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Chamaemelum nobile - Plant

It is a low perennial plant found in dry fields and around gardens and cultivated grounds in Europe, North America, and in Argentina

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Chamaemelum nobile Plant

Description for Chamaemelum nobile

Plant height: 3 - 6 inches (7 - 16 cm)

Plant spread:

Chamaemelum nobile commonly known as , Roman chamomile, English chamomile, garden chamomile, ground apple, low chamomile, or whig plant, is a low perennial plant found in dry fields and around. Chamaemelum nobile has daisy-like white flowers and procumbent stems; the leaves are alternate, bipinnate, finely dissected, and downy to

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glabrous. The solitary, terminal flowerheads, rising 20 to 30 cm (8 to 12 in) above the ground, consist of prominent yellow disk flowers and silver- white ray flowers. The flowering time in the Northern Hemisphere is June and July, and its fragrance is sweet, crisp, fruity and herbaceous

Common name(s): Chamaemelum nobile commonly known as chamomile (also spelled camomile), Roman chamomile,English chamomile, garden chamomile, ground apple, low chamomile, mothers daisy or whig plant

Flower colours: white and yallow

Bloom time: June to September

Max reachable height: 0.25 to 0.50 feet

Difficulty to grow: easy to grow

Planting and care

Roman chamomile is also known as Russian chamomile and English chamomile. It is a creeping ground cover that grows like a mat. It has small daisy like flowers with yellow centers and white petals. The leaves are feathery. It is a perennial.

Sunlight: Full sun to part shade

Soil: well-drained soil

Water: Medium

Temperature: 5-40C.

Fertilizer: Apply any organic fertilizer

Caring for Chamaemelum nobile

Once your chamomile is established, it needs very little care. Like most herbs, chamomile grows best when it is not fussed over. Too much fertilizer will result in lots of weakly flavored foliage and few flowers.

Typical uses of Chamaemelum nobile

Special features: Herb gardens. Rock gardens and border fronts. Ground cover. Fill in between flag stones. Lawn substitute.

Culinary use: If you pick up a half-dozen herb books to look up the chamomile herb, you are likely to find a bewilderment of names. Theres Roman (or English) chamoÂmile, a perennial, and German (or Hungarian) chamomile, an annual. The German species might be listed as chamomilla, Chamomilla recutita, or Matricaria recutita.

Ornamental use:

Medicinal use:


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Reviews Saturday, 12 October 2019

Bit price is high but it s amazing plant, sun is not required only lighting is enough at any conditions even room light is enough for this plant.

Anil ray

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