The role of altered metabolism in cardiomyopathy and : an in vivo magnetic resonance imaging and spectroscopy approach

Citation for published version (APA): Abdurrachim, D. (2014). The role of altered fatty acid metabolism in cardiomyopathy and heart failure : an in vivo magnetic resonance imaging and spectroscopy approach. Technische Universiteit Eindhoven.

DOI: 10.6100/IR782204

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The role of altered fatty acid metabolism in cardiomyopathy and heart failure An in vivo magnetic resonance imaging and spectroscopy approach

Desiree Abdurrachim

A catalogue record is available from the Eindhoven University of Technology.

ISBN: 978-90-386-3732-7

The project described in this thesis was funded by a Vidi grant from the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO), project number 700.58.421.

Financial support by the Dutch Heart Foundation for the publication of this thesis is gratefully acknowledged. Financial contribution from Pie Medical Imaging BV is also gratefully acknowledged.

Cover: MR images of non-diabetic mouse hearts at 12 weeks after transverse aortic constriction Cover design: Christiaan Sugiono and Desiree Abdurrachim Printer: Ipskamp Drukker, Enschede, The Netherlands

Copyright © 2014 by Desiree Abdurrachim

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a database or retrieval system, or published, in any form or in any way, electronically, mechanically, by print, photo print, microfilm, or any other means without prior permission by the author. The role of altered fatty acid metabolism in cardiomyopathy and heart failure

An in vivo magnetic resonance imaging and spectroscopy approach


ter verkrijging van de graad van doctor aan de Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, op gezag van de rector magnificus, C.J. van Duijn, voor een commissie aangewezen door het College voor Promoties, in het openbaar te verdedigen op dinsdag 16 december 2014 om 16:00 uur


Desiree Abdurrachim

geboren te Bandung, Indonesiё

Dit proefschrift is goedgekeurd door de promotor en de samenstelling van de promotiecommissie is als volgt:

voorzitter: prof.dr. P.A.J. Hilbers promotor: prof.dr. K. Nicolay co-promotor: dr. J.J. Prompers leden: prof.dr. J.W.A. Smit (Radboud Universiteit) prof.dr. J.F.C. Glatz (Universiteit Maastricht) F.N. van de Vosse prof.dr. C. Faber (Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster)

dr. S.M. Houten (Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai)

To my beloved parents Ibu & Papay

Table of contents

Chapter 1 1 Introduction

Chapter 2 9 In vivo mouse cardiac MRI , 1H MRS, and 31P MRS: Strategies and current status in the study of cardiac function and metabolism – Review

Chapter 3 25 Good and bad consequences of altered fatty acid metabolism in heart failure: Evidence from mouse models – Review

Chapter 4 47 High frame-rate retrospectively triggered cine MRI for assessment of murine diastolic function

Chapter 5 63 In vivo quantification of mouse myocardial metabolite content and 1 T1 relaxation using H MRS

Chapter 6 77 In vivo 31P MR spectroscopy of the mouse heart using respiratory-gated and cardiac-triggered 3D ISIS

Chapter 7 93 Cardiac diastolic dysfunction in high-fat diet fed mice is associated with lipotoxicity without impairment of cardiac energetics in vivo

Chapter 8 119 Reduced Cpt1b sensitivity to malonyl-CoA is associated with disturbed cardiac energy metabolism and reduced cardiac function in a Cpt1bE3A mouse model

Chapter 9 145 Cardiac metabolic adaptations in diabetic mice prevent the heart from failing upon pressure overload, as evidenced by a combined in vivo PET, MRI, and MRS approach

Chapter 10 169 Summarizing discussion and future perspective

Acknowledgements 177

List of publications 183

About the author 187

Chapter 1


Chapter 1

Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is one of the leading causes of death worldwide (35). The contribution of CVD to mortality has increased from 10% at the beginning of 20th century to 30% in 2001 (13). Partly responsible for this increase may be the rising prevalence of diabetes, as diabetes increases the risk of CVD by two to three times (19). The prevalence of diabetes has now reached epidemic proportions, with 382 million people (~8.3% of the world’s adult population) suffering from diabetes in 2013. This figure is expected to grow dramatically in the next 22 years to an estimated 592 million patients in 2035 (12), making diabetes a growing problem in today’s society.

The work in this thesis is within the context of diabetes and heart failure. Heart failure is the end stage of heart diseases, and one of the most common causes of CVD morbidity and mortality (13). In the following sections, cardiac metabolism, the characteristics of the heart in diabetes and obesity, and the pathophysiology of heart failure are introduced. Finally, we present the aim and framework of this thesis.

1.1. The heart and cardiac metabolism

The heart pumps blood to supply oxygen and nutrients to the tissues in our body. The importance of the heart was first recognized in the 4th century BC, by the Greek philosopher Aristotle from his observation in chick embryos that the heart was formed first before the rest of the internal organs. However, the anatomy and physiology of the heart was not understood until 1628, when an English physician, William Harvey discovered that “blood by the beat of the ventricles flows through the lungs and heart and is pumped to the whole body”. He concluded that the blood in the animal body moves around in a circle continuously and the action or function of the heart is to accomplish this by pumping (28). Furthermore, he concluded that this is (the) only reason for the motion and beat of the heart (28).

The human heart beats on average 100,000 times per day, pumping through about 4.7 liters of blood each minute. To maintain its work, the heart needs a continuous supply of energy, about more than 6 kg of ATP per day. About 60-70% of the ATP is used for contractile function, and 30-40% is primarily used for maintaining calcium homeostasis and other cellular ion transport (25, 30). To fuel the metabolism for energy production, the heart is an “omnivore” (22); it can use various carbon substrates such as fatty acids (FA), glucose, ketone bodies, or lactate, depending on their availability. However, in the normal heart, the major proportion (about 60- 70%) of the ATP requirement is provided by FA oxidation (FAO), while the remaining 30-40% is supplied by glucose oxidation (22).

To adapt to substrate availability and energy demand, the heart is ‘metabolically flexible’ to switch between FA and glucose (20, 26), an important feature that is usually lost in the diseased heart, for example in the diabetic heart and in the failing heart. Compared with glucose oxidation, FAO is more carbon-efficient; one mol of palmitate produces about 3-4 times more ATP than one mol of glucose does. On the other hand, glucose oxidation is more oxygen- efficient compared with FAO, producing 10-12% more ATP for the same amount of oxygen consumed (22). Therefore, FA substrates are the preferred substrate for cardiac energy production under conditions of high oxygen and low substrate availability, while utilization of glucose is generally more favorable at low oxygen and high substrate concentrations.



1.2. The heart in diabetes and obesity

The heart in diabetes and obesity differs from the healthy heart. The diabetic heart has an increased and almost exclusive (90-100%) dependence on FAO to provide energy for its function (23). Furthermore, the diabetic heart is also thought to be metabolically inflexible to switch from FA to glucose substrates (22, 32), making the heart more vulnerable to, for example, conditions of low oxygen supply such as . More importantly, even without the presence of any underlying coronary artery diseases or hypertension, diabetic patients are prone to reduced cardiac function. This condition is known as ‘diabetic cardiomyopathy’, which is characterized by cardiac diastolic dysfunction in the early stage, followed by systolic dysfunction and heart failure in later stages (11). Diabetic cardiomyopathy is prevalent in two-third of diabetic patients (27). The reduced performance of diabetic hearts may be induced by the alterations in cardiac metabolism in diabetes and obesity (5, 11, 23, 29). Increased dependence on FAO in the diabetic heart has been associated with detrimental effects, such as cardiac energy deficiency and accumulation of potentially toxic lipid metabolites, which may contribute to the development of cardiomyopathy (4, 14). However, the exact mechanisms and the relative contributions of impaired cardiac energetics and lipotoxicity to the development of metabolic cardiomyopathy still need to be elucidated.

1.3. Heart failure

When exposed to stress, the heart compensates for the increased work by thickening its muscle to maintain a normal cardiac output. If the stress is severe or persistent, the heart will start to dilate and ultimately fail (3). At failure, the heart cannot pump sufficient blood through the body. The transition from a normal to a failing heart is usually accompanied by a shift in cardiac metabolism towards increased glucose oxidation at the expense of FAO (22). However, the availability of substrates in the blood may still modulate substrate metabolism in the failing heart. For example, in the presence of high levels of FA, the failing heart exhibits more FAO, while when the concentration of ketone bodies is increased, FAO is usually suppressed (22). Moreover, comorbidities such as insulin resistance and diabetes also complicate cardiac metabolism in heart failure. In heart failure patients without insulin resistance, FAO rate was shown to be reduced compared with that of healthy volunteers, while in heart failure patients with insulin resistance, FAO rate was shown to be unchanged (33).

As it is generally accepted that the shift towards glucose oxidation is an adaptive mechanism to cope with heart failure, heart failure treatments usually aim to inhibit FAO and to stimulate glucose oxidation. In the diabetic heart, however, the suggested metabolic inflexibility may prevent a switch to glucose, making the diabetic heart even more vulnerable to failure. On the other hand, recent evidence suggests that maintained FAO could be protective during heart failure (21). Therefore, it is not clear whether the shift to glucose oxidation is a cause or a consequence of heart failure progression. Moreover, metabolic interventions may need to be tailored to different cardiac metabolic conditions (18), for example due to different metabolic milieu (e.g. diabetes) or different stages of heart failure. However, a comprehensive view of cardiac metabolic changes during different stages of heart failure progression and under different metabolic conditions is currently lacking. Progress in this field critically depends on the development of non-invasive tools to study cardiac metabolism in vivo.


Chapter 1

Figure 1.1. Probing cardiac metabolism and function in vivo using MRS and MRI. In the heart, fatty acids (FA) and glucose are two main fuel sources to produce ATP. FAO fulfills 60-70% of the energy requirement of the healthy heart, while the remaining 30-40% is mainly provided by glucose. Upon uptake of FA into cardiomyocytes, FA can either be stored as lipid droplets for later use, or oxidized through β-oxidation in the mitochondria to produce energy in the form of ATP. The concentration of lipids stored in the myocardium can be quantified from cardiac 1H MR spectra, acquired in the heart septum (voxel shown in white). Using 31P MRS, the ratio of PCr to ATP in the left can be quantified as a measure of cardiac energy status. Modulations in the FA metabolic pathways may result in increased FAO in mouse models, for example through the increase in FA availability in the blood, such as through high fat diet feeding (1) or mutation in leptin receptor (3), or more downstream without affecting FA availability and uptake, through the reduction of Cpt1b sensitivity to malonyl-CoA (2). Malonyl-CoA normally inhibits CPT1 activity, an enzyme which transports FA into the mitochondria. The effects of altered FAO on cardiac function can be studied using MRI, by acquiring cine movies of the contracting heart. From such movies, volumetric changes of left ventricular cavity over time within the cardiac cycle can be calculated. This allows the assessment of systolic function (e.g. EDV, ESV, PER, and ejection fraction) and diastolic function (e.g. E and A filling rates, shown by the slopes of the red lines). 1H MRS, 31P MRS, and MRI are therefore powerful tools to study the effects of modulations in cardiac metabolism, for example in diabetic or obesity-related cardiomyopathy, in which FA oxidation is altered.

ADP: adenosine diphosphate, ATP: adenosine triphosphate, CKc: cytosolic creatine kinase, CKm: mitochondrial creatine kinase, Cr: creatine, DPG: diphosphoglycerol, EDV: end diastolic volume, ESV: end systolic volume, FAT: fatty acid translocase, GLUT4: glucose transporter 4, OXPHOS: oxidative phosphorylation, PCr: phosphocreatine, PER: peak ejection rate, TCA: tricarbocylic acid cycle.



1.4. Framework of this thesis

Non-invasive in vivo techniques are of great importance in the research on cardiac function and metabolism. In vivo measurements allow longitudinal studies to map cardiac metabolic adaptations at different stages of cardiomyopathy or heart failure progression in the same animal. Currently available data on cardiac energy metabolism in animal studies mainly originate from ex vivo isolated perfused heart setups (16, 24). However, these ex vivo experimental setups do not entirely mimic the complexity of the in vivo situation as the ex vivo heart is usually perfused with glucose and FA at a constant concentration, In obesity, diabetes, and heart failure, the concentration of specific substrates and changes in their proportions in the blood may influence myocardial substrate metabolism.

This thesis aimed to investigate the role of altered cardiac FA metabolism in the development of metabolic cardiomyopathy and heart failure in mouse models of altered FAO. To this end, we developed and implemented in vivo magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), 1H magnetic resonance spectroscopy (1H MRS), and 31P MRS to study cardiac systolic and diastolic function, myocardial lipid content, and cardiac energetics, respectively (Fig. 1.1). To gain more insight into cardiac metabolism, in vivo MRI and MRS data in this thesis were complemented with measurements of myocardial glucose uptake using in vivo positron emission tomography (PET), substrate metabolism in ex vivo isolated perfused hearts, ex vivo function of isolated cardiac mitochondria, myocardial lipid intermediates, and the expression of proteins involved in cardiac metabolism.

We applied the in vivo MRI and MRS techniques to study the effects of altered FAO in three different mouse models, with different origins of FA modulation: high fat diet-induced obese mice, malonyl-CoA insensitive Cpt1b knockin mice, and diabetic db/db mice.

High fat diet (HFD)-induced obese mice HFD feeding is an intervention to induce a pre-diabetic stage. HFD feeding results in increased FA availability in the blood, which leads to an upregulation of myocardial FA uptake and FAO. HFD-fed mice develop cardiomyopathy, the severity of which is dependent on diet compositions and feeding duration (10).

Malonyl-CoA insensitive Cpt1b knockin mice Cpt1b is an enzyme which imports FA into the mitochondria. Its activity is inhibited by malonyl- CoA (Fig. 1.1). The Cpt1bE3A knockin mouse is a novel mouse model, in which Cpt1b is rendered less sensitive to malonyl-CoA. This results in an increased FAO flux in Cpt1bE3A knockin mouse hearts, which is accompanied by cardiomyopathy. However, in contrast to HFD-induced obese mice, whole-body energy balance is not affected in Cpt1bE3A knockin mice (34).

Diabetic db/db mice Increased FAO in diabetic db/db mice is due to a point mutation in the leptin receptor (8), leading to disturbed energy regulation. Diabetic db/db mice are morbidly obese, and develop a similar diabetic phenotype as seen in human diabetic patients (17). Adipose tissue lipolysis is increased in db/db mice, causing FA availability in the blood, FA uptake into the heart, and


Chapter 1

cardiac FAO to be increased (6, 7). Db/db mice have been extensively used to investigate the etiology of diabetic cardiomyopathy (1, 2, 9, 15, 31, 36).

1.5. Thesis outline

The first part of this thesis presents reviews of current literature on in vivo MRI and MRS techniques and the role of altered FAO in cardiomyopathy and heart failure, which are given in Chapter 2 and Chapter 3, respectively. MRI is the gold standard method to assess cardiac systolic function, however the time resolution of routine cardiac MRI is usually not sufficient to visualize the two diastolic filling phases necessary for the assessment of diastolic function. In chapter 4, the development of high temporal resolution cardiac MRI to measure diastolic function is described. Reduced cardiac function in the context of altered FAO have been associated with myocardial lipid accumulation and impaired cardiac energetics. In Chapter 5, we describe the implementation of a localized 1H MRS technique for the quantification of myocardial lipid content in a single voxel in the septum of the in vivo mouse heart. Chapter 6 reports the implementation of a localized 31P MRS technique to determine the cardiac PCr/ATP ratio, as a measure of cardiac energy status, in mice.

Using the developed high temporal resolution cardiac MRI, 1H MRS, and 31P MRS methods, we investigated the effects of altered cardiac FA uptake and FAO promoted by high-fat diet (HFD) feeding in mice, which is described in Chapter 7. In Chapter 8, we report the characterization of cardiac function and metabolism in the Cpt1bE3A knockin mouse. Finally, Chapter 9 presents a longitudinal study to map metabolic changes during the progression of heart failure in diabetic and non-diabetic mice, using a combination of MR and PET imaging. The thesis is concluded with a summarizing discussion and future perspective in Chapter 10.

1.6. References

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Chapter 2

In vivo mouse cardiac MRI, 1H MRS, and 31P MRS: Strategies and current status in the study of cardiac function and metabolism


Partly based on: Small animal MR imaging and spectroscopy of cardiovascular disorders

Desiree Abdurrachim, Adrianus J. Bakermans, Rik P.M. Moonen, Abdallah G. Motaal, Jeanine J. Prompers, Gustav J. Strijkers, Katrien Vandoorne, Klaas Nicolay

Biomedical NMR, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven, The Netherlands

Invited review in Progress in NMR Spectroscopy Chapter 2

2.1. Introduction

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a non-invasive imaging technology which exploits magnetic properties of nuclear spins, particularly water protons. MRI is characterized by its excellent soft-tissue contrast and high spatial resolution, as well as its versatility, as many different morphological and functional parameters can be measured. In cardiac applications, MRI has been widely used to assess global cardiac function (77), local cardiac function (18), and tissue perfusion (88).

While the aforementioned applications derive the information from MR images, magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) draws information from MR spectra. MRS exploits the different magnetic environments, which cause nuclei (such as 1H, 31P, 13C, 23Na) in different chemical environments to appear at different frequencies in the corresponding MR spectra. For example, in a 1H MR spectrum, creatine protons resonate at different frequencies than triglyceride protons (Fig. 2.3), while in a 31P MR spectrum, the phosphorus nucleus in phosphocreatine resonates at a different frequency than the phosphorus nuclei in ATP (Fig. 2.5). MRS thereby provides a powerful tool to quantify metabolites and metabolic processes involved in metabolism (reviewed in (71)).

Initially, cardiac MRI and MRS were developed for human applications. The development of mouse models to study myocardial metabolism required development of those MRI and MRS techniques also for the mouse heart. However, major challenges in the in vivo implementation of mouse cardiac MRI and MRS are the small size and the high heart rate of the mouse heart. Compared with the human heart, the mouse heart weighs about 2000 times less and beats 10 times faster. Moreover, respiration also generates movement that can disturb the measurements. These factors put high demands on acquisition speed, spatial resolution, sensitivity, as well as the synchronization of the acquisition with the heart and breathing movement.

Here we review the current status of cardiac cinematic MRI, 1H MRS, and 31P MRS applications in vivo in small animals, particularly in mice.

2.2. Cardiac cinematic MRI

Cardiac cinematic (cine) MRI is a technique to acquire a set of cardiac images throughout the cardiac cycle, thereby generating a movie of the beating heart. Currently, cine MRI is the gold standard for cardiac function assessment in vivo (19). It has been applied in various murine models of cardiomyopathy, such as diabetic cardiomyopathy (2, 49, 91), myocardial infarction (11, 15, 61, 72), and pressure overload-induced heart failure (76, 89). The parameters of cardiac function are quantified from either 3D cine movies (24, 54), or more commonly, from cine movies of consecutive short axis slices of the heart, complemented with cine movies of 4- chamber and/or 2-chamber long axis slices of the heart (77, 86). The acquisition is typically performed using gradient echo-based sequences with a low flip angle excitation pulse to allow a short repetition time (TR). Some examples of these sequences are FLASH (fast low-angle shot) (28, 38), SSFP (steady-state free precision) (81), and UTE (ultra-short echo time) (42, 58). For cine MRI, synchronization of the acquisition with the cardiac cycle is essential. To this end, two


Cardiac MRI, 1H MRS, 31P MRS – review

cardiac triggering strategies can be employed, either by using an external ECG signal to prospectively trigger the acquisition (prospective triggering, Fig. 2.1A-D), or by using an internal navigator signal acquired during the acquisition, to assign acquired data retrospectively to the correct cardiac phases (retrospective triggering, Fig. 2.1E-G). The acquisition is performed during multiple heart beats, which assumes periodicity of the cardiac movement.

2.2.1. Prospective triggering

The prospective triggering method requires the use of an ECG signal (Fig. 2.1A), recorded from ECG electrodes attached to the paws or the chest of the animal. The acquisition of the first cardiac frame starts once the ECG R-wave is detected, which generates a trigger (Fig. 2.1C-D). Within one cardiac cycle, the acquisition is repeated after each TR until nearly the end of the cardiac cycle. In this case, the number of frames that can be acquired within one cardiac cycle is defined by the length of the cardiac cycle period divided by the TR.

Within one cardiac cycle, the acquisition fills one k-line of each cardiac frame. In case of parallel imaging, a number of k-lines can be filled simultaneously. The acquisition is then repeated over a number of heart beats, until all k-lines of all cardiac frames are filled. One limitation of the prospective triggering method is that data from the very end of the diastolic phase is usually not acquired (Fig. 2.1C). The number of frames can be increased so that the acquisition continues into the next cardiac cycle; however, this will double the acquisition time.

To prevent artefacts due to respiratory motion, the acquisition is often respiratory gated (Fig. 2.1B). The respiratory signal is usually recorded using a pressure balloon positioned on the abdomen or the back of the animal. Respiratory gating causes pauses in the acquisition, leading to variations in TR and therefore, disturbances in steady-state magnetization. To maintain steady-state magnetization, dummy scans can be applied, in which excitation pulses are continued during respiratory gating, however, without data acquisition (12). However, maintaining steady-state magnetization during prospective triggering can still be challenging, because missing or undetected ECG triggers can also cause occasional pauses, which disrupt maintenance of steady-state magnetization.

2.2.2. Retrospective triggering

In contrast to prospective triggering, with the retrospective triggering strategy, data is acquired continuously, asynchronous with the cardiac cycle (Fig. 2.1E). After acquisition is completed, the cine movie is reconstructed by binning the data into a specified number of cardiac frames. The retrospective triggering scheme utilizes an integral ‘navigator signal’ to assign the data retrospectively to the corresponding cardiac phase. For this purpose, the sequence is modified to include the acquisition of a navigator signal (Fig. 2.1F). The navigator signal can be acquired in the same slice during the refocusing of the slice signal (as shown in Fig. 2.1F) (38), in another slice (42), or directly from the imaging data, by recording the fluctuations in the center of k-space when using a radial trajectory (20, 39, 42). The intensity of the navigator signal reflects both cardiac and respiratory motion (Fig. 2.1G).


Chapter 2

Figure 2.1. Strategy to synchronize cine MRI acquisition with cardiac cycle. (A) ECG and (B) respiratory signal, recorded externally using ECG electrodes and pressure balloon, respectively. (C) In the prospective triggering scheme, the acquisition is synchronized with the external ECG signal. The number of frames N per cardiac cycle is defined by the cardiac cycle period L divided by the repetition time TR. During respiratory movement, one can choose to pause the acquisition, or to acquire dummy scans (in lighter color) to maintain steady-state magnetization. Cine MRI generated by prospective triggering often misses the frame at the end of cardiac phase. (D) FLASH sequence typically used with prospective triggering. (E) In the retrospective triggering scheme, data is acquired continuously, asynchronously with the cardiac activity. (F) The FLASH sequence is modified to include the acquisition of a navigator signal (representative navigator signal amplitude is shown in G). The navigator signal is used to retrospectively bin the data into a number of frames N for cine reconstruction. Continuous data acquisition, with small variations in the cardiac cycle, creates high probability that data is acquired at different positions within each cardiac cycle (as illustrated by the two rows in E). In contrast to prospective triggering, this allows the reconstruction of the data into a higher number of frames, which is no longer constrained by TR.

Cardiac functional parameters determined from retrospectively triggered cine MRI have been shown to be comparable with those acquired using prospectively triggered cine MRI (11, 38). However, retrospective triggering has a few advantages over prospective triggering. First, because the data is acquired continuously, the number of reconstructed cardiac frames can be decided after the measurement. More importantly, the number of frames is not limited by repetition time, which allows reconstruction with higher time resolution (>60 frames/cardiac cycle), as described in Chapter 4 in this thesis (14). However, due to the stochastic nature of the k-space filling in retrospective triggering, we have shown that there is a minimum required number of repetitions to ensure that a sufficient number of k-lines in the k-space of each image


Cardiac MRI, 1H MRS, 31P MRS – review

frame are filled (14). This minimum number of repetitions is dependent on the number of frames one wishes to reconstruct, which means that a longer acquisition time is required for a higher time resolution. For high time resolution reconstructions to be practical, acceleration techniques such as compressed sensing (55, 59) or parallel imaging (74) can significantly reduce the measurement time.

The continuous nature of the retrospectively triggered acquisition ensures the maintenance of steady-state magnetization, which is reflected by less signal variations between cardiac frames

(38). This is particularly important for quantitative imaging, for example, when mapping T1 relaxation time. Finally, retrospective triggering eliminates the needs for external ECG signals. This can be beneficial when ECG signal is of low quality, such as in mouse models of heart failure or myocardial infarction (16). However, the use of retrospective triggering needs a reliable navigator signal, which, as we have experienced in our laboratory, can also be problematic, e.g. in animals with obesity or myocardial infarction (16).

2.2.3. Cine MRI application

The most common parameters derived from cine MRI are the parameters for systolic function. From the segmentation of the left ventricular (LV) myocardium and cavity (Fig. 2-2A), LV myocardial mass, end-diastolic volume (EDV), and end-systolic volume (ESV) can be derived. From this data, systolic function parameters can be calculated, such as stroke volume (SV) = EDV-ESV, ejection fraction (EF) = (EDV-ESV)/EDV, and cardiac output = SV x heart rate.

Next to systolic function, diastolic function is also an important parameter in cardiac function. Diabetic or obesity-related cardiomyopathy is often preceded by diastolic dysfunction (23). Furthermore, heart failure can also occur with preserved systolic function, while diastolic function is reduced (29). The diastolic phase of the cardiac cycle is characterized by two separate filling phases: the early filling (E) phase, which is due to active LV relaxation, and the late filling (A) phase, which is due to atrial contraction. The E rate, A rate, or E/A ratio are commonly determined by echocardiography (73); unfortunately, the time resolution of cine MRI in most cases is too low to separate the two diastolic filling phases. Routine cine MRI with prospective triggering results in a time resolution of typically ~15-25 frames/cardiac cycle, while the two diastolic filling phases can only be differentiated with a time resolution of ~50-60 frames/cardiac cycle (14) (Fig. 2.2B and C).

The time resolution in the prospective triggering method is constrained by the TR. For the gradient echo sequence, TR is limited by the lengths of the excitation pulse, the spatial encoding gradients, spoiler gradients, and echo readout. TR therefore becomes constrained by the desired spatial resolution, gradient performance, and SNR. At a given spatial resolution, TR can only be made shorter at the expense of a shorter excitation pulse with a higher slice selection gradient, shorter and higher spatial encoding and spoiler gradients, and a shorter echo readout with higher readout gradient and higher receiver bandwidth. However, gradient rise-time and strength are hardware limited, and increasing the gradient strength may cause gradient duty cycle problems. Also, a higher receiver bandwidth will lead to lower SNR. Therefore, to achieve the high time resolution required for diastolic function assessment, a high-performance gradient system is necessary, such as used in the study of Stuckey et al. of diabetic murine models (82).


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As an alternative strategy to obtain high time-resolution cine MRI data, we implemented retrospective triggering with a long acquisition time (14). As reported in Chapter 4 in this thesis, we showed that the retrospective triggering method allowed the reconstruction of up to 90 frames/cardiac cycle, revealing a subtle impairment in diastolic function in diabetic mice (14). We further extended the technique by the use of compressed sensing to accelerate the acquisitions (59).

Figure 2.2. Analysis of cine MRI for the quantification of cardiac systolic and diastolic function. (A) Series of cardiac images at different cardiac phases. Blue and red represent the segmentation of the myocardium and LV cavity, respectively, from which end diastolic volume (EDV) and end systolic volume (ESV) can be quantified. (B) LV cavity volume-time curve, in which the early (E) and late peak diastolic filling (A) phases are visible. Red lines indicate the slopes (i.e. rates) of the diastolic filling. (C) The first derivative of the LV cavity volume-time curve in (B), depicting the LV peak ejection rate (PER), E rate, and A rate.

2.3. 1H MRS

Proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy (1H MRS) is a powerful tool to gain insight into cardiac lipid and creatine metabolism (21). Cardiac 1H MR spectra contain a number of peaks associated with triglycerides (TG) and peaks associated with taurine, choline/carnitine, and creatine (30) (Fig. 2.3A). The metabolite concentration can be quantified by calculating the peak area, expressed for example relatively to the water concentration. The accumulation of myocardial TG has been implicated in the etiology of diabetes- and obesity-related cardiomyopathy (36, 83), while creatine is an interesting metabolite in heart failure due to its role in buffering the ATP levels via the creatine kinase system (10, 62, 63).

In the context of lipotoxic cardiomyopathy, cardiac 1H MRS has been applied in vivo in diabetic db/db mice, which showed increased myocardial TG levels (Fig. 2.3B, unpublished data). Myocardial TG content has also been measured using 1H MRS in high fat diet mice (1, 36) and


Cardiac MRI, 1H MRS, 31P MRS – review

Figure 2.3. Typical cardiac 1H MR spectra acquired from myocardial septum in (A) a non-diabetic mouse, (B) a diabetic mouse. The spectra were identically scaled and

contain peaks originating from taurine (tau), choline/carnitine (cho/car), creatine-CH3

(Cr-CH3), and 7 peaks associated with triglycerides (TG): (1) -CH=CH-; (2) -CH=CH-

CH2-CH=CH-; (3) -CαH2COO; (4) -CH2-CH=CH-CH2-; (5) -CβH2CH2COO; (6) -CH2-; 1 (7) -CH3. (C) The correlation between TG-CH2 quantified using H MRS and TG content determined biochemically (data are from the studies in (6, 7)). rats (60), and long-chain acylcarnitine dehydrogenase (LCAD) knockout mice (6, 7), in which increased myocardial TG content was associated with cardiac hypertrophy and/or dysfunction. We have previously shown that myocardial TG content measured using in vivo cardiac 1H MRS is in good agreement with the myocardial TG content determined biochemically (6) (Fig. 2.3C). For the study of creatine metabolism, cardiac 1H MRS has been applied in mice with abnormal creatine levels (70, 80), and mice with myocardial infarction (22, 51).

Cardiac 1H MRS data are typically acquired from a 2-4 μL voxel localized in the myocardial septum during diastole (6, 80) (Fig. 2.4A and B). To synchronize the measurements with cardiac activity, prospective triggering is used with a certain delay set after the R peak (Fig.


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2.4C). Two single-voxel single-shot localization techniques commonly used for 1H MRS are PRESS (point resolved spectroscopy; Fig. 2.4D) (9) and STEAM (stimulated echo acquisition mode; Fig. 2.4E) (26, 27). As the concentration of cardiac proton metabolites is less than 2% of the water concentration, it is necessary to apply water suppression prior to the PRESS or STEAM acquisition (Fig. 2.4C). One way to realize this is to use the CHESS (chemical shift selective) sequence to saturate the water signal by 90° pulse excitation followed by spoiling gradients, which is usually repeated a number of times. For the purpose of metabolite quantification, the maintenance of steady-state magnetization is important. This can be achieved by applying dummy scans during respiratory gating (6, 80) (Fig. 2.4C). In this thesis, the implementation of PRESS for cardiac metabolite quantification (3) is described in detail in Chapter 5.

Figure 2.4. Diagram for cardiac 1H MRS. (A) Voxel localization in the septum, seen in a 4- chamber long axis view and (B) in a short axis view. (C) Timing diagram with respect to ECG triggering and respiratory gating. Sequence diagram of (D) PRESS and (E) STEAM. Δ: delay after the trigger, WS: water suppression, P: PRESS or STEAM acquisition, D: dummy scan, TE: echo time. Adapted from (3).

In humans, both STEAM (10, 75) and, more frequently, PRESS (63, 79, 83, 87) have been employed to assess myocardial metabolites with localized 1H MRS. In mice, however, almost all studies were performed using PRESS (3, 6, 21, 51, 70, 80). In both PRESS and STEAM methods, three frequency-selective radiofrequency (RF) pulses together with three mutually orthogonal field gradients provide 3D spatial localization in a single scan (Fig. 2.4D and E). Unwanted transversal magnetization is dephased by crusher gradients, which are balanced in pairs to ensure proper refocusing of the (stimulated) echo. The need for proper refocusing makes echo-based sequences such as PRESS and STEAM sensitive to signal loss and signal contamination due to motion. In this regard, PRESS is less sensitive to motion than STEAM, because the crusher gradients in PRESS are applied directly around the refocusing pulses, while in STEAM, the crusher gradients are separated by the mixing time (TM) (57). We have previously shown that PRESS has a higher signal stability compared to STEAM in the mouse


Cardiac MRI, 1H MRS, 31P MRS – review

heart (4). Furthermore, PRESS resulted in higher SNR compared to STEAM (4). In STEAM, half of the potential signal is lost after the second 90º pulse, which rotates only half of the transversal magnetization to the longitudinal axis. This is partially compensated by less T2 relaxation-associated signal loss in STEAM compared to PRESS, because the echo time (TE) in STEAM is shorter than for PRESS. Although for the aforementioned reasons PRESS might be more preferable than STEAM, the total duration of single-shot localization with STEAM is shorter than with PRESS, which may be advantageous for localized 1H-MRS of rapidly moving tissue such as the heart. Moreover, at higher magnetic field strengths, STEAM may be a favorable approach considering the higher bandwidth that can be achieved with 90º pulses compared with 180º pulses.

2.4. 31P MRS

Failing hearts have been associated with low cardiac energy levels (37, 65), analogous to ‘an engine out of fuel’ (64). Phosphorus magnetic resonance spectroscopy (31P MRS) is uniquely capable to provide insight into in vivo cardiac energy metabolism, in which phosphocreatine (PCr) and ATP are the energy currencies. ATP transfer from mitochondria to the utilization site occurs via the creatine kinase (CK) shuttle. PCr acts as an energy buffer, ensuring sufficient ATP levels to meet the energy needs. Therefore, the PCr/ATP ratio quantified from cardiac 31P MR spectra provides a measure of cardiac energy status (64).

Cardiac 31P MRS has been applied to study cardiomyopathy or heart failure in mice (1, 5, 34, 67, 85, 90) and rats (50, 68) in vivo, which contributed to the understanding of cardiac energetics in heart failure (reviewed in (52)). Various readouts of cardiac energetics have been made available using the application of cardiac 31P MRS. Apart from the measurement of the PCr/ATP ratio (13, 67), techniques to determine absolute concentrations of PCr and ATP (34, 41) and ATP turnover kinetics (8, 33) have been implemented. It has been shown that in mice with heart failure, both PCr and ATP concentrations are reduced, with the degree of reduction being larger for PCr, resulting in decreased PCr/ATP ratio (34). The lower cardiac energy status has been linked to a lower CK flux in these mice (33). More importantly, the overexpression of CK was shown to increase the CK flux and lead to a better survival after heart failure, suggesting CK as a potential therapeutic target for heart failure (32, 35).

General challenges of cardiac MR in small animals, particularly mice, and low intrinsic sensitivity of 31P MRS (6.65% of 1H MRS), limited the implementation of in vivo mouse cardiac 31P MRS in only a few laboratories worldwide (5, 13, 25, 67). Cardiac 31P MRS in small animals was first implemented in the 1980s in rats, in an open chest application using a solenoid coil surrounding the heart (47, 66) or in vivo using surface coil localization (31, 84). To date, along with the advancement in MR hardware and technology and with the availability of higher magnetic fields, in vivo cardiac 31P MRS has been implemented non-invasively in mice, using single or multiple voxel localization techniques. Typically used techniques are 3D image selected in vivo spectroscopy (ISIS) (5, 67)), 1D chemical shift imaging (CSI) (13), and 2D CSI (25).

Single-voxel localization for cardiac 31P MRS is usually performed using 3D ISIS, which consists of three slice-selective 180° pulses for localization followed by a non-selective 90° pulse for signal detection (69). The localized signal is then obtained by addition and subtraction of signals


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obtained from 8 experiments, with different combinations of the three 180° pulses being turned on or off. Therefore, 3D ISIS is a multi-shot localization technique, which is prone to imperfect localization in case of motion. For this reason, accurate triggering and gating are very crucial for the implementation of 3D ISIS in the beating heart. Using 3D ISIS, cardiac 31P MR spectra are acquired from a voxel which usually contains the left ventricular myocardium as well as cavity (Fig. 2.5A). Typical spectra contain a PCr peak originating from myocardium, γ-, α-, β-ATP peaks from myocardium and blood, and peaks from 2,3-diphosphoglycerate (2,3-DPG) from blood, which usually obscures the inorganic phosphate (Pi) signal from myocardium (Fig. 2.5B). Due to potential contamination of left ventricular 31P MR spectra with ATP signal from blood, one may need to consider the correction for blood contamination when quantifying the cardiac PCr/ATP ratio (43, 67). The first implementation of 3D ISIS for in vivo cardiac 31P MRS in mice was performed at 2.35 T, with a measurement time of about 3 hours (67). The acquisitions were cardiac triggered, leading to variations in TR, albeit small, because no respiratory gating was applied. Although 3D ISIS results in well-defined voxel shapes (17), variation in TR may result in contamination from outside the voxel (45, 48). In a recent study described in Chapter 6, our group implemented dummy acquisitions to maintain a constant TR during the 3D ISIS acquisition with cardiac triggering and respiratory gating (5). The implementation was performed at 9.4 T, giving the benefit of higher SNR and shorter measurement time (~1 hour).

Figure 2.5. 3D ISIS localized cardiac 31P MRS. (A) 4-chamber and short-axis view of the heart, with white boxes indicating the ISIS voxel, and (B) typical cardiac 31P

spectrum. DPG: diphosphoglycerate, Pi: inorganic phosphate, PCr: phosphocreatine, ATP: adenosine triphosphate.

Another localization technique commonly applied for mouse cardiac 31P MRS is chemical shift imaging (CSI), which resolves spectra from multiple locations. In the 1D application of cardiac 31P CSI, the acquisition is performed with a number of phase-encode steps (e.g. 32), resulting in different spectra for a stack of slices (Fig. 2.6A and B). In the implementation of this method in the Weiss group (13, 34, 53, 90), the 1D CSI slices are planned in the direction perpendicular to the plane of the surface coil, in such a way that one slice contains the anterior cardiac wall, which is used for the quantification of the cardiac PCr and ATP. The localization within the plane of the slices is realized by surface coil localization. The acquisition in Chacko et al. was performed at 4.7 T, at constant TR, without cardiac triggering or respiratory gating, resulting in a total measurement time of 35 minutes (13). Application of CSI has also been performed in a


Cardiac MRI, 1H MRS, 31P MRS – review

2D mode, which resolves spectra from different locations within the myocardium (Fig. 2.7A and B) (25). Flögel et al. implemented the technique at 9.4 T, with a total measurement of 75 minutes, also without cardiac triggering, assuming minor displacements within spectroscopic grids between systole and diastole (25). CSI provides the opportunity to study regional differences in cardiac energetics, for example in myocardial infarction. However, CSI is prone to contamination due to Fourier bleeding (44).

Figure 2.6. 1D CSI localized cardiac 31P MRS. Left: axial image of a mouse thorax through the heart at end diastole. Selected 31P spectral slices (indicated in white), containing (A) the anterior myocardium and (B) the edge of a bulb containing phenylphosphonic acid, adjacent to the chest. Adapted from Chacko et al. (13).

Figure 2.7. 2D CSI localized cardiac 31P MRS. (A) Axial MR image at end diastole of a WT mouse with voxels indicated in white, and (B) the corresponding 31P MR spectra of the septum (#1) and anterior wall (#2). Adapted from Flögel et al. (25), with permission.


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The most recent application of cardiac 31P MRS involves the determination of ATP turnover kinetics, by using the saturation transfer technique in combination with 1D CSI (32, 33, 35). As PCr and ATP are in chemical exchange through CK, applying frequency-selective irradiation pulses on γ-ATP results in a decrease in the equilibrium longitudinal magnetization of PCr, from

M0,PCr to M0,PCr’. The pseudo first-order CK reaction rate constant kf can be determined from the relationship between M0,PCr and M0,PCr’, together with the apparent T1 of PCr (T1,PCr’). Using the

TRiST (Triple Repetition Time Saturation Transfer) technique (33, 78), T1,PCr’ and M0,PCr’ can be estimated from two spectra acquired after saturating the γ-ATP peak (at -2.5 ppm) with a short

TR (Fig. 2.8B) and a long TR (Fig. 2.8C). The magnetization M0,PCr is then determined from a fully relaxed spectrum, which is acquired with a control saturation at the downfield frequency mirror-imaged with respect to PCr (at +2.5 ppm; Fig. 2.8D).

Figure 2.8. Saturation transfer 31P MRS for the measurement of cardiac CK flux. (A) Typical axial MRI of a mouse at the mid LV with the selected 31P spectral slice denoted between the white lines, (B) 31P MRS with γ-ATP saturation with short TR (TR = 1.5 s, NEX = 96) and (C) long TR (TR = 6 s, NEX = 32). (D) Control spectrum with TR=10 s (fully relaxed). Taken from Gupta et al. (33), with permission.

Other important readouts from cardiac 31P MRS, which have potential for future application in the heart, are the concentration of ADP and the amount of energy released during ATP hydrolysis (-ΔGATP). The concentration of ADP can be calculated from the relationship between the concentration of PCr, ATP, free creatine, and pH, set by the CK equilibrium (90).

Additionally, the concentration of inorganic phosphate (Pi) is required to determine the ΔGATP. Free creatine can be determined by subtracting phosphocreatine from total creatine. Total creatine can be quantified in vivo using 1H MRS, as demonstrated in (70). The combination of 31P MRS and 1H MRS has recently been applied in human studies for this purpose (40). Finally, while intracellular pH can typically be determined from the shift of the Pi peak in skeletal muscle 31P MR spectra (56), this readout is still very challenging for in vivo cardiac applications. In


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cardiac 31P MR spectra, the Pi peak is generally very small and in in vivo measurements it is often obscured by the 2,3-DPG signal from the blood, which in practice limits the use of 31P MRS to determine cardiac intracellular pH to perfused heart setups (46).

2.5. Conclusions

To summarize, in the past few years there has been a rapid development in MRI and MRS techniques for in vivo cardiac applications in small animal studies. The techniques have proven to be powerful in the characterization of the hearts in mouse models of cardiomyopathy, providing insight into the alterations in cardiac function and metabolism. These non-invasive techniques allow longitudinal measurements in the same animal, which is extremely valuable to study disease progression and to evaluate the effect of treatment.

2.6. Acknowledgement

This work was supported by VIDI grant (700.58.421) from the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO), and VIDI grant (number: 07952) from the Dutch Technology Foundation STW, Applied Science Division of NWO and the Technology Program of the Ministry of Economic Affairs, and the Institute for Imaging Science and Technology Eindhoven (IST/e).

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Chapter 3

Good and bad consequences of altered fatty acid metabolism in heart failure: Evidence from mouse models


Desiree Abdurrachim1, Joost J.F.P. Luiken2, Klaas Nicolay1, Jan F.C. Glatz2, Jeanine J. Prompers1, and Miranda Nabben1

1Biomedical NMR, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven, The Netherlands 2Department of Genetics and Cell Biology, Cardiovascular Research Institute Maastricht (CARIM), Maastricht University, Maastricht, The Netherlands

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The shift in substrate preference away from fatty acid oxidation (FAO) towards increased glucose in heart failure has long been interpreted as an oxygen-sparing mechanism. Inhibition of FAO has therefore evolved as an accepted approach to treat heart failure. However, recent data indicate that increased reliance on glucose might be detrimental rather than beneficial for the failing heart. This review discusses new insights into metabolic adaptations in heart failure. A particular focus lies on data obtained from mouse models with modulations of cardiac FA metabolism at different levels of the FA metabolic pathway and how these differently affect cardiac function. Based on studies in which these mouse models were exposed to ischemic and non-ischemic heart failure, we discuss whether and when modulations in FA metabolism are protective against heart failure.

Data support that in ischemic heart failure, upregulating glucose utilization may be beneficial to improve the coupling between glycolysis and glucose oxidation and consequently to improve cardiac energy efficiency. Upon non-ischemic heart failure, however, it seems that preserved energetics, rather than increased glucose oxidation or increased FAO per se, is key for maintaining or restoring cardiac function. A shift towards glucose oxidation may be a rescue mechanism; however, the increase in glucose utilization often appears insufficient to maintain cardiac energy status. On the other hand, energetic compensation through high or maintained FAO can also be a successful strategy to protect the heart from failure. Therefore, the efficacy of FAO inhibition in the treatment of non-ischemic heart failure is as of yet not evident.

Keywords heart failure, fatty acid metabolism, genetically altered mouse models, metabolic shift

Abbreviations AAC: abdominal aortic constriction, ACC: acetyl-CoA carboxylase, ACSL:long-chain acetyl-CoA synthase, ADP: adenosine diphosphate, AMPK: adenosine monophosphate-activated kinase, ANT: adenine nucleotide translocase, AsAC: ascending aortic constriction, ATGL: adipose triglycerides lipase, ATP: adenosine triphosphase, CACT: carnitine acylcarnitine translocase, CD: cluster of differentiation, CPT: carnitine palmitoyl transferase, Cr: creatine, DG: diglyceride, DGAT: diglyceride acyltransferase, ETC: electron transport chain, FA: fatty acids, FABPpm:plasma membrane fatty acid binding protein, FABPc: cardiomyocyte fatty acid binding protein, FADH: flavin adenine dinucleotide, FAT: fatty acid translocase, FATP: fatty acid transport protein, GLUT: glucose transporter, GPAT: glycerol phosphate acyltransferase, HIF: hypoxia inducible factor, HSL: hormone sensitive lipase, HFD: high-fat diet, I/R: ischemia reperfusion, KO: knockout, KI: knockin, LPL: cardiac lipoprotein lipase, MCD: malonyl-CoA carboxylase, MG: monoglyceride, MGAT: monoglyceride acyltransferase, MGL: monoglycerides lipase, NADH: nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, OE: overexpression, PCr: phosphocreatine, PDH: pyruvate dehydrogenase, PDHK: pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase, PGC1α: Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-γ cofactor-1α, PPARα: Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-α, TAC: transverse aortic constriction, TCA: tricarboxylic acid, TG: triglyceride, UCP: uncoupling protein.

26 Altered fatty acid metabolism – review

3.1. Introduction- Metabolic switch upon heart failure

The heart has sustained high energy demands in order to pump sufficient blood through the body. In order to obtain this energy, the healthy adult heart primarily relies on the oxidation of fatty acids (FA) (~60-90%) and to a lesser extent glucose (~10-40%), lactate, and ketone bodies (67). It is flexible to shift its substrate preference according to physiological and pathological challenges. It is generally accepted that the transition process towards heart failure is accompanied by a shift in cardiac substrate preference, with a greater reliance on glucose as substrate and a concomitant suppression of fatty acid oxidation (FAO) (33, 67). The metabolic shift towards glucose oxidation has long been interpreted as an oxygen-sparing mechanism of the heart, and hence inhibition of FAO has evolved as an established approach to treat heart failure patients (33, 67).

Obese and/or diabetic hearts rely almost exclusively on FAO and are suggested to have lost the flexibility to switch between substrates. Compared with glucose, FA are oxygen-inefficient energy substrates. Moreover, FA can induce mitochondrial uncoupling, leading to less efficient ATP production (15). Given the increased risk of heart failure in type 2 diabetic and obese patients, it is indeed tempting to hypothesize that high FAO has deleterious effects on the heart. However, long chain FA (e.g. palmitate) oxidation is 3–4 times more efficient in producing ATP per carbon atom compared with glucose. Therefore, a substantial increase in glucose oxidation is necessary to compensate for a loss in energy production, even in case of a small decrease in FAO. This suggests that the shift away from FAO might not be beneficial for the heart, and that inhibition of FAO might not always be the best strategy for heart failure treatment.

This review discusses new insights on the role of altered cardiac FA metabolism in ischemic and non-ischemic heart failure. We review how modulation of different aspects of cardiac FA metabolism in (genetic) mouse models affects cardiac function. We start with alterations downstream of the FA metabolic pathway, at the level of FAO, and then move upstream towards modulations of mitochondrial FA uptake, cellular FA uptake, and eventually to the level of FA supply from the circulation. Based on studies in which (genetic) mouse models of altered FA metabolism were exposed to heart failure conditions, we discuss whether and when modulations in FA metabolism are protective during ischemic and non-ischemic heart failure.

3.2. Cardiac metabolic adaptations

3.2.1. Ischemic heart failure

One of the most common causes of heart failure and cardiac remodeling in patients is ischemia, a restriction in oxygen and nutrient supply to the heart. Ischemia can occur during myocardial infarction, , or surgery, when the blood flow to a part of the heart is obstructed. During myocardial ischemia, the limited oxygen supply suppresses aerobic glucose oxidation and FAO. In this condition, the oxygen-sensing pathway centred on the hypoxia inducible factor (HIF) is switched on, which induces transcriptional upregulation of glycolytic enzymes (87). As a result, cardiac substrate metabolism shifts from FAO to glycolysis, which is marked by translocation of the FA transporter FAT/CD36 away from the sarcolemma, translocation of glucose transporter-4 (GLUT4) toward the sarcolemma, and a decrease in glycogen content (48). As ischemia is

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associated with increased FA availability and suppressed FAO, the translocation of FAT/CD36 away from the sarcolemma prevents the accumulation of myocardial lipids (48). It is important to note, however, that during mild to moderate ischemia FAO remains the main contributor of the residual oxidative metabolism (35, 75). The increase in glycolysis without a concomitant increase in glucose oxidation results in an accumulation of potentially harmful catabolites like lactate and protons, causing intracellular acidosis and intracellular Na+ and Ca2+ overload (26). This reduces the efficiency of the heart to convert energy into contractile work, because more energy is needed to restore ion homeostasis.

Upon post-ischemic reperfusion, when oxygen levels are restored, sarcolemmal GLUT4 levels remain increased. However, as the post-ischemic glycolytic rate is lower, the high sarcolemmal GLUT4 content during reperfusion is associated with replenishment of glycogen stores (48). FAO is recovered to (or even exceeds) pre-ischemic levels, while sarcolemmal FAT/CD36 remains low, leading to a reduced myocardial triglyceride (TG) content (48). The stimulation of FAO has been thought to be contributed by 5’ AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) activation, which phophorylates and inhibits acetyl-CoA carboxylase-2 (ACC2) (30). The inhibition of ACC2 lowers the production of malonyl-CoA, which releases its inhibition on carnitine palmitoyltransferase-1 (CPT1) and its consequent inhibition on mitochondrial FA import. However, it has recently been shown that this AMPK–ACC signaling might not play an obligate role in regulation of myocardial FAO, and that other mechanisms, perhaps via upregulated uncoupling protein-3 (UCP3) expression, may contribute to maintained FAO rates in the post-ischemic heart. Either way, an increase in FAO during post-ischemic reperfusion might negatively impact myocardial efficiency and function (66), as it further suppresses glucose oxidation rates (via the Randle cycle), and thus uncouples glucose oxidation from glycolysis, aggravating the intracellular acidosis and disturbed ion homeostasis.

To summarize, during myocardial ischemia, a shift away from FAO towards anaerobic glycolysis assists in the ATP production, as limited oxygen supply suppresses aerobic respiration. Upon reperfusion, FAO returns to pre-ischemic levels. Uncoupling between glycolysis and glucose oxidation during ischemia and reperfusion may lead to accumulation of harmful catabolites, causing intracellular acidosis and disturbed ion homeostasis (26). As an increase in glucose oxidation would reduce the accumulation of harmful catabolites, a shift away from FA towards glucose oxidation would be beneficial, also during the reperfusion process.

3.2.2. Non-ischemic heart failure

Together with ischemia, (non-ischemic) pressure-overload belongs to the most common causes of heart failure in patients. In the majority of animal studies, data point to the existence of a switch to glucose metabolism during the development of non-ischemic heart failure. In mice with transverse aortic constriction (TAC)-induced pressure overload, it was demonstrated that myocardial glucose uptake and utilization rates were increased as early as 1 day after TAC, and that they were further increased at 7 days after TAC (109). Supporting this observation, other studies have shown increased glycolysis and suppressed FAO at 4–8 weeks after TAC (58, 83, 84). The increase in glucose utilization was associated with increased insulin-independent GLUT1 and decreased insulin-dependent GLUT4 transporters (64), as observed in the fetal heart. Increased glucose utilization and reduced FAO were also observed in other animal models

28 Altered fatty acid metabolism – review

of heart failure, such as in rats with abdominal aortic constriction (AAC)-induced pressure overload (5), volume overload (24), and hypertension-induced heart failure (23), rabbits with hypertension-induced heart failure (93), and dogs with ventricular pacing-induced heart failure (60, 63). A few studies, however, do not support the existence of a switch towards glucose metabolism in non-ischemic heart failure (47, 107, 108), and it remains to be seen whether such shift would be beneficial.

3.3. The FA metabolic pathway in the normal heart

The long-chain FA metabolic pathway is a multi-step process resulting in the breakdown of FA for energy production (Fig. 3.1). In the blood stream, FA are either bound to albumin or esterified into TG and transported in lipoprotein particles. The heart is characterized by a non- fenestrated (continuous) endothelium. Hence, the FA have to be unloaded from albumin and lipoprotein particles in the circulation, in order to penetrate the endothelium layer and be available for the heart. FA in the lipoprotein TG are made available via hydrolysis by lipoprotein lipase (LPL) (40, 101). LPL is mainly present at the vascular side of the endothelium. Although it is synthesized in cardiomyocytes, it is not present at the cardiomyocyte sarcolemma. LPL activity and plasma FA availability can be modulated by dietary intake, such as high-fat diet (HFD) feeding or prolonged fasting (6, 101). FA then cross the endothelial cells through an ill- understood mechanism, whereafter all FA are bound to albumin in the interstitial space. Subsequently albumin carries the FA through the interstitial space to present these substrates to the cardiomyocytes, which might be assisted by high-affinity binding sites for albumin. Thereafter, the FA are taken up mainly by fatty acid translocase (FAT/CD36), with a minor contribution of passive diffusion. Also other FA transporters (fatty acid transport protein (FATP) 1 and 6, and plasma membrane fatty acid-binding protein (FABPpm)) are present in cardiomyocytes, but their roles in bulk FA uptake have not been completely clarified (reviewed in (38)).

Upon CD36-mediated uptake into the soluble cytoplasm, FA are directly transferred from CD36 to small cytoplasmic fatty acid-binding protein (FABPc), which transports the FA from the sarcolemma to the outer side of the mitochondria for esterification into fatty acyl-CoA (acyl- CoA) by long-chain fatty acyl-CoA synthetase-1 (ACSL1). FA-CoA can be converted into TG and stored as lipid droplets in the myocardium or transported into the mitochondria for oxidation. It is suggested that the majority of acyl-CoA is first shuttled through the TG pool prior to being oxidized (reviewed in (55)). The stored TG can be made available for oxidation by hydrolysis of TG into diglycerides (DG) by adipose triglyceride lipase (ATGL) (43), and subsequently into monoglycerides (MG) by hormone sensitive lipase (HSL) (27, 55). Each of these steps releases FA, which are converted into acyl-CoA. The turnover of myocardial TG is in fact high, and FA derived from myocardial TG stores provides a significant proportion of substrates for mitochondrial FAO (13). FA derived from ATGL-mediated lipolysis have also been shown to be involved in the regulation of FAO through the activation of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-α (PPARα) and PPARγ coactivator-1α (PGC1α) (44, 55). PPARα functions as a transcription factor regulating the expression of FAO genes (14), while PGC1α is a key regulator of energy metabolism, stimulating cardiac mitochondrial biogenesis, regulating substrate oxidation, and preventing oxidative stress (88).

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In order to be oxidized, acyl-CoA needs to be imported into the mitochondria. Whereas short- and medium-chain acyl-CoA can diffuse over the mitochondrial membrane, the transport of long-chain acyl-CoA requires the carnitine palmitoyl transferase (CPT) shuttle system. CPT1 converts long-chain acyl-CoA into long-chain acylcarnitine, which then crosses the outer mitochondrial membrane. Acylcarnitine is then transported across the inner mitochondrial membrane by carnitine-acylcarnitine transporter (CACT). Once in the mitochondria, acylcarnitine is converted back into acyl-CoA by CPT2, and CAT transports free carnitine out of the mitochondria. The activity of CPT1 is regulated by malonyl-CoA, which is formed by carboxylation of oxidative metabolism-derived acetyl-CoA by acetyl-CoA carboxylase (ACC). Malonyl-CoA can be decarboxylated to acetyl-CoA by malonyl-CoA decarboxylase (MCD).

FA β-oxidation is the final step in the FA metabolic pathway, during which acyl-CoA is broken down to acetyl-CoA. This multi-cycle process takes place inside the mitochondria and involves several enzymes. The first step in the β-oxidation of long-chain FA is catalyzed by the enzyme very long-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase (VLCAD). FA with shorter chain length are oxidized by long-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase (LCAD) and medium chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase (MCAD). During each cycle of β-oxidation an acyl-CoA molecule is shortened by two carbon atoms, thereby producing acetyl-CoA, which is then fed into the TCA cycle. Both the FA β- oxidation pathway and the TCA cycle produce NADH and FADH2, which are used for ATP production. Additionally, the produced NADH and acetyl-CoA can inhibit glucose oxidation (shown in grey in Fig. 3.1), by stimulating pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase (PDHK), which in turn inhibits pyruvate dehydrogenase (PDH), a major regulator of glucose oxidation. Reciprocally, FA β-oxidation can be inhibited by pyruvate-derived acetyl-CoA, which is transported to the cytoplasm via reversible conversion into citrate, and subsequent conversion into malonyl-CoA to inhibit CPT1 (49).

+ NADH and FADH2 enter the electron transport chain (ETC) where they are reduced into NAD and FAD. The resulting H+ and electrons create the electrochemical proton gradient, which is used to drive ATP synthase to produce energy in the form of ATP. The ATP production is coupled with oxygen consumption; therefore, the efficiency of the ETC is expressed as the amount of ATP produced per reduced oxygen atom (P/O). As mentioned earlier, this P/O ratio is lower for FA compared with glucose oxidation. Moreover, FA have been shown to activate mitochondrial uncoupling (51), thereby partly dissipating the electrochemical proton gradient as heat instead of using it to drive ATP production. Adenine nucleotide translocase (ANT) transfers ATP and ADP into and out of the mitochondria. The transfer of ATP to the utilization site (e.g. myofibril) involves the creatine kinase (CK) shuttle, which catalyzes the conversion between ATP and phosphocreatine (PCr).

30 Altered fatty acid metabolism – review

Figure 3.1. Cardiac glucose and long chain FA metabolic pathways. The proteins that are highlighted with a bold border correspond with the mouse models discussed in this review. FA, besides glucose, are the main substrates for cardiac energy metabolism. In plasma, FA are available as ‘free’ (unesterified) FA bound to albumin, or esterified in lipoprotein TG. FA in the lipoprotein TG are made available via hydrolysis by LPL. Mediated by FAT/CD36, FA are transported into the myocardium. In the myocardium FA are converted into acyl-CoA, which can either be stored as TG or imported into mitochondria through the CPT1-CACT-CPT2 carnitine shuttle. CPT1 activity is inhibited by malonyl-CoA, which is formed via carboxylation of acetyl-CoA by ACC. In the mitochondria, acyl-CoA undergoes β-oxidation, which produces NADH, FADH2, and acetyl-CoA. NADH and acetyl-CoA can stimulate PDHK, which in turn inhibits PDH and subsequently glucose oxidation. Together with acetyl-CoA produced through the glucose metabolism pathway (shown in grey), acetyl-CoA is converted to citrate, which could either diffuse out of the mitochondria and indirectly inhibit CPT1, or enter the TCA cycle. The TCA cycle produces NADH and FADH2. The NADH and FADH2 then enter the ETC complexes (I-IV), after which ATP is produced by F0/F1 ATPase. The coupling between ETC and ATP production can be reduced by UCP and ANT. ANT transports ATP out of the mitochondria, after which it is further transported to the utilization site (e.g. the contractile proteins) via the creatine kinase shuttle.

31 Table 3.1. Mouse models of altered cardiac substrate metabolism

Mouse models References Cellular Cardiac Lipo- FAO Glucose Cardiac Cardiac FA lipid toxicity oxidation energetics function uptake content FA supply High fat diet- (3, 17, 18, 25, ↑ ↑/= ↑ ↑ ↓ /= ↓/= ↑/=/↓ Effect on function depends on feeding period/ induced obesity 36, 52, 68, composition (reviewed in (89)). 79, 80, 98) LPL-KO (9, 10, 54, 77) ↓ ↓ n.a. ↓ ↑ ↓ ↓/= Exacerbated cardiac function after AAC (10). Cardiac function can be improved by further stimulating glucose oxidation (54).

Cellular FA uptake FATP1-OE (21) ↑ ↑/= ↑ ↑ ↓ n.a. ↓ Lipotoxic cardiomyopathy, female breeders died during pregnancy or early postpartum. FAT/CD36-KO (50, 59, 91) ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↑ = =/↓ Protected against HFD-induced lipotoxicity, reduced (50) or unchanged (59) recovery upon I/R, exacerbated function upon TAC (91). ACSL1-OE (22, 65) ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ n.a. ↓ Lipotoxic cardiomyopathy (22, 65), higher mortality rate (65). ACSL1-KO (31, 81) ↓ = = ↓ ↑ = ↓ Similar response to TAC as controls (31).

TG synthesis ATGL-OE (57, 85, 86) ↓ ↓ = ↓ ↑ = ↑ Protected against high sucrose- (85) or diabetes- induced (86) cardiomyopathy and TAC (57). ATGL-KO (43, 44, 56) ↓ ↑ ↑ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ Lipotoxic cardiomyopathy. DGAT1-OE (39, 65) ↑ ↑ ↓/↑ ↑ ↓ n.a. =/↓ Protected against lipotoxic cardiomyopathy at 3-4 months of age (65), lipotoxic cardiomyopathy by one year of age (39).

Mitochondrial FA import CPT1b-KO (33, 47, 67, = = = = = n.a. = After TAC: reduced FAO genes, increased glucose 90) oxidation genes, exacerbated dysfunction, lipotoxicity. The homozygous KO is lethal (53, 78) or has increased mortality (46). CPT1bE3A-KI (2) n.a. ↑ n.a. ↑ = ↓ ↓

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ACC2-KO (58) = = = ↑ ↓ = = Maintained function and energetics after TAC. MCD-KO (29, 73, 98, ↑ = = =/↓ =/↑ =/↓ =/↓ Protected against HFD induced-lipotoxicity (98), 99) increased glucose oxidation (29), improved recovery (29) and decreased infarct size (99) upon I/R, improved performance upon (73). Peri-weaning mortality and cardiac dysfunction, which resolves with age (4).

FAO VLCAD-KO (32, 37, 95, n.a. ↑ ↑ =/↓ =/↓ ↓ =/↓ 96, 105) LCAD-KO (11, 12) n.a. ↑ ↑ n.a. = = = Increased glucose oxidation, reduced cardiac function and energetics, and lipotoxicity upon fasting.

Transcriptional control of FAO enzymes PGC1α-KO (7, 8, 62) = = n.a. ↓ ↑ ↓ = Exacerbated dysfunction after TAC (8). PGC1α-OE (82) n.a. n.a. n.a. ↑ ↓ = = Preserved vascularity, reduced fibrosis and apoptosis, but not contractile or mitochondrial function upon TAC. PPARα-KO (72) ↑ n.a. n.a. ↓ ↑ = = Reduced function and energetics at high workload. PPARα-OE (28, 34) ↑ = ↑ ↑ ↓ n.a. ↓ Irreversible damage after ischemia.

Glucose pathway PDHK-KO (99) n.a. n.a. n.a. = = n.a. = Increased glucose oxidation, improved recovery, and reduced infarct size after I/R. GLUT1-OE (64, 83) n.a. n.a. = = ↑ = = Maintained function and energetics after AAC (64), but not in mice with inducible overexpression after TAC (83). GLUT1-KO (82) n.a. n.a. = ↑ ↓ = = Did not accelerate cardiac dysfunction after TAC, similar lipotoxic effect after TAC. GLUT4-KO (94) n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. = Lower cardiac function upon fasting, delayed recovery upon I/R.

Data on glucose oxidation, cellular FA uptake, or FAO are from perfused heart setups or gene/protein expression measurements. Lipotoxicity is indicated by the presence of myocardial lipid intermediates, or lipid-associated fibrosis, apoptosis or oxidative stress. (↑: increased, ↓: increased, =: unchanged compared with controls, n.a.: data not available). KO: knockout, KI: knockin, OE: overexpression.

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3.4. Animal models of altered FA metabolism

Numerous genetic and non-genetic mouse models exist with interferences at different levels of the FA metabolic pathway (Table 3.1). Proteins in the FA metabolic pathway which correspond with mouse models discussed in this review are highlighted with a bold border in Fig. 3.1. They are extremely useful to study the effect of altered FA metabolism on cardiac function. In this section, we discuss the findings in these mouse models, starting with modulations downstream of the FA metabolic pathway, at the level of FAO, after which we move upstream, to conclude with modulations at the level of FA supply from the circulation.

3.4.1. Modulation of FAO

Identification of patients with inherited acyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiencies has led to the development of several mouse models with FAO defects. VLCAD knockout (KO) mice developed cardiomyopathy and presented with abnormal cardiac electrophysiological changes, which was associated with myocardial TG accumulation (in case of whole-body KO) (32, 37, 103) and chronic energy deficiency (95, 105).The cardiac phenotype of VLCAD-KO mice was relatively mild, which can likely be explained by the overlapping substrate specificity of LCAD (20, 96). In LCAD-KO mice, a compensatory increase in myocardial glucose utilization was observed (11). Upon fasting, which normally results in an increased reliance on FAO, myocardial glucose uptake was not decreased and PDH activity was much less decreased in hearts of LCAD-KO mice compared with controls (11), most likely in an attempt to maintain cardiac energy levels. However, due to hypoglycaemia, the sustained myocardial glucose uptake and PDH activity appeared ineffective to maintain metabolic homeostasis, resulting in reduced in vivo cardiac energy status and function in fasted LCAD-KO mice (11). This cardiac dysfunction in fasted LCAD-KO mice was further accompanied by increased accumulation of myocardial TG (12), which indicates the onset of lipotoxicity.

3.4.2. Modulation of FA import into mitochondria

With FA as a major source of energy in the healthy heart, one may speculate that reduced mitochondrial FA import may deprive the heart of energy and ultimately lead to cardiac dysfunction. Indeed, reducing mitochondrial FA import through homozygous deletions of CPT1a and CPT1b, the liver and muscle isoforms of CPT1, respectively, was shown to be embryonically lethal (53, 78) or lead to increased mortality (46) (depending on gene targeting approach). Mice with heterozygous deletion of CPT1b, however, do survive, and interestingly do not display altered cardiac metabolic or functional phenotypes at rest (47). In line with this, inhibition of cardiac CPT1 activity by ~50% in rodents via supplementation of the CPT1 inhibitor etomoxir, did not affect long chain FA uptake and FAO (70). Together, these findings indicate that CPT1 is necessary but not rate limiting for regulation of cardiac FAO (69).

Mitochondrial FA import could also be reduced by increasing malonyl-CoA levels, which consequently inhibits CPT1 activity. Deletion of MCD in mice resulted in increased malonyl-CoA levels (29). Surprisingly, gene expression of CPT1b in MCD-KO mice was increased, together with an increase in other PPARα responsive genes, which led to maintained FAO, glucose oxidation, and cardiac function (29). However, in contrast to wild-type mice, high fat diet (HFD) feeding did not increase FAO in MCD-KO mice, which prevented accumulation of metabolic intermediates of


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incomplete FA oxidation, resulting in protection against HFD-induced cardiac dysfunction (98). Another study recently reported that deletion of MCD did however result in cardiac dysfunction during the peri-weaning period, when the heart is highly dependent on FA as a substrate (4). Interestingly, the early cardiac dysfunction was shown to resolve with age (4).

Opposite to the attempts to reduce mitochondrial FA import as discussed above, several mouse models have been developed with increased mitochondrial FA import. Cardiac specific deletion of ACC2 in mice resulted in decreased malonyl-CoA levels and increased FAO (58). In diet-induced obesity (98) and diabetes (1), increased FAO has been associated with the accumulation of myocardial lipid intermediates and cardiac dysfunction. However, in ACC2-KO mice myocardial lipid intermediates were not increased, indicating that FA supply and oxidation are in balance. This resulted in preserved cardiac function and energetics in these mice, even until one year of age (58). As an alternative to increasing malonyl-CoA levels, mitochondrial FA import can also be increased by reducing the sensitivity of CPT1b to malonyl-CoA, such as demonstrated in CPT1bE3A knockin mice. These mice have increased FAO flux, while myocardial TG content was not different compared with wild-type mice (Chapter 8). In contrast with the ACC2 KO mice (58), however, CPT1bE3A knockin mice displayed impaired cardiac function and energetics (2), which underscores the importance of malonyl-CoA control on Cpt1b for cardiac function and metabolic homeostasis.

3.4.3. Modulation of myocardial TG lipolysis / synthesis

Suppression of myocardial TG lipolysis in ATGL-KO mice was shown to reduce PPARα expression and lead to lethal cardiomyopathy. This was associated with severely reduced FAO, excessive myocardial TG accumulation, and impaired mitochondrial function (44). Accordingly, treatment of ATGL-KO mice with a PPARα agonist was able to fully restore cardiac performance (44, 104). Interestingly, unlike mice with whole-body deletion of ATGL (43, 44), mice with inducible deletion of cardiac-specific ATGL did not show reduced PPARα levels, but still FAO and cardiac function were reduced (56). In this case, the lower FAO was not caused by lower expression of PPARα, but most likely was due to the decrease in FA liberated by TG hydrolysis and the suppression of cellular FA uptake by CD36 (56). Indeed, CD36-mediated FA uptake is known to be tightly coupled to both TG synthesis and lipolysis (19, 71).

While deletion of ATGL seems detrimental (43, 44, 56), mice with ATGL overexpression had improved cardiac function, leading to better adaptation to high workload conditions compared with control mice (57). Surprisingly, like in ATGL deficiency, ATGL overexpression resulted in reduced myocardial FA uptake and oxidation and reduced PPARα levels (57). However, in contrast to ATGL- KO mice, ATGL-overexpressing mice showed reduced TG content, and the reduced FAO was compensated for by an increase in glucose oxidation. This shift in substrate reliance resulted in maintained absolute acetyl-CoA production rates, suggesting no impairment in ATP supply, and sufficient ATP production to maintain normal cardiac function (57). Furthermore, ATGL overexpression was shown to protect the heart against diabetic and high-fat, high-sucrose (HFHS) diet-induced cardiomyopathy through the attenuation of cardiac steatosis and lower reliance on FA utilization compared with wild-type controls (85, 86). This lower reliance on FA utilization was associated with a blunted increase in PPARα and CD36 expression in ATGL-overexpressing mice compared with controls (85, 86).


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Studies in ATGL-KO and overexpression models seem to support the hypothesis that reduced myocardial TG storage is associated with improved cardiac function. In agreement, HSL overexpression reduced TG and diglyceride (DG) levels and, consequently, lipotoxicity (92, 97), and was able to decrease mortality rate in diabetic mice (97). Interestingly, in diacylglycerol transferase 1 (DGAT1)-overexpressing mice, the enzyme catalysing the synthesis of TG from DG, increased myocardial TG content was not associated with reduced cardiac function. DGAT1 overexpression attenuated cardiac lipotoxicity by reducing toxic intermediates like DG and ceramides (65). Findings from another independent study, however, suggest that the beneficial effects of DGAT1 overexpression are time-course dependent, and that beyond one year of age DGAT1-overexpressing mice still develop severe cardiomyopathy and myocardial fibrosis (39). Nevertheless, backcrossing DGAT1-overexpressing mice with a mouse model of lipotoxicity resulted in improved cardiac function and survival rate, which further supports the finding that DGAT1 overexpression during acute or subacute fatty acid overload may be cardio-protective (65). This study suggests that rather than the absolute size of myocardial TG storage it is the dynamics of TG metabolism that plays a role in the cardio-protection. Other animal models with alterations in TG metabolism have been extensively reviewed in (55).

3.4.4. Modulation of cellular FA import

An increased cellular FA uptake without a concomitant increase in mitochondrial (FA) oxidative flux can lead to lipotoxicity (41, 55, 102). In mice with cardiac overexpression of FATP1 (21) or ACSL1 (22), an imbalance between FA uptake and oxidation has indeed been shown to cause cardiac dysfunction. FATP1 overexpression resulted in increased FA uptake and FAO, but also in FA accumulation, indicating that mitochondrial FAO capacity is insufficient to oxidize excess FA during lipid overload.

Deletion of CD36 in mice resulted in reduced FAO and lower intramyocardial TG and DG, without compromised effects on cardiac function and energetics (59, 91), which is ascribed to a substantial compensatory increase in glucose oxidation (59). Additionally, deletion of CD36 was able to attenuate HFD-induced increases in TG, DG, and ceramides (91). Similar to CD36-deficient mice, whole-body and cardiac-specific ACSL1-deficient mice showed a remarkable decrease in FAO and myocellular lipids, with a concomitant increase in glucose and pyruvate oxidation. This resulted in hypertrophy and cardiac diastolic dysfunction, whereas systolic function was maintained (31, 81).

3.4.5. Modulation of FA supply from blood

Increased FA availability usually leads to increased FA uptake and FAO in the heart (25, 100). We recently demonstrated that HFD feeding in mice increased mitochondrial FAO capacity. However, the increase in FAO could not match the FA supply and uptake, leading to myocardial TG accumulation and lipotoxicity-associated oxidative stress, fibrosis, impaired calcium homeostasis and cardiac dysfunction (3). Also other rodent studies have shown that HFD feeding led to accumulation of myocardial TG and lipid intermediates, and lipotoxicity-associated cardiac hypertrophy and/or dysfunction (18, 36, 79, 80, 98). Especially this TG accumulation occurred not only in the presence of increased FAO capacity, but also in the presence of increased FAO flux (80). Chronically increased FA uptake due to increased sarcolemmal CD36 localization has been found to be the primary cause of lipid accumulation in hearts of HFD-fed rodents (38, 80).


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Other than lipotoxicity, impaired cardiac energetics has been suggested as a cause for obesity- related cardiac dysfunction (16, 25). HFD feeding has been shown to lead to mitochondrial uncoupling and reduced cardiac efficiency (25). In contrast, we showed that HFD feeding in mice did not result in impaired cardiac energetics in vivo (3). This is in agreement with ex vivo isolated perfused heart data (106) that showed decreased contractile function, but unaffected myocardial PCr and ATP concentrations after HFD-feeding. Although detrimental effects of HFD feeding on the heart have clearly been shown, cardiac dysfunction was not always observed (17, 52, 68). These differences in the effect of HFD feeding on cardiac function are likely to be explained by differences in study design, such as diet composition, duration of the diet, species and gender, as well as the measurement techniques used (reviewed in (89)).

Given that lipoproteins are a major source of FA supply to the heart, ablation of cardiac LPL will lead to a marked impairment of this supply. Cardiac LPL ablation was associated with lower CD36 and FATP1 expression, lower myocardial uptake of FA liberated from lipoprotein-TG, and lower myocardial TG content (9, 10). Additionally, FAO was reduced in cardiac LPL-KO mice, which was accompanied by increased glucose oxidation, and cardiac hypertrophy and dysfunction (10, 77). Further stimulation of glucose utilization, by backcrossing cardiac LPL-KO mice with GLUT1- overexpressing mice, resulted in improved cardiac function and energetics. This suggests that cardiomyopathy in cardiac LPL-KO mice was rather due to defective energy production and not the reduced FA uptake per se (54).

Taken together, data from mouse models with alterations in FA metabolism show that detrimental effects seem to be caused by insufficient energy production in the heart, for example due to reduced FAO or uncoupling of the electron transport chain from ATP production. Additionally, upregulation of upstream components of the FA metabolic pathway that is not paralleled by concomitant increases downstream of the FA metabolic pathway can result in lipotoxicity and consequently lead to cardiac dysfunction. To examine whether and when modulations of FA metabolism are detrimental during the development of heart failure, we review literature on mouse models of altered FA metabolism upon induction of ischemic and non-ischemic heart failure in the following section.

3.5. Modulation of FA metabolism in heart failure

3.5.1. Ischemic heart failure

Both during and after a cardiac ischemic insult, a shift away from FA towards glucose utilization seems beneficial. The importance of glycolysis during ischemia is particularly obvious in mice with GLUT4 deficiency, which have accelerated cardiac ATP depletion during ischemia and delayed ATP recovery after ischemia, together with profound cardiac dysfunction (94). Mice with high FAO as a result of PPARα overexpression (28) or PPARα activation (45) showed exacerbated cardiac dysfunction after ischemia-reperfusion, which was related to glycogen deposition, apoptosis, and oxidative stress, in addition to cardiac inefficiency due to glycolysis-glucose oxidation uncoupling. Furthermore, the detrimental effects of high reliance on FAO have been demonstrated in diabetic db/db mice, which have lower survival rates after ischemia reperfusion (1, 17, 42). Indirect stimulation of glucose oxidation as a result of FAO suppression in MCD-KO mice (29, 73, 99) and


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direct stimulation of glucose oxidation in PDHK4-KO mice (99) were shown to decrease myocardial infarct size and to protect the heart against ischemia-reperfusion injury (29). Although upon coronary artery ligation ATP production rates in MCD-KO mice were shown to be lower than in wild- type mice, cardiac function was better in MCD-KO mice than in wild-type mice, demonstrating improved coupling between glycolysis and glucose oxidation and improved cardiac efficiency to use ATP for cardiac work, rather than for maintaining ion homeostasis (73). Indirect and direct stimulations of glucose oxidation therefore appear effective strategies in the treatment of ischemic heart failure (61, 99).

3.5.2. Non-ischemic heart failure

Like in ischemic heart failure conditions, the stimulation of glucose utilization has also been proven beneficial under heart failure conditions with sufficient oxygen supply. Data from mice overexpressing GLUT1 from birth showed that a substantial increase in glucose uptake and glycolytic rates can preserve cardiac function and energetics in pressure overload conditions (64). However, it is worth noting that while the induction of GLUT1 overexpression just 2 days before induction of pressure overload was sufficient to increase glucose utilization, maintain mitochondrial function and ATP synthesis, and attenuate the adverse remodeling process, it failed to rescue cardiac function (83). Data from GLUT1-overexpressing mice suggest that the shift towards glucose utilization upon pressure overload may be an adaptive mechanism to cope with the extra workload. However, during stressed conditions such as heart failure, the ability of the heart to sufficiently increase glucose uptake seems to be impaired (76, 108). This is further demonstrated in PGC1α-KO mice (62) and PPARα-KO mice (72), which have an increased reliance on carbohydrates as a substrate for oxidation as a compensation for their decreased FAO. Under normal conditions, hearts of these mice are able to sustain normal energy metabolism, however, during a high workload challenge the hearts fail to sustain high contractile performance (62, 72). Interestingly, a further increase in glucose transport and utilization, by backcrossing the PPARα-KO mice with GLUT1- overexpressing mice, corrected the decreased contractile and metabolic reserve in PPARα-KO mice (72). This suggests that further stimulation of glucose oxidation can help to provide sufficient ATP levels required during high workload. In line with this, increased glucose oxidation, as compensation for decreased FAO in cardiac-specific ATGL-overexpressing mice, appeared sufficient to maintain myocardial energetics and prevent cardiac dysfunction upon TAC-induced pressure overload (57).

The data above suggest that increased glucose utilization can be a sufficient mechanism to protect against pressure overload induced cardiac dysfunction. Currently, inhibition of FAO has evolved as an established approach to treat heart failure patients. However, it can be questioned if inhibition of FAO without an accompanied increase in glucose oxidation is indeed beneficial for the pressure overload-challenged heart. Several mouse models with reduced FAO due to direct modulation of FA metabolism, such as CPT1b-KO (47), CD36-KO (91), PGC1α-KO (8), and LPL-KO (10) mice, show exacerbated cardiac dysfunction upon pressure overload. In all of these models, the cardiac functional impairments seemed to be related to insufficient energy production in the heart and/or cardiac lipotoxicity. In CPT1b-KO mice, the exacerbated cardiac dysfunction upon TAC-induced pressure overload was associated with reduced FAO, increased TG content and ceramide formation, as well as increased myocardial fibrosis and apoptosis (47). In cardiac LPL-deficient mice (10), pressure overload resulted in more severe cardiac dysfunction as compared with wild-type mice,


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which was most likely due to the impaired FA supply and the associated reductions in FAO and myocardial ATP content (74). Also PCG1α-KO mice, in which the suppression of cardiac FAO was associated with significant defects in their ATP balance at rest (7), showed accelerated pressure overload-induced heart failure (8). Interestingly, when CD36-KO mice were fed a HFD, they were protected against TAC-induced cardiac dysfunction, which suggests a need for FA substrates during mechanical stress (91).

Inhibition of FAO might thus not be beneficial when this results in impaired cardiac energetics. Increasing FA utilization might in fact be an alternative mechanism to treat pressure overload- induced heart failure. This was demonstrated in a mouse model of cardiac-specific ACC2 deficiency, which was shown to preserve high FAO, prevent a metabolic shift towards increased reliance on glycolysis, and better sustain myocardial energetics and function upon pressure overload (58). However, maintaining the balance between FA supply/uptake and FAO is crucial when stimulating FA utilization, to prevent the accumulation of TG and lipid intermediates and the associated lipotoxicity (58). Hence, strategies designed to upregulate (CD36-mediated) FA uptake would be inadvisable in view of the danger of exceeding the FAO capacity. In addition, it is important that the increase in FAO is sufficient, not only to provide basal energy levels, but also to meet energy requirements during high workloads. This was shown in PGC1α-overexpressing and GLUT1-KO mice, which have high FAO, but which failed to maintain their cardiac energetics and function upon pressure overload (82). Finally, maintaining coupling between glycolysis and glucose oxidation also needs to be taken into consideration, because reduced glucose oxidation may occur secondary to increased FAO (33).

3.6. Summary and future outlook

To summarize (Fig. 3.2), in the ischemic heart, where oxygen supply is limited, a shift away from aerobic FAO towards anaerobic glycolysis seems necessary to assist in sufficient production of ATP. During ischemia reperfusion, a shift towards glucose oxidation seems favourable to prevent uncoupling between glycolysis and glucose oxidation. This uncoupling may lead to the accumulation of protons and lactate, which in turn lowers cardiac energetic efficiency because more energy is used to reduce the levels of these harmful metabolites. In the non-ischemic failing heart, particularly under pressure overload conditions, it seems that preserved energetics, rather than increased glucose oxidation and/or decreased FAO per se, is key for restoring cardiac function. A shift towards glucose oxidation may be a rescue mechanism under stressed conditions; however, the increase in glucose utilization then needs to be sufficient to maintain the required energy levels. On the other hand, the shift towards glucose oxidation may not be necessary and energetic compensation through high FAO can also be a successful strategy to protect the heart from failure. Therefore, the efficacy of FAO inhibition in the treatment of non-ischemic heart failure is as of yet not evident.

Future research should focus on elucidating when and how alterations in FA and glucose metabolism affect heart failure development and progression. Data which provide a comprehensive view of cardiac metabolic adaptations during different stages of the development and progression of heart failure are currently lacking, while the availability of these data would be invaluable to give insight into cause-and-effect relationships between cardiac metabolic and functional changes in the failing heart. Therefore, non-invasive in vivo techniques, such as magnetic resonance imaging


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(MRI), magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS), and positron emission tomography (PET), that allow longitudinal measurements of cardiac function and metabolism during the progression of heart failure within the same animal, are crucial for advancement in this field.

Figure 3.2. Myocardial substrate contribution and potential therapeutic targets in (A) ischemic and (B) non-ischemic heart failure. The relative contribution of the major metabolic pathways (fatty acid oxidation (FAO), glucose oxidation, and glycolysis) to myocardial energy production changes during heart failure development and progression. Therapeutic targets should aim at providing sufficient energy production. The probability of success of therapeutic strategies largely depends on the type and stage of heart failure.


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3.7. Acknowledgement

This work was supported by the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) (grant numbers 700.58.421 VIDI to J.J.P., 916.14.050 VENI to M.N.).

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Chapter 4

High frame-rate retrospectively triggered cine MRI for assessment of murine diastolic function

Bram Coolen*, Desiree Abdurrachim*, Abdallah G. Motaal, Klaas Nicolay, Jeanine J. Prompers, Gustav J. Strijkers

Biomedical NMR, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven, The Netherlands

*both authors contributed equally

Published in Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 69: 648-656, 2013. DOI: 10.1002/mrm.24287. Epub 2012 Apr 19.

Chapter 4


To assess left ventricular (LV) diastolic function in mice with cine MRI, a high frame rate (> 60 frames per cardiac cycle) is required. For conventional ECG-triggered cine MRI, the frame rate is equal to 1/TR. However, TR cannot be lowered at will to increase the frame rate because of gradient hardware, spatial resolution and signal-to noise limitations. To overcome these limitations associated with ECG-triggered cine MRI, in this paper we introduce a retrospectively triggered cine MRI protocol capable of producing high-resolution high frame-rate cine MRI of the mouse heart for addressing LV diastolic function. Simulations were performed to investigate the influence of MRI sequence parameters and the k-space filling trajectory in relation to the desired number of frames per cardiac cycle. An optimized protocol was applied in vivo and compared with ECG-triggered cine for which a high-frame rate could only be achieved by several interleaved acquisitions. Retrospective high frame-rate cine MRI proved superior to the interleaved ECG-triggered protocols. High spatial-resolution cine movies with frames rates up to 80 frames per cardiac cycle were obtained in 25 min. Analysis of LV filling rate curves allowed accurate determination of early and late filling rates and revealed subtle impairments in LV diastolic function of diabetic mice in comparison with non-diabetic mice.

Keywords mouse cardiac MRI, cine, diastolic function, retrospective triggering


High frame rate cine MRI of murine diastolic function

4.1. Introduction

The cardiac cycle is generally divided in a systolic and diastolic phase. In the diastolic phase, filling of the left ventricle with blood occurs via early LV relaxation and late atrial contraction. E and A denote the peak filling rates in these two distinct diastolic phases. In a healthy compliant heart the E/A ratio is around 1.5, whereas in a less compliant heart a decrease in the E/A ratio is observed, which clinically marks the onset of diastolic dysfunction (6, 16). Diabetic cardiomyopathy has a high prevalence in type 2 diabetes patients and is characterized by diastolic dysfunction (1, 7). The E/A ratio is therefore an important readout when studying experimental models of diabetic cardiomyopathy and when evaluating emerging treatment strategies for diastolic dysfunction.

The traditional way to measure the E/A ratio in humans and small animals is by Doppler echocardiography (4, 5, 16, 18). Recently, Stuckey et al. demonstrated that also cardiac cine MRI can be used to measure the E/A ratio in small rodents (20). For accurate definition of the E and A filling phases a high cine MRI frame rate was required, providing approximately 60 frames per cardiac cycle.

For traditional ECG-triggered cine MRI the frame rate is equal to 1/TR. Reducing TR to achieve a high frame rate is however subject to experimental limitations. The excitation pulse and echo readout can be shortened by sacrificing spatial resolution or by increasing the gradient strength and receiver bandwidth at the cost of a reduced signal-to-noise (SNR) ratio. However, gradient strength and gradient duty cycle are limited by gradient hardware restrictions. Additionally, a short TR reduces SNR and contrast-to-noise between blood and myocardium due to saturation of available magnetization. As a remedy, one can interleave multiple ECG-triggered cine acquisitions with moderately long TR to obtain an effectively shorter TR.

As an alternative approach to overcome the above limitations associated with ECG-triggered cine MRI, we here introduce a retrospective triggering protocol capable of producing high- resolution high frame-rate cine movies of the mouse heart for assessing LV diastolic function. The retrospectively triggered sequence (9) records k-lines with constant TR asynchronously with the cardiac and respiratory motion (Fig. 4.1A). From a navigator echo cardiac triggering and respiratory gating are derived, which are used to retrospectively bin k-lines in the appropriate cine frame and discard the k-lines acquired during respiratory motion. The frame rate for a retrospectively triggered cine movie is not dictated by 1/TR, but can be chosen at will as long as sufficient k-lines are measured to completely fill the k-spaces of all cardiac frames.

Because of the asynchronous nature of the retrospectively triggered cine MRI sequence, filling of k-space is a stochastic process. We therefore performed simulations to optimize the sequence parameters and the k-space-filling trajectory in relation to the desired effective number of averages and number of frames per cardiac cycle. Subsequently, the optimized protocol was applied in vivo in healthy mice and compared with interleaved ECG-triggered cine MRI. Finally, the retrospective triggering protocol was applied to measure diastolic function of diabetic and non-diabetic mice.


Chapter 4

4.2. Materials and Methods

4.2.1. Simulations

Figure 4.1. Retrospectively triggered sampling of cardiac frames. K-Lines are acquired asynchronously with the periodic cardiac motion. The vertical lines represent reconstructions with (1) a low frame rate for which TR < L/NF and (2) a high frame for which TR > L/NF. For the latter, a potential problem occurs because some cardiac frames may receive no hits. Simulations in this paper show that the asynchrony between sampling and the heart cycle is sufficient to assure efficient filling of all cardiac frames, even for very high frame rates. Different k-space acquisition trajectories were tested: (A) k-space averaged, (B) k-line averaged, and (C) random sampling.

Numerical simulations of the retrospectively triggered acquisitions were performed in Mathematica 7.0 (Wolfram Research, Champaign, IL, USA). Fig. 4.1 schematically illustrates the retrospectively triggered cine acquisition with the 3 investigated k-space sampling trajectories: a linear scheme in which k-space is filled in a ‘zigzag’ phase encoding pattern repeated a number of times (‘k-space averaged’, Fig. 4.1A); a linear scheme in which first individual k-lines are repeated a number of times, before acquisition of the next phase encoding step (‘k-line averaged’, Fig. 4.1B); and a random k-space filling trajectory (‘random’, Fig. 4.1C). The number of phase encoding steps was NP and NR refers to the number of times the total k-space was measured (number of repetitions). The simulated total acquisition time therefore amounted to NP x NR x TR.

Over the duration of the simulated acquisition time, the length of the cardiac cycle was assumed Gaussian distributed around a mean value L and with a standard deviation δ in order to address the effects of variations in the duration of the R-R interval. The Gaussian distribution was experimentally determined from experiments with healthy C57BL/6 mice (Fig. 4.2A). Respiration was not included in the simulations as this merely involves discarding a certain fraction of k-lines (typically 30%) acquired during respiratory movement.


High frame rate cine MRI of murine diastolic function

From the simulated data, each cardiac cycle was divided in the desired number of cardiac frames (NF), after which all k-lines were binned for assignment to the different cardiac frames. Because of the binning and asynchrony between the cardiac cycle and TR, not all k-lines were averaged an equal number of times. The effective number of averages NAeff for a cine movie was therefore defined as the minimal number of averages that was reached for 99% of all k- line/cardiac frame combinations. This high threshold was chosen because a full sampling of k- space for each cardiac frame was considered to be important for the accuracy of diastolic function parameters. NAmax refers to the maximum averages that would be obtained when all acquisitions were evenly distributed over all k-spaces of all cardiac frames. NAmax is therefore equal to NR/NF. Each simulation was performed 10 times, from which the average NAeff was calculated.

4.2.2. MRI

MRI measurements were performed with a 9.4 T Bruker animal scanner (Bruker BioSpin GmbH, Ettlingen, Germany). The gradient system allowed a maximum gradient strength of 740 mT/m with a slew rate of 6600 T/m/s. A 4-element (2x2) phased array surface receive coil for mouse cardiac MRI was used in combination with a 72-mm-diameter volume transmit coil (Bruker BioSpin). Systolic function Systolic function measurements were performed using a 2D ECG- and respiratory-triggered FLASH sequence with the following parameters: TR = 7.0 ms, TE = 1.8 ms, number of cardiac frames = 12-15, FA = 15o, NP  Nfreq = 192  192, FOV = 3  3 cm2, slice thickness = 1 mm, NA = 6, scan time  3 min. The sequence was repeated for 5-6 slices in LV short-axis orientation from base to apex and in 2- and 4-chamber long-axis orientations. Diastolic function with ECG triggering The same ECG-triggered sequence described above for systolic function measurements was also used for diastolic function measurements in a single midventricular slice. To achieve the higher frame rate necessary for accurate delineation of the diastolic filling phases, the sequence was interleaved multiple times. Interleaving was done in two ways. In method I, four consecutive separate scans were made with trigger delays of 0, ¼TR, ½TR, and ¾TR, respectively, which were subsequently interleaved to obtain an effective frame duration of 1/4TR. In method II, the same delays were immediately applied for consecutive ECG-triggers, resulting in one single cine movie containing all cardiac frames. The effective frame duration of both interleaved acquisitions was 1.75 ms. ECG-triggering was performed every other R-wave to assure that the full diastolic phase was covered. Eight averages were used resulting in a total acquisition time of ∼20 min. Diastolic function with retrospective triggering For diastolic function measurements with retrospective triggering, the k-line averaging method was used. The sequence was a single-slice FLASH sequence with an in-slice navigator, as described by Heijman et al. (9). Sequence parameters were TR = 4.7 ms, TE = 2.35 ms, FA = 15o, RF pulse = 1 ms Gaussian, NP  Nfreq = 128  192, parallel imaging acceleration (PI) = 1.5, FOV = 3  3 cm2, slice thickness = 1 mm, NR = 2500, scan time = 25 min.


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Reconstruction of the retrospectively triggered cine movies was done off-line using homebuilt software in Matlab 8.1 (The Mathworks, Natick, MA, USA). All navigator echo signals were concatenated and interpolated with a spline function. Subsequently, a local maximum detection algorithm was applied to determine the start of each cardiac cycle. Next, all cardiac cycles were divided into NF cardiac frames, after which the k-lines were assigned to their corresponding cardiac frames. K-lines that were acquired during respiratory motion (typically 30% of the acquisition time) were omitted. No sharing or interpolation of k-lines between frames was used. Image reconstruction was performed using the GRAPPA reconstruction algorithm (8).

4.2.3. Animal handling

A group of n=4 healthy C57BL/6 mice (Charles River, Maastricht, Netherlands) was used to compare the retrospectively triggered and the ECG-triggered acquisition protocols. The retrospectively triggered method was applied to longitudinally measure diastolic function of non- diabetic (db/+, n=6) and diabetic (db/db, n=6) C57BL/Ks mice (Harlan Laboratories, Venray, The Netherlands) at 7, 13, and 19 weeks of age. Mice were housed under controlled conditions. Both db/+ and db/db mice were put on a diet with 18% of the calories from fat (2018 Teklad Global 18% Protein Rodent Diet, Harlan, Bicester, UK). Before MRI, anesthesia was induced with 2–3% isoflurane in 0.4 L/min medical air and maintained during MRI with 1–2% isoflurane. Mice were positioned in prone position on the surface coil and placed in the MRI scanner. Temperature was maintained at 36–37°C with a heating pad and monitored with a rectal probe. Respiration frequency was kept at 60–80 bpm, monitored using a pressure balloon. For prospectively triggered MRI, the ECG signal was obtained by putting EEG paste on the front paws and taping them on copper ECG-electrodes, which were connected to an ECG gating system (Small Animal Instruments Inc., Stony Brook, NY). Mice were sacrificed following the last MRI measurement. The local institutional animal care committee (Maastricht University Maastricht, Netherlands) reviewed and approved all experimental procedures.

4.2.4. Data analysis Systolic function LV volumes were determined by segmenting the epicardium and endocardium (excluding papillary muscles) in end-diastolic and end-systolic frames in all short-axis slices using CAAS MRV FARM software (Pie Medical Imaging, Maastricht, Netherlands). From the segmentations, end-systolic volume, end-diastolic volume, ejection fraction, stroke volume, and LV mass index (LVM = LV mass normalized by tibia length) were calculated. Diastolic function LV volume–time curves were created by semiautomatic segmentation of the LV endocardium (excluding papillary muscles) using Segment (version 1.8 R1145, (11). LV volume–time curves were normalized to the end-diastolic volume and smoothed over a running average of three data points. From the derivative of the LV volume–time curves —the filling rate curve— the following parameters were calculated using MATLAB 8.1: early peak filling rate (E), late peak filling rate (A), E/A ratio, the contribution of the early filling to the end- diastolic volume (E-cont), and peak ejection rate.


High frame rate cine MRI of murine diastolic function

4.2.5. Statistics

All data are presented as mean ± standard deviation. Statistical analysis was performed with SPSS 17.0 (SPSS Inc.) using analysis of variance for repeated measures with age (7, 13, and 19 weeks) as the within-subject factor and group (db/+ and db/db) as the between-subject factor. In the case where the interaction between group and time was significant, the effects of group and time were analyzed separately using one-way analysis of variance with Bonferroni post hoc tests and Student's t-tests, respectively. The level of significance was set at α = 0.05.

4.3. Results

4.3.1. Simulations

Fig. 4.2A shows a representative distribution of the duration of the cardiac cycle L, determined in a healthy C57BL/6 mouse from the navigators of a 2-min cardiac cine MR measurement. The mean cardiac cycle duration measured in the whole healthy C57BL/6 mouse group was L = 115 ± 4 ms. For all simulations L was set to 115 ms. The standard deviation of the cardiac cycle was δ = 1.1 ± 0.2 ms. We used a value of δ = 1 ms in the simulations and compared this with the case without variations in the heart rate (δ = 0 ms).

NAeff was calculated as function of NAmax for two cases: (1) considering only the number of cardiac frames that are sampled (Fig. 4.2B), and (2) taking into account the cardiac frames as well as sorting of k-lines in the correct phase encoding steps in k-space (Fig. 4.2C and Fig. 4.2D). Fig. 4.2B demonstrates that with respect to sampling of the different cardiac frames, NAeff was equal to NAmax, even for high frame rates (NF = 80) where TR ≫ L/NF (situation indicated with 2 in Fig. 4.1A). A homogeneous sampling for all cardiac frames was reached, except for the situation when TR was an integer multiple of L and there was zero variation in the cardiac cycle duration (TR = 5.0 ms, δ = 0 ms). For the latter, the synchrony of TR and L prevents sampling of k-lines in certain cardiac frames, resulting in NAeff = 0. The simulations indicate that experimentally this problem is very unlikely to occur, because even small variations in the cardiac cycle (TR = 5.0 ms, δ = 1 ms) restore efficient sampling of all cardiac frames with NAeff = NAmax.

Fig. 4.2C addresses the different k-space filling trajectories. This puts an additional restraint on the sampling of cardiac frames, because not only a sufficient number of k-lines should be acquired for every cardiac frame, but also these k-lines should be distributed equally over k- space such that all phase encoding steps are acquired at least once. Therefore, NAeff is always lower than NAmax and it takes a number of averages for NAeff to become larger than zero. The dashed line with unity slope in Fig. 4.2C indicates NAeff = NAmax, i.e., the hypothetical case when all k-lines would be equally distributed to all phase encoding steps in all cardiac frames. The closer the simulations are to this dashed line, the more efficient the sampling is. Our simulations indicate that the k-line averaged filling scheme is more efficient compared with k-space averaged sampling, although differences are not large and become smaller for higher frame rates. Random sampling of k-space was not better than k-space averaged sampling (not shown). Fig. 4.2D shows that the use of parallel imaging to reduce the number of k-lines


Chapter 4

needed for image reconstruction has almost no effect on the sampling efficiency, independent of the k-space filling trajectory.

Figure 4.2. Simulations and in vivo results of the sampling efficiency of retrospective triggering cine MRI. (A) Histogram of the duration of the cardiac cycle measured in a healthy mouse during 2 min cine MRI. For the entire group, the mean duration of the cardiac cycle was L = 115 ± 4 ms, while the mean δ was 1.1 ± 0.2. (B) Sampling of cardiac frames, depicting NAeff as function of NA for different combinations of TR, NF and δ, with NP = 128. (C) Sampling of k-space, depicting NAeff as function of NA for k-line averaged and k-space averaged trajectories and different combinations of TR and NF, with δ = 1 ms and NP = 128. (D) NAeff as function of NA for k-line averaged and k-line averaged trajectories and different parallel imaging acceleration factors, with TR = 4.7 ms, NF = 80, and δ = 1 ms (parallel imaging = 1.0 for NP = 192). The solid circles in (B)–(D) represent the parameter settings used for the in vivo measurements. (E) In vivo sampling efficiency (mean of control group). Standard deviations in all panels were small and are not shown.


High frame rate cine MRI of murine diastolic function

From the simulations, we conclude that small variations in the duration of the cardiac cycle lead to sufficient asynchrony such that all cardiac frames and phase encoding steps are efficiently sampled, even for high frame rates when TR >> L/NF. The k-line averaged sampling trajectory resulted in the most homogeneous sampling of k-lines and cardiac frames. However, as there was no major efficiency benefit for any of the three k-space trajectories, we chose the ‘k-space averaging’ trajectory for in vivo measurements, because in this scheme averaging of k-lines is distributed over the entire length of the acquisition, which decreases image artifacts from blood flow, residual respiratory motion and heart-rate variations. Because also no significant differences were seen between different TR values, the minimal reachable TR of 4.7 ms was used in vivo.

The sampling efficiency in vivo was determined from the retrospectively triggered cine images of non-diabetic db/+ mice at 7 weeks of age (Fig. 4.2E). Compared with the simulations, a remarkably similar behavior was observed: initially, a certain number of averages is required before NAeff > 0, after which NAeff increases linearly as a function of NAmax. The k-space sampling efficiency in vivo is somewhat lower as compared with the simulation results (NAeff = 14.5 vs. 17.9 with NAmax = 30), which agrees with the observation that a homogeneous sampling of all cardiac frames was not fully reached (open circles).

Figure 4.3. Comparison of ECG-triggered and retrospectively triggered high frame rate cine MRI. To the left, a representative frame from the cine movie is shown. The white line is the segmentation of the LV endocardium. The complete movies can be found in the Supporting Information. To the right, the LV volume–time curves and ejection and filling rate curves are shown. Three methods were compared: (A) ECG-triggered method I, (B) ECG-triggered method II, and (C) retrospective triggering.


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4.3.2. Diastolic function: ECG triggering versus retrospective triggering

A representative comparison between the two prospectively ECG-triggered methods and the retrospectively triggered high frame rate cine MRI (NF = 80) of healthy mouse heart is presented in Fig. 4.3. Corresponding cine movies are provided in the Supporting Information online. ECG-triggered method I resulted in periodic variations in the segmented LV volume–time curves, likely due to a drift in heart rate or changes in the ECG quality during the course of the four consecutive scans (Fig. 4.3A). Large oscillations were clearly visible in the filling rate curve, in which no clear E and A filling phases could be distinguished in the diastolic phase. The prospectively ECG-triggered method II performed better (Fig. 4.3B) resulting in a smoother LV volume–time curve and smoother filling rate curve, in which the E and A phases could be recognized.

The retrospectively triggered cine acquisitions (Fig. 4.3C) resulted in the highest quality LV volume–time and filling rate curves from which E and A phases and peak rates could be accurately determined. In the retrospectively triggered images, notably less blood-flood artifacts were visible than for the ECG-triggered methods, particularly during the rapid E filling phases in diastole, which facilitated segmentation of the endocardium.

Figure 4.4. LV volume-time and filling rate curves for increasing number of cardiac frames reconstructed from the same retrospectively triggered cine MRI acquisition. The number of frames were NF = 20 (■), 50 (), 70 (▲), and 90 (●). Panels A and B represent two different mice. Frame duration for NF = 90 was 1.45 ms for mouse 1 and 1.17 ms for mouse 2.


High frame rate cine MRI of murine diastolic function

4.3.3. Diastolic function: frame fate

Fig. 4.4 shows LV volume and filling rate curves for different frame rates, reconstructed from a single retrospectively triggered acquisition in a healthy mouse. With 20 frames/cardiac cycle, which commonly suffices to assess systolic functional parameters, E and A diastolic phases could not be recognized. Moreover, LV filling was underestimated at low frame rates due to a smoothing effect of the running-average filter applied to the volume–time curves. The filter was needed to compensate for small fluctuations in the volume–time curves, which were introduced by inaccuracies in the semiautomatic LV segmentations. With increasing frame rate, more details in the LV volume–time and filling rate curves became apparent, although at 50 frames/cardiac cycle, E and A were still underestimated. The curves for frame rates of 70 and 90 frames/cardiac cycle were similar, with E and A peak filling rates converging to a stable value. For frame rates above 90, signal-to-noise became insufficient for accurate delineation of the LV endocardium. Although we observed that for some mice the E and A phases could already be resolved using 50 frames/cardiac cycle (Fig. 4.4B), a conservatively high frame rate of 80 frames/cardiac cycle was used to assess the diastolic function of diabetic and non-diabetic mice to ensure that E and A phases were accurately determined in all animals.

4.3.4. Diastolic function: diabetic and non-diabetic mice

The results on heart morphology and systolic cardiac function parameters for non-diabetic db/+ and diabetic db/db mice are presented in Table 4.1. Ejection fraction, peak ejection rate, end- diastolic volume, and end-systolic volume were similar between groups at all ages. Stroke volume tended to be higher in db/db mice compared with db/+ mice (P=0.064), independent of age. The LV mass index was higher in db/db mice compared with db/+ mice (P=0.002). No significant difference in cardiac cycle duration L was observed between groups (db/+: 123 ± 5 ms and db/db: 128 ± 5 ms).

Table 4.1. Systolic LV function parameters and LV mass index at age 7, 13 and 19 weeks for non-diabetic db/+ and diabetic db/db mice.

7 weeks 13 weeks 19 weeks db/+ db/db db/+ db/db db/+ db/db EF [%] 72.4±10.3 77.2±7.3 72.7±8.0 74.6±8.3 73.3±2.7 75.6±1.9 PER [μl/ms] 23.5±4.4 24.9±4.2 24.8±2.8 26.1±4.0 21.4±2.0 22.9±5.9 EDV [μl] 46.9±7.1 55.0±6.3 48.3±6.4 55.8±11.1 51.5±6.5 52.9±8.7 ESV [μl] 13.3±6.2 12.8±5.2 13.3±4.4 13.7±4.0 13.7±1.2 13.0±2.6 SV [μl]# 33.6±4.9 42.2±3.6 35.1±5.6 41.8±10.7 37.9±5.8 40.0±6.4 LVM [mg]* 3.20±0.21 3.56±0.21 3.28±0.39 3.92±0.53 3.03±0.19 4.00±0.36 #Trend for a general genotype effect (P=0.064) *General genotype effect (P<0.05)


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Fig. 4.5 presents the parameters for diastolic function. In diabetic db/db mice, E/A tended to be lower when compared with non-diabetic db/+ mice (P=0.091). This could be attributed to a lower E (P=0.06) rather than a higher A (P=0.162). No significant changes for E, A, and E/A were observed between 7 and 19 weeks of age. The contribution of early peak filling to the diastolic filling (E-cont) was significantly lower in db/db mice compared with db/+ mice (P=0.046), also independent of age.

Figure 4.5. LV diastolic function parameters of non-diabetic db/+ (open bars) and diabetic db/db (solid bars) mice at 7, 13, and 19 weeks of age. #P=0.091 vs. db/+, ##P=0.06 vs. db/+, *P<0.05 vs. db/+.

4.4. Discussion

Cine MRI has been applied previously in humans (12) and mice (20) for diastolic function measurements. However, the novelty of our protocol for measuring murine diastolic function is that it does not rely on the most powerful gradient hardware to achieve high frame rates nor does it compromise between spatial and temporal resolution. Instead, a high frame rate is achieved by a retrospectively triggered acquisition, which can be reconstructed at any desired frame rate after completion of the experiment. The highest feasible frame rate is primarily limited by SNR and thus by the number of averages and the total acquisition time. However, variations in the length of the cardiac cycle decrease the temporal resolution, since k-lines for a specific cardiac frame are recorded over the entire duration of the experiment. Fig. 4.2A therefore suggests that the best achievable temporal resolution in our experiments would be 1 ms, which corresponds to approximately 115 frames per cardiac cycle.


High frame rate cine MRI of murine diastolic function

The retrospectively triggered cine acquisition is based on stochastic sampling of the cardiac frames. Simulations revealed under which conditions k-lines were distributed evenly across k- spaces and cardiac frames. For the in vivo protocol, using a ‘zigzag’ linear k-space filling trajectory (‘k-space averaging’), TR = 4.7 ms, and 80 cardiac frames, the effective number of averages nearly reached 50% of the maximum available averages within the total acquisition time. For diastolic function measurements it is important that the full diastolic phase is sampled. Therefore an ECG-triggered sequence can only be started every other R-wave, also reducing its sampling efficiency to 50%. Thus, although for ECG triggering filling of cardiac frames and k- spaces is fully predictable, its efficiency for diastolic function measurements is at best equal to a retrospectively triggered sequence. Although the current protocol would benefit from a shorter total measurement time, in this study we did not investigate the effect of decreasing NR on the diastolic function parameters, because this would only be of value when also considering the use of spatio-temporal acceleration techniques (15, 22).

The high frame-rate retrospective triggering cine protocol was experimentally compared with ECG triggering for the ability to assess diastolic function in a group of healthy mice. Our gradient hardware did not permit a TR smaller than approximately 4 ms, without sacrificing spatial resolution below acceptable levels. Therefore the ECG-triggered sequences were interleaved to achieve an effective shorter frame duration. For the ECG-triggered interleaved acquisitions, method II, in which frame delays were immediately applied for consecutive ECG- triggers, resulted in the smoothest LV volume-time and filling rate curves. Retrospective triggering, however, outperformed ECG triggering, due to less motion and blood-flow related artifacts in the former during the diastolic phase, which facilitated segmentation of the LV endocardium. We believe that motion and blood-flow artifacts are suppressed in the retrospectively triggered acquisitions because of the asynchronous nature of the acquisition scheme, which greatly reduces coherence between the acquisition and the motion. A black- blood acquisition, e.g. by including a saturation slice above the heart (3), could completely suppress blood flow related artifacts and improve LV segmentation. Incorporation of a saturation slice comes at the cost of increased TR and total scan time. The sampling efficiency, however, almost remains equal as shown by simulations comparing TR = 4.7 and TR = 8.0 ms. Finally, the retrospectively triggered acquisition is in steady-state over the complete time-span of the measurement, avoiding the oscillations in signal intensity that occur due to periodic pauses in the ECG-triggered sequence when waiting for a next trigger.

In this study, retrospectively triggered data was reconstructed using a frame rate of 80 frames/cardiac cycle (approximately 700 frames/s for a cardiac cycle of 115 ms). This number approaches the temporal resolution that can be achieved by echocardiography, which is about 700-1000 frames/s (17), although in echocardiography no averaging over time is performed. The minimal number of frames required to resolve the E and A filling rate peaks may depend on the heart rate and may therefore vary between individual mice (Fig. 4.4). In humans, the diastasis period, i.e. the period between E and A peaks, contributes mostly to variations in heart rate (21). If the same were true for mice, E and A peaks would be more easily resolved in mice with a lower heart rate assuming an equal number of frames. On the other hand, a similar temporal resolution might still be required for accurate estimations of the absolute E and A filling rate values. In this study we chose a fixed number of 80 frames per cardiac cycle, which


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sufficed to resolve the E and A peaks in all mice. Alternatively, one could fix the time resolution (e.g. 1.5 ms/frame) and adjust the number of frames to fill the length of the cardiac cycle.

Different methods to obtain cardiac or respiratory navigator MRI signals have been described. Pencil-beam navigators are commonly used to assess respiratory motion (19), whereas cardiac and respiratory motion may be retrieved from the peak echo intensity in a radial acquisition (10) or from ROI correlations in co-acquired low-resolution images (13). Alternatively, (vector-) ECG signals may be recorded to retrospectively assign k-lines to cardiac frames during image reconstruction (14). Although these approaches offer good alternatives for the retrospective triggering method employed in this study, the latter approach is less suitable, since continuous excitation with short TR and fast gradient switching renders the mouse ECG unusable.

Recently, it was demonstrated that tracking of the atrioventricular junction motion in 4-chamber cine provides an attractive alternative to assess diastolic function (2).

Stuckey et al. (20) have previously measured diastolic dysfunction in 12 week-old db/db mice using a high frame-rate ECG-triggered sequence with a TR of 2.4 ms, reporting lower E/A ratios as compared with non-diabetic littermates (db/db: E/A = 0.74 ± 0.11 and db/+: E/A = 1.06 ± 0.06). In contrast, measurements by Daniels et al. (5) using echocardiography revealed no significant differences between 18 week-old diabetic and non-diabetic mice (db/db: E/A = 1.4 ± 0.2 and db/+: E/A = 1.5 ± 0.1). In this study, we observed a trend towards a lower E/A ratio in diabetic db/db mice compared with non-diabetic db/+ mice (db/db: E/A = 1.51 ± 0.08 and db/+: E/A = 1.29 ± 0.08, P=0.091), independent of age. The E/A ratios measured in this study are higher than the values reported by Stuckey et al. (20), but are in agreement with echocardiographic findings (5).

The lower E/A ratio in diabetic db/db mice could be assigned to a lower E rather than a higher A peak filling rate. In addition, the contribution of early LV relaxation to diastolic filling (E-cont) was slightly, but significantly, lower in db/db mice compared with db/+ mice. In addition to the subtle impairments in diastolic function, db/db mice had a 20% higher LVM, indicating LV hypertrophy. Cardiac hypertrophy is generally associated with reduced LV compliance (11), which could explain the reduced diastolic capacity of the db/db mice. Systolic functional parameters, i.e. ejection fraction (EF) and peak ejection rate (PER), were not affected in the db/db mice. Together, the observations in diabetic db/db mice point towards early stage diabetic cardiomyopathy (7), which does not progress between 7 and 19 weeks of age.

In summary, we introduced a high frame-rate, high spatial resolution retrospectively triggered cine MRI protocol for measuring diastolic function in mice to overcome limitations associated with traditional high frame-rate ECG-triggered cine MRI. The optimized protocol was put to the test in the assessment of diastolic function in non-diabetic and diabetic mice, which revealed subtle alterations in diastolic function parameters of diabetic animals.


High frame rate cine MRI of murine diastolic function

4.5. Acknowledgements

This work is supported by VIDI grant (number: 700.58.421) from the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO), VIDI grant (number: 07952) from the Dutch Technology Foundation STW, Applied Science Division of NWO and the Technology Program of the Ministry of Economic Affairs, and the Institute for Imaging Science and Technology Eindhoven (IST/e).

4.6. References

1. Bell DSH. Diabetic cardiomyopathy. Diabetes Care 26: 2949-2951, 2003. 2. Chung S, Breton E, and Axel L. A preliminary assessment of diastolic dysfunction with normal ejection fraction with cine MRI of the atrioventricular junction motion. In: Proc 19th Ann Meeting ISMRM p. 3367, 2011. 3. Coolen BF, Geelen T, Paulis LEM, Nauerth A, Nicolay K, and Strijkers GJ. Three-dimensional T1 mapping of the mouse heart using variable flip angle steady-state MR imaging. NMR Biomed 24: 154- 162, 2011. 4. Cosson S, and Kevorkian J. Left ventricular diastolic dysfunction: an early sign of diabetic cardiomyopathy? Diabetes Metab 29: 455-466, 2003. 5. Daniels A, van Bilsen M, Janssen BJA, Brouns AE, Cleutjens JPM, Roemen THM, Schaart G, van der Velden J, van der Vusse GJ, and van Nieuwenhoven FA. Impaired cardiac functional reserve in type 2 diabetic db/db mice is associated with metabolic, but not structural, remodelling. Acta Physiol 200: 11-22, 2010. 6. Diamant M, Lamb HJ, Groeneveld Y, Endert EL, Smit JWA, Bax JJ, Romijn JA, de Roos A, and Radder JK. Diastolic dysfunction is associated with altered myocardial metabolism in asymptomatic normotensive patients with well-controlled type 2 diabetes mellitus. J Am Coll Cardiol 42: 328-335, 2003. 7. Fang ZY, Prins JB, and Marwick TH. Diabetic cardiomyopathy: evidence, mechanisms, and therapeutic implications. Endocr Rev 25: 543-567, 2004. 8. Griswold MA, Jakob PM, Heidemann RM, Nittka M, Jellus V, Wang JM, Kiefer B, and Haase A. Generalized autocalibrating partially parallel acquisitions (GRAPPA). Magn Reson Med 47: 1202-1210, 2002. 9. Heijman E, de Graaf WL, Niessen P, Nauerth A, van Eys G, de Graaf L, Nicolay K, and Strijkers GJ. Comparison between prospective and retrospective triggering for mouse cardiac MRI. NMR Biomed 20: 439-447, 2007. 10. Hiba B, Richard N, Thibault H, and Janier M. Cardiac and respiratory self-gated cine MRI in the mouse: comparison between radial and rectilinear techniques at 7T. Magn Reson Med 58: 745-753, 2007. 11. Klabunde RE. Cardiac function. In: Cardiovascular Physiology Concepts. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2011, p. 59-90. 12. Krishnamurthy R, Pednekar A, Cheong B, and Muthupillai R. High temporal resolution SSFP Cine MRI for estimation of left ventricular diastolic parameters. J Magn Reson Imaging 31: 872-880, 2010. 13. Larson AC, White RD, Laub G, McVeigh ER, Li DB, and Simonetti OP. Self-gated cardiac cine MRI. Magn Reson Med 51: 93-102, 2004. 14. Lenz GW, Haacke EM, and White RD. Retrospective cardiac gating - a review of technical aspects and future directions. Magn Reson Imaging 7: 445-455, 1989. 15. Makowski M, Jansen C, Webb I, Chiribiri A, Nagel E, Botnar R, Kozerke S, and Plein S. First- pass contrast-enhanced myocardial perfusion MRI in mice on a 3T clinical MR scanner. Magn Reson Med 64: 1592-1598, 2010. 16. Oh JK, Park SJ, and Nagueh SF. Established and novel clinical applications of diastolic function assessment by echocardiography. Circ Cardiovasc Imag 4: 444-455, 2011. 17. Ram R, Mickelsen DM, Theodoropoulos C, and Blaxall BC. New approaches in small animal echocardiography: imaging the sounds of silence. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol 301: H1765-H1780, 2011. 18. Semeniuk LM, Kryski AJ, and Severson DL. Echocardiographic assessment of cardiac function in diabetic db/db and transgenic db/db-hGLUT4 mice. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol 283: H976-H982, 2002. 19. Stehning C, Bornert P, Nehrke K, Eggers H, and Stuber M. Free-breathing whole-heart coronary MRA with 3D radial SSFP and self-navigated image reconstruction. Magn Reson Med 54: 476-480, 2005. 20. Stuckey DJ, Carr CA, Tyler DJ, Aasum E, and Clarke K. Novel MRI method to detect altered left ventricular ejection and filling patterns in rodent models of disease. Magn Reson Med 60: 582-587, 2008. 21. Wang Y, Vidan E, and Bergman GW. Cardiac motion of coronary arteries: variability in the rest period and implications for coronary MR angiography. Radiology 213: 751-758, 1999. 22. Wech T, Lemke A, Medway D, Stork L, Lygate C, Neubauer S, Kostler H, and Schneider JE. Accelerating Cine-MR imaging in mouse hearts using compressed sensing. J Magn Reson Imaging 34: 1072-1079, 2011.


Chapter 5

In vivo quantification of mouse myocardial metabolite

1 content and T1 relaxation using H MRS

Partly based on:

In vivo proton T1 relaxation times of mouse myocardial metabolites at 9.4 T

Adrianus J. Bakermans1, Desiree Abdurrachim1, Tom R. Geraedts1, Sander M. Houten2, Klaas Nicolay1, and Jeanine J. Prompers1

1Biomedical NMR, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven, The Netherlands 2Laboratory Genetic Metabolic Diseases, Department of Clinical Chemistry, and Department of Pediatrics, Emma Children’s Hospital, Academic Medical Center, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Published in Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 2014. DOI: 10.1002/mrm.25340. Epub 2014 Jun 24. Chapter 5


Proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy (1H MRS) for quantitative in vivo assessment of mouse myocardial metabolism requires accurate acquisition timing to minimize motion artifacts, as well as knowledge of metabolite T1 relaxation times to correct for T1-dependent partial saturation effects. In this study, mouse myocardial water and metabolite T1 relaxation time constants were quantified with 1H MRS. Furthermore, the utility of the method was demonstrated by quantifying myocardial lipid content in diabetic mice before and after treatment with the anti-diabetic drug pioglitazone.

Cardiac-triggered and respiratory-gated PRESS-localized 1H MRS was employed at 9.4 T to acquire signal from a 4 µL voxel in the mouse interventricular septum in wild type, non-diabetic db/+, and diabetic db/db mice. Steady-state of magnetization was maintained with dummy scans during respiratory gates. Signal stability was assessed via standard deviations (SD) of zero-order phases and amplitudes of water spectra. Saturation-recovery experiments were performed to determine T1 values in wild type mice. Using the calculated T1s, myocardial lipid content of non-diabetic db/+, diabetic db/db, and diabetic db/db mice after pioglitazone treatment was quantified via corrections for partial saturation effects.

Phase SD did not vary for different repetition times (TR), and was 13.1° ± 4.5°. Maximal amplitude SD was 14.2% ± 5.1% at TR = 500 ms. Myocardial T1 values (mean ± SD) were quantified for water (1.71 ± 0.25 s), taurine (2.18 ± 0.62 s), trimethylamine from choline- containing compounds and carnitine (1.67 ± 0.25 s), creatine-methyl (1.34 ± 0.19 s), triglyceride-methylene (0.60 ± 0.15 s), and triglyceride-methyl (0.90 ± 0.17 s) protons. Myocardial lipid content, as determined from the triglyceride-methylene resonance, was 70% higher in diabetic compared with non-diabetic mice, but was normalized to the levels of non- diabetic mice after pioglitazone treatment.

This work provides in vivo quantifications of proton T1 values for mouse myocardial water and metabolites, and its application for the quantification of myocardial lipids in diabetic mice.

Keywords 1 H MRS, PRESS, saturation-recovery, metabolite T1 relaxation, myocardial metabolism, diabetic mouse heart


Quantification of myocardial metabolites in vivo using 1H MRS

5.1. Introduction

Myocardial metabolism has become an important area of preclinical research, as metabolic derangements have been implicated in the pathogenesis of many forms of heart disease, including diabetic cardiomyopathy (17, 18). The accumulation of lipids in the diabetic heart has been thought to play a role in the development of diabetic cardiomyopathy through the effect of lipotoxicity (40). Myocardial lipid accumulation may induce myocardial fibrosis, which can contribute to left ventricular stiffness and diastolic dysfunction (14, 25, 28). Indeed, data from diabetic patients show that increased myocardial lipid content is an independent predictor of cardiac diastolic dysfunction (32), which occurs prior to the development of systolic dysfunction (26).

A wealth of mouse models is available to investigate the pathophysiology of diabetes and heart disease (27). Mouse models are invaluable for investigations at genetic and molecular levels, assessment of novel pharmaceutical interventions, as well as study designs with well-controlled conditions. To this end, longitudinal investigations of the in vivo mouse heart have assumed a major role in cardiac research. Proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy (1H MRS) is a powerful, noninvasive technique to assess myocardial content of metabolites such as lipids (13, 31, 35, 37) and creatine (6, 29, 39) in vivo, and can be combined with MRI to quantify heart morphology and function. Whereas MRI has become the gold standard for quantification of cardiac function in mice (15), the application of 1H MRS for a quantitative in vivo assessment of mouse myocardial metabolism has not been widely established yet (16, 24).

For MRS to be of quantitative value, signal acquisition needs to be accurately localized to the region of interest, while minimizing potential contamination with signal originating from surrounding tissue. To achieve a localized signal acquisition devoid of motion artifacts in cardiac applications, synchronization of the MR sequence with the cardiac cycle is required. This can be realized using the electrocardiogram (ECG) R-wave to prospectively trigger acquisitions. In humans, respiratory effects can be eliminated by instructing the subjects to hold their breath during acquisition (31). Alternatively, a navigator signal can be used to exclude signal acquisitions during respiration, allowing the subjects to breathe freely (37). For anesthetized small animal experiments, a breath-hold approach would require intubation, which is not favorable due to its invasive nature (41). Instead, both ECG and respiratory signals, typically monitored to assess the degree of anesthesia, can be used to orchestrate cardiac-triggered and respiratory-gated acquisitions (7).

Prospective gating will lead to variability in the effective repetition time (TR). Moreover, to reduce experimental time, spectra are often not acquired under fully-relaxed conditions (2, 22,

33), which induces metabolite-specific T1-dependent partial saturation effects. These saturation effects will yield complex modulations of signal amplitudes if steady-state conditions are violated by variation in TR due to gating, consequently hampering a quantitative evaluation of the spectra. Hence, maintaining steady-state of magnetization when measuring at TR<5×T1 (33), as well as correcting for partial saturation effects are required for quantitative analysis of the spectra (5). These requirements, combined with the small heart size (~100 mg) and the high heart rate (>400 beats per minute) compared to humans (~300 g, ~80 beats per minute), impose major challenges for cardiac application of in vivo quantitative 1H MRS in the mouse.


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Approaches to perform mouse cardiac MRI and MRS under steady-state conditions have been developed (7) and applied (33) previously. However, to include corrections for partial saturation effects in a quantitative analysis of tissue metabolite content, T1 relaxation time constants of the metabolites under investigation need to be known. Here, we present quantitative in vivo measurements of proton T1 values of mouse myocardial water and metabolites at 9.4 T. Saturation-recovery experiments were performed with single-voxel localized 1H MRS. A physiologically-derived acquisition timing strategy was employed, ensuring accurate cardiac triggering and respiratory gating, whilst maintaining steady-state of magnetization through dummy pulses during respiration (1, 2, 33). Localized 1H MRS was then applied to determine the modulation of myocardial lipid levels in diabetic mice after treatment with the anti-diabetic drug pioglitazone. Piaglitazone has been shown to improve diabetes by increasing lipid synthesis in adipose tissue (42). Therefore, we hypothesized that pioglitazone also reduces ectopic lipid accumulation in the heart.

5.2. Methods

5.2.1. Animals

All procedures were reviewed and approved by the Animal Ethics Committee of Maastricht University (Maastricht, The Netherlands). A group of male C57BL/6 wild type mice (n=10; Charles River, Maastricht, The Netherlands) was used for the quantification of myocardial proton

T1 relaxation time. Myocardial lipid content was quantified in female C57BL/Ks db/+ non- diabetic mice (n=8) and C57BL/Ks db/db diabetic mice (n=9), at 7 and 13 weeks of age. After the measurements at 7 weeks of age, a subset of diabetic mice (n=4) was treated with pioglitazone admixed in chow (0.17 mg/g chow; Bio Services, Uden, The Netherlands) for 6 weeks, resulted in an average daily dose of 37.4 ± 3.1 mg/kg body weight. Prior to MR measurements, the animals were anesthetized with 2-3% isoflurane in 0.4 L/min medical air, and positioned supine in a support cradle. During the MR measurements, anesthesia was maintained via a continuous flow of 0.4 L/min of medical air with 1-1.5% isoflurane through a nose cone. Body temperature was maintained at 37.0 ± 0.5 °C with a warm water flow integrated in the setup, and monitored with a rectal fiber optic probe. To allow for cardiac triggering of MR acquisitions and monitoring of heart rate during anesthesia, conductive paste (Ten20, Weaver and Company, Aurora, CO, USA) was applied to the front paws, which were then fixed with medical tape onto copper-plated ECG electrodes integrated in the anesthesia mask. A pneumatic pillow (Graseby, Watford, UK) was taped onto the abdomen to obtain a respiratory signal for monitoring and gating. Vital signs were monitored and used to derive cardiac triggers and respiratory gates (Fig. 5.1A) for MR acquisitions with the SA Monitoring and Gating System (Model 1015, Small Animal Instruments, Stony Brook, NY, USA).

5.2.2. MR protocol

The setup was inserted into a horizontal-bore 9.4 T (400 MHz for 1H) magnet (Magnex Scientific, Oxon, UK), which was interfaced to a Bruker Avance III console (Bruker Biospin, Ettlingen, Germany), and controlled by the ParaVision 5.0 software package (Bruker Biospin). The system was equipped with a gradient set capable of delivering 740 mT/m at maximum


Quantification of myocardial metabolites in vivo using 1H MRS

amplitude and a slew rate of 6600 T/m/s. A quadrature-driven birdcage coil (Ø 35 mm, Bruker Biospin) was used for RF transmission and signal reception.

Figure 5.1. PRESS localized 1H MRS. (a) Timing strategy for single-voxel localized 1H MRS of the in vivo mouse heart. Electrocardiogram (ECG) and respiratory signal (Resp) are used to derive a trigger signal (Trig) synchronizing the acquisition scheme (Acq) with the cardiac cycle during the respiratory plateau. A trigger delay Δ shifts the water suppression module (WS) and the PRESS-localized acquisition (P) towards the diastolic phases of two consecutive cardiac cycles. If no trigger is detected during a <30 ms window for trigger detection (*), e.g., during respiratory gates, a dummy sequence (D) is performed to maintain steady-state of magnetization. (b) Pulse sequence diagram for PRESS. Crusher gradients are depicted in grey. TE, echo time; RF, radiofrequency transmission and reception; 3 Gx, Gy, Gz, orthogonal gradient directions. Position of the 1 × 2 × 2 mm voxel in the interventricular septum, in (c) a 4-chamber long-axis view and (d) an equatorial short-axis view.

After global shimming and radiofrequency (RF) pulse calibration, a segmented, prospectively cardiac-triggered and respiratory-gated FLASH sequence was used to collect cine MRI series of an equatorial left-ventricular (LV) short-axis slice, an apical and a basal slice contiguous to the equatorial slice, and 4- and 2-chamber long-axis slices (34). Imaging parameters were: field of view = 30 × 30 mm2; matrix = 192 × 192; TE = 1.8 ms; TR = 7 ms; flip angle = 15°; number of averages (NA) = 6; 16-18 frames per cardiac cycle after ECG R-wave upslope detection.

Using the cine MR images for anatomical reference, a 1 × 2 × 2 mm3 voxel for localized 1H MRS was positioned in the diastolic interventricular septum (Fig. 5.1C and Fig. 5.1D) to avoid potential contamination of the signal with pericardial lipids (33). Spectra were acquired using a cardiac-triggered and respiratory-gated single-voxel point resolved spectroscopy (PRESS) (4) sequence (Fig. 5.1B). To maintain a steady-state of magnetization, dummy scans were performed during respiratory gates (7), allowing a window of <30 ms for trigger detection (2).


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As such, the effective TR could be kept nearly constant. Localized acquisition was timed at ~75% of the cardiac cycle in the diastolic phase, typically requiring a trigger delay (Δ) of 80- 100 ms after ECG R-wave upslope detection (Fig. 5.1A). PRESS pulse parameters were: 0.4 ms Hermite-shaped 90° excitation pulse (bandwidth = 32.9 ppm); 0.9 ms Mao-type 180° refocusing pulses (bandwidth = 15.5 ppm). TE was minimized to 9.1 ms to reduce signal loss due to T2 relaxation as well as additional signal loss due to motion. Volume-selective shimming of the region of interest was performed by positioning a 4 μL shim box in the interventricular septum using the same PRESS sequence, while manually adjusting the shim settings to minimize the water line width to ~35 Hz. Suppression of the dominant water signal was achieved by preceding the localization sequence with a cardiac-triggered and respiratory-gated chemical shift selective (CHESS) water suppression module (20) consisting of three frequency- selective 21.6 ms Hermite-shaped RF excitation pulses (bandwidth = 250 Hz), each followed by dephasing gradients in orthogonal directions. Total CHESS module duration was 90.8 ms, which fitted just within one cardiac cycle (Fig. 5.1A), minimizing the delay between water suppression during one cycle and signal acquisition in the next, thus optimizing water suppression efficiency (33). PRESS saturation-recovery experiments in healthy mice

To determine mouse myocardial water and metabolite T1 relaxation time constants, PRESS- localized saturation-recovery experiments were performed in the diastolic interventricular septum. Water spectra were acquired with the CHESS module enabled but the RF pulses turned off at TR = 500, 800, 1000, 1500, 2000, 3000, 4000, and 6000 ms; on-resonance on water. The acquisition was repeated 32 times (number of repetition NR = 32), with NA = 1 for each spectrum. Water-suppressed spectra were acquired in the same voxel at TR = 500, 800, 1000, 1500, 2000, 3000, 4000, and 6000 ms; on-resonance on the methyl protons of creatine

(Cr-CH3), 1.71 ppm upfield of water (2.99 ppm); number of averages = 512-128. To reach steady-state conditions, dummy scans (2 for TR = 6000 ms to 16 for TR = 500 ms) were applied prior to acquisition of the first spectra. PRESS experiments in diabetic mice In non-diabetic and diabetic mice, the water and water-suppressed spectra were acquired at TR = 2000 ms (NR = 32, NA = 1 for the water spectra; NR = 1, NA = 256 for the water- suppressed spectra). Other parameters were kept the same as in the wild type mice.

5.2.3. Data analysis

Spectra were fitted in the time domain using AMARES in jMRUI (38). Individual water peaks (4.70 ppm) were fitted to Lorentzian line shapes to obtain line widths, frequencies, zero-order phases, and amplitudes. For each TR, the summed water spectrum was used as a reference for initial phasing the corresponding water-suppressed spectrum. The prominent triglyceride- methylene (TG-CH2-) peak was set at 1.28 ppm as an internal chemical shift reference in the water-suppressed spectra. Other peaks were assigned according to literature reports (19, 36). To accommodate potential line broadening effects due to averaging of signals with small frequency differences, metabolite peaks were fitted to Gaussian line shapes with equal zero- order phase.


Quantification of myocardial metabolites in vivo using 1H MRS Signal stability In the wild type group, per mouse and per TR, the series of 32 water spectra was used to assess signal stability via the standard deviations (SD) of signal zero-order phase and amplitude (23, 33). Zero-order phase SD is reported in degrees (°), and amplitude SD is given as a percentage of the mean amplitude. Because series of water spectra were acquired in multiple mice, we report the mean ± SD of the SDs per TR. Proton T1 relaxation time and metabolite content in healthy mice Peak amplitudes (M) of water from the average of 32 spectra, taurine (Tau; 3.39 ppm), trimethylamine from choline-containing compounds and carnitine (TMA; 3.21 ppm), Cr-CH3, TG-

CH2-, and TG-methyl (TG-CH3; 0.84 ppm) from the saturation-recovery experiments were used as input for fitting mono-exponential functions to estimate longitudinal relaxation rates (R1), fully-relaxed magnetization magnitudes (M0), and potential deviations (δ) from TR due to the delay for trigger detection via M = M0 {1 - exp[-(TR + δ) R1]}. Repeatability of the saturation- recovery experiments was assessed via the repeatability coefficient of myocardial water R1 values, defined as twice the SD of the difference in R1 (ΔR1) between two separate measurements in the same mice within a 1-3 week interval (n=5). To quantify the myocardial metabolite content per mouse, metabolite M0 was divided by the corresponding water M0, thus reporting metabolite content as a percentage of the fully-relaxed water signal. Myocardial lipid content in diabetic mice

Myocardial lipid content was quantified from the prominent TG-CH2- peak expressed as TG-CH2-

M0 normalized to water M0 (corrected for partial saturation effects). TG-CH2- M0 and water M0 were calculated using the equation in section B above, with M is the acquired signal magnitude,

TR = 2000 ms, and T1 is 600 ms, as determined from the fitting of the saturation-recovery experiments for TG-CH2- in wild type mice.

5.3. Results

5.3.1. Signal stability

Using cardiac-triggered and respiratory-gated PRESS-localized 1H-MRS acquisitions, we obtained water spectra and water-suppressed spectra in the in vivo mouse myocardium at physiological heart rates (541 ± 33 beats per minute). Water line width did not vary for different TR, and was 27.9 ± 6.9 Hz when averaged over all TR and all mice, indicating good magnetic field homogeneity in the 4 µL voxels of interest. Likewise, fluctuations of the water frequency were small (SD: 0.0082 ± 0.0062 ppm). Signal stability in terms of zero-order phase fluctuations and amplitude variations of the water signal are displayed for each TR in Fig. 5.2. Zero-order phase SD did not vary for different TR (Fig. 5.2A), and was 13.1° ± 4.5° on average. Amplitude SD was 14.2% ± 5.1% at TR = 500 ms, which slightly decreased with increasing TR, resulting in an amplitude SD of 6.6% ± 3.0% at TR = 6000 ms (P<0.05, two-sided paired t-test; Fig. 5.2B). Combined, these data demonstrate good signal stability and an adequate maintenance of steady-state conditions.


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Figure 5.2. Water signal stability for cardiac-triggered and respiratory-gated PRESS- localized 1H MRS of the in vivo mouse heart, with steady-state maintenance during respiratory gates. Mean zero-order phase fluctuations (A) and amplitude variations (B) were determined for each TR, using 32 water spectra per mouse (n=10) per TR. Data are presented as mean SDs, with error bars representing the SD of the SDs.

5.3.2. T1 relaxation time constants

With the capability to maintain steady-state of magnetization, we performed saturation- recovery experiments to estimate in vivo proton T1 relaxation time constants of mouse myocardial water and metabolites at 9.4 T. A saturation-recovery series of water-suppressed spectra acquired in an individual mouse is shown in Fig. 5.3. Nine resonance peaks could be distinguished and are annotated in the spectrum acquired at TR = 6000 ms (Fig. 5.3). Mean saturation-recovery curves for water, Cr-CH3, and TG-CH2- are plotted in Fig. 5.4. For water and five metabolite peaks (Tau, TMA from choline-containing compounds and carnitine, Cr-CH3, TG-

CH2-, and TG-CH3), T1 relaxation time constants could be determined in five or more animals (Table 5.1). Deviations (δ) from TR, as estimated from the offset on the time axis of the saturation-recovery curve, were small: 23.8 ± 18.5 ms when averaged over all curves for all metabolites in all mice, which is in agreement with the <30 ms window allowed for trigger -1 detection. The repeatability coefficient for myocardial water R1 was 0.18 s , with the mean ΔR1 close to zero (0.0078 ± 0.089 s-1), indicating absence of systematic measurement errors.

Knowledge of water as well as metabolite T1 relaxation time constants allowed for the correction of partial saturation effects to obtain quantitative values of mouse myocardial metabolite content. Metabolite tissue levels, expressed as a percentage of the water signal, are collected in Table 5.1.


Quantification of myocardial metabolites in vivo using 1H MRS

Figure 5.3. Saturation-recovery series of water-suppressed spectra acquired in the in vivo mouse 1 heart with PRESS-localized H MRS. The prominent triglyceride-methylene (TG-CH2-) peak was used as a chemical shift reference at 1.28 ppm. Tau, taurine (3.39 ppm); TMA, trimethylamine (3.21 ppm); Cr-

CH3, creatine-methyl (2.99 ppm); TG-CH3, triglyceride-methyl (0.84 ppm). Annotations of numbered peaks: 1, TG-CH=CH-CH2-CH=CH- (2.72 ppm); 2, TG-CαH2COO (2.21 ppm); 3, TG-CH2-CH=CH-CH2-

(1.99 ppm); 4, TG-CβH2CH2COO (1.57 ppm).

Figure 5.4. Mean saturation-recovery curves for in vivo mouse (A) myocardial water (n=10), (B) creatine-methyl (Cr-CH3; n=5), and (C) triglyceride-methylene (TG-CH2-; n=8) protons obtained with

PRESS-localized acquisitions at 9.4 T. Per mouse, the acquired water, Cr-CH3, and TG-CH2- signal amplitudes at each repetition time were normalized to the corresponding M0 of water, Cr-CH3 and TG-

CH2-, respectively. For comparison, signal amplitudes are expressed as a percentage of water M0. Error bars represent SD.


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Table 5.1. In vivo water and metabolite T1 relaxation time constants and tissue metabolite content for mouse myocardium determined with PRESS-localized saturation-recovery 1H MRS experiments at 9.4 T.

a Chemical shift T1 relaxation time constant Metabolite content (ppm) (s) (% of water) Water (n=10) 4.70 1.71 ± 0.25 Tau (n=8) 3.39 2.18 ± 0.62 0.099 ± 0.026 TMA (n=8) 3.21 1.67 ± 0.25 0.108 ± 0.040

Cr-CH3 (n=5) 2.99 1.34 ± 0.19 0.056 ± 0.037

TG-CH2- (n=8) 1.28 0.60 ± 0.15 0.477 ± 0.114

TG-CH3 (n=6) 0.84 0.90 ± 0.17 0.098 ± 0.038 aCorrected for partial saturation effects. Data are expressed as mean ± SD. Tau, taurine; TMA, trimethylamine from choline-containing compounds and carnitine; Cr-CH3, creatine-methyl; TG-CH2-, triglyceride-methylene; TG-CH3, triglyceride-methyl. TMA, trimethylamine (3.21 ppm); Cr-CH3, creatine- methyl (2.99 ppm); TG-CH3, triglyceride-methyl (0.84 ppm). Annotations of numbered peaks: 1, TG-

CH=CH-CH2-CH=CH- (2.72 ppm); 2, TG-CαH2COO (2.21 ppm); 3, TG-CH2-CH=CH-CH2- (1.99 ppm); 4, TG-

CβH2CH2COO (1.57 ppm).

5.3.3. Myocardial lipid content in diabetic mice

As a realistic test of the usefulness of the developed technique, we applied the technique to measure myocardial lipid content in diabetic mice at baseline, and after 6 weeks of pioglitazone treatment. At 7 weeks, myocardial lipid (TG-CH2-) levels were significantly higher in diabetic db/db mice compared with non-diabetic db/+ mice (Fig. 5.5). This was also the case at 13 weeks for untreated db/db mice, while pioglitazone treatment normalized myocardial lipid levels to the levels of db/+ mice (Fig. 5.5).

Figure 5.5. Myocardial TG-CH2- levels as a percentage of water signal, corrected for partial saturation effects (white: db/+ (n=8), black: non-treated db/db (n=5), hatched: db/db (n=4) before pioglitazone treatment (7 weeks of age) and after pioglitazone treatment (13 weeks of age), *P<0.05, **P<0.01, ***P < 0.001).


Quantification of myocardial metabolites in vivo using 1H MRS

5.4. Discussion and Conclusions

Besides an accurate localization of signal acquisition, a steady-state of magnetization is required for 1H MRS to be a quantitative tool for the in vivo assessment of myocardial metabolism (33).

In addition, a correction for partial saturation effects when measuring at TR<5×T1 requires knowledge of T1 relaxation time constants (5). With the capability to maintain steady-state of magnetization (1, 2), we performed quantitative in vivo assessments of proton T1 values for myocardial metabolites in the mouse heart. Prior assessments of metabolite T1 values at 9.4 T were limited to the rat brain (10, 11). Notably, the current results for metabolite T1 values in the mouse myocardium are consistent with those obtained in rat brain, with a relatively long T1 relaxation time constant for Tau (this work: 2.2 ± 0.6 s vs. brain: 2.3 ± 0.4 s (11) and 2.6 ±

0.2 s (10)), and short T1 values for lipid-associated peaks (TG-CH2- in this work: 0.60 ± 0.15 s vs. brain: 0.58 ± 0.02 s (11) and 0.51 ± 0.07 s (10)). The T1 value for mouse myocardial water reported here (1.71 ± 0.25 s) is in close agreement with a previous study that used MRI to map

T1 values (1.76 ± 0.17 s) of mouse myocardial water at 9.4 T (8). Furthermore, the -1 repeatability coefficient of water R1 values achieved in the current study (0.18 s ) is similar to -1 those reported for MRI T1 relaxometry (0.14 - 0.21 s (8)).

In previous reports, in vivo assessment of myocardial metabolite content using 1H MRS under steady-state conditions was shown to correlate strongly with standard biochemical assays on ex vivo tissue, both for Cr-CH3 (30) and triglycerides (2, 3). In contrast, not adhering to steady- 1 state conditions if TR<5×T1 can be a source of discrepancy between H MRS-based quantifications and biochemical assays (22). Our data indicate that at 9.4 T, a long TR (~10 s) is needed to assess the levels of water, Tau, TMA and Cr-CH3 under fully relaxed conditions, whereas fully relaxed signals of myocardial TG resonances can be obtained at considerably shorter TR (~5 s). Measuring at fully relaxed conditions may therefore be an alternative approach to quantitatively assess myocardial levels of metabolites with short T1, e.g., lipids, within an acceptable experimental time without implementing a physiologically-derived timing strategy for dummy scans as used here and elsewhere (33).

For absolute quantification of metabolite concentrations using 1H MRS, knowledge of the number of protons in the compound of interest is required. As the composition of TG can vary, e.g., due to dietary intake or pathophysiology, absolute quantification of in vivo lipid concentrations is not straightforward. Moreover, tissue water content must be determined for the water signal to be used as a quantification reference (35). In addition, to correct for signal loss due to T2 relaxation during TE, metabolite T2 relaxation time constants need to be known. In stationary tissue, metabolite T2 values are typically assessed by acquiring series of spectra at multiple TEs.

In the mouse myocardium, this approach would lead to an underestimation of T2 values, due to additional cardiac motion-induced signal loss at longer TEs. Therefore, assessment of myocardial metabolite T2 values requires an alternative approach, in which T2 weighting is performed prior to signal localization. Recently, a nonselective T2 preparation module (MLEV) was introduced to map mouse myocardial water T2 values with MRI (9). Incorporating this MLEV preparation in combination with a water suppression module to precede 1H MRS signal localization could be the next step towards absolute quantification of mouse myocardial metabolite concentrations.


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Using cardiac-triggered and respiratory-gated PRESS-localized 1H MRS, we demonstrated the quantification of myocardial lipid content in diabetic mice, which was corrected for partial saturation using the T1 relaxation time constants. Myocardial lipid content was higher in diabetic compared with non-diabetic mice, but was normalized after 6 weeks of pioglitazone treatment. Pioglitazone is an anti-diabetic drug, which action involves redistribution of ectopic lipid from non-adipose tissues into adipose tissue. The mechanism has been thought to involve adipocyte differentiation to increase the capacity of adipose tissue to store lipids (12, 21, 42). This results in lower plasma lipid levels, and hence, may lead to reduced myocardial lipid uptake and accumulation (12, 21).

In conclusion, this work reports a quantitative in vivo assessment of mouse myocardial proton

T1 relaxation time constants for water, Tau, TMA, Cr-H3, TG-CH2-, and TG-CH3, and its application for the quantification of myocardial lipids in diabetic mice. Using saturation-recovery experiments with single-voxel localized 1H MRS, we obtained results that are in good agreement with published T1 values for rat brain at 9.4 T. With the anticipated increase of interest in in vivo cardiac phenotyping of mouse models of metabolic derangements (24), the data presented here will be of value for future quantitative 1H MRS studies and provide a basis towards absolute quantification of metabolite concentrations in the in vivo mouse heart.

5.5. Acknowledgement

This work was supported by VIDI grants (project number 700.58.421 and 016.086.336 to J.J.P. and S.M.H., respectively) from the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO).

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Myocardial steatosis is an independent predictor of diastolic dysfunction in type 2 diabetes mellitus. J Am Coll Cardiol 52: 1793-1799, 2008. 33. Schneider JE, Tyler DJ, ten Hove M, Sang AE, Cassidy PJ, Fischer A, Wallis J, Sebag- Montefiore LM, Watkins H, Isbrandt D, Clarke K, and Neubauer S. In vivo cardiac 1H-MRS in the mouse. Magn Reson Med 52: 1029-1035, 2004. 34. Schneider JE, Wiesmann F, Lygate CA, and Neubauer S. How to perform an accurate assessment of cardiac function in mice using high-resolution magnetic resonance imaging. J Cardiovasc Magn Reson 8: 693-701, 2006. 35. Szczepaniak LS, Dobbins RL, Metzger GJ, Sartoni-D'Ambrosia G, Arbique D, Vongpatanasin W, Unger R, and Victor RG. Myocardial triglycerides and systolic function in humans: in vivo evaluation by localized proton spectroscopy and cardiac imaging. Magn Reson Med 49: 417-423, 2003. 36. Ugurbil K, Petein M, Maidan R, Michurski S, Cohn JN, and From AH. High resolution proton NMR studies of perfused rat hearts. 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42. Yang KJ, Noh JR, Kim YH, Gang GT, Hwang JH, Yang SJ, Yeom YI, and Lee CH. Differential modulatory effects of rosiglitazone and pioglitazone on white adipose tissue in db/db mice. Life Sci 87: 405-410, 2010.


Chapter 6

In vivo 31P MR spectroscopy of the mouse heart using respiratory-gated and cardiac-triggered 3D ISIS

Adrianus J. Bakermans1,2*, Desiree Abdurrachim1*, Bastiaan J. van Nierop1, Inge van der Kroon1, Gustav J. Strijkers1,3, Sander M. Houten4, Klaas Nicolay1, and Jeanine J. Prompers1

1Biomedical NMR, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven, The Netherlands 2Department of Radiology, Academic Medical Center, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands 3Biomedical Engineering and Physics, Academic Medical Center, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands 4Laboratory Genetic Metabolic Diseases, Department of Clinical Chemistry, and Department of Pediatrics, Emma Children’s Hospital, Academic Medical Center, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

*both authors contributed equally

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Phosphorous-31 magnetic resonance spectroscopy (31P MRS) provides a unique non-invasive window on the myocardial energy status. Mouse models of human cardiac disease are widely used in preclinical studies, but application of 31P MRS in the in vivo mouse heart has been limited. The small-sized, fast-beating mouse heart imposes challenges regarding localized signal acquisition devoid of contamination with signal originating from surrounding tissues. Here, we report the implementation of 3D Image Selected In vivo Spectroscopy (ISIS) for single-voxel localized 31P MRS of the in vivo mouse heart at 9.4 T.

A respiratory-gated, cardiac-triggered 3D ISIS sequence was used, whilst maintaining a steady state of magnetization with dummy excitations during respiratory gates to ensure a constant repetition time. Cardiac 31P MR spectra were acquired in vivo in the left ventricle of healthy mice and of transverse aortic constricted (TAC) mice. Localization and potential signal contamination were assessed with 31P MRS experiments in the anterior myocardial wall, liver, skeletal muscle and blood.

The myocardial energy status, assessed via the phosphocreatine (PCr) to ATP ratio, was ~25% lower in TAC mice compared to controls (0.76 ± 0.13 vs. 1.00 ± 0.15; P<0.01). Contamination of the spectra with signal from ATP in the blood was marginal (~4%). Localization with 1D ISIS resulted in two-fold higher PCr/ATP ratio than measured with 3D ISIS, which could be attributed to high PCr levels of chest skeletal muscle that contaminate the signal measured with 1D ISIS. Absence of the PCr resonance in 31P MR spectra acquired in the liver confirmed accurate localization with 3D ISIS.

Respiratory-gated and cardiac-triggered 3D ISIS allows for the non-invasive detection of a disturbed myocardial energy homeostasis with 31P MRS in the in vivo mouse, and can be combined with MRI measurements of cardiac function in the same experimental session.

Keywords energy metabolism, heart failure, ISIS, mouse, 31P MRS, transverse aortic constriction (TAC)


Mouse cardiac 31P MR spectroscopy

6.1. Introduction

Mouse models are widely used in preclinical studies on the pathogenesis of cardiomyopathies. Disturbed myocardial energy metabolism has been identified as an important contributor to the development of cardiomyopathy (33). Assessment of the myocardial energy status is therefore instrumental in characterizing disease progression or treatment response. The high-energy phosphates adenosine 5’-triphosphate (ATP) and phosphocreatine (PCr) are essential for providing energy for cellular processes such as sarcomere contraction in cardiomyocytes, and for energy transport and buffering. The inherent instability of high-energy phosphates compromises accurate assessment of the myocardial energy status with traditional biochemical techniques, which require disruptive or terminal biopsies, precluding longitudinal in vivo investigations. Many magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and, to a lesser extent, spectroscopy (MRS) methods have been introduced to study the in vivo mouse heart noninvasively (9, 11, 22). Application of these methods allows for longitudinal studies of disease progression and an assessment of the effects of therapeutic strategies.

Phosphorous-31 MRS (31P MRS) is the only method that provides a non-invasive window on in vivo high-energy phosphates (33). Localized signal acquisition is essential to restrict the obtained spectrum to the heart, excluding signal from nearby liver tissue or chest skeletal muscle. Localization methods for 31P MRS include single-voxel as well as chemical shift imaging (CSI) approaches. 31P CSI allows for an assessment of regional differences in myocardial energy status (46), but is susceptible to intervoxel signal contamination due to Fourier bleeding (20). In contrast, single-voxel localization with 3D Image Selected In vivo Spectroscopy (ISIS) (36) leads to a better defined voxel shape (10), but voxel size is typically much larger compared to CSI, and commonly includes the whole left ventricle (LV) (35). Nowadays, both CSI and ISIS approaches are applied for human cardiac 31P MRS (5).

Localized 31P MRS of the in vivo mouse heart is very challenging due the small organ size (~100 mg), the high heart rate (> 400 beats/min), and the intrinsically low sensitivity of 31P MRS (only 6.65% of the proton (1H) sensitivity). Methods for in vivo 1D and 2D 31P CSI of the mouse heart were initially demonstrated in healthy mice (8) and in a transgenic mouse model for cardiomyopathy (12). These experiments were performed at a constant TR, which is essential for a reliable signal quantification. Remarkably, none of these methods used cardiac triggering or respiratory gating to account for physiological motion of the tissue of interest. Together with the effects of Fourier bleeding in CSI methods, tissue displacement could lead to contamination of the spectrum with signal from the liver, blood, and/or chest skeletal muscle.

One early study describes the application of cardiac-triggered 3D ISIS for in vivo 31P MRS of the mouse heart (35), which until now has not been pursued by other research groups. While cardiac triggering was used in those experiments to synchronize the acquisitions with the cardiac cycle, no measures were taken to ensure a constant TR (35). A constant TR is important for accurate localization when applying ISIS under partially saturated conditions (i.e., if

TR<5×T1), as variations in TR can lead to signal contamination (21, 28) as well as modulations of signal amplitudes due to T1-dependent partial saturation effects. These initial experiments were performed at 2.35 T and required a lengthy experimental time of almost 3 hours. At higher


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field strengths, scan time can possibly be reduced to acceptable values while maintaining sufficient SNR for signal quantification.

Here, we report the implementation of 3D ISIS for single-voxel localized 31P MRS of the in vivo mouse heart at 9.4 T. Because 3D ISIS is a multi-shot localization method and hence particularly sensitive to motion artifacts, we employed both respiratory gating and cardiac triggering whilst maintaining a steady state of magnetization with dummy excitations during respiratory gates to ensure a constant TR (2). To demonstrate suitability for cardiac applications, the method was applied to a well-characterized mouse model of heart failure (31, 37). Cardiac functional parameters were quantified using MR images obtained during the same experimental session, which could typically be completed well within 2 hours.

6.2. Methods

6.2.1. Animals

Male C57BL/6 mice (n=8; body weight = 26.2 ± 2.6 g) underwent transverse aortic constriction (TAC) surgery as described previously (44). Anesthesia was induced using 2-3% isoflurane in

0.4 L/min flow of 1:1 O2:medical air, after which mice were intubated for mechanical ventilation. Analgesia was provided using buprenorphine (0.1 mg/kg subcutaneous). An incision was made above the first intercostal space to gain access to the aortic arch. The aorta was tied off together with a 27 G needle between the innominate artery and the left common carotid artery with a 6-0 silk suture. Subsequent needle removal left an aortic stenosis, inducing LV pressure-overload. The chest was closed and the intubation tube was removed to allow full recovery. Seven weeks after surgery, MR data were acquired as described below. Healthy mice (n=9; body weight = 24.4 ± 2.0 g) served as controls. Following the MR measurements, anesthetized mice were sacrificed by exsanguination. Blood was collected in EDTA tubes for ex vivo analysis with 31P MRS. All procedures were approved by the Animal Ethics Committee of Maastricht University (Maastricht, The Netherlands).

6.2.2. MR protocol

Mice were anesthetized with 2-3% isoflurane in 0.4 L/min flow of medical air and positioned prone in a purpose-built support cradle above a custom-built, actively decoupled, two-turn 31P surface coil (Ø 15 mm) for signal reception. Anesthesia was maintained with 1.2-1.6% isoflurane in a continuous flow of 0.4 L/min medical air. The front paws were taped onto gold- coated ECG electrodes integrated in the anesthesia mask. A respiratory balloon was positioned underneath the lower abdomen. Vital signs were monitored and used for MR gating and triggering by the SA Monitoring and Gating System 1025 (Small Animal Instruments, Stony Brook, NY, USA). Mouse body temperature was maintained using a heating pad with integrated warm water flow, and monitored with an external abdominal fiber optic probe. The setup was inserted into a horizontal-bore 9.4 T magnet (Magnex Scientific, Oxon, UK), interfaced to a Bruker Avance III console (Bruker Biospin MRI, Ettlingen, Germany), and controlled by the ParaVision 5.0 software package (Bruker Biospin). The system was equipped with a 740 mT/m gradient set, and a volume coil (Ø 54 mm) composed of a quadrature 1H birdcage resonator and


Mouse cardiac 31P MR spectroscopy

a linear 31P birdcage resonator (RAPID Biomedical, Rimpar, Germany), used for 1H MRI and shimming, and for radiofrequency transmission for 31P MRS, respectively.

Scout 1H MR images were acquired to confirm positioning of the heart within the sensitive area of the 31P surface coil. A segmented, prospectively cardiac-triggered, respiratory-gated fast low- angle shot sequence was used to acquire cine 1H MR image series of 16-18 frames per cardiac cycle. Four 1-mm LV short-axis slices were complemented with 4- and 2-chamber long-axis views, and used for quantification of LV function and morphology as well as for anatomical reference during 3D ISIS voxel planning for localized 31P MRS. Imaging parameters were: field of view 30 × 30 mm2; matrix = 128 × 128; TE = 1.8 ms; TR = 7 ms; flip angle = 15°; number of averages (NA) = 4. Total acquisition time was ≈ 20 minutes.

Subsequently, an 11 × 11 × 11 mm3 cubic voxel in the sensitive area of the surface coil was 1 shimmed manually by minimizing the H2O line width, acquired with a respiratory-gated, cardiac-triggered point resolved spectroscopy sequence (4). Calibration of the 31P sinc excitation pulse (pulse length = 1.2 ms; bandwidth = 32.0 ppm) was performed by varying pulse power to achieve maximal signal from a spherical phantom (Ø 5 mm; 15 M phosphoric acid) positioned underneath the 31P surface coil. After removal of the phantom, unlocalized pulse-acquire 31P MR spectra were obtained from a subset of animals (n=5 per group) to assess metabolite T1 values using conventional saturation-recovery experiments. Parameters were: 1.2 ms 90° sinc excitation pulse; bandwidth = 32.0 ppm; γ-ATP on resonance; TR = 500, 1000, 2000, 4000, 6000, and 15000 ms; NA = 1024 - 32.

Next, a respiratory-gated, cardiac-triggered 3D ISIS sequence was used for localized cardiac 31P MRS. Dependent on heart size, a voxel (control: 174 ± 9 μL, TAC: 326 ± 43 μL) was positioned to enclose the end-diastolic LV, carefully excluding the liver and chest skeletal muscle (Fig. 6.1A and Fig. 6.1B). 3D ISIS parameters were: TR ≈ 2 seconds; NA = 768 (96 3D ISIS cycles) preceded by 1 dummy cycle; 6.25 ms 180° adiabatic hyperbolic secant inversion pulses (bandwidth = 37.5 ppm); 1.2 ms 90° sinc excitation pulse (bandwidth = 32.0 ppm); γ-ATP on resonance; 2048 acquisition points. Triggering was timed at ECG R-wave upslope detection. Respiratory gating causes fluctuations in effective TR, leading to variations in longitudinal magnetization between subsequent acquisitions. If longitudinal magnetization is not equal at the start of all eight acquisitions within one 3D ISIS cycle, cancellation of unwanted signals in the addition/subtraction scheme is incomplete. Thus, when measuring at TR<5×T1, a constant TR is required to minimize signal contamination. Moreover, measuring at constant TR prevents complex modulations of signal amplitudes that hamper corrections for partial saturation effects. Therefore, we performed unlocalized dummy excitation pulses during respiratory gates to achieve an essentially constant TR of ≈ 2 seconds. Acquisition time was < 40 minutes. In a subset of healthy mice (n=6), 3D ISIS was also performed at TR ≈ 15 seconds; NA = 192 (24 cycles). These measurements were used to verify the partial saturation correction factor obtained with unlocalized saturation-recovery experiments.

To compare 3D ISIS localization with 1D localization, we acquired spectra using 1D ISIS of the anterior myocardial wall in a slice essentially parallel to the surface coil (Fig. 6.2A) in a subset of mice (n=6). Acquisition parameters were kept similar to the 3D ISIS approach, except for NA = 384 (192 1D ISIS cycles) and slice thickness = 1 mm. Furthermore, to obtain spectra solely


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from the myocardium and to rule out any contamination with signal from LV cavity blood, 3D ISIS was performed with a small voxel (1 × 3 × 3 mm3) positioned within the anterior myocardial wall (Fig. 6.2B). Acquisition time was ≈ 2.5 hours with NA = 3072 (384 cycles).

Additionally, spectra from liver and hind limb skeletal muscle (n=3) were acquired in vivo with respiratory-gated and cardiac-triggered 3D ISIS (Fig. 6.3) to evaluate the performance of 3D ISIS localization with respect to in vivo 31P MRS of these tissues as reported in the literature (19, 27).

Finally, to investigate the contribution of blood metabolites to the cardiac 31P MR spectra acquired in vivo, spectra of fresh blood were measured ex vivo using a pulse-acquire sequence. A vial (n=6) with ~1 mL of blood in EDTA was positioned just over the surface coil and maintained at 37°C by a heating pad. Parameters were: 1.2 ms 90° sinc excitation pulse; γ-ATP on resonance; TR = 2000 ms; NA = 512.

6.2.3. Image analysis

LV cavity and myocardial wall volumes were quantified by semiautomatic segmentation of the cine images (PIE Medical Imaging, Maastricht, The Netherlands) as described previously (17), yielding LV end-diastolic volume (EDV), end-systolic volume (ESV), stroke volume (SV), ejection fraction (EF), and LV myocardial mass.

6.2.4. 31P MRS data analysis

Fitting of the metabolite signals to Lorentzian line shapes was performed in the time domain using AMARES in jMRUI (45). The PCr resonance at 0.00 ppm was used as an internal chemical shift reference. The ATP resonances at -2.48 ppm (γ; doublet), -7.52 ppm (α; doublet) and -16.26 (β; triplet) were fitted with equal amplitudes and line widths within each multiplet, and a

J-coupling constant of 17 Hz. The γ-ATP line widths (LWγ-ATP) were constrained relative to the

PCr line width (LWPCr) according to an empirically determined relation: LWγ-ATP = LWPCr + 14.85 Hz (n=63; r = 0.78; P<0.001). Blood 2,3-diphosphoglycerate (2,3-DPG) resonances obscured the inorganic phosphate (Pi) resonance. Therefore, these signals were fitted with two peaks: one for 2,3-DPG5.4 ppm and Pi at 5.4 ppm, and one for 2,3-DPG6.3 ppm at 6.3 ppm.

Saturation-recovery curves of PCr, γ-ATP and α-ATP were fitted by a mono-exponential function to estimate the corresponding longitudinal relaxation rate constants R1. Mean R1 values were used to determine metabolite T1 values via R1 = 1/T1. The in vivo myocardial energy status was expressed as the PCr/γ-ATP ratio, corrected for partial saturation.

Because blood contains ATP, but no PCr (18), signal contamination from blood in in vivo cardiac 31P MR spectra may lead to underestimation of the myocardial PCr/γ-ATP ratio. Therefore, we evaluated whether the PCr/γ-ATP ratio in the current work could be affected by blood contamination. The [γ-ATP/2,3-DPG6.3 ppm]blood ratio in spectra acquired in fresh blood was determined as a measure for ATP content in blood. The contribution of resonances from blood metabolites to in vivo spectra was assessed by quantifying the [2,3-DPG6.3 ppm/γ-ATP]LV ratio in the cardiac 3D ISIS spectra. Next, the relative contribution of signal from ATP in the blood to


Mouse cardiac 31P MR spectroscopy

the ATP signal obtained with in vivo 3D ISIS was calculated as: [γ-ATP/2,3-DPG6.3 ppm]blood ×

[2,3-DPG6.3 ppm/γ-ATP]LV × 100%.

6.2.5. Statistical analyses

Data are reported as mean ± SD. The statistical significance of differences was analyzed using two-sided paired or unpaired t-tests, as appropriate. The level of significance was set at P<0.05.

Figure 6.1. End-diastolic left ventricular (LV) MR images obtained from a control mouse (A) and a mouse with a transverse aortic constriction (TAC) (B) The constriction is indicated by the arrow. Dilated hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is evidenced by increased LV wall thickness and LV cavity volume in the TAC mouse. Rectangles indicate the voxels selected for localized 31P-MRS with 3D ISIS. Panels C and D display 31P MR spectra acquired in vivo with 3D ISIS in a healthy mouse heart and a TAC heart, respectively. Myocardial PCr/γ-ATP, corrected for partial saturation, was lower in TAC mice (n=8) compared to healthy controls (n=9) (E) Data are mean ± SD. **P<0.01. α-, β-, γ-ATP, α-, β-, and γ-

phosphate groups in ATP; 2,3-DPG, 2,3-diphosphoglycerate; PCr, phosphocreatine; Pi, inorganic phosphate.


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Figure 6.2. Comparisons of 1D ISIS and 3D ISIS localization for cardiac 31P-MRS. Geometrical localization for (A) 1D ISIS in the anterior myocardial wall (slice thickness = 1 mm), indicated in transversal and sagittal reference images. Circle and ellipses indicate the position of the 31P surface coil. 3D ISIS voxel localization in (B) the anterior myocardial wall (1 × 3 × 3 mm3) and (C) enclosing the whole LV (6 × 6 × 6 mm3). The corresponding 31P MR spectra from (D) 1D ISIS (NA = 384), (E) 3D ISIS in the myocardium (NA = 3072), and (F) 3D ISIS of the whole LV (NA = 384). All spectra were acquired in the same mouse. (G) PCr/γ-ATP ratio assessed via 1D ISIS (as in A) and 3D ISIS of the whole LV (as in C). **P<0.01 (two-sided paired t-test, n=6). α-, β-, γ-ATP, α-, β-, and γ-

phosphate groups in ATP; 2,3-DPG, 2,3-diphosphoglycerate; PCr, phosphocreatine; Pi, inorganic phosphate. SA: short axis, 4-ch LA: 4-chamber long-axis, 2-ch LA: 2-chamber long-axis.


Mouse cardiac 31P MR spectroscopy

6.3. Results

6.3.1. MRI: LV hypertrophy in TAC mice

We assessed in vivo LV morphology and function from cine MR images to confirm the hypertrophic phenotype and impaired cardiac performance in TAC mice (Table 6.1, Fig. 6.1A and Fig. 6.1B). LV mass was 95% higher in TAC mice compared to healthy mice (P<0.001), indicating LV hypertrophy in TAC mice. Concomitantly, EDV (P<0.001) and ESV (P<0.001) were higher in TAC mice compared to controls. This translated in a lower SV (-33%, P<0.001) and EF (-65%, P<0.001) in TAC mice. Combined, these data illustrate the development of dilated hypertrophic cardiomyopathy with severe systolic dysfunction after 7 weeks of LV pressure- overload in TAC mice.

Table 1. LV morphology and functional parameters obtained with MRI in control mice and TAC mice.

Control (n=9) TAC (n=8) P Heart rate (beats per minute) 495 ± 50 539 ± 31 N.S. LV mass (mg) 90.0 ± 14.9 176 ± 19.1 *** LV mass/body weight (mg/g) 3.7 ± 0.6 6.0 ± 0.9 *** End-diastolic volume (μL) 63.7 ± 10.8 123 ± 26.1 *** End-systolic volume (μL) 20.8 ± 5.4 94.1 ± 24.8 *** Stroke volume (μL) 43.0 ± 7.3 28.7 ± 6.6 *** Ejection fraction (%) 67.6 ± 5.6 23.9 ± 5.2 *** Data are expressed as mean ± SD. ***P<0.001, N.S.: not significant.

6.3.2. 31P MRS: in vivo myocardial energy status

Typical 31P MR spectra acquired with 3D ISIS in a healthy mouse heart and a TAC heart are shown in Fig. 6.1C and Fig. 6.1D. Resonances of PCr, and ATP are indicated. Inorganic phosphate (Pi, ~5 ppm) was obscured by 2,3-DPG arising from blood. Spectral line width for PCr was 0.37 ± 0.15 ppm.

Conventional pulse-acquire 31P MR saturation-recovery experiments of the mouse chest were performed in order to estimate the high-energy phosphate metabolite T1 relaxation times at 9.4

T. T1 values did not differ between control mice and TAC mice, and were 2.54 ± 0.41 s for PCr, 1.45 ± 0.25 s for γ-ATP, and 1.09 ± 0.31 s for α-ATP. Given a TR of 2 seconds, this resulted in a partial saturation correction factor for PCr/γ-ATP of 1.37 in 3D ISIS experiments. In healthy mice (n=6), 3D ISIS was also performed under fully relaxed conditions. These localized acquisitions yielded a partial saturation correction factor for myocardial PCr/γ-ATP of 1.38 ± 0.28 for spectra acquired at TR = 2 seconds, which is in good agreement with the value derived from the unlocalized pulse-acquire saturation-recovery experiments. Myocardial PCr/γ-ATP, corrected for partial saturation, was lower in TAC mice compared to healthy controls (0.76 ± 0.13 vs. 1.00 ± 0.15; P<0.01, Fig. 6.1E), which is indicative of a compromised myocardial energy homeostasis in TAC mice.


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Localization of a slice containing anterior myocardial wall with 1D ISIS (Fig. 6.2A) systematically resulted in higher PCr/γ-ATP ratios than those obtained with 3D ISIS of the whole LV (2.12 ± 0.61 vs. 1.08 ± 0.25; P<0.01, Fig. 6.2G). Skeletal muscle tissue surrounding the anterior myocardial wall within the sensitive area of the surface coil (Fig. 6.2A) likely contributed to the higher PCr/γ-ATP ratio observed with 1D ISIS. This was corroborated by spectra obtained with a very small 9 µL 3D ISIS voxel positioned in the anterior myocardial wall (Fig. 6.2B), which qualitatively confirm the PCr/γ-ATP ratio of ~1 for healthy myocardium (Fig. 6.2E).

6.3.3. 31P MRS of liver, skeletal muscle, and blood

Figure 6.3. Voxel positioning for 3D ISIS in (A) the liver (5 × 5 × 5 mm3) and in (B) hind limb skeletal muscle (4 × 4 × 4 mm3) in the mouse, and the corresponding 31P MR spectra for (C) the liver (NA = 768) and (D) skeletal muscle (NA = 384). Note the prominent resonance of PCr detected in skeletal muscle, whereas it is absent in liver tissue. α-, β-, γ-ATP, α-, β-, and γ-

phosphate groups in ATP; PCr, phosphocreatine; Pi, inorganic phosphate.

Using the respiratory-gated and cardiac-triggered 3D ISIS approach, we acquired 31P MR spectra from in vivo mouse liver and hind limb skeletal muscle. Absence of PCr in liver tissue was confirmed (Fig. 6.3C), illustrating that essentially no signal from PCr in skeletal muscle contaminated the spectra that were obtained from the liver with 3D ISIS. Spectra obtained from hind limb skeletal muscle yielded a PCr/γ-ATP ratio of 3.59 ± 0.58 (Fig. 6.3D), which is typical for healthy mouse skeletal muscle in resting conditions (21).

In spectra obtained from fresh blood (Fig. 6.4), the blood ATP content was estimated via the [γ-

ATP/2,3-DPG6.3 ppm]blood ratio, which was 0.22 ± 0.14. Contribution of signal from metabolites in the blood to the cardiac spectra, estimated via [2,3-DPG6.3 ppm/γ-ATP]LV, was similar for controls and TAC mice, and was 0.18 ± 0.10. The relative contribution of signal from ATP in the blood to the ATP signal in cardiac 3D ISIS spectra was therefore approximately 4%. These results show


Mouse cardiac 31P MR spectroscopy

that contamination of the 3D ISIS spectra with signal from ATP in LV blood is marginal, and only minimally affects the myocardial PCr/γ-ATP ratio.

Figure 6.4. 31P MR spectrum obtained from fresh blood. 2,3-DPG, 2,3-diphosphoglycerate; PDE, phosphodiesters; α-, β-, γ-ATP, α-, β-, and γ-phosphate groups in ATP.

6.4. Discussion

We developed a noninvasive method to study the in vivo myocardial energy status in healthy and diseased mice using 3D ISIS-localized 31P MRS. Acquisitions were respiratory-gated and cardiac-triggered, whilst maintaining steady-state conditions using dummy excitations to ensure accurate localization. Using a 1H/31P MR setup, cardiac 31P MRS with 3D ISIS was combined with cine 1H MRI to assess morphological, functional, and metabolic parameters in a single experimental session of less than 2 hours. With this approach, we identified a reduced myocardial energy status, evidenced by a ~25% lower PCr/γ-ATP ratio, accompanied by hypertrophic growth and severely impaired myocardial function in a surgical mouse model of heart failure. These pathophysiological changes are consistent with previous studies in patients (25, 34) and mice (14, 31).

The small heart size and the high heart rate in mice require adequate strategies to avoid signal contamination while maximizing sensitivity for in vivo cardiac 31P MRS. A surface coil has superior sensitivity over a volume resonator, and is therefore beneficial for 31P MR signal reception. However, chest skeletal muscle is located in the most sensitive area of the surface coil, and can contribute considerably to the received signal (5). Therefore, localized acquisitions are essential to restrict the obtained spectra to the heart. If CSI techniques are used for localized signal acquisition (8, 12, 14, 31), Fourier bleeding can be an important contributor to signal contamination (20), which is exacerbated in a surface coil setup. Typically, single-voxel localization techniques provide better-defined signal localization than CSI methods (10). Here, we minimized contamination of the spectra with signal from tissues other than the myocardium by using the single-voxel approach of respiratory-gated and cardiac-triggered 3D ISIS.


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Myocardial PCr/γ-ATP ratio in healthy mice in this study was 1.00 ± 0.15. This value is on the lower range of the normal PCr/ATP values reported in literature for humans (overall mean: 1.72 ± 0.26) (5), which may be explained by species differences. It has been suggested that mice have lower cardiac energy reserve than larger species (38). In humans, heart rate and cardiac work can increase up to three-fold upon dobutamine stress (24) or during exercise (23), whereas in healthy mice, increases in heart rate of only ~39% upon dobutamine infusion (32) and 40% to 90% upon running exercise (1, 30) have been reported.

Interestingly, the PCr/γ-ATP in our healthy mice was also lower than the PCr/ATP values reported in other in vivo mouse studies (8, 12, 35). It has been recognized that many aspects of localized 31P MRS acquisition and quantification can contribute to the variability in the PCr/ATP values reported in literature (5), and that comparisons between laboratories should be made with the differences in the methods used in mind (6, 26). The three main causes for apparent discrepancies in literature reports are laboratory-dependent differences in 1) correction for partial saturation, 2) contamination of the spectra by signal from the liver or skeletal muscle tissue, and 3) contaminating blood in the LV cavity (5). Below, each of these issues are addressed for the current study.

Partial saturation correction

For the correction of partial saturation effects, we used the metabolite T1 values as determined by unlocalized pulse-acquire saturation-recovery experiments. Because the T1 values in chest skeletal muscle could be different from those in cardiac muscle (43), we validated the correction factor in healthy mice by acquiring 3D ISIS-localized spectra from the LV myocardium under fully relaxed conditions. Indeed, the partial saturation correction factor derived from unlocalized saturation-recovery experiments was in agreement with measurements localized to the heart.

This observation validates the assumption (7) that in the healthy mouse the T1(PCr)/T1(γ-ATP) ratio is essentially the same for chest skeletal muscle and myocardium at 9.4 T (12).

Minimizing signal contamination

Because 3D ISIS requires multiple acquisitions for signal localization, the method is particularly sensitive to motion artifacts and consequential contamination from tissues surrounding the heart such as liver and chest skeletal muscle. Additional contamination (‘T1-smearing’) can be introduced by differences in longitudinal magnetization between subsequent acquisitions within one ISIS cycle due to imperfect flip angle of the excitation pulse combined with a TR<5×T1 (21, 28). Similar effects occur when TR is not constant between acquisitions, while measuring at

TR<5×T1. Previous studies in rodents (35) and in humans (13, 39, 42) using 3D ISIS for cardiac applications did not measure at constant TR for a steady state of magnetization, nor at fully relaxed conditions. The 3D ISIS sequence presented here uses a respiratory-gated and cardiac- triggered timing strategy to ensure localized inversion of the LV signal at identical cardiac and respiratory phases for all acquisitions, in combination with dummy excitations during respiratory gates to maintain a constant TR. This approach may find applications beyond investigations of in vivo myocardial energy status in the mouse. Indeed, localized 31P MRS of the liver (27) will also benefit from the strategy proposed here (40).


Mouse cardiac 31P MR spectroscopy

Moreover, we demonstrated the effect of potential contamination of the spectra with signal from chest skeletal muscle by comparing 3D ISIS of the whole LV with 1D ISIS of a slice containing the anterior myocardial wall, similar to 1D CSI approaches reported previously (8, 15). Localization within the selected slice is realized by surface coil positioning, which may introduce signal from the surrounding tissue to the resultant spectrum. Indeed, the PCr/γ-ATP ratio obtained with 1D ISIS was consistent with values observed with 1D CSI (8), but two-fold higher than the myocardial PCr/γ-ATP ratio measured with 3D ISIS.

Blood contamination

Blood in the LV cavity contains ATP, but no PCr. If signal from ATP in the blood contributes to the signal acquired from the voxel of interest, the myocardial PCr/ATP ratio may be underestimated (16). A correction factor can be applied to account for signal contribution from ATP in the blood to the spectra, which depends on both the amount of ATP in the blood and the amount of blood contributing to the spectrum. We showed that the amount of ATP signal from fresh blood, in terms of [γ-ATP/2,3-DPG6.3 ppm]blood, was approximately 20%, which is consistent with previous reports of 31P MRS studies of blood in humans (18) and mice (29, 35). The contribution of signal from metabolites in blood to the in vivo 3D ISIS spectra of the whole LV, estimated via [2,3-DPG6.3 ppm/γ-ATP]LV, was less than 20%, and was not different between healthy and TAC mice. The high velocity of flowing blood during acquisition may attenuate the peaks from blood metabolites in spectra obtained in vivo (47). Based on these observations, we estimated that the contribution of signal from ATP in the blood to the ATP signal in in vivo 3D ISIS spectra was only 4%, and concluded that correcting for blood contamination was not necessary in this study. Moreover, spectra obtained with 3D ISIS selecting a small voxel confined to the anterior myocardial wall were similar to those obtained from the whole LV, confirming minimal contribution of signal from blood to the latter.

Study limitations

With our current approach, it is not possible to detect similar decreases in both PCr and ATP concentrations, which would render the PCr/ATP ratio insensitive to alterations in myocardial energy status. Absolute quantification of metabolite concentration might therefore be more sensitive to changes in cardiac energy metabolism. Indeed, it has been shown that in pressure- overload mice, both myocardial PCr and ATP concentrations decrease, illustrating the added value of absolute quantification over the PCr/ATP ratio (15). In addition, absolute values would allow for a more straightforward comparison of results obtained with different methods at different research sites. Nonetheless, the PCr/ATP ratio has been used to identify perturbations in myocardial energy homeostasis in various mouse models of (metabolic) diseases (3, 31, 41). Furthermore, a reduced PCr/ATP ratio has been shown to be an important indicator of disease severity and can be of predictive value for disease progression (31).

A drawback of using single-voxel localized 31P MRS of the entire LV is that myocardial energy status cannot be assessed at a regional scale, which could be of importance in investigations of myocardial ischemia. Spatially encoded MRS techniques, such as 2D 31P CSI (12), would allow mapping of myocardial energetics to assess differences in cardiac energy status between infarcted and remote regions after a myocardial ischemic insult. However, 31P MRS mapping of


Chapter 6

myocardial energetics demonstrating regional differences in high energy phosphate content in mouse models of myocardial ischemia has not been reported yet. To date, many preclinical animal studies focus on pathologies that have a global effect on the heart, such as aortic stenosis, diabetes, and inborn errors of metabolism. For these investigations, the current 3D ISIS approach for localized 31P MRS can be a valuable addition to the toolbox of mouse cardiac MR methods (9).

Even at the high magnetic field strength of 9.4 T, we were not able to unambiguously detect and quantify myocardial Pi, because the signal was obscured by signal from 2,3-DPG in the blood. Potentially, reliable detection of Pi would provide additional metabolic insights, as decreased PCr levels may be mirrored by increased Pi levels. Additionally, the chemical shift of

Pi could potentially be used to quantify in vivo myocardial pH. Notably, even in the human heart, Pi is often undetectable, suggesting that myocardial Pi may only be partially MR visible (5).

In conclusion, the present work describes a noninvasive approach to assess myocardial energy status in the in vivo mouse using single-voxel 3D ISIS-localized 31P MRS. The method encompasses a respiratory-gated, cardiac-triggered 3D ISIS sequence with dummy excitations during respiratory gates, to ensure a well-defined localization. This method is able to identify differences in high-energy phosphate metabolism between the healthy mouse heart and a widely used model for heart failure, the TAC mouse. Furthermore, the 3D ISIS-localized spectra can be obtained within 40 minutes, leaving room for measurements of cardiac function with MRI during the same experimental session. We anticipate that localized 31P MRS will provide valuable contributions to preclinical investigations of cardiac disease progression and therapeutic intervention efficacy.

6.5. Acknowledgements

We thank Larry de Graaf and Tom R. Geraedts for dedicated hardware design, Esther C.M. Kneepkens for contributions to pulse sequence design, and Leonie B.P. Niesen for biotechnical assistance. This work was supported by the Center for Translational Molecular Medicine, project TRIUMPH (grant number 01C-103) with funding from the Dutch Heart Foundation. S.M.H. and J.J.P. are supported by VIDI grants (project numbers 016.086.336 and 700.58.421, respectively) from the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO).

6.6. References

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Chapter 7

Cardiac diastolic dysfunction in high-fat diet fed mice is associated with lipotoxicity without impairment of cardiac energetics in vivo

Desiree Abdurrachim1*, Jolita Ciapaite1,2*, Bart Wessels1, Miranda Nabben1, Joost J.F.P. Luiken3, Klaas Nicolay1, Jeanine J. Prompers1

1Biomedical NMR, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven, The Netherlands 2Department of Pediatrics, Center for Liver, Digestive and Metabolic Diseases, University of Groningen, University Medical Center Groningen, Groningen, The Netherlands 3Department of Molecular Genetics, Cardiovascular Research Institute Maastricht (CARIM), Maastricht University, Maastricht, The Netherlands

*both authors contributed equally

Published in Biochimica et Biophysica Acta Lipids and Lipid Metabolism 1841(10):1525-1537, 2014. DOI: 10.1016/j.bbalip.2014.07.016. Chapter 7


Obesity is often associated with abnormalities in cardiac morphology and function. This study tested the hypothesis that obesity-related cardiomyopathy is caused by impaired cardiac energetics. In a mouse model of high-fat diet (HFD)-induced obesity, we applied in vivo cardiac 31P magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to investigate cardiac energy status and function, respectively. The measurements were complemented by ex vivo determination of oxygen consumption in isolated cardiac mitochondria, the expression of proteins involved in energy metabolism, and markers of oxidative stress and calcium homeostasis. We also assessed whether HFD induced myocardial lipid accumulation using in vivo 1H MRS, and if this was associated with apoptosis and fibrosis. Twenty weeks of HFD feeding resulted in early stage cardiomyopathy, as indicated by diastolic dysfunction and increased left ventricular mass, without any effects on systolic function. In vivo cardiac phosphocreatine-to-ATP ratio and ex vivo oxygen consumption in isolated cardiac mitochondria were not reduced after HFD feeding, suggesting that the diastolic dysfunction was not caused by impaired cardiac energetics. HFD feeding promoted mitochondrial adaptations for increased utilization of fatty acids, which was however not sufficient to prevent the accumulation of myocardial lipids and lipid intermediates. Myocardial lipid accumulation was associated with oxidative stress and fibrosis, but not apoptosis. Furthermore, HFD feeding strongly reduced the phosphorylation of phospholamban, a prominent regulator of cardiac calcium homeostasis and contractility. In conclusion, HFD-induced early stage cardiomyopathy in mice is associated with lipotoxicity-associated oxidative stress, fibrosis, and disturbed calcium homeostasis, rather than impaired cardiac energetics.

Keywords diet-induced obesity, cardiomyopathy, cardiac energetics, lipotoxicity, calcium homeostasis


Cardiac energetics and function in diet-induced obesity

7.1. Introduction

Over-nutrition and consumption of high-fat diets are associated with obesity-related cardiomyopathy and increased risk for heart failure (36, 48). In obesity, the elevated plasma free fatty acid (FFA) concentration induces an increase in myocardial fatty acid (FA) uptake and oxidation (63). Despite the increase in FA oxidation, the excessive availability of FA may lead to an imbalance between FA uptake and oxidation, resulting in an increased deposition of potentially toxic lipids in the heart (18, 42). Myocardial lipid accumulation has been implicated in the development of cardiomyopathy through a number of pathways, including lipid-induced apoptosis (77) and fibrosis (40, 67).

Upregulation of FA oxidation may also result in a disturbance in cardiac energetics. Compared to glucose oxidation, stoichiometrically, FA oxidation produces 10% less ATP per oxygen consumed (i.e. 10% decrease in cardiac efficiency). However, up to 30% lower cardiac efficiency has been observed as a consequence of increased FA oxidation, suggesting that also other mechanisms than the inefficiency of FA oxidation affect the cardiac efficiency (25). The increase in the supply of reducing equivalents (i.e. NADH and FADH2) to the electron transport chain (ETC), without a parallel increase in the oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS) capacity, might result in the loss of electrons from the ETC and subsequently, the generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) (60). In turn, increased ROS may promote mitochondrial uncoupling (8, 9, 15, 19, 52), as a mechanism to reduce the electrochemical proton gradient required for ROS formation, which will however result in lower ATP generation. ROS may induce mitochondrial defects, such as shown by lower expression of OXPHOS proteins in obese and diabetic mice (10, 27). Increased ROS production might also stress sarco/endoplasmic reticulum, which could lead to disturbed calcium homeostasis and thereby impair cardiac muscle contraction/relaxation (39). Although in vitro data suggest that cardiac energy metabolism is disturbed in obesity, in vivo evaluation of cardiac energetics is currently lacking.

In animal models, cardiac energetics is usually assessed ex vivo in isolated perfused heart setups by measuring cardiac power and oxygen consumption to calculate cardiac energy efficiency (33, 50). Reduced cardiac efficiency has been observed in rodents with diet-induced obesity (19, 75), obese ob/ob mice (10, 13, 50), and diabetic db/db mice (11, 33, 50). Unfortunately, the ex vivo setup does not entirely mimic the complexity of the in vivo situation as the ex vivo heart is usually perfused with glucose and FA at a constant concentration, while in obesity the in vivo heart is exposed to a hyperlipidemic and, possibly, a hyperinsulinemic environment, which affects the choice of substrates. In vivo cardiac energetics can be assessed using 31P magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS), in which the PCr/ATP ratio is used as a measure of cardiac energy status (34, 53). The implementation of 31P MRS in vivo in the mouse heart has proven very challenging, because of its small size (~2000 times smaller than the human heart) and high heart rates (~10 times faster than the human heart). In a number of recent studies, in vivo cardiac 31P MRS has been applied in mouse models of heart failure, demonstrating a robust association between heart failure and cardiac energy deficiency (31, 32). However, in vivo cardiac PCr/ATP data in obesity-related cardiomyopathy is currently not available.


Chapter 7

In this study, we applied cardiac 31P MRS in a mouse model of diet-induced obesity to investigate whether obesity-related cardiomyopathy is associated with an impairment in cardiac energetics in vivo. For this purpose, C57BL/6J mice were fed a high-fat diet (HFD) for 20 weeks. Cardiac systolic and diastolic function were examined using cinematic magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). The 31P MRS measurements of in vivo cardiac energy status were complemented by ex vivo determinations of oxygen consumption in isolated cardiac mitochondria, the expression or activity of various proteins involved in energy metabolism, as well as markers of oxidative stress and calcium homeostasis. Additionally, we assessed whether HFD feeding induced myocardial lipid accumulation using in vivo localized 1H MRS and if this was associated with apoptosis and fibrosis.

7.2. Materials and Methods

7.2.1. Animals

Male C57BL/6J mice were purchased from Charles River (Elsene, Belgium). The animals were housed under controlled temperature (23°C) and humidity (50%) with a 12:12-h dark-light cycle and were given ad libitum access to food and water. Starting from the age of 12 weeks, the animals were divided into two groups (n=8 per group) and fed either low fat diet (LFD; 10 kcal% (4.3 g%) palm oil-based fat, 70 kcal% (67.3 g%) carbohydrate, 20 kcal% (19.2 g%) protein; based on OpenSource Diets No. D12450B, Research Diet Services, Wijk bij Duurstede, The Netherlands) or HFD (45 kcal% (24 g%) palm oil-based fat, 35 kcal% (41 g%) carbohydrate, 20 kcal% (24 g%) protein; based on OpenSource Diets No. D12451, Research Diet Services, Wijk bij Duurstede, The Netherlands). The animals received the diet for 20 weeks. The animals then underwent MR measurements in the fed state, after which they were sacrificed within one week, during which they were maintained on the same diet. The heart was excised and part of it was used immediately for the isolation of mitochondria. The other part was either snap-frozen in liquid nitrogen and stored at −80C until further biochemical analyses, or immersed in 4% paraformaldehyde (PFA) in PBS at 4C overnight and embedded in paraffin the following day. Animal handling procedures and experimental protocols conformed to and were approved by the Animal Experimental Committee of Maastricht University (The Netherlands).

7.2.2. MR measurements

All MR measurements were performed on a 9.4 T horizontal bore MR scanner (Bruker, Germany). MRI and 1H MRS were performed using a 35-mm quadrature birdcage coil (Bruker, Germany) for both signal reception and transmission. For 31P MRS, a 54-mm double tuned quadrature 1H and linear 31P birdcage coil (Rapid Biomedical, Germany) was used for signal transmission, while a 15-mm diameter, home-built, actively decoupled, two-turn 31P surface coil was used for signal reception. Before the experiments, the animals were sedated in a chamber with 3% isoflurane in medical air at a flow rate of 0.4 L/min. During the measurements, the anesthesia was maintained at 1-2% isoflurane through a customized anesthesia mask. Temperature was maintained at 36-37°C with a heating pad. Rectal temperature, ECG signal, and breathing rate were monitored throughout the measurements. All measurements were performed with respiratory gating and cardiac triggering.


Cardiac energetics and function in diet-induced obesity Cardiac function measurement using cardiac cine MRI

Cardiac systolic and diastolic function were measured as described previously (20). For systolic function measurement, cine movies from the beating heart (15-18 frames/cardiac cycle) were acquired using prospectively cardiac-triggered gradient echo imaging of 5-6 contiguous short axis and 2 long axis slices (slice thickness: 1 mm). The imaging parameters were as follows: repetition time: 7 ms, echo time: 1.8 ms, flip angle: 15°, matrix: 192 x 192, and field of view: 30 x 30 mm2. For diastolic function, cardiac movies of only the mid-ventricular slice were acquired using retrospectively-triggered gradient echo imaging, allowing data reconstruction with a much higher temporal resolution (50-60 frames/cardiac cycle). The parameters used were as follows: repetition time: 4.7 ms, echo time: 2.35 ms, flip angle: 15°, matrix: 128 x 128, and field of view: 30 x 30 mm2, effective time resolution: 2 ms. Image segmentation and data analysis were performed using CAAS MRV 2.0 (Pie Medical, Maastricht, The Netherlands) or Segment (version 1.8 R1145, Cardiac energy status measurements using 31P MRS

Cardiac 31P MR spectra were acquired using the image selected in vivo spectroscopy (ISIS) sequence, on a voxel of typically ~6 x 6 x 6 mm3 covering the left ventricle, at the end of the diastolic phase, as described previously (4). The parameters were as follows: repetition time: ~2 s, 1.2 ms 90º sinc-shaped excitation pulse (bandwidth: 32.0 ppm), 6.25 ms 180º adiabatic hyperbolic secant inversion pulses (bandwidth: 37.5 ppm), 96 ISIS cycles (768 scans), and γ- ATP on resonance. The 90º sinc-shaped excitation pulse was calibrated during the in vivo scan, by performing a series of single pulse measurements with varying pulse power on a 5-mm diameter glass phantom containing 15 M phosphoric acid, which was positioned underneath the surface coil. Data fitting and analysis were performed using AMARES in jMRUI (66), as described as in (4). The γ-ATP line widths (LWγ-ATP) were constrained relative to the PCr line width (LWPCr) according to an empirically determined relation: LWγ-ATP = LWPCr + 14.8 Hz (n=63 data sets, R=0.78, P<0.001). As a measure of cardiac energy status, the ratio of PCr to γ-ATP was determined. The PCr/ATP ratio was corrected for partial T1 saturation using correction factors of 1.75 and 1.31 for PCr and γ-ATP, respectively, which were determined by analyzing ISIS spectra acquired at repetition times of 2 s and 15 s (n=19 data sets from the current and previous studies). The contamination of the ATP from the blood to the spectra was shown to be less than 4%, and was considered negligible (5). Myocardial lipid measurements using 1H MRS

1H MR spectra were acquired from a 1 x 2 x 2 mm3 voxel positioned in the interventricular septum during the diastolic phase of the cardiac cycle, using point resolved spectroscopy (PRESS) with chemical shift selective (CHESS) water suppression, as described in (3). The parameters were as follows: repetition time: ~2 s, echo time: 9.1 ms, 0.41 ms 90° Hermite- shaped excitation pulse, 0.9 ms 180° Mao-type refocusing pulses, and 256 averages. The spectra were processed and analyzed using AMARES in the jMRUI software package (66). All metabolites (taurine, choline/carnitine, creatine, and seven peaks from lipids) were fitted to Gaussian line shapes. Myocardial metabolite levels were then calculated from the metabolite signal relative to the unsuppressed water signal measured from the same voxel.


Chapter 7

7.2.3. Isolation of mitochondria

Following excision, the heart was rinsed in ice cold 0.9% KCl, quickly minced with scissors in 0.5 ml of medium containing 160 mM KCl, 10 mM NaCl, 20 mM Tris, 5 mM EGTA and 0.05 mg/ml bacterial proteinase type XXIV (pH 7.7), and incubated for ~1 min on ice. The mixture was then homogenized using a Potter-Elvehjem homogenizer. Mitochondria were isolated through a differential centrifugation procedure as described in (51) and resuspended in buffer containing 180 mM KCl, 20 mM Tris, 3 mM EGTA and 1 mg/ml bovine serum albumin (pH 7.4). Protein content was determined using a BCA protein assay kit (Pierce, Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc., Rockfort, IL, USA).

7.2.4. High-resolution respirometry

A 2-channel high-resolution Oroboros oxygraph-2k (Oroboros, Innsbruck, Austria) was used to measure oxygen consumption rates at 37°C. Isolated mitochondria (0.15 mg/ml) were incubated in 1 ml of assay medium (110 mM KCl, 20 mM Tris, 2.3 mM MgCl2, 5 mM KH2PO4 and 1 mg/ml bovine serum albumin, pH 7.2) with i) 5 mM pyruvate plus 5mM malate, or ii) 25 µM palmitoyl-L-carnitine plus 2 mM malate as the oxidizable substrates. The maximal O2 consumption rate in a coupled state of oxidative phosphorylation (state 3) was measured after the addition of 0.1 mg/ml hexokinase, 12.5 mM glucose and 1 mM ATP. The basal O2 consumption rate (state 4) was measured after blocking ATP synthesis with 1.25 µM carboxyatractyloside (CAT). The uncoupled O2 consumption rate (state U) was determined after the addition of 1 µM carbonyl cyanide 3-chlorophenyl hydrazone (CCCP). Data acquisition and analysis were performed using Oxygraph-2k-Datlab software (Oroboros, Innsbruck, Austria).

7.2.5. Citrate synthase activity

Tissues were weighed and 20% (w/v) homogenates were prepared in ice cold PBS, pH 7.4. Homogenates were sonicated for 30 s in the pulse mode (pulse duration 1 s, interval between the pulses 1 s, power input 10 W) on ice. Half of each sample was used for the determination of acylcarnitine concentrations (see below). The remainder of the sample was centrifuged at 1000 g for 10 min at 4 C. Protein content in the supernatant was measured using BCA protein assay kit (Pierce, Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc., Rockford, IL, USA). Citrate synthase activity was determined spectrophotometrically as described in (65).

7.2.6. Determination of ATP, ADP, and AMP concentration

Tissues were weighed, grinded in liquid nitrogen and homogenized in 0.5 M perchloric acid at 4 C, followed by centrifugation for 10 min at 14,000 g, 4C. The supernatant was neutralized with 2 M KOH to ~pH 7 and centrifuged for 10 min at 14,000 g, 4C. Nucleotides in 100 µl of supernatant were separated with HPLC as described in (55). The concentrations in the eluate were calculated from ATP, ADP and AMP (Sigma-Aldrich, Zwijndrecht, The Netherlands) standard curves and expressed as nmol/mg wet tissue.


Cardiac energetics and function in diet-induced obesity

7. 2.7. Quantification of acylcarnitines

Sonicated 20% homogenates were centrifuged for 10 min at 14,000 g, 4C. Next, 10 µl of the supernatant was mixed with 100 µl acetonitrile and 100 µl of methanol–water (80:20 v/v) 2 2 containing internal standards [1,1,1-N-methyl- H3]-L-carnitine, [ H3]acetyl-L-carnitine, [3,3,3- 2 2 2 H3]propionyl-L-carnitine, [8,8,8- H3]octanoyl-L-carnitine, [10,10,10- H3]decanoyl-L-carnitine 2 and [16,16,16- H3]hexadecanoyl-L-carnitine (VU Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands), vortexed and centrifuged for 10 min at 14,000 g at 4C. Concentrations of acylcarnitines were measured in the supernatant with an API 3000 LC-MS/MS equipped with a Turbo ion spray source (Applied Biosystems/MDS Sciex, Ontario, Canada) as described in (22).

7.2.8. Biochemical determination of intramyocelullar lipids

Intramyocellular lipids were determined in cardiac muscle homogenates as described previously (1). In short, samples containing 400 µg of protein were used for intracellular lipid extraction in methanol/chloroform, and an internal standard and water were added. Afterwards thin-layer chromatography was used to separate lipids. Bands were resolved with a hexane/diethylether/propanol (87:10:3) resolving solution. Triacylglycerol (TAG), diacylglycerol (DAG), monoacylglycerol (MAG), and cholesterol bands were detected with a Molecular Imager (ChemiDoc XRS, BioRad) and analyzed with Quantity One® (BioRad).

7.2.9. Immunoblotting

Total cardiac protein extracts were prepared, resolved with SDS-PAGE and transferred to polyvinylidene difluoride membranes (Millipore, Bedford, MA, USA) as described in (71). After blocking with TBS containing 0.1% Tween 20 and 5% skim milk powder for 1 h at room temperature, the membranes were incubated overnight at 4C with one of the following antibodies: rabbit polyclonal anti-peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor  coactivator 1 (PGC1) (1:500), rabbit anti-caspase 3 (1:500), rabbit polyclonal anti-collagen α1 Type I (1:1000), rabbit anti-cardiac troponin T (1:500), goat anti-sarcoplasmic reticulum calcium ATPase2 (SERCA2) (1:200), rabbit anti-phospholamban (1:200), rabbit anti-phospho Thr17 phospholamban (1:200) (all antibodies were from Santa Cruz Biotechnology, Santa Cruz, CA, USA), rabbit anti-uncoupling protein 3 (UCP3; 1:500; Sigma-Aldrich), rabbit polyclonal anti- caspase 9 (1:1000; Stressgen Biotechnologies Corporation, San Diego, CA, USA), rabbit polyclonal anti-Cu/Zn superoxide dismutase (SOD; 1:1000; Stressgen Biotechnologies Corporation), rabbit polyclonal anti-Mn superoxide dismutase (1:1000; Stressgen Biotechnologies Corporation), or MitoProfile® Total OXPHOS Rodent WB Antibody Cocktail (1:2000, MitoSciences, Eugene, OR, USA) containing mouse monoclonal antibodies against Complex I, II, III, IV, and V subunits. Membranes were washed 3× for 5 min with TBS containing 0.1% Tween 20 and incubated with a corresponding horse-radish peroxidase- conjugated secondary antibody for 1 h at room temperature. After the final wash of 3× for 5 min with TBS containing 0.1% Tween 20 and 1× 5 min with TBS, the immunocomplexes were detected using SuperSignal West Dura Extended Duration Substrate (Pierce, Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc., Rockford, IL, USA), visualized using ChemiDoc™ XRS+ imaging system and quantified using Image Lab™ analysis software version 3.0 (Bio-Rad Laboratories Inc., Hercules, CA, USA). All data were normalized to glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH)


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expression level and expressed relative to the LFD-fed controls. Immunoblot detection of protein carbonylation in the total cardiac protein extracts was done using the OxyBlot™ Protein Oxidation Detection Kit (Chemicon/Millipore, Billerica, MA, USA) following recommendations of the manufacturer.

7.2.10. Histology

The paraffin-embedded hearts were sliced in 5 μm-thick sections. The collagen was stained with Picrosirius red (Direct Red 80, Sigma-Aldrich, Zwijndrecht, The Netherlands) according to standard histological procedures. To detect apoptotic cells, terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase dUTP nick end labeling (TUNEL) staining was performed using Apoptag peroxidase in situ apoptosis detection kit (Millipore Corporation, Billerica, MA, USA) according to manufacturer’s protocol. The stained sections were digitalized with a Pannoramic MIDI scanner (3DHISTECH, Budapest, Hungary). Fibrotic area, represented by red area in Sirius Red staining, was quantified from 15 random locations in 2-4 heart slices (magnification 40 x), using a macro in ImageJ 1.47v (NIH, USA). TUNEL-positive cells were counted from 5 random locations (40 x magnification, about 200-300 cells per location) in a slice, and quantified as a percentage of the total number of cells detected using ‘analyze particles’ in imageJ 1.47v (NIH, USA).

7.2.11. Plasma FFA, triglyceride, insulin, and glucose determination

Blood samples were collected in EDTA coated tubes, at 20 weeks of feeding after 4 h fasting and at sacrifice (fed conditions). Plasma was obtained by centrifuging the blood at 1000 g for 10 min and stored at -80°C until plasma insulin, FFA, and triglyceride (TG) determination. Fasting plasma glucose levels were measured immediately after blood collection in one drop of blood using a Glucose-201 glucose meter (HemoCue, Ängelholm, Sweden). Plasma insulin levels were determined using a mouse insulin determination kit (Mercodia, Uppsala, Sweden). Plasma TG levels were determined using a TG determination kit (Sigma-Aldrich, Zwijndrecht, The Netherlands). Plasma FFA levels were determined using a NEFA-HR kit (Wako Chemicals, Neuss, Germany).

7.2.12. Statistical analysis

All data are presented as means ± standard deviation. Statistical analysis was performed with SPSS 17.0 (SPSS Inc.) using independent-samples Student’s t-test. Multivariate ANOVA was applied to analyze different lipid peaks in the cardiac 1H MR spectra. The level of significance was set at P<0.05.

7.3. Results

7.3.1. Mouse characteristics

After 20 weeks of feeding, body weight of HFD mice was 50% higher compared with LFD mice (P<0.001, suppl Fig. 7.1A). The average caloric intake over the 20 weeks of feeding tended to be higher for HFD mice than for LFD mice (18%, P=0.052, suppl Fig. 7.1B). Fasting plasma glucose levels were higher in HFD compared with LFD mice (P=0.018; Table 7.1). Fasting


Cardiac energetics and function in diet-induced obesity

plasma insulin tended to be higher in HFD compared with LFD mice (P=0.082; Table 7.1). Plasma TG and FFA levels, determined in the fed state, were about 1.5-fold higher (P<0.05) in HFD compared with LFD mice, indicating hyperlipidemia in HFD mice (Table 7.1).

Suppl. Figure 7.1. Animal characteristics. (A) Body weight and (B) caloric intake during the experiment. Dashed lines in panel B indicate means of the caloric intake over the 20 weeks of diet. Data are means ± SD (n=8 per diet group). Open symbols: LFD, closed symbols: HFD. #P<0.01 and *P<0.001 vs. LFD.

Table 7.1. Plasma insulin, glucose, total TG, and FFA concentrations. LFD HFD Insulin (fasted, ng/mL) 0.87 ± 0.50 2.25 ± 1.02# Glucose (fasted, mM) 9.03 ± 0.99 11.23 ± 1.97* Total TG (fasted, mM) 0.63 ± 0.10 0.62 ± 0.07 Total TG (fed, mM) 0.59 ± 0.20 0.92 ± 0.30* FFA (fed, mM) 0.39 ± 0.09 0.63 ± 0.17** Data are means ± SD (n=8 per diet group). #P=0.08, *P<0.05, **P<0.01 vs. LFD. TG: triglycerides, FFA: free fatty acids.

7.3.2. HFD feeding induced increased left ventricular mass and diastolic dysfunction

Ejection fraction, end-diastolic volume, end-systolic volume, and stroke volume were all similar between LFD and HFD mice (P=0.16, 0.56, 0.73, 0.23, respectively; Table 7.2). However, left ventricular (LV) mass and LV mass normalized to tibia length were 13-16% higher in HFD mice compared with LFD mice (P<0.05; Table 7.2 and Fig. 7.1A). MRI with high temporal resolution (time resolution: 2 ms) was performed on the midventricular slice to determine cardiac diastolic function parameters. From the images, the LV cavity volume-time curve (Fig. 7.1B) and the time derivative of the LV cavity volume-time curve (Fig. 7.1C) were generated to analyze the early and late diastolic filling phases. Early peak filling rates (E) were 15% lower (P<0.05) in HFD mice compared with LFD mice (Table 7.2 and Fig. 7.1C), which indicates an impairment in the active relaxation phase of the left ventricle. The late peak filling rate (A), i.e. the rate of diastolic filling due to atrial contraction, did not differ significantly between LFD and HFD mice


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(P=0.11; Table 7.2 and Fig. 7.1C). In both LFD and HFD mice, the early filling phase contributed about 60% of the total diastolic filling (P=0.85; Table 7.2).

Figure 7.1. In vivo cardiac function measured using MRI. (A) Two-chamber long axis, 4-chamber long axis, and short axis cardiac MR images of a LFD and a HFD mouse. The larger heart size in the HFD compared with the LFD mouse can be appreciated. (B) The LV cavity volume-time curve and (C) the time derivative of LV cavity volume-time curve, showing the peak ejection rate (PER), early peak filling rate (E), and late peak filling rate (A). Open symbols: LFD, closed symbols: HFD.


Cardiac energetics and function in diet-induced obesity

Table 7.2. MRI parameters of cardiac function. LFD HFD EF (%) 72.3 ± 3.6 74.7 ± 2.7 EDV (μL) 71.6 ± 14.5 75.4 ± 11.0 ESV (μL) 20.2 ± 6.4 19.2 ± 4.5 SV (μL) 51.4 ± 8.2 56.2 ± 7.0 PER (%EDV/ms) 2.3 ± 0.2 2.1 ± 0.3 E (%EDV/ms) 2.5 ± 0.2 2.1 ± 0.3* A (%EDV/ms) 1.6 ± 0.2 1.3 ± 0.4 E contribution (%EDV) 60.4 ± 5.3 61.0 ± 5.4 LV mass (mg) 101.8 ± 13.5 114.9 ± 7.8* LV mass/tibia length (mg/mm) 5.6 ± 0.7 6.5 ± 0.5* Data are means ± SD (n=8 per diet group, except for PER, E, A, and E contribution n=7). *P<0.05 vs. LFD. EF: ejection fraction, EDV: end-diastolic volume, ESV: end-systolic volume, SV: stroke volume, PER: peak ejection rate, E: early peak filling rate, A: late peak filling rate.

Figure 7.2. Cardiac energy status measured using 31P MRS. (A) Two- chamber long axis, 4-chamber long axis, and short axis MR images from a LFD mouse showing the positioning of the 6 x 6 x 6 mm3 voxel used for 31P MRS in white. (B) Typical example of an in vivo cardiac 31P MR spectrum. (C) PCr/γ-ATP ratio. (D) ATP, ADP, and AMP concentrations, as determined biochemically. Data are means ± SD (n=8 per diet group). White bar: LFD, black bar: HFD.


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7.3.3. HFD feeding did not alter cardiac energy status

Cardiac energy status in vivo was determined using 31P MRS localized in the left ventricle (Fig. 7.2A). A typical 31P MR spectrum contains a phosphocreatine (PCr) peak originating from myocardium, a 2,3-diphosphoglycerate (DPG) peak from blood in the LV lumen (obscuring the inorganic phosphate (Pi) peak from myocardium), and γ-, α-, β-ATP peaks from mainly myocardium with a minor contamination from blood (Fig. 7.2B). PCr/ γ-ATP ratios were similar for HFD and LFD mice (P=0.73; Fig. 7.2C), indicating that 20 weeks of HFD feeding did not affect cardiac energy status in vivo. ATP, ADP, and AMP concentrations, determined biochemically, were similar between HFD and LFD mice (P=0.27, P=0.85, and P=0.73, respectively; Fig. 7.2D).

7.3.4. HFD feeding increased mitochondrial FA oxidation capacity, without altering mitochondrial protein levels

Oxygen consumption rates when ETC is coupled with ATP synthase (coupled state, state 3) and in the uncoupled state (state U) were similar in isolated heart mitochondria from LFD and HFD mice, when pyruvate plus malate was used as the oxidizable substrate (P=0.38 and P=0.57, respectively; Fig. 7.3A). This indicates that glucose oxidation capacity did not change upon HFD feeding. When palmitoyl-L-carnitine plus malate was used as the substrate, state 3 and state U oxygen consumption rates in isolated HFD heart mitochondria were 1.3- (P<0.01) and 1.4-fold (P<0.05) higher than those in isolated LFD heart mitochondria, respectively (Fig. 7.3B), indicating an increased FA oxidation capacity in the HFD group. The oxygen consumption rates in state 4 were similar in HFD and LFD groups, for both pyruvate plus malate and palmitoyl-L- carnitine plus malate as substrates (P=0.07 and P=0.85, respectively; Fig. 7.3), indicating that HFD feeding did not affect the leakiness of the inner mitochondrial membrane to protons. In agreement, the expression of mitochondrial uncoupling protein 3 (UCP3) was similar between LFD and HFD hearts (P=0.90; Table 7.3).

Figure 7.3. Oxygen consumption rates in isolated cardiac mitochondria. For (A) pyruvate plus malate, and (B) palmitoyl-L-carnitine plus malate as the substrate. Data are means ± SD (n=8 per diet group). White bars: LFD, black bars: HFD. *P<0.05 and **P<0.01 vs. LFD.


Cardiac energetics and function in diet-induced obesity

The activity of citrate synthase, a mitochondrial marker enzyme, was similar in cardiac muscle from both diet groups (LFD: 2.43 ± 0.16 vs HFD: 2.43 ± 0.19 μmol/min/mg protein, n=8 per group, P=0.92), suggesting that mitochondrial density was not affected by HFD feeding. In addition, the expression of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ cofactor-1α (PGC1α), which regulates mitochondrial biogenesis, was not altered in HFD hearts (P=0.75; Table 7.3). Furthermore, the expression of all mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation complexes was similar between LFD and HFD hearts (P=0.83, 0.65, 0.40, 0.80, 0.09 for Complexes I, II, III, IV, and V, respectively; Table 7.3).

Table 7.3. Cardiac protein expression. LFD HFD UCP3 1.00 ± 0.10 1.01 ± 0.06 PGC1α 1.00 ± 0.08 0.98 ± 0.05 OXPHOS Complex I 1.00 ± 0.11 1.01 ± 0.09 OXPHOS Complex II 1.00 ± 0.11 1.04 ± 0.07 OXPHOS Complex III 1.00 ± 0.09 1.05 ± 0.02 OXPHOS Complex IV 1.00 ± 0.08 0.99 ± 0.03 OXPHOS Complex V 1.00 ± 0.09 1.15 ± 0.07 Data are means ± SD (n=3 per diet group). All data were normalized to glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) expression level and expressed relative to the LFD-fed controls. UCP3: uncoupling protein 3, PGC1α: peroxisome proliferator activator γ coactivator-1α, OXPHOS: oxidative phosphorylation.

7.3.5. HFD feeding induced accumulation of myocardial lipids and lipid intermediates

Myocardial lipid content was measured using 1H MRS from a single voxel located in the septum (Fig. 7.4A). Seven peaks associated with lipids are visible in the spectra (Fig. 7.4B and Fig. 7.4C). After 20 weeks of feeding, the peak area from the most prominent lipid signal from methylene protons (peak 9; CH2) was 1.6-fold higher (P<0.001) in HFD compared with LFD mice (Fig. 7.4D). In addition, peak areas of the lipid signals from allylic methylene protons

(peak 7; CH2-CH=CH-CH2), and -methylene protons (peak 8; CβH2CH2COO) were significantly higher (P<0.01) in HFD compared with LFD mice (Fig. 7.4D). The peak areas from other lipid resonances and those from creatine, choline/carnitine, and taurine were similar in both diet groups (Fig. 7.4D).

In agreement with the higher myocardial lipid content in HFD mice in vivo, ex vivo biochemical analysis also showed 1.6-fold higher TAG levels in HFD mouse hearts compared with LFD mouse hearts (P<0.001, Fig. 7.5A). The higher myocardial TAG content in HFD mice was accompanied by elevated levels of DAG (1.4-fold, P=0.006), MAG (1.7-fold, P<0.001), and cholesterol (1.6- fold, P=0.004), indicating increased lipotoxicity in the HFD heart (Fig. 7.5A). Furthermore, HFD feeding resulted in the accumulation of acylcarnitines in the heart (Fig. 7.5B). As a consequence, the content of free carnitine (C0) in the heart was 40% lower (P<0.001) in HFD compared with LFD mice (Fig. 7.5B). This suggests stimulation of FA oxidation by HFD feeding. The observation that the content of acetylcarnitine (C2) was 23% higher (P<0.001) in the hearts of HFD-fed mice may suggest that the increase in mitochondrial -oxidation capacity was not matched by the TCA cycle capacity to utilize acetyl-coenzyme A (CoA) produced by the former.


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Figure 7.4. Myocardial lipid content measured using in vivo 1H MRS. (A) Short axis and 4-chamber long axis MR images showing the positioning of the 1 x 2 x 2 mm3 voxel used for 1H MRS in black. Representative in vivo 1H MR spectra from (B) a LFD-fed mouse and (C) a HFD-fed mouse. (D) Metabolite signal amplitude expressed as a percentage of the water signal. Data are means ± SD (n=8 per diet group). White bars: LFD, black bars: HFD. Bold: resonating protons for the corresponding triglyceride (TG) peaks. **P<0.01 and ***P<0.001 vs. LFD.

Figure 7.5. Cardiac lipid intermediates. (A) Triacylglycerols (TAG), diacylglycerols (DAG), monoacylglycerols (MAG), and cholesterol, and (B) cardiac acylcarnitine profiles. Data are means ± SD (n=6-8 per diet group). White bars: LFD, black bars: HFD. *P<0.05, **P<0.01 and ***P<0.001 vs. LFD.


Cardiac energetics and function in diet-induced obesity

7.3.6. HFD feeding increased the production of reactive oxygen species

To investigate the effect of HFD feeding on the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS), we measured the expression of cytosolic superoxide dismutase (Cu/ZnSOD) and mitochondrial superoxide dismutase (MnSOD), two enzymes involved in the scavenging of superoxide anion

Figure 7.6. Markers for the production of ROS. Expression of antioxidant enzymes (A) Cu/Zn SOD (n=3 per diet group) and (B) Mn SOD (n=6 per diet group), normalized to GAPDH. (C) Representative immunoblot images and (D) the quantification of protein oxidation using OxyBlot™ (n=3 per diet group). SOD: superoxide dismutase, GAPDH: glyceraldehyde 3- phosphate dehydrogenase, NC: negative control, DNPH: 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine. Data are means ± SD. White bars: LFD, black bars: HFD. *P<0.05, **P<0.01, ***P<0.001 vs. LFD.


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radicals produced mostly during mitochondrial respiration. The expression of these enzymes was higher (Cu/ZnSOD: 16%, P<0.05; MnSOD: 20%, P<0.001) in HFD compared with LFD mice (Fig. 7.6A and Fig. 7.6B). In agreement, we observed an increase in protein oxidation in HFD compared with LFD hearts (Fig. 7.6C and Fig. 7.6D).

7.3.7. HFD feeding and apoptosis

The expression of caspases involved in the initiation of apoptosis, procaspase-9 and cleaved (mature) caspase-9, was 37% (P<0.05) and 32% (P<0.01) higher, respectively, in hearts of HFD mice compared with LFD mice (Fig. 7.7A and Fig. 7.7B). However, the expression level of executing caspase, procaspase-3, which is processed by caspase-9 into mature caspase-3, was similar between HFD and LFD groups (Fig. 7.7C). The mature caspase-3 was not detectable in both groups (data not shown). Accordingly, the number of TUNEL-positive cells was not different between TUNEL-stained LFD and HFD heart slices (P=0.56; Fig. 7.7D and Fig. 7.7E).

Figure 7.7. Apoptosis markers. Expression of (A) procaspase-9, (B) caspase-9, and (C) procaspase-3, normalized to GAPDH (n=3 per diet group). (D) Visualization of TUNEL staining, in which TUNEL-positive cells appear brown, while TUNEL-negative cells appear purple. Black arrows indicate TUNEL-positive cells. (E) The quantification of TUNEL-positive cells (LFD n=3, HFD n=4). GAPDH: glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase, TUNEL: terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase dUTP nick end labeling. Data are means ± SD. White bars: LFD, black bars: HFD. *P<0.05, **P<0.01 vs. LFD.


Cardiac energetics and function in diet-induced obesity

7.3.8. HFD feeding induced myocardial fibrosis

The expression of procollagen type I was similar in both diet groups (Fig. 7.8A). The expression of mature collagen type I, the main collagen type expressed in the heart, was 40% increased (P<0.01) in response to HFD feeding (Fig. 7.8B). This increase in collagen content indicates excess formation of fibrous tissue, which was confirmed by a higher fraction of Sirius Red- enhanced areas in HFD compared with LFD heart slices (P=0.027; Fig. 7.8C and Fig. 7.8D), indicating the presence of increased fibrosis in HFD hearts.

Figure 7.8. Fibrosis markers. Expression of (A) procollagen I and (B) collagen I, normalized to GAPDH (n=3 per diet group). (C) Representative images of Sirius Red staining from 3 different mice per diet group, and (D) the quantification of Sirius Red-enhanced areas (LFD n=3, HFD n=4). Collagen appears red on yellow cytoplasm background. GAPDH: glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase. Data are means ± SD. White bars: LFD, black bars: HFD. *P<0.05 vs. LFD.

7.3.9. HFD feeding affected cardiac calcium handling and contractile apparatus

Increased ROS might stress sarco/endoplasmic reticulum, which could disturb calcium handling and the contractile apparatus. The expression of sarcoplasmic reticulum calcium ATPase2 (SERCA2) did not change in hearts of HFD compared with LFD mice (P=0.84; Fig. 7.9A); however, there was a 60% decrease in the phosphorylation of phospholamban (PLB) (P=0.018; Fig. 7.9B), a regulatory protein of SERCA2. HFD feeding also decreased the expression of contractile protein troponin T (cTNT; 19%, P=0.020; Fig. 7.9C).


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Figure 7.9. Calcium handling and contractile protein. Expression of (A) SERCA2 (n=3 per diet group), (B) phosphorylated PLBThr17 (n=3 per diet group), and (C) troponin T (n=6 per diet group). The expression of SERCA2 and troponin T were normalized to GAPDH. Phosphorylated PLBThr17 was expressed relative to total PLB. SERCA2: sarcoplasmic reticulum calcium ATPase2, GAPDH: glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase, pPLBThr17: phosphorylated phospholamban, PLB: phospholamban. Data are means ± SD. White bars: LFD, black bars: HFD. *P<0.05, **P<0.01 vs. LFD.

7.4. Discussion

Obesity is often associated with abnormalities in cardiac morphology and function. In this study, we tested the hypothesis that obesity-related cardiomyopathy is associated with impaired cardiac energy metabolism. In mice fed a HFD for 20 weeks, we evaluated cardiac function, and in vivo and ex vivo parameters of cardiac energy metabolism. In addition, we assessed whether HFD feeding induced myocardial lipid accumulation. Twenty weeks of HFD feeding resulted in diastolic dysfunction and increased LV mass, without changes in systolic function. In vivo cardiac PCr/ATP ratio and ex vivo oxygen consumption in isolated cardiac mitochondria were not reduced after HFD feeding, suggesting that the diastolic dysfunction was not caused by impaired cardiac energetics. HFD feeding promoted mitochondrial adaptations for increased utilization of FA, which was however not sufficient to prevent the accumulation of myocardial lipids and lipid intermediates. In addition, HFD feeding increased oxidative stress markers and collagen


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deposition, and reduced phosphorylation of phospholamban in the heart. Our data thus show that HFD-induced early stage cardiomyopathy in mice is associated with lipotoxicity-associated oxidative stress, fibrosis, and disturbed calcium homeostasis, rather than impaired cardiac energetics.

7.4.1. Effect of HFD feeding on cardiac function

We showed that 20 weeks of HFD feeding was associated with early stage cardiomyopathy (24), marked by an increased LV mass and lower early peak filling rates, indicating impaired diastolic function, while systolic function was normal. This supports diet-induced obesity as a model of diastolic dysfunction. Similar to our findings, in a previous study, 20 weeks of HFD feeding in mice did not affect systolic function, although no data on diastolic function was reported (76). In contrast, another study in mice reported lower systolic function (27, 45) and minor diastolic dysfunction (45) after 12 weeks of HFD feeding. In Wistar rats, posterior wall thickness increased and systolic function decreased after 8 weeks of HFD feeding (57). In Sprague Dawley rats fed a HFD for 32 weeks, LV hypertrophy was observed without any cardiac dysfunction (35). These different results might be caused by different experimental conditions: differences in types of animal models, differences in macronutrient composition of the diet and duration of the experiment, as well as differences in the sensitivity of the measurement techniques.

7.4.2. The role of cardiac energetics in HFD-induced cardiac dysfunction

Continuous repetition of the cardiac contraction-relaxation cycle requires permanent supply of energy in the form of ATP. Therefore, an impairment of mitochondrial ATP production may underlie HFD-induced diastolic dysfunction. However, in vivo cardiac 31P MRS showed that 20 weeks of HFD feeding did not affect the cardiac PCr/ATP ratio, a measure of in vivo cardiac energy status. To our knowledge, we are the first to measure the cardiac PCr/ATP ratio in vivo in a mouse model of HFD-induced obesity. The finding that HFD feeding had no effect on the cardiac PCr/ATP ratio in vivo indicates that in this condition ATP production still meets the ATP demand. This was also supported by unaltered ATP, ADP, and AMP concentrations in hearts of HFD compared with LFD mice, as determined biochemically. These data are in agreement with observations in perfused heart setups, where unaffected PCr and ATP concentrations have been reported in mouse hearts after 20 weeks of HFD feeding (76).

The PCr/ATP ratio measured in this study (0.85 ± 0.15 in LFD mice) is lower compared to literature values of healthy mice (17). The values are also generally lower than values reported for humans (38, 54), which is likely due to methodological differences (7). It has been recognized that many aspects of localized 31P-MRS acquisition and quantification can contribute to differences in PCr/ATP values (7). Although the method we used (cardiac-triggered, respiratory-gated 3D ISIS) may underestimate the PCr/ATP values, our method has been shown to be sensitive to detect a decrease in PCr/ATP in the hearts of fasted long-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase (LCAD) knockout mice compared with controls (4).

In vitro assessment of mitochondrial function revealed that HFD feeding increased oxidative phosphorylation capacity with the FA -oxidation substrate palmitoyl-L-carnitine, while oxidative phosphorylation capacity for pyruvate was unaffected, showing that cardiac metabolism adapted


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to the dietary lipid oversupply. This is in agreement with previous findings in perfused heart studies demonstrating that HFD feeding shifts cardiac substrate use from glucose to FA (61, 70, 76), while myocardial energetics is maintained (70, 76). A shift in cardiac substrate use from glucose to FA has been associated with impaired cardiac function (43, 63). HFD feeding had no effect on the basal (state 4) oxygen consumption rate in isolated cardiac mitochondria or on the expression of cardiac UCP3, suggesting unaltered ion permeability of the inner mitochondrial membrane/mitochondrial uncoupling. In contrast, a previous study in rats fed with HFD showed increased mitochondrial uncoupling, which was associated with reduced cardiac energetics (19).

The maintenance of in vivo cardiac energetics upon HFD feeding in the present study was also supported by unaltered cardiac citrate synthase activity, a mitochondrial marker enzyme, unaltered expression of PGC1α, a key regulator of mitochondrial biogenesis, and unaltered expression levels of OXPHOS complexes. Studies with other obesity and diabetes mouse models, such as leptin-deficient (ob/ob) mice and leptin receptor-deficient (db/db) mice, showed decreased expression of oxidative phosphorylation proteins in association with impaired cardiac energetics and function (10, 21, 27), suggesting that genetic obesity has more profound detrimental effects on cardiac energy metabolism compared to HFD-induced obesity.

Taken together, our data show that HFD feeding has a subtle effect on cardiac energy metabolism, manifesting in the activation of signal transduction pathways that shift cardiac metabolism toward increased use of FA as a fuel, rather than a gross impairment of energy producing function.

7.4.3. The role of lipotoxicity in HFD-induced cardiac dysfunction

The storage of lipids in cardiomyocytes, which occurs when cardiac FA uptake exceeds the rate of oxidation, is a protective mechanism against the formation of intermediate lipid metabolites, such as diacylglycerols, ceramides, and long chain fatty acyl-CoA esters (12, 69). However, prolonged myocardial lipid overload could contribute to cardiac dysfunction through increased ROS production and oxidative stress (41), apoptosis (28, 77), fibrosis (40, 67), and induction of endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress (74). We showed that 20 weeks of HFD feeding resulted in a strong accumulation of myocardial neutral lipids as well as lipid intermediates, such as acylcarnitines and DAG. DAG may interfere with insulin signaling (6), which supports the reduction in cardiac insulin sensitivity as observed in mice as early as after 1.5 weeks of HFD feeding (59). The accumulation of myocardial lipids suggests that FA supply and uptake exceed the rate of oxidation, despite the increase in mitochondrial FA oxidation capacity (64). In this respect, we have earlier observed in HFD-fed rats that the main cardiac FA transporter CD36 relocates from intracellular membrane compartments to the sarcolemma (58). This CD36 relocation occurs in the absence of changes in expression of this transporter, and causes a chronically increased influx of FA into the heart, followed by insulin resistance, and finally contractile dysfunction (29). Furthermore, the accumulation of cardiac acylcarnitines indicates that the increased FA oxidation in the HFD mouse hearts is associated with elevated incomplete FA oxidation (37), which can be explained by the lack of a concomitant increase in OXPHOS capacity as shown by the unchanged glucose oxidation capacity and protein expression of OXPHOS complexes. The increase in FA oxidation without a concomitant increase in OXPHOS capacity may result in the loss of electrons from the ETC and subsequently, excessive


Cardiac energetics and function in diet-induced obesity

stimulation of ROS production. In the present study, we observed upregulation of antioxidant enzymes Cu/ZnSOD and MnSOD and increased protein oxidation in response to HFD feeding, which indeed suggests increased production of ROS. Lipotoxicity and apoptosis Increased ROS production may lead to the activation of the apoptosis pathway (16, 28), as well as lower cardiac efficiency due to the induction of mitochondrial uncoupling, a mechanism to reduce ROS formation at the expense of ATP production (8). In the present study, HFD feeding had no effect on the coupling of cardiac mitochondria but it indeed induced activation of the apoptosis pathway, as indicated by upregulation of procaspase-9 as well as increased formation of the mature caspase-9. However, we did not observe increased processing of procaspase-3 to its mature form, which would ultimately lead to the execution of apoptosis. Supporting this data, TUNEL staining did not show differences in the amount of apoptotic cells in LFD and HFD heart slices. This is not surprising, since the processing of procaspase-3 to its active form catalyzed by caspase-9 requires additional mitochondrial signals, such as the release of cytochrome c from mitochondria (14) and a drop in cytosolic ATP level (73) due to the loss of mitochondrial integrity and impairment of mitochondrial function. We showed that ATP concentration was similar in LFD and HFD hearts, and the integrity of cardiac mitochondria was not affected by HFD as indicated by unaltered oxygen consumption rate in state 4, implying that the extent of damage did not yet lead to the actual execution of apoptosis. Lipotoxicity and fibrosis Excessive production of toxic lipid intermediates such as DAG and ROS stimulates the production of pro-collagens and collagens, through the activation of protein kinases PKC-β or PKA (2). Collagens, primarily collagen type I, make up the extracellular matrix (ECM) of the heart (2). The increase in ECM, a hallmark of fibrosis, has been shown to increase myocardial stiffness (72). The stiffening of myocardium reduces LV compliance (i.e. the change in LV pressure needed to allow the LV filling), and therefore the ability of the muscle to relax (i.e. reduced LV relaxation/diastolic function). Indeed, it has been shown that collagen content was increased in rats with pre-diabetes or upon HFD feeding, together with reduced LV diastolic function (40, 67). In addition, treatment using anti-diabetic drug pioglitazone was shown to normalize LV diastolic function, which was associated with reduced collagen content (67). In human studies, the serum levels of breakdown products of procollagen I and collagen I (i.e. carboxy-terminal propeptide of procollagen I (PICP) and carboxy-terminal telopeptide of collagen I (CITP)) were shown to be higher in relation to the severity of diastolic dysfunction (49), providing evidence for the relevance of fibrosis in the development of diastolic dysfunction. In the present study, we found higher expression of collagen I levels in HFD compared with LFD mouse hearts. This indication of excess formation of fibrous connective tissue was supported by an increase in the fibrotic area in Sirius Red-stained HFD heart slices. Therefore, our data suggest that myocardial fibrosis plays a key role in HFD-induced impairment of cardiac function in mice. Lipotoxicity and calcium homeostasis Finally, the increase in lipotoxicity-induced oxidative stress may impair calcium homeostasis (30, 68), which may also play a role in HFD-induced diastolic dysfunction (23), since diastolic dysfunction is characterized by a prolonged relaxation time (62). Cardiac muscle relaxation after


Chapter 7

contraction is induced in response to the lowering of the sarcoplasmic calcium concentration due to active re-uptake of calcium into the sarcoplasmic reticulum, catalyzed by sarcoplasmic reticulum calcium ATPases (SERCA). SERCA activity is crucially regulated by the phosphorylation of PLB (47) and a reduction in PLB phosphorylation may be associated with lipotoxicity-induced ER stress as shown in a previous study in HFD mice (68). In the unphosphorylated state, PLB binds to SERCA, inhibiting calcium pump activity. The phosphorylation of PLB releases this inhibition, which has been shown to result in an increase in calcium transport up to 4-fold or greater (62). PLB levels were shown to be linearly correlated with the rates of contraction and relaxation in isolated perfused hearts (46) and in hearts of intact mice (44), suggesting that the remarkable 60% decrease in PLB phosphorylation in the HFD mouse hearts may have contributed to the diastolic dysfunction observed in the present study. Supporting our results, a recent study reported decreased PLB phosphorylation, impaired calcium regulation, and contractile dysfunction in cardiomyocytes of HFD-fed mice (68). In addition, we also observed reduced cardiac troponin T (cTNT) in HFD mouse hearts. cTNT is essential in regulating calcium sensitivity and magnitude of force production during the contraction. Cardiac troponin T mutation or deletion has been associated with diastolic dysfunction in mice (26, 56), and a decrease in cTNT expression has been observed in response to HFD feeding in mice (21). Taken together, our data show that disturbed calcium regulation may contribute to the observed diastolic dysfunction.

7.5. Conclusion

In conclusion, 20 weeks of HFD feeding led to cardiac dysfunction in mice as indicated by increased LV mass and reduced diastolic function. HFD feeding induced mitochondrial adaptations promoting the utilization of FA. However, HFD-induced cardiac dysfunction was not caused by abnormalities in cardiac energetics, but rather was associated with lipotoxicity- induced myocardial oxidative stress, fibrosis, and disturbed calcium homeostasis.

7.6. Acknowledgements

We thank Leonie Niesen and David Veraart for their assistance in animal handling, Albert Gerding for the assistance with cardiac acylcarnitine quantification, Will Coumans for the assistance with biochemical determination of intramyocellular lipids, and Abdallah Motaal for the reconstruction of high temporal resolution cine MRI data.

D.A., B.W. and J.J.P. are supported by a VIDI grant (project number 700.58.421) from the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO). J.C. is supported by the NWO-funded Groningen Systems Biology Center for Energy Metabolism and Ageing. This work was supported by the Dutch Technology Foundation STW, the Applied Science Division of NWO, and the Technology Program of the Ministry of Economic Affairs (grant number 10191). M.N. is supported by a VENI grant (project number 916.14.050) from NWO.


Cardiac energetics and function in diet-induced obesity

7.7. References

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Chapter 8

Reduced Cpt1b sensitivity to malonyl-CoA is associated with disturbed cardiac energy metabolism and reduced cardiac function in a Cpt1bE3A mouse model

Desiree Abdurrachim1*, Michel van Weeghel2*, Miranda Nabben1, Riekelt H. Houtkooper2, Rianne Nederlof4, Klaas Nicolay1, Johan Auwerx5, Christine Des Rosiers6, Coert J. Zuurbier4, Ronald J. Wanders2,3, Jeanine J. Prompers1, Sander M. Houten2,3

1Biomedical NMR, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands 2Laboratory Genetic Metabolic Diseases, Departments of Clinical Chemistry, Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands 3Department of Pediatrics, Emma Children’s Hospital, Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands 4Laboratory of Intensive Care and Anesthesiology, Department of Anesthesiology, Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands 5Laboratory of Integrative and Systems Physiology, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland 6Department of Nutrition, Université de Montréal, Montréal, Quebec, Canada

*both authors contributed equally Chapter 8


Increased cardiac fatty acid oxidation (FAO) in diabetes and obesity has been associated with cardiac dysfunction. Carnitine palmitoyltransferase 1b (CPT1b) is a component of the carnitine shuttle, which is essential for fatty acid (FA) import into mitochondria. CPT1b activity is inhibited by malonyl-CoA and is considered rate-limiting in FAO. The control of malonyl-CoA on CPT1b has recently emerged as a potential contributor to abnormal cardiac FAO; however, the implication of reduced CPT1b sensitivity to malonyl-CoA on cardiac function and metabolic homeostasis is currently not known. We generated a knockin mouse model expressing a Cpt1bE3A mutant enzyme, which has reduced sensitivity to malonyl-CoA. Cardiac function and metabolism of Cpt1bE3A mice were assessed in isolated cardiac mitochondria, in perfused hearts, and in vivo using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and spectroscopy (MRS).

Increased FAO flux was observed in the perfused Cpt1bE3A/E3A hearts, demonstrating reduced malonyl-CoA control of Cpt1b and that Cpt1b is rate limiting for FAO. The increased FA flux was paralleled by decreased cardiac energy status, increased left ventricular mass, and reduced cardiac function in Cpt1bE3A/E3A mice in vivo. In isolated heart mitochondria of Cpt1bE3A/E3A mice, oxidative capacity was reduced for glucose-derived substrates, and to a greater extent, for FA- derived substrates, suggesting a downregulation in oxidative phosphorylation and FA β- oxidation pathways. Furthermore, reduced Cpt1 activity and Cpt1b protein expression were observed in Cpt1bE3A/E3A hearts. This study demonstrates the importance of malonyl-CoA control on Cpt1b for cardiac function and metabolic homeostasis. Reduced Cpt1b sensitivity to malonyl- CoA increases cardiac FAO, and is associated with impaired cardiac energetics and cardiac dysfunction.

Keywords Cpt1b, malonyl-CoA levels, fatty acid oxidation, cardiac energetics, cardiac function


Cardiac function and metabolism in Cpt1bE3A knockin mice

8.1. Introduction

Alterations in cardiac metabolism have been implicated in the development of cardiomyopathy. In the healthy heart, 60-70% of the energy is provided through fatty acid (FA) oxidation, while the remaining 30-40% is contributed mostly by glucose oxidation (1, 5, 28, 45). In obesity and diabetes, cardiac substrate preference shifts towards almost exclusive use of FAs. The increased FAO, together with the loss of flexibility to switch between glucose and FA substrates, is associated with a reduced cardiac function of the diabetic heart (14).

The reciprocal relationship between glucose oxidation and FAO is known as the glucose-fatty acid, or Randle cycle. Several mechanisms contribute to the regulation of glucose oxidation and FAO (38, 39). High levels of glucose and insulin promote the carboxylation of glucose oxidation- derived acetyl-CoA by acetyl-CoA carboxylase-2 (ACC2) to form malonyl-CoA, a potent inhibitor of carnitine palmitoyl transferase-1 (CPT1) (32). CPT1 performs the first step in the transport of FA into mitochondria and its activity is considered a rate-limiting step in FAO (32). It has been demonstrated in isolated rat hepatocytes that the activity of Cpt1a, the liver isoform of Cpt1, strongly determines FAO flux (10). However, the control of Cpt1b, the heart and skeletal muscle isoform of Cpt1, on FAO flux has not been determined, and moreover, has been questioned recently. Compared with Cpt1a, Cpt1b has a higher affinity for malonyl-CoA, but the cardiac malonyl-CoA concentration greatly exceeds the concentration of malonyl-CoA needed to inhibit

Cpt1b activity by 50% (IC50), indicating that Cpt1b activity would be totally repressed (12). Furthermore, reducing Cpt1b activity by 44% using an irreversible inhibitor did not affect FAO rates in isolated cardiomyocytes (30). There are, however, also strong arguments in favor of a high control of Cpt1b. Acc2 knockout mice have lower malonyl-CoA levels, accompanied by an increase in cardiac FAO, proving flux control at the level of Cpt1b (13, 25).

In diabetes and heart disease, the modulation of malonyl-CoA levels might play a potential role in the abnormal (cardiac) FA metabolism (18). Low malonyl-CoA levels due to increased activity and expression of malonyl-CoA decarboxylase (MCD) seem to contribute to the high FAO rates in diabetes (41). Moreover, low malonyl-CoA levels have also been shown to be associated with the increase in FAO during ischemia reperfusion (26). Apart from changes in malonyl-CoA levels, a decrease in malonyl-CoA control of FAO has also been suggested to contribute to the increased FAO rates observed in obesity and diabetes (18). In this case, Cpt1 sensitivity to malonyl-CoA may be of particular importance. Indeed, it has been shown that Cpt1a sensitivity to malonyl-CoA was reduced in diabetic liver (37). However, it is not known whether reduced Cpt1b sensitivity to malonyl-CoA contributes to increased FAO in the heart.

To this end, we generated a novel Cpt1bE3A knockin mouse, based on the decreased malonyl- CoA sensitivity of the E3A mutation previously shown in Cpt1a (15, 43). Indeed, here we show that malonyl-CoA sensitivity of Cpt1b was decreased in heart and skeletal muscle tissue of Cpt1bE3A mice. We investigated 1) whether reduced Cpt1b sensitivity to malonyl-CoA increases cardiac FAO flux, and more importantly, 2) whether the reduced control of malonyl-CoA on Cpt1b activity has a direct impact on cardiac function and metabolic homeostasis.


Chapter 8

8.2. Materials and Methods

8.2.1. Materials

Human serum albumin (HSA), ʟ-carnitine, malonyl-CoA, bicinchoninic acid (BCA) were obtained from Sigma-Aldrich. Complete mini protease inhibitor cocktail tablets were obtained from Roche. The cell culture medium DMEM, nutrient mixture (25 mM HEPES + ʟ-glutamine) and the trypsin- EDTA solution were acquired from Gibco. 1-butanol and acetylchloride were obtained from 2 2 Merck. Acetonitrile (ACN) gradient grade was obtained from Biosolve. The [ H3]-C3, [ H3]-C8 2 and [ H3]-C16 acylcarnitine internal standards were obtained from Dr. H.J. ten Brink (Vrije University Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands).

8.2.2. Site-directed mutagenesis

Site-directed mutagenesis was performed using the Quickchange II-E Site-directed mutagenesis kit from Stratagene. Primers for Cpt1a and Cpt1b E3A were designed using the Stratagene website. Cpt1a was amplified from pGEM-T-Cpt1a plasmid using the following primers: a forward primer containing the E3A mutation 5'-CACTCAAGATGGCAGCGGCTCACCAAGCTGT-3' and a reverse primer 5'-ACAGCTTGGTGAGCCGCTGCCATCTTGAGTG-3'. Cpt1b was amplified from pGEM-T-Cpt1b plasmid using the following primers: a forward primer containing the E3A mutation 5'-CCAGGATGGCGGCAGCACACCAGGC-3' and a reverse primer 5'- GCCTGGTGTGCTGCCGCCATCCTGG-3'.

8.2.3. Mouse Cpt1a and Cpt1b plasmid expression in S. cerevisiae

Cpt1a, Cpt1b, Cpt1aE3A and Cpt1bE3A were expressed in the Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain BY4742 MATα his3Δ1 leu2Δ0 lys2Δ0 ura3Δ0 ΔCAT2 (ATCC number 4016728 from Invitrogen) using the pYES vector. The cells were grown in glucose medium (20g/L glucose, 6.7 g/L yeast nitrogen base (without amino acids), and amino acids (0.3 g/L Leu, 0.2 g/L Try, 0.2 g/L His, 0.3 g/L Lys) for 24h at 28°C in a gyro shaker, harvested by centrifugation and transferred to galactose medium (20 g/L galactose, 6.7 g/L yeast nitrogen base, amino acids and 1 g/L yeast extract). The cells from overnight cultures were harvested again by centrifugation and protoplasts were prepared using the lytic enzyme zymolyase, as described by Spaan et al. (44). The resulting protoplasts were centrifuged for 5 min at 700g and the obtained pellets were stored at -80°C until usage for enzyme activity measurements. Protein concentration in the homogenates was determined using BCA solution and HSA as standard.

8.2.4. Overexpression in HEK293 cells

Approximately 20.000 HEK293 cells were seeded in a 6 wells plate and cultured o/n in DMEM with glutamine, 10% fetal bovine serum (Gibco, Carlsbad, CA, USA), and 1% mixture of penicillin, streptomycin, fungizone (Gibco). Cells were incubated in a CO2 incubator (5% CO2) at 37°C. The cells were transfected using lipofectamine 2000 (Invitrogen) with 3.6 µg POG44 and either 0.4 µg pcDNA5-EV, pcDNA5-Cpt1bWT or pcDNA5-Cpt1bE3A in optimem. After 5-6 hours, the transfection medium was removed and replaced by fresh DMEM culture medium.


Cardiac function and metabolism in Cpt1bE3A knockin mice

8.2.5. Cpt1b constitutive knockin generation

The Cpt1b constitutive knockin mouse (c.8_9delinsCT, coding effect Glu3Ala (E3A)) was generated on a C57BL/6N background by Artemis Taconic (Cologne, Germany) (Fig. 1A-B). The positive selection marker (Puromycin resistance) was flanked by F3 sites and inserted within intron 7, into a region with minimal sequence conservation among species, in order to minimize the risk of interfering with elements important for the regulation of transcription or splicing of the Cpt1b gene. The targeting vector was generated using BAC clones from the C57BL/6J RPCI- 23 BAC library and transfected into Artemis Taconic C57BL/6N Tac ES cell lines. Homologous recombinant clones were isolated using positive (Puromycin resistance) and negative (Thymidine kinase) selections. The constitutive KI allele was left over after Flp-mediated removal of the selection marker. This allele expressed the mutated Cpt1b E3A protein. The remaining recombination site will be located in non-conserved region of the genome. The Cpt1bE3A colony was maintained by crossing with C57BL/6N (Charles River) mice.

8.2.6. Animals

Cpt1bWT/WT, Cpt1bWT/E3A, and Cpt1bE3A/E3A mice were generated via heterozygous breeding pairs. The mice were housed at 21 ± 1 °C, 40-50% humidity, and a 12h light-dark cycle, with ad libitum access to water and a standard rodent diet. Four different sets of mice were used for the following experiments: (1) intraperitoneal glucose tolerance test (IPGTT) and biochemical tissue analysis (Cpt1bWT/WT n=6, Cpt1bWT/E3A n=5, and Cpt1bE3A/E3A n=7) at 8-15 weeks of age, (2) perfused heart setup (Cpt1bWT/WT n=5 and Cpt1bE3A/E3A n=5) at 25 weeks of age, (3) in vivo MRI and MRS measurements (Cpt1bWT/WT n=10; homebred or from Charles River, and Cpt1bE3A/E3A n=10) at 12-13 weeks of age, and (4) respiration measurement in isolated cardiac mitochondria (Cpt1bWT/WT n=10 from Charles River, and Cpt1bE3A/E3A n=10) at 18 weeks of age. All experiments other than MRI and MRS were approved by the institutional review board for animal experiments at the Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam (The Netherlands) or were carried out according to national Swiss and EU ethical guidelines and approved by the local animal experimentation committee of the Canton de Vaud (Switzerland) under license #2469. MRI and MRS experimental protocols were approved by the Animal Experiment Committee of Maastricht University (The Netherlands).

8.2.7. IPGTT and refeeding

At 8 weeks of age, 50 µl of blood was collected from the vena saphena for the measurements of glucose, acylcarnitines, and ketones in the fed state. Intraperitoneal glucose tolerance test (IPGTT) was determined at 9 and 12 weeks of age. At 9 weeks of age, mice were fasted for 4h, followed by an intraperitoneal (i.p.) injection of 2 g/kg glucose (20% D-glucose) at t=0 minutes. Glucose level was measured via a tail cut at time points, t=0, 15, 30, 60, 90 and 120 minutes. At 12 weeks of age, mice were fasted overnight, followed by an i.p. injection of 2g/kg glucose (20% D-glucose) at T=0 minutes. Glucose level was measured via a tail cut at time points, t=0, 15, 30, 60, 90 and 120 minutes. At 15 weeks of age, mice were weighed, placed in a clean cage without food but with access to water, and fasted overnight. This was followed by refeeding the mice for 4h, where after, the mice were anesthetized with an intraperitoneal injection of 100 mg/kg pentobarbital. Anesthetized mice were euthanized by exsanguination from the vena cava


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inferior. The heart, liver, BAT, WAT, and muscles were rapidly excised, weighed, and processed for biochemical analysis.

8.2.8. Acylcarnitine analysis

Cardiac acylcarnitine levels were determined in freeze-dried tissue specimens using tandem mass spectrometry as described previously (48). In short, acylcarnitines were extracted using 80% acetonitrile (ACN), dried, propylated, dissolved in ACN, and stored at -20°C until analysis. Semiquantitative determination of the formed acylcarnitines in the samples was done using internal standards (650 µM d3-C0, 5 µM d3-C3, 2 µM d3-C6, 2 µM d3-C8, 2 µM d3-C10, and 2 µM d3-C16 acylcarnitine).

8.2.9. Immunoblotting

The polyclonal antibody against Cpt1b (HPA029583) was obtained from Sigma-Aldrich. The polyclonal antibody against UCP1 was obtained from Merck Millipore (662045, USA). Secondary antibodies goat anti-rabbit IrD cw800 were from Li-Cor Biosciences (Lincoln, NE, USA), and immunoblot images were obtained using the Odyssey infrared imaging system (Li-Cor Biosciences).

8.2.10. In vitro Cpt1 activity measurements

Mouse tissues were homogenized using the ultra-turrax T10 (IKA-Werke Germany) in PBS + protease inhibitors, sonicated 3 x 10s (8W) and diluted to 1 mg/mL. The Cpt1 activity in these tissues was measured in vitro after incubating homogenates (final protein concentration of 10 µg/mL) with 25 μM [U-13C]-palmitoyl-CoA (C16:0-CoA), 0.5 mM ʟ-carnitine, 1 mg/ml BSA, 150 mM KCL, 25 mM Tris (pH 7.4), 10 mM KPi (pH 7.4) and 2 mM EDTA at 37°C, for 10 min. The activity of Cpt1 was evaluated in the presence or absence of its specific inhibitor malonyl-CoA (0-256 µM) or after the addition of 0.1% triton X-100.

The protoplasts of the yeast strains expressing Cpt1 proteins (5 µg/mL final concentration suspended in PBS + protease inhibitors) were sonicated 3 x 10s (8W) and used for Cpt1 activity measurements to determine the IC50 for malonyl-CoA (0-1 mM) and the affinities for the 13 substrates, [U- C]-C16:0-CoA (0-40 µM) and ʟ-carnitine (0-1.25 mM). The Km for carnitine and the K0.5 for palmitoyl-CoA were determined by plotting reaction rate against concentration, and using nonlinear regression of the Michaelis-Menten equation. The IC50 for malonyl-CoA was determined using 1/V Dixon plot equation.

The Cpt1 activity was measured as the synthesis rate of [U-13C]-C16:0-carnitine, which was analyzed and quantified by ESI-MS/MS (47). A mixture of acylcarnitines internal standard (50 2 2 2 pmol [ H3]-propionyl-carnitine, 50 pmol [ H3]-octanoyl-carnitine and 25 pmol [ H3]-palmitoyl- carnitine) was added to each sample. The samples were analyzed in duplicate. The peak height 13 2 ratio of the formed [U- C]-C16:0-carnitine to the peak height of the internal standard [ H3]- palmitoyl-carnitine was determined using MassLynx NT software version 4.1 (Waters–Micromass, Manchester, UK). This ratio was used to calculate the Cpt1 activity.


Cardiac function and metabolism in Cpt1bE3A knockin mice

8.2.11. Perfused heart setup

Mice were heparinized (15 IU) and anesthetized with pentobarbital (80 mg/kg). After tracheotomy, mice were mechanically ventilated. Heart cannulation was performed in situ and perfusion was started before excision of the heart. Hearts were Langendorff perfused at a constant flow (initial perfusion pressure 80 mmHg) at 37°C with Krebs-Henselheit solution containing 118 mM NaCl, 4.7 mM KCl, 1.2 mM MgSO4, 1.2 mM KH2PO4, 25 mM NaHCO3, 0.5 mM

EDTA, 2.5 mM CaCl2, 5.5 mM glucose, 0.3 mM palmitate bound to 3% albumin, 0.5 mM glutamine, 1.0 mM lactate, 0.1 mM pyruvate, 0.05 mM ʟ-carnitine, and 100 mU/L insulin gassed 13 13 with 95% O2/5% CO2. Hearts were perfused with either [U- C6]-glucose or [U- C16]-palmitate (n=5 per group). A cannula was pierced through the apex to drain thebesian venous effluent from the left ventricular lumen. End-diastolic pressure was set at ~2-6 mmHg using a water- filled polyethylene balloon inserted in the left ventricle. After stabilization hearts were perfused for 20 min after which venous oxygen tension was measured. The hearts were then freeze clamped and stored at -80°C until further analysis. Cardiac effluent and influent was also sampled and stored at -80°C until further analysis.

8.2.12. Determination of citric acid cycle intermediates

The isotope distribution of citric acid cycle intermediates was determined in heart tissue freeze clamped after Langendorff perfusion. Heart tissue (~100 mg wet weight) was homogenized in 1 mL 8% (w/v) sulfosalicylic acid and 100 μL of internal standard (0.2 mM 2-phenylbutyric acid) using an Ultra-Turrax and sonication or the Tissuelyser (Qiagen). Suspension was centrifuged (10 minutes, 12000 g), after which the pH of the supernatant was adjusted to 7 by adding 30% NaOH dropwise. The sample was then split in two. In half of the extract the keto groups were directly oximated by addition of 50 μL 5M hydroxylamine hydrochloride and inducation at 60°C for 30 minutes. The other half of the extract was first reduced by 50 μL 200 mM NaBH4, and incubated at room temperature for 30 minutes. After inactivation and neutralization using hydrochloric acid and KOH/MOPS, respectively, the sample was further treated with citrate lyase and hydroxylamine, to convert citrate into oximated oxaloacetate (750 μL of 500 mM triethylamine pH 7.4, 100 mM MgSO4, 50 mM EDTA, 10 μL 5M hydroxylamine hydrochloride and 2.5U citrate lyase). The mixture was sonicated and incubated for 5 minutes at 37°C after which the sample was acidified by adding 100 μL saturated sulfosalicylic acid and centrifuged (10 minutes, 1200 g). Next, both samples were reacidified by adding 100 μL 37% HCl, and saturated with salt by adding ~0.2 g NaCl. The organic acids were extracted twice by adding 3 mL ethylacetate. Both ethylacetate extracts were pooled and dried. The residue was derivatized by addition of 75 μL N-tert-butyldimethylsilyl-N-methyltrifluoroacetamide, and incubation at 80°C for 60 minutes. Within 24 hours, the sample (1 μL) was analyzed by gas chromatography- mass spectrometry (GC-MS). Peak intensities were integrated, corrected for natural abundance, and used for the calculation of contribution of glucose and palmitate to acetyl-CoA formation for citrate synthesis (7, 8).

8.2.13. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and spectroscopy (MRS) setup

MRI and MRS measurements were performed on a 9.4 T horizontal bore MR scanner (Bruker, Germany), during two separate sessions with 2-4 days interval between the two sessions. One


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session was for 1H MRS and MRI, while the other was for 31P MRS, with the order of the measurements assigned randomly. For 1H MRS and MRI, a 35-mm quadrature birdcage coil (Bruker, Germany) was used for signal transmission and reception. For 31P MRS, a 53.8-mm double tuned 1H quadrature/31P linear birdcage coil (Rapid Biomedical, Germany) was used for signal transmission and a 15-mm diameter home-built 31P surface coil was used for signal reception. During the MR measurements, the animals were anaesthetized through a customized mask with 1-2% isoflurane in medical air at a flow rate of 0.4 L/min. Body temperature was controlled at 36-37°C with a heating pad. Rectal temperature, ECG signal, and breathing rate were monitored throughout the measurement period. All measurements were acquired using cardiac-triggering and respiratory-gating. Myocardial TG measurements using 1H MRS 1H MRS was performed using the point resolved spectroscopy (PRESS) sequence, with chemical shift selective (CHESS) water suppression, as described previously (3). Briefly, 1H MR spectra were acquired from a 1x2x2 mm3 voxel positioned in the interventricular septum during the diastolic phase of the cardiac cycle. The parameters were as follows: repetition time: ~2 s, echo time: 9.1 ms, 0.41 ms 90° Hermite-shaped excitation pulse, 0.9 ms 180° Mao-type refocusing pulses. The spectra were processed and analyzed using AMARES (49) in the jMRUI software package (35, 46). The unsuppressed water peak was fitted to a Lorentzian line shape, and metabolite peaks (taurine, choline/carnitine, creatine, and 7 peaks from triglycerides) were fitted to Gaussian line shape. The metabolite levels were then calculated from the metabolite signal relative to the unsuppressed water peak. Cardiac energy status measurements using 31P MRS 31P MRS was performed in a voxel of typically ~6x6x6 mm3 covering the left ventricle, using the image selected in vivo spectroscopy (ISIS) sequence, as described previously (2). The parameters were as follows: repetition time: ~2 s, 1.2 ms 90º sinc-shaped excitation pulse (bandwidth: 32.0 ppm), 6.25 ms 180º adiabatic hyperbolic secant inversion pulses (bandwidth: 37.5 ppm), 96 ISIS cycles (768 scans), γ-ATP on resonance. Phosphocreatine (PCr) and γ-ATP peaks were fitted to Lorentzian line shapes with a linewidth (LW) constraint of LW-γ-ATP = LW- PCr + 14.8 Hz, based on the intrinsic linewidth difference between γ-ATP and PCr as determined from 60 cardiac spectra from our laboratory. As a measure of cardiac energy status, the ratio of the PCr to γ-ATP peak (PCr/ATP) was determined and corrected for T1 partial saturation (correction factor for PCr = 1.75 and for ATP = 1.31, determined from sixteen cardiac 31P spectra with repetition times of 2 and 15 s). The PCr/ATP ratio was not corrected for the contribution of blood to the spectra, as this was shown to be negligible (4). Cardiac function measurement using cinematic MRI Cardiac movies (~15 frames/cardiac cycle) were acquired using gradient echo imaging in 5-6 contiguous short axis and 2 long axis slices with 1-mm thickness. The imaging parameters were as follows: repetition time: 7 ms, echo time: 1.8 ms, flip angle: 15°, matrix: 192x192, field of view: 30x30 mm2, frame resolution: 7 ms. To determine diastolic function parameters, cardiac movies (~50-60 frames/cardiac cycle) of the mid-ventricular slice were acquired using retrospectively triggered gradient echo imaging, allowing high temporal resolution, as described previously (9). The parameters used were as follows: repetition time: 4.7 ms, echo time: 2.35 ms, flip angle: 15°, matrix: 128x128, field of view: 30x30 mm2, frame resolution: 2 ms. The


Cardiac function and metabolism in Cpt1bE3A knockin mice

images were segmented semi-automatically using CAAS MRV 2.0 (Pie Medical, Maastricht, The Netherlands) or Segment (version 1.8 R1145,, after which the systolic and diastolic functional parameters were calculated.

8.2.14. Isolation of cardiac mitochondria

Following excision, the heart was rinsed in ice cold 0.9% KCl, quickly minced with scissors in 0.5 ml of medium containing 160 mM KCl, 10 mM NaCl, 20 mM Tris, 5 mM EGTA and 0.05 mg/ml bacterial proteinase type XXIV (pH 7.7), and incubated for ~1 min on ice. The mixture was then homogenized using a Potter-Elvehjem homogenizer. Mitochondria were isolated through a differential centrifugation procedure as described in (34) and and resuspended in buffer containing 180 mM KCl, 20 mM Tris, 3 mM EGTA and 1 mg/ml bovine serum albumin (pH 7.4). Protein content was determined using a BCA protein assay kit (Pierce, Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc., Rockfort, IL, USA).

8.2.15. High-resolution respirometry

A 2-channel high-resolution Oroboros oxygraph-2k (Oroboros, Innsbruck, Austria) was used to measure oxygen consumption rates at 30°C. Isolated mitochondria (0.15 mg/ml) were incubated in 1 ml of assay medium (0.5 mM EGTA, 3 mM MgCl2, 60 mM K-lactobionate, 20 mM taurine, 10 mM KH2PO4, 20 mM HEPES, 110 mM sucrose, and 1 mg/ml bovine serum albumin, pH 7.1 at 30°C) with i) 5 mM pyruvate plus 5mM malate, ii) 25 µM palmitoyl-CoA plus 2.5 mM ʟ-carnitine plus 2.5 mM malate, or iii) 25 µM palmitoyl-ʟ-carnitine plus 2.5 mM malate as the oxidizable substrates. The maximal O2 consumption rate in a coupled state of oxidative phosphorylation (state 3) was measured after addition of 2 mM ADP. The basal O2 consumption rate (state 4) was measured after blocking ATP synthesis with 1.25 µM carboxyatractyloside

(CAT). The uncoupled O2 consumption rate (state U) was determined after addition of 1 µM carbonyl cyanide 3-chlorophenyl hydrazone (CCCP). Data acquisition and analysis were performed using Oxygraph-2k-Datlab software (Oroboros, Innsbruck, Austria).

8.2.16. Statistical analysis

All data are presented as means ± standard deviation. Statistical analysis was performed using GraphPad Prism 5 (GraphPad, La Jolla, CA, USA) or SPSS 17.0 (SPSS Inc). Differences were evaluated using a 2-sided Student’s t-test or a one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) with Bonferroni-corrected post hoc tests. Statistical significance was set at P<0.05.


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Figure 8.1. Generation and characterization of Cpt1bE3A knockin mice. (A) Targeting strategy for the generation of Cpt1bE3A knockin mice. Organization of the Cpt1b gene on chromosome 22. (B) Analysis of the E3A mutation in cDNA isolated from Cpt1bWT/E3A hearts. Displayed is one representative electropherogram of 3 Cpt1bWT/E3A mice analyzed. (C) Malonyl-CoA sensitivity of Cpt activity in heart, quadriceps and liver of Cpt1bWT/WT, Cpt1bWT/E3A, and Cpt1bE3A/E3A mice. White bars: Cpt1bWT/WT, grey bars: Cpt1bWT/E3A, black bars: Cpt1bE3A/E3A. Data are mean ± SD (Cpt1bWT/WT n=6, Cpt1bWT/E3A n=5, Cpt1bE3A/E3A n=7). *P<0.05, **P<0.01, ***P<0.001.


Cardiac function and metabolism in Cpt1bE3A knockin mice

8.3. Results

8.3.1. Activity and kinetic parameters for WT and mutant E3A Cpt1a and Cpt1b

The Glu3Ala point mutation (E3A) is known to decrease malonyl-CoA sensitivity in rat Cpt1a (43). In order to determine whether the E3A point mutation also affects malonyl-CoA sensitivity of Cpt1b, we expressed mouse Cpt1a and Cpt1b and the E3A mutants for both isoforms in S. cerevisiae and measured their kinetic properties in homogenates. We determined the IC50 values for malonyl-CoA for the different enzymes (Table 8.1). Cpt1a and Cpt1b differ in their malonyl-CoA sensitivity (IC50= 116 µM vs. 0.29 µM, respectively), which is already well described (33, 40). When we compared mutant Cpt1E3A with their WT counterparts there was a 17-fold and 123-fold decrease in malonyl-CoA sensitivity for Cpt1a and Cpt1b, respectively. The

K0.5 and Km for palmitoyl-CoA and carnitine, respectively, as well as the specific activity were unchanged in the Cpt1E3A mutants when compared to their WT counterparts (Table 8.1). Thus, like for Cpt1aE3A, the Cpt1bE3A mutant has a decreased malonyl-CoA sensitivity and retains normal Cpt1 activity and kinetics.

Table 8.1. Comparison of the kinetic parameters of recombinant Cpt1aWT, Cpt1bWT, Cpt1aE3A and Cpt1bE3A expressed in S. cerevisiae.

Specific activity IC50 malonyl-CoA K0.5 palmitoyl-CoA Km carnitine Construct (nmol/min∙mg protein) (µM) (µM) (µM) Cpt1aWT 0.76 ± 0.07 116 5.64 ± 1.70 45.09 ± 9.93 Cpt1aE3A 0.39 1957 5.91 ± 1.40 44.77 ± 9.31 Cpt1bWT 0.59 ± 0.10 0.29 8.41 ± 1.78 6925 ± 2770 Cpt1bE3A 0.47 ± 0.02 41.53 5.59 ± 2.17 15783 ± 10716

8.3.2. Generation and characterization of the Cpt1bE3A mutation in the Cpt1bE3A mouse

The E3A mutation (c.8_9delinsCT) was introduced into the Cpt1b gene using homologous recombination in C57BL/6N ES cells (Fig. 8.1A). Cpt1bWT/WT, Cpt1bWT/E3A, and Cpt1bE3A/E3A mice were born according to Mendelian ratios (28%, 47% and 25% (n=60)) and pups appeared healthy. To verify equal expression of the Cpt1bWT and Cpt1bE3A allele, we sequenced Cpt1b cDNA derived from Cpt1bWT/E3A mouse hearts, which revealed that both alleles are expressed equally (Fig. 8.1B). To establish whether Cpt1bE3A mice exhibited decreased malonyl-CoA sensitivity in heart and skeletal muscle, we performed Cpt1 activity measurements using a range of malonyl-CoA concentrations in Cpt1bWT/WT, Cpt1bWT/E3A, and Cpt1bE3A/E3A mouse tissue extracts. Cpt activity in Cpt1bE3A/E3A mouse heart and quadriceps muscle had a pronounced decrease in malonyl-CoA sensitivity (Fig. 8.1C). In heterozygous Cpt1bWT/E3A mice, Cpt activity was only slightly less malonyl-CoA sensitive as compared to Cpt1bWT/WT mice, which indicates that the E3A mutation is not dominant. As expected, the malonyl-CoA sensitivity of Cpt activity in liver was not changed as this activity is catalyzed by Cpt1a (Fig. 8.1C). Thus, as for the Cpt1bE3A mutation in yeast, we observed decreased malonyl-CoA sensitivity in the heart and quadriceps muscle of the Cpt1bE3A/E3A mouse.


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8.3.3. Physiological characteristics of Cpt1bE3A mouse

To characterize the physiological effects of the Cpt1b E3A mutation, we compared plasma metabolites of Cpt1bWT/WT, Cpt1bWT/E3A, and Cpt1bE3A/E3A mice. Upon 4 hours refeeding after an overnight fast, blood levels of glucose, pyruvate, lactate, ketone bodies, free fatty acids, glycerol and triglycerides were not different between Cpt1bWT/WT, Cpt1bWT/E3A, and Cpt1bE3A/E3A mice (Fig. 8.2A). The plasma amino acid profile was also not different (data not shown). Furthermore, glucose levels in fed and overnight fasted mice were also unchanged in Cpt1bWT/E3A and Cpt1bE3A/E3A mice when compared to Cpt1bWT/WT mice (Fig. 8.2B, at time 0). Next, we determined glucose tolerance in all three genotypes in the fed and fasted state. In both conditions, the glucose tolerance was not affected in Cpt1bWT/E3A and Cpt1bE3A/E3A mice when compared to Cpt1bWT/WT mice (Fig. 8.2B). Body weight was similar between all groups (Fig. 8.2C).

Figure 8.2. Physiological characteristics of Cpt1bE3A knockin mice. (A) Plasma levels of pyruvate, lactate, hydroxybutyrate, free fatty acids, glycerol, trigycerides, and glucose determined at 4 hours refeeding after overnight fasting. White bars: Cpt1bWT/WT, grey bars: Cpt1bWT/E3A, black bars: Cpt1bE3A/E3A. (B) Glucose tolerance test under fed and fasted conditions, (C) body weight. Data are mean ± SD (Cpt1bWT/WT n=6, Cpt1bWT/E3A n=5, Cpt1bE3A/E3A n=7). Black dotted lines: Cpt1bWT/WT, grey solid lines: Cpt1bWT/E3A, black solid lines: Cpt1bE3A/E3A.


Cardiac function and metabolism in Cpt1bE3A knockin mice

8.3.4. Cardiac acylcarnitine profile

We determined acylcarnitine profiles in the hearts of Cpt1bWT/WT, Cpt1bWT/E3A, and Cpt1bE3A/E3A mice using LC-MS/MS analysis. Upon 4 hours refeeding after an overnight fast, cardiac free carnitine was lower in Cpt1bE3A/E3A hearts compared with Cpt1bWT/WT hearts (P=0.041; Fig. 8.3). In parallel, there was a trend for general genotype-dependent effect on long-chain acylcarnitine levels (ANOVA P=0.059; Fig. 8.3).

Figure 8.3. Cardiac acylcarnitine profiles. Measured at 4 hours refeeding after overnight fasting. There is a trend for a general genotype-dependent effect for long-chain acylcarnitines (P=0.059). Data are mean ± SD (Cpt1bWT/WT n=6, Cpt1bWT/E3A n=5, Cpt1bE3A/E3A n=7). White bars: Cpt1bWT/WT, grey bars: Cpt1bWT/E3A, black bars: Cpt1bE3A/E3A. *P<0.05.

8.3.5. Ex vivo cardiac substrate use

To determine whether the decreased malonyl-CoA sensitivity in Cpt1bE3A/E3A hearts results into an increased FAO flux, we perfused hearts from Cpt1bWT/WT and Cpt1bE3A/E3A mice with media containing either [U-13C]-glucose or [U-13C]-palmitate and measured the relative contribution of glucose and palmitate to acetyl-CoA formation for citrate synthesis in the TCA cycle (Fig. 8.4A). In Cpt1bE3A/E3A hearts, palmitate contributed to 63% of the acetyl-CoA formation, compared with only 24% in Cpt1bWT/WT hearts (P<0.001). The contribution of glucose to the acetyl-CoA formation was similar in Cpt1bE3A/E3A and Cpt1bWT/WT hearts (11% vs. 15%; P=0.53). Furthermore, the production of pyruvate and lactate from exogenous glucose, indicating cytosolic glycolysis, was also similar in Cpt1bE3A/E3A and Cpt1bWT/WT hearts (P=0.66; Fig. 8.4B). The unchanged mRNA expression levels of Glut4 and Pdk4 supported the unaffected glucose


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metabolism (P=0.57 and P=0.26, respectively; Fig. 8.4C and Fig. 8.4D). Furthermore, the mRNA expression of Pgc1α was similar between groups (P=0.80, Fig. 8.4E).

Figure 8.4. Ex vivo cardiac substrate use. (A) Relative contribution of exogenous FA, glucose, and other sources to the production of acetyl-CoA for citrate synthesis in the TCA cycle, and (B) lactate and pyruvate production from exogenous glucose, as measured in perfused heart setup (Cpt1bWT/WT n=3-5, Cpt1bE3A/E3A n=5 per labeled substrates). Relative mRNA expression of (C) Glut4, (D) Pdk4, and (E) Pgc1α (n=5 per group). Data are mean ± SD. White bars: Cpt1bWT/WT, grey bars: Cpt1bWT/E3A, black bars: Cpt1bE3A/E3A. ***P<0.001.

8.3.6. Ex vivo cardiac function

Cardiac functional parameters were calculated from the perfused heart experiments (Table 8.2). Left-ventricular end-diastolic pressure (LVEDP) and developed left-ventricular pressure (DLVP) were similar between Cpt1bE3A/E3A and Cpt1bWT/WT hearts. However, heart rates were higher in Cpt1bE3A/E3A than in Cpt1bWT/WT hearts, which resulted in higher flow, rate pressure product (RPP), and cardiac oxygen consumption (Table 8.2).

8.3.7. In vivo myocardial lipid content

Myocardial lipid content was measured in vivo in the myocardial septum using 1H MRS (Fig. 8.5A). In vivo myocardial lipid levels, as determined from all lipid-associated peaks in the 1H MR spectra (peaks 1; 5-10 in Fig. 8.5B), were similar between Cpt1bE3A/E3A and Cpt1bWT/WT mice (Fig. 8.5C).


Cardiac function and metabolism in Cpt1bE3A knockin mice

Table 8.2. Cardiac functional parameters of Cpt1bWT/WT and Cpt1bE3A/E3A mice as measured ex vivo using perfused heart setups.

Parameters Cpt1bWT/WT Cpt1bE3A/E3A P

Flow (ml/min) 2.0 ± 0.4 2.9 ± 1.0 0.14 Left-ventricular end-diastolic pressure (LVEDP; mmHg) 2.3 ± 0.7 2.3 ± 2.9 0.950 Developed left-ventricular pressure (DLVP; mmHg) 96.3 ± 16 98.4 ± 17 0.78 Heart rate (HR; beats/min) 320 ± 30 409 ± 31 <0.001 Rate pressure product (RPP; mmHg∙beats/min) 30616 ± 4899 40352 ± 8462 0.006 Cardiac oxygen consumption (μmol/min) 1.05 ± 0.2 1.28 ± 1.28 0.095 RPP = HR x RPP. Data are mean ± SD (Cpt1bWT/WT n=11, Cpt1bE3A/E3A n=10).

Figure 8.5. Myocardial metabolites content measured using 1H MRS. (A) Voxel localization (in white) for 1H MRS shown in short axis and 4-chamber long axis views, (B) representative cardiac 1H MR spectrum, (C) concentration of metabolites as percentage of the water signal measured in the same voxel (peak 1: -CH=CH-, peak 2: taurine, peak 3: choline/carnitine, peak 4: creatine, peak 5:

-CH=CH-CH2-CH=CH-, peak 6: -CαH2-COO-, peak 7: -CH2-CH=CH-CH2-, peak 8: -CβH2-CH2-COO-,

peak 9: (-CH2-)n, peak 10: CH3). Peak 1 and peaks 5-10 are from lipids. Data are mean ± SD (Cpt1bWT/WT n=9, Cpt1bE3A/E3A n=8). White bars: Cpt1bWT/WT, black bars: Cpt1bE3A/E3A.

8.3.8. In vivo cardiac energy status

We employed 31P MRS to assess the in vivo cardiac energy status. A typical cardiac 31P MR spectrum contains a phosphocreatine (PCr) peak originating from myocardium, a 2,3- diphosphoglycerate (DPG) peak from blood in the left ventricular lumen (which obscures the inorganic phosphate (Pi) peak from myocardium), and γ-ATP, α-ATP, β-ATP peaks from mainly myocardium with a minor contamination from blood (Fig. 8.6A and Fig. 8.6B). The in vivo PCr to ATP ratio (PCr/ATP ratio), which is a measure of in vivo cardiac energy status, was 23% lower in Cpt1bE3A/E3A mice compared with Cpt1bWT/WT mice (P<0.05, Fig. 8.6C).


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Figure 8.6. Cardiac energy status measured using 31P MRS. (A) Voxel localization (in white) for 31P MRS shown in short axis, 2-chamber long axis, and 4-chamber long axis views of the heart, (B) representative cardiac 31P MR spectrum, (C) PCr/ATP ratio. DPG: diphospho- glycerate, Pi: inorganic phosphate, PCr: phosphocreatine, ATP: adenosine triphosphate. Data are mean ± SD (Cpt1bWT/WT n=10, Cpt1bE3A/E3A n=9). White bars: Cpt1bWT/WT, black bars: Cpt1bE3A/E3A. *P<0.05.

Table 8.3. Cardiac function of Cpt1bWT/WT and Cpt1bE3A/E3A mice as measured in vivo using MRI.

Parameter Cpt1bWT/WT Cpt1bE3A/E3A P

Heart rate (beats/minute) 550 ± 63 542 ± 55 0.839 Ejection fraction (%) 67.8 ± 4.7 65.0 ± 3.7 0.155 End-diastolic volume (EDV; μL) 60.7 ± 5.7 68.5 ± 10.5 0.058 End-systolic volume (ESV; μL) 19.6 ± 3.8 24.1 ± 5.2 0.040 Stroke volume (SV; μL) 41.1 ± 4.3 44.4 ± 6.5 0.205 Peak ejection rate (PER; %EDV/ms) 2.3 ± 0.4 1.9 ± 0.3 0.048 Early peak filling rate (E; %EDV/ms) 2.4 ± 0.3 2.0 ± 0.3 0.017 Late peak filling rate (A; %EDV/ms) 1.2 ± 0.4 0.9 ± 0.2 0.228 Left ventricular mass (LV mass; mg) 94.6 ± 7.7 104.2 ± 10.7 0.034 LV mass/body weight (mg/g) 3.4 ± 0.2 3.7 ± 0.3 0.048 Data are means ± SD (n=8-10 per group).


Cardiac function and metabolism in Cpt1bE3A knockin mice

8.3.9. In vivo cardiac function

In Cpt1bE3A/E3A mice, end-diastolic volume and end-systolic volume were both increased when compared with Cpt1bWT/WT mice, which was paralleled by ~10% increase in LV mass and LV mass/body weight ratio (Table 8.3). In addition to the enlarged heart, peak ejection rate (PER) and early peak filling rate (E) were ~17% lower in Cpt1bE3A/E3A mice compared with Cpt1bWT/WT mice, indicating some degree of both systolic and diastolic dysfunction. Ejection fraction, stroke volume, and late peak filling rate (A) were similar between Cpt1bWT/WT and Cpt1bE3A/E3A mice (Table 8.3).

Figure 8.7. Oxygen consumption rates in isolated heart mitochondria. State 3, state 4, and state U respiration when (A) pyruvate plus malate, or (B) palmitoyl-CoA plus carnitine plus malate, or (C) palmitoyl-carnitine plus malate were used as substrates. The ratio of oxygen consumption rates of (D) palmitoyl-CoA/pyruvate, (E) palmitoyl-carnitine/pyruvate, and (F) palmitoyl-CoA/palmitoyl-carnitine (Cpt1bWT/WT n=9, Cpt1bE3A/E3A n=8). Data are mean ± SD. White bars: Cpt1bWT/WT, grey bar: Cpt1bWT/E3A, black bars: Cpt1bE3A/E3A. *P<0.05, **P<0.01, ***P<0.001.


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8.3.10. Respiration measurements in isolated heart mitochondria

Despite the marked increase in FAO flux in perfused hearts, interestingly, overall oxidative capacity for both glucose and FA substrates was reduced in isolated Cpt1bE3A/E3A heart mitochondria (Fig. 8.7). When pyruvate plus malate were used as substrates, oxygen consumption rates in the coupled state (i.e. when the electron transfer chain is coupled with ATP production; state 3) were ~20% lower in Cpt1bE3A/E3A than in Cpt1bWT/WT isolated heart mitochondria (P=0.017; Fig. 8.7A). The maximal consumption rates (i.e. in the uncoupled state; state U) were also ~20% lower in Cpt1bE3A/E3A than in Cpt1bWT/WT isolated heart mitochondria (P=0.011; Fig. 8.7A). For palmitoyl-CoA plus carnitine plus malate, state 3 and state U respiration were ~30-35% lower in Cpt1bE3A/E3A than in Cpt1bWT/WT isolated heart mitochondria (P<0.001; Fig. 8.7B). Similarly, when palmitoyl-carnitine plus malate were used as substrates, oxygen consumption rates in state 3 and state U were reduced by ~40% in Cpt1bE3A/E3A compared with Cpt1bWT/WT heart mitochondria (P<0.001; Fig. 8.7C). Even when normalized to state 3 and state U respiration for pyruvate plus malate, state 3 and state U respiration for these fatty acid substrates were lower in Cpt1bE3A/E3A compared with Cpt1bWT/WT heart mitochondria (P<0.001; Fig. 8.7D and Fig. 8.7E). State 3 and state U respiration for palmitoyl- CoA when normalized to palmitoyl-carnitine were ~1, and similar between Cpt1bWT/WT and Cpt1bE3A/E3A heart mitochondria (P=0.30 and P=0.63, respectively; Fig. 8.7F), indicating that Cpt1b activity is not limiting respiration in Cpt1bE3A/E3A heart mitochondria.

State 4 respiration was similar in Cpt1bE3A/E3A and Cpt1bWT/WT heart mitochondria for pyruvate plus malate (Fig. 8.7A). For palmitoyl-CoA plus carnitine plus malate, and palmitoyl-carnitine plus malate, state 4 respiration was ~25% lower in Cpt1bE3A/E3A than in Cpt1bWT/WT heart mitochondria (P=0.039 and P=0.032, respectively; Fig. 8.7B and Fig. 8.7C). However, these differences disappeared when normalized to the state 4 respiration for pyruvate plus malate (Fig. 8.7D and Fig. 8.7E).

8.3.11. Cpt1 activity is decreased in mutant Cpt1bE3A/E3A mice due to lower Cpt1b protein content

In our Cpt1 activity assays, we noted an unexpected decrease in Cpt1 activity in the hearts and quadriceps muscle of Cpt1bE3A/E3A mice (34% and 67% lower vs. Cpt1bWT/WT, P<0.001; Fig. 8.8A and Fig. 8.8B). This decrease in Cpt1 activity in Cpt1bE3A/E3A mice appeared to be due to lower Cpt1b protein levels (P<0.001 and P=0.002, respectively, vs. Cpt1bWT/WT; Fig. 8.8D and Fig. 8.8E), which is not explained by lower gene expression of mutant Cpt1b mRNA (P=0.73; Fig. 8.8F). These data show that Cpt1 activity and Cpt1b protein expression are decreased in parallel with the increased malonyl-CoA insensitivity.


Cardiac function and metabolism in Cpt1bE3A knockin mice

Figure 8.8. Cpt activity and Cpt1b expression. (A) heart, (B) quadriceps, and (C) liver (in pmol/ of Cpt1bWT/WT, Cpt1bWT/E3A, and Cpt1bE3A/E3A mice (Cpt1bWT/WT n=6, Cpt1bWT/E3A n=5, Cpt1bE3A/E3A n=7). Cpt2 activity is represented by the Cpt activity in the presence of triton X-100. Cpt1 activity is calculated by subtracting the Cpt2 activity from the total Cpt activity. Cpt1b protein expression in (D) heart and (E) quadriceps of Cpt1bWT/WT, Cpt1bWT/E3A, and Cpt1bE3A/E3A mice (n=3 per group). (F) Relative mRNA expression levels of Cpt1bWT/WT, Cpt1bWT/E3A, and Cpt1bE3A/E3A mouse hearts (n=5 per group). Protein expression is corrected for tubulin. Relative mRNA expression is corrected for 36B4. Data are means ± SD. White bars: Cpt1bWT/WT, grey bars: Cpt1bWT/E3A, black bars: Cpt1bE3A/E3A. *P<0.05, **P<0.01, ***P<0.001.

8.3.12. The expression of mutant Cpt1bE3A is temperature sensitive

We investigated whether the decreased protein expression of Cpt1bE3A/E3A in heart and skeletal muscle of our knockin model could be caused by decreased stability of the mutant protein. To address this, we overexpressed mouse Cpt1bWT and Cpt1bE3A in yeast cells and grew them at 30°C and 37°C (Fig. 8.9A and Fig. 8.9B). We observed no differences in expression of Cpt1bWT and Cpt1bE3A in yeast cells grown at 30°C and 37°C suggesting that the E3A Cpt1b protein is equally stable when compared to the WT enzyme. However, because yeast cells differ from mammalian cells, we performed a similar experiment in HEK293 cells again employing conditions that are known to promote stability and folding of proteins. We compared expression at 30°C or in medium supplemented with 5% glycerol with cells cultured under regular conditions. In HEK293 cells grown at 30°C there was no difference in protein expression if we


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compared the Cpt1bWT with Cpt1bE3A (Fig. 8.9C). However, in HEK293 cells grown at 37°C, a lower Cpt1bE3A protein level was observed when compared with Cpt1bWT (Fig. 8.9D). Furthermore, expression of Cpt1bE3A was also increased when cells were incubated with 5% glycerol (Fig. 8.9E). Overall, these data show that Cpt1bE3A protein is less stable than Cpt1bWT protein in HEK293 cells, likely caused by a posttranscriptional mechanisms involving protein folding.

Figure 8.9. Cpt1bE3A protein expression is temperature sensitive. Measurement of Cpt1b activity in yeast grown at (A) 30°C and (B) 37°C overexpressing Cpt1bWT or Cpt1bE3A, respectively (n=2-3 per group). Overexpression of EV, Cpt1bWT or Cpt1bE3A in HEK293 cells grown at (C) 30°C and (D) 37°C, respectively, and (E) Overexpression of EV, Cpt1bWT or Cpt1bE3A in HEK293 cells grown with or without the addition of 5% glycerol (n=3 per group). Protein expression is corrected for β-actin. Data are mean ± SD. ***P<0.001.


Cardiac function and metabolism in Cpt1bE3A knockin mice

8.4. Discussion

Increased cardiac FAO in diabetes and obesity has been associated with cardiac dysfunction. Based on the inhibitory properties of malonyl-CoA on Cpt1, Cpt1 is predicted to control FAO flux. However, it is under debate whether the skeletal and cardiac muscle isoform of Cpt1, Cpt1b, has a strong control over cardiac FAO flux. In this study, we generated a Cpt1bE3A knockin mouse, in which Cpt1b has a reduced sensitivity to malonyl-CoA. We determined whether reduced Cpt1b sensitivity to malonyl-CoA increases cardiac FAO flux, and more importantly, whether the reduced control of malonyl-CoA on Cpt1b activity has a direct impact on cardiac function and metabolic homeostasis.

There are two important findings in the present study. First, our data demonstrate the control of Cpt1b over cardiac FAO flux. The mutant Cpt1bE3A/E3A had a decreased sensitivity to malonyl- CoA, and in a perfused heart setup, we observed a 2.6 fold increase in the contribution of FA to acetyl-CoA formation in Cpt1bE3A/E3A hearts compared with Cpt1bWT/WT hearts. This shows that reduced Cpt1b sensitivity to malonyl-CoA increases FAO flux and supports the hypothesis that Cpt1b is rate limiting for FAO. Second, we show that the control of malonyl-CoA over Cpt1b is crucial for metabolic homeostasis and maintenance of cardiac function. In Cpt1bE3A/E3A mice, the increase in FAO was paralleled by an increased left ventricular mass and reduced in vivo cardiac function. Cardiac PCr/ATP ratio, which is a measure of cardiac energy status in vivo, was decreased, together with reduced ex vivo oxidative capacity of cardiac mitochondria in Cpt1bE3A/E3A mice.

The Cpt1bE3A knockin mouse model is a novel mouse model for increased cardiac FAO, which is based on reduced sensitivity of Cpt1b to malonyl-CoA. Other mouse models of increased or decreased cardiac FAO are available, but these mouse models are based on the modulation of either malonyl-CoA levels (i.e. Acc2-/- or Mcd-/- knockout mice) or Cpt1b levels (i.e. Cpt1b deficient Cpt1b+/- mice; Cpt1b-/- mice are embryonically lethal) (11, 22, 24, 25). Increased FAO in acetyl-CoA carboxylase2 knockout (Acc2-/-) mice is associated with reduced levels of malonyl- CoA due to the deletion of cardiac-specific Acc2 (25). Malonyl-CoA decarboxylase knockout (Mcd-/-) mice have increased malonyl-CoA levels and stimulated glucose oxidation (via Randle cycle upon inhibition of FAO) after ischemia reperfusion (11). Interestingly, modifying cardiac metabolism in the Acc2-/-, Mcd-/-, or Cpt1b+/- mice did not alter cardiac function at rest (11, 22, 25), while modification of cardiac metabolism in the Cpt1bE3A/E3A mice resulted in cardiac dysfunction. Furthermore, cardiac PCr/ATP ratio was maintained in the perfused hearts of Acc2-/- mice (25), while the cardiac PCr/ATP ratio was reduced in vivo in the Cpt1bE3A/E3A mice, indicating disturbed cardiac energy metabolism in the latter. Together, these data suggest that not only the malonyl-CoA levels, but also the control of malonyl-CoA over Cpt1b is indeed crucial to maintain cardiac metabolic homeostasis.

The lower cardiac PCr/ATP ratio in the Cpt1bE3A/E3A mice might be related with lower cardiac efficiency (i.e. the amount of ATP produced per oxygen consumed), which is known to be associated with increased FAO (17). FAO requires more oxygen to produce the same amount of ATP as produced by glucose oxidation. Indeed, increased FAO flux in the perfused Cpt1bE3A/E3A hearts was paralleled by a tendency of increased myocardial oxygen consumption. Furthermore, the rate pressure product (RPP), which is also a good indicator of myocardial oxygen


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consumption (6, 19), was significantly higher in the perfused Cpt1bE3A/E3A hearts compared with Cpt1bWT/WT hearts. In obese ob/ob and diabetic db/db mice, it has been shown that increased myocardial oxygen consumption reduces cardiac efficiency (6, 23). With regard to the higher heart rates of the perfused Cpt1bE3A/E3A hearts compared with the Cpt1bWT/WT hearts, this may be related to the higher FAO flux in the Cpt1bE3A/E3A hearts. In ex vivo perfused heart setups, increased FAO flux has been shown to be associated with increased anaplerosis, which was associated with higher heart rates (27). The lower cardiac PCr/ATP ratio in the Cpt1bE3A/E3A hearts might also be explained by the lower oxidative capacity measured in isolated heart mitochondria. We speculate that this could result in decreased total cardiac substrate oxidation, depriving the Cpt1bE3A/E3A heart of energy. As ATP is essential for cardiac work and ion homeostasis, energy deprivation may lead to the reduced cardiac function observed in vivo in the Cpt1bE3A/E3A mice. Indeed, the association between lower PCr/ATP ratio and reduced cardiac function has previously been shown in heart failure both in mice (20, 21) and in patients (36).

In the Cpt1bE3A/E3A mouse hearts, the increased contribution of exogenous FA to substrate oxidation was not accompanied by reduced contribution of exogenous glucose. Furthermore, the production of lactate and pyruvate from exogenous glucose, which is an indicator of glycolytic flux, was also unaffected. In a situation where total oxidative phosphorylation capacity is reduced, such as in an advanced stage of heart failure or in myocardial ischemia, the heart usually compensates for the reduction in energy production by increasing glycolysis (16). Even though cardiac energetics was lower in the Cpt1bE3A/E3A mice, our data show that this does not seem to induce an increase in glycolysis to provide more energy. The lack of increase in glycolysis may not seem beneficial for the heart; however, this protects the hearts from damaging accumulation of protons and lactate, which could occur when increased glycolysis is not coupled with increased glucose oxidation (16, 29). In a very recent study, Mcd-/- mice were shown to be able to increase the coupling between glycolysis and glucose oxidation during myocardial ischemia, which reduces the degree of cardiac ischemia/reperfusion damage (31).

Respiration measurements in isolated cardiac mitochondria of the Cpt1bE3A/E3A mice showed reduced mitochondrial oxidative capacity for both glucose- and FA-derived substrates, which might suggest a compensatory mechanism to suppress the increased FAO in the Cpt1bE3A/E3A mice. This attempt to lower the increased FAO is further supported by the observation that the reduced ex vivo mitochondrial oxidative capacity in Cpt1bE3A/E3A mice was not compensated by a higher number of mitochondria as the mRNA expression of Pgc1α, a marker of mitochondrial biogenesis, was similar in Cpt1bWT/WT and Cpt1bE3A/E3A mice. On the other hand, rather than a compensatory mechanism for the increased FAO flux, the reduced mitochondrial oxidative capacity in the Cpt1bE3A/E3A mice could actually be the result of mitochondrial dysfunction induced by the increased flux of FAs into the mitochondria. As mitochondrial oxidative capacity of Cpt1bE3A/E3A mice was lower for both glucose- and FA-derived substrates, the defect in mitochondria may be located in the TCA cycle or oxidative phosphorylation pathway. However, a defect in the TCA cycle is unlikely to be the cause because acetylcarnitine levels were similar between Cpt1bE3A/E3A and Cpt1bWT/WT mice. Limited TCA cycle capacity could result in excess acetyl-CoA which cannot be oxidized by the TCA cycle, and would therefore be converted back to acetylcarnitine (42). Thus, we may expect some defects in the OXPHOS complexes instead. Uncoupling between ETC and ATP production might not be responsible for the lower mitochondrial capacity, because state 3 and state U respiration were similarly suppressed in


Cardiac function and metabolism in Cpt1bE3A knockin mice

isolated Cpt1bE3A/E3A heart mitochondria. Furthermore, as mitochondrial oxidative capacity was suppressed even more for the FA-derived substrates than for the glucose-derived substrate, one may expect a downregulation in the FAO pathway. We observed reduced Cpt1 activity and Cpt1b protein in the Cpt1bE3A/E3A mice, which may therefore explain the downregulation in the FAO pathway. However, we unexpectedly observed similar degree of reduced respiration in the isolated heart mitochondria of Cpt1bE3A/E3A mice for palmitoyl-CoA, a Cpt1b-dependent substrate, and for palmitoyl-carnitine, a Cpt1b-independent substrate. These data suggest that instead of Cpt1b, proteins downstream of Cpt1b may be responsible for the reduced capacity for FAO.

The lower Cpt1 activity and Cpt1b protein might demonstrate an adaptation at the level of Cpt1b in the Cpt1bE3A/E3A mice, probably as a mechanism to cope with the increase in FAO flux. The lower protein expression of Cpt1b in the heart was not due to lower expression of the Cpt1b gene, suggesting that protein stability of Cpt1bE3A is affected. Indeed, overexpression of Cpt1bE3A protein in HEK293 under conditions that promote protein stability i.e. culturing at 30°C and in the presence of 5% glycerol, yielded more protein and suggests that stability and folding of Cpt1bE3A is affected. Furthermore, a similar experiment in yeast did not show affected Cpt1 activity, suggesting that besides protein folding, other posttranscriptional mechanisms may also be involved in the regulation of Cpt1b protein expression. It has been shown that posttranslational protein modification mechanisms could indeed alter catalytic activity of Cpt1 (50).

In conclusion, our study with Cpt1bE3A/E3A mice demonstrates the importance of malonyl-CoA control on Cpt1b for cardiac function and metabolic homeostasis. Reduced Cpt1b sensitivity to malonyl-CoA increases cardiac FAO, and is associated with impaired cardiac energetics and cardiac dysfunction.

8.5. Acknowledgements

D.A. and J.J.P. are supported by a VIDI grant (project number 700.58.421) from the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO). R.H.H. is supported by a VENI grant from ZonMw (number 91613050) and an AMC postdoctoral fellowship. M.N. is supported by a VENI grant (project number 916.14.050) from NWO. This work was supported by the Dutch Technology Foundation STW, Applied Science Division of NWO and the Technology Program of the Ministry of Economic Affairs (grant number 10191). The authors thank the employees of the Animal Research Institute Amsterdam and Central Animal Facilities Maastricht for technical assistance.

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Cardiac function and metabolism in Cpt1bE3A knockin mice

31. Masoud WG, Ussher JR, Wang W, Jaswal JS, Wagg CS, Dyck JR, Lygate CA, Neubauer S, Clanachan AS, and Lopaschuk GD. Failing mouse hearts utilize energy inefficiently and benefit from improved coupling of glycolysis and glucose oxidation. Cardiovasc Res 101: 30-38, 2014. 32. McGarry JD, Mannaerts GP, and Foster DW. A possible role for malonyl-CoA in the regulation of hepatic fatty acid oxidation and ketogenesis. J Clin Invest 60: 265-270, 1977. 33. McGarry JD, Mills SE, Long CS, and Foster DW. Observations on the affinity for carnitine, and malonyl-CoA sensitivity, of carnitine palmitoyltransferase I in animal and human tissues. Demonstration of the presence of malonyl-CoA in non-hepatic tissues of the rat. Biochem J 214: 21-28, 1983. 34. Mildaziene V, Baniene R, Nauciene Z, Marcinkeviciute A, Morkuniene R, Borutaite V, Kholodenko B, and Brown GC. Ca2+ stimulates both the respiratory and phosphorylation subsystems in rat heart mitochondria. Biochem J 320 ( Pt 1): 329-334, 1996. 35. Naressi A, Couturier C, Devos JM, Janssen M, Mangeat C, de Beer R, and Graveron-Demilly D. Java-based graphical user interface for the MRUI quantitation package. MAGMA 12: 141-152, 2001. 36. Neubauer S. The failing heart--an engine out of fuel. N Engl J Med 356: 1140-1151, 2007. 37. Park EA, Mynatt RL, Cook GA, and Kashfi K. Insulin regulates enzyme activity, malonyl-CoA sensitivity and mRNA abundance of hepatic carnitine palmitoyltransferase-I. Biochem J 310 ( Pt 3): 853-858, 1995. 38. Randle PJ. Regulatory interactions between lipids and carbohydrates: the glucose fatty acid cycle after 35 years. Diabetes Metab Rev 14: 263-283, 1998. 39. Randle PJ, Garland PB, Hales CN, and Newsholme EA. The glucose fatty-acid cycle. Its role in insulin sensitivity and the metabolic disturbances of diabetes mellitus. Lancet 1: 785-789, 1963. 40. Saggerson ED. Carnitine acyltransferase activities in rat liver and heart measured with palmitoyl-CoA and octanoyl-CoA. Latency, effects of K+, bivalent metal ions and malonyl-CoA. Biochem J 202: 397- 405, 1982. 41. Sakamoto J, Barr RL, Kavanagh KM, and Lopaschuk GD. Contribution of malonyl-CoA decarboxylase to the high fatty acid oxidation rates seen in the diabetic heart. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol 278: H1196-1204, 2000. 42. Schroeder MA, Atherton HJ, Dodd MS, Lee P, Cochlin LE, Radda GK, Clarke K, and Tyler DJ. The cycling of acetyl-coenzyme A through acetylcarnitine buffers cardiac substrate supply: a hyperpolarized 13C magnetic resonance study. Circ Cardiovasc Imaging 5: 201-209, 2012. 43. Shi J, Zhu H, Arvidson DN, and Woldegiorgis G. A single amino acid change (substitution of glutamate 3 with alanine) in the N-terminal region of rat liver carnitine palmitoyltransferase I abolishes malonyl-CoA inhibition and high affinity binding. J Biol Chem 274: 9421-9426, 1999. 44. Spaan AN, Ijlst L, van Roermund CW, Wijburg FA, Wanders RJ, and Waterham HR. Identification of the human mitochondrial FAD transporter and its potential role in multiple acyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency. Mol Genet Metab 86: 441-447, 2005. 45. Stanley WC, Lopaschuk GD, and McCormack JG. Regulation of energy substrate metabolism in the diabetic heart. Cardiovasc Res 34: 25-33, 1997. 46. Stefan D, Cesare FD, Andrasescu A, Popa E, Lazariev A, Vescovo E, Strbak O, Williams S, Starcuk Z, Cabanas M, van Ormondt D, and Graveron-Demilly D. Quantitation of magnetic resonance spectroscopy signals: the jMRUI software package. Meas Sci Technol 20: 104035, 2009. 47. van Vlies N, Ruiter JP, Doolaard M, Wanders RJ, and Vaz FM. An improved enzyme assay for carnitine palmitoyl transferase I in fibroblasts using tandem mass spectrometry. Mol Genet Metab 90: 24-29, 2007. 48. van Vlies N, Tian L, Overmars H, Bootsma AH, Kulik W, Wanders RJ, Wood PA, and Vaz FM. Characterization of carnitine and fatty acid metabolism in the long-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase- deficient mouse. Biochem J 387: 185-193, 2005. 49. Vanhamme L, van den Boogaart A, and Van Huffel S. Improved method for accurate and efficient quantification of MRS data with use of prior knowledge. J Magn Reson 129: 35-43, 1997. 50. Zammit VA. Carnitine palmitoyltransferase 1: central to cell function. IUBMB Life 60: 347-354, 2008.


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Cardiac metabolic adaptations in diabetic mice prevent the heart from failing upon pressure overload, as evidenced by a combined in vivo PET, MRI, and MRS approach

Desiree Abdurrachim1*, Miranda Nabben1*, Verena Hoerr2, Michael T. Kuhlmann3, Philipp Bovenkamp2, Michael Schäfers3, Klaas Nicolay1, Cornelius Faber2, Sven Hermann3, Jeanine J. Prompers1

1Biomedical NMR, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven, The Netherlands 2Department of Clinical Radiology, University Hospital of Münster, Münster, Germany 3European Institute for Molecular Imaging-EIMI, Münster, Germany

*both authors contributed equally Chapter 9


Heart failure has been associated with altered myocardial substrate metabolism and impaired cardiac energetics. However, it is currently not clear whether these alterations are cause or consequence of heart failure progression. Furthermore, comorbidities such as diabetes may influence the metabolic adaptations during heart failure. In this study, we aim to quantify the cardiac metabolic changes during different stages of heart failure progression in non-diabetic and diabetic mice in a longitudinal in vivo study design.

Transverse aortic constriction (TAC) surgery was performed in non-diabetic db/+ and diabetic db/db mice to induce pressure overload heart failure. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), 31P magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS), 1H MRS, and 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose-positron emission tomography (18F-FDG-PET) were applied to measure cardiac function, energy status, lipid content, and glucose uptake, respectively, at baseline and 1, 5, and 12 weeks post TAC. At 12 weeks post TAC, ex vivo mitochondrial function was determined in isolated heart mitochondria.

In non-diabetic mice, TAC induced progressive left ventricular (LV) hypertrophy and dysfunction, which correlated with myocardial FDG uptake. Myocardial FDG uptake was increased at 1 and 5 weeks post TAC, but tended to decrease again at 12 weeks post TAC, which was associated with a trend for lowered cardiac energy status. Interestingly, whereas diabetic mice showed overall lower myocardial FDG uptake, lower cardiac energy status, and higher myocardial lipid accumulation than non-diabetic mice at baseline, cardiac function of diabetic mice was only mildly affected by TAC. Also in diabetic mice, myocardial FDG uptake increased upon TAC, but it remained lower than in non-diabetic mice. Ex vivo mitochondrial oxidative capacity for fatty acid substrates was lower in hearts of non-diabetic mice compared with diabetic mice and was more severely reduced upon TAC in non-diabetic animals.

This study presents the first longitudinal in vivo data of cardiac metabolic and functional adaptations during heart failure development in non-diabetic and diabetic mice. The progression to heart failure was correlated with increased myocardial FDG uptake, which preceded the decrease in cardiac energy status. The mild cardiac hypertrophy and dysfunction in diabetic mice, together with lower myocardial glucose uptake upon TAC, suggests that maintaining fatty acid oxidation may be beneficial for cardiac function and energetics in pressure overload- induced heart failure.

Keywords heart failure, metabolic adaptations, myocardial glucose uptake, cardiac energetics, transverse aortic constriction, pressure overload


Cardiac metabolic adaptations in heart failure

9.1. Introduction

Heart failure is one of the leading causes of death (WHO, Sept 2012), with 1 in 9 deaths attributable to heart failure in the US population (16). In 2010, heart failure was prevalent in an estimated 5.1 million Americans over 20 years of age (16). It is projected that by 2030, the number of heart failure patients in the US will increase by 46%, to more than 8 million patients (24). Altered cardiac energy metabolism is proposed to be an important contributor to the development of heart failure. The heart has sustained high energy demands in order to pump sufficient blood through the body. In order to obtain this energy, the healthy adult heart primarily relies on the oxidation of fatty acids (FA; 60-90%) and to a lesser extent glucose (10- 40%) (52). It is generally accepted that during the transition from cardiac hypertrophy to failure, the heart shifts its substrate preference towards glucose, which is usually paralleled by a concomitant suppression of FA oxidation (FAO) (3, 11, 27, 43, 44). The switch from FAO to glucose utilization thus seems to precede the onset of cardiac dysfunction (61). Energetically, the failing heart is characterized by an imbalance between energy supply and demand (21). More importantly, a decreased cardiac energy status, i.e. a lower phosphocreatine-to-ATP ratio (PCr/ATP), has been identified as a strong predictor of mortality in heart failure patients (40). It is currently not clear, however, whether the metabolic switch towards glucose utilization is a cause or a consequence of the reduced cardiac energetic status in heart failure.

The diabetic heart almost exclusively (90-100%) relies on FAO and is suggested to have lost the flexibility to switch from FAO to glucose oxidation (42). In addition to these metabolic adaptations, it has been shown that the diabetic heart has a decreased energy status (49) and an impaired function (15). Furthermore, patients with diabetes have a 2-3 times higher risk for cardiovascular diseases as compared to healthy subjects (26). These observations suggest that increased FAO is potentially detrimental for the heart and that the shift from FAO towards glucose oxidation upon heart failure may be an adaptive mechanism. Interestingly, however, recent studies show that increased FAO can also be beneficial for restoring function in heart failure. Upon pressure overload in acetyl-CoA carboxylase 2 (ACC2) knockout mice, high rates of cardiac FAO were maintained, which was associated with protection against the development of heart failure (27). Furthermore, maintained FAO without a switch to glucose oxidation was shown to delay heart failure progression in dogs with ventricular pacing-induced heart failure (29). This shows that an increased reliance on FAO is not necessarily detrimental, and suggests that the development of heart failure in diabetes patients has other underlying causes. Possibly, the excessive accumulation of myocardial lipid (intermediates) as found in diabetes causes lipotoxicity-induced fibrosis and apoptosis, and hence alters myocardial function (10, 62).

Therapeutic interventions for heart failure treatment generally focus on the inhibition of FAO, while this might thus not be the best approach. It is therefore important to investigate to what extent changes in cardiac substrate metabolism and flexibility, lipid accumulation, and energy status predict the longitudinal development of cardiac hypertrophy and subsequent failure. To this end, an in vivo longitudinal study setting is crucial to investigate the time course of changes in cardiac metabolism and energetics, in relation to the decline in cardiac function. Current evidence on the role of cardiac metabolism in heart failure is largely based on ex vivo studies, which do not allow such longitudinal observations. Furthermore, ex vivo setups might not be


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representative for the in vivo situation, where alterations in substrate availability, e.g. during heart failure development or in diabetic conditions, affect substrate choice.

Here we aim to quantify the cardiac metabolic changes during different stages of heart failure progression in non-diabetic and diabetic mice in a longitudinal in vivo study design. Heart failure was induced by transverse aortic constriction (TAC) surgery, and non-invasive magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), 31P magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS), 1H MRS, and 18F- fluorodeoxyglucose-positron emission tomography (18F-FDG-PET) were applied to measure cardiac function, energy status, lipid content, and glucose uptake, respectively, at baseline and 1, 5, and 12 weeks post TAC.

9.2. Materials and methods

9.2.1. Animals

Male non-diabetic (db/+) and diabetic (db/db) C57BL/Ks mice were purchased from Charles River (Elsene, Belgium). The animals were housed under controlled temperature (23°C) and humidity (50%) with a 12:12-h dark-light cycle and had ad libitum access to food (5K52 LabDiet; 22 kcal% protein, 16 kcal% fat, 62 kcal% carbohydrates) and water. Three different groups of animals were used: (1) for MRI and 31P MRS in Eindhoven, The Netherlands (n=8 for non-diabetic mice, n=10 for diabetic mice); (2) for MRI, 1H MRS, and PET in Münster, Germany (n=12 for non-diabetic mice, n=14 for diabetic mice); (3) for baseline mitochondrial respiration measurement (n=6 for non-diabetic mice, n=6 for diabetic mice). At 10 weeks of age, the animals underwent baseline PET and/or MR measurements. At 11 weeks of age, the animals underwent TAC surgery (needle size 27 G) to induce pressure overload heart failure, as described previously (59). To follow the progression of heart failure, the PET and/or MR measurements were then repeated at 1, 5, and 12 weeks post TAC surgery. The animals were sacrificed after the measurements at 12 weeks post TAC. The heart was excised and part of it was used immediately for isolation of mitochondria. Animal handling procedures and experimental protocols conformed to and were approved by the Animal Experimental Committees of Maastricht University (The Netherlands) and the University of Münster (Germany).

9.2.2. MR measurements

MR measurements were performed on 9.4 T horizontal bore MR scanners (Bruker, Germany). MRI and 1H MRS were performed using a 35-mm quadrature birdcage coil (Bruker, Germany or Rapid Biomedical, Germany) for both signal reception and transmission. For 31P MRS, a 54-mm double tuned quadrature 1H and linear 31P birdcage coil (Rapid Biomedical, Germany) was used for signal transmission, while a 15-mm diameter, home-built, actively decoupled, two-turn 31P surface coil was used for signal reception. Before the experiments, the animals were sedated in a chamber with 3% isoflurane in medical air at a flow rate of 0.4 L/min and were injected with 150 μL of saline solution to keep the animals hydrated. During the measurements, the anesthesia was maintained at 1-2% isoflurane through a customized anesthesia mask. Temperature was maintained at 36-37°C with a heating pad. Rectal temperature, ECG signal,


Cardiac metabolic adaptations in heart failure

and breathing rate were monitored throughout the measurements. All measurements were performed with prospective or retrospective respiratory gating and cardiac triggering. MR measurements: Cine MRI to measure cardiac function Cardiac systolic and diastolic function were measured as described previously (12). For systolic function measurement, cine movies from the beating heart (15-18 frames/cardiac cycle) were acquired using prospectively cardiac-triggered gradient echo imaging of 5-6 contiguous short axis and 2 long axis slices (slice thickness: 1 mm). The imaging parameters were as follows: repetition time: 7 ms, echo time: 1.8 ms, flip angle: 15°, matrix: 192x192, field of view: 30x30 mm2, NA: 6. For diastolic function, cardiac movies of only the mid-ventricular slice were acquired using retrospectively-triggered gradient echo imaging with Gaussian weighted sampling for the phase encoding. The parameters used were as follows: repetition time: 4.7 ms, echo time: 2.35 ms, flip angle: 15°, matrix: 128x128, field of view: 30x30 mm2, NA: 250. Data was reconstructed using compressed sensing (38), resulting in cine movies with an effective time resolution of 2 ms (50-70 frames/cardiac cycle). Image segmentation and data analysis were performed using CAAS MRV 2.0 (Pie Medical, Maastricht, The Netherlands) or Segment (version 1.8 R1145, MR measurements: Flow through right and left carotid arteries To determine the severity of the TAC surgery, blood flow through the right carotid artery (RCA) and the left carotid artery (LCA) were measured using a 2D FLASH sequence with a four-point Hadamard encoding scheme for flow velocity encoding. The slice was positioned above the bifurcation of the right subclavian artery, containing (semi) cross-sectional areas of the RCA and LCA (Fig. 9.1A). The imaging parameters were as follows: repetition time: 15 ms, echo time: 2.6 ms, flip angle: 30°, matrix: 256x256, field of view: 30x30 mm2, slice thickness: 1 mm, NA: 10. Total scan time was 30-40 minutes. Data reconstruction was performed using MATLAB (The Mathworks, Inc., Natick, USA). Magnitude images and phase images were extracted from the complex image data. The magnitude image was used to filter the phase images and cutoff the statistical phase noise in the low signal regions. Velocity vectors were constructed from the three velocity components in three directions. The peak velocity was calculated from the length of the velocity vectors inside the vessels. MR measurements: 31P MRS to measure cardiac energy status Cardiac 31P MR spectra were acquired using the image selected in vivo spectroscopy (ISIS) sequence in a voxel of typically ~6x6x6 mm3 covering the left ventricle, at the end of the diastolic phase, as described previously (5). The parameters were as follows: repetition time: ~2 s, 1.2 ms 90º sinc-shaped excitation pulse (bandwidth: 32.0 ppm), 6.25 ms 180º adiabatic hyperbolic secant inversion pulses (bandwidth: 37.5 ppm), 96 ISIS cycles (768 scans), γ-ATP on resonance. The 90º sinc-shaped excitation pulse was calibrated during the in vivo scan, by performing a series of single pulse measurements with varying pulse power on a 5-mm diameter glass phantom containing 15 M phosphoric acid, which was positioned underneath the surface coil. Data fitting and analysis was performed using AMARES in jMRUI (54), as described in (5). The γ-ATP line widths (LWγ-ATP) were constrained relative to the PCr line width (LWPCr) according to an empirically determined relation: LWγ-ATP = LWPCr + 14.8 Hz (n=63 data sets, R=0.78, P<0.001). As a measure of cardiac energy status, the ratio of PCr to γ-ATP was determined. The PCr/ATP ratio was corrected for partial T1 saturation using correction factors of


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1.75 and 1.31 for PCr and γ-ATP, respectively, which were determined by analyzing ISIS spectra acquired at repetition times of 2 s and 15 s (n=19 data sets from the current and previous studies). The contamination of ATP from the blood to the spectra was shown to be less than 4%, and was considered negligible (6). MR measurements: 1H MRS to measure myocardial lipid content 1H MR spectra were acquired from a 1x2x2 mm3 voxel positioned in the interventricular septum during the diastolic phase of the cardiac cycle, using point resolved spectroscopy (PRESS) with chemical shift selective (CHESS) water suppression, as described in (4). The parameters were as follows: repetition time: ~2 s, echo time: 9.1 ms, 0.41 ms 90° Hermite-shaped excitation pulse, 0.9 ms 180° Mao-type refocusing pulses, 256 averages. The spectra were processed and analyzed using AMARES in the jMRUI software package (54). All metabolites (taurine, choline/carnitine, creatine, and seven peaks from lipids) were fitted to Gaussian line shapes. Myocardial metabolite levels were then calculated from the metabolite signal relative to the unsuppressed water signal measured from the same voxel.

9.2.3. 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG)-PET imaging to measure myocardial glucose uptake

FDG-PET measurements were performed using a small-animal quadHIDAC PET (Oxford Positron System, Oxford, UK). The measurements were performed after a 12-13 hour overnight fast. The animals were anaesthetized using isoflurane. A tail vein catheter (26 G) was then inserted, from which a drop of blood was collected to measure plasma glucose levels. Subsequently, FDG (~10 MBq in 100 μL) was injected and flushed with 150 μL of physiological saline. The acquisition was performed one hour after the FDG injection, for 15 minutes. The animals were kept on a warming plate throughout the procedure. Data was reconstructed into an image volume of 110×60×20 mm3 and a voxel size of 0.4×0.4×0.4 mm3, using a resolution recovery reconstruction algorithm (46) leading to an effective resolution of 0.7 mm (full width at half maximum) (46, 48). Quantification of segmental tracer uptake and volumes of the left ventricle were performed using an automated 3D contour detection algorithm developed in-house and validated against MRI (55).

9.2.4. Determination of fasting plasma glucose

At baseline, and at 1, 5, and 12 weeks post TAC, blood samples were collected after a 4 hour fast. Fasting plasma glucose levels were measured immediately after blood collection in one drop of blood using a Glucose-201 glucose meter (HemoCue, Ängelholm, Sweden).

9.2.5. Isolation of cardiac mitochondria

Following excision, the heart was rinsed in ice cold 0.9% KCl, quickly minced with scissors in 0.5 ml of medium containing 160 mM KCl, 10 mM NaCl, 20 mM Tris, 5 mM EGTA and 0.05 mg/ml bacterial proteinase type XXIV (pH 7.7), and incubated for ~1 min on ice. The mixture was then homogenized using a Potter-Elvehjem homogenizer. Mitochondria were isolated through a differential centrifugation procedure as described in (37) and resuspended in buffer containing 180 mM KCl, 20 mM Tris, 3 mM EGTA and 1 mg/ml bovine serum albumin (pH 7.4). Protein


Cardiac metabolic adaptations in heart failure

content was determined using a BCA protein assay kit (Pierce, Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc., Rockfort, IL, USA).

9.2.6. High-resolution respirometry

A 2-channel high-resolution Oroboros oxygraph-2k (Oroboros, Innsbruck, Austria) was used to measure oxygen consumption rates at 30°C. Isolated mitochondria (0.15 mg/ml) were incubated in 1 ml of assay medium (0.5 mM EGTA, 3 mM MgCl2, 60 mM K-lactobionate, 20 mM taurine, 10 mM KH2PO4, 20 mM HEPES, 110 mM sucrose, and 1 mg/ml bovine serum albumin, pH 7.1 at 30°C) with i) 5 mM pyruvate plus 5 mM malate or ii) 25 µM palmitoyl-CoA plus 2.5 mM ʟ-carnitine plus 2.5 mM malate. The maximal O2 consumption rate in a coupled state of oxidative phosphorylation (state 3) was measured after addition of 2 mM ADP. The basal O2 consumption rate (state 4) was measured after blocking ATP synthesis with 1.25 µM carboxyatractyloside (CAT). The uncoupled O2 consumption rate (state U) was determined after addition of 1 µM carbonyl cyanide 3-chlorophenyl hydrazone (CCCP). Data acquisition and analysis were performed using Oxygraph-2k-Datlab software (Oroboros, Innsbruck, Austria).

9.2.7. Statistics

Data are presented as means ± SD. Statistical significance of genotype (non-diabetic db/+ and diabetic db/db mice) and time (baseline, 1, 5, and 12 weeks post TAC) effects were assessed by applying a two-way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) in the IBM SPSS 21.0 statistical package (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA). In case of a significant effect of time, Bonferroni corrected post- hoc tests were carried out in order to identify differences between different time points. In case the interaction between genotype and time was significant, the differences were evaluated in more detail by separately analyzing the effects of genotype and time using Bonferroni-corrected two-sided unpaired t-tests and one-way ANOVA with Bonferroni corrected post-hoc tests, respectively. Correlations between parameters were assessed using Pearson correlation. Statistical significance was set at P<0.05.

9.3. Results

9.3.1. Diabetic mice had a higher mortality rate durling TAC surgery, but higher survival rate after TAC surgery

TAC surgery was performed to induce pressure-overload cardiac hypertrophy and heart failure. While all non-diabetic mice survived the surgery, the diabetic mice had ~30% mortality during and directly after surgery. The higher mortality in diabetic mice is likely to be attributed to fat tissue around and fragility of the aorta. After TAC surgery, however, the survival rate was higher in diabetic mice compared with non-diabetic mice. While the survival rate was 100% for both groups until 5 weeks post TAC, at 12 weeks post TAC, survival rates were 62.5% versus 83% for non-diabetic and diabetic mice, respectively.


Table 1. Animal characteristics

Parameters Baseline 1 week post TAC 5 weeks post TAC 12 weeks post TAC db/+ db/db db/+ db/db db/+ db/db db/+ db/db § BW (g) 26.4 ± 2.0 46.9 ± 3.2 27.1 ± 1.1 47.7 ± 1.6 29.4 ± 1.0† 52.8 ± 2.0† 31.0 ± 2.2 46.8 ± 7.5 HW (mg) n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 262.8 ± 40.0 154.4 ± 16.8* TL (mm) n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 18.6 ± 0.4 18.4 ± 1.0 HW/ TL (mg/mm) n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 13.1 ± 1.5 8.5 ± 1.2* Dry/wet LW ratio (mg/mg) n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 3.9 ± 0.5 3.8 ± 0.6 #,‡ Plasma glucose (mM) 8.3 ± 1.3 26.3 ± 6.7* 8.5 ± 0.5 21.4 ± 5.5* 6.8 ± 0.7 31.8 ± 11.4* 8.4 ± 1.2^ 29.1 ± 6.2*

BW: body weight, HW: heart weight, LW: lung weight, TL: tibia length. Data are means ± SD (n=5-8 for non-diabetic db/+ mice, n=5-10 for diabetic db/db mice). §P<0.05 for general genotype effect, †P<0.05 vs. baseline independent of genotype, *P<0.05 vs. non-diabetic db/+ mice at the same time point, #P<0.05 vs. baseline for the same genotype, ‡P<0.05 vs. 1 wk post TAC for the same genotype, ^P<0.05 vs. 5 wk post TAC for the same genotype.

Cardiac metabolic adaptations in heart failure

Figure 9.1. Blood flow measurements in RCA and LCA upon TAC. (A) Long axis view of the heart, showing the TAC banding located between RCA and LCA branches (data from a non-diabetic mouse). The white line shows the orientation of the slice used for flow measurements, where the main direction of RCA and LCA flow is almost perpendicular to the slice. (B) Representative flow velocity curves at baseline and 1week post TAC for the (B) RCA and (C) LCA from a diabetic mouse. (D) RCA peak velocity and (E) LCA peak velocity for non-diabetic and diabetic mice at baseline and 1 week post TAC. Data are means ± SD (n=8-10 for non-diabetic mice, n=3-8 for diabetic mice). †P<0.05 vs. baseline independent of genotype.


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9.3.2. Animal characteristics

Body weight of diabetic mice was two times higher than that of non-diabetic mice, independent of time point (general genotype effect: P<0.001; Table 9.1). For both non-diabetic and diabetic mice, body weight was increased at 5 weeks post TAC compared with baseline (P=0.024; Table 9.1). At 12 weeks post TAC, heart weight was lower in diabetic mice than in non-diabetic mice (P<0.001), also after normalization to tibia length (P=0.001; Table 9.1). Tibia length was similar between non-diabetic and diabetic mice (P=0.62; Table 9.1). The ratio of lung dry weight to wet weight did not differ between non-diabetic and diabetic mice (P=0.86).

Plasma glucose levels were 3-5 times higher in diabetic than in non-diabetic mice at all time points (P<0.05; Table 1). In non-diabetic mice, plasma glucose levels were decreased at 5 weeks post TAC (P=0.021 vs. baseline and P=0.008 vs. 1 wk post TAC; Table 9.1), but returned to baseline levels at 12 weeks post TAC (P=1.000 vs. baseline and P=0.032 vs. 5 wk post TAC; Table 9.1). In diabetic mice, plasma glucose levels did not change over time.

9.3.3. Carotid blood flow velocity was similar between non-diabetic and diabetic mice at baseline and upon TAC

Measurements of blood flow velocities in the carotid arteries (Fig. 9.1A-C) allows assessing variations in the severity of TAC surgery. At baseline, peak flow velocities were similar in the RCA and LCA, both for non-diabetic and diabetic mice (Fig. 9.1D and Fig. 9.1E). In both non- diabetic and diabetic mice, TAC increased RCA and decreased LCA peak flow velocities 1 week post TAC (P<0.001 and P=0.004, respectively; Fig. 9.1D and Fig. 9.1E). However, no difference in RCA and LCA peak flow velocities was observed between non-diabetic and diabetic mice (P=0.58 and P=0.16, respectively), indicating that the severity of the constriction was similar among genotypes.

9.3.4. TAC affected cardiac morphology and function severely in non-diabetic mice, but only mildly in diabetic mice

TAC resulted in a hypertrophic growth of the heart over time (Fig. 9.2A and Fig. 9.1B). In non- diabetic mice, LV mass progressively increased from a 37% increase with respect to baseline at 1 week post TAC (P=0.001 vs. baseline) to a 96% increase at 12 weeks post TAC (P<0.001 vs. baseline; Fig. 9.2B). Interestingly, the increase in LV mass was less pronounced in diabetic mice compared with non-diabetic mice (Fig. 9.2B). In diabetic mice, LV mass only significantly increased after 5 weeks post TAC (44% increase with respect to baseline; P=0.001) and did not further increase at 12 weeks post TAC.

In non-diabetic mice, the progressive hypertrophy upon TAC was accompanied by increases of end-diastolic and end-systolic volumes (EDV and ESV) over time (Fig. 9.2C and Fig. 9.2D), resulting in a reduced stroke volume (SV) at 1 week post TAC, which was maintained until 12 weeks post TAC (Fig. 9.2E). In contrast, in diabetic mice EDV and SV were not affected by TAC (Fig. 9.2C and Fig 9.2E). In diabetic mice only ESV was increased at 5 weeks post TAC (P<0.002 vs. baseline), but this was again normalized at 12 weeks post TAC (Fig. 9.2D).


Cardiac metabolic adaptations in heart failure

Figure 9.2. Cardiac mass and systolic function as measured using cine MRI. (A) Representative images of 4-chamber long axis views (the white scale bar equals 5 mm), (B) left ventricular (LV) mass, (C) end- diastolic volume, (D) end-systolic volume, (E) stroke volume, and (F) ejection fraction at baseline, and 1, 5, and 12 weeks post TAC. Data are means ± SD (n=6-8 for non-diabetic mice, n=6 for diabetic mice). *P<0.05 vs. non-diabetic mice at the same time point, #P<0.05 vs. baseline for the same genotype, ‡P<0.05 vs. 1 week post TAC for the same genotype, ^P<0.05 vs. 5 weeks post TAC for the same genotype.


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Figure 9.3. Cardiac ejection and filling rates as measured using high time resolution cine MRI. (A) Peak ejection rates, and (B) peak filling rates at baseline, and 1, 5, and 12 weeks post TAC. Data are means ± SD (n=4-6 for non-diabetic mice, n=3-4 for diabetic mice). *P<0.05 vs. non-diabetic mice at the same time point, #P<0.05 vs. baseline for the same genotype, ‡P<0.05 vs. 1 week post TAC for the same genotype, †P=0.078 vs. 1 week post TAC independent of genotype.

Similarly, ejection fraction (EF) was reduced to a higher degree in non-diabetic mice than in diabetic mice (Fig. 9.2F). In non-diabetic mice, EF progressively decreased after TAC, from a 33% decrease with respect to baseline at 1 week post TAC (P<0.001 vs. baseline) to a 55% decrease at 12 weeks post TAC (P<0.001 vs. baseline). In contrast, in diabetic mice EF was only decreased by 9% compared with baseline at 1 week post TAC (P=0.027 vs. baseline), and was not further decreased at 5 and 12 weeks post TAC. TAC progressively reduced the peak ejection rate (PER) in non-diabetic mice, resulting in a 65% reduction with respect to baseline at 12 weeks post TAC (P<0.001 vs. baseline), while PER was not affected by TAC in diabetic mice (Fig. 9.3A). The peak filling rate (PFR), as a measure of cardiac diastolic function, tended to be reduced at 12 weeks post TAC independent of genotype (P=0.078 vs. 1 week post TAC; Fig. 9.3B).

9.3.5. Cardiac energy status tended to reduce in non-diabetic mice upon TAC, but was maintained in diabetic mice despite the lower cardiac energy status at baseline

Cardiac 31P MRS was used to quantify the myocardial PCr/ATP ratio as a measure of cardiac energy status in vivo. Cardiac 31P MR spectra contain resonances from myocardial PCr, myocardial and blood γ-, α-, and β-ATP, and blood 2,3-diphosphoglyerate (DPG) obscuring the myocardial inorganic phosphate peak (Fig. 9.4A and Fig. 9.4B). At baseline, the PCr/ATP was 41% lower in diabetic mice than in non-diabetic mice (Fig. 9.4C). Interestingly, the baseline PCr/ATP ratio in diabetic mice correlated strongly with fasting plasma glucose (r=0. 855, P=0.014; Fig. 9.4D). TAC did not affect the PCr/ATP ratio in diabetic mice (Fig. 9.4C). In non- diabetic mice, the PCr/ATP ratio was also unchanged at 1 and 5 weeks post TAC. However, in non-diabetic mice the PCr/ATP ratio tended to decrease by ~25% at 12 weeks post TAC (P=0.082 vs. baseline, P=0.077 vs. 5 weeks post TAC). Furthermore, in non-diabetic mice, we observed a tendency for a positive correlation between the PCr/ATP ratio and EF (r=0.325,


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P=0.091; Fig. 9.4E) and a negative correlation between the PCr/ATP ratio and LV mass (r=- 0.341, P=0.076; Fig. 9.4F).

Figure 9.4. Cardiac energy status measured using 31P MRS. Representative cardiac 31P MR spectra of (A) a non-diabetic mouse and (B) a diabetic mouse at 5 weeks post TAC from a voxel covering the left ventricle. (C) PCr/ATP ratio at baseline, and 1, 5, and 12 weeks post TAC. Data are means ± SD (n=6- 8 for non-diabetic mice, n=5-7 for diabetic mice). *P<0.05 vs. non-diabetic mice at the same time point, $P=0.082 vs. baseline for the same genotype, ξP=0.077 vs. 5 weeks post TAC for the same genotype. (D) Correlation between PCr/ATP ratio and fasting plasma glucose at baseline. Correlation between (E) PCr/ATP ratio and ejection fraction, and (F) PCr/ATP ratio and left ventricular mass, for non-diabetic mice.


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Figure 9.5. Myocardial lipid content. (A) Cardiac 1H MR spectra of a non-diabetic and a diabetic mouse

at baseline, showing peaks originating from taurine (tau), choline/carnitine (cho/car), creatine-CH3

(Cr-CH3), and 7 peaks associated with triglyceride (TG) protons (indicated in bold): (1) CH=CH-;

(2) -CH=CH-CH2-CH=CH-; (3) -CαH2COO-; (4) -CH2-CH=CH-CH2-; (5) -CβH2CH2COO-; (6) -CH2-;

(7) -CH3. (B) Quantification of the myocardial TG-CH2 signal for non-diabetic and diabetic mice at baseline, and 1, and 12 weeks post TAC. The separator indicates data from separate experiments, and statistical analysis was performed accordingly. Data are means ± SD (n=4-8 for non-diabetic mice, n=3- 7 for diabetic mice). §P<0.05 for general genotype effect, *P<0.05 vs. non-diabetic mice at the same time point.

9.3.6. Myocardial lipid content was higher in diabetic mice and not affected by TAC

1 Myocardial lipid content was measured using H MRS, by quantifying the TG-CH2 peak relative to the water signal (Fig. 9.5A). Myocardial TG levels were ~50% higher in diabetic mice compared with non-diabetic mice and were not affected by TAC (Fig. 9.5B).

9.3.7. Myocardial FDG uptake was higher in non-diabetic mice, but increased in both non-diabetic and diabetic mice upon TAC

To measure myocardial glucose uptake, we performed 18F-FDG-PET. At 75 minutes post 18F-FDG administration, FDG accumulation in the heart and bladder were observed (Fig. 9.6A). The FDG accumulation in the heart was clearly observed in the myocardium (Fig. 9.6B). Overall, FDG uptake was ~45% lower in diabetic mice than in non-diabetic mice (general genotype effect: P=0.004). However, in both non-diabetic and diabetic mice, FDG uptake was increased at 1 week post TAC with respect to baseline (general time effect: P<0.001; Fig. 9.6C). For diabetic mice, FDG-PET data at 5 and 12 weeks post TAC is not yet available. In non-diabetic mice, FDG uptake at 5 weeks post TAC was 2.8-fold higher than at baseline (P<0.001). However, at 12 weeks post TAC, FDG uptake in non-diabetic mice tended to decrease with respect to 5 weeks post TAC (P=0.094; Fig. 9.6C). Furthermore, in non-diabetic mice, myocardial FDG uptake was negatively correlated with EF (r=-0.814, P<0.001; Fig. 9.6D) and positively correlated with LV mass (r=0.804, P<0.001; Fig. 9.6E).


Cardiac metabolic adaptations in heart failure

Figure 9.6. Myocardial 18F-FDG uptake measured using PET. (A) Whole-body 18F-FDG PET image (maximum intensity projection) from a non-diabetic mouse at baseline. Highest uptake is observed in the heart and bladder. The spots in the head are from the Harderian glands. (B) 18F-FDG PET images from 3 heart axis views of a non-diabetic mouse at baseline, and 1, 5, and 12 weeks post TAC. Color intensity represents the level of 18F-FDG uptake, in the percentage of injected dose (%ID) per μL of myocardial volume. (C) Quantification of myocardial 18F-FDG uptake at baseline, and 1, 5, and 12 weeks post TAC (experiments in diabetic mice are in progress). Data are means ± SD (n=3-8 for non- diabetic mice, n=3-8 for diabetic mice). Two-way ANOVA was performed for data at baseline and 1 week post TAC (§P<0.05 vs. non-diabetic mice independent of time, †P<0.05 vs. baseline independent of genotype), while one-way ANOVA was performed separately on the non-diabetic mice (#P<0.05 vs. baseline for the same genotype, $P=0.094 vs. 5 weeks post TAC for the same genotype). Correlation between (D) myocardial FDG uptake and ejection fraction, (E) myocardial FDG uptake and left ventricular mass (data from non-diabetic mice).


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Figure 9.7. Oxygen consumption rates in isolated heart mitochondria of non-diabetic and diabetic mice at baseline and 12 weeks post TAC. State 3, state 4, and state U respiration when (A) pyruvate plus malate or (B) palmitoyl-CoA plus carnitine plus malate were used as substrates. Data are means ± SD (n=4-6 per group). †P<0.05 vs. baseline independent of genotype, §P<0.05 vs. non-diabetic mice independent of time, *P<0.05 vs. non-diabetic mice at the same time point, #P<0.05 vs. baseline for the same genotype.

9.3.8. TAC lowers mitochondrial oxidative capacity for FA substrates to a higher extent in hearts of non-diabetic mice than in diabetic mice

Ex vivo mitochondrial oxidative capacity was measured in isolated heart mitochondria of non- diabetic and diabetic mice at baseline and at 12 weeks post TAC. At baseline, mitochondrial respiratory capacity for a glucose-derived substrate (i.e. pyruvate plus malate) was similar between non-diabetic and diabetic mice (Fig. 9.7A). However, when using a FA substrate to fuel mitochondrial respiration (i.e. palmitoyl-CoA plus carnitine plus malate) state 3 and state U respiratory capacity were higher in diabetic mice than in non-diabetic mice (P<0.05; Fig. 9.7B).

Twelve weeks post TAC, state 3 and state U respiratory capacity with pyruvate were ~25% lower compared with baseline, independent of genotype (general time effect P=0.001 for state


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3, P=0.013 for state U; Fig. 9.7A). TAC similarly resulted in a genotype-independent decrease in state 3 respiratory capacity with palmitoyl-CoA (general time effect P<0.001; Fig. 9.7B), but state 3 respiration with palmitoyl-CoA remained higher in diabetic mice than in non-diabetic mice (P<0.05; Fig. 9.7B). Interestingly, while state U respiratory capacity of non-diabetic mice for the FA substrate was 35% lower at 12 weeks post TAC compared with baseline (P=0.001), state U respiratory capacity of diabetic mice with palmitoyl-CoA was not affected by TAC (P=0.362; Fig. 9.7B). State 4 respiration was similar between non-diabetic and diabetic mice for both substrates, and unaffected by TAC (Fig. 9.7A and Fig. 9.7B).

9.4. Discussion

The current in vivo study addressed to what extent changes in substrate use, lipid accumulation, and energy status predict the longitudinal development of hypertrophy and subsequent failure of the non-diabetic and diabetic heart. Evidence for the link between heart failure and changes in cardiac metabolism largely originates from ex vivo studies using isolated perfused hearts. These setups, however, cannot fully mimic the in vivo condition. The diabetic heart, for example, is exposed to a hyperglycemic, hyperlipidemic, and hyperinsulinemic environment, which will affect the choice of substrates (42). Furthermore, the type and concentration of substrates may change during the development of heart failure, which is difficult to address in ex vivo studies.

Using in vivo PET, MRS, and MRI techniques we measured myocardial FDG uptake, lipid content, energy status, and function at baseline, and 1, 5, and 12 weeks after TAC-induced pressure overload. We showed that in non-diabetic mice, pressure overload induces progressive LV hypertrophy and systolic dysfunction, which strongly correlated with increased myocardial FDG uptake. While myocardial FDG uptake was increased at 1 and 5 weeks post TAC, it tended to decrease again at 12 weeks post TAC. This apparent reduction in myocardial FDG uptake was associated with a decrease in cardiac energy status, which only occurred at 12 weeks post TAC. Surprisingly, whereas diabetic mice showed overall lower myocardial FDG uptake, lower cardiac energy status, and higher myocardial lipid accumulation than non-diabetic mice, cardiac function of the diabetic mice was only mildly affected by pressure overload compared with non- diabetic mice. Additionally, we show that metabolic flexibility was not completely lost in the hearts of diabetic mice.

9.4.1. Pressure overload-induced increase in myocardial FDG uptake precedes changes in cardiac energy status in non-diabetic mice

Our study indicates that upon pressure overload the heart switches to an increased utilization of glucose, and that this metabolic switch occurs already early in the development of heart failure. The increase in myocardial FDG uptake was already present at 1 week post TAC, and an increase in myocardial glucose uptake is usually accompanied by an increase in glycolysis and/or glucose oxidation (43, 61). The increase in myocardial FDG uptake preceded the reduction in cardiac energy status, which was observed as a trend at 12 weeks post TAC. A reduced PCr/ATP ratio in the failing heart has been reported in both animals (18, 36) and patients (22, 39-41). However, while the PCr/ATP ratio was greatly reduced in heart failure


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patients with coronary artery disease, the PCr/ATP ratio was maintained in non-ischemic heart failure patients (60). Nonetheless, Maslov et al. showed that a reduced PCr/ATP ratio at 3 weeks after TAC in mice was a predictor of cardiac dysfunction (36), which is in contrast with our study. Our data show that cardiac dysfunction, which was already present at 1 week post TAC, is unlikely to be explained by an impairment of cardiac energetics. The reduced cardiac energy status observed at 12 weeks post TAC seems rather to be an effect of heart failure progression, which may only become prominent when total mitochondrial oxidative metabolism has declined, as indicated by the decrease in myocardial FDG uptake and lower ex vivo mitochondrial oxidative capacity at 12 weeks post TAC.

The pattern of alterations in myocardial glucose uptake upon heart failure as observed in this study, i.e. the increase in the early stage and the subsequent decrease at a later stage), is in agreement with the current consensus based on collective findings in animals and humans (reviewed in (39)). However, to our knowledge, our study provides the first longitudinal in vivo data confirming these previous, single time point observations. So far, we are only aware of one in vivo study that investigated myocardial FDG uptake upon TAC in mice longitudinally (61). However, data from that study are limited to the early stage of heart failure development (baseline, 1 day, and 7 days after TAC) (61). In the present study, we extended the time frame to include also the more long-term effects of heart failure, and, moreover, we complemented the data on myocardial FDG uptake with measurements of cardiac energetics, providing a more comprehensive overview of the metabolic adaptations upon heart failure.

The alterations in cardiac substrate metabolism upon pressure overload may contribute to the development of cardiac dysfunction. Through the Randle cycle (45), the increased glucose utilization may suppress FAO, as observed in other studies of heart failure (27, 43, 44). Importantly, reduced FAO was shown to correlate with the severity of cardiac dysfunction in hypertensive heart disease (14). Suppression of FAO may lead to the accumulation of toxic lipid intermediates (28), and although myocardial TG content in vivo was not changed upon TAC in our mice, levels of potentially toxic diacylglycerols (DAG) and ceramides could have been increased. Increased DAG and ceramide levels have been observed in previous studies of pressure overload models and were associated with increased fibrosis, apoptosis, and oxidative stress (43, 44, 56), the latter of which can eventually damage mitochondria. Reduced mitochondrial oxidative capacity upon heart failure has been shown previously in isolated mitochondria and permeabilized cardiac fibers of dogs (47, 50) and patients (31, 51). In agreement, we observed a reduction in ex vivo mitochondrial oxidative capacity for both glucose and FA substrates in hearts of non-diabetic mice upon 12 weeks of TAC.

9.4.2. Mild effect of pressure overload on LV mass and cardiac function in diabetic mice, while cardiac energy status is maintained

Surprisingly, while the non-diabetic mice developed pressure overload-induced cardiac dysfunction, cardiac function of diabetic mice was only mildly affected by TAC. The different responses to TAC cannot be explained by differences in the surgery, leading to differences in the severity of the constriction. TAC was shown to increase RCA blood flow velocity and decrease LCA blood flow velocity as early as 1 day post TAC, which remained until 1 week post TAC (32). Here, we showed that RCA and LCA blood flow velocities were similar at 1 week post TAC in


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diabetic and non-diabetic mice, indicating similar severity of constriction. The increase in LV mass upon TAC in diabetic mice was much less pronounced than in non-diabetic mice (44% versus 96% at 12 weeks post TAC), showing cardiac hypertrophy was less severe in the diabetic mice. EF was only 9% reduced at 1 week post TAC in diabetic mice, and did not decrease further during the time course of the study. The mild effect of TAC on cardiac function in diabetic mice was accompanied by maintained cardiac energy status up to 12 weeks post TAC, and a blunted reduction in ex vivo mitochondrial oxidative capacity for FA substrates compared with non-diabetic mice. In agreement with our results, a recent study showed that diabetic mice subjected to pressure overload do not exhibit an exacerbation of cardiac dysfunction compared with non-diabetic controls and rather seem to be protected from the development of heart failure (8).

Metabolically, the diabetic heart has been proposed to be inflexible to switch from FA to glucose substrates (57). This was supported by an in vivo study in which glucose infusion after an 8- hour fast did not alter the rates of FA or glucose utilization in the diabetic heart (42). However, the concept of metabolic inflexibility of the diabetic heart has been a topic of debate (30). A number of studies using ex vivo perfused heart setups demonstrated that FA and glucose oxidation rates in the diabetic heart could be altered upon chronic treatment with lipid-lowering drugs (9, 17, 25, 53) or glucose/insulin administration (7, 19, 20). Supporting these ex vivo observations, we showed that the metabolic flexibility of the diabetic heart was not completely lost. Myocardial FDG uptake was increased at one week post TAC compared to baseline, although the absolute myocardial FDG uptake was still lower than in non-diabetic mice.

It is an interesting observation that the effect of TAC-induced pressure overload was milder in diabetic mice compared with non-diabetic mice, especially because diabetes is a risk factor for heart failure (26) and because cardiac energy status, which is a strong predictor of mortality in heart failure patients (40), was already 41% lower in diabetic mice compared with non-diabetic mice at baseline. Furthermore, diabetic hearts were previously associated with reduced resting cardiac function (2, 7), although the cardiac function impairments were generally subtle (12, 13). Therefore, one might expect that the reduced energy status of the diabetic heart would be exacerbated upon stress such as pressure overload. However, we showed that cardiac energetics was maintained in diabetic mice after TAC. Supported by the data from the non- diabetic mice, our results suggest that cardiac energy status does not play a decisive role in the development of heart failure in mice.

9.4.3. The switch towards glucose utilization during heart failure: (mal)adaptive?

Our data as well as other studies (27, 43, 44) show that during the development of heart failure the heart switches towards increased glucose utilization. However, it is still not clear whether this shift is adaptive or maladaptive. In the present study, we showed that myocardial FDG uptake strongly correlates with the severity of cardiac dysfunction in non-diabetic mice. If the increased myocardial FDG uptake was a compensatory response to the increased workload, our data indicates that this compensatory mechanism does not seem to prevent the progression of heart failure. In agreement, previous studies have shown that the hypertrophied heart seems to be unable to increase glucose utilization to the levels required to maintain function (3, 43). As FA substrates have a higher energy density compared with glucose (34), a substantial increase


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in glucose oxidation would be necessary to compensate for a decrease in FAO (58). It has been demonstrated that further stimulation of glucose utilization by overexpression of the insulin- independent glucose transporter GLUT1 in mice could rescue the heart upon increased workload (35) or upon pressure overload induced by constriction of the ascending aorta (33). On the other hand, an intervention with propranolol preventing the switch towards glucose utilization in mice upon TAC was also shown to improve cardiac function (61).

The trend for a reduced cardiac energy status in non-diabetic mice at 12 weeks post TAC, together with reduced myocardial glucose uptake and mitochondrial oxidative capacity, may indicate lower total rates of substrate oxidation at this time point. Maintenance of FAO may thus be necessary to provide sufficient energy during later stages of HF. The importance of FAO in maintaining cardiac function and energetics has been demonstrated in ACC2 knockout mice, which have an increased FAO (27). Upon TAC-induced pressure overload, the high rates of cardiac FAO in ACC2 knockout mice were maintained, while the heart was protected from failure (27). Furthermore, it has been shown that reduced FAO through ablation of FAT/CD36 or CPT1b, proteins involved in FA transport over the cellular and mitochondrial membranes, respectively, results in exacerbated cardiac dysfunction and energetic impairment after TAC (23, 56). The observation that the development of cardiac hypertrophy and dysfunction upon TAC was much less severe in diabetic mice compared with non-diabetic mice, and that cardiac energetics was not further reduced in diabetic mice upon TAC, further supports the hypothesis that FAO is important in maintaining cardiac function and energy status. Diabetic mice have been shown to almost exclusively rely on FAO (1, 2, 7). Upon TAC, despite the increase in myocardial glucose uptake, FAO may still be higher in diabetic mice compared with non-diabetic mice, as also suggested by the higher mitochondrial oxidative capacity for FA substrates in diabetic mice than in non-diabetic mice at 12 weeks post TAC. A recent study in glucose transporter 1 (GLUT1) knockout mice demonstrated that maintained high FAO and the lack of a shift towards glucose utilization after TAC did not accelerate the progression from hypertrophy to heart failure, suggesting that the switch to glucose may not be a necessary mechanism to cope with heart failure (44).

Taken together, this study provides the first longitudinal in vivo data of cardiac metabolic, energetic, and functional adaptations during heart failure development in non-diabetic and diabetic mice. Our data show that progression to heart failure was correlated with increased myocardial glucose uptake, which preceded the decrease in cardiac energy status. The mild cardiac hypertrophy and dysfunction in diabetic mice, together with lower myocardial glucose uptake upon TAC, suggest that maintaining FAO may be beneficial for cardiac function and energetics in heart failure.

9.5. Acknowledgements

We thank Leonie Niesen and Dirk Reinhardt for performing the TAC surgery, Leonie Niesen and David Veraart for their assistance in animal handling, Sarah Koester and Roman Priebe for their assistance in PET measurements, Nina Nagelmann for data analysis of systolic function, and Laura Vergoossen for data reconstruction and analysis of diastolic function.


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D.A., and J.J.P. are supported by a VIDI grant (project number 700.58.421) from the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO). D.A. is also supported by a travel grant from Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds to carry out the experiments in Münster. M.N. is supported by a VENI grant (project number 916.14.050) from NWO. This work was in part funded by the Interdisciplinary Centre for Clinical Research (IZKF, core unit PIX), Münster, Germany.

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Inducible overexpression of GLUT1 prevents mitochondrial dysfunction and attenuates structural remodeling in pressure overload but does not prevent left ventricular dysfunction. J Am Heart Assoc 2: e000301, 2013.


Cardiac metabolic adaptations in heart failure

44. Pereira RO, Wende AR, Olsen C, Soto J, Rawlings T, Zhu Y, Riehle C, and Abel ED. GLUT1 deficiency in cardiomyocytes does not accelerate the transition from compensated hypertrophy to heart failure. J Mol Cell Cardiol 2014. 45. Randle PJ, Garland PB, Hales CN, and Newsholme EA. The glucose fatty-acid cycle. Its role in insulin sensitivity and the metabolic disturbances of diabetes mellitus. Lancet 1: 785-789, 1963. 46. Reader AJ, Ally S, Bakatselos F, Manavaki R, Walledge RJ, Jeavons AP, Julyan PJ, Sha Z, Hastings DL, and Zweit J. One-pass list-mode EM algorithm for high-resolution 3-D PET image reconstruction into large arrays. Nuclear Science, IEEE Transactions on 49: 693-699, 2002. 47. Rosca MG, Vazquez EJ, Kerner J, Parland W, Chandler MP, Stanley W, Sabbah HN, and Hoppel CL. Cardiac mitochondria in heart failure: decrease in respirasomes and oxidative phosphorylation. Cardiovasc Res 80: 30-39, 2008. 48. Schafers KP, Reader AJ, Kriens M, Knoess C, Schober O, and Schafers M. Performance evaluation of the 32-module quadHIDAC small-animal PET scanner. J Nucl Med 46: 996-1004, 2005. 49. Scheuermann-Freestone M, Madsen PL, Manners D, Blamire AM, Buckingham RE, Styles P, Radda GK, Neubauer S, and Clarke K. Abnormal cardiac and skeletal muscle energy metabolism in patients with type 2 diabetes. Circulation 107: 3040-3046, 2003. 50. Sharov VG, Goussev A, Lesch M, Goldstein S, and Sabbah HN. Abnormal mitochondrial function in myocardium of dogs with chronic heart failure. J Mol Cell Cardiol 30: 1757-1762, 1998. 51. Sharov VG, Todor AV, Silverman N, Goldstein S, and Sabbah HN. Abnormal mitochondrial respiration in failed human myocardium. J Mol Cell Cardiol 32: 2361-2367, 2000. 52. Shipp JC, Opie LH, and Challoner D. Fatty acid and glucose metabolism in the perfused heart. Nature 189: 1018-1019, 1961. 53. Sidell RJ, Cole MA, Draper NJ, Desrois M, Buckingham RE, and Clarke K. Thiazolidinedione treatment normalizes insulin resistance and ischemic injury in the zucker Fatty rat heart. Diabetes 51: 1110-1117, 2002. 54. Stefan D, Cesare FD, Andrasescu A, Popa E, Lazariev A, Vescovo E, Strbak O, Williams S, Starcuk Z, Cabanas M, van Ormondt D, and Graveron-Demilly D. Quantitation of magnetic resonance spectroscopy signals: the jMRUI software package. Meas Sci Technol 20: 104035, 2009. 55. Stegger L, Heijman E, Schafers KP, Nicolay K, Schafers MA, and Strijkers GJ. Quantification of left ventricular volumes and ejection fraction in mice using PET, compared with MRI. J Nucl Med 50: 132-138, 2009. 56. Steinbusch LK, Luiken JJ, Vlasblom R, Chabowski A, Hoebers NT, Coumans WA, Vroegrijk IO, Voshol PJ, Ouwens DM, Glatz JF, and Diamant M. Absence of fatty acid transporter CD36 protects against Western-type diet-related cardiac dysfunction following pressure overload in mice. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab 301: E618-627, 2011. 57. Taegtmeyer H, Golfman L, Sharma S, Razeghi P, and van Arsdall M. Linking gene expression to function: metabolic flexibility in the normal and diseased heart. Ann N Y Acad Sci 1015: 202-213, 2004. 58. van Bilsen M, van Nieuwenhoven FA, and van der Vusse GJ. Metabolic remodelling of the failing heart: beneficial or detrimental? Cardiovasc Res 81: 420-428, 2009. 59. van Nierop BJ, van Assen HC, van Deel ED, Niesen LB, Duncker DJ, Strijkers GJ, and Nicolay K. Phenotyping of left and right ventricular function in mouse models of compensated hypertrophy and heart failure with cardiac MRI. PLoS ONE 8: e55424, 2013. 60. Weiss RG, Bottomley PA, Hardy CJ, and Gerstenblith G. Regional myocardial metabolism of high- energy phosphates during isometric exercise in patients with coronary artery disease. N Engl J Med 323: 1593-1600, 1990. 61. Zhong M, Alonso CE, Taegtmeyer H, and Kundu BK. Quantitative PET imaging detects early metabolic remodeling in a mouse model of pressure-overload left ventricular hypertrophy in vivo. J Nucl Med 54: 609-615, 2013. 62. Zhou YT, Grayburn P, Karim A, Shimabukuro M, Higa M, Baetens D, Orci L, and Unger RH. Lipotoxic heart disease in obese rats: implications for human obesity. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 97: 1784-1789, 2000.


Chapter 10

Summarizing discussion and future perspective

Chapter 10

The role of altered fatty acid metabolism in cardiomyopathy and heart failure An in vivo magnetic resonance imaging and spectroscopy approach

Alterations in cardiac substrate metabolism have been implicated in the development of diabetic and obesity-related cardiomyopathy. In the healthy heart, fatty acid oxidation (FAO) provides ~60-90% of energy, while the diabetic heart almost exclusively relies on FAO for energy production. The increased preference towards FAO in the diabetic heart has been shown to be associated with reduced function, suggesting that high FAO is detrimental for the heart. However, recent data show that maintaining FAO during the progression of heart failure may be beneficial, and that increased glucose oxidation further exacerbates the heart failure status. Data in this field, however, largely originate from ex vivo perfused heart studies. In the perfused heart setup, the heart is supplied with a constant concentration of substrates, while in vivo, the types and the concentrations of substrates may change during the progression of heart failure. The ex vivo setup is therefore not representative of the in vivo condition, and moreover, does not allow to study the time course of changes in cardiac energy metabolism in relation to the decline in cardiac function. The use of in vivo techniques is therefore crucial to study the time dependence of metabolic adaptations in cardiomyopathy and heart failure.

The aim of this thesis was to elucidate the role of FAO in the development of cardiomyopathy and heart failure in mice, using state-of-the-art in vivo magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and spectroscopy (MRS) techniques. In Chapter 2, we extensively reviewed the current progress in in vivo MRI, 1H MRS, and 31P MRS techniques for cardiac applications in mice. In Chapter 3, we studied the current literature on the effect of alterations in fatty acid (FA) metabolism on cardiac function. We reviewed data on the metabolic shift during the development of ischemic and non-ischemic heart failure, and how the modulation of FA metabolism at different levels along the FA metabolic pathway affects cardiac function.

Implementation of in vivo cardiac MRI, 1H MRS, and 31P MRS

MRI is the gold standard method to assess cardiac function. However, mouse cardiac imaging is very challenging because of the small size of the mouse heart, as well as the high mouse heart and breathing rates. The time resolution of routine mouse cardiac MRI is usually not sufficient to visualize the two diastolic filling phases necessary for the assessment of diastolic function. Diastolic function measurements are however very important, as diabetic or obesity-related cardiomyopathy is usually preceded by sub-clinical diastolic dysfunction at the early stage. Therefore, we developed high temporal resolution cardiac MRI to measure diastolic function in mice, as described in Chapter 4. Reduced cardiac function in diabetic db/db mice has mainly been observed in ex vivo setups, while it often remains undetected in vivo. In a previous study, in vivo cardiac function of db/db mice was normal even at 18 weeks of age, and cardiomyopathy was only revealed when the heart was under dobutamine stress (6). Using high temporal resolution cardiac MRI, we detected subtle impairments in diastolic function in diabetic db/db mice.

Increased FA availability in diabetes leads to increased myocardial FA uptake, which is not matched by a sufficient increase in FAO. An imbalance between FA uptake and oxidation may


Summarizing discussion and future perspective

result in myocardial lipid accumulation, which could lead to lipotoxicity-induced cardiac dysfunction. In Chapter 5, we implemented a localized 1H MRS technique using point resolved spectroscopy (PRESS), to quantify myocardial triglyceride (TG) content in vivo in a 1 x 2 x 2 mm3 voxel in the septum of the heart (Fig. 10.1A). We reported that diabetic db/db mice had indeed higher myocardial TG content compared with control mice, which confirmed ex vivo biochemical findings from a previous study (1). We also showed that treatment using the anti- diabetic drug pioglitazone normalized myocardial TG levels in the diabetic db/db mice. Pioglitazone has been shown to improve diabetes by increasing FA uptake and oxidation in adipose tissue and by redirecting lipids from ectopic sites into adipose tissue (26), which could explain the reduction in ectopic lipid accumulation in the myocardium.

Figure 10.1. Increased FAO has been associated with (A) excessive myocardial lipid accumulation, when the increased FAO does not match the increase in FA supply, and (B) lower cardiac energetics, which may both contribute to (C) the development of cardiomyopathy. In vivo 1H MRS, 31P MRS, and cine MRI techniques have been implemented to investigate these mechanisms.

Increased FAO has also been associated with reduced cardiac energy efficiency, i.e. reduced ATP production per oxygen molecule consumed. On top of the intrinsic oxygen-inefficiency of FAO (i.e. compared to glucose oxidation, palmitate oxidation produces ~10% less ATP per oxygen molecule consumed), FA may induce mitochondrial uncoupling, in which respiration is less coupled with ATP synthesis and energy from substrate oxidation is dissipated as heat. Cardiac energetics can be assessed using 31P MRS, to determine the phosphocreatine-to-ATP (PCr/ATP) ratio as a measure of cardiac energy status (Fig. 10.1B). Reduced myocardial PCr/ATP ratio has been observed in diabetic patients. In patients with dilated cardiomyopathy, a lower myocardial PCr/ATP ratio has been shown to be a strong predictor of mortality. In Chapter 6, we describe the implementation of 3D image selected in vivo spectroscopy (ISIS) to determine the


Chapter 10

myocardial PCr/ATP ratio in the mouse heart. We validated our technique in a mouse model of pressure overload heart failure induced by transverse aortic constriction (TAC), and showed that the myocardial PCr/ATP ratio was indeed lower in mice after 7 weeks of TAC compared with controls.

Applications in mouse models of altered FAO

Using the developed high temporal resolution cardiac MRI, 1H MRS, and 31P MRS techniques, we then investigated the effect of altered FAO on cardiac function and metabolism in different mouse models. In Chapter 7, we studied a mouse model of diet-induced obesity, promoted by 20 weeks of high fat diet (HFD) feeding. We observed that HFD-fed mice exhibited hypertrophy and cardiac diastolic dysfunction. HFD feeding promoted mitochondrial adaptations for increased utilization of FA, which however could not match the increased FA supply. Increased levels of myocardial TG, and potentially toxic lipid intermediates i.e. diacylglycerols and long-chain acylcarnitines, were observed in HFD-fed mice, while in vivo cardiac PCr/ATP ratio and intrinsic mitochondrial function were not impaired. Our data suggest that the diastolic dysfunction in HFD-fed mice was associated with lipotoxicity-induced myocardial oxidative stress, fibrosis, and disturbed calcium homeostasis, rather than impaired cardiac energetics.

In Chapter 8, we investigated cardiac function and metabolism in a novel mouse model of altered FAO, the Cpt1bE3A/E3A knockin mouse. Cpt1b is an enzyme which is essential for the transport of FA into the mitochondria, and of which the activity is inhibited by malonyl-CoA. We showed that Cpt1bE3A/E3A has a lower sensitivity to malonyl-CoA compared with Cpt1bWT/WT, resulting in an increased FAO flux in hearts of Cpt1bE3A/E3A knockin mice, as observed using perfused heart setups. Increased FAO flux was paralleled by decreased cardiac energy status, increased LV mass, and reduced cardiac function in vivo. In contrast to the HFD-fed mice, increased FAO in the Cpt1bE3A/E3A knockin mice was not associated with increased FA supply. Consequently, myocardial TG levels were not affected. However, there was a trend for increased long-chain acylcarnitine levels, which indicates that the increased FAO flux was not paralleled by concomitant increases in the downstream pathways, such as the oxidative phosphorylation. Experiments on isolated heart mitochondria of Cpt1bE3A/E3A mice showed suppressed oxidative capacity for both glucose- and FA-derived substrates, which may explain the compromised in vivo cardiac energetics in these mice.

The previous two chapters showed that increased FAO can be associated with both lipotoxicity and impaired cardiac energetics, and that either mechanism may independently contribute to cardiac dysfunction (Fig. 10.1A-C). These data support studies in diabetic mice showing that increased reliance on FAO may be detrimental for the heart. Studies in wild-type (non-diabetic) mice showed that the development of heart failure is generally accompanied by a shift away from FAO towards glucose oxidation (2, 4, 5, 16, 23, 27). However, less is known about how the diabetic heart adapts during heart failure development. The diabetic heart is proposed to be metabolically inflexible to switch to glucose oxidation. Thus, if the switch towards glucose oxidation is a necessary compensatory rescue mechanism, the progression to heart failure will probably be accelerated in the diabetic heart.


Summarizing discussion and future perspective

In Chapter 9, we followed cardiac metabolic and functional adaptations in non-diabetic and diabetic mice at different time points during the progression of heart failure. Mice were subjected to TAC-induced pressure overload, and measured before, and at 1, 5, and 12 weeks post TAC. In addition to MRI and MRS measurements, we used positron emission tomography (PET) with 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose (18F-FDG) administration to measure myocardial glucose uptake in vivo. In non-diabetic mice, we showed that TAC induced progressive LV hypertrophy and a decline in cardiac function. In the short term, this was correlated with increased myocardial FDG uptake, while cardiac energy status was still maintained. In the long term (i.e. 12 weeks post TAC), myocardial FDG uptake tended to reduce, which was accompanied with a decrease in cardiac energy status. The impaired cardiac energetics may be a chronic effect of TAC, which occurs at the later stage, when total substrate oxidation might possibly be suppressed (summarized in Fig. 10.2).

Figure 10.2. Time-dependent changes in LV mass, ejection fraction, myocardial lipid content, myocardial FDG uptake, and myocardial PCr/ATP ratio during the development of pressure-overload heart failure in non-diabetic mice. Pressure- overload induces increased LV mass and reduced ejection fraction. Myocardial lipid content is not altered. In the short term, changes in cardiac morphology and function are associated with increased myocardial FDG uptake, while myocardial PCr/ATP ratio is maintained. At a later stage, myocardial FDG uptake is reduced, together with a decrease in PCr/ATP ratio.

Compared with non-diabetic mice at baseline, diabetic mice had 51% lower FDG uptake, 42% higher myocardial lipid content, 40% lower PCr/ATP ratio, but normal cardiac function. Surprisingly, TAC only mildly affected cardiac function in the diabetic mice. The PCr/ATP ratio was maintained in the diabetic mice up to 12 weeks post TAC. Similar to non-diabetic mice, myocardial FDG uptake was also increased in the diabetic mice upon TAC compared with baseline, suggesting that metabolic flexibility was not completely lost in the diabetic mice, although total myocardial FDG uptake remained lower than in the non-diabetic mice. These findings in the diabetic mice upon TAC suggest that increased FAO may not necessarily be detrimental during the development of heart failure.


Chapter 10

In summary, MRI and MRS techniques proved to be powerful tools in studying cardiac function and metabolism in mice. We showed in mouse models of altered FAO that a mismatch between the upstream and downstream pathways of FA metabolism may lead to lipotoxicity-induced cardiomyopathy associated with the excessive accumulation of lipid intermediates. Additionally, increased FAO may also be associated with reduced cardiac energy status. However, during pressure overload, maintained FAO may have a protective role, as shown by preserved cardiac function and energetics in the diabetic mice upon TAC. The mechanisms by which FAO is protective during pressure overload, however, warrant further investigation.

Future perspective

In this thesis, we set up non-invasive MRI, MRS, and PET techniques to assess in vivo cardiac function and metabolism. These in vivo techniques allow longitudinal mapping of cardiac metabolic and functional changes during the development and progression of heart failure in the same animals, which provides a platform to investigate the cause-and-effect relationships between derangements in cardiac metabolism and function in heart failure. Using in vivo PET, we observed increased myocardial FDG uptake in mice upon TAC, suggesting a shift from FAO towards glucose utilization upon TAC-induced pressure overload. The increase in myocardial FDG uptake correlated strongly with a decline in cardiac function of non-diabetic mice as determined by MRI. Interestingly, these changes in myocardial FDG uptake and function were already observed as early as one week after TAC, therefore preceding the reduction in cardiac energy status detected using 31P MRS at 12 weeks after TAC. As one week post TAC was our earliest time point measured, our study setup prevented us to investigate the cause-and-effect relationship between derangements in myocardial FDG uptake and cardiac function. Therefore, future studies should include measurements at even earlier time points (<1 week) after pressure overload induction. Furthermore, it will be interesting to map the in vivo cardiac metabolic and functional changes during development of heart failure from various etiologies, such as ischemic (e.g. myocardial infarction) versus non-ischemic (e.g. pressure overload) heart failure.

With regard to studies in ischemic heart failure, the development and implementation of in vivo MRI and MRS methods which give insight into spatial variations in functional and metabolic parameters are necessary (25). Unlike TAC, which gives a rather homogenous effect on the myocardium, a myocardial ischemic insult will differentially affect the infarcted and remote regions. While cine MRI assesses global cardiac function, methods such as MR tagging can be useful to study regional deformation in myocardium (7, 13). Furthermore, spatially encoded MRS techniques, such as 2D-chemical shift imaging (2D-CSI) can be implemented to assess spatial variations in e.g. myocardial lipid content and cardiac energy status (10).

Current strategies in heart failure treatment aim at inhibition of FAO, however, with varying degrees of success (9, 17). Heart failure involves complex mechanisms, in which the associated changes in cardiac metabolism may likely depend both on the cause and the stage of heart failure (18). For example, whereas inhibition of FAO during reperfusion after a myocardial ischemic insult is beneficial, inhibition of FAO at the later stage of (non-ischemic) heart failure is probably not optimal, as mitochondrial oxidative capacity is known to be reduced and every contribution to energy production is crucial. Furthermore, it has been shown that a depletion of


Summarizing discussion and future perspective

free fatty acids (FFA) acutely decreases cardiac work and efficiency in heart failure (24), questioning the approach of FAO inhibition as an effective intervention in heart failure. This is also supported by the finding that maintained/high FAO may actually be beneficial to prevent deterioration of cardiac function and energetics in the development of heart failure (15, 16, 21), as we also observed in our diabetic mice upon pressure overload. These observations support the importance of FAO, which is also the main energy providing pathway in the healthy heart. Therefore, a comprehensive mapping of cardiac metabolic changes during the development of heart failure, in various etiologies of HF, may aid in finding new targets for heart failure treatment. Furthermore, such detailed characterization would open up possibilities to tailor treatment to different causes and stages of heart failure.

The observation on the metabolic shift towards glucose during heart failure in this thesis is based on myocardial glucose uptake, which was measured using PET with administration of the glucose analogue 18F-FDG. Changes in myocardial FA uptake were however not measured. The use of FA PET tracers in future studies will be invaluable to gain insight into myocardial FA utilization. Several 18F-based FA PET tracers have been developed (20); unfortunately, unlike 18F-FDG, 18F-FA tracers are not widely and commercially available, thus limiting their application. Other than 18F-based PET tracers, 11C-based PET tracers, such as 11C-glucose and 11C-palmitate, can also be used. However, the application of 11C-based tracers is often limited by the short half-life of 11C (20.4 minutes), which thus requires the availability of a cyclotron on site. As an alternative to PET, emerging 13C MRS techniques using hyperpolarized 13C-labeled substrates, such as [1-13C]-pyruvate and [1-13C]-butyrate, have been demonstrated to be powerful in studying cardiac substrate metabolism in vivo (3, 8, 14, 22). Chemical shift in the 13C MR spectra allows identification of different metabolites, providing the opportunity to measure various fluxes in the metabolic pathway.

Myocardial substrate oxidation is essential for energy production. It is widely accepted that the failing heart is ‘energy starved’, and that its cardiac energy status, i.e. the PCr/ATP ratio, is reduced (12, 19). Using 31P MRS, we showed that although an increase in myocardial glucose uptake did not directly lead to a reduced PCr/ATP ratio in the early stage of pressure overload, the PCr/ATP ratio tended to decrease at a later stage of pressure overload when myocardial glucose uptake also decreased. However, the use of the PCr/ATP ratio may obscure changes in the absolute concentrations of PCr and/or ATP. It was shown previously that in fact both PCr and ATP concentrations were decreased in the failing heart, but that the decrease in PCr concentration was greater than the decrease in the ATP concentration (11). Thus, measurements of time-dependent changes in the absolute concentrations of PCr and ATP would provide important insight into changes in cardiac energetics. Therefore, further development of the 31P-MRS technique to quantify absolute PCr and ATP concentrations in vivo should be a priority in future work.

In conclusion, further advancement and application of non-invasive in vivo measurement techniques, such as MRI, MRS, and PET, would allow a more complete characterization of cardiac functional and metabolic changes during the development of heart failure. In turn, this will assist in elucidating the etiology of heart failure and in finding new treatment strategies.


Chapter 10


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Acknowledgements Acknowledgements

“If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.” -African proverb

I am very fortunate to have had the opportunity to do my PhD in the Biomedical NMR group of Prof. Dr. Klaas Nicolay. Dear Klaas, it was really a privilege to be part of your group. I immensely enjoyed the stimulating work environment and the nice atmosphere in which everyone works hand-in-hand. Thank you for the invaluable support, discussion, and advice for my personal and professional growth.

My PhD would not have been the same without the support of my co-promotor Dr. Jeanine Prompers. Dear Jeanine, no words can describe my gratitude. Thank you for trusting me to be your PhD student. I admire your attention to details, your critical and logical thinking, your writing skills, and your well-organized working style. Thank you for always being available for discussion and help behind the scanner. I enjoyed our trips to Padua, Salt Lake City, and the countless NVDO trips. But foremost, I am thankful for your support throughout my PhD that extended beyond the scientific content. People say that doing a PhD is like raising a baby, but you made it possible for me to raise two during this time. Your support really made combining research and motherhood not only doable, but also enjoyable, and something that I will always treasure. Oh, and thank you for your support for my third baby, angklung! I am indeed very lucky to have you in this special period of my life!

I remember attending a lecture on ‘The Fundamental of Biomedical Engineering’ during my undergraduate study in Indonesia. My professor (Prof. Dr. Soegijardjo Soegijoko, to whom I am thankful for his encouragement for me to pursue a graduate study) could not stress enough that Biomedical Engineering is a multidisciplinary field. Indeed, during my PhD I experienced it first- hand that Biomedical Engineering is not a field for a one-man show. This thesis is a collection of five year work worth of fruitful collaborations, which I owe to the people whom I had a great privilege to work with.

Dear Ot, we have been working together since the beginning of my PhD. Thank you so much for the chat and your support during ups and downs. I had a good time during our trips to Padua and Oxford. It was really nice working with you on the development of the 31P MRS method in Chapter 6. It was a long way from ‘grass’ to the spectra that we have today! Thank you for the work in Chapter 5 in this thesis. The 1H MRS method has proven successful! I am impressed by your writing skills and your way of doing science. Your drive, work, and achievements during your PhD really inspired me. Congratulations on winning the well-deserved Gorter Prize 2014!

Dear Miranda, your coming in the last stage of my PhD was a blessing. It was nice to have you to brainstorm about experiment plans, to actually do it together, and to be excited about the results. Your curiousity, enthusiasm, and optimism were very motivating. I really enjoyed our work together: the PET pilot, the experiments in Mϋnster and Amsterdam, the interesting long discussion, and –of course– surviving those 65++ hour experiments in 4 days (which we repeated for 3 more times!) with some secret singing and dancing in the wee hours. Our work resulted in Chapter 9 and led to a very special trip to Tromso in the arctic circle, during the special time when the sun never sets. We are indeed the ‘DA-MN’ team! And oh, that review in



Chapter 3! I am glad that we decided to do it! I learned a lot from it. Thank you also for your contribution to Chapter 7 and 8. I wish you the very best in your Veni research and your career!

Dear Bart, my officemate for 5+ years. It was really nice to start our PhD together, to go through the PhD roller-coaster, and to share not only frustration but also hope. I really enjoyed having you in the office –yes, including those writing sessions in the weekend :). Your presence and initiative always enlightened our group. The writers club was very useful and stimulating! Thanks for your support, help, and great company in and out of the lab (moving house – including carrying the super heavy piano, the first angklung workshop, NVDO trips), and for many interesting chats on science, work, and life. Thank you for the respiration measurements in Chapter 7! I wish you the very best for your PhD defense and career!

Dear Sharon, it was nice sharing the office with you after the move to HTC. I enjoyed your company very much: the science and non-science chats, the ice cream, sports, and shopping time, the biking during the Ardennen weekend, and the yearly NVDO trips. You were always around to help; I am really happy that we could help each other when performing biochemical assays. All the best with finishing up your PhD!

Dear Jolita, we worked together on the high-fat diet study. I learned a lot from your efficient way of working in the lab. Your expertise in biochemical experiments and your thorough understanding in the field contributed to a very nice article in Chapter 7.

Dear Gustav, you were always available for all MRI-related questions and help at the scanner. I am happy that I had a chance to work with you, particularly on Chapter 4 with Bram. Dear Bram, I had a good time working with you and supervising a student project together. Dear Abdallah, I applied your reconstruction techniques not only to Chapter 4, but also to my other experimental work. Thank you for your availability for reconstruction-related questions (and for ‘No problem, Desi, at least you have the k-space!’ ;)), and for the Egyptian dinner and karaoke.

Dear Bastiaan, thank you for your contribution to the 31P work in Chapter 6. It was also nice arranging the Ardennen weekend together! Dear Inge, your master project served as a basis for the 31P work. Dear Tom G, I enjoyed building the 31P coil with you, thank you for teaching me everything. Your master thesis work on 1H MRS contributed to Chapter 5.

The work in Chapter 8 was based on the collaboration with Dr. Sander Houten. Dear Sander, thank you for the opportunity to work with you on your Cpt1b mouse model. Thank you for your insight and discussion, your willingness to be on my PhD committee, and your invaluable feedback on the thesis. I would also like to thank you for your contribution to Chapter 5 and 6. Dear Michel and Riekelt, thank you for the breeding, the vast amount of (biochemical) work on the characterization of the mice, and the discussion. I would also like to thank Dr. Coert Zuurbier and Rianne Nederlof for the perfused heart measurements. It was nice to visit your lab and to see your delicate work. Dear Coert, thank you for teaching me how to fish in the Norwegian waters around Tromso, and for the drink and nice discussion.

Regarding the work in Chapter 9, I am very grateful for the opportunity to collaborate with the groups of Prof. Dr. Cornelius Faber and Prof. Dr. Michael Schäfers in Mϋnster, Germany. Dear



Prof. Dr. Cornelius Faber, thank you for your willingness to become one of my committee members and your feedback on the thesis. Dear Verena and Philipp, I really appreciate your hard work on our project –never out-of-trouble, long MR measurements. I enjoyed our discussion and time together behind the scanner; it was never boring! Dear Verena, your enthusiasm and dedication to science are really admirable! Dear Sven and Michael K, thank you for the PET measurements, surgery, and invaluable discussion. Dear Roman, Sarah, Nina, Florian, Ingrid, I am thankful for your (technical) support for the experiments. Dear Saeedeh, my stay in Mϋnster was never lonely because of your company. Thank you for inviting me to stay with you, for the chat and the delicious Iranian dishes!

Dear Katia and Suzanne, thank you for teaching me how to work with PET and how to prepare radiotracers during the pilot PET experiments at HTC. I learned a lot and enjoyed it very much.

Dear Prof. Dr. Jan Glatz, I really appreciate your contribution to the review in Chapter 3! I also thank you for your willingness to be on my PhD committee. Dear Dr. Joost Luiken, I am grateful for your contribution for the review in Chapter 3. Thank you for the intramyocellular lipid determination and your invaluable feedback to Chapter 7.

I am thankful to Prof. Dr. Jolanda van der Velden and Dr. Etto Eringa for the try-out on myocardial stiffness measurements.

I would also like to thank Prof. Dr. Peter Hilbers, Prof. Dr. Jan Smit, and Prof. Frans van de Vosse, for their willingness to serve on my PhD committee.

Dear Leonie N, David, and Jo, thank you for your all-around support in the animal lab. Leonie, I am really happy that our (tricky) surgeries worked out really well! Dear Larry, your technical support with the coil, setup preparation, and scanner was invaluable, thank you!

Dear Sin Yuin, it was always nice to share thoughts and ‘curhat’ with you about work, finishing PhD, and life. Thanks for your support (I remember you and Igor soothing a hungry and sleepy baby outside, while I was doing my experiment in the lab), for dinners (and bringing me one during one of my evening experiments), and for being the most loyal angklung supporter!

Dear Valentina, I enjoyed your company in and outside the lab. Your risotto is the best! Thanks for your help with cutting tissues and histology. Richard, thank you for helping me getting started with the 9.4 T. Dear Wolter, your enthusiasm is contagious, and thank you for the time we spent with ultrasound. Dear Katrien, you were always encouraging and motivating. Dear Floortje, the N-emmers were very lively with you around! Thank you for all the help with the administration. Dear Rik, Igor, Stefanie, it was always nice to stop by your office and to have a nice chat. Dear Tom S, thank you for letting me drag you into my coil work. Dear Tessa and Leonie P, I learned some histological techniques from you. Dear Pedro, thank you for the chat and dinner. Dear Martijn, it was great chasing ISMRM Benelux sponsors with you. I would also like to thank Jules, Luc, Marloes, Siem, Steffie, Holger, Tiemen, Esther, Laura, Rene, and former group members Ewelina, Nicole, Maarten, Glenda, Geralda, Erik, Sander, Hedwig, Prashant, Wouter, for the nice work environment.



During my PhD, I had opportunities to work with a few students. Esther, your 31P-CSI work contributed to the development of our 31P MRS method. It was admirable how much you could accomplish in such a short period! Tessa, Sophie, and Angela, thank you for your work on the method for absolute quantification of 31P MRS. Hopefully the method will be up-and-running in the near future. Rene, your literature review on PET cardiac metabolic studies is very useful for our reference. Laura, thank you for your contribution in analyzing diastolic data.

Living far away from my home country, I am blessed to be surrounded by good friends and a supportive community where I could always turn to. Dear Agnese, Maria, Angela, Anitha, and Andrey, I started the chapter in The Netherlands with you around, and 8 years later, I am really happy that we are still friends! For my families in Belgium and The Netherlands: Wa Ann and Wa Francis, Tante Yvette, and Wa Enung, thank you for your support and encouragement!

Angklung Eindhoven made my life in Eindhoven more colourful. We started with nothing and reached our dream one by one. Dear Teh Ida, thank you to jump right in at the idea of building the group. From you, I learned to set the bar high and not to settle for less. I still remember when we first put our steps at Frits Philips, what an unforgettable night! Dear Arnaud, Denny, Burhan, Aji, thank you for always being available for the whole group. Dear Dody, thank you for putting us into priority despite your busy schedule. You opened up opportunities and new experiences for us (we certainly never dreamed to take part in an event for Princess Beatrix and have a few seconds of fame). Dear Ibu Ine, you played a significant role during the establishment of our group and I learned a lot from you. Pak Joz, thank you for your support for us. And for the board members whom I had been lucky to work with: Dina W (thanks for the deep conversation and laughter!), Pak Joz, Amel, Rizki, Burhan, Aji, Nabil, Ferry, Nisa, Brian, Fitria, Ayuta, Dhanya, Mukhlis, Paskal, Linda, Tiaan. And for all members, without you all no symphony was possible.

Dear Elena, every week I had (and still have) time with you, to stop the clock and to enjoy my own time, to immerse in my own music-making. Thank you for your trust and for giving me opportunities to exploit my full potential, and for encouraging me to do nothing but the best.

I also wish to thank to the Indonesian community in Eindhoven who always made me feel at home in Eindhoven: Musihoven and ‘Kumpul Bocah’. They kept me sane and provided my family with social support which, being far away from my extended family, was a luxury. Special thanks are extended to the family of Intan–Zulfan, for taking care of Mentari regularly and being her second family, also to the family of Dina–Ricky, Teh Rita–Mas Umar, Mbak Ina-Pak Haji Rosyid, and Ibu Rosita.

For the occasion of my defense, I would like to thank Dina V, Kakak Bella, Teh Iin, Teh Rita, and Mbak Nur for taking care of the reception and dinner. Dear Heather (and T!NT board), thank you for making it possible to have the studentenkapel for the evening! Dear Tiaan, thank you for your help in putting my ideas onto the cover of this thesis, and for putting up with my countless and never-ending requests.

Dear Pak Nanang Harijanto, during my undergraduate study your office was always open for me. Your encouragement motivated me to do research and pursue a graduate study. Thank you!



Going and living abroad had been my childhood dream. I remember looking at a picture of my parents with magical autumn trees and ground covered with falling leaves. The brown-yellowish colour of those leaves caught the imagination of the 9-year-old who was admiring it with wonder. It lit her curiosity of how autumn smelt, how falling leaves on the ground felt on her feet as she walked, and how the air felt on her face as she breathed. At that time, she promised herself that she would, at one point of her life, go and greet autumn herself.

It was my parents’ faith in me that kept me going to keep my promise. I know that it was in their prayers for me to be able to go conquer the world. So, I really owe it to them that I am now living my childhood dream. Their love brought me the world, and I know that nothing could pay it back. I do hope that they can capture a glimpse of my gratitude to them in this thesis, for this journey would never happen without their blessing. –Ibu & Papay, this thesis is for you.

Dede, my beloved sister, even though we live in different hemispheres, you are never a text message away. Thank you for your prayers, love, and support. We grew up sharing and learning a lot of things together. I am happy that we still can do it although in a different way. I am very proud of you, and wish you the very best with Edo, Faisal, and Alisha!

I would also like to thank my parents-in-law, Bapak dan Ibu di Malang, and my brothers- and sister-in-law: Mbak Teti, Mas Iin, Mas Yoyon, Edo, Wa Maman–Wa Betty, Wa Mimin–Wa Iya, Mang Arry-Bi Ratih, and my big family in Indonesia. Knowing that you are always around warmed our stay here in The Netherlands. Sita and Iie, thank you for the beautiful friendship!

Mas Zalfany, our little family thrives because of your love, patience, and understanding. You made it possible for me to do a PhD and nurture a family. I could not have asked for a better husband whom I would like to spend the rest of my life with. Dear our Mentari, our sunshine, I hope this thesis and this period in our family will once become a beautiful memory that you can always treasure.

I received so much support during my PhD from so many people, that I might have inadvertently missed someone in this acknowledgement. For those, please accept my sincere apology and thanks.

Eindhoven, November 2014 Desiree

MAH 11/2014

Alhamdulillahi rabbil alamin All praise and thanks be to Allah, the Lord of Existence


List of publications

List of publications

Journal publications

1. D. Abdurrachim, A.J. Bakermans, R.P.M. Moonen, A.G. Motaal, J.J. Prompers, G.J. Strijkers, K. Vandoorne, K. Nicolay. Small animal MR imaging and spectroscopy of cardiovascular disorder. Prog Nucl Magn Reson Spectrosc. Invited Review. 2. D. Abdurrachim, J.J.F.P. Luiken, K. Nicolay, J.F.C. Glatz, J.J. Prompers, M. Nabben. Good and bad consequences of altered fatty acid metabolism in heart failure: Evidence from mouse models. Submitted. 3. A.J. Bakermans*, D. Abdurrachim*, B.J. van Nierop, I. van der Kroon, G.J. Strijkers, S.M. Houten, K. Nicolay, J.J. Prompers. In vivo 31P MR spectroscopy of the mouse heart using respiratory-gated and cardiac-triggered 3D ISIS. Submitted. 4. P. Bovenkamp, T. Brix, F. Lindemann, R. Holtmeier, D. Abdurrachim, M.T. Kuhlmann, G.J. Strijkers, J. Stypmann, K. Hinrichs, V. Hoerr. Velocity mapping of the aortic flow at 9.4 T in healthy mice and mice with induced heart failure using time-resolved three- dimensional phase contrast MRI (4D PC MRI). MAGMA 2014; DOI: 10.1007/s10334- 014-0466-z. 5. D. Abdurrachim*, J. Ciapaite*, B. Wessels, M. Nabben, J.J.F.P. Luiken, K. Nicolay, J.J. Prompers. Cardiac diastolic dysfunction in high-fat diet fed mice is associated with lipotoxicity without impairment of cardiac energetics in vivo. Biochim Biophys Acta 2014; 1841:1525-1537. 6. A.J. Bakermans, D. Abdurrachim, T.R. Geraedts, S.M. Houten, K. Nicolay,

J.J. Prompers. In vivo proton T1 relaxation times of mouse myocardial metabolites at 9.4 T. Magn Reson Med 2014; DOI: 10.1002/mrm.25340. 7. B. Coolen*, D. Abdurrachim*, A. Motaal, K. Nicolay, J.J. Prompers, G.J. Strijkers. High frame-rate retrospectively triggered Cine MRI for assessment of murine diastolic function. Magn Reson Med 2013; 69(3):648-56. 8. A. Motaal, B. Coolen, D. Abdurrachim, R.M. Castro, J.J. Prompers, L.M. Florack, K. Nicolay, G.J. Strjikers. Accelerated high-frame-rate mouse heart cine-MRI using compressed sensing reconstruction. NMR Biomed 2012; 26(4):451-457.

Conference abstracts (first author only)

1. M. Nabben*, D. Abdurrachim*, V. Hoerr, M.T. Kuhlmann, P. Bovenkamp, M. Schaefers, K. Nicolay, C. Faber, S. Hermann, J.J. Prompers. Metabolic adaptations in diabetes protect the heart from pressure-overload induced failure: a murine in vivo PET, MRI, and MRS approach. Dutch Association for Diabetes Research (NVDO) meeting, Oosterbeek, the Netherlands, November 27-28, 2014. (Oral) 2. D. Abdurrachim*, M. Nabben*, V. Hoerr, M.T. Kuhlmann, P. Bovenkamp, M. Schaefers, K. Nicolay, C. Faber, S. Hermann, J.J. Prompers. Cardiac metabolic adaptations of the failing mouse heart: an in vivo PET, MRI, and MRS approach. 12th Annual Scientific Sessions of Society of Heart and Vascular metabolism (SHVM), Tromso, Norway, Jun 24-27, 2012. Early Investigator Commendation award. (Oral)


List of publications

3. D. Abdurrachim, J. Ciapaite, M. van Weeghel, B. Wessels, K. Nicolay, S.M. Houten, J.J. Prompers. In vivo cardiac 1H MRS, 31P MRS, and MRI in mouse models of increased fatty acid oxidation with and without myocardial lipid accumulation. 21st Annual Meeting and Exhibition of International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM), Salt Lake City, USA, April 20-26, 2013. Magna Cum Laude merit award. (Oral) 4. D. Abdurrachim, J. Ciapaite, B. Wessels, K. Nicolay, J. J. Prompers. Long-term high-fat feeding induces cardiac diastolic dysfunction without affecting cardiac energy status in mice. Dutch Association for Diabetes Research (NVDO) meeting, Oosterbeek, the Netherlands, November 29-30, 2012. (Oral) 5. D. Abdurrachim, M. van Weeghel, K. Nicolay, S.M. Houten, J.J. Prompers. In vivo magnetic resonance study of cardiac lipid content, energetics, and function in a mouse model expressing malonyl-CoA insensitive Cpt1b. 10th Annual Scientific Sessions of Society of Heart and Vascular metabolism (SHVM), Oxford, United Kingdom, Jun 24-27, 2012. (Poster) 6. D. Abdurrachim, J. Ciapaite, J. Jeneson, K. Nicolay, J.J. Prompers. The effects of high- fat diet feeding on cardiac function, energetics, and lipid content studied in mice using MRI, 31P- and 1H-MRS. 4th Scientific Meeting of ISMRM Benelux Chapter, Leuven, Belgium, January 16, 2012. (Poster) 7. D. Abdurrachim, K. Nicolay, J.J. Prompers. Pioglitazone treatment reduces myocardial triglyceride accumulation and prevents diastolic dysfunction. 71st Scientific Sessions of American Diabetes Association, San Diego, CA, June 24-28, 2011. (Audio poster) 8. D. Abdurrachim, K. Nicolay, J.J. Prompers. In vivo assessment of the effects of pioglitazone on myocardial triglyceride content and cardiac function in diabetic mice using 1H MRS and MRI. 19th Annual Meeting and Exhibition of International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM), Montreal, Canada, May 7-13, 2011. (Poster). 9. D. Abdurrachim, K. Nicolay, J.J. Prompers. In vivo assessment of the effects of pioglitazone on myocardial triglyceride content and cardiac function in diabetic mice using 1H MRS and MRI. 3rd Scientific Meeting of ISMRM Benelux Chapter, Bovendonk, the Netherlands, January 19, 2011. (Oral) 10. D. Abdurrachim, K. Nicolay, J.J. Prompers. Pioglitazone treatment reduces myocardial triglyceride accumulation and prevents diastolic dysfunction. Dutch Association for Diabetes Research (NVDO) meeting, Oosterbeek, the Netherlands, December 2-3, 2010. (Oral) 11. D. Abdurrachim, K. Nicolay, J.J. Prompers. Myocardial lipid accumulation and diabetic cardiomyopathy status studied in vivo in a diabetic mouse model using 1H MRS and MRI. 9th Biennial Scientific Meeting of the International Society for the Study of Fatty Acids and Lipids, Maastricht, the Netherlands, May 29-June 2, 2010. (Oral) 12. D. Abdurrachim, K. Nicolay, J.J. Prompers. Cardiac function and metabolism in a mouse model of early-stage diabetic cardiomyopathy assessed in vivo using MRI and 1H MRS. 2nd Scientific Meeting of ISMRM Benelux Chapter, Utrecht, the Netherlands, January 17, 2010. (Poster)

* both authors contributed equally


About the author

Desiree Abdurrachim was born on October 1, 1983, in Bandung, Indonesia. After finishing her high school in 2001 at SMU Negeri 3 Bandung, she proceeded with her undergraduate study at the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB), Indonesia. She chose a major in Electrical Engineering with a specialization in Biomedical Engineering. In the fourth year of her study she was granted a scholarship to participate in the Young Scientist Exchange Program at the Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan. She obtained an award for the best student at ITB (Ganesha Award) in 2004, and completed her undergraduate study in 2006 cum laude. Fully funded by the Shell Centenary Scholarship Fund, she continued with a master’s degree in Biomedical Engineering at Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands. She performed a summer internship at the neuroimaging group of the Howard Florey Institute in Melbourne, Australia, and completed her master’s study in 2008 with great appreciation. Her master thesis was on fluorine magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) for quantitative molecular imaging, which was performed in the Biomedical NMR group of Prof. Dr. Klaas Nicolay in collaboration with Philips Research Eindhoven.

In 2009 she started her PhD project under supervision of Dr. Jeanine J. Prompers and Prof. Dr. Klaas Nicolay in the Biomedical NMR group at Eindhoven University of Technology. During her PhD study, she was part of the organizing committee for the annual meeting of the Benelux Chapter of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) in 2012. She received a travel grant from the Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds to perform experiments at the European Institute for Molecular Imaging (EIMI) and the Department of Clinical Radiology at the University Hospital of Mϋnster, Germany. The results of her PhD project are described in this thesis. The research described in Chapters 7 and 8 was awarded with a ‘Magna Cum Laude Merit Award’ at the 21st Annual Meeting of the ISMRM in 2013, and the work presented in Chapter 9 with an ‘Early Investigator Commendation’ at the 12th Annual Meeting of the Society for Heart and Vascular Metabolism (SHVM) in 2014.