Sociedade & Natureza ISSN: 0103-1570 ISSN: 1982-4513 Universidade Federal de Uberlândia, Instituto de Geografia, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Geografia

Santos, Darcy José dos; Ruchkys, Úrsula de Azevedo; Travassos, Luiz Eduardo Panisset Geoecological profile of the Serra do Gandarela National Park, , Sociedade & Natureza, vol. 33, e57012, 2021 Universidade Federal de Uberlândia, Instituto de Geografia, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Geografia


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How to cite Complete issue Scientific Information System Redalyc More information about this article Network of Scientific Journals from Latin America and the Caribbean, Spain and Journal's webpage in Portugal Project academic non-profit, developed under the open access initiative DOI: 10.14393/SN-v33-2021-57012 Received: August 31, 2020 |Accepted: November 11, 2020 | Published: February 2, 2021

Geoecological profile of the Serra do Gandarela National Park, Minas Gerais, Brazil

Darcy José dos Santos1 Úrsula de Azevedo Ruchkys2 Luiz Eduardo Panisset Travassos3

Keywords: Abstract Geoecological profile. This paper presents a geosystemic study of the Serra do Serra do Gandarela National Park. Gandarela National Park. This conservation unit is inserted Minas Gerais. in the context of the Quadrilátero Ferrífero, in Minas Gerais, where outcrops of Precambrian lithostratigraphic units of the Rio das Velhas and Minas Supergroups can be found. Thus, a geoecological profile was elaborated using a methodology of cartographic representation of a transect on the area of interest. This favours the elaboration of horizontal readings along with each represented element, as well as vertical readings, where correlations can be interpreted between the various elements present. The compartments of the morphostructural domains elaborated for the Southern Metropolitan Region Environmental Protection Area Project (Projeto APA Sul da Região Metropolitana de Belo Horizonte) were used as units of analysis for interpretation of the geoecological profile. The constructed geoecological profile enabled a more holistic understanding of the study area, which may contribute to the management of this conservation unit.

INTRODUCTION the systemic framework is not limited to morphology or landscape subdivisions, but seeks, above all, to understand its dynamic and The geosystemic approach seeks to articulate structure (SOTCHAVA, 1977). “anthropic” and “natural” variables to construct For Bertrand (1972), the landscape results a holistic analysis of the environment from the dialectic interaction between physical, (MONTEIRO, 2001). Based on the work of biological and anthropic elements, in constant Bertalanffy (1950), which understood evolution, constituting a unique, spatially Geosystems as a specific category of localized set. This author develops a hierarchically structured dynamic systems, hierarchical classification system composed of Sotchava (1977) proposes their use in the six levels: Zone, Dominion, Natural Region, understanding of geographical phenomena. The Geosystem, Geofacies and Geotope. In this construction hierarchy with the main taxonomy, the geosystem includes a unit that characteristic of geosystems stands out, dynamically integrates geomorphological, whereby all the subdivisions of the natural climate and hydrological factors; presents the environment, from the minimal units of the same type of evolution, solid biological and terrestrial surface to the planetary geosystem, ecological unit; and, often, homogenous are characterized as dynamic units with specific physiognomy. From the same perspective, geographic organizations. Thus, for this author, Ramos et al. (2019) defend that the terrestrial

1 ICMBio/CECAV, , MG, Brasil. [email protected]. [email protected] 2 Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Instituto de Geociências, Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil. [email protected] 3 Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, MG, Brasil. [email protected]

Soc. Nat. | Uberlândia, MG | v.33 | e57012 | 2021| ISSN 1982-4513 1 SANTOS; RUCHKYS; TRAVASSOS Geoecological profile of the Serra do Gandarela National Park surface can be understood as a spatial unit that found. At a lesser scale, there are also lacustrine possesses a dynamic of interactions between deposits, lateritic-detrital coverings, colluvial natural and anthropic processes, thus deposits, and colluvial-eluvial deposits, of composing a systemic relationship. Cenozoic age, as well as alluvial deposits Based on the concepts presented composed of Phanerozoic rocks (Figure 1). above, Marés Mikosik et al. (2009) consider that Different lithological types, with multiple the construction of geoecological profiles is a degrees of resistance to chemical weathering form of systematic approach to the landscape. In and erosion, combined with complex structural the same vein, Levighin and Viadana (2003) conditioning, marked by folding and thrust indicate that this method explains the faults, as well as Cenozoic tectonic uplift and environmental aspects of the area under bioclimatic factors, conditioned the modelling of analysis, since it enables the representation of the morphostructural compartments found in sections of space and establishes correlations the QF, at their origin and during their between their elements. evolution (MEDINA; DANTAS; SAADI, 2005). These premises have been the basis of Among the morphostructural units proposed by different studies using geoecological profiles to these authors for the QF, six were identified in carry out integrated analyses of the landscape, the study area: the Rio das Velhas Anticlinal especially those aimed at understanding and Valley, Staggered Levels of the Serra do management in conservation units (JANSEN, Jaguara, the Depressão Suspensa of Gandarela 2014; MARENT; PORTILHO, 2017; LOPEZ; Syncline, the Conceição River Anticlinal Valley, LEÃO, 2018; SANTOS et al., 2018; RAMOS et the Serra do Syncline Crest, and the al., 2019). Caraça Massive The diversity of outcropping lithotypes in the PNSG favours the occurrence of a large quantity STUDY AREA of natural subterranean cavities. In December 2019, the National Register of Speleological Information (CANIE) indicated the occurrence The Serra do Gandarela National Park (PNSG), of 275 caves in the park area, developed in a full protection conservation unit, was created carbonate, ferriferous rocks and siliciclastic in October 2014, with an area of 31,270 hectares. rocks. The park is situated in an area where It occupies part of the municipalities of Nova medium, high and very high potential for the Lima, , Caeté, Santa Bárbara, Mariana, occurrence of caves predominates (JANSEN; , and . Located CAVALCANTI; LAMBLÉM, 2012), As such, around 50 km from Belo Horizonte, in the state new caves may come to be located in the region of Minas Gerais, it aims: as speleological prospection studies are carried out. To guarantee the preservation of The pedological coverage, determined by the samples of biological, geological, parent material, is composed mainly of Haplic speleological and hydrological heritage Cambisols and Neosols, which occupy around associated with the canga formations of 75% of the area. Shinzato and Filho (2005) point the Quadrilátero Ferrífero, including out that these soil types are underdeveloped and the campo rupestre montane savannas are shallow or not very deep, presenting a high and the remaining pockets of semi- concentration of minerals and low resistance to deciduous forest, the aquifer recharge weathering, being associated with dynamic areas, and the scenic group consisting of relief. These characteristics, combined with mountains, plateaus, natural periods of heavy rainfall, with greater surface vegetation, rivers and waterfalls runoff speeds, favour morphogenetic processes. (BRASIL, 2014). Approximately 20% of the area has low- thickness or non-existent soil coverage, being This conservation unit is inserted within the composed of rocky outcrops, canga exposures or Quadrilátero Ferrífero (QF), where outcrops of degraded areas. Argisols, Latosols and Gleisols Precambrian lithostratigraphic units of the Rio can be found in the rest of the area. das Velhas and Minas supergroups can be

Soc. Nat. | Uberlândia, MG | v.33 | e57012 | 2021| ISSN 1982-4513 2 SANTOS; RUCHKYS; TRAVASSOS Geoecological profile of the Serra do Gandarela National Park

Figure 1- Serra do Gandarela National Park - Geology

Source: Elaborated by the authors.

The PNSG is situated in an area of transition They describe that the greater resistance to between the Cerrado and Atlantic Forest weathering of the rocks of the , Caraça biomes. The Coverage and Land Use map and Maquiné groups conditions the higher developed by Oliveira, Jacques and Shinzato altitudes and is associated with the occurrence (2005) for the APA Sul RMBH project, indicates of quartzite and ferruginous campo rupestre the prevalence of Campo Cerrado/Campo montane savannas. Meadows and shrubby Graminoso (Savanna Field/Grassy Field) and grassland, phytophysionomies of the Cerrado, Mata (Forest) phytophysionomies. On a lesser are related to the occurrence of rocks from the scale, they also indicate the occurrence of other Nova Lima Group. The areas where Semi- coverage, including Campo Rupestre montane Deciduous Seasonal Forest can be established savanna, as well as the “Exposed Soil” class of have deeper soil layers, developed from the use. The authors point out that, in this area, the rocks of the Gandarela formation and phyllites Campo Rupestre class is associated with of the Piracicaba Group, which are more coverage of canga and quartzite outcrops. susceptible to epigenetic processes. The Lamounier et al. (2010); Filho, Curi and Company Vale S.A. and Amplo Engenharia e Shinzato (2010) advanced the analysis of the Gestão de Projetos Ltda., in 2019, through relationship between lithology and coverage. analyses of the nature of the substrate, For these authors, the lithological variation identified a Quartzitic Geosystem and a determines the establishment and development Metapelitic Geosystem on the borders of this of the phytophysionomies found in the region. national park. This region is historically marked by mineral exploration, especially iron mining. It can be

Soc. Nat. | Uberlândia, MG | v.33 | e57012 | 2021| ISSN 1982-4513 3 SANTOS; RUCHKYS; TRAVASSOS Geoecological profile of the Serra do Gandarela National Park highlighted that, as shown by Piló, Coelho and geoecological profile. As such, a transect of Reino (2015), the QF and the Serra dos Carajás, around thirty kilometres was created in a north- in Pará, account for more than 90% of national west to south-east direction, to intercept all the iron production. Thus, the locational rigidity of morphostructural compartments existing in the the iron reserves has been used as an argument park area (Figure 2). This transect begins at for the installation and amplification of mining point A, located in the north-west of the area, at ventures, putting significant pressure on areas UTM coordinates 624223 and 7786758, and which, as shown by Carmo (2010), are extends to point B, in the south-east, located at invaluable for presenting high rates of coordinates 647906 and 7771076. endemism, the occurrence of rare species, and a The proposed analyses were carried out unique geodiversity with various categories of using the Geographic Information System. After associated heritage. defining the transect, a topographic profile was Souza and Carmo (2015) classified these developed, using SRTM images (s20w044 and areas as ferruginous ecosystems, defined as s21w044) with a resolution of 30 metres, with spatial units whose lithology is composed of the help of TrackMaker software. This ferruginous rocks originating mainly in the topographic profile was then laid over the Archean (2.7 – 2.6 Ga) and in the information (shapes) referring to the geology, Paleoproterozoic (2.5 Ga to 540 Ma). These geomorphology, pedology and coverage, and geosystems include the physical components land use (Projeto APA Sul da RMBH – CPRM, and the inter-relationships between them, 2005), as well as the municipal limits (IBGE), housing important natural elements such as and a map of Cave Occurrence Potential hydric resources, flora and fauna endemism, (JANSEN; CAVALCANTI; LAMBLÉM, 2012). and speleological heritage. Salgado (2015) This stage was carried out using ArcGIS argues that these geosystems are classified software. The office analyses were accompanied among the most expressive on the Earth’s by field trips for better interpretation of the surface, due to the richness of their geodiversity profile. and biodiversity. However, this author emphasizes that where mineral exploration occurs more intensely in these geosystems, its RESULTS geodiversity, which is yet to be fully studied and remains little known, has suffered degradation and, in many cases, destruction of its elements. The geoecological profile (Figure 3) enabled In addition to protecting the well-preserved part vertical and horizontal readings, with the aim of of the ferruginous geosystems, this conservation a holistic understanding of the study area. unit The Rio das Velhas Anticlinal Valley compartment, situated in the north-west of the study area, covers part of the Nova Lima and METHODOLOGY Raposos municipalities. Cerrado vegetation (field savanna and grassy fields) predominates in this compartment, with ciliary forest A geoecological profile was elaborated for a occurring alongside the bodies of water. The better understanding of both spatial soils are composed of Haplic Cambisols distribution and the relationships between the (dystrophic typic and dystrophic leptic or lithic) abiotic elements and vegetal coverage in the and Neosols (dystrophic typic) of very gravelly study area. This method consists of cartographic texture and Argisols (red-yellow dystrophic representation of a transect over the area of cambic or typic). Hills dominate the relief with interest, which favours horizontal readings sharp tops or crests, supported by rocks of the along with each represented element, as well as Rio das Velhas Supergroup, dated from the vertical readings, where correlations between Mesoarchean-Neoarchean, locally represented the various elements at a determined location by Metagraywacke lithotypes, metatuft, can be interpreted (MONTEIRO, 2001; siltstone, carbonaceous schist, and metadensite, LEVIGHIN; VIADANA, 2003). and Metabasalt, metatuft, metavolcanic acid, The compartments of the morphostructural metachert, and carbonaceous schist, both from domains elaborated for the Belo Horizonte the Nova Lima Group and Schists with quartzite Southern Metropolitan Region Environmental intercalations from the Maquiné Group. This Protection Area Project (Projeto APA Sul da region has medium potential for the occurrence Região Metropolitana de Belo Horizonte) of natural subterranean cavities. (MEDINA; DANTAS; SAADI, 2005) were used as analysis units for the interpretation of the

Soc. Nat. | Uberlândia, MG | v.33 | e57012 | 2021| ISSN 1982-4513 4 SANTOS; RUCHKYS; TRAVASSOS Geoecological profile of the Serra do Gandarela National Park

Figure 2- Serra do Gandarela National Park – Morphostructural Units

Source: Elaborated by the authors.

The Staggered Levels of Jaguara next compartment (Hanging Depression of the compartment, in the section of the park situated Gandarela Syncline) rocks from the Minas in the Rio Acima and Caeté municipalities, has Supergroup begin outcropping, associated with varied altimetry, between, approximately, 1,000 scarp relief. In this section, there are metres in the north-west and 1,500 metres conglomerate Quartzite and phyllite lithotypes, towards the south-east. Field savanna and phyllite with metachert intercalations and grassy fields, typical of the Cerrado, Itabirite, dolomitic itabirite and bodies of predominate among the vegetation types. Forest hematite of Paleoproterozoic age, as well as coverage also occurs in association with the canga coverage of Cenozoic age in the transition bodies of water. The existence of unpaved roads between the compartments. This compartment exposes the pedological coverage, which has potential for the occurrence of caves, varying essentially consists of Cambisols and Neosols. In from medium in the western portion, to high various sections, the non-existence or low depth further to the east, to the extent that they are at of pedological profiles enables outcropping of the higher altitudes and reach the canga coverage. rocky substrate. The relief is dominated by The Hanging Depression of the Gandarela mountains/levels, quartzite plateaus, spurs and Syncline compartment has the highest altitudes scarps. Siliciclastic rocks of the Rio das Velhas of the profile, varying between 1,300 and 1,600 Supergroup predominate in this section, metres, occupying areas of the municipalities of represented by Quartzite and conglomerate Rio Acima and, mainly, Santa Bárbara. lithotypes, Quartzites with metaconglomerate Savanna field / grassy field vegetation intercalations, and Schists with quartzite predominates, with stretches of forest intercalations, all from the Maquiné Group, as associated with the drainage. In the highest well as Quartz-mica schist, carbonaceous schist, parts, there are campo rupestre montane ferriferous formation and Mica-quartz schist savannas. When present, the pedological and graphite schist, both from the Nova Lima coverage consists of Neosols. In the other Group. Where the transect approximates to the sections, where it is absent, colluvial-eluvial

Soc. Nat. | Uberlândia, MG | v.33 | e57012 | 2021| ISSN 1982-4513 5 SANTOS; RUCHKYS; TRAVASSOS Geoecological profile of the Serra do Gandarela National Park deposits formed by fragments of hematite and other rocks. The relief has a laterite plateau and itabirite cemented by limonite (canga), create hills in the higher section of the compartment planation surfaces supporting the highest profile. These are supported by canga and by altitudes of the compartment, at around 1,600 Itabirite lithotype, dolomitic itabirite and metres. Mining activities have degraded part of hematite bodies of the Minas Supergroup. In the this coverage. The relief is composed primarily sections with greater altitude variation, of scarps, intercalated with laterite plateaus. between 1,450 and 950 meters, spurs These relief forms are sustained by rocks predominate. These, in turn, present great constituted by Itabirite lithotypes, dolomitic lithological diversity. In the lower sections, itabirite and bodies of hematite, of the Minas coinciding with the beds of the Conceição River Supergroup and by Fragments of itabirite and and the Sarame stream, there is Mica-quartz compacted hematite, cemented by limonite schist lithotype from the Rio das Velhas (Canga). This compartment has the highest Supergroup. In the other areas of this profile potential for the occurrence of caves, due to the compartment, there are rocks of the Minas presence of itabirite in the elevated parts of the Supergroup, represented by Quartzite relief and of dolomites in the Gandarela lithotypes, conglomerate and phyllite, and formation, in the interior of the hanging phyllite with metachert intercalations, and, depression. Quartz-chlorite sericite schist lithotypes, with The Conceição River Anticlinal Valley intercalations of ferriferous formations and compartment had two sections intercepted by Metabasalt, metatuft, metavolcanic acid, the profile, both in the Santa Bárbara metachert, and carbonaceous schist from the Rio municipality. It has altitudes varying between das Velhas Supergroup. In the more western 1,500 metres, close to the hanging Gandarela portion, this compartment presents a high Syncline compartment, and 950 meters, on the potential for the occurrence of caves, due to the bed of the Conceição River. The vegetation is presence of itabirites. In the more easterly composed of smaller phytophysionomies, section, where quartzites predominate, there is savanna field / grassy field, in the higher parts, medium potential for the occurrence of caves. and forest in the lower sections. The pedological coverage consists of Cambisols and Neosols. However, there are large extensions of rocky outcrops, through the exposition of canga or

Soc. Nat. | Uberlândia, MG | v.33 | e57012 | 2021| ISSN 1982-4513 6 SANTOS; RUCHKYS; TRAVASSOS Geoecological profile of the Serra do Gandarela National Park

Figure 3- Geological Profile of the Serra do Gandarela National Park.

Source: Elaborated by the authors.

graphite schist, carbonaceous schist and The section of the Serra do Ouro Fino ferriferous formation. This compartment has Syncline Crest compartment represented in the medium potential for the occurrence of natural profile is inserted into the Santa Bárbara cavities. municipality and has altitudes of around 1,250 The Caraça Massive compartment is metres. Herbaceous-shrubby vegetation, represented in a small stretch, in the extreme consisting of savanna field / grassy field, south-east of the profile, in the Santa Bárbara predominates on a pedological layer composed of municipality, presenting altitudes between Cambisols and Neosols, in addition to a section 1,200 and 1,400 metros. The vegetal coverage is where the rock is outcropping. The relief is formed almost entirely of a forest, developed on characterized by the presence of mountains on the deepest soils of the profile, which consist of rocks of the Rio das Velhas Supergroup, locally Latosols. Countryside phytophysionomies occur represented by Quartz mica-schist lithotypes, in a lower proportion, sustained by Cambisols.

Soc. Nat. | Uberlândia, MG | v.33 | e57012 | 2021| ISSN 1982-4513 7 SANTOS; RUCHKYS; TRAVASSOS Geoecological profile of the Serra do Gandarela National Park

The relief is marked by hills with rounded tops, CONCLUSIONS sculpted on rocks of the Minas Supergroup, where the following lithotypes are identified: Mica-quartz schist, graphite schist, Schists with The geoecological profile represents the quartzite intercalations, Quartzites with sparse landscape characteristics in the form of a scree and Metaconglomerates. In this transect. Abiotic elements (soils, relief units, compartment, the predominance of siliciclastic morphostructural units, lithology, and the rocks promotes a prevalence of medium potential for the occurrence of caves) and biotic potential for the occurrence of caves. elements (use of soil and vegetal coverage) were The profile highlighted some challenges for used to elaborate the geoecological profile of the the management of this conservation unit. In Serra do Gandarela National Park. general, it can be stated that the predominance Structural representation of the landscape in of Neosols, underdeveloped Cambisols, and the form of a transect demonstrated variable rocky outcrops associated with dynamic relief behaviour in the potential for the occurrence of and vegetal coverage composed of herbaceous caves, the compartment with the highest and shrubby phytophysionomies conditions, potential being the Hanging Depression of the elevate the degrees of environmental Gandarela Syncline. vulnerability in the Serra do Gandarela The use of this technique enabled the National Park (Santos, 2017). This factor can be highlighting of challenges to the management of verified in sections of the Rio das Velhas the Conservation Unit, especially concerning Anticlinal Valley and Staggered Levels of erosive processes caused by the practice of Jaguara compartments. These are places where motocross or for access to waterfalls, which the vegetal coverage has been eliminated, indicate high environmental vulnerability; mainly through the practice of motocross or for areas with a prevalence of morphogenetic the construction of access to the waterfalls, processes associated with underdeveloped soils; suffering an intense erosive process, even and the suppression of ferruginous campo reaching a point of exposing the underlying rupestre montane savanna vegetation as a rock. The large and, at times, abrupt altitude result of past uses for mineral research or variation favours the occurrence of look-out exploration without spontaneous re-composition points and waterfalls, operating as tourist of the vegetation. attractions for the practice of adventure sports The results indicate that the geoecological and outdoor activities. On the other hand, this profile can serve as support for the minimization same dynamic to the relief, associated with of adverse environmental impacts as well as for underdeveloped soils, favours the prevalence of the planning and management of the morphogenetic processes, reinforcing the conservation unit, reflected in the management importance of careful planning both for the plan still in development. installation of infrastructure for the use of park attractions and for the urgency in recovering areas degraded by previous uses prior to the REFERENCES creation of the park. Another highlighted challenge, also related to environmental vulnerability, is in respect to BERTALANFFY, LV, An outline of general system the ferruginous campo rupestre montane theory. The British Journal for the Philosophy of savannas, intrinsically associated with Science, v. 1, n. 2, p. 134-165., 1950 Disponível em ferruginous geosystems, especially in the Jaguara and the Hanging Depression of BERTRAND, Georges. Paisagem e geografia física Gandarela compartments. This vegetation is global. esboço metodológico. Caderno de Ciências da sustained by a slim layer of organic material laid Terra, São Paulo, v. 13, p. 141–152, 1972 directly over the rock, consisting mainly of BRASIL. PRESIDÊNCIA DA REPÚBLICA. Decreto canga. At points where this incipient soil has s/no, de 13 de outubro de 2014. Cria o Parque been removed, for mineral research or bauxite Nacional da Serra do Gandarela, localizado nos exploration, there has been no spontaneous Municípios de Nova Lima, Raposos, Caeté, Santa repopulation of the vegetation, even after the Bárbara, Mariana, Ouro Preto, Itabirito e Rio Acima, Estado de Minas Gerais. 2014. Disponível passing of some decades. em . Acesso em: 10 mar. 2016. CARMO, F. F. Importância ambiental e estado de

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Soc. Nat. | Uberlândia, MG | v.33 | e57012 | 2021| ISSN 1982-4513 9