
Community Interaction

As a CR council member, what mediums will you use to address and interact with the community, and how often will you communicate?

“Having had plenty of experience already on the CR Interim Council, I can see that is a valuable tool for notifications and short . As for expressing my perspective on more complex matters, I will continue to use my Medium page to publish academic-style papers and other articles to keep the community as informed and up-to- date as possible.

What I have found to be very inefficient is responding to DMs from community members on Twitter and . In order to function efficiently as a writer and decision maker, addressing every single inquiry that is sent my way takes me away from my work and diminishes my focus. I believe that all CR Council members should be wise with how they use their time and energy, especially if they anticipate major ecosystem growth. At some point, fielding DMs becomes unsustainable.

That said, I believe communication with the community must be paramount; what’s important is that it is organized and time-efficient as well. In place of DMs, I prefer scheduled AMAs and CR Blog Posts which describe recent events, discussions, and perspectives from CR Council members. For individuals and teams that would like to discuss suggestions and proposals, scheduled meetings are a great alternative. It was for this reason that I wrote the Suggestion to report Meeting Minutes from CR Interim Council Conference Calls on a weekly basis: transparency is important, but it should not come at the expense of productivity.

For all council members that wish to offer opportunities for further community engagement, I recommend joining conversations and contributing perspective on the Elastos Telegram main chat. Here, a council member’s responses are visible to everyone, so he or she does not need to repeat statements or address similar concerns and questions multiple times. All in all, it is equally transparent as a DM conversation, but exponentially more efficient. Since my first day in the CR Interim Council, I have spent time conversing with community members in the Elastos Telegram main chat, and I will continue to do so.”

“I already communicate regularly on Telegram and will do so in the future, we also have the Bitwork Telegram channel at where you can reach all three members of the Bitwork Council Committee.

To stay up to date on our developers, we will of course continue to improve the CR Regions – – website to provide up to date reports, news and information.”

“Hopefully the CR website will become an important platform regarding this. Other than that, Telegram and WeChat. I tend to listen more than I speak, so I will to communicate slightly above the demand.”

“I plan to continue daily communication with our community through Telegram at @Hodl_ELA_Til_I_Die, facebook at, twitter at, WeChat at Michael_S_Houston and reddit at u/TheHoustonSupernode.”

“Two main forms of communication for us are Telegram and Twitter. We are always online in Malaysian time zone (GMT +8) to answer any questions the community has for us. Second important strategy of community engagement will be hosting meetups with community organisers and developers. This will be mostly targeted at Malaysian community where we hope to encourage more engagements from the locals and spread awareness about Elastos and Cyber Republic. For the global community, due to obvious geographic reasons, any medium is readily adaptable by us. For instance, WeChat to communicate with Chinese community or Reddit or any other trending social platforms. All of our team members are bilingual in Chinese and English and therefore we are acting as a bridge between East and West to reduce the communication gap.”

“I am a very social person and love to communicate via different platforms (Twitter, Instagram, Telegram). In addition, if the topic requires more in depth discussion and research I like to share the knowledge via a blogpost on my blog. For more direct communication I am always available on the different platforms mentioned above (my DMs are always open). It makes sense to have a communication calendar to share important decisions with the community. These weekly or monthly events can be share directly via the CR website.”

“The Strawberry Council currently utilizes Telegram, Medium, Twitter and our website for communication. However, as new mediums become available, we will be open to making appropriate accommodations to ensure the community is as well informed as possible.”

“The Orchard council is a team of three. Consequently, it will be a bit easier for us to communicate with the community. Though the core communication should be via the official channels (CR), we are all active community members so we will be around in Telegram, Twitter and Hyper messenger.”

“I have always been actively interacting with the community. I often participate in live broadcasts such as live broadcasts, Waliwali, etc., and regularly update the work progress at CR Pioneer Consulting, CR Press, and other channels such as WeChat and twitter and telegram groups Latest News. Also, I often visit the online sharing of the Academy of Finance Museum of China”

“I met at the CR forum and participated in some discussions in the group. As a member of the preparatory committee, I shared three times in the community. How often do I share in the future? I think it should be based on the community, project development situation and needs.”

“Everyone in our team comes from the community and is part of the community. As a community administrator, we usually work in the community and can communicate and communicate with community members at any time. This is our advantage.”

“Based on our experience in communicating with the community, we should maintain communication in the online community on a daily basis. If the issues involved are worthy of in-depth discussion, we should participate in online discussion meetings. We should summarize and share our participation every month.”

“Use different media to interact with the community based on different uses and effects. For example, WeChat will be used for daily communication, and public accounts and Weibo will regularly publish articles, and further consider the regular theme exchange of the live broadcast platform.”

“Interaction channels:

Personal space of CR website Email: [email protected] WeChat: dingyining2007

Usually there is information exchange and timely communication, there will be continuous summary and communication in the personal space of CR website.”

“WeChat, CR website”