Domain driven web applications made simple IIMS Seminar March 21st 2012 Associate Professor David Parsons  The „Naked Objects‟ pattern was originally described by Richard Pawson in his PhD thesis ◦ Based on earlier work on „Expressive Systems‟  3 principles: 1. Business logic should be encapsulated in domain objects 2. The should be a direct representation of the domain objects 3. The user interface should be automatically generated from the definition of the domain objects

2  A faster development cycle ◦ There are fewer layers of code to develop  Greater agility ◦ Easier to accommodate future changes in business requirements  A more empowering style of user interface ◦ Direct interaction with the domain  Easier requirements analysis ◦ Common domain understanding

3 “an expressive system has a „make it so‟ button” ◦ - Richard Pawson

4  As 1960s high level languages?  As 1970s rapid application development?  As 1980s 4GLs?  As 1990s visual programming?  As 2000s web frameworks?


6  Isn‟t what it used to be…

7  A whole bunch of web apps are basically just create/read/update/delete (CRUD) ◦ Facebook ◦ Twitter ◦ On-line banking ◦ Google Docs ◦ YouTube ◦ Flickr ◦ …  I could go on, you get the point…

8  A simple CRUD application involves four views for each domain concept ◦ Creating ◦ Editing (update/delete) ◦ Listing many items (read) ◦ Showing single item details (read)  n entities = 4*n pages  These views are all very much the same apart from the fields being exposed  Useful if a framework can build these views automatically

9  Over the last decade or so, the naked objects pattern has appeared in a number of tools  Grails (a Groovy web framework) is one of these….

10  A dynamic language, compiled to Java bytecode, to run on a Java virtual machine  Uses a Java-like syntax  Interoperates with other Java code and libraries  Most Java code is also syntactically valid Groovy  Groovy implicitly generates data access operations on domain objects

11  Grails (formerly Groovy on Rails) is an open source web framework built on Spring using the Groovy language ◦ Spring is a Java web framework that uses other frameworks  Grails takes its architectural style from Ruby on Rails  You can also find this style in other tools such as Scala Lift

12  Grails includes everything you need  Integrates several common libraries and frameworks  Developers can focus on business logic rather than integration  You don‟t have to manually glue all the different components together

13  Grails is based on Spring in order to reuse some core services  Spring uses , a specific type of  The framework can inject capabilities into objects that follow certain rules of coding  Think of it as being like different lightbulbs that have the same fitting

14  Execution of repetitive tasks by the framework  Use of scaffolding  The framework generates artifacts related to repetitive tasks ◦ views and controllers  Repetitive tasks are gone  Developer customizes the artifacts

15  You don‟t need configuration files if everything is in place  Grails stipulates conventions that make configuration files unnecessary ◦ e.g. every controller is stored in a specific directory  Probably the only configuration file you‟ll need will be the one which is for database access

16  The Boating Lake Management System ◦ Captain Bob runs a business hiring out rowing boats on boating lakes ◦ He wants a system to help him manage his thriving business ◦ Two of the key concepts in the system are Rowing Boat and Lake ◦ There is a one to many relationship between them (one lake can have many rowing boats)

 Demo uses the SpringSource Toolsuite for Grails development

17  This is a domain class  We add a few properties and a relationship (to one other object)

18  This is also a domain class  Again we add a few properties and a relationship (to many other objects)

19  e.g. for the Rowing Boat

 To make the controller and views dynamic, use a scaffold in the controllers

20  Web app to go ◦ („prod run-app‟ would also persist the data in the database)

21  Easy to add validation, field ordering and visibility, formatting, style sheets etc.  Most tasks driven from within the domain objects  For further info see