in this project, with a total budget of 37 million euros (Symposium on "Sustainable Communities in SE Europe"/ 2014).

(3) Intelligent Energy Theme Museums of Almost Zero Energy Consumption The Project "Intelligent Energy Theme Museums of Almost Zero Energy Consumption" refers to the implementation of projects in standard demonstration projects of Renewable Energy and energy saving measures in existing buildings of theme museums, with potential beneficiaries museums that operate as private non-profit legal entities or museums that operate as a non-profit organizations. The objectives of the project relate to the following: Energy saving in the public and wider public sector Encouraging and disseminating the use of renewable energy standards through demonstration projects Reduction of air pollution SEE/D/0320/4.1/X – BUILD SEE Σελίδα 21 από 65

Reduction of the greenhouse gases that cause climate change. The specific objectives of the project concerning the building after the proposed interventions to be converted ideally to a Building of Almost Zero Energy Consumption and the maximum primary energy consumption should not exceed 60 kWh/m2/year. In the buildings of theme museums of almost zero energy consumption, the following interventions are indicatively proposed with the implementation of:

A. Energy Upgrade and Energy Saving Actions (ES) Interventions in the building envelope: adding thermal insulation, external blinds or other shading systems, replacement of glazing and window frames with new certified ones, energy efficient window frames and other measures to improve energy efficiency. Installation of passive systems: passive solar heating systems, natural lighting systems, systems and techniques of natural and/ or hybrid ventilation and cooling, and other passive systems. Bioclimatic interventions to the surrounding area in order to improve microclimatic conditions and ensure conditions for environmental comfort and energy saving in the building of the museum. Upgrading and modifying interventions to existing facilities: central heating and/ or cooling, hot water, artificial lighting, ventilation. B. Actions for Renewable Energy Sources (RES) Solar panel installations Facilities of shallow geothermal energy Installations for biomass combustion Units of solar thermal systems Other operating systems for the exploitation of RES, heating or cooling systems and heat pumps. Connections to the public electricity network. Converting interventions of the existing electromagnetic facilities in order to adapt their operating parameters to the data of RES.

(4) Green roofs in Public Buildings The project concerns pilot run of techniques of green roofs in buildings of public and the wider public sector. Ministries, Local Governments, Regions of the country, legal public and private entities of non-profit organizations are beneficiaries of the project. The main objective of the project is to reduce the annual energy consumption for heating and cooling the floor beneath the green roof by at least 5% compared to the annual energy consumption before the implementation of green roofs. This project seeks sustainable development and familiarization of citizens and users with the building practices of Green Development, having as immediate results an improvement both in the immediate environment of the building and in the energy performance of the building. The ultimate goal of the project is the integration of green roofs in bioclimatic architectural design of the buildings and the deceleration and reversing of the climate change. The overall objective of the Project is specialized in the following specific objectives: Energy conservation in public buildings throughout the summer and the winter

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Improvement of Thermal, Optical and Environmental conditions in public buildings Improving the microclimate in the wider area in which the building is part of the intervention Reduction of Air Pollution Deceleration and eventually reversing of the Urban Climate Change. Eighty-seven recommendations have already been positively assessed for the participation in this programme, a total budget of 15 million EUR (of the Minister’s speech at the Symposium on "Sustainable Communities in SE Europe" /2014).

(5) Bioclimatic Upgrades for Public Open Spaces The "Bioclimatic Upgrades for Open Public Spaces" Project refers to the design and implementation of pilot/ demonstrative projects of urban upgrades within the web of the cities of the Greek territory having specific bioclimatic characteristics, and aims at halting the urban climate change. Specifically, it relates to the upgrading and redesigning of the public open spaces so as to improve the microclimate, achieve thermal comfort conditions while creating attractive outdoor spaces for citizens. The program seeks the awareness of the citizens with practices of Green Development and Energy Conservation and the creation of new jobs and the promotion of new technology and environmentally-friendly materials. Beneficiaries for putting forward the proposal in the "Bioclimatic Upgrades for Public Open Spaces" project are: Ministries, Regions of the country, KALLIKRATIS Local Goverments, Universities and Technological Educational Institutes and other legal public entities. The main objective of the program is specialized in the following specific goals: Improving the microclimate in densely built urban areas and particularly in urban areas of low income Improving levels of thermal comfort of the population in urban areas Protecting vulnerable population during summer Reducing energy consumption in buildings near the intervention area especially during summer and winter Reducing air pollution Saving electricity in public open spaces Encouraging the dissemination and use of RES Supporting and developing expertise and design and production industry of environmentally- friendly materials. In addition to the above, after the implementation of the project in the intervention area, the following bioclimatic criteria should be met: Reduction of maximum summer temperatures by at least 1,5°C Reduction of the degree day base 26°C during the summer period by 20% Reduction of the maximum surface temperature by at least 5°C during the summer period Improving of the levels of thermal comfort by 15% The implementation of 16 acts has been completed, and the total budget is 60 million euros. What is expected from the proposed bioclimatic upgrades is the improvement of the microclimate of the densely built urban web of the surrounding areas and the increase of green space.

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The "Green Pilot Urban Neighborhood" aims to create an urban residential unit "of almost zero energy balance". The project aims to present the pilot - indicative and innovative application of a sustainable urban housing unit, occupied by low-income citizens and is integrated in an optimized urban environment. It is the first time that this is attempted on a neighborhood level in a Mediterranean Country, which makes the project innovative and a navigator for similar actions. It is a European innovation since it is the only project of such scale that has been implemented1.

As part of this action, four energy (4) buildings in the municipality of Santa Barbara in Attica will be upgraded. These are representative of the social housing in the 60-70s, (they are inhabited by citizens of low interest and show considerable potential saving energy). The residents of the apartments have no cost. More specifically, it is about four building units of 4 floors of 4.800sq.m total area, which house 72 apartments with a surrounding area of 2.500sq.m. The main objectives of the action is to improve the energy performance of buildings using techniques and energy saving systems and integration technologies for Renewable Energy Sources (RES), which would cover a significant part of the energy needs of buildings for cooling, heating, hot water and electricity. This will achieve financial relief for residents and will improve the quality of their life. The project's objective is social awareness, and to inform citizens so as to tackle mistrust and compromise as well as to ensure their active participation. The Green Neighborhood is a proposal that requires active participation in a self-sustainable process that can change their lifestyle. The building of the Green Neighborhood has been proposed for the European Union Prize for Contemporary Architecture 2013 (Award Mies van der Rohe 2013). More specifically, interventions at the block of the Municipality of St. Varvara, include: Installation of external thermal insulation on the walls and roof of the building which will reduce heat losses. Replacement of window frames with new thermal breaks and also replacement of the glazing with double glazing. Installation of cool roof coatings and vertical structural elements. Replacement of heating and cooling systems with air conditioning of Geothermal Heat Pumps. Smart networks in buildings that will allow every resident to be informed about the energy cost of their household. Installation of green roofs. Interventions in the surrounding area through the use of modern materials and technology to increase the green area in order to improve the thermal balance of the region. Installation of renewable energy sources such as solar panels.

1 Source "Green Pilot Urban Neighborhood - Technical Specifications Issue " (October 2011) SEE/D/0320/4.1/X – BUILD SEE Σελίδα 24 από 65

Four offices with architects experienced in the application of Renewable Energy technics in buildings, were chosen by CRES as consultants for the project. In order to promote and give an example of the project’s aim to the residents, the engineers and the related product providers, CRES conducted an energy audit and a study was realised by these architects concerning the building envelope refurbishment - thermal insulation, windows with double glazing and shading - of one of the four multi-family buildings. The architects used an austere design with vivid colors, demonstrating that with simple means, a technically effective, low in cost and aesthetically pleasant result can be achieved. CRES supervised the realization of the design with the help of the Municipality and the Unions of commercial companies which provided for the work cost and the appropriate products used. Innovative materials were implemented to the facades, such as self-cleaning paint used in order to face the graffiti problem and to simplify maintenance.

Picture 1: Aerial view (left) and topography (right) in the region

Picture 2: Photos of apartment buildings (before the programme implementation)

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Picture 3: Photos during the execution of the work

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Picture 4: Photos from the implemented constructions

Picture 5: Models showing how the neighborhood will be after the completion of the project

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2.3.2 RE-DESIGN OF URBAN SPACE WITH BIOCLIMATIC CRITERIA Analipsi Square in Vrillisia Analipsi square in Vrilisia is the first outdoor reconstruction with bioclimatic conditions in Greece. Before the redevelopment of the route of Analipsi, it was connected to the vertical route of Ethniki Antistasi Street, Grammou Street and Penteli Street. However, the widening of the latter and the traffic growth in the region, coupled with the fact that the area is part of the commercial center of the municipality, gradually turned the square into a hostile area burdening the microclimate of the region and facilitating both the movement and parking of cars. The redevelopment work, which was completed in 2006, included except for Analipsi Square and parts of Analipsi Street, from Grammou Street up to Ethniki Antistasi Street and Konitsis Street that covers an area of 6,600 sq.m . The aim of the intervention was to improve commuting and the best service of existing operations. Advertising poles were removed, and some trees, such as poplars, pines and dead fruit-bearing trees were replaced by 32 new deciduous trees, including lindens, in order to serve the needs of insolation in winter and cooling in summer. Especially for the cooling needs of the area of the region, the use of water features is intense, and that is why they are placed so close to the movement axis (the pedestrian walkway of Analipsi, from Grammou Street to Konitsis Street); also, in the form of jets in the plant mass of the square, with the direct consequence of changing the behavior of the bioclimatic behavior, especially during the summer months. Picture 6: Sketches of the design proposal

As part of the design of the space based on environmental criteria bioclimatic technology was used and applies to both the installation of solar systems on the roof of wooden pergolas in the square and with the use of autonomous lighting. The southern boundary of the green zone and along the imaginary pedestrian walkway of Ethniki Antistasi Street, autonomy of electricity consumption is provide to the square which is estimated at approximately 35%.

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Picture 7: Image of the Square after the regeneration

Sources: - Maria Demenega: "Spatial integration of environmental policies for sustainable urban development. The case of the Municipality of Vrilissia" - Panagiota Baka "The bioclimatic design in urban public space aiming at 'sustainability'. Environmental and social approach".

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2.321.3 BIOCLIMATIC REHABILITATION AND UPGRADING THE CENTRE OF AMALIADAS The project "Rehabilitation and Sustainable Upgrading of Centre" has been included, implemented and funded under the programme "Bioclimatic Upgrades on Public Open Spaces' – of the Operational Programme" Environment and Sustainable Development 2007-2013". The reconstruction with a total area of 24,503 sq.m creates a walk length of approximately 600 meters. The intervention area is the city centre of Amaliada, of the municipality of Ilis, and more specifically the following areas: Belogianni Square (1) where the building of the Municipal Library is - and the unformed part between the streets of Ancient Ilis (Ermou Street) up to Polytechnio Street (2), Polytechnio Street up to Kolokotronis Street (3), Kolokotronis Street to G. Papandreou Street (4) and G. Papandreou Street up to Paleologo Street (5), which draw the limits of the area of the former Sohia stream (which runs through the city from East to West).

The regeneration and bioclimatic upgrade of the city centre is planned, creating an extensive green zone. The central idea of regeneration is the formation of a linear urban park that runs through a large part of the city of Amaliada which will favour pedestrian and bicycle traffic and will be able to hold ad-hoc cultural events. The aim of the study is to create a structured walking area in the city centre with dense planting and rest areas with a diversified character which will be integrated in the daily routine of citizens. Additionally, the area has a two-metre wide bicycle lane that is part of an extensive network of bicycle lanes which has been completed in part, and a part of it is planned to be completed in the near future. The development of the bicycle lane was a given and the study of regeneration was determined given the position of the bicycle regeneration area. In summary, the reconstruction includes: The central Belogianni Square 6.410 m2 (1) which is reconstructed with special terrain arrangements of stabilized terrain, pebble and lawn flooring so as to be an attraction for pedestrians and ultimately create the central promenade of the city. The new square (a) of 3832 m2 is created in the intersection of Ermou Square and Belogianni Square which is a key spot of pedestrian gathering alongside the central axis of the city, and which is converted to mild road traffic when crossing the study area. The open space (3.533 m2) on the north side of the City Hall (2) where the existing outdoor theater is rearranged so as to create an area of cultural and social events. The unformed outdoor space up to the rail lines running across three blocks (3), (4) and (5) – of a total area of 8.087 m2 where rest areas and mild activities areas within the urban green zone are formed. The renovation of the sidewalks along the south side of Riga Fereou Street (2.012 m2) and the north side of the Filiki Eteria Street (629 m2) with an

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increase of the width of the sidewalk, and the introduction of structured parking space and enrichment of planting.

Picture 8: Aerial photograph of the intervention area

Source: ENTASIS Architecture, 2001 – Municipality of Ilida (Bioclimatic Study - Technical Description)

In brief, interventions include earthwork and technical work as well as the installation of urban equipment, water features (water channels), a playground, seating areas, shading elements (pergolas), new green areas and flooring with bioclimatic characteristics (cool materials), etc. The work which is planned to be done is: Earthwork (excavation, embankments, removal of debris and any other unsuitable products). Technical work such as concreting for the construction of walls, pavements, construction flooring with treated pebble, concrete tiles and cubes with "cool materials", wooden floors and surfaces with inactivated soil and natural ecological stabilizer. Installation of urban equipment elements such as benches, pergolas, water fountains, rubbish bins and street lighting. Construction of a playground. Construction of water features (channels of recycled water). Interventions for the disabled which were designed with the full attention for the disabled, applying the obligatory special arrangements to accommodate people with disabilities in public areas intended for pedestrian traffic, such as those provided by Greek Official Gazette 18/Β715-01-2002. Construction of infrastructure for the development of green areas. Layout of parking space for visitors, etc. The bioclimatic upgrade aims to improve the microclimate of the area through: reduction of the average maximum summer temperature by 2,02°C at a height of 1.80m reduction of the typical daily sum base of degree-hours 26°C by 83.37% reduction of the average spatial maximum surface temperature by 5,84°C improvement of the thermal comfort by 24,01%.

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Picture 9: Intervention Models (indicative list)

Town Hall Surrounding Area (1) Entrance from Ermou Street (2) Theater (3) Surrounding area (4) Town Hall

Area of Polytechnio up to Kolokotronis St. (1) Polytechnio Street (2) Kolokotronis Street (3) Parking Area

Belogianni Square (1) Library (2) Theater (3) E – SE Square Border (4) Town Hall (6) Fountain (7)Organized taxi parking area with wooden pergola (8) Pergola – platform (9) Linear running water

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2.4 SOLUTIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS The goal of the European policy concerning energy and the environment is directly expressed through the triple objective of 20-20-20 (i.e. 20% energy from renewable sources - 20% energy saving - 20% reduction in carbon emissions by 2020). In Greece, the legislative framework that is related to the installation and implementation of RES in buildings and free public areas as well as in the design of both cities and residences, it is found quite sufficient and satisfactory. Although a comprehensive framework of policy measures for the protection of natural resources and the reduction of the environmental footprint of public and private entities has been enacted, all measures taken to save energy in order to be efficient and to ensure the active participation of citizens should be economically, environmentally and socially attractive for all parties involved.

Proposals for funding projects on energy efficiency, conservation and rational use of energy: The improvement of energy autonomy and the use of renewable energy are not just about technology, but require new approaches to funding and motivation of beneficiaries in the submission of dossiers. A typical example is the Project “I save” from the municipalities where the bodies involved have encountered significant obstacles during the preparation of dossiers and during the projects’ implementation. When submitting proposals, the collection of necessary data for the infrastructure that would be included in the action plan of each municipality was the greatest obstacle. An incomplete record (or lack of recording) of energy consumption and the maintenance of relevant records prevented the detection of buildings in which there is a greater need for interventions and actions that should be done. During the project implementation, the required own participation - given the lack of funding from municipalities - could not be covered, resulting in the non-implementation of the projects. In Greece, further new models of financing and financial tools offered by the EU should be exploited to support integrated programs of green technology, in groups of buildings and not individual apartments such as blocks of flats and social housing, in conjunction with the formation of communal and private open space, in terms of a block, a neighborhood or even a small town. More tools should also be used to enhance the potential investment of the Local Government and its cooperation with the Private Sector (e.g. Jessica) and also with the imposing of greater financial incentives for implementing interventions in the private sector. Despite planning a significant number of energy-saving programmes, failure of the implementation to the energy upgrade programmes of the Public Administration or the delay of the implementation - with special reference to the programmes '”Green Rural and Island Communities - New Model of Development”, "Intelligent Energy Theme Museums of Almost Zero Energy Consumption" and the delays in the disbursement of funds along with the negative atmosphere that has emerged (especially in the" Energy Efficiency at Household buildings" programme), has resulted in a slight absorption of funds and the "distrust "of beneficiaries.

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Proposal 1: The design of the buildings should be integrated into the environment and have as an objective energy saving and the use of renewable energy, as much as possible. NBR provides significantly positive incentives (such as the coefficient) for those who incorporate environmentally friendly measures in their construction. However, the conditions for granting these incentives should either become more "strict" or offer more incentives to those who take more measures and/ or 'assimilate' the principles of bioclimatic design in their construction with the aim of further reducing annual primary energy consumption.

Proposal 2: The Greek urban environment is established on the idea of a private residence. The promotion of the efficient energy solutions in the management of existing buildings and their future design and construction faces the following main obstacles: a) on a private level of each building, the different economic response and interests, indifference to the public interest, difficulties in the relationships of neighbors, etc. b) in the public sector, the poor state mechanism that is unfriendly to citizens, even towards their own property.

Proposal 3: The structure of the Public Administration and the centralization of the state in Greece, does not give the Local Government the opportunity to work with real autonomy in spatial and urban planning, and in the creation of sustainable cities. The need for integration of the Administrative Reform of the Country and the reorganization of the perspective of local services by exploiting the remarkable executive and scientific resources that are available on all levels, are prerequisites for providing high quality services to citizens. The creation of such services on a local level which aims at the environmental awareness of citizens and their comprehensive information on environmental issues and on the importance of bioclimatic design of buildings is necessary so as to strengthen their active participation in the process of environmental protection and the acceptance of individual interventions.

Proposal 4: The upgrading of life in cities through urban regeneration and the creation of green open spaces are designed to make cities safe and sustainable. In order to improve energy efficiency of buildings using techniques and energy saving systems and integration of renewable energy sources (RES), it is necessary to further reduce bureaucracy, limit co-responsibility on a regional and local level and simplify procedures.

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3 SOCIAL ISSUES RELATED TO CITIZENS PARTICIPATION & SOCIAL COHESION (WG.2) 3.1 INTRODUCTION The working group 2 meeting discussed extensively social issues related to the participation of citizens and social cohesion in reference to green development. Issues that were discussed and studied in detail were: The existence of special social groups and social housing needs in the Region of Western Greece. The state of depreciation of the limited social housing, included in the refugee residential areas and the low-income housing areas in many towns of the region. The energy condition of the buildings and urban areas, of the public and private sectors, and the study of their functional cost. The absence of use of bioclimatic design principles in the landscaping of free spaces, public or not, and in the building design. The absence of social networking for the treatment of housing/residence conditions and of the energy state of the buildings, as well as the formulation of communal spaces with bioclimatic design directions. The low rate of environmental training and awareness of citizens.

3.2 CURRENT SITUATION In Greece there are a number of funding programs launched and implemented concerning the development of environment technologies and the implementation/adoption of applications for the decrease of energy consumption from public bodies, enterprises and private citizens. So far, the implementation of the programs, the participation of the beneficiaries and the absorption rate of the fund available prove the relatively small extent of exploitation by the end users. This is partly due to insufficient information and awareness raising about the benefits of bioclimatic planning and reduction of energy consumption, not through individual actions, but through collective efforts. A typical example is the project of the green pilot urban neighborhood, which must be broadly applied. . It is important that the know-how of the Region in energy saving and bioclimatic design, as well as the benefits from their application “pass” more actively to the end users.. It is important to coordinate efforts to raise awareness in citizens and enterprises and promote issues of energy upgrade, by drawing attention to and promoting interventions in whole residential buildings and not in individual apartments. The development of Renewable Energy Sources and the country’s commitments to reduce its energy-related footprint, resulting from: (a) the aim 20-20-20 which specifies objectives of 20% energy saving, increasing the participation of RES by 20% in the final energy demand and reduction of greenhouse gas emission by 20% until 2020, and (b) the achievement of (almost) zero consumption from all public and private buildings by 2020 can constitute a fundamental force of development for the local economy and job creation. Apart from economic growth, they significantly contribute to the improvement of the residents’ quality of life and to the sustainable development of urban centers.

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In Greece there are bodies involved in environmental training and promotion of energy saving applications. This effort should be intensified so as to include not only training organizations, but also businesses and public services. The project undertaken by the School Buildings Organization for the construction of new bioclimatic schools in 2007 (the so-called “Green Schools”) and the renovation of existing groups of buildings, so that they incorporate contemporary energy saving technologies and become autonomous in terms of energy, has brought multiple positive results not only in the protection of the environment but also in education,. The energy design of the school buildings aims at implementing modern, not energy-consuming, environment friendly buildings which will meet all required safety standards and ensure better working conditions while serving as a “live environmental education workshop”. The “green” schools actively contribute to reducing carbon dioxide emissions. It is indicative that, from the Renewable Energy Sources (RES) that had already been installed or were in the process of implementation during 2010, the carbon dioxide emissions were estimated to decline by 1,068 tonnes. Moreover, from the new installments of the School Buildings Organization, the reduction of carbon dioxide emissions was estimated to be 9.600 tonnes. The financial performance from electricity saving would be over 5,5 million € since the RES systems installed at school buildings can provide with electricity not only schools but also neighboring residential areas2. The adequate information and training of students, teachers and personnel of the schools for the development of a “correct” behavior towards the environment contributes to the limitation of energy consumption in and out of school.

2 Source: Interview of the CEO of the School Buildings Organization (SBO SA) in the newspaper “Imerisia”. Relative article “Constructing environmental friendly school buildings " (7/8/2010) SEE/D/0320/4.1/X – BUILD SEE Σελίδα 36 από 65



A bioclimatic school is designed based on the following principles: (a) Minimize the required energy needs and (b) Cover as much as possible the remaining energy requirements by using Renewable Energy Sources. Thus, the bioclimatic school contributes to environment protection and fund saving whereas it constitutes an “example” for students and a field of practice for their environmental awareness.

The “Round” Building The first bioclimatic school – milestone in Greece was designed by the architect Takis Zenetos in 1969-1970, changing the traditional organization model of schools, the linear layout of classes, introducing a circular shape, where the core could in the future host new educational techniques and which is nowadays considered as a valuable architectural and cultural element. This building, which houses the 1st High school and the 1st High school of Agios Dimitrios in Athens, was finished in 1974 and includes 36 classrooms, teachers’ halls, conference room and two gyms, whereas it was recently renovated by the the School Buildings Organization SA. The main rooms’ size is 50.000 m2. The circular layout gives the building a special and dynamic form in contrast to its urban surroundings. The blinds at the openings, which gradually become smaller from east and west to south, are a dynamic form, but also serve the purpose of sun protection.

Picture 10: View of the round building of Agios Dimitrios 3

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Picture 11: Restoration of the Round school of Agios Dimitrios.


“Green Schools” in Greece The first “green” school in Northern Greece was constructed in the municipality of Neapolis-Sykeon for the 8th Elementary School Because it was designed as a purely bioclimatic building, it was described as a model “green” school

Picture 12: Photo of the 8th Primary School4

Apart from the Primary School of the municipality Sykeon, there are many bioclimatic schools being constructed and planned to begin functioning in other cities of Greece. Some examples are: In Attica: 4th High School of Egaleo, EEEK of Elefsina, 1st and 9th Primary School of Zografou, ΤΕΕ of Kamatero, 9class Primary School of Markopoulo, block of buildings (kindergarten, primary school, 12class High School of Pikermi, Rallios School of Pireus etc. In the rest of Greece: 1st High School of Pyrgos Elias, experimental High School of Tripoli, Musical schools of Tripoli and Kalamata, special school of Iraklion, 1st Primary school of Neapolis in Thessaloniki and the High School Pefkon in Thessaloniki.

Many of the above mentioned projects have been introduced to the program “model demonstration projects” on renewable energy sources exploitation and actions for energy saving in public school

4 Source: SEE/D/0320/4.1/X – BUILD SEE Σελίδα 38 από 65

buildings of primary and secondary education, financed by the Operational Program Environment and Sustainable Development .

1st high school of Pyrgos Elias The 1st High school of Pyrgos is a school building incorporating modern architectural models. Construction is expected to be completed by 2014 and the project has been part of a co-financed program under NSRF. The school is built with “green” specifications, based on bioclimatic architecture. The building is situated on the streets Gymnasiarchi Douka, Venizelou, Papaflessa and Tsaldari at the building block 334 of the municipality of Pyrgos.. There are four new buildings which will house the 1st High School of Pyrgos. The total construction area is 3.125,62 sq.m. and the ground floor is 1.358,93 sq.m., in a land for construction area of 4.979,67 sq.m.. It includes 16 classrooms, 1 multi-purpose hall, 1 library, 1 physics-chemistry laboratory, 1 informatics laboratory, 1 technology laboratory και 4 foreign languages classrooms. The “green” techniques used in the construction of the building include: Green roofs and upper gardens which will preserve a steady temperature indoors. Solar cell systems for energy saving, The use of ecological materials in its construction: bricks and paints free from substances that may cause pollution to the building, Tanks for harvesting rainwater which will recycle the water used for watering plants in the school gardens using an automatic electricity control system Classrooms with natural ventilation and light and double glassed windows Sensors will control the level of lighting and valves will regulate the duration of water flow from the taps.

At the existing buildings of the block there will be a number of bioclimatic interventions (frames/joinery replacement, green roofs, energy saving through renewable energy sources and use of solar cell systems, automatic system for the control of electric facilities etc.) which are expected to aesthetically upgrade the buildings and improve basic malfunctions.

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3.3.2 DAYCARE CENTER– HOUSES OF SUPPORTED LIVING FOR PEOPLE WITH MENTAL DISABILITIES The new building of the Daycare center and the Houses of supported living for people with mental disabilities which is being constructed in the area “Drosia” near the Hospital “Agios Andreas” in Patras, includes bioclimatic and energy interventions in its construction. Administrative body of the new Center is the association “the Fighters”. The “Fighters” association was founded in 1999 by parents of children with mental disabilities. In 2004 a laboratory of supported living and professional training was established. In 2011 the association developed and started to operate as a Daycare center aiming at: Boosting employment and equality of participation in the job market. Enhancing social cohesion and preventing phenomena on marginalization and social exclusion. Improving their quality of life.

Project description The construction field, a total of 1.325,54 sq.m. belongs to the “Stathakopouleio” institution. A 4 floor building is constructed, to house the Daycare center, with a capacity of 50 people and the boarding house and apartment, with a capacity of 13 people in total (boarding house: 9 people, apartment: 4 people), with mental disabilities. Other rooms will cover 677,82 sq.m., while most of these rooms (415,19 sq.m.) have been placed on the ground floor, so that access is easier for people with kinetic disabilities. The construction was planned in order to ensure: The best performance for the activities housed in it functionality of special rooms accessibility for people with kinetic disabilities Its integration to the neighboring environment and its viable and sustainable behavior Its maximum energy performance The protection of the building and surrounding area as well as the protection of the users from the external environment Covering the needs of the building program as defined by specifications The correct acoustic function of the spaces Earthquake resistance design

In order to reduce the needs of heating and air-conditioning, the building was designed in such an orientation, that the rooms with greater needs of light be situated on the south side. Extensive Glass panes at the office rooms and living room of the daycare center cover the needs for natural lighting and ventilation while offering contact with the external environment. On the south side of the building there will be a solar passive system, a greenhouse, which will store heat in the winter and forward it to the interior. In the summer, shades will protect the building from overheating. Hot water needs will be met by a central system of solar collectors.

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Moreover, to cover the needs for heating and cooling of the building, there is a plan to develop a system for the exploitation of the subsoil geothermal energy through a geothermal open circuit system. The selected system is expected to lead to a significant reduce in energy consumption compared to conventional systems (natural gas boilers, air-cooling coolers) and a reduce of local produced gas emission caused by the function of the facilities.

3.3.3 CENTER OF ENVIRONMENTAL TRAINING OF KLEITORIA-AKRATA The Region of Western Greece has three operating Centers of Environmental Training (CET): (1) CET of Kleitoria – Akrata, which is a merger of the CETs of Kleitoria and Akrata. (2) The CET of Thermo-Mesolonghi, a merger of the CETs of Thermo and Mesolonghi and (3) The CET of Krestena Elias. The CET of Kleitoria – Akrata is the first of its kind to operate in Greece. Its goals are: To plan and implement Programs of Environmental Training for teachers of primary and secondary education To plan implement Programs of Environmental Training for adults in the framework of actions for lifelong learning To organize seminars for teachers and training seminars and open days for adults To Coordinate and participate in thematic networks of environmental education To cooperate in a national and international level with other centers of environmental training, universities, primary and secondary education management, local community and local government bodies. To promote research in the field of environmental education.

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3.4 SOLUTIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Recommendation 1: The needs of special groups of the population which are connected to housing and special requirements in building and urban planning need to be addressed to carefully. Restoring and exploiting abandoned buildings by installing renewable energy sources and making complementary interventions in order to improve the energy class of the buildings and their re-operation as social care service providers, can be a solution to the housing problem of many social bodies.

Recommendation 2: It is essential to intervene in social housing buildings for energy upgrading and renewing their public spaces using bioclimatic architecture. Combined interventions in landscape planning and formation of public spaces with cold material and renovations including passive systems of renewable energy sources and advanced lighting technologies together with planting spaces to improve the micro-climate, upgrade the quality of live in those areas.

Recommendation 3: Apart from energy saving and protecting the environment, the bioclimatic school aims at operating as a “training tool” for the promotion of strategies of natural resources management, recycling and promoting social values. The comparative advantage of a sustainable development school is that it can help develop a sense of collective responsibility for environmental management and quality of life and, by extension, improve citizens’ social behavior.

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4 BUILDING INNOVATION ISSUES RELATED TO TECHNOLOGIES & NEW BUILDING METHODOLOGIES (WG.3) 4.1 INTRODUCTION The working group 3 meeting «Innovation in Construction» discussed and analyzed matters regarding: The relatively low rate of exploitation of renewable energy sources although the climatic conditions of the country favor their development The prospect of promoting and exploiting new technologies related to the use of cold materials, which contribute to energy performance of buildings in the bioclimatic effects of public spaces. The need to apply and utilize green technology in building sets and not in individual apartments, such as blocks of flats and social housing buildings, combined to the formation of public and private open air spaces, at construction block level or neighborhood level or even at small town level. The evolution of production of cities and settlements of the region, as well as the mode of house production and its characteristics. The promotion of 3 good practices, implemented in the city of Patras and concern bioclimatic planning of the buildings of the Open University of Patras, innovative energy interventions in constructing private houses and in the implementation of an advanced system for monitoring energy consumption. Those practices are analyzed in detail in the present part of the national report. The need for cooperation between the bodies of local government with the Universities of the Region of Western Greece and the research bodies of the area, who develop important research projects in bioclimatic planning and modern technologies in construction materials and reduction of energy consumption in buildings. The matters and conclusions from the Workshop of the working group 3 taken as a starting point, this unit depicts the present situation in Greece as for bioclimatic design, new technologies and environment friendly construction materials in combination with the commitments of Greece to reduce (almost) to a nil rate the “net” energy consumption of buildings in an annual basis. The unit also records innovative and successful applications (pilot and applied) and construction techniques. The 3rd unit ends with specific suggestions concerning the development of innovative technological and construction applications in building.

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4.2 CURRENT SITUATION The energy cost in economic and environmental terms is the big issue concerning Greek society in all levels. The building sector is responsible for about 40% of the total final energy consumption at a national and European level. The fluctuation per country varies from 20% for Portugal up to 45% for Ireland, while Greece is at about 30%. It is characteristic that during the period 2000-2005, buildings in Greece increased their energy consumption by 24%, reaching 8,54 MToe, one of the largest increases in Europe. This consumption in a form of either thermal (mostly petroleum) either electrical energy , results in, apart from the significant financial increase due to the high cost of energy, the heavy impact on the atmosphere with pollutants, mostly carbon dioxide (CO2), που is responsible for the greenhouse effect. According to the European Environment Organization, residences in Greece produce approximately 12-13 tones CO2/inhabitant/year. This figure is comparatively higher than all other Mediterranean countries (Portugal 8 tn, Italy and Spain 9tn) and higher even than countries of Central and North Europe, such as Norway (11tn), Germany (11tn), Austria (9tn). Based on data of the building census (2000), 5% of the buildings in Greece were constructed before 1919, 64,4% between 1919-1980 and only a 30,6% was built after 1980. The distribution of the buildings according to their exclusive use demonstrates that more than 77% of the recorded buildings are residences and, as a consequence, residences are the main target of national policies for energy saving. The total surface of Greek residences is estimated at 450 million m2. 60% of residences are apartments in apartment buildings, 39% of these are registered as independent houses or integrated in building complexes. As for the size of the houses, 58% is 50- 99 m2, 10% is under 49 m2 and 32% over 100 m2. The study on energy consumption in Greek households carried out by the Hellenic Statistical Authority (period 2011/ 2012) on the levels of energy consumption and different uses (heating– cooling, hot water, lighting etc.), and the habits of users in relation to the energy consumption in the household and on the penetration of energy efficient technologies, resulted in interesting facts related to energy consumption: Every household in the country consumes on average 13.994 kWh annually to cover its energy needs (10.244 kWh/ year in thermal energy and 3.750 kWh/ year in electricity). Energy consumption in households covers thermal needs (heating and hot water) and electrical loads (cooking, lighting, appliances, cooling etc.) Household needs for eating and cooking consist 81% of its total annual consumed energy, while for the total annual energy needs, heating petroleum and electricity are consumed at 44,1% και 26,8 %, respectively. The fuel mostly used (heating, cooking and hot water) is petroleum (60,3%) followed by firewood (23,8%). Natural gas use remains in relatively low levels (7,4%). At 85,9% thermal energy consumed is for house heating needs. On average, 38,4% of the total annual electricity consumed by a household is for cooking, 14,7% for the refrigerator, 10,6% for the washing machine and only 6,6% for lighting and 4,9% for cooling the house. Urban area households present increased electricity use and, to an extent, heating petroleum compared to those of rural areas. 5 out of 10 house buildings have heat insulation. As for the types of insulation they have, those include mostly applications in the exterior masonry (77%), roof (38,5%) and interior masonry (31,3%). For the hot tap water, 98,6% of households have a system/equipment to cover their needs. Specifically, 74,5% of households use an electrical water boiler, 37, 6% solar heater and 25,2% a system connected to the central heating.

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For cooling, 6 out of 10 households use some system to cools their house (all, or part of it) during the hot months of the year. This system at 99,7% is independent air conditioning units (split units), while central cooling systems are used only by 0,3 % of households.

Those figures prove the importance of the building sector on the total energy balance and demonstrates the gigantic potential of energy saving and improving its energy performance. Deficient protection of buildings from the external environment, unorthodox design of new buildings, as a result of an environmental un-friendly architectural concept that ignores local climatic conditions have as a result: The dramatic dependence of the energy equilibrium of the country on conventional energy sources The financial and social compression of low income classes The increase of energy poverty of the country, and puts in danger the country’s international commitments to the environment.

The existence of a large number of research institutes and university foundations with a notable research potential specialized in the filed of energy, construction and urban planning is the basic competitive advantage of Greece, which needs to be exploited in order to contribute to the rational use of energy and reduce to zero the energy consumption of buildings. In any case the big challenge for this kind of interventions is raising citizens’ awareness to adopt measures on rational use of energy and bioclimatic building design. Then, modern applications and new technologies in construction and energy were presented contributing to the energy performance of buildings and are in an early stage of adoption: Bioclimatic architecture at building design as well as indoor and outdoor spaces based on the local climate Innovative technologies in construction materials and modern construction methods. (cold materials etc) Use of new technologies and systems for the monitoring of energy consumption (Νet Zero Energy Buildings, BEMS, new applications developed in the Region of Western Greece).

The need for a turn of construction and building function to materials, equipment and ways of planning friendlier to the environment compared to conventional ways – directly related to the environmental goals to which Greece has committed– is now imperative.

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4.2.1 BIOCLIMATIC ARCHITECTURE AND EXPLOITATION OF RENEWABLE ENERGY SOURCES Bioclimatic architecture is the planning of buildings and spaces based on the local climate, aiming at guaranteeing conditions of thermal and optical comfort, developing solar energy and other environmental sources but also the natural phenomena of climate. The passive systems that are incorporated in the buildings aiming at the exploitation of environmental sources for heating, refrigeration and lighting of buildings constitute basic elements of bioclimatic planning. During the last decades, bioclimatic architecture has constituted a basic approach in the manufacture of buildings worldwide, while henceforth it constitutes a basic criterion of designing small and big buildings which is taken into account by the all architects and engineers. And this, because the lower requirements of energy for heating, cooling and lighting of buildings that results from the practice of bioclimatic architecture and multiple profits that come with them: energy saving and thermic/optical comfort, economical (reduction of installation costs), environmental (reduction of pollutants) and social. Ecological construction in Greece has made the last 20 years only small and limited scope steps that have primarily resulted from private initiatives. The energy profit that results from the application of bioclimatic planning is attributed with the following ways: saving of energy from the important reduction of loss because of improved protection of the shell and behavior of structural elements production of thermal energy (heat) via solar systems of direct or indirect profit with contribution in the thermal needs of spaces and partial cover of heating requirements of buildings, creation of conditions of thermal comfort and reduction of requirements in the regulation of the thermostat (at lower temperatures during the winter and higher during the summer), Maintenance of temperature of internal air in high level during the winter (and respectively low during the summer), resulting in the reduction of charge for the cover of energy requirements from the complementary systems at the use of the building. The particularly mild climate in Greece, the increased sunlight and the cool summer winds constitute climatic factors that allow the possibility of designing buildings with low energy consumption, with passive techniques, without the requirement of systems that increase the cost of manufacture (either passive, or hybrid). More specifically, according to a study of KAPE (2004), there are four parameters of successful performance of bioclimatic planning in Greece Comprehensive planning and rational choice of techniques: the application of basic principles of bioclimatic planning is proposed with the guarantee of optimal sunning of the building for heating in winter, and possibilities of ventilation for cooling in the summer, as well as the choice of simple techniques of protection and systems of exploitation of environmental sources. Rational application of systems during construction: the implementation of a building study with correct construction and application of layout techniques and passive systems constitutes the second performance parameter of bioclimatic planning. In most cases of bioclimatic buildings in Greece, the divergence of the final manufacture from the initial study of building constitutes the basic factor contributing to the decreased performance of Passive Solar Systems. This divergence, which is owed either in constructional errors and omissions, or in decisions of users, can reverse the behavior of systems and of the entire building, so that we have more unfavorable conditions (increased energy consumption and decreased thermal comfort) from that in a conventional building without passive systems.

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Correct use and operation of the building and systems: The contribution of users of bioclimatic buildings constitutes a basic non-technical factor on which depends, to a great extent, the performance of Passive Solar Systems and the shell of the building. Sufficient maintenance: the maintenance constitutes the last parameter to guarantee the optimal performance of bioclimatic buildings with passive systems and other techniques.

The principles of building design should correspond to the guarantee of conditions of thermal and optical comfort but also require the consumption of less energy and in consequence to have a smaller effect in the environment. This is ensured with the adoption, installation and exploitation of Renewable Energy Sources. The main RES systems which can be incorporated in the buildings aiming at the partial or total cover of energy needs in Greece are: Photovoltaic energy systems Solar thermal systems Wind energy systems Geothermal energy systems CHP systems Biomass systems For the production of electricity in the building sector photovoltaic systems are used as much as small wind generators. In urban and generally in more populated regions the photovoltaic systems appear to constitute a more efficient solution. In regions with thin population where there is enough space and sufficient wind, small wind generators can be used efficiently. The thermal solar systems, the biomass systems and the geothermal pumps are applied for the production of heat in residences. In between them, the thermal solar systems and the biomass systems present easier process of placement and thus are applied in wider scale. Moreover, the former offer the production of hot water of use. The geothermal pumps can be used where there is available space for their installation but also a suitable exploitable geothermal source. According to the data on our country, over 80km2 of surface in buildings could nowadays develop the technology of photovoltaic systems providing a viable solution for green energy, architectural aesthetic economy, economy and reduction of greenhouse emissions.

4.2.2 ENERGY INTERVENTIONS IN BUILDINGS – MODERN CONTRUCTION MATERIALS: COLD MATERIALS The tendencies in the field of manufacture define the “building of tomorrow”, which should be: “Green”, with a decreased energy imprint, corresponding to the environmental view that is imposed by the important world issues. The buildings consume over 40% of the world’s total energy produced for heating, refrigeration and lighting, whereas the percentage of world CO2 emissions that corresponds to them, is estimated roughly in 25%. “Intelligent”, with the use of systems of automatic control of electric/mechanical installations or intelligent systems of data analysis for the control of energy behavior and the consumption of energy. At the same time, it uses distributed production of energy, smart grids, “intelligent” meters and domestic sensors, it develops the “diffused intelligence” in order to adapt to exterior conditions, etc. Energy self-sufficient and environmental friendly, incorporating a total of technologies and techniques in the entire circle of manufacture. These include bioclimatic design, new materials, the use of recycled or recyclable materials new, technologies of manufacture.

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Thus, the manufacture of a “green” building does not only mean low energy consumption in order to ensure the desirable quality of the internal environment, but at the same time the use of materials that have the smaller possible environmental repercussions. The new market of “intelligent and green” buildings of tomorrow is connected bidirectionally with the growth of advanced structural materials that correspond to the challenges for strengthened or new attributes, lower cost of production, use, or recycling and minimal environmental imprint. In these structural materials are included - indicatively: New thermo-insulating materials/ types of low carbon cements/Architectural elements of low weight such as expanded polystyrene /New types of frames with structural elements that are characterized by low rythms of flow of heat, such as new synthetic frames with thermo-interruption and nano-membranes of solar radiation/ nano-structured material for pigmentation, covering and protection of metal surfaces from erosion, waterproofing and water-insulating materials, special glass panes and coverings for heat insulation or reflective protection. An important repercussion of urban growth in the environment is the urban warming in contrast to surrounding areas, known as the urban heat island effect5. The dense layout is considered one of the main factors creating the urban heat island effect. The buildings function as heat deposits, while volume of the buildings prevents the movement of the wind, decreasing his intensity. Thus, the buildings store heat during the day– mainly in their exterior surfaces – resulting in the increase of their temperature. The air that comes in contact with the surfaces of buildings acquires their temperature, transporting then this heat to the neighboring masses. During the night, the exterior surfaces of buildings emit their heat with the form of infra-red radiation, preventing air to cool satisfactorily. During the past few years, an important increase of use of airconditioners in the buildings of residence and particularly in big urban centres is recorded, increasing the cost of consumption for refrigeration, the thermal load on the exterior environment (because exterior air-conditionning units emit heat to the environment) and the electric charge of peak during the summer months. It is obvious that the urban heat island effect affects negatively the viability of cities. The increase of urban temperatures because of the continuous urbanization and the greenhouse effect are expected to increase. One of the methods of confronting the above phenomenon is the use of cold materials. ‘Cold materials’ is a technology developed considerably in the past few years, which has attracted the interest of researchers and contributes in the thermal protection of buildings. Cold materials have the following characteristics: Total solar reflectance (in the spectrum 300-2500nm). High factor of emission of infrared emittance.

With the rapid development of technology of cold materials, in the past few years there are enough materials available with high levels of reflectivity and high factor of emission that have additional attributes (eg better accretion, bigger resistance etc.) in comparison to traditional materials. Cold materials are divided in two categories: A) Cold materials for the building nutshells (coverings, membranes etc) B) Cold materials for surfaces of urban environment (eg cold asphalt, plates of pavement etc.)

The profits from the application of cold materials in the shell of a building are multiple:

5 Source: Article “Cold Materials and their Role in Structured Environment” D. Kolokotsa et. al.

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Improvement of thermal comfort in non air conditioned buildings. Since the solar radiation is reflected and not absorbed by the shell of building, the heat that enters in his interior is less. Consequently, the temperature in the interior of the building will be lower. Saving of energy for refrigeration and reduction of energy costs. Lower temperatures in the interior of the building result in the reduction of cooling needs. The saving of energy for cooling by the application of cold materials differs from building to building, because it depends on a lot of factors, such as the level of insulation, the constructional elements and the operation of the building, the air conditioning system and the climate of the area. Several studies prove that the application of cold materials in the shell of buildings causes reduction of the cooling charge, which ranges from 10% to 40%. Reduction of peak load for cooling and corresponding economic benefit. The use of cold materials also contributes to the reduction of peak load, which leads to energy saving, hence reduction of the electricity cost, mainly for commercial and industrial buildings, in which the charge depends not only on the consumption of electricity, but also on the highest demand (in kWh) at the duration of the period of debit. Reduced atmospheric pollution and CO2 emissions. The reduction of atmospheric pollution and CO2 emissions is due to the decreased emission of pollutants from the factories of production of energy, because of the decreased needs of energy for cooling, which results from the application of cold materials. Moreover, since a large percentage of atmospheric pollution depends on photochemical reactions - the speed of which is increased with the temperature – it is obvious that even a small reduction of air temperature because of the application of cold materials, can contribute to the reduction of atmospheric pollution. Reduced greenhouse effect. The application of cold materials in urban regions worldwide is expected to contribute immediately to the reduction of the greenhouse effect, because of increased reflection of solar radiation to space, but also via the reduction of CO2 emissions.

The application of cold materials, either in the shell of buildings, or in other surfaces of urban space, can contribute substantially to better microclimate conditions and thermal comfort as well as decrease the energy demand for cooling in the building sector. In an international level, cold materials have been included in the regulation of energy performance of various countries, as a method of energy saving in buildings. In Greece, the new Regulation on the Energy Output of Buildings (KENAK) aims at the energy upgrade of buildings with interventions either in the shell or in their electromechanical installations. One of the parameters that it examines is the placement of cold materials in roofs and stoneworks, since the attributes of reflectivity and factor of emission influence the thermal behavior of structural elements. Specifically, in Article 9: Technical characteristics of building of report, it is reported that the building of report includes exterior surfaces with a factor of absorbency of solar radiation 0,40 (SR =0.6) for stoneworks, 0,40 (SR=0.6) for lofts and 0,60 (SR=0.4) for inclining roofs. Respectively, the factor of emission of thermal radiation for the exterior surfaces of the building of report is 0,80. Moreover, in the ministerial decision D6/B/14826 “Measures on the improvement of energy output and the saving of energy in the public and wider public sector”, which proposes the placement of cold paint in lofts (Article 8) with the following characteristics: white colour, reflectivity ≥ 0,87, factor of emission ≥ 0,80. other colour, reflectivity ≥ 0,70, factor of emission ≥ 0,80. For the vertical surfaces it proposes the use of paint that bears the indication “cold paint”, white or other color, with the following characteristics: reflectivity ≤ reflectivity of loft and factor of emission ≥0,80.

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4.2.3 ENERGY EFFICIENCY AND MONITORING SYSTEMS AND ENERGY SAVINGS Research in the field of energy efficiency and savings in Greece aims to drastically reduce the most important factor of energy consumption based on the energy needs of buildings (about 40% of total consumption). The intensification of the effort in the field of saving energy due to the introduction of European and national objectives is a key driver for research and development of innovative products and applications in the following areas: Developing cost-effective systems and structures in order to nihilism the "net" energy consumption of the building on an annual basis (Zero Energy Building - ZEB) Study of the energy performance of building use in conjunction with the energy performance of buildings. Sensor technologies, Systems and Software of energy mapping, management and surveillance of buildings. Measuring technology for the comparative energy assessment of buildings. Systems and Software of energy mapping, management and surveillance of buildings. Recording of energy standards, buildings per use measurements of their total energy consumption and individual consumption (heating, cooling, lighting, appliances). Development of techniques for correct Energy design for various types of buildings in conjunction with the in situ, in the region of the building of energy production by appliences RES in order to optimize energy performance of buildings. Study of the use of new materials for the development of energy smart construction. Technologies for solar and geothermal heating / cooling. NET ZERO ENERGY BUILDINGS (nZEB) In Greece, Law 4122/2013 for "Energy Performance of Buildings" (Compliance with Directive 2010/31/EU of the European Parliament and the Council) does not give a precise definition of nZEB, than there is in the Directive. The definition of buildings (with almost) Zero Energy Consumption, is not referred either on the previous Law 3661/2008 or in Regulation Energy Performance of Buildings (KENAK). According to Directive 2010/31/EU (EPBD recast) a nearly zero-energy building (nZEB) is defined in Article 2of the EPBD recast as “a building that has a very high energy performance. The nearly zero or very low amount of energy required should be covered to a very significant extent by energy from renewable sources, including energy from renewable sources produced on-site or nearby”. “Member States shall ensure that by 31 December 2020 all new buildings are nearly zero-energy buildings; and after 31 December 2018, new buildings occupied and owned by public authorities are nearly zero-energy buildings”. Member States shall furthermore “draw up national plans for increasing the number of nearly zero- energy buildings” and “following the leading example of the public sector, develop policies and take measures such as the setting of targets in order to stimulate the transformation of buildings that are refurbished into nearly zero-energy buildings”. Common general framework for the calculation of energy performance of buildings. The methodology shall be laid down taking into consideration at least the following aspects:

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the following actual thermal characteristics of the building including its internal partitions: (i) thermal capacity; (ii) insulation; (iii) passive heating; (iv) cooling elements; and (v) thermal bridges; heating installation and hot water supply, including their insulation characteristics; air-conditioning installations; natural and mechanical ventilation which may include air-tightness; built-in lighting installation (mainly in the non-residential sector); the design, positioning and orientation of the building, including outdoor climate; passive solar systems and solar protection; indoor climatic conditions, including the designed indoor climate; internal loads.

The first public building reconstruction to transform it in a building of zero energy regards the nursery of the Municipality of Aigaleo. This is a nursery of 340 sqm, built in 2001, located in the limits of the Municipality of Aigaleo. The annual energy costs of the municipality for the operation of the nursery are approximately EUR 6,000 - 3,500 for petroleum and 2,500 euros in electricity. According to the study initially the energy use of the building will reduce up to 50-60% through actions both in its shell (change of frames, shell insulation, probably even a planted roof). In the second phase the building will be allowed to produce the energy it consumes, as it will be covered by RES (mainly photovoltaic and solar thermal). BUILDING ENERGY MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS (BEMS) In recent years with the introduction of IT in the field of automation energy management systems (Building Energy Management Systems - BEMS) became quite popular. These systems offer control of the environmental parameters of buildings through channel sensor networks (sensors) and actuators (actuators) that either have a central control system or work in a decentralized way. A direct consequence of this is that, with the implementation of appropriate control algorithms, it is possible both to ensure comfort conditions and energy savings. At the same time, these systems are characterized by the implementation of structured cabling, through which the maintenance of the installation process becomes simple in contrast to conventional electrical installations. Additionally, the operator is given the ability to monitor the operation of the system and if necessary, the immediate response to this (eg changing some operating parameters remotely). Finally, it is possible to apply adaptive control algorithms (adaptive control) in these facilities in a transparent and flexible. The BEMS systems are used for the following services of automation and control functions: Heating, cooling, ventilation, air conditioning (HVAC) General lighting and emergency lighting Energy Management Security and protection Recognition and diagnosis of errors

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Implementing an energy management system (BEMS), is one of the measures that can yield significant energy savings up to 20-50%. A BEMS is a key component of the process of Energy Monitoring and of Establishing Energy Goals (Monitoring and Targeting) especially in buildings where energy use is supervised by a significant number of measurement sites and control.

Benefits: With the energy management systems of buildings - BEMS are offered: Energy savings of 15-20% for heating, cooling and ventilation. While for lighting energy savings can be up to 50-60% Reduction of energy costs and therefore lower operating costs Automatic cut of load management and peak loads charge the energy costs Improvement of the human environment, especially of the workplace Greater building functionality and economy

Furthermore the modern systems BEMS: They have tremendous flexibility Adapt easily to the requirements of the customer and not the customer on installation requirements Provide tools for ease of use They give the opportunity for several interdependent functions to be made easily and simply, and maintenance interventions and troubleshooting They decide on functions and commands in a logical and orderly manner They can work remotely, either local or via phone or Internet They provide highest accuracy of calculations, automatic analysis of energy data, forecasting in energy demand and presenting reports with editable graphics results

The BEMS systems confer intelligence in the building and contribute to the creation of "smart buildings." Intelligence is a word used to imply that a microprocessor has been incorporated into a "smart" device of the building. Therefore a "smart building" is a building that provides a productive and cost-effective environment through optimization of services (eg heating, cooling, air conditioning, lighting, etc.) and their management. Furthermore this is which has the telecommunications infrastructure, which makes it able to respond and adapt constantly to changing conditions.

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Application The experience to date from the implementation and operation of many BEMS in Greek buildings, shows that in almost all cases, the possibilities offered are not yet fully exploited. So while several projects applying BEMS started with good specifications, almost no one has paid the vector user-the expected operating results in relation to energy management, since the training of the operators extended only to the use of the system for basic functions of supervision and control and usually at a lower level (technician or maintenance engineer), without ever transmitting the right information to the senior management officers. Of course this is facilitated and by the continuing lack of overall framework for energy management in the building sector of our country, despite the first pilot efforts that have only recently begun to public buildings.

4.1 SUCCESSFUL APPROACHES IN BUILDING INNOVATION IN GREECE In this section we selected to describe three (3) projects of the Region of Western Greece (one pilot and by two real applications) incorporating innovations in both the architectural design and the adoption of energy efficiency technologies, in line with the above analysis. All selected projects incorporate in their construction passive energy saving systems and utilize intelligent monitoring energy systems and / or use of new building materials.

4.3.1 BIOCLIMATIC DESIGN OF BUILDINGS IN HELLENIC OPEN UNIVERSITY The complex of buildings at the Open University of Patras, in the area "Perivola" of Municipality of Patras, designed from the start based on the principles of bioclimatic design. The complex consists (currently) of 3 buildings ("Building A," "Building B" & "Building C" '), housing the departments of the university and which were manufactured at different times: at the beginning were constructed the buildings A and B, which operated in 2008, then the Building C which also incorporates the logic and technologies of the previous, with significant improvements, and which came into operation in 2012. The building program of HOU satisfies the needs of social organization of space and meets the requirements of an academic institution that provides both to serve the individual needs of different members of the academic community and the cohesion and academic synergy. Also, allows internal flexibility and adaptation of buildings in continually evolving needs of a university, especially an innovative institution that offers and manages distance learning. The building design of HOU is distinguished for the high aesthetics, while the mode of construction and the choice of materials, in combination with the energy design of the building, reduce both the construction and operating costs (including maintenance costs) of buildings. Finally, it reduces the environmental impacts of both the construction and operation of buildings, by using materials environmentally friendly, the streamlined use and conservation of energy during operation The buildings have a central atrium and open corridors, which, in conjunction with the planting of deciduous trees in most of the vacant lots, form the ideal conditions for ventilation and cooling, causing the outdoor air to be transferred from the patio in the halls and exits from the side where the restrooms are delineating a cycle. The orientation and layout of buildings, provide good natural lighting conditions, while meeting the functional requirements of education and administration spaces, and the need for separation of individual classrooms, in order to limit losses in heating. The buildings have central air conditioning system, which is controlled by an information system that enables adjustment of heating and cooling needs, depending on the needs of each classroom. The overall design of the complex, is a product study of specific natural conditions of the area and reads as a result, the building to behave differently during the summer and winter.

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The New Bioclimatic Building E ' In full progress this period are the works for the construction of the building of Group Consultative Conference (G.C.C.) rooms and the Teaching and Research Staff (TRS) offices - which will constitute the "Building E" 'of HOU. The contract for the construction of the project was signed on 25.06.2013 and the overall execution time is eighteen (18) months. The Building E 'is constructed east of the already functioning Building C, after insert "empty space" for the future construction of Building D'. It has a Π form in ground plan and is divided into four parts - wings (wing C1, C2 wing, D wing and wing D1). The layout of the ground floor and the first floor down around an elongated rectangular patio, with axis east - west, bounded to the north and south by two wings (rooms on the ground floor and offices on the first floor), while on the east side of the building are the public areas. The building has two floors (ground floor and first floor) with basement utility room and has a total gross area of 2,110.00 sq.m. Includes: (a) 780 m2 basement floor with load-bearing of reinforced concrete, that will accommodate archive facilities and E/M facilities (spaces of strong currents, telecommunications center, heating and cooling units), (b) Two storey upper structure with a total surface of 1571 m2, with load-bearing steel frame with composited concrete slabs, and interior and exterior walls of dry construction. The ground floor (areas of enclosed spaces 662 m2 and semi-open 123 m2) will house eight classrooms, restrooms and a multipurpose conference room, while the first floor (closed areas 668 m2 and semi-open spaces 118 m2) will house twenty-six (26) offices of faculty members, restrooms and multipurpose conference room. It also includes an underground water tank capacity of 120 m, which will be fully connected to the north-west end of the basement, as well as the landscaping of the site in three (3) distinct areas: a) In the interior patio, b) In an area south of the building land of about 2 acres (green areas, roads, stormwater, parking with electric lighting), and c) In the area north of the building land of of about one acre (green spaces, etc.).

The energy and innovative character of the "Building E" The building will be equipped with contemporary electrical installations of strong and weak currents, of central control, hydronic module installation of central air conditioning unit, photovoltaic roof, welding generator and substation PPC. Passive energy saving systems are used, ie mild methods of bioclimatic design which will contribute, together with engineering applications, to the thermal comfort of the interiors. It is worth mentioning that the planting of open spaces, the reduce of use of material of high heat accumulative capacity to a minimum and ensuring the night cooling of the building during the summer months, with direct (positive) impact on energy consumption. Also, special emphasis will be given to the reduction of operating costs by incorporating a central control system of H/ M installations, through which the system operation and energy savings (eg lighting control zones, presence of motion detectors in every office, control cooling / heating) will be optimized. Each space will be air conditioned with fresh air, avoiding a costly existence, and in terms of installation and in terms of operating system of preconditioned fresh air.

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4.3.2 ENERGY INTERVENTIONS IN BUILDINGS There are no recorded public buildings (almost) of zero consumption in Greece. The first public building reconstruction to transform it in a building (almost) of zero energy will be the nursery in the Municipality of Egaleo - Attica. In the present sub - section were selected to be presented two cases of private projects in the area of Patras: the case of energy upgrade of a house in Patras, with the use of innovative applications, and and "Residential Complex 360°, which was nominated for the European Architecture Award "Mies Van der Rohe" in 2009.

Construction Bioclimatic Housing in Farres Achaia with very low energy consumption6 The house is located in the village Farres, about 20 km south of the center of Patras. The climate of the region is generally characterized Mediterranean as there are hot dry summers and mild winters The land, a total area of 2000 m2, has zero ground slope, is located in a sparsely populated area of settlement (within the limits of the village) and surrounded by olive groves. Follows from the foregoing that the microclimate on the land will not differ substantially from the climate of the region as there are no geomorphological particularities in the immediate surroundings of the land that will alter it. The house consists of ground floor area 127.00 m2, 164.00 m2 ground surface and predicted surface of loft 18.00 m2. For the construction have been used conventional in Greece building materials. The main bearing structure of the building is of reinforced concrete except for a large section of the roof of the ground floor consisting of a roof with wooden load bearing and coated tiles. The remaining part of the roof consists of horizontal slab of reinforced concrete. The exterior walls are of filling cavity of bricks while the internal dividers are of plasterboard. The exterior panels are made of aluminum. The bioclimatic design of the house was based on the following criteria: A. Conservation of energy: Thermal insulation of the shell and reducing unintentional air infiltration. B. Passive solar heating systems: Direct solar gain. C. Natural cooling and passive cooling systems: natural cooling with appropriate window shading / Night cooling with ventilation.

6 Barlou, E. (2011). "Bioclimatic house on Farres Achaia, with very low energy consumption." Presentation at the Conference ARENEP 2011 "Architecture, Energy & Environment in buildings and cities"

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Picture 13: Drawings of the Bioclimatic House in Farres

South View West View

North View East View

Specifically, the interventions made in the construction are:

Conservation of energy. Regarding thermal insulation there have been applied various techniques to virtually all the building (frame, exterior walls of filling, interior dividing walls, roof, exterior windows and openings, etc.).

Passive solar heating systems To deal with the cold season was decided to apply the system of direct solar gains (or profit). Thus was created a elongated ground plan aspect ratio 1:2 whose long sides are south and north orientation. The plan view was formed so that the main areas of use (except one bedroom) are placed in the South and have large openings towards him, while spaces with auxiliary use were placed in the North, where there are the lowest temperatures, in order to function as a thermal buffer areas and have small openings toward this. Thus solar radiation enters in the winter directly to areas requiring heating and part of that is stored on the floors of the premises consisting of high heat capacity materials and dark color to be emitted later in space.

Natural cooling and passive cooling systems To deal with the warm period is achieved in principle Natural cooling with proper shading of all openings and large parts of the surfaces of the building. There are the appropriate for each orientation shades which are mostly pergolas which are covered only in the summer, so in the winter to achieve the unobstructed insolation of the premises while the summer to achieve the sun protection. Furthermore, all the openings are equipped with heavy duty aluminum shutters which can participate in the shade in the summer. From passive cooling systems has been applied with

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the night cooling ventilation, achieved through an appropriate arrangement of openings, to be as efficient as possible by cooling the house at night when outdoor temperatures are lower of internal.

Picture 14: Picture of residence


Housing Energy Upgrade In this case, the innovative application for energy upgrade of a detached house, with a combination of interventions included: - thermal insulation of the building to increase its energy efficiency - operation of an integrated control system and energy management for reducing consumption. The building has a geothermal system, with heat pumps, which is complementary to passive solar systems, which are installed on the roof, and the whole is controlled by a central monitoring system, which is based on the latest generation sensors. This exemplar house, presents a large degree of energy independence for ensuring of which the active behavior of the owners is necessary too.


The plot is in Patra, on the intersection of Agiou Konstantinou and Aoou streets. In terms of location (on the city/sea boundary and the waterfront throughway), scale and proportions, it made to key demands: integrating the building within the urban fabric, and maintaining visual continuity and contact with the sea. The Building had won in the World Architecture Festival (2009) and was a nominee of European Union Prize for Contemporary Architecture "Mies van der Rohe" (2009). ‘360°’ is four-storey high and raised on pilotis. It comprises thirty apartments and commands a direct view of the sea. There is an underground car-park and a rooftop belvedere. It redefines residential models in the modern urban landscape, on the boundary of city and sea. It introduces a contemporary outlook to the Greek ‘polukatoikia’ concept, refashions city/sea boundaries, and seeks to engage with its urban setting. It results from a concatenation of linear thrusts and perspectives generated by the site, and deploys its scale, which impacts value, without the least bit of embarrassment. The building is articulated as a system of linear features, running through the length of the plot, parallel to the sea. Constituting the building’s identity, the putative lines of the floor slabs dominate the main elevation and accentuate its dynamics. On the boundaries between interior/exteriors, vertical elements all but disappear. The breadth of the building, in conjunction with the treatment of SEE/D/0320/4.1/X – BUILD SEE Σελίδα 57 από 65

its vertical elements, lend the slab ‘lines’ an appearance of blades slashing through it. The view from within is unrestricted, almost theatrical: mirrored in the elevation’s glass surfaces, it affords privacy to the apartments. Meanwhile, the building’s linear demarcations act as a visual reference in the town’s prospect. Functioning as an interstice, the building turns into a ‘comb’, filtering and reflecting views and perspectives. Nature and city, fragmentary ‘instants’, ‘captured’ on its expanse, ever-changing through evening and morning reflect the beat of the city. By means of a building with ‘its ear to the ground’, ‘gazing’, and ‘gazed at’. Outdoors, alternate strips of plantation and soil follow the lines of the building. Since the building is raised above ground-level, the strips form a carpet spread over the entire plot. The vertical dimension of the building is denoted by four sets of stairs and the ‘upright gardens’ in the balconies. Come sundown it is further accentuated by the linear lighting system outdoors (running at right angles to the main design axes). Construction materials include reinforced concrete for the load bearing structure, exposed concrete, glass plates for balcony railings on the main facade, and metal strips with perforated steel sheet for the remaining railings. Picture 15: The 360o apartment building


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Controlling power consumption is an important part of the operating cost of a building complex. At the same time, it contributes to pollution control and environmental effects on air and quality of life. In the current economic and environmental situation, it is important for the Greek Public Sector (particularly for the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs) to study and implement appropriate actions of energy management of building infrastructure with a view to: Achieving the minimum possible energy consumption. Protecting the urban environment in the medium-term from conditions of creating increased pollutants. Improving the conditions while at school. Making students aware of the importance of energy saving and environmental protection. The ultimate goal of the pilot program is to reduce the energy load of school buildings (building energy performance), at the levels which meet the minimum energy requirements of buildings and individual rooms, whilst increasing the sensitivity of the teaching staff and student population to this direction. Briefly, the program aims to reduce CO2 emissions and saving energy in school buildings, and also the environmental education of students This pilot project is applied in 7 building complexes:  CTI Building in Patras  CTI Building in Athens  54th Primary School of Patras  55th Primary School of Athens  8th High School of Patras  High School in Pentavryso,  2nd EPAL of Picture 16: CTI Building in Patras

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Picture 17: 54th Primary School of Patras

In these 7 buildings have been properly installed sensor networks measuring consumed energy and partial remote control. These networks include, indicative: consumption meter, indoor unit sensors, weather stations, outdoor air quality control etc. Based on this infrastructure there have been implemented the following actions:  Information system of remote monitoring and management of buildings.  Web portal for presenting measurements to the general public in order to develop the environmental awareness of local residents.  Implementation of Information presentation on mobile devices in the form of gaming to further motivate students.  Implementation of statistical analysis and targeted reports to the responsible services of the Ministry.  Developing educational scenario in order to be able to use the data from the measurements for targeted actions for environmental education and awareness. Through the web site monitoring the energy consumption of the pilot application, students and teachers are informed about the benefits of saving and rational use of energy and renewable sources of energy.

The constant updating of the measurement results, is posted in the portal ( and it is possible to do statistical analysis and find variations in energy consumption, which enable the precise spatial and temporal tracking of the energy waste and are data for reporting to the departments of the Ministry. In the figure below is reflected the interface of the page of the measurements for one of the (7) schools involved in the pilot application:

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Picture 18: Screen Shots from the portal (8th High School)

Picture 19: Measurement of power consumption

This project, completed by the equivalent of 2014, during which additional actions are implemented, is the first step to Nationwide expansion (either per Region or in full development for all privately owned buildings). In order to achieve the above goals, new actions are implemented that include installing a network of additional parameters measuring sensors, installing energy saving thermostats, installing a small wind farm in a school of island region, integrating the aforementioned in the educational scenarios of the subproject (e.g. data combination of contamination with consumption, comparison of indoor and outdoor temperature with power consumption, use of alternative energy sources), use of diagnostic tools for evaluation of energy use in schools, and other related actions.

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4.2 SOLUTIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS From the above analysis, follow recommendations regarding the need to develop and implementation of innovative applications especially in bioclimatic shaping for energy saving in the building sector and sustainable development.

Recommendation 1: At regional and local level, there should be cooperation between bodies of the public sector and the research manpower of the Region for the implementation and application of innovative new technologies and the development of new pilot projects, particularly in the field of building and energy reduction. The "intensive" use of existing high level of expertise is required, due to the presence of Research Institutes and Universities in Western Greece and ensuring the financial resources to support their research project. At the same time there is a need to intensify efforts to link research work being done in institutions and research centers across the country, with a view to maximizing synergies between research groups and addressing the phenomenon of "fragmentation" of research activities in the field of bioclimatic design and green building. Also, there should be direct collaboration between researchers and the private sector, as a potential user of innovations produced by the research community. Technologies of Renewable Energy Sources is an important area for investment and growth with pillar Universities and Research Centers in the Region.

Recommendation 2: The widespread dissemination of information to citizens through mass organizations - such as Local Authorities, Chambers, Universities, etc. - to support the effort of formation energy awareness and behaviors of everyone. The highlighting of the best practice applications of bioclimatic design, the use of modern technologies reduce energy consumption by highlighting the benefits (economic - environmental - social) will strengthen the active involvement of all interested in "green building" (citizens, educational institutions, local bodies ).

Recommendation 3: The financial tools and incentives adopted to support interventions of energy refurbishment of existing energy intensive building stock of the country (eg "Saved," " Energy Efficiency at Household Buildings", "Building the Future", etc.), failed to contribute to the expected target (given the economic crisis and a series of other factors: weak banking system, lack of awareness - public awareness, etc.) resulting in financial tools not used optimally by stakeholders (business sector energy, citizens, etc.). The harmonization of our country with the 2010/31/EK new Directive on Energy Performance of Buildings, where the new objective set down to (almost) zero energy consumption from 01/01/2021 for all new buildings of the Private Sector and from 01/01/2019 for all new public sector buildings, is a pressing need for efficient use of financial tools.

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REFERENCES – BIBLIOGRAPHY [1]. Law 3661/2008 “Measures to reduce energy consumption in buildings and other provisions” [2]. Law 3855/2010 “On measures for energy end use efficiency, energy services and other provisions, in compliance with Directive 2006/32/EC”. [3]. Law 4067/2012 “New Building Regulation” [4]. Law 4122/2013 “Energy Performance of Buildings – Transposition of Directive 2010/31/EU” [5]. Joint Ministerial Decree D6/Β/5825/2010 “Energy Buildings Performance Regulation (KENAK)” [6]. Joint Ministerial Decree D6/Β/14826/2008 “Measures for energy efficiency and energy saving in the public sector” [7]. Barlou Ε., (2011). “A Bioclimatic House in Farres Achaias, with very low energy consumption". Presentation at the Congress ARENEP 2011 “Congress on Architecture, Energy and Environment in buildings and cities” [8]. CRES (2011). “Green urban quarter pilot project – Technical Specifications Issue” [9]. CRES & YPEKA (presentation): “Building the Future – A program for sustainable buildings and green development”. Retrieved by: [10]. Demenega Maria. “Spatial integration of environmental policies for sustainable urban development. The case of Vrilissia Municipality”. [11]. EPBD (2013). Concerted Action – Energy performance of Building. “Implementing the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive” (electronic version). [12]. Ganotis St. (2014). Academy of Energy "Energy Management in Buildings". Retrieved by: [13]. Kolokotsa D. et. al. "Cold Materials and their Role in Structured Environment" [14]. Kaplanis Sokratis (2013). “Opportunities & Conditions for Development – Energy & Employment”. Presented in Conference organized by newspaper PELOPONNISOS. [15]. Ministry of Development (2008). “Action plan on energy efficiency in the building sector”. Survey contacted by Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, University of Patras, Technological Educational Institute of Crete. [16]. Mpaka Panagiota: “The bioclimatic design of urban public space aiming at sustainability. An environmental and social approach". [17]. Mpakola Th. “BIOCLIMATIC SCHOOL BUILDINGS”. Retrieved by: 19230.doc [18]. Hellenic Statistical Authority (2013). “Survey on Energy Consumption in Households, 2011- 2012”. Retrieved by: T_5Y_00_2012_01_F_EN.pdf [19]. RES Dissemination Project. “Renewable Energy Sources in Residential Areas”. Retrieved by: [20]. RWG (2013): "Assessment, review and specification of the Regional Spatial Planning Framework for Sustainable Development". Workshop, Mesologi, December 2013. [21]. “FILON” (2013): "Assessment, review and specification of the Regional Spatial Planning Framework for Sustainable Development". A1 Presentation.

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[22]. “FILON” (2014): "Assessment, review and specification of the Regional Spatial Planning Framework for Sustainable Development". B1 Summary. [23]. Technical Chamber (2014): Review and Recommendations of the Regional Spatial Planning Framework for Sustainable Development in /Region of Western Greece. February, 2014.

Relevant sources of information:

Source of information Internet address of website (URL)

Ministry of Environment, Energy and Climate Change (YPEKA – MEEC) Centre for Renewable Energy Sources and Saving Building Future

The Green Fund Operational Programme "Environment & Sustainable Development" Saving energy at home Programme “Let's save energy II” guage=el-gr School Buildings Organisation SA Τhe Computer Technology Institute and Press "Diophantus" Hellenic Statistical Authority

Mies van der Rohe Foundation Architecture Prize and-actions/doc1103_en.htm Region of Western Greece

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BUILD SEE Addressing the divide between the EU indicators and their practical implementation in the green construction and eco-social re-qualification of residential areas in South East Europe regions



Project Partner ERDF PP8 Region of Western Greece

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