See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: Talk Shows Article · December 2006 DOI: 10.1016/B0-08-044854-2/00357-6 CITATIONS READS 24 4,774 1 author: Cornelia Ilie Malmö University 57 PUBLICATIONS 476 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects: Parenthetically Speaking: Parliamentary Parentheticals as Rhetorical Strategies View project All content following this page was uploaded by Cornelia Ilie on 09 December 2018. The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. Provided for non-commercial research and educational use only. Not for reproduction or distribution or commercial use This article was originally published in the Encyclopedia of Language & Linguistics, Second Edition, published by Elsevier, and the attached copy is provided by Elsevier for the author's benefit and for the benefit of the author's institution, for non- commercial research and educational use including without limitation use in instruction at your institution, sending it to specific colleagues who you know, and providing a copy to your institution’s administrator. All other uses, reproduction and distribution, including without limitation commercial reprints, selling or licensing copies or access, or posting on open internet sites, your personal or institution’s website or repository, are prohibited. For exceptions, permission may be sought for such use through Elsevier's permissions site at: Ilie C (2006), Talk Shows. In: Keith Brown, (Editor-in-Chief) Encyclopedia of Language & Linguistics, Second Edition, volume 12, pp. 489-494. Oxford: Elsevier. Talk Shows 489 Talk Shows C Ilie,O¨ rebro University, O¨ rebro, Sweden all-news radio programs, which were intended as ß 2006 Elsevier Ltd.
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