ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING NEWSLETTER 14 OCT. 2013 Please be aware any Newsletter URL ending in 020701.pdf and 020610.pdf are available for downloading only during the six days following the date of the edition. If you need older URLs contact George at
[email protected]. Please Note: This newsletter contains articles that offer differing points of view regarding climate change, energy and other environmental issues. Any opinions expressed in this publication are the responses of the readers alone and do not represent the positions of the Environmental Engineering Division or the ASME. George Holliday This week's edition includes: 1) ENVIRONMENT – A. CARBON MANAGEMENT TECHNOLOGY CONFERENCE 2013 October 21-23, 2013 Hilton Alexandria Old Town Alexandria, VA This foundational conference , sponsored by the eight major engineering societies (ASME, AIChE, IEEE, ASCE, TMS, SME, SPE and AIST), draws practiced professionals from all engineering disciplines to share their expertise and provide perspective on the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and adaptation to changing climate. The conference will focus on engineering perspectives regarding technologies, strategies, policies, management systems, uncertainties, and metrics for evaluating alternatives. Gain engineering expertise, experience and perspectives on technologies, strategies, policies, management systems, metrics, and other key issues. Discover novel approaches and new technologies that are instrumental to technical, economic and social advancements in carbon management. Through robust scheduled