ON YOUR WAY TO THE MASTERS Single Increase Savvy by Binka Schwan

Different types of single increase techniques slanting in one direction only are worked into the front loop and then the back loop of are used in all three levels of the TKGA across a single row. the stitch. When making a bar increase after Master Hand program. Single a specified stitch, remember the added stitch, increase technique swatches demonstrate Bar Increase or bar, must be made in the specified stitch the knitter’s ability to form and place The bar increase is probably the most in order to come after that stitch. In other increases correctly. In Level 3, the single commonly used increase in knitting and is words, if you want three edge stitches on the increase techniques the knitter may choose often the first increase we learn as we start right edge, you would increase in the third for the original sweater and hat designs to knit. The bottom set of paired increases stitch on the right side. If you want three demonstrates their ability to use appropriate in Figure 1 shows an example of the bar edge stitches on the left, the bar increase increases to enhance the design. increase. This increase is very noticeable would be done on the fourth stitch from the if it is used on Stockinette stitch as the edge. The result would show the three full If one single increase is worked across a row increase produces a horizontal “bar” that can edge stitches on both sides with the “bar” of knitting, the total stitch count is increased disrupt the flow of the Stockinette fabric. falling between the third and fourth stitches by one, hence the term “single” increase. It is therefore termed a visible increase. on both sides. Increases are most often worked on the However, when used in or other public side of knitting so that the finished knit-purl stitch patterns, the bar increase can Make One Increase look is easily seen. It is recommended to be almost invisible as the horizontal bar can The Make One (M1) increase has three work them on the public side, but increases be hidden in the purl ditch of a rib or stitch different variations depending on what can be worked on the non-public side also. pattern. Vanessa Montileone has written an finished look is desired. There is a right- This article will present increase techniques On Your Way to the Masters article titled slanting, a left-slanting, and an open M1. that are worked on the public side only and Ribbing Increases that describes the use of the The second set of increases in Figure 1 shows present those that are included in the Master bar increase in ribbing. all three variations of the M1. The right and program. left slanting increases are virtually invisible The bar increase on the knit side is within a and can be used as a Increases can be decorative or inconspicuous accomplished by inserting the right needle mirrored pair. The open M1 creates a small depending on the effect the knitter desires. as if to knit into the stitch on the left needle hole and can be used as a decorative increase. Since most single increases have either that is to be increased. Knit this stitch as a right slant or a left slant, the knitter usual, but do not remove the original stitch This increase is made by lifting the strand must choose the appropriate increase from the left needle. There is now a new that lies between two stitches, one stitch is for the desired effect. The terms “paired” stitch on the right needle and the original on on the right needle and the other on the or “mirrored” increases use both a right the left. The right needle is then inserted into left needle. The strand between these two slanting increase and a left slanting increase the back loop of the original stitch on the left stitches will become the increased stitch. To on the same row of knitting. Blended or needle, the again wrapped as if to knit make a right-slanting M1, the left needle is inconspicuous increases would follow the and pulled through. Now the original stitch inserted from back to front into the strand shape of the fabric, and full-fashioned or is slipped from the left needle and two new and the strand is placed on the left needle. visible increases would slant against the stitches from one original stitch have been The strand is then knit through the front shape of the fabric. Single paired increases formed on the right needle. The result will loop and the stitch becomes twisted, with are most often used on both sides of a row be a knit stitch and what appears to be a purl the twist slanting to the right. To make a left- in a garment, as in sleeve shaping where the stitch to the left. slanting M1, the strand is again picked up slant of the increase is important. All figures with the left needle, this time from front to in this article show paired increases. If you wish to use this increase as mirrored back. This is then knitted through the back or paired increases as shown in Figure 1, loop to twist the stitch to the left. Twisting Single increases that slant in one direction you must know and understand where that the stitches in this way will allow the de- only can be used multiple times across a “bar” will show on both edges of the knitted crease to be virtually invisible. If an eyelet row of knitting. One application of multiple fabric. The “bar” is always to the left of the or a small hole is desired, the strand would single direction increases can be seen when increase. Therefore, if you want three edge again be picked up from back to front with transitioning from ribbing to a pattern stitch stitches before the “bar” on one edge and the left needle but this time it would be knit- in a garment. Mary Forte has written an after the “bar” on the opposite edge, different ted through the back loop creating an eyelet. On Your Way to the Masters article titled stitches must be increased. In Level 1, the Evenly Spaced Increases that fully explains directions for Swatch 4 have the following Lifted Increase this technique. Another application can be note attached to address this situation: This increase is considered to be virtually seen in where multiple increases The bar increase is made by knitting first invisible and can also be made either with

70 Cast On • August – October 2011 Figure 1 is most often used in lace knitting or in stitch patterns where a “hole” in the fabric is desired. Often, there is a compensating when the yarnover is used as a decorative stitch so that the stitch count across the row remains constant, but the yarnover can also be used as a single yarnover yarnover increase technique. The manner in which the yarnover is worked is determined by the stitches immediately before and after the yarnover. Arlie Kralicek has written an On Your Way to the Masters article titled Yarnovers in Plain English describing the recommended procedure to work each lifted open make 1 lifted yarnover.

Special Concerns make 1 make 1 Paired or mirrored increases should each left right be the same size. In order to have the increases as inconspicuous as possible, try to work them on the tips of the needles, so that stretching of the yarn/stitch does not occur. Stretching can result in an oversized bar bar stitch that is larger or more apparent in increase increase the knitted fabric than its partner. When increasing in an overall stitch pattern remember that the increase “adds” a stitch that must be accounted for in the overall pattern. Since the mirrored increases occur All increases are mirrored/paired. They are placed so at the beginning and end of a row, the stitch that there are 3 edge stitches on the right and left as in pattern can easily be adjusted to include these stitches in following rows of the the Master Hand Knitting Program instructions. pattern. Be aware that the type of increase you choose may affect the look of the stitch pattern. Most written patterns state to increase only and do not tell you the type a right slant or a left slant. The third set of increase, the lifted stitch must be placed to of increase to use. A swatch incorporating increases in Figure 1 demonstrates the lifted the left of the original stitch. First knit the the stitch pattern and the different increase increase. This increase is made by “lifting” stitch that is directly above the stitch that the techniques can help you determine the look or working into the head of the stitch that increase will be worked. Insert the left needle you want and achieve a perfect result! is directly below the stitch that you intend into the purl bump of the stitch TWO rows to increase. If you wish to slant the increase below and lift the stitch to the left needle. References to the right, the increase should be made This time the stitch needs to be worked Knitting in Plain English, Maggie Righetti, St. first and then the stitch should be knit. If through the back loop. If you would work Martin’s Press, New York, NY, 2007. the increase is to be slanted to the left the it in the normal fashion, the resultant stitch Reader’s Digest Knitter’s Handbook, Montse stitch should be knitted first, and then the would be twisted. Stanley, Reader’s Digest, Pleasantville, NY increase should be made. Since this increase 1993. “pulls” the stitch from one row below, it is In Level 1, the directions for Swatch 6 have Vogue Knitting, Editors of Vogue Magazine, recommended to work the increase every the following note attached: Sixth and Spring Books, New York, NY, 2002. other right side row rather than every right This increase is made by working into the The Principles of Knitting, June Hemmons side row if the increases are to be in the same head of the stitch immediately below the Hiatt, Simon and Schuster, New York, NY place in each increase row. If this increase is stitch in which you want to increase. To 1988. used more often than every other right side slant the increase to the right, make the Forte, Mary, “On Your Way to the Masters: row, the fabric may pucker. increase first, then knit the stitch. To slant Evenly Spaced Increases”. Cast On, the increase to the left, knit the stitch first, November 2010 – January 2011, pp 67-69. To make a right slanting lifted increase, then make the increase. Use the right- Montileone, Vanessa, “On Your Way to insert the tip of the right needle under slanting lifted increase at the right selvedge the Masters: Ribbing Increases”. Cast On, the purl bump in the row below the stitch and the left-slanting lifted increase at the left February – April 2007, pp 66-68. on the left needle. You will then “lift” this selvedge. This “mirrors” the increases. Kralicek, Arlie, “On Your Way to the Masters: stitch onto the left needle with the stitch in Yarnovers in Plain English”. Cast On, the correct orientation on the needle. This Yarnover or Eyelet Increase February – April 2010, pp 66-67. stitch is then knit as you would normally The final set of increases in Figure 1 do. The next stitch on the left needle is then shows an example of the single yarnover knit normally. To make a left slanting lifted increase. This is a decorative increase that

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