AB Assembly Bill ACTA Alameda Corridor Transportation Authority AHERA Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act ANSI American National Standards Institute AP Act Alquist-Priolo Earthquake Fault Zoning Act AQMP Air Quality Management Plan ARB California Air Resources Board ASTM American Society of Testing and Materials Basin Plan Water Quality Control Plan for the Region Bbls Barrels BPH Barrels per Hour BPD Barrels per Day Bureau City of Los Angeles Bureau of Engineering BMP Best Management Practices CAA Federal Clean Air Act CAER Community Awareness and Emergency Response CalEPA California Environmental Protection Agency Cal-ARP California Accidental Release Prevention Program Cal/OSHA California Occupational Safety and Health Administration CALTRANS California Transportation Department CAT Climate Action Team CCAA California Clean Air Act CCR California Code of Regulations CDFG California Department of Fish and Game CDMG California Division of Mines and Geology CEQA California Environmental Quality Act CESA California Endangered Species Act CFC Chlorofluorocarbons CFR Code of Federal Regulations CG General Commercial CGS California Geological Survey CIH Certified Industrial Hygienist CMP Congestion Management Program CNDDB California Natural Diversity Data Base CNPS California Native Plant Society CO Carbon Monoxide CO2 Carbon Dioxide COHb Carboxyhemoglobin Corps United States Army Corps of Engineers CSFM California State Fire Marshall CTCSP Coastal Transportation Corridor Specific Plan CTR California Toxics Rule CUPA Certified Unified Program Agency CWA Clean Water Act dB decibel dBA A-Weighted Decibel Scale DDT Dichloro-Diphenyl-Trichloroethane

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DE District Engineer DOD Department of Defense DOT Department of Transportation EDR Environmental Data Resources EIA Environmental Impact Analysis EIR Environmental Impact Report ERS Emergency Response Services EPA United States Environmental Protection Agency FEMA Federal Emergency Management Agency FESA Federal Endangered Species Act FIRM Flood Insurance Rate Map ft feet g Peak Ground Acceleration GCASWP General Construction Activity Storm Water Permit GHG Greenhouse Gases GIS Geographic Information System GMBL Gardena Municipal Bus Lines GPM Gallons per Minute H&S Health and Safety HCA High Consequence Area HDD Horizontal Directional Drilling HFC Hydrofluorocarbon HHMD Health Hazardous Materials Division HI Hazard Index HOC Highway Oriented Commercial HOV High Occupancy Vehicle HSWA Hazardous and Solid Waste Act HVAC Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning HWCL California Hazardous Waste Control Law I Interstate I-10 , also known as the Santa Monica Freeway I-105 Interstate 105, also known as or the Century Freeway I-110 Interstate 110, also known as the Harbor Freeway I-405 , also known as the San Diego Freeway I-605 Interstate 605, also known as the San Gabriel River Freeway ICU Intersection Capacity Utilization in Inches km kilometer kPa kilopascal, equal to 0.1450377 pounds per square inch (psi). LACFC Los Angeles County Flood Control LACFD Los Angeles County Fire Department LADOT Los Angeles Department of Transportation LADPW Los Angeles County Department of Public Works LAFD City of Los Angeles Fire Department LAMC Los Angeles Municipal Code LAWA Los Angeles World Airports LAX Los Angeles International Airport LAXFUEL Los Angeles International Airport Airline Consortium Fuel Corporation Leq Average Sound Level Lmax Maximum Permitted Noise Level

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lbs pounds LEL Lower Explosive Limit LOS Level of Service LST Localized Significance Threshold MBTA Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918 Metro Metropolitan Transit Authority MH Heavy Manufacturing mi miles MICR Maximum Individual Cancer Risk ML Light Manufacturing MLD Most Likely Descendant mm millimeter MOE Measure of Effectiveness MS4 Municipally Owned Storm Water System MS4 Permit NPDES stormwater permit issued by the RWQCB for the Los Angeles Region MSDS Material Safety Data Sheet msl Mean Sea Level Mw Moment Magnitude NACE National Association of Corrosion Engineers NAHC Native American Heritage Commission NEPA National Environmental Policy Act NESHAP National Emissions Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants NFPA National Fire Protection Association NMFS National Marine Fisheries Service NO Nitric Oxide NO2 Nitrogen Dioxide NOAA National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration NOI Notice of Intent NOP Notice of Preparation NOx Nitrogen Oxides NPDES National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System NPPA California Native Plant Protection Act NWI National Wetlands Inventory O3 Ozone OS Open Space OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Administration OPS Office of Pipeline Safety PAH Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon Pb Elemental Lead PCB polychlorinated biphenyls PCE Tetrachloroethene PCPG Regional Comprehensive Plan and Guide PFC Perfluorocarbon PHMSA Pipeline Hazardous Material Safety Administration PM2.5 Fine Particulate Matter PM10 Respirable Particulate Matter PNA Polynuclear Aromatic Compound ppd pounds per day PPE Personal Protective Equipment ppm parts per million

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psi pounds per square inch RCRA Resource Conservation Recovery Act ROW right-of-way RS Single Family Residential RTP Regional Transportation Plan RWQCB Regional Water Quality Control Board SCAG Association of Governments SCAQMD South Coast Air Quality Management District SEA Significant Ecological Area SETS Smart Energy Transportation System sf square feet SF6 Sulfur Hexafluoride SIP State Implementation Plan SO2 Sulfur Dioxide SO4 Sulfate SOP Standard Operating Procedure SOx Sulfur Oxide SPCC Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasures SQMP Stormwater Quality Management Plan SR State Route SR-1 State Route 1, also known as Sepulveda Boulevard (north of Aviation Blvd.); also known as Pacific Coast Highway (south of Aviation Blvd.) SR-91 State Route 91, also known as the Artesia Freeway SRA Sensitive Receptor Area SUSMP Standard Urban Stormwater Mitigation Plan SWPPP Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan SWRCB State Water Resource Control Board TAC Toxic Air Contaminants T-BACT Best Available Control Technology for Toxics TCE Trichloroethene TCP Traffic Control Plan TMDL Total Maximum Daily Load TSCA Toxic Substances and Control Act UFD Urban Forestry Division µg/m3 micrograms per cubic meter USA Unusually Sensitive Area USFWS United States Fish and Wildlife Service USGS U.S. Geological Survey UST Underground Storage Tank V/C Volume-to-Capacity VOC Volatile Organic Compound Watson Kinder Morgan Watson Pump Station WesPac WesPac Pipelines-Los Angeles LLC

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