Fine-grained Metadata Journaling on NVM

Cheng Chen, Jun Yang, Qingsong Wei∗, Chundong Wang, and Mingdi Xue Email:{CHEN Cheng, yangju, WEI Qingsong, wangc, XUE Mingdi} Data Storage Institute, A-STAR, Singapore

Abstract—Journaling file systems have been widely used where Traditional NVM-based data consistency must be assured. However, we observed that the overhead of journaling can cause up to 48.2% performance CPU CPU drop under certain kinds of workloads. On the other hand, Cache-line Cache-line Cache-line Cache-line the emerging high-performance, byte-addressable Non-volatile Cache-line Cache-line Cache-line Cache-line Memory (NVM) has the potential to minimize such overhead by being used as the journal device. The traditional journaling Memory Bus Memory Bus mechanism based on block devices is nevertheless unsuitable for NVM due to the write amplification of metadata journal we ob- served. In this paper, we propose a fine-grained metadata journal DRAM DRAM DRAM NVM Journal mechanism to fully utilize the low-latency byte-addressable NVM so that the overhead of journaling can be significantly reduced. Based on the observation that conventional block-based metadata I/O Bus I/O Bus journal contains up to 90% clean metadata that is unnecessary to be journalled, we design a fine-grained journal format for byte-addressable NVM which contains only modified metadata. Moreover, we redesign the of transaction committing, Disk Disk checkpointing and recovery in journaling file systems utilizing Journal + Data Data the new journal format. Therefore, thanks to the reduced amount of ordered writes to NVM, the overhead of journaling can Fig. 1: Comparison of System Architectures with and without be reduced without compromising the file system consistency. NVM Experimental results show that our NVM-based fine-grained metadata journaling is up to 15.8x faster than the traditional approach under FileBench workloads. NVM has DRAM-like performance and byte-addressability. I.INTRODUCTION Such characteristics suggest the best way of using it be Journaling file system has been de facto building brick for connecting it through memory bus as shown in Figure 1. data management systems to guarantee data consistency and However, due to its current price and capacity, NVM cannot recoverability for decades. By recording the changes of data to be used as a standalone large-capacity memory device in a “journal” before in-place updating the data, such file systems the near future. Meanwhile, using high performance external can be restored from failures without corrupting the data. journal device has been proven to be effective to accelerate Because of the assumption that the underlying storage devices the journaling file systems [5]. In this paper, we propose to are block devices such as magnetic disks (HDDs), the design use the next generation of NVM, which is accessed through and implementation of modern journaling file systems always memory bus instead of I/O bus shown in Figure 1, as the use a whole disk block as the basic unit of the journal. This external journal device for journaling file systems. causes a severe write amplification problem for file system Current block-based journaling mechanism, even the state- metadata journaling in which we observed that up to 90% of of-art techniques that using flash-based SSDs as the external metadata is clean and unnecessary to be journalled. The main journal device, cannot fully utilize the byte-addressability of objective of this paper is to remove such amplification so that NVM due to the block interface constraints. Furthermore, to the overhead of journaling can be significantly reduced. guarantee the data consistency, journal must be written before Recently, the next generation of Non-Volatile Memory the data can be in-place updated. However, keeping the writes (NVM) technologies has attracted more and more attentions to NVM connecting through memory bus in a certain order has from both industrial and academic researchers. New types to involve a special set of CPU instructions such as memory of memory such as phase-change memory (PCM) [1], spin- fence (e.g., MFENCE) and cache-line flush (e.g., CLFLUSH) transfer torque memory (STT-RAM) [2], Memristor [3] and which have been proven to be extremely expensive [6], [7]. 3D-XPoint [4] have been under active development in the Since the overhead of these instructions is proportional to past few years. They are persistent just like HDDs and flash the amount of writes, the negative impact of the aforesaid memory (flash-based SSDs), and more importantly, compared write amplification in conventional journaling file systems gets to their predecessor, flash memory, the next generation of worse with NVM being the journal device. In this paper, we propose a fine-grained metadata journal ∗Corresponding author mechanism for using NVM as the external journal device. In particular, we develop a new journal format on NVM based TABLE I: Characteristics of Different Types of Memory on individual metadata instead of the whole on-disk metadata Category Read Latency Write Latency Endurance block so that the aforesaid write amplification is eliminated. (ns) (ns) (# of writes per bit) The in-NVM journal is guaranteed to be consistently updated SRAM 2-3 2-3 ∞ 18 by ordered memory writes through CPU instructions of cache- DRAM 15 15 10 1015 line flushes and memory fences. Moreover, based on the STT-RAM 5-30 10-100 PCM 50-70 150-220 108-1012 new journal format, we redesign the process of transaction Flash 25,000 200,000-500,000 105 committing, checkpointing and recovery of the journaling file HDD 3,000,000 3,000,000 ∞ systems to achieve better performance by exploiting the byte- addressability and superior performance of NVM. Specifically, only modified metadata itself (e.g. in ) instead of the [12], XFS [13]. A typical journaling file system reserves a entire metadata block (e.g. inode metadata blocks) is written journal area on persistent storage devices for storing modified in the journal when committing a transaction. On the other data temporarily before updating the data in-place. Specifi- hand, the in-NVM journal is scanned during recovery and the cally, when the data in DRAM buffer is dirty and needs to modified are merged to their corresponding on-disk be written back to the persistent storage, e.g., HDD, directly metadata block if necessary. updating it in-place on HDD may corrupt the data upon failure Our contributions can be summarized as follows: during the overwrite process. To keep the data consistency, 1) We quantify the overhead of existing block-based jour- journal file systems commit the changes of the data (usually the naling, and present two insightful observations: (1) latest copy of the data) to the journal area on HDD. Later, the conventional block-based journaling on NVM severely data is updated through checkpointing periodically. If a failure underutilizes NVM (only around 10% faster than that happens during a commit, the data on HDD is not affected. journaling on HDD while NVM is orders of magnitude And even if the failure that occurs during checkpointing faster than HDD); (2) the write amplification of metadata corrupts the data, it can still be recovered from the journal journal (up to 90% of the metadata journal is for clean when the system restarts. However, such doubled writes for metadata which is unnecessary but inevitable given the both journal and data itself are quite expensive. Typically, there block interface constraints on HDD). are three modes of journaling, writeback mode only writes 2) Based on the observations, we present our fine- metadata changes to the journal, ordered mode provides higher grained metadata journaling, which (1) utilizes byte- consistency by writes metadata journal strictly after data (file addressable NVM to minimize the aforesaid write ampli- content) is written (default) and journaling mode writes journal fication by adopting a new journal format based on indi- for both metadata and data. Most of the journaling file systems vidual metadata instead of metadata block, (2) redesigns perfer journaling on the critical metadata by default so that the process of transaction committing, checkpointing the integrity of the whole file system can be maintained with and recovery based on the new journal format to reduce reduced journaling overhead. the amount of expensive ordered writes to NVM without Although the data consistency can be guaranteed by using compromising the file system consistency. journal, a large portion of metadata when being committed 3) To validate fine-grained metadata journaling, we im- to the journal is clean and unnecessary to be written. This plement a journaling file system prototype based on is because a typical journaling file system always assumes Ext4 by modifying the JBD2[8] kernel module. We have the persistent storage to be a block device such as HDD. evaluated our prototype on the real NVDIMM platform Therefore, the basic unit in the journal is the same as the [9] under various workloads. The experimental results disk block. However, since the size of an individual metadata show that the performance of Ext4 can be improved by structure is much smaller than the block size, metadata is up to 15.8x with our fine-grained NVM-based metadata usually stored on HDD in batch. For example, the size of the journaling compared to the conventional block-based metadata in Ext4, inode, is 256 bytes, while a typcial size of a approach under FileBench [10] workloads. disk block is 4K bytes which means one metadata block stores 16 inodes. In consequence, when even one of them is needed The rest of the paper is organized as follows: Section to be written back to disk, all of them have to be written to the II discusses the background and related work of NVM and journal. We call this the journal write amplification which journaling file systems. Section III presents the detailed de- is main focus of this paper. sign and implementation of our journaling mechanism. The experimental results are shown and explained in Section IV. B. Non-volatile Memory Finally, Section V concludes the paper. Computer memory has been evolving rapidly in recent II.RELATED WORKAND MOTIVATION years. A new category of memory, NVM, has attracted more and more attention in both academia and industry. Early work A. Journaling [14], [15], [16], [17], [18], [19], [20], [21], [22] focused on Many modern widely-used file systems can be categorized flash memory to address the asymmetric I/O performance and as journaling file systems, such as /Ext4 [11], [8], NTFS write endurance issue. As shown in Table I, flash is faster than a HDD but is still unsuitable to replace DRAM due of unnecessary metadata in the journal. To fully utilize the to the much higher latency and limited endurance. Recent superior performance of NVM, our fine-grained journaling is work [23], [24], [25], [26], [27] has focused on the next designed to write only necessary metadata to the journal by generation NVM, such as PCM [1], [28], STT-RAM [2] and exploiting the byte-addressability of NVM so that the amount 3D-XPoint [4], which (i) is byte addressable, (ii) has DRAM- of ordered memory writes is minimized. like performance, and (iii) provides better endurance than flash. PCM is several times slower than DRAM and its write D. Comparison with Other Related Work endurance is limited to as few as 108 times. However, PCM has Journaling file systems has been extensively researched larger density than DRAM and shows a promising potential in past twenty years [11], [8], [12], [13], [35], [36], [37], for increasing the capacity of main memory. Although wear- [38], [39], [40]. Prabhakaran et. al. [41] proposed a model leveling is necessary for PCM, it can be done by memory to investigate how journaling file systems should work under controller [29], [30]. STT-RAM has the advantages of lower different journaling modes upon disk failures. Fryer et. al. power consumption over DRAM, unlimited write cycles over proposed Recon [42] to verify the consistency of a file system PCM, and lower read/write latency than PCM. Everspin has at runtime. It not only protects the file system metadata announced its commercial 64Mb STT-RAM chip with DDR3 from dangerous operations, but also takes advantage of the interface [31]. In the rest of this paper, NVM is referred to consistency provided by modern file systems using the next generation of NVM with persistency and DRAM-like transactional updates. These work focus on the analysis and performance. measurement of the journaling techniques that is required Due to the price and prematurity of NVM, mass production to have a deeper understanding of journaling file systems. with large capacity is still impractical today. As an alternative, However, they did not consider the influence of the new NVDIMM [32], which is commercially available [9], provides storage media other than HDDs can bring to the design of persistency and DRAM-like performance. NVDIMM is a journaling file systems. combination of DRAM and NAND flash. During normal oper- Motivated by the mismatch between block interface con- ations, NVDIMM is working as DRAM while flash is invisible straints and byte-addressability of NVM, a lot of research to the host. However, upon power failure, NVDIMM saves all works have proposed NVM-optimized file systems [43], [44], the data from DRAM to flash by using super-capacitor to make [45], [46]. Condit et. al. proposed BPFS which is based on the data persistent. Since this process is transparent to other CoW approaches and optimized for small updates using CPU parts of the system, NVDIMM can be treated as NVM. In this intrinsic 8-byte atomic writes [34]. SCMFS [47] was proposed paper, our fine-grained metadata journaling is implemented to optimize the file system for NVM resides on the memory and evaluated on a NVDIMM platform. bus which can be accessed directly from CPU through the same address space of system. Shortcut-JFS C. Data Consistency with Ordered Writes in NVM [48] assumes a PCM-only standalone storage device. Utilizing Data consistency on persistent storage guarantees that stored the byte-addressability of PCM, differential logging and in- data can survive system failure. Since data is meaningful only place checkpointing techniques are proposed to reduce the if it is organized in a certain format, writing data consistently journaling overhead for PCM devices. Recently, Dulloor et. means that a system failure must not cause data loss or al. proposed PMFS [49] for persistent memory to be used corruption. However, the atomicity of memory writes to NVM as normal storage device through existing POSIX style file can only be supported with a very small granularity or no system . We are different from the above work in the more than the memory bus width (8 bytes for 64-bit CPUs). way that we propose to use NVM only as external journaling As illustrated in the previous work [33], [34], [32], updating device instead of the storage device for the entire file system, data larger than 8 bytes must adopt logging or copy-on- which is impractical at the current stage of NVM products. write (CoW) approaches which make data recoverable by Most recently, Zeng et. al. [50] proposed SJM, a NVM- writing a copy elsewhere before updating the data itself. The based journaling mechanism. However, SJM targeted the full implementation of these approaches in NVM requires the journaling mode which still involves block-based journaling, memory writes to be in a certain order, e.g., the logs or and did not consider the cost of cache-line flush and memory copy of data must be written completely in NVM fence when writing to NVM through memory bus. before updating the data itself. The most related work to ours is UBJ, proposed by Lee Unfortunately, ordering memory writes must involve expen- et. al. [51] to union the buffer cache and the journal area so sive CPU instructions such as memory fence (e.g., MFENCE) that modified data can be buffered in a persistent buffer to and cache-line flush (e.g., CLFLUSH). For example, prior work enable in-place commit. However, UBJ still involves block- [6] showed that directly using them in B+-tree reduces the based journaling which is inefficient both temporally and performance by up to 16x. The most effective way to minimize spatially. Furthermore, because UBJ has to maintain multiple such overhead is reducing the amount of memory writes versions of inode “blocks” in NVM, the aforesaid write that require such ordering. However, due to the aforesaid amplification becomes more severe when there are only few write amplification problem, traditional journaling file systems inodes are modified in every version of those inode blocks. further worsen the performance due to the ordered writes In contract, our design completely eliminates the block-based No Journal Journal on HDD Journal on Ramdisk Modified inodes Clean inodes 80K 250K 1400 70K 100% 200K 1200 90% 60K 1000 80% 50K 70% 150K 800 60% 40K 600 50% 30K 100K 40% 400 30% 20K 50K 200 20% 10K 10% Journalled inodes Journalled 0K 0 0% 0K

Throughput (Ops/s) Throughput 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

Number of Occurrence of Number Percentage in Total Size of of Size Total in Percentage Varmail Fileserver Varmail Fileserver Occurrence of Number Number of Modified inodes in Number of Modified inodes in Workloads Workloads A inode Journal Block A inode Journal Block (a) Performance with and without (b) Modified/clean Ratio of inodes (c) Modified inodes Count Distri- (d) Modified inodes Count Distri- Journaling in Journal bution under Varmail Workloads bution under FileServer Workloads Fig. 2: Write Amplification in Traditional Journaling File Systems

journaling, focus on metadata journaling with minimized write Metadata Modified Data Block inode Block amplification. Page Buffer … E. Motivation Running Committing Checkpointing To quantify the overhead of traditional journaling file sys- Journaling Transaction Transaction Transaction tems, we measured the performance of a classic journaling Sub-system ∙∙∙ ∙∙∙ file system, Ext4, with and without journaling under different (a) Supporting Data Structures for Journaling workloads using FileBench [10], a widely used benchmark Traditional Fine-grained Metadata DRAM DRAM Modified Block for file systems. As shown in Figure 2(a), the performance inode Committing Committing ∙∙∙ ∙∙∙ of Ext4 with ordered mode (default mode in Ext4) journaling Transaction Transaction on HDD is 48.2% and 40.9% slower than its non-journaling Disk version under Varmail and FileServer workloads, respectively. Journal NVM Journal Area Data Area Moreover, such large overhead of journaling does not vanish Area … ∙∙∙ even if we switch the journal device from slow HDD to … ∙∙∙ Disk Data Area fast NVM. Specifically, the performance drop is still 42.5% Descriptor Block Commit Block and 33.6% when switching the journal device to NVM with (b) Conventional Approach (b) Our Approach traditional journaling mechanism. Although NVM can be more Fig. 3: Comparison of Traditional and Fine-grained Journaling than five orders of magnitude faster than HDD in terms of on NVM latency, Journaling on NVM is only 11.1% and 12.4% faster than that on HDD under Varmail and FileServer workloads, respectively, which suggests NVM is severely underutilized. addressable NVM is being used as the journal device, we To find out the reason of such small performance improve- have the opportunity to eliminate the write amplification and ment when switching the journal device from HDD to NVM, optimize the metadata journaling on NVM. Motivated by this, we further studied the detailed content of the journal in the we propose a fine-grained journaling mechanism to minimize Ext4 file system under different workloads. Note that when the journaling overhead by exploiting the byte-addressability one or some of the inodes in an inode block are updated, the of NVM. entire inode block has to be written to the journal. Figure 2(b) shows the dirty/clean ratio of the inodes in all the inode blocks III.DESIGNAND IMPLEMENTATION being written to the journal under two different workloads. In this section, we present the detailed design and imple- We observed that up to 90% and 88% of the inodes are clean mentation of our fine-grained journaling on NVM. For better and unnecessary to be journaled under Varmail and FileServer understanding, we take Ext4 as an example of a traditional workloads, respectively. In fact, as shown in Figure 2(c) and journaling file system. We use an inode as the representative 2(d), up to 90% and 47.6% of the inode journal blocks only for small metadata which is usually one or two orders of have one modified inode, about 96.3% and 97.5% of them have magnitude smaller than the disk I/O (block) size. In other modified inodes less than half in one inode journal block under words, our design is not only for inodes, it can be applied to Varmail and FileServer workloads, respectively. Moreover, any relatively small metadata such as dentry. Since we only such write amplification of metadata journaling becomes a focus on the metadata journaling, we consider the ordered even bigger problem for NVM journal device because the mode of journaling as default. expensive cost of cache-line flush and memory fence required to implement ordered writes to NVM is proportional to the A. Overview amount of written data. In a conventional journaling file system such as Ext4, as Fortunately, such write amplification problem is mainly shown in Figure 3, modified inodes are firstly in-place updated caused by the block interface constraints of HDD. When byte- in the inode block in the page buffer. All the modified inode efficiency given the block interface constraints. However, Traditional Block-based Journal format when the byte-addressable NVM is in use, it is no longer Disk One Transaction efficient to write the entire inode block when there are only a few inodes in it are modified. Therefore, we use Same as block size ∙∙∙ ∙∙∙ (e.g., 4KB) the inode as the unit for the journal. • Another drawback of traditional journal format is the Descriptor Modified Commit Descriptor Block and Commit Block (or Revoke Block) Block Metadata Blocks Block to indicate the beginning and end of a transaction, re- Fine-grained Journal format spectively. However, these two blocks occupy 8KB space in total while a typical size for inode is only 256B. NVM Head One Transaction Tail To reduce such overhead, in our fine-grained journaling, ∙∙∙ ∙∙∙ we design a new cache-friendly data structure called TxnInfo TxnInfo as the boundary of two adjacent transactions. inode inode inode inode Magic Modified Metadata Count no. [2] no. [3] … no. [N] Number • (e.g., 256B for inodes) no. [1] Traditional block-based Journal is guaranteed to be writ- ten to disk by calling submit_bio through legacy Integral Multiple of Metadata Size (e.g., n 256B) block I/O interface. However, when the journal device Fig. 4: Design of Fine-grained Journal Format turns to be NVM which is connected through memory bus, to ensure the journal is written to NVM, the CPU instructions of flushing the corresponding CPU-caches blocks are linked by Running Transaction list in DRAM page and issuing a memory fence must be applied after the buffer. When transaction commits, the Commiting Transac- journal is memcpyed from DRAM to NVM. tion takes over the modified inode block list from Running Transaction. By traversing that list, the corresponding blocks The TxnInfo (1) describes the inodes in the transaction and are written to the journal area on the persistent storage. To (2) is used to locates the boundary of each transaction to facil- distinguish the adjacent transactions, the inode journal blocks itate the recovery process and guarantee its correctness. Since are surrounded by two special journal blocks, a Descriptor the original inode structure does not contain any information Block at the beginning and a Commit Block (or Revoke Block of the inode number, TxnInfo includes this information so that if the transaction is aborted) at the end. the inodes in the journal can be located individually. On the Different from traditional journaling file systems which other hand, since TxnInfo is the only data structure that works write every modified inode block to the journal, our fine- as the boundary of two adjacent transactions, it contains the grained journaling only writes modified inodes to NVM. information of locating the start and end position of the journal Specifically, instead of linking all the modified inode blocks, for each transaction. Therefore, we add two more fields, Count only the modified inodes are linked together. Moreover, when and Magic Number. The Magic Number is predefined to help they are flushed to NVM, ordered memory writes through the journal scan during recovery to identify the location of memory fences and cache-line flushes are used to guarantee every TxnInfo. The Count is the number of inodes included the consistency. We further reduce the amount of writes by in the transaction. eliminating the Descriptor Block and Commit Block in the journal. Instead, we use a cache-friendly data structure called Theoretically, the length of TxnInfo can be elastic, but TxnInfo as the boundary of two adjacent transactions which for performance consideration, we design its size to be an is discussed in detail in Section III-B. integral multiple of the inode size so that the journal for At the same time, the checkpointing process is not much each transaction can be naturally aligned to CPU-cache which changed since it essentially flushes all the modified blocks results in better performance for cache-line flushing. As the in the page buffer to the disk without touching the journal maximum number of inodes in each transaction is determined (except for the indication of a successful checkpointing). On by the length of TxnInfo, it can be used to control the default the other hand, the recovery process is redesigned to utilize the commit frequency which can be used to optimize the overall fine-grained journal in NVM to ensure a consistent state for performance for a certain workload, discussed in detail in the entire file system. The modified workflow of committing, Section IV-C. checkpointing and recovery is discussed in detailed in Section The journal area in NVM works similar to a ring buffer III-C. whose access is controlled by the head and tail pointer. Specifically, the normal procedure of writing a journal is (1) B. Fine-grained Journal Format the journal is memcpyed from DRAM to NVM, (2) flush the As shown in Figure 4, the design of the fine-grained journal corresponding cache-lines and issue a memory barrier, (3) use format differs from the traditional one in the following aspects: a 8-byte atomic write to update the tail pointer, flush its cache- • The basic unit of the journal in traditional journaling file line and issue a memory barrier. The detailed usage of the system is a block which is, for example, 4KB in Ext4. journal for file system transaction committing, checkpointing Such design is to facilitate and maximize the disk I/O and recovery is discussed in the next section. DRAM NVM (Jounal Area) DRAM Head NVM (Jounal Area) Modified inode Head Running … 1 2 3 ∙∙∙ … Modified ∙∙∙ 1 2 3 4 5 6 Transaction Block List Tail Tail Before Committing Before Checkpointing

Start Committing CPU Start Checkpointing Cache-line (3) Flush the corresponding cache-lines, DRAM NVM (Jounal Area) issue a memory fence Head Modified ∙∙∙ Block List … DRAM NVM (Jounal Area) (1) Same as Checkpointing Tail (2) Memcpy modified inodes and conventional Head Transaction checkpointing (2) Update the head pointer using a Running TxnInfo from DRAM to NVM 1 2 3 ∙∙∙ 8-byte atomic write, flush and fence. Transaction … 1 2 3 ∙∙∙ Disk Commiting Tail (1) Link modified inode list to Transaction (4) Use an 8-byte atomic write to ∙∙∙ ∙∙∙ ∙∙∙ the Commiting Transaction modify the tail position, flush and fence again

Data Area

Fig. 5: Transaction Commit Workflow Fig. 6: Checkpointing Workflow

C. Workflow of Fine-grained Journaling TxnInfo can be calculated according to the number of In this subsection, we present the modified procedure of modified inodes in the transaction. Before appending the committing, checkpointing and recovery in the journaling file final two fields, the Count and Magic Number, padding system. We focus on how the fine-grained journal in NVM is is added after the last modified inode to make sure the utilized to guarantee the file system consistency. total length of the TxnInfo is integral multiple of the 1) Transaction Commit: In a traditional journaling file sys- inode size. tem, transaction committing is triggered either by a fixed timer 3) To make sure the journal is physically written to NVM, (typically five seconds in Ext4) or a certain amount of inode the corresponding cache-lines are flushed and a memory blocks (around 8,000) has been modified. Our fine-grained fence is issued. journaling, on one hand, commits a transaction based on a 4) Finally, the tail is updated by an 8-byte atomic write pre-defined timer in a similar way to a traditional journaling followed by the cache-line flush and memory fence to file system. On the other hand, the commit frequency can also indicate the transaction commits successfully. be controlled by the maximum size of TxnInfo because the The above steps guarantees that any failure which happens number of inodes a TxnInfo can hold is limited. For example, in the middle of the committing process never sabotage the for a 256-byte TxnInfo, if the length of inode number, Count file system consistency. In other words, the modification made and Magic Number are all 8 bytes, the maximum number of by the committed transactions can survive any failure. The inodes is 30 which means committing must be performed when key of achieving data consistency is the tail, which controls 30 different inodes are modified. By default, the maximum size the visibility of the written journal because the backwards of a TxnInfo is 8KB, which limits the maximum number of scan always starts from the tail during recovery (discussed in modified inodes in a transaction to 8,190. We show how this Section III-C3). Consequently, all the written journal during parameter affects the overall performance in Section IV-C. committing is invisible to the system until the tail is updated, Before committing, all the modified inodes are linked in which itself is guaranteed to be consistent using an CPU- the Running Transaction single-linked list as illustrated in the intrinsic 8-byte atomic write followed by the cache-line flush upper part of Figure 5. A committing process is executed and memory fence. according to the following steps as shown in the bottom part By adopting a fine-grained journal format and replacing De- of Figure 5: scriptor Block, Commit Block (Revoke Block) with dynamic- 1) When the committing starts, all the modified inodes sized TxnInfo, the total amount of journal writes when com- are linked to Committing Transaction list. At the same mitting file system transactions can be significantly reduced time, Running Transaction is initialized to accept new (up to 99% as shown in Section IV). modified inodes. 2) Checkpointing: Checkpointing in conventional journal- 2) By traversing the Committing Transaction list, all ing file systems is performed periodically to keep the on-disk the modified inodes are retrieved one by one, then data up-to-date. Checkpointing is used to prevent the journal memcpyed to the journal area in NVM starting from from growing too long. Since the file system is frozen during the tail. The TxnInfo is also constructed in DRAM checkpointing, longer journal results in longer checkpointing when traversing the linked list. In particular, the inode and recovery which can cause unacceptably high latency. number of each modified inodes is appended. After the When we use NVM as the journal device, performance- last modified inode is memcpyed, the actual length of wise, longer time interval of checkpointing is preferred in our file systems. During recovery in the fine-grained journaling, Disk Obsolete Head NVM (Jounal Area) Metadata the up-to-date inode blocks must be reconstructed by merging … 1 2 3 4 5 6 the obsolete on-disk version with the up-to-date inodes from ∙∙∙ ∙∙∙ ∙∙∙ Tail Unfinished Transaction the journal on NVM. Before Recovery As illustrated at the upper part of Figure 7, before recovery from a failure, some of the inode blocks on disk are obsolete Start Recovery while the journal area in NVM contains up-to-date inodes from Disk Head NVM (Jounal Area) Scan Tail multiple committed transactions before the failure happens. ∙∙∙ ∙∙∙ ∙∙∙ … 1 2 3 4 5 6 Note that the failure may happen during a transaction commit (1) Scan from tail but thanks to the 8-byte atomic write for updating the tail, we

DRAM (3) Fetch the can simply discard all the journal after the tail as it belongs corresponding (2) Retrieve metadata (4) Reconstruct the disk blocks one by one up-to-date version to an unfinished transaction. A recovery process is executed according to the following steps: Disk NVM (Jounal Area) … Head 1) Do a backward-scan in the NVM journal from the tail. (5) Flush ∙∙∙ to disk ∙∙∙ ∙∙∙ (6) Update the head pointer using a Tail 8-byte atomic write, flush and fence. 2) Retrieve the inodes in the journal one by one using the Magic Number and Count to identify each transaction Fig. 7: Recovery Workflow and its corresponding inodes. 3) For each inode found in the journal, retrieve the corre- sponding (obsolete) inode block from the disk to DRAM fine-grained journaling because more disk I/O for checkpoint- using the inode number embedded in the TxnInfo. ing can be saved. At the same time, the file system frozen time 4) Apply the up-to-date inode data in the journal to the during checkpointing and recovery time upon failure must be obsolete inode block and reconstruct the up-to-date controlled under an accepted range similar to conventional inode blocks in DRAM. Note that different inodes can journaling file systems. By default, checkpointing is either reside in the same inode block, but for journal of the triggered by a 10-minute timer or the utilization of the journal same inode, only the latest version is kept during the area in NVM being over 50%. reconstruction. As illustrated at the upper part of Figure 6, similar to 5) When all the up-to-date inodes in the journal are merged conventional checkpointing, a single-linked list which links to their inode blocks, flush all the up-to-date inode all the modified inode blocks is maintained in DRAM. Before blocks to disk in batch. checkpointing, the journal area on NVM contains the modified 6) After all the inode blocks are flushed, the head pointer inodes from multiple transactions between the head and tail.A for NVM journal is updated to point to the tail pointer checkpointing process is executed according to the following using an 8-byte atomic write followed by a cacheline steps: flush and memory fence. This final step is the same 1) Similar to conventional journaling file systems, when as the last step of checkpointing to indicate the journal a checkpointing starts, the Checkpointing Transaction space can be reused. In fact, after recovery, all the on- takes over the modified inode block list and starts to disk inode blocks are up-to-date just like those after write them to disk one by one. checkpointing. 2) After all the modified inode blocks are successfully Note that the head and tail pointers are not modified until flushed to disk, the head in the NVM journal is updated the last step of the recovery. Therefore, any failure during to point to the tail pointer by a 8-byte atomic write fol- the recovery process does not affect the consistency of the lowed by a cache-line flush and a memory fence. Making entire file system because the recovery can always be redone the head equal to the tail indicates the checkpointing is as long as the journal can be retrieved correctly. If the file done successfully and all the journal can be discarded system is unmounted normally, no work needs to be done to free the journal area. during recovery because a normal shutdown of the file system Note that most of the checkpointing process for fine-grained does a checkpoint to make sure all the inode blocks are up- journaling is the same as that in conventional journaling file to-date and empty the journal area. systems except the 8-byte atomic write for updating the head pointer. This guarantees that any failure during the checkpoint- IV. EVALUATION ing process can be recovered by redoing the checkpointing In this section, we present the experimental results of since the head and tail used to identify the journal on NVM our fine-grained metadata journaling against the conventional are always updated consistently. block-based journaling under various workloads. We imple- 3) Recovery: During recovery in a conventional journaling ment the prototype based on JBD2 in Ext4 [8] and measure file system, the up-to-date inode blocks can be directly re- the overall performance of journaling file system under four trieved from the journal. However, our fine-grained journaling different kinds of workloads. We also quantify the reduction only writes modified inodes in the journal, the recovery of the total amount of journal writes to explain how the write process is quite different from that of conventional journaling amplification problem is addressed. Last but not least, we Reserved Space file. The workload consists of a multi-threaded set of Start Total Head Tail Journal create-append-sync, read-append-sync, read and delete Address Size operations in a single directory on a large number of NVM Space small files. The default setting we use is 960 thousand Fig. 8: NVM Space Layout files with 12KB each (total size is around 12GB). 2) FileServer (FileBench) FileServer workload in FileBench emulates I/O activity analyze the impact of the maximum size of TxnInfo on the of a file server. This workload performs a sequence frequency of transaction commit and show how to set the of creates, deletes, appends, reads, writes and attribute maximum size of TxnInfo to achieve the best performance. operations on a directory tree. The default setting we A. Experimental Setup use is 800 thousand files with 16KB each (total size is around 12GB). 1) Platform: All of our experiments are conducted on a 3) FileMicro writefsync (FileBench) server (Kernel version 2.6.34-11) with an Intel Xeon This is a micro-benchmark which emulates I/O activity E5-2650 2.4GHz CPU (512KB/2MB/20MB L1/L2/L3 cache), of a logging system. It appends to a big file 4GB DRAM and 4GB NVDIMM [9] which has practically with a certain size per request and performs fsync every the same read/write latency as DRAM. To make use of pre-defined number of requests. By default, the original NVDIMM as a persistent memory device, we modify the file for appending is 1GB and fsync is performed every of Linux kernel to add new functions 32 appends. (e.g., malloc_NVDIMM) to directly allocate memory space 4) Postmark from NVDIMM. PostMark is a single-threaded benchmark which em- 2) Prototype and Implementation Effort: As shown in ulates synthetic combined workload of email, usenet, Figure 8, The NVDIMM space used as the journal area is and web-based commerce transactions. The workload in- guaranteed to be mapped to a continuous (virtual) memory cludes a mix of data and metadata-intensive operations. space. The reserved space stores (1) the start address and By default, we use write-only workloads with 50%/50% total size to locate the boundary of journal space, and (2) create/delete ratio. head tail the and addresses for the current status of journal. The default mode of journaling is ordered because we head tail The or address is actually the memory offset to the mainly optimize for the the performance of metadata journal- start address of the mapped memory space. Therefore, even ing. Note that all results shown in this section are produced by head tail if the mapping is changed after reboot, the and can running application on NVDIMM server instead of simulation. always be located using the offset so the whole file system is All the numbers shown are the average of five independent practically recoverable after power down. runs. Implementation of Fine-grained metadata journaling in- volves modifications in file systems, memory manage- B. Performance of Fine-grained Journaling ment, and JBD2 journaling module. We choose Ext4 1) Varmail Performance: Figure 9(a) shows the file system file system with kernel version 2.6.34-11 to imple- performance with three journaling strategies under Varmail ment our prototype (denoted as Find-grained on NVM). workloads. With different workload settings, our fine-grained We modify function ext4_mark_inode_dirty() to journaling on NVM is consistently better than JBD2 on link all modified inodes together. Meanwhile, we delete either disk or NVM, having up to 51.8% and 34.5% higher all the block-based journal writes to disk in function throughput, respectively. Note that the higher performance jbd2_journal_commit_transaction(), and replace improvement of fine-grained journaling over JBD2 on NVM is them with fine-grained metadata journal writes to NVM. obtained with larger number of files and smaller append size Checkpoint and recovery procedures are also modified accord- which is the most metadata write-intensive workload. ingly. For a fair comparison, we also implement an NVM- To further investigate the performance gain with fine- based JBD2 (denoted as JBD2 on NVM) which writes block- grained journaling, we quantify the reduction of journal writes based journal to NVM through memcpy with CLFLUSH and by measuring the average length of journal each operation MFENCE instead of block I/O to disk. For a fair comparison, writes (total length of journal divided by the total number in JBD2 on HDD strategy, we also two disks for data and operations). As shown in Figure 9(b), compared to the block- journaling separately. based journaling, fine-grained journaling saves 92.6%, 99.3% 3) Workloads: We use two widely used benchmark tools, and 91.0% journal writes with different workload settings. FileBench [10] and Postmark [52] to evaluate the performance The workload setting that leads to the highest reduction of of fine-grained journaling against traditional block-based jour- journal writes is identical to that with highest performance naling. improvement in Figure 9(a). 1) Varmail (FileBench) 2) FileServer Performance: Figure 10(a) shows the file Varmail workload in FileBench emulates I/O activity system performance with three journaling strategies under of a mail server that stores each e-mail in a separate FileServer workloads. With different workload settings, our JBD2 on HDD JBD2 on NVM Fine-grained on NVM JBD2 Fine-grained 800 1200 1118.4 1124.5 1064.4 700 677.6 670.1 1000 600 571.3 566.5 498.2 800 500 446.3 448.4 439.4 394.1 400 600


400 (Bytes/Op) 200

Throughput (Ops) Throughput 200

100 82.2 101.5 Average Journal Length Length Journal Average 7.7 0 0 file_num=480k file_num=960k file_num=960k file_num=480k file_num=960k file_num=960k append_size=4KB append_size=4KB append_size=64KB append_size=4KB append_size=4KB append_size=64KB Workload Settings Workload Settings

(a) Throughput (b) Journal Writes Fig. 9: Performance under Varmail Workloads

JBD2 on HDD JBD2 on NVM Fine-grained on NVM JBD2 Fine-grained 1600 20 1391.7 17.8 1400 18 15.7 16 1200 1151.9 1122.3 14 955.2 964.9 994.9 1000 924.3 12 792.6 800 10 646.4 600 8

(Bytes/Op) 6 400 4.1

4 Throughput (Ops) Throughput 200 1.5 1.7

2 0.8 Average Journal Length Length Journal Average 0 0 file_num=400k file_num=800k file_num=800k file_num=400k file_num=800k file_num=800k file_size=32KB file_size=16KB file_size=16KB file_size=32KB file_size=16KB file_size=16KB append_size=4KB append_size=4KB append_size=64KB append_size=4KB append_size=4KB append_size=64KB Workload Settings Workload Settings

(a) Throughput (b) Journal Writes Fig. 10: Performance under FileServer Workloads

fine-grained journaling on NVM performs up to 73.6% and cro writefsync workloads. Remember that the longer time 41.6% better than JBD2 on disk and NVM, respectively. interval between two consecutive commits leads to higher Compared to Varmail, FileServer is less metadata-intensive chance to save the multiple I/O on the same metadata block for because it does not contain fsync operations. As shown in Fig- block-based journaling. Therefore, the performance improve- ure 10(b), compared to JBD2, fine-grained journaling reduces ment of fine-grained journaling over block-based journaling the average journal length per operation up to 90.4%. Similar can be up to 15.8x and 2.8x under frequent-commit workload to Varmail, the workload settings for the highest reduction of settings (fsync every 32 4KB-appends). On the other hand, journal writes is identical to that with the highest performance the performance improvement drops when the append size improvement. increases because the data I/O to disk becomes dominant. 3) FileMicro writefsync Performance: Figure 11(a) shows Moreover, as shown in Figure 11(b), the reduction of journal the file system performance under FileMicro writefsync writes is around 93.7%, almost the same under different workload with different journaling mechanisms. The perfor- workload settings. This is because there is only one file, which mance improvement with fine-grained journaling on NVM means the amount of journal writes is fixed, i.e., one block for is much higher than that under previous two workloads be- blocked-based JBD2, one metadata (inode) for fine-grained cause the transaction commits more frequently under FileMi- journaling, which is unrelated to the fsync frequency. JBD2 on HDD JBD2 on NVM Fine-grained on NVM JBD2 Fine-grained 18000 140 16512.6 124.2 124.3 16000 120

14000 12902.0 100 12000

10000 80 8386.0 8000 60 6000 4502.7 (Bytes/Op) 40

4000 3366.3 Throughput (Ops) Throughput 20 15.9 2000 766.3 639.8 Length Journal Average 7.8 7.8 262.1 330.3 1.0 0 0 append_size=4KB append_size=256KB append_size=4KB append_size=4KB append_size=256KB append_size=4KB fsync_freq=32 fsync_freq=32 fsync_freq=256 fsync_freq=32 fsync_freq=32 fsync_freq=256 Workload Settings Workload Settings

(a) Throughput (b) Journal Writes Fig. 11: Performance under FileMicro writefsync Workloads

JBD2 on HDD JBD2 on NVM Fine-grained on NVM JBD2 Fine-grained 300 12

10.4 250 244.0 10 9.8 8.5 202.0 200 8 176.0

150 133.0 136.0 6 124.0 107.0 98.0

100 82.0 (Bytes/Op) 4 Throughput (Ops) Throughput 50 2 1.1 1.3 Average Journal Length Length Journal Average 0.8

0 0 file_num=100k file_num=200k file_num=300k file_num=100k file_num=200k file_num=300k Workload Settings Workload Settings

(a) Throughput (b) Journal Writes Fig. 12: Performance under Postmark Workloads

4) Postmark Performance: Last but not least, as shown journaling file system under three workloads with different in Figure 12(a), fine-grained journaling outperforms JBD2 maximum sizes of TxnInfo. on HDD and NVM up to 114% and 79.6% under Postmark workloads. The highest performance improvement is obtained As shown in Figure 13(a), the throughput under Varmail with the largest number of files. This is because more files to workloads with 128KB TxnInfo can be 20% higher than that operate leads to more severe write amplification problems, i.e., with 256B TxnInfo. Similarly, as shown in Figure 13(b), the more inode journal blocks contains only one modified inode. best performance under FileServer workload is also obtained As shown in Figure 12(b), the average journal length per with 128KB TxnInfo, which is 56.5% better than that with operation is reduced around 90% consistently because the I/O 256B Txninfo. The performance under Postmark workload is amount of each operation is unrelated to the number of files. also affected by the TxnInfo size. As shown in Figure 13(c), the highest throughput is achieved with 4KB TxnInfo, which C. Impact of TxnInfo Size is up to 35% better than that with smaller TxnInfo. The main As mentioned in Section III-B, a larger TxnInfo can reduce reason of such performance improvement with larger TxnInfo the commit frequency which results in optimizing the overall is the reduction of the number of transaction commits. For performance. To quantify the impact of TxnInfo on the over- instance, as shown in Figure 14(a) and 14(b), the total number all performance, we measure the throughput of fine-grained of commits reduces 95.8% and 99.8% when the maximum size 800 1600 200 188 712.0 691.3 1398.7 180 700 684.2 688.2 1400 1369.0 659.5 672.1 164 1257.5 160 155 593.2 1199.7 152 600 1200 1109.6 1123.1 139 139 140 129 500 1000 894.0 120

400 800 100

80 300 600


Throughput (Ops) Throughput (Ops) Throughput Throughput (Ops) Throughput 200 400 40 100 200 20

0 0 0 256B 1KB 4KB 16KB 64KB 128KB 256KB 256B 1KB 4KB 16KB 64KB 128KB 256KB 256B 1KB 4KB 16KB 64KB 128KB 256KB TxnInfo Size TxnInfo Size TxnInfo Size (a) Varmail Throughput (b) FileServer Throughput (c) Postmark Throughput Fig. 13: Impact of Txninfo Size on Overall Performance

Triggered By TxnInfo Capacity Triggered By Timer Triggered By TxnInfo Capacity Triggered By Timer Triggered By TxnInfo Capacity Triggered By Timer 40000 35000 25000 100% 97% 100% 35000 30000 20000 30000 25000 25000 15000 20000 20000 15000 10000 15000 10000 10000 85% 100% 100%


Number of Commits of Number Commits of Number Number of Commits of Number 5000 5000 56% 22% 7% 3% 100% 100% 1% 100% 94% 86% 2% 64% 9% 4% 1% 0 0 0 256B 1KB 4KB 16KB 64KB 128KB 256KB 256B 1KB 4KB 16KB 64KB 128KB 256KB 256B 1KB 4KB 16KB 64KB 128KB 256KB TxnInfo Size TxnInfo Size TxnInfo Size (a) Number of Commits Distribution under (b) Number of Commits Distribution under (c) Number of Commits Distribution under Varmail FileServer Postmark Fig. 14: Impact of Txninfo Size on Number of Commits of TxnInfo changes from 256B to 128KB under Varmail and and recovery accordingly in journaling file systems. As a FileServer workloads, respectively. result, we reduce the amount of ordered writes to NVM so However, we also observe that when the maximum size of that the overhead of journaling on NVM can be minimized. TxnInfo continues to grow, the overall performance remains We implement our fine-grained metadata journaling based on the same or even drops under all three workloads. 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