
fw.ky.gov Wild Know-How Spring 2020 A Private Lands Newsletter from the Division of Wildlife


March - Mid April __ Prescribe burn in preparation to eradicate fescue. __ Strip disk to promote bare ground and new growth. __ Sow clover lespedeza. Planting for Pollinators __ Sow cool season grasses. __ Apply lime and fertilizer per soil Michaela Rogers look no further than the outdoor space test to wildlife food plots. Environmental Scientist, KDFWR around you. One of the greatest issues faced by pollinators is the scarcity of hether it be the precipitous de- food resources. Specifically, the flow- Wcline of the iconic monarch but- ering plants that produce the nectar terfly, or the crash of both native and pollen they consume. and honeybees, you may have heard So, plant wildflowers! Easy enough, about the current concern surround- right? Before you get into planting, “A true conservationist is a ing pollinators. These beneficial in- there are a few things to consider to en- man who knows that the world sects pollinate many of the crops we sure the success of your pollinator plot. is not given by his fathers but consume and support health and di- When selecting a seed mix, be sure to borrowed from his children.” versity of our natural environment. If choose one that contains native — John James Audubon you have ever wondered what can be done to help these butterflies and bees, Continued on page 5 2 Wild Know-How

Dealing with Deer Damage

Kyle Sams, Acting Big deer away. Some common deterrents 5-10 years. Netting and wire cages can Program Coordinator, KDFWR are propane canons, strobe lights, pyro- also be used to wrap around or technics, dogs on a tether, or flagging. completely cover particular areas. Net- any of us can remember when However, these devices will typically ting is generally used to protect sea- Mseeing a deer was a rarity. In provide only temporary relief as deer sonal fruits and flowers. Support stakes those days, we didn’t mind the brows- are highly adaptable and learn to over- might be necessary to anchor the net- ing in the back yard on our ornamental come their fear and will be back causing ting to provide maximum protection. plantings and gardens. Today is a dif- damage. For a more long term solution, ferent story as Kentucky’s deer herd try a variety of the strategies below. Fencing is now estimated at 1 million . Fencing is the most reliable, long Today deer feeding on our gardens, or- Repellents term way to prevent damage. Fenc- namental plants or agricultural crops There are two different types of ing is recommended in areas to pro- can be a problem. In addition, during deer repellents, taste repellents and tect high value plants that require year May and June deer have fawns which area repellents. Taste repellents are round protection, such as vineyards. can be a problem when mother at- sprayed directly onto a plant causing Eight feet or taller fencing is recom- tempts to defend her fawns from pets it to taste bad. Area repellents are re- mended however, is the most costly to and people. Dealing with deer damage pellents placed in the damage area that implement. can be a tough issue, but with a little produce a foul smell to prevent the deer Another common fencing type is planning and implementation of vari- from entering the problem area. There multiple strands of electric fence. Place ous techniques, damage can be drasti- are many commercial products avail- flagging or stands of cloth on the fence cally reduced or eliminated. There are able at your local hardware or depart- for deer to see them and help avoid a variety of strategies to deal with deer ment store. There are also many home- running right through the fence. Other damage and not all strategies are prac- remedy repellents, however, their ef- common practices are to put bait on the tical for every landowner. More impor- fectiveness is questionable. electric fence to entice deer to eat the tantly, it is best to use a variety of the bait instead of what is inside the fence. techniques listed below that best fits Netting and Tubing The electric fence then will shock the your situation. A tube around the base of a deer, training them to avoid electric or sapling works well to prevent deer fences. Deterrents damage. Use a support stake to keep Deterrents are devices used to scare the tube upright. Most tubes will last The techniques listed above might be able to help you reduce deer damage. If you would like more information, please check out our website at https://fw.ky.gov/Wildlife/ Pages/Deer-Damage.aspx. If you are still experiencing a problem after implement- ing some of these techniques and would like some tech- nical assistance with deer damage, please contact your local Private Lands Biologist at 1-800-858-1549 or online at https://app.fw.ky.gov/Web- Contact/default.aspx. Natural Ponds

Zack Couch At-risk Species Biologist, KDFWR

ater sources are a vital compo- Wnent of quality habitat. Land- owners who install ridgetop ponds (es- pecially in wooded areas) provide an important water source for (including bats), birds, and amphibians. However, as is often the case, these small ponds require occasional main- tenance to keep them functioning at their best for native wildlife. With that Remove unwanted vegetation levels are maintained long enough for in mind, a few things to consider when Cattails can often overtake an up- amphibians to reach maturity. Ensur- sprucing up your upland pond are: land water source in short . If al- ing that the forest surrounding your up- lowed to become established, cattails land water source is healthy and avail- What are your goals and are you can eliminate many of the benefits to able to provide shade for years to come meeting them? native wildlife by crowding out drink- will likewise ensure that your wood- Upland water sources serve a va- ing areas and hindering utilization by land pond remains an attractive feature riety of functions. Which are you most amphibians. Removing cattails (via for native wildlife. concerned with? Water sources created either mechanical or chemical means) Additionally, at least one side of for amphibian use should be shallow before they become established is an your upland water source should have enough that they go nearly or completely important step in keeping your upland a gently sloping profile. Often, steep dry during the warm summer months. water source wildlife friendly. banks can develop in older wood- These ephemeral water sources (typical- land ponds that prevent movement of ly holding water in the early spring and Shade and slope amphibians in and out of the water. late fall) are excellent breeding areas for Two of the most important aspects If your pool starts developing steep amphibians. In addition, by “drying up” to upland water sources are shade and banks (even if it’s less than a foot high), during the summer, fish and green frog slope. Shade not only reduces wa- consider using a shovel to regrade the populations are prevented from over- ter temperature (which is critical for banks to allow for a less abrupt transi- taking the pond, which would inhibit maintaining adequate levels of dis- tion from aquatic to terrestrial areas. its effectiveness as a breeding area for solved oxygen) but also stabilizes wa- In the eastern United States, water other amphibians (especially salaman- ter level fluctuations. While allowing is rarely a limiting factor for the daily ders). On the other hand, a water source your woodland pond to go dry during resource needs of most animals. How- that is meant to be utilized as a drinking the summer is not a bad thing, keep- ever, the installation of an ephemeral source should be deeper in order to pro- ing adequate water levels throughout a pond has great value to the plants, ani- vide a drinking opportunity during the portion of the year is critical. A shal- mals, and bugs that use them. Whether summer when water is scarce. low pool in the open sun will often dry you are after the spring cacophony of By examining your goals, and keep- up too quickly, even in the spring or amphibians or a watering hole for game ing an eye on water levels throughout the fall when the temperature is mild. The animals in the fall, have a look at your year, you can determine if your upland proper amount of shade will not only property for the right place to establish pond should be made deeper or be al- keep water temperatures from getting your very own natural water area. lowed to fill in with sediment naturally. too high, but will also ensure that water Spring 2020 4


April - May __ Begin preparation of dove fields. __ Plant tree and shrub seedlings. __ Spray herbicide to eradicate fescue. __ Conduct timber stand improvements and create brush piles. __ Establish wildlife mineral licks. Recreational Mowing May - June __ Plant annual grain food plots/ dove fields (do not plant in same Syndrome? location as last year). __ Sow warm season grasses and Clay Smitson their farms mown cleanly to the fenc- wildflowers. Private Lands Biologist, KDFWR es or forests. During that time, many __ Hinge-cut cedar trees for living wildlife species, such as brush piles. ave you ever felt an unexplain- bobwhite quail, , and grassland Hable, deep-seated need to “clean songbirds were thriving. Land cover up” tall grass, weeds, or brush on your and wildlife populations have changed July - August property without really understanding drastically since then. The introduction __ Create wildlife waterholes when why? Do you worry that your neighbors of KY 31 tall fescue and the notion that the soil is dry enough. will think you’re lazy if your property the only good farm is a clean farm have __ Perform exotic/ doesn’t look just like the nearest golf led to dramatic reductions in the num- removal. course fairway? If so, then you too may bers of these animals across the Ken- __ Mark trees for Timber Stand be suffering from RMS or Recreation- tucky landscape. However, many folks Improvement. al Mowing Syndrome. RMS can lead who want to use their rural properties __ Manipulate dove fields for folks to believe that the freshly mani- for home sites, recreation and even ag- season opener. cured look of their lawn should be ex- ricultural production often view the en- __ Plant winter wheat in late August. panded to take in all of their open fields joyment of wildlife as an essential goal and woodland edges. Folks who live in for country living. urban or suburban areas and purchase So is there a cure for this wide- parcels of land in the country often just spread disorder? A fresh look at land er open fields often also could use some don’t know how to properly manage management from a new perspective treatment themselves. While a neatly larger open spaces. They mistakenly is a highly effective initial treatment. mown fescue may have a green and think they need to do something right What may look to us like a weedy or vibrant appearance, it may actually end away, and since they’ve mown their brushy mess may actually be the only up being a nearly sterile environment--a lawns their entire adult life they think safe haven many smaller critters have to biological “desert”. Through the careful mowing and clearing is automatically survive, thrive and reproduce. An over- use of herbicides, and possibly reseed- the way to go. grown fencerow, or a tall grass field may ing, these sites can be transformed to Years ago, farmers didn’t have the look a lot more like home to animals more natural, healthy habitats of native modern equipment and luxury of ex- like quail and rabbit. Aside from letting cess time and money for fuel to keep these field borders thicken up a bit, larg- Continued on page 5 Spring 2020 5

“Pollinators,” continued and warm-season grasses. These will provide the most benefit to the helpful bees and butterflies that are Kentucky native species, while also providing plentiful resources for honeybee hives. By including native grasses in the mix, you will replicate a natural prairie, as grasses will fill in the space around wildflowers and aid in preventing weed encroachment. Making sure to include milkweed in your mix (common, but- terfly, swamp, green, or other Ascle- pias species) will allow you to create habitat for the migratory monarch but- terfly, who consumes milkweed leaves as a caterpillar and nectar from flowers as an adult butterfly. keeping an eye on what comes back. It take time for root systems to form, and When possible, look to include is better to hold off on planting until the some species may not bloom until the a diversity of flowers with different site is under control than to watch your second or third season. Even when es- bloom periods. Popular choices for hard work be overtaken by aggressive tablished, periodic maintenance will be pollinators include (but are not limited weeds and invasives. If killing off thick necessary to encourage regrowth and to) purple or prairie coneflowers, vegetation, removal will be necessary maintain diversity in the plot. Mow- balm, black-eyed Susans, tickseeds, following this maintenance so that seed ing early in the year will help to curb blazingstars, partridge pea, mistflow- can reach the bare soil. weeds and encourage regrowth, while ers and joe pye weed. Particularly dur- Once you have prepared your plot herbicide spot treatments should be ing the fall, when food resources are and are ready for planting, the most im- used to control invasive plants. becoming scarce, having plants that portant thing to remember is that native Although many pollinators will re- are still in bloom (think goldenrod and forbs require only very shallow soil main dormant over the winter months, late fall asters) can be critical for pol- contact, and will not sprout if planted it is never too early to think about what linators. too deep. Be sure to double check your you might like to put out when the Unless you are lucky enough to planting method so that seeds will be planting season returns. Contact your begin with a blank slate, you will need planted no deeper than 1/4th of an inch. local private lands biologist or NRCS to conduct weed control before seed- When in doubt, check with your seed Service Center for advice on imple- ing. If you suspect a site will be prob- mix supplier for their recommendation menting a pollinator planting on your lematic, you will want to treat several on your specific mix. property. We hope you will consider times with herbicide, allowing time for Finally, remember that native supporting pollinators in any of your regrowth in between each treatment forbs can be slow to establish. It will future planting projects.

“Mowing,” continued penses, and especially now with prices tucky Department of Fish and Wildlife at all-time highs, fuel costs give those Resources at (800) 858-1549. Technical grasses and wildflowers that may only afflicted with RMS reason to evaluate assistance, equipment loans, and cost- need to be maintained every three years their symptoms and consider remedial sharing programs may be available in instead of several times a year. Not only measures. your area. You can fight RMS, free up will wildlife appreciate and enjoy it, so If you would like more information more time and money to spend with the will your bank account. Land clearing on treatments or prevention of this syn- grandkids or other pursuits, and help and frequent mowing can result in ex- drome, you can contact your local Con- restore wildlife on your property all pensive equipment purchases, labor ex- servation District Office or the Ken- with the same cure. Kentucky Dept. of Fish & Wildlife Resources Wild Know-How Prsrt Std #1 Sportsman’s Lane U.S. Postage PAID Frankfort, KY 40601 Louisville, KY Permit #879

Partially funded with federal aid through Pittman-Robertson funds.

Joe Lacefield Clay Smitson PRIVATE LANDS BIOLOGISTS (859) 879-8411 (859) 246-2818 Wes Mattox vacant (606) 784-6428 Bryan Cobban (502) 477-9288 Harley Weaver (606) 686-3642

Kevin Raymond vacant (502) 942-5053

Philip Sharp (270) 965-3921 x 110

J.J. Baker (606) 435-6229

Matt Catron Kevin Tucker Wes McFaddin Bill Lynch Chris Mason Merle Hacker (606) 416-9550 (270) 408-1244 (270) 488-3254 (270) 746-7128 (270) 465-2839 (606) 878-9595